英语词汇学 英语词汇学习题3及答案讲课稿

下列定义所表示的名称:1.a minimum unit of meaning :(morpheme)2.a morpheme to which affixescan be added : (root)3.a linguistic form that can occur as an independent word: (free form)4.a morpheme that must occur with at least one other morpheme: (bound form)5.a bound morpheme attached to a base (root or stem): (affix)6.an affix attached to the beginning of a base (root or stem ): (prefix)7.an affix attached to the end of a base (root or stem) : (suffix)8.an affix (in English,usually a suffix) that changes the form of a word without changing its part of speech or basic meaning: (inflectional affix)9.the process by which noninfectional affixes are added to roots to form words: (derivation)10.the process of joining together two linguistic forms which can function independently : (compounding)各组单词中共同的粘着词根、其词源及语义:1.acoustic,acoustical,acoumeter,acoustician,acoustics,acouphone:(acou-听,GK)2aerodomestics,erodrome,erodynamic,aerofoil,aerogramme,aerolite,aerography,aeronauti cs,aerophysics,aeroplane,aerosphere: (aero-空气GK)3.agenda,agent,agile, active,actor,actual,enact,inactive,transact,interact,react:(ag-,ac-做L)4.agrarian,agricultural,agriculture,agrimotor,agrobiology,agrochemical,agrology,agronom ic,agronomy,agrostology,agrotechnique,agrotechny,agrotown,agrotype: (agr-土地L)5.altimeter,altimetry,altitude,alto,exalt,contralto: (alt-高L)6.amateur,amatory,amiable,amicable,amorous,enamoured,unamiable:(am-,amor-爱L)7.Ample,ampleness,amply,amplidyne,amplification,amplifier,amplify,amplitude,radioam plifier: (ampl-充足L)8.annals,annual,perennial,centennial,annuity,biennial: (ann-年L)9anthropology,philanthropist,misanthropical,anthropotomy,anthropogeneses,anthropogra phy,anthropophagus: (anthrop- 人类GK)10aqualung,aquanaut,aquaplane,aquanelle,aquarium,aquatic,aqueous,aquiculture,aquosity ,subaquatic,subaqueous,terraqueous,aqueduct: (aqu-水L)11archangel,archbishop,arch-criminal,archdeacon,archdiocese,archenemy,archfiend: (arch- 首要GK)12asterisk,asterism,asteroid,astrodome,astrodynamics,astrograph,astrologer,astrology,astr onautics,astronavigation,astronomer,astronomy: (astr- 星GK)13atmosphere,atmolysis,atmometer,atmeter,atmoseal,atmospherics:(atmo-气体GK)14audible,audibility,inaudible,audience,audiology,audio-visual,audiometer,audiophile,aud iophile,audition,auditor,auditorium: (aud- 听L)15atoalarm,autobiographer,autoboat,autobus,autochrome,autoclave,autocrat,autograph,au toinfection,automate,automatic,automation,automobile,autonomy,autotruck,autotype: (auto- 自己GK)16barodynamics,barogram,barograph,barometric,barothermograph:(bar-压力GK)17bathymeter,bathymetric,bathysphere,bathythermograph:(bathy-深海的GK)18Bible,bibliofilm,bibliography,bibliology,bibliolater,bibliomania,bibliophile,bibliophilis m,bibliopole,bibliotheca,bibliotic,bibliotist: (biblio- 书籍GK)19bioassay,biocatalyst,biochemistry,biocide,bioclean,bioclimatic,bioclimatolgy,bioelectri city,biology,biogeneses,biogenic,biogeography,biography,biometerology,bionics,bioscope ,biosyntheses,biotic: (bio- 生命GK)20.Breve,breviary,brevirostrate,brevity,brief,abbreviate,abridge: (bre- 简短L)用否定前缀in-(及其变体),non-,un-构成下列单词的反义词:mature:im regular:ir considerate:in noble:in contentious:non legitimate:il metal:non passive:im ferrous:non accuracy:in endurable:un variance:in inductive: non legible:il reasonable:un rational:ir scrupulous:un staple: non balance:im legalize:il写出下列单词中前缀的意义:antecedent: before byproduct: near apocope: off enclose: in endobiotic: inside epitaph: outside expire: out foretell: before hypocrite: beneath include: in infrared: under intercede: between: intramural: within introspect: into outbid: exceeding overwork: beyond postgraduate: after precede: before proceed: forward retrospect:back subscribe: below superman: above supramundane: beyond transmit: across ultraconservatism: extreme以所列的单词为第一个成分,根据定义写出复合名词(A)green: 1.a stretch of land,round a town,where building is not allowed,so that fields woods,etc,remain:greenbelt 2.a shop-keeper who sells vegetables and fruit:greengrocer3.a young,inexperienced person,especially male,who is easily cheated: greenhorn4.a room in a theatre or concert hall where actors musicians,etc.,can rest when not performing :greenroom(B)hand: 1.a small bag for a woman to carry her money and personal things in: handbag2.a short book giving all the most important information about a subject: handbook3.an apparatus that stops a vehicle,worked by the driver’s hand: handbreak4.a bar of wood or metal fixed beside a place where one walks for holding onto,especially near stairs: handrail(C)after:1.The care or treatment to someone after a period in hospital,prison,etc: aftercare 2.an effect (usually unpleasant) that follows some time after the cause or after the main effect: aftereffect 3.a taste that stays in the mouth after the food that caused it in no longer there : aftertaste 4.an idea that comes later: afterthought (D)sleeping: 1a large thick envelope or bag of warm material for sleeping in when camping:sleeping bag 2a railway carriage with beds for passengers:sleeping car3a pill which helps a person to sleep:sleeping pill4.a partner in a business who takes no active part in its operation: sleeping partner (E) running :1. a person with whom another is running for a pair of political positions of greater or less importance,especially those of President and vice-Prisident: running mate 2. handwriting in which the letters are slanted and the words formed without lifting the pen : running hand 3.a headline repeated on consecutive pages (as of a book):running head 4.a footboard especially at the side of an automobile: running board(F)wash: 1.a large fixed basin for water for washing one’s hands and face: washbasin2.a movable board with a wavy surface against which clothes may be rubbed when washing: washboard3.a woman whose job is to wash clothes,often in her own home:washerwoman4.a cloth that is used for washing one’s face and body : washcloth (G)sun:1.the condition of having sore skin after experiencing the effects of strong sunlight:sunburn 2a flash of sunlight,especially through a break in clouds: sunburst3.the time when the sun is seen to disappear as night begins:sunset4.strong sunlight,as when there are no clouds:sunshine(H)break:1.aa sudden failure in operation:breakdown2.the unlawful cantering of a building,using force : break-in3.the action of forcing a way through the enemy: breakthrough4.a division int smaller parts:breakup(I)out:1.sudden appearance or beginning of something bad:outbreak2.a public show of anger:outcry3.money spent for a purpose :outlay4.a way through which something (usually a liquid or a gas )may go out: outlet将下列复合动词译成汉语Blue-pencil:修改,校正cold-shoulder:冷淡court-martial:对...进行军法审判Handcuff:将...上手铐pitch-fork:骤然;把...塞进sandbag:用沙袋阻塞Shipwreck:船只失事short-circuit:使短路snowball:(滚雪球似的)增长Wisecrack:说俏皮话找出下列句子中由名词转化的动词(答案为黑体字的原形)1.A shy,frightened child…”Name the Czar of Russia”2.At once the villagers formed a circle…3.Agamermnon with the rest of the Greek army sailed away..4.Almost before the Trojans could arm themselves..5.I began to see… would expect a large purse stuffed with..6.A few years ago the landlady locked the front7.An upstairs…,questioned the men and …8.The children headed toward school…9.Like the…,branching out…10.An hour went by and darkness still shrouded…11.They boarded boats12.The day-to-day…hard to measure,13.,smog results14.There are a few success stories in battling air…15.Pollution can be trapped before16.If nations traded item17.She’s the one who’s sapped your confidence.18.…,fairly well dressed but19.The young… by pocketing the money.20.But the preparation … to flake off even…形容词转动词(答案为黑体字的原形)1.Calming d own,…2.Such was Pompeii … has been cleared away.3.Houses and clothes must be cleaned more frequently4.…”helped raise the standard of living and lower the standard of air”5.…There his father opened a business…6.The Academy of Science was closed to him7.…to rise are cooled and…8.He emptied out…9.…,and it took half an hour to free him10.The wet clothes will soon dry in the sun.动词转名词(答案为黑体字的原形)1.Why is thisenormous increase in population …to the spread of the …2.…came to the aid of the surgeon…3.I know my friends from the feel of their faces.4.…personalities by touch5.…,between serves6.…of his slow grins7.…an appealing look.8.…has given rise to these…9.…as if it were a chew of tobacco.10.…get rid of Rex.写出下列报刊标题中使用的截短词的全称 auto workers end strike.(automobile)2.Soviet sub off Japan.(submarine)3.Palestinian demos mark massacres.(demonstrations):first use of nuke weapons not unlawful.(nuclear)5.Viet troops suffer setback in Kampuchea.(Vietnamese)6.Iran asks for into on stolen gems.(information)7.Petrochemical Corp builds 42 banks.(corporation)8.Rural-credit co-ops to get more autonomy.(cooperatives)9.W Europe acts to meet high-tech challenge.(high-technology)10.Setback for governing parties in Euro vote.(European)写出下列首字母拼音词的全称并译成汉语1.AIM: Air Intercept Missile 空中截击导弹2.BADGE: Base Air Defence Ground Environment 基地防空地面警备系统3.BAR: Browning Automatic Rifle 勃朗宁自动步枪4.CAR: Civil Air Regulations 民航条例5.CORE: Congress of Racial Equality 争取权平等大会6.DOP: developing-out paper 相纸7.FIA T: Fabbrica Italiana Automobili 菲亚特汽车公司8.MAP: Military Aid Program 军事援助计划9.MOSS: manned orbital space station 在人轨道空站10.MOUSE: minimum orbital unmanned satellite the earth 不载人的最小地球卫星11.NANA: North America Newspaper Alliance 北美报业联盟12.NA TO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织13.OPEC;Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织14.SALT: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks限制战略武器会谈15.SAM: surface-to-air missile 地对空导弹16.SEA TO: Southeast Asia Treaty Organizaion 东南亚条约组织17.SHAPE: Supreme Head quarters of Allied Powers in Europe 欧洲盟军最高司令部18.UFO :Unidentified Flying Object 不明飞行物19.Vera: Vision electronic recording apparatus 电子录像机20.Zip: Zone improvement plan 邮政编码制度写出下列复合动词是什么词逆生而来1.globe-trot:globe-trotter2..brainwash:brainwashing3.ghost-write:ghost-writer4.sleep-walk:sleep-walker5.spoon-feed:spoon-fed6.air-condition:air-conditioning7.book-keep:book-keeper 8.browbeat:browbeating9..caretake:caretaker 10.gatecrash:gatecrasher11.housebreak:housebreaker 12.housekeep:housekeeper13.mass-produce:mass-production 14.muckrake:muckraker15.proof-read:proof-reading 16.sightsee:sightseeing17.stage-manage:stage-manager 18.merry-make:merry-making19.street-walk:street-walker 20.window-shop:window-shopping下列概念意义可以用什么英语单词确切的表达出来:A.1.to walk laboriously,with effort:pold,trudge2.to walk like a duck:waddle3.to walk in a pompous or affected manner:struct4.to slide and drag the feet:stagger5.to walk in a loose,ungainly way:slouch6.to walk with long steps:stride7.to walk affectedly with short steps:mince8.to walk slowly,wasting time:dawdle9.to walk as if wearing slippers:shuffle10.to walk in a busy,active way:hustleB.1.to speak in a slow,prolonged manner:drawl2.to make involuntary breaks in utterance:stammer3.to express displeasure with compressed lips:mutter4.to talk rapidly,making inarticulate sounds:gabble5.to pronounce the sibilant letter imperfectly:lisp6.to have a friendly talk about family things:chat,yarn7.to spread idle gossipe:tattle8.to talk on and an about trifling,childish things:prattle9.to speak with contempt:sneer10.to speak fanatically:rave根据下列动物的属性,指出他们的象征意义:1.ant:frugality and provision2.ape:uncleanness,malice,lust3.bat:blindness4.bear:ill—temper5.bee:industey6.bull:strength7.calf:lumpshness 8.camel:submission9.cat:deceit 10.cock:vigilance11.crocodile:hypocrisy 12.crow:longevity13.dog:fidelity 14.dove:innocence15.eagle:majesty 16.elephant:sagacity17fly:feebleness 18.fox:cunning19goose:conceit 20.hare:timidity下列名词都来自古英语,写出与下列名词对应的源拉丁语的形容词:1.brother:fraternal2.Cat:feline3.child:puerile4.daughter:filial5.day:diurnal6.dog:canine7.ear:auricular 8.earth:terrestrial 9.egg:oval10.eye:ocular 11.father:paternal 12.fire:igneous13.foe:hostile 14.fox:vulpine 15.friend:amicable16.hand:manual 17.head:capital 18.heart:cordial19.heaven:celestial 20.horse:equine 21.husband:marital22.kidney:renal 23.knight:equestrian 24.life:vital25.light:lucid 26.lip:labial 27.man:humank:lactic 29.mind:mental 30.moon:lunar31.mother:maternal 32.mouth:oral :nominal34.night:nocturnal 35.nose:nasal 36.ox:bovine37.room:spacious 38.sea:marine 39. sheep:ovine40.sight:visible 41.skin:cutaneous 42.son:filial43.spring:vernal 44.stream:fluvial 45.star:stellar46.sun:solar 47.time:temporal 48.tongue:lingual49.tooth:dental 50.town:urban 51.tree:arboreal52.truth:veracious 53.war:bellicose 54.water:aqueous55.wife:conjugal 56.world:mundane 57.worm:vermicular58.woman:feminine 59.youth:juvenile 60.book:literaey选择适当的单词填入句子1.He waited with( bated) breath.2.The brother and sister are both (blondes).3.There is a (break)in the clouds.4.Her (bridal) grown was trimmed with lace.5.A (pedal) of the bicycle fell off.6.Cromwell (reigned) over England like a king.7.The wreckers began to (raze) the building.8.Although we watched carefully,the guard remained (stationary) for one hour.9.Edgar cannot sail until he has a full (complement) of men for hiscrew,and …..10.Eric was a tireless scholar,he would (pore)over his books without a breakuntil….将下列各组词分别填入句子A 1 .John’nature was so (sanguine) that we all felt cheered up….2. The battle was so (sanguinary) that hardly a combatant …...B 1. We could not have a worse judge than the one we had,he wascompletely (uninterested) in the case and …..2. We could not have a better judge than Judge Blandford; he wasfriendly,knowledgeable,and above all completely (disinterested).C 1. Although we played them on even terms for the first half,the second halfwas a (rout). 2. To get to our cottage you follow (route)….D 1. The (official) in charge of the game…2. Time was so (officious)in his new job…..E 1. The dress was made of synthetic ( material).2. The general needs more troops and (materiel).F 1. The (moral) of the story….2. The (morale) of our troops is high.G 1. All men are (fallible).2.The argument,convincing ……..to be (fallacious).H 1. Some say Shakespeare takes (precedence) over all ….2. There was no (precedent)for the granting of a ….I 1. John,who was sulle n and (taciturn) by nature,found that ….2. They arrived at a (tacit) agreement.J 1.The building plans are (impracticable).2.My husband …..,but he is so (unpractical)that he cannot …用英语解释下列句子中help 及其派生词的意义1.If you want to lose some weight,Jim,you must start avoiding second helpings.(secondservings)2.“God help me !”he murmured…..(protest)3.He gave us a helping hand when we were in trouble.(i.e.he helped us)4. Yes,I know he’s a rascal,but I can’t help liking him.( i.e.I can’t but like him)5.Did you have any help from anyone with …..(assistance)6.Don’t be away longer than you can help.(avoid)7.I do think you could have been a bit more helpful .(ready or willing to assist)8.“Help!Help! I’m drowning !”(Save me)9.I am very sorry but I can’t help it .( i.e.I can’t do otherwise)10. Can I help you in any way ?(assist you)11. We are a bit hard up this month,my dear,so don’t spend more than you canhelp .(avoid)12. Give me only a very small helping,please.(serving)13. I’m telling you the truth,so help me God!( i.e.May God punish me if I am not !)14.We’re awfully sorry that we were giggling –but we couldn’t help it .( i.e.do anything tostop it )15.Would you help me to carry this suitcase,please?(assist)16.Would you help me to some potatoes,please ?( i.e.serve me with)17.Your liver is not in a very good condition …….if I could help it .(avoid)18.Your presence was extremely helpful,…(i.e.it gave great assistance)19.The helping you gave me would have fed a football team !(serving)20.The whisky is on the table…Help yourself.( i.e.Take what you want,when you want it )写出下列各组同义词的共同基本意义1Sorrow,grief,anguish …..(distress of mind )2Bad,evil,wicked,…(not ethically acceptable )3Regard,respect ,esteem …(to recognize the worth of a person or thing )4Disprove,refute, confute…(to show or try to show by presenting evidence thar somethingis not true)5.Incline,bias,dispose …(to influence one to have or take an attitude toward something )6.Level,flat,plane …(having a surface without bends,curves or irregularities )7.Generous,liberal,liberate,….(giving freely and unstingily)8.Free,release,liberate, …(to loose from constraint or restraint )9.Frank,candid,open…(show willingness to say what one things or feels)10Envious,jealous (begrudging another’s possession of something )11Assert,declare,affirm,protest …(to state or put forward positively,usually inanticipation of or in the face denial or objection )12. Aggressive,militant,assertive…(conspicuously or obtrusively active or energetic )13.Agile,polite….(acting or moving with easy alacrity)14.Civil,polite,gallant …(observant of forms required by good breeding )15.V ociferous,clamorous,blatant,…(so loud or insistent as to compel attention)16.Bear,suffer,endure …(to put up with something trying or painful )17.Decrease,lessen,diminish…(to grow or make less )18.Heritage,inheritance,patrimony…(something received from a parent orpredecessor)19.Keep retain,detain ..(to hold in one’s possession or under one’s control)20.Bare,naked nude …(deprived of naturally or conventionally appropriate covering)指出并改正误用词语1.The convict paced within the ….(confound) 应改为(confines)2.I remember the name,but …..(replace )…(recall)3.His antisocial behaviour results from lack of…..(formidable)… (formative)4.When I grow up I want to be a…..(pronouncer)…(announcer)5.He left enough leave-way for ….(leave-way)…(leeway)6.The flagrance of her….(flagrance)…(fragrance)7.I found the Oriental dishes….(palpable) …(palatable)8.The corpse had been so dissected over….(dissected)…(dislocated)9.The colonel’s appearance was so marital with….(marital )…(martial)10.Our elementary needs were planned for…..(elementary)..(alimentary)11.It is hoped that this course will enlarge….(perimeter)…(parameter)12.If we look long enough in this material we…(statue)…(statute)13.He desserted his friends just wh en they needed him .(desserted)…(deserted)14.Kurt had been innocuous against influenza,but he….(innocuous)…(inoculated)15.Eric was so ingenuous about household….(ingenuous)..(ingenious)16.The dinosaurs may have been unable to adopt…(adopt)…(adapt)17.After their brief alteration they shook hands,…(alteration )..(altercation)18.The game came to a climatic finish with …(climatic)…(climactic)19.The mountain lions are all extant in the mountains; not….(extant)…(extinct)20.Mother’s dreams were irreverent to the …(irreverent)..(irrelevant)用否定前缀写出下列单词的反义词1arm:disarm 2.honour:dishonor 3.join:disjoin 4.legible:illegible5.legitimate:illegitimate6.mature:immature7.moderate:immoderate8.fertile:infertile9.sanitary:insanitary 10.resolute:irresolute 11.reverent:irreverent 12.trust:mistrust13.fit:misfit 14.understand:misunderstand 15.adjacent:nonadjacent16.existence:nonexistence 17.alliance:non-alliance 18.conscious:unconscious19.intelligence:unintelligent 20.symmetrical:unsymmetrical找出下列各组同义词相应的反义词A1.fast(slow) 2.rapid(leisurely) 3quick(sluggish) 4.hasty (deliberate) 5.speedy(dilatory)B. 1.beautiful (ugly) 2.pretty (plain) 3.fair (foul) 4.lovely (unlovely)C. e (go) 2.arrive (depart) 3 .reach (leave ) 4 .gain (lose )D.1.happiness (misery) 2.joy (sorrow) 3.delight(distress) 4.enjoyment (suffering)下列各词都经历了词义范围的变化,a演变前b演变后,判断词义是扩大还是缩小;1.starve 缩小 a.to die b.die or suffer acute ly from hunger2.person 缩小 a.person b.paster3.box 扩大 a.containter made of boxwood b.container in general4.beef 缩小 a.ox b.meat of the ox5.citizen 扩大 a.city b.inhabitant of state or nation6.voyage 缩小 a.journey b.journey by waterl 扩大 a.place for grinding b.place for milking things8.frock 扩大 a.garment of a monk b.various kinds of garments9.dismantle扩大 a.to strip of dress or mantle b.to strip of furniture or equipment10.campus 缩小 a.field b.grounds of a college11.operate 缩小 a.to perform any operation b.to performance a surgical operation12.charge 扩大 a.load;burden b.task; responsibility,price,etc.13.drowse 缩小 a.to sink b.to sink into sleepyman 扩大 a.one who is not of clergy b.one who is not an expert15.ferry 缩小 a.to carry b.to transport across a river16.chant 缩小 a.to sing b.to intone17.butcher 扩大 a.one who kills he-goats b.one who kills animals for food18.chamber扩大 a.room b.room; legislative body,etc.19.hound 缩小 a.dog b.hunting dog20.tail 扩大 a.hairy caudal appendage of an animal b.anything like an animal’s tail in form or position现代英语中专门术语进入日常生活并扩大了词义,找出与下列术语对应的一般意义1.alibi excuse2.scenario description of a possible3.charismatic having popular appealpulsive habitual5.catalyst any stimulus in hastening a result6.ambiance quality,feeling,etc.of a place7.osmosis subtle or gradual absorption or mingling8.psychology mental processes9.syndrome distinctive or characteristic patern of behaviour10.subliminal of which one is not consciously aware11.parameter determining factor .characteristic12.philosophy practical opinion or body of opinionsplex obsession of any kind14.schizophrenia any mental or emotional disorder15.interface connection16.neurotic nervous,eccentric,given to worry17.sadism cruelty18.bottom line conclusion,clincher19.paradigm typical example of sth20.exhibitionism showing off下列词经历了词义褒贬的变化,a和b是演变前后的词义,判断是褒义化还是贬义化1.sturdy 褒 a.stern stubborn reckless b.stout vigorous firm2.reek 贬 a.smoke b.stink3.counterfeit 贬 a.to copy to reproduce b.to imitate with intent to deceive4.fame 褒 a.rumour report b.celebrity renown5.mischievous 褒 a.disastrous b.playfully annoying6.civil 褒 a.of itizens b.cultured; courteous7.smirk 贬 a.smile b.simper8.glamour 褒 a.spell; enchantment b.attractiveness;allure9.busybody 贬 a.busy person b.officious and meddlesome person10.churl 贬 a.freeman b.boor; niggard11.luxury 褒 a.lust b.sumptuousness12.err 贬 a.wander b.go astray13.chiffon 褒 a.rag b.sheer fabric of silk,etc.14.brook 贬 a.to enjoy ; to make use of b.to endure; to tolerate15.elocution 贬 a.style of speaking b.studied or artificial style of speaking16.fair 贬 a.beautiful;pleasant b.moderate ; tolerable17.sergeant褒 a.servant b.non-commissioned officer18.dizzy 褒 a.foolish b.vertiginous19.inquisition贬 a.investigation b.persecution20.sophisticated 褒 a.overly complex or refined b.sufficiently complex or knowing 动物名称比喻人,还可转化为动词描绘人的动作,说明下列词的隐喻意义A.动物名词1.bull 粗壮的男子2.butterfly 举止轻浮的人(尤指妇女)3.cat 刁钻或居心叵测的女子4.dove 温柔或纯真的妇女,儿童;鸽派(美国)5.goose 傻瓜6.hawk 掠夺成性的人;骗子;鹰派(美国)7.jackal 为虎作伥的人;狗腿子mb 温顺的人;小宝贝9.lion 勇猛异常的男人10.magpie 喋喋不休的人11.mule 执拗或顽固的人12.phoenix 超群出众的人13.pig 肮脏或贪吃的人;警察猪猡14.puss 少女或小姑娘15.serpent 阴险的毒辣的人16.sheep 忸怩,温驯或胆小的人17.skunk 卑鄙可恶的人18.sucker 容易上当受骗的人19.swine 下流坯;鄙俗的人20.vixen 泼妇B.动物名称转化为动词 1.to crow over 洋洋自得 2.to ferret 搜索3.to fish for 探求;绕弯打听4.to gull 欺骗,使人上当5.to hound 追逐逼迫6.to monkey 胡闹;嘲弄;模仿7.to parrot 机械仿效,随声附和8.to rat 变节,告密9.to shark 诈骗.勒索10.to snake 蜿蜒前进;拖曳隐喻的基础是形状,功能,褒贬的类似,据此区别以下斜体词语属哪种类型1.the tail of a procession 形状2.a ray of hope 功能3.a wolf in sheep’s clothing 贬义4.an early bird 褒义5.piercing sound 功能6.a flight of fancy 功能7.the cup of the valley 形状8.crocodile tears 贬义9.forks of the road 形状10.to rivet one’s gaze 形状11.golden hours 褒义12.a saddle in the mountains 形状13.loud colours 功能14.stony politeness 贬义15.the mantle of darkness 功能16.Richad the Lion-Heart 褒义17.torments of jealousy 功能18.the ribs of vault 形状19.a watery style of writing 贬义20.skyrocketing prices 形状21.the book of time 功能22.a loan shark 贬义23.to bridle one’s anger 功能24.a smart invention 褒义25.the head of the school 功能26.to dive into a book 形状27.to lend wings to someone 功能28.a mere wisp of a girl 形状29.the lungs of a city 形状30.an unlicked cub 贬义提喻是局部和整体之间的替代.判断下列A组各词和B组中的黑体词是局部喻整体(1)还是整体喻局部(2)所喻意义A1.head cattle 12.redbreast robin 13.corn maize 24.roof house or home 15.cattle cows 26.wheels automobiles 17.blade sword 18.cutthroat murderer 19.the smiling year spring 210.hard tails mules 111.to dial to telephone 112.fox/beaver the fur of the animal 2B. 1.a motor trip/the motor industry 12.meat and drink 13.a mink coat 24.a basket of provisions 25.to have a word with someone 16.to tread a measure 27.All hands on deck! 18.The law was there in force. 2写出下面委婉用语所代替的词1.to refresh oneself: to eat2.deranged: mad3.necropolis: cemetery4.perspiration: sweat5.unwise: foolish6.expectorate: spit7.indigestion : overeating 8.inexpressibles: trousers9nether garments: pants 10.loan-office: pawnshop11.non-whites :blacks 12.in an interesting condition: pregnant13public comfort station :toilet 14.deuce: devil15Golly : God d: Lord17prevaricate : lie id to rest: buried19paying-guests: tenants 20.to be no more: to die简化下列复合名词并译成汉语1.banner headline:banner头号标题2.howler hat:bowler 圆顶大礼帽3.crepe paper:crepe绉织物(如绉绸、绉布等)4.dandy-cart:dandy 二轮小车5.duck egg:duck 零分6.flashback:flash倒叙7.hoarfrost:hoar 白霜8.human being:human 人9.jacquard loom:jacquard 提花机10.jockstrap:jock(运动员等用的)下身护体11.porter’s knot:knot 垫肩12.kraft paper:kraft牛皮纸13.turning-lathe:lathe 车床14.poet laureate:laureate桂冠诗人15.eyelid:lid 眼睑16.linen paper:linen 亚麻纸17.road metal:metal 碎石料18.smelling salts:salts嗅盐19.sapwood:sap 白木质20.Teddy boy:Teddy 无赖青年指出各对同义词的本族语词1.beak-bill2.break-sever3.feed-nourish4.amity-friendship5.prevent-hinder6.begin-commence7.womanly-feminine 8.wet-humid9.solitary-lonely10.people-folk11.deep-profound 12.exterior-outer13.cordial-hearty14.dale-valley15.have-possess 16.conceal-hid e17deed-action 18.holy-sacred19.give-present 20.aid-help21.inner-interior 22.deadly-mortal23.motherly-maternal 24.question-ask25.masculine-manly26.buy-purchase27.thin-tenuous 28.earthly-terrestrial29.royal-kingly30.fatherly-paternal31violin-fiddle32.domestic-homely33.mount-rise34.world-universe35.answer-reply 36.celestial-heavenly37.vivacious-lively38.bodily-corporal39.brotherhood-fraternity 40.aqueous-watery英译汉 1.Chinese cabbage白菜 2.chinese spinach菠菜3.Chinese date 枣子4.Chinese eddo芋头5.Chinese gooseberry 猕猴桃6.Chinese oil桐油7.Chinese goose 鸿雁8.Chinese wall长城9.Chinese block 木鱼10.Chinese boxes套盒11.Chinese ink 墨12.Chinese puzzle七巧板13.Chinese red 橙红色14.Chinese lantern灯笼15.Chinese chequers 跳棋16.Chinese calendar农历17.Chinese herbal medicine中草药18.Chinese restaurant syndrome中国餐厅综合症将下列科学术语译成汉语:1、aerotrain:飞行火车 2.artificial intelligence:人工智能3.astrobiology:太空生物学4.barratrics:肥胖症治疗法5.callositics:遗传分类学6.cogeneration:废热发电7.cosmodon:太空站8.cryonics:人体冷冻学9.cytoecology:细胞生态学10.datamation:自动化数据处理11.dysgenesis:发育不良12.ecosphere:生态层13.euphenics:优种学14.exocrinology:外分泌学15.fetology:胎儿学16.fibre optics:纤维光学17.hard science:硬科学(指自然科学) 18.inertia welding:惯性焊接rmation retrieval:信息检索unch vehicle:运载火箭21.linear algebra:线性代数22.macroinstruction:宏观指令23.marsquake:火星地震24.microprocessor:微型电脑25.neonatology:新生儿生理学26.nerve agent:神经毒剂27.oncogenicity:致癌性28.parameter:参数,参量29.photobotany:光植物学30.planetology:行星学31.plasma physics:等离子物理学32.quantum chemistry:量子化学33.retro-rocketry:制动火箭学34.revascularization:换血管术35.saucerman:外太空人36.sealab:海底实验室37.selenodesy:月面测量学38.test-tube baby:试管婴儿39.thermal breeder-reactor:热增殖反应堆40.videophone:电视电话将下列新复合词译成汉语:1.after-sale service:售后服务2.apartment complex:公寓建筑群3.arm wrestling:扳手腕4.bad-mouth:恶意中伤5.bait-and switch:“上钩掉包”诱售法的6.beam weapon:激光束武器7.bed-in:露宿示威8.body language:身势语9.bubble top:(汽车)透明防弹圆罩10.buzz word:时髦词语11.convenient food:方便食品12.cruise missile:巡航导弹13.cup-tied:参加优胜杯决赛的14.dark comedy:黑色喜剧15.data bank:数据库16.day-care:日托的17.diet pill:减肥丸18.dunk shot:篮球塞射(砸篮)19.family planning:计划生育20.flick-knife:弹簧折刀21.floor exercise:自由体操22.free-associate:自由联想23.happy hour:(酒吧)减价供应饮料的时间24.honey wagon:垃圾车25.hot-dog:太棒了26.man-on-man:(球赛)人盯人27.overhead walkway:行人大桥28.pop-top/ring pull:易拉罐29.pop wine:果味甜酒30.rent strike:集体抗租31.retort pouch:软装罐头32.shunpike:驾车走支路33.sick-out:集体托病怠工34.shinny-dip:裸泳35.sober-up:解酒的36.space talk:宇航术语37.spy-in-the-sky:侦查卫星38.talk show/chat show:名人现场采访节目39.value-added tax:增值税40.vanity surgery:美容外科将下列各词的英式拼写改为美式拼写:1.draught: draft2.plough: plow3.litre: liter4.offence: offense5.pyjamas: pajamas6.cheque: check7.flyer: flier 8.scepticism: skepticism 9.harbour:harbor10.ensure: insure 11.cosy: cozy 12.manoeuvre: maneuver13.civilise: civilize 14.anaemic: anemic 15.gaol:jail16.inflexion: inflection 17.moustache: mustache 18.oesophagus: esophagus19.queue: cue 20.shew: show将下列各词的英式拼写简化为美式拼写:1.counsellor:counselor2.remould: remold3.axe: ax4.cigarette: cigaret5.jewellery:jewelry6.omelette: omelet7.storey: story 8.good-bye: good-by 9.speciality: specialty10.towards: toward 11.waggon: wagon 12.catalogue: catalog13.aluminium: aluminum 14.levelled: leveled 15.moult:molt16.programme: program 17.judgement: judgment 18.licence: license19.amidst: amid 20.practice,practise: practice用一个英语单词代替下列成语:1.of one’s own accord: voluntarily2.exchange blows with: fight3.get away: escape4.on the nail: immediately5.play false: betray6.a slap in the face: insult7.in a body: collectively 8.make head or tail of: understand9.behind the times: unfashionable e across: discover11.under false colours: falsely 12.make away with: destroy13.from time to time: occasionally 14.call on :visit15.neither rhyme nor reason:nonsense 16.throw cold water on: discourage17.by the way: incidentally 18.by word of mouth: verbally19.lord and master: husband 20.behind closed doors: privately将下列名词性成语译成汉语:1.the ace of trumps:主要的王牌,最有力的理由或要据.2.an apple of discord:争端,祸根3.the apple of one’s eye:珍爱的人或东西4.a beast of burden:驮畜5.a bed of roses:称心如意个环境6.a bird of passage:候鸟,漂泊不定的人7.a fish out of water:不适应环境的人8.a Jack of all trades杂而不精的人9.the lion’s share:最大的一份10.a lion in the tongue:拦路虎(尤指臆想的危难)11.a slip of the tongue:口误12.a snake in the grass:隐患13.a wild goose chase:徒劳的搜索,无益的劳动14.a wet blanket:扫兴的人15.a white elephant:无用而累赘的东西16.a swan song:最后的作品17.sour grapes:酸葡萄18.an iron hand:高压手段19.the green-eyed monster:嫉妒20.a dog in the manger:占着茅坑不拉屎的人将下列隐喻成语的适当形式填入句子:1.The shopkeepers speak in slow,measured tones,and the buyers,overwhelmed by thesepulchral atmosphere, follow suit2.Neither does the river theory“hold water”,in the face of what is known about noduledistribution.3.What now seems to be in the air is a multilateral deal be tween the seven countries…..4.When they find who done that last night,who killed that kid an’its mother,thenhightailed it,they’ll throw the book,and never mind who it is……5.For the mighty army of consumers,the ultimate applications of the computer revolutionare still around the bend of a silicon circuit.6.More than 100 reporters were on hand,and even radio announcers,who for the first timein history were to broadcast a jury trial.7.The judge called for a local minister to open the session with prayer,and the trial gotunder way.8.P&O,for example,while still out to increase the total…But P&O has no intention ofthrowing in the towel.9.He was struggling with the clasps on his suitcase,and Pug gave him a hand.10.On our way back,every U-boat in the Atlantic will certainly be on battle alert.We shallhave to run the gamut.11.One night Churchill took the floor in the Augusta washroom after dinner,…….12.If,at some future date,it becomes the wish of our sister colonies to effect aseparation,we will not stand in the way .13.The fact that their marriage may be on the rocks,or that their love affairs have beenbroken or even that…14.The peasants were allowed to eat the rabbits that scampered over their fields and,sincethat meat was cheap,the Norman lords of course turned up their noses at it.15.Like me,they had been divorced from their origins,and it turned out to make very littledifference….they were mo more at home in Europe than I was.16.But what is Anna Karenina describing if not the tragic fate of the isolated individual,atodds with her time and place?17.The illicit jump we find here,on the threshold of the inquiry,is characteric of the …18.These people vote without a qualm for the political parties that quite sensibly-theircountry arm…to the teeth.19.Nowadays New Year is out of phase with American taste as often as it is out of stepwith American politics.20.The mother was on the verge of panic.She clutched his arm and kept repeating,…1、It may be objected that he is not sophisticated enough to mediate the disputebetween them.有人可能会提出异议说,他没有足够的本领能调解他们之间的纠纷。

试题三第一部分选择题I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.According to the degree of similarity, homonyms can be classified into ( )A. perfect homonymsB. homonymsC. homophonesD. all the above2.Transfer as a mode of semantic change can be illustrated by the example ( )A. ad for “advertisement”B. dish for “food"C. fond for “affectionate”D. an editorial for “an editorial article"3.It is a general belief that the meaning does not exist in the word itself, but it rather spreads over ( )A. the reader’s interpretationB. the neighbouring wordsC. the writer's intentionD. the etymology of the word4.Which of the following is a prefix of time and order?A. extra-B. pro-C. re-D. semi-5.Which of the following dictionaries is not a specialized dictionary?A. The Oxford Dictionary of English EtymologyB. Chamber's Encyclopedic English DictionaryC. Longmont Dictionary of Phrasal VerbsD. Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms6.Which of the following statements is Not true?A. Reference is the relationship between language and the world.B. The relationship between a word and its referent is arbitrary.C. Concept is universal to all men alike.D. Sense denotes the relationships outside the language.7.The words which occur before or after a word and may affect its meaning form ( )A. physical contextB. grammatical contextC. lexical contextD. linguistic context8."Smith is an architect. He designed World Trade Center. "The clue provided in the context is ( )A. definitionB. explanationC. exampleD. hyponym9.The term "vocabulary" is used in different ways because of all the following reasons EXCEPT that ( )A. it can refer to the common core of a languageB. it can refer to the total number of the words in a languageC. it can represent all the words used in a certain historical periodD. it can stand for words in given dialect or field10.The idiom "a dark horse" is a ( )A. simileB. metaphorC. metonymyD. personification11.An idiom differs from a free phrase in that the former is ( ) and the latter is not.A. structurally changeableB. semantically analyzableC. structurally fixedD. easily understood12.We can work out the meaning of heliocentric and geocentric according to ( )A. morphological structureB. relevant detailsC. grammatical structureD. physical context13.What causes the ambiguity of the sentence ”I like Mary better than Janet"? ( )A. VocabularyB. SituationC. StructureD. None of the above14.Early Modern English refers to the language spoken ( )A. from 1066 to 1500B. from 1150 to 1500C. from 1500 to 1700D. from 1600 to 180015.Affixes added to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are known as ( )A. bound rootsB. free morphemesC. inflectional morphemesD. derivational affixes第二部分非选择题Ⅱ.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (10%)16._________________ meaning refers to the part of speech, tenses of verbs, etc.17.The word __________ has the old meaning "servant" and the elevated meaning "head of a ministry".18.The relationship between sound and meaning is arbitrary or ______________.19.When a word with more than one meaning is used in unclear context, it creates _______________.20.Almost all affixes are __________morphemes because few can be used as independent words.Ⅲ.Match the words in Column A with those in Column B according to 1)rhetorical features of the idioms; 2)sense relations; 3)assimilation degree; 4)characteristics of the basic word stock and 5)motivation.(10%)A B21.reiteration ( ) A. high and low22.repetition ( ) B. pick and choose23.juxtaposition ( ) C. face to face24.perfect homonym ( ) D. Failure is the mother of success.25.personification ( ) E. hiss26.portus ( ) F. bear; beare ( ) G. twitter28.heart ( ) H. cat29.birds ( ) I. port30.snakes ( ) J. heart and soulⅣ.Study the following words and expressions and identify 1) types of context clues; 2) typesof word formation; 3) types of word-meaning changes and 4) rhetorical features of idioms.(10%)31.making a restatement of a new word or concept in familiar words ( )32.sitcom ( )33.the usual amenities such as a pub, a post office and a school ( )34.form cradle to grave ( )35.might and main ( )36.fax ( )37.disobey,impolite, ( )38.hussy:"housewife"→"a woman of low morals"( )39.disease:"discomfort"→"illness"( )40.fond:"foolish"→"affectionate"( )Ⅴ.Define the following terms.(10%)41.dictionary42.pejoration43.idioms nominal in nature44.Germanic45.allomorphⅥ.Answer the following questions. Y our answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.(12%)46.What are the stylistic features of idioms?47.How would you explain the difference between back formation and suffixation? Give examples to illustrate your point.48. How do you distinguish inflectional affixes and derivational affixes?Ⅶ.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.(18%)ment on the following pairs of sentences in terms of superordinate and subordinates.a. The man said he would come to our school next week.b. The visiting scholar said he would visit our university next Monday.50.Analyes the morphological structures of the following words and point out the types of the morphemes.unbearable, international, ex-prisoner试题参考答案Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.D2.B3.B4.C5.B6.D7.C8.C9.A 10.B11.C 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.CⅡ.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.(10%)16. Grammatical 17. minister 18. conventional 19. ambiguity 20. boundⅢ.Match the words in Column A with those in Column B. (10%)21.B 22.C 23.A 24.F 25.D26.I 27.H 28.J 29.G 30.EⅣ.Study the following words and expressions and identify 1)types of context clues; 2)types of word formation; 3)types of word-meaning changes and 4)rhetorical features of idioms.(10%)31.explanation32.head+head blending33.hyponymy/hyponym34.figure of speech; metonymy35.phonetic manipulation/alliteration36.back clipping37.affixation, prefixation or negative prefixes38.degradation39.narrowing40.elevationⅤ.Define the following terms.(10%)41. Dictionary is a book which presents in alphabetical order the words of a language, with information as to their spelling, pronunciation, meaning usage, etc.42. Degradation or pejoration of meaning is the opposite of semantic elevation. It is a process whereby words of good origin fall into ill reputation or non-affective words come to be used in derogatory sense.43.(1)Each idiom has a noun as the key word.(2)Each functions as a noun/also knows asnoun idioms.44.a term used to refer to a branch of the Indo-European language family, which consists of English, German, Dutch, etc.45.one of the variants that realize a morphemeⅥ.Answer the following questions.(12%)46.(1)Many idioms were created in different professions, so they were trade-or profession-related, colloquial and informal.(2)Now most become a part of the common core, neither formal nor informal.(3)There are still many colloquialisms, slang expressions, literary expressions comparatively small in number.47.A)Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to bases.B)Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation; it's the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes.48.Inflectional affixes are affixes (1) attached to the end of words; (2) to indicate grammatical relationships, while derivational affixes are affixes; (3) added to other morphemes; (4) to create new words.Ⅶ.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short Write your answers in the space given below.(18%)49.要点:Superordinate Subordinate1) man scholar2) come visit3) school university4) week Monday50.1)Each of the three words consists of three morphemes unbearable(un+bear+able), international (inter+nation+al), ex-prisoner(er+prison+er).2)Of the nine morphemes, only bear, nation and prison are free morphemes as they can exist by themselves.3)All the rest un-,-able,inter-,-al, ex-and-er are bound as none of them can stand alone as words.。

大学英语III课程培训班学习材料(三)参考答案及解析2013-2014学年第二学期Part I WritingDo Mobiles Distract Study?Wherever you are, you can see many people equipped with mobile phones. It seems that the world becomes smaller nowadays. And mobile phones are also becoming a new scene on campus. Students think it is extremely convenient for them to communicate with the outside world by using mobile phones so that they call it an essential investment. Education experts analyze the entry of mobile phones into campus as an indication of social progress. The youth of today send messages, surf on the net, listen to music and even take photos by using their mobile phones. To some extent, it reflects that college students are more and more involved in this modern society, rather than pedants in the “Ivory Tower”.As a coin has two sides, the mobile phone, while providing convenience, causes trouble too. In classrooms, the untimely ringing interrupts lectures and destroys the atmosphere of study, so it prompts many complaints. Therefore, we need to think more about how to integrate mobile phones properly into our lives.【行文点评】文章由现象到本质,分三个段落层次分明地对主题进行了论述。

Chapter 3 Morphological Structure of English Words We have discussed the historical, cultural and social factors that facilitate (使……容易;推动) the development of the English vocabulary. Borrowing, as we see, has been playing an active role in the expansion of vocabulary. In modern times, however, vocabulary is mainly enlarged on an internal basis. That is, we use word-building material available in English to create new words. But before we discuss the actual ways and means to make new words, we need to have a clear picture of the structure of English words and their components (成分) —word-forming elements. This chapter will discuss morphemes(语素;词素), their classification(分类) and identification(辨别), the relationship between morphemes and word-formation(构词法).3.1 MorphemesTraditionally, words are usually treated as the basic and minimal units of a language to make sentences, which are combinations of words according to syntactic rules(句法规则). Structurally, however, a word is not the smallest unit because many words can be separated into even smaller meaningful units. Take decontextualization for example. This is one word, but can be broken down into de-, con-, text, -a/ , -iz(e), -ation , each having meaning of its own. These segments (部分) cannot be furtherdivided; otherwise, none of them would make any sense. Though -ation has a number of variants (变体) such as -tion, -sion, -ion, they belong to the same suffix as they have the same meaning and grammatical function and occur owing to (因为;根据) different sound environment. These minimal meaningful units are known as morphemes (morphe is the Greek word for 'form'; -eme as in 'phoneme' (音素) means 'class of' ). In view of word-formation, the morpheme is seen as 'the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words' (Crystal 1985). Syntactically(从句法上看), however, a morpheme is the minimal form of grammatical analysis (语法分析). For instance, each of the word-forms studies, studying, studied, consists of the morpheme study + ; the forms -es in studies, -ing in studying, -ed in studied are morphemes, which express grammatical concepts (语法概念) instead of deriving new words (See Classifying Morphemes).3.2 Morphs and Allomorphs(词素变体)Morphemes are abstract units, which are realized in speech by discrete units (具体单位) known as morphs(形素). 'They are actual spoken, minimal carriers of meaning' (Bolinger and Sears 1981:43). In other words the phonetic or orthographic strings(语音串或拼写字串)or segments (切分成分;节) which realize morphemes are termed 'morphs' (Bauer 1983:15). The morpheme isto the morph what a phoneme (音位) is to a phone (音素). Most morphemes are realized by single morphs like bird, tree, green , sad, want, desire, etc. . These morphemes coincide (巧合) with words as they can stand by themselves and function freely in a sentence. Words of this kind are called mono-morphemic words. Some morphemes, however, are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word. For instance, the morpheme of plurality {-s} has a set of morphs in different sound context, e. g. in cats /s/, in bags /z/, in matches /iz/. The alternates (作为替换的事物) /s/, /z/ and /iz/ are three different morphs. The same is true of the link verb morpheme {be}. Its past tense is realized by two distinct orthographic forms was , were, each of which happens to be a word-form, realizing {preterit} and {singular}, and {preterit} and {plural} respectively and each has its own phonetic form /woz/ or /wə:/. Therefore, both was, were and their phonetic forms /woz/ and /wə: / are morphs (See discussion in Bauer, p15).An allomorph refers to a member of a set of morphs, which represent one morpheme. Just as we class phones(音素) together as allophones (音位变体) of a single phoneme(音位), so we class morphs together as allomorphs of a single morpheme. Take the plural morpheme {-s} again. Phonetically, it is realized by /s/, /z/, /iz/, all of which are allomorphs. In English, many morphemes canhave more than one allomorph, particularly those freestanding morphemes which are functional words in their own right. Once they occur in connected speech, they may be realized by different forms, depending on whether they are accented or weakened (Look at the data in the table).Morphem e AllomorphStrong Weak{am} /aem/ /əm/, /m/{ was} /woz/ /WəZ/{have } /haev/ /həv/, /v/{would } /wud/ /wəd/, /əd/,/d/{he} /hi:/ /i:/, /i/{his} /hiz/ /iz/{for} /fo:/ /fə/{to} /tu:/ /tu/, /tə/Then what is the difference between morphs and allomorphs? The relationship can be illustrated by the diagram below.Morpheme{would}morph morph morph morph →allomorph/wud/ /wəd/ /əd/ /d/3.3 Classifying MorphemesMorphemes vary in function. Accordingly, we can classify morphemes into several general categories: free versus bound, derivational versus inflectional, and lexical versus grammatical. However, their boundaries are not as clear-cut as they appear to be due to some overlapping(重叠). For the sake of discussion, we shall define each type in terms of its characteristics.1. Free versus Bound Morphemes(自由词素与粘着词素)This is the easiest and most preferred classification in morphological studies, discussed in Hatch and Brown (1995), Crystal (1985), Fromkin and Rodman (1983), Bauer (1983), Bolinger and Sears (1981) and Matthews (2000). Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are free. These morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences. They are identical with(与……完全相同) words, for example, man, earth, wind, car and anger.Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. They are so named because they are bound to other morphemes to form words or to perform a particulargrammatical function.Bound morphemes are chiefly found in derived words (派生词). Let us take recollection, idealistic and ex-prisoner for example. Each of the three words comprises three morphemes: recollection (re- collect-ion) , idealistic (ideal-ist-ic) , ex-prisoner (ex- prison -er). Of the nine morphemes, collect, ideal and prison can stand by themselves and thus are free morphemes. All the rest re-, -ion , -ist, -ic, ex-and -er are bound as none of them are freestanding units.Free morphemes are all roots, which are capable of being used as words or as word-building elements to form new words like collect, ideal, prison , whereas bound morphemes consist of either roots or affixes, most of which can be used to create new words like -dict- , -ced- (接近;去), re-, -ion, -ist, -ic and ex-(前). But there are a few affixes which can only indicate such grammatical concepts as tense, aspect, number and case, for example, the -ing in watching, -er in easier, -s in books, and -ed in worked.The English language possesses a multitude of (大量的) words made up of merely bound morphemes, e. g. antecedent, which can be broken down into ante-, -ced- and -ent. Among them, -ced- is a root meaning 'approach, go to', ante-, a prefix meaning 'before' and -ent, a noun suffix meaning 'a person, a thing', thus the whole word antecedent meaning 'something that goes before'(前例;前事;先行词;祖先). These examples show clearly that bound morphemes include two types: bound root (See Root, Stem, Base) and affix.2. Derivational versus Inflectional MorphemesMorphemes which are used to derive new words are known as derivational morphemes (派生词素) because when these morphemes are conjoined, new words are derived.In English, derivatives and compounds are all formed by such morphemes. For example, a + mor + ai, clear + ance, Life + Like and homo + gen + eous are results of such morphological processes.Inflectional morphemes(屈折词素), in contrast, indicate the syntactic relationships between words and function as grammatical markers. Inflectional morphemes are confined to suffixes. There is the regular plural suffix -s (-es) which is added to nouns such as machines, fridges, desks, radios and potatoes; the same forms can be added to verbs to indicate the simple present for the third person singular such as likes, works and goes; the form -'s is used to denote the possessive case of nouns such as the children ' s library, the man ' s role and the mother-in-law' s complaints; the suffixes -er, -est are usually attached to simple adjectives or adverbs to show their comparative or superlative degrees like happier—happiest,harder—hardest. Apart from these, there is the past tense marker -ed and progressive marker -ing added to verbs. The differences between inflectional and derivational morphemes can be summarized as follows (See Hatch and Brown, p266): Inflectional Derivational(1) Does not change meaning or part of speech of the stem (1) Changes meaning or part of speech of the stem.(2) Indicates syntactic or semantic relations between different words in a sentence.(2) Indicates semantic relations within the word.(3) Occurs with all members of some large class of morphemes.(3) Occurs with only some members of a class of morphemes.(4) Occurs at margins of words.(4) Occurs before any inflectional suffixes added.3. Content versus Grammatical MorphemesOn a semantic and syntactic basis, morphemes can fall into content and grammatical morphemes (Traugott and Pratt 1980:90; Bolinger and Sears, pp66~70; Hatch and Brown, p267). Content morphemes are lexical morphemes which are used as wesee above to derive new words, so also known as derivational morphemes. These morphemes, whether free or bound, have a lexical content, hence the name. Grammatical morphemes, on the other hand, function primarily as grammatical markers. They encompass both inflectional affixes and free morphemes such as in, and, do, have, they, -while, -where, but and that, which are traditionally called functional words.3.4 Identifying Morphemes(词素的区分)Since morphemes are the minimal distinct units, they should be identifiable by their forms, meaning and distribution. Generally speaking, lexical morphemes are easy to define:Mono-morphemic: land, skyDouble-morphemic: chill + y, mis + takeTriple-morphemic: anti + govern + ment, sports + man + shipFour-morphemic:un + friend + li + ness, morph + olog( i) + cal + lyOver-four-morphemic: inter + nation + al + iz(e) + ationIf the morphemes are always consistent in form and meaning, there should be no difficulty in identification(区分). However, thereis often mismatch(不一致)between form and meaning. Some morphemes are identical(相同的) in form but different in meaning, for instance, -er in teacher, clearer and eraser. -er in teacher means 'one who', but -er in clearer indicates 'the comparative degree', and -er in eraser denotes 'an object'. Therefore, -er in each case is a different morpheme.Some morphemes are not meaningful in isolation(单独)but acquire meaning by virtue of(通过)their connection in words (Fromkin and Rodman, p116). The classic examples are cranberry(越橘), huckleberry (黑果;乌饭树浆果)and boysenberry(博弈增莓), each seeming to be a kind of berry. But when cran-, huckle- and boysen- are isolated, they are meaningless and they are incapable of forming new words with other morphemes rather than with berry. There are other morphemes which occur in many words, but their meaning is difficult to define, for instance, -ceive in conceive (想象;设想), perceive(感觉,察觉;认为)and receive. Some forms are meaningful, but not morphemes, such as fl- meaning 'moving light' in flash , flame and flicker(闪烁,忽隐忽现), and gl-meaning 'static light' in glow(发光,燃烧),glisten (闪耀;反光)and glitter(闪光;光彩夺目). These are only sound symbols often employed by poets in their literary creation but do not qualify as morphemes.The identification of inflectional morphemes is more problematic. In most cases, an inflectional morpheme can be segmented (切分)from the stem of a word and naturally can be added to the stem like the plural morpheme {s} in gloves, tables and classes. But what is the plural morpheme in men, sheep and feet ? The same is true of the past tense morpheme {ed} , which is explicit and segmentable in walked, loaded and danced. How can we isolate the past tense morpheme from knew, taught and cut ? To solve the problem, we have to resort to other ways.3.5 Morpheme and Word-formationWe know that words can be analyzed into morphemes, which are the minimal meaningful units in the composition of words. In word-formation, however, morphemes are conventionally labeled root, stem, base and affix.1. AffixAffixes are forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or function. All affixes are bound morphemes because none of them can stand as words in their own right. According to the functions of affixes, we can divide them into inflectional affixes like -s, -ed and -ing, and derivational affixeslike pre-, ex-, de-, -less, -dom and -ic. Derivational and inflectional affixes are identical with derivational and inflectional morphemes. In view of their distribution in the formation of words, affixes can fall into prefix and suffix. Prefixes are all derivational, i.e. they are used to form new words whereas suffixes embrace(包括) both derivational suffixes and inflectional suffixes. Accordingly, the above-mentioned affixes can be further grouped into prefixes: pre-, ex- and de-y and suffixes: -less, -dom, -zc, -5, -ed and -ing.2. Root, Stem, BaseBefore we begin our actual discussion of word-building processes, there are some basic concepts that need clarifying(澄清). The processes of derivation and compounding involve different word-forming elements: affixes and root or stem or base. Indeed, some people use root or stem undiscriminatingly (不加区别地) on all occasions. But these three terms are not the same, and they denote to a greater or lesser degree different concepts despite the semantic overlapping between them.A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity (Crystal 1985). As mentioned earlier, the root, whether free or bound, generally carries the maincomponent of meaning in a word. In the word internationalists, removing inter- , -at, -ist, -s leaves the root nation. If we further divide nation as * na/tion or * at /ion, though -tion and -ion coincide with the noun suffix, the other part is meaningless and the original lexical identity is totally lost. Therefore, nation defies(使不能;使落空)further analysis. In terms of derivational and inflectional morphology, a 'root is that part of a word form that remains when all inflectional and derivational affixes have been removed' (Bauer 1983). Take internationalists again. After the removal of the inflectional affix -s and the derivational affixes -ist, -al and inter-, nation is what is left and thus is the root.A stem may consist of a single root morpheme as in iron or of two root morphemes as in a compound like handcuff. It can be a root morpheme plus one or more affixational morphemes as in mouthful, understatement. To make things more clearly, we say that the stem is used only when we deal with inflectional affixes. As Bauer defines, a stem is 'that part of the word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed' (ibid). In other words, any form to which an inflectional affix is attached is a stem. Consider the word internationalists again. Nation is a root as well as a stem as the plural -s can be added to it; national is not a root as it can be further divided, but a stem because an inflectionalaffix -s can be added to it when used as a noun; similarly, international is not a root but a stem for the same reason. This is also true of internationalist, which is a stem.A base is used in this book as an all-purpose term, referring to a form to which affixes of any kind (both derivational and inflectional) can be added. It can be a root or a stem. In the case of internationalists, nation is a base, national is a base, so are international and internationalist.nation(root, stem, base)national(stem, base)international(stem, base)internationalist (stem, base)InternationalistsIt should be noted that such an example gives the impression that a stem is just as good as a base. This is not true. In many cases, a form of word can neither be a root nor a stem, but only a base. This often happens when we deal with derivational affixes exclusively, for example impracticality(不切实际;无用;不现实). Removing the derivational affix -ity leaves only the base form impractical, and by further removing im- we have the base form practical left and by still further analysis, only practice remains.impracticalityimpractical (base)practical(base)practice(root, stem, base)Therefore, in the chapters to follow, we shall employ only the term base to refer to any basic word-building element.英语词汇学第三单元课后练习及答案Questions and Tasks1. Write the terms in the blanks according to the definitions.a. a minimal meaningful unit of a language ( )b. one of the variants that realize a morpheme ( )c. a morpheme that occurs with at least one other morpheme ( )d. a morpheme that can stand alone ( )e. a morpheme attached to a base, stem or root ( )f. an affix that indicates grammatical relationships ( )g. an affix that forms new words with a base, stem or root ( )h.what remains of a word after the removal of all affixes ( )i. that part of a word that can take inflectional affixes ( ) j. a form to which affixes of any kind can be added ( )2. What is the difference between grammatical and lexicalmorphemes, and inflectional and derivational morphemes?Give examples to illustrate their relationships.3. Analyze the words in terms of root, stem and base.individualistic undesirablesanize the following terms in a tree diagram to show their logical relationships.affix morphemederivational affix free rootbound root inflectional affixprefix free morphemebound morpheme suffix参考答案1. a. morphemeb. allomorphc. bound morphemed. free morphemee. affixf. inflectional affixg. derivational affixh. rooti. stemj. base2. Inflectional morphemes are the suffixes added to the end ofwords to denote grammatical concepts such as -s (-es) , -ed,-ing and -est (to show superlative degree of adjectives andadverbs) whereas derivational morphemes are prefixes andsuffixes added to words to form new words such as pre-, dis-, un- , -lion, -er, -ness and so on.Grammatical morphemes are those used to show grammatical concepts, including inflectional suffixes as mentioned above and functional words (prepositions, pronouns, articles,auxiliary verbs), for example, but, the, do and was; lexicalmorphemes are derivational affixes including both prefixesand suffixes.3.individualisticindividualist+ic[stem, base]individual+ist[stem, base]individu+al[stem, base]in+dividu[root, stem, base]undesirablesun+desirable[stem, base]desir+able[root, stem, base]4. morpheme free morpheme=free rootbound morpheme bound rootaffix inflectional affixderivational affix prefixsuffix。

例:萧伯纳 George Bernard Shaw (G.B.S.)
• 把首字母组成的缩略词拼读成一个词,就是首字 母拼音词。
• 涉及面:科技用语;组织名称;产品名称;国际 机构等
截短词有鲜明的文体色彩,只适用于口语或非正 式场合。例如,exam(考试)、prof(教授) 拼写稍作改动,以便发音。例如dub double(为 电影配音)
II. 首字母缩略词
• 首字母缩略法是将社团名称、特殊名词短语或专 业术语的第一个字母组合在一起的构词方法。利 用第一个词的首字母代表一个词组的缩略词,就 叫做首字母缩略词。
• 个别截短词演变出新的词义
例如,fan(体育运动、电影等爱好者)来自fanatic (狂热者,入迷者)。
• 截短词和原词同时存在,但截短词是通用的词, 而原词却不常用,甚至带有书卷气。
例如:lunch luncheon(午餐)、movie movie picture(电影) 词义有分工,例如,cute(小巧可爱的) acute (敏锐的)、mend(修理) amend(修订、改 良)、spy(间谍) espy(窥见)
拼缀法:将两个词的某一部分合并,或者在一个词上加上另一 个词的一部分而构成新词的一种方法,拼缀法只能裁剪两个词 中的一个,把一个不完整的词和一个完整的词拼成另一个词,
这样的构词方法叫做“拼缀词”,“合成词”“混成词 (teleseope word)”或者“行囊词(portmanteau word)”
英语专业【词汇学】课件:III. classification of words

smoke eater 消防员 clock watcher 磨洋工的人 Let‟s hit the road. 我们出发吧.
Bottle-man: drunkard
Semi-detached → 与他屋一侧相连的(房舍)→ 与妻子分居而未离婚的男子
oomph: 喘气的拟声词,‘秀色迷人、性感’、精力、热 情 Marilyn Monroe had lots of oomph. 玛丽莲· 梦露十分性感迷人。 It’s not a bad song, but it needs more oomph. ……但尚需更多的热情。
6) literary words:
words mainly used in writing, especially in books written in a more elevated style, in official documents, or in formal speeches.
Tomato→ a beautiful girl Chicken→ coward nut, dome, upper→ head merry, comfortable, boiled→ drunk cancer stick 香烟
The tube 1. (Am.E) 电视 2. ( Austr. E) 一瓶/罐啤酒 3. 香烟 4. v.i (Am.E) 做得很差
Obvious Characteristics: 1)All National Words of the basic word stock belong to people as a whole, not to a limited group, a certain region or a certain profession.

大学英语三级考试词汇练习100题答案三级词汇和结构练习100题(1) BADCD ACBDB ACBAD CDCBA(2) DACBA BCDDC BACBD ABDAC(3) CADBA BCDAC BDAD B CDCBA(4) CADBB BCCDA CABBD DCDAB(5) BBAAC DCBCD CCABD BAADD大学英语三级考试词汇练习100题(1)1. She is one of the newest film stars from America and has many fans, _________in Europe.A) specially B) particularly C) partially D) specifically2.________ a little earlier this morning! I missed the school bus by only one minuteand had to wait in the cold for nearly an hour.A) If only I had got up B) If I had got upC) If only I get up D) If I got up3.________ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained ourdog up.A) Being bitten B) Had been bittenC) Having bitten D) Having been bitten4.They took________ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping in thechemical plant.A) fruitful B) beneficial C) effective D) influential5.Never before that night ________ so great my responsibility was.A) I had felt B) I felt C) did I feel D) had I felt6. There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone________ me that evening.A) had interrupted B) to have interruptedC) would have interrupted D) having interrupted7.There is not much time left; so I'll tell you about it _________.A) in short B) in detail C) in brief D) in all8. Indoor heating systems have made _______ for people to live and work comfortably in a mild climate.A) possible B) it possible C) possible that D) it is possible9. A railway ticket should indicate the place of departure as well as the_________ of the trip.A) advance B) arrival C) direction D) destination10.Over thirty coal miners were reported _________ in that shocking accident.A) to be killed B) to have been killedC) having been killed D) being killed11.The United States is composed of fifty states,_________ are separated from theothers by land or water.A) two of which B) two of whom C) two of them D) two of those12.We are anxious to hear any information _________ his health.A) involving B) including C) concerning D) considering13.A good artist, like a good engineer, learns as much from ________ his success.A) his mistakes as B) his mistakes as fromC) his mistakes from D) his mistakes from as14._______ its economy continues to grow, the US is increasingly becoming anation of part-time and temporary workers.A) Even though B) If only C) Now that D) Provided that15.At such a time of crisis, we must try to _______ differences of party or class andstick together.A) set forth B) set back C) set down D) set aside16.I told the foreign guests that it was in the house ______ we used to live that theexhibition was held.A) that B) which C) where D) there17.________ a choice of two jobs, the man decided to take the one which was morechallenging.A) When being offered B) When offeringC) When he is offered D) When offered18.I can't _______ her another day; she never stops complaining.A) come up with B) keep up with C) put up with D) catch up with19.The boy _________ Spanish for six years by the time he takes his examinationA) has studies B) will have studiedC) has been studying D) had studied20. A soldier should never ________ from the duty of defending his country even in the face of death.A) shrink B) shield C) shelter D) avoid(2)1. Only in a few countries _____ a reasonable standard of living.A) the whole population enjoy C) do the whole populationenjoyB) the whole population enjoys D) does the whole population enjoy2. We have _____ to the government for a home improvement loan.A) applied B) approached C) apologized D) appointed3. _____, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of English is poor.A) Were other things equal C) Other things being equalB) To be equal to other things D) Other things to be equal4. "May I speak to your manager Mr. Smith at four o'clcok this afternoon?"I'm sorry. Mr. Smith _____ to a conference before then.A) has gone B) will have gone C) had gone D) would have gone5. There was a large crowd in the square _____ against the Iraq war.A) protesting B) protecting C) preventing D) promoting6. The writer has published many books, _____ are well received by the readers.A) all of whom B) all of which C) all of them D) all of these7. After a whole day of hard work I'm very tired. It's time we _____ home.A) go B) shall C) went D) should go8. The continuous rain _____ the harvesting of the wheat crop by two weeks.A) set out B) set aside C) set off D) set back9. In those two years, Professor Brooks often had us _____ such oral presentations in class.A) did B) done C) to do D) do10. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _____ knowledge.A) intensive B) ineffective C) extensive D) expensive11. _____ I admire George as an artist, I do not like him as a man.A) Only if B) Much as C) If only D) As much12. The ceremony is not for the _____ of the dead, but for the comfort of the living.A) respect B) purpose C) sake D) impression13. Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _____ it helps us to correct our mistakes.A) until B) unless C) in that D) in which14. We need someone really _____ who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.A) effective B) efficient C) essential D) executive15. Some of the experiments _____ in our textbook are difficult to perform.A) to describe B) be described C) describing D) described16. Tom graduated from a famous university at a very young age. He _____ have been an outstanding student.A) must B) could C) should D) might17. Let's hang up some nice paintings on these _____ walls of the great hall.A) blank B) bare C) empty D) vacant18. The student in glasses confessed to _____ the final English exam for another student.A) take B) taking C) have taken D) having taken19. The idea sounds very good but will it work in _____?A) practice B) common C) advance D) turn20. I like climbing mountains _____ my wife prefers water sports.A) as B) for C) while D) when(3)1.Nowhere else in the world ______ more attractive scenery than in Switzerland.A. you can findB. should be findC. can you findD. has been found2.They are trying to _______ the waste discharged by the factory for profit.A. exploitB. exhaustC. exposeD. exhibit3.Spring_______ come, we may perhaps look forward to better weather.A. hasB. hadC. haveD. having4.When she arrived, I felt bored and disappointed, because I____________ sinceseven o’clock.A. had waitedB. had been waitingC. were waitingD. have been waited5.When we moved to France, the children _____ themselvesto the newsurrounding very well.A. adaptedB. broughtC. were waitingD. have been waited6. A survey was carried out on cheating in examinations in college all over thecountry, ________ were surprising.A. such resultsB. the results of whichC. these resultsD. the results of it7.The traffic was very heavy; otherwise I __________ here 30 minutes sooner.A. should have beenB. would beC. would have beenD. had been8.Over ten people died and twenty people were _________ wounded in the traincrash.A. eventuallyB. urgentlyC. bitterlyD. seriously9.There was so much noise that the speaker couldn’t make himself ________.A. heardB. to hearD. being heard10.A good many proposals were raised by the students, _____ had been expected.A. thatB. whatC. asD. so11.Do you think it is true that people ________against nuclear weapon?A. in particularB. in generalC. in commonD. in question12.__________ that he refused to help us, there is no reason why we should nowhelp them.A. Being seenB. SeeC. SeenD. Seeing13.The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to ______ what he wassaying.A.take inB. take outC. take upD. take overB.14.________ against nature for a mother to hurt her own child.B. That isC. What isD. It is15.Tom ____ the shopkeeper of overcharging him for the things he had bought.A. scoldedB. accusedC. blamedD. criticized16.Electrical energy _____ from the sun in a roundabout way is the most widelyused energy today.A. comeB. to comeC. comingD. having come17.It is important to remember the saying that _______ is better than cure.A. proportionB. promotionC. permissionD. prevention18. With all this work on hand, He ______ to the cinema last night.A. wouldn’t have goneB. mustn’t have goneC. shouldn’t have goneD. needn’t have gone19. Jack was so ___ the computer game that he didn’t noticemy arrival.A. grateful B absorber in C. thoughtful of D. associated with20.Read the book carefully, _______ you’ll find lots of information related to ourresearch.A. andB. ifC. orD. so(4)1.The two boys had so_____ in common that they soon became good fiends.A. littleB. fewC. muchD. many2.The medicine is harmful to the children. Y ou must put it ___ the reach of thethem.A. beyondB. withinC. besidesD. beneath3.He takes a walk along the river after supper every day _____ his health.A. because ofB. for the interest ofC. for the profit ofD. for the sake of4.The first, second and third prizes went to Jack, Tom andHenry __________.A.differentlyB. respectivelyC. equallyD. particularly5.It is reported that yesterday’s traffic accident _____ the death of five passengers.A. resulted fromB. resulted inC. regarded asD. responded to6.Some information you need for writing the essay is freely _______ on theInternet.A. averageB. adequateC. availableD. abstract7.The little girl who found the ring received a generous ______ of one hundreddollars.A. awardB. priceC. rewardD. praise8.Drinking a lot of water and taking plenty of sleep are often regarded as ____ for acold.A. operationsB. correctionsD. remedies9.The old couple decided to _____ a boy though they already had three of their own.A. adoptB. adaptC. bringD. receive10.When he was asked about the missing camera, Jimmy ______ ever seeing it.A. deniedB. opposedC. refusedD. complained11.People in cities _______ to suffer from stress more than people in the countryside.A. turnB. inclineC. tendD. intend12.The committee has decided that the race would continue ______ the wealth.A. regardless ofB. instead ofC. by means ofD. in view of13.Everyone here, including children and old people, ______ in for sports.A. goB. goesD. to go14.Never in China ____ been interested in studying foreign languages.A. so many people haveB. have so many peopleC. did so many peopleD. have very many people15.I’ve never been to Lijiang, but it s the place_________.A. where I’d like to visit itB. that I want to visit it mostC. in which I’d like to visitD. I most want to visit16. Y ou can go anywhere until ____ your homework.A. you’d finishedB. you finishC. you’ll finishD. you’ve finished17. Y ou_________ your classmates if you had made an effort last term.A. had caught up withB. would catch up withC. would have caught up withD. have caught up with18.I’m going out to buy ____ furniture. Will you come along?A. one or twoB. a fewC. a small amount ofD. one or two pieces of19.The lab ____ next year will be advanced than the old one.A. to be builtB. builtC. being built .D. to build20. Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature ________.A. to takeB. takenC. takeD. taking(5)1. Mr. Jones accepted our suggestion and tried every means to ____ himself to his new conditionsA)suit B)adapt C)adopt D)regulate2. The ____ of having one’s marr iage arranged by parents has disappeared in many parts of the world but continues in some Asian and African countriesA)content B)custom C)current D) context3. Computers of this type make the home an ______ place to work in many cases.A) efficient B)effective C)affected D)affective4. Although it was very difficult for him to finish the task, he was ___ to ask for help.A) reluctant B)impossible C)impatient D)reliable5. Cindy’s parents give her everything she asks for, and as a result, she’s very much_____.A) injured B)harmed C)spoilt D)hurt6. The old-fashioned chair in the living room has been____ in the family. It was my grandmoth er’s originally.A)hand over B)handed out C)handed in D)handed down7. He told us to use our dict ionaries to _____any word we didn’t understand.A)look for B)look out C)look up D)look at8. Young children may run around and make a lot of noise. Actually they are acting ___ for their age.A)doubtfully B)appropriately C)conveniently D)elementarily9. The fierce competition in this trade gets ____of this enterprise’s development.A)by the way B)in a way C)in the way D)on the way10. We have ____ to the government for a home improvement loan.A)appointed B)approached C)arranged D)applied11. The Americans and British not only speak the same language but also ___a large number of social customs.A)appreciate B)join C)share D)associate12. In recent years, the tourist industry has ______ greatly to the development of our country’s economy.A) benefited B) supported C) contributed D) assisted13. It was because the applicant was too self-confident ___he failed in the interview.A)that B)therefore C)so D)benefited14. Liu Xiang was awarded a gold medal in the world championships. He ____ a lot of hard training.A)should have experiencedB)must have experiencedC)should experienceD)must experience15. A good writer is _____ who can express the commonplace in an uncommon way.A)that B)it C)this D)one16. If the whole operation _____beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.A)was not plannedB)had not been plannedC)were not plannedD)has not been planned17. We think ____impossible for them to finish their assignment in such a short time.A)it B) what C)this D)that18. Dr. Smith, together with his wife and two sons, _____to arrive on the evening flight.A)is B)are going C)are D)will be19. No sooner______ home than he was asked to start on another journey.A)Jack arrived B) Jack had arrived C) would jack arrive D)had Jack arrived20. ___ another chance, I will certainly pass the driving test.A)Give B)Giving C)To give D)Given。

Chapter 3 Morphological Structure of English Words We have discussed the historical, cultural and social factors that facilitate (使……容易;推动) the development of the English vocabulary. Borrowing, as we see, has been playing an active role in the expansion of vocabulary. In modern times, however, vocabulary is mainly enlarged on an internal basis. That is, we use word-building material available in English to create new words. But before we discuss the actual ways and means to make new words, we need to have a clear picture of the structure of English words and their components (成分) —word-forming elements. This chapter will discuss morphemes(语素;词素), their classification(分类) and identification(辨别), the relationship between morphemes and word-formation(构词法).3.1 MorphemesTraditionally, words are usually treated as the basic and minimal units of a language to make sentences, which are combinations of words according to syntactic rules(句法规则). Structurally, however, a word is not the smallest unit because many words can be separated into even smaller meaningful units. Take decontextualization for example. This is one word, but can be broken down into de-, con-, text, -a/ , -iz(e), -ation , each having meaning of its own. These segments (部分) cannot be furtherdivided; otherwise, none of them would make any sense. Though -ation has a number of variants (变体) such as -tion, -sion, -ion, they belong to the same suffix as they have the same meaning and grammatical function and occur owing to (因为;根据) different sound environment. These minimal meaningful units are known as morphemes (morphe is the Greek word for 'form'; -eme as in 'phoneme' (音素) means 'class of' ). In view of word-formation, the morpheme is seen as 'the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words' (Crystal 1985). Syntactically(从句法上看), however, a morpheme is the minimal form of grammatical analysis (语法分析). For instance, each of the word-forms studies, studying, studied, consists of the morpheme study + ; the forms -es in studies, -ing in studying, -ed in studied are morphemes, which express grammatical concepts (语法概念) instead of deriving new words (See Classifying Morphemes).3.2 Morphs and Allomorphs(词素变体)Morphemes are abstract units, which are realized in speech by discrete units (具体单位) known as morphs(形素). 'They are actual spoken, minimal carriers of meaning' (Bolinger and Sears 1981:43). In other words the phonetic or orthographic strings(语音串或拼写字串)or segments (切分成分;节) which realize morphemes are termed 'morphs' (Bauer 1983:15). The morpheme isto the morph what a phoneme (音位) is to a phone (音素). Most morphemes are realized by single morphs like bird, tree, green , sad, want, desire, etc. . These morphemes coincide (巧合) with words as they can stand by themselves and function freely in a sentence. Words of this kind are called mono-morphemic words. Some morphemes, however, are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word. For instance, the morpheme of plurality {-s} has a set of morphs in different sound context, e. g. in cats /s/, in bags /z/, in matches /iz/. The alternates (作为替换的事物) /s/, /z/ and /iz/ are three different morphs. The same is true of the link verb morpheme {be}. Its past tense is realized by two distinct orthographic forms was , were, each of which happens to be a word-form, realizing {preterit} and {singular}, and {preterit} and {plural} respectively and each has its own phonetic form /woz/ or /wə:/. Therefore, both was, were and their phonetic forms /woz/ and /wə: / are morphs (See discussion in Bauer, p15).An allomorph refers to a member of a set of morphs, which represent one morpheme. Just as we class phones(音素) together as allophones (音位变体) of a single phoneme(音位), so we class morphs together as allomorphs of a single morpheme. Take the plural morpheme {-s} again. Phonetically, it is realized by /s/, /z/, /iz/, all of which are allomorphs. In English, many morphemes canhave more than one allomorph, particularly those freestanding morphemes which are functional words in their own right. Once they occur in connected speech, they may be realized by different forms, depending on whether they are accented or weakened (Look at the data in the table).Morphem e AllomorphStrong Weak{am} /aem/ /əm/, /m/{ was} /woz/ /WəZ/{have } /haev/ /həv/, /v/{would } /wud/ /wəd/, /əd/,/d/{he} /hi:/ /i:/, /i/{his} /hiz/ /iz/{for} /fo:/ /fə/{to} /tu:/ /tu/, /tə/Then what is the difference between morphs and allomorphs? The relationship can be illustrated by the diagram below.Morpheme{would}morph morph morph morph →allomorph/wud/ /wəd/ /əd/ /d/3.3 Classifying MorphemesMorphemes vary in function. Accordingly, we can classify morphemes into several general categories: free versus bound, derivational versus inflectional, and lexical versus grammatical. However, their boundaries are not as clear-cut as they appear to be due to some overlapping(重叠). For the sake of discussion, we shall define each type in terms of its characteristics.1. Free versus Bound Morphemes(自由词素与粘着词素)This is the easiest and most preferred classification in morphological studies, discussed in Hatch and Brown (1995), Crystal (1985), Fromkin and Rodman (1983), Bauer (1983), Bolinger and Sears (1981) and Matthews (2000). Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are free. These morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences. They are identical with(与……完全相同) words, for example, man, earth, wind, car and anger.Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. They are so named because they are bound to other morphemes to form words or to perform a particulargrammatical function.Bound morphemes are chiefly found in derived words (派生词). Let us take recollection, idealistic and ex-prisoner for example. Each of the three words comprises three morphemes: recollection (re- collect-ion) , idealistic (ideal-ist-ic) , ex-prisoner (ex- prison -er). Of the nine morphemes, collect, ideal and prison can stand by themselves and thus are free morphemes. All the rest re-, -ion , -ist, -ic, ex-and -er are bound as none of them are freestanding units.Free morphemes are all roots, which are capable of being used as words or as word-building elements to form new words like collect, ideal, prison , whereas bound morphemes consist of either roots or affixes, most of which can be used to create new words like -dict- , -ced- (接近;去), re-, -ion, -ist, -ic and ex-(前). But there are a few affixes which can only indicate such grammatical concepts as tense, aspect, number and case, for example, the -ing in watching, -er in easier, -s in books, and -ed in worked.The English language possesses a multitude of (大量的) words made up of merely bound morphemes, e. g. antecedent, which can be broken down into ante-, -ced- and -ent. Among them, -ced- is a root meaning 'approach, go to', ante-, a prefix meaning 'before' and -ent, a noun suffix meaning 'a person, a thing', thus the whole word antecedent meaning 'something that goes before'(前例;前事;先行词;祖先). These examples show clearly that bound morphemes include two types: bound root (See Root, Stem, Base) and affix.2. Derivational versus Inflectional MorphemesMorphemes which are used to derive new words are known as derivational morphemes (派生词素) because when these morphemes are conjoined, new words are derived.In English, derivatives and compounds are all formed by such morphemes. For example, a + mor + ai, clear + ance, Life + Like and homo + gen + eous are results of such morphological processes.Inflectional morphemes(屈折词素), in contrast, indicate the syntactic relationships between words and function as grammatical markers. Inflectional morphemes are confined to suffixes. There is the regular plural suffix -s (-es) which is added to nouns such as machines, fridges, desks, radios and potatoes; the same forms can be added to verbs to indicate the simple present for the third person singular such as likes, works and goes; the form -'s is used to denote the possessive case of nouns such as the children ' s library, the man ' s role and the mother-in-law' s complaints; the suffixes -er, -est are usually attached to simple adjectives or adverbs to show their comparative or superlative degrees like happier—happiest,harder—hardest. Apart from these, there is the past tense marker -ed and progressive marker -ing added to verbs. The differences between inflectional and derivational morphemes can be summarized as follows (See Hatch and Brown, p266): Inflectional Derivational(1) Does not change meaning or part of speech of the stem (1) Changes meaning or part of speech of the stem.(2) Indicates syntactic or semantic relations between different words in a sentence.(2) Indicates semantic relations within the word.(3) Occurs with all members of some large class of morphemes.(3) Occurs with only some members of a class of morphemes.(4) Occurs at margins of words.(4) Occurs before any inflectional suffixes added.3. Content versus Grammatical MorphemesOn a semantic and syntactic basis, morphemes can fall into content and grammatical morphemes (Traugott and Pratt 1980:90; Bolinger and Sears, pp66~70; Hatch and Brown, p267). Content morphemes are lexical morphemes which are used as wesee above to derive new words, so also known as derivational morphemes. These morphemes, whether free or bound, have a lexical content, hence the name. Grammatical morphemes, on the other hand, function primarily as grammatical markers. They encompass both inflectional affixes and free morphemes such as in, and, do, have, they, -while, -where, but and that, which are traditionally called functional words.3.4 Identifying Morphemes(词素的区分)Since morphemes are the minimal distinct units, they should be identifiable by their forms, meaning and distribution. Generally speaking, lexical morphemes are easy to define:Mono-morphemic: land, skyDouble-morphemic: chill + y, mis + takeTriple-morphemic: anti + govern + ment, sports + man + shipFour-morphemic:un + friend + li + ness, morph + olog( i) + cal + lyOver-four-morphemic: inter + nation + al + iz(e) + ationIf the morphemes are always consistent in form and meaning, there should be no difficulty in identification(区分). However, thereis often mismatch(不一致)between form and meaning. Some morphemes are identical(相同的) in form but different in meaning, for instance, -er in teacher, clearer and eraser. -er in teacher means 'one who', but -er in clearer indicates 'the comparative degree', and -er in eraser denotes 'an object'. Therefore, -er in each case is a different morpheme.Some morphemes are not meaningful in isolation(单独)but acquire meaning by virtue of(通过)their connection in words (Fromkin and Rodman, p116). The classic examples are cranberry(越橘), huckleberry (黑果;乌饭树浆果)and boysenberry(博弈增莓), each seeming to be a kind of berry. But when cran-, huckle- and boysen- are isolated, they are meaningless and they are incapable of forming new words with other morphemes rather than with berry. There are other morphemes which occur in many words, but their meaning is difficult to define, for instance, -ceive in conceive (想象;设想), perceive(感觉,察觉;认为)and receive. Some forms are meaningful, but not morphemes, such as fl- meaning 'moving light' in flash , flame and flicker(闪烁,忽隐忽现), and gl-meaning 'static light' in glow(发光,燃烧),glisten (闪耀;反光)and glitter(闪光;光彩夺目). These are only sound symbols often employed by poets in their literary creation but do not qualify as morphemes.The identification of inflectional morphemes is more problematic. In most cases, an inflectional morpheme can be segmented (切分)from the stem of a word and naturally can be added to the stem like the plural morpheme {s} in gloves, tables and classes. But what is the plural morpheme in men, sheep and feet ? The same is true of the past tense morpheme {ed} , which is explicit and segmentable in walked, loaded and danced. How can we isolate the past tense morpheme from knew, taught and cut ? To solve the problem, we have to resort to other ways.3.5 Morpheme and Word-formationWe know that words can be analyzed into morphemes, which are the minimal meaningful units in the composition of words. In word-formation, however, morphemes are conventionally labeled root, stem, base and affix.1. AffixAffixes are forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or function. All affixes are bound morphemes because none of them can stand as words in their own right. According to the functions of affixes, we can divide them into inflectional affixes like -s, -ed and -ing, and derivational affixeslike pre-, ex-, de-, -less, -dom and -ic. Derivational and inflectional affixes are identical with derivational and inflectional morphemes. In view of their distribution in the formation of words, affixes can fall into prefix and suffix. Prefixes are all derivational, i.e. they are used to form new words whereas suffixes embrace(包括) both derivational suffixes and inflectional suffixes. Accordingly, the above-mentioned affixes can be further grouped into prefixes: pre-, ex- and de-y and suffixes: -less, -dom, -zc, -5, -ed and -ing.2. Root, Stem, BaseBefore we begin our actual discussion of word-building processes, there are some basic concepts that need clarifying(澄清). The processes of derivation and compounding involve different word-forming elements: affixes and root or stem or base. Indeed, some people use root or stem undiscriminatingly (不加区别地) on all occasions. But these three terms are not the same, and they denote to a greater or lesser degree different concepts despite the semantic overlapping between them.A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity (Crystal 1985). As mentioned earlier, the root, whether free or bound, generally carries the maincomponent of meaning in a word. In the word internationalists, removing inter- , -at, -ist, -s leaves the root nation. If we further divide nation as * na/tion or * at /ion, though -tion and -ion coincide with the noun suffix, the other part is meaningless and the original lexical identity is totally lost. Therefore, nation defies(使不能;使落空)further analysis. In terms of derivational and inflectional morphology, a 'root is that part of a word form that remains when all inflectional and derivational affixes have been removed' (Bauer 1983). Take internationalists again. After the removal of the inflectional affix -s and the derivational affixes -ist, -al and inter-, nation is what is left and thus is the root.A stem may consist of a single root morpheme as in iron or of two root morphemes as in a compound like handcuff. It can be a root morpheme plus one or more affixational morphemes as in mouthful, understatement. To make things more clearly, we say that the stem is used only when we deal with inflectional affixes. As Bauer defines, a stem is 'that part of the word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed' (ibid). In other words, any form to which an inflectional affix is attached is a stem. Consider the word internationalists again. Nation is a root as well as a stem as the plural -s can be added to it; national is not a root as it can be further divided, but a stem because an inflectionalaffix -s can be added to it when used as a noun; similarly, international is not a root but a stem for the same reason. This is also true of internationalist, which is a stem.A base is used in this book as an all-purpose term, referring to a form to which affixes of any kind (both derivational and inflectional) can be added. It can be a root or a stem. In the case of internationalists, nation is a base, national is a base, so are international and internationalist.nation(root, stem, base)national(stem, base)international(stem, base)internationalist (stem, base)InternationalistsIt should be noted that such an example gives the impression that a stem is just as good as a base. This is not true. In many cases, a form of word can neither be a root nor a stem, but only a base. This often happens when we deal with derivational affixes exclusively, for example impracticality(不切实际;无用;不现实). Removing the derivational affix -ity leaves only the base form impractical, and by further removing im- we have the base form practical left and by still further analysis, only practice remains.impracticalityimpractical (base)practical(base)practice(root, stem, base)Therefore, in the chapters to follow, we shall employ only the term base to refer to any basic word-building element.英语词汇学第三单元课后练习及答案Questions and Tasks1. Write the terms in the blanks according to the definitions.a. a minimal meaningful unit of a language ( )b. one of the variants that realize a morpheme ( )c. a morpheme that occurs with at least one other morpheme ( )d. a morpheme that can stand alone ( )e. a morpheme attached to a base, stem or root ( )f. an affix that indicates grammatical relationships ( )g. an affix that forms new words with a base, stem or root ( )h.what remains of a word after the removal of all affixes ( )i. that part of a word that can take inflectional affixes ( ) j. a form to which affixes of any kind can be added ( )2. What is the difference between grammatical and lexicalmorphemes, and inflectional and derivational morphemes?Give examples to illustrate their relationships.3. Analyze the words in terms of root, stem and base.individualistic undesirablesanize the following terms in a tree diagram to show their logical relationships.affix morphemederivational affix free rootbound root inflectional affixprefix free morphemebound morpheme suffix参考答案1. a. morphemeb. allomorphc. bound morphemed. free morphemee. affixf. inflectional affixg. derivational affixh. rooti. stemj. base2. Inflectional morphemes are the suffixes added to the end ofwords to denote grammatical concepts such as -s (-es) , -ed,-ing and -est (to show superlative degree of adjectives andadverbs) whereas derivational morphemes are prefixes andsuffixes added to words to form new words such as pre-, dis-, un- , -lion, -er, -ness and so on.Grammatical morphemes are those used to show grammatical concepts, including inflectional suffixes as mentioned above and functional words (prepositions, pronouns, articles,auxiliary verbs), for example, but, the, do and was; lexicalmorphemes are derivational affixes including both prefixesand suffixes.3.individualisticindividualist+ic[stem, base]individual+ist[stem, base]individu+al[stem, base]in+dividu[root, stem, base]undesirablesun+desirable[stem, base]desir+able[root, stem, base]4. morpheme free morpheme=free rootbound morpheme bound rootaffix inflectional affixderivational affix prefixsuffix。

大学英语三级词汇练习参考答案UNIT 6 BCCAB ADDDB CCDCB DACDDUNIT 7 BACBA DCCDB ACADD ACBDCUNIT 8 ABACC DABAA BACDC DBCBCUNIT 9 DBDAC CDCBC CBDAC CBAADUNIT 10 DCBAC BDDBA ACDAD BDACBUNIT 6 BCCAB ADDDB CCDCB DACDDB 有抵抗力的C 抵得住C 明智的A把···装入信封B 预防措施A手动的D weather forecast 天气预报D 事件D be opposed to 反对···B 精确C 精美的C 系··系安全带D 不知道的C 滥用B 使加速D 手工的体力的A茂盛C a minute fraction of 一点一点的D 留住D exceed the speed limit 超速UNIT 7 BACBA DCCDB ACADD ACBDCB 预料A打折C 循环B 高涨A投递D 喷C bankrupt in reputation 名誉扫地C 书页空白处D 发起B 释放A追逐C 竞争对手A不考虑D 无聊D 驯服A征服C 改变B 相当大的D 匍匐C 鞭策UNIT 8 ABACC DABAA BACDC DBCBCA fatal 致命的B prohibit 禁止A in the wake of 随着···而来C DRAFT 草稿C deliberate 深思熟虑的D regardless of 不论A resemble 像B split 分开A dispose of 处理掉A mount 上升B breed 繁殖A conservative 守旧的C constitute 构成D voluntary 自愿的C resumed 重新开始D advantage 利用B reproducing 再造C artificial 人工的B reflection 深思熟虑(反射)C consent 准许To be verified被证实B candidate[ˈkændideit] n.候选人D sting[stiŋ]v. (感到)剧痛;激怒stung her guture husband’s pride 刺痛他未婚夫的骄傲···A exposure[ikˈspəuʒə]n.暴露,exposure to the wind 暴露在风中C shield them from ```保护他们免受阳光伤害C consultant 顾问D signature 签名C cited 引用B calls for 提倡C shed some light on···对某一问题有解决办法C bearing[ˈbeəriŋ] n.举止,风度[ pl.]方位,方向感Have some bearing on our decision 对我们的决定有影响B dispute[disˈpju:t] n.争论,争端There is some dispute over 关于···争吵D pressure[ˈpreʃə] n.压(力),压强;压迫Be under pressure 有压力A forge[fɔ:dʒ]vt.伪造(文件等),假冒Forge his brother’s signature 伪造他兄弟的签名C enforce[inˈfɔ:s]vt.实施,生效,执行;强迫,迫使Enforce moral duties on those who```对那些倾向于忽视道德责任的人强行实施道德责任。
英语词汇学 3

Lions roar. Magpies chatter.
Owls hoot鸣叫.
Pigeons coo.
Wolves howls.
Snakes hiss.
Pigs squeal /grunt.
1. 通过模仿人类的声音构成的词。 如ha ha(哈哈),hi, ouch, oh
1.1 基本拟声(primary onomatopoeia)
基本拟声指音与义的相似, 引起音与音的联想,如buzz, crack, growl咆哮声, rumble隆隆 声, bang等。鸟兽之类动物的叫 声都属于这一类。例如:
Apes gibber.
Asses bray.
Bears growl.
Her reply was smooth.
They heard a piercing刺穿的 cry. He spoke with a bitter irony (讽刺).
现代英语中不少新词是通过隐喻 形成的,旧词新义就是一种体现, 如用rabbit ears(兔子耳朵)来比喻V 字形电视天线,用horsetail(马尾巴) 来比喻一种发型等。
2.4.5 近似类比
类比词之间有一个近似点,根据这个 近似点,推此及彼。试以gap为例,这个词 最早与missile搭配,形成missile gap导弹 差距,产生于美国1960年大选期间,指美 国与苏联在导弹发展上的差距。这一词语 一经产生,引起连锁反应:production gap (生产上的差距),development gap(经 济发展方面的差距),credibility gap(信 用差距),generation gap(两代人之间的 差距)等一连串的新词。
功能相同:如hand 的本意为“手”,它的 引申为“a helper (帮手)”,tongue的本意 为“舌头”,引申为“language(语言)”。

3. Old English was a highly inflected language .
4. In early Middle English period , English , Latin , and Celtic existed side by side . (
5. The introduction of printing into England marked the beginning of modern English period . (
五. Choose the standard word from the column on the right to match each of the slang words on the left.
a. tart
b. bloke
c. gat
d. swell
Swedish Spanish Prussian French Slovenian Danish Portuguese
二. Fill in the blanks according to the text :
The language used between 450 and ___________ is called _________ , which has a vocabulary of ___________ . Middle English refers to the language spoken from 1150 to ____________ , followed by the ______________ period , subdivided as early modern English ( ______________ ) and late _____________ ( 1700- up to now )

The percentage of firmly
established new words since World
War II
1. The three major processes of word-formation: 2. a) Compounding or composition (about 27%): raindrop, snow-white, baby-sit; (b) Derivation or affixation (about 17.5 %): Prefixation: deescalate(逐步缓和,逐渐降级),
and less about them. ③
③ The encyclopedia provides a comprehensive survey of formal education and lifelong learning.
④ Given China's long history, the new gender balance is something recent.
(h) Others (about 3%): pizzazz(时髦派头), gazump(索高价).
Words formed by these minor processes account for 26.5% of the new vocabulary. The remaining 18.5% is from borrowing, e.g. discotheque,
1) “negative” prefixes (un-, non-, in-, dis-, a-); 2) “reversative or privative”(“非” “缺”)
prefixes (un-, de-, dis-); 3) “pejorative” prefixes (贬损) (mis-, mal-);

NATO ← the North Atlantic Treaty Organizatio← light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation(激光)
ASEAN ← the Association for South-East Asian Nations(东南亚国家联盟)
E-school = electronic school(网络学校)
H-bomb = hydrogen bomb(氢弹)
U-boat = undersea boat(潜艇)
E-tail = electronic retail(电子零售);
V-day = victory day(胜利日)
apocope (back clipped) dorm(itory), disco(theque), expo(sition), gas(oline), hi(gh)-fi(delity), memo(randum), rep(resentative), aphaeresis (front clipped) (violon)cello, bus, cab, phone, front and back clipped flu, fridge syncope (middle clipped, contraction) fossil(iz)ation, pacif(ic)ist gov't (government), can’t

1. His understanding made a deep impression ________ the young girl.A.inB.onC.forD.to2. They have been trying to arrive at a practical solution ________ the problem.A.inB.toC.onD.with3. In many American families, parents feel that children should make important decisions ____.A.to themselvesB.on themselvesC.of themselvesD.by themselves4. A good friend is one who will ________ you when you are in trouble.A.stand forB.stand byC.stand up toD.stand up with5. The speaker ________ his notes before the lecture.A.ran downB.ran intoC.ran outD.ran over6. I find this treatment very ________ to my health.A.advisableB.invaluableC.beneficialD.worthy7. Don’t have him for a friend. He’s ________ a criminal.A.anything butB.but forC.rather thanD.nothing but8. As a ________ president, his views are treated with respect when he is interviewed.A.priorB.previousteD.former9. The supply of electric power to Madrid and neighboring districts has had to be ________.A.weakenedB.omittedC.restrictedD.lowered10. Is it advisable to ________ our body to the sunlight.A.revealB.displayC.exposeD.show11. ________ the punishment was unjust. Helen accepted it without complaint.A.HoweverB.So long asC.Even thoughD.Since12. It is not difficult to ________ the idea that machines may communicate information to us.A.admitB.receiveC.acceptD.convince13. I have not the least ________ of hurting your feelings.A.conceptB.intentionC.mindD.purpose14. As the shortage of certain metals approaches, others must be found to take their ________.A.shareB.placeC.roleD.shape15. Mary is in bed with a fever and she can’t hope to ________ the cold in a few day.A.get overB.get awayC.get offD.get out16. Although the weather was very had, the buses still ran on ________.A.listB.planC.scheduleD.arrangement17. Jane was hit on the head by the robber and was knocked ________.A.mindlessB.unawareC.brainlessD.unconscious18. The car is quite ________ of petrol.A.economicB.economicalC.savingD.sparing19. ________ his great wealth, he always remained a man of simple tastes.A.Except forB.With regard toC.DespiteD.Although20. The socks were too small and it was only by ________ them that he managed to get them on.A.spreadingB.extendingC.lengtheningD.stretchingKEY:1-5 BBDBD 6-10 CDDCC 11-15 CCBBA 16-20 CDBCD【2017年公共英语三级词汇练习题及答案】。

⼤学英语三级考试词汇练习100题答案三级词汇和结构练习100题(1) BADCD ACBDB ACBAD CDCBA(2) DACBA BCDDC BACBD ABDAC(3) CADBA BCDAC BDAD B CDCBA(4) CADBB BCCDA CABBD DCDAB(5) BBAAC DCBCD CCABD BAADD⼤学英语三级考试词汇练习100题(1)1. She is one of the newest film stars from America and has many fans, _________in Europe.A) specially B) particularly C) partially D) specifically2.________ a little earlier this morning! I missed the school bus by only one minuteand had to wait in the cold for nearly an hour.A) If only I had got up B) If I had got upC) If only I get up D) If I got up3.________ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained ourdog up.A) Being bitten B) Had been bittenC) Having bitten D) Having been bitten4.They took________ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping in thechemical plant.A) fruitful B) beneficial C) effective D) influential5.Never before that night ________ so great my responsibility was.A) I had felt B) I felt C) did I feel D) had I felt6. There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone________ me that evening.A) had interrupted B) to have interruptedC) would have interrupted D) having interrupted7.There is not much time left; so I'll tell you about it _________.A) in short B) in detail C) in brief D) in all8. Indoor heating systems have made _______ for people to live and work comfortably in a mild climate.A) possible B) it possible C) possible that D) it is possible9. A railway ticket should indicate the place of departure as well as the_________ of the trip.A) advance B) arrival C) direction D) destinationC) having been killed D) being killed11.The United States is composed of fifty states,_________ are separated from theothers by land or water.A) two of which B) two of whom C) two of them D) two of those12.We are anxious to hear any information _________ his health.A) involving B) including C) concerning D) considering13.A good artist, like a good engineer, learns as much from ________ his success.A) his mistakes as B) his mistakes as fromC) his mistakes from D) his mistakes from as14._______ its economy continues to grow, the US is increasingly becoming anation of part-time and temporary workers.A) Even though B) If only C) Now that D) Provided that15.At such a time of crisis, we must try to _______ differences of party or class andstick together.A) set forth B) set back C) set down D) set aside16.I told the foreign guests that it was in the house ______ we used to live that theexhibition was held.A) that B) which C) where D) there17.________ a choice of two jobs, the man decided to take the one which was more challenging.A) When being offered B) When offeringC) When he is offered D) When offered18.I can't _______ her another day; she never stops complaining.A) come up with B) keep up with C) put up with D) catch up with19.The boy _________ Spanish for six years by the time he takes his examinationA) has studies B) will have studiedC) has been studying D) had studied20. A soldier should never ________ from the duty of defending his country even in the face of death.A) shrink B) shield C) shelter D) avoid(2)1. Only in a few countries _____ a reasonable standard of living.A) the whole population enjoy C) do the whole population enjoyB) the whole population enjoys D) does the whole population enjoy2. We have _____ to the government for a home improvement loan.3. _____, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of English is poor.A) Were other things equal C) Other things being equalB) To be equal to other things D) Other things to be equal4. "May I speak to your manager Mr. Smith at four o'clcok this afternoon?"I'm sorry. Mr. Smith _____ to a conference before then.A) has gone B) will have gone C) had gone D) would have gone5. There was a large crowd in the square _____ against the Iraq war.A) protesting B) protecting C) preventing D) promoting6. The writer has published many books, _____ are well received by the readers.A) all of whom B) all of which C) all of them D) all of these7. After a whole day of hard work I'm very tired. It's time we _____ home.A) go B) shall C) went D) should go8. The continuous rain _____ the harvesting of the wheat crop by two weeks.A) set out B) set aside C) set off D) set back9. In those two years, Professor Brooks often had us _____ such oral presentations in class.A) did B) done C) to do D) do10. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _____ knowledge.A) intensive B) ineffective C) extensive D) expensive11. _____ I admire George as an artist, I do not like him as a man.A) Only if B) Much as C) If only D) As much12. The ceremony is not for the _____ of the dead, but for the comfort of the living.A) respect B) purpose C) sake D) impression13. Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _____ it helps us to correct our mistakes.A) until B) unless C) in that D) in which14. We need someone really _____ who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.A) effective B) efficient C) essential D) executive15. Some of the experiments _____ in our textbook are difficult to perform.A) to describe B) be described C) describing D) described16. Tom graduated from a famous university at a very young age. He _____ have been an outstanding student.A) must B) could C) should D) might17. Let's hang up some nice paintings on these _____ walls of the great hall.A) blank B) bare C) empty D) vacant18. The student in glasses confessed to _____ the final English exam for another student.A) practice B) common C) advance D) turn20. I like climbing mountains _____ my wife prefers water sports.A) as B) for C) while D) when(3)1.Nowhere else in the world ______ more attractive scenery than in Switzerland.A. you can findB. should be findC. can you findD. has been found2.They are trying to _______ the waste discharged by the factory for profit.A. exploitB. exhaustC. exposeD. exhibit3.Spring_______ come, we may perhaps look forward to better weather.A. hasB. hadC. haveD. having4.When she arrived, I felt bored and disappointed, because I____________ since seven o’clock.A. had waitedB. had been waitingC. were waitingD. have been waited5.When we moved to France, the children _____ themselves to the new surrounding very well.A. adaptedB. broughtC. were waitingD. have been waited6. A survey was carried out on cheating in examinations in college all over the country, ________ were surprising.A. such resultsC. these resultsD. the results of it7.The traffic was very heavy; otherwise I __________ here 30 minutes sooner.A. should have beenB. would beC. would have beenD. had been8.Over ten people died and twenty people were _________ wounded in the train crash.A. eventuallyB. urgentlyC. bitterlyD. seriously9.There was so much noise that the speaker couldn’t make himself ________.A. heardB. to hearC. hearingD. being heard10.A good many proposals were raised by the students, _____ had been expected.A. thatB. whatC. asD. so11.Do you think it is true that people ________against nuclear weapon?A. in particularB. in generalC. in commonD. in question12.__________ that he refused to help us, there is no reason why we should now help them.A. Being seenB. SeeC. SeenD. SeeingB. take outC. take upD. take overB.14.________ against nature for a mother to hurt her own child.A. She isB. That isC. What isD. It is15.Tom ____ the shopkeeper of overcharging him for the things he had bought.A. scoldedB. accusedC. blamedD. criticized16.Electrical energy _____ from the sun in a roundabout way is the most widely used energy today.A. comeB. to comeC. comingD. having come17.It is important to remember the saying that _______ is better than cure.A. proportionB. promotionC. permissionD. prevention18. With all this work on hand, He ______ to the cinema last night.A. wouldn’t have goneB. mustn’t have goneC. shouldn’t have goneD. needn’t have gone19. Jack was so ___ the computer game that he didn’t notice my arrival.A. grateful B absorber in C. thoughtful of D. associated withB. ifC. orD. so(4)1.The two boys had so_____ in common that they soon became good fiends.A. littleB. fewC. muchD. many2.The medicine is harmful to the children. Y ou must put it ___ the reach of the them.A. beyondB. withinC. besidesD. beneath3.He takes a walk along the river after supper every day _____ his health.A. because ofB. for the interest ofC. for the profit ofD. for the sake of4.The first, second and third prizes went to Jack, Tom and Henry __________.A.differentlyB. respectivelyC. equallyD. particularly5.It is reported that yesterday’s traffic accident _____ the death of five passengers.A. resulted fromB. resulted inC. regarded asD. responded to6.Some information you need for writing the essay is freely _______ on the Internet.C. availableD. abstract7.The little girl who found the ring received a generous ______ of one hundred dollars.A. awardB. priceC. rewardD. praise8.Drinking a lot of water and taking plenty of sleep are often regarded as ____ for a cold.A. operationsB. correctionsC. meansD. remedies9.The old couple decided to _____ a boy though they already had three of their own.A. adoptB. adaptC. bringD. receive10.When he was asked about the missing camera, Jimmy ______ ever seeing it.A. deniedB. opposedC. refusedD. complained11.People in cities _______ to suffer from stress more than people in the countryside.A. turnB. inclineC. tendD. intend12.The committee has decided that the race would continue ______ the wealth.A. regardless ofB. instead ofC. by means of13.Everyone here, including children and old people, ______ in for sports.A. goB. goesC. goingD. to go14.Never in China ____ been interested in studying foreign languages.A. so many people haveB. have so many peopleC. did so many peopleD. have very many people15.I’ve never been to Lijiang, but it s the place_________.A. where I’d like to visit itB. that I want to visit it mostC. in which I’d like to visitD. I most want to visit16. Y ou can go anywhere until ____ your homework.A. you’d finishedB. you finishC. you’ll finishD. you’ve finished17. Y ou_________ your classmates if you had made an effort last term.A. had caught up withB. would catch up withC. would have caught up withD. have caught up with18.I’m going out to buy ____ furniture. Will you come along?A. one or twoB. a fewC. a small amount ofD. one or two pieces of19.The lab ____ next year will be advanced than the old one.A. to be builtB. builtC. being built .20. Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature ________.A. to takeB. takenC. takeD. taking(5)1. Mr. Jones accepted our suggestion and tried every means to ____ himself to his new conditionsA)suit B)adapt C)adopt D)regulate2. The ____ of having one’s marr iage arranged by parents has disappeared in many parts of the world but continues in some Asian and African countriesA)content B)custom C)current D) context3. Computers of this type make the home an ______ place to work in many cases.A) efficient B)effective C)affected D)affective4. Although it was very difficult for him to finish the task, he was ___ to ask for help.A) reluctant B)impossible C)impatient D)reliable5. Cindy’s parents give her everything she asks for, and as a result, she’s very much_____.A) injured B)harmed C)spoilt D)hurt6. The old-fashioned chair in the living room has been____ in the family. It was my grandmother’s originally.A)hand over B)handed out C)handed in D)handed down7. He told us to use our dict ionaries to _____any word we didn’t understand.A)look for B)look out C)look up D)look at8. Young children may run around and make a lot of noise. Actually they are acting ___ for their age.A)doubtfully B)appropriately C)conveniently D)elementarily9. The fierce competition in this trade gets ____of this enterprise’s development.A)by the way B)in a way C)in the way D)on the way10. We have ____ to the government for a home improvement loan.A)appointed B)approached C)arranged D)applied11. The Americans and British not only speak the same language but also ___a large number of social customs.A)appreciate B)join C)share D)associate12. In recent years, the tourist industry has ______ greatly to the development of our country’s economy.A) benefited B) supported C) contributed D) assisted13. It was because the applicant was too self-confident ___he failed in the interview.A)that B)therefore C)so D)benefited14. Liu Xiang was awarded a gold medal in the world championships. He ____ a lot of hard training.C)should experienceD)must experience15. A good writer is _____ who can express the commonplace in an uncommon way.A)that B)it C)this D)one16. If the whole operation _____beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.A)was not plannedB)had not been plannedC)were not plannedD)has not been planned17. We think ____impossible for them to finish their assignment in such a short time.A)it B) what C)this D)that18. Dr. Smith, together with his wife and two sons, _____to arrive on the evening flight.A)is B)are going C)are D)will be19. No sooner______ home than he was asked to start on another journey.A)Jack arrived B) Jack had arrived C) would jack arrive D)had Jack arrived20. ___ another chance, I will certainly pass the driving test.A)Give B)Giving C)To give D)Given。
英语词汇学 chapter3

• The second period is known as the National Expansion Period, extending from 1790 to 1865. In this period Noah Webster showed his concern over the establishment of schools and of a uniform standard of spelling. • The third period, since the Civil War, is marked by an important change in the source from which the European immigrants came.
3.1.2 Features of English as a global language
• Over half of the words in the English vocabulary have their origins in Latin.Since its spread outside the British Isles,English has been the most ready to borrow words from other language as well. • An example of the growing interest in the research of English as a global language is the website.
• The third stage was from the late 19th century to the early 20th century,highlighted by the two World Wars.The major force in internationalizing English came from America,which leaped to a super power in both economy and politics. • The fourth stage was since the late 20th .The driving force in this period was the American innovation of information technology,especially the advanced computer technology and the rapid development of the Internet.
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英语词汇学英语词汇学习题3及答案试题三第一部分选择题I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.According to the degree of similarity, homonyms can be classified into ( )A. perfect homonymsB. homonymsC. homophonesD. all the above2.Transfer as a mode of semantic change can be illustrated by the example ( )A. ad for “advertisement”B. dish for “food"C. fond for “affectionate”D. an editorial for “an editorial article"3.It is a general belief that the meaning does not exist in the word itself, but it rather spreads over ( )A. the reader’s interpretationB. the neighbouring wordsC. the writer's intentionD. the etymology of the word4.Which of the following is a prefix of time and order?A. extra-B. pro-C. re-D. semi-5.Which of the following dictionaries is not a specialized dictionary?A. The Oxford Dictionary of English EtymologyB. Chamber's Encyclopedic English DictionaryC. Longmont Dictionary of Phrasal VerbsD. Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms6.Which of the following statements is Not true?A. Reference is the relationship between language and the world.B. The relationship between a word and its referent is arbitrary.C. Concept is universal to all men alike.D. Sense denotes the relationships outside the language.7.The words which occur before or after a word and may affect its meaning form ( )A. physical contextB. grammatical contextC. lexical contextD. linguistic context8."Smith is an architect. He designed World Trade Center. "The clue provided in the context is ( )A. definitionB. explanationC. exampleD. hyponym9.The term "vocabulary" is used in different ways because of all the following reasons EXCEPT that ( )A. it can refer to the common core of a languageB. it can refer to the total number of the words in a languageC. it can represent all the words used in a certain historical periodD. it can stand for words in given dialect or field10.The idiom "a dark horse" is a ( )A. simileB. metaphorC. metonymyD. personification11.An idiom differs from a free phrase in that the former is ( ) and the latter is not.A. structurally changeableB. semantically analyzableC. structurally fixedD. easily understood12.We can work out the meaning of heliocentric and geocentric according to ( )A. morphological structureB. relevant detailsC. grammatical structureD. physical context13.What causes the ambiguity of the sentence ”I like Mary better than Janet"? ( )A. VocabularyB. SituationC. StructureD. None of the above14.Early Modern English refers to the language spoken ( )A. from 1066 to 1500B. from 1150 to 1500C. from 1500 to 1700D. from 1600 to 180015.Affixes added to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are known as ( )A. bound rootsB. free morphemesC. inflectional morphemesD. derivational affixes第二部分非选择题Ⅱ.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (10%)16._________________ meaning refers to the part of speech, tenses of verbs, etc.17.The word __________ has the old meaning "servant" and the elevated meaning "head of a ministry".18.The relationship between sound and meaning is arbitrary or ______________.19.When a word with more than one meaning is used in unclear context, it creates_______________.20.Almost all affixes are __________morphemes because few can be used as independent words.Ⅲ.Match the words in Column A with those in Column B according to1)rhetorical features of the idioms; 2)sense relations; 3)assimilation degree;4)characteristics of the basic word stock and 5)motivation.(10%)A B21.reiteration ( ) A. high and low22.repetition ( ) B. pick and choose23.juxtaposition ( ) C. face to face24.perfect homonym ( ) D. Failure is the mother of success.25.personification ( ) E. hiss26.portus ( ) F. bear; beare ( ) G. twitter28.heart ( ) H. cat29.birds ( ) I. port30.snakes ( ) J. heart and soulⅣ.Study the following words and expressions and identify 1) types of context clues; 2) types of word formation; 3) types of word-meaning changes and 4) rhetorical features of idioms.(10%)31.making a restatement of a new word or concept in familiar words ( )32.sitcom ( )33.the usual amenities such as a pub, a post office and a school ( )34.form cradle to grave ( )35.might and main ( )36.fax ( )37.disobey,impolite, ( )38.hussy:"housewife"→"a woman of low morals"( )39.disease:"discomfort"→"illness"( )40.fond:"foolish"→"affectionate"( )Ⅴ.Define the following terms.(10%)41.dictionary42.pejoration43.idioms nominal in nature44.Germanic45.allomorphⅥ.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.(12%)46.What are the stylistic features of idioms?47.How would you explain the difference between back formation and suffixation? Give examples to illustrate your point.48. How do you distinguish inflectional affixes and derivational affixes?Ⅶ.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.(18%)ment on the following pairs of sentences in terms of superordinate and subordinates.a. The man said he would come to our school next week.b. The visiting scholar said he would visit our university next Monday.50.Analyes the morphological structures of the following words and point out the types of the morphemes.unbearable, international, ex-prisoner试题参考答案Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.D2.B3.B4.C5.B6.D7.C8.C9.A 10.B11.C 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.CⅡ.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.(10%)16. Grammatical 17. minister 18. conventional 19. ambiguity 20. boundⅢ.Match the words in Column A with those in Column B. (10%)21.B 22.C 23.A 24.F 25.D26.I 27.H 28.J 29.G 30.EⅣ.Study the following words and expressions and identify 1)types of context clues; 2)types of word formation; 3)types of word-meaning changes and 4)rhetorical features of idioms.(10%)31.explanation32.head+head blending33.hyponymy/hyponym34.figure of speech; metonymy35.phonetic manipulation/alliteration36.back clipping37.affixation, prefixation or negative prefixes38.degradation39.narrowing40.elevationⅤ.Define the following terms.(10%)41. Dictionary is a book which presents in alphabetical order the words of a language, withinformation as to their spelling, pronunciation, meaning usage, etc.42. Degradation or pejoration of meaning is the opposite of semantic elevation. It is a process whereby words of good origin fall into ill reputation or non-affective words come to be used in derogatory sense.43.(1)Each idiom has a noun as the key word.(2)Each functions as a noun/also knows asnoun idioms.44.a term used to refer to a branch of the Indo-European language family, which consists of English, German, Dutch, etc.45.one of the variants that realize a morphemeⅥ.Answer the following questions.(12%)46.(1)Many idioms were created in different professions, so they were trade-or profession-related, colloquial and informal.(2)Now most become a part of the common core, neither formal nor informal.(3)There are still many colloquialisms, slang expressions, literary expressions comparatively small in number.47.A)Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to bases.B)Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation; it's the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes.48.Inflectional affixes are affixes (1) attached to the end of words; (2) to indicate grammatical relationships, while derivational affixes are affixes; (3) added to other morphemes; (4) to create new words.Ⅶ.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short Write your answers in the space given below.(18%)49.要点:Superordinate Subordinate1) man scholar2) come visit3) school university4) week Monday50.1)Each of the three words consists of three morphemes unbearable(un+bear+able), international (inter+nation+al), ex-prisoner(er+prison+er).2)Of the nine morphemes, only bear, nation and prison are free morphemes as they can exist by themselves.3)All the rest un-,-able,inter-,-al, ex-and-er are bound as none of them can stand alone as words.。