Oracle 11G 数据库迁移手册

Oracle11g数据迁到Oracle10g(expdp和impdp)由于客户要求,要把一个Oracle11g数据库迁移到一个Oracle10g ,由于deferred_segment_creation参数建库之初没有设置为false,并且目前存在空表,所以还是使用expdp和impdp。
2、由于是从11g迁移到10g,所以expdp增加了一个参数 version在需要迁移的目标数据库端执行 select * from v$version; 就知道version的值了,不然会报错。
【报错内容ORA-39001: invalid argument valueORA-39000: bad dump file specificationORA-39142: incompatible version number】expdp opsteel/opsteel dumpfile=20150923.dmp logfil e=exp20150923.logdirectory=expdp_dir schemas=opsteel version=、impdp和 ORA-39125这个错误出现在10.2.0.4之前的版本,需要加参数exclude=statistics就可以10.2.0.4是否不需要加,忘了测试了,明天测试一把,看metalink已经修订了这个BUG【报错内容ORA-39125: KUPW$WORKER.PUT_DDLS[DBMS_METADATA.CONVERT]调用出错ORA-06502:LPX-00210:】最终的impdp的语法impdp opsteel/opsteel dumpfile=20150923.dmp logfil e=imp20150923.logDIRECTORY=impdp_dir SCHEMAS=opsteel version= exclude=statistics。
ORACLE 11g数据导入导出

导入时选 择合理的 parallel, 是可以降 低导入数 据时的时 间的,导 入数据时 指定 parallel 值,实际 是用在了 创建索引 的并行度 上 所以在导 入操作时 选择较大 的并行 度,是可 以大幅度 降低提高 创建索引 的速度, 从而加快 导入时的 速度。当 然度如增果 加并 到 太大的 值,会产 生I/O和 锁之类的 竞争,导 致导入速 度降低。
2)改变表 的owner impdp system/D igicom201 4 DIRECTO RY=exp_d ir2 DUMPFIL E=exp_sc ott.dmp TABLES= scott.dep t REMAP_S CHEMA= scott:syst 先导出 scott用户 中的数 据,然后 将此用户 下的表 dept的归 属权转移 给system 用户
导出完 成:
导出的文 件:
6)带出整 个数据库 在DOS环 境下输入 expdp system/D igicom201 4 directory =exp_dir2 dumpfile = full_demo. dmp logfile = full_demo.
导出成 功:
查看导出 文件:
导出成功 。
导出的文 件:
3)按表名 导出 在DOS中 输入: expdp system/D igicom201 4@myorcl tables=st udent dumpfile= table_dem o.dmp directory =exp_dir2 logfile=ta ble_demo.l og
查看dept 表的 owner
3)导入表 空间 impdp system/D igicom201 4 DIRECTO RY=exp_d ir2 DUMPFIL E=tablesp ace_demo .dmp TABLES PACES=s ystem;

用cmd打开,dos命令输入以下:EXPDP USERID='SYS/cuc2009@cuc as sysdba' schemas=sybj directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=dag.dmp logfile=dag.log version=其中,红色文字部分是根据需要改写的地方。
aa.dmp和aa.log将会在11g的dpdump目录中生成,例如我的11g装在了E盘下面,于是aa.dmp 将会在E:/app/Administrator/admin/cuc/dpdump目录下被生成。
二、在10g服务器上,使用impdp命令恢复数据步骤:(1.建库2.建表空间3.建用户并授权)(1-3可以不按下面走单,要建立一个登陆名与导出一致就可以了)4.将dag.dmp拷贝到10g的dpdump目录下5.impdp导入数据库1、建库:是在database configuration assistant 中直接新建一个数据库(实例)。
2、建表空间:create tablespace sybj datafile'D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\orcl\oa.dbf' size 400m autoextend on next 20m online;3、建用户:create user sybj identified by sybj;授权:Alter user sybj default tablespace sybj quota unlimited on sybj;grant create session to sybj;grant connect to sybj;grant connect, resource, dba to sybj;grant create table to sybj;grant create view to sybj;grant create trigger to sybj;grant select any table to sybj;grant create sequence to sybj;grant create procedure to sybj;grant create role to sybj;grant create type to sybj;grant GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE to sybj;4、导入:首先测试机中10g装在了D:/根目录下,于是将dag.dmp文件copy到了D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\daggis\udump目录下。

oracleg数据库导入导出方法教程Oracle 11g 是一种关系型数据库管理系统,它具有很多强大的功能,包括数据导入和导出。
在本教程中,我们将介绍 Oracle 11g 数据库的导入和导出方法。
导出数据的方法有两种,一种是使用 exp 工具,另一种是使用expdp 工具。
exp 工具是在 Oracle 11g 之前版本中使用的,而 expdp工具是在 Oracle 11g 之后版本中引入的。
在这个教程中,我们将使用expdp 工具来导出数据。
导出数据的步骤如下:1. 打开终端或命令提示符,并登录到您的 Oracle 数据库。
2.使用以下命令导出整个数据库:```sql```其中,username 是数据库用户名,password 是密码,connect_string 是连接字符串,directory_name 是要导出数据的目录名称,dumpfile_name 是要导出数据的文件名称。
例如,如果要导出一个用户的数据,可以使用以下命令:```sql```这将导出 hr 用户的数据到 datapump 目录,并生成一个 hr.dmp 文件。
导入数据的方法也有两种,一种是使用 imp 工具,另一种是使用impdp 工具。
在这个教程中,我们将使用 impdp 工具来导入数据。
导入数据的步骤如下:1. 打开终端或命令提示符,并登录到您的 Oracle 数据库。
2.使用以下命令导入数据:```sql```其中,username 是数据库用户名,password 是密码,connect_string 是连接字符串,directory_name 是导入数据的目录名称,dumpfile_name 是要导入的数据文件的名称。
例如,如果要导入一个用户的数据,可以使用以下命令:```sql```这将导入 hr 用户的数据,该数据文件位于 datapump 目录下的hr.dmp 文件。
oracle 数据迁移方案

Oracle 数据迁移方案1. 简介随着业务的发展和系统的升级,数据迁移已经成为一个不可避免的任务。
在Oracle 数据库中,数据迁移主要包括迁移数据表、迁移数据对象以及导出和导入数据等方面。
本文将介绍一些常用的 Oracle 数据迁移方案。
2. 数据表迁移2.1 导出数据表Oracle 数据表的导出可通过使用expdp命令来实现。
2.运行以下命令导出数据表:expdp username/password@connect_string tables=table1,table2 directory=datapump_dir dumpfile=tables.dmp logfile=tables.log–username/password:登录数据库的用户名和密码。
2.2 导入数据表使用impdp命令可以将之前导出的数据表文件导入到目标数据库中。
2.运行以下命令导入数据表:impdp username/password@connect_string directory=datapump_d ir dumpfile=tables.dmp logfile=import.log–username/password:登录目标数据库的用户名和密码。

oracle11g数据库导入导出方法教程oracle11g数据库导入导出:①:传统方式——exp(导出)和(imp)导入:②:数据泵方式——expdp导出和(impdp)导入;③:第三方工具——PL/sql Develpoer;一、什么是数据库导入导出?oracle11g数据库的导入/导出,就是我们通常所说的oracle数据的还原/备份。
数据库导入:把.dmp 格式文件从本地导入到数据库服务器中(本地oracle测试数据库中);数据库导出:把数据库服务器中的数据(本地oracle测试数据库中的数据),导出到本地生成.dmp格式文件。
.dmp 格式文件:就是oracle数据的文件格式(比如视频是.mp4 格式,音乐是.mp3 格式);二、二者优缺点描述:1.exp/imp:优点:代码书写简单易懂,从本地即可直接导入,不用在服务器中操作,降低难度,减少服务器上的操作也就保证了服务器上数据文件的安全性。
3.PL/sql Develpoer:优点:封装了导入导出命令,无需每次都手动输入命令。
Oracle 11g数据导入到10g数据库

①进入到命令提示符号开始”——“运行”——输入“CMD”回车②输入“sqlplus”回车③输入“system”回车④输入密码(密码输入时是不可见的,此密码是在安装oracle10G时设置的)"orcl"⑤现在已经登陆了oracle,输入“drop user @数据库方案名 cascade;”回车⑥输入“CREATE USER @数据库方案名 identified by @数据库方案密码;”回车⑦输入“Grant dba to @数据库方案名;”回车⑧输入“Create tablespace dzh_datadatafile 'D:\oracle\dzh_data01.dbf'size 3M reuse autoextend on next 5M maxsize 4096M;”回车创建表空间⑨输入“CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE dzh_temptempfile 'D:\oracle\dzh_temp.dbf'size 2M reuse autoextend on next 5M maxsize 4096M;”回车创建临时表空间⑩输入“Alter user @数据库方案名 temporary tablespace dzh_temp;”回车指定数据库方案存放表空间输入“Alter user @数据库方案名 default tablespace dzh_data;”回车指定数据库方案临时表空间11 输入“create directory dumpdir as 'D:\datadump';”回车如果要删除 drop directory dumpdir;输入“grant read,write on directory dumpdir to @数据库方案名;”回车12 输入“exit”回车,退出sqlplus命令行。
数据库(10g to 11g)迁移流程

查询语句:select * from V$NLS_PARAMETERS where parameter in('NLS_CHARACTERSET','NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET');MES 10g2.确认用户角色首先在10g数据库上查询当前用户的角色,之后在11g库中查询刚才的用户所拥有的角色在11g库中是否存在。
查询语句:select * from dba_role_privs where grantee IN ('MESPROD','LBLPROD');每个应用用户均需查询,如果发现有系统默认没有的用户自建角色,需要在11g库中新建该角色,角色创建语句可以在10g库中由plsql developer软件进行自动生成。
3.新建表空间在11g数据库中新建以下表空间:CREATE TABLESPACE "TS_MES_DAT" SIZE 1G maxsize unlimited;CREATE TABLESPACE "TS_HISTORY_DAT" SIZE 1G maxsize unlimited;CREATE TABLESPACE "TS_MES_IDX" SIZE 1G maxsize unlimited;CREATE TABLESPACE "TS_HISTORY_IDX" SIZE 1G maxsize unlimited;CREATE TABLESPACE "TS_LABEL_DAT" SIZE 1G maxsize unlimited;CREATE TABLESPACE "TS_LABEL_IDX" SIZE 1G maxsize unlimited;4.新建用户在11g数据库中新建以下用户:-- Create the usercreate user MESPROD identified by mesproddefault tablespace USERStemporary tablespace TEMPprofile DEFAULT;-- Grant/Revoke object privilegesgrant execute on SYS.DBMS_DEFER_IMPORT_INTERNAL to MESPROD;grant execute on SYS.DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION to MESPROD;-- Grant/Revoke role privilegesgrant connect to MESPROD;grant dba to MESPROD;grant mw_role_dba to MESPROD;grant resource to MESPROD;-- Grant/Revoke system privilegesgrant create any index to MESPROD;grant create any table to MESPROD;grant drop any table to MESPROD;grant unlimited tablespace to MESPROD;-- Create the usercreate user LBLPROD identified by lblproddefault tablespace USERStemporary tablespace TEMPprofile DEFAULT;-- Grant/Revoke role privilegesgrant connect to LBLPROD;grant dba to LBLPROD;grant mw_role_dba to LBLPROD;grant resource to LBLPROD;-- Grant/Revoke system privilegesgrant unlimited tablespace to LBLPROD;二.导出数据库导出语句:(耗时约1小时,如果在服务器上导出,需要修改路径)expmesprod/*************.10.100:1521/MESfull=yfile=e:\mesprod.dmplog=e:\mesprodlog owner=(MESPROD,LBLPROD)导出过程中,遇到的报错及解决方式:报错1:EXP-00008: ORACLE error 6550 encounteredORA-06550: line 1, column 18:PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_DEFER_IMPORT_INTERNAL' must be declared 解决方法:GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.DBMS_DEFER_IMPORT_INTERNAL TO mesprod ;GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.DBMS_DEFER_IMPORT_INTERNAL TO lblprod ;报错2:EXP-00008: ORACLE error 6510 encounteredORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exceptionORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION", line 50解决方法:GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION TO mesprod;GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.DBMS_EXPORT_EXTENSION TO lblprod ;PS:导出过程中的exp00091的错误,通常修改nls_lang环境变量即可解决,可以直接忽略这个错误。

记录好相关信息2、导出数据备份:Expdp 用户名/密码@连接串dumpfile=ora11g.dmp directory=服务器路径schemas=nc56并将dmp文件从服务器上取到本机3、使用PL/SQL软件,使用system用户登录,使用如下语句,创建nc56用户-- Create the usercreate user NC56identified by "nc56"default tablespace USERStemporary tablespace TEMPprofile DEFAULTpassword expire;-- Grant/Revoke role privilegesgrant dba to NC56;-- Grant/Revoke system privilegesgrant unlimited tablespace to NC56 with admin option;--创建表空间:执行脚本前先建立db 文件夹否则报错CREATE TABLESPACE "NNC_DATA03" LOGGING DATAFILE'd:\db\nc3.ora'SIZE500M ;CREATE TABLESPACE "NNC_DATA02" LOGGING DATAFILE'd:\db\nc2.ora'SIZE500M ;CREATE TABLESPACE "NNC_DATA01" LOGGING DATAFILE'd:\db\nc1.ora'SIZE500M ;CREATE TABLESPACE "NNC_INDEX01" LOGGING DATAFILE 'd:\db\I1.ora'SIZE500M ;CREATE TABLESPACE "NNC_INDEX02" LOGGING DATAFILE 'd:\db\I2.ora'SIZE500M ;CREATE TABLESPACE "NNC_INDEX03" LOGGING DATAFILE 'd:\db\I3.ora'SIZE500M ;alter database datafile'D:\db\I1.ora'autoextend on; alter database datafile'D:\db\I2.ora'autoextend on; alter database datafile'D:\db\I3.ora'autoextend on;alter database datafile'D:\db\nc1.ora'autoextend on; alterdatabase datafile'D:\db\nc2.ora'autoextend on; alter database datafile'D:\db\nc3.ora'autoextend on;第一次使用nc56登录时需要修改密码4、导入数据,注意:一定要把网线拔掉,否则很容易覆盖正式库数据impdp nc56/nc56@nc56 dumpfile=ora11g.dmp5.配置启动NC1)在NC_HOME\BIN 目录下运行ncSysConfig.bat,首先需要建立数据源。

1. 数据库备份在进行数据库转移之前,首先需要对数据库进行备份。
2. 建立目标环境在目标环境中建立一个新的Oracle数据库实例。
3. 目标数据库配置在目标数据库中进行必要的配置,包括数据库字符集、数据库块大小、内存参数等。
4. 数据文件复制将原始数据库的数据文件复制到目标数据库的合适位置。
5. 控制文件和参数文件将原始数据库的控制文件和参数文件复制到目标数据库。
6. 导出原始数据库使用Oracle的工具,如exp或expdp工具,对原始数据库进行数据导出。
7. 导入目标数据库使用Oracle的工具,如imp或impdp工具,对目标数据库进行数据导入。
8. 数据库链接和用户权限在目标数据库中,确保与原始数据库相同的数据库链接和用户权限。
oracle 11G rac storage mig

Oracle 11g rac 存储迁移一新建DGselect GROUP_NUMBER,DISK_NUMBER,name,path,OS_MB from v$asm_disk;Export ORACLE_SID=+ASM1select group_number,name,pathfrom v$asm_disk;create diskgroup newdg external redundancy disk '';alter diskgroup newdg mount;二OCR迁移使用ocrcheck命令查询现在位置添加一个新的ocrocrconfig -add +newdgocrconfig -replace +DATA -replacement +newdg三迁移votedisk在两个节点停止crsCrsctl stop crs查询现在位置crsctl query css votedisk;添加三个votediskcrsctl add css votedisk ** -force删除旧的votediskcrsctl delete css votedisk **-force在两个节点启动crscrsctl start crs四迁移数据库两个节点停止数据库12SQL> shutdown immediate3Database closed.4Database dismounted.5ORACLE instance shut down.6SQL> startup mount7ORACLE instance started.使用RMAN迁移datafile查询现在位置select file#,name from v$datafile;复制数据文件RMAN> run{copy datafile 1 to '+DATADG/zhongwc/datafile/system.dbf';copy datafile 2 to '+DATADG/zhongwc/datafile/undotbs1.dbf';copy datafile 3 to '+DATADG/zhongwc/datafile/sysaux.dbf';copy datafile 4 to '+DATADG/zhongwc/datafile/users.dbf';copy datafile 5 to '+DATADG/zhongwc/datafile/example.dbf';copy datafile 6 to '+DATADG/zhongwc/datafile/undotbs2.dbf';}更改数据文件位置SQL> alter database rename file '+DATA/zhongwc/datafile/system.256.832285129' to '+DATADG/zhongwc/datafile/system.dbf';SQL> alter database rename file '+DATA/zhongwc/datafile/undotbs1.258.832285129' to '+DATADG/zhongwc/datafile/undotbs1.dbf';SQL> alter database rename file '+DATA/zhongwc/datafile/sysaux.257.832285129' to '+DATADG/zhongwc/datafile/sysaux.dbf';SQL> alter database rename file '+DATA/zhongwc/datafile/users.259.832285129' to '+DATADG/zhongwc/datafile/users.dbf';SQL> alter database rename file '+DATA/zhongwc/datafile/example.264.832285185' to '+DATADG/zhongwc/datafile/example.dbf';SQL> alter database rename file'+DATA/zhongwc/datafile/undotbs2.265.832285281' to'+DATADG/zhongwc/datafile/undotbs2.dbf';迁移tempfile查询现在位置select file#,name from v$tempfile;迁移run{set newname for tempfile 1 to '+newdg/tempfile/temp.dbf';switch tempfile all;}迁移logfile查询现在位置SQL> select a.member,,b.status,b.thread# from v$logfile a,v$log b where order by 2;每个实例添加三个日志组alter database add logfile thread 1 group 5 '+NEWDG' size 500M;删除旧日志组alter database drop logfile group 1;迁移controlfile启动到mount状态SQL> shutdown immediateDatabase closed.Database dismounted.ORACLE instance shut down.SQL> startup nomountORACLE instance started.恢复控制文件RMAN> run{restore controlfile to '+NEWDG/zhongwc/controlfile/control01.ctl' from'+DATA/zhongwc/controlfile/current.260.832285171';}更改控制文件位置alter system set control_files='+DATADG/zhongwc/controlfile/control01.ctl' scope=spfile sid='*';修改db_create_file_dest,db_recovery_file_dest,db_create_online_log_dest_*,log_archive_dest_1参数SQL> alter system set db_create_file_dest='+NEWDG';SQL> alter system set db_recovery_file_dest='+NEWDG';SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='location=+NEWDG';迁移spfile,修改ocr查询现在位置srvctl config database -dorcl -a迁移spfileSQL>create pfile from spfile;SQL>createspfile='+NEWDG'from pfile;修改spfile位置srvctl modify database -d orcl -p '+NEWDG/spfilezhongwc.ora'编辑$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initorcl1文件加上spfile='+NEWDG/orcl/parameterfile/spfile.269.822759059' 删除旧的diskgroupSQL> alter diskgroup data dismount;SQL> drop diskgroup data;。

1. 物理备份和恢复(Physical Backup and Recovery):物理备份和恢复是最常用的数据迁移方法之一、它基于数据库的物理结构,通过将数据文件、控制文件和日志文件等直接复制到目标数据库来完成数据迁移。
2. 逻辑备份和恢复(Logical Backup and Recovery):逻辑备份和恢复是另一种常用的数据迁移方法,它基于逻辑结构,通过导出和导入数据来完成数据迁移。
具体步骤如下:(1) 在源数据库上执行逻辑备份,例如使用expdp命令将数据导出为数据泵文件。
(3) 在目标数据库上执行逻辑恢复,例如使用impdp命令将数据导入。
3. 逻辑复制(Logical Replication):逻辑复制是一种将源数据库的数据变更应用到目标数据库的方法,它可以实时地将数据更新传输到目标数据库。
具体步骤如下:(1) 在源数据库上启用逻辑复制功能,例如使用Oracle GoldenGate或Oracle Streams。
oracle 11gR2 RAC更换存储数据迁移方案

数据库更换存储迁移方案生产数据库环境数据库版本:Oracle 11g R2 RAC (11204)数据存储方式:共享存储,ASM管理ASM 组及名字: crsdg,datadg数据库实例名:zgdb1,zgdb2数据库数据量:100G操作系统版本:RedHat 5.8数据迁移实施步骤流程目前数据库的数据是存放在和其他业务共用的存储上,此次实施的目的是将数据迁移到新的存储上而不影响业务正常运行,迁移方案主要利用ASM 重平衡特性实现更换存储迁移数据,时间需要预计2天左右,大体迁移步骤就是如下几步操作:1.首先保证新存储和RAC当前节点间的可用性;2.将新存储划分LUN给2台数据库服务器,2台数据库服务器不替换,可以重新规划存储方案或者保持原存储方案,目前依照原存储规划方案;3.LUN磁盘映射给ORACLE集群,通过asmca或者asm命令行添加到ASM组中;4.迁移原OCR和votedisk表决盘到新ASM组;5.给现有ASM磁盘组添加ASM磁盘(新存储分配的),进行数据DATADG迁移,采用ASM重平衡的方式;6.删除原存储的ASM磁盘;7.检查系统、集群、数据库日志;新存储映射流程存储划分LUN映射1.存储和服务器之间连线;2.划分存储LUN,保证LUN数量及大小与之前旧存储划分一致;3.在数据库服务器安装多路径软件,保证2台服务链路一致;4.检查链路是否一致 powermt display dev=allLUN映射到ORACLE1.编辑/etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules文件,添加新存储映射SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="emcpowera", GROUP="asmadmin", OWNER="grid", MODE="0660"SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="emcpowerb", GROUP="asmadmin", OWNER="grid", MODE="0660"SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="emcpowerc", GROUP="asmadmin", OWNER="grid", MODE="0660"SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="emcpowerd", GROUP="asmadmin", OWNER="grid", MODE="0660"SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="emcpowere", GROUP="asmadmin", OWNER="grid", MODE="0660"SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="emcpowerf", GROUP="asmadmin", OWNER="grid", MODE="0660"2.启动udev_start,识别存储路径3.切到grid用户,使用ASMCA,添加新的ASM磁盘组数据库双重备份数据库迁移实施之前,先把当前数据进行备份,防止迁移异常之后,能够及时恢复数据,使用2种方式对数据库进行备份;方式一:rman备份数据1.开启数据库归档,启动到mount下,alter database archivelog2.备份参数文件c reate pfile=’/home/oracle/backup/init.ora’ from spfile;3.备份数据库export ORACLE_SID= zgdb1rman target / log='/tmp/rman_full.log' append <<EOFrun{allocate channel c1 type disk;allocate channel c2 type disk;allocate channel c3 type disk;allocate channel c4 type disk;backup as compressed backupset filesperset 6 databaseformat '/home/oracle/backup/full_%d_%T_%s_%p';backup current controlfile format '/home/oracle/backup/ctl_%d_%T_%s_%p';}EOF4.备份密码文件cp $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initpwzgdb1 /home/oracle/backup/5.数据库还原startup pfile=’/home/oracle/backup/init.ora’nomount;restore controlfile from '/home/oracle/rman/ctl_ ';alter database mount;restore database;recover database;alter database open;方式二:数据泵方式进行数据库备份1.创建directory目录create directory backup as '/home/oracle/backup';2.授权导出用户权限grant read,write on directory backup to system;3.备份数据expdp system/oracle directory=backup dumpfile=zgdb.dmp logfile=expdp.log schemas=hsman exclude=statistics cluster=n parallel=8;4.恢复数据impdp system/oracle directory=backup dumpfile=zgdb.dmp logfile=impdp.log schemas=hsman cluster=n parallel=8ASM迁移详细步骤集群迁移实施步骤1.grid用户下,使用asmca添加新的ASM组ocrvoting,3个10G LUN,采用normal方式;2.grid用户下,添加votediskcrsctl query css votediskcrsctl replace votedisk ocrvotingcreate pfile='/home/grid/asmpfile.ora' from spfile;create spfile='+ocrvoting' from pfile='/home/grid/asmpfile.ora';3.root用户下迁移ocrocrcheckocrconfig -add +ocrvotingocrconfig -replace +vocrvoting -replacement +crsdgocrconfig -delete +crsdgsqlplus / as sysasmalter diskgroup crsdg dismount;drop diskgroup crsdg including contents;4.检查votedisk和ocr状态crsctl query css votediskocrcheck数据迁移实施步骤1.查看数据磁盘状态sqlplus / as sysdbacol GROUP_NUMBER format 99col state format a10col name format a15col path format a20col failgroup format a20set line 200select GROUP_NUMBER,DISK_NUMBER,STATE,REDUNDANCY,TOTAL_MB,FREE_MB,name,path,failgroup from v$asm_disk order by GROUP_NUMBER;2.迁移数据磁盘组数据(PATH),时间较长;SQL> alter diskgroup DATA add disk '/DEV/EMCPOWER1' rebalance power 11;Diskgroup altered.SQL> alter diskgroup DATA add disk '/DEV/EMCPOWER2' rebalance power 11;Diskgroup altered.SQL> alter diskgroup DATA add disk '/DEV/EMCPOWER3' rebalance power 11;Diskgroup altered.由于指定rebalance power 11,ASM会自动均衡ASM磁盘组DATA里面存放的数据在各ASM磁盘的分布。
Oracle 11g数据库移植

第三,如果你想让逻辑布局维持原样,可以分隔索引和表,也就是分离SQL CREATE命令(一部分脚本专门用于创建表,另一部分专门用于索引)。在进行实际的移植之前,要尽可能先设置好目标数据库。其中一部分工作就是创建新的同样的表空间,并运行创建表的脚本。提前运行创建表的标本有两个理由,一是使逻辑布局生效,二是提高移植导入的速度。
对于数据库模式和应用软件的处理则要由你自己来决定。除非你已经对模式和应用软件的转换进行了彻底测试并使其正常运作了,否则整体移植过程的这一部分是否成功仍是个未知之数。如果让新应用软件和数据库上线,然后才发现新软件和数据库代码会导致连锁触发(cascading triggers)反应(将会导致实例瘫痪),这样的情况会让你沮丧不已。实际产品环境中常包含成千上万条记录,而开发人员和测试人员在测试环境下的测试规模只有一百条记录,很难进行一次彻底的测试。
第一,这样可以把表和索引等对象信息(全部或部分,取决于导出dump文件中包含了什么内容)存储在指定的输出文件中。想知道创建模式的源代码在哪里吗?如果你没有源代码,那这个参数(连同一个返回所有其他信息的简单查询)对于这些信息的提供会有很大帮助。查询部分会将全部的或user_source数据字典的内容输出到文件中。包、包体、存储过程、函数和触发器等代码信息都包括在输出的结果文件里。再稍微加工一下,例如执行CREATE OR REPLACE命令,清除SQL*Plus工具存储区域里无用的结果(如标题行、换页等),剩下的就是一个模式最重要那部分的当前代码。

用normal 什么登陆
路径: DMP数据文件所在目录点击确定保存
ORA-20446: The owner of the job is not registered ORA-
06512: 在"SYSMAN.MGMT_JOBS", line 168 ORA-06512: 在"SYSMAN.MGMT_JOBS", line 86 ORA-06512: 在 line 1 解决方案:
execute MGMT_USER.MAKE_EM_USER('sa') 导出
ORACLE 数据库在不同计算机上的迁移(克隆数据库)

ORACLE 数据库在不同计算机上的迁移(克隆数据库)描述:一台联想台式机上安装了oracle11g,建立了自己的数据库,现在想在宿舍DELL笔记本电脑上克隆这个数据库。
1 在目标机器上安装数据库,密码一致数据库名字一致。
2 登陆sys as sysdba 这时数据库自动启动3 shutdown immediate 关闭数据库,startup nomount,这时系统释放掉控制文件和数据文件,就是在这时完成替换。
4 复制数据文件和redo文件到目标机相应目录下原先的文件全部删除(数据目录下)我的是在C:\app\Administrator\oradata\orcl\目录下5 重建控制文件,主要就是让数据库系统知道有哪些数据文件,文件路径(指定的文件都应该有存在,否则会报错,这就是4在前的原因)如果不重建,会报控制文件太旧的错误,所以重建控制文件时必须的;6set linesize 400;col file# for 99;col name for a100;col status for a20;select file#,name,status from v$datafile;///////SQL> set linesize 400;SQL> col file# for 99;SQL> col name for a100;SQL> col status for a20;SQL> select file#,name,status from v$datafile;FILE# NAME STATUS----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------1 D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\ORCL\SYSTEM01.DBF SYSTEM2 D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\ORCL\SYSAUX01.DBF RECOVER3 D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\ORCL\UNDOTBS01.DBF RECOVER4 D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\ORCL\USERS01.DBF RECOVER5 D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\ORCL\MILKWAY_TBS_01 RECOVER6 D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\ORCL\MILKWAY_TBS_02 RECOVER找到文件编号7 SQL> recover datafile 1;SQL> recover datafile 2;.....最好把所有的数据文件都恢复一边,不管提示是否为RECOVER状态8 alter database open;搞定9 cmd 命令窗口下最好来一下set ORACLE_SID=orcl; 大小写敏感shutdown normal ;好不容易搞定,第一次关闭用normal ,慢点值得,免得丢失10 sys as sysdba 如果发现是连接到空闲进程,用startup open即可。
Oracle 11g的数据库导入导出

oracle 11g 数据库导入导出一、导入数据库1、新建一个表空间,表空间的名字、大小请根据具体项目进行调整。
--建立表空间sql语句create tablespace raxmdatafile 'E:\11g\oradata\orcl\raxm.dbf'size 2048mautoextend on next 32m maxsize 4096m2、新建一个用户,要注意选择默认的表空间、对角色权限、系统权限进行授权,如下图所示:3、将要导入的数据库文件拷到oracle 11 g安装目录下,我oracle 11g 的安装目录是:E:oracle11g\admin\orcl\dpdmp,我就将数据库文件拷到该目录下,并将要导入的数据库文件重命名为:expdat.dmp,这里一定要重命名为这个名字,因为第4步的导入数据库默认的路径就是E:oracle11g\admin\orcl\dpdmp,导入的数据库文件为expdat.dmp,操作如下图所示:4、打开控制台,输入impdp rays/1,这里的rays指的是你刚才建立的用户,1指的是该用户的密码。
6、如果在导入数据库的过程中有出现问题,可以参考附录中的百度版oracle 11g 导入导出。
二、导出数据库导出数据库是导入数据库的逆过程,具体步骤如下:1、打开控制台,输入expdp raxm/1,其中expdp表示导出数据库,raxm 表示用户,1表示密码,如下图所示:2、控制台显示成功导出之后,可以在oracle 11 g安装目录下,我oracle 11g的安装目录是:E:oracle11g\admin\orcl\dpdmp,找到导出的数据库文件,如下图所示:3、接着你就可以根据项目的需要对导出来的数据库进行重命名。
4、如果在导出数据库的过程中有出现问题,可以参考附录中的百度版oracle 11g 导入导出。

Sybase数据库迁移到Oracle11g⼿册Migrating a Sybase Database to Oracle Database 11g ⼀、TopicsThis tutorial covers the following topics:OverviewPrerequisitesCreating the mwrep UserCreating the Migration RepositoryCapturing the Sybase Exported FilesChecking Convertion PreferencesConverting to the Oracle ModelResolving Stored Procedure Convertion FailuresResolving Stored Procedure Convertion LimitationsGenerating and Executing the Script to Create the Oracle Database ObjectsChecking Offline Data Move PreferencesAnalysis and EstimationMigrating the DataResolving Compilation IssuesResolving Runtime IssuesTesting and Deployment⼆、OverviewWhat Is SQL Developer?Oracle SQL Developer is a free graphical tool that enhances productivity and simplifies database development tasks. Using Oracle SQL Developer, you can browse database objects, run SQL statements, edit and debug PL/SQL statements and run reports, whether provided or created.Microsoft SQL Server Migration OverviewUsing Oracle SQL Developer Migration Workbench, you can quickly migrate your third-party database to Oracle.There are four main steps in the database migration process:In this tutorial, the required scripts for the offline migration have already been generated and modified. If you do not have time to perform this tutorial, you can also view the offline method, click here.This tutorial uses a modified version of the pubs2 sample database. This sample database has been seeded with migration issues, so that a more complex migration can be demonstrated.The following issues will be covered.Conversion PreferencesStored Procedure Conversion FailuresStored Procedure Conversion LimitationsDynamic SQLOffline Data Move PreferencesIf you are unfamiliar with SQL Developer Migration Workbench, please follow the "Migrating a Microsoft SQL Server Database to Oracle Database 11g" tutorial first.To view the steps for the online method, click here.三、PrerequisitesBefore you perform this tutorial, you should:1.Install the Oracle Database 10g or later, or Oracle Database XE2.Download and unzip Oracle SQL Developer here.3.Download and unzip the file into your working directory (i.e.wkdir)四、Creating the mwrep UserTo create a new database user, perform the following steps:Note: If you already have a system_orcl connection and a mwrep user, you can skip these steps.1. Open Oracle SQL Developer from the icon on your desktop.2. Select View > Connections.3. In the Connections tab, right-click Connections and select New Connection. A New / Select Database Connection window will appear.4. Enter system_orcl in the Connection Name field (or any other name that identifies your connection), system for the Username field, and for the Password field. Select the Save Password check box.Enter in the Hostname field and orcl in the SID field. Click Test.5. Check for the status of the connection on the left-bottom side (above the Help button). It should read Success. To save the connection, click Connect. Close the window.6. The connection is saved and you can see it listed under Connections in the Connections tab.7. Expand the system_orcl connection.Note: When a connection is opened, a SQL Worksheet is opened automatically. The SQL Worksheet allows you to execute SQL against the connection you just created.8. Enter the following code in the SQL Worksheet to create a user for the migration repositoryCREATE USER MWREPIDENTIFIED BY mwrepDEFAULT TABLESPACE USERSTEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP;GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE, CREATE SESSION, CREATE VIEW TO MWREP;9. Run the script , using the "Run Script (F5)" icon.10. The mwrep user was created successfully.五、Creating the Migration RepositoryTo convert the Sybase database to Oracle, you need to create a repository to store the required repository tables and PL/SQL packages. To do this, perform the following steps:Note: If you already have a mwrep_orcl connection and a migration repository for it, you can skip these steps.1. Before you create the repository, you need to create a connection to the mwrep user. In the Connections tab, right-click Connections and select New Connection. A New / Select Database Connection window will appear.Note: If this tab is not visible, select View > Connections.2. Enter mwrep_orcl in the Connection Name field (or any other name that identifies your connection), mwrep for the Username and Password fields. Select the Save Password check box. Enter in the Hostname field and orcl in the SID field. Click Test.3. Check for the status of the connection on the left-bottom side (above the Help button). It should read Success. To save the connection, click Connect. Close the window.4. The connection is saved and you can see it listed under Connections in the Connections tab.5. Right-click the mwrep_orcl connection and select Migration Repository > Associate Migration Repository.6. A progress window appears.7. When the repository has been built, click Close.8. Click OK.六、Capturing the Sybase Exported FilesThe procedure for creating the Sybase database scripts has been completed for you and the files are available in the C:\hol08\migration\Sybase\files\Capture directory. To view this procedure, click here.To load the captured Sybase database scripts into Oracle SQL Developer, perform the following steps:1. Select Migration > Third Party Database Offline Capture > Load Database Capture Script Output.2. Browse the Capture directory and select the sybase15.ocp file.3. The objects are being captured. When done, click Close.4. Sybase15 is listed in the Captured Models tab. Expand Sybase15.5. Expand dbo to see the list of objects that were captured.七、Checking Conversion PreferencesIt is important to review the conversion preferences at this point. To do so, perform the following steps: 1. Select Tools > Preferences.2. Expand Migration and select Identifier Options.3. Make sure "Is Quoted Identifier On" is not selected. This is because the Sybase pubs2 database recognizes double quotes as String literals. If this is set incorrectly it can cause the conversion failure of procedures, triggers and views. Click OK.4. From the Captured Model tab, expand Procedures and select storename_proc. Notice the use of "%".⼋、Converting to the Oracle ModelTo convert the captured model to the Oracle model, perform the following steps:1. Right-click the captured model Sybase15 and select Convert to Oracle Model.2. The Set Data Map window appears, that shows you the Source Data Type and what it will be converted to in the Oracle Model. Click Apply.3. The conversion is performed. When done, click Close.4. Expand Converted:Sybase15 listed in the Converted Models tab.5. Expand dbo_pubs2 to view the converted objects.九、Resolving Stored Procedure Conversion FailuresAn error represents the failure to convert an object. This generally only affects objects defined in T-SQL (Procedures, Triggers, Functions, and Views). These objects are available in the Converted Model after the conversion, but they remain defined in Sybase T-SQL and have not been converted to Oracle PL/SQL.Generally an object fails to convert because a part of the T-SQL is not recognized. Once this part of the T-SQL is identified, it can be worked around so that the majority of the translation can be performed automatically. Leaving only a small section of T-SQL to manually translate.In this tutorial, the sample database has been seeded with one procedure that fails to convert. The following steps outline how to go about identifying the issue and complete its conversion. The steps used here are the same for any type of conversion failure.To resolve the errors, perform the following steps:1. Select the Converted:Sybase15 model in the Converted Model navigator and expand dbo_pubs2.2. Expand Procedures and select expectedToFail. The Migration Log - Log tab contains the list of errors and warnings that occurred during the conversion.3. Right-click the Failed To Convert Stored Procedure error and select View Details.4. In this example, the error message provides line details to help identify the problematic syntax. Not all errors provide this information. For the purposes of this tutorial this information will be ignored, but during your own migration this information ishelpful. Click OK.5. You will now fix these errors. Copy the contents of the expectedToFail file and select Migration > Translation Scratch Editor.6. Double-click Scratch Editor to enlarge the editor.7. Adjust the two text boxes.8. Paste the copied text from the expectedToFail file in the Enter 3rd Party SQL: text box.。

Oracle 11g R2 RAC with ASM存储迁移【手记】2016.06【摘要】Oracle数据库文件部署在ASM上,需要尽量短的停机时间完成此次存储更换。
因此使用迁移ASM DISKGROUP 的方式完成存储迁移,该方法实现迁移过程中尽量缩短系统的停机时间。
步骤如下:1)划分asm disk,并检查或更改UDEV配置文件,使得新存储的asm disk对ASM实例可识别。
2)备份OCR、Voting Disk、ASM disk header和数据库。
3)创建新的DISKGROUP4)迁移OCR和Vote Disks到新磁盘组(ASM diskgroup)5)迁移ASM Spfile到新磁盘组(ASM diskgroup)6)迁移数据库相关文件至新磁盘组(ASM diskgroup)7)在线修改数据库参数文件(归档路径、闪回等)8)删除旧磁盘组9)观察期。
查看当前ASM磁盘信息登录到ASM实例,查看当前磁盘组的信息:[[grid@rac1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysasmSQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jun 22 09:08:26 2016Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Real Application Clusters and Automatic Storage Management optionsSQL> select instance_name from v$instance;INSTANCE_NAME----------------+ASM1SQL> col name for a10SQL> set linesize 150SQL> select NAME, ALLOCATION_UNIT_SIZE, STATE, TOTAL_MB, FREE_MB USABLE_FILE_MB from gv$asm_diskgroup;NAME ALLOCATION_UNIT_SIZE STATE TOTAL_MB USABLE_FILE_MB---------- -------------------- ----------- ---------- --------------DATA 1048576 MOUNTED 10240 6721FRA 1048576 MOUNTED 13312 11081 SYSTEMDG 1048576 MOUNTED 25600 24344DATA 1048576 MOUNTED 10240 6721FRA 1048576 MOUNTED 13312 11081 SYSTEMDG 1048576 MOUNTED 25600 243446 rows selected.SQL> select failgroup, name from v$asm_disk where group_number=(select group_number from v$asm_diskgroup where name = 'DATA');FAILGROUP NAME------------------------------ ----------DATA_0001 DATA_0001DATA_0000 DATA_0000利用asmca命令创建DISKGROUP相关的sql语句SQL> CREATE DISKGROUP DATA2 EXTERNAL REDUNDANCY DISK '/dev/asm-diskk' SIZE 20480M ATTRIBUTE 'compatible.asm'='','au_size'='1M' /* ASMCA */SQL> CREATE DISKGROUP FRA2 EXTERNAL REDUNDANCY DISK '/dev/asm-diskl' SIZE 5120MATTRIBUTE 'compatible.asm'='','au_size'='1M' /* ASMCA */磁盘组状态ora.DATA.dgONLINE ONLINE rac1 ONLINE ONLINE rac2 ora.DATA2.dgONLINE ONLINE rac1 ONLINE ONLINE rac2 ora.FRA.dgONLINE ONLINE rac1 ONLINE ONLINE rac2 ora.FRA2.dgONLINE ONLINE rac1 ONLINE ONLINE rac2 ora.LISTENER.lsnrONLINE ONLINE rac1 ONLINE OFFLINE rac2 ora.SYSTEMDG.dgONLINE ONLINE rac1 ONLINE ONLINE rac2 ora.asmONLINE ONLINE rac1 Started ONLINE ONLINE rac2 Started[grid@rac1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jun 22 10:02:37 2016Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Real Application Clusters and Automatic Storage Management optionsSQL> select name,state from v$asm_diskgroup;NAME STATE------------------------------ -----------DATA MOUNTEDFRA MOUNTEDSYSTEMDG MOUNTEDDATA2 MOUNTEDFRA2 MOUNTED二、迁移OCR和Vote Disks到新磁盘组(ASM diskgroup)查看ocr信息:[grid@rac1 ~]$ ocrcheckStatus of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :Version : 3Total space (kbytes) : 262120Used space (kbytes) : 2916Available space (kbytes) : 259204ID : 997200134Device/File Name : +SYSTEMDGDevice/File integrity check succeededDevice/File not configuredDevice/File not configuredDevice/File not configuredDevice/File not configuredCluster registry integrity check succeededLogical corruption check bypassed due to non-privileged user添加ocr磁盘组[root@rac1 bin]# ./ocrconfig -add +DATA2[root@rac1 bin]# ./ocrcheckStatus of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :Version : 3Total space (kbytes) : 262120Used space (kbytes) : 2916Available space (kbytes) : 259204ID : 997200134Device/File Name : +SYSTEMDGDevice/File integrity check succeeded Device/File Name : +DATA2Device/File integrity check succeeded Device/File not configuredDevice/File not configuredDevice/File not configuredCluster registry integrity check succeededLogical corruption check succeeded删除OCR旧磁盘组[root@rac1 bin]# ./ocrconfig -delete +SYSTEMDG[root@rac1 bin]# ./ocrcheckStatus of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :Version : 3Total space (kbytes) : 262120Used space (kbytes) : 2916Available space (kbytes) : 259204ID : 997200134Device/File Name : +DATA2Device/File integrity check succeeded Device/File not configuredDevice/File not configuredDevice/File not configuredDevice/File not configuredCluster registry integrity check succeeded查看Votedisk信息,迁移至新磁盘组[grid@rac1 ~]$ crsctl query css votedisk## STATE File Universal Id File Name Disk group-- ----- ----------------- --------- ---------1. ONLINE b0746a43f93c4ff2bf067cb97ffedf4e (/dev/asm-diskb) [SYSTEMDG]2. ONLINE a54ec305b2c94febbf10c7426bad5ab8 (/dev/asm-diskc) [SYSTEMDG]3. ONLINE 3b9ff9c1f7884f02bfedb22d5cdfc463 (/dev/asm-diskd) [SYSTEMDG]4. ONLINE a4c764cb429e4fcdbf4ac458b9f51803 (/dev/asm-diske) [SYSTEMDG]5. ONLINE 23f5f064b0734f9bbf486a9d3a6df62f (/dev/asm-diskf) [SYSTEMDG] Located 5 voting disk(s).[grid@rac1 ~]$ crsctl replace votedisk +DATA2Successful addition of voting disk 06d88831dc8b4fa0bf0213c802aeb8d8.Successful deletion of voting disk b0746a43f93c4ff2bf067cb97ffedf4e.Successful deletion of voting disk a54ec305b2c94febbf10c7426bad5ab8.Successful deletion of voting disk 3b9ff9c1f7884f02bfedb22d5cdfc463.Successful deletion of voting disk a4c764cb429e4fcdbf4ac458b9f51803.Successful deletion of voting disk 23f5f064b0734f9bbf486a9d3a6df62f. Successfully replaced voting disk group with +DATA2.CRS-4266: Voting file(s) successfully replaced[grid@rac1 ~]$ crsctl query css votedisk## STATE File Universal Id File Name Disk group-- ----- ----------------- --------- ---------1. ONLINE 06d88831dc8b4fa0bf0213c802aeb8d8 (/dev/asm-diskk) [DATA2]Located 1 voting disk(s).三、Moving server side ASM SPfile to new ASM diskgroup查看ASM SPFILE 信息,迁移到新磁盘组[grid@rac1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysasmSQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jun 22 10:16:53 2016Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Real Application Clusters and Automatic Storage Management optionsSQL> show parameter spfileNAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ spfile string +SYSTEMDG/vmac-cluster/asmpara meterfile/registry.253.8654292 27验证spfile路径ASMCMD> spget +SYSTEMDG/vmac-cluster/asmparameterfile/registry.253.865429227+SYSTEMDG/vmac-cluster/asmparameterfile/registry.253.865429227ASMCMD> spget+SYSTEMDG/vmac-cluster/asmparameterfile/registry.253.865429227SQL> create pfile='/tmp/asm_pfile.ora' from spfileSQL> create spfile='+DATA2' from pfile='/tmp/asm_pfile.ora';File created.New SPfile location will be logged on the ASM alert logNOTE: updated gpnp profile ASM SPFILE to +DATA2/dbatst-scan/asmparameterfile/registry.253.828801675[grid@rac1 trace]$ tail alert_+ASM1.logWed Jun 22 10:41:55 2016NOTE: updated gpnp profile ASM diskstring: /dev/asm*NOTE: updated gpnp profile ASM diskstring: /dev/asm*NOTE: updated gpnp profile ASM SPFILE to +DATA2/vmac-cluster/asmparameterfile/registry.253.915187315[grid@rac1 ~]$ asmcmdASMCMD> spget+DATA2/vmac-cluster/asmparameterfile/registry.253.915187315ASMCMD> spget +DATA2/vmac-cluster/asmparameterfile/registry.253.915187315+DATA2/vmac-cluster/asmparameterfile/registry.253.915187315ASMCMD>四、 Moving database related files to new ASM diskgroup控制文件迁移SQL> show parameter controlNAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------control_file_record_keep_time integer 7control_files string +DATA/dcdb/controlfile/current .256.865439483, +FRA/dcdb/cont rolfile/current.256.865439483 SQL> create pfile='/home/oracle/pfile.ora' from spfile;File created.SQL> alter system set control_files='+DATA2','+FRA2' scope=spfile sid='*';System altered.[oracle@rac1 ~]$ srvctl stop database -d dcdb启动实例1到nomount状态[oracle@rac1 ~]$ srvctl start instance -d dcdb -i dcdb1 -o nomount[oracle@rac1 ~]$ srvctl status instance -d dcdb -i dcdb1Instance dcdb1 is running on node rac1[oracle@rac1 ~]$ rman target /Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Jun 22 10:56:08 2016Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.connected to target database: DCDB (not mounted)RMAN> restore controlfile from '+DATA/dcdb/controlfile/current.256.865439483' 2> ;Starting restore at 22-JUN-16using target database control file instead of recovery catalogallocated channel: ORA_DISK_1channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=37 instance=dcdb1 device type=DISKchannel ORA_DISK_1: copied control file copyoutput file name=+DATA2/dcdb/controlfile/current.256.915188239output file name=+FRA2/dcdb/controlfile/current.256.915188241Finished restore at 22-JUN-16[oracle@rac1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jun 22 10:58:24 2016Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsSQL> alter database mount2 ;Database altered.SQL> alter database open ;Database altered.SQL> show parameter controlNAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ control_file_record_keep_time integer 7control_files string +DATA2/dcdb/controlfile/curren t.256.915188239, +FRA2/dcdb/co ntrolfile/current.256.91518824 1五. Moving SPfile to new ASM diskgroup查看参数文件SQL> show parameter spfileNAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ spfile string +DATA/dcdb/spfiledcdb.ora SQL> create pfile='/tmp/pfile_db.ora' from spfile;SQL> create spfile='+DATA2' from pfile='/tmp/pfile_db.ora';[grid@rac1 trace]$ asmcmdASMCMD> lsDATA/DATA2/FRA/FRA2/SYSTEMDG/ASMCMD> cd data2ASMCMD> lsDCDB/vmac-cluster/ASMCMD> cd dcdbASMCMD> lsCONTROLFILE/PARAMETERFILE/ASMCMD> cd parameerfileASMCMD-8002: entry 'parameerfile' does not exist in directory '+data2/dcdb/' lASMCMD> sCONTROLFILE/PARAMETERFILE/ASMCMD> cd parameterfileASMCMD> lsspfile.257.915188699ASMCMD> mkalias +DATA2/dcdb/parameterfile/spfile.257.915188699 spfiledcdb.ora ASMCMD> ls -lType Redund Striped Time Sys NameY CONTROLFILE/Y PARAMETERFILE/N spfiledcdb.ora =>+DATA2/DCDB/PARAMETERFILE/spfile.257.915188699[grid@rac1 trace]$ srvctl config database -d dcdbDatabase unique name: dcdbDatabase name: dcdbOracle home: /s01/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1Oracle user: oracleSpfile: +DATA/dcdb/spfiledcdb.oraDomain:Start options: openStop options: immediateDatabase role: PRIMARYManagement policy: AUTOMATICServer pools: dcdbDatabase instances: dcdb1,dcdb2Disk Groups: DATA,FRA,DATA2,FRA2Mount point paths:Services:Type: RACDatabase is administrator managed[oracle@rac1 ~]$ srvctl config database -d dcdbDatabase unique name: dcdbDatabase name: dcdbOracle home: /s01/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1Oracle user: oracleSpfile: +DATA2/dcdb/spfiledcdb.oraDomain:Start options: openStop options: immediateDatabase role: PRIMARYManagement policy: AUTOMATICServer pools: dcdbDatabase instances: dcdb1,dcdb2Disk Groups: DATA,FRA,DATA2,FRA2Mount point paths:Services:Type: RACDatabase is administrator managedModify the pfiles that give reference to the SPFile in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs [oracle@rac1 ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs[oracle@rac1 dbs]$ lshc_dcdb1.dat initdcdb1.ora init.ora orapwdcdb1 snapcf_dcdb1.f [oracle@rac1 dbs]$ cat initdcdb1.oraSPFILE='+DATA/dcdb/spfiledcdb.ora'编辑后浏览[oracle@rac1 dbs]$ cat initdcdb1.oraSPFILE='+DATA2/dcdb/spfiledcdb.ora'[oracle@rac2 dbs]$ cat initdcdb2.oraSPFILE='+DATA/dcdb/spfiledcdb.ora'修改成如下:[oracle@rac2 dbs]$ cat initdcdb2.oraSPFILE='+DATA2/dcdb/spfiledcdb.ora'[oracle@rac2 dbs]$ sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jun 22 11:17:17 2016 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to an idle instance.SQL> show sgaORA-01034: ORACLE not availableProcess ID: 0Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0SQL> startupORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 1653518336 bytesFixed Size 2228904 bytesVariable Size 1258294616 bytesDatabase Buffers 385875968 bytesRedo Buffers 7118848 bytesDatabase mounted.Database opened.六. Moving data files to new ASM diskgroup迁移数据文件至新磁盘组SQL> select 'backup as copy datafile '|| file#||' format ''+DATA2'';' fromv$datafile;'BACKUPASCOPYDATAFILE'||FILE#||'FORMAT''+DATA2'';'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------backup as copy datafile 1 format '+DATA2';backup as copy datafile 2 format '+DATA2';backup as copy datafile 3 format '+DATA2';backup as copy datafile 4 format '+DATA2';backup as copy datafile 5 format '+DATA2';backup as copy datafile 6 format '+DATA2';6 rows selected.rman rman target /run {backup as copy datafile 1 format '+DATA2';backup as copy datafile 2 format '+DATA2';backup as copy datafile 3 format '+DATA2';backup as copy datafile 4 format '+DATA2';backup as copy datafile 5 format '+DATA2';backup as copy datafile 6 format '+DATA2';RMAN> run {backup as copy datafile 1 format '+DATA2';backup as copy datafile 2 format '+DATA2';backup as copy datafile 3 format '+DATA2';backup as copy datafile 4 format '+DATA2';backup as copy datafile 5 format '+DATA2';backup as copy datafile 6 format '+DATA2';}2> 3> 4> 5> 6> 7> 8>Starting backup at 22-JUN-16using target database control file instead of recovery catalogallocated channel: ORA_DISK_1channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=58 instance=dcdb2 device type=DISKchannel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copyinput datafile file number=00001 name=+DATA/dcdb/datafile/system.259.865439491 output file name=+DATA2/dcdb/datafile/system.258.915190107tag=TAG20160622T112825 RECID=1 STAMP=915190117channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:15channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copycopying current control fileoutput file name=+DATA2/dcdb/controlfile/backup.259.915190121tag=TAG20160622T112825 RECID=2 STAMP=915190123channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:03channel ORA_DISK_1: starting full datafile backup setchannel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backup setincluding current SPFILE in backup setchannel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 22-JUN-16channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 22-JUN-16piecehandle=+DATA2/dcdb/backupset/2016_06_22/nnsnf0_tag20160622t112825_0.260.9151901 25 tag=TAG20160622T112825 comment=NONEchannel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01Finished backup at 22-JUN-16Starting backup at 22-JUN-16using channel ORA_DISK_1channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copyinput datafile file number=00002 name=+DATA/dcdb/datafile/sysaux.260.865439507 output file name=+DATA2/dcdb/datafile/sysaux.261.915190133tag=TAG20160622T112852 RECID=3 STAMP=915190150channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:25Finished backup at 22-JUN-16Starting backup at 22-JUN-16using channel ORA_DISK_1channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copyinput datafile file number=00003 name=+DATA/dcdb/datafile/undotbs1.261.865439519 output file name=+DATA2/dcdb/datafile/undotbs1.262.915190159tag=TAG20160622T112918 RECID=4 STAMP=915190167channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:15Finished backup at 22-JUN-16Starting backup at 22-JUN-16using channel ORA_DISK_1channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copyinput datafile file number=00004 name=+DATA/dcdb/datafile/undotbs2.263.865439543 output file name=+DATA2/dcdb/datafile/undotbs2.263.915190177tag=TAG20160622T112937 RECID=5 STAMP=915190184channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:15Finished backup at 22-JUN-16Starting backup at 22-JUN-16using channel ORA_DISK_1channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copyinput datafile file number=00005 name=+DATA/dcdb/datafile/users.264.865439549 output file name=+DATA2/dcdb/datafile/users.264.915190195 tag=TAG20160622T112954 RECID=6 STAMP=915190195channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01Finished backup at 22-JUN-16Starting backup at 22-JUN-16using channel ORA_DISK_1channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copyinput datafile file number=00006 name=+DATA/dcdb/datafile/imaa.268.914573605 output file name=+DATA2/dcdb/datafile/imaa.265.915190201 tag=TAG20160622T113001 RECID=7 STAMP=915190203channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:03Finished backup at 22-JUN-16[oracle@rac2 dbs]$ srvctl stop database -d dcdb[oracle@rac2 dbs]$ srvctl start instance -d dcdb -i dcdb2 -o mountSQL> select 'switch datafile '|| file#||' to copy;' from v$datafile;'SWITCHDATAFILE'||FILE#||'TOCOPY;'-----------------------------------------------------------------switch datafile 1 to copy;switch datafile 2 to copy;switch datafile 3 to copy;switch datafile 4 to copy;switch datafile 5 to copy;switch datafile 6 to copy;6 rows selected.SQL> select 'recover datafile '|| file# ||';' from v$datafile;'RECOVERDATAFILE'||FILE#||';'----------------------------------------------------------recover datafile 1;recover datafile 2;recover datafile 3;recover datafile 4;recover datafile 5;recover datafile 6;6 rows selected.[oracle@rac2 dbs]$ rman target /Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Jun 22 11:41:49 2016 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. connected to target database: DCDB (DBID=3006999415, not open)RMAN> switch datafile 1 to copy;switch datafile 2 to copy;switch datafile 3 to copy;switch datafile 4 to copy;switch datafile 5 to copy;switch datafile 6 to copy;using target database control file instead of recovery catalogdatafile 1 switched to datafile copy "+DATA2/dcdb/datafile/system.258.915190107"RMAN>datafile 2 switched to datafile copy "+DATA2/dcdb/datafile/sysaux.261.915190133"RMAN>datafile 3 switched to datafile copy "+DATA2/dcdb/datafile/undotbs1.262.915190159" RMAN>allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=38 instance=dcdb2 device type=DISKstarting media recoverymedia recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01Finished recover at 22-JUN-16RMAN>Starting recover at 22-JUN-16using channel ORA_DISK_1starting media recoverymedia recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02Finished recover at 22-JUN-16RMAN>Starting recover at 22-JUN-16using channel ORA_DISK_1starting media recoverymedia recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02Finished recover at 22-JUN-16RMAN>Starting recover at 22-JUN-16using channel ORA_DISK_1starting media recoverymedia recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01Finished recover at 22-JUN-16RMAN>Starting recover at 22-JUN-16using channel ORA_DISK_1starting media recoverymedia recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01Finished recover at 22-JUN-16七. Moving temp files to new ASM diskgroup八. Moving online redo log files to new ASM diskgroup修改闪回区SQL> show parameter recoverNAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ db_recovery_file_dest string +FRAdb_recovery_file_dest_size big integer 5727Mdb_unrecoverable_scn_tracking boolean TRUErecovery_parallelism integer 0SQL> alter system set db_recovery_file_dest='+FRA2';System altered.SQL> show parameter recoverNAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ db_recovery_file_dest string +FRA2db_recovery_file_dest_size big integer 5727Mdb_unrecoverable_scn_tracking boolean TRUESQL> show parameter db_create_file_destNAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ db_create_file_dest string +DATASQL> alter system set db_create_file_dest='+DATA2';System altered.SQL> show parameter db_create_file_destNAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ db_create_file_dest string +DATA2修改归档路径:SQL> select max(sequence#),thread# from v$archived_log group by thread#;MAX(SEQUENCE#) THREAD#-------------- ----------506 1434 2SQL> select name from v$archived_log where (sequence#=506 and thread#=1) or (sequence#=434 and thread#=2);NAME--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+FRA/dcdb/archivelog/2016_06_23/thread_1_seq_506.312.915269175+FRA/dcdb/archivelog/2016_06_23/thread_2_seq_434.318.915269177SQL> show parameter log_archive_dest_1NAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ log_archive_dest_1 string LOCATION=+FRASQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=+FRA2';System altered.SQL> show parameter log_archive_dest_1NAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------log_archive_dest_1 string LOCATION=+FRA2执行数据库物理全备九 . Dropping old disk groups[root@rac2 bin]# ./crsctl stop cluster –all[grid@rac2 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysasmSQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Jun 23 10:07:55 2016Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Real Application Clusters and Automatic Storage Management options SQL> alter diskgroup data dismount ;SQL> alter diskgroup flash dismount;Diskgroup altered.Drop the disks from the other nodeSQL> drop diskgroup flash including contents;Diskgroup dropped.SQL> drop diskgroup data including contents;Diskgroup dropped.SQL>Remove the disks from OCR[oracle@rac01 ~]$ srvctl remove diskgroup -g DATAPRCA-1002 : Failed to remove CRS resource ora.DATA.dg for ASM Disk Group DATA PRCR-1028 : Failed to remove resource ora.DATA.dgPRCR-1072 : Failed to unregister resource ora.DATA.dgCRS-0222: Resource ‘ora.DATA.dg’ has dependency error.[oracle@dba01tst ~]$ srvctl modify database -d dcdb -a “DATA2,FRA2”[oracle@dba01tst ~]$ srvctl remove diskgroup -g DATA[oracle@dba01tst ~]$ srvctl remove diskgroup -g FRA[oracle@dba01tst ~]$ srvctl start database -d dcdb至此,完成存储的迁移,新的磁盘组已替换旧的磁盘组。
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客户的数据库采用expdp命令导出的,这是Oracle10g以后采用的新的导出方式,比exp 执行效率上有所提高。
create or replace directory <dir_name> as ‘c:\tmpdir’;
expdp <username>/<password>@<SID> directory=<dir_name> dumpfile=xxxxxx.dat
logfile=xxxx.log schemas=ARADMIN;
3、如果需要备份(通常不需要)CMDB WebService则导出AtriumAdmin库
expdp <username>/<password>@<SID> directory=<dir_name> dumpfile=xxxxxx.dat
logfile=xxxx.log schemas=ARADMIN;
create or replace directory <dir_name_1> as ‘c:\tmpdir’;
sqlplus <username>/<password>@<SID> as sysdba;
show parameter name; 查看连接的是哪个SID;
select username from dba_users order by created;查看所有表空间命令的最后两行应该有ARADMIN和ATRIUMADMIN表空间名;
删除目标库里面原来的表空间(删之前停AR服务):drop user ARADMIN cascade;
temporary tablespace TEMP quota unlimited on ARSYSTEM;
Grant alter session,create cluster,create database link,create sequence,create session, create synonym,create table,create view,create procedure,create trigger,query rewrite to aradmin;
Impdp <username>/<password>@<SID> directory=<dir_name_1> dumpfile=xxxx.dat logfile=xxxx.log schemas=ARADMIN。