
















希沃第四场考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10题)1. 希沃教育平台的主要功能是什么?A. 视频播放B. 在线教育C. 游戏娱乐D. 社交互动答案:B2. 希沃教育平台支持哪些类型的课程?A. 仅数学课程B. 仅英语课程C. 仅科学课程D. 多种类型的课程3. 希沃教育平台是否提供个性化学习路径?A. 是B. 否答案:A4. 希沃教育平台是否支持在线测试?A. 是B. 否答案:A5. 希沃教育平台是否提供学生学习进度跟踪?A. 是B. 否6. 希沃教育平台是否允许教师创建自己的课程?A. 是B. 否答案:A7. 希沃教育平台是否提供学生互动功能?A. 是B. 否答案:A8. 希沃教育平台是否支持移动设备访问?A. 是B. 否9. 希沃教育平台是否提供家长监控功能?A. 是B. 否答案:A10. 希沃教育平台是否提供课程反馈和评价系统?A. 是B. 否答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共5题)11. 希沃教育平台提供哪些类型的教学资源?A. 视频C. 音频D. 图片答案:ABCD12. 希沃教育平台支持哪些教学互动方式?A. 讨论区B. 问答C. 投票D. 测验答案:ABCD13. 希沃教育平台的教师可以进行哪些操作?A. 创建课程B. 发布作业C. 管理学生D. 查看学生进度答案:ABCD14. 希沃教育平台的学生可以进行哪些活动?A. 观看课程B. 完成作业C. 参与讨论D. 查看成绩答案:ABCD15. 希沃教育平台的家长可以进行哪些操作?A. 查看孩子学习进度B. 接收学习报告C. 设置学习目标D. 管理孩子账户答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题1分,共10题)16. 希沃教育平台是一个完全免费的在线教育平台。

(对/错)答案:错17. 希沃教育平台只提供给学生使用。

(对/错)答案:错18. 希沃教育平台允许学生在任何时间、任何地点访问课程。

(对/错)答案:对19. 希沃教育平台不提供任何形式的客户支持。



第一阶段(ABCD)1. 多选题老师可以使用班级优化大师做什么?(多选题)在课堂上进行学生抽选在课堂上对学生/小组进行点评对学生进行分组课中对学生进行随机分组2. 单选题班级优化大师创建班级,批量添加学生可以在什么端口进行手机端网页端电脑端(PC端)任意端口都可以3. 单选题学生只能使用班级优化大师自带的卡通头像,不能自定义头像。

对错4. 多选题老师可以在哪里创建班级(多选题)网页端手机端PC端小程序班级优化大师提供了哪些模块功能?(多选题)A、光荣榜B、行为数据记录C、小组点评D、个人点评E、丰富的小工具6. 单选题班级优化大师创建班级时添加学生姓名,哪个添加方法最高效?(单选)A、电脑端逐个添加B、网页版批量添加C、手机端逐个添加D、以上均不是7. 单选题老师可以自定义班级优化大师的点评类型和分值。

对错8. 单选题班级优化大师可以根据具体班级/学生的特性,自定义评价维度对错使用班级优化大师,使用者里面有多少种角色?(多选题)A、班主任B、科任老师C、家长D、学生10. 多选题班级优化大师有哪几个使用端?(多选题)网页端手机端PC端(电脑端)第二阶段1. 单选题班级优化大师可以直接点击光荣榜进行点评对错2. 单选题在课中使用班级优化大师对学生的行为进行点评,可在什么端进行手机端网页端PC端(电脑端)以上任意一端班级优化大师的点评记录和考勤记录能查看班级表现和个人表现对错4. 单选题在班级优化大师的班级报表中,不可以查看什么数据:考勤数据班级点评记录个人点评记录考试成绩报表5. 多选题班级优化大师的成绩报告导出后能看到哪些分数项单科成绩总分总平均分单科平均分6. 单选题在课中,给学生发完点评后,发现有误操作,该如何处理点击界面左下方的撤销按键点击界面左上方的撤销按键点击界面正下方的撤销按键不可以撤销第三阶段1. 单选题可以利用许愿抽奖法,对不同排名的学生进行不同的奖励,以促进同学们在光荣榜上力争上游的积极性。



1_希沃培训考试答案(总20页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除第一场1. 单选题班级优化大师可以在PC 端(电脑端)的班级报表中查看学生行为点评数据,但是不可导出正确(恭喜您回答正确)错误2. 多选题在班级优化大师中,可实现哪些功能模块? 个人/小组点评(恭喜您回答正确)丰富的小工具(恭喜您回答正确)学生头像自动升级行为数据记录(恭喜您回答正确)3. 多选题班级优化大师具有哪些角色使用端口? 校长端教师端(恭喜您回答正确)家长端(恭喜您回答正确)学生端4. 单选题在班级优化大师的使用端口中,以下哪个端口老师不可以进行班级的创建?网页端手机端PC 端(电脑端)(恭喜您回答正确)小程序5. 单选题班级优化大师创建班级,哪个端口不可以进行学生的批量添加?网页端手机端PC端(电脑端)(恭喜您回答正确)任意端口都可以6. 单选题学生既可以使用班级优化大师自带的卡通头像,也可以自定义头像。

正确(恭喜您回答正确)错误7. 多选题老师可以使用班级优化大师做什么在课堂上对学生/小组进行点评(恭喜您回答正确)在课堂上随机抽选学生(恭喜您回答正确)对班级学生进行考勤(恭喜您回答正确)在课堂上展示学生积分光荣榜(恭喜您回答正确)8. 多选题班级优化大师支持以下哪几个使用端口PC 端(电脑端)(恭喜您回答正确)网页端(恭喜您回答正确)手机端(恭喜您回答正确)9. 单选题老师可以自定义班级优化大师的点评类型,但是分值是固定的,不可自定义正确错误(恭喜您回答正确)10. 多选题在网页端进行班级的创建后,可以通过哪种方式进行学生的添加 逐个添加(恭喜您回答正确)批量导入(恭喜您回答正确)从其他班级导入(恭喜您回答正确)第二场1. 单选题班级优化大师的成绩报告导出后不能看到哪些分数项总平均分单科成绩单科最高分(恭喜您回答正确)2. 单选题使用班级优化大师时,教师只能通过手机端发布通知,不能通过网页端进行发布正确错误(恭喜您回答正确)3. 单选题上课过程中,在班级优化大师电脑端给学生发送点评后,发现有误操作,该如何处理不可以撤销点击界面左下方的撤销按键(恭喜您回答正确)点击界面正上方的撤销按键点击界面右上方的撤销按键4. 单选题在课中使用班级优化大师对学生进行随机抽选,可在什么端进行网页端PC端(电脑端)以上任意端口均可(恭喜您回答正确)5. 多选题班级优化大师可以点击光荣榜进行以下哪些操作学生点评(恭喜您回答正确)小组点评(恭喜您回答正确)随机抽选(恭喜您回答正确)查看数据6. 多选题可以通过班级优化大师的网页端进行以下哪些操作个人/小组点评(恭喜您回答正确)修改学生头像(恭喜您回答正确)邀请家长(恭喜您回答正确)发布通知与布置作业(恭喜您回答正确)7. 单选题使用班级优化大师对学生进行行为点评,教师可以通过网页端编辑属于自己的点评标签。



1.从“菜单”中导入 D 盘中的“孔雀东南飞.ppt” 文件,进行播放
2.演示“ office 文档”和“标准模式”之间的切换方法 。
3.把批注过的“孔雀东南飞.ppt” 文档进行保存并关闭
操作提示:点击 ,二级菜单中选择 导入,点击该图标 选择 ppt,然后根据向导选择 D 盘中的“孔雀东南飞.ppt” 文件即 可。如下方 “添页”按钮 即可添加一个新页面,
单击屏幕下方 “工具”按钮 ,单击“小工具”,选择下方要演示 的工具即可。 2.运用“工具”中的“学科工具”(语文、数学、英语、物理、化学) 演示相应学科工具的使用。
操作提示:单击屏幕下方 “工具”按钮 ,单击“学科工具”,选 择下方相应学科进行演示即可。 第六题: 1、能找到资源库中的仿真实验(物理、化学、生物)
点击 启用硬笔,此笔颜色默认为红色,笔迹为细。用户可根 据需要调节笔迹粗细,但笔迹粗调节同荧光笔一致;同时根据需要可 选用不同颜色,颜色有多种可选;
点击 启用荧光笔,此笔颜色默认为红色,笔迹为细。用户可 根据需要调节笔迹粗细,但笔迹粗调节同硬笔一致;同时根据需要可 选用不同颜色,颜色有多种可选;
操作提示:单击屏幕下方 “资源库”按钮 选择下方相应学科进行演示即可。
2、新增一页,将 D 盘上的图片插入到页面中,并移动、旋转、放大、
操作提示:单击屏幕下方 “资源库”按钮 ,单击“我的电脑”, 选择 D 盘下任意一张图片拖到页面中,即可完成以上功能。 第七题:



希沃杏坛考试2020.11.[多选题]希沃白板5中,以下哪些功能可以将内容隐藏,在授课模式的时候显示?○蒙层○阴影○遮罩○课堂活动2.[单选题]【希沃白板5】使用哪个功能键能够对白板上的内容进行移动、放大、缩小的操作○橡皮○笔○选择○撤销3.[多选题]剪辑师支持导入什么格式的素材?○rmvb ○avi ○mp4○Jpg4.[单选题]希沃白板5中,思维导图制作好后无法进行再次编辑。






杏坛期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 我国古代著名的教育家孔子,其主要教育思想是?A. 因材施教B. 应试教育C. 填鸭式教育D. 精英教育答案:A2. 以下哪项不是现代教育的基本原则?A. 平等性B. 多样性C. 强制性D. 终身性答案:C3. 教育心理学中的“最近发展区”是由哪位心理学家提出的?A. 皮亚杰B. 弗洛伊德C. 马斯洛D. 埃里克森答案:A4. 根据皮亚杰的认知发展理论,儿童在7岁到11岁之间通常处于哪个阶段?A. 感觉运动阶段B. 前运算阶段C. 具体运算阶段D. 形式运算阶段答案:C5. 教育评价的主要目的是什么?A. 选拔优秀学生B. 促进学生全面发展C. 增加学生负担D. 惩罚不达标学生答案:B6. 教育公平是指什么?A. 所有学生都能接受相同的教育B. 所有学生都能接受平等的教育C. 所有学生都能接受最好的教育D. 所有学生都能接受免费的教育答案:B7. 在教育心理学中,哪个理论强调了观察学习的重要性?A. 行为主义理论B. 认知主义理论C. 社会学习理论D. 人本主义理论答案:C8. 教育的终极目标是什么?A. 培养人才B. 提高国民素质C. 促进社会进步D. 所有选项都是答案:D9. 以下哪项不是教育的基本原则?A. 尊重学生B. 鼓励学生C. 惩罚学生D. 引导学生答案:C10. 教育的“双基”指的是什么?A. 基础知识和基本技能B. 基本道德和基本技能C. 基本素质和基本技能D. 基本素质和基本道德答案:A二、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述教育的三大功能。


2. 描述一下什么是终身教育。





(2023)希沃白板学习考试题及答案1.希沃白板表格中的单元格可以添加以下哪些功能?( )A.遮罩B.备注C.蒙层答案:A、B2.以下关于希沃白板的描述正确的是( )A.希沃白板是账号体系,初次使用需要进行注册B.PPT可以导入到希沃白板中,但是格式必须是PPTXC.希沃白板提供了课件库,教师可以免费获取D.PPT不支持导入到希沃白板中进行使用答案:ABC3.在介绍背景优化的两种方法“扩大法、合成法”时,用到了哪几个关键工具/应用? ( )A.拾色器B.锁定C.裁剪D.层级答案:ABC4.在希沃白板中,对于背景的设置,有以下哪几种设置方法?( )A.系统背景B.网络背景C.纯色背景D.本地背景答案:ACD5.关于多媒体的导入和优化,以下哪个描述是正确的( )A.任何的图片背景都可以通过希沃白板的“去背景”功能消除B.视频导入后,可以进行打点,截图等操作C.只能导入图片,不能导入动图D.音频导入后,可以设置为课件播放时的背景音乐,但不能进行时间打点答案:B6.“四步法”搞定课件新建,这四个步骤指的是“下载、安装、运行、创建”( ) 答案:正确(二)1.以下关于课堂活动的描述,错误的是?( )A.超级分类可设置的分类项没有数量限制B.课堂活动可支持开展不同题型的互动。

如分类题,填空题,连线题C.所有课堂活动都可多次编辑修改D.课堂活动的背景和元素图样都可以进行自定义答案:A2.希沃白板中的思维导图中一共有几种样式?( )A.5B.6C.4D.3答案:D3在希沃白板5的超链接功能中,可设置哪些类型的超链接?( )A.页面B.网页C.授课工具D.本地文件答案:ABCD4.希沃白板中,蒙层可对下面哪些对象进行设置?( )A.学科工具B.视频、音频素材C.图片素材D.文本素材答案:CD5.下列关于思维导图描述错误的是?( )A.思维导图内的文字可以通过Enter按键换行B.思维导圈可以设置为逐个展开C.思维导图中可以播入多媒体元素,如:图片视频等D.思维导图可以设置为逐级展开答案:A(三)1.以下对希沃白板中的“板中板”工具描述,正确的是?( )A.板中板页面无法缩小,只能覆盖课件页面B.在板中板中书写的内容,可以以图片的形式导出保存C.板中板的页面数量可以进行添加D.在板中板中只能进行板书讲解,不能导入图片进行辅助讲解答案:BC2.以下关于希沃白板授课页面的功能描述,正确的是?( )A.笔工具可支持调整为不同的颜色,但是无法调整粗细B.点击橡皮工具两次,就可以通过滑动清除页面上所有内容,包括图片和视频C.通过选择功能选中板书,可以调整颜色或进行克隆D.授课时如果不小心擦除了某个内容,可以通过点击“撤销"进行恢复答案:CD3.下列关于希沃白板5放大镜工具的描述,错误的是?( )A.可以拖动放大镜的四个角调整放大区域B.放大镜可以对课件页面上的文字、图片元素进行放大C.可以点击灯泡按钮,调整为聚光灯模式D.可以在放大区域内进行对象的选中操作答案:D4.关于希沃白板的克隆功能,以下描述错误的是?( )A.只有授课模式下才能开启克隆模式B.在备课模式下,将已开启克隆模式的素材锁定,在授课时,也能正常拖动出克隆的素材C.在授课模式下,对于素材进行克隆的次数是有限制的D.形状、图片文字均可开启克隆模式答案:ABC5.在希沃白板的授课界面,可以直接导入多媒体素材进行授课讲解。



广东省佛山市杏坛中学2021年高二物理期末试卷含解析一、选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意1. (多选)两个等量异种电荷的连线的垂直平分线上有a、b、c三点,如图所示,下列说法正确的是A.a点电势比b点高B.a、b两点的场强方向相同,b点场强比a点大C.a、b、c三点和无穷远处等电势D.一个电子在a点无初速释放,则它将在c点两侧往复振动参考答案:BC2. (单选)图中两条平行虚线之间存在匀强磁场,虚线间的距离为l,磁场方向垂直纸面向里,abcd是位于纸面内的梯形线圈,ad与bc间的距离也为l.t=0时刻,bc边与磁场区域边界重合(如图).现令线圈以恒定的速度v沿垂直于磁场区域边界的方向穿过磁场区域.取沿a→b→c→d→a的感应电流为正,则在线圈穿越磁场区域的过程中,感应电流I随时间t变化的图线可能是( )参考答案:B3. 如图5-16所示,四图中的、均为输入端,接交流电源;、均为输出端,则、、C、D四图中,输出电压大于输入电压的电路是参考答案:C4. 关于天然放射性,下列说法错误的是A. 所有元素都可能发生衰变B. β射线的实质是电子C. 放射性元素与别的元素形成化合物时仍具有放射性D. α、β和γ三种射线中,γ射线的穿透能力最强参考答案:A【详解】有些原子核不稳定,可以自发地衰变,但不是所有元素都可能发生衰变,故A错误;β射线是原子核的中子转变为质子时释放出来的电子,故B正确;放射性元素的放射性与核外电子无关,故放射性元素与别的元素形成化合物时仍具有放射性,故C正确;α、β和γ三种射线,γ射线的穿透力最强,电离能力最弱,故D正确;此题选则错误的选项,故选A。

5. (多选)传感器是一种采集信息的重要器件,如图3所示的是一种测定压力的电容式传感器,当待测压力F作用于可动膜片电极上时,以下说法正确的是()A.若F向上压膜片电极,电路中有从d到b的电流B.若F向上压膜片电极,电路中有从b到a的电流C.若F向上压膜片电极,电路中不会出现电流D.若电流表有示数,则说明压力F发生变化参考答案:BD二、填空题:本题共8小题,每小题2分,共计16分6. (6分)如图所示“]”形金属线框的两平行边间距为L,垂直于线框平面的匀强磁场磁感应强度为B特,线框上连接的电阻阻值为R,其它电阻不计,当不记电阻的与金属框始终接触良好的金属棒MN以垂直于磁感线方向的速度v匀速运动时,感应电动势的大小为,电阻R消耗的电功率为。



希沃杏坛考试20212.Account3.Multiple Choice nsWhat are the export formats for the HiWEL Whiteboard 5 courseware?enbxpptxpdfppt4.Multiple Choice nsXXX interactive smart tablet have?ComputerXXXXXXXXX5.Multiple Choice nsWhat kind of editing can be done on mind maps in HiWEL Whiteboard 5?XXX project styleXXX styleSet n line styleXXX6.Multiple Choice nsWhich of the following XXX 5 is incorrect?HiWEL Whiteboard 5 courseware XXX with the cloud when connected to the。

and the non-XXX 5 XXX.In orked mode。

HiWEL Whiteboard 5 can also double-click on local courseware to open and teach。

and the HiWEL Whiteboard 5 cloud space has a fixed size and cannot be expanded.7.Multiple Choice nsXXX 5?Super nWord XXX fillingInteresting nTrue or false XXXKnowledge matchingGroup n8.Multiple Choice nsWhich of the following ns XXX?Screen XXXFile uploadCamera uploadXXX coursewareXXX9.Multiple Choice nsWhich of the following ways can you download the Class n Master?Class n Official WebsiteXXXXXX Website10.Single Choice nsWhich of the following ns about the XXX 5 magnifying glass tool is incorrect?You can drag the four corners of the XXX.XXX fingers.You can click the light bulb button to adjust to XXX.You can select objects in the magnified area.11.Multiple Choice nsWhat are the different modes of XXX 5?XXXXXXmode12.Multiple Choice nsXXX 5.the masking n can directly set the following objects.PicturesVideosText13.Single Choice nsXXX 5.which n should be used if you want to make the background color of the courseware the same as the color of a picture background?More backgroundColor pickerLocal pictureImage filling14.Single Choice nsCan the background of the HiWEL Whiteboard 5 lesson n page be custom set?YesNo15.Single Choice nsWhat is the n method for achieving the right-click effect of the mouse on the HiWEL All-in-One machine?Long press with one finger。



2020-2021学年佛山市顺德区杏坛中学高三英语下学期期末考试试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ANew events and changes of junior golf competition calendarNew eventsNotah BegayⅢJunior Golf National ChampionshipWhat does a junior golfer aim to pursue? One thing is to be noticed, ideally by a college coach. A remarkable opportunity will be offered by the Notah BegayⅢJunior Golf National Championship to its participants: an event broadcast by Golf Channel. Players aged between eight and 18 can compete in the new event; information about where and when it will be held will be released later.Barbasol Junior ChampionshipBeginning the career in the PGA Tour is something that a junior golfer tends to dream of. The Barbasol Junior Championship, which is scheduled to take place between June 29 and July 2 at Keene Trace Golf Club inNicholasville,Kentucky, will provide such an opportunity. Boys under 19 years old will qualify for this new 54-hole event, and the winner will be awarded a spot at the PGA Tour's Barbasol Championship in July.Changed eventsThunderbird International JuniorThe dates of the AJGA's Thunderbird International Junior have to be changed since the NCAA Championships move to Grayhawk Golf Club inScottsdale,Arizona, for the next three years. Generally, the Thunderbird is played at the end of May. However, this year it is scheduled on different dates for the first time, from April 9 to 12, which means, of course, that the finish date is on Masters Sunday.Gator InvitationalJunior golf intends to prepare for the following college golf. If this is the case, then it is crucial to simulate the higher-level experience as much as possible. Because of that, the Gator Invitational, as a junior boys' event, has made a significant decision on becoming a 54-hole event by adding a round this year. The new version will be played from March 13 to 15 at The Country Club of Jackson inJackson,Mississippi.1. Which event can be watched on TV?A. Notah BegayⅢJunior Golf National Championship.B. Barbasol Junior Championship.C. Thunderbird International Junior.D. Gator Invitational.2. When will the Thunderbird International Junior be played?A. At the end of May.B. From April 9 to 12.C. Between June 29and July 2.D. From March 13 to 15.3. What has been changed about the Gator Invitational?A. The award given to the winnerB. The place where it is played.C. The required age of the players.D. The number of rounds it has.BChina's Mars probe Tianwen-1 successfully landed on the surface of the red planet on May 15, 2021, leaving a Chinese footprint on Mars for the first time and in its first attempt, becoming the only other nation besides theUSto get such an achievement. The Tianwen-1 probe touched down at its pre-selected landing area in the southern part of Utopia Planitia, a wide plain on Mars, at 7:18 a.m.(Beijing Time), after three months scanning the whole planet on Mars docking orbit, the China National Space Administration(CNSA) announced.Tianwen-1, including an orbiter, a lander and a rover, was launched from the 'Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on the coast of southernChinas islandprovinceofHainanon July 23, 2020. It was the first step inChina's planetary exploration of the solar system, with the aim of completing orbiting, landing and roving on the red planet in one mission. According to the administration, the country's first Martian probe will conduct scientific investigations about the Martian soil, environment, atmosphere as well as water.China's planetary exploration program has been named “Tianwen”, which was named after a long poem by the famous ancient poet Qu Yuan. The name represents the Chinese nation's willpower in pursuing truth, the country's cultural inheritance of its understanding of nature and universe, as well as the unending exploration in science and technology.China's first Mars rover has been named “Zhurong”, which means the god of fire in an ancient Chinese story. The name indicates Chinese people's blessing for the rover to light the flame ofChina's planetary exploration. The rover has six wheels and four solar panels, and carries 13 scientific instruments. According to the CNSA, Zhurong has started its scientific exploration after moving from the landing platform onto the Red Planet's surface on May 22.More than 40 Mars missions have been launched since the 1960s, but only about half have succeeded. It is the first time in the world that orbiting, landing and roving on Mars has been completed in one launch mission,andChinahas come to the forefront of Mars exploration in the world.4. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?A. China is the only nation to launch a probe to Mars.B. Tianwen-1 landed in the northern part of the planet.C. Tianwen-1 scanned the southern part of the planet.D. The Mars probe will carry out scientific investigations.5. How did the planetary exploration program get its name?A. From a long poem by Qu Yuan.B. From an ancient Chinese story.C. From Chinese nation's willpower.D. From theChinaNational Space Administration.6. Why does the author sayChinahas come to the leading position of Mars exploration?A. The rover carried many scientific instruments.B. China completed three tasks in one attempt.C. The rover successfully moved from the landing platform onto Mars.D. The CNSA is continuously exploring science and technology.7. What is the text mainly about?A. Tianwen-1 completed its mission.B. Tianwen-1 represented the god of fire.C. Tianwen-1 successfully landed on Mars.D. Tianwen-1 was launched from Wenchang.CA Singaporean company will feed airport food waste to mealworms before turning them into fish feed, aiming to cut the country's use of imported feed and offer a continuous alternative.Blue Aqua Internationalwill partner with Dnata, an air and travel services provider, to change organic waste at Singapore's Changi Airport into insect protein for aquacultural use, according to a statement Tuesday.The project looks to replace traditional fish and soybean meal as the main sources of protein for aquafeed. The insects will eat the food waste and change it into part of the body containing about 60 per cent protein. The dried baby worms will then be made into feed.These mealworms can be a continuous solution to several problems. Using a small land and giving out less carbon, they turn food waste into feed and offer an alternative source of protein. Ynsect SAS, a small French business that keeps mealworms to feed fish and pets, attracted money from investors includingIron Manmovieactor Robert Downey Jr. in a round of fund-raising last year.The deal will give Singapore's farmers access to domestically produced animal feed, which is traditionally bought from abroad. The Southeast Asian nation imports more than 90 percent of its food and has set a goal to produce a third of its food locally by 2030. It also aims to achieve a general recycling rate of 70 per cent by then. Presently, less than 20 per cent of Singapore's food waste is recycled.As part of the partnership, Dubai-based Dnata will add Blue Aqua to its list of suppliers to buy locally farmed seafood for its catering service.8. What is the function of mealworms?A. To cut the use of imported fish feed.B. To eat food waste and make fish feed.C. To domestically produce animal feed.D. To replace traditional fish and soybean meal.9. What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?A. The producers of the feed.B. The purpose of the projectC. The advantages of the project.D. The composition of the feed.10. What can we infer about Singapore from Paragraph 5?A. It is a rich country.B. It is short of self-produced food.C. Its recycling rate is very high now.D. Its farmers don't support the deal.11. What is the text mainly about?A. A new way to produce fish feed.B.An introduction to a company.C. A plan to reduce food waste.D. A deal to protect farmers.DAs a rider, Anna Kiesenhofe’s Olympics victory might be a surprise. The winner of the road race at the Tokyo Olympics left the sport at the end of 2017 when she found herself out of contract (合同). She came into Tokyo without a professional team and left as an Olympic champion.The 30-year old began her cycling career in 2014 after running injuries that prevented her from continuing her pursuits of triathlon (铁人三项). She later joined a Catalan team and won the Spanish National Cup in 2016.The then-26 year old signedher first professional contract with Lotto Soudal Ladies for the following season. However, she ended her 2017 campaign in April and did not sign a contract for 2018, eventually taking a year off the bike. In 2019, Kiesenhofer came back to the sport as a rider, winning the Austrian national road race. Despite her results, Kiesenhofer sill had no professional contract while going into the Tokyo Olympics.Kiesenhofer was the first rider to attack in the Olympic road race, eventually forming a breakaway along withCarl Oberholzer, Omer Shapira, Vera Looser and Anna Plichta, which went on to reach a gap of 11 minutes. After Looser and Oberholzer were dropped, Kiesnhofer ataced her two remaining breakaway companions.After Shapira and Plichta were caught by the peloton (主车群), the rest of the riders seemed to believe that they were racing among themselves for Gold, not knowing that Remehofere was still in front. While it might be a misjudgment from the rest of the peloton that allowed Kiesenhofer to keep her lead of more than two minutes, other riders’ mistakes should not detract from the Austrian’s efforts.Off the bike the new Olympic Champion has a PhD in mathematics after studying at the Technical University of Vienne as well as at Cambridge University. She currently works at the University of Lausanne.12. Why did Anna give up triathlon?A. She got injured.B. She lost interest in it.C. She had to attend university.D. She never won a medal.13. Which is the right order of the following events?①She ended her campaign.②She took a year off the bike.③She began her cycling career.④She won the Austrian national road race.⑤She won the Spanish National Cup.A. ③④①②⑤.B. ②③④①⑤.C. ③⑤①②④.D. ④②③①⑤.14. What were the riders of the peloton unaware of at the Tokyo Olympics?A. The road race was so difficult.B. Anna was a new rider.C. They had caught up with Anna.D. Anna took the lead of them.15. What is Anna’s present job?A. A cycling coach.B. A university teacher.C A professional rider. D. A college student.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。





1. 小麦需要日照长度达到一定值才能开花,下面相关说法错误的是()A.小麦细胞内的光敏色素能感知光信号B.光信号在细胞内通过信息传递系统被传导到细胞核C.和小麦类似的植物通常在春末夏初开花D.长日照能提高细胞核内与开花有关的基因数量2. 神经系统的疾病与突触的结构与功能密切相关。

肌萎缩侧索硬化症(俗称渐冻人)的发病机理是突触间隙谷氨酸过多,持续作用中起Na+过度内流,最终导致患者的运动神经细胞受损,肌内因失去神经支配而逐渐萎缩,四肢像被冻住一样如图是患者病变部位的有关生理过程,据图分析下列叙述错误的是()A.Ca2+进入突触小体受阻可能会使谷氨酸释放减少B.谷氨酸的释放消耗ATP且使突触后膜面积增大C.突触后膜上NMDA的作用是识别谷氨酸,运输Na+D.运动神经细胞受损可能因为细胞内液渗透压过度升高而受损3. 小肠是消化管中最长的部分,肠腺能够分泌多种消化酶,进一步分解糖、脂肪、蛋白质等,同时小肠绒毛壁和毛细血管壁都只有一层上皮细胞构成,这有利于小肠的消化和吸收。

下列有关叙述不正确的是()A.肠腺分泌的消化酶都可以与双缩脲试剂产生紫色反应B.小肠绒毛壁和毛细血管壁的细胞膜由单层磷脂分子组成C.小肠绒毛吸收糖类需要消耗细胞内化学反应释放的能量D.消化液的分泌过程也需要膜上蛋白质的参与4. 甲、乙、丙、丁4个系谱图依次反映了a、b、c、d四种遗传病的发病情况,若不考虑基因突变和染色体变异,那么,根据系谱图判断,可排除由X染色体上隐性基因决定的遗传病是()A. aB. bC. cD. d5. 脂质是细胞和生物体的重要组成成分,下列叙述错误的是()A.磷脂是构成细胞膜的重要成分B.脂肪仅由C、H、O三种元素组成C.维生素D在人体内参与血液中脂质的运输D.性激素能促进人和动物生殖器官的发育6. 根据细胞的功能推测,下列叙述中错误的是A.唾液腺细胞比心肌细胞具有更多的高尔基体B.白细胞比红细胞具有更多的溶酶体C.植物根尖分生区细胞比叶肉细胞具有更多的叶绿体D.合成性激素的卵巢细胞比皮肤的表皮细胞具有更多的内质网7. 牵牛花的颜色主要是由花青素决定的,如图为花青素的合成与颜色变化途径示意图:从图中不能得出的是A. 花的颜色由多对基因共同控制B. 基因可以通过控制酶的合成来控制代谢C. 生物性状由基因决定,也受环境影响D. 若基因①不表达,则基因①和基因①不表达8. 关于人体神经调节和体液调节的叙述正确的是()A.体液调节也称为激素调节B.体液调节作用范围比较广泛,通常都会作用全身细胞C.二者共同协调、相辅相成,体液调节占主导地位D.体液调节受中枢神经系统的调节,也能影响神经系统9. 细胞膜由脂质、蛋白质、糖类组成,下列关于其成分和功能的说法正确的是()A. 脂质丰富的细胞膜功能复杂B. 蛋白质种类和数量多的细胞膜功能复杂C. 糖类的多少决定着细胞膜功能的复杂程度D. 脂质含量达50%,对细胞膜的功能起决定性作用10. 下列关于细胞膜成分及细胞膜流动镶嵌模型的叙述,错误的是()A.组成细胞膜的蛋白质分子大多数可以运动B.蛋白质分子在细胞膜两侧是不对称分布C.磷脂双分子层构成细胞膜的基本支架D.磷脂分子的疏水端可以让水溶性分子和离子自由通过11. 下列关于植物激素的叙述中,正确的有()①植物体内不同的腺体能够分泌不同的激素,脱落酸能促进叶片和果实的衰老与脱落①生长素具有极性运输的特点,缺乏氧气会影响植物体内生长素的极性运输①乙烯可以促进苹果和香蕉等果实的生长发育和成熟①植物幼嫩叶片中的色氨酸可转变为生长素①豌豆幼苗切段中乙烯的合成受生长素浓度的影响①用适宜浓度的生长素溶液处理番茄的花就能得到无子番茄A.2项B.3项C.4项D.5项12. 关于教材中实验部分操作过程,正确的是()A. 罗伯特森在电镜下看到了细胞膜呈亮-暗-亮三层结构B. 观察叶绿体时,先在载玻片上滴一滴生理盐水,再放上菠菜叶下表皮细胞C. 观察DNA、RNA在细胞中分布:取口腔上皮细胞制片—水解—冲洗涂片—染色—观察D. 质壁分离和复原实验:洋葱紫色鳞片叶表皮细胞制片一滴加30%蔗糖溶液—观察—滴加清水—观察13. 下列物质进入细胞的过程中,既不需要载体也不消耗能量的是A.氨基酸B.O2C.Na+D.葡萄糖14. 下列有关细胞增殖、分化、衰老、凋亡和癌变的叙述,错误的是()A. 植物细胞有丝分裂过程中,细胞核内的DNA经复制后平均分配到两个子细胞中B. 细胞凋亡,相关基因活动加强,有利于个体的生长发育和稳态的维持C. 癌变是在致癌因子的作用下,细胞的正常基因突变成原癌基因和抑癌基因的过程D. 细胞分化、衰老和癌变都会导致细胞形态、结构和功能发生变化15. 下列有关生物进化的叙述,错误的是()A. 基因频率是指在一个种群基因库中,某个基因占全部等位基因数的比率B. 突变和基因重组都是随机的、不定向的,不决定生物的进化方向C. 抗生素可以诱发细菌产生相应的抗性突变D. 共同进化不仅发生在不同物种之间,也发生在生物与无机环境之间二、选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分。




在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有是一个符合题目要求的1. 已知,若,则.参考答案:-3略2. 已知点,,则直线AB的倾斜角为()A. 60°B. 30°C. 120°D. 150°参考答案:C【分析】先根据斜率公式求斜率,再求倾斜角【详解】因为直线的斜率为,所以倾斜角为,选C.【点睛】本题考查斜率以及倾斜角概念,考查基本求解能力,属基础题.3. 如表是一位母亲给儿子作的成长记录:根据以上样本数据,她建立了身高y(cm)与年龄x(周岁)的线性回归方程为=7.19x+73.93,给出下列结论:①y与x具有正的线性相关关系;②回归直线过样本的中心点(6,117.1);③儿子10岁时的身高是145.83cm;④儿子年龄增加1周岁,身高约增加7.19cm.其中,正确结论的个数是()A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4参考答案:B【考点】命题的真假判断与应用.【专题】概率与统计.【分析】本题考察统计中的线性回归分析,在根据题目给出的回归方程条件下做出分析,然后逐条判断正误.【解答】解;线性回归方程为=7.19x+73.93,①7.19>0,即y随x的增大而增大,y与x具有正的线性相关关系,①正确;②回归直线过样本的中心点为(6,117.1),②错误;③当x=10时, =145.83,此为估计值,所以儿子10岁时的身高的估计值是145.83cm而不一定是实际值,③错误;④回归方程的斜率为7.19,则儿子年龄增加1周岁,身高约增加7.19cm,④正确,故应选:B【点评】本题考察回归分析的基本概念,属于基础题,容易忽略估计值和实际值的区别.4. 设f(x)与g(x)是定义在同一区间[a,b]上的两个函数,若函数y=f(x)﹣g(x)在x∈[a,b]上有两个不同的零点,则称f(x)和g(x)在[a,b]上是“关联函数”,区间[a,b]称为“关联区间”.若f(x)=x2﹣3x+4与g(x)=2x+m在[0,3]上是“关联函数”,则m的取值范围为()A.(﹣,﹣2] B.[﹣1,0] C.(﹣∞,﹣2] D.(﹣,+∞)参考答案:A【考点】函数零点的判定定理.【专题】压轴题;新定义.【分析】由题意可得h(x)=f(x)﹣g(x)=x2﹣5x+4﹣m 在[0,3]上有两个不同的零点,故有,由此求得m的取值范围.【解答】解:∵f(x)=x2﹣3x+4与g(x)=2x+m在[0,3]上是“关联函数”,故函数y=h(x)=f(x)﹣g(x)=x2﹣5x+4﹣m在[0,3]上有两个不同的零点,故有,即,解得﹣<m≤﹣2,故选A.【点评】本题考查函数零点的判定定理,“关联函数”的定义,二次函数的性质,体现了转化的数学思想,属于基础题.5. 执行下面的程序框图,如果输入的N是6,那么输出的p是()A.120 B.720C.1440 D.5040参考答案:B6. 法国数学家费马观察到,,,都是质数,于是他提出猜想:任何形如N*)的数都是质数,这就是著名的费马猜想. 半个世纪之后,善于发现的欧拉发现第5个费马数不是质数,从而推翻了费马猜想,这一案例说明() A.归纳推理,结果一定不正确 B.归纳推理,结果不一定正确C.类比推理,结果一定不正确 C.类比推理,结果不一定正确参考答案:B略7. 直线x﹣y﹣1=0不通过( )A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限参考答案:B【考点】确定直线位置的几何要素.【专题】直线与圆.【分析】把直线的方程化为斜截式,可得直线的倾斜角为90°,在y轴上的截距等于﹣1,故直线经过第一、三、四象限.【解答】解:直线x﹣y﹣1=0即 y=x﹣1,它的斜率等于1,倾斜角为90°,在y轴上的截距等于﹣1,故直线经过第一、三、四象限,不经过第二象限,故选 B.【点评】本题主要考查直线的斜截式方程,确定直线位置的几何要素,属于基础题.8. 若,,且,则的最小值为()A 4 B. C. 2 D.参考答案:A9. 定义在上的函数满足,又,,,则()A B C D参考答案:D略10. 用反证法证明某命题时,对结论“自然数a,b,c中恰有一个偶数”正确的反设为A.a,b,c中至少有两个偶数或都是奇数B.a,b,c都是奇数C.a,b,c中至少有两个偶数D.a,b,c都是偶数参考答案:A用反证法法证明数学命题时,应先假设要证的命题的反面成立,即要证的命题的否定成立,而命题:“自然数a,b,c 中恰有一个偶数”的否定为:“a,b,c” 中“0 个、2 个、3 个偶数”即a,b,c中至少有两个偶数或都是奇数.二、填空题:本大题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分11. 现有3本不同的数学书,2本不同的物理书和1本化学书,全部排放在书架的同一层,要求使数学书都相邻且物理书不相邻,一共有种不同的排法。



2021年佛山市顺德区杏坛中学高三英语二模试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThis online course is designed to provide you with work-ready skills including responding to job advertisements,writing application letters and resumes(简历)and developing inter-view skills.What topics will it cover?● The recruitment(招聘)and selection process● The job application● Planning for the interview● Developing interview skillsWhat will you achieve?By the end of the course,you'll be able to...● Assess the recruitment and selection process from an employer's point of view● Interpret an advertisement,job description and selection criteria correctly● Model a well-written job application● Plan for a job interviewWho is the course for?While this course appeals to trainees and graduates,it also applies to job seekersin the broader community looking to increasing their confidence and success rate when applying for work.Who develops the course?Central Queensland University.It is Australia's leading regional university.Our courses are designed alongside industry andmany include hands-on learning experiences and project-based learning.Our commitment to making real-world knowledge and skills accessible to all has seen us being awarded global recognition.1. What will students learn if they take the online course?A. The way to write a resume.B. The way to put an advertisement.C. The skills of talking with others.D. The skills of improving reading.2. Who is the online course intended for?A. Trainers.B. Interviewers.C. Job seekers.D. College students.3. Which ofthe following best describes the online course?A Cheap. B. Practical. C. Long-standing. D. World-class.BHave you ever noticed that some people can eat what they want and stay in shape, while others carefully watch what they eat and still put on weight? How annoying! However, scientists are beginning to believe that some people get the ability to stay thin from their parents.Scientists say that when some people eat, their bodies will naturally store the excess energy from food as fat. These people gain weight if they eat more than they need each day. Meanwhile, other people eat more than they need but their bodies are able to “burn off” the extra food without making fat, so they rarely have weight problems.To show that this is true, scientists have experimented on laboratory mice. They gave the mice a special diet with a lot of fat. Some mice gained weight while the other mice stayed thin, even though both groups of mice ate the same amount of food and got the same amount of exercise. Scientists concluded that weight gain seemed to be influenced by genetic (基因的) factors. They also believe they have now identified the genes that may cause this tendency. These genes, according to the scientists, get passed down the generations. Armed with this knowledge, they believe it may be possible to develop medicines thatcan target the genes and stop people from gaining weight.The study of weight gain is becoming more important as the numbers of people who are overweight continues to grow. In theUnited States, over seventy percent of the population have weight problems. This means they are at risk of illness such as high blood pressure and heart disease.Current medicines for weight control do not work very well because they can have serious side effects, such as heart problems. However, it takes a long time to develop and thoroughly test new drugs. Therefore, despite this breakthrough in the study of weight-loss drugs, scientists and health professionals all agree that currently the best way to control weight gain is to have a healthy, balanced diet and an active lifestyle with daily exercise. This will not only help people avoid becoming overweight, but also help them stay healthy and energetic.4. According to the scientists, some people ________.A. are able to stay thin because of genetic factorsB. can eat what they want and stay healthy foreverC. usually keep doing exercise to lose their weightD. don’t eat anything every day but still put on weight5. Some people don’t need to worry about weight problems because ________.A. they eat many vegetablesB. they eat less than othersC. they don’t store any energy from food as fatD. they can burn off the extra food without making fat6. What can we learn from the passage?A. Fewer people will have weight problems in the future.B. People with weight problems may suffer from heart trouble.C. We now have good medicine for people with weight problems.D. The result of the experiments on mice and humans are different.7. What does the last paragraph imply?A. Current medicine solve weight problems well.B. We should exercise regularly and eat properly.C. Taking exercise every day may cause heart problems.D. Testing new drugs is hard because of the side effects.CChimps use loud calls and gestures to make their feelings known but until now, the exact meaning for individual movements has remained a mystery. Now researchers believe they have translated the key gestures used in the chimp community and identified their intentions for the first time.From 4,351 gestures, experts were able to identify 66 that are used for 19 specific message meanings, including showing a foot to tell a child they can climb on their back. The researchers were able to narrow down these 66 gestures to 36 that are used intentionally to achieve 15 purposes. The translations were made by Dr Catherine Hobaiter and her colleagues at St Andrews University in Scotland.Dr Hobaiter used behavior sampling and filmed all recorded cases of gestural communication. Other gestures include stomping their feet to ask another chimp to stop what they are doing, and slapping objects together to ask another to follow them. Of the 19 meanings,17 encouraged interactions to start, or to develop, such as “move closer,” and “change play”. Some of the gestures were found to have more than one meaning. and only 10 of the 66 gestures were used for only a single meaning.Researchers collected a total of 471 video clips from two social groups of chimps at a shelter near Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. As well as identifying what the gesture means, they also discovered the technique needed to increase the chances of success.“Human children use gestures to communicate before they produce their first words, and their earliest gestures typically appear around 10 months of age,” explained the researchers. “In great apes, there is good evidence that language-trained individuals are capable of acquiring and understanding signals, but this is far less clear in their natural communication. ”8. Chimps slap the objects to____________.A. tell others to stop what they are doingB. ask others chimps to join themC. gather other chimps to move closerD. encourage interactions to start9. What did researchers find after studying 471 video clips?A. Chimps trained in language are good at understanding signals.B. Two social groups of chimps live at a shelter near Kinshasa.C. Language-trained individuals do well in natural communication.D. Chimps’earliest gestures appear around 10 months of age.10. How is the last paragraph developed?A. By analyzing causes.B. By examining differences.C By making comparisons. D. By following time order.11. What can be a suitable title for the text?A A New Research on Chimps B. Human Children and ChimpsC. Getting the Chimps Trained for LanguageD. Translating the Sign Language of ChimpsDThe shade of a single tree can provide welcome relief from the hot summer sun. But when that single tree is part of a small forest, it creates a considerable cooling effect. According to a study published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, trees play a big role in keeping our cities cool.According to the study, the right amount of tree cover can lower summer daytime temperatures by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit. And the effect is quite noticeable from neighborhood to neighborhood, even down to the scale of a single city block. “We knew that cities are warmer than the surrounding countryside, but we found that temperatures vary just as much within cities,” says Monica Turner, a professor in the department of Integrative Biology, Wisconsin-Madison University and a co-author of the study.With climate change making extreme heat events more common each summer, city planners are working on how to prepare. Heat waves drive up energy demands and costs and can have big human health impacts. One potentially powerful tool, the study's authors say, are organisms that have been around long before human civilizations could appreciate their leafy benefits. And those trees may be the secret to keeping the places we live livable.Essentially, says Turner, roads, sidewalks and buildings absorb heat from the sun during the day and slowly release that heat at night. Trees, on the other hand, not only shade those surfaces from the sun's rays, they also release water into the air through their leaves, a process that cools things down.To get the maximum benefit of this cooling service, the study found that tree cover must be more than 40 percent. In other words, an aerial picture of a single city block would need to be nearly half-way covered by a leafy green network of branches and leaves.12. What can we infer from Paragraph 2?A. Temperatures in cities mainly depend on their green coverage.B. People living and working in cities must plant trees in summer.C. Cities are warmer than the countryside because they don't have trees.D. An area with more trees can be cooler than the other parts within a city.13. Which of the following problems is caused by extreme heat events?A. Severe damage of city facilities.B. Serious human health problems.C. Residents' growing demands for plants.D. Unnecessary waste of energy resources.14. Why are trees crucial to cities?A. They help shade and cool the cities.B. They make urban scenery beautiful.C. They build up city cooling systems.D. They essentially block and release heat.15. What can city planners conclude from the study?A. They should publish the study in a newspaper.B. They should educate citizens to protect forests.C. They should plant trees on roads and sidewalks.D. They should cover nearly half the city with trees.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。










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(正确)day25.单选题有关希沃白板5备课功能,以下说法错误的是A希沃白板5提供了多种图形可直接调用,也可自定义绘制B希沃白板5可识别单词并生成单词卡片,方便学生学习C希沃白板5提供了函数绘制工具,老师只需要输入函数表达式便可自动生成图形D 希沃白板5中不能插入化学方程式(正确)6.多选题以下哪些关于音频的描述是正确的?(多选题)A插入音频后,音频可以支持打点操作,标记关键段落(正确)B音频可以支持循环播放(正确)C音频可以设置自动播放(正确)D音频可以设置跨页面播放(正确)7.单选题PPT导入功能,只支持pptx格式的PPT课件。



2021届佛山市顺德区杏坛中学高三英语期末考试试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ADo you want to get home from work knowing you have made a real difference in someone’s life? If yes, don’t care about sex or age! Come and join us, then you’ll make it!Position:Volunteer Social Care Assistant (No Pay with Free Meals)Place:ManchesterHours:Part TimeWe are now looking for volunteers to support people with learning disabilities to live active lives! Only 4 days left. Don’t miss the chance of lending your warm hands to help others!Role:You will provide people with learning disabilities with all aspects of their daily lives. You will help them to develop new skills. You will help them to protect their rights and their safety. But your primary concern is to let them know they are valued.Skills and Experience Required:You will have the right values and great listening skills. You will be honest and patient. You will have the ability to drive a car and to communicate in fluent written and spoken English since you’ll have to help those people with different learning disabilities. Previous care-related experience will be a great advantage for you.1.The text is meant to_________.A.carry an adB.send an invitationC.present a documentD.leave a note2.The volunteers’ primary responsibility is to help people with learning disabilities__________.A.to learn new living skillsB.to get some financial supportC.to properly protect themselvesD.to realize their own importance3.Which of the following can first be chosen as a volunteer?A.The one who can drive a car.B.The one who can speak English fluently.C.The one who has relevant work experience.D.The one who has the patience to listen to others.BI was checking out at the supermarket counter on Wednesday night, ready to pay for my bananas, when all ofa sudden, fear came upon me. My wallet was gone. And I could only have left it one place: the G9 bus, from which I had gotten off minutes earlier and which was now speeding to some stops. The moment of realizing it was gone was followed by mental math. How much time and money would it cost to replace the credit cards, the driver's license, the expensive lipstick ($ 55!).Two hours after I was back at my house, I heard a knock on the door. My husband answered while I sat in the dining room on the phone with a credit card company. "Does Jennifer live here?" I heard someone say. In her hand was my wallet, without a penny missing. She left before I could offer my gratitude to her.After I posted the story, I heard from her boyfriend, who identified the good citizen as Erin Ball, a 26-year-old girl working for a trade organization.Once I figured out her, I called to thank her. She said she spotted my wallet and thought that it's more dangerous to go to a stranger's house than leaving the wallet with the driver, but she still decided to take the chance. "If I were in that situation, I would want someone to try to find me," she said. Ball doesn't find her actions particularly excellent. She added, "It's not hard to do small things for people."After Ball found my wallet, she decided to post a picture of my driver's license online before going to my house, trying to see if anyone knew me. No sooner had she left my doorstep than I got emails from two neighbors who recognized my face, both offering to help me find my missing property.Ball found my house on a bitterly cold night for which I was extremely grateful. Looking back, I'm not surprised someone had wanted to help a stranger. A warm current of honesty and harmony is running through this town.4. What do we know about the author according to paragraph 1?A. She missed the G9 bus.B. She paid for her bananas.C. She replaced the credit cards.D. She found she had left her wallet on the bus.5. Who helped the author find Ball?A. The G9 driver.B. The girl's boyfriend.C. The author's neighbors.D. The author's husband.6. What did Ball do first after finding the wallet?A. Ball called the author.B. Ball went to the author's house.C. Ball gave the wallet to the bus driver.D. Ball posted a photo of the author's driving license.7. Which of the following best describes Erin Ball?A. Humorous and kind.B. Generous and demanding.C. Honest and warm-hearted.D. Caring and outgoing.CAlthough computer technology is often necessary today, using a pen or pencil activates more areas of your brain than a keyboard does. You can potentially remember more by handwriting, according to a new study.The potential benefits of handwriting for memory have been debated for some time. The new study set out to answer one question: How does handwriting compare to using a keyboard when it comes to remembering new information?In all,24 participants took part. Researchers asked each of them to write with a pen and then each was also asked to type on a keyboard. While performing these tasks, each volunteer wore a cap that held electrodes next to their head. It looked somewhat like a hair net fitted with 256 sensors. Those sensors recorded the participants' brainwaves. The electrodes noted which parts of the brain turned on during each task. And they showed that writing turned on memory areas in the brain while typing didn't.Audrey van der Meer, the new study's leader, says this suggests that when we write by hand, we remember better. “This is because writing involves complex movements that activate more areas of the brain. The increased brain activity gives the brain more ‘hooks’ to hang your memories on,” she explains. Van der Meer also points out that writing by hand is related to visual notetaking. “Rather than typing blindly, the visual notetaker has to think about what is important to write down. Then, key words can be interlinked by boxes, arrows and small drawings,” she adds.This study does not recommend banning digital devices. In fact, its authors point out, computers and otherdevices with keyboards have become necessary in modern society. Keyboarding can especially benefit those with certain special needs (such as if they have trouble using their hands) and typing beats writing when it comes to speed, they add.8. Why were participants asked to wear caps in the study?A. To record their brainwavesB. To inform them of their tasksC. To allow them to focus on writingD. To protect their heads like hair nets9. What does Audrey van der Meer try to explain?A. Why handwriting is more complex than typingB. Why the brain works when it comes to learningC. Why handwriting helps remember informationD. Why key words are helpful to visual notetaking10. What is the study's authors' view on typing?A. It relieves people's handsB. It remains vital and helpfulC. It is not worth recommendingD. It is more challenging than writing11. Which of the following can be a suitable title for the text?A. How Can You Remember New Information?B. Handwriting Benefits Health in the LongRunC. Should Typing Take the Place of Handwriting?D. Handwriting Is Better for Memory Than TypingDKenyan mother Beth Mwende heard her sleeping child cry out, but did not worry after the three-year-old quickly quietened down. The next morning, however, she found her daughter, Mercy, nearly unconscious with two bite marks in the neck. “I didn’t know that it was a snake,” Mwende said.Although snakebites are common in her hometown, antivenom medication is difficult to get. Mwende lives about 160 kilometers east of Nairobi, Kenya’s capital. So she took her daughter to a traditional healer. He placed stones over the bites. Mercy died within hours. She was one of about 700 Kenyans killed by snakebites each year, notes a report in the scientific publicationToxicon.The Kenya Snakebite Research and Intervention Center (KSRIC) is working to change that. The KSRIC hopes to have East Africa’s first antivenom medication on the market within five years. It estimates the cost will be about 30 percent of an imported product, which often sells for about US $ 30.More than 70, 000 people are bitten in East Africa each year. Climate change and deforestation are worsening the problem as snakes get pushed out of natural surroundings into populated areas.Nearly 100 snakes live at the research center in a forest near Nairobi. Researchers take venom from snakes and study it before injecting small amounts into other animals, such as sheep. The animals then create antibodies that can be made into antivenom.“Up to now, no one has made any kind of antivenom in Kenya,’’ said Geoffrey Maranga Kepha, a senior snake handler.Two effective antivenoms are available in Kenya, from India and Mexico, the center says.The center is teaching communities that using antivenom immediately after receiving a snakebite can save lives, said head researcher George Adinoh.“After seeing how people died in Kenya from snakebites I decided to devote my life to coming up with a rescue measure that will help or prevent people from dying from snakebites,” snake handler Kepha added.12. How does the author introduce the topic of the text?A. By telling a story.B. By listing figures.C. By referririg to documents.D. By making a comparison.13. Why did Mwende take her daughter to a traditional healer?A. She couldn’t afford any modern treatment.B. She lived where antivenom medication is not available.C. The traditional way is very effective to treat snakebites.D. She believed a traditional healer could cure her daughter.14. What is causing more snakebites to happen in East Africa?A. Lack of antivenom medication.B. Environmental damage and climate change.C. People’s low awareness of the danger of snakes.D. People’s pursuit of traditional cures for snakebites.15. What do we know about antivenom in Kenya from the text?A. Itis taken from antibodies of sheep.B. There is only one effective antivenom available.C. KSRIC is trying to develop a local antivenom now.D. People refuse to use antivenom after being bitten by snakes.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

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