2014年全国高考英语听力卷试题答案 听力原文

例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C。
1. What does the woman want to do?A. Find a place.B. Buy a map.C. Get an address.2. What will the man do for the woman?A. Repair her car.B. Give her a ride.C. Pick up her aunt.3. Who might Mr. Peterson be?A. A new professor.B. A department head.C. A company director.4. What does the man think of the book?A. Quite difficult.B. Very interesting.C. Too simple.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Weather.B. Clothes.C. News.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

1. What does the woman want to do?A. Find a place.B. Buy a map.C. Get an address.2. What will the man do for the woman?A. Repair her car.B. Give her a ride.C. Pick up her aunt.3. Who might Mr. Peterson be?A. A new professor.B. A department head.C. A company director.4. What does the man think of the book?A. Quite difficult.B. Very interesting.C. Too simple.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Weather.B. Clothes.C. News.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman?A. He has a pain in his knee.B. He wants to watch TV.C. He is too lazy.7. What will the woman probably do next?A. Stay at home.B. Take Harry to hospital.C. Do some exercise.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
例:How much is the shirt?A、£19、15、B、£9、18、C、£9、15、答案就是C。
1、What does the woman want to do?A、Find a place、B、Buy a map、C、Get an address、2、What will the man do for the woman?A、Repair her car、B、Give her a ride、C、Pick up her aunt、3、Who might Mr、Peterson be?A、A new professor、B、A department head、C、 A company director、4、What does the man think of the book?A、Quite difficult、B、Very interesting、C、T oo simple、5、What are the speakers talking about?A、Weather、B、Clothes、C、News、第二节(共15小题;每小题1、5分,满分22、5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
2014年全国高考英语听力卷试题、答案 听力原文

10.HowwillthespeakersgotoNew York?A.Byair.B.Bytaxi.C.Bybus.11.Whyarethespeakersmakingthetrip????A.Forbusiness. B.Forshopping. C.Forholiday.12.Whatistheprobablerelationshipbetweenthespeakers?听第9听第18.Whatisthespeaker’sopiniononpublictransport?A.It’scomfortable.B.It’stime-saving.C.It’scheap.19.Whatisgoodaboutlivinginasmalltown?A.It’ssafer.B.It’shealthier.C.It’smoreconvenient.20.Whatkindoflifedoesthespeakerseemtolikemost?A.Busy.B.Colourful.C.Quiet.参考答案1—5ABCBA???????6-10BCACA????????11-15ACBCA???????16-20CBCAB录音原文Text1W:Excuseme.Thisistheaddress.HowdoIfindit?M:Well,there’ssomegoodnewsontheradio.Youprobablycanwearshortstomorrow.Text6W:Harry,let’splaysomeping-pongtoday.M:I’dlovetoplayasetortwo,butmyrightarmhurts.I’vedecidedtostopplayingping-ponguntil itfeelsbetter.W:Well,howaboutgoingskating?M:I’dliketo,butmykneehurts,too.W:Harry,stopmakingexcuses!You’rejustlazy.M:No,I’mnot!Youknow,there’sabasketballmatchonTVtoday.Let’sjuststayhomeandwatchit. W:OK.Youstay,andI’llplaywithHelen.Text7…M:OK.So,we’releavingonMondayfromHartsfield International Airport,andreturningonFriday.Dowetakeourselvestotheairport?Maybeweneedtobookataxi,or justgobybus.W:No,wedon’thaveto.Thecompanycarwillpickusupandtakeusthere.M:Oh,that’sgood.When?W:Ourflightleavesat11:00 a.m.,sotheyshouldpickusupbetween8:00and9:00a.m.Besides,thecompanypaysforourtrip,includinghotelandfood.M:Howmuchwillthatbe?W:Well,New Yorkisaprettyexpensivecity.So,eachofuswillget$200 aday.M:Oh,OK.Thanksfortellingmethat.W:You’rewelcome.…earfromussometimenextmonth.Goodluck!Andthanksforcomingintoday.Text10M:Well,I’dlovetosharewithyoumypersonalopinionsoncitylifeandlifeinsmalltowns.Igrewup inasmalltownuntilIwas18andthenmovedtoabigcity,soIhaveexperiencedthegoodandbadsidesof both.IneverthoughtthatIwouldlikelivinginabigcity,butIwaswrong.Aftertenyearsoflivingi none,Ican’timagineeverlivinginasmalltownagain.Surelysmalltownsandbigcitiesbothhavesomeproblemsintermsoftransport.Inasmalltown,youhavetoownacartomakelifecomfortable.You can’tgetaroundwithoutonebecausethereisn’tanykindofpublictransport.Bigcitiesgeneral lyhaveheavytrafficandexpensiveparking,butthereyouhaveachoiceoftakingpublictransport, whichischeaperthandriving.So,ifyoudon’thaveacar,you’dbetterliveinthecity.Ialsolove theexcitinglifeinbigcities.Icanalwaysenjoyalotoffilms,concerts,andotherwonderfulshow。

例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C。
1. What does the woman want to do?A. Find a place.B. Buy a map.C. Get an address.2. What will the man do for the woman?A. Repair her car.B. Give her a ride.C. Pick up her aunt.3. Who might Mr. Peterson be?A. A new professor.B. A department head.C. A company director.4. What does the man think of the book?A. Quite difficult.B. Very interesting.C. Too simple.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Weather.B. Clothes.C. News.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

第一节(共5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是C。
1. What does the woman want to do?A. Find a place.B. Buy a map.C. Get an address.2. What will the man do for the woman?A. Repair her car.B. Give her a ride..C. Pick up her aunt.3. Who might Mr. Peterson be?A. A new professor.B. A department head.C. A company director.4. What does the man think of the book?A. Quite difficult..B. Very interesting.C. Too simple.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Weather.B. Clothes.C. News.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

2014年全国新课标卷听力(含答案和原文)7.What does the woman suggest Harry do?A。
Take a walk with her later。
Watch TV with her。
Rest and take some medicine.Rewritten:Part 1 Listening (30 points in total)During the test。
please mark your answers on the n paper first。
After the。
content is finished。
you will have two minutesto ___.n 1 (7.5 points in total)Listen to the following 5 dialogues。
After each dialogue。
there is a n。
Choose the best answer from the three ns (A。
C) and mark it on the corresponding n on the n paper。
You will have10 seconds to answer each ___.___: How much is the shirt。
A.£19.15.B.£9.18.C.£9.15.The answer is C.1.What does the woman want to do?A。
Find a place。
Buy a map。
Get an address.2.What will the man do for the woman?A。
Repair her car。
Give her a ride。
Pick up her aunt.3.Who might Mr。
Peterson be?___.4.What does the man think of the book?A。

2014年全国高考湖南卷英语听力Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (22.5 marks)Directions: In this section,you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Example:When will the magazine probably arrive?A. Wednesday.B. Thursday.C. Friday.The answer is B.Conversation 11. What will the woman do first?A. Take a shower.B. Go camping.C. Set up a time.2. When will the man probably call the woman?A. Thursday.B. Friday.C. Sunday.Conversation 23. What is the man going to do?A, Have a coffee break. B. See a doctor. C. Buy a pet.4. What happened to the man?A. He fell ill.B. He lost his dog.C. He slept badly.Conversation 35. What is the woman?A. A bus driver.B. A waitress.C. A tour guide.6. What does the man want to get?A. Some gifts.B. A menu.C. A bus schedule.Conversation 47. What did the man do yesterday?A. He saw a movie.B. He watched TV.C. He visited some friends.英语试题第1页(共12页)8. What time will the speakers probably meet this Saturday evening?A. At 6:30.B. At 7:00.C. At 7:30.9. Which of the following will the man buy?A. Some drinks.B. A birthday cake. G. Concert tickets. Conversation 510. What is the woman doing now?A. She is serving a customer.B. She is conducting an interview.C. She is doing some recording.11 .When does the man go to the nursing home?A. Tuesdays.B. Thursdays.C. Sundays.12. Where will the man probably be working next Monday?A. At the airport nearby.B. In the studio next door,C. At the store downtown.Conversation 613. Why does the woman call the man?A. The oven doesn’t work.B. The heater won’t start.C. The plug is broken.14. Who will handle the problem first tomorrow evening?A. The woman.B. The man. C A worker.15. Who is the woman speaking to?A. Her husband.B. Her house owner.C. Her boss.Section B (7.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then Jill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.2014年全国高考湖南卷英语听力原文Conversation 1M: Well, it’s been this hot for so long.W: Yeah, I can’t wait to go home and take a cold shower.M: The worst should be over soon. I know it will be cool by this Thursday.W: Really. I guess we can go camping on Sunday. Give me a call on Friday to set up the time. OK?Conversation 2M: Hi! Jean! I am going out for a coffee break. Will you join me?W: Sure! Oh! Peter, you look tired. Are you getting sick?M: No. My new neighbor’s dog kept me awake all night. It never stopped barking.W: Oh, dear. You’d better go and talk to your neighbor about it.Conversation 3M: Ladies and gentlemen, right now, it is 12 o’clock, and we are going to stop at this restaurant for lunch. The bus driver will pick you up in an hour.W: Where will he meet us?M: Right here, in front of the restaurant. And be sure to be on time.W: But I want to buy some gifts before we leave. Do you know any good place around here?Conversation 4M: Hello, Brian’s speaking.W: Hi! Brian, it’s Mary here. Hope I haven’t caught you at a bad time.M: No, no. I was just watching TV.W: Oh, good. Have you had a good weekend?M: Yeah. It’s been good. I went to the cinema with some friends yesterday. What about you?W: Not too bad. Hey, actually, I am calling because it’s my birthday this Saturday. I was wondering if you would come.M: That sounds good. That time?W: It’s 7 o’clock, OK? David won’t finish work until 6:30.M: Oh, sorry. I am afraid I can’t make it. Is 7:30 all right?W: Sure. 7:30, then. Do you want me to bring something, like a cake or some drinks?M: Oh, no. I will get the food and everything. Just come and help me celebrate.W: Oh, in that case. I will invite you to the piano concert next Friday.M: That will be great. Thanks.W: OK, I will get the tickets now.Conversation 5M: Do you have any job experience?W: Only a little. I helped out on my father’s office last year. And I worked in a recording studio last month.M: That’s good. Can work every day?W: Yes, I can work any day of the week. Oh, no, except Thursday. I work at a nursing home in the neighborhood that day.M: When would you be able to start?W: Next Monday.M: OK. That’s great. We have two stores, a very busy one downtown and one near the airport with almost no customers even on weekends.W: I want to work near the airport.M: Good. Everyone now hates it. There are few customers, so you will most likely be doing jobs such as carrying big boxes and cleaning.W: Oh, no. Er, wait. er, I like the store downtown.M: OK. That’s settled. See you next Monday.Conversation 6W: Hello! Tony speaking!M: Hi! It’s Susan from your flat on Main Street.W: Oh. Hi, Susan, what can I do for you?M: Em, we’ve got a bit of problem in the flat. The oven is not working. I found it yesterday.It was on, but it wasn’t getting hot. I had a look at the plug. But it seems to be OK. Could you get someone to come to have a look at it for us?W: Ah, was it working yesterday?M: Yeah, but we couldn’t get it going last night. We use it quite a lot. So it will be good if we could itfixed.W: Oh, OK. Ah, I will come around and see if I can fix it. If I can’t, I will get a worker in or get it changed instead.M: OK, thanks a lot.W: Ah, I won’t be able to come until tomorrow evening. See about 7. Will someone be at home then? M: Oh, yeah. I will be here.W: OK, then. See you about 7. Bye!Section 2Hello, Sam. This is Kelly Black. I will be out of the office all day today. Here is a list of things you will need to do. First please call Mr. Brown and change the time of the appointment. Also send an e-mail to everybody in the office and remind them of the meeting next week. Don’t forget to speak to the repairman about the broken light in my office. Hm. Let’s see. I know there are a few more things. Oh, yes. Please make a list of all the employees and give it to Miss Baxter, owner of the gift shop. OK, Sam. I think that’s everything. Oh, one more thing. Please take the package on my desk to the post office if you have time. And that’s it. Thanks, I will see you tomorrow morning.1-5. ABACC 6-10. AACCB 11-15. BCABB16. change 17. meeting 18. light 19. gift shop 20. the package。

5 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C。
1. What does the woman want to do?A. Find a place.B. Buy a map.C. Get an address.2. What will the man do for the woman?A. Repair her car.B. Give her a ride..C. Pick up her aunt.3. Who might Mr. Peterson be?A. A new professor.B. A department head.C. A company director.4. What does the man think of the book?A. Quite difficult..B. Very interesting.C. Too simple.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Weather.B. Clothes.C. News.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C。
1. What does the woman want to do?A. Find a place.B. Buy a map.C. Get an address.2. What will the man do for the woman?A. Repair her car.B. Give her a ride.C. Pick up her aunt.3. Who might Mr. Peterson be?A. A new professor.B. A department head.C. A company director.4. What does the man think of the book?A. Quite difficult.B. Very interesting.C. Too simple.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Weather.B. Clothes.C. News.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

2014 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1. What does the woman want to do?A. Find a place.B. Buy a map.C. Get an address.2. What will the man do for the woman?A. Repair her car.B. Give her a ride.C. Pick up her aunt.3. Who might Mr. Peterson be?A. A new professor.B. A department head.C. A company director.4. What does the man think of the book?A. Quite difficult.B. Very interesting.C. Too simple.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Weather.B. Clothes.C. News.第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。
听第 6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。
6. Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman?A. He has a pain in his knee.B. He wants to watch TV.C. He is too lazy.7. What will the woman probably do next?A. Stay at home.B. Take Harry to hospital.C. Do some exercise.听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。

2014年全国统一高考英语试卷(新课标Ⅰ)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上.录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上.1.(1.5分)What does the woman want to do?A.Find a place B.Buy a map C.Get an address.2.(1.5分)What will the man do for the woman?A.Repair her car.B.Give her a ride.C.Pick up her aunt.3.(1.5分)Who might Mr.Peterson be?A.A new professor.B.A department head.C.A company director.4.(1.5分)What does the man think of the book?A.Quite difficult.B.Very interesting.C.Too simple.5.(1.5分)What are the speakers talking about?A.Weather B.Clothes.C.News.6.(3分)听第6段材料,回答6、7题.6.Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman?A.He has a pain in his knee.B.He wants to watch TV.C.He is too lazy.7.What will the woman probably do next?A.Stay at home.B.Take Harry to hospital.C.Do some exercise.8.(3分)听第7段材料,回答第8、9题.8.When will the man be home from work?A.At 5:45.B.At 6:15.C.At 6:50.9.Where will the speakers go?A.The Green House Cinema.B.The New State Cinema.C.The UME Cinema.10.(4.5分)听第8段材料,回答第10至12题.10.How will the speakers go to New York?A.By air.B.By taxi.C.By bus.11.Why are the speakers making the trip?A.For business.B.For shopping.C.For holiday.12.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Driver and passenger.B.Husband and wife.C.Fellow workers.13.(6分)听第9段材料,回答第13~16题.13.Where does this conversation probably take place?A.In a restaurant.B.In an office.C.In a classroom.14.What does John do now?A.He's a trainer.B.He's a tour guide.C.He's a college student.15.How much can a new person earn for the first year?A.10,500.B.12,000.C.15,000.16.How many people will the woman hire?A.Four.B.Three.C.Two.17.(6分)听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17.How long has the speaker lived in a big city?A.One year B.Ten years C.Eighteen years.18.What is the speaker's opinion on public transport?A.It's comfortable B.It's time﹣saving C.It's cheap.19.What is good about living in a small town?A.It's safer B.It's healthier C.It's more convenient.20.What kind of life does the speaker seem to like most?A.Busy B.Colorful C.Quiet.。

We are going to take one of the most important exams in China and I am going to talk about one important part of the exam. That part is listening.2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语第I卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C。
1. What does the woman want to do?A. Find a place.B. Buy a map.C. Get an address.2. What will the man do for the woman?A. Repair her car.B. Give her a ride.C. Pick up her aunt.3. Who might Mr. Peterson be?A. A new professor.B. A department head.C. A company director.4. What does the man think of the book?A. Quite difficult.B. Very interesting.C. Too simple.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Weather.B. Clothes.C. News.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
2014 高考听力试卷原文及答案

2014 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷)试卷A第一节(共5 小题;每小题1 分,满分5 分)1. What does the woman want to do?A. See a machine.B. Help the man.C. Buy a drink.2. What is most probably the woman?A. A teacher.B. A writer.C. An actress.3. What is the possible relationship between the speakers?A. Interviewer and applicant.B. Teacher and student.C. Doctor and patient.4. What does the woman mean?A. She wants to have some cake.B. She doesn't like chocolate.C. She likes to make cake.5. What do we learn about the man?A. He lost his jacket.B. He didn't know it would be cold.C. He misunderstood the weather report.第二节(共10 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15 分)听下面一段对话,回答第6 至第8 小题。
6. Where do the speakers sit?A. By the window.B. Near the door.C. In the corner.7. What does the woman want to order?A. Beef and salad.B. Cheese and black tea.C. Sandwich and coffee.8. How much is the black tea?A. $1.5.B. $2.5.C. $5.听下面一段对话,回答第9 至第11 小题。

例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15 B。
15 C. £9。
l. What is Bill planning to do?A。
To find a job in finance. B。
To become a teacher. C。
To set up a school。
How much does the man have to pay?A。
$25.C. $55。
What does the woman suggest the man do?A。
To request a wake—up call service。
To stay up all night。
To catch a later bus。
What does the man mean?A. The woman should take a taxi.B. The man doesn’t think it worthwhile to repair the car。
The man was not witting to help the woman。
What happened to Jane?A。
She was out of work.B。
She was promotedC. She was tired of working as a secretary。

2014年3月二级高考英语听力试题Text 1 W: Oh, what a pretty dress! My daughter would love it. But it seems a bit too large. Do you have a smaller size? don’t worry. Children grow fast!M: Sorry. This is the only one left. But W: Yes, that’s true. I’ll take it.C 1. What will the woman do about the dress? C. She’ll buy it. Text 2 th. W: These DVDs will be due back on Thursday the 7M: How much more should we pay to keep them another week? B 2. What are the speakers talking about? B. Borrowing DVDs. Text 3 M: What did you think of Dana’s speech today?n’t believe I could sit for that long without feeling bored. W: Well, she must have spent a lot of time preparing it. I ca’s speech? C 3. What did the woman think of DanaC. Well-prepared. Text 4 W: Could you help us carry these boxes, sir? a pain in my back. M: Oh, I’d like to help you, but I’ve got A4. What does the man mean? A. He is unable to give help. Text 5 W: I wonder if Simon will be here by 8. He’s supposed to be. M: His wife said he left at 7:30, so he should be here by 8:10 at the latest. B 5. When is Simon supposed to arrive? B. 8:00. Text 6 M: Are you free on the weekend? W: I haven’t got any plans yet. Why?ould you like to go with me? M: There’s an exhibition of Chinese paintings at the public library. WW: I’d love to. But when? may be less crowded. It’s cooler in the morning, andM: How about Saturday morning? 1 2 W: I’m afraid I cannot get up early on weekends. I prefer Saturday afternoon. Believe me, there won’t be too many people. M: So, shall we meet at 2 Saturday afternoon? W: Ok, that would be great. I’ll be waiting for you at my home.听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。

1. What does the woman want to do?A. Find a place.B. Buy a map.C. Get an address.2. What will the man do for the woman?A. Repair her car.B. Give her a ride.C. Pick up her aunt.3. Who might Mr. Peterson be?A. A new professor.B. A department head.C. A company director.4. What does the man think of the book?A. Quite difficult.B. Very interesting.C. Too simple.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Weather.B. Clothes.C. News.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman?A. He has a pain in his knee.B. He wants to watch TV.C. He is too lazy.7. What will the woman probably do next?A. Stay at home.B. Take Harry to hospital.C. Do some exercise.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C。
1. What does the woman want to do?A. Find a place.B. Buy a map.C. Get an address.2. What will the man do for the woman?A. Repair her car.B. Give her a ride.C. Pick up her aunt.3. Who might Mr. Peterson be?A. A new professor.B. A department head.C. A company director.4. What does the man think of the book?A. Quite difficult.B. Very interesting.C. Too simple.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Weather.B. Clothes.C. News.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
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例:How much is the shirt?A、£19、15、B、£9、18、C、£9、15、答案就是C。
1、What does the woman want to do?A、Find a place、B、Buy a map、C、Get an address、2、What will the man do for the woman?A、Repair her car、B、Give her a ride、C、Pick up her aunt、3、Who might Mr、Peterson be?A、A new professor、B、A department head、C、 A company director、4、What does the man think of the book?A、Quite difficult、B、Very interesting、C、Too simple、5、What are the speakers talking about?A、Weather、B、Clothes、C、News、第二节(共15小题;每小题1、5分,满分22、5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6、Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman?A、He has a pain in his knee、B、He wants to watch TV、C、He is too lazy、7、What will the woman probably do next?A、Stay at home、B、Take Harry to hospital、C、Do some exercise、听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
8、When will the man be home from work?A、At 5:45、B、At 6:15、C、At 6:50、9、Where will the speakers go?A、The Green House Cinema、B、The New State Cinema、C、The UME Cinema、听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。
10、How will the speakers go to New York?A、By air、B、By taxi、C、By bus、11、Why are the speakers making the trip?A、For business、B、For shopping、C、For holiday、12、What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A、Driver and passenger、B、Husband and wife、C、Fellow workers、听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。
13、Where does this conversation probably take place?A、In a restaurant、B、In an office、C、In a classroom、14、What does John do now?A、He’s a trainer、B、He’s a tour guide、C、He’s a college student、15、How much can a new person earn for the first year?A、$10,500、B、$12,000、C、$15,000、16、How many people will the woman hire?A、Four、B、Three、C、Two、听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。
17、How long has the speaker lived in a big city?A、One year、B、Ten years、C、Eighteen years、18、What is the speaker’s opinion on public transport?A、It’s comfortable、B、It’s time-saving、C、It’s cheap、19、What is good about living in a small town?A、It’s safer、B、It’s healthier、C、It’s more convenient、20、What kind of life does the speaker seem to like most?A、Busy、B、Colourful、C、Quiet、参考答案1—5 ABCBA 6-10 BCACA 11-15 ACBCA 16-20 CBCAB录音原文Text 1W: Excuse me、This is the address、How do I find it?M: Right、You’ll need a street map、Here’s one, and I’ll show you where it is、Text 2W: Oh my! My car broke down, and I have to meet my aunt at the railway station before noon、M: You’re lu cky、I can drop you off on my way、Text 3W: Did you hear that Mr、Peterson is coming next week, Gordon?M: Yes, so I called all the department heads to my office this morning、We need to give him reports on our program、Text 4W: I hope you like the book I lent you、I wasn’t sure if you’d be interested、M: I had the same doubt at first、But once I started, I simply couldn’t put it down、Text 5W: What is going on? It’s May, and we still have to wear warm clothes、M: Well, there’s some good news on the rad io、You probably can wear shorts tomorrow、Text 6W: Harry, let’s play some ping-pong today、M: I’d love to play a set or two, but my right arm hurts、I’ve decided to stop playing ping-pong until it feels better、W: Well, how about going skating?M: I’d l ike to, but my knee hurts, too、W: Harry, stop making excuses! You’re just lazy、M: No, I’m not! You know, there’s a basketball match on TV today、Let’s just stay home and watch it、W: OK、You stay, and I’ll play with Helen、Text 7W: What do you want to do tonight?M: How about going to the cinema? I should be home from work at 5:45、Then we can go out and eat before we see a film、W: What do you want to see?M: There’s a good art film at the Green House Cinema、W: Let’s see…it starts at 6:15、I don’t thi nk we can get there in time to see the beginning、How about the action film at the New State Cinema? It starts at 6:50、Perhaps the 7:00 one at the UME Cinema is even better、It stars Jackie Chan、M: OK, that’s fine、I like him, too、Text 8M: Hey, Lucy、D o you have some time to talk about next week’s trip with me?W: Sure, Dave、M: OK、So, we’re leaving on Monday from Hartsfield International Airport, and returning on Friday、Do we take ourselves to the airport? Maybe we need to book a taxi, or just go by bus、W: No, we don’t have to、The company car will pick us up and take us there、M: Oh, that’s good、When?W: Our flight leaves at 11:00 a、m、, so they should pick us up between 8:00 and 9:00 a、m、Besides, the company pays for our trip, including hotel and food、M: How much will that be?W: Well, New York is a pretty expensive city、So, each of us will get $200 a day、M: Oh, OK、Thanks for telling me that、W: You’re welcome、Text 9W: Please sit down、Let’s see…you’re Mr、Smith、Is that correct?M: Yes、John Smith、W: And you’re interested in this job?M: Yes, I am、I’ll graduate from college the coming June、My major is Chinese、W: I see、Have you ever done any work in this field?M: Yes, I used to be a tour guide for Chinese travellers、W: Good、Now, how much money do you expect to have for a year?M: From what I’ve read, it seems that a starting pay would be around $12,000 a year、W: Here, you would start at $10,500 for the first year…a kind of training period、Then you would go to $15,000、M: That sounds fair enough、What do you think are the chances for me to get a job here?W: Well, I’m talking to three people today and four tomorrow、We’ll be hiring two people、You’ll hear from us sometime next month、Good luck! And thanks for coming in today、Text 10M: Well, I’d love to share with you my personal opinions on city life and life in small towns、I grew up in a small town until I was 18 and then moved to a big city, so I have experienced the good and bad sides of both、I never thought that I would like living in a big city, but I was wrong、After ten years of living in one, I can’t imagine ever living in a small town again、Surely small towns and big cities both have some problems in terms of transport、In a small town, you have to own a car to make life comfortable、You can’t get around without one because there isn’t any kind of public transport、Big cities generally have heavy traffic and expensive parking, but there you have a choice of taking public transport, which is cheaper than driving、So, if you do n’t have a car, you’d better live in the city、I also love the exciting life in big cities、I can always enjoy a lot of films, concerts, and other wonderful shows、However, these things are not common in small towns、The final thing I like about large cities is that you can meet different kinds of people、However, you seldom find such a variety of people in a smaller town、I think that living in an area where everyone was just like me would quickly become dull、Of course, safety should be considered, and th at’s one area where small towns are better than big cities、Still, I would rather be a bit more careful and live in a large city than to feel safe but dull、。