
120~900mm 2% 2% ≤3% 2mm
±8° 40Hz
80ms 500ms 15~30V DC(±5%) <7%
有 2.2Vmax(1L=100mA)
≤35mA 100mA ≤10μA@30V DC 外部示教 ≤300ms(开关量);≤900ms(模拟量) -20℃~+60℃ -35℃~+70℃(无冻结) 反极性保护,短路(自动复位),脉冲过压保护
电压 电流 NPN PNP NPN PNP NPN+电流 PNP+电流 NPN+电压 PNP+电压
38 示教键
15~30V DC(±5%)
2.2V max.(1L=100mA)
≤10μA@30V DC
M18 金属外壳系列
50~400 mm 350 mm 1 mm 5 mm 0.1mm 300 kHz <12° 100000 h 2 mm
SICK UM系列超声波传感器选型手册(中文版)

Q1, Q2
4 … 20 mA, 0 … 10V
3) 根据负载,在电压和电流输出之间 自动匹配
4 … 20 mA: RL ≤ 500 Ω, VS ≥ 20 V/ RL ≤ 100 Ω, VS ≥ 12 V 0…10 V: RL ≥ 100 kΩ, VS ≥ 15 V
150 g
识别与测量 853
M 30x1.5
Ø 47.5(1.87)
852 识别与测量
M12x1 (0.47x0.04)
UM30 - 215 11
105 (4.13) 72 (2.83) 36 (1.42) 22.5 (0.89)
5 (0.2)
5 (0.2)
M 30x1.5 (1.18x0.06)
50 ms 70 ms 110 ms 180 ms 240 ms
11 Hz 8 Hz 6 Hz 3 Hz 2 Hz
3 mm 5 mm 20 mm 50 mm 100 mm
约 320 kHz 约 400 kHz 约 200 kHz 约 120 kHz 约 80 kHz
150 g 150 g 150 g 210 g 270 g
2) 输出短路保护
输出与接口 1) 2) 3)
输Q出1,与Q接2 口 1) 2) 3)
Q1, 4 … 20 mA, 0 … 10 V
Q1, Q2
4 … 20 mA, 0 … 10 V

ESQ-400N ESQ-400P
主电路 主电路
电路图 NPN输出
棕色① 灰色② 黑色④
10~30V DC 负载
0V 远程输入
蓝色③ 0V
棕色 ① 黑色 ④ 灰色 ② 蓝色 ③
10~30V DC 开关量输出
0V 远程输入 负载
光纤 槽型 光电 微型光电 激光 接近 位移 磁性 接触式 光幕 超声波 线缆
激光传感器 通用方型
背景抑制型 透明体检测型
类型 检测方式 检测距离 光斑尺寸 输出模式 开关模式 指示灯 数字显示屏 响应时间 延时功能 灵敏度调节 光源 激光等级 工作电压 消耗电流 环境光度 环境温度 环境湿度 绝缘强度 耐撞击 认证 防护等级 材质 型号 NPN
NPN/PNP集电极开路输出,≤100mA /30V DC
激光(65ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnm),Max 1mW
10~30V DC±10%

honeywell-MIDAS传感器选型手册Midas?GAS DETECTOR SPECIFICATIONS Gas Monitoring SystemTransmitter DimensionSize (unit with Sensor) 5.91 (H) x 2.56 (W) x 6.02 (D) in(150 x 65 x 153 mm)Weight (unit with Sensor) 1.76 lb (0.8 kg)NF3 Pyrolyzer DimensionSize (unit with Sensor) 2.75 (H) x 2.48 (W) x 3.35 (D) in(70 x 63 x 85 mm)Weight (unit with Sensor)0.9 lb (0.41 kg)High-Temperature PFC Pyrolyzer DimensionSize (unit with Sensor) 3.9 (H) x 4.0 (W) x 5.5 (D) in(100 x 101 x 140 mm)Weight (unit with Sensor) 3 lb (1.36 kg)Power RequirementsOperating Voltage24VDC, -15 to +10%Operating Voltage withPower over Ethernet (PoE)48 VDC via PoEPower ConsumptionTransmitter Unit<5 WFind out more Toll-free: 800.538.0363SS01115-EN_V6 8/182016 Honeywell International Inc.Please Note:While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in this publication, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions. Data may change, as well as legislation, and you arestrongly advised to obtain copies of the most recently issued regulations, standards, and guidelines. This publication is not intended to form the basis of a contract.OP3 Pyrolyzer DimensionSize (unit with Sensor) 5.2 (H) x 2.4 (W) x 3.9 (D) in(132 x 60 x 98 mm)Weight (unit with Sensor) 2.65 lb (1.20 kg)NP1 Pyrolyzer DimensionSize (unit with Sensor) 5.02 (H) x 2.56 (W) x 5.29 (D) in(128 x 65 x 134 mm) Weight (unit with Sensor) 1.8 lb (0.81 kg)Find out more Toll-free: 800.538.0363SS01115-EN_V6 8/182016 Honeywell International Inc.* M IDAS-E-LEL Cartridge carries a 2-year warranty but can be calibrated up to 5 years ** Gases require Midas Pyrolyzer Midas detectors are not ETL approved for monitoring in or sampling from classified areas above 25% LELMidas Cartridge Detectable Gases Gas Name Chemical Formula Range Sensor Part Number Ammonia NH 39-100 ppm MIDAS-E-NH3ArsineAsH 318-200 ppb MIDAS-E-ASH Boron Trichloride BCl 30.72-8 ppm MIDAS-E-HCL Boron TrifluorideBF 30.72-8 ppm MIDAS-E-HFX Boron Trifluoride (Low Level)BF 30.18-2 ppm MIDAS-E-HFL Bromine Br 20.036-0.4 ppm MIDAS-E-BR2Carbon Dioxide CO 20.15-2.0%MIDAS-E-CO2Carbon Monoxide CO 9-100 ppm MIDAS-E-COX Chlorine Cl 20.18-2 ppm MIDAS-E-HAL Chlorine Dioxide ClO 20.036-0.4 ppmMIDAS-E-BR2Diborane B 2H 636-400 ppb MIDAS-E-B2H Dichlorosilane H 2Cl 2Si 0.72-8 ppm MIDAS-E-HCL Difluoromethane**CH 2F 216-240 ppm MIDAS-E-XCF Disilane Si 2H 6 1.8-20 ppm MIDAS-E-SHX Fluorine F 20.36-4 ppm MIDAS-E-HAL GermaneGeH 470-800 ppb MIDAS-E-ASH Hexafluorobutadiene**C 4F 63-40 ppm MIDAS-E-CFX Hydrogen (%LEL)H 2 6.5-100% LEL MIDAS-E-LEL*Hydrogen (ppm)H 290-1000 ppm MIDAS-E-H2X Hydrogen Bromide HBr 0.72-8 ppm MIDAS-E-HCL Hydrogen Chloride HCl 0.72-8 ppm MIDAS-E-HCL Hydrogen Cyanide HCN 1.8-20 ppm MIDAS-E-HCN Hydrogen FluorideHF 1.05-12 ppm MIDAS-E-HFX Hydrogen Fluoride (Low Level)HFL 0.18-2 ppm MIDAS-E-HFL Hydrogen Sulfide H 2S 3.6-40 ppm MIDAS-E-H2S Methane (%LEL)CH 4 6.5-100% LEL MIDAS-E-LEL*Methyl Fluoride**CH 3F 8-120 ppm MIDAS-E-XHF Nitric Oxide NO 9-100 ppm MIDAS-E-NOX Nitrogen Dioxide NO 2 1.05-12 ppm MIDAS-E-NO2Nitrogen Trifluoride**NF 3 3.6-40 ppm MIDAS-E-HFX for 00P, XHF for NP1Octofluorocyclopentene**C 5F 83-40 ppm MIDAS-E-XCF Oxygen O 20.2-25% v/v MIDAS-E-O2X OzoneO 30.065-0.7 ppm MIDAS-E-O3H Ozone (Low Level)O 30.036-0.4 ppm MIDAS-E-O3X Phosphine PH 3110-1200 ppb MIDAS-E-PH3SilaneSiH 4 1.8-20 ppm MIDAS-E-SHX Silane (Low Level)SiH 40.18-2 ppm MIDAS-E-SHL Sulfur DioxideSO 20.7-8 ppm MIDAS-E-SO2T etra Ethyl Ortho Silicate TEOS 3.6-40 ppm MIDAS-E-TEO。

基恩士IG系列说明书---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------基恩士IG系列说明书96083CCCD光透过型激光传感器IG 系列用户手册使用前请阅读本手册以期实现最佳性能。
前言本说明书描述了 IG 系列的基本操作和信息。
请仔细阅读本手册以确保安全使用 IG 系列并发挥其性能和功能。
IG 系列的安全信息一般注意事项?在启动和操作期间,请务必监控本产品的功能和性能,并确认能够正常运作。
1 类激光产品注意事项?切勿拆卸本产品。

LBX - 100的标签传感器(标签检测传感器)提供了更高的灵敏度近清晰的标签。
除了Teach-Standard和Teach-Thin,LBX - 100还提供定制教育在线。
施耐德Field Devices完善·可靠·节能的全系列传感器选型手册

Field Devices完善、可靠、节能的全系列传感器选型手册施耐德电气在中国1987年,施耐德电气在天津成立第一家合资工厂梅兰日兰,将断路器技术带到中国,取代传统保险丝,使得中国用户用电安全性大为增强,并为断路器标准的建立作出了卓越的贡献。
施耐德电气 能效管理平台全球能效管理专家施耐德电气为世界100多个国家提供整体解决方案,其中在能源与基础设施、工业过程控制、楼宇自动化和数据中心与网络等市场处于世界领先地位,在住宅应用领域也拥有强大的市场能力。
施耐德电气助您——善用其效,尽享其能!施耐德电气善用其效 尽享其能凭借其对五大市场的深刻了解、对集团客户的悉心关爱,以及在能效管理领域的丰富经验,施耐德电气从一个优秀的产品和设备供应商逐步成长为整体解决方案提供商。
今年,施耐德电气首次集成其在建筑楼宇、IT 、安防、电力及工业过程和设备等五大领域的专业技术和经验,将其高质量的产品和解决方案融合在一个统一的架构下,通过标准的界面为各行业客户提供一个开放、透明、节能、高效的能效管理平台,为企业客户节省高达30%的投资成本和运营成本。
目 录温度传感器 (2)房间温度传感器 (2)风道温度传感器 (3)水管温度传感器 (3)室外温度传感器 (4)湿度传感器 (4)室内湿度传感器 (4)风道湿度传感器 (6)室外湿度传感器 (7)空气品质传感器 (8)CO2传感器 (8)CO传感器 (9)压力及压差传感器 (10)空气压差传感器 (10)液体压差传感器 (10)液体压力传感器 (10)数字式压力传感器(气体、液体、蒸汽、油) (11)其它传感器 (11)照度传感器 (11)防冻开关 (11)风速传感器 (11)水流开关 (11)冷凝传感器 (11)1234567891011。

17 2
Ø1.5 Ø2.5
M4 P=0.75
尺寸:M4 最小弯曲半径:R15 检测距离:35mm
2000 Ø1.3
注: 无 PD-C42 10 PD-C42-I 10 PD-C42-S 10 PD-C42-M 10 PD-C42-L 长度可根据要求设计
列: =38 型 号为 :PD - C 4 2 -38
16 4
Ø2 Ø3
1 6 - Ø0 . 2 5接 收 Ø1 接收
尺寸:M6 最小弯曲半径:R25 检测距离:90mm
注: 无 PD-C62 10 PD-C62-I 20 PD-C62-S 40 PD-C62-M 90 PD-C62-L 长度可根据要求设计
列 : =38 型 号 为 :PD-C6 2 - 3 8
16-Ø0 . 2 5(光纤 芯)
尺寸:M3 最小弯曲半径:R5 检测距离:600mm
尺寸:M3 最小弯曲半径:R10 检测距离:72mm
Ø0 . 5 (发射 端) 9-Ø0 .25(接收端 )
尺寸:M3 最小弯曲半径:R15 检测距离:35mm
光纤 槽型 光电 微型光电 激光 接近 位移 磁性 接触式 光幕 超声波 线缆

产品选型手册Product Selection Manual 2022.1101(Company Profile)公司发展历程0304深圳市美浦森半导体有限公司 2014年成立,总部位于深圳,是一家专业功率半导体元器件设计公司。
公司产品包括中大功率场效应管( 高中低压全系列产品, Trench MOSFET/SGT MOSFET /Super Junction MOSFET / Planar MOSFET),SiC 二极管、SiC MOSFET 等系列产品。
美浦森半导体在深圳/上海设有研发中心, 主要研发人员在产品研发和生产制程方面都具有丰富的行业经验, 平均行业经验在15年以上。
目前,美浦森半导体MOSFET 和碳化硅系列产品在LED 电源、PD 电源、PC 和服务器电源、光伏逆变、UPS 、充电桩、智能家居、BLDC 、BMS 、小家电等领域得到广泛应用。
创新 高效 热爱 持续是美浦森半导体的核心价值; 用创新实现突破, 是公司不断前进的动力源泉。
专业于MOSFET 器件领域的拓展, 运用创新的电路设计和国际同步的研发技术, 成功研发出新一代MOSFET 系列产品, 产品相关性能达到行业领先水平。
我们始终坚持不断创新、不断突破, 始终保持产品第一、技术第一、服务第一的行业领先地位, 全心全意做好产品的开发与用户的极限体验 。
功率器件实验室&应用实验室投资2000万人民币兴建器件分析实验室和应用实验室, 负责美浦森产品的设计验证,品质监控和客户的技术支持。
2022年“美浦森实验室”将扩充至800平方, 并正在申请国家CNAS 认证实验室资格。
产品设计验证\产品性能比对\动静态参数测试\极限参数测试1可靠性验证\失效分析\产品品质监控2系统应用分析\系统性能验证3KEYENCE 显微镜KEYSIGHT 功率器件分析仪JUNO 直流参数测试系统ISPEC 高温反偏实验系统TEKTRONIX 功率器件动态测试仪STATEC 测试系统碳化硅全系6寸生产线升级结束, 碳化硅MOS 正式批量接单中低压Trench/SGT MOS 批量出货.超结MOS E7系列产品开始批量出货, RSP 参数超越竞品系列产品; 成立深圳器件测试及可靠性实验室、产品应用实验室.650V SiCDIODE 系列产品面市推广, 并大批量出货;1200V SiCDIODE 研发成功, 进入批量阶段; 碳化硅MOS 验证成功.2014年深圳市美浦森半导体有限公司成立,同年正式推广“美浦森”品牌MOS 系列产品.高压MOSFET (VDMOS )0605高压MOSFET (VDMOS )高压MOSFET 命名方式126245公司简称封装形式3额定电流P :TO -220F :TO -220F H:TO-247W:TO-3PD:D-Pak(TO-252)U:I-Pak(TO-251)B:D2-Pak(TO-263) I:I2-Pak(TO-262)沟道极性N:N-channel P:P-channel电压系数(x10)芯片工艺C:MOS C-FETU:MOS U-FET S:MOS S-FETUZ:MOS U-FET+ESD (Z: Zener diode)超结MOSFET (SJMOS )0708超结MOSFET 命名方式126245公司简称封装形式3额定电压P :TO -220 F :TO -220F H:TO-247W:TO-3P D:D-Pak(TO-252)U:I-Pak(TO-251)B:D2-Pak(TO-263)I :I2-Pak(TO-262)L :DFN8X8Rds (on )缩写Rds (on )数值单位:m 芯片工艺SJ:MOS SJ-FETE7:MOS E7-FET E7D:MOS FRDΩ超结产品特点Trr 时间缩短: 反向恢复时间快Qg 电荷小: 开关速度快,开关损耗小Rds (on )值小: 通态阻抗小,通态损耗小PKG体积小: 同等功率规格下封装小,有利于功率密度的提高超结MOSFET (SJMOS )27快恢复二极管(FRD)中低压MOSFET (MV/LV MOS )0910碳化硅二极管(SiC Diode)中低压命名方式126245公司简称封装形式3MOSFET电流值(1-3位数字)P:TO-220 F:TO-220FH:TO-247 W:TO-3PD:D-Pak(TO-252)U:I-Pak(TO-251)B:D2-Pak(TO-263)I :I2-Pak(TO-262)S:SOP-8 T:TSSOP-8M:DFN5X6 N:DFN3X3L:DFN8X8V:SOT-23沟通极性MOSFET电压值(2-3位数字)芯片工艺N:N-NchannelP:P-channelL:N-channel+P-channelD:Dual N-channelE:Dual P-channelT:普通Trench MOSFETG:Split Gate TrenchMOSFET27版本号只有一个版本时此为空,带ESD产品此位为K中低压MOSFET(MV/LV MOS)111213开关时间快,开关损耗小恢复时间短,Trr恢复时间短,趋近于零o工作结温高,工作温度可达到175C 以上击穿电压高,产品电压最高可达6000W 以上碳化硅MOSFET (SiC MOS )碳化硅MOSFET 命名方式5431212公司简称封装形式P :TO -220 F:TO -220F H:TO-247-3L W :TO -3P D:D-Pak(TO-252)U:I-Pak(TO-251)B:D2-Pak(TO-263)I : I2-Pak(TO-262)K: TO-247-4L453Rds(on)数值 单位: m 电压系数(X10)芯片工艺Ω碳化硅材料特点14碳化硅二极管命名方式1245公司简称封装形式3额定电流P :TO -220 F :TO -220FH:TO-247 L :DFN8X8D:D-Pak(TO-252)U:I-Pak(TO-251)B:D2-Pak(TO-263)M:DFN5x67S: SO-7N: 内绝缘工艺电压系数(X10)芯片工艺V1:JBS G1: MPS1:2Pin2P :TO -2202F :TO -220F 2H:TO-2472B:D2-Pak 2I:I2-Pak2:3Pin 2Chip2TP :TO -2202TW :TO -3P 2TH: TO-2473:2Pin 2ChipR :TO -220RF :TO-220F RH :TO -2474:3Pin 1Chip。

2012 - 2013 Specifier's Guide美国邦纳选型指南|PLC&HMI |光电传感器|工业安全产品|机器视觉|测量检测传感器||工业无线网络产品|工业智能指示灯|旋转编码器|激光读码器|年风雨历练 版图跨越全球美国邦纳工程国际有限公司,始建于1966年,历经近45年的风雨历练,已成为当今世界最大的工业控制器( PLC & HMI )、变频器、光电传感器、测量检测、安全产品、工业无线网络产品、机器视觉、工业智能指示灯和旋转编码器的专业制造商之一,在世界主要地区均设有世界一流的生产、销售及服务机构。
敏源传感 MESK-MDC04 环境传感评估板用户使用手册说明书

环境传感评估板MESK-MDC04用户使用手册(V4.0)©敏源传感科技有限公司2021/12目录1.产品概述 (1)2.主板构成 (1)3.使用指南 (1)3.1供电电源 (2)3.2固件选择 (2)3.3评估板上电启动界面 (2)3.4安装串口助手 (4)3.5串口交互命令 (5)3.6MESK-MDC04电容测试环境搭建 (6)3.7电容型液位检测实验(测试电极直连MESK-MDC04板上MDC04引脚) (7)3.8电容型液位检测实验(测试电极连接MDC04PCB) (9)3.8.1MDC04PCB (9)3.8.2上电和MESK-MDC04自检显示 (11)3.8.3MESK-MDC04人机交互界面 (11)3.9MESK-MDC04命令详解 (12)1.产品概述环境传感评估板MESK-MDC04(Minyuan Environment Sensor Kit-MDC04)提供了一个测试平台,集成了敏源传感高精度数字电容传感芯片MDC04、MDC02或通过电容外接接口接入MDC04PCB,进行电容测量。
在OLED 显示电容测量数据,或者通过主控MCU 的UART 串口转USB 输出到PC 串口工具。
用户还可以通过评估板的USB 接口连接PC 端串口工具(比如:sscom)进行命令交互和数据打印。
USB 接口电源开关拨码开关电源指示灯5V 供电口下载器接口OLED 显示屏复位按键MDC04MDC02电容测试外接端口(单总线/I2C)3.1供电电源MESK-MDC04可采用USB供电方式,或通过电源供电,左上方跳线帽为供电口,供电电压为5V,如图2所示。
Banner Engineering光敏传感器系列产品说明书

Datasheet•Modular design for easy exchange of all sensing components and wiring logic •Interchangeable AC or DC power blocks•Opposed, polarized and non-polarized retroreflective, diffuse, convergent, fixed-field, and glass or plastic fiber optic sensing modes available•Interchangeable sensing heads with 90° increment rotation •Optional output timing logic modules with programming ring •Quad-ring sealed components resist dirt, dust, and moisture•Banner Engineering's Alignment Indicating Device (AID) for indication of signal strength •15-turn potentiometer for manual adjustment of sensitivity •Range up to 90 m•Logic modules offer ON-delay, OFF-delay, ON/OFF-delay, One Shot, and Delayed One Shot output switching logic, depending on model•Logic modules also offer 0.01 s to 1 s, 0.5 s to 15 s, or 0.1 s to 1 s delay, depending on model•Power blocks plug into required RWB4 wiring base and feature two LED indicators foroutput and input statusWARNING:•Do not use this device for personnel protection•Using this device for personnel protection could result in serious injury or death.•This device does not include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary to allow its use inpersonnel safety applications. A device failure or malfunction can cause either an energized (on) or de-energized (off) output condition.OverviewBanner MAXI-BEAM ® sensors are highly versatile, self-contained, modularized photoelectric sensing controls that are ideally suited to industrial environments. The basic MAXI-BEAM is an ON/OFF switch consisting of three modules (sensor head,power block, and wiring base) and a unique, patented, rotatable programming ring that enables you to program your choice of light or dark operate mode, sensing range, and response time.MAXI-BEAM sensor heads have an easily-accessible multi-turn sensitivity control for precise adjustment of system gain. Interchangeable sensor heads are rotatable in 90-degree increments and are available in retroreflective, diffuse, opposed,convergent, fixed-field proximity, and fiberoptic sensing modes. Each sensor head also includes Banner's exclusive, patented AID ™ circuit (Alignment Indicating Device, US Patent no. 4356393), which features an LED alignment indicator that lights whenever the sensor sees its own modulated light source, and pulses at a rate proportional to the strength of the received light signal.A wide selection of MAXI-BEAM power block modules is available to interface the sensor head to the circuit to be controlled. The plug-in design of the wiring base enables easy exchange of the entire sensing electronics without disturbing field wiring.Optional customer-installable logic modules easily convert the basic ON/OFF MAXI-BEAM into either a one-shot or delay logic function control, with several programmable timing ranges for each function.MAXI-BEAM sensors are ruggedly constructed of molded PBT to NEMA standards 1, 3, 4, 12, and 13, and have interchangeable molded acrylic lenses. Modulessimply snap and bolt together, with no interwiring necessary. Module interfaces areo-ring and quad-ring sealed for the ultimate in dust, dirt, and moisture resistance.Rotatable Sensor Head Programming RingLogic Module (optional)Programming Ring for LogicRWB4Wiring Base Power Block Conduit EnteranceMAXI-BEAM Opposed Mode Emitter (E) and Receiver (R)MAXI-BEAM emitters have a visible red "tracer beam". This beam is non-active, and is used as a means of visual alignment during installation. A retroreflector temporarily attached to the receiver lens provides aneffective target for the tracer beam during alignment. The narrow beam of the RSBESR/RSBRSR pair is ideal for sensing small parts (effective beam diameter is 3.6 mm (0.14 in).One emitter and one receiver are required for use.MAXI-BEAM ® Sensor HeadsOriginal Document 03416 Rev. H2 March 2022034163.3 ft 33 ft 330 ft0.33 ftE X C E S S G A I NDISTANCE 400 ft320 ft 240 ft 160 ft 80 ft 0125 mm 250 mm 375 mm125 mm250 mm375 mm 05 in 10 in 15 in5 in 10 in 15 in DISTANCE0.33 ft 3.3 ft 33 ft0.033 ftEX C E S S G A I NDISTANCE15 ft12 ft 9 ft 6 ft 3 ft 0200 mm 400 mm600 mm200 mm400 mm600 mm 08 in 16 in 24 in8 in16 in 24 in DISTANCEMAXI-BEAM Opposed Fiber Optic Mode (Glass Fibers)This sensor pair is designed for opposed mode operation using Banner glass fiber optics. Maximum range (HP mode) using L9 lenses is 12 feet. Maximum range using L16F lenses is 50 feet. One emitter and one receiver are required for use..40 in 4.0 in 40 in.04 inE X C E S S G AI NDISTANCE40 in32 in 24 in16 in8 in50 mm 100 mm 150 mm50 mm100 mm 150 mm02 in 4 in6 in2 in4 in 6 in DISTANCE - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 03416 Rev. H.33 ft 3.3 ft 33 ft.033 ftE X C E S S G A I NDISTANCE050 mm 100 mm 150 mm50 mm100 mm150 mm 02.0 in4.0 in 6.0 in2.0 in 4.0 in 6.0 in DISTANCE33 ft26 ft 20 ft 13 ft 6.6 ft.33 ft 3.3 ft 33 ft.033 ftE X C E S S G A I NDISTANCE025 mm 50 mm75 mm25 mm50 mm 75 mm 01.0 in2.0 in3.0 in1.0 in2.0 in3.0 in DISTANCE16 ft13 ft 10 ft 6.6 ft 3.3 ft0.33 ft 3.3 ft 33 ft0.033 ftE X C E S S G A I NDISTANCE 025 mm 50 mm 75 mm25 mm50 mm 75 mm 01.0 in 2.0 in 3.0 in1.0 in2.0 in3.0 in DISTANCE 5 ft4 ft 3 ft 2 ft 1 ft 0.4 in 4.0 in 40 in0.04 inE X C E S S G A I NDISTANCE 012.5 mm 25.0 mm 37.5 mm12.5 mm25.0 mm 37.5 mm 00.5 in 1.0 in 1.5 in0.5 in1.0 in 1.5 in DISTANCE30 in 24 in18 in 12 in6 inConvergent ModeRSBC: Powerful infrared beam reliably senses objects of low reflectivity. Ideal for counting the flow of radiusedproducts at a fixed distance from the sensor.RSBCV: Powerful visible red beam with precise .06 inch diameter sensing spot. Useful in many high-contrast color registration applications.0.4 in 4.0 in 40 in0.04 inE X C E S S G A I NDISTANCE 02.5 mm5.0 mm 00.1 in2.5 mm0.1 in 0.2 in 5.0 mm0.2 inDISTANCE .4 in 4 in 40 in.04 inE X C E S S G A I NDISTANCE 2.5 in2.0 in 1.5 in 1.0 in 0.50 in 00.8 mm 1.6 mm 2.4 mm0.8 mm1.6 mm2.4 mm 00.03 in 0.06 in 0.09 in0.03 in 0.06 in 0.09 in DISTANCEP/N 03416 Rev. H - Tel: + 1 888 373 67673Fixed-Field ModeFixed-field sensor heads have an emitter element and two differently-aimedreceiver elements. This creates a high-gain sensing field able to detect objects of low reflectivity, and a sharp far-limit sensing cutoff of 50mm (2 inches) or 100mm (4 inches) which ignores backgrounds beyond cutoff.These sensors are ideal for detecting a part or surface that is only a fraction of an inch in front of another surface.RSBFFs may not be used with 2-wire power blocks.1000100E X C E S S GIDISTANCEFiber Optic Mode (Glass Fibers)Note: If the retroreflective sensing mode is used in conjunction with the HP or 2Wprogram mode, the GAIN control must be reduced from the factory setting to avoid optical feedback from the lens assembly.For information on the complete line of Banner glass fiber optics, go to .0.4 in 4.0 in 40 in0.04 inE X C E S S G A I NDISTANCE40 in32 in 24 in 16 in 8 in 050 mm 100 mm 150 mm50 mm100 mm150 mm 02 in 4 in 6 in2 in4 in 6 in DISTANCE10DISTANCE1001000.1 FT1 FT 10 FT100 FTE X C E S S G A I NI 0I N C H E S DISTANCE TO REFLECTOR0.4 in 4.0 in 40 in0.04 inE X C E S S G A I NDISTANCE02.5 mm5.0 mm 00.1 in2.5 mm 0.1 in 0.2 in 7.5 mm0.3 in7.5 mm 0.3 in 5.0 mm0.2 in DISTANCE5 in4 in 3 in 2 in 1 in Fiber Optic ModeModel RSBFP is a visible-light sensor head designed for use with plastic fiber optics. It is compatible with allstandard Banner plastic fiber optic assemblies (see Banner product catalog). In order to function properly, the RSBFP must be programmed for the "HS" response mode. The RSBFP is not for use with glass fiber optics (instead use model RSBF or RSBFV). The model RSBFP will function only when programmed for the "HS"response mode. The model RSBFP will not operate with 2-wire power blocks (models R2PBA and R2PBB).For information on the complete line of Banner plastic fiber optics, go to . - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 03416 Rev. H.40 in 4.0 in 40 in.04 inE X C E S S G A I NDISTANCE5 in4 in 3 in 2 in 1 in 015 mm 30 mm 45 mm15 mm30 mm 45 mm 00.6 in 1.2 in 1.8 in0.6 in1.2 in 1.8 in DISTANCE0.4 in4.0 in0.004 in0.04 inE X C E S S G A I NDISTANCE01.25 mm2.50 mm3.75 mm1.25 mm2.50 mm3.75 mm 0.05 in .10 in .15 in.05 in.10 in .15 in DISTANCEFiber Optic Models (Glass Fiber, Visible Sensing Beam)The model RSBFV will function only when programmed for the "HS" response mode. The model RSBFV willnot operate with 2-wire power blocks (models R2PBA and R2PBB). Model RSBFV is a visible-light sensor head designed for use with glass fiber optics. It is compatible with all standard Banner glass fiber opticassemblies (see ). To function properly, the RSBFV must be programmed for the "HS" response mode. The RSBFV is not for use with plastic fiber optics (instead use RSBFP). For information on the complete line of Banner glass fiber optics, go to ..40 in 4.0 in 40 in.04 inE X C E S S G A I NDISTANCE10 in8 in 6 in 4 in 2 in 025 mm 50 mm 75 mm25 mm50 mm 75 mm 01 in 2 in 3 in1 in2 in3 in DISTANCE.04 in.40 in4 in.004 inEX C E S S G A I NDISTANCE1.0 in0.8 in0.6 in0.4 in0.2 in00.65 mm 1.30 mm1.95 mm0.65 mm1.30 mm 1.95 mm 00.025 in 0.050 in 0.075 in0.025 in0.050 in 0.075 in DISTANCEP/N 03416 Rev. H - Tel: + 1 888 373 67675Program the Sensor HeadProgram MAXI-BEAM sensor heads for sensor response time (and range) and for LIGHT/DARK operate. Each sensor head is supplied with a programming ring which attaches below the sensorhead by a system of pegs. There are four programming notches around the perimeter ofthe ring. To program the sensor head, find the notch that will align with the desired program combination (see figure).Note: The programming ring may have to be turned upside-down toalign the notch with the program.If LIGHT OPERATE is selected, the MAXI-BEAM output will energize on a dark-to-light transition. If DARK OPERATE is selected, the MAXI BEAM output will energize on alight-to-dark transition. In the illustration, the MAXI-BEAM is set for high speed (HS) operation in the LIGHT OPERATE output state. See the information about each individual sensor head for the response time and range associated with each setting (HP, 2W, HS, SP).Note: When programming the RSBE, RSBSER, or RSBEF emitter,select the mode that is programmed for the receiver. EXCEPTION:If the receiver is programmed for the 2-wire (2W) mode, select highpower (HP) on the emitter.Figure 1. Sensor Head and Programming RingSensor Head SpecificationsSensitivity Adjustment15-turn clutched controlEasily accessible, located on top of the sensor head beneath a watertight gasketed screw-coverRotate clockwise to increase sensitivityAlignment IndicatorRed LED on top of sensor head. Banner's exclusive AID™ circuit1 lights the LED whenever the sensor sees its own modulated light source, and pulses the LED at a rate proportional to the strength of the received light signal ConstructionReinforced molded PBT housing, molded acrylic lenses, o-ring and quad-ring gasketed components. Electronic components are fully epoxy encapsulated. Environmental RatingNEMA 1, 3, 4, 12, and 13.Operating Temperature–40 °C to +70 °C (–40 °F to +158 °F)False Pulse Suppression on Power-up100 ms delay on power-upResponse Time and RepeatabilitySee models tables. The response time and repeatability are independent of signal strength.CertificationsBanner EngineeringEurope Park Lane,Culliganlaan 2F bus 3, 1831Diegem, BELGIUMTurck Banner LTDBlenheim House, BlenheimCourt, Wickford, EssexSS11 8YT, Great BritainRequired Overcurrent ProtectionWARNING: Electrical connections must bemade by qualified personnel in accordance withlocal and national electrical codes andregulations.Overcurrent protection is required to be provided by end product applicationper the supplied table.Overcurrent protection may be provided with external fusing or via CurrentLimiting, Class 2 Power Supply.Supply wiring leads < 24 AWG shall not be spliced. - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 03416 Rev. HDimensionsAll measurements are listed in millimeters, unless noted otherwise.Figure 2. Dimensions for the C-CV-D-E-R-LV modelsDIMENSION"A"CONFIGURATION WITHOUT LOGIC MODULE DIMENSION"B"114mm [4.5"]100mm [3.9"]WITH LOGIC MODULE127mm [5.0"]112mm [4.4"]"AID" ALIGNMENTINDICATORACCESS TO SENSITIVITY CONTROLFigure 3. Dimensions for the FF modelsDIMENSION"A"CONFIGURATION WITHOUT LOGIC MODULE DIMENSION"B"114mm [4.5"]100mm [3.9"]WITH LOGIC MODULE127mm [5.0"]112mm [4.4"]"AID" ALIGNMENTINDICATORACCESS TO SENSITIVITY CONTROLP/N 03416 Rev. H - Tel: + 1 888 373 67677Figure 4. Dimensions for the fiber modelsDIMENSION"A"CONFIGURATION WITHOUT LOGIC MODULE DIMENSION"B"114mm [4.5"]100mm [3.9"]WITH LOGIC MODULE127mm [5.0"]112mm [4.4"]"AID" ALIGNMENTINDICATORACCESS TO SENSITIVITY CONTROLSchematicsFigure 5. Functional SchematicFigure 6. Composite Functional SchematicRWB4Ordering InformationTo order a MAXI-BEAM, follow these steps: - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 03416 Rev. H1.Select a sensor head module.2.Select a power block module.3.Select a wiring base. The wiring base is purchased separately from the power block.4.Select a logic module (if needed).5.Select accessories as needed (see ).Sensor Head ModelsSensor head modules are described in datasheet p/n 03416.Power Block Module ModelsPower Block modules are described in datasheet p/n 03418.Wiring Base ModelsLogic Module ModelsP/N 03416 Rev. H - Tel: + 1 888 373 67679Banner Engineering Corp. Limited WarrantyBanner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year following the date of shipment. Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture which, at the time it is returned to the factory, is found to have been defective during the warranty period. This warranty does not cover damage or liability for misuse, abuse, or the improper application or installation of the Banner product.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE), AND WHETHER ARISING UNDER COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING OR TRADE USAGE.This Warranty is exclusive and limited to repair or, at the discretion of Banner Engineering Corp., replacement. IN NO EVENT SHALL BANNER ENGINEERING CORP. BE LIABLE TO BUYER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY EXTRA COSTS, EXPENSES, LOSSES, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY PRODUCT DEFECT OR FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT OR WARRANTY, STATUTE, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE.Banner Engineering Corp. reserves the right to change, modify or improve the design of the product without assuming any obligations or liabilities relating to any product previously manufactured by Banner Engineering Corp. Any misuse, abuse, or improper application or installation of this product or use of the product for personal protection applications when the product is identified as not intended for such purposes will void the product warranty. Any modifications to this product without prior express approval by Banner Engineering Corp will void the product warranties. All specifications published in this document are subject to change; Banner reserves the right to modify product specifications or update documentation at any time. Specifications and product information in English supersede that which is provided in any other language. For the most recent version of any documentation, refer to:.For patent information, see /patents.© Banner Engineering Corp. All rights reserved。

风力发电设备 倾角传感器监测风力发 电机叶片与风向角度; 振动传感器监测传动 箱,为将来的维护提供 早期警报。
加油机 具有坚固外壳和密封的旋转编码 器用来测量加油机的加油量。
锅炉系统 响应迅速,铜制外壳封装的低成本温度探头为工业级 锅炉系统提供精确的温度测量。
/ Industry 控制
MEAS是一个技术应用型公司,掌握着核心传感器 技术,致力于为OEM客户量身定制是我们与其它传 感器公司的重要区别。MEAS根据OEM客户的需求 不断地开发世界前沿的最新传感器,在世界每一个 角落,我们都会与客户紧密合作,为客户提供理想 的解决方案。
Industries Served
Sensor Types
水资源传Байду номын сангаас器
ng Technologies 环境监测 第5页
Embedded Sensin 于为OEM客户量身定制是我们与其他传感器公司的重要区 别。MEAS根据OEM客户的需求不断开发世界前沿的最新传感 器,在世界每一个角落,我们都会与客户紧密合作,仔细聆听客
我们的传感器通常都用于其应用设备的最关键部位。因 而,我们的客户倚仗于MEAS,和MEAS传感器的每一 次精确测量。在精量电子,我们从设计,生产,到客户 反馈的每一个细节都用最高的品质标准要求自己,我们 所有的产品都有行业领先的品质认证做保障。MEAS获 取的质量体系认证包括:
Nooploop LinkTrack 及配件选型手册 V1.0说明书

LinkTrack及配件选型手册V1.0 Language|语言:简体中文Content|目录LinkTrack及配件选型手册V1.0 (1)Content|目录 (2)Disclaimer|免责声明 (3)1Introduction|介绍 (4)2Product Model|产品型号 (5)2.1LinkTrack|LinkTrack (5)2.2Antenna|天线 (6)2.3Feeder|馈线 (7)2.4Install Device|安装设备 (8)3Update Log|更新日志 (9)4Further Information|更多信息 (10)Disclaimer|免责声明Disclaimer|免责声明Document Information|文档信息Nooploop reserves the right to change product specifications without notice.As far as possible changes to functionality and specifications will be issued in product specific errata sheets or in new versions of this document.Customers are advised to check with Nooploop for the most recent updates on this product.Nooploop保留更改产品规格的权利,恕不另行通知。
Life Support Policy|生命保障政策Nooploop products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications(such as life support) where a failure of the Nooploop product would cause severe personal injury or death.Nooploop customers using or selling Nooploop products in such a manner do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Nooploop and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of Nooploop products in such safety-critical applications.Nooploop产品未被授权用于失效的安全关键应用(如生命支持),在这种应用中,Nooploop 产品的故障可能会导致严重的人身伤害或死亡。

三、性能指标型号:DATA-51系列测量介质:液体(对不锈钢壳体无腐蚀)量程:0~7,10,20,35,70,100m输出信号:4-20Ma/RS485;供电电源:12~28V DC(4-20mA输出)5~28V DC(RS485输出)4-20mA型水位计负载电阻(Q):RL<(U-8)/0.02(U为电源电压)RS485型水位计温度测量范围:-10℃~80℃(功能可选)精度等级:土0.2%FS;环境温度:-10℃~80℃存储温度:-40℃~80℃过载能力:150%FS稳定性能:土0.05%FS/年;土0.1%FS/年零点温度系数:士0.01%FS/C满度温度系数:土0.02%FS/℃防护等级:IP68结构材料:外壳:不锈钢316L密封圈:氣橡胶传感器外壳:不锈钢316L 膜片:不锈钢316L电缆:中7.2mm 聚氨酯专用电缆(配套2米,超出部分按长度加价)。
钢铁侠+富士 NCB15-30GM40-N0-5M 感应传感器说明书

12Releasedate:217-3-29:53Dateofissue:217-3-224726_eng.xml BNL+L-BUA =B =Installation conditions3R e l e a s e d a t e : 2017-03-02 09:53D a t e o f i s s u e : 2017-03-02204726_e n g .x m lInstructionManual electrical apparatus for hazardous areas Device category 1Gfor use in hazardous areas with gas, vapour and mist EC-T ype Examination CertificateCE marking ATEX marking ¬ II 1G Ex ia IIC T6…T1 G a The Ex-related marking can also be printed on the enclosed label.Standards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 EN 60079-11:2012 Ignition protection "Intrinsic safety" Use is restricted to the following stated conditions Appropriate typeNCB15-30GM...-N0...Effective internal inductivity C i≤ 120 nF ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i ≤ 150 µH ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneralThe apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheet and in this instruction manual.The EU-type examination certificate has to be observed. The special conditions must be adhered to!The ATEX directive and therefore the EU-type examination certificates apply in gen-eral only to the use of electrical apparatus under atmospheric conditions.The use in ambient temperatures of > 60 °C was tested with regard to hot surfaces by the mentioned certification authority.If the equipment is not used under atmospheric conditions, a reduction of the permis-sible minimum ignition energies may have to be taken into consideration.Ambient temperatureDetails of the correlation between the type of circuit connected, the maximum per-missible ambient temperature, the temperature class, and the effective internal reac-tance values can be found on the EC-type examination certificate. Note: Use the temperature table for category 1 The 20 % reduction in accordance with EN 1127-1 has already been applied to the temperature table for category 1.Installation, commissioningLaws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goal must be observed.The intrinsic safety is only assured in connection with an appropriate related appara-tus and according to the proof of intrinsic safety.The associated apparatus must satisfy the requirements of category ia.Due to the possible danger of ignition, which can arise due to faults and/or transient currents in the equipotential bonding system, galvanic isolation of the power supply and signal circuit is preferable. Associated apparatus without electrical isolation must only be used if the appropriate requirements of IEC 60079-14 are met. If the Ex-related marking is printed only on the supplied label, then this must be attached in the immediate vicinity of the sensor. The sticking surface for the label must be clean and free from grease. The attached label must be legible and indelible, including in the event of possible chemical corrosion.Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditionsThe connecting parts of the sensor must be set up in such a way that degree of pro-tection IP20, in accordance with lEC 60529, is achieved as a minimum.Protection from mechanical dangerWhen using the device in a temperature range of -60 °C to -20 °C, protect the sensor against the effects of impact by installing an additional enclosure.The information regarding the minimum ambient temperature for the sensor as pro-vided in the datasheet must also be observed.Electrostatic chargeElectrostatic charges must be avoided on the mechanical housing components. Dangerous electrostatic charges on the mechanical housing components can be avoided by incorporating these in the equipotential bonding. When used in group IIC non-permissible electrostatic charges should be avoided on the plastic housingparts. Information on electrostatic hazards can be found in the technical specification IEC/TS 60079-32-1. Additional requirements for gas group IIC. Avoid electrostatic charges that can cause electrostatic discharge when installing or operating the device.4Releasedate:217-3-29:53Dateofissue:217-3-224726_eng.xml Instruction Manual electrical apparatus for hazardous areasDevice category 2G for use in hazardous areas with gas, vapour and mistEC-T ype Examination CertificateCE markingATEX marking ¬ II 1G Ex ia IIC T6…T1 G aThe Ex-significant identification is on the enclosed adhesive labelStandards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 EN 60079-11:2012 Ignition protection "Intrinsic safety"Use is restricted to the following stated conditionsAppropriate type NCB15-30GM...-N0...Effective internal inductivity C i≤ 120 nF ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i≤ 150 µH ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneral The apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheetand in this instruction manual. The EU-type examination certificate has to beobserved. The special conditions must be adhered to!The ATEX directive and therefore the EU-type examination certificates apply in gen-eral only to the use of electrical apparatus under atmospheric conditions.The use in ambient temperatures of > 60 °C was tested with regard to hot surfacesby the mentioned certification authority.If the equipment is not used under atmospheric conditions, a reduction of the permis-sible minimum ignition energies may have to be taken into consideration.Maximum permissible ambient temperature T amb Details of the correlation between the type of circuit connected, the maximum per-missible ambient temperature, the temperature class, and the effective internal reac-tance values can be found on the EC-type examination certificate.Installation, commissioning Laws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goalmust be observed. The intrinsic safety is only assured in connection with an appro-priate related apparatus and according to the proof of intrinsic safety.If the Ex-related marking is printed only on the supplied label, then this must beattached in the immediate vicinity of the sensor. The sticking surface for the labelmust be clean and free from grease. The attached label must be legible and indeli-ble, including in the event of possible chemical corrosion.Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditions The connecting parts of the sensor must be set up in such a way that degree of pro-tection IP20, in accordance with lEC 60529, is achieved as a minimum.Protection from mechanical danger When using the device in a temperature range of -60 °C to -20 °C, protect the sensoragainst the effects of impact by installing an additional enclosure. The informationregarding the minimum ambient temperature for the sensor as provided in thedatasheet must also be observed.Electrostatic charge Electrostatic charges must be avoided on the mechanical housing components.Dangerous electrostatic charges on the mechanical housing components can beavoided by incorporating these in the equipotential bonding.5R e l e a s e d a t e : 2017-03-02 09:53D a t e o f i s s u e : 2017-03-02204726_e n g .x m lNote This instruction is only valid for products according to EN 60079-15:2005, valid until 01-May-2013InstructionManual electrical apparatus for hazardous areas Device category 3G (nL)CE marking ATEX marking ¬ II 3G Ex nL IIC T6 XStandard conformityEN 60079-15:2005 Ignition protection category "n"Use is restricted to the following stated conditions Effective internal capacitance C i ≤ 120 nF ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i≤ 150 µH ; A cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneralThe apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheet and in this instruction manual. The data stated in the data sheet are restricted by this operating instruction!The special conditions must be observed!The ATEX Directive applies only to the use of apparatus under atmospheric condi-tions.If you use the device outside atmospheric conditions, consider that the permissible safety parameters should be reduced.Installation, commissioningLaws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goal must be observed. The sensor must only be operated with an energy-limited circuit, which satisfies the requirements of IEC 60079-15. The explosion group complies with the connected, supplying, power limiting circuit.Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditionsfor Pi=34 mW, Ii=25 mA, T6 55 °C (131 °F) for Pi=34 mW, Ii=25 mA, T5 55 °C (131 °F) for Pi=34 mW, Ii=25 mA, T4-T1 55 °C (131 °F) for Pi=64 mW, Ii=25 mA, T6 55 °C (131 °F) for Pi=64 mW, Ii=25 mA, T5 55 °C (131 °F) for Pi=64 mW, Ii=25 mA, T4-T1 55 °C (131 °F) for Pi=169 mW, Ii=52 mA, T6 41 °C (105.8 °F) for Pi=169 mW, Ii=52 mA, T5 41 °C (105.8 °F) for Pi=169 mW, Ii=52 mA, T4-T1 41 °C (105.8 °F) for Pi=242 mW, Ii=76 mA, T6 29 °C (84.2 °F) for Pi=242 mW, Ii=76 mA, T5 29 °C (84.2 °F) for Pi=242 mW, Ii=76 mA, T4-T1 29 °C (84.2 °F)Protection from mechanical dangerThe sensor must not be exposed to ANY FORM of mechanical danger. When used in the temperature range below -20 °C the sensor should be protected from knocks by the provision of an additional housing.Protection from UV lightThe sensor and the connection cable must be protected from damaging UV-radia-tion. This can be achieved when the sensor is used in internal areas.Protection of the connection cable The connection cable must be prevented from being subjected to tension and tor-sional loading.Electrostatic charge Electrostatic charges must be avoided on the mechanical housing components. Dangerous electrostatic charges on the mechanical housing components can be avoided by incorporating these in the equipotential bonding.Connection partsThe connection parts are to be installed, such that a minimum protection class of IP20 is achieved, in accordance with IEC 60529.6Releasedate:217-3-29:53Dateofissue:217-3-224726_eng.xml Instruction Manual electrical apparatus for hazardous areasDevice category 3G (ic)for use in hazardous areas with gas, vapour and mistCertificateCE markingATEX marking ¬ II 3G Ex ic IIC T6…T1 GcThe Ex-significant identification is on the enclosed adhesive labelStandards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 EN 60079-11:2012 Ignition protection category "ic"Use is restricted to the following stated conditionsEffective internal inductivity C i≤ 120 nF ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i≤ 150 µH ; A cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneral The apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheetand in this instruction manual. The data stated in the data sheet are restricted by thisoperating instruction!The special conditions must be observed!The ATEX Directive applies only to the use of apparatus under atmospheric condi-tions.If you use the device outside atmospheric conditions, consider that the permissiblesafety parameters should be reduced.Installation, commissioning Laws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goalmust be observed. The sensor must only be operated with energy-limited circuits,which satisfy the requirements of IEC 60079-11. The explosion group complies withthe connected, supplying, power limiting circuit. If the Ex-relevant identification isprinted exclusively on the adhesive label provided, this label must be affixed in theimmediate vicinity of the sensor! The background surface to which the adhesivelabelis to be applied must be clean and free from grease! The applied label must be dura-ble and remain legible, with due consideration of the possibility of chemical corro-sion!Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditionsfor Pi=34 mW, Ii=25 mA, T6 55 °C (131 °F)for Pi=34 mW, Ii=25 mA, T5 55 °C (131 °F)for Pi=34 mW, Ii=25 mA, T4-T1 55 °C (131 °F)for Pi=64 mW, Ii=25 mA, T6 55 °C (131 °F)for Pi=64 mW, Ii=25 mA, T5 55 °C (131 °F)for Pi=64 mW, Ii=25 mA, T4-T1 55 °C (131 °F)for Pi=169 mW, Ii=52 mA, T6 41 °C (105.8 °F)for Pi=169 mW, Ii=52 mA, T5 41 °C (105.8 °F)for Pi=169 mW, Ii=52 mA, T4-T1 41 °C (105.8 °F)for Pi=242 mW, Ii=76 mA, T6 29 °C (84.2 °F)for Pi=242 mW, Ii=76 mA, T5 29 °C (84.2 °F)for Pi=242 mW, Ii=76 mA, T4-T1 29 °C (84.2 °F)Protection from mechanical danger The sensor must not be mechanically damaged.When used in the temperature range below -20 °C the sensor should be protectedfrom knocks by the provision of an additional housing.Electrostatic charge Electrostatic charges must be avoided on the mechanical housing components.Dangerous electrostatic charges on the mechanical housing components can beavoided by incorporating these in the equipotential bonding.Connection parts The connection parts are to be installed, such that a minimum protection class ofIP20 is achieved, in accordance with IEC 60529.7R e l e a s e d a t e : 2017-03-02 09:53D a t e o f i s s u e : 2017-03-02204726_e n g .x m lInstructionManual electrical apparatus for hazardous areas Device category 1Dfor use in hazardous areas with combustible dust EC-T ype Examination CertificateCE marking ATEX marking ¬ II 1D Ex ia IIIC T135°C Da The Ex-related marking can also be printed on the enclosed label.Standards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 EN 60079-11:2012 Ignition protection "Intrinsic safety" Use is restricted to the following stated conditions Appropriate typeNCB15-30GM...-N0...Effective internal inductivity C i≤ 120 nF A cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i ≤ 150 µH A cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneralThe apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheet and in this instruction manual.The EU-type examination certificate has to be observed.The ATEX directive and therefore the EU-type examination certificates apply in gen-eral only to the use of electrical apparatus under atmospheric conditions.The use in ambient temperatures of > 60 °C was tested with regard to hot surfaces by the mentioned certification authority.If the equipment is not used under atmospheric conditions, a reduction of the permis-sible minimum ignition energies may have to be taken into consideration.Maximum permissible ambient temperature T ambDetails of the correlation between the type of circuit connected, the maximum per-missible ambient temperature, the surface temperature, and the effective internal reactance values can be found on the EC-type-examination certificate.The maximum permissible ambient temperature of the data sheet must be noted, in addition, the lower of the two values must be maintained.Installation, commissioningLaws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goal must be observed.The intrinsic safety is only assured in connection with an appropriate related appara-tus and according to the proof of intrinsic safety.If the Ex-related marking is printed only on the supplied label, then this must be attached in the immediate vicinity of the sensor. The sticking surface for the label must be clean and free from grease. The attached label must be legible and indeli-ble, including in the event of possible chemical corrosion.Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditionsThe connecting parts of the sensor must be set up in such a way that degree of pro-tection IP20, in accordance with lEC 60529, is achieved as a minimum.Protection from mechanical dangerWhen using the device in a temperature range of -60 °C to -20 °C, protect the sensor against the effects of impact by installing an additional enclosure. The information regarding the minimum ambient temperature for the sensor as provided in the datasheet must also be observed.Electrostatic chargeElectrostatic charges must be avoided on the mechanical housing components. Dangerous electrostatic charges on the mechanical housing components can be avoided by incorporating these in the equipotential bonding. Avoid electrostatic charges that can cause electrostatic discharge when installing or operating the device. Information on electrostatic hazards can be found in the technical specifica-tion IEC/TS 60079-32-1. Do not attach the nameplate provided in areas where elec-trostatic charge can build up.8Releasedate:217-3-29:53Dateofissue:217-3-224726_eng.xml Instruction Manual electrical apparatus for hazardous areasDevice category 3D for use in hazardous areas with combustible dustXCE markingATEX marking ¬ II 3D Ex tc IIIC T80°C DcThe Ex-related marking can also be printed on the enclosed label.Standards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013, EN 60079-31:2014Protection by enclosure "tc" Some of the information in this instruction manual is morespecific than the information provided in the datasheet.G eneral The corresponding datasheets, declarations of conformity, EC-type examination certifi-cates, certifications, and control drawings, where applicable (see datasheets), form anintegral part of this document. These documents can be found at www.pepperl-. The maximum surface temperature of the device was determined without alayer of dust on the apparatus. Some of the information in this instruction manual is morespecific than the information provided in the datasheet.Installation, commissioning Laws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goal mustbe observed. If the Ex-relevant identification is printed exclusively on the adhesive labelprovided, this label must be affixed in the immediate vicinity of the sensor! The back-ground surface to which the adhesivelabel is to be applied must be clean and free fromgrease! The applied label must be durable and remain legible, with due consideration ofthe possibility of chemical corrosion!Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditionsMinimum series resistance R V A minimum series resistance RV is to be provided between the power supply voltageand the proximity switch in accordance with the following list. This can also be assuredby using a switch amplifier.Maximum operating voltage U Bmax The maximum permissible operating voltage UBmax must be restricted to the valuesgiven in the following list. T olerances are not permitted.Maximum permissible ambient temperature T Umax Values can be obtained from the following list, depending on the max. operating voltageUb max and the minimum series resistance U Bmax=9 V, R V=562 Ω58 °C (136.4 °F)using an amplifier in accordance with EN60947-5-6 58 °C (136.4 °F)Protection from mechanical danger The sensor must not be exposed to ANY FORM of mechanical danger.Protection from UV light The sensor and the connection cable must be protected from damaging UV-radiation.This can be achieved when the sensor is used in internal areas.Protection of the connection cable The connection cable must be prevented from being subjected to tension and torsionalloading.Electrostatic charge Electrostatic charges must be avoided on the mechanical housing components. Dan-gerous electrostatic charges on the mechanical housing components can be avoided byincorporating these in the equipotential bonding. Avoid electrostatic charges that cancause electrostatic discharge when installing or operating the device. Information onelectrostatic hazards can be found in the technical specification IEC/TS60079-32-1. Donot attach the nameplate provided in areas where electrostatic charge can build up.。

Meggitt Sensing Systems*************************MachineryMate ™ monitoring kitsMeggitt Sensing SystemsAerospace Measurement EnergyThe newest member to our vibration monitoring family of products is the easy to use MachineryMate ™ handheld meter series. MachineryMate ™ meters are offered kitted with key accessories providing cost-effective solutions to meet your needs. Alternately, all accessories are available for purchase separately.MAC200 meter MAC200 Meter The rugged IP67 rated meter has an integral Meggitt accelerometer and is ideal for simplified condition monitoring of rotating machinery. Overall machine condition is displayed on a color coded screen referencing ISO 10816 standards. Simple push button operation accesses detailed information to diagnose balance, alignment and looseness conditions. The MAC200 meter is ideal for vibration beginners looking for basic functionality to supplement their reliability centered maintenance (RCM) program with a low cost alternative to route based analyzers. Accessories include an extended length stinger tip, magnet mount, and rugged magnetic boot.Analysis capability üMAC800 Basic systemThe basic system offers expanded functionality through additional internal meter storage capability, an integral 6 foot coiled cable sensor with magnet mount, DataMate software for long term spectrum storage and data trending. USB docking cradle transfers data from meter to software for signal diagnostics with 800 line FFT. Ruggedized magnetic boot provides quick mounting to equipment for hands free monitoring.Analysis capability üüMAC810 Standard systemThe MAC810 system includes all the functionality of the basic system and adds unlimited machine storage capability through DataMate Pro software, and strobe light attachment for stop motion analysis.Analysis capability üüüMAC820 Advanced systemFor comprehensive vibration analysis the Advanced system adds high performance noise cancelling Bluetooth headphones for auditory evaluation of vibration signals, providing a full spectrum of diagnostic capabilities.Analysis capabilityüüüüMAC800 meterMachineryMate ™ accessoriesHigh performance sensing Meggitt sensors are all designed and manufactured for longlasting reliability. The MAC200’s probe tip and extended stinger provide continuous accurate readings over time without sensor degradation.The MAC800 includes the 780FM-2-J88C compact sensor and coiled integral cable with BNC connector. The two-pole magnet enables easy walkaround monitoring and conveniently mounts to the bottom of the rugged boot for quick, tangle-free storage.Rugged and portable A protective boot with built-in flat magnets helps assist during data collection by allowing hands free operation. The meter can be held in place on a magnetic surface leaving hands free to move and mount the sensor . Store your MAC meter in the included carrying case with foam cut insert, securing accessories in place. Detachable shoulder strap provides easy portability in the field.Strobe attachment Using freeze motion allows analysts to visually inspect high speed machinery without shutting down production. The strobe synchronizes with machinery for speed, balance and phase information. Light analysis can help determine faults in vibrating brackets or pipe hangers, and assists in finding worn belts, springs, valves and dampers for replacement. Flashlight functionality assists in dark plant areas.DataMate software and USB docking cradle The Windows 7 compatible software allows trending and storage of up to ten assets (Pro version allows unlimited assets). Data can be uploaded to the software using the USB docking cradle. Vibration readings can be reviewed over time through a variety of options including trend lines, harmonic cursors and waterfall diagrams. For 24/7 monitoring, reports can be generated and shared automatically when alarm levels are reached.Bluetooth headphones Wireless, noise cancelling headphones provide a safe way to listen to sound anomalies, helping to detect vibration problems in transmissions or slow running bearings. Using the headphones, an operator can quickly learn to distinguish the differences between smooth running pumps and motors, early bearing wear conditions and gearbox faults or looseness conditions. The headphones are powered by a 12 hour rechargeable battery can be charged while in use. Behind the head steel-tension band with adjustable Velco straps and soft foam ear cushions provide all day comfortand a secure fit.Meggitt Sensing Systems************************* Whatever your monitoring needs, Meggitt offers MachineryMate ™ accessories to enhance your vibration analysiscapabilities. Look, learn and listen to vibration for a complete picture of machinery health.。

光纤 槽型 光电 微型光电 激光 接近 位移 磁性 接触式 光幕 超声波 线缆
槽型传感器 微槽型 槽型 宽槽型 标签检测型
14.2 4.6
15.5 7.2 3.6
8.5 2.9
L 19
18.5 6.7
6.8 15
26 19
19 14.3
红色LED 3KHz
5~24V DC
1V 以下(负载电流50mA,导线长2m时)
白炽灯 ≤1000Lux
IP 50
SR-304P-E SR-304PA-E
SL-305P-E SL-305PA-E
SK-306N-E SK-306NA-E SK-306P-E SK-306PA-E
指示灯 响应频率
工作电压 残余电压
消耗电流 保护电路

Installation Instructions PHOTOSWITCH r Bulletin 45LFM Label Sensor IMPORTANT: SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE USE.DescriptionThe Rockwell Automation 45LFM–CMBA1–D5 Label Sensor is an innovative electronic sensor used to sense and/or count labels. A signal is generated as the edge of the label passes through the sensor. It can be configured to sense the leading or trailing edge.FeaturesS Consistently senses the presence of most labels on a web S Clear labels on clear backingS Clear labels on opaque backingS Opaque labels on clear backingS Opaque labels on opaque backingS Count 50,000 labels per minute with registration error less than 0.01 inchS Heavy-duty metal housingS Ideal for label counting and label registering applications SpecificationsSupply Voltage &Current11 to 30V DC @ 50 mA maxPower-Up or ResetDelay10microsecondsLeakage Current5µAOutput Configuration Complimentary: NPN and PNPOutput Rating150mA maxShort Circuit Protection YesReverse PolarityProtectionYesOutput Invert Control YesRegistration Accuracy0.025mm (0.01in)Response Time10microsecondsMaximum SwitchingSpeed10KHzMinimum Gap orLabel Size0.76mm (0.03in)Indicators Edge, zeroConstruction Anodized aluminumEnvironmental Rating IP54Connections5Ćpin micro QDOperating Conditions4_C to 50_C (40_F to 120_F)Approvals CE marked for all applicable directivesMounting the SensorMount the sensor perpendicular to the web so the webmust be centered under the sensing area.Electrical ConnectionsATTENTION: Unused wires must beinsulated from contact with otherobjects. All power must be off wheninstalling the sensor. DC ground isconnected to sensor body.!PowerSensor can be powered with 11–30V DC but optimumperformance is obtained with 24V DC. The negative side ofthe power supply is grounded to the sensor body.OutputsThe NPN and PNP outputs are open-collector outputs. The NPN output can sink up to 150mA and the PNP output can source up to 150mA. Outputs are short circuit protected by self-resetting internal fuses. These fuses will activate if the outputs are connected directly to ground or power. Repeatedshorting will eventually cause the sensor to fail.NPN Output PNP Output PNP Power In (+30V DC)The PNP POWER IN voltage must be connected to a supply voltage and must not exceed +Vin (+30V DC).Output PolarityOutput polarity determines whether the output signal will go low or high on the label edge.Note :Output polarity also depends on the direction of label movement through the sensor (see figure on page 4).Wiring TableAdjusting Gain and ZeroThese sensors are extremely stable and should not require adjustment after the initial setup. Adjustment will only be required for significant changes in label shape or thickness, or changes in power supply voltage.1.2.Center GAIN ADJUSTTurn GAIN ADJUST four(4) turns counter clockwise.Turn GAIN ADJUST two(2) turns clockwise.3.Set ZERO ADJUSTSet ZERO ADJUST to thepoint where the ZERO lightstarts to come on.4.Set GAIN ADJUSTInsert material into sensor.While moving labels throughthe sensor, Set GAIN ADJUSTto the point where the EDGElight starts to flash. Thencontinue turning 1/2 turnclockwise.5.Sensor is now ready for use.How GAIN and ZERO adjustments affect the 45LFM–CMBA1–D5The 45LFM–CMBA1–D5 is a dual capacitor type sensor. Labels pass or move in the direction from C1 to C2 or vise versa. The common plate of both capacitors is the base plate that makes up the c-frame of the sensor. The electronics in the sensor measure the difference between C1 and C2, analog voltage = C1 – C2, which makes this sensor a differential type sensor.45LFM-CMBA1-D5When common material, web and label, is under both plates C1 = C2 and the internal analog signal is 0 Volts. Also when nothing is place in the sensor C1 = C2. When you press on the BASE PLATE of 45LFM–CMBA1–D5 sensor and change the gap of the sensor C1, for the most part, = C2. As material, web and labels, pass through the sensor, it is the fact that the gap of the label goes under C1 first that causes the analog voltage to increase. Once the gap of the label is between C1 and C2 and common material is again under both capacitors, the analog voltage returns to 0V. As the gap of the label passes under C2, the analog voltage decreases. As common material returns under both capacitors the analog voltage returns to 0V. This 0V is the internal supply voltage and is notthe 0V supplying the power to the sensor.The gain adjustment is required in order to be sure the analog voltage goes beyond two trip points. The first trip point is a positive voltage point and turns the output on when theanalog voltage exceeds the trip voltage. While the second trip point is a negative voltage point and turns the output off when the analog voltage goes below the negative trip voltage.Things that affect gain are: size of labels, both thickness and width, and power supply voltage. Powering the sensor with 12V requires increased gain than when powering the sensor with 24V. Thinner labels also require more gain for proper detection. Too much gain can cause the sensor to pick up certain types of ink on the label and cause false detection.Output Polarity and Signal WaveformsOutput polarity is effected by the direction of label movement. Waveforms shown are for label movement shown in diagram.Reversing label direction will invert waveforms.Output Output Polarity NPN Ground NPN +Vin PNP Ground PNP+VinDimensions—mm (inches)。
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12~24V DC
开关量输出 + 示教 - 正常工作 0V
3mm 2mm 2mm 69mm 3mm 超声波 180m/min +/-0.20mm(120m/min) 12~24V DC±10% 45mA 100mA <2V@1L=100mA 1500Hz 300us 输出短路保护,干扰抑制 -5~+55℃ -20~+70℃ IP65
槽型传感器 微槽型 槽型 宽槽型
2- 4.2
3mm 2mm 2mm 42mm 3mm 红光LED 200m/min +/-50um(150m/min) 12~24V DC±10% 35mA 100mA <2V@1L=100mA 10KHz ≤50us 反极性保护,输出短路保护 -20~+60℃ -30~+80℃ IP65 PA(增强玻璃纤维) M8 4针插头 35g L.on(入光动作)/D.on(遮光动作)可切换 NPN/PNP ≤10000Lux KIM07-0304N KIM07-0304P
棕色① 负载
白色 ②
_ 3s
_ 1sT _ 1sT
12~24V DC - 示教 + 正常工作 开关量输出
棕色 ①
黑色 ④
白色 ② 负载
蓝色 ③
12~24V DC 开关量输出 + 示教 - 正常工作 0V
铝 M8 4针插头
130g KUM08-0307N KUM08-0307P
85.5 73(光轴)
7.5 7
光纤 槽型 光电 微型光电 激光 接近 位移 磁性 接触式 光幕 超声波 线缆
槽型传感器 微槽型 槽型 宽槽型 标签检测型
7.8 6.2 8
16.8 48
主电路 主电路
电路图 NPN输出
63.6 43
电路图 NPN输出
主电路 主电路
_ 1sT _ 1sT
+ ++
棕色① 负载
12~24V DC - 示教 + 正常工作 开关量输出
棕色 ①
黑色 ④
白色 ② 负载
Slot-Type Sensors
产品线丰富,槽宽从小至3mm到大至120mm (微)槽型系列产品可完美替换各大知名品牌产品 标签传感器标配示教功能,稳定检测各类标签 可根据客户需求进行定制开发,例如防油,走拖链要求
光纤 槽型 光电 微型光电 激光 接近 位移 磁性 接触式 光幕 超声波 线缆