
小编精心收集了关于商场购物英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!关于商场购物英语对话1KELLY: Yes, I would like to place an order.DORIS: Alright, Ma'am. What items would you like to order today?KELLY: I have your catalog here.Do you want me to tell you the item numbers, or the names?DORIS: You may tell me both, Ma'am.KELLY: Alright. I want to order the satin sheets on page 34.DORIS: The Merriman satin sheets?KELLY: Yes, that's right.DORIS: And what size would you like?KELLY: I need one full set of sheets in King-size.DORIS: Alright, Ma'am. And what color did you want?KELLY: Ivory, please.DORIS: So that is product number MS3419. Size: King. Color: Ivory. Is that correct?KELLY: Yes, I think so. Can I ask you something?DORIS: Certainly.KELLY: I'm a foreigner here. My English isn't perfect. Can you tell me what satin is?DORIS: Satin is like silk, Ma'am. It feels like silk. But it's a different material.KELLY: I see. That's what I thought.DORIS: Anything else today?KELLY: No, I just need the sheets.DORIS: Alright. With shipping charges, your total will be 78 dollars and 95 cents.Will you be paying with credit?KELLY: Yes.DORIS: Visa, Master Card, or American Express.KELLY: Visa.DORIS: Card number?KELLY: 4923 5671 3622 9876.DORIS: Expiration date?KELLY: Zero nine, two-thousand-and-one.DORIS: Alright, Ma'am. I will run that charge for you.And then I will get your address in a moment.KELLY: Thank you.关于商场购物英语对话2SALESPERSON: May I help you, sir?SIMON: Yes, I want to buy a VCR.SALESPERSON: Well, we have many models to choose from here.Do you have a particular brand you want?SIMON: No. I only want it to be a very good one. The best.It's a graduation gift for my son.SALESPERSON: I see. And does your son have a VCR now?SIMON: Well, he uses our VCR at home.But he's going to university in the Fall, so he needs his own VCR.SALESPERSON: Does he watch a lot of movies?SIMON: Yes, he sure does.In fact, he wants to become a movie producer himself.He wants to study film at the university.SALESPERSON: I would like to make a suggestion then, sir.SIMON: Please do.SALESPERSON: If your son wants to study film,probably he will start to collect movies himself.SIMON: Yes, I know that. So I want him to have a good VCR to use.SALESPERSON: May I suggest you consider buying him a DVD player instead?SIMON: DVD? Isn't that like a CD?SALESPERSON: It is very similar. The technology is the same.SIMON: Why is a DVD better than a VCR?SALESPERSON: For one thing, sir, the quality of the image is usually better.That's because it's digital.SIMON: But isn't it more expensive?SALESPERSON: It is a little more expensive, sir.But there is one important advantage which your son might appreciate.SIMON: What's that?SALESPERSON: If your son starts to buy video tapes, he can't keep them very long.SIMON: And why not?SALESPERSON: Video tape breaks down after fifteen years.So if he collects a lot of tapes, after fifteen years they will all start to rot.SIMON: Hmm. Is that true?SALESPERSON: Yes, it is, sir.SIMON: Well. And what about DVDs?SALESPERSON: This is the excellent thing about DVDs.If your son starts to collect DVDs, they will last forever. Theywill never rot.SIMON: Hmm. He might really appreciate that.I know he will start to collect movies at school. Especially if he studies film.SALESPERSON: So let me show you some of our DVD players.In my opinion, DVD is the wave of the future.SIMON: Alright, please show me what you have.关于商场购物英语对话3SALESWOMAN: How can I help you?IRENE: Yes, I would like to look at some of your products.SALESWOMAN: Did you have anything specific in mind?IRENE: Well, to be honest, I mostly use Sarah Winter products now.But I'm not happy with them. So I would like to change companies.SALESWOMAN: Well, you made a good choice. Coming to us, I mean.We have a full range of products from cosmetics to skin cleansers and moisturizers.IRENE: What do you have in foundation?SALESWOMAN: Our foundation is very high quality. Only the finest ingredients.It will moisturize your skin and it has a sun block rating of 8.IRENE: What colors do you have in foundation?SALESWOMAN: Let me show you.We have this rose color. We also have different shades of beige.IRENE: The color I use now is rose.How much does this rose foundation cost? The 100ml bottle.SALESWOMAN: In this size, we sell it for 53.95.IRENE: Wow! That's expensive.SALESWOMAN: What you're paying for, Ma'am, are the ingredients.It is a very high quality product.IRENE: I understand. I need some mascara too.Do you have a good thickening mascara?SALESWOMAN: Of course. Here is our thickening mascara.We also have mascara designed to lengthen the eyelashes.IRENE: Alright. And I want to consider your eye shadow too.Do you have a color chart I can look at?SALESWOMAN: We have a very wide selection of colors.And our eye shadow is specially designed to moisturize the skin.So it is very gentle on your eyelids. Would you like to sample some?IRENE: Oh, sure. I will need to clean off my own eye shadow first.SALESWOMAN: I can help you with that.IRENE: Thank you.。

店铺整理了商店购物买衣服的英语对话,欢迎阅读!商店购物买衣服的英语对话一A:I would like to exchange this dress.B:You can exchange this dress with anything of the same value.A:Is there anything on sale today?B:I'm sorry. There are no sales today.A:Are dresses going to be on sale?B:Everything's going to be on sale next weekend.A:That's great. I'll wait. See you next weekend.B:Okay. I'll see you then.商店购物买衣服的英语对话二A:Hey! What are you doing here?B:I'm just shopping.A:What are you shopping for?B:Some new clothes. How about you?A:Same here.B:Have you found anything nice yet?A:I found a few pairs of pants.B:Where'd you get those?A:I found them at JC Pennies.B:Those are really cute.A:Do you want me to show you where I found them?B:I would like that. Thank you.商店购物买衣服的英语对话三A:I want to go try on these clothes.B:What did you find?A:I found some jeans, and a new blouse.B:Go and try it on.A:What do you think?B:I love that shirt on you.A:What about the jeans?B:They don't really fit you right.A:I don't think so either.B:That blouse is absolutely wonderful on you though.A:Well, I'll just buy the shirt.B:That would be a good idea.商店购物买衣服的英语对话四A:May I help you, sir?先生,您要买什么吗?B:I'd like to buy a shirt.我想买一件衬衫。

小编整理了关于商场购物的简单英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于商场购物的简单英语对话一A:Can I help you, Miss?小姐,需要点什么?B:I would like to order 2 office-style cabinets and desk calendars. We want office-style cabinets in white. The catalogue number is 90-f-2356.我要订购两个办公柜和两份台历。
A:How soon do you want it?你要多快送到?B:Could you deliver it tomorrow?你能不能明天送到?A:No problem.没问题。
B:Please handle the items carefully.请小心运送货品。
B:We will pay by collect on delivery.货到时我们付款。
关于商场购物的简单英语对话二A:Im looking for a necklace for my girl friend as a birthday present.我正在找一条项链,要送给我女朋友作生日礼物。
B:Youve come to the right store. Weve got a beautiful and wide selection of necklaces for you to choose from.您来对地方了。
A:I like that one over there. Can you show it to me?我很喜欢那边那条,你能拿给我看看吗?B:Do you mean the exquisite golden necklace?您是说那条精美的金项链?A:Exactly. How much do you want for it?正是。

【导语】英语已经成为⼀种多国、多⽂化, 多功能的国际语⾔。
以下是由整理的关于商场购物的英语⼝语对话,希望对你们有帮助!【篇⼀】关于商场购物的英语⼝语对话 A:What can I do for you? 能为您做点什么吗? B:I wish to buy a diamond ring. 我要买⼀只钻⽯戒指。
A:How many carats diamond do you want? 您要⼏克拉的? B:Two carats. 2克拉的。
A:Is this one suit for you? 这只适合您戴吗? B:No, it seems too old-fashioned. 不,我觉得似乎太⽼式了。
A:What about this? 这只如何? B:Let me try it on, it's too small for me, haven't you got any larger ones? 让我戴戴看,太⼩了,有稍⼤点的吗? A:Yes,try this one please. 有,试试这只。
B:This fits me well, how much is it? 这只很合适,多少钱? A:3,500 yuan. 3 500元。
B:It's reasonable. Here you are. 很合理。
【篇⼆】逛商场和购物中⼼时的英语⼝语对话 逛商店: A: That dress is too expensive. B: But it’s so pretty. A: Yes, it is pretty, but it costs $200. What about this one? It’s almost the same, but it costs half as much. B: It’s not the same. It’s completely different. A: It’s just a little shorter. B: I really like this one. A: Well, it’s your money. You can spend it however you want. Do you really think it’s pretty? B: Yeah. It’s pretty. A: 这⾐服真贵。

小编整理了有关商场买东西英语对话,欢迎阅读!有关商场买东西英语对话一Salesperson:What can I do for you, Maam?女士,有什么能效劳的吗?Shirley:I want to buy a cell phone for my daughter.我想给我的女儿买一个手机。
Salesperson:How old is she?她多大了?Shirley:She is 17. Its for her birthday.她17岁了。
Salesperson:We have a new-fashioned cell phone especially designed for young girls. The brand name is Nokia.我们有一款专门为年轻女孩设计的新款手机,是诺基亚的。
Shirley:Thanks, but I want to have a look at the Motorolas products.谢谢,但是我想看看摩托罗拉的产品。
Salesperson:Sure. This is the one I will not hesitate to recommend. Its color and style is so attractive and also the quality is really reliable.好的。
Shirley:Sounds perfect. Ill take the pink one. Can you pack it for me?听起来很不错。
你能为我包装一下吗?Salesperson:Sure. By the way, here are some free adornments. Would you like one?当然可以。

店铺整理了关于商店购物英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于商店购物英语对话一A:Here is the fish counter. Look at the lobsters and crabs. Shall we have some?这是鱼类柜台,看这些龙虾、螃蟹,要买吗?B:I'm allergic to these things, you know.我吃这些东西过敏,你是知道的。
A:Sorry,I forgot. I don’t like seafood, neither.对不起,我忘了。
B:Let’s go over there and get some milk, a couple dozen eggs and some orange juice.我们到那儿去拿些牛奶、两打鸡蛋和橘子汁吧。
A:Let's get frozen juice. It is really good. We’ve got enough food. Let’s go over to the check-out stand.买冰冻橘子汁吧,很好喝的。
B:OK. But just let me pick up a bottle of cooking wine and oil as we go by.好的。
关于商店购物英语对话二A:Could you show me where the ice cream is located?你可以告诉我冰淇淋放在哪儿吗?B:Just go to the end of the store. And it will be on your right. We have all the ice creams and frozen foods back there in the freezers.只要走到店的最后面,冰淇淋就在你的右边。

对话1:在商店购物A: Excuse me, where can I find the T-shirts?B: They are on the second floor, in the clothing section.A: Thank you. And do you have these in a smaller size?B: Yes, we have various sizes. Which color and size would you like?A: I want a red one in size small, please.B: Sure, let me check in the storeroom for you.A: Thank you so much!对话2:试穿衣服A: Excuse me, can I try on this dress?B: Of course, the fitting rooms are just over there.A: Thank you. Do you have this dress in a smaller size?B: I'm sorry, but this is the smallest size we have.A: Alright. I'll try it on anyway.对话3:询问价格和优惠信息A: Excuse me, how much is this bag?B: It's $50.A: Is there any discount or promotion going on?B: Yes, we have a 20% discount for all bags today.A: That sounds great! I'll take it.对话4:在线购物A: Hi, I'm interested in this laptop. Can you tell me more about it? B: Yes, it's a brand new model with high-performance features.A: How much does it cost?B: It's $1200, but we have a special offer this week for $1000.A: That's a good deal. Can you ship it to my address?B: Sure, we provide worldwide shipping. Please provide your address.对话5:结账A: Excuse me, where can I pay for these items?B: You can pay at the cashier over there.A: Alright. Can I pay with a credit card?B: Yes, we accept all major credit cards.A: Great. Here is my card.对话6:退换货A: Hi, I bought this shirt yesterday but it doesn't fit me well. Can I return it?B: Of course, as long as you have the receipt and the tags are still attached.A: Yes, here is the receipt and the tags are still intact.B: Alright, would you like to exchange it for another item or get a refund?A: I'll exchange it for a larger size, please.无论在实体店还是网购,购物对话都是非常常见的,掌握这些基本对话技巧能够提高购物的效率和顺利完成购物过程。

商场购物英语情景对话大全商场购物英语情景对话一A:Can I help you我可以帮你吗B:Yes, I need to buy a computer for this semester.I was told it is cheaper to buy computers here.是的,这学期我需要买一台电脑,人家告诉我这里的电脑比较便宜。
A:Well, you heard right. You can get an excellent deal on a new computer here. We have great discountsfor students.的确,你听说的没错。
B:I dont know much about computers. But I know I want a desktop computer with a lot of memory. And I need a printer.我对电脑了解不多,但是我知道我想要一台有很大内存的台式电脑,而且我还要一台打印机。
A:Well, first lets consider your computer. Here, for example, is a system I highly recommend-the Power Macintosh G3. it comes with 64 megabytes of total memory.好的,我们先考虑你要的电脑。
B:Is that a lot Sixty-four那很大吗六十四A:Yes, it is. It should be enough for any student needs you might have. What department are you in 是的,对任何学生的需求应该是足够了。

商场购物英语对话商场购物英语对话一C: Excuse me, I d like to buy a guitar. Could you recommend one?顾客:对不起,我想买把吉他,你可以推荐一把吗?S: Sure. Do you want an acoustic one or an electric one?店员:当然,您想要买木吉他还是电吉他?C: An acoustic one.顾客:木吉他。
S: Are you looking to get a steel-string or a classical?店员:您想找一把钢弦的还是古典的呢?C: What s the difference?顾客:有什么差别呢?S: Well, a classical guitar has nylon strings and its neck is bigger than a steel-string guitar s. It s best suited for finger picking.A steel-string is best for playing chords.(to be continued)店员:嗯,古典吉他用尼龙弦,而且琴把比钢弦的吉他大,它最适合拨弦。
商场购物英语对话二C: I m mainly interested in learning to play rhythmguitar.顾客:我主要想学弹民谣吉他。
S: In that case, I d suggest a steel-string guitar.The best one we have is the Ovation.店员:那样的话,我建议买钢弦吉他,我们最好的是Ovation。
C: This one s a little too expensive for me. I d prefer something cheaper for now. When I velearned to play, I might get a better one.顾客:这对我而言太贵了一点,目前我想买便宜一点的,等我学会后可能会买一把比较好的。

商场购物的英语口语对话【篇一】商场购物的英语口语对话A:Can I help you, Miss?小姐,需要点什么?B:I would like to order 2 office-style cabinets and desk calendars. We want office-style cabinets in white. The catalogue number is 90-f-2356.我要订购两个办公柜和两份台历。
A:How soon do you want it?你要多快送到?B:Could you deliver it tomorrow?你能不能明天送到?A:No problem.没问题。
B:Please handle the items carefully.请小心运送货品。
B:We will pay by collect on delivery.货到时我们付款。
【篇二】商场购物的英语口语对话Lucy: Let's go to that store. You said you were interested with buying a pair of flat shoes.我们去那家鞋店,你说你想买一双平底鞋!Jessica: Right!What about you? Any plan?是的,你呢?啥计划?Lucy: No plan, but I am looking for a pair of over-the-knee boots. It seems hard for me to pick a fit one.没计划啊,不过想看一双过膝靴,不过不好挑合适的。
Jessica:Black boots are going well with any color of your dress or coat. You need to try them on;then, you will know what kind of boots are fit for you.黑色的靴子是百搭!你得试, 才能知道哪种类型的靴子合适你穿。

【篇一】商场购物的英语口语对话A:Can I help you, Miss?小姐,需要点什么?B:I would like to order 2 office-style cabinets and desk calendars. We want office-style cabinets in white. The catalogue number is 90-f-2356.我要订购两个办公柜和两份台历。
A:How soon do you want it?你要多快送到?B:Could you deliver it tomorrow?你能不能明天送到?A:No problem.没问题。
B:Please handle the items carefully.请小心运送货品。
B:We will pay by collect on delivery.货到时我们付款。
【篇二】商场购物的英语口语对话Lucy: Let's go to that store. You said you were interested with buying a pair of flat shoes.我们去那家鞋店,你说你想买一双平底鞋!Jessica: Right!What about you? Any plan?是的,你呢?啥计划?Lucy: No plan, but I am looking for a pair of over-the-knee boots. It seems hard for me to pick a fit one.没计划啊,不过想看一双过膝靴,不过不好挑合适的。
Jessica:Black boots are going well with any color of your dress or coat. You need to try them on;then, you will know what kind of boots are fit for you.黑色的靴子是百搭!你得试, 才能知道哪种类型的靴子合适你穿。

商店买东西英语情景对话A: Do I have to deposit my handbag at the checkroom?我需要把包寄存在寄存处吗?B: No, you do not have to. The handbag can be taken with you. There is the cart atthe entrance.不,不用。
入口有手推车A: Thank you. I'd tike to buy some milk powder for my baby. ls there anything thatyou can recommend for me?谢谢。
我想给宝宝买点奶粉,能给我推荐一下吗?B: Well, how old is your baby?嗯,您的宝宝多大?A: No more than three不到3岁B: The milk powder on the second level of the shelf is for the kids from 2 ages to 4ages. l advice that you should buy the Wyeth brand, the source of milk is imported from New Zealand.货架第二层的这些奶粉适合两岁到四岁的孩子。
A: How about its quality?B: You can be assured of it, There are various nutritions which are beneficia for thegrowth of babies' bone and cerebrum.您放心,这里面含有多种营养元素,对于宝宝的骨骼和大脑发育很有好处。
A: OK, what is this?好的,这是什么?B : It is feeding-bottle as the free gift.这是奶瓶,免费赠送的。

店铺整理了关于商场购物的英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于商场购物的英语对话一A: Could you tell me how much it is?(您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?)B: In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.(500美元左右。
)A: That’s way too much money.(价格太贵了。
)B: We can make dow by model.(我们可以根据型号给予优惠。
) A: We have to ask for another price reduction.(再给我们优惠点儿吧。
)B: You can fourget about another cut.(不能再降价了。
)A: How much are you asking for this?(这个多少钱?)B: I’m offering them to you at 10 Euro a piece. Is that all right?(每件10欧元,您看怎么样?)A: Is tax already included in ther price?(这个价位含税吗?)B: Yes. Our price can’t be matched.(是的。
)A: Would you consider a volume discount?(批量购进可以再优惠吗?)B: If you buy 1000 or more, you’ll get a 10% discount.(如果您能购进1000件以上我们就可以优惠10%。
)A: I’ll accept your offer.(好的,我接受。
)关于商场购物的英语对话二贝蒂: Here, take one of these trolleys. What do you want exactly?这儿.来推一辆手推车.你都想买些什么啊?琼: I`m looking for things to stuff dumplings and spring rollswith; I also need some soy sauce and vinegar. Oh, and some lichens or honeydew melon.我想买一些水饺和春卷馅.还想买酱和醋.哦.回去路上还想买点儿荔枝和蜜瓜.贝蒂: The fruit and vegetables are over there.蔬菜和水果在那边.琼: Capsicums, eggplants, coconuts, pineapples? They do have everything! Look at the price for these bean sprouts-65 pence a pound. Now, that is expensive.辣椒.茄子.椰子.菠萝--这里的东西很全阿!看看这些豆芽的价格-每磅要65美分.这太贵了.贝蒂: You`d probably get them cheaper in Sohu. But that`s a long way to go just to buy vegetables.如果你去Sohu的话可能会便宜一些.但只是为了买蔬菜要跑很远.琼: Where do I pay?在哪儿付钱?贝蒂: Just put what you want in the trolley. We pay at the checkout. What else do you need?只需把你想要的放在车里就行了.在外面的收银台结账.你还需要什么?琼: Over there.那边看看.关于商场购物的英语对话三May:What sort of shopping is nearby, Mr. Taylor?泰勒先生,附近有什么购物中心?John:Call me John. This is a great area of the city for shopping. There’s a grocery store just around the corner.叫我约翰吧。

购物英语情景对话(7篇)购物英语情景对话篇1A:I want a pair of sports shoes, Adidas.A:我想买双运动鞋,要阿迪达斯的。
B:What size do you want?B:您要多大的?A:I wear size 40.A:我穿40号的。
B:How about this one? Ifs the latest design.B:这种怎么样?是最新式。
A:Oh. I like the color.A:噢,我喜爱这种颜色。
购物英语情景对话篇2A:Good morning, sir.Can I help you?A:早晨好,先生。
您买什么?B:Im looking for a Citizen for my wifes birthday. B:妻子过生日,我要买一块西铁城表送给她。
A: Oh,we have many kinds. Do you like this design? A:噢,我们有许多种。
你喜爱这种式样吗?B: Oh,its beautiful.B:哟。
购物英语情景对话篇3A:Excuse me, please show me that business suit, the dark one.A:麻烦您拿那套商务装,黑色的那套给我看看。
A:May I try it.A:我可以试一试吗?B:Go ahead.B:当然,试吧。
购物英语情景对话篇4The customer has found a pair of shoes she likes.顾客找到了一双她喜爱的鞋子。
C: Ill try one of these on. ( The customer tries one of the shoes on. ) Its too big. It slides up and down my heel when I walk around.顾客:我要试穿其中的一只鞋看看。

去商店买东西的英语对话如今没有一口流利的英语,了解一些简单的日常英语对话技巧也是很有必要的!今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些去商店买东西的英语对话,希望这些英语对话会对大家有所帮助!去商店买东西的英语对话篇一A:Can I help you?需要我帮忙吗?B:Could you show me the coat on the shelf?你能把架子上的那件外套拿给我看看吗?A:Sure. Please come this way.那当然。
B:May I try it on?可以试一下吗?A:Of course. Here is the fitting room.试吧。
B:It doesn't fit quite right. It feels a little tight in the waist. Do you have this in a larger size?不怎么合身。
有肥一点儿的吗?A:Yes, here it is.有的,在这儿。
B:Well, how do I look in this one?你看我穿这件怎么样?A:You look really beautiful in it.很漂亮。
B:OK. I'll take it.那好。
去商店买东西的英语对话篇二A:Can I help you?您要买什么?B:I want a leather jacket.我想买件皮夹克。
A:What size, please?请问多大号的?B:Size 40.40号的。
A:What color would you prefer?您喜欢什么颜色?B:Let me see. Do you think a brown one will do?让我想想。
您认为褐色的可以吗?A:Well, the brown one is beautiful indeed, but I think the black one will suit you better.嗯,褐色的当然很漂亮,但我想黑色的更适合您。

商场购物英语情景对话场景:在商场购物对话1:A: Hi, welcome to our store! Can I help you find anything?B: Yes, I'm looking for a new pair of jeans.A: Sure, we have a wide selection of jeans. What size are you?B: I'm a size 28. Do you have any slim fit jeans?A: Yes, we do. Let me show you our collection. Here are some options.B: Thank you. Can I try them on?A: Of course, the fitting rooms are right over there. Let me know if you need any assistance.B: Great, I'll try them on and let you know if I need a different size.对话2:A: Excuse me, where can I find the cosmetics section?B: It's on the second floor of the mall. Just take the escalator over there.A: Thank you. Is there a specific store you recommend?B: You can try the department store. They have a wide variety of brands.A: Alright, I'll head over there. Thanks for your help!B: No problem. Enjoy your shopping!对话3:A: Hi, I'm looking for a gift for my sister's birthday. Any recommendations?B: What are her interests or hobbies?A: She loves reading and cooking.B: How about a new cookbook or a set of cooking utensils? We have a great selection.A: That's a great idea! Where can I find them?B: They are located in the home and kitchen department on the first floor.A: Thank you so much for your help!B: You're welcome. I hope your sister likes it!。

商场购物英语对话商场购物英语对话一saleswoman:may i help you find something, or are you just looking? 要我帮您挑选点什么还是您自己先看看?jerry:i’m just looking.我就看一看。
saleswoman:then. take your time, please.那请您慢慢看。
jerry:thank you.谢谢。
商场购物英语对话二tom:would you give me some fruits? how much are these oranges? 能给我一些水果吗?这些桔子要多少钱?saleswoman:seventy cents a piece.一个7 角。
tom:how about this one?这个怎样?saleswoman:sixty cents a piece.6 角一个。
tom:well, i’ll take five of the seventy cent ones, and are those grapefruits sweet?哦,我要5 个7 角的,另外这些葡萄柚甜吗?saleswoman:sure! they are very fresh, first of all. we sell at a bargain, and you make a wise purchase if you buy them today. eightycents only, a piece.tom:当然甜!最重要的是新鲜。
我们便宜卖,如果你今天买就很划算,一个只要8 角钱。
i follow you and i’ll take three just for my trial.saleswoman:我懂你的意思,我买3 个试试。
thank you very much and anything else?tom:非常谢谢你,还要其他东西吗?that’s all. thank you.商场购物英语对话三saleswoman:what can i do for you?我可以为您效劳吗?tom:do you have any blue shirts?你们有没有蓝色的衬衫?saleswoman:yes. what’s your size?有的。
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Hi, do you guys make special order cakes?
We do. First, you should choose a cake you like, tell us what you want written on it, and then we ll see if it s possible.
I want something that doesn t have chocolate. . .maybe vanilla cr me and fruit?
Is this for a party or. . . ?
Yeah, it s for a big party.
This cake serves 20 and has strawberries inside.
That s just what I need.
I want to buy some books at Books Plaza.
That s too much trouble. You can buy them on the internet and they ll be cheaper.
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They ll deliver the books to your home for free and if there is any problem you can return them.
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Let s use my account. Open the homepage of this website, search for the title of a book and then you can see the search results.
I d like to buy these two books.
OK, just click the buy buttons below them. Now I ll place the order.
Alright. I ll register an account for myself and next time buy using my account.
Hello, I want to buy a new pair of lenses for my glasses.
OK, let me see your frame.
Here you are. My degree of nearsightedness is -4.0.
You should buy this brand. The lens match the frame and it s made of wear-resistant resin.
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800 yuan a pair.
Ok, I ll take it.