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第三版新视野大学英语 Unit1SectionB
Section B W h a t we w i s h
Reading skills
Presentation of the skill Reading skill practice
Previewing means that you get an idea of what the reading material is about without actually reading the whole text.
Previewing skills
Read the first paragraph.
It often tells the main idea of the article. As you read the 1st paragraph, continue
thinking about the material and ask yourself, “Does the first paragraph give me any specific information about the article?” “Can I figure out the central idea of this article from the 1st paragraph?”
Previewing skills
Read the title and subtitles if there are any.
The title often gives you the topic or subject of the article. As you read the title,
ask yourself, “What may be the main idea of the article?” “What kind of information will I learn from
Look at Text B. Read only the title, the first paragraph, the first sentences of paragraphs 2-8, and the last paragraph. Make predictions about the following questions.
Reading skill practice
Questions What may be the topic of the passage? Who wrote the letter and to whom was it written? Why did the author write the letter? What topics may be discussed in more details in the text?
this article?” “What do I already know about this topic?”
For example, when you see the title of Text A “Toward a brighter future for all,” you might asked yourself some questions and made some predictions. The questions may be: What is the passage about? Who is the author? Who is the audience?
Ask yourself, “What may be the main idea of this
Section B W h a t we w i s h
Text study
Text comprehension(questions) Language focus
Critical thinking
Previewing skills Read the title and subtitles if there are any. Read the first paragraph. Read the last paragraph. Read the first sentence of each remaining paragraph.
Previewing skills
Read the last paragraph.
It usuBiblioteka Baidully provides the summary of the article and leaves the reader with some thoughts on the topic. As you read it, ask
yourself “What has the author summarized?” “Did I make a correct prediction about the
central idea?” What are the main ideas or main arguments
of the article?
Previewing skills
Read the first sentence of each remaining paragraph.
Most of the time, the first sentence of a paragraph. Most of the time, the first sentence of a paragraph is the topic sentence; in other words, it tells the main idea of that paragraph.
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Why does the father say it is bittersweet to see his child go to college? (P1-2)