DELL Quest 软件解决方案介绍
Quest串流方案简介Quest是由Oculus推出的一款虚拟现实(VR)头显,它能够提供高品质的VR 体验,而且不需要连接电脑或手机。
1. 使用Oculus LinkOculus Link是Oculus官方推出的一种Quest串流方案。
使用Oculus Link需要一台兼容的电脑和一条USB-C到USB-C或者USB-C到USB-A的数据线。
下面是使用Oculus Link的步骤:1.将Quest连接到电脑的USB端口。
2.打开Oculus App并登录。
3.在设置中启用Oculus Link功能。
使用Oculus Link可以实现高质量的Quest串流,但需要一台兼容的电脑和数据线,并且只能在附近有电脑的情况下使用。
2. 使用ChromecastChromecast是Google推出的一种流媒体设备,可以将屏幕内容从一个设备(如手机、平板电脑)传输到另一个设备(如电视)。
Quest NetVault Backup Oracle解决方案介绍说明书
![Quest NetVault Backup Oracle解决方案介绍说明书](
Protecting business-critical data stored in Oracle databases while keepingthat data online and available is easier when you have a solution with a plug-in specifically designed for Oracle. With Quest® NetVault Backup, you’ll be able to take full advantage of the world’s leading relational database management system. NetVault Backup gives you confidence that you can recover your Oracle environments, including Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) and Data Guard, while eliminating the need for complex scripting. Through an intuitive user interface and automated workflow processes, NetVault Backup offers a centralized console to help you set up, configure and define backup and restore policies for all your Oracle databases. Plus, you have the flexibility to select your preferred backup method without having to learn Oracle database internals, thanks to support for online backups via simple user-managed or full-featured Recovery Manager (RMAN) backups. NetVault Backup also offers granular control that minimizes downtime, providing youwith faster and more reliable backups and restores of complete databases, individual tablespaces or individual datafiles. Through automatic integration with a wide range of backup devices, you can be confident that your Oracle data is protected and safely stored off site to meet your disaster recovery and business continuity goals.NetVault Backup supports important features such as Oracle RAC, Data Guard, Automated Storage Management (ASM), Flashback Database and Transparent Data Encryption, and offers you advanced backup and recovery options in case of hardware failure or data loss. Protect your business-critical Oracle data with confidence and agility.NetVault Backup for OracleAward-winning protection for business-critical data stored in Oracle databasesBENEFITS:• User-managed or RMAN-basedonline backups• Support for RMAN compression• Protection for single-instance,multi-instance RAC and DataGuard environments• Protection for Oracle datain third-party (non-RAC)clustered environments• Backup Parameter, Control,Archived Redo Log Files andExternal Configuration Files• Protection down to datafile levels• Automatic instance configuration• Point-and-click graphic userinterface (GUI)KEY BENEFITSReduce risk with flexible backup and recovery — NetVault Backup gives you tools to simplify backup and recovery of business-critical Oracle databases. With NetVault Backup, you can create a comprehensive and flexible backup policy without the need to understand Oracle database internals. You have the flexibility to choose between simple user-managed or full-featured RMAN-based backups. Through point-and-click automated options, NetVault Backup reduces reliance on human interaction, which eliminates syntax errors caused by manual intervention.Minimize downtime by speeding uprestores (restore only what is needed) — NetVault Backup ensures databases remain online and fully accessible during backup operations, ensuring no user downtime. Integration withOracle’s Flashback Database maximizes availability by enabling you to rewind to a previous time to correct problems caused by logical data corruptions or user errors without restoring physical datafiles. When needed, you can perform full, incremental, and time-, SCN- and log sequence number-based, point-in-time restores. NetVault Backup is designedfor granular recoveries, enabling you to recover complete databases, individual tablespaces or individual datafiles.Increase business continuity through automatic integration with a widerange of backup devices — With off-site backups being an important part of the data protection plan for business-critical applications, NetVault Backup integrates with a wide range of storage devices, enabling you to store backup data on disk, in a virtual tape library (VTL) or on tape.ABOUT QUESTQuest helps our customers reducetedious administration tasks so they can focus on the innovation necessary for their businesses to grow. Quest® solutions are scalable, affordable and simple-to-use, and they deliver unmatched efficiency and productivity. Combined with Quest’s invitation to the global community to be a part of its innovation, as well as our firm commitment to ensuring customer satisfaction, Quest will continue to accelerate the delivery of the mostcomprehensive solutions for Azure cloud management, SaaS, security, workforcemobility and data-driven insight.Quest, NetVault and the Quest logo are trademarks and registered trademarks of Quest Software Inc. For a complete list of Quest marks, visit /legal/trademark-information.aspx. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.© 2017 Quest Software Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.DataSheet-NVBU4Oracle-US-KS-25712Quest4 Polaris Way, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 | If you are located outside North America, you can find local office information on our Web site.。
Quest NetVault介绍
![Quest NetVault介绍](
CDP的特点 • • • • 几乎不丢失任何数据 (RPO) 近似于瞬间的恢复 (RTO) VODR技术 可以恢复历史数据 可以避免逻辑错误
• 平台较少
NetVault 产品特点
© 2010 Quest Software, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
• • • • • 基于策略的自动备份 自动管理备份设备 自动管理备份介质 异构平台支持 数据库在线备份
• 全面的数据保护
广泛的平台支持 广泛的数据库支持 广泛的应用支持 物理破坏/逻辑破坏 各个历史版本恢复
• 最低的造价
数据备份和恢复的特点 • 恢复时间稍长 • 恢复时间点稍长
©2008, BakBone Software, Inc
Slide 21
NetVault FastRecoer 实时数据保护(NVFR)/CDP •基于磁盘的连续数据保护技术 •消除备份窗口 •Windows文件系统、Oracle、
•30秒钟瞬间可以恢复 •几乎不丢失任何数据 •可以恢复任何一个时间点的数据
Recreate the volumes
Reconfigure the network Redefine the printers Recreate user accounts Redefine network shares Reconfigure web, ftp & email Reconfigure Xwindows Reinstall database software Reinstall backup software Restore user data
安装PowerEdge Diagnostics:A, 找到您刚才下载好的安装文件,然后双击,进行安装。
您首先会看到下图:点击‘NEXT’按钮继续B, 接受软件许可协议2. 使用PowerEdge Diagnostics 进行诊断――图形界面:A, 启动POWEREDGE DIAGNOSTICS单击:‘开始’ -> ‘程序’ -> ‘PowerEdge Diagnostics 2.8 ’ -> ‘PowerEdge Diagnostics GUI ’开始运行注:您可以选择‘PowerEdge Diagnostics CLI ’进入字符介面进行检测。
注:您可能已经注意到了,在左侧的硬件列表中有些是灰色不可选的设备,这些设备将无法进行检测,可能是您机器硬件的驱动或Firmware版本不合适,或者这些设备并不被您当前的PowerEdge Diagnostics所支持。
如果这些设备恰巧是您需要检测的设备,您可以通过升级驱动或更好其它版本的Pediagnostics 工具解决。
如果仍然无法检测,请换用其它检测工具,如:32bit Diagnostics Tools。
C,选择您要检测的设备,并开始检测您现在所要做的就是找到并选择您想检测的设备,然后点击右侧下方的‘Run Test’按钮开始检测。
提示:如果您是检测硬盘或内存,您应该勾选‘Quick Test’选项,这样会大大节省检测所需的时间。
检测所需要的时间会根据您勾选的设备数量和是否选择了‘Quick Test’选项而不同。
Dell 解决方案概览
![Dell 解决方案概览](
Primed Node Racked and cabled to the
Allocating Node
(Waits for user input)
Network Boot Complete Reboot/Network Boot
Reboot/Network Boot
Hardware Update
Hadoop – 戴尔集成了专为云计算优化的新一代服务器和完整的规划、部署工具及服务,为用户提供业界先进的Hadoop云计算 平台,适应大数据、高性能计算等不同业务需求。
Hadoop 是面向数据存储及处理的平台, 具备:
可适应性 故障冗余 开源
Hadoop 核心组件
Hadoop 分布式文件系统 (HDFS)
Chief client Completes
Install Base OS
Applying Role
OpenStack Nova (Compute)
Crowbar Core Platform
Barclamps ● Nagios ● Ganglia ● others
OSpw(eSnitfotSrtaacgke) im(vGaiOrlgtaupenaesc)lnedSitsakck
虚拟网络架构 (VNA) – 适用虚拟化及面向应用的开放网络架构,提升IT架构管理及负载智能调度。
虚拟网络架构 Open networking framework for e cient IT infrastructure and workload intelligence
quest netvault backup 12.1 发布说明说明书
![quest netvault backup 12.1 发布说明说明书](
Quest NetVault Backup12.1Quest® NetVault® Backup 12.1发行说明2018 年 9 月这些发行说明提供了有关 Quest® NetVault® Backup 发行的信息。
主题:•关于本次发行•新增特性•增强功能•已解决的问题•已知问题•系统要求•产品授权•升级和安装说明•更多资源•全球化•关于我们关于本次发行Quest NetVault Backup(简称为 NetVault Backup)提供市场上最先进的跨平台数据保护功能,而且极容易使用,即装即用,还非常易于扩展。
NetVault Backup 允许您从一个直观的用户界面同时保护物理和虚拟环境中的数据及应用程序,可以保护分布在大量服务器上的 PB 级的数据。
NetVault Backup 还有一个特色是可提供异构支持,以便您可以保护各种操作系统、应用程序、数据库、处理器架构和网络存储设备上的数据。
这种跨平台多功能性可让您轻松调整 NetVault Backup,以便与不断变化和发展的 IT 基础设施环境保持一致。
NetVault Backup12.1 是次要版本,包含增强特性和功能。
新增特性NetVault Backup12.1 新增特性:•增加了对 Quest® Foglight®for Virtualization、Enterprise Edition 8.8 或更高版本的支持。
•增加了对在基于 Linux 的计算机上推送安装的支持。
(DNAD-703)•增加了对作为托管服务提供商 (MSP) 的支持。
(NVBU-17607)•增加了对使用轻型目录访问协议 (LDAP)将 Active Directory (AD) 与 Linux 集成的支持。
在开发 VR 或 AR 模拟时,您需要可以扩展以满足您的创意需求的强大系统。
戴尔 Precision 工作站是世界上排名靠前的工作站*,可提供一个出色的平台以满足您的开发需求。
此外,许多情况下工作站都用于体验VR ,这使它们成为客户理想的两用系统。
开发用于商业应用的 VR/AR/XR推荐的戴尔解决方案B. 戴尔 Precision 5820 塔式工作站5820 塔式工作站的尺寸比 7920 塔式工作站小,是 VR 内容创作和无线模拟的理想解决方案。
此单路塔式工作站是戴尔 Precision 工作站系列中的中端产品。
它的许多组件与 7920 塔式工作站相同,但提供经济实惠的入门级价位。
A B CE. 戴尔 Precision 7750Precision 7750 是一种卓越的移动 VR 解决方案,它为内容创作和日常行业应用程序运行提供极佳的性能。
17" 显示屏提供充足的观看空间,而且系统具备利用大内存配置和最新顶级专业显卡的能力。
F. 戴尔 Precision 755015" 显示屏的高端移动解决方案,可提供出色的性能以满足 VR/AR 开发需求,并为消费环境提供一个经济实惠的移动平台。
最高可配 HDR 显示屏,有可扩展的存储和内存配置,并可以选配高端专业显卡。
G. 戴尔 Precision 5750Precision VR 就绪型系列产品中的最新成员是 5750,它有 17" In nityEdge 16:10 显示屏。
它纤薄轻便,最高可搭载 NVIDIA Quadro ® RTX 3000 显卡,由内而外透出一种劲霸之气。
C. 戴尔 Precision 3640 塔式工作站低成本 VR 微塔式机解决方案,非常适合希望进入沉浸式技术领域并为客户提供高性价比平台以使用其 VR/AR 应用程序的公司和组织。
dell 超融合方案
![dell 超融合方案](
Dell 超融合方案简介Dell 超融合方案是 Dell 公司推出的一项集计算、存储、网络和管理于一体的综合解决方案。
通过将服务器、存储设备、网络设备和管理软件进行高度集成,Dell 超融合方案帮助企业将数据中心的资源有效地利用起来,提高了 IT 系统的可靠性和性能。
超融合方案的特点Dell 超融合方案具有以下几个显著特点:1.高度集成:Dell 超融合方案将服务器、存储设备、网络设备和管理软件进行高度集成,为企业提供了一站式解决方案,简化了 IT 系统的部署和维护工作。
2.灵活可扩展:Dell 超融合方案采用模块化设计,企业用户可以根据自身需求灵活地进行扩展。
3.高性能:Dell 超融合方案采用了先进的硬件和软件技术,具有出色的性能表现。
通过优化的资源利用和高效的存储管理,Dell 超融合方案可以满足企业对高性能计算和快速存储的需求。
4.简化管理:Dell 超融合方案配备了强大的管理软件,可以实现对整个系统的集中管理。
超融合方案的优势Dell 超融合方案相比于传统的 IT 架构具有多项优势:降低成本Dell 超融合方案通过高度集成和优化的资源利用,有效地降低了企业的 IT 成本。
相比于传统的 IT 架构,Dell 超融合方案省去了采购、部署和维护多个单独设备的成本,同时减少了能耗和物理空间的占用。
提高灵活性Dell 超融合方案的模块化设计使得企业可以根据实际需求灵活地进行系统扩展。
增强可靠性Dell 超融合方案采用了冗余设计和故障恢复机制,大大增强了系统的可靠性。
DELL CLIENT MANAGEMENTPACK SUITE FOR MICROSOFT SYSTEM CENTEROPERATIONS MANAGERAND SYSTEM CENTER ESSENTIALS2010Version 5.0ReadmeThis readme provides information on the Dell Client Management Pack version 5.0, which can be imported into Microsoft System Center 2012 Operations Manager, System Center Operations Manager(SCOM) 2007 R2 and System Center Essentials(SCE) 2010.NOTE: All references to OpsMgr in this guide are applicable to Microsoft System Center 2012 Operations Manager, System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2, and System Center Essentials 2010, unless otherwise specified.The Dell Client Management Pack version 5.0 enables OpsMgr to discover and monitor the status of Dell Client systems, on a defined network segment. This improved representation, which includes the receipt of failure and pre-failure alerts, allows you to assess, respond to, and ensure the availability of Dell Client monitored in the OpsMgr environment. In addition to improved availability, the management pack enhances the ability to monitor and manage the hardware in a single management solution.What’s New∙Support for Microsoft System Center 2012 Operations Manager and Microsoft System Center 2012 SP1 Operation Manager∙Support for OpenManage Client Instrumentation (OMCI) v8.1 and v8.1.1∙Support for Microsoft Windows 8 with OMCI v8.1.1∙Support for Windows 2012 as management server.Software RequirementsList of Operating Systems supported on the Management Server:Refer to the list of supported configurations for the following OpsMgr versions System Center 2012 Operations Manager /en-us/library/hh205990.aspx” SCOM 2007 R2 /en-us/library/bb309428.aspx and SCE 2010 “/en-us/library/bb422876.aspx".List of Operating Systems supported on the Managed Node:- Windows XP Professional SP2- Windows XP Professional x64 Edition with SP2- Windows XP Professional x86 (32-bit) Edition with SP3- Windows XP Professional x64 (64-bit) Edition with SP3- Windows Vista Ultimate SP1- Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 x64 Edition- Windows Vista Business SP1- Windows Vista Business SP1 x64 Edition- Windows Vista Enterprise SP1- Windows Vista Enterprise SP1 x64 Edition- Windows XP Tablet PC Edition- Windows 7 Professional x86 (32-bit) Edition- Windows 7 Professional x64 (64-bit) Edition- Windows 7 Ultimate x86 (32-bit) Edition- Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (64-bit) Edition- Windows 8 Professional x86 (32-bit) Edition- Windows 8 Professional x86 (64-bit) Edition- Windows 8 Enterprise x86 (32-bit) Edition- Windows 8 Enterprise x86 (64-bit) EditionInstallationFor information on installing the Dell Client Management Pack v5.0 for OpsMgr, refer the "Dell Client Management Pack Version 5.0 For Microsoft System Center Operations Manager and System Center Essentials Installation Guide".NOTE: The Installation Guide (DellMPv5.0_Client_IG.pdf) is available under the folder where you extracted the Dell Client Management Pack v5.0.Installation Pre-requisitesThis section provides information on the minimum requirements for installing and using the Dell Client Management Pack version 5.0 for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager and Microsoft System Center Essentials. Requirements for Managed nodeDell(TM) OpenManage(TM) Client Instrumentation: The recommended version of Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation (OMCI) is v8.1.1NOTE: If the OMCI version available on a client system is earlier than v8.0, then Client system is grouped under the “UnManaged” group and monitoring is disabled. The Dell Client Management Pack also groups the client systems without OMCI and Dell Vostro systems under the “UnManaged” group.Supported Dell DevicesSupported Client Systems: All Dell Optiplex, Precision and Latitude systems that are supported by Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation version v8.0 and later are managed using the Dell Client Management Pack v5.0. Upgrading From Previous VersionsYou can upgrade Dell Client Management Pack 4.x to Dell Client Management Pack 5.0.For information on upgrade to Dell Client Management Pack v5.0, see the "Dell Client Management Pack Version 5.0 For Microsoft System Center Operations Manager and System Center Essentials Installation Guide".NOTE: You cannot apply Dell Client Management Pack 5.0 as an upgrade over Dell Management Pack 3.x or any other versions prior to Dell Management Pack 3.x. Importing the Dell Client Management Pack v5.0 over the Dell Management Packs v3.x is not a supported configuration.Un-InstallationFor information on uninstalling the Dell Client Management Pack v5.0, see the "Dell Client Management Pack Version 5.0 For Microsoft System Center Operations Manager and System Center Essentials Installation Guide".NOTE: The Installation Guide (DellMPv5.0_Client_IG.pdf) is available under the folder where you extracted the Dell Client Management Pack v5.0.Open Issues and ResolutionsIssue 1 - DF342472On few Dell Client platforms, health status does not change to normal after the Dell Client recovers from the Fan Probe error.DescriptionOn R5400, T7400 and Optiplex 390 systems, Health status does not change to normal after the Dell Client recovers from Fan Probe error.ResolutionReboot the Dell Client to clear the status of the Fan probe.Versions AffectedOpsMgrIssue 2 - DF484033Value for attribute "Manufacture Ship Date" for Dell Client Systems are not displayed for Dell Clients with OMCI 8.0. DescriptionValue of attribute "Manufacture Ship Date" is not shown for OMCI clients 8.0. Whereas, it is shown for OMCI 8.0.1 and higher versions. This is because the underlying instrumentation layer does not support this feature in OMCI 8.0.ResolutionUpgrade to the recommended OMCI versionVersions AffectedOpsMgrDell Client Management Pack 5.0OMCI 8.0Issue 3 - DF499508When an additional battery is added to the Dell Client, the battery part number for the added battery is not discovered. DescriptionOn Dell Client Laptops that support multiple batteries, when an additional battery is added, the battery part number for the added battery is not discovered in the subsequent discovery cycles.ResolutionReboot the Laptop.Issue 4 - DF499881Chassis intrusion health status in not changing even after chassis is removed.DescriptionOn Optiplex 990(with bios:A05) and 390(with bios:A01), Chassis intrusion health status in not changing even after chassis is removed. BIOS does not have support for these events and hence the OMCI does not expose these health for the above platforms. As a result, Client MP shows the components as healthy.WorkaroundUpgrade to latest BIOS versionIssue 5 - DF501257FAN health status in not changing even after FAN is stoppedDescriptionOn few Client platforms, FAN health status may not change if fan stops and the status remains unchanged even after the reboot of client system.WorkaroundNo known workaround.Issue 6 - BITS045713MP Knowledge Base is not displayed on I18N Management StationsDescriptionOn OpsMgr MS with non-English locale, the Client Management Pack does not display MP Knowledge Base text. WorkaroundNo known workaround.Global SupportFor information on technical support, visit /contactus.For information on documentation support, visit /manuals. On the Manuals page, clickSoftware ->Systems Management. Click on the specific product on the right-side to access the documents.Information in this document is subject to change without notice.© 2013 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.Reproduction of these materials in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Dell Inc. is strictly forbidden.Trademarks used in this text: Dell™, the DELL logo, Dell Precision™, OptiPlex™, Latitude™, PowerEdge™, PowerVault™, PowerConnect™, OpenManage™, EqualLogic™, KACE™, FlexAddress™, and Vostro™ are trademarks of Dell Inc. Intel®, Pentium®, Xeon®, and Celeron® are registered trademarks and Core™ is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. AMD® is a registered trademark and AMD Opteron™, AMD Phenom™, and AMD Sempron™ are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows Server®, MS-DOS® and Windows Vista® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Red Hat Enterprise Linux® and Enterprise Linux® are registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Novell® is a registered trademark and SUSE ™ is a trademark of Novell Inc. in the United States and other countries. Oracle® is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Citrix®, Xen®, XenServer® , and XenMotion® are registered trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. VMware®, Virtual SMP®, vMotion®, vCenter®, and vSphere® are registered trademarks of VMWare, Inc. in the United States or other countries.Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this publication to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. Dell Inc. disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own.2013 –02 Rev. A01。
dell 虚拟化方案
![dell 虚拟化方案](
dell 虚拟化方案在当今互联网发展迅猛的时代,企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,提高效率和降低成本是必不可少的。
戴尔提供的VMware vSphere和Microsoft Hyper-V等虚拟化软件可以帮助企业轻松创建、管理和迁移虚拟机。
Quest NetVault Backup 数据保护软件介绍说明书
![Quest NetVault Backup 数据保护软件介绍说明书](
The success of your business depends on your ability to protect, access and leverage your mission-critical data on a daily basis — and to restore it quickly in the event of an unexpected outage. Yet many enterprises use data protection software that sacrifices functionality for simplicity, or scalability for versatility. With Quest® NetVault® Backup, high-growth organizations can benefit from enterprise-class, cross-platform data protection that's easy to use right out of the box and that scales easily to accom-modate data growth.With this software, you can protect a massive number of servers contain-ing petabytes of data — from one web-based console. It supports multi-ple operating systems, applications, databases, processor architectures and storage devices. Such cross-plat-form versatility makes it easy for youto tailor NetVault Backup to match the ever-changing — and growing — land-scape of your IT infrastructure.FEATURESPhysical and virtual support — Protect both physical and virtual servers (VMware and Hyper-V) with a single solution and gain consistent, reliable, point-and-click backup and restore. By running the VMware plug-in on any avail-able proxy, you can back up all virtual machines with a single unified view that scales to thousands of VMs. Enterprisewide control — Configure, manage and monitor your backup and recovery operations from a web-based user interface. Convenient wizards guide you through common tasks, such as creating backup jobs, assigning policies, configuring storage devices and gener-ating reports. Intuitive workflows and efficient navigation allow you to complete many workflows without traveling across multiple screens. Most operations can now be performed from a single screen. Powerful catalog search — Conduct fast and granular searches for files andNetVault® BackupEnterprise-class data protection for diverse IT environmentsBENEFITS:• Lower total cost of ownershipand simplified administrationusing a single solution to managecomplex, hybrid data centers• Significant storage cost savings withclient-side deduplication and theability to use lower cost storage• More granular recovery pointsand faster recovery time throughhardware snapshots for improvedapplication availability• Greater IT productivity withan intuitive, web-basedmanagement console• Faster system recovery throughbare-metal recovery• Faster backup through high-performance multistreaming• Improved security and control ofsystem administration throughAD-based roles and privilegesNetVault Backup offers enterprise-level data protection with ease of use and flexibility.Quest, NetVault, QoreStor and the Quest logo are trademarks and registered trademarks of Quest Software Inc. For a complete list of Quest marks, visit /legal/trademark-information.aspx. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.© 2018 Quest Software Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.DataSheet-NetVaultBackup-US-GM-33184objects for both backup and restore. Fast-search capabilities provide access to metadata (name, mod date, type, etc.) for items backed up with NetVault. Save-sets with offline indexes can also be included in your search results.Application protection — Ensure the protection and availability of all of your business-critical applications and data, including Oracle, SQL Server, Exchange Server, SharePoint, MySQL, DB2, PostgreSQL, Domino, SAP, Sybase and Teradata. No scripting is required to run hot backup and recovery jobs.Active Directory (AD) support — Log into NetVault using your AD single sign-on credentials. Role-based access control regulates what operations administra-tors can perform (per the AD privileges assigned). AD and LDAP enable “push install” capability for NetVault clients. This capability is a big plus in large envi-ronments with hundreds of clients that need upgrades or installs. Application-aware storage array snapshots — Perform significantly faster and easier backups, with recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs) for even the most demanding business needs. Quest QoreStor™ integration — Get direct-to-storage backup with this software-defined storage and data deduplication solution with client-side deduplication and compression algorithms that enable significant perfor-mance improvements and greater storage efficiency. NetVault Backup also supports the Quest DR Virtual Appliance and the EMC Data Domain backup and recovery platform, as well as its DD Boost technology for deduplication.NAS protection — Get advanced data protection for information stored on NAS devices, including those made by Dell/EMC, Hitachi, Fujitsu, IBM, NetApp and Oracle. Reduce traffic over your LAN and maximize performance by backing up over the Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP). NetVault Backup supports many different storage topolo-gies and configurations.Disk and tape backup — Support both disk and tape-based backup to a wide range of storage targets, including disk-based devices, tape libraries and third-party deduplication appliances. You’ll also have the power to move data from one storage target to another for disaster recovery purposes.High-performance multistreaming — Save time and ease management by backing up multiple workloads, such as network drives, local drives and mount points, simultaneously. Break down large, single-volume jobs into multiple streams for increased performance.Strong security — Meet regulatory requirements without sacrificing backup windows or deduplication performance with an encryption plug-in for CAST-128, AES-256 or CAST-256 algorithm support. Flexible job-level encryption lets you easily select which data to encrypt. Simple, straightforward licensing — License by component or front-end storage capacity, giving you incredible flexibility. With component-based licens-ing, you pick and choose which modules you need. With capacity licensing, you get all NetVault components and can deploy an unlimited number of clients or application plug-ins to optimize your data protection environment. ABOUT QUEST At Quest, our purpose is to solve complex problems with simple solutions. We accomplish this with a philoso-phy focused on great products, great service and an overall goal of being simple to do business with. Our vision is to deliver technology that eliminates the need to choose between efficiency and effectiveness, which means you and your organization can spend less time on IT administration and more time onbusiness innovation.Quest 4 Polaris Way, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 | If you are located outside North America, you can find local office information on our Web site.。
quest2pc端演示模式(原创实用版)目录1.引言2.Quest 2 PC 端演示模式的概念和特点3.Quest 2 PC 端演示模式的操作步骤4.Quest 2 PC 端演示模式的应用场景5.Quest 2 PC 端演示模式的优势与不足6.结论正文【引言】随着科技的发展,虚拟现实(VR)技术越来越受到人们的关注。
作为VR 领域的一款明星产品,Quest 2 在推出后受到了广泛好评。
其中,PC 端演示模式是 Quest 2 的一项重要功能,为广大用户提供了便利的 VR 体验。
本文将为您详细介绍 Quest 2 PC 端演示模式,帮助您更好地了解和应用这一功能。
【Quest 2 PC 端演示模式的概念和特点】Quest 2 PC 端演示模式是指将 Quest 2 的头戴式设备通过 USB 连接到电脑,将电脑上的内容以 VR 形式展示给用户。
这一模式的特点包括:1.高清显示:通过 USB 连接,Quest 2 可以获得电脑上的高清画面,让用户在 VR 环境中享受高品质的视觉体验。
2.互动性强:用户可以在 VR 环境中与电脑上的内容进行互动,实现更加自然的操作。
3.多场景适用:Quest 2 PC 端演示模式可以应用于多种场景,如游戏、观影、教育等。
【Quest 2 PC 端演示模式的操作步骤】要启用 Quest 2 PC 端演示模式,用户需要按照以下步骤操作:1.将 Quest 2 通过 USB 连接到电脑。
2.在 Quest 2 的设置中,选择“PC 端演示模式”选项,开启该功能。
3.在电脑上安装 Oculus 软件,并确保软件与 Quest 2 成功连接。
4.打开需要展示的电脑内容,如视频、游戏等,即可在 Quest 2 中观看和互动。
【Quest 2 PC 端演示模式的应用场景】Quest 2 PC 端演示模式在多种场景下都能发挥巨大作用,具体包括用户可以在 VR 环境下体验电脑上的游戏,感受更加沉浸式的游戏体验。
Quest® NetVault®微软办公室插件 365 13.0 用户指南2020年© Quest Software Inc.保留所有权利。
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专利Quest Software 以自身的先进技术为傲。
6. 自动构建模型 通过DELMIA PPR-Hub对动态 物流过程进行验证 多方案验证 减少首次建模时间 工艺过程方案变更时可快速更 新QUEST物流模型
带有层次结构的生产物流模型 仿真系统的效率、瓶颈和产能 排程参数
Page 19
DELMIA 物流解决方案实施过程
建立生产线生产工艺、物流的3D可视化仿真模型 进行物流过程的约束(工艺参数)和瓶颈分析 进行设备利用率分析 进行生产过程中调度、排程的仿真分析 提供合理化建议
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Page 5
Business needVillage Bank experienced laborious tape backup schedules, manual rotation of tapes, and a growing backup window due to ever-increasing data, in addition to anunacceptable 50% failure rate of their backup solution.SolutionsWith state-of-the-art disk imaging solution and application-aware system notification, Village Bank is able to recover its data easily and reliably, implementing a bank-wide disaster recovery process.Application areas• Disaster Recovery • Storage Solutions • VirtualizationBenefits• Five (5) minute recovery time • 140% ROI• Reliable backup and disaster recovery processes• Intuitive user interface for ease of use• Comprehensive disaster planning abilityHardware• Dell™ PowerEdge 950, 1800, R710, and R210 servers• Dell EqualLogic PS4000 SAN“Our DR strategy has completely changed with Dell AppAssure because now we have the time to focus on the future and meet our goal of doing replication off-site.”Bob Thomas, Vice President of Information TechnologyVillage Bank overcomes 50% failure rate with backup exec withcontinuous disk imaging solution, gaining a 140% ROI in the processVillage Bank IT environment includes250+ mail boxes, 4 SQL servers, 25 Windows file servers, 9 virtualized servers running Hyper-V, and upwards of 4 TB of data. “We’re a midsized bank which also owns a mortgage company,” explains Thomas. “We have 18 locations around the Richmond area and a staff size of about 230 people. Our infrastructure includes mortgage loan origination applications, Fiserve’s bank imaging system, and client account opening software platforms all running on our SQL servers. Plus we’rea service bureau bank, which means we work with Fiserve, who does the heavy lifting of core processing of accounts payable, account management, and so on. So there’s a lot going on at any one time. We were using Symantec Backup Exec12 and our backup jobs were continually failing, leading to questionable recovery scenarios.”Thomas estimates that his three-person IT team had to deal with unacceptable failure rates of up to 50%—regularly.“We would do a daily backup which ran three to six hours a night, and then a full backup on Friday, plus a monthly,” says Thomas. “We don’t have a staff to comein on Saturday, so we’d get the backup on Monday and about 50% of the time, find an error. There wasn’t much we could do about it because we couldn’t afford to rerun the backup, so we’d just note we had had a failure and hope we wouldn’t need to recover anything, because if something failed, we’d be out two weeks of data.We thought about redoing the backup schedule, and looked at another tape mechanism, but it was just too expensive for us. We’d call Symantec on the failures, but they could only recommend a patch or have us waiting for the next version.”This nightmare scenario was made all the worse by the fact that the bank had grown so much in the last couple of years that it was expanding faster than Backup Exec’s solution could keep up with it. The backup jobs began to take longer and longer, while the increasing data took up more and more tape.“The failing backup jobs put the company at risk when a recovery is required,” says Thomas emphatically. “Since the number of tapes and time required to do a full backup was increasing, we knew thatwe needed a more secure and reliableIt’s one thing for a bank to have to deal with laborious tapebackup schedules, manual rotation of tapes, and a growingbackup window due to ever-increasing data. It’s quite anotherwhen the best you could hope for each month was a 50%success rate for a good backup. But that was precisely thesituation that Bob Thomas, Vice President of InformationTechnology at Village Bank, faced month after month.23process for the bank. Not only that, we were committed to developing a comprehensive disaster recovery (DR)process, and we couldn’t do that with what we were using.”15 minutes to a full server restore.Village Bank had its mission critical servers set up on separate tape apparatuses and kept close tabs on it for failure, yet all its other servers were still vulnerable. “If we had a disaster, the mission critical servers were ok,” notes Thomas, “But the mail server and others were very vulnerable. We were looking at 2-3 weeks of recovery time if there was a disaster, because we had to make choices about what could come back online when needed.”“We spent a lot of time reviewing theproducts that are out there,” notes Thomas. “Since we run n-Central, a monitoring system from n-Able, we did a trial on the solution they suggested. But just as we were about to make a decision, we had a tape machine failure and I decided that was it. I didn’t want to reinvest in tape any longer. It was just too expensive for repeat problems.”Thomas’s team came across Dell AppAssure and did a trial. Within 15minutes, Village Bank’s servers were all up and protected by in a test mode. Thomas chose Dell AppAssure.“Our backups are running much quicker and the time to recovery is cut from hours and days to just minutes,” says Thomas. “Not only that, but the ability to go into Exchange store and restore one email with Dell AppAssure has been eye opening.”You can’t argue with the numbers: a 140% ROI.Thomas can easily make before and after comparisons:Recover in minutes.“Before Dell AppAssure, if a file was lost or accidentally deleted, we would have to request the tape from an offsite storage facility and wait for the courier to deliver it.This meant that it wasn’t at our data center until the next day. Once we received the tape we would have to run the restore job, which could take another hour or more. Now this process literally takes only minutes. This is like night and day.”Server-level recovery.“While we haven’t had a complete failure—I’m new to the virtualized world—we did experience a glitch with a host server having disk space taken up as we were virtualizing. Luckily we had some DellAppAssure image snaps ready and available. I blew up the virtual image and restored from the last good recovery point. This took less than an hour and I did it from my house in the evening. I didn’t have to be in the office swapping tapes like before.”More storage capacity.“Based on the current readings of our Dell AppAssure console, we are at 27.19x storage savings. But this isn’t quite accurate, because now we’re able to back up much more data than we were before! Now it’s not just our one mission critical SQL server, but all our machines!”Great return on investment.“Calculations are showing a total savings of $88,859 with a 140% ROI. But that’s not what’s so important to me. I said to my boss, ‘Here’s the cost to stay in 1980s technology now that our tape drive has failed, and we’re in the 21st century.’ The ROI is just a bonus.”Increased staff productivity.“We now have time to think about other things—we can better plan, execution goes a lot easier, and we’re not always fighting a fire. We no longer think about backups because Dell AppAssure has freed up staff time by eliminating the manual process of regularly logging, couriering, and reviewing tapes, which took about 1-2 hours a day.” Village Bank can now feel confident that its data is protected as it looks to the future. “Dell AppAssure has completely changedour DR strategy because we have thetime to focus on the future,” says Thomas. Village Bank can now meet its goal of doing replication off-site, which is what is up next on Thomas’s team’s plate.Recently, a user deleted a large number of folders, representing about 15GB of data, off the Bank’s shared drive. With Dell AppAssure, Thomas recovered the data in less than five (5) minutes. The bottom line,” says Thomas, “is that Dell AppAssure lives up to the hype—the literature is point on. I would encourage anyone who is looking for a good backup and disaster solution to take those words to heart. Dell AppAssure works – it does what it says it does.”View all Dell case studies at /casestudiesAvailability and terms of Dell Services vary by region. For more information, visit /service descriptions. © August 2012. This case study is for informational purposes only. Dell makes no warranties - express or implied - in this case study. View all Dell case studies at /casestudies. Reference 10011735。
Dell Optimize for Infrastructure 服务说明说明书
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服务说明Dell Optimize for Infrastructure简介Dell Technologies Services 很高兴根据本服务说明(下称“服务说明”)提供 Optimize for Infrastructure (下称“本服务”)。
Optimize for Infrastructure 服务是可续签协议的服务,使客户能够通过技术客户经理(下称“TAM”)获取适用的 Dell Technologies 产品技术专业知识。
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客户主要通过在以下三个不同方面缩减成本来实现 Optimize for Infrastructure 的优势。
•运营支出•资本支出•意外停机Optimize for Infrastructure 服务是对故障修复支持服务(如 ProSupport 或 ProSupport Plus)的补充,通过指派一位深入了解客户环境的 TAM,从而为享受服务的系统提供日常操作和管理方面的主动支持和援助。
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– IBM、CA、HP、BMC – Oracle、Precise – Compuware、Opnet
• 对比分析原则
简单的,急具广度的备份到磁盘或者磁带, 可以支 持物理、虚拟、应用等复杂的异构环境
NetVault SmartDisk
基于磁盘的备份和重复数据删除,可以降低存储硬 件多达90%
NetVault FastRecover
实时的基于磁盘的数据保护连续数据保护 ( CDP),针对Exchange, SQL Server Oracle 和
• Web服务器:IIS、Aparch等
• ERP应用:Siebel、Peoplesoft、SAP、EBS
• 那些业务经常有投诉?
• 用户做了什么操作?为什 么会放弃操作?
• 是否可以捕捉和重现 这些问题?
• 是否可以提交这些问 题及证据给技术部门, 从而解决问题,提高 客户满意度?
• 主机:Windows、Linux、Unix等
– CPU使用、内存使用、磁盘I/O、文件系统使用、网络流量、日志文件过滤、 进程、SNMP等
• 应用服务器:WAS、WLS、Jboss、Tomcat、Oracle iAS等
– JVM、JDBC、JTA、JMS、线程池、Cluster、JCA连接池、EJB、实体Bean、 会话Bean、消息驱动Bean等
Global Marketing
Application Performance Management
5 dimensions of APM as defined by Gartner:
1. End-user experience monitoring 2. Runtime application architecture
Windows 文件服务器可以瞬间恢复到任意时间点
NetVault XA
• Windows, Linux, Mac, Unix, VMware, and Hyper-V
• Exchange, SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Sybase, DB2, Teradata, and many other leading applications
Supported Platforms, Applications, & Storage
• 初级管理
– 使用简单的阀值或规则 – 告警准确性不高
• 高级管理
– 检测不寻常的行为
› 持续不断地学习并剖析指标或度量的行为 › 构建自适应的基线作为“正常”标准 › 一旦发现当前行为与基线有偏差立即发出告警提醒注意
关联数据库变更与性 能状态
记录了以下变更: • Server configuration • Database configuration • Database schema • Execution plans • User Defined (customizable)
数据库监控与优化— SQL执行计划记录与变更记录
设置捕获SQL执行 计划的策略
捕获的SQL执行计 划变更
数据库监控与优化—分析过程举例 基线偏差告警
数据库监控与优化—分析过程举例 建议与进一步分析
One Click!
数据库监控与优化—分析过程举例 确认问题,优化SQL
discovery, modeling and display 3. User-defined transaction profiling 4. Component deep-dive monitoring
in application context 5. Analytics
– 基线可以自动从过去几周或几月的历史性能数据中自动生成
Actual versus Baseli
Cluster平衡度细 节
动态性能基线 每个节点的性能
•基线范围指示器 •阀值级别指示器
我怎样才能知道我的云平台是否存在性能方面的问 题?
我希望出现性能问题的时候能够及时得 到警告。
• 概览视图 • 主要消费者 • 详细组件视图 • 告警
我怎样才能容易的发现资源的不足? 情景模型帮助管理员了解变化的影响。
案例分享: 国内某银行
• 银行关键业务,核心交易系统出现问题,• Foglight:监控各个业务系统主机、
• 每个业务系统开发和运行相对独立,包 – 关注主机性能
– 数据库性能
• 部署有监控方案,但应用出问题后仍然 – 应用服务期性能
Quest 口碑赢得业界殊荣
Gartner在近几年 年的应用性能监控 领域的魔力象限中 一直将Quest列为 领导者
简单的 IT 管理解决方案
数据库管理 • 数据库开发、管理、监控及展现
数据保护 • 虚拟、物理和应用环境下的数据复制、备份和恢复
性能优化、监控及管理 • 应用系统,IT架构及用户体验的全面性能优化及管理