



北外英语学院翻译考研真题一、英译汉Passage 1:The Price of EducationThe fact that university education has become such a lucrative business has attracted much attention. Universities in the United States, for example, constantly compete to attract students, and they do so by offering various inducements.Some universities offer better facilities, and try to create an attractive environment in which to live and study. Increasingly, however, the quality of education is also being judged by the percentage of graduates who are able to find employment after graduation. Employers, it seems, are no longer satisfied with a university education per se, but want to be assured that graduates will have the skills necessary for the job. To ensure this, some universities are offering simulated work experience as part of their degree programs. Some universities even venture into the realm of industry and commerce, regarding themselves as training colleges rather than as scholarly institutions.The motives behind this new emphasis on practical training are not entirely altruistic. Many universities in the United Kingdom, for example, rely heavily on government funding. The thinking is that by producing employable graduates, universities are not only ensuring that their graduates get good jobs and earn good money, they are also reducing the burden on thestate. Indeed, in some countries, universities that fail to achieve high levels of graduate employment are actually penalized financially.But what is sacrificed in this obsession with practicality? The traditional concept of a university is based on the belief that knowledge is valuable in itself, and that the purpose of education is the pursuit of truth. To surrender this belief and degrade the university to the role of industry training center is to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Certainly, graduates must be able to find employment to support themselves, but a society that puts material gain above all else is a society that has lost its soul.Passage 2:Another Look at Cross-cultural CommunicationThe common expectation of much cross-cultural training is that it is designed to help business people improve their cross-cultural communication competence, thus increasing performance in a variety of multicultural or international contexts. Cross-cultural training often takes the form of brief seminars, sometimes with hands-on experiential exercises and is meant to be enjoyable, eye-opening and informative. Many authors believe that by offering such training, organizations are doing the right thing for their employees because effective cross-cultural communication skills can be a competitive advantage in business.However, less attention has been given to understanding the linkage between the skills and competencies that have been delineated and measured and the ability of learners to effectively apply such knowledge and abilities in specific situations they are likely to encounter at work. Despite the proliferation of studies advocating the use of cross-cultural training toenhance global management effectiveness, very little is known about how training may affect the actual performance of individuals or groups that are experiencing business or mission/aid-related challenges outside of their native cultural contexts.In today’s globalized and technological world, businesses and individuals are more connected across cultural boundaries than ever. In fact, almost all businesses from small to multinational employ individuals who have some form of cross-cultural interactions on a daily basis. By increasing our understanding of the linkages between knowledge, skills and abilitiesand desired training outcomes, we may be able to help individuals and organizations more effectively navigate the challenges associated with increasingly dynamic and complex cross-cultural task environment in which they operate.二、汉译英翻译 Passage 1:教育的代价大学教育已成为一个利润丰厚的生意,这一事实引起了广泛关注。



北外高翻英汉互译同声传译专业考研经验报考院校: 北京外国语大学高级翻译学院英汉互译(口译方向)我是从大三上学期开始准备考研的,其实本来没想这么早启动,因为偶然听了一场专业机构的讲座,在老师的提醒下意识到自己的目标比较高,竞争比较激烈,所以决定及早动手报了班开始全面复习,俗话说:早起的鸟儿有食吃。



在专业机构报了班了解到英语真题的文章主要出自欧美的一些权威期刊杂志,所以我从大三上学期就开始有意识的翻看一些外文杂志,包括:Economist、Times等,还有在图书馆里经常会翻的:Digest、China today、English World等。



培训机构的全程策划班给我们讲了一个基本的计划模版,我又根据个人的实际情况作了个性化的调整,下面将我的学习计划与大家分享一下:大三下学期开始开学,写计划,开始下决心认真准备:专业一轮:月牢固基础,多看原版杂志;第二轮:7.8月暑假天热,在专业课强化班听教师指导,同时复习二外,开始看参考书;第三轮:9.10.11月强化政治,认真看,开始做题;二外也不丢,重点在杂志和翻译书上,多看多翻,经常让老师看自己的作品,让老师给意见,说实话,我都不好意思了,就报了一个班,确总去问问题,不过专业机构的教务老师每次还是很热情,安排老师给答疑;第四轮:12.1 冲刺,各科模拟题、真题,严格按时间限制练习,培养考试感觉:政治背大题,看时事,上了专业机构的冲刺点题班,重点击破可能的考点;二外再次认真看参考书、单词;杂志还是不能断,根据个人安排时间量;翻译真题,练习题,术语强记。





















Being hasty and at leisure are two quite distinct lifestyles. But in the real world, people have to frequently shuttle between these two lifestyles, sometimes not sure whether they are “at ease” or “in a rush”.For example, we are enjoying our holidays in the resort while suenly we receive phone calls from the boss who tells us there are some troubles with our customers and work----so at this moment the modern, convenient and advanced device shows its vicious and gloomy features---and we lose all our interest. The subsequent leisure is the mere showy for we are in a restless and anxious state of mind.(英译汉)When flying over Nepal, it's easy to soar in your imagination and pretend you're tiny-a butterfly - and drifting above one of those three-dimensional topographical maps architects use, the circling contour lines replaced by the terraced rice paddies that surround each high ridge.Nepails a small country, and from the windows of our plane floating eastward at 12,000 feet, one can see clearly the brilliant white mirage of the high Himalayas thirty miles of the left window. Out the right window, the view is of three or four high terraced ridges giving sudden way to the plains of India beyond.Three were few roads visible below, mosttransportation in Nepal being by foot along ancient trails that connect and bind the country together. There is also a network of dirt airstrips, which was fortunate for me, as I had no time for the two-and-a-half week trek to my destination. I was no a flight to the local airport.飞机飞越尼泊尔上空时。




1. 原始人对自然界不只是简单地解释和探索,为了更好地生活,他们还要与自然做不屈的斗争,于是就创造了歌颂与自然作斗争的英雄的故事,如精卫填海、夸父逐日、鲧禹治水等。





















北京外国语大学2011年硕士研究生入学考试试题招生专业:复语同声传译科目名称:英汉互译(考试时间3小时,满分150分,全部写在答题纸上,答在试题页上无效)一、将下列段落译为汉语(25分)Print books may be under siege from the rise of e-books, but they have a tenacious hold on a particular group: children and toddlers. Their parents are insisting this next generation of readers spend their early years with old-fashioned books. This is the case even with parents who themselves are die-hard downloaders of books onto Kindles, iPads, laptops and phones. They freely acknowledge their digital double standard, saying they want their children to be surrounded by print books, to experience turning physical pages as they learn about shapes, colors and animals. Parents also say they like cuddling up with their child and a book, and fear that a shiny gadget might get all the attention. Also, if little Joey is going to spit up, a book may be easier to clean than a tablet computer.As the adult book world turns digital at a faster rate than publishers expected, sales of e-books for titles aimed at children under 8 have barely budged. They represent less than 5 percent of total annual sales of children’s bo oks,several publishers estimated, compared with more than 25 percent in some categories of adult books. Many print books are also bought as gifts, since the delights of an Amazon gift card are lost on most 6-year-olds. (210)二、将下列短文译为汉语(50分)Like most creatures on earth, humans come equipped with a circadian clock, a roughly 24-hour internal timer that keeps our sleep patterns in sync with our planet. At least until genetics, age and our personal habits get in the way. Even though theaverage adult needs eight hours of sleep per night, there are “short-sleepers,” who need far less, and morning people, who, research shows, often come from families of other morning people. Then there’s the rest of us, who rely on alarm clocks.For those who fantasize about greeting the dawn, there is hope. Sleep experts say that with a little discipline (well, actually, a lot of discipline), most people can reset their circadian clocks. But it’s not as simple as forcing yourself to go to bed earlier (you can’t make a wide-awake brain sleep). It requires inducing a sort of jet lag without leaving your time zone. And sticking it out until your body clock resets itself. And then not resetting it again.To start, move up your wake-up time by 20 minutes a day. If you regularly rise at 8 a.m., but really want to get moving at 6 a.m., set the alarm for 7:40 on Monday. The next day, set it for 7:20 and so on. Then, after you wake up, don’t linger in bed. Hit yourself with light. In theory, you’ll gradually get sleepy about 20 minutes earlier each night, and you can facilitate the transition by avoiding extra light exposure from computers or televisions as you near bedtime.But recalibrating your inner clock requires more commitment than many people care to give. For some, it’s almost i mpossible. Very early risers and longtime night owls have a hard time ever changing. Night-shift workers also struggle because they don’t get the environmental and social cues that help adjust the circadian clock. (305)三、将下列段落译为英语(25分)虽然导致不平等的原因很多,但我们可以大体上把它们分为三类。















【参考译文】People Can be Divided by Gender,but DoesLegislation Take Gender Difference into Consideration?China’s constitution stipulates in explicit terms that women shall enjoy equal rights with men in political,economic,cultural,social and family life.Since men and women enjoy the same and equal rights,legislation should not take gender difference into consideration.Only this can genuine equality between men and women be achieved.However,in fact,phenomena of inequality between men and women still more or less persists in the present society where legislation is made to protect women, women are supposed to be respected in society,and men and women are supposed to be equal.They are the“sequelae”of concepts like“male domination and female subordination”and women should depend on men,which have been passed down by history.Therefore,we have to face the reality:although women’s social status has been improved remarkably in modern society,they are still a disadvantaged group that demands more attention and care than men.In view of this phenomenon,the China’s existing legislation gives women special attention and care.There is the Law On Women’s Rights and Interests, which is specially made for women and there are articles aimed to protect women in Marriage Law and Inheritance Law.As for men,there is no such special protection.In this sense,legislation does take gender difference into consideration.To think more from women’s perspective in the process of lawmaking also hasits practical significance.The mere fact that most of the legislators are male is likely to leave male imprint on our legislation unwittingly,not to mention the inequality between men and women existing in real life.Therefore,legislators must go beyond the existing social practices and pay more attention to women,the disadvantaged group.In the process of lawmaking,more of women’s perspective should be taken into consideration and they should be cared about and protected.Women are our mothers,daughters and sisters…To pay more attention to women in the process of lawmaking does not mean to neglect men’s rights and interests,but rather to achieve equality between men and women to the uttermost extent in the legislation and to realize gender equality in real life.If one day legislation does not have to take gender difference into consideration that gives more attention and care to women,then men and women will be equal in its real sense.二、将下列单句译成英语(15%)1.革命是解放生产力,改革也是解放生产力。














参考译文:The ancient philosopher Wang Yangming offended some powerful officials of the imperialcourt and was demoted to the position of a local official in the remote province ofGuizhou. During his term, he arrested the head of a burglary gang. In the trial, thesuspect said, "I have committed a death penalty crime. You can kill me or torture me allyou want but spare me the moral talk. A guy like me never talks morals.I don't eventhink about them."Wang replied, "OK, I won't talk morals with you today butsince it's hot, I suggest wetake off our coats before the trial.""OK," said the suspect, and took his coat off."It's still too hot, perhaps we should take off our shirts too," said Wang.The gangster naturally didn?t mind being bare-chested, so he took off his shirt. Now bothof them had nothing leftbut their pants. Wang then said, "What about the pants? We?llbe more comfortable if we?re naked.""No way! No way!" protested the suspect.At this point, Wang cut to his point and said, "The reason why you wouldn't take off yourpants is that you still know shame. This proves that even a notorious and ruthless manlike yourself is concerned with morality. "The suspect was so impressed by Wang'sargument that he confessed all his crimes.2009年研究生入学试题参考译文和分析(“国庆节返乡”部分)/李长栓星期三, 05/06/2009 - 07:57—李长栓《国庆节回家》翻译中的主要问题北京外国语大学高级翻译学院李长栓理解问题汉语中充满了歧义。



北京外国语大学英语语言学真题2011年(总分:150.01,做题时间:90分钟)ⅠBriefly explain the following terms. (分数:20.00)(1).perlocutionary act(分数:4.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (2).minimal pair(分数:4.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (3).distinctive feature(分数:4.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (4).linguistic variable(分数:4.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (5).lingua franca(分数:4.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ ⅡAnswer the following questions.(分数:30.00)(1).Why do we say linguistics is a science?(分数:10.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (2).Briefly explain how language is (a) systematic (b) symbolic, and (c) social.(分数:10.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (3).Linguists have taken an internal and/or external focus to the study of language acquisition. What is the difference between the two?(分数:10.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ ⅢRead the following paragraphs and then answer four questions.The idea behind the experiential vision of learning is that the use of the target language for communicative purposes is not only the goal of learning, but also a means of learning in its own right. This may clearly involve students using language which they may not have fully mastered, and contrasts with other more "traditional" approaches which emphasize part practice (i. e., isolating parts of the whole for explicit study and learning) leading up in a more or less controlled manner to integrated language use for communicative purposes. An experiential approach to learning may therefore involve a degree of what Johnson (1982) refers to as an "in at the deep end strategy". Simply throwing learners into wholly uncontrolled and undirected language use is, of course, as dubious a strategy with respect to language learning as doing the same with someone who is learning to swim. For this reason, considerable effort has been devoted by methodologists, material writers, and teachers in recent decades to the way in which two sets of factors can be combined. One is the basic insight that language use can serve a significant role in promoting learning, and the other is the acknowledgement that use of the language needs to be structured in a coherent and pedagogically manageable way. The experiential vision of learning has evolved in a variety of ways since the 1960s and is now encountered in a number of differing forms. Nevertheless, most experiential approaches to learning rest on five main principles which were developed in the earlier days of the communicative movement, even if certain receive more attention in one variant than in another. These principles are the following: message focus, holistic practice, the use of authentic materials, the use of communication strategies, and the use of collaborative modes of learning. (Tudor 2001:79)An analytical view of learning posits that according explicit attention to the regularities oflanguage and language use can play a positive role in learning. Each language manifests a number of structural regularities in areas such as grammar, lexis and phonology, and also with respect to the ways in which these elements are combined to communicate messages. The question, therefore, is not whether languages have structural regularities or not, but whether and in which way explicit attention to such regularities can facilitate the learning of the language. An analytical approach to learning rests on a more or less marked degree of part practice, i. e., isolating parts of the whole for explicit study and learning, even if its ultimate goal remains the development of learners" ability to put these parts together for integrated, holistic use. At least, two main considerations lend support to an analytical approach to learning. First, in terms of learning in general, the isolation and practice of sub-parts of a target skill is a fairly common phenomenon... Second, explicit identification of regularities in a language has advantages which Johnson (1996:83) refers to as "generativity" and "economy". Mastering a regularity in a language gives learners access to the generative potential of this regularity in new circumstances Explicit presentation or discovery of the structural regularities of a language can therefore represent a short-cut to mastery of this language and support learners" ability to manipulate these regularities for communicative purposes. (Tudor 2001:86-7)(分数:50.00)(1).What are the differences between experiential and analytical modes of language learning?(分数:12.50)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (2).What serves as the theoretical foundation for the experiential mode of language learning and what are its advantages and disadvantages?(分数:12.50)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (3).What serves as the theoretical foundation for the analytical mode of language learning and what are its advantages and disadvantages?(分数:12.50)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (4).How would you balance the two modes of learning in your teaching or learning of a foreign language?(分数:12.50)__________________________________________________________________________________________ⅣRead the following passage and answer three questions.Teachers employ different types of conceptual organization and meaning. One level of meaning relates to subject matter knowledge and how curricular and content aspects of teaching are conceptualized (Shulman 1987). Woods (1996) describes teachers" conceptions of lessons as made up of conceptual units at different levels of abstraction. He distinguishes between the following: overall conceptual goals—the overall purposes teachers identify for a course; global conceptual units—the individual subcomponents of the curriculum (e. g., the grammar, reading, writing, and listening components of an integrated skills course); intermediate conceptual units-activities or clusters of activities framed in terms of accomplishing one of the higher-level conceptual goals; and local conceptual units—the specific things teachers do to achieve particular instructional effects. Other constructs that have been proposed to account for how teachers realize the curricular agendas they set for lessons and the kinds of cognitive processes they employ include lesson formats (Wong-Fillmore 1985), tasks (Doyle 1983), scripts , and routines(Shavelson and Stem 1981). Constructs such as these seek to describe how teachers approach the subject matter of teaching and how they transform content into learning. Much of this research draws on a framework of cognitive psychology and has provided evidence of the kinds of pedagogical content knowledge, reasoning, and problem solving teachers make use of as they teach (Cliff 1991). In addition to the curricular goals and content, teachers have other more personal views of teaching (Johnston 1990). Zeichner, Tabachnick, and Densmore (1987) try to capture this with the notion of perspective, which they define as the ways in which teachers understand, interpret,and define their environment and use such interpretation to guide their actions. They followed teachers through their year-long professional training and their first year in the classroom, and found that their personal perspectives served as powerful influences on how they taught. In describing the basis for teachers" conceptualizations of good practice, Clandinin (1985, 1986) introduced the concept of image , which she describes as "a central construct for understanding teachers" knowledge" (1985:362). An image is a metaphor, such as "the classroom as home," "setting up a relationship with children," or "meeting the needs of students," that teachers may have in mind when they teach. Johnston (1992) suggests that images such as these are not always conscious, that they reflect how teachers view themselves in their teaching contexts, and that they form the subconscious assumptions on which their teaching practices are based. In a study of what second language teachers perceive to be good classes, Senior (1995) found that experienced ESL teachers in an Australian educational setting attempting to implement a communicative methodology appeared to have arrived at the tacit assumption that, to promote successful language learning, it is necessary to develop a bonded class—that is, one in which there is a positive, mutually supportive group atmosphere. The teachers appeared to employ a range of both conscious and unconscious strategies in order to develop a spirit of cohesion within their class groups.Halkes and Deijkers (1984) refer to teachers" teaching criteria, which are defined as "personal subjective values a person tries to pursue or keep constant while teaching." Teachers hold personal views of themselves, their learners, their goals, and their role in the classroom and they presumably try to reflect these in their practice. Marland (1987) examined the principles used to guide and interpret teaching, and identified five such working principles that were derived from stimulated recall interviews with teachers. For example, the "principle of progressive checking" involved checking students" progress periodically, identifying problems, and providing individual encouragement for low-ability students. Conners (1978) studied elementary teachers and found that all of those in her study used three overarching principles of practice to guide and explain their interactive teaching behavior: "suppressing emotions," "teacher authenticity," and "self-monitoring." The "principle of teacher authenticity" involved the teacher presenting herself in such a way that good personal relationships with students and a socially supportive classroom atmosphere would be achieved. This principle required the teacher to attempt to be open, sincere, and honest, as well as fallible.(分数:50.01)(1).What could be the title of this passage?(分数:16.67)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (2).What are the functions of those conceptual units as described by Woods (1996) in language teaching?(分数:16.67)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (3).Discuss the relationship between "perspective" and "image" and between "image" and "teaching criteria" as mentioned in this passage?(分数:16.67)__________________________________________________________________________________________。



北外2011翻译基础英汉互译真题北外2011翻译基础英汉互译真题1 UNESCO联合国教科文组织2 NASA美国宇航局3 Diet of Japan 日本国会4 FDI外国直接投资5 CCTV闭路电视6 FBI 美国联邦调查局Federal Bureau of Investigation7 GM crop转基因作物Genetically modified crop8 IAEA 国际原子能机构International Atomic Energy Agency9 opportunity cost机会成本是指为了得到某种东西而所要放弃另一些东西的最大价值10 Keynesians 凯恩斯主义11 the Tories 保守党12 the State Department in Washington美国国务院13 the Treasury Department of the U.S. 美国财政部14.protectionism 保护贸易主义15.Balance of Payments (国际)收支平衡汉译英1 中国特色的社会主义socialism with Chinese characteristics2 科学发展观scientific outlook on development3 全面建设小康社会build a well-off society in an all-round way4 以人为本people oriented5 宏观经济调控macroeconomic regulation and control6 自主创新能力The ability of independent innovation ;the capacity for independent innovation7.完善人民币汇率形成机制Improve the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism8.中西医并重lay equal stress on traditional Chinese andWestern Medicine9.突发事件应急管理机制The mechanism of emergency management10.港人治港Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong11.构建两岸关系和平发展框架to construct a framework for peaceful development of Cross-straits (十二五规划原句)12.知足常乐Enough is as good as a feast.Happy is he who is content。



北外高翻英汉互译同声传译专业考研经验报考院校 : 北京外国语大学高级翻译学院英汉互译(口译方向我是从大三上学期开始准备考研的, 其实本来没想这么早启动, 因为偶然听了一场专业机构的讲座, 在老师的提醒下意识到自己的目标比较高, 竞争比较激烈, 所以决定及早动手报了班开始全面复习,俗话说:早起的鸟儿有食吃。

考研首先要有一个明确的目标, 也就说确定考研的院校、专业, 由于不同的专业有不同的学习方法,所以明确了目标专业、学校,才能制定合理的学习计划。


在专业机构报了班了解到英语真题的文章主要出自欧美的一些权威期刊杂志, 所以我从大三上学期就开始有意识的翻看一些外文杂志,包括:Economist 、 Times 等,还有在图书馆里经常会翻的:Digest 、 China today、 English World等。

由于开始的时间比较早,因此, 在看的时候,并不着急,慢慢看,认真看,有问题的时候会问问专业机构的老师 , 这个是免费的 , 不会的单词一定要查,这样不仅能能有效提升阅读的能力,也能储备一些背景知识, 这都是对付考研英语很重要的基本元素。

合理的学习计划对于一个准备考研的学生来说,如何在较短的时间内做到高效的复习?是很多人关心的问题, 这里就凸显了计划的重要性, 合理有效的计划是成功的不二法则。

培训机构的全程策划班给我们讲了一个基本的计划模版, 我又根据个人的实际情况作了个性化的调整, 下面将我的学习计划与大家分享一下:大三下学期开始开学,写计划,开始下决心认真准备:专业一轮:月牢固基础,多看原版杂志;第二轮:7.8月暑假天热,在专业课强化班听教师指导,同时复习二外,开始看参考书; 第三轮:9.10.11月强化政治,认真看,开始做题;二外也不丢,重点在杂志和翻译书上, 多看多翻 , 经常让老师看自己的作品 , 让老师给意见 , 说实话 , 我都不好意思了 , 就报了一个班 , 确总去问问题 , 不过专业机构的教务老师每次还是很热情 , 安排老师给答疑;第四轮:12.1 冲刺,各科模拟题、真题,严格按时间限制练习,培养考试感觉:政治背大题,看时事,上了专业机构的冲刺点题班 , 重点击破可能的考点;二外再次认真看参考书、单词;杂志还是不能断,根据个人安排时间量;翻译真题,练习题,术语强记。



真题解析2011年北外真题英语翻译基础一、名词解释:汉译英全面建设小康社会Build a moderately prosperous society in all aspects中国特色社会主义socialism with Chinese characteristics构建两岸关系和平发展的框架Build the framework of peaceful development for the relationship across the Taiwan Strait.祸从口入a close mouth catches no fire知足常乐content is happiness水火无情fire and water have no mercy一蹶不振cannot recover from a setback黑帮sinister gang经济刺激方案economic stimulus plan留守儿童left-behind children降半旗致哀fly a flag at half-staff as a sign of mourning厨房重地闲人免进kitchen area,staff only紧俏型轿车cars in short supply无党派人士person with no political affiliation包容经济inclusive economyNASA–National二,汉译英:真题漓江,无数仁人志士寻找灵感的地方。





The Li River of Yunnan province in China is a famous scenic spot which has inspired many people’s love of nature.[意译比直译好]两岸是连绵的山峰,秀丽的河水上倒映着魔幻般的美景,宛如神话。


















北外的阅读也一直是重头戏,前几年的真题中,有些年份的真题是主观问答,有些是客观选择,但材料大多来自英国的Economist和Financial Times,北外的考试更重视前者。









北京外国语大学2011年硕士研究生入学考试复语同声传译专业试题北京外国语大学2011年硕士研究生入学考试试题招生专业:复语同声传译科目名称:英汉互译(考试时间3小时,满分150分,全部写在答题纸上,答在试题页上无效)一、将下列段落译为汉语(25分)The genesis of a Chinese factory town is always the same: In the beginning nearly everybody is a construction worker. The booming economy means that work moves fast, and new industrial districts rise in distinct stages. Those early laborers are men who have migrated from rural villages, and immediately they're joined by small entrepreneurs. These pioneers sell meat, fruit, and vegetables on informal stands, and later, when the first real stores appear, they stock construction materials. After that cell phone companies set up shop: China Mobile, China Unicom. During these initial stages there's rarely any sign of police. Government officials are prominently absent. It's not until plants start production that you see many women. Assembly-line bosses prefer young female workers, who are believed to be more diligent and manageable. After the women appear, so do the clothes shops. In the early days garbage accumulates in the gutters; the government is never in a rush to institute basic services. Public buses don't appear for months. Manholes remain open till the last instant, forfear that early settlers will steal the metal covers and sell them for scrap.(186 words)二、将下列短文译为汉语(50分)Glaciers in Antarctica are melting faster and across a much wider area than previously thought, a development that threatens to raise sea levels worldwide and force millions of people to flee low-lying areas. Researchers once believed that the melting was limited to the Antarctic Peninsula, a narrow tongue of land pointing toward South America. But satellite data and automated weather stations now indicate it is more widespread. The melting also extends all the way down to what is called west Antarctica. By the end of the century, the accelerated melting could cause sea levels to climb by 3 to 5 feet — levels substantially higher than predicted by a major scientific group just two years ago. Making matters worse, the ice shelves that hold the glaciers back from the sea are also weakening.For years, the continent at the bottom of the world seemed to be the only place on the planet not experiencing climate change. Previous research indicated that temperatures across much of Antarctica were staying the same or slightly cooling. The big surprise was exactly how much glaciers are melting in western Antarctica, a vast land mass on the Pacific Ocean side of the continent that is next to the South Pole and includes the Antarctic Peninsula. The glaciers are slipping into the sea faster becausethe floating ice shelf that would normally stop them — usually 650 to 980 feet thick — is melting. And the glaciers' discharge is making a significant contribution to increasing sea levels.Together, all the glaciers in west Antarctica are losing a total of around 114 billion tons per year because the melting is much greater than the new snowfall. That's equivalent to the current mass loss from the whole of the Greenland ice sheet, New research found that melting glaciers will add at least 7 inches to the world's sea level — and that's if carbon dioxide pollution is quickly capped and then reduced. (319)三、将下列段落译为英语(25分)朋友们,21世纪第一个十年就要过去了,离世纪之初所制定的千年发展目标的实现日期也更近了。



2013年北京外国语大学高级翻译学院816英汉互译(同声传译)考研真题及详解招生专业:外国语言学及应用语言学科目名称:英汉互译(同传)一、将下列段落译为汉语(25分)The elections in France and Greece tell us that austerity fatigue has set in.This is not surprising.For many countries no plausible exit exists from depression, deflation and despair.If the currency union were a normal fixed exchange rate arrangement,it would collapse,as did the gold standard in the1930s and the Bretton Woods system in the1970s.The question is whether the fact that it is a monetary union will do more than delay that outcome.Mr.Hollande says his mission is to give Europe“a dimension of growth and prosperity”.So can he achieve this laudable aim?Fiscal tightening does not improve outcomes in shrinking economies.Thus, austerity is merely begetting more austerity.According to IMF,the ratio of gross public debt to gross domestic product will rise,not fall,in every year from2008to 2013in Ireland,Italy,Spain and Portugal.It will briefly fall in Greece,but only because of its debt restructuring.The IMF forecasts that the economy will shrink this year,in real terms,and growth is forecast,optimistically,at close to zero in these countries in2013.This is politically perilous.The emergence of still more extremist parties and a rising sense of betrayal seems inevitable.(206)【参考译文】法国和希腊的选举告诉我们,“紧缩计划疲劳症”已开始显现。



北京外国语大学翻译硕士英语学位MTI考试真题2011年(总分:150.00,做题时间:180分钟)Ⅰ1.APEC(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(亚太经济合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) )解析:2.PPI(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(生产者物价指数(Producer Price Index) )解析:3.POS machines(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(销售点终端机(POS: Point of Sale) )解析:4.chartered plane(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(包机)解析:5.down-payment requirement(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(首付要求)解析:6.makeshift hospital(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(临时医院)解析:7.bailout money(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(救济金 )解析:8.domestic abuse(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(家庭暴力 )解析:9.home appliances(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(家用电器 )解析:10.quantitative easing(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(量化宽松 )解析:11.Big Bang(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(宇宙大爆炸)解析:12.House of Commons(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(下议院)解析:13.deposit reserve requirement ratio(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(存款准备金率 )解析:14.Cantonese Opera(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(粤剧)解析:15.product placement ads(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(产品植入广告 )解析:Ⅱ16.经济刺激方案(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(economic stimulus package)解析:17.包容性增长(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(inclusive growth)解析:18.落地签证(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(visa upon arrival )解析:19.黑帮(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(sinister gang )解析:20.二房东(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(sublessor )解析:21.紧凑型轿车(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(compact car )解析:22.潜规则(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(hidden rules )解析:23.留守儿童(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(unattended children )解析:24.良性循环(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(virtuous circle )解析:25.无党派人士(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(nonparty personage)解析:26.下半旗志哀(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(fly a flag at half-mast)解析:27.玩忽职守(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(neglect of duty )解析:28.拆迁费(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(relocation compensation)解析:29.贫富两极分化(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(the polarization between the rich and the poor )解析:30.厨房重地,闲人免进(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(kitchen staff only )解析:Ⅲ31. The Dead Sea, shared by Israel and Jordan, is the lowest spot on Earth. Its shoreline is about 400 meters below sea level. As the world's saltiest large body of water, averaging a salt content 6 times higher than that of any ocean, the Dead Sea supports no life. With no outlet, the water that flows into the Dead Sea evaporates in the hot, arid air, leaving the minerals. The Jordan River is the chief source of the incoming water, but since the 1960s much of its water has been diverted for irrigation. Its length has already shrunk by more than a third, and, while the sea will never entirely disappear due to evaporation slowing down as surface area decreases and saltiness increases, the Dead Sea as we know it could become a thing of the past.(分数:30.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:( 死海位于以色列与约旦交界,是世界上海拔最低的地方。

2011北大翻硕真题回忆(名词解释 缩略语已摘)

2011北大翻硕真题回忆(名词解释 缩略语已摘)



)一词语翻译英译汉1.reciprocal banquet2.pop concert3.black tea4.Red-hot news5.sanitary waretalk show7.Illegal assembly 8.WHO9.Business loan10.liberal education 11.Monetary restraint12.Triple crown13.Byzantine Empire 14.CNNNet speak(PS:在这里我要提醒大家了,各个学校的真题都有帮助的,比如这次就考了很多10年其他学校的很多原题……)汉译英1.中央情报局2.餐馆勤杂工3.军事法庭4.新手5.核裁军6.杀人未遂主题公园8.习惯法9.破产申请10.经济指标11.学费减免12.半决赛13.百老汇大街14.病毒清除程序15.桂冠诗人二.语篇翻译汉译英:西洋的大诗人很多,第一个介绍到中国来的偏偏是郎费罗。





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2011年北京外国语大学高级翻译学院816英汉互译(同声传译)考研真题及详解(考试时间3小时,满分150分,全部写在答题纸上,答在试题页上无效)一、将下列段落译为汉语(25分)It is not a coincidence that the global economy is experiencing the most severe case of unemployment during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Unemployment is highly dependent on economic activity;in fact,growth and unemployment can be thought of as two sides of the same coin:when economic activity is high,more production happens overall,and more people are needed to produce the higher amount of goods and services.And when economic activity is low,firms cut jobs and unemployment rises.In that sense,unemployment is countercyclical,meaning that it rises when economic growth is low and vice versa.But unemployment does not fall in lockstep with an increase in growth.It is more common for businesses to first try to recover from a downturn by having the same number of employees do more work or turn out more products—that is,to increase their productivity.Only as the recovery takes hold would businesses add workers.As a consequence,unemployment may start to come down only well after an economic recovery begins.The phenomenon works in reverse at the start of a downturn,when firms would rather reduce work hours,or impose some pay cuts before they let workers go.Unemployment starts rising only if the downturn is prolonged.Because unemployment follows growth with a delay,it is called alagging indicator of economic activity.(228words)【参考译文】自大萧条后,最严重的经济危机与最高的失业率同时显现于全球经济,这并非偶然。












二、将下列短文译为汉语(50分)Centuries ago,while Europe,Africa and the Americas were third-world poor, China was not only the most populated,wealthiest,and most sophisticated country in Asia,but on the planet.“The Travels of Marco Polo,”published in1295,told astonishing tales of enormous banquet rooms with a thousand seats,walls studded with precious stones,and consumers using paper money to purchase mass-primed books from well-stocked bookstores.In Europe,monks hand-copied books while in China thousands of bestsellers rolled off modem priming presses.China’s ironmanufacturing industry produced one hundred twenty-five thousand tons a year—an amount not equaled the West until the twentieth century.Cast iron,the crank handle,deep drilling for natural gas,the belt drive,the fishing reel,chess,matches, brandy,gunpowder,playing cards,the spinning wheel,the umbrella,and countless other inventions—such were the products of China’s inventive genius.Europeans would eventually borrow Chinese innovations like the plow and experience an agricultural revolution.Similarly,literacy spread as the Europeans exploited paper and printing,both Chinese inventions.The European industrial revolution was built atop Chinese technology.It seems profoundly difficult for American leaders to acknowledge some sort of cultural equivalency with the Chinese.The only Way the Chinese can succeed,such logic goes,is via underhanded,uncivilized methods.President Obama points the finger at the mandarins running the world’s second largest country,accusing them of manipulating U.S.-China trade.Yet the unspoken truth is that China is expert at doing what the president wants Americans to do:“discovering.creating and building the products that are sold all over the world.”Mr.Obama repeats the canard that China’s remarkable economic success is due to sinister currency deflation.But when the Federal Reserve recently announced it would purchase $600billion dollars of U.S.treasury securities,the German finance minister observed:“What the U.S.accuses China of doing,the U.S.A.is doing by different means…it doesn’t add up when the Americans accuse the Chinese of currency manipulation and then,with the help of their central bank’s printing presses,artificially lower the value of the dollar.”*canard:a false report or piece of news【参考译文】几百年前,当欧洲、非洲和美国还是贫穷的第三世界国时,中国的人口、财富和先进程度不仅是亚洲之最,也是全球第一。



