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Simcenter 3D软件产品介绍说明书

Complex industrial problems require solutions that span a multitude of physical phenomena, which often can only be solved using simulation techniques that cross several engineering disciplines. This has significant consequences for the computer-aided engineering (CAE) engineer. In the simplest case, he or she may expect the solution to be based on a weakly-coupled scenario in which two or more solvers are chained. The first one provides results to be used as data by the next one, with some iterations to be performed manually until convergence is reached. But unfortunately, many physical problems are more complex! In that case, a complex algorithmic basis and fully integrated and coupled resolution schemes are required to achieve convergence (the moment at which all equations related to the different physics are satisfied).Simcenter™ 3D software offers products for multiphys-ics simulation and covers both weak and strong cou-pling. The capabilities concern thermal flow, thermome-chanical, fluid structure, vibro-acoustics,aero-vibro-acoustics, aero-acoustics, electromagneticSolution benefits• Enables users to take advantage of industry-standard solvers for a full range of applications • Makes multiphysics analysis safer, more effective and reliable • Enables product developers to comprehend the complicated behavior that affects their designs • Promotes efficiency and innovation in the product development process • Provides better products that fulfill functional requirements and provide customers with a safe and durable solutionSiemens Digital Industries SoftwareSimcenter 3D formultiphysics simulationLeveraging the use of industry-standard solvers for a full range of applicationsthermal and electromagnetic-vibro-acoustic. Fully coupled issues deal with thermomechanical, fluid-ther-mal and electromagnetic-thermal problems.One integrated platform for multiphysics Simcenter 3D combines all CAE solutions in one inte-grated platform and enables you to take advantage of industry-standard solvers for a full range of applica-tions. This integration enables you to implement a streamlined multi-physical development process mak-ing multiphysics analysis safer, more effective and reliable.This enables product developers to comprehend the complicated behavior that affects their designs. Understanding how a design will perform once in a tangible form, as well as knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of different design variants, promotes innovation in the product development process. This results in better products that fulfill functional require-ments and provide target customers with a safe and durable solution.Enabling multiphysics analysisRealistic simulation must consider the real-world inter-actions between physics domains. Simcenter 3D brings together world-class solvers in one platform, making multiphysics analysis safer, more effective and reliable. Results from one analysis can be readily cascaded to the next.Various physics domains can be securely coupled with-out complex external data links. You can easily include motion-based loads in structures and conduct multi-body dynamic simulation with flexible bodies and controls, vibro-acoustic analysis, thermomechanical analysis, thermal and flow analysis and others that are strongly or weakly coupled. You can let simulation drive the design by constantly optimizing multiple performance attributes simultaneously. Quickening the pace of multiphysics analysisWith the help of Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop, multiphysics models are developed based on common tools with full associativity between CAE and computer-aided design (CAD) data. Any existing analysis data can be easily extended to address additional physics aspects by just adapting physical properties and bound-ary conditions, but keeping full associativity and re-using a maximum of data.One-way data exchange Two-way data exchange (co-simulation)Integrated coupledSolution guide |Simcenter 3D for multiphysics simulationIndustry applicationsSimcenter 3D multiphysics solutions can help designers from many industries achieve a better understanding of the complex behavior of their products in real-life conditions, thereby enabling them to produce better designs.Aerospace and defense• Airframe-Thermal/mechanical temperature and thermalstress for skin and frame-Vibro-acoustics for cabin sound pressure stemming from turbulent boundary layer loading of thefuselage-Flow/aero-acoustics for cabin noise occurring inclimate control systems-Thermal/flow for temperature prediction inventilation-Curing simulation for composite components topredict spring-back distortion• Aero-engine-Thermal/mechanical temperature and thermalstress/distortion for compressors and turbines-Thermal/flow for temperature and flow pressuresfor engine system-Flow/aero-acoustic for propeller noise-Electromagnetic/vibro-acoustics for electric motor(EM) noise in hybrid aircraft-Electromagnetic/thermal for the electric motor • Aerospace and defense-Satellite: Thermal/mechanical orbital temperatures and thermal distortion-Satellite: Vibro-acoustic virtual testing of spacecraft integrity due to high acoustic loads during launch -Launch vehicles: Thermal/mechanical temperature and thermal stress for rocket engines Automotive – ground vehicles• Body-Vibro-acoustics for cabin noise due to engine androad/tire excitation-Flow/vibro-acoustics for cabin noise due to windloading-Thermal/flow for temperature prediction and heatloss in ventilation • Powertrain/driveline-Vibro-acoustics for radiated noise from engines,transmissions and exhaust systems-Thermal/flow for temperature prediction in cooling and exhaust systems-Electromagnetic/vibro-acoustic for EM noise-Electromagnetic/thermal for the electric motorperformance analysisMarine• Propulsion systems-Vibro-acoustics for radiated noise from engines,transmissions and transmission loss of exhaustsystems-Flow/acoustics to predict acoustic radiation due to flow induced pressure loads on the propeller blades -Thermal/flow for temperature prediction in piping systems-Hull stress from wave loads-Electromagnetic/thermal analysis for electricpropulsion systemsConsumer goods• Packaging-Thermal/flow for simulating the manufacture ofplastic components-Mold cooling analysesElectronics• Electronic boxes-Thermal/flow for component temperatureprediction and system air flow in electronicsassemblies and packages-Flow/aero-acoustics noise emitted from coolingfans due to flow-induced pressure loads on fanblades• Printed circuit boards-Thermal/mechanical for stress and distortionUsing Simcenter 3D enables you to map results from one solution to a boundary condition in a second solu-tion. Meshes can be dissimilar and the mapping opera-tion can be performed using different options.Benefits• Make multiphysics analysis more effective andreliable by using a streamlined development process within an integrated environment Key features• Create fields from simulation results and use them as a boundary conditions: a table or reference field, 3D spatial at single time step or multiple time steps, scalar (for example, temperature) and vector (for example, displacement)• Map temperature results from Simcenter 3D Thermal to Simcenter Nastran® software • Use pressure and temperature results fromSimcenter 3D Flow in Simcenter Nastran analysis • Leverage displacement results from Simcenter Nastran for acoustics finite element method (FEM) and boundary element (BEM) computations • Employ pressure and temperature results from Simcenter STAR-CCM+™ software for aero-vibro-acoustics analysis • Exploit stator forces results from electromagnetics simulation for vibro-acoustics analysis • Third-party solvers can be used for mapping: ANSYS, ABAQUS, MSC Nastran, LS-DYNASimcenter 3D Advanced Thermal leverages the multi-physics environment to solve thermomechanical prob-lems in loosely (one-way) or tightly coupled (two-way) modes.This environment delivers a consistent look and feel for performing multiphysics simulations, so the user can easily build coupled solutions on the same mesh using common element types, properties and boundary conditions, as well as solver controls and options. Coupled thermal-structural analysis enables users to leverage the Simcenter Nastran multi-step nonlinear solver and a thermal solution from the Simcenter 3D Thermal solver.Benefits• Extend mechanical and thermal solution capabilities in Simcenter 3D to simulate complex phenomena with a comprehensive set of modeling tools• Reduce costly physical prototypes and product design risk with high-fidelity thermal-mechanical simulation• Gain further insight about the physics of your products• Leverage all the capabilities of the Simcenter 3D integrated environment to make quick design changes and provide rapid feedback on thermal performanceKey features• Advanced simulation options for coupled thermomechanical analysis of turbomachinery and rotating systems• Tightly-coupled thermomechanical analysis with Simcenter Nastran for axisymmetric, 2D and 3D representations• Combines Simcenter Nastran multi-step nonlinear solution with industry-standard Simcenter Thermal solversSimcenter 3D Advanced Flow software is a powerful and comprehensive solution for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) problems. Combined with Simcenter 3D Thermal and Simcenter 3D Advanced Thermal, Simcenter 3D Advanced Flow solves a wide range of multiphysics scenarios involving strong coupling of fluid flow and heat transfer.Benefits• Gain insight through coupled thermo-fluid multiphysics analysis• Achieve faster results by using a consistent environment that allows you to quickly move from design to resultsKey features• Consider complex phenomena related to conjugate heat transfer• Speed solution time with parallel flow calculations • Couple 1D to 3D flow submodels to simulate complex systemsThe Simcenter Nastran software Advanced Acoustics module extends the capabilities of Simcenter Nastran for simulating exterior noise propagation from a vibrat-ing surface using embedded automatically matched layer (AML) technology. Simcenter Nastran is part of the Simcenter portfolio of simulation tools, and is used to solve structural, dynamics and acoustics simulation problems. The Simcenter Nastran Advanced Acoustics module enables fully coupled vibro-acoustic analysis of both interior and exterior acoustic problems.Benefits• Easily perform both weakly and fully coupled vibro-acoustic simulations • Simulate acoustic problems faster and moreefficiently with the next-generation finite element method adaptive order (FEMAO) solver Key features• Simulate acoustic performance for interior, exterior or mixed interior-exterior problems • Correctly apply anechoic (perfectly absorbing, without reflection) boundary conditions• Correctly represent loads from predecessorsimulations: mechanical multibody simulation, flow-induced pressure loads on a structure and electromagnetic forces in electric machines • Include porous (rigid and limp frames) trim materials in both acoustic and vibro-acoustic analysis • Request results of isolated grid or microphone points at any location • Define infinite planes to simulate acoustic radiation from vibrating structures close to reflecting ground and wall surfacesElectromagneticsStructural dynamicsAcousticsThis product supports creating aero-acoustic sources close to noise-emitting turbulent flows and allows you to compute their acoustic response in the environment (exterior or interior); for example, for noise from heat-ing ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) or environ-mental control system (ECS) ducts, train boogies and pantographs, cooling fans and ship and aircraft propel-lers. The product also allows you to define wind loads acting on structural panels, leading to vibro-acoustic response; for instance, in a car or aircraft cabin.Module benefits• Derive lean, surface pressure-based aero-acoustic sources for steady or rotating surfaces• Scalable and user-friendly load preparation for aero-vibro-acoustic wind-noise simulations• Import binary files with load data directly into Simcenter Nastran for response computationsKey features• Conservative mapping of pressure results from CFD to the acoustic or structural mesh• Equivalent aero-acoustic surface dipole sources • Equivalent aero-acoustic fan source for both tonal and broadband noise• Wind loads, using either semi-empirical turbulent boundary layer (TBL) models or mapped pressure loads from CFD resultsSimcenter MAGNET™ Thermal software can be used to accurately simulate temperature distribution due to heat rise or cooling in the electromechanical device. Simcenter 3D seamlessly couples with the Simcenter MAGNET solver to provide further analysis: You can use power loss data from Simcenter MAGNET as a heat source and determine the impact of temperature changes on the overall design and performance. Each solver module is tailored to different design prob-lems and is available separately for both 2D and 3D designs.Module benefits• Achieve higher fidelity predictions by taking temperature effects into account in electromagnetic simulations• Leverage highly efficient coupling scenariosKey features• Simulates the temperature distributions caused by specified heat sources in the presence of thermally conductive materials• Couples with Simcenter MAGNET solver for heating effects due to eddy current and hysteresis losses in the magnetic systemSolution guide |Simcenter 3D for multiphysics simulationSiemens Digital Industries Software/softwareAmericas +1 314 264 8499Europe +44 (0) 1276 413200Asia-Pacific +852 2230 3333© 2019 Siemens. A list of relevant Siemens trademarks can be found here.Other trademarks belong to their respective owners.77927-C4 11/19 H。

1. 多功能性,本产品集成了多种实用功能,可以满足用户在不同场景下的需求,无需安装多个软件,节省了用户的时间和空间。
2. 操作简便,本产品界面简洁直观,操作方便,即使是初学者也能快速上手,提高工作效率。
3. 多平台支持,本产品支持多种操作系统,包括Windows、MacOS、Linux等,满足用户在不同设备上的需求。
4. 安全稳定,本产品经过严格的安全测试,确保用户数据的安全,稳定性高,不易崩溃和卡顿。
1. 数据管理,本产品提供了强大的数据管理功能,包括数据备份、数据恢复、数据同步等,帮助用户更好地管理自己的数据。
2. 文件处理,本产品支持多种文件格式的处理,包括但不限于文档、表格、PPT等,用户可以轻松进行文件编辑、转换、合并等操作。
3. 图像编辑,本产品内置了图像编辑工具,用户可以对图片进行裁剪、调整、滤镜等操作,满足用户对图片的个性化需求。
4. 其他功能,本产品还提供了诸如日历、提醒、备忘录等实用功能,帮助用户更好地规划和管理自己的生活和工作。
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DataWorks 产品数据管理软件说明书

DataWorksSOFTWARE FOR THE MANAGEMENTOF PROJECT DATADataWorks is software of the Product Data Management (PDM) type: it manages product data, increases planning productivity, allows management and control of, and access to the data relevant to design processes, planning and production.Thanks to this safe and controlled activity, DataWorks allows the company to efficiently issue high quality products onto the market.This method interacts with the whole life cycle of a product and gives the opportunity to have access to the right information in each phase of its development.High productivityDataWorks gives a connection between the developmentactivities of the product and those that support its construction.The functionality of DataWorks revolves around themanagement of project data (revisions, control of access,management of documentation) allowing the definition of flowfor management of revisions, issue and process variations ofproduct data, all this thanks to the greater definition and thebetter management of correlated files. With DataWorks it is easyto answer questions such as•Where are the files of the manual of a product?•When and by whom has a detail been modified?•Have the assemblies that contain a modified detailbeen updated?•How many flanges are contained in that group?•Where is the support that i have to change used?DataWorks is the productive and efficient answer to all thesequestions: it exploits and rationalizes the wealth of informationof the company, making it organized and rapidly useable,speeding up the development cycles, thanks to the parallelindustrialization processes; moreover it allows a severe control ofdata and ensures its automatic distribution.Information: the wealth of the companyWith DataWorks information is administered by just onerelational data base, this guarantees its integrity and rapidavailability. Anyone can work simultaneously on the data, alwaysfinding it up-to-date.At the same time the access to data correlated files takesplace under the control of DataWorks, which establishes theform of use, the possibility of overwriting and the simultaneousaccess by more than one authorized user. In this way documentsare immediately usable within the team of work,optimizing time and drastically diminishing the risk of loss ofimportant information.Management of group use, through administration tools andthe centralization of archives, introduces new levels ofinformation security, guaranteeing controlled access to the latestrevisions of company project data.Different applicationsDataWorks is an open environment that allows managementof information originating from different applications.It is possible to organize and have easy access to CAD data,word processing files, part program, data sheets and any otherdocumentation data of a project. This product is integrated with:•Autocad ®•SolidWorks ®•CoCreate ME10 ®•Microsoft Office ®•Acrobat Reader ®Structure of DataWorksDataWorks has at its disposal a series of functions for themanagement of technical data: three-dimensional models,drawings, documents and information.Technical data created by the user is saved in a relational database, while files connected to a company part number areinserted in one or more file system directory (memorization area)controlled by the application. The functionality can be summedup in:•Definition and creation of product families•Dynamic association of specific attributes for eachproduct family•Management of technical part list data•Management of coding•Recording of documents and management of revisions•Management of B.O.M. using a multilevel iconeditorQueries on part numbers, documents, B.O.M.structure and “where used” of part numbers•Control of access to data•Release of whole B.O.M. or single part numbers•Possibility of creation of procedures finalized in theautomation of routine work, for example automaticcodingData flowThe first step towards making the information necessary for management of a product available to DataWorks, is the creation of a part number.During the coding phase it is possible to use a code search to identify the first one available.When there is an existing part number in the data base of DataWorks it is possible to:•use the editor of B.O.M. to create one that puts together the various part number codes•visualize the correlation between codes and make eventual changes and memorize these variations inthe data base•connect to the part numbers created, a series of documents (three-dimensional model, technicalmanual, spreadsheet, Part Program) so that it ispossible to associate all the technical informationconcerning it.DataworksWebIn the Web version, DataWorks allows the consultation, in real time, of data produced by the technical department from remote places connected to the server via Internet.This makes possible all activities of interrogation of data bases: research, “where used” and Bill of Material (B.O.M.) structure and local printing of documents connected to part numbers.DataWorksWeb is an indispensable tool for those who have productive units or offices distant from their central officesERPThe ERP procedure of DataWorks, allows the connection between different company sectors by means of automatic data transfer, guaranteeing continuous, safe up-dating of the data. System RequirementClient•Microsoft Windows XP Professional x32 or x64 Edition•Windows 7 Professional x32 or x64 EditionServer•Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2DatabaseRelational databases containing information are based onDBMS applications. Supported databases:•Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2•Oraclethey offer the company extreme flexibility of choice in functionof the available resources, presence of other applicationpackages and the nature and dimensions of the data base to bemanaged.23870 Cernusco Lombardone (LC) Italytel.: +39 039 99 09 703fax. +39 039 99 05 125E-mail: *****************www.aebtechno.it。

Each press of a button can trigger three possible events. A button can have none or all three items programmed.In the GUI Editor interface, buttons have three white boxes in the upper left corner of the image to indicate when these actions have been programmed:Navigation can be added by dragging the page name directly onto a button image from the GUI group or by selecting the page in the drop down list in the Button Properties window. This window can be accessed by double clicking a button or right-click, then select Properties. With the second option you will also see a few extra options.•Back - Navigates to the last page in the history just like a web browser would•Forward - Navigates forward in page historyButtons have 15 possible actions that can be triggered on Press or on Release.1.Output Action - Turn a BC4 GPIO 3 VDC signal On or Off when the GPIO is configured as a2.Relay Action - Open, Close or Pulse a relay on any controller (pulse can be from 100 to 1000 milliseconds).3.IR Command Action - Send an IR command4.Serial Command Action - Send a pre-defined serial string from a Serial Device driverMost On Press Actions can be added to a button by simply dragging the command from thethe GUI editor. Many On Release Actions can be added to buttons by holding down the shift key before releasing the mouse button to drop the command onto the button.Button actions can be set or modified in the Button Properties window.1.Choose whether the action is to take place when the button is pressed or when the button is released. On Press actions also havean additional option to repeat while the button is held down. This can be used with almost any command type and will cause the。

Licensing Made EasyLabX 2017L a b X ™ S o f t w a r eLabX™ software comes conveniently in one DVD, with all configurations and options handled vialicense keys. Choose your system based on a Starter Pack. In addition, LabX is licensed per connected instrument, therefore you only need a license per instrument and not for every computer. FurtherOption Licenses are added based on your needs.* Starter Pack Titration includes both, one instrument license for a titrator and one for a balance.Starter Pack LabX ServerStarter Pack LabX ExpressIncluded OptionalOptional up to 30 Licenses••2Licensing Made EasyLabX™ Software Licensing ComponentsStarter PackEach installation of LabX begins with a Starter Pack, which consists of an edition (LabX Express or LabX Server), instrument license(s), and in some cases Option Licenses. The Starter Pack includes the functionalities of method and reportediting as well as data- and instrument management.EditionsThere are two editions available, LabX Express and LabX Server. LabX Express edition is an installation of LabX software on one computer. Up to three instruments can be connected.LabX Server edition is capable of a distributed installation on multiple computersand advanced options are available. Up to 30 instruments can be connected.Instrument LicensesLabX is licensed per connected instrument, i.e. each instrument in the installation requires an Instrument License. Independent of the Starter Pack, all types ofinstruments can be added to the system.Option LicensesCustomize the LabX system to fit your application. There are several options available. For example, the "Product Database" option allows you to handle products in a professional manner and to run your methods based on specific product data. The option "Regulation" ensures full support of 21 CFR part 11compliance and is available for LabX Server Editions only.Licensing Made Easy 3LabX™ Descriptions and Order NumbersExpress EditionFull version of LabX for installation on a single computer. Up to 3 instruments can be connected to this DescriptionPart. No.Balance 1 Balance instrument license.11153120LiquiPhysics 1 LiquiPhysics instrument license.11153130Thermal Values 1 Thermal Values instrument license.30005779Quantos 1 Quantos instrument license.30062403Titration 1 Titration instrument license. 1 Balance instrument license.30097754UV/VIS 1 UV/VIS instrument license.30247984SevenExcellence1 SevenExcellence instrument license.30247987Server EditionFull version of LabX for installation on multiple computers and available in distributed network. Up to 30 instruments can be connected to this DescriptionPart. No.Balance 1 Balance instrument license. User Management Option. Auto Import/Export Option.11153121LiquiPhysics 1 LiquiPhysics instrument license. User Management Option. Auto Import/Export Option.11153131Thermal Values 1 Thermal Values instrument license. User Management Option. Auto Import/Export Option.30005810Quantos 1 Quantos instrument license. User Management Option. Auto Import/Export Option.30062404Titration 1 Titration instrument license. 1 Balance instrument license. User Management Option. Auto Import/Export Option.30097755UV/VIS 1 UV/VIS instrument license. User Management Option. Auto Import/Export Option.30247985SevenExcellence1 SevenExcellence instrument license. User Management Option. Auto Import/Export Option.30247988For each additional instrument to be connected to the LabX installation, an Instrument License is DescriptionPart. No.1 Excellence Balance License for 1 Excellence balance 111532205 Excellence Balances License for 5 Excellence balances 111532211 LiquiPhysics License for 1 LiquiPhysics instrument 111532501 Thermal Values License for 1 Thermal Values instrument 300058111 Quantos License for 1 Quantos instrument 300624051 Titrator License for 1 Titration instrument 300977563 Titrators License for 3 Titration instruments 300977571 UV/VIS License for 1 UV/VIS instrument 302479861 SevenExcellenceLicense for 1 SevenExcellence instrument30247989The LabX installation is fully extendable. See the options & functionalities below that can be added to the installation. Some options require a LabX Server DescriptionPart. er Management Centrally maintain and control users and roles within LabX.11153102Product Database Manage product data within LabX centrally – run methods based on product data.11153103Auto Import / Export LabX allows you to import and export data into and from CSV and XML formats.11153105Statistical Evaluation Analyze measurements and monitor process changes, taking into account applicable regulations.30262374Regulation 1)LabX fully supports regulatory requirements, including 21 CFR Part 11.11153104Report Designer1)Freely customize your reports with all details and possibilities including charts, graphics, and tables.11153106System Integration1)Integrate LabX installation with other software packages including LIMS and ERPs using API webservice.111531071)Option can be combined with LabX Server editions onlyMettler-Toledo GmbH Im Langacher 448606 Greifensee, Switzerland /contactSubject to technical changes.© Mettler-Toledo GmbH 06/201651725281H51725281LabX systems can be updated to a newer version or upgraded from previous DescriptionPart. bX Express - Server Sidegrade a LabX Express edition installation into a LabX Server edition.11153117LabX Update DVD Pack Most recent software DVD and Quick Guide for updating an existing LabX system.30005812LabX Titration Upgrade Light to ExpressUpgrade existing LabX Light version 3.1 to LabX Express edition.30094214LabX Titration Upgrade Pro to ServerUpgrade existing LabX Pro version 3.1 to LabX Server edition.30094215LabX validation manuals are the tools for efficient LabX system DescriptionPart. bX Validation Manual 1Description of the organization, development procedures and quality management of METTLER TOLEDO.30003640Starter Pack Balance Starter Pack Balance Facilitates the IQ/OQ process of a LabX installation with connected balance(s).30003619Starter Pack LiquiPhysics Facilitates the IQ/OQ process of a LabX installation with connected LiquiPhysics instrument(s).51710825Starter Pack Thermal ValuesFacilitates the IQ/OQ process of a LabX installation with connected Thermal Values instrument(s).51710900Starter Pack Quantos Facilitates the IQ/OQ process of a LabX installation with connected Quantos instrument(s).30068906Starter Pack Titration Facilitates the IQ/OQ process of a LabX installation with connected Titration instrument(s).30097758Starter Pack UV/VIS Faciliates the IQ/OQ process of a LabX installation with connected UV/VIS instrument(s).30253826Starter Pack Seven-Excellence Faciliates the IQ/OQ process of a LabX installation with connected SevenExcellence instrument(s).30253828Chapter Balance Add the chapter balance to an existing non-balance Validation Manual 2 Starter Pack.30003641Chapter LiquiPhysics Add the chapter LiquiPhysics to an existing non-LiquiPhysics Validation Manual 2 Starter Pack.51710826Chapter Thermal Values Add the chapter Thermal Values to an existing non-Thermal Values Validation Manual 2 Starter Pack.51710899Chapter Quantos Add the chapter Quantos to an existing non-Quantos Validation Manual 2 Starter Pack.30068907Chapter Titration Add the chapter Titration to an existing non-Titration Validation Manual 2 Starter Pack.30097759Chapter UV/VIS Add the chapter UV/VIS to an existing non-UV/VIS Validation Manual 2 Starter Pack.30253827Chapter SevenExcellence Add the chapter SevenExcellence to an existing non-SevenExcellence Validation Manual 2 Starter Pack.30253829IPac LabXStart working right away and be sure your system is properly configured with the Starter Pac solution.51710898。

二、产品功能2.1 XXX功能模块:- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;2.2 XXX功能模块:- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;2.3 XXX功能模块:- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;2.4 XXX功能模块:- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;2.5 XXX功能模块:- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;2.6 XXX功能模块:- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;- XXX模块:实现XXX功能,XXX特点;三、产品技术参数3.1软件平台:支持Windows、Mac、Linux等多个操作系统平台3.2开发语言:采用XXX语言开发3.3数据库:支持XXX数据库3.4硬件环境:最低配置为XXX,推荐配置为XXX3.5软件接口:支持XXX、XXX等接口3.6网络要求:需要联网使用,支持XXX网络四、产品使用说明4.1安装说明:用户可以通过XXX方式进行安装,XXX步骤。

软件需求说明书RD-YY-100-03注:软件需求说明书,包含基本性能和风险控制的执行目录第一章引言 (3)第二章任务概述 (4)第三章软件功能需求分析 (5)第四章风险控制 (6)第五章软件需求验证 (6)第六章软件系统测试 (7)第七章软件发布和升级 (8)第八章软件配置过程 (9)第九章软件问题解决过程 (10)第一章引言1.1 编写目的本项目需求分析是为了明确客户的基本需求,更好地完成对客户需求的了解,为开发公司***而编写。
1.2 文档范围本文档要面向公司系统分析员、程序员、测试员、实施员。
1.3 项目背景科学的进步,人民生活水平的提高为超声医疗设备提出了更高的要求,越来越人性化、智能化、性价比高的成了下一代彩超的研发趋势,因此***项目的研发即应运而生。
2.2开发环境表 2-1 产品软硬件开发环境列表需求名称详细要求硬件平台采用Intel GM45芯片组,WADE8067主板的主控部分,2G内存操作系统基于 Linux 的 Gentoo 操作系统开发平台GTK开发语言C++版本管理工具 CVS开发模式直接在目标机上开发2.3标准和法规遵循质量管理体系:ISO13485:2003行业标准:IEC 62.34:2006,IDT安全级别:B 级风险管理:符合 YY/T 0316 风险管理过程2.4系统需求更新本文档会在开发的同时根据用户需求变更进行适时调整和更,所有变更会记录下来作为软件需求分析活动的结果。
PandarView 2 点云可视化软件 产品手册说明书

目录关于说明书 (1)1简介 (2)2安装 (2)3接收实时点云 (4)3.1网络安全配置 (4)3.2接收实时数据 (6)3.3录制点云 (7)4离线播放点云 (8)4.1打开文件 (8)4.2播放控制 (9)5点云修正及配置 (10)5.1点云修正 (10)5.2自定义线束配置 (12)5.3导入与导出 (13)6其他功能 (14)6.1鼠标调整点云显示 (14)6.2点云轨道操作 (15)6.3工具栏 (16)7故障排查 (23)附录 I 法律申明 (24)关于说明书使用产品前,请务必仔细阅读本说明书,并遵循说明书的指示操作产品,以避免导致产品损坏、财产损失、人身损害和/或违反产品保修条款。
■获取渠道可通过以下方式获取说明书最新版本:·访问禾赛科技官网的“下载”页面:https:///cn/zh/download·或联系禾赛科技销售人员·或联系禾赛科技技术支持:*********************■技术支持如果遇到说明书无法解决的问题,请通过以下方式联系我们:*********************https:///cn/zh/supporthttps:///HesaiTechnology(产品数据解析及源代码相关的问题,均可在对应的GitHub项目中提交)■ 图例警示:务必遵循的安全指示或正确操作方法注意:补充信息,以便更好地使用产品1简介PandarView 2是禾赛第二代点云可视化软件,用于录制和播放点云数据,可以在以下平台安装:· 64位Windows 10· Ubuntu 16.04/18.04/20.04使用AMD显卡且运行于Ubuntu-20.04平台时,需从AMD官网下载适配Ubuntu-20.04的显卡驱动。
本手册介绍PandarView 2.0.101,已支持的产品型号如下:Pandar40Pandar128E3X PandarQT PandarXT AT128E2X FT120Pandar40M QT128C2X PandarXT-16Pandar40P XT32M2XPandar642安装从禾赛科技官网下载安装文件,或联系技术支持:/zh/downloadUbuntu下,需在英文路径运行PandarView.sh软件界面分为四个区域,如下图所示(界面细节可能与图示不同)。

软件产品设计说明书模板篇一:软件设计说明书通用模板文档编号:项目名称–D SN–版本项目名称软件设计规格说明书日期:2017-12-08文档变更历史记录目录目录。
.(来自:.cn bO th wI n.博威范文网:软件产品设计说明书模板)73.3详细设计。
篇二:软件设计说明书模板X XSo ft wa reD es ig nSp ec if ic at io nXX软件设计说明书2017-09-14第1页,共16页2017-09-14第2页,共16页Ca ta lo g目录1I nt ro du ct io n简介1.1P ur po se目的1.2Sc op e范围1.2.1N am e软件名称1.2.2F un ct io ns软件功能1.2.3Ap pl ic at io ns软件应用2Hi ghL ev elD es ig n概要设计2.1L ev el0D es ig nDe sc ri pt io n第0层设计描述2.1.1S of tw ar eSy st emC on te xtD ef in it io n软件系统上下文定义:2.1.2D es ig nCo ns id er at io ns(Op ti on al)设计思路(可选) si gnM et ho do lo gy设计方法2.1.2.2De si gnA lt er na ti ve s设计可选方案2.1.2.3D es ig nCo ns tr ai nt s设计约束2.1.2.4O th erD es ig nCo ns id er at io ns其他2.2L ev el1D es ig nDe sc ri pt io n第一层设计描述2.2.1De po si ti onD es cr ip ti on分解描述2.2.1.1M od ul e/Su bs ys te mDe po si ti on模块/子系统分解2.2.1.2C on cu rr en tPr oc es sDe po si ti on并发进程处理分解2.2.1.3D at aDe po si ti on数据分解2.2.2De pe nd en cyD es cr ip ti on依赖性描述2.2.2.1M od ul e/su bs ys te mDe pe nd en ci es模块/子系统间的依赖关系2.2.2.2Pr oc es sDe pe nd en ci es进程间依赖关系2.2.2.3Da taD ep en de nc ie s数据依赖关系2.2.3I nt er fa ceD es cr ip ti on接口描述2.2.3.1Mo du le/S ub sy st emI nt er fa ce s模块/子系统接口2.2.3.2P ro ce ssI nt er fa ce s进程接口2.3L ev el2D es ig nDe sc ri pt io n第二层设计描述(O pt io na l)2.3.1Mo du len am e(1)模块1名称2.3.1.1D ep os it io nDe sc ri pt io n分解描述2.3.1.2D ep en de nc yDe sc ri pt io n依赖性描述2.3.1.3In te rf ac eDe sc ri pt io n接口描述2.4Da ta ba se(Op ti on al)数据库(可选)2.4.1En ti ty,At tr ib ut esa ndt he irr el at io ns hi ps实体、属性及它们之间的关系2.4.2E-Rd ia gr am实体关系图3D et ai le dDe si gn详细设计3.1M od ul e1De ta ilD es ig n模块一详细设计3.1.1D at aDe sc ri pt io n数据描述3.1.1.1Si mp leD at aDe sc ri pt io n简单数据描述; tr uc tu re1o rCl as s1结构1或类13.1.1.3St ru ct ur e2orC la ss2结构2或类23.1.2Fu nc ti onD es cr ip ti on函数描述3.1.2.1Fu nc ti on1函数13.1.2.2F un ct io n2函数22017-09-147777778888888899999101010101010111212121212131313141414141414151516第3页,共16页Ta bl eofc on te nt sfo rth eta bl e表目录T ab le1X X表1X X6Ta bl eofc on te nt sfo rth efi gu re图目录Fi gu re1X X图1X X2017-09-147第4页,共16页X XSo ft wa reD es ig nSp ec if ic at io nXX软件设计说明书K ey wo rd s关键词:A bs tr ac t摘要:L is tofa bb re vi at io ns缩略语清单:.2017-09-14第5页,共16页篇三:软件设计说明书范本编号∶______版本∶______软件详细设计说明书项目名称:x xx x子系统委托单位:承办单位:编写:x xx2017年05月01日校对:x xx2017年05月10日审核:x xx2017年05月15日批准:x xx2017年05月25日目录1.引言。

第一章系统应用基础内容提要:1.大掌柜软件专业版对系统的要求2.数据库SQL server2000的安装3.大掌柜软件专业版服务器端与客户端的安装4.加密狗的安装1.1系统运行环境系统运行环境的配置无疑是确保软件正常运行的重要条件之一,软件分为服务器端和客户端,对系统运行环境的要求也各不同。
(推荐使用Windows2000或 WindowsXP)数据库:MSDE/SQL server2000 或更高版本。
(推荐使用SQL server2000 (Servise Pack 4))★客户端运行环境:客户端:指只安装大掌柜软件客户端程序不安装SQL数据库的计算机。
(推荐使用Windows2000或 WindowsXP)推荐操作系统与数据库配置:Windows2000+ SQL server2000 (Servise Pack 4) 当用户使用单机版时,服务器端程序和客户端程序均安装在同一台计算机上,此时计算机的配置以上述服务器端运行环境为准;当用户使用网络版时,服务器端程序和客户端程序分别安装在不同计算机上,服务器端和客户端的计算机配置按上述标准配置即可。
1.2 SQL server 数据库的安装本软件的运行要求需要SQL server数据库的支持,因此在安装软件之前,应首先安装SQL server数据库,再安装大掌柜软件专业版软件。

起止日期:___-MM-DD——YYYY-MM-DD 修改类型:A
1.1 背景
1.2 应用领域与使用对象
1.4 参考资料
1.5 术语与缩写解释
2.1 系统结构
2.2 系统功能简介
2.3 性能

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角色桌面作为功能模块进行描述,在功能模块之前描述)83.2.2功能模块2 104.接口需求114.1与XXX系统接口114.1.1XXX系统情况114.1.2接口方案描述114.2与YYY系统接口115.非功能性需求125.1可用性需求125.2性能需求125.3可靠性需求125.4可移植性需求125.5安全性需求126.运行需求136.1网络环境136.2硬件配置136.3软件环境131.简介[软件构架文档的简介应提供整个软件构架文档的概述。

软件产品设计说明书TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】{ 项目名称 }软件产品设计说明书文件状态:[√] 草稿[ ] 正式发布[ ] 正在修改文件标识:Company-Project-PIM-PROPOSAL当前版本:X.Y作者:完成日期:Year-Month-Day北京捷诺视讯数码科技有限公司Beijing General DVR Science & Technology Co.Ltd二零一零年五月版本历史版本/状态作者参与者起止日期备注目录目录 (3)一、介绍 (5)二、体系结构设计 (5)2.1、目的 (5)2.2、角色与职责 (6)2.3、启动准则 (6)2.4、输入 (6)2.5、主要步骤 (6)2.5.1、设计准备 (6)2.5.2、确定影响系统设计的约束因素 (6)2.5.3、确定设计策略 (7)2.5.4、系统分解与设计 (7)2.5.5、撰写体系结构设计文档 (7)2.5.6、体系结构设计评审 (7)2.5.7、[后续活动] (8)2.6、输出 (8)2.7、结束准则 (8)2.8、度量 (8)三、用户界面设计 (8)3.1、目的 (8)3.2、角色与职责 (8)3.3、启动准则 (8)3.4、输入 (9)3.5、主要步骤 (9)3.5.1、设计准备 (9)3.5.2、用户界面设计 (9)3.5.3、撰写用户界面设计文档 (10)3.5.4、用户界面设计评审 (10)3.5.5、[后续活动] (10)3.6、输出 (11)3.7、结束准则 (11)3.8、度量 (11)四、数据库设计 (11)4.1、目的 (11)4.2、角色与职责 (11)4.3、启动准则 (11)4.4、输入 (11)4.5、主要步骤 (12)4.5.1、设计准备 (12)4.5.2、数据库设计 (12)4.5.3、撰写数据库设计文档 (13)4.5.4、数据库设计评审 (14)4.5.5、[后续活动] (14)4.6、输出 (14)4.7、结束准则 (14)4.8、度量 (14)五、模块设计 (14)5.1、目的 (14)5.2、角色与职责 (14)5.3、启动准则 (15)5.4、输入 (15)5.5、主要步骤 (15)5.5.1、设计准备 (15)5.5.2、模块设计 (15)5.5.3、撰写模块设计文档 (16)5.5.4、模块设计评审 (16)5.5.5、[后续活动] (16)5.6、输出 (16)5.7、结束准则 (16)5.8、度量 (17)六、实施建议 (17)一、 设计介绍系统设计(System Design, SD )是指设计软件系统的体系结构、用户界面、数据库、模块等,从而在需求与代码之间建立桥梁,指导开发人员去实现能满足用户需求的软件产品。
SoftMax Pro 软件版本 5.4.2 产品说明书

SoftMax® Pro Software Version 5.4.2Software Release NotesIntroductionThe SoftMax® Pro Software version 5.4.2 update is a minor release. Thefollowing is a summary of the changes incorporated in this update ascompared to version 5.4.1, the last general release of the SoftMax ProSoftware.•New in SoftMax Pro v5.4.2 on page1•Modifications Made to SoftMax Pro Software v5.4.2 on page1•General Software Issues Addressed in SoftMax Pro Software v5.4.2 onpage3•How to Update to SoftMax Pro Software v5.4.2 on page5New in SoftMax Pro v5.4.2Updated Support for Operating SystemsSoftMax Pro Software v5.4.2 is now supported for MAC OS v10.6, as well asWindows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems supported in the SoftMax ProSoftware v5.4.1 release.Additional Windows 7 installation considerations for the SpectraMax® LMicroplate Reader, StakMax® Microplate Handling System, and the MDCFileServer are addressed in an insert to the SoftMax Pro Software User Guideincluded with the software.Modifications Made to SoftMax Pro Software v5.4.2Protocol ModificationsThe following protocol files were added, removed, or updated:•Assay Development♦Fluorescence OptimizationUpdated the introduction and instruction sections to enhance clarityand usability.♦Z Factor Assay DevelopmentChanged from FlexStation® 3 Reader type to FI mode, and updatedreader suitability to enhance the protocol’s usability.•Cell Signaling and Transport♦QBT Fatty Acid Uptake-EndpointRemoved and replaced with QBT Fatty Acid Uptake protocol♦QBT Fatty Acid Uptake-KineticRemoved and replaced with QBT Fatty Acid Uptake protocol♦QBT Fatty Acid Uptake (added)Added to combine QBT Fatty Acid Uptake-Endpoint and QBT FattyAcid Uptake-Kinetic protocols into a single protocol.•Early ADME-Permeability & Solubility♦MScreen PAMPAUpdated the introduction section to enhance clarity and usability.v5.4.2 1SoftMax ® Pro Software Version 5.4.2 Software Release Notes2 v5.4.2•ELISA-Kinetic ♦HRP and ABTS-Kinetic Corrected group table reference in standard curve to ensure users get accurate results.•Molecular Devices ♦Calcium Changed PMT to medium to accommodate firmware change and prevent PMT saturation with typical assays to improve user experience and avoid bad or lost data.♦QBT Fatty Acid Uptake-Endpoint Removed and replaced with QBT Fatty Acid Uptake protocol ♦QBT Fatty Acid Uptake-Kinetic Removed and replaced with QBT Fatty Acid Uptake protocol ♦QBT Fatty Acid Uptake (added)Added to combine QBT Fatty Acid Uptake-Endpoint and QBT Fatty Acid Uptake-Kinetic protocols into a single protocol.•Nucleic Acids ♦PicoGreen Fluorescence Updated the introduction section to enhance clarity and usability.•Reporter Assays ♦GeneBLAzer Improved readers suitability.♦Ready-To-Glow Secreted Luciferase Improved readers suitability.•Statistics ♦Z-Factor Determination Changed from FlexStation ® 3 Reader type to FI mode, and updated reader suitability to enhance the protocol’s usability. •TR-FRET♦HTRF_Competitive Added a note to indicate that this protocol is for use with Europium reagents only.♦HTRF_Immunoassay Added a note to indicate that this protocol is for use with Europium reagents only.♦HTRF_Protease Added a note to indicate that this protocol is for use with Europium reagents only.♦HTRF_Terbium Cryptate Added a new protocol for Terbium reagents from Cisbio.Note:In version 5.4.1, the protocol folder titled MDS Analytical Technologies was renamed to Molecular Devices .SoftMax Pro Software Version 5.4.2 Software Release Notesv5.4.2 3General Software Issues Addressed in SoftMax Pro Software v5.4.2The “M3 M4 M5 M5e ABS1” and “M3 M4 M5 M5e FL1” validation protocols are not included in v5.4.1Defect ID: FB 2570These two validation protocols are not included in the v5.4.1 release preventing the protocols from being used for validation.Resolution:The validation protocols are included in the v5.4.2 release.Impact of fix:This fix has no impact on current workflow or data.The LM1 protocol on a SpectraMax L reader produces out-of-range resultsDefect ID: FB 2355Running the LM1 protocol on a SpectraMax L reader produces out-of-range results due to incorrect calculations in the protocol.Resolution:The corrected calculations in the LM1 protocol now display values within the acceptable range.Impact of fix:If validation was performed using the uncorrected protocol, validation should be performed again using the corrected protocol. This fix has no other impact on current workflow or data.Performing a multi-well read on the SpectraMax L reader returns all the same values for each wellDefect ID: FB 2356When performing a multi-well read on the SpectraMax L reader , the software returns all the same values for each well if the system calibration is incorrect.Resolution:When system calibration is incorrect, the software has been enhanced to prompt the user that the calibration values are not acceptable.Impact of fix:This fix impacts workflow to require system calibration if the system has incorrect calibration values. If reads were performed using a system with incorrect calibration, some of the data might be invalid.SoftMax ® Pro Software Version 5.4.2 Software Release Notes4 v5.4.2Incorrect column formula for Vmax850 in Kinetic Baseline Noise groupThe Kinetic Baseline Noise evaluation done in the Helma validation protocols Plus Helma and M Series Helma have incorrect Vmax reduction formulas that can lead to failures of the result to meet the specified limits for the instruments.Defect ID: FB 2442Resolution:The Vmax reduction formulas in these protocols have been corrected for the 850nm and 405nm wavelengths.Impact of fix:If validation was performed using the uncorrected protocols, validation should be performed again using the corrected protocols. This fix has no other impact on current workflow or data.After multiple plate reads using a SpectraMax L reader, some of the data is not being displayedDefect ID: FB 2289After multiple plate reads using a SpectraMax L reader , some of the data is not being displayed when the software retains data from previous reads.Resolution:The software is now forcing a recalculation in the background which enhances the capability to display all the calculated data.Impact of fix:This fix has no impact on current workflow. If multiple plate reads were performed using v5.4.1, some of the data might be invalid.Exported data in .xml format when Plate kinetic data contains fewer than 96 wells does not contain all the dataDefect ID: FB 2304When exporting data in .xml format from Plate kinetic data that contains fewer than 96 wells, some of the data is not included in the exported .xml file.Resolution:The exported .xml file contains plate kinetic data for all the selected wells.Impact of fix:If incomplete data was exported using v5.4.1, the data can be exported correctly from the saved data file using v5.4.2. The fix has no other impact on current workflow or data.After a reading in GxP, the saved data file does not retain the “read by” informationDefect ID: FB 2082After performing a read using SoftMax Pro GxP Software, the saved data file does not retain the “read by” information.Resolution:The saved data includes the “read by” information.Impact of fix:This fix has no impact on current workflow or data.SoftMax Pro Software Version 5.4.2 Software Release Notesv5.4.2 5Fluorescence Polarization mode becomes disabled after a well scan read on a FlexStation 3 readerDefect ID: FB 1801After performing a well scan read on a FlexStation 3 reader , the Fluorescence Polarization (FP) mode becomes disabled.Resolution:After a well scan read, the Fluorescence Polarization mode is enabled.Impact of fix:This fix has no impact on current workflow or data.How to Update to SoftMax Pro Software v5.4.2Within-version updates (such as from v5.4) are provided online at no charge to customers who have registered their previous software version with Molecular Devices. Please visit the SoftMax Pro Software home page for more information about registering your products. You will need your software serial number to complete the process./softmax Note:To upgrade from version 4.x or older , please contact your local Molecular Devices representative.This document is provided to customers who have purchased Molecular Devices, Inc. (“Molecular Devices”) equipment, software, reagents, and consumables to use in the operation of such Molecular Devices equipment, software, reagents, and consumables. This document is copyright protected and any reproduction of this document, in whole or any part, is strictly prohibited, except as Molecular Devices may authorize in writing.Software that may be described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. It is against the law to copy, modify, or distribute the software on any medium, except as specifically allowed in the license agreement. Furthermore, the license agreement may prohibit the software from being disassembled, reverse engineered, or decompiled for any purpose.Portions of this document may make reference to other manufacturers and/or their products, which may contain parts whose names are registered as trademarks and/or function as trademarks of their respective owners. Any such usage is intended only to designate those manufacturers' products as supplied by Molecular Devices for incorporation into its equipment and does not imply any right and/or license to use or permit others to use such manufacturers' and/or their product names as trademarks.Molecular Devices makes no warranties or representations as to the fitness of this equipment for any particular purpose and assumes no responsibility or contingent liability, including indirect or consequential damages, for any use to which the purchaser may put the equipment described herein, or for any adverse circumstances arising therefrom.For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.Product manufactured by Molecular Devices, Inc.1311 Orleans Drive, Sunnyvale, California, United States of America 94089.Molecular Devices, Inc. is ISO 9001 registered.© 2011 Molecular Devices, Inc.All rights reserved.Printed in the USA.The trademarks mentioned herein are the property of Molecular Devices, Inc. or their respective owners. These trademarks may not be used in any type of promotion or advertising without the prior written permission of Molecular Devices, Inc.。

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该产品以SQL Server 2000大型数据库和ACCESS2003小型数据库作为其程序开发的底层数据库,采用分部式技术,利用中间层服务器对数据进行合理有效的处理。

1. 硬件方面。
要是台式机呢,至少得有个[最低CPU 要求]的处理器,就像是人的大脑,这是让软件能快速思考的关键。
2. 软件环境。
1. 电脑安装。
2. 移动设备安装。
打开应用商店(不管是苹果的App Store还是安卓的应用商店),在搜索栏里输入[软件名称],然后找到我们的软件图标,点击下载按钮。
1. 核心功能一:[功能名称1]这可是软件的“大招”之一哦。

二、产品特性:1. 实时监测:该软件能够实时监测网络流量和系统状态,及时发现异常行为并采取相应的防护措施,确保网络安全。
2. 强大的防火墙:易于配置的防火墙功能,能够阻止未经授权的访问和入侵,并对网络流量进行过滤,提高系统的安全性。
3. 恶意程序检测与隔离:利用先进的恶意程序检测技术,能够准确识别和隔离病毒、木马、间谍软件等恶意程序,保护用户的计算机系统免受攻击。
4. 网络攻击防护:通过实时监测网络流量,能够及时发现并防御各种网络攻击,如DDoS攻击、SQL注入攻击等,保护网络安全。
5. 数据泄露防护:该软件能够监测和阻止敏感数据的泄露,有效保护用户的隐私数据,防止公司和个人信息被恶意获取。
6. 定制化设置:用户可以根据自己的需求灵活设置软件的安全策略,满足不同的安全需求。
三、产品安装与使用:1. 硬件要求:该软件适用于Windows、Mac和Linux操作系统。
2. 下载安装:用户可以从官方网站或授权渠道下载安装包,并按照安装向导进行安装。
3. 注册激活:在安装完成后,用户需要进行注册并激活软件,获得正式的授权和使用权限。
4. 使用指南:软件提供简洁明了的用户界面,用户可根据实际情况选择相应的功能模块,并根据提示进行操作。
四、常见问题与解决方法:1. 无法安装或启动软件:请确保操作系统符合最低硬件要求,并检查是否存在其他安全软件与其冲突。
2. 病毒无法被完全清除:请确保软件已及时进行病毒库更新,并进行全盘扫描。
3. 防火墙设置导致网络连接问题:请确保防火墙设置正确,并根据软件文档中提供的指南进行配置。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。