The beauties of Chongqing - 重庆美景介绍英文PPT

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Simian Mountain of Jiangjin
• Simian Mountain is located • 四面山景区位于重庆西南 in the southwest of 部,距离重庆主城区130公 Chongqing. Simian 里,距江津城区90公里。 Mountain is from urban 景区于2006年被评为国家 areas of Chongqing130 AAAA级旅游景区,2011年 kilometers .away from the 被评为中国风景名胜区摄 urban JiangJin 90 kilometers. 影基地、中国网民最关注 In 2006,Simian Mountain 的十大景区、“中国最美十 was named the national 大森林公园”。 AAAA level scenic spots. In 2011 was named China scenic spot photography base, China Internet users are most concerned about the ten major scenic spots.
The three imposing gorges--qutang, wuxia and xiling gorges---extend 193 kilometers.
The Three Gorges project is the largest comprehensive benefit of water conservancy hub of the world, play a significant benefit of flood control and shipping efficiency. The Three Gorges dam was completed, the formation of a reservoir 600 km, take the impoundment, become a rare new view in the world.三峡工程是 迄今世界上综合效益最大的水利枢纽,在发挥巨大的防洪效益 和航运效益。三峡大坝建成后,形成长达600公里的水库,采 取分期蓄水,成为世界罕见的新景观。
The Jinfo Mountain cableway Petunia Ping area
Taka Anako scenic spot
Dasan Zhuhai
• It Is located in yongchuan district 2 kilometers to the north, covers an area of 116 square kilometers, 20000 mu of large continuous tea plantations and 50000 mu of bamboo. So it’s rare tea bamboo symbiotic landscape in China even all over the world. Its forest coverage rate is as high as 97%,and negative oxygen content reached 20000 per cubic centimeter,which is worthy of "natural oxygen bar". • 位于永川区城北2公里处,占 地116Fra Baidu bibliotek方公里,拥有2万亩 大型连片茶园和5万亩竹海。 形成我国乃至世界罕见的茶 竹共生景观。森林覆盖率高 达97%,负氧离子含量达到 每立方厘米20000个,是当之 无愧的“天然氧吧”。
"love Jacob's ladder" was named Chinese contemporary ten classic love story.
Wangxiangtai waterfall was named the "ten most beautiful waterfall China“.
Love theme cinema in simian mountain car campground was named "2013 China ten self driving tour camp“.
Fairy Mountain National Forest Park
• Fairy Mountain National Forest Park is the top ten tourist attractions in Chongqing. It is a national AAAAA level scenic area, is the Wuling mountains, is located in Chongqing city Wulong County on the north shore of Wujiang. The transportation is convenient, the whole 180 km, from the city of Chongqing in one and a half hours to drive to Wulong County town. Fairy hill is the best place for leisure travel vacation. • 武隆仙女山国家森林公园是 重庆十佳旅游景点,是国家 AAAAA级风景区,地属武陵 山脉,位于重庆市武隆县境 乌江北岸,交通便捷,全程 180公里,由重庆市区驾车1 小时半即可到达武隆县城。 仙女山是休闲旅游度假的最 佳去处。
Chongqing hot springs
• Chongqing hot springs is a world-class tourism resources, the world's only known as the spring of the Hungarian capital Budapest spa weight can be put on a par with Chongqing and. Chongqing hot springs development has always been for a long time. In 2005 the Chongqing municipal Party committee City Hall proposes to build Chongqing into a "hot spring". • 重庆温泉是一个世界级的 旅游资源,世界上只有被 誉为温泉之都的匈牙利首 都布达佩斯的温泉量可以 和重庆相提并论。重庆的 温泉开发历来已久。2005 年重庆市委市政府提出了 把重庆打造成“温泉之都”, 使温泉成为重庆的四张“城 市名片”之一。
Hot spring
Video on the edge of the ghost town
• Video on the edge of the ghost town is located in the southeast of sichuan basin, located in the Yangtze river upstream. Is the home of the seven. It is a surface water up to the mountain city, in the spring and autumn "BaZi don't have," he said it is from chongqing swim first along the Yangtze river three gorges tourism scenic spots. Legend has it that there is a home to return to the soul after death. • 丰都鬼城位于四川盆地东南 边缘,地处长江上游。是七 里的故乡。它是一 座依山面 水的古城,春秋时称“巴子 别都”,它是从重庆顺游长 江三峡的第一个旅游景区。 传说这里是人死后灵魂归宿 的地方。
The beauties of Chongqing

National Day drew near. What do you do ? Chongqing is a beautiful city, has many beautiful scenic spots, such as: Jinfo Mountain, the fairy mountain etc.. Today, our group will introduce the Chongqing beautiful scenery. May bring different journey for you.
• Location is the chongqing's first and only has the world natural heritage, national 5 a-class tourist scenic area, national scenic area, national forest park, national nature reserve, national natural heritage, the national popular science education base "seven top national crown". for its biodiversity characteristics and unique karst features, It is on the world natural heritage list. • 金佛山是重庆市最早且唯 一拥有世界自然遗产、国 家5A级旅游景区、国家级 风景名胜区、国家森林公 园、国家级自然保护区、 国家自然遗产、全国科普 教育基地“七顶国家级桂 冠”,以其生物多样性特 点和独特的喀斯特地貌特 征被列入世界自然遗产名 单。
The sea of forest, grassland, odd peaks, snow plain called the Fab Four
Sanqiao natural bridges, "an important part of the Wulong Karst" world natural heritage. The area has a long history, profound culture, and become Zhang Yimou's 2006 blockbuster movie "Curse of the Golden Flower" the only location. And in "Daddy where to go to" program be recorded.
Video on the edge of the ghost town
The Yangtze river three gorges
• The Yangtze river three gorges west fengjie treasure and ends at nanjinguan yichang in hubei province, the total length of 193 km. Threre are many mountain peakscliffs, from west to east of the qutang gorge, wu gorge, xiling on both sides along the vertical. Along the Yangtze river in chongqing, there are "underwater forest of steles" built, "the east township of the divine comedy" video ghost town, unique architectural style of the marvel. • 长江三峡西起奉节白帝城,东 至湖北宜昌南津关,全长193千 米。沿途两岸奇峰陡立、峭壁 对峙,自西向东依次为瞿塘峡、 巫峡、西陵峡。[1] • 长江沿线重庆境内,有“水下 碑林”白鹤梁,“东方神曲之 乡”丰都鬼城,建筑风格奇特 的石宝寨.