研究生学术英语答案Unit 10
(新编研究生英语系列教程)研究生英语阅读教程基础级第二版课件及课后答案lesson 10

② 在欧共体内,农业现在处于转折点。 Now farming is at a crossroads in the European Community.
2. Study in the same place. Once you have located a good place to study, try to study in this place regularly. You will find that you will become familiar with the surroundings and will begin to form associations between the place and the activity you perform there. Eventually, as soon as you enter the room or sit down at the desk, you will begin to feel as though you should study.
② 这所房子附带有5亩空地。 Five acres of land go with the house.
4. Stick to a routine, efficient study schedule. Studying at the same time each day will help you fall into the habit of studying more easily.
5. Do not study where you are too comfortable. If you study sitting in a lounge chair or lying across your bed, you may find it difficult to concentrate.

Unit 10T ask3Listening: Y ou will now hear the answers to the puzzles above. Listen to the recording and write down the answers as well as the strategies for solving these problems. Did you solve the puzzle in the same way?Number 1Woman: Hey …uh…let’s l ook at the secret message.Man:Uh…What do you think it means? Any ideas?Woman:Well…uh…it looks as if each numbers stands for a different letter.Man:Y eah, you know, I think you’re right. Twenty-three is W and…5 is E.Woman: Hmm. Let’s see…Ah…oh, boy…ah…oh, and E is the fifth letter of the alphabet. Man:Mm-hmm. So…so the first word is we. Well, that makes sense.Woman: Y eah, so then 1 is A…Man:And 2 is B, 3 is C…Woman:and…yeah, right, so on, up to 26, which Z.Man:All right, well, let’s…let’s write down all the numbers, and…and then we’ll assign a letter to each one. Then we can, you know, replace all of the…Woman:…ah, so…wow-the answer is:’’We hope you enjoy using this book. ‘’Numbers 2Woman: …OK…ah, well, let’s look at these three sequ ences. What do you think?Man:I…think I know the answer. The next two numbers in the first sequence are 31 and 30. Woman: Wait a minute. How did you figure that out?Man:I’ll give you a hint. Think…of the months of the year.Woman: What? Months of the year?Man:Look, look, look, look. January has 31 days.Woman: Right.Man: February usually has 28 days, and then…Woman: Oh, Ok, I get it. March has 31 days, and April has 30 days, (Exactly.) so the last two numbers stand for May and June-31 and 30.Man that’s right.Woman: All right, but then about the next one?Man:Well…the next two letters in the second sequence are…uh…Woman: HmmMan: Hmm. Oh, I know—E and At..Woman: E and At? Why is that?Man:The key to this puzzle…is numbers.Woman:I’m stil l confused. What do you mean numbers?Man:O, 27, 77, F, F, --one, two, three, four, five.Woman: Oh! Ok, I get it. Each letter is the first letter of a number when it’s spelled out. OK. So 0 stands for two, T stands for three…Man: And so on. Then eight begins with the letter E…and nine begins with N.Woman: That’s it!Man:OK, now let’s look at the third sequence.Woman:I know it. It’s …um…Man: No, don’t…don’t tell me. I can figure it out. Are the next two letters…um…T and R? Woman: Y es. Why?Man: Well, January ends with the letter Y February ends with a Y, March ends with H, April with L, May with Y…Woman:And June with E, July with Y…Man: And August ends with T, and September with R.Woman: Y ou know what? Those are kind of fun, actually. They a ren’t so hard when you work together.T ask 4Listening: Y ou will hear four conversations. Some people are talking about the problems they face at the present time. Listen to the recording and complete the chart below what you hear. Just note down the key information.Number 1Lee:Hi, Jane. How are you?Jane:Fine, Lee.No, I’m not fine. I don’t know what to do.Lee: What’s the matter? Do you want to talk about it? I hope it’s not a problem with Allen. Jane:Well, yes and no. Our wedding is planned for next month.Lee: Y es, I know. Allen is such a nice person.Jane:Y es, he is. He’s very good to me. He owns two sporting goods stores. He makes quite a lot of money, and he’s generous with it.Lee:But…?Jane:Do you remember my first boyfriend, Stan? He moved to Africa to teach school?Lee:Y es, I remember him. He wanted you to marry him and go to Africa too.Jane:Y es, but I didn’t want to leave my family. Well, Stan is back from Africa, and he still wants to marry me.Lee:Do you want to marry him?Jane:I don’t know. I still love him. I’ve never forgotten him. But everything is arranged for the wedding with Allen.Lee:But it would be wrong to marry Allen if you don’t love him.Jane:It’s not that I don’t love him. It’s just…I don’t know. But there’s something else. My mother just lost her job, and my father can’t work because of his accident. Allen will help my family. Stan has no money. I love Stan, but Allen and I have already planned a wedding and a life together. I just don’t know what to d o.Number 2Clare:What’s the matter, Jim? Y ou look like you haven’t slept in a week.Jim: Oh, Clare. It’s Frank.Clare: Frank? He’s one of your best friends, isn’t he?Jim:Y ear, we’ve been friends since we were eight years old.Clare:So what’s wro ng?Jim:Well. Y ou know his uncle died. The funeral is the day of the final exam in economics, so he’s going to take the exam three days after the rest of the class.Clare:And…?Jim: He wants me to copy the questions and give them to him.Clare: That’s cheating.Jim:I know. But economics is hard for him. He hasn’t done very well this semester. And he’s been my best friend for ten years.Clare:But a really good friend wouldn’t ask someone to do a favor like that. Doesn’t the teacher know you two are best friends?Jim: Y es, she does. If Frank does really well, she’ll know it was me who told him about the test. Clare:And you might get into trouble.Jim: I guess so, but it’s not only that. She’s my best teacher. I respect her-and I don’t want to lose her respect.Clare: Y ou’ll probably need a recommendation from her too.Jim: That’s right. But when your best friend asks you for a favor, what can you do? Especially since he’s going to a funeral and all.Number 3T om: Hey, George! Congratulations! I heard about your good news.George: Thanks, Tom. Y ear, what luck, huh? I still can’t believe it.T om:How much did you win?George: Ten thousand dollars.T om:Boy, that’s great! What are you going to do with the money?George:Y ou know, we’re not sure. Our daughter, Emily, will be ready to go to college next year. She’s very smart. We’re very proud of her. She was accepted at one of the best universities in the country. She’d be the first in our family to go to college. But the cost is very high-more than $10,000 a year. We had planned to use the money for that.T om: That sounds like a good use for your lottery money to me.George:Well, it’s more difficult than that. Y ou see, my mother just got some bad news. Her house needs some major repairs-new electrical wiring and plumbing, and the roof is a mess! It’s going to cost a lot.T om: Can’t she just move?George:She’s lived in that house for oven fifty years, Tom. And now Dad gone, it’s all she has. She really doesn’t want to move. She doesn’t have the money for the repairs; to she needs to borrow it from me. The problem is we can’t afford to send Emily to collage and help Mom at the same time.T om:Boy, that’s a hard decision to make. Y our daughter’s young and has her whole life before her. If she can go to a good university, she’ll probably do very well in life. But your mother has always helped you.George: Y ear, this is tough. She’s my mother. How can I say no? At the same time, my daughter’s future…?T om: That is hard, really hard.Number 4Larry: Hey, Marta. How are you doing? How’s the job search going?Marta:It’s going well, too well,in fact! I’ve had two job offers, and I don’t know which one to take.Larry: which one do you want?Marta: Well, there are parts of both of them that I’m not sur e I like. One of the jobs is being a sales representative for a computer company. I would travel between two and three weeks each month, mostly in Europe and Asia.Larry:That sounds really exciting. I’d like that.Marta: Y ear, I would too. I love the idea of travelling. But my salary would depend completely on sales. So if I don’t sell anything, I don’t get paid.Larry:Ouch! That’s tough.Marta:On the other hand, if I’m successful, I would be in a very small office-only two other people. There would be no outside travel.Larry: So it would probably be kind of dull.Marta: Maybe. But it would be safe. The salary is pretty good-not great, but enough to live on. I wouldn’t be able to travel, but I’d know that I’d always have a paycheck.Larry: Hmm…sounds li ke a tough choice to me.Task 7Listening: Below is a list of questions about stress. You will bear an expert giving answers to these questions. Listen to the recording and briefly note down the expert’s answers to these questions.Interviewer: Too much work to do? Working long hours? Taking work home? Too busy to take the weekend off? No holidays? Nonsocial life? Stressed out? Of course you are! Well, today on the health Programmer we have a guest who may have some interesting advice. Dr. Squire, author of Wow to Beat Stress. Welcome, Dr. Squire.Dr. Squire: Hello.Interviewer: Obviously lots of people feel stressed, but what exactly causes stress?Dr. Squire:Well, you need to realize that there are two kinds of stress—good stress and bad stress. Good stress comes from situations where you feel in control. These situations are a challenge. Bad stress comes from situations where you feel out of control, and that could be when the washing machine breaks down, or when you go shopping and the supermarket is very crowded.Interviewer: How do I know if I’m suffering from stress?Dr. Squire: Well, there are many symptoms of stress, such as headaches, tiredness, or backache. If you get angry easily, then you’re probably suffering from stress.Interviewer: And so what can we do once we’ve identified that we suffer from stress?Dr. Squire: Stress is like smoking—if you really want to stop, you can. By changing the way you think and the way you behave, you can reduce the amount of stress that you feel. You don’t need to see a doctor, you don’t need tranquilizers, and you don’t need sleeping pills!Interviewer: Now in your book, you identify some exercises that people can do if they’re feeling stressed. Tell us about some of these.Dr. Squire: Well, exercise is one of the best things you can do for stress. How much exercise do you take? Not running or going to the gym, but ordinary, everyday exercise. Probably not much. Most people drive to work, take the lift to their office, and sit there all day. Try running up the stairs, and take a ten-minute walk at lunchtime. Some people find that doing very physical sports helps them to relax—it makes them fell energized and happy. It’s very important to take breaks during the day and do the things that you want—even if it’s just having lunch with a friend. I think it’s also important to have fun…spend a minute making a list of all the things that you enjoy doing, like reading a book or going to the cinema, and make sure that you do these things regularly.Interviewer: You also suggest some more unusual things, don’t you?Dr. Squire: Well, perhaps they might seem unusual because they’re so obvious. Slow down your eating, for example. Put your knife and fork down between bites, and count to 20 while you chew your food. It’ll give you time to talk and relax. If you slow down your eating, you’ll find that you slow down in other areas of life. You should avoid too much coffee and too much alcohol—and you should eat healthy foods like vegetables, salads, and fruit—but more importantly you should enjoy eating. And finally try to spend a day without your watch. Make an effort to forget about time.Interviewer: Dr. Squire, that’s all we’ve got time for. Thanks for joining us. Coming up after the break it’s…Task 8Listening: Y ou will bear a woman talking about her annoying co-worker. What are the problems of this co-worker? Listen to the recording and note down the six points the woman makes about her mate.a. I share an office with a woman who’s forever talking to her boyfriend on the phone, blowing kisses and saying intimate things that I don’t want to listen to. It really gets on my nerves!b. She will insist on opening all the windows when she arrives in the morning, and then she complains it’s freezing and puts the heating on full blast. The office is either freezing or boiling!c. She’s always leaving half finished cups of coffee around the desk—then I knock them over and it’s my fault!d. She will go on talking about her personal problems. Honestly, you’d think I was her therapist or something—I should charge her for my time!e. She’s always telling me what to do, which I resent. I mean, I was working here when she was still at school!f. I’ve told her hundreds of times to get her own pencil sharpener and scissors, but she will keep using mine and not putting them back in their place. So when I need them I can never find them!Task 9Listening: Y ou will bear some points about an issue. There are six paragraphs. Listen to the recording. After each pause, write down the main point the speaker makes.And here’s another reason we need your vote for governor. Gun control is one of the most important issues we face today. In the next four years, it is absolutely essential that we find a solution to the problem of gun violence in our streets!With have heard that you are worried about violence at school, violence at home, andviolence in the workplace. The number of deaths caused by guns has skyrocketed in the last four years, and the current governor doesn’t even seem to notice. Something must be done now!Many people will tell you that the vest way to solve the problem of gun violence in our society is to take away all guns from all citizens .I however, what these people don’t realize is that guns don’t kill people, people kill people! What we need to do is make sure that people who use guns to hurt others are put to jail for along, long time. Then, our streets will be safe!Now, hear me out. My husband does not believe that putting people in jail is the only solution to this problem. Did I mention that he is very much in favor of putting special safety locks on guns so that children cannot use them? He also, of course, believes that anyone who has committed a crime in the past should not be allowed to even own a gun.However, we do not want to take away guns from people who use them responsibly. People have a right to defend their homes from criminals! People have a right to go hunting! People have a right to enjoy gun sports。
研究生学术英语答案Unit 10

Section A Part 2 Watching & Listening
4. What does Tami want to do after graduation? A) Go to college as others. B) Become a super star in the dance school. C) Open a shop in Paris.
Prince Charming
Pumpkin Carriage Mice Friends
Stepmother & Stepsisters
Glass Slipper
M__ic_e__F_ri_e_n_d_s G__la_s_s__S_li_p_p_e_r P__u_m_p_k_in__C_a_r_ri_a_g_e D__u_k_e
Unit 10 Another Cinderella Story
Introduction to Musical Films (2) Section A Focused Activities Section B Extended Activities
Introduction to Musical Films (2)
In the 1960s the success of the films West Side Story, The Music Man, My Fair Lady (窈窕淑女), and The Sound of Music suggested that the traditional musical was in good health. Most of the musical films of the 1960s such as Oklahoma! and The Sound of Music were straightforward adaptations of successful stage productions. However popular musical tastes were being heavily affected by rock and roll, and indeed Elvis Presley made a few movies that have been equated with the old musicals in terms of form.
学术英语 医学 Unit 10 Text A 翻译

Unit 10 Text A美国医疗保健体系美国是地球上最大、最具多样性的国家,我们的医疗体系反映了这一点。
学术英语(管理)_Unit 10

Unit 10 Human Resources
• Text A
Being Courageous: The Ultimate Test of HR
─ Critical thinking and reading ─ Language building-up
Unit 10 Human Resources
Unit 10 Human Resources
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Supplementary information – Southwest Airlines: an American airline based in Dallas, Texas. Southwest has been a major inspiration to other low-cost carriers, and its business model has been repeated many times around the world. The competitive strategy combines high level of employee and aircraft productivity with low unit costs by reducing aircraft turnaround time particularly at the gate.
学术英语(理工)_答案TEXT 1-10

Unit 1 Choosing a Topic
1 Deciding on a topic
Enhancing your academic language
Translate the following sentences from Text 2 into Chinese.
4 间谍软件与垃圾邮件和钓鱼网络一起,构成了三个令人生 厌的互联网害虫。尽管有些程序可以通过入侵软件漏洞从 而进入电脑,但这些有害而秘密的程序通常会随着其他通 常是免费的应用软件侵入到计算机系统中。
Unit 1 Choosing a Topic
1 Deciding on a topic
Enhancing your academic language
Match the words with their definitions.
12 work within the __p_a_ra_m__e_te_r_ (限定因素) of time and budget 13 thanks for your kind __in_t_e_rp_r_e_ta_t_io_n__ (解释) 14 use many __te_c_h_n_i_ca_l__ (专业的) terms 15 Prices ___r_a_n_g_e___ (变化范围) from 340 U.S. Dollars to 390
2 这可以指获取计算机系统的存储内容,获得一个系统的处 理能力,或捕获系统之间正在交流的信息。
3 那些系统开发者或操作者所忽视的不为人知的漏洞很可能 是由于糟糕的设计造成的,也可能是为了让系统具备一些 必要的功能而导致计划外的结果。
Unit 1 Choosing a Topic
1 Deciding on a topic

The role of the academy in times of crisis1.Today the academy holds a highly privileged place in American society because of along-standing national consensus about the value of education. One of my predecessors, President Harold Dodds, said in his inaugural address in 1933 that “No country spends money for education, public or private, so lavishly as does the Unites States. Americans have an almost childlike faith in what formal education can do for them.” That faith is base on a conviction that the vitality of the United States, its creative and diverse cultural life, its staggeringly inventive economy, its national security and the robustness of its democratic institutions owe much to the quality of institutions of higher education.2.Our society’s confidence in its institutions of higher education is expressed through thegenerous investments of the federal and state governments in basic and applied research, investments that wisely couple support for research with support for graduate education. It is also expressed through federal and state investments that subsidize the cost of higher education for those who cannot afford to pay, investments by private foundations and charities who see colleges and universities as the best routes for achieving their strategic goals, and investments by individuals and by the private sector, who see universities as the incubators of future health and prosperity. In return for this broad support, society rightfully expects certain things from us. It expects the generation of new ideas and the discovery of new knowledge, the exploration of complex issues in an open and collegial manner and the preparation of the next generation of citizens and leaders. In times of trouble, it is especially important that we live up to these expectations.3.The medieval image of the university as an ivory tower, with scholars turned inward insolitary contemplation, immunized from the cares of the day, is an image that has been superseded by the modern university constructed not of ivory, but of a highly porous material, one that allows free diffusion in both directions. The academy is of the world, not apart from it. Its ideals, crafted over many generations, are meant to suffuse the national consciousness. Its scholars and teachers are meant to move in and out of the academy in pursuit of opportunities to use their expertise in public service, in pursuit of creative work that will give us illumination and insight and in pursuit of ways to turn laboratory discoveries into useful things. Our students engage the world with a strong sense of civic responsibility, and when they graduate they become alumni who do the same. This is as it should be.4.The search for new ideas and knowledge is not and cannot be motivated by utilitarianconcerns. Rather it depends on the ability to think in new and creative ways. When the Nobel laureate John Nash developed the mathematical concepts underlying non-cooperative game theory as a graduate student at Princeton, he could not foresee that those concepts would be used today to analyze election strategies and the causes of war and to make predictions about how people will act. When Professor of Molecular Biology Eric Wieschaus set out as a young scientist to identify genes that pattern the body plan of the fruit fly embryo, he could not know that he would identify genes that play a central role in the development of human cancer. We have learned that we cannot predict with any accuracy how discoveries andscholarship will influence future generations. We also have learned that it is unwise to search only in predictable places, for new knowledge often depends upon preparing fertile ground in obscure places where serendipity and good luck, as well as deep intelligence, can sprout.Freedom of inquiry, which is one of our most cherished organizing principles, is not just a moral imperative, it is a practical necessity.5.Just as we have an obligation to search widely for knowledge, so we also have an obligationto insure that the scholarly work of the academy is widely disseminated, so that others can correct it when necessary, or built on it, or use it to make better decisions, develop better products or construct better plans. In the days ahead, I hope that our country’s decision-makers will draw on the knowledge that resides on our campuses, on historians who can inform the present through deep understanding of the past, philosophers who can provide frameworks for working through issues of right and wrong, economists whose insights can help to get the economy back on track, engineers who know how to build safer buildings, scientists who can analyze our vulnerabilities to future attack and develop strategies for reducing those vulnerabilities, and scholars in many fields who can help us understand the motivations of those who would commit acts of terrorism here and throughout the world.6.Let me now turn to the third obligation that we have to society: the education of the nextgeneration of citizens and leaders. Princeton’s view of what constitutes a liberal arts education was expressed well by Woodrow Wilson, our 13th President, whose eloquent wordsI read at Opening Exercises:“What we should seek to impart in our colleges, is not so much learning itself asthe spirit of learning. It consists in the power to distinguish good reasoning frombad, in the power to digest and interpret evidence, in the habit of catholicobservation and a preference for the non-partisan point of view, in anaddiction to clear and logical processes of thought and yet an instinctivedesire to interpret rather than to stick to the letter of reasoning, in a tastefor knowledge and a deep respect for the integrity of the human mind.”7. Wilson, and the presidents who followed him, rejected the narrow idea of a liberal artseducation as preparation for a profession. While understanding the importance of professional education, they made it clear that at Princeton we should first and foremost cultivate the qualities of thought and discernment in our students in the belief that this will be most conducive to the health of our society. Thus we distinguish between the acquisition of information, something that is essential for professional training, and the development of habits of mind that can be applied in any profession. Consequently we celebrate when the classics scholar goes to medical school, the physicist becomes a member of a Congress, or the historian teaches primary school. Of we do our job well as educators, each of our students will take from a Princeton education a respect and appreciation for ideas and values, intellectual openness and rigor, practice in civil discourse and a sense of civic responsibility.During these troubled times, our students and our alumni will be called upon to exercise these qualities in their professions, their communities and their daily lives. By so doing, and through their leadership, their vision and their courage, they will help to fulfill Princeton’sobligation to society and bring true meaning to our motto, “Princeton in the nation’s service and in the service of all nations.”。
高等学校研究生英语综合教程上Unit 10

Starting out
Task 1 The following is a list of the core courses offered by colleges or universities. Select what you think are the three most important core courses from the list below. Compare your choices with those of your partner’s and give reasons for your choices. (P276)
Unit 10 The Role of Education
Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project
Reading Focus – Global Understanding
Para 1: American society has a long-standing consensus about the value of education. Para 2: Our society’s confidence in its institutions of higher education is clear from the generosity of government investment in research but it comes with expectation. Para 3: Modern academic study relates to the world; it is not apart from it as in the past. Para 4: We have an obligation to search for new ideas and knowledge.

Unit TenExploration of the TextI.Reading ComprehensionII. VocabularyA. Complete the sentences with words given below, making sure each word is used in the right form.1. last2. house3. peer4. haunted5. qualified6. diverse7. arouses8. press9. sponsored 10. jewelsB. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part of the sentence.1-10 CADBA CBDABIII. ClozeChoose the best answer from the choices A, B, C and D provided to fill in each blank.1-15 BDCAD CBACD BACADIV. Translation (for reference)Section A Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.在纽约,父亲开始撰写《生活的艺术》,这是他最重要的著作之一,也是他的哲学思想的一个大综合。
研究生英语 unit10 The role of academy in our society

Unit 10 Text A
• The Role of the Academy in Times of Crisis
• Shirley M. Tilghman
Introduction to the author
Shirley M. Tilghman
Introduction to the text
•It is a speech of eloquence, a speech of insights as well as a speech of dynamic. In argumentation,the speaker uses facts ,examples and quotations to make the ideas more convincing . Besides,the wide use of formal and academic words,long and involved sentences as well as parallel structures make the speech very forceful and impressive.
Text Structure
Part I: Para. 1
Part II: Para 2 Part III: Para 3-6 Part IV: Para7
• Part I: Para. 1 • American society has a long-standing consensus about the value of education.
• • • • Born on Sept. 17, 1946, Ontario , Canada B.S in Queen's University, Ontario (1968) Ph.D. in Temple University, Philadelphia (1975) Elected Princeton University's 19th president on May 5, 2001,. • An world-renowned scholar in the field of molecular biology, she served on the Princeton faculty for 15 years before being named president. 返回

研究生学术英语读写教程unit10Unit 10: Writing a Research Paper IntroductionIntroduction:In this unit, we will focus on writing the introductory section of a research paper. The introduction is an important part of a research paper because it provides background information on the topic being studied, explains the significance of the research, and outlines the objectives or hypotheses of the study.1. Background InformationThe first part of the introduction should provide some background information on the topic being studied. This can include a brief history of the subject, a description of previous research on the topic, or an overview of the current state of knowledge in the field.Example: "Over the past decade, there has been increasing interest in the use of mindfulness-based interventions for the treatment of mental health disorders. Mindfulness involves paying attention to one"s thoughts, feelings, and sensations in the present moment, without judgment or distraction. Previous studies have shown promising results for the use of mindfulness-basedinterventions in the treatment of anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders."2. Significance of the ResearchThe second part of the introduction should explain why the research is important and significant. This can include discussing the practical or theoretical implications of the research, outlining any gaps in knowledge that the research aims to fill, or explaining how the research willcontribute to the field.Example: "Despite the growing interest in mindfulness-based interventions, there is still much to learn about their effectiveness, particularly in the context ofspecific mental health disorders. This study aims to investigate the efficacy of a mindfulness-basedintervention for individuals with social anxiety disorder, with the goal of improving our understanding of the potential benefits of mindfulness-based treatments for this population."3. Objectives or HypothesesThe final part of the introduction should outline the objectives or hypotheses of the study. This can include stating the research questions that the study aims toanswer, outlining the specific goals of the research, or presenting the hypotheses that the study will test.Example: "The primary objective of this study is to determine whether a mindfulness-based intervention is effective in reducing symptoms of social anxiety disorder. Secondary objectives include examining the relationship between adherence to the intervention and treatment outcomes, and exploring potential mediators or moderators of treatment effects. We hypothesize that participants who receive the mindfulness-based intervention will demonstrate significant reductions in social anxiety symptoms compared to those in a waitlist control group."Conclusion:In this unit, we have discussed the key components of an introduction for a research paper. By providing background information, explaining the significance of the research, and outlining the objectives or hypotheses, the introduction sets the stage for the rest of the paper and helps to engage the reader. Remember to keep your introduction concise and focused, and to use clear and precise language to convey your ideas.。
研究生学术英语写作教程Unit 10 Submitting Paper

Unit Ten Submitting PaperObjectives- Know the paper processing procedures- Become aware of politeness in letter writing- Write a submission cover letter and reply to the decision letterContents- Reading and discussion: A submission cover letter and a decision letter.- Language focus: politeness- Writing practice: submission cover letter; reply to a decision letter; inquiry letter 1.Reading ActivityYour research paper is finished. The next step is to submit the paper to a suitable academic journal. This unit aims to show you the review procedure, hopefully bring you an awareness of two language features of academic writing, and finally help you correspond with the edit-in-chief on your own.1.1Pre-reading TaskBefore you learn the detailed information, please discuss the following questions.What should you consider about the journal you are going to submit the paper to?What should you do to your paper before submission?What should be included in your submission E-mail?How can we sound polite when we write the submission cover letter and reply to the decision letter?1.2Reading PassagesLetter 1--A submission cover letterDear Dr. James Joyce,This is a manuscript entitled "A NOVEL ROOT-END FILLING MATERIAL BASED ON HYDROXYAPATITE, TETRACALCIUM PHOSPHATE ANDPOLYACRYLIC ACID " by Ling Huchong and Qiao Feng from State KeyLaboratory of Bioelectronics, School of Biological Science and MedicalEngineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China. It is submitted to beconsidered for publication as an "Original Article" in your journal.No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part.In this work, we developed a novel filling materialhydroxyapatite/tetracalcium phosphate/polyacrylic acid cement (HA/TTCP/PAA), and further examined its chemical composition, physical properties andcytotoxicity in comparison with glass ionomer cement (GIC) and Portland cement (PC). I hope this paper is suitable for “INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTICJOURNAL”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Professor Duan Yu E-mail: duanyu@2) Professor Shi Tai E-mail: shitai@We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries,please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Enclosed please find the paper.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,Ling HuchongCorresponding author:Prof. Dr. Qiao FengState Key Laboratory of BioelectronicsSchool of Biological Science and Medical EngineeringSoutheast UniversityNanjing 210096P.R. ChinaTel: (+8625) 12345678Fax: (+8625) 12345678E-mail: qiaofeng@1.3Reading Comprehension1.3.1List the contents that should be included in letter 1.①___________________________________________________________________②___________________________________________________________________③___________________________________________________________________④___________________________________________________________________⑤___________________________________________________________________⑥___________________________________________________________________Letter 2----A decision letterFrom:iejeditor@To:Qiao Feng@CC:Ling Huchong@Subject:Manuscript ID IEJ-12-00123, International Endodontic JournalBody:Dear Dr. Qiao,Manuscript ID: IEJ-12-00123Manuscript Title: Hydroxyapatite/Tetracalcium Phosphate/Polyacrylic Acid Cement:Chemical-Physical Properties and CytotoxicityI have received the comments of the referees(s) and decided that your manuscript requiresmajor changes and then go through the refereeing process again. However, please note thatresubmitting your manuscript does not guarantee eventual acceptance.Should you wish to revise and resubmit your manuscript, please revise your paper takinginto account any points they have raised - their comments can be found at the end of thisemail. Also double check that in the body of the text and in the Reference section thenames of authors are spelt correctly including any non-English characters whereappropriate.You will be unable to make your revisions online using the originally submitted version ofthe manuscript. Instead, revise your manuscript on your PC/MAC using your wordprocessing programme and save it on your computer. Please highlight the changes to yourmanuscript within the document by using the "track changes" mode in MS Word orequivalent.To upload your revised manuscript, log on to /iej andenter your Author Centre, where you will find your original manuscript title listed under "Manuscripts with Decisions". Under "Actions," click on "Create a Revision". Your manuscript number has been appended to denote a revision.When submitting your revised manuscript, you will be able to respond to the comments made by the referees(s) in the space provided. You can use this space to document any changes you have made to the original manuscript. Please be as specific as possible in your response to the referee(s).I look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.Kind regardsPaul DummerEditor-in-Chief,International Endodontic Journaliejeditor@Editor comments to authors:EditorComments to the Author:(There are no comments.)Referee(s) comments to authors:Referee: 1Comments to AuthorTitle: Hydroxyapatite/Tetracalcium Phosphate/Polyacrylic Acid Cement:Chemical-Physical Properties and CytotoxicityThis manuscript introduces the reader to a new retrograde filling material and describes the tests that were conducted and the comparison to currently used materials. The section Discussion was well done and discussed the relevance of each test to published research as well as relevant clinical applications.It would be helpful if the title would reflect that this report is on a root end filling material.General comment. The entire manuscript needs to be edited for proper use of the English language and syntax.IntroductionThe sentence: “However, its defects prohibit clinical applications…..”. The word “defect” is an odd choice. “shortcomings” would be more appropriate.The sentence: “To overcome these disadvantages, a new material,hydroxyapatite/tetracalciumphosphate/polyacrylic acid cement (HA/TTCP/PAA), with optimum properties, has been developed.”Authors you are reporting on your findings of your novel cement but already conclude in this Introduction that it has “optimum properties”. At best you can state that it was your intent to develop a material with optimum or improved properties.Authors: Check instructions for authors for the required journal format for referring to the published literature.Materials and MethodsThe sentence: “The HA/TTCP/PAA paste was mixed….and the mixed wit h distilled water…” Authors, after you have crushed the powders it makes no sense to describe the HA/TTCP/PAA as a paste.“The paste of HA/TTCP/PAA, GIC and GPC were placed into a plastic plate… 37°C in 100%” Authors, use better description than “plastic plate”.“The final setting time was the average result of five sample specimens.” The words sample and specimens are synonymous.“Compressive strength was calculated from the mean value of five samples of each group”. You probably mean to say that the m ean value for each group was derived from the 5 samples.“The materials were set in the molds for 24 h at 37°C in 100%humidity”. The meaning the materials were set is not clear. Please explain this method better.“The HA/TTCP/PAA, GIC and GPC pastes we re manually shaped separately into an 8 mm diameter ball within 1 min….” Authors, it would be better to describe this as follows: At standard liquid/powder ratios each material was mixed and immediately, but within 1 min, manipulated into a ball.Although the test that was described lacks any scientific foundation, the figures were convincing.“The unreactive supernatants in the well were carefully sucked off, and 600 μL ….” Authors, use a better word than “sucked off” to remove the supernatants.Washout resistance test“The washout resistance result for the HA/TTCP/PAA showed no noticeable disintegration (figure 4); however, GIC paste balls had a large amount of debris…”Replace the word “debris”. The actual release of particles or dissolution of the GIC cannot be called debris.“Different from HA/TTCP/PAA, GIC was water sensitive during setting phase, which was supported in the present study by a large sum of debris around its paste ball in PBS, and suggested in Earl and Ibbetson’s study by its easy damage in the early moist setting (Bodrumlu 2008)”. This reviewer does not understand the connection between Earl and Ibbetson’s study and the reference made to Bodrumlu. Please clarify.The figures have no numbers. See pages 19-23 of the pdf.Referee: 2Comments to AuthorMarch 24, 2012Title: Hydroxyapatite/Tetracalcium Phosphate/Polyacrylic Acid Cement:Chemical-Physical Properties and CytotoxicityMs. #: IEJ-12-00-00123GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS:Writing: Word use and grammar are at journal standards and need to be improved throughout.Organization: GoodOther: Avoid the use of +/- to express variation. The preferred method is mean (stdev). For example: 11.0 (0.8) min. The discussion is too long and over-zealous relative to the experimental data (see specifics below).CONTENTTitle1. OKAbstract1. The conclusion statement should be modified to say that it has low cytotoxicity. Biocompatibility was not adequately evaluated to make the current statement. Also should say it IS promising, not MAYBE promising. The latter makes no sense.Introduction1. OK, except for the writing inadequacies.Methods1. p. 5, ll. 22: It is unclear how the washout test was quantified. Please describe more thoroughly.2. p. 5, ll. 11: How do the authors know that the Et2O treatment didn't affect the biological properites of the the materials? It seems it would have been better3. p. 5, MTT assay. The 5 mg/mL concentration exposed to L929 for 4 h can be cytotoxic by itself. How did the authors control for this potential problem?Results1. Fig, p. 20 (pH). Statistical analyses need to be shown on this graph.2. Fig. p. 22 (cytotoxicity). These figures are too small for me to really evaluate thoroughly.3. Table 1: heading suggests that setting times are compare, but I believe this is an error. It seems that only CS is compared. Please check.Discussion/Conclusions1. First paragraph, p. 8 (setting). This paragraph seems speculative and askance of the experimental data for the most part. Please rewrite to relate more specifically to the XRD and IR data.2. Paragraph , p. 9 (washout). This paragraph also is speculative and the analysis exceeds the experimental data. The best that can be said here is that the HA/TTCP/PAA cement shows promised in terms of its relative wash-out resistance.3. Paragraph, p. 9/10 (pH). This text cannot be evaluated without statistical analysis of the data.4. Biocompatibility (p. 10). The authors have done 2 tests, but they are really measuring the same thing they way they were performed (both assess the cell mass). Thus the discussion claims are overstated in terms of the utility of these two tests. A moreconvincing story would be to evaluate the materials much longer-term (say after 4 weeksor longer). This should be mentioned in the discussion-- many individual have publishedresults with longer terms.5. Conclusions: are overstated. The authors should restrict their claims to say that the newmaterial shows promise relative to GIC and GPC. Little is possible to conclude beyondthat!References1. OKIllustrations (and Tables)Table 1: eliminate +/- signs and replace as suggested above. Transpose table to put thetimes along the top and the materials down the side. More effective.Fig 1: Helpful to vertically spread out the figure so that there is more space between tracesat different times.Fig 2: wavenumber labels are too crowded to bottom curve. Add space.Fig. 3: Add stats to graph. I suggest that this would be better plotted as a line graph (pH vs.time), and avoid all the different column fills and crowded legend, which are verydistracting.Fig. 4. Unclear what the top vs. bottom rows are without looking at caption. Please label.Fig. 5 ab. Separate these into separate figures. Make them bigger, please. Complete thegraph frame. Eliminate box around the legend. Space between numbers and units on thex-axes. (e.g. 48 h, not 48h). Use of lowercase letter labels would be more effective than allthe lines to show statistical differences.Date Sent:03-Apr-20121.3.2Understanding letter 2Main idea:____________________________________________________________ The author should①___________________________________________________________________②___________________________________________________________________③___________________________________________________________________④___________________________________________________________________nguage Focus:Politeness2.1 Highlight the polite expressions in the two letters.2.2 Make a response to the reviewer's comments in a polite way. The following sentence patterns are only for reference.We are very sorry for our negligence of ………We are very sorry for our incorrect writing ………It is really true as Reviewer suggested that……We have made correction according to the Reviewer’s comments.We have re-written this part according to the Reviewer’s suggestionAs Reviewer suggested that……Considering the Reviewer’s suggestion, we have ……Special thanks to you for your good comments.1. The entire manuscript needs to be edited for proper use of the English language and syntax._____________________________________________________________________2.Check instructions for authors for the required journal format for referring to the published literature._____________________________________________________________________3.Avoid the use of +/- to express variation.__________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Writing project3.1The following is a cover letter template for submission of new manuscripts.Please write a cover letter for submission of your own research paper with this template.A cover letter template for submission of new manuscriptsDear Dr. Kravitz and Dr. Feldman,Paragraph 1: Overview (Article title, type, design, major finding)“We are pleased to submit our manuscript entitled: “XXX”, for consideration as a [journal article type – for instance, original article or systematic review]. [Include one sentence on study design, where relevant. Example follows]. “This study is a retrospective cohort study, comparing X outcomes of Y patients from Z health systems, from 19XX to 20XX. We found/illustrate [major finding or conclusion].”Paragraph 2: Context: Some authors will not need this paragraph.Ask yourself, what information would aid the editors in their decision-making process? Are there contextual factors that might inform the editors? Items for this paragraph might include potential conflicts, concurrent submissions from the same dataset, interestedgroups/history, and what this manuscript contributes to the field beyond work published, submitted, or in preparation by your group.Examples:∙Manuscripts from the same data set being submitted somewhere else, or you are planning to submit a related article elsewhere (all media types). This helps us think about your study in context.“This manuscript is one of three papers describing the major findings of our study on XXXX outcomes in HIV populations. One paper on biologic outcomes XXX is under review at XXX journal, while another qualitative paper describing the experience of men and women undergoing XXX treat ment is under preparation for submission to XXX. The XXX funder’s website has published an abstract with preliminary data from our annual report.”∙How work was developed (i.e. an organization encouraged project for a specific purpose].“This secondary data analysis is culled from a prior study of quality of XXX care [reference] . . . and was triggered by work I had done for the Department of Health. They wanted to put navigators in place to reduce delays in XXX process in state hospitals but had no recent data about actual times to treatment. When we looked at our data, we were surprised to find that women with Medicaid did not receive worse care than women with commercial or Medicare insurance...”Appendices that you have included for online publication only.“Given space restrictions, we have included our survey instruments and an extended set of blinded qualitative comments for inclusion as online appendices. Additionally, I’m enclosing a multi-media DVD that can be uploaded to the publisher’s website. The login and password for this curriculum are….”Paragraph 3: ImportanceWhy should this manuscript be published in ***? Why will our readers be interested? What is the potential impac t of your work (don’t overstate it)? What is the unique contribution of your work to what is known about this topic? This should be 1-4 sentences. All authors should include this information.Paragraph 4: Current submission and prior presentation disclosure“This manuscript has not been previously published and is not under consideration in the same or substantially similar form in any other peer-reviewed media.” If relevant: “We presented an earlier version of the manuscript as a poster/plenary/workshop at the [conference name] in [location], in 20XX.”Paragraph 5: Authorship and conflictsAcknowledge authorship and conflicts appropriately. From the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (): Authorship credit should be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published. Authors should meet conditions 1, 2, and 3.“All authors listed have contributed sufficiently to the project to be included as authors, and all those who are qualified to be authors are listed in the author byline. To the best of our knowledge, no conflict of interest, financial or other, exists. We have included acknowledgements, conflicts of interest, and funding sources after the discussion. [Where relevant, include your NIH study registry number.] Our NIH study registry number is XXX.”Sincerely,Corresponding authorContact information (title, group affiliation, physical address, email, phone, fax) Back-up contact (name, phone, email)Dear3.2Write a cover letter to reply to letter 2.3.3You submitted your paper "A NOVEL ROOT-END FILLING MATERIALBASED ON HYDROXYAPATITE, TETRACALCIUM PHOSPHATE AND POLYACRYLIC ACID "(ID: IEJ-12-00123) 2 month ago, but the status has been "with editor" for 1 month. Write an inquiry letter of the review.4.Final ChecklistThis checklist is for you to make sure that you are ready to submit the paper or make the revision. Tick the item if it is done.1 Does your submission cover letter include author information,declaration, and paper title?2 Is your research focus highlighted?3 Is your paper enclosed in the E-mail?4 Are you polite in cover letter writing?5 Do you understand the editor's decision?6 Do you understand details of reviewers' suggestions?7 Do you make point-to-point revision to your paper?8 Are you polite in response to the reviewer's comments, even if you donot agree with them?。

Unit10GlobalizationWord Bankalienation: a turning away; estrangement疏远,疏离altitude: the height of a thing above a reference level高度,海拔assemble: to bring or call together into a group or whole召集bureaucrat: an official of a bureaucracy官僚collaboration: the act of working with another or others on a joint project协作commission: a group of people officially authorized to perform certain duties or functions调查团commoditize: to make sth. bear the feature of being a commodity商品化commodity: something useful that can be turned to commercial or other advantage日用品,商品concrete: of or relating to an actual, specific thing or instance具体的,实际的converge: to tend toward or approach an intersecting point汇聚destructive: causing or wreaking destruction; ruinous破坏,破坏性的dismantling: the act of taking apart or tearing down拆开,分解embassy: a building containing the offices of an ambassador and staff大使馆embolden: to foster boldness or courage in使大胆,使有胆量exclusion: the act or practice of excluding 排除flattening: being flat扁平的gang: a group of criminals or hoodlums帮派grievance: a feeling of resentment or injustice at having been unfairly treated抱怨;委屈hateful: feeling or showing hatred憎恨的instrument: a means by which something is done; an implement手段;工具invisible: impossible to see; not visible看不见的minimize: to reduce to the smallest possible amount, extent, size, or degree最小化outsource: to buy in (components for a product) rather than manufacture them外界供应oyster: any of several edible bivalve mollusks牡蛎potential: capable of being but not yet in existence潜在的,可能的refuge: a place providing protection or shelter庇护所reservation: the act of reserving保留restriction: the act of restricting限带,限定retiree: one who has retired from active working life退休者spot: a place of relatively small and definite limits场所;地点stimulate: to excite (a nerve, organ, etc.) with a stimulus刺激;激发summon: to call together召集;召唤swarm: to move in or form a large number成群移动或出现unlock: to undo or set free打开;释放utmost: of the highest or greatest degree, amount, or intensity; most extreme极度的,最大的versus: against与……相对warp: to turn or twist (wood, for example) out of shape扭曲Phrases and Expressionsbring about: to cause to happen造成bring down: to cause to fall打倒,击落draw up: to prepare a draft of (a legal document) 草拟look through: to examine查阅;审校reflect on: to think over思考;反省Reading ComprehensionChoose the best for each of the following.1. It is concluded in the article that 11/9 and 9/11 are different in that __C___.A. 11/9 brought down a wall and 9/11 opened the windows of the worldB. 11/9 brought down the World Trade Center and 9/11 put up new invisible wallsC. 11/9 represented the creative imagination and 9/11 represented the destructive imaginationD. 11/9 unlocked half the planet and 9/11 made the citizens potential partners and competitors2. According to the article, what might be the cause(s) of 11/9? ( D )A. Hundreds of East Germans sought refuge at the West German embassy in Hungary.B. The East German government gave in to the pressure built up by the escape of more than thirteen thousand East Germans.C. Eastern Europeans looked forward to walking out from behind the Iron Curtain and engage with a flattening world.D. All of the above.3. "We were the only superpower, and the world was our oyster" (Para. 4) Here "oyster" infers that __B__.A. the world itself provides a shelter for AmericansB. people in America could enjoy supreme freedom so as to get everything they want from lifeC. Americans feel to be playing a significant role in the whole worldD. America is a paradise of liberty and freedom4. Why could imagination never be commoditized according to the article? ( B )A. Because imagination is too important to be commoditized.B. Because imagination is too individualized to be commoditized.C. Because it is extremely tough for imagination to be commoditized under a near total monopoly of power.D. Because it is of no value at all to commoditize imagination.5. It can be inferred from what Irving Wladawsky Berger says that ___A__.A. positive imagination could possibly ease the danger from individuals even without the instruments of a stateB. focus on productive outcomes could advance and unite civilizationC. peaceful imagination could minimize alienation and celebrate interdependenceD. stimulating positive imagination is of the utmost importanceII. Complete the following summary of the text by filling in the blanks with words. The initial letter of each word has been given to you.The past decade and a half witnessed how the world went (1) flat, which is characterized by two dates: 11/9 and 9/11.The creative (2) imagination of 11/9 led to the collapse of the Berlin Wall and helped citizens around the globe to join together in business and trade. In the mean time, the (3) destructive imagination of 9/11 brought down the World Trade Center, throwing the world into chaos and panic.Eleven-nine arose from a simple event in which hundreds of East Germans sought (4) refuge at the West German (5) embassy in Hungary in July 1989. As a result, Hungary decided to lift the (6) restrictions on the passage to Austria, which made it possible for thousands of East Germans to (7) escape to Austria and thus to West Germany. The impending (8) pressure drove the East German government to (9) remove travel ban. Thus on 11/9/89, East Germans gathered to break down the Berlin Wall.However, 9/11 changed the way in which the world got flattened peacefully and positively. Bin Laden and his gang might have plotted to hit both towers of the World Trade Center at the exact right (10) spot. Unfortunately, September 11, 2001 turned out to be day that the terrorists had their destructive imagination materialized.VocabularyI. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.1. Some animals get confused when seeing their __B___ a mirror.A. inflectionB. reflectionC. convictionD. nutrition2. Memory can be profoundly ___A__ by subsequent experience.A. shapedB. shippedC. shiftedD. sharpened3. We received many clever and ___C__ entries in our children's painting contest.A. initiativeB. inductiveC. imaginativeD. informative4. This dress was sewn by my mother carefully and the stitches are almost ___D__.A. incredibleB. impossibleC. insatiableD. invisible5. Many businesses with growth __B___ fail to raise enough funds because they lack investment readiness.A. essentialB. potentialC. utensilD. spatial6. Countless small streams ___A__ to form a large river.A. convergeB. divergeC. submergeD. infringe7. These pills should help to ___C__ the pain.A. increaseB. leaseC. easeD. abuse8. A big ___B__ of bees started following Claire who ran away terrified.A. swimB. swarmC. warmD. swam9. During the pregnancy, it's normal to gain weight, but I __B___ ballooned up.A. initiativelyB. literallyC. laterallyD. lastly10. His __C___ is to dedicate himself to the service of his country.A. hatredB. educationC. mottoD. religionII. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.represent realize innocent commodity availablethreaten stimulate minimal suspect reserverestrict center alien grieve lock1. Public health officials now say the disease is under control and is, not a public health threat.2. Don't worry. Your loyalty is above any suspicion.3. For the past 10 years, many technologies that we have been using reached wide scale adoption and thus essentially have become commoditized.4. Life saving care used to be unavailable to women giving birth, particularly in rural areas.5. If you prove your innocence you can be free.6. I think we can minimize the problem, so it isn't worth fussing about.7. These inscriptions are keys with which we unlock the secrets of ancient Egypt.8. I'd like to change my reservation in your hotel.9. Power without restriction is vulnerable to corruption.10. Your kindness was a consolation to me in my grief.TranslationPut the following paragraph into English.9/11造成的污染让约40万人的健康受到严重伤害。

研究⽣英语核⼼教材—综合教程(下册)课后练习答案unit6-unit10Unit 6 Same Sex Marriage in the United StatesVocabularyI. Word Distinctions1. allege; charge两个词均有…指控?的意思:allege: 在没有证据或得到证据之前指控(To assert without or before proof): 课⽂中Baehr and her attorney sought their objectives ... by alleging exclusively violations of state law,所以州政府以failure to state a claim(未能提出充⾜的证据) 申请州法院将其起诉驳回。
charge: 掌握证据后正式起诉(make a formal accusation)。
选择以上适当的词填空:1)The former mayor will appear before the local court today ____ with taking bribes.2)His classmates ____ that he was cheating in the exam, but they failed to produce any solid proof.3)She?s been arrested after being____ with murdering her husband.4)The ____ murderer was proved innocent.charges alleged charged alleged2. affirms; confirm两个词均指…确认?affirm: to state something as true;confirm: to make an arrangement or meeting certain, often by telephone or writing选择以上适当的词填空:1)Six people have ____ that they will be attending and ten haven?t replied yet.2)The suspect ____ that he had been at home all evening.3)I?ve accepted the job over the phone, but I haven?t____ in writing yet.4)She ____ her intention to apply for the post.5)Flights should be ____ 48 hours before departure.confirmed affirmed confirmed affirmed confirmedII. Decide the meanings of the following words by matching each word in Column A with the word or expression in Column B that is similar in meaning.TranslationI.Put the following Chinese expressions into English.1) 有争议的问题provocative issues2) 社会和宗教传统societal and religious conventions3) 异族通婚interracial marriage4) 法律援助legal aid5) 家庭伴侣关系法domestic partnership laws6) 异性婚姻heterosexual marriage7) 违反法律violations of laws8) 单⽅婚姻⽆效singular marriage voidII.Put the following Chinesse sentences into English with the words or phrases in the brackets.1) 所有的战⼠都知道他们的秘密任务需要冒⼀定的风险。
熊海虹 研究生英语综合教程UNIt 10,task 3全文翻译和答案

Unit10,task 3.The moral imperative begins by considering the value of educationg which is much deeper than earning potential or building human cationg is what takes to lead fuller lives and to contribute to our nation and the world.道德要求首先考虑教育的价值,这比赚取潜力或建立人力资本要深刻得多。
Higher educationg in particular affords students the opportunities to explore history,debate important issues,and discover their passiong and potential.特别是高等教育为学生提供了探索历史、讨论重要问题、发现自己的激情和潜力的机会。
our founders understand how important education is to the idea of America as a just,equitable,and productive society.A nation of educated individuals is more likely to strengthen the institutions,from government ,to business to our schools they rely upon.我们的开国元勋明白,教育对美国成为一个公正、公平和富有成效的社会的理念有多么重要。

Starting out
Task 1 The following is a list of the core courses offered by colleges or universities. Select what you think are the three most important core courses from the list below. Compare your choices with those of your partner’s and give reasons for your choices. (P276)
Starting out—Task 2
Task 2
Useful words and expressions: • a just, equitable and productive society • quality of education • skilled workforce • low-income areas • minority students • rising tuition fees • heavy financial burden • meet the demands of the workplace • incapable of tackling practical problems • boost economic development • increase the skill base of the country
Starting out—Task 2
Task 2
In the mid 1980s, China’s college enrollment rate stood at about 3% of the population, lower than that of many other developing countries. In the early 1990s, the number rose to 5%. In 1999, universities enrolled 1.59 million students, which was a 41.2 percent rise from the previous year. Since then, the numbers have just kept climbing. In 2002, the college enrollment rate reached 15% percent. It rose to 19% in 2005. Some people think the expansion policy is necessary to improve the quality of the nation’s education while others believe that the expansion is responsible for a decline in the quality of teaching as well as the intense competition in the job market. What is your opinion on this issue? Use examples, facts or figures to support your ideas. (P276)

专业学位硕⼠研究⽣英语教程10Unit10GlobalizationPreviewWhen scholars write the history of the world in the last two decades, what do they think was the most crucial development?The attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11? The convergence of technology and events that allowed India, China, and so many other countries to become part of the global supply chain for services and manufacturing, giving themselves a huge new stake in the success of globalization? And with this "flattening" of the globe, has the world gotten too small and too fast for human beings and their political systems to adjust in a stable manner?Part I Text ReadingWarm-upI. Facts about globalization.Globalization is the process by which the people of the world are unified into a single socie ty and function together. Decide which of the following phenomena are the facts of globalization.1. There are approximately 24,500 McDonald's restaurants in over 115 countries.2. It is estimated that participants of the Beijing Olympics has reached 11,468 involving 205 countries.3. More than 100,000 people joined a parade in 1999 to protest against a WTO ministerial meeting in Seattle.4. The Berlin Wall collapsed on November 9, 1989.5. Chinese fans enjoyed Harry Potter VI: the Half-blood Prince on the same day with fans around the globe.6. Columbus made a fourth voyage in search of the Strait of Malacca to the Indian Ocean on 11 May 1502.II. Three stages of globalization.For Friedman, globalization has undergone three stages which he classifies as Globalization 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. Match the three eras of globalization with their featuresIII. Is globalization good or bad?Globalization has met praise and criticism since the beginning day. Read the following Pros and Cons about globalization, and voice your own idea.Pros:1. Increased free trade between nations.2. Increased liquidity of capital allowing investors in developed nations to invest in developing nations.3. Global mass media that ties the world together.4. Greater ease and speed of transportation for goods and people.5. Reduction of cultural barriers increases the global village effect.6. Reduction of likelihood of war between developed nations.Cons:1. Increased likelihood of economic disruptions in one nation effecting all nations.2. Threat that control of world media by a handful of corporations will limit cultural expression.3. Greater risk of diseases being transported unintentionally between nations.4. Spread of a materialistic lifestyle and attitude that sees consumption as the path to prosperity5. International bodies like the World Trade Organization infringe on national and individual sovereignty.6. Increase in the chances of civil war within developing countries and open war between developing countries as they vie for resources.Text11/9 Versus (vs/ v.s.=against) 9/11①Thomas L. Friedman[1] Reflecting on this past decade and a half, during which the world went flat, it strikes me that our lives have been powerfully shaped by two dates: 11/9 and 9/11.[2] These two dates represent the two competing forms of imagination at work (=working) in the world today: the creative imagination of 11/9 and the destructive imagination of 9/11. One brought down a wall and opened the windows of the world —both the operating system and the kind we look through. It unlocked half the planet and made the citizens there our potential partners and competitors. Another brought down the World Trade Center②, closing its windows on the World restaurant forever and putting up new invisible and concrete walls among people at a time when we thought 11. The dismantling (=demolishing, razing, ruining) of the Berlin Wall③on 11/9 was brought about (realized) by people who dared to imagine a different, more open world—one whereevery human being would be free to realize his or her full potential—and who then summoned (convoke, assemble, call, convene) the courage to act on that imagination.[3] Do you remember how it happened? It was so simple, really: In July 1989, hundreds of East Germans (seak->) West German embassy in Hungary. In September 1989,Hungary decided with Austria. That meant that any East German who got into to Austria and the free world. Sure enough, more thanon the East German government. When in November it announced plans travel restrictions, tens of thousands of East Germans converged (gathereds) on the Berlin Wall, where, on 11/9/89, border guards just opened the gates.[4] Someone there in Hungary, maybe it was the prime minister, maybe it was just a bureaucrat (official), must have said to himself or herself, "Imagine—imagine what might happen if we opened the border with Austria." Imagine if the Soviet Union were frozen in place. Imagine—imagine if East German citizens, young and old, men and women, were so emboldened (encouraged) by seeing their neighbors flee (escape) to the West that one day they just swarmed (a large group of insects, or people, moving together in the same direction) that Berlin Wall and started to tear it down? Some people must have had a conversation just like that, and because they did, millions of Eastern Europeans were able to walk out from behind the Iron Curtain④and engage with (join) a flattening world. It was a great era (time or age) in which to be an American. We were the only superpower, and the world was our oysters⑤(牡蛎). There were no walls. Y oung Americans could think about traveling,for a semester (term, one of the two periods that the school or college year is divided into) or a summer, to more countries than any American generation before them. Indeed, they could travel as far as their imagination and wallets could take them. They could also look around at their classmates and see people from more different countries and cultures than any other class before them.[5] Nine-eleven, of course, changed all that. It showed us the power of a very different kind of imagination. It showed us the power of a group of hateful men who spent several years imagining how to kill as many innocent people as they could. At some point Bin Laden⑥and his gang literally (actually) must have looked at one another and said, "Imagine if we actually could hit both towers of the World Trade Center at the exact right spot, between the ninety-fourth and ninety-eighth floors. And imagine if each tower were to come crashing down like a house of cards." Y es, I am sorry to say, some people had that conversation, too. And, as a result, the world that was our oyster seemed to close up like a shell. There has never been a time in history when the character of human imagination wasn't important, but writing this book tells me that it has never been more important than now, because in a flat world so many of the inputs and tools of (collaborate->) collaboration are becoming commodities (=goods, merchandise) available to everyone. They are all out there for anyone to grasp.[6] There is one thing, though, that has not and can never be commoditized—and that is imagination. When we lived in a more centralized, and more vertically organized, world—where states had a near (=almost) total (thorough) monopoly (the complete control of trade in particular goods or the supply of a particular service) of power—individual imagination was a big problem when the leader of a superpower state—a Stalin, or a Hitler—became warped [(of a person ) having ideas that most people think are strange or unpleasant].[7] But today, when individuals can easily access all the tools of collaboration and superpowerthemselves, or their small cells, individuals do not need to control a country to threaten large numbers of other people. The small can act very big today and pose a serious danger to world order—without the instruments of a state. Therefore, thinking about how we stimulate positive imaginations is of the utmost importance. As Irving Wladawsky Berger, the IBM computer scientist, put it to me: We need to think more seriously than ever about how we encourage people to focus on productive outcomes that advance and unite civilization—peaceful imaginations that seek to "minimize alienation and celebrate interdependence rather than self-sufficiency, inclusion rather than exclusion," openness, opportunity, and hope rather than limits, (suspect->) suspicion, and grievance (something that you think is unfair and that you complain or protest about). [8] Let me try to illustrate (show) this by example. In early 1999, two men started airlines from scratch (from the very beginning), just a few weeks apart. Both men had a dream involving airplanes and the savvy (practical knowledge or understanding of sth) to do something about it. One was named David Neeleman. In February 1999, he started JetBlue⑦. He assembled $130 million in venture capital, bought a fleet of Airbus A-320 passenger jets, recruited (enlisted/ enrolled) pilots and signed them to seven-year contracts, and outsourced (to arrange for sb outside a company to do work or provide goods for that company) his reservation system to stay-at-home moms and retirees living around Salt Lake City Utah, who booked passengers on their home computers.[9] The other person who started an airline was, as we now know from the 9/11 Commission Report, Osama bin Laden. At a meeting in Kandahar (坎⼤哈), Afghanistan, in March or April 1999, he accepted a proposal initially drawn up by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the Pakistan-born mechanical engineer who was the architect of the 9/11 plot (a secret plan). JetBlue's (喷⽓机) motto (座右铭, 题词) was "Same Altitude. Different Attitude". Al-Qaeda's (基地组织) motto was "Allahu Akbar⑧". [According to WikiIslam (/doc/eba4860df78a6529647d5363.html /wiki/Main_Page), “Allah” means “God”, “(Akbar” means “greater” while “(??(kebir) means “ Great”)]Notes①This text is excerpted from The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century, which is an international bestselling book by Thomas L. Friedman that analyzes globalization, primarily in the early 21st century. The title is a metaphor for viewing the world as a level playing commerce, where all competitors have an equal opportunity. The book was firstwas later released as an "updated and expanded" edition in 2006, and yet again released with additional updates in 2007 as "further updated and expanded: Release 3.0".②The World Trade Center (WTC) was a complex in Lower Manhattan whose seven buildings were destroyed in 2001 in the September 11 terrorist attacks. The site is currently being rebuilt with six new skyscrapers and a memorial to the casualties of the attacks.③The Berlin Wall was a physical barrier completely encircling West Berlin, separating it from the German Democratic Republic (GDR) (East Germany), including East Berlin. Both borders came to symbolize the Iron Curtain between WesternEurope and the Eastern Bloc. The wall separated East Germany from West Germany for more than a quarter of a century, from the day construction began on 13 August 1961 until the Wall was brought down on 9 November 1989.④The Iron Curtain symbolized the ideological and physical boundary dividing Europe intotwo separate areas from the end of World War II in 1945 until the end of the Cold War in 1991. On either side of the Iron Curtain, states developed their own international economic and military alliances. The Iron Curtain took the shape of border defenses between the countries of Western and Eastern Europe, most notably the Berlin Wall, which served as a longtime symbol of the Curtain asa whole.⑤...the world was our oyster: originating from Shakespeare's play The Merry Wives of Windsor (Act 2, scene 2, 2-5): Why then the world's mine oyster, Which I with sword will open. If you boast that "The world's my oyster" nowadays, you're claiming that the world's riches are yours to leisurely pluck from the shell. "The world's my oyster" has become merely a conceited proclamation of opportunity.⑥Bin Laden: a member of the prominent Saudi Bin Laden family and the founder of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda, best known for the September 11 attacks on the United States and its associations with numerous other mass-casualty attacks against civilian targets.⑦JetBlue: JetBlue Airways is an American low-cost airline owned by JetBlue Airways Corporation. The company is headquartered in the Forest Hills neighborhood of the New Y ork City borough of Queens. Its home airport is John F. Kennedy International Airport.⑧Allahu Akbar: a Muslim saying. It is often used in situations ranging from a greeting to an expression of strong sentiments. It is most correctly translated as "God is greater".W ord Bankalienation: a turning away; estrangement疏远,疏离altitude: the height of a thing above a reference level⾼度,海拔assemble: to bring or call together into a group or whole召集bureaucrat: an official of a bureaucracy官僚collaboration: the act of working with another or others on a joint project协作commission: a group of people officially authorized to perform certain duties or functions调查团commoditize: to make sth. bear the feature of being a commodity商品化commodity: something useful that can be turned to commercial or other advantage⽇⽤品,商品concrete: of or relating to an actual, specific thing or instance具体的,实际的converge: to tend toward or approach an intersecting point汇聚destructive: causing or wreaking destruction; ruinous破坏,破坏性的dismantling: the act of taking apart or tearing down拆开,分解embassy: a building containing the offices of an ambassador and staff⼤使馆embolden: to foster boldness or courage in使⼤胆,使有胆量exclusion: the act or practice of excluding 排除flattening: being flat扁平的gang: a group of criminals or hoodlums帮派grievance: a feeling of resentment or injustice at having been unfairly treated抱怨;委屈hateful: feeling or showing hatred憎恨的instrument: a means by which something is done; an implement⼿段;⼯具invisible: impossible to see; not visible看不见的minimize: to reduce to the smallest possible amount, extent, size, or degree最⼩化outsource: to buy in (components for a product) rather than manufacture them外界供应oyster: any of several edible bivalve mollusks牡蛎potential: capable of being but not yet in existence潜在的,可能的refuge: a place providing protection or shelter庇护所reservation: the act of reserving保留restriction: the act of restricting限带,限定retiree: one who has retired from active working life退休者spot: a place of relatively small and definite limits场所;地点stimulate: to excite (a nerve, organ, etc.) with a stimulus刺激;激发summon: to call together召集;召唤swarm: to move in or form a large number成群移动或出现unlock: to undo or set free打开;释放utmost: of the highest or greatest degree, amount, or intensity; most extreme极度的,最⼤的versus: against与……相对warp: to turn or twist (wood, for example) out of shape扭曲Phrases and Expressionsbring about: to cause to happen造成bring down: to cause to fall打倒,击落draw up: to prepare a draft of (a legal document) 草拟look through: to examine查阅;审校reflect on: to think over思考;反省Reading ComprehensionChoose the best for each of the following.1. It is concluded in the article that 11/9 and 9/11 are different in that _____.A. 11/9 brought down a wall and 9/11 opened the windows of the worldB. 11/9 brought down the World Trade Center and 9/11 put up new invisible wallsC. 11/9 represented the creative imagination and 9/11 represented the destructive imaginatio nD. 11/9 unlocked half the planet and 9/11 made the citizens potential partners and competitors2. According to the article, what might be the cause(s) of 11/9?A. Hundreds of East Germans sought refuge at the West German embassy in Hungary.B. The East German government gave in to the pressure built up by the escape of more than thirteen thousand East Germans.C. Eastern Europeans looked forward to walking out from behind the Iron Curtain and engage with a flattening world.D. All of the above.3. "We were the only superpower, and the world was our oyster" (Para. 4) Here "oyster" infers that ____.A. the world itself provides a shelter for AmericansB. people in America could enjoy supreme freedom so as to get everything they want from lifeC. Americans feel to be playing a significant role in the whole worldD. America is a paradise of liberty and freedom4. Why could imagination never be commoditized according to the article?A. Because imagination is too important to be commoditized.B. Because imagination is too individualized to be commoditized.C. Because it is extremely tough for imagination to be commoditized under a near total monopoly of power.D. Because it is of no value at all to commoditize imagination.5. It can be inferred from what Irving Wladawsky Berger says that _____.A. positive imagination could possibly ease the danger from individuals even without the instruments of a stateB. focus on productive outcomes could advance and unite civilizationC. peaceful imagination could minimize alienation and celebrate interdependenceD. stimulating positive imagination is of the utmost importanceII. Complete the following summary of the text by filling in the blanks with words. The initial letter of each word has been given to you.The past decade and a half witnessed how the world went (1) flat, which is characterized by two dates: 11/9 and 9/11.The creative (2) imagination of 11/9 led to the collapse of the Berlin Wall and helped citizens around the globe to join together in business and trade. In the mean time, the (3) destructive imagination of 9/11 brought down the World Trade Center, throwing the world into chaos and panic.Eleven-nine arose from a simple event in which hundreds of East Germans sought (4) refuge at the West German (5) embassy in Hungary in July 1989. As a result, Hungary decided to lift the (6) restrictions on the passage to Austria, which made it possible for thousands of East Germans to (7) escape to Austria and thus to West Germany. The impending (8) pressure drove the East German government to (9) remove travel ban. Thus on 11/9/89, East Germans gathered to break down the Berlin Wall.However, 9/11 changed the way in which the world got flattened peacefully and positively. Bin Laden and his gang might have plotted to hit both towers of the World Trade Center at the exact right (10) spot. Unfortunately, September 11, 2001 turned out to be day that the terrorists had their destructive imagination materialized.VocabularyI. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.1. Some animals get confused when seeing their _____ a mirror.A. inflectionB. reflectionC. convictionD. nutrition2. Memory can be profoundly _____ by subsequent experience.A. shapedB. shippedC. shiftedD. sharpened3. We received many clever and _____ entries in our children's painting contest.A. initiativeB. inductiveC. imaginativeD. informative4. This dress was sewn by my mother carefully and the stitches are almost _____.A. incredibleB. impossibleC. insatiableD. invisible5. Many businesses with growth _____ fail to raise enough funds because they lack investment readiness.A. essentialB. potentialC. utensilD. spatial6. Countless small streams _____ to form a large river.A. convergeB. divergeC. submergeD. infringe7. These pills should help to _____ the pain.A. increaseB. leaseC. easeD. abuse8. A big _____ of bees started following Claire who ran away terrified.A. swimB. swarmC. warmD. swam9. During the pregnancy, it's normal to gain weight, but I _____ ballooned up.A. initiativelyB. literallyC. laterallyD. lastly10. His _____ is to dedicate himself to the service of his country.A. hatredB. educationC. mottoD. religionII. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.represent realize innocent commodity availablethreaten stimulate minimal suspect reserverestrict center alien grieve lock1. Public health officials now say the disease is under control and is, not a public health threat.2. Don't worry. Y our loyalty is above any suspicion.3. For the past 10 years, many technologies that we have been using reached wide scale adoption and thus essentially have become commoditized.4. Life saving care used to be unavailable to women giving birth, particularly in rural areas.5. If you prove your innocence you can be free.6. I think we can minimize the problem, so it isn't worth fussing about.7. These inscriptions are keys with which we unlock the secrets of ancient Egypt.8. I'd like to change my reservation in your hotel.9. Power without restriction is vulnerable to corruption.10. Y our kindness was a consolation to me in my grief.TranslationPut the following paragraph into English.9/11造成的污染让约40万⼈的健康受到严重伤害。

The challenge of globalization in the new century is not to stop the expansion of global markets but to find the rules and institutions for stronger governance–local, national, regional and global–to preserve the advantages of global markets and competitions; and also to provide enough space for human, munity and environmental resources to ensure that globalization works for people. In this sense, globalization is shaping a new era of interaction among nations, economies and people. It is increasing the contacts between people across national boundaries – in economy, in technology, in culture and in governance. Today‘s interactions between nations and people are deeper than ever. During this global integration are policy shifts to promote economic efficiency through the liberalization and deregulation of national markets and the retreat of the state from many economic activities, including the restructuring of the welfare state. Driving integration even faster are the recent innovations in information and communications technology.
学术英语(医学)_Unit 10

Unit 10 Health Care System
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Useful expressions
•The American medical system is highly fragmented. •Americans are more comfortable with fragmentation than other nationalities. •Even Americans who are covered think the U.S. medical system is broken. •The majority of them want to tear it up and start over. •As a nation, we are suspicious about a “single” anything – like a single-payer system for health insurance.
3. What is the major cause of the problem discussed in the talk?
the rising number of uninsured citizens in America
Unit 10 Health Care System
Text A
Critical reading and thinking – Topics for presentation – Useful expressions – Difficult sentences
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Topics for presentation
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Section A
Part 2 Watching & Listening
Clip 1 Dominique is a middle-aged pop singer who is not so popular as before. One of her dancers died several years ago, so Dominique fosters her daughter, Mary, and treats her as a maid. Mary, a shy girl as well as a dance lover, studies with Dominique’s twin daughters in the same high school, but they don’t get along well. (3'06")
Unit 10 Another Cinderella Story
Introduction to Musical Films (2) Section A Focused Activities Section B Extended Activities
Introduction to Musical Films (2)
Section A
Part 2 Watching & Listening
4. What does Tami want to do after graduation? A) Go to college as others. B) Become a super star in the dance school. C) Open a shop in Paris. D) Start her own business and make a lot of money.
This movie is a retelling of the Cinderella fairy tale in a modern setting, with Mary Santiago, a high school student with ambitions of becoming a dancer, taking the role of Cinderella; Tami, Mary’s only best friend as her fairy godmother; Dominique Blatt, taking the role of the stepmother; Britt and Bree as the two stepsisters; and Joey Parker, now a famous celebrity that has returned to school for his senior year and to remember why he started dancing, as the prince. A school dance substitutes for the ball, with the role of the glass slipper filled by a Zune (mp3 player).
1. What does Joey Parker plan to do according to the news on TV? A) Start another world tour. B) Release a new MTV. C) Go back to school and finish his senior year there. D) Dance with a girl in his video.
Section A
Part 2 Watching & Listening
Directions: In this part, you’re going to watch six clips from the movie Another Cinderella Story. After watching each clip, please complete the tasks following it.
Section A
Part 2 Watching & Listening
Word Bank
buzz n.
weird a.
芭蕾舞裙 亿万富翁 拥抱
heartthrob n. 偶像 tutu n. triple a. 三级的,三重的 billionaire n. freak n. pronto ad. choke v. 着迷,狂热 马上,立刻 扼住喉咙 embrace v.
Section A
Part 1 Lead-in
Background Information Director: Damon Santostefano Run time: 88 minutes Release Date: 2008
Section A
Part 1 Lead-in
Plot Summary
Introduction to Musical Films (2)
Unit 10 Another Cinderella Story
Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in
Part 2 Watching & Listening
Part 3 Fun Time
Stepmother _________ &Stepsisters ___________
Fairy ____ Godmother _________
Prince _____ Charming ________
Section A
Cinderella Fairy Godmother
awesomeness n. 卓越才华 sip n. 一小口
Section A
Part 2 Watching & Listening
Task 1 Watch the clip and then some questions will be asked about it. Choose the best answer to each question from the four choices given below.
Section A
Part 1 Lead-in
Task Are you familiar with the fairy tale “Cinderella”? Work in pairs to match the following pictures with their roles in the tale. Try to tell the story in your own words.
Section A
Part 2 Watching & Listening
2. What will the winner of the competition do according to the reporter? A) Dance with Joey Parker in his next MTV. B) Get an award from Joey Parker. C) Travel with Joey Parker. D) Sing with Joey Parker in his next MTV. 3. Why is Dominique so angry? A) Because her daughters turn on the TV set. B) Because Mary forgets to record her soaps. C) Because she dislikes Joey Parker. D) Because her daughters forget her birthday.
Section A
Task 2
Part 2 Watching & Listening
Watch the clip again and put the phrases in the box into the correct places in the following conversation between Mary and Tami. the Great Pumpkin go shopping in Paris Tami original break down embrace my awesomeness a superstar in dance school
In the 1960s the success of the films West Side Story, The Music Man, My Fair Lady (窈窕淑女), and The Sound of Music suggested that the traditional musical was in good health. Most of the musical films of the 1960s such as Oklahoma! and The Sound of Music were straightforward adaptations of successful stage productions. However popular musical tastes were being heavily affected by rock and roll, and indeed Elvis Presley made a few movies that have been equated with the old musicals in terms of form. In the 2000s, the musical film began to rise in