太极英语介绍 PPT

In the eyes of hobbyist, Tai Chi is an inner experience that one knows hot and cold
In the minds of some martial arts master, taijiquan is a boxing with unique style
Date back to tang dynasty ?
Date back to tang dynasty ? Created by Zhang Sanfeng ???
Date back to tang dynasty ? Created by Zhang Sanfeng ??? the Early of Qing Dynasty Chenwangting
Tai means “Supreme”最高的;至高的 Ji means “Ultimate”最终的;极限的;根本的
The word of Tai Ji come from The Book of Changes (周易), In ancient China, Tai Chi was used to describe the vast chaotic state of the early formation of the universe,and the theories of taiji is similar with The Tao-te Ching (道德经) So,the essence of tai chi is change,it has plenty of other changes , just like the chaos of universe

Taekwondo is the world's most popular martial(武 术)art in terms of the number of practitioners.[1] Its popularity has resulted in the varied development of the martial art into several domains(领域): as with many other arts, it combines combat(战斗)techniques, self-defense, sport, exercise, meditation(冥想), and philosophy. Taekwondo is also used by the South Korean military(军事)as part of its training a type of sparring(拳击), has been an Olympic event since 2000.
Taekwondo is divided into ten levels Black belt is the highest level Black belt is divided into nine sections section 9 is the highest grade
Taekwondo training generally includes a system of blocks(木板), kicks(踢), punches(拳法), and open-handed strikes and may also include various take-downs or sweeps, throws, and joint locks.
太极拳 ppt课件

十二,我们对练太极拳的认识 we learn of to tai chi chuan
• (1)更好地传承传统文化; • (2)提高个人修养; • (3)强身健体增强抵抗力; • (4)通过太极拳的推广提高全民素质增强国家的软实力。
• (1) inheriting traditional culture better; • (2) to improve personal accomplishment; • (3) strengthen body immune system; • (4) through the tai chi promotion to improve the
• "Tai chi" is a traditional Chinese philosophical concepts. On Chinese culture, and the Chinese way of thinking, behavior manner and traditional medicine, traditional aesthetics and other traditional science has a great influence.
individual and family, society and country. • 3) to deal with the relationship between human
2a02n0/1d2/2nature, and the "nature and humanity” 17
外国人的研究Foreigners study • 美国马萨诸塞州塔夫兹大学医学院医疗中心 • 的王辰辰(音译) 副教授和她的同事经过研究总结得出 • (1)可以减轻压力,降低焦虑感和抑郁感。 • (2)让情绪更加稳定,增强自尊感。 • (3)促进人的心理健康,对慢性疾病有着出其不意的良好

Taiji is one of the Chinese Traditional martial ['mɑ:ʃəl] arts. Long long ago, it was designed as a unique and profound self-defense technique. As an ancient Kongfu, Taiji includes quan, sword, broadsword, spear, push-hand, et cetera. Especially push-hand is well known for its tactic ['tæktik]and technique, the powerful and aggressive opponent [ə'pəunənt] being defeated by a small clever attack or an abrupt explosive [ik'spləusiv] power. As a typical artful Chinese Kongfu, hand push has been highly popular with the small and weak people.太极拳是中国传统武术之一, 是很久以前作为一种独特而高深的自卫方法诞生的。
作为典型的技巧类的中国功夫,推手备受弱小者的青睐.Concentrating on correct posture and breathing control, Tai Chi's movements are fluid['flu(:)id], graceful and well balanced, promoting the complete harmony of body and mind. Tai Chi provides the mental relaxation[,ri:læk'seiʃən] and physical fitness so essential in our modern stress-filled lives.太极动作流畅、优雅、协调, 它要求精力集中在正确的姿势和呼吸上,从而全面促进身心平衡。
太极拳 ppt课件

六,太极拳分类The type of Tai Chi chuan
1,陈式太极拳Tai Chi chuan of Chen
2,杨式太极拳 Tai Chi chuan of yang
3,孙式太极拳 Tai Chi chuan of sun
• 你怎么称呼老师?
• 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?
• 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭
• “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我 笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……”
• “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
8Байду номын сангаас
• Our country famous historist of tai ji quan Lun gu Xu Zhen (1898-1967), said: “the home of textual research, especially heavy forensics. Evidence uncertainty, the examination, hard to credit.” He pointed out by analyzing historical data, tai chi chuan said by zhang sanfeng, South Korea, Xu Xuanping, Li Daozi, arch month YanLiHeng, and from the court the Chen says “qiang, a cause for WeiTuo, don‘t stay deep.”

The origin of tai chi
Wudang Style: According to various popular oral traditions Taijiquan was created by Zhang Sanfeng at Wudang mountain but there is no evidence in the written historical records to connect Zhang Sanfeng to Taijiquan. However, Wudang style Taijiquan is becoming more widespread in modern China.
The benefits of Taijiquan
The benefits of Taijiquan covers many aspects of physical and mental, to keep the physical and mental health, prevention and cure all kinds of disease is very favorable. Therefore, in here special remind neurasthenia, besides should insist on patients with necessary treatment outside, appropriate practice taijiquan, for neurasthenia recovery will play a big role.
The development of Tai Chi
Kong fu

二十四式太极拳——Twenty-four Style Taijiquan第一式起势 Starting Posture第二式左右野马分鬃 Part the Wild Horse's Mane on Both Side第三式白鹤亮翅 White Crane Spreads its Wings,第四式左右搂膝拗步 Brush Knee and Twist Step on Both Side ,第五式手挥琵琶 Hold the Lute第六式倒卷肱 Forearm Rollings on Both Sides第七式左揽雀尾 Grasp the Bird's Tail-Left Side第八式右揽雀尾 Grasp the Bird's Tail-Right Side第九式单鞭 Single Whip ,第十式云手 Cloud Hands第十一式单鞭 Single Whip第十二式高探马 High Pat on Horse第十三式右蹬脚 Kick with Right Heel ,第十四式双峰贯耳 Twin Peaks第十五式转身左蹬脚 Turn and Kick with Left Heel,第十六式左下独立式 Push Down and Stand on One Leg-LeftStyle第十七式右下独立式 Push Down and Stand on One Leg-RightStyle第十八式左右穿梭 Work at Shuttles on Both Side第十九式海底针 Needle at Sea Bottom第二十式闪通臂 Flash the Arms第二十一式转身搬拦捶 Turning body, Pulling, Blocking andPounding第二十二式如封似闭 Apparent Close up第二十三式十字手 Cross Hands第二十四式收势 Closing Form练太极常用英语:抬头 raise one’s head挺胸 square one’s shoulders脚后跟着地 heel touches the floor脚尖着地 tiptoe touches the floor不要翘臀 don’t raise the buttock伸腿 kick the bucket伸直手臂 straighten your arm曲肘 bend your elbow推掌 push palm曲腿 bend the bucket太极拳术语(汉英对照)汉语英语“老三本”“Old Three Volumes”《陈氏太极拳图说》The Illustrated Canon of Chen Style Taijiquan 《道德经》Daode Jing (Tao Te Ching)《身法八要》Eight Principles of Postures《太极拳解》Explanation of Taijiquan《太极拳论》On Taijiquan《太极拳使用法》Application Methods of Taijiquan《太极拳释义》The Revealing of Essential Taijiquan《太极拳术》The Art of Taijiquan《太极拳体用全书》Essence and Applications of Taijiquan《太极拳运动》Taijiquan Sports《太极拳正宗》Authentic Taijiquan《太极图说》Explanations of Taiji Diagram《武术》Martial Arts《杨式太极拳基础教程》Basic Course of Yang Style Taijiquan《周身大用论》Using Every Part of the Body《周易》(或易经)Zhouyi;The Book of Changs, Yi or I Ching28式杨式太极拳28-form Yang Style Taijiquan八门劲the power of eight directions必修课程 a required course掤、捋、挤、按、採、挒、肘、靠、进、退、顾、盼、定Peng (warding off), Lv (rolling back), Ji (pressing), An (pushing), Cai (pulling down), Lie (splitting), Zhou (elbowing), Kao (body stroke), Jin (advancing), Tui (retreating), Gu (shifting left), Pan (shifting right) and Ding (central equilibrium)不丢不顶no releasing and resisting directly 不解之谜mystery不偏不倚impartiality缠丝 twining沉肩坠肘lowering the shoulders and elbows 沉着heavy and steady撑掌unfolding palm成语之都Hometown of Chinese Idioms抽丝taking out the thread丹田Dantian (pubic region)弹簧力springy force导引术guidance道Tao;Dao道法自然Taoism following the nature敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌疲我打,敌退我追retreating as the enemy advances, disturbing as the enemy camps, attacking as the enemy fatigues, advancing as the enemy retreats第五代传人fifth-generation successor顶头悬suspending the head and relaxing the neck懂劲comprehending force动与静motion and stillness动中寓静stillness with motion动作action动作/招式/招术movement/action对立统一the unity of opposites对立与统一contradition and unfication;unity of the opposites耳提面命whispering into disciples’ ears and talking faceto face发劲discharging force法道修身self-cultivation with Tao法道治国state-governing by Tao反者道之动,弱者道之用The application of Dao is using mildness ratherthan violence, softness rather than hardness非圆即弧either circle or arc刚柔相济combining hardness with softness根于脚,主宰于腰,行于手指rooting with feet, leading with waist, and movingwith fingers弓步 stance; forward功夫Gongfu; Kungfu;fighting art;fighting skills攻防 attack and defense; offense and defense攻防搏击offensive and defensive fighting贯串之意Yi of permeating国术馆National Martial Arts Gyms含胸拔背contracting the chest and lengthening the back合中有开closing with opening后发制人striking only after being struck呼、发、伸、进、起、仰、往、出、放、打、击、刚、动、实、开、升、上、左breathing out, attacking, extending, advancing, raising, facing upward, going, sending, releasing, hitting,striking, hardness, moving, solidness, opening, lifting, ascending,turning left呼与吸breathing out and breathing in 化劲dispersing force技击术art of attack and defense节节贯串joints’ coordinatingtransforming the coming force to attack the 借力打力opponent劲整integrating force经络Jingluo (main and collateral channels)经络中通行的气 Qi (air) in Jingluo精神mind静中寓动motion with /in stillness卷(蓄)与放storing and discharging开胯屈膝separating the thighs and bending the knees 开与合opening and closing开中有合opening with closing快与慢rapidness and slowness老子学说Laozi’s Doctrines砺练品格morality training练劲building up power练巧mastering techniques练顺smoothing out the frame螺旋volution螺旋缠绕spiral enwinding落点(劲点)attacking points (positions)门规戒条doctrines, regulations and restrictions内不动,外不发no internal Yi (mind), no external movements 内劲Neijin (inner power)内劲潜换inner power exchanging内气Neiqi (inner air)内外皆修internal and external cultivation 内外统一uniting mind with body偏心距eccentric distance平和安静,谦和大度,博爱真诚,感恩包容gentleness and peace, modesty and generosity, love and sincerity, gratitude and tolerance平心静气calming mind气沉丹田Qi Chen Dantian (storing qi in the pubic region)气敛Storing Qi (spirit;air)牵一发而动全身a slight move in one part may affect the wholesituation乾坤Qiankun (heaven and earth, the universe)强身健体body building and physical fitness窍aperture轻灵agile轻与沉lightness and heaviness全国武术锦标赛 Championship of National Martial Arts拳法boxing method拳理boxing theory拳式movement拳姿boxing posture人不犯我、我不犯人、人若犯我、我必犯人We will not attack unless we are attacked; if we are attacked, we will certainly counterattack.柔与刚softness and hardness儒雅端庄refined and dignified散手San Shou (free sparring)上下相随the harmony between the upper and lower bodygiving up one’s own to accept the widely-accepted 舍己从人one身心双修physical and spiritual cultivation神Shen (concentration of the mind)神聚concentrating the attention神明sprirtual illumination十大文化脉系ten major regional cultures十三势Thirteen (13) Postures收敛入骨storing in the body疏通经络activating channels四两拨千斤defeating the strong with little effort松静自然being natural, relaxed and quiet松柔缓慢soft and slow松腰圆裆relaxing the waist and separating the thighs宋明理学Neo-ConfucianismTaijiquan;Tai Ji Quan;Tai Chi;Taiji boxing;Shadow 太极拳boxing太极拳圣地Hometown of Taijiquan太极拳小架子the small frame of Taijiquan太极图 Taiji Diagram陶冶情操molding character套路routine体育运动学sports and kinematicsThe nature lives with me in symbiosis, and天地与我并生,万物与我为一。
chinese Kung Fu 中国功夫英文PPT介绍

• The famous Wing Chun person:
Yip Man Bruce Lee Ye Zheng Ye Zhun
External work (外功)
Instrument (器 械)
Routine (套路)
※Internal work (内功)
Breathing(呼吸) body movements enhance the effect of the attack and defense(攻 击防御).
※External work (外功)
2.The classification(分类)
Many schools(门派): geography, climate and difference in north and south .
North: tall and climate is cold. powerful(气势雄劲).
sword(剑) and knifes(刀). crescent thorn(峨眉刺). daily appliance(用具): embroidery needle( 绣花针),sickle(镰刀), umbrellas etc.
2 The Introduction of Taiji
What Taijiquan is ?
an ancient Chinese internal martial art system it is the cultivation of one's internal energy, mind
Wu 武
Wu 吴
Sun 孙
Zhao 赵
The nowadays of Taijiquan
Taijiquan is becoming more and more popular
The Philosophy of Taiji
Tai means “Supreme”最高的;至高的 Ji means “Ultimate”最终的;极限的;根本的
Common Taijiquan
In the eyes of passing commuters hurried from the Park,
Tai ji quan is the way to keep health for elderly people
In the eyes of foreigners, Taijiquan represents the Oriental charm of
To sum up, Taiji is fit for everyone , not just old man , but also young man.
Thank you !
Imagination Network
Common Taijiquan
It has often been said“1000 spectators have 1000 hamlet”.

Grasp the bird tail
Physical relaxation Ready to do some activities, such as deep breathing Choose the fresh air place , such as parks
Байду номын сангаас
Shadoboxing chinese name is taijiquan. Taijiquan is one of the chinese traditional martial arts. The basic practice of taijiquan consist in the performance of the series of movements . No matter you are young or aged, male or female, no matter strong or weak,you all can choose Taijiquan as your ideal physical exercise.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
第一式 起势 Commencing form 第二式 左右野马分鬃 Part the Wild Horse's Mane on Both Side 第三式 白鹤亮翅 White Crane Spreads its Wings 第四式 左右搂膝拗步 Brush Knee and Twist Step on Both Side 第五式 手挥琵琶 Play Pipa 第六式 倒卷肱 Repulse Monkey 第七式 左揽雀尾 Grasp the Bird's Tail 第八式 右揽雀尾 Grasp the Bird's Tail 第九式 单鞭 Single Whip 第十式 云手 Wave Hands Like Clou0ds 第十一式 单鞭 Single Whip 第十二式 高探马 High Pat on Horse 第十三式 右蹬脚 Kick with Right Heel 第十四式 双峰贯耳 Strike Opponent's Ears with Both Fists 第十五式 转身左蹬脚 Turn and Kick with Left Heel 第十六式 左下独立式 Snake Creeps Downi 第十七式 右下独立式 Snake Creeps Down 第十八式 左右穿梭 Jade Lady Weaves Shuttles 第十九式 海底针 Needle at Sea Bottom 第二十式 闪通臂 Flash the Arm 第二十一式 转身搬拦捶 Turn, Deflect Downward 第二十二式 如封似闭 Appar0ent Close up 第二十三式 十字手 Cross Hands 第二十四式 收势 Closing Form

Taiji is one of the Chinese Traditional martial['mɑ:ʃəl] arts. Long long ago, it was designed as a unique and profound self-defense technique. As an ancient Kongfu, Taiji includes quan, sword, broadsword, spear, push-hand,et cetera. Especially the push-hand is well known for itstactic['tæktik]and technique, the powerful and aggressive opponent[ə'pəunənt] being defeated by a small clever attack or an abrupt explosive[ik'spləusiv] power. As an typical artful Chinese Kongfu, hand push has been highly popular with the small and weak people.太极拳是中国传统武术。
作为一个典型的巧妙的中国功夫,手推已经极受欢迎的小和弱者Concentrating on correct posture and breathing control, Tai Chi's movements are fluid['flu(:)id], graceful and well balanced, promoting the complete harmony of body and mind. Tai Chi provides the mental relaxation[,ri:læk'seiʃən] and physical fitness so essential in our modern stress-filled lives.Tai Chi is an unusual form of martial arts whereby we believe in building strength - mental and physical from within, softness is stronger than hardness, moving in a curve[kə:v] is better than a straight line, yielding is more efficient than confronting. It is especially different from western types of sports such as rugby['rʌɡbi] where the harder and quicker the better. Tai Chi is a sport that strengthens the body as well as the mind from within.把注意力集中在正确的姿势和呼吸控制、太极的动作是动态的,优雅,酒体平衡,促进全面和谐的身体和心灵。

超级记忆法-记忆 规律
TIP3:另外,还有研究表明,记忆在我们的睡眠过程中也并未停止,我们的大 脑会归纳、整理、编码、储存我们刚接收的信息。所以,睡前的这段时间可是 非常宝贵的,不要全部用来玩手机哦~
TIP4:早晨起床后,由于不受前摄抑制的影响,我们可以记忆一些新的内容或 者复习一下昨晚的内容,那么会让你记忆犹新。
第二步 根据参考,复述你所获得的主要内容
(二) 根 据 参 考 复 述
1. 参照教材、辅导书或笔记复述主要内容; 2.复述并不是照着读出来或死记硬背,而是用自己的话去 理解 ,想象如果你要把这个讲给别人听,你会怎样讲。 就像你按照前面的步骤对定于从句的理解是“定语部分是个从句”,就没必要死记 硬背“在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句”这个概念。
Jet Li (李连杰)
He is good at Kung Fu, When he was Young, he had won many Kung Fu Champions. People call him “The king Of Kung Fu” Not only in Kung Fu, Jet Li also has Passion on charitable work.HE had Founded “壹基金” to help people who Need help.I think he is the model of All actors.
1 获取并理解 费
32 根据参考复述 仅靠大脑复述
曼 学
54 循环强化 反思总结
习 法
6 实践检验

tactic and technique
Shadowboxing with Chinese culture.
• Shadowboxing is based on the theory of tai Chi and yin-yang dialectics in traditional Chinese Confucianism and Taoism, combining the changes of Yin and Yang and five elements.
Shadowboxing in the contemporary era.
• Shadowboxing has become a symbol of Oriental culture and has become an important bridge and link to promote the communication between Oriental culture and western culture.
• Shadowboxing is one of the Chinese Trห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ditional martial arts. Initially, it functioned as a unique self-defense technique. Especially the push-hand is well known for its tactic and technique, the powerful and aggressive opponent being defeated by a small clever attack or an abrupt explosive power.

Taijiquan is one of the Chinese Traditional martial arts. Initially, it functioned as a unique and profound self-defense technique. As an ancient Kongfu, Taiji includes quan, sword, broadsword, spear, push-hand, etc. Especially the push-hand is well known for its tactic and technique, the powerful and aggressive opponent being defeated by a small clever attack or an abrupt explosive power. As an typical artful Chinese Kongfu, hand push has been highly popular with the small and weak people.With the cold-weapon-age fading out, the health-care function of Taiji is increasingly gaining the importance, instead of its former role. According to the scientific research, it can improve our immune system, central nervous system, and strengthen the fitness. Because Taijiquan is a practice with a perfect combination of physical movement, deep breath and meditation. Through long years practice, many chronic diseases can be effectively cured or relieved such as neurasthenia, insomnia, neurosis, high blood pressure, stomach and intestines disease, kidney disease, arthritics, diabetes, hypochondria and even the obesity etc. So it clearly illustrates the value of Taijiquan in therapy and disease prevention.No matter you are young or aged, male or female, no matter strong or weak, slim or plump, you all can choose Taijiquan as your ideal physical exercise. When practicing it quietly and slowly, you can sense the existing of air and fully enjoy the aerobic bath, meanwhile you can also feel all the movements like the rhythmically uninterrupted waves. Taiji--- the world of Yinand Yang, the world of the nature and relaxation, will become your a whole-new life style in the new millennium.Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese internal martial art system, which combines profound principles, theories and martial art techniques. The slow, soft and continuously flowing movements appear mysterious on the surface. However, it is the cultivation of one's internal energy, mind and the physical body that make it so unique and challenging. To generate relaxation, Tai Chi practice requires a deep level of concentration and a focused mind, thus allowing the mind to lead and guide the body's energy.Tai Chi is not only a martial art, but has also been widely acknowledged as being an effective health exercise. Whether Tai Chi is practiced for health, as athletic sport or martial art it takes time, patience and qualitative practice to develop Tai Chi's internal properties. To achieve a high standard in Tai Chi training is a highly complex process.。

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第十一式 单鞭 Single Whip Danbian 第十二式 高探马 High Pat on Horse Gaotanma 第十三式 右蹬脚 Kick with Right Heel Youdengjiao 第十四式 双峰贯耳 Strike Opponent's Ears with Both Fists Shuanfengguaner 第十五式 转身左蹬脚 Turn and Kick with Left Heel Zhuanshenzuodengjiao 第十六式 左下独立式 Snake Creeps Down Zuoxiadulishi 第十七式 右下独立式 Snake Creeps Down Youxia 第十八式 左右穿梭 Jade Lady Weaves Shuttles Zuoyouchuansuo 第十九式 海底针 Needle at Sea Bottom Haidizhen 第二十式 闪通臂 Flash the Arm Shantongbi 第二十一式 转身搬拦捶 Turn, Deflect Downward, Parry and Punch Zhuanshenbanlanchui 第二十二式 如封似闭 Appar0ent Close up Rufengsibi 第二十三式 十字手 Cross Hands Shizishou 第二十四式 收势 Closing Form Shoushi
T'ai Chi(太极拳英文)

Theory of the Tai Chi
T’ai chi origins in Chinese philosophy.
The Book of Changes
"great pole/goal" "supreme ultimate"
Theory of the Tai Chi
Tai Chi diagram is a blackand-white two fish pattern consisting of a circular pattern, commonly called Yin Yang fish.
International Tai Chi
Tai Chi become a quintessence of Chinese culture. Many foreigners learn Tai Chi in china.
International T’ai chi chuan Exchange Event
T'ai Chi Ch'uan
T'ai Chi Ch'uan is one of the Chinese Traditional martial arts.
1、Movement slowly 2、Natural breathing 3、Physical relaxation 4、Use their power on a point 5、Break the balance of the enemy
The Chen family-style is the oldest and parent form of the five traditional family styles.
太极拳英语演讲 ppt课件

播到海内外一百五十多个国家和 地区,成为沟通中国和世界各国
In order to inherit and develop the traditional Chinese culture better, we can try to study how to play Taijiquan. No matter you are young or aged, male or female, no matter strong or weak, slim or plump, you all can choose Taijiquan as your ideal physical exercise.
太极拳是中国传统武术之一, 是东方文化 的一种符号象征。
Nowadays, Taijiquan is one of the most important boxing types with most trainees in Chinese Wushu Family.
太极拳发展到今天,已成为中华武术各流派 中习练人数最多、影响最大的拳种之一。
organs to enjoy the fitness function.
In addition to the physiological benefits, the benefits of Taijiquan is also in the spirit of aftercare. The expert points out, tai chi
Experts say, the benefits of Taijiquan, on the one
hand, can exercise the muscle, collaterals; On
Tai Chi Chuan 太极拳

3.Bones, muscle
• Requires upright posture, firm and steady steps, joint flexibility
• Requires various parts of the body keep arc, relaxes the muscle
• Builds sturdy and well proportioned body
• Prolong life
4. Cardiovascular
• increases the elasticity of od vessel
• Keeps the Stability of Blood nerves • After Tai Chi, diastolic pressure decreases, prevents high blood pressure and vascular sclerosis.
1. metabolism
• gentle, low impact movements burn more calories than surfing and nearly as many as downhill skiing. • Appropriate amount of exercise promotes metabolism. • Increases the utilization rate of oxygen, aerobic exercise
Chen, Yang, Hao, Wu, and Sun.
The basic requirements are similar: slow and fluent.
• covers many aspects of physical and mental health. • a moderate form of exercise that is suitable for both sexes and all ages . • promotes balance control, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness. • reduces risk of falls in both healthy elderly patients and those recovering from chronic diseases.

太极拳这一国之瑰宝传播海外一百五十多个国家和地区, Tai chi chuan the treasures spread overseas more than one hundred
and fifty countries and regions of the country,
不同国家的文化纽带, 太 已经成为中国文化对外 极
交流传播重要载体。 拳
Gradually become a connection of different RACES, different nationalities, different
鼻 祖 “ 陈 王
language, different
• 太极拳是一项全面的系统工程,是一种具有汉族传统文化特色的综合性学科, 它涉及人与社会﹑人与自然以及与人体本身有关的问题,包括古典文学﹑物 理学﹑养生学﹑医学﹑武学﹑生理学﹑心理学﹑运动生物力学等,体现东方 文学的宇宙观﹑生命观﹑道德观﹑人生观﹑竞技观。
杨式太极拳由河北省永年人杨露禅 (名福魁,1799~1872)所创。
national culture, has ”
become an important
carrier of spreading
inese culture
• 太极拳是东方文化的一种符号象征,是东方文化 的瑰宝,是中华武苑的古老奇葩,也是中国武术 拳种中非常具有生命力的一支。它能适应不同年 龄﹑体质的需要,并非年老弱者专利。增强体质 的同时提高自身素养,提升人与自然、人与社会 的融洽与和谐。太极拳这一国之瑰宝传播海外一 百五十多个国家和地区,逐渐成为连接不同种族、 不同民族、不同语言、不同国家的文化纽带,已 经成为中国文化对外交流传播重要载体。
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增强体质的同时提高自身素养,提升人与自然、人与 社会的融洽与和谐。 Enhanced physique and improve their own quality, to promote the human and the nature, the harmony and harmony of man and society.
national culture, has ”
become an important
carrier of spreading
Chinese culture
• 太极拳是东方文化的一种符号象征,是东方文化 的瑰宝,是中华武苑的古老奇葩,也是中国武术 拳种中非常具有生命力的一支。它能适应不同年 龄﹑体质的需要,并非年老弱者专利。增强体质 的同时提高自身素养,提升人与自然、人与社会 的融洽与和谐。太极拳这一国之瑰宝传播海外一 百五十多个国家和地区,逐渐成为连接不同种族、 不同民族、不同语言、不同国家的文化纽带,已 经成为中国文化对外交流传播重要载体。
6பைடு நூலகம்
太极拳这一国之瑰宝传播海外一百五十多个国家和地区, Tai chi chuan the treasures spread overseas more than one hundred
and fifty countries and regions of the country,
• 17世纪中叶,河南温县陈家沟的陈王廷在家传拳法的基础上,吸收众家武 术之长,融合易学、中医等思想,创编出一套具有阴阳开合、刚柔相济、 内外兼修的新拳法,命名陈氏太极拳。2006年5月,太极拳被中国政府公布
• 太极拳含蓄内敛、连绵不断、以柔克刚、急缓相间、行云流水的拳术风格。
• *** • ** • ** • *** • ***
• Taijiquan is a symbol of Oriental culture
武 当 太 极 拳
八 卦 太 极 拳
is the treasure of the Oriental culture, is the Chinese ancient wu yuan
不同国家的文化纽带, 太
已经成为中国文化对外 极
交流传播重要载体。 拳
Gradually become a connection of different RACES, different
鼻 祖 “ 陈
nationalities, different 王
language, different
• 太极拳是一项全面的系统工程,是一种具有汉族传统文化特色的综合性学科, 它涉及人与社会﹑人与自然以及与人体本身有关的问题,包括古典文学﹑物 理学﹑养生学﹑医学﹑武学﹑生理学﹑心理学﹑运动生物力学等,体现东方 文学的宇宙观﹑生命观﹑道德观﹑人生观﹑竞技观。
杨式太极拳由河北省永年人杨露禅 (名福魁,1799~1872)所创。
也是中国武术拳种中非常具有生命力的一支。 is a Chinese martial arts be seperated very vitality.
太 极 拳 ** 气 功
它能适应不同年龄﹑体质的需要,并非年老弱者专利。 It can adapt to the needs of different age, physical condition, is not
武式太极拳由河北省永年人武禹襄 (名河清,1825~1893)所创
吴式太极拳由全佑(字公甫, 1834~1902)所创。
孙式太极拳由河北省完县(今河北省顺平 县)人孙禄堂(名福全,1860~1933)所创。
和式太极拳由温县赵堡镇人和兆元 (1810~1890)所创。