英语情景对话 购物篇

谈论购物的情景英语口语对话1Anna: Hi Masahiro! How's it going?Masahiro: Fine, I guess. How about you?Anna: Busy. Guess who's coming our way?Will: Hi guys! What's up?Anna: Nothing much. We just ran into each other.Will: That's nice. So Masahiro, how's the coffee maker working?Masahiro: Actually, it doesn't work well. It was a waste of money. I guess I should have shopped around for a good one.Anna: Why don't you take it back?Masahiro: I'd like to, but I've misplaced the receipt.Will: Well, if it's any consolation, my shopping wasn't all that great either. I wish I'd never bought Stephanie a necklace. Just last night she was telling me how she wished she had Liz Taylor's new perfume.Anna: That makes three displeased shoppers. Guess what? The camera I bought and shipped to Mike just this morning is now on sale! It's a pity that I bought it then. Then again, I guess I shouldn't complain. It was a good buy, even though I didn't get the best deal on it. Anyway, Masahiro, I suggest you look for that receipt and just go to the Complaints Department and say "I'd like to exchange this, please." It's as simple as that. And Will, it's not too late for you to ask for a refund.谈论购物的情景英语口语对话21. I regret buying. . . is a very frequently employed shopping-related expression used to refer to purchases a shopper is not happy with.2. Why don't you take it back? is a commonly asked question that usually serves as a suggestive response to a shopper's complaint about a purchase. By asking this question, the speaker urges the hearer to return the item s/he is clearly not satisfied with.3. I wish I'd never bought . . . is another commonly used expression of complaint.4. A good buy is used to refer to a purchase that the shopper is very pleased with--usually a great/discount deal.5. The best deal refers to the cheapest and most satisfying purchase price.6. The Complaints Department, as the name suggests, is the section of the store that takes Customer complaints and grants requests for refunds, requests to exchange items, and so on.7. A refund simply refers to the money paid for an item returned to a store. This money is given back to the shopper.谈论购物的情景英语口语对话3Denny:Wow! They've got everything here. All the world's famous brands. Aunt Cindy, what is your favorite brand?哇,这里什么都有啊,国际名牌齐全。

关于购物简单英语情景对话一A:Seriously, I dont know why we need to get a new TV.B:Honey I told you already. I cant appreciate the graphics level and detail of the games on my Playstation 3 on our old TV.C:Good afternoon folks! How can I be of service todayB:Im looking to upgrade to a newer, bigger television set.A:Just a normal sized TV for our living room.B:This is exactly what I need! Can you imagine watching movies or playing video games on this thingA:Honey, I think its a bit too big. I dont even think it will fit in our living room.B:This is great! How much will this set me backC:Lucky for you, this is the last one we have in stock so its half off!B:Ill take it!关于购物简单英语情景对话二A:Hello, maam, can I help you find something女士,您好,想买些什么B:Yes, actually Im looking to buy a camera.事实上我想买个照相机。
A:Weve got a wide selection do you know if youd like a point-and-shoot, or something a little fancier Are you shopping for yourself or for someone else。

商场购物英语情景对话大全即使没有一口流利的英语,了解一些简单的日常英语对话技巧也是很有必要的!今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些商场购物英语情景对话,希望这些英语对话会对大家有所帮助!商场购物英语情景对话一A:Can I help you?我可以帮你吗?B:Yes, I need to buy a computer for this semester. I was told it is cheaper to buy computers here.是的,这学期我需要买一台电脑,人家告诉我这里的电脑比较便宜。
A:Well, you heard right. You can get an excellent deal on a new computer here. We have great discounts for students.的确,你听说的没错。
B:I don't know much about computers. But I know I want a desktop computer with a lot of memory. And I need a printer.我对电脑了解不多,但是我知道我想要一台有很大内存的台式电脑,而且我还要一台打印机。
A:Well, first let's consider your computer. Here, for example, is a system I highly recommend-the Power Macintosh G3. it comes with 64 megabytes of total memory.好的,我们先考虑你要的电脑。
B:Is that a lot? Sixty-four?那很大吗?六十四?A:Yes, it is. It should be enough for any student needs you might have. What department are you in?是的,对任何学生的需求应该是足够了。

今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些简单购物英语情景对话,希望这些英语对话会对大家有所帮助!简单购物英语情景对话一A:Lucy, where are you going?露西,你去哪儿?B:I want to go to the supermarket.我想去超级市场。
A:Wait a few minutes and I'll go there with you.请等一下,我和你一道去。
B:Let's get a shopping cart.我们去拿一辆手推车吧。
A:Good ideaA好主意。
B:What are you going to buy?你要买什么?A:Let's check out the fruit section first.我们先去看看水果吧。
B:OK. I'd like some oranges. But they don't look quite ripe yet.好的。
A:Look, nice fresh cherries! They are ripe and soft. I'll take some.你看,多棒多新鲜的樱桃!又熟又软。
B:I'll take some, too.我也买一些吧。
A:Let's go to the snacks section. I want some chocolate and sweets.我们去看看零食吧。
B:OK. I'll go and buy some cakes.好的。
A:Do you want to buy something else?你还要买什么吗?B:No. Let's go over to the check-out stand.不买了。

整理了关于购物英语的情景对话,欢迎阅读!关于购物英语的情景对话一Tom:Hello, I want to buy some fish and a bowl.你好,我想买些鱼和一个鱼缸。
Linda:Then buy this kind. It is beautiful and very easy to breed.买这种鱼吧。
Tom:Yes, really beautiful. I want five of these, please.确实很漂亮。
Linda:Okay, this kind is really popular.好的,现在确实挺时兴养这种鱼的。
Tom:How often do I need to change the water? And do you have any tips on how to feed them?多久换一次水?您有什么养鱼的诀窍吗?Linda:Water needs to be changed every other day. Put it in a place that receives sunlight and feed them every two days.水隔天一换。
关于购物英语的情景对话二Tom:Are you ready to go shopping?可以去买东西了吗?Linda:Just a few minutes. I need to make a list of the things that we need.等一会儿。
Tom:Good idea. Have you written down tea, eggs and onions?好主意。

小编精心收集了有关于购物英语情景对话,供大家欣赏学习!有关于购物英语情景对话篇1A:What can I do for you?我可以为您效劳吗?B:Do you have any blue shirts?你们有没有蓝色的衬衫?A:Yes. What's your size?有的。
您穿多大码的?B:I'm not familiar with American size.我不熟悉美国人的尺寸。
A:All right. Let me see. I think you'd wear a size 8. This shirt is size 8.好的,我想想看。
B:It's pretty. May I try it on?真漂亮。
我可以试穿吗?A:Sure. The fitting room is over there.当然。
B:Thank you.谢谢。
有关于购物英语情景对话篇2A:I bought a stepping machine last week. You know, I'm too fat.上个礼拜我买了一台跑步机。
B:But you don't have running shoes.但你没有跑鞋。
A:That's why I asked you out.这就是我找你出来的原因了。
B:Which brand do you prefer?你喜欢什么牌子的?A:I've no idea.我不知道。
B:What about Nike? It's a famous brand. My brother bought a pair of Nike shoes and he does jogging every morning.耐克怎么样?那是个著名品牌。

下面店铺为大家带来有关购物英语情景对话,欢迎大家学习!购物英语情景对话1:Man:Thanks for coming shopping with me.谢谢你陪我来逛街。
Woman:I'm so honored that you thought to ask me.你找我来才让我受宠若惊呢。
Man:I've never given a speech in front of a thousand people before.我从来没有在上千人面前演讲过。
Woman:You're going to do great. And you're going to look great.你的表现一定会很棒的,你看起来就很棒。
Man:Thanks. Now let's decide which one of these suits looks best for this occasion.谢谢,现在让我们来决定哪套西装最适合这个场台。
Woman:I still like the olive one best. There's a tailor here who can take up the sleeves for you.我还是觉得那套橄榄绿的西装最棒,这里有裁缝师可以帮你改袖子。
Man:The question is, can he have it done before Friday.问题是,不知道星期五前能不能完成。
Woman:These guys are professional. I think they can have it done tomorrow. Let's ask.这些人是专家,我想他们明天就能搞定,问问看吧。

店铺整理了关于购物英语情景对话,欢迎阅读!关于购物英语情景对话一店员: Can I help you?需要帮忙吗?客人: I''d like to buy some Chinese cakes.我想买些中式点心.店员: We have cream birthday cakes.ten yuan each. Do you like it?我们有奶油生日蛋糕.十元一个.你要来点吗?客人: Fine. Give me a cream birthday cake and two boxes of famous Chinese cakes.and help me to pick a variety of them.please.好的.给我一个奶油生日蛋糕和两盒有名的中式糕点.请帮我多选点品种.店员: All right. For Chinese style cakes.we have the Cantonese style and the Suzhou style. The skin of the Cantonese style cakes is sweet.soft.puffy palatable and filled with heavy stuffing. The famous Cantonese cakes are moon cakes from Guangdong. Sha-pi-ma..好的.中式糕点我们有广东糕点和苏州糕点.广式糕点的特点是甜.软.蓬松可口又很多馅儿.最出名的广式糕点是萨其玛.苏州糕点的皮酥馅儿全是坚果.我们不仅有甜的月饼.还有肉的月饼.客人: Well.will you wrap them up separately?好的.你能给我分开装吗?店员: Certainly. Any thing else?当然.还需要点什么吗?客人: Nothing more. How much altogether?没有了.一共多少钱?店员: Nineteen yuan and forty-five fen.块4毛5.客人: Here are two ten-yuan notes. Keep the change.给你两张10块的.不用找了.店员: For me?Oh.no. We don''t accept tips. But thank you all the same.给我?哦.不.我们不收小费.不过还是谢谢您.客人: O. K. . Good-bye.好的.再见!店员: Good-bye.再见.关于购物英语情景对话二逛街购物买衬衫JOY: Why don't we get you some shirts?LOUIS: I want to leave. We've already been here two hours.JOY: But we should get you some shirts while we're here. You need summer shirts.LOUIS: I would rather buy them somewhere else.JOY: Why? They have everything here.LOUIS: I don't like shopping in malls.I like shopping on the street. There is more variety.JOY: Let's just look and see what they have.LOUIS: Alright.JOY: What about these shirts? Do you see anything you like?LOUIS: The styles here are too boring for me. I told you. I like street shopping.JOY: Oh, come on! Don't be so sour. These are beautiful shirts.I know if we don't buy some today, you will never goshopping by yourself.LOUIS: Sure I would.JOY: Here. Look at this shirt. Try it on.LOUIS: Do they have it in LARGE.JOY: I don't know. Let me look on the rack. Here is one. LARGE. Try it on.LOUIS: Where is the fitting room? I don't see it.JOY: The fitting rooms are over there.LOUIS: Okay, I will try it on.JOY: It looks good on you.LOUIS: I look like a nerd.JOY: No, it looks great.Why are you always like this when you're shopping? You know it looks good.LOUIS: Well, I don't think it's the best style for me.JOY: I think we'll buy this one. And I want you to try on this one too.LOUIS: Alright. Alright.JOY: You should be happy I want you to look good.If I let you shop for yourself, you would never buy anything.LOUIS: Yes, maybe. But I like street shopping. There is more variety.I'm sorry. I just don't like malls.乔伊:给你买一些衬衫吧。

购物常用的英语口语情景对话【购物常用的英语口语情景对话】A: Good morning! What can I do for you? 早上好!有什么我能够为您做的吗?B: Just looking.我仅仅看看。
A: OK! Go ahead .好的,请随便看。
A: Good afternoon! May I help you?下午好,我能够帮到你吗?B: Do you have diamond ring?你们有钻石戒指吗?A: Yes, we have.是的,我们有。
A: Please show me this one!请把这个拿给我看一下。
B: Ok, here you are.好的,给您。
A: How much?多少钱?B: 2000.2000元A: It's too expensive. Do you have discount? 这太贵了,你们有打折吗?B: 20% off.八折。
A: Can you come down a bit?能够再便宜一点吗?B: Sorry! We have only one price.抱歉,我们是不讲价的。
A: How about this one? Do you like it?这个怎么样?你喜欢吗?B: Ok, Take it.好的,我买了。
A: Cash or card?现金还是刷卡?B: International Credit Card.国际信用卡。
A: Do you have passport?你带护照了吗?B: Yes. Where do I pay?是的,我在哪儿付钱?A: This way please.请这边走。
【两人购物的英语口语对话】A:Do I have to deposit my handbag at the checkroom?我需要把包寄存有寄存处吗?B:No, you do not have to. The handbag can be taken with you. There is the cart at the entrance.不,不用。

购物对话英语情景对话情景一:在商场购物A: 早上好,您好!有什么我可以帮到您的吗?B: 早上好!我想买一件适合夏天穿的衬衫。
A: 好的,请问您喜欢什么颜色和款式的衬衫?B: 我喜欢浅蓝色的,最好是宽松的款式。
A: 好的,我给您找一下。
B: 谢谢您。
A: 这是我们最新到货的一款浅蓝色衬衫,您看看如何?B: 嗯,这个颜色和款式都很合适。
A: 请随便在试衣间里试穿,如果合适的话,您可以拿下来。
B: 好的,谢谢。
(几分钟后)B: 这件衬衫的尺码和质量都很适合我,我要买这件。
A: 好的,我给您结账。
B: 我还想看看其他款式的衣服,可以吗?A: 当然可以,我带您去我们的其他衣服区。
B: 谢谢您的帮助。
情景二:在超市购物A: 下午好!欢迎光临我们的超市。
B: 下午好!我需要购买一些食品和洗护用品。
A: 非常好!这些商品都在超市的右手边,您可以自由选择。
B: 谢谢。
A: 牛奶在冷藏柜的最底层,面包在面包区的架子上,鸡蛋在冷藏柜的旁边。
B: 好的,我去找一下。
(几分钟后)B: 我找到了需要的食品。
A: 洗发水和沐浴露在洗护用品区的最上层。
B: 谢谢。
A: 如果您还有其他需要的商品,随时告诉我。
B: 好的,谢谢。
(几分钟后)B: 我找到了所有的商品。
A: 好的,请跟我来到收银台。
B: 谢谢您的帮助。
情景三:在市场购物A: 您好!您需要买些什么?B: 早上好!我想买一些新鲜的水果和蔬菜。
A: 好的,请跟我来。
B: 谢谢。
A: 苹果和橙子在水果区的左侧,胡萝卜在蔬菜区的中间。
B: 好的,我去找一下。
(几分钟后)B: 我找到了需要的水果和蔬菜。
A: 鸡蛋在禽蛋区的右手边。
B: 谢谢。
A: 如果您还需要其他商品,请告诉我。
B: 好的,谢谢。

购物英语情景对话口语近年来,随着我国城市居民人均可支配收入的提高,许多城市的购物中心(SHOPPING MALL)迅猛发展,成为我国商业领域崭新的一种购物模式,富含鲜明的时代气息和消费特色。
小编精心收集了购物英语情景对话口语,供大家欣赏学习!购物英语情景对话口语1Lily:Hello, I want to buy a new pair of lenses for my glasses.您好,我想买副新镜片。
John:OK, let me see your frame.好,我看看您的镜架。
Lily:Here you are. My degree of nearsightedness is -4.0.给。
John:You should buy this brand. The lens match the frame and it's made of wear-resistant resin.那买这个牌子吧。
Lily:How much?多少钱?John:800 yuan a pair.八百元一副。
Lily:Ok, I'll take it.好吧,就买这个吧。
购物英语情景对话口语2John:I'd like one student ticket for The Banquet, please.你好,买一张《夜宴》的学生票。
Lily:Please give me your student card.请出示您的学生证。
John:Here you are. Can I have a front seat?给。
前排还有位置吗?Lily:Sure. By the aisle or in the middle?有,您要过道还是中间的?John:By the aisle.过道。
Lily:Ok, it's half-price, 30 RMB.好的,半价三十。

英语情景对话购物一:1.- What can I do for you?- I‘d like some apples.2.- Where can I buy some stationery?- Let‘s look at the shopping guide. Oh, it‘s on the ground Floor.3.- Could I buy half a kilo oranges?- Certainly. Here you are.4.- Will you please show me that radio?- Certainly.5.- How much is the radio?- Ninety yuan.6.- Good morning, sir. May I help you?- Yes, I‘d like to buy a sweather.英语情景对话购物:Reception 接待1. Do you find anything you like?你找到你喜欢的吗?2. What can I do for you?你要些什么?3. Can I help you?我能帮你吗?(需要些什么?)4. Are you being helped?/Are you being served?你需要帮忙吗?5. Is there anybody waiting on you? u有人招呼你吗?Choosing and buying选择与购买Choosing 选择1. I want a pair of shoes/a jacket. u我想买一双鞋/一件夹克。
2. I’d like to see some towels.我想看看毛巾。
3. Show me that one, please.请把那个给我看看。
4. Let me have a look at this watch. uUlsda E把这只表让我看看。

下⾯⽆忧考为⼤家带来购物的英语⼝语情景对话,欢迎⼤家学习!【篇⼀】关于购物的英语⼝语情景对话 S: Good afternoon, ma'am. Can I help you find an hing? 店员:午安,⼩姐。
要我帮你找东西吗? C: No, thanks. I'm just looking. 顾客:不⽤,谢谢,我只是看看⽽已。
S: We have a special on these skirts this week. Would you like to try one on? 店员:这个礼拜这些裙⼦是特价品,请问你要试穿⼀件看看吗? C: No, thank you. I don't need any skirts. 顾客:不要,谢谢。
S: How about a blouse? This one here is the latest fashion. 店员:⼥⽤衬衫怎么样?这边这⼀件是最新款的。
C: No, thank you. 顾客:不要,谢谢。
S: Why not try on this lovely pair of shorts? I'm sure they'd look fabulous on you. 店员:何不试穿这件可爱的短裤呢?你穿起来⼀定⾮常好看哦。
C: No doubt. Look, I'm just browsing. If I need your help, I'll let you know. 顾客:那当然。
S: Take a look at this dress Don't you think it's perfect for you, ma'am? Uh, where are you going, ma'am? Ma'am? 店员:看看这件⾐服!⼩姐,你不认为它⾮常适合你吗?喂,⼩姐,你去哪⼉呢?⼩姐?【篇⼆】关于购物的英语⼝语情景对话 S: Excuse me, ma'am, can I help you find anything? 店员:对不起,⼩姐,要我帮你找你要的鞋⼦吗? C: Yes, I would like to buy a pair of dress shoes. 顾客:好啊,我想买⼀双与⾐服相配的鞋。

购物英语情景对话〔通用7篇〕购物英语情景对话篇1A:I want a pair of sports shoes, Adidas.A:我想买双运动鞋,要阿迪达斯的。
B:What size do you want?B:您要多大的?A:I wear size 40.A:我穿40号的。
B:How about this one? Ifs the latest design.B:这种怎么样?是最新式。
A:Oh. I like the color.A:噢,我喜欢这种颜色。
购物英语情景对话篇2A:Good morning, sir.Can I help you?A:早晨好,先生。
您买什么?B:I'm looking for a Citizen for my wife's birthday. B:妻子过生日,我要买一块西铁城表送给她。
A: Oh,we have many kinds. Do you like this design? A:噢,我们有很多种。
你喜欢这种式样吗?B: Oh,it's beautiful.B:哟。
购物英语情景对话篇3A:Excuse me, please show me that business suit, the dark one.A:费事您拿那套商务装,黑色的那套给我看看。
A:May I try it.A:我可以试一试吗?B:Go ahead.B:当然,试吧。
购物英语情景对话篇4The customer has found a pair of shoes she likes.顾客找到了一双她喜欢的鞋子。
C: I'll try one of these on. ( The customer tries one of the shoes on. ) It's too big. It slides up and down my heel when I walk around.顾客:我要试穿其中的一只鞋看看。

小编精心收集了超市购物情景英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!超市购物情景英语对话1Jen:May I help you?我能为你服务吗?Jimmy:No, thanks. I'm just browsing.不用,谢谢。
Jen:If you need any help, my name is Jane.如果你需要任何服务,我叫珍。
Jimmy:Fine, thank you. Do you carry tapered shirts?好的,谢谢你。
你们有尺码齐的衬衫吗?Jen:Yes, we do. What size do you need?我们有。
你要什么尺寸的?超市购物情景英语对话2Mary:Let's decide on this coffee maker.我们就选定这个咖啡壶吧。
John:It's too expensive.太贵了。
Mary:But it's much more convenient.可是方便多了。
John:I'm not convinced at all.我可不信。
超市购物情景英语对话3Clerk:What can I do for you?你买什么?May:I want to buy a note-book.我要买笔记本。
Clerk:This one is very nice.这个挺好的。
May:How much is it?多少钱?Clerk:Six yuan.6块。
May:I’m afraid it’s too expensive. Have you got a cheaper one?太贵了, 有没有便宜点了?Clerk:What about this one?It’s only four yuan.这种怎么样?才.. 4块钱。

英语购物情景对话三人【购物英语情景对话】购物英语情景对话购物英语情景对话购物英语情景对话一Tom:How much are you asking for this book 这本书多少钱Linda:15 Yuan. 十五块钱。
Tom:That“s steep. I“d buy it right away if it were cheaper. 太离谱了。
Linda:Because I like you...12 Yuan. 跟你投缘……十二好了。
Tom:I"ll take it for 10 Yuan. 十块钱我就拿走得了。
Linda:Deal. 成交。
购物英语情景对话二Mary:How can I help you 请问你想买点儿什么John:I"d like to buy a USB flash drive. 我想买个USB闪存。
Mary:We have a lot of brands here, so you can pick what you like. 我们这儿有很多牌子的,你可以随便挑。
John:I don"t care about the brand. I just want one that works. 牌不牌子无所谓。
Mary:What size do you want 1GB or 2GB 那你想买个多大的1G 的还是2G的John:1 GB. 1G的吧。
Mary:Check this one out. It"s 1GB and it"s a popular model. We have sold a lot of these. 那你可以看看这款,1G,流行款式。
John:How much is it 多少钱Mary:100 yuan. Other brands cost about 150 yuan. 一百。

小编精心收集了超市购物英语情景对话,供大家欣赏学习!超市购物英语情景对话篇1Amy: Hello, I'd like to buy these 5 cartoon books. I have paid for them, but I suddenly realize that it'll take 7 days for you to send them to me. I want to get them early, because I'll go abroad 5 days later.埃米:你好,我想买这5本漫画书。
Customer Service: Madam, wait a moment please. I'll check your order first. Are you Ms. White? You just ordered 5 English cartoon books half an hour ago.客服:女士,请稍等,我要先查查您的订单。
Amy: Yes.埃米:是的。
Customer Service: May I have your order number?客服:可以告诉我您的订单号是多少吗?Amy: Let me have a look. It's 234-558-90.埃米:让我看看。
Customer Service: OK. I've confirmed your information, Ms. White. I found that you chose to post these books to you which would need 7 days. I can provide you two solutions. First you can choose express which will arrive in 4 days. The second is that you can choose EMS, by which you'll get these books tomorrow, but you have to pay another 20 yuan for this service.客服:好的。

两人英语购物对话短文情景带翻译如今没有一口流利的英语,了解一些简单的日常英语对话技巧也是很有必要的!今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些两人英语购物对话短文,希望这些英语对话会对大家有所帮助!两人英语购物对话短文篇一A:What can I do for you?您想要买点什么?B:I would like to look at some watch.我想看看手表。
A:May I show you the gold ones?您想看黄金的?B:Pure gold ones, please.请拿纯金的。
A:OK. Here they are.好的。
B:What is the price for this one?这只的价格是多少?A:One thousand yuan.1000元。
B:That's quite steep. Can you come down a little bit?价钱不低呢。
减一点可以吗?A:I'm afraid not. The price is very moderate.恐怕不行。
B:It's rather more than I was thinking of paying.这比我打算出的价要高。
A:We brought the price down only a few days ago. This is definitely a bargain.几天前我们才降了价。
B:OK. I'll take it.好吧。
两人英语购物对话短文篇二A:Can I help you?您要买什么吗?B:I'd like to buy a skirt.我想买一条裙子。
A:What style would you prefer?您喜欢什么样的款式?B:I like one with flowers on its brim.我想要一条带花边的。

下面店铺为大家带来关于购物英语情景对话,欢迎大家学习!关于购物英语句子表达:1.I want some fish, please.我想买些鱼。
2.Do you sell. football?你们有足球卖吗?3.Will you show me some books,please?请你给我看看书好吗?4.How much is that altogether?一共多少钱?5.What's the price of that one?那个多少钱?6 .Have you something a little cheaper?你这儿有便宜一点儿的吗?7 .I think this one will suit me best.我想这个最适合我。
8. Can I try it on?我可以试一试吗?9.Let me look at that coat,please.让我看看那件衣服好吗?10 .I'm looking for a bike for my brother.我要买辆自行车给我弟弟。
关于购物英语情景对话1:A: Anything I can do for you?你想买点什么?B: Yes, I just forgot where the bed.lines department is?哦,我忘记了床上用品部在什么地方。
A: It's on the second floor.在二楼。
B: Thank you.谢谢。
关于购物英语情景对话2:A:Let me look at that suitcase, please.让我看看那个手提箱好吗?B:The black one or the red one?黑色的还是红色的。

Todd: So, Rebea, talking about shopping, isshopping something you enjoy doing?托德:丽贝卡,我们来聊聊购物,你喜欢购物吗?Rebea: Yes, when Im in the mood for it.Definitely.丽贝卡:喜欢,我想去购物时很喜欢。
Todd: So I guess when you talk about shopping, wetalk about clothes shopping, mainly right, so how often do you go clothes shopping?托德:我认为在谈到购物时,我们指的是买衣服,你多长时间买一次衣服?Rebea: Not very often. Maybe once every three months. It depends on my money. If I havethe money.丽贝卡:我不常去。
Todd: Do you usually follow the fashions? Try to stay hip, and you know?托德:你一般会紧跟时尚潮流吗?保持时尚?Rebea: No, because sometimes the fashions arent fortable. I prefer fortableclothing.丽贝卡:不会,有时时尚并不是那么舒服。
Todd: So are you a bargain shopper?托德:你买衣服时会讨价还价吗?。
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英语情景对话购物篇Reception 接待1. What can I do for you? 你要些什么?2. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?(需要些什么?)3.Do you find anything you like? 你找到你喜欢的吗?4. Are you being helped?/Are you being served?你需要帮忙吗?Is there anybody waiting on you?有人招呼你吗?Choosing and buying选择与购买Choosing 选择1. I want a pair of shoes/a jacket. 我想买一双鞋/一件夹克。
2. I’d like to see some towels.我想看看毛巾。
3. Show me that one, please.请把那个给我看看。
4. Let me have a look at this watch. 把这只表让我看看。
5. I’m just looking, thanks.我只是看看,谢谢。
6.Would you show me this cup?你能把这只杯子让我看一下吗?7.I’m interested in this new type of car. 我对这款新车很有兴趣。
8.I’d like to have a look if you don’t mind.如果不介意,我想看一下。
Size and color 尺寸和颜色1. The fit isn’t good. 尺寸不太合适。
2. It’s too big. 太大了。
3. Too small. 太小。
4. How about this blue one? 这个蓝色的怎样?5. This color is very pupular. 这个颜色很流行。
6. It seems to fit well. 好像蛮合身的。
7. Can I have a size larger?可以给我一个大一点儿的吗?8. They punch my toes.把我脚趾夹疼了。
9. This blue color goes well with the light blue dots on the dress.这种蓝色和衣服上的淡蓝色小点很配。
An attempt 试穿1. I like this one. May I try it on? 我喜欢这一种。
我能试穿吗?2.Could you try it on please? How is it?请试穿看看好吗?如何? Inquiry 询问1. Do you have any on sale?你们有什么特卖品吗?2. Do you carry hundred percent cotton pants?你们有百分之百纯棉的裤子吗?3. If I orded a suit now, how long could it take before I got delivery?如果我现在订一件西装,要多久才能接到货?4. Can you get me one?你们能补货吗?Price 价格1. How much is it ? 多少钱?2. I’ll give it to you for 5250. 5250元美金卖给你。
3. Can you make it cheaper? 你能便宜点吗?4 How much do I have to pay for it? 我要付多少钱?5. How much are these ties? 这些领带要多少钱?6. What’s the price for this suit?这套西装多少钱?7.How much does it cost?多少钱?Check 付钱1. How can I pay? 我要如何付钱?2. May I write a check for you? 我能开支票吗?3. Do you take traveler’s checks?你们接受旅行支票吗?4. Sorry, we don’t take checks.对不起,我们不接受支票。
5. I’ll take this.我要这个。
6.How about 98 down and 100 a month?先付头期款98美元,每月再付100美元,如何?The others 其他1. Take one’s measu rement.为某人量尺寸。
2. I think we’re out of your size.我想你的尺寸(的衣服)已卖光了。
3. Check back next Sunday.你下星期天再来看看。
Dialogue 对话1. A:Can I help you? 您想要买什么?B:I’d just like to have a look . 我只想随便看看。
A:do you like some apples?( Are you looking for some apples?) 你想要一些苹果吗?B:I could also buy some apples if they’re nice.如果苹果不错的话,我也可以买一些。
2. A:Do you like this dress, madam?夫人,你喜欢这种衣服吗?B:I like the color very much. It’s a lovely dress, but it’s too small(tight) for me.我很喜欢这种颜色,这件衣服很好看,但我穿太小(紧)了。
A:What about this one? It’s a lovely dress, it’s very smart. Short skirts are in fashion now. Would you like to try it?这件怎么样?这件很好看,非常时髦。
你想穿上试试吗?B:All right. 好的。
3. A:Are these apples on sale? 这些苹果降价卖吗?B:That’s o ur rock bottom price. 这是我们的最低价了。
4. A:Would you mind if I try this on? 我能试试吗?B:No, not at all. 当然可以.A:Give me a smaller size, please. 请给我拿小一点的。
B:With pleasure. I’d be glad to show you some. 很荣幸为您服务。
5. A:I want to buy a camera. 我想买架照相机。
B:I’m sorry. It’s out of stock. 对不起,脱销了。
A:Are you likely to be getting any more in?你们还进货吗?B:Look in again next Sunday. 下星期日再来看看吧。
6. A:How much is it? 这个多少钱?B:Sixty dollars. 60美元。
A:How much does it cost?这个值多少钱?B:It costs one hundred Yuan.100元。
A:What’s the price of this one? 这个值多少钱?B:It’s priced at only eighty Yuan. 只要80元。
A:How much does it come to? 总共多少钱?B:It comes to two hundred and fourty dollars. 总共240美元。
6..A:Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird? 波德太太,你今天要点肉吗?B:Yes, please. 是的。
A:This lamb’s very good.这块羔羊肉很好。
B:I like lamb, but my husband doesn’t.A:What about some steak? This is a nice piece.来些牛排好吗?这块很好。
B:Give me that piece, please. And a pound of mince, too.我还要一磅肉糜。
mins肉馅7. A:Have you any shoes like these?你们有这种鞋子吗?B:What size?什么尺码?A:Size five.五号的。
B:What color?什么颜色?A:Black.黑色的。
B:I’m sorry. We haven’t any.很抱歉,我们没有。
8 .A:How many do you need? 你想买多少?B:Two Kilograms. 两公斤。
9. A:That’s too expensive for us. We can’t a fford all that money.对我们来讲,太贵了,我们付不起那么多钱。
B:This model’s less expensive than that one. It’s onlytwenty-eight pounds. But, of course, it’s not as good as theexpensive one.这种型号比那种要便宜些,只要28镑。
A:I don’t like this model, the other model’s mo re expensive, but it’s worth the money.我不喜欢这种型号。
A:Can we buy it on installments?我们可以分期付款吗?B:Of course. You can pay a deposit of ten pounds, and then one pound a week for sixty weeks.当然,你可以先付10英镑定金,然后,每月付1镑,一共付60个星期。
10.A:I think I prefe r the blue one if it’s not too much trouble.如果不太麻烦的话,我想要那件蓝色的。
B:Not at all. I’ll get it for you. Here you are. This is our latest design.不麻烦,我去为你取来。
A :Could I have a try?我能试试吗?B:Certainly. The fitting room is over there.当然可以,试衣间在那边。