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Part A 模拟朗读

In the remote southwest corner of China a celebration is about to take place. Daipeople collect water for the most important festival of their year. The Dai callthemselves the people of the water. Yunnan's river valleys have been their home forover 2000 years. By bringing the river water to the temple, they honor the two thingsholiest to them, Buddhism and their home. The Dai give thanks for the rivers andfertile lands. Though to some, it might seem just an excuse for the biggest water fightof all time. Dai lives are changing as towns get bigger and modernised. But the WaterSplashing Festival is still celebrated by all.

Part B 三问五答






M: Today on Viewpoints we’re going to discuss something that affects us all—themanners and behavior of today’s youth. Here with us in the studio is Monica Heller,a teacher, from East London. Monica, you’re fresh from the classroom, what areyour experiences?

M: You mean they sound rude and look terrible but they’re all right really?

W: Not exactly. They look different because they have their own fashions andhairstyles, but perhaps more importantly they use different words and expressions.

M: Such as?

W: My pupils, for exle, e out with such things as “All right, Miss, like whatwe’re doing today?” —which sounds very casual to us but they feel entirely naturalsaying it and I know they’re not being rude...

M: Now Monica is happy to answer some questions from the audience. Please.

M: Do you have a problem understanding the youth of today?

M: Is wearing a particular style of clothes showing disrespect?

M: How do you see adults’ behavior?

W: Some adults should be ashamed of how they act in front of the youngergeneration. You know what I mean—getting drunk, swearing and so on.

Questions to ask:

1. 你觉得理解当代年轻人有困难吗

2. 穿奇装异服是种不尊重人的表现吗

3. 你怎样看成年人的行为举止


1. Do you have a problem understanding the youth of today?

2. Is wearing a particular style of clothes showing disrespect

3. How do you see adults’ behavior?

Questions to answer

1. Why does Monica think that young people look different?

2. What should young people realize?

3. What kind of clothes do young people think acceptable to wear?

4. What do young people’s clothes show?

5. Why should some adults feel ashamed?


1. They look different because they have their own fashions and hairstyles, but perhapsmore importantly they use different words and expressions.

3. Torn, dirty clothes.

4. They are creative.

5. For their behavior in front of the younger generation. For instance, they get drunk,swear and so on.

Part C 短文复述


A man came home from work late again, tired and annoyed, to find his 5-year-old sonwaiting for him at the door. "Daddy, how much money do you make an hour?" theboy asked. "If you must know, I make $20.00 an hour." The man said impatiently.
