小学四年级综合实践试卷及参考答案2018-201年度第一学期期末考试小学四年级综合实践试卷班别:___________ 姓名:____________ 座号:_________ 评分:____________一、填空(50分,每空2分)1、地球上海水占%,淡水占%,人类能利用的水不到%的%。
小学四年级下册期末数学综合试卷测试卷(含答案)一、选择题1.下面与101×48计算结果相同的是( )。
A .100×48+1B .100×40+8×1C .100×48+48D .100+48+1002.下面图形不是轴对称图形的是( )。
A .正方形B .平行四边形C .长方形 3.能围成三角形的组线段是( )。
A .4cm 、5cm 、10cm B .6cm 、6cm 、12cm C .3cm 、4cm 、5cm 4.下面三组物体从( )看,形状不相同。
A .正面B .上面C .侧面 5.下列各数中,去掉“0”而大小不变的数是( )。
A .5.08B .20.43C .9.80 6.下列图形中的阴影部分,可以表示1.25这个数中的“2”的是( )。
A .B .C .D . 7.两个数相加,一个加数增加3.2,另一个加数减少1.8,和( )。
A .增加5B .减少5C .增加1.4D .减少1.4 8.数学知识竞赛共10道题,答对一题得10分,答错一题倒扣4分。
炫炫做了所有的题,得了72分,他答对了( )道题。
A .8B .7C .6D .5 9.小红英语、语文总分是184,数学是89分,她三科的平均分是( )。
A .91B .89C .92 二、填空题10.9吨=( )千克 ( )吨=80000千克307千克=( )克 ( )千克=600000克11.零点四六五写作 ,它的计数单位是 ,它里面有 个0.001. 12.□÷18=15……○,余数最大是( ),这时被除数是( )。
13.下面是两个小数a 和b ,这两个小数的和、积、商分别是多少?199400.000105a =个…… 199600.00035b =个……a b +( )a b ⨯=( )a b ÷=( )14.一种饼干每盒18元,买5盒送1盒。
那么288元最多能买( )盒。
一、选择填空1.—What _________ you? ( )—I’d like a hot dog.A.do B.are C.about 2.—What _______ you like? ( )—_______ hot milk, please.A.are; Some B.would; Any C.would; A glass of o you have ______ pencils? ( )A.some B.any C.an4.—Do you have ________ apple? ( )—No, I have ________ oranges.A.an; an B.an; some C.a; any 5.Would you like ________ rice? ( )A.some B.a C.any6.How many ____ do you have? ()A.a shoe B.shoes C.shoe 7.These _______ are _______ my sister.A.mango, for B.mangoes, for C.mangoes, to 8._______ a big egg! ( )A.How B.What C.What’s 9.—Mum, is that ______ T-shirt? ( )—No, it’s ______ sister’s.A.my; your B.your; his C.my; you 10.A: Dad, I’m hungry. ( )B: Let’s go to _______.A.the farm B.the snack bar C.the park1: _______ are the birds? ( )B: They are _______ the tree.A.What; in B.Where; on C.Where; in 12.—I can’t fly. ( )—Don’t be sad, Bobby. I can’t fly ______.A.either B.too C.to 13.—How many balls do you have? ( )—I have seventeen balls. Seven red balls and ______ yellow balls.A.four B.six C.ten14.Tom is a tall boy. ______ hair ______ long. ( )A.He’s; is B.He’s; are C.His; is 15.—A hamburger and a glass of cola, please. ( )—______A.Thank you. B.OK. Here you are. C.Yes, please.二、用单词的适当形式填空16.What colour are Jim’s toy lion’s ______ (eye)? 17.How many _________ (robot) do you have? 18.Mike is short, but ________ (he) brother is tall. 19.Would you like ________ (some) bananas? 20.I’d like two ________ (glass) of milk.21.—Do you have _____ (some) stickers?—Yes, I have _____(some).2o you like _________ (mango)?23._________ (that) socks are so big!24._____ (this) socks _____ (be) very nice. 25.—What's that behind the door?—It's _____ (a) umbrella. This is _____ (she) umbrella. 26.—What do you _____ (have)?—I have thirteen _____ (mango).27.Su Hai can play basketball very ________ (good). 28.Look at ________ (this) horses.29.I like _____ (cat). They're _____ (love). 30.Look at ______ (that) cats.三、完成句子3: Can you s______? (游泳)B: No. But I can s______ and j______. (溜冰和跳跃) 32.—Look! We can make fruit salads now, mum. —______ ______ (干得好).33.Would you like some ________ (三明治)? 34.We have 50 pairs of s_____ in the shop. 35.We have some __________ for lunch.36.—How much are these dolls?—They’re only ______ yuan.37.A: Can I help you?B: I’d like a glass of ________.A: ________ ________?B: A sandwich, please.A: OK.38.A: I can _______. Can you?B: No, I can’t. But I can play _______. Look!A: Well _______ (好样的)!39.—你有多少个机器人?—我有十五个。
A.102×100-2×102 B.100×98+2×98 C.102×100-2×982.下面的字母属于轴对称图形的是()。
A.1cm、2cm、3cm B.3cm、3cm、3cm C.4cm、3cm、8cm 4.和从()看到的形状是相同的。
A.30.3 B.30.03 C.300.3 D.300.037.甲数是4.8,比乙数多1.9,甲、乙两数的和是()。
A.2.9 B.7.7 C.11.58.松鼠妈妈采松果,晴天每天可采20个,雨天每天只能采10个,它一连10天共采了120个松果。
A.2 B.4 C.6 D.89.下面各统计图中,图()横线所在位置能够反映出这四个数据的平均水平。
5.32千米=( )千米( )米8.35平方分米=( )平方厘米1.02吨=( )千克1千米45米=( )千米11.0.659保留一位小数约是( ),精确到百分位是( ),它里面有( )个千分之一。
被除数400要( )。
13.下面是两个小数a和b,这两个小数的和、积、商分别是多少?199400.000105a =个…… 199600.00035b =个……a b +( )a b ⨯=( )a b ÷=( )14.商店开展促销活动。
⼩学数学四年级下册综合试卷A4可打印⼩学数学四年级下册综合试卷⼀、⽐⼀⽐,看谁算得⼜对⼜快360÷20=9100÷70=0.67-0.49=25×32=2.6+3.4=4-2.8=34.5÷100=102×4=6+34×4=0.25×1000+1=40+35-75=7×15+7=⼆、想⼀想,填⼀填1、⽤字母表⽰加法结合律是( ),乘法分配律是( )。
2、0.967保留⼀位⼩数是( ),精确到百分位是()。
3、0.36的计数单位是( ),再加上( )个这样的计数单位就是1。
4、北京在上海北偏西30度⽅向上,那么上海在北京的( )偏( )⽅向上。
5、⼀个数是由9个⼀,6个⼗分之⼀,7个百分之⼀组成的,这个数是( )。
6、在⼀个三⾓形中,如果两个⾓之和是48度,则另⼀个⾓是( )度,这是⼀个( )三⾓形。
7、把194600000改写成以“亿”为单位的数是( )亿,保留两位⼩数约是( )亿。
8、⼀个⼩数扩⼤到它的1000倍后是3,原来的⼩数是( )。
( )2、⽐1⼩的数是⼩数。
( )3、6.05与6.0599保留⼀位⼩数都是6.1。
( )4、630÷35=630÷7÷5。
( )5、把100.5克写成以千克为单位的数,只要把⼩数点向左移动两位。
( )6、在三⾓形中,如果有两个⾓是锐⾓,这个三⾓形⼀定是锐⾓三⾓形。
( )四、选择1、已知△×□=○,下⾯哪个算式是正确的( )A、△×○=□B、○÷△=□C、□÷△=○2、4+4×3=( )A、4+3×4B、(4+4)×3C、4×4+33、⼤于0.2⽽⼩于0.4的⼀位⼩数有( )个。
A、1B、9C、⽆数4、与百分位相邻的两个数位是( )A、⼗分位与个位B、⼗分位与千分位C、个位与千分位5、下列三⾓形三条⾼相等的是( )A、等边三⾓形B、等腰三⾓形C、等腰直⾓三⾓形五、计算,能简便的要简便运算(10+120÷24)×4 251×8+249×80.85+4.1+0.15+5.9 125×33×8六、城关⼩学⼀⾄六年级喜欢看动画⽚的学⽣⼈数如下表1、制成折线统计图.2、喜欢看动画⽚的哪个年级的⼈数最多?哪个年级的⼈数最少?相差多少?七、列式计算1、⽐13.9⼩0.54的数⽐7.56⼤多少?2、6个25的和与28的4倍相差多少?3、325减去135除以9的商,差是多少?⼋、⽣活中的数学1、⼩明家今年第⼀季度共交⽔费138元。
小学四年级综合实践试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 小明用10分钟完成了15道数学题,那么他平均每道题用时多少分钟?A. 0.5分钟B. 1分钟C. 2分钟D. 10分钟2. 下列哪种水果是热带水果?A. 苹果B. 香蕉C. 西瓜D. 桃子3. 我国传统节日中,哪个节日有吃粽子的习俗?A. 春节B. 清明节C. 端午节D. 中秋节4. 下列哪种动物属于爬行动物?A. 老虎B. 青蛙C. 蜗牛D. 蛇5. 下列哪个城市被称为“天府之国”?A. 北京B. 成都C. 上海D. 广州二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 鸟类会游泳。
()2. 人体最大的器官是心脏。
()3. 立春是二十四节气中的第一个节气。
()4. 地球是太阳系中最大的行星。
()5. 长江是我国最长的河流。
()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 我国首都是______。
2. 人体最小的单位是______。
3. 地球绕太阳转一圈需要______天。
4. 世界上最高的山峰是______。
5. “三人行,必有我师”出自______。
四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简述水的三态变化。
2. 请简述光合作用的过程。
3. 请简述垃圾分类的意义。
4. 请简述我国四大发明。
5. 请简述世界四大文明古国。
五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 小明有10个苹果,他吃掉了3个,还剩下多少个苹果?2. 一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是4厘米,求这个长方形的面积。
3. 小红有5元钱,她买了一支铅笔花去了1元,她还剩下多少元钱?4. 一辆汽车每小时行驶60千米,行驶了3小时,这辆汽车行驶了多少千米?5. 一个等边三角形的边长是10厘米,求这个三角形的周长。
六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请分析为什么会有四季变化。
2. 请分析植物为什么需要光合作用。
七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请用纸和剪刀制作一个简单的风筝。
2. 请用泥土制作一个简单的陶罐。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.13.下列三条线段能围成三角形的是()。
A.4cm、4cm、9cm B.5cm、4cm、9cm C.4cm、3cm、6cm4.用5个同样大的小正方体组合成一个立体图形,从前面看是的是()。
A.0.08 B.12.060 C.56.100 D.0.7006.0.018里面有18个()。
A.0.1 B.0.01 C.0.0017.从下面4根小棒中,挑选3根组成一个三角形,能组成()种不同的三角形。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.48.龟和鹤共有30只,共有84条腿。
A.6 B.8 C.12 D.159.下列说法错误的是()。
A.四边形的4个内角和为360°B.正方形是特殊的梯形C.两个完全相同的三角形就能拼出一个平行四边形二、填空题10.7元9角=( )元0.5时=( )分9千克10克=( )千克 4.56元=( )元( )角( )分11.0.6里面有个0.1,0.56里面有个0.01.12.已知 A÷28=15……□,方框里最大能填( ),这时被除数A是( )。
13.把3缩小到原数的( )是0.03,把0.2扩大到原数的( )倍是200。
14.国庆期间,超市开展促销活动,一个笔记本10元,买4本送一本,红红买了10本,共省了( )元钱。
∠1=( )°,按角分,它属于( )三角形,按边分,它属于( )三角形。
16.小马虎在计算(□+15)×4时,忘掉了小括号,最后算得结果是90,正确的答案是( )。
Charlie joins(加入) his first football team, the Blue Team. He is very happy. One day, Charlie meets his team. The coach(教练) shows the team how to kick(踢) the ball. Then the Blue Team have a practice(练习) game with the Yellow Team. It’s difficult for C harlie to get the ball. When he tries to kick the ball, another player always kicks it away. But Charlie is very good at cheering(喝彩). After one game, the coach has a talk with Charlie. “You’re good at cheering, Charlie. But I think you want to be a footba ll player, not a cheerleader.” Next month(下个月), Charlie’s team will have the last game. Charlie starts to practice every day. It is between the Blue Team and the Orange Team. Charlie runs after the ball up and down. Suddenly he gets the ball and kicks it to his teammate(队友) Tom. Then Tom kicks the ball into the goal(球门). The coach and Charlie’s teammates cheer for him. Now he is a real football player.1、Charlie is a _________ player in the _________ Team. ( )A.basketball; Blue B.football; Blue C.football; Yellow2、At first(首先), Charlie is very good at _________. ( )A.football B.kicking the ball C.cheering3、The last game is between the _________ Team and the _________ Team. ( )A.Blue; Orange B.Blue; Yellow C.Yellow; Orange4、Tom is Charlie’s _________. ( )A.coach B.teammate C.teacher5、At last(最后), _________ kicks the ball into the goal. ( )A.Charlie B.the coach C.Tom二、阅读理解Lucy is a 12-year-old girl. Her teachers, classmates and parents all like her very much. She’s a very good student at school. She listens to her teachers carefully (认真地). And answers their questions actively (积极地). So her English, Chinese, science and math are all very good. She’s also very good at art. She can draw beautiful pictures. She always helps her teachers and classmates at school.Lucy’s parents are very busy. Sometimes they have to work on the weekend. So she often cooks meals, cleans the house and washes the clothes at home. Her father is very strict, but Lucy still loves him. She buys him gifts on Father’s Day and cooks delicious noodles for him on his birthday.6、Is Lucy hard-working? ( )A.Yes, she is. B.No, she isn’t.7、Is Lucy helpful? ( )A.Yes, she is. B.No, she isn’t.8、If (假如) Lucy doesn’t finish her homework, what will her father say? ( )A.No problem. B.Go to your study and finish it right now.9、Is Lucy’s bedroom dirty (脏的)? ( )A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isn’t.10、Can Lucy cook delicious food? ( )A.Yes, she can. B.No, she can’t.In China, Children’s Day is in June. In Canada, Children’s Day is in November. In India ,Children’s Day is also in November. In Thailand, Children’s Day is in January. Children are very happy on Children’s Day. They can have a party. They can go to the cinema to see a film . They can fly kites and ride a bike. They can do many other interesting things, too.11、When is Children’s Day in China?( )A.It’s in May.B.It’s in June.C.It’s in November.12、Is Children’s Day in January in Thailand ? ( )A.Yes it isn’t.B.Yes, it is. C.No, it isn’t.13、When is C hildren’s Day in Canada and India? ( )A.It’s in November..B.It’s in January.C.It’s in December.14、How do the children feel on Children’s Day? ( )A.They are sad. B.They are angry. C.They are happy.15、Can the children have a party on Children’s Day?( )A.Yes, they can’t.B.No, they can’t.C.Yes, they are.四、阅读理解I am Mike. It’s Sunday morning. We are busy. Look! My father is washing the car. My mother is washing the clothes. My brother and sister are drawing pictures. John is my best friend. I’m d oing homework with him in the study now. After lunch, we can go to the library and read some books.16、What day is it today? ( )A.It’s Sunday.B.It’s sunny.C.It’s Saturday.17、Where are John and Mike? ( )A.In the living room. B.In the study. C.In the kitchen.18、What is Mike’s father doing? ( )A.He is reading books.B.He is watching TV.C.He is washing the car.19、What are Mike’s brother and sister doing? ( )A.They are playing football.B.They are watering the flowers.C.They are drawing pictures.20、John and Mike can go to the ______ in the afternoon. ( )A.library B.park C.zoo五、阅读理解Today is Saturday. It’s snowy today. It is Alice’s birthday. Alice is twelve years old. She invites her friends to the birthday party. They are at McDonald’s now. It’s cold outside. But the children are happy. Kitty wants a hamburger and a big Coke. Eddie likes hamburgers, too. But now he’s got a sandwich in his hand. Winnie is drinking some lemon juice. There is a McChicken in the box. It’s Alice’s. What’s Alice doing? Oh, she’s opening the presents. How beautiful the doll is! What alovely teddy bear! She likes the presents.21、Alice and her friends are having a birthday party ________. ( )A.at home B.at McDonald’s C.at the park22、________children are eating and drinking now. ( )A.FourB.Three C.Two23、—Does Eddie like hamburgers? ( )—________A.No. He likes sandwiches.B.No. He likes Big Macs.C.Yes, he likes hamburgers.24、—What’s Alice’s birthday gift? ( )— ________A.A teddy bear, a doll and a McChicken.B.doll, a teddy bear, a box and a McChicken.C.A teddy bear and a doll.25、Alice is ________ today. ( )A.twelve years old B.twelve-years-old C.twelve years六、阅读理解Sam is my good friend. He's a hard-working and quiet boy. He can swim and draw cartoons. Today is Sunday. He often reads books and plays basketball on Sundays. He lives in a village. It's small but very beautiful. There are many mountains around (围绕) his village. You can see some monkeys and rabbits in the mountains. In front of the mountains, there is a river and a bridge. There are some ducks and fish in the river. Near the river, there are many trees. Sam's house is behind the trees. He likes his village very much.26、What's Sam like? ()A.He is hard-working.B.He is shy.C.He is clever.27、What does Sam often do on Sundays? ()A.He often draws cartoons.B.He often reads books.C.He often swims.28、What can you see in the mountains? ()A.Some ducks.B.Some bears.C.Some rabbits.29、Where is Sam's house? ()A.It's in front of the trees.B.It's behind the trees.C.It's behind the mountains.30、Which of the following is TRUE(下面哪项是正确的)? ()A.Sam can't swim.B.You can see some tigers.C.There is a bridge in the village.【参考答案】一、阅读理解解析:1、B2、C3、A4、B5、C【导语】本文主要讲述查理加入球队最后成为一名足球运动员的事儿。
A.*.pptB.*.dpsC.*bmp4、“WPS演示”文稿中,使用()选项卡可插入声音、影片、Flash 动画。
部编版四年级语文下册期末综合素质评价试卷 附答案 (1)
(3分)(1)A.栖.息(qī) B.轮廓.(guō)C.叫嚣.(xiāo)D.浙.江(zhè)()(2)A.可恶.(wù) B.重荷.(hè)C.不屑.(xiāo)D.拂.拭(fú)()(3)A.嘱.咐(zhǔ) B.哺.乳(fǔ)C.单.于(chán)D.拥挤.(jǐ)()3.下列词语中书写全部正确的一项是()。
四年级综合实践试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪种行为属于合作学习?A. 学生独立完成作业B. 学生在小组内讨论问题C. 学生抄袭他人作业D. 学生在课堂上随意讲话2. 综合实践活动的主要目的是什么?A. 培养学生的兴趣爱好B. 提高学生的实践能力C. 丰富学生的课余生活D. 减轻学生的学习负担3. 以下哪种方法可以帮助学生提高自我管理能力?A. 制定学习计划B. 购买辅导资料C. 参加课外辅导班D. 依赖家长和老师的监督4. 在综合实践活动中,以下哪种行为是不正确的?A. 积极参与活动B. 尊重团队成员C. 拒绝与他人合作D. 遵守活动规则5. 以下哪种说法是正确的?A. 综合实践活动只需要动手操作,不需要动脑思考B. 综合实践活动可以完全替代学科课程C. 综合实践活动有助于培养学生的综合素质D. 综合实践活动只适合学习成绩好的学生参加二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 综合实践活动是培养学生实践能力的重要途径。
()2. 在综合实践活动中,学生可以完全自由发挥,不需要遵守任何规则。
()3. 合作学习是一种有效的学习方式,可以提高学生的学习效果。
()4. 综合实践活动只需要动手操作,不需要动脑思考。
()5. 学生在综合实践活动中应该尊重团队成员,积极参与活动。
()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 综合实践活动是一种以学生为主体的教育方式,旨在培养学生的实践能力和综合素质。
2. 在综合实践活动中,学生可以通过实践操作来加深对知识的理解和掌握。
3. 合作学习是一种有效的学习方式,可以提高学生的学习效果和团队合作能力。
4. 自我管理能力是学生在综合实践活动中需要培养的重要能力之一。
5. 综合实践活动可以培养学生的创新思维和实践能力,有助于学生的全面发展。
四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简述综合实践活动的主要目的。
2. 请简述合作学习在综合实践活动中的作用。
一、单项选择1.—What’s the matter? Are you ill? ( )—Yes, I have ______ cough and _______ headache.A.a; a B.a; / C./; /2.I ______ a new sweater and Liu Tao _______ a new coat. ( )A.have; have B.has; have C.have; has3.In ______, it is cold. We make snowmen. ( )A.spring B.summer C.winter4.—________ lessons do we have today? ( )—We have six.A.What B.Where C.How many5.—________ you cold? ( )—No, I’m not.A.Do B.Is C.Are6.Hi, Bobby. Let’s l isten to some English.句中三个斜体单词划线部分发音与众不同的是:( ) A.Hi B.listen C.English7.—What’s the matter with _______ ? ( )—He is ill.A.he B.his C.him8.—What do you want to drink? ( )—I want some ________.A.hamburgers B.an ice cream C.milk9.—I am ________. ( )—Here’s a glass of water for you.A.thirsty B.hungry C.tired10.The Science book is ________ the bedroom, ________ the chair. ( )A.on; in B.in; on C.at; on11.—Sorry, we can’t go with you. ( )—_____________A.Wonderful! B.What a pity! C.Great.1obby _______ some pies for lunch. ( )A.have B.has C.having13.We don’t have ______ English lesson this afternoon. ( )A.an B.some C.any14.—What can you see over there? ( )—I can see a tree and ______ flowers.A.a B.some C.any15.Let’s ______ some pictures here. ( )A.draw B.to draw C.drawing二、用单词的适当形式填空16.________ (not drink) in the reading room.17._______ (he) is happy! And _______ (he) eyes are big!18.It's cold in winter. We can go __________ (ski).19.It’s time to have a ______ (draw) lesson.20.My shorts _______ (be) too long.21.I do _____ (I) homework after school.22.—Whose _______ (dress) are they?—They’re ______. (Nancy)23.I’m _______ (sorry) to hear the bad news (消息).24.I don’t have ______ (some) stickers.25.—Whose ______ (毛衣) are these? —They’re Tim’s.26.Mary can _____ (have) lunch at school every day.27.What a lovely day it is! Let's go _____ (boat) in the lake.28.There are ______ (four) seasons in a year.29.How many ______ (sheep) do you have?30.We are hungry after the football game. We want _____ (have) dinner now.三、完成句子31.Look at my gloves. This pair of gloves ________ (be) too big.32.We have English and Maths on _______ (星期五) morning.33.The flowers and trees are so beautiful, can you draw ________ (它们)?3: Come and look at my new d_____.B: How nice!35.I want to drink some ________ ________ (温水) .36.In winter, it is _____. We like going s_____.37.______________ (什么课) do we have this morning?38.I _____ (have a birthday party/ watch TV) with my friends.39.It’s ten o'clock in the morning. It’s time for _________.40.I play football with Mike on _____ afternoon.四、阅读理解4One day, Mike and his grandpa are out for a walk. It’s hot, so they stop for a rest near aplayground. There are some children playing football in the playground. And Mike wants to play too. So he asks his grandpa, “How are your teeth, Grandpa?”His grandpa answers, “They are too bad.”Mike is very happy. He gives some sweets to his grandpa, “Please look after the sweets for me. I will go to play football for a while.”41、Mike and his grandpa are ______ one day. ( )A.out for a walk B.watching TV C.listening to music D.out for shopping42、They stop for a rest near a ______. ( )A.school B.home C.playground D.garden43、Mike asks his grandpa to look after his ______ for him. ( )A.apple B.teeth C.sweets D.football44、Mike wants to play ______. ( )A.basketball B.football C.volleyball D.table tennis45、Mike gives the sweets to his grandpa because his grandpa ______. ( )A.doesn’t like sweets B.doesn’t want sweetsC.can’t eat the swe ets with his bad teeth D.loves him五、阅读理解4Today is New Year's Day. The students are very happy and busy. They are in the classroom now. They are having a big party. Chen Jie is singing and dancing. Amy is cleaning the desks. Jim is eating a big apple. There is a lot of fruit in the classroom. Sarah is watching TV. Zhang Peng is talking to Jack. What is the teacher doing? She is writing "Happy New Year" on the board. They have a good time today.46、—What's the date today? ( )—It's ______.A.June 1st B.October 1st C.January 1st47、The students are ______ now. ( )A.in the park B.in the classroom C.at home48、Amy is ______. ( )A.cleaning the desks B.singing and dancing C.eating bread49、—Do the students have a good time? ( )—______A.Yes, they do. B.No, they don't. C.Yes, they are.50、—Is there a lot of fruit in the classroom? ( )—______A.Yes, there is. B.Yes, we are. C.Yes, it is.六、阅读理解4阅读短文,根据短文内容选择合适的答案。
部编版四年级语文上册期中综合素质达标试卷 附答案
(18分)邓稼先,为了________①hé wǔ qì,每天埋头搞②kē yán;钟南山,危难时刻挺身而出,③bēn zǒu在抗疫一线……他们心怀.(hái huái) 家国,他们面对困难毫.(háo hào)不退缩。
他们在各自的领域里所取得的成就,【】轰动了中国,【】震撼.(gǎn hàn) 了世界,被各国媒.(méi měi)体争相报道。
他们是值得我们④jìnɡ pèi的英雄。
(8分)①②③④(3)填入语段中横线上的词语最恰当的是( )(3分)A. 钻研B. 研制C. 研究D. 研发(4)在语段中的“【】”里填入恰当的关联词。
(3分)2. 把正确答案的序号填在括号里。
(18分)(1)下列词语书写完全正确的一项是( )A. 遂渐B. 葡萄C. 水D. 盛(2)这座山上有虎____,山下有农民搭建的牛____和马____,田野里有蛇从____里爬出来。
在横线上填入合适的字,正确的一项是( )A. 穴棚厩洞B. 洞棚穴厩C. 穴厩棚洞D. 棚厩穴洞(3)“可怜”一词的意思有:①值得怜悯;②(数量少或质量坏到)不值得一提;③可爱。
对下面各句中“可怜”的解释,完全正确的一项是( )可怜..。
A. ①②③B. ③①②C. ③②①D. ①③②(4)【新题型】右边图片中的人物可以用( )形容。
A. 未卜先知B. 上天入地C. 神机妙算D. 各显神通(5)学习了《夜间飞行的秘密》,典典提出了问题:“雷达上的荧光屏与蝙蝠的什么部位功能相同?”这是从哪个角度进行提问的?( )A. 针对课文内容。
一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列各数中,既是质数又是偶数的是()A. 2B. 3C. 5D. 82. 小华有12个苹果,小明有15个苹果,他们一共有多少个苹果?()A. 25B. 27C. 30D. 323. 下列各图中,不是平行四边形的是()A.B.C.D.4. 一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是4厘米,它的周长是多少厘米?()A. 20B. 24C. 28D. 325. 小红跳绳,第一分钟跳了35下,第二分钟跳了45下,第三分钟跳了55下,她三分钟一共跳了多少下?()A. 105C. 160D. 1856. 小明把一块长方形的土地分成4个面积相等的小长方形,每个小长方形的面积是36平方米,原来这块土地的面积是多少平方米?()A. 144B. 180C. 216D. 2887. 小华从家到学校的距离是800米,她骑自行车用了10分钟,骑电动车用了5分钟,她骑自行车和电动车哪个更快?()A. 自行车B. 电动车C. 一样快D. 无法判断8. 下列各数中,是两位小数的数是()A. 1.2B. 12C. 120D. 0.129. 小明有5个笔记本,小红有8个笔记本,他们一共有多少个笔记本?()A. 13B. 15C. 1810. 下列各图形中,不是轴对称图形的是()A.B.C.D.二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 9的乘法口诀中,9乘以8等于()。
12. 下列各数中,最小的是()。
13. 12分米等于()厘米。
14. 一个正方形的边长是6厘米,它的周长是()厘米。
15. 小明每天看30页书,看4天可以看()页。
16. 一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,它的面积是()平方厘米。
17. 下列各数中,是三位数的数是()。
18. 小红有20个苹果,小明有15个苹果,他们一共比原来多()个苹果。
19. 下列各数中,是两位小数的数是()。
20. 一个圆形的半径是3厘米,它的面积是()平方厘米。
三、解答题(每题10分,共30分)21. 小华买了一些铅笔和橡皮,铅笔每支1元,橡皮每块2元,她买了8支铅笔和3块橡皮,一共花了多少元?22. 小明从家到学校的路程是1200米,他先骑自行车用了20分钟,然后步行用了30分钟,他一共用了多少时间?23. 一个长方形的长是12厘米,宽是6厘米,如果宽增加3厘米,长不变,那么这个长方形的面积增加了多少平方厘米?四、应用题(每题10分,共20分)24. 小红有一些铅笔和橡皮,铅笔和橡皮的总数是24个,铅笔比橡皮多8个,请计算小红各有多少个铅笔和橡皮。
一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 下列哪个数是质数?A. 14B. 15C. 17D. 182. 下列哪个数是合数?A. 13B. 16C. 21D. 253. 下列哪个图形是轴对称图形?A. 长方形B. 正方形C. 三角形D. 梯形4. 下列哪个数是3的倍数?A. 42B. 53C. 64D. 755. 下列哪个数是2的倍数?A. 13B. 22C. 27D. 316. 下列哪个数是5的倍数?A. 12B. 20C. 27D. 367. 下列哪个数是4的倍数?A. 12B. 18C. 24D. 308. 小华有5个苹果,小明给了他3个,小华现在有多少个苹果?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 59. 下列哪个数是9的倍数?A. 18B. 27C. 36D. 4510. 小刚有12个铅笔,他每天都用掉2个,他用了5天后还剩多少个铅笔?A. 7B. 8C. 9D. 10二、填空题(每题5分,共25分)11. 5×7=_______,7×5=_______。
12. 8+6=_______,6+8=_______。
13. 9-4=_______,4-9=_______。
14. 3×8=_______,8×3=_______。
15. 12÷4=_______,4×3=_______。
三、计算题(每题10分,共30分)16. 计算:36+45-23。
17. 计算:52-19+28。
18. 计算:7×6+3×5。
四、应用题(每题10分,共20分)19. 小明有15个糖果,他分给小红一些糖果,小红得到3个糖果后,小明还剩下多少个糖果?20. 小华的自行车每分钟可以骑行100米,他骑行了200米需要多少分钟?答案:一、选择题1. C2. D3. B4. A5. B6. B7. C8. C9. B10. C二、填空题11. 35 3512. 14 1413. 5 -514. 24 2415. 3 12三、计算题16. 5817. 6118. 63四、应用题19. 小华剩下12个糖果。
小学四年级下学期综合实践试卷及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. 下列哪项短信是正确的格式?- A. 电话号码:,短信内容:你在哪里?- B. 电话号码:133-****5678,短信内容:你在哪里?- C. 电话号码:133.1234.5678,短信内容:你在哪里?- D. 电话号码:1331-2345-678,短信内容:你在哪里?2. 关于自然界循环的说法哪个正确?- A. 太阳每天从东方升起,到西方落下。
- B. 水的蒸发是在寒冷的环境下发生的。
- C. 植物只吸收从土壤中摄取的营养。
- D. 岩石经过长时间的变化会形成火山。
3. 以下哪种图标表示的是垃圾桶?- A.- B.- C.- D.4. 以下哪种运动属于团队合作的运动?- A. 游泳- B. 跆拳道- C. 网球- D. 足球5. 以下哪个职业的工作是为人们提供医疗服务?- A. 导游- B. 教师- C. 律师- D. 医生......(省略部分选择题)二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 圆的直径是________,半径是________。
2. 中国的首都是________。
3. 春天的主要特点是________。
4. 校园周围的环境应该保持________。
5. 走在斑马线上时,应该________。
三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 什么是环保?为什么环保很重要?2. 请简单介绍一下你所熟悉的昆虫。
3. 描述一下你的家庭成员及他们的职业。
四、作文题(30分)请根据以下提示,写一篇题为《我的梦想》的作文,不少于100字:提示:你对未来的梦想是什么?你为实现这个梦想做了哪些努力?你对梦想的追求会给你带来什么样的快乐和成就感?五、答案一、选择题答案1. C2. D3. C4. D5. D二、填空题答案1. 直径:圆的一条直线穿过圆心的线段;半径:圆心到圆上任意一点的距离。
2. 北京。
3. 春天的主要特点是气温逐渐升高、植物开始发芽、昆虫复活。
一、阅读理解There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.Spring comes in March. It is warm and rainy. Plants grow and grow in spring. There are many beautiful flowers in the park. The leaves are green.Summer comes in June. It is hot and sunny. I can go to the beach. Many people like swimming in the sea.Autumn comes in September. It is cool and windy. The leaves are red, brown and yellow. They fall and fall.Winter comes in December. It is very cold and windy. I can hear the wind. It blows and blows.1、There are ________ months in a season. ( )A.three B.four C.twelve2、The spring months are ________.( )A.January, February and MarchB.March, April and MayC.April, May and June3、In autumn, it’s ________.( )A.cold and windy B.cool and windy C.cool and rainy4、—What colour are the leaves in autumn? ( )—They’re ________.A.greenB.brown and yellowC.red, brown and yellow5、—What can you hear in winter? ( )—________A.I can hear the music.B.I can hear the bird.C.1 can hear the wind.二、阅读理解Hi! My name is Jack. Today(今天) is Saturday. It's a nice day. We are having a picnic(野餐) in the park. There is a lake in the park. There are some boats on the lake. There are tall trees and beautiful flowers everywhere. The water in the lake is clean. Look! Lily is washing vegetables and fruits by the lake. She is helpful.My best friend Jenny likes cooking. Wow! We can eat lots of delicious food. And we can drink milk and apple juice. Salad is my favourite food. It's healthy. Sarah likes fish and chicken. Oliver loves music. He can play the pipa. Where is Tom? Look! He is reading books under the tree.How happy we are!6、Are there any boats on the lake? ( )A.Yes, there are. B.No, there aren't. C.No, there isn't.7、What is Lily like? ( )A.She is washing vegetables. B.She likes vegetables. C.She is helpful.8、Oliver loves ______. ( )A.cooking B.salad C.music9、What does Sarah like? ( )A.Beef. B.Milk. C.Fish and chicken.10、Which of the following is right(正确的)? ( )A.The water in the lake is dirty. B.Tom is reading books under the tree. C.Jack can play the pipa.三、阅读理解A crow (乌鸦) is flying in the trees. He is thirsty now. He would like some water. He goes to the river. But there’s no water in the river. He is so sad now. He flies again for some water. He sees a bottle under a tree. There’s some water in it. But the bottle is too long, he can’t drink the water. He is tired and sad. Then he has a good idea. He gets some stones, and puts them in the bottle. At last (最后), he drinks the water. He is happy now.11、Where is the crow? ( )A.He is in the trees. B.He is at home. C.He is at school. D.He is in the bottle.12、文中划线单词bottle的意思是:( )A.罐子B.石头C.瓶子D.碗13、What’s the matter with the crow? ( )A.He is hungry. B.He has a cold. C.He is thirsty. D.He is ill.14、What’s in the bottle? ( )A.There’s some milk.B.There’s some juice.C.There’s some tea.D.There’s some water.15、Can the crow drink the water at last? ( )A.No, he can’t.B.Yes, he is. C.Yes, he does. D.Yes, he can.四、阅读理解It’s Sunday morning. We have a dog show. There are many cute dogs. Look! The yellow dog is mine. It’s very beautiful. It often plays with me. I love it very much. Sarah’s dog is white. It’s small, but it has big eyes. Oh, there are two black dogs. They are Jack’s and John’s. Near the black dogs, there is a blue dog. It’s Lucy’s.16、What do they have on Sunday morning? ( )A.They have a singing contest.B.They have a dog show.C.They have a birthday party.17、Which dog is beautiful? ( )A.The blue dog. B.The white dog. C.The yellow dog.18、Whose is the white dog? ( )A.It’s John’s.B.It’s Sarah’s.C.It’s Lucy’s.19、Whose are the black dogs? ( )A.They are Lucy’s.B.They are Jack’s and John’s.C.They are Amy’s.20、How many dogs are there on the dog show? ( )A.There are three. B.There are six. C.There are five.五、阅读理解The black duck, the white bird and the yellow monkey live (居住) in a forest (森林). They meet every day. One day, they meet again. The duck says to (对…说) the bird, “Hi, b ird, come here, come to the river and swim.” The bird can’t swim, so he says to the duck, “Hi, duck, come here, come to the tree. Look! I’m so happy (快乐).”The duck has no idea. At this time, the monkey in the tree says, “Hi, duck and bird, come here, come to me and let’s climb (爬) the tree together(一起).” But the duck and the bird say nothing.21、The duck, the bird and the monkey _______. ( )A.are good friends B.live together C.can fly22、The monkey is _______ and the bird is _______. ( )A.yellow, white B.black, yellow C.white, blue23、We know that birds can _______ and ducks can ______. ( )A.skate, fly B.climb trees, drink fruits C.fly, swim24、The monkey _______ fly and the duck _______. ( )A.can’t, can’t climb trees B.can, can’t swim C.can’t, make cakes25、Monkeys, ducks and birds are ________. ( )A.flowers B.animals C.fishes六、阅读理解Hi, my name is Mike. I come from Canada. Now I am studying in Beijing. Here is a report on the seasons of mine.I love summer! In summer, the weather is usually very hot, and I can swim in the sea.Spring is beautiful, but in Canada it often rains. And it is hard to plant flowers in the rain. I love my garden! It is so nice to watch the flowers grow!In autumn I can eat grapes. They are so delicious. I also love to watch the leaves fall. Is that why we can call autumn "fall"?It usually snows in winter in Canada. Sometimes it snows here in Beijing, too. When it snows, I can skate.I love all the seasons. They are all beautiful and I can find many things to do.26、Which season does Mike like? ( )A.He likes spring. B.He likes summer. C.He likes all the seasons.27、What can Mike do in winter? ( )A.He can swim. B.He can skate. C.He can watch the flowers grow.28、How many seasons are there in a year in Canada? ( )A.4、 B.2、C.3、29、Is it usually hot in spring in Canada? ( )A.Yes, it is. It's usually hot.B.No, it isn't. It's usually windy.C.No, it isn't. It's usually rainy.30、What does “fall” mean? ( )A.Spring. B.Summer. C.Autumn.【参考答案】一、阅读理解解析:1、A2、B3、B4、C5、C【解析】二、阅读理解解析:6、A7、C8、C9、C10、B【分析】本文主要讲了周六杰克和朋友们在公园野餐的情景。
(15分)qiān zhe céng jīng jí shǐqī fùqiáo bu qǐjǐn mìzōng yǐng zì háo fēi fán guàn gài二、比一比,再组词。
(10分)因为……所以…… 宁可……也不…… 虽然……但是…… 如果……就……1.( )没有火烧烤食物,( )人们只好吃生的东西。
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1、在《七子之歌——澳门》这首歌的简谱中“0”表示( )
A 、 休止
B 、结束
C 、跳音
D 、 零
2、《祖国有多美》这首歌1=F 4
2拍的强弱规律是( ) A 、 强 弱 B 、 弱 强 C 、强 弱 弱 D 、弱 强 强
3、我们用纸张描绘一幅赞美祖国的图画,首先应该考虑的是( )
A 、大 小
B 、颜 色
C 、比 例
D 、构 图
图1 ()
图2 ()