
店铺整理了简单的购物英语对话带翻译,欢迎阅读! 简单的购物英语对话带翻译篇一lily:can i help you, sir?先生,想买点儿什么?ben:i wanna have a look first…could you show me this small pottery figure?我先看看……能给我拿这个小陶俑看看吗?lily:of course.好嘞。
ben:how much is it?多少钱一个?lily:15 yuan.十五块钱。
简单的购物英语对话带翻译篇二john:hello, i want to buy a newspaper. which one do you recommend?您好,买报纸。
您推荐一个吧?lily:it depends on what you're interested in. there are different categories such as science, economy, politics and so on.这看您喜好了。
john:i do not have a preference for any specific category.什么都行。
lily:then buy the china daily. it is relatively comprehensive in news coverage.那就买《中国日报》吧,新闻报道还是挺全面的。
john:a famous newspaper, i'll just get that then.这报纸很有名,就买这个吧。
简单的购物英语对话带翻译篇三Mary:Do you sell extra memory here?你这儿卖内存吗?John:Yes, for a laptop or desktop?卖,您要笔记本的还是台式机的?Mary:Laptop.笔记本的。

精心收集了有关于购物英语对话带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!有关于购物英语对话带翻译篇1Linda:Oh, finally have I found this kind of fruit, durian.哎呀,终于找到榴莲了,太好了。
Tom:Yes, only a few vendors sell this.是啊,卖这种水果的人不多。
Linda:I heard about it from my friends. What does it taste like?我是从我的朋友那听说这种水果的。
吃起来是什么味道?Tom:Delicious, of course. You'll love it after one taste.很好吃。
Linda:But I don’t know how I should eat it. Is there a special way?但我真的不知道怎么吃。
你知道它有什么特殊的吃法吗?Tom:I don't know, but my wife does. I'll give her a call and you can ask her.我也不知道,不过我老婆知道。
Linda:Thanks. If I need to buy some again, I'll make sure to get it from you.谢谢,以后一定还到您这儿来买。
有关于购物英语对话带翻译篇2lily:can i help you?您好。
tom:yes. i want to buy a skirt for my wife.你好,我想给我太太买条裙子。
lily:how about this one?这条怎么样?tom:it looks nice. i'll take it. could i have it gift-wrapped?看起来不错。

整理了日常购物英语口语对话带翻译,欢迎阅读!日常购物英语口语对话带翻译篇一A:Excuse me...打扰一下...B:Yes, sir. How may I be of service?是的,先生,需要什么服务吗?A:I would like to return this item... Are refunds allowed?我想把这个东西推掉...可以退款吗?B:Certainly. The customer is always right, we are here to serve you. Is there a reason that you would like to return it? Did you have problems with our product or services?当然可以.顾客总是对的,我们随时为您服务.为什么要退掉?您对我们的产品和服务有什么问题吗?A:No, no... It was just the wrong size.不,不是的...只是大小不合适.B:Would you be interested in an exchange as opposed to a refund? I think I can help you to find the appropriate size.那你想调换一下还是要退款?我想我能帮你找到合适的尺寸.A:No. I would rather just return it.不用了.我还是想退掉.B:Sure, no problem. Do you happen to have the receipt?当然可以,没问题.你带收据了吗?A:Yeah, right here.带了,在这儿...B:Ok, just a moment, please. Here you are, I need you to sign here, please. And here is your refund. Is there anything else I can help you with?好的,请等一下.给您,请在这里签字.这是你的退款.还有什么需要我帮忙的?A:No, thank you.没有了,谢谢你.B:You're welcome. Have a nice day!别客气.祝你一天都开心!日常购物英语口语对话带翻译篇二Customer:Do you have any English newspapers?Customer:你们有没有英语报纸?Shop Assistant:Yes,just over there.Shop Assistant:有,就在那边。

小编精心收集了关于购物英语对话带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!关于购物英语对话带翻译1Lily:Can I help you, sir?先生,想买点儿什么?Ben:I wanna have a look first…Could you show me this small pottery figure?我先看看……能给我拿这个小陶俑看看吗?Lily:Of course.好嘞。
Ben:How much is it?多少钱一个?Lily:15 yuan.十五块钱。
Ben:I want to buy six, could you give me a better price?我想买六个,能便宜点儿吗?Lily:How about 12 yuan each? That'll be 72 yuan altogether.算您十二一个怎么样?一共七十二块钱。
Ben:Let's make it 70, a round number.七十吧,凑个整儿。
Lily:Alright, deal. I'll put them each in a small box so that they won't break.好,给你吧。
关于购物英语对话带翻译2Mary:Is there any discount on this laptop?这个笔记本还能便宜点儿吗?John:It's already very cheap. Let's make it 6000 Yuan. That's as cheap as it can get.已经够便宜的了。
Mary:Alright, I'll buy this one. Can I pay using a credit card?好吧,我就要这个。

两人英语购物对话短文情景带翻译如今没有一口流利的英语,了解一些简单的日常英语对话技巧也是很有必要的!今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些两人英语购物对话短文,希望这些英语对话会对大家有所帮助!两人英语购物对话短文篇一A:What can I do for you?您想要买点什么?B:I would like to look at some watch.我想看看手表。
A:May I show you the gold ones?您想看黄金的?B:Pure gold ones, please.请拿纯金的。
A:OK. Here they are.好的。
B:What is the price for this one?这只的价格是多少?A:One thousand yuan.1000元。
B:That's quite steep. Can you come down a little bit?价钱不低呢。
减一点可以吗?A:I'm afraid not. The price is very moderate.恐怕不行。
B:It's rather more than I was thinking of paying.这比我打算出的价要高。
A:We brought the price down only a few days ago. This is definitely a bargain.几天前我们才降了价。
B:OK. I'll take it.好吧。
两人英语购物对话短文篇二A:Can I help you?您要买什么吗?B:I'd like to buy a skirt.我想买一条裙子。
A:What style would you prefer?您喜欢什么样的款式?B:I like one with flowers on its brim.我想要一条带花边的。

A: Excuse me, could you help me find the women's clothing section?
B: Sure! It's on the second floor, just take the escalator up and you'll see it on your left.
B: It's in aisle 5, next to the dairy products.
A: Thank you!
1. 手持式翻译器

购物常用英语口语对话_实用口语带翻译购物常用英语口语对话_实用口语带翻译购物常用句型1、rgeor debit(creditor debit)使用或是电子钱包2、cash back是否要找回现金3、how are you going to pay你要怎麽付款5、bring yourr**ipt tothe customer service,and they will refund you。
What can I do for you我能为您做点什么May I help you 我有什么可以帮到您的Can you show me that pairof shoes 请你把那双鞋子拿来我看一看.Can I he a look at thisshirt我可以看一下这件衬衣吗Can I try it on我可以试一下吗He you any bigger sizes你有没有大一点的I m looking for a sweaterfor my son. 我想给我的儿子买一件羊毛衫。
Any particular color有什么特别的颜色吗What size do you t您想要多大码的What style does het他想要什么款式Do you he anything cheaper 你有没有便宜一点的Doyou like this design 你喜欢这个款式吗The ualityis excellent.质量很好。
This is what I t.这就是我想要的。
I m afraid we hen t anything in yoursize.恐怕我们没有你要的码数.How much are they多少钱What s the price for it 这个卖多少钱Are these trousersonsale这些减价吗I d like to buythreekilosof apples. 我要买斤苹果。

整理了很简单的购物英语对话带翻译,欢迎阅读!很简单的购物英语对话带翻译篇一Jim:Mum, look at these tomatoes. They are very fresh.妈妈, 你看那些西红柿, 特别新鲜。
Mums:Yes, let’s buy some. It’s said that tomatoes are full of vitamin C.是很新鲜, 我们买点吧, 都说西红柿里含大量维生素.. C。
Jim:What else shall we buy?咱们还买什么?Mums:We’ll have to buy some beans and two cabbages. Next week I’ll be busy.还得买点扁豆, 再买两棵园白菜, 下周我很忙。
Jim:Do you think we ought to buy some fruit?你不想买点水果吗?Mums:What do you want to eat?Bananas?你想吃什么?香焦?Jim:No, I don’t like bananas but I like apples and oranges.不, 我不喜欢香焦, 我喜欢苹果和桔子。
Mums:OK. Let’s to over there and buy something you like.行, 我们去那边买点你爱吃的.很简单的购物英语对话带翻译篇二Clerk:What can I do for you?你买什么?May:I want to buy a note-book.我要买笔记本。
Clerk:This one is very nice.这个挺好的。

Customer service: I would recommend our XYZ model. It has a 1TB hard drive and is suitable for heavy usage.(我推荐我们的XYZ型号。它有1TB的硬盘,适合进行大量操作。)
Store employee: Here you go. Enjoy your baking!(给你。祝你烘焙愉快!)
Emily: Hi, I'm interested in purchasing a laptop. Can you provide me with some information about the different models?(你好,我对购买一台笔记本电脑感兴趣。你能给我一些关于不同型号的信息吗?)
Emily: That sounds perfect. How much does it cost?(听起来很完美。多少钱?)
Customer service: The XYZ model is currently on sale for $999. Would you like to place an order?(XYZ型号目前特价999美元。你想下订单吗?)

小编精心收集了简单的购物英语对话带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!简单的购物英语对话带翻译篇1A: I need to get some business cards printed up.我需要买一些印制好的名片。
B: Do you know how many you need?你知道你需要多少吗?A: I think I can get by with 2,000.我想我需要二千张。
B: We can get started as soon as you fill out this form.你填完这张表格我们就可以制作了。
A: I hope you can make the new cards just like my old cards.我希望制作的名片和我原来的一样。
B: You won't be able to tell the difference with a magnifying glass.如果没有放大镜的,我们制作的和你原来的是看不出什么区别的。
A: ...Okay, I'm through. Here's the form and my old card.……好的,我放心了。
B: Very good. You can pick up your order in one week.很好。
A: Now that I think of it, three days is better than seven.我想能不能三天就来取?B: We can do that, but you'll have to pay a little extra.我能可以完成,但是你得额外付点费。
简单的购物英语对话带翻译篇2店员: Can I help you?需要帮忙吗?客人: I''d like to buy some Chinese cakes.我想买些中式点心.店员: We have cream birthday cakes.ten yuan each. Do you like it?我们有奶油生日蛋糕.十元一个.你要来点吗?客人: Fine. Give me a cream birthday cake and two boxes of famous Chinese cakes.and help me to pick a variety of them.please.好的.给我一个奶油生日蛋糕和两盒有名的中式糕点.请帮我多选点品种.店员: All right. For Chinese style cakes.we have the Cantonese style and the Suzhou style. The skin of the Cantonese style cakes is sweet.soft.puffy palatable and filled with heavy stuffing. The famous Cantonese cakes are moon cakes from Guangdong. Sha-pi-ma..好的.中式糕点我们有广东糕点和苏州糕点.广式糕点的特点是甜.软.蓬松可口又很多馅儿.最出名的广式糕点是萨其玛.苏州糕点的皮酥馅儿全是坚果.我们不仅有甜的月饼.还有肉的月饼.客人: Well.will you wrap them up separately?好的.你能给我分开装吗?店员: Certainly. Any thing else?当然.还需要点什么吗?客人: Nothing more. How much altogether?没有了.一共多少钱?店员: Nineteen yuan and forty-five fen.块4毛5.客人: Here are two ten-yuan notes. Keep the change.给你两张10块的.不用找了.店员: For me?Oh.no. We don''t accept tips. But thank you all the same.给我?哦.不.我们不收小费.不过还是谢谢您.客人: O. K. . Good-bye.好的.再见!店员: Good-bye.再见.简单的购物英语对话带翻译篇3Amber:(to another shopper) Excuse me. where can I find the information desk?Shopper:Just around the corner (points the way).Amber:Thanks. (She gets to the information counter. He overhears an inquiry by the customer ahead of him).Customer:Where's the 'Lost and Found' counter?Officer:On the 2nd floor, near the elevator.Customer:Where's the elevator?Officer:T o your right, near the middle of the store.(Now it's John's turn. She steps up to the desk.) Hello. Can you tell me the closing time?Officer:10 PM, miss.Amber:Thank you. And can you point me to the video cameras?Officer:5th floor, to the left of the escalators.Amber:Thank you. (He gets on the escalator and goes to the 5th floor. First he picks up a supply of videotapes, and then he browses around the video cameras for a while. Then he overhears another customer).Customer:Let's go to the food court and get something to eat.(Sounds like a good idea to Amber, since she hasn't had dinner yet. She wanted to make sure she could tape the next episode of 'Cops', so she left for the department store right afterwork. She finds out where the food court is and goes to eat).Amber来到当地的一家商店,她想买一些空白的录像带。

★这篇《购物英语⼝语情景对话(中英对照)》,是⽆忧考特地为⼤家整理的,希望对⼤家有所帮助! Clerk: May I help you, ma'am? Anna: Yes, thank you. I'd like to buy a blouse. Clerk: What colour are you looking for? Anna: I need something to go with a brown skirt. Clerk: Here's a pretty green one. Anna: But it has long sleeves. I'd like a short-sleeved blouse with a high neck, if you have one. Clerk: We have this one in yellow. What size do you take? Anna: Thirty-four. Do you have that one in my size? Clerk: Yes, here it is. Anna: How much is it? Clerk: It costs 8 pounds. Anna: Oh, my. That's too expensive for me. Do you have anything like it for less? Clerk: I'm afraid not. Anna: Well, I think I'll look around some more. But I may come back for this one. Thank you. Clerk: You are welcome. 讲解: 1. 这段对话发⽣在商店的服装部。

小编精心收集了购物英文常见小对话带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!购物英文常见小对话带翻译1Shirley:Do you have any MD players?请问你们有MD播放机吗?Salesperson:Yes, various. Here are the samples. What about this one?是的,有很多款式。
这款怎么样?Shirley:What are its features?它有什么特点?Salesperson:Well, it has a lithium battery which lasts for 20 hours. With MP3 mode, you can download about 9 hours of music or English audio texts. It's especially popular with students for their English study!它有能持续20小时的锂电池。
Shirley:What else?还有其他的(优点)吗?Salesperson:Maybe you should just have it operated then you would know how well it works.你可以现在就操作一些,然后你就知道它的性能有多好了!Shirley:Oh,“My heart will go on”, I love the song.哦,《我心永恒》,我喜欢这首歌。
Salesperson:Just think about the advantage you are going to get.想想你买它所得到的好处吧!购物英文常见小对话带翻译2这个颜色跟你不搭gucci:how do i look in this skirt, mark? am i spice girl, or what?我看起来怎么样,马克?像不像辣妹啊?mark:no, you look ridiculous. i suggest you try some other colors.不像,你看上去真滑稽。

店铺整理了关于简单购物英语对话带翻译,欢迎阅读!关于简单购物英语对话带翻译篇一Ben:That dress is too expensive.这衣服真贵。
May:But it’s so pretty.但是很漂亮呀。
Ben:Yes, it is pretty, but it costs $200. What about this one? It’s almost the same, but it costs half as much.是很漂亮,但要200美元噢。
May:It’s not the same. It’s completely different.这个不同,完全不同。
Ben:It’s just a little shorter.只是短一些。
May:I really like this one.我真的很喜欢这个。
Ben:Well, it’s your money. You can spend it however you want. Do you really think it’s pretty?好吧,反正是你自己的钱。
May:Yeah. It’s pretty.是的,很漂亮。
关于简单购物英语对话带翻译篇二Hebe:I feel hungry Dario. Do you have any food in your fridge?达瑞欧,我觉得饿了。
你的冰箱里有吃的吗?Dario:I think there is only a bottle of Coke in the fridge today.我想今天冰箱里只有一瓶可乐了。
Hebe:You are hopeless. You can't survive on Coke.你真没希望,你不能(光靠)喝可乐生存。

购物对话英语简短10句的实践应用In the fast-paced world of today, shopping has become an integral part of our daily lives. From groceries to fashion items, we engage in shopping activities almost every day. Engaging in shopping conversations in English can be both challenging and rewarding. Here are 10 brief shopping dialogues in English, along with their Chinese translations, to help you master the basics of shopping conversations in English.1. **English Dialogue:** "Good afternoon, can I help you find something?"**Chinese Translation:** "下午好,有什么可以帮您的吗?"2. **English Dialogue:** "I'm looking for a pair of running shoes."**Chinese Translation:** "我在找一双跑步鞋。
"3. **English Dialogue:** "What size are you?"**Chinese Translation:** "您穿多大码的?"4. **English Dialogue:** "I wear size 9."**Chinese Translation:** "我穿9码的。

常用购物英文口语带翻译常用购物英文口语带翻译1买衣服C: E某cuse me, I'm looking for your casual short-sleeved shirts. Can you tell me where those are?顾客:对不起,我正在找休闲短袖衬衫,你可以告诉我它们放在哪里吗? S: Right over here, sir. What-size do you wear?店员:先生,就在这边,您穿几号的?C: Medium.顾客:中号。
S: These here are all mediums.店员:这里全是中号的。
C: Thank you. I think I'll take this one, and these pants as well. They're presents for a friend.顾客:谢谢。
S: Shall I gift-wrap them for you, sir?店员:先生,需要把它们装成礼盒吗?C: Yes, please. ( to be continued)顾客:好的,谢谢。
常用购物英文口语带翻译2买鞋子S: E某cuse me, ma'am, can I help you find anything?店员:对不起,小姐,要我帮你找你要的鞋子吗?C: Yes, I would like to buy a pair of dress shoes.顾客:好啊,我想买一双与衣服相配的鞋。
S: What size do you wear?店员:你穿几号鞋呢?C: Si某 and a half.顾客:6号半。
S: How about this pair?店员:这一双好吗?C: No, I don't like black. What have you got in brown?顾客:不要,我不喜欢黑色的。

精心采集了平时购物英语对话带翻译,供大家赏识学习!平时购物英语对话带翻译篇1A:IwanttotakeapresentforCathy.Doyouhavesomegoodidea?我想要买个礼品给凯西,你有什么好建议吗?B:ThenearbyhaveaCommodityshop,wecango andhavealook.这邻近恰好有家小商品店,我们能够去看看A:Ok.好的.C:Goodmorning!MayIhelpyou?清晨好,我能够帮到你吗?B:Wearelookingfirst.我们先看看。
B:Thisisclayfigurine..Thisone?Ok,DoyouhaveSun Wukongclayfigurine?这是黏土塑像。

精心收集了购物英语对话带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!购物英语对话带翻译1Salesman:May I be of any assistance?有什么能为您效劳的?Shirley:I want to have a look at the microwave ovens.我想看一下微波炉。
Salesman:You can have a broad choice here. Are you interested in a particular brand?这里有很多的(微波炉)供您选择。
您有喜欢的品牌吗?Shirley:Not really. What are these toys over there?没有。
那边的玩具是什么?Salesman:Ma'am, these are complimentary with each purchase. How about that one below the toys? This is the best seller.They are of the latest model that can be found in town.女士,那是赠品。
Shirley:I don't like its color. A bit too bright. Do you have a grey one?我不喜欢它的颜色。
(这款)你们有灰色的吗?Salesman:Yes, we do. What a great taste you have! But we only have one left in stock.是的,我们有。

购物英语对话带翻译欣赏整理了购物英语对话带翻译,欢迎阅读!购物英语对话带翻译一Lily:Good evening, can I help you?晚上好,您需要点儿什么?Tom:Yes, I'd like to buy some skin care lotion for my mom.嗯,我想给我妈买点儿护肤品。
Lily:We just launched a new collection designed specifically for fine lines and wrinkles, would you like to take a look?我们新推出了一款专门针对熟龄肌肤的产品。
您要看看吗?Tom:How much is it?多少钱?Lily:Final price…660 yuan.一共……660元。
Tom:It's kind of expensive. Isn't there a sale or s omething…?有点儿贵,能打折吗?Lily:Actually, yes, there is a promotion going on for 10% off.能,现在搞促销,打9折。
购物英语对话带翻译二Tom:Good evening. What can I do for you?晚上好,您买点儿什么?Lily:Yeah, I can't find the toothbrushes.你好,牙刷在哪儿?Tom:They are on your left. What kind of toothbrush would you like?在您左边的货架上。
您想要什么样的牙刷?Lily:Can you suggest any?您能不能给点儿建议?Tom:Sure. What about this brand? It is supposed to be very good. They come in hard, soft and medium.好的,这种牌子怎么样?挺不错的,分硬毛、软毛和中毛三种。

购物常用英语口语对话_实用口语带翻译出国旅游,购物是必不可少的一项,这个时候就要求我们对相关口语要有一定了解,今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些购物常用英语口语对话,希望这些实用口语会对大家有所帮助!购物常用句型1、charge or debit?(credit or debit?) 使用信用卡或是电子钱包?2、cash back?是否要找回现金?3、how are you going to pay?你要怎麽付款?5、bring your receipt to the customer service,and they will refund you。
What can I do for you? 我能为您做点什么?May I help you? 我有什么可以帮到您的?Can you show me that pair of shoes? 请你把那双鞋子拿来我看一看。
Can I have a look at this shirt? 我可以看一下这件衬衣吗?Can I try it on? 我可以试一下吗?Have you any bigger sizes? 你有没有大一点的?I'm looking for a sweater for my son. 我想给我的儿子买一件羊毛衫。
Any particular color? 有什么特别的颜色吗?What size do you want? 您想要多大码的?What style does he want? 他想要什么款式?Do you have anything cheaper? 你有没有便宜一点的?Do you like this design? 你喜欢这个款式吗?The quality is excellent. 质量很好。
This is what I want. 这就是我想要的。
I'm afraid we haven't anything in your size. 恐怕我们没有你要的码数。

简单的购物英语对话带翻译精选简单的购物英语对话带翻译篇1A: How much are you asking for thisA:这个多少钱B: Im offering them to you at 10 Euro a piece. Isthat all rightB:每件10欧元,您看怎么样A: Is ta_ already included in ther priceA:这个价位含税吗B: Yes. Our price cant be matched.B:是的。
A: Would you consider a volume discountA:批量购进可以再优惠吗B: If you buy 1000 or more, youll get a 10% discount.B:如果您能购进1000件以上我们就可以优惠10%。
A: Ill accept your offer.A:好的,我接受。
A: Could you tell me how much it isA:您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗B: In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.B:500美元左右。
A: Thats way too much money.A:价格太贵了。
B: We can make dow by model.B:我们可以根据型号给予优惠。
A: We have to ask for another price reduction.A:再给我们优惠点儿吧。
B: You can fourget about another cut.B:不能再降价了。
简单的购物英语对话带翻译篇2S:Good afternoon, maam. Can I help you find anything 午安,小姐。
要我帮你找东西吗C:No, thanks. Im just looking.不用,谢谢,我只是看看而已。
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精心收集了日常购物英语对话带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!日常购物英语对话带翻译篇1A:I want to take a present for Cathy.Do you have some good idea?我想要买个礼物给凯西,你有什么好建议吗?B:The nearby have a Commodity shop, we can go and have a look.这附近刚好有家小商品店,我们可以去看看A:Ok.好的.C: Good morning! May I help you?早上好,我可以帮到你吗?B:We are looking first.我们先看看。
C:Ok,go ahead.好的,随便看。
A:What is this?This one looks nice.这是什么?看起来很漂亮。
B: This is clay figurine..This one?Ok,Do you haveSun Wukong clay figurine?这是粘土雕像。
是这个吗?好的,你们有孙悟空雕像吗?C: Yes, we have. 是的,我们有。
A: Please show me this one! 请把这个拿给我看一下。
C: Ok, here you are. 好的,给您。
A: How much is it ? 这个多少钱?C: 2000. 要2000元B: It's too expensive. Do you have discount? 这太贵了,你们有打折吗?C: 20% off. 八折。
A: Can you come down a bit? 可以再便宜一点吗?C: Sorry! We have only one price. 抱歉,我们是不讲价的。
B: Or how about this one? Do you like it?或者这个怎么样?你喜欢吗?A: Who is it carved ?它雕的是谁?B: Ultraman.He is the hero all over the world.奥特曼,它是世界英雄。
A: How much is it?这个多少钱?C:1500.And the same discount. 1500元,而且是一样的折扣。
B: Ok, We’ll take it. 好的,我们买了。
C: Cash or card? 现金还是刷卡?A: International Credit Card. 国际信用卡。
C: Do you have passport? 你带护照了吗?A: Yes. Where do I pay? 是的,我在哪儿付钱?C: This way please. 请这边走。
B: By the way, do you have to provide packaging? 顺便问一下你们店有包装吗?C: Yes. You can choose their own packaging, we will help you pack.有的。
您可以自己选择包装纸,我们将替你包装A: I want which looks more lustrous. And how much is it?我想要那一种色彩更鲜艳的。
那要多少钱?C: Well,It is free This is our free service.嗯,这是我们的免费服务。
A: Oh, I see. 哦,原来如此.Thank you.谢谢。
B: I belive Cathy will like it.我相信凯西一定会喜欢的。
John:Hmm, what do you recommend?嗯,你能给我推荐几款吗?Mary:Is it for home use? Which kind of price are you looking for?您是
家庭用吗?大概想要什么价位的?John:Yes, it is for home use. And two to three thousand yuan would be OK.是家庭用,两三千的就行。
Mary:Please look at these models. I think the performance to price ratios of these cameras are comparatively higher.那您看一下这几款,我觉得性价比比较高。
John:I like this one. Can you show it to me?我喜欢这一款,能给我看一下吗?Mary:OK. This camera has 7 million pixels, a 2.5-inch LCD screen, and short-term video recording.好的,这款是七百万像素,二点五寸液晶屏,还有短时摄像功能。
日常购物英语对话带翻译篇3Tom:Hello, I want to find a CD by a famous pop singer named Naying.您好,我想买张那英的CD唱片。
Lily:May I know the name of the album?能告诉我专辑名称吗?Tom:Uhhh…I just want to listen to the five songs on the this piece of paper.嗯,我只是想听这张纸上的五首歌。
Lily:Oh, those are on three different albums.噢,这五首歌分别收录在三张不同的专辑里了。
Tom:I wasn't planning to buy 3 whole albums.我可没打算一次买三张专辑。
Lily:Then buy this special edition set. It has all of her greatest hits, including the five songs, and is half the price of buying all the 3 albums.那买这张吧,是张精选专辑,收录了这五首歌,但价格只有这三张的一
Tom:OK, that is a good deal.好,我买了。
Lily:Yeah…it'd be better with a lower pric e, huh?嗯……能便宜点儿就更好了,是吧?Tom:Maybe we should look around a little more before we decide.买之前我们先比比各家的货吧。
日常购物英语对话带翻译篇5Mary:This is the last of the milk.这是最后的一点点儿牛奶了。
Bob:I know. I intend to go to the store today.我知道。
Mary:Would you get some of that new cereal we saw advertised on TV?您买点儿我们在电视广告上看到的那种新麦片,好吗?Bob:Which one?哪种?Mary:You know … the one with the silly ad about how vitamins jump up and down.嗯…,就是那种有一个逗乐的广告,广告上维生素蹦蹦跳跳的。
Bob:Oh, you mean “KIKIES?哦,你说的是KIKIES?Mary:Yeah. That’s the one.对,就是那种。
Bob:Well, I’ll see. Sometimes the stores don’t have some of the new kinds of cereal.好吧,我去看看。