

wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第一章

wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第一章

Lab 1 –Creating the GalaxyIntroductionIn this lab, you will create the Galaxy and connect to it using the ArchestrA IDE. This Galaxy will be used during the class to develop the sample application.ObjectivesUpon completion of this lab, you will be able to:Create a GalaxyConnect to a Galaxy using the ArchestrA IDECreate the GalaxyIn the following steps, you will create a Galaxy and connect to it.1.Open the ArchestrA IDE(Start | All Programs | Wonderware | ArchestrA IDE).The Connect To Galaxy dialog box appears with the local node name displayed in the GR node name drop-down list.In this image, TRAININGPC-ENG2is the local computer name.2.Click the New Galaxy button to create a new Galaxy.The New Galaxy dialog box appears.3.In the Galaxy name field, enter TrainingGalaxy.4.In the Galaxy type field, confirm Base_Application_Server.cab is selected.5.Click Create.The Create Galaxy dialog box appears and shows the Galaxy creation progress. This will take a few moments. Check to make sure that no error messages are displayed.6.When the Create Galaxy progress displays 100% completed, click Close.The newly created TrainingGalaxy now appears in the Galaxy name drop-down list.7.Click Connect.The Connect To Galaxy dialog box closes and, after a few seconds, the ArchestrA IDE opens.You will use the ArchestrA IDE to develop the Galaxy throughout the remainder of this class.-This page intentionally left blank -。



最新wonderware培训资料最新 Wonderware 培训资料Wonderware 作为一款在工业自动化领域广泛应用的软件,其功能强大、应用广泛。

为了帮助大家更好地掌握和运用 Wonderware,我们精心准备了这份最新的培训资料。

Wonderware 软件涵盖了多个方面的功能,包括但不限于数据采集与监控、过程控制、人机界面设计等。



首先,让我们来了解一下 Wonderware 的历史和背景。



Wonderware 软件的安装和配置是使用它的第一步。




Wonderware 能够实时采集各种设备和传感器的数据,并将其以直观的方式展示给用户。



在过程控制方面,Wonderware 提供了丰富的控制策略和算法。



人机界面设计是 Wonderware 的一大特色。




Wonderware 还支持与其他系统的集成,比如 ERP 系统、MES 系统等。



实验 1 –创建银河介绍在本实验中,您将创建银河,并使用 ArchestrA IDE 连接到它。


目标完成本实验后,您将能够:创建银河使用 ArchestrA IDE连接到加尔斧西创建银河在以下步骤中,您将创建一个银河并连接到它。

1.打开ArchestrA IDE(开始 |所有计划 |奇迹软件 |阿尔切斯特拉 IDE)"连接到银河"对话框显示,本地节点名称显示在GR 节点名称下拉列表中。










6.当创建银河进度显示100% 已完成时,单击"关闭"。

新创建的训练银河现在显示在Galaxy 名称下拉列表中。


"连接到银河"对话框将关闭,几秒钟后,ArchestrA IDE 将打开。

您将使用ArchestrA IDE 在本课程的其余部分中开发银河。

- 此页有意留空 -。

wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第16章,共21章

wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第16章,共21章

Lab 16 –Configuring HistoryIntroductionIn this lab, you will configure the Galaxy for historization to the local Historian Server. Specifically, you will configure the $gAppEngine object to store historical data.Additionally, you will configure the object attributes to be historized.ObjectivesUpon completion of this lab, you will be able to:Configure a $gAppEngine object to store historical data to a Historian ServerConfigure objects to enable history including a History extensionConfigure Objects for HistoryIn the following steps, you will configure multiple objects in the Galaxy to begin historizing data.1.In the Deployment view, double-click AOSPlatform1to open the configuration editor.2.On the General tab, in the History store forward directory field, enter C:\S&F.3.Save and close the configuration editor.4.In the Check In dialog box, Comment field, enter Store and Forward configuration and click OK.5.Double-click AppEngine1to open the configuration editor.6.On the General tab, check the Enable storage to historian check box.7.In the Historian field, enter [your instructor will confirm the computer name]. In this image,TrainingPC-ENG2will be used.8.Save and close the configuration editor.9.In the Check In dialog box,Comment field, enter Historian configuration and click OK.10.In the Template Toolbox,Working toolset, double-click $Mixer to open the configuration editor.11.In the Inherited field attributes list, select LT.PV and check the Enable history check box.12.In the Trend high field, enter 100.0and lock the history group.13.Save and close the configuration editor.14.In the Check In dialog box,Comment field, enter LT historization and click OK.15.When the Check In progress shows Object 1 of 1 completed, click Close.16.In the Template Toolbox,Working toolset, double-click Inlet1to open the configuration editor.17.Check the Historize PV check box and lock the PV group.18.Save and close the configuration editor.19.In the Check In dialog box,Comment field, enter PV historization and click OK.20.When the Check In progress shows Object 1 of 1 completed, click Close.21.In the Template Toolbox,Working toolset, double-click Agitator to open the configuration editor.22.On the Extensions tab, Extendable Attributes list, select Speed.23.Configure the Speed attribute as follows:History extension checked and lockedEngineering units:RPMTrend high:50Description:Agitator Speed24.Save and close the configuration editor.25.In the Check In dialog box,Comment field, enter Speed historization and click OK.26.When the Check In progress shows Object 1 of 1 completed, click Close.The Deployment view now displays several objects that need to be redeployed.27.Deploy AOSPlatform1and keep the default options.28.When the Deploy progress displays 100% completed, click Close.View the Historical Data with Historian ClientNow, you will use Wonderware Historian Client Trend to view a trend of the historical data.29.Start Wonderware Historian Client Trend (Start | All Programs | Wonderware | Historian Client |Trend).The Server List Configuration dialog box appears.30.In the Server field, enter [check with your instructor]. In this image, TrainingPC-ENG2will be used.31.Check the Use Integrated security check box and click Add.After a few moments, the computer name appears in the Server list.32.Click Close.The Wonderware Historian Client Trend window opens and in the Tag Picker pane, all of the tags configured for historization are displayed.33.Double-click the Agitator_001.Speed tag to add it to the trend chart.The Agitator_001.Speed historical data now displays in the trend chart.You can also drag and drop tags to the trend chart to add them.34.Drag and drop Inlet1_001.PV and M1XX.LT.PV onto the trend chart.Your trend chart will now display all three tags at the same time.35.On the toolbar, click the Enable or disable live or replay mode button.The trend chart now updates automatically.36.Close the Trend application.The Wonderware Historian Client dialog box appears.37.Click No .。

wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第11章

wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第11章

Lab 11 –Adding Auto Reconnect to DDESuiteLinkClientIntroductionIn this lab, you will configure the $gDDESuiteLinkClient to automatically reconnect to the data source when the connection is lost. You will do so by extending the objects with UDAs with scripts.Using a UDA/script combination, you will also add additional diagnostic information that will indicate the number of disconnects the object has experienced since it last went on scan.ObjectivesUpon completion of this lab, you will be able to:Create scripts in an objectCreate scripts with multiple execution typesAdd reconnect functionality to the $gDDESuiteLinkClient objectAdd the Auto Reconnect FunctionalityIn the following steps, you will create a script that will automatically reconnect to the data source when the connection is lost.1.In the Template Toolbox,Global toolset, double-click $gDDESuiteLinkClient to open theconfiguration editor.2.On the Scripts tab, click the Add Script button. the new script Reconnect and press Enter.4.Configure the Reconnect script as follows:Aliases:lockedDeclarations:lockedScripts: Execution type:Execute(default) and lockedBasics lockedExpression: Me.Connectionstatus<>2Trigger Period:00:00:05.0000000Script body Me.Reconnect=true;This script will attempt to reconnect every 5 seconds when not connected to the data source.Now, you will validate the script syntax by using the Validate feature. If the script has a syntax error, it will appear in the yellow bar just above the script body area.5.To the right of the Execution type drop-down list, click the Validate button.6.In the UDAs tab, click the Add button.7.Rename the new UDA t and press Enter.8.Configure the t UDA as follows:Data type:IntegerCategory:Calculated9.In the Scripts tab, click the Add button. the new script Disconnect.Monitor and press Enter.11.Configure the Disconnect.Monitor script as follows:Aliases:lockedDeclarations:lockedScripts: Execution type:Execute(default) and lockedBasics lockedExpression: Me.Connectionstatus<>2Trigger type:OnTrueScript body t=t+1;This script will increase a counter by one every time the condition is true.12.Click the Validate button.You will now add code within the same script under a different execution type that will run when the object goes on scan.13.While still in the Disconnect.Monitor script, change the Execution type to OnScan.14.In the script body, type t=0;.This script will reset the counter to zero every time the object goes on scan.15.Save and close the configuration editor.16.In the Comment field of the Check In dialog box, type Reconnect script and click OK.17.When the Check In progress displays Object 1 or 1 completed, click Close.18.Redeploy PLCSim, leaving the default options.19.When the Deploy progress displays 100% completed, click Close.View the Scripts in RuntimeNext, you will use Object Viewer to view the runtime data of the scripts.20.In the Deployment view, right-click PLCSim and select View in Object Viewer.21.Click on the PLCSim tab.Add the following attributes to the watch window:tDisconnect.Monitor.ExecutionCntReconnect.ExecutionCnt22.Save the watch window.Note:Your instructor will now disconnect your connection to the Device Integration server, and then reconnect the connection so that you can observe the behavior.Your Watch List now displays that there was a disconnect, but the connection has been restored.。

wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第20章,共21章

wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第20章,共21章

Lab 20 –Configuring RedundancyIntroductionIn this lab, you will configure a second network connection in Windows for use as the Redundancy Message Channel. Then, you will configure the Galaxy platforms and engines for redundancy. Finally, you will create the hosting relationship, deploy the changes, and force a failover to confirm the functionality.ObjectivesUpon completion of this lab, you will be able to:Configure a secondary network connection in Windows as the Redundancy Message Channel Configure WinPlatform and AppEngine objects for redundancyCreate a deployment model for redundant enginesForce a failover on a redundant systemConfigure Windows for RedundancyIn the following steps, you will configure a second network connection in Windows as the Redundancy Message Channel (RMC). This will need to be done on both computers, where the first is the computer where GRPlatform is deployed and the second is the computer where AOSPlatform1is deployed.1.Connect to the machine where the GRPlatform is installed [for the remote computer, this will be themachine where the AOSPlatform1in installed].2.Open Network Connections(Start | Control Panel | Network and Sharing Center).3.Click Change adapter settings.The Network Connections window appears.4.Right-click Local Area Connection and select Rename.5.Rename the connection ArchestrA.6.Right-click Local Area Connection 2and select Rename.7.Rename the connection RMC.8.Press Alt+N to unhide the Menu bar.9.On the Advanced menu, select Advanced Settings.The Advanced Settings dialog box appears.10.In the Connections area, select ArchestrA and click the Up Arrow button.The ArchestrA connection is now listed first.11.Click OK.12.In the Network Connections window, right-click RMC and select Properties.The RMC Properties dialog box appears.13.In the This connection uses the following items area, select Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4).14.Click the Properties button.The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties dialog box appears.15.Click the Use the following IP address option.16.In the IP address field, enter [For the remote computer, this will be]17.Click in the Subnet mask field to automatically assign the subnet mask.18.In the bottom-right of the window, click the Advanced button.The Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box appears.19.On the DNS tab, uncheck the Register this connection’s addresses in DNS check box.20.Click OK.21.In the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties dialog box, click OK.22.In the RMC Properties dialog box, click Close.23.Repeat Steps 1to 22on the remote computer where AOSPlatform1is deployed. The IP address thatwill be used on the remote computer will be the Platforms for RedundancyYou will now return to the ArchestrA IDE and configure the platforms for redundancy.24.In the Deployment view, open the GRPlatform configuration editor.25.In the Redundancy area, Redundancy message channel IP address field, enter and close the configuration editor.27.In the Check In dialog box,Comment field, enter Redundancy configuration and click OK.28.Open the AOSPlatform1configuration editor.29.In the Redundancy group, Redundancy message channel IP address field, enter and close the configuration editor.31.In the Check In dialog box,Comment field, enter Redundancy configuration and click OK.The Deployment view now displays that both platforms have pending changes.You will redeploy the platforms later in this lab.Configure AppEngine1 for RedundancyYou will now configure AppEngine1for redundancy. Since AppEngine1is currently deployed, you must first undeploy it.32.Right-click AppEngine1and select Undeploy.33.In the Undeploy dialog box, keep the default options and click OK.34.When the Undeploy progress is complete, click Close.35.Open the AppEngine1 configuration editor.36.On the Redundancy tab, check the Enable Redundancy check box.The Redundancy configuration settings auto populate with the default values.37.Keep the defaults and click Save and close.38.In the Check In dialog box,Comment field, enter Redundancy configuration and click OK.The Deployment view now displays the AppEngine1icon with the primary redundant engine icon.39.Expand the Unassigned Host folder to reveal the new backup application engine instance.This was automatically created when redundancy was enabled in AppEngine1.You will now have GRPlatform host the new AppEngine1 (Backup) object.40.Drag and drop AppEngine1 (Backup)onto GRPlatform.Now, you will redeploy the platforms.41.Select both the AOSPlatform1and the GRPlatform.42.Right-click either platform and select Deploy.43.Keep the default options and click OK.44.When the Deploy progress is complete, click Close.45.Return to Object Viewer.Because the platforms redeployed, you will get the following error in Object Viewer.46.Click OK.Object Viewer closes.You will now deploy the application engines using the Include Redundant Partner option.47.In the Deployment view, right-click AppEngine1and select Deploy.48.In the Deploy dialog box, check the Include Redundant Partner check box.49.Click OK.50.When the Deploy progress is complete, click Close.The Deployment view now displays that all objects have been deployed.View the Redundancy Functionality and Data in RuntimeYou will now use Object Viewer and observe selected AppEngine1attributes in the runtime environment. You will then force a failover and observe the changes.51.In the Deployment view, right-click AppEngine1and select View in Object Viewer.52.On the File menu, select Load Watch List.53.Navigate to C:\Training and select MyWatchWindow.54.Click Open.55.Add the following attributes to the watch window:HostRedundancy.IdentityRedundancy.StatusRedundancy.PartnerPlatformRedundancy.PartnerStatusRedundancy.FailoverOccurredRedundancy.ForceFailoverCmdThe watch window displays that AOSPlatform1is currently hosting AppEngine1and the redundancy status is active. Additionally, the GRPlatform is the partner platform and is currently in a Standby mode.56.Save the watch window.You will now force a failover to trigger redundancy and observe the changes.57.In the watch window, double-click AppEngine1.Redundancy.ForceFailoverCmd.The Modify Boolean Value dialog box appears.58.Click the True option and click OK.After a few seconds, the watch window displays GRPlatform as the host platform andAOSPlatform1as the partner platform.You will now refresh Object Viewer to view the changes.59.In the console tree pane, collapse and expand AOSPlatform1and GRPlatform.The pane now displays that AOSPlatform1is no longer hosting any objects and GRPlatform is now hosting all of the objects.60.Click the Mixer1tab.The watch window displays that all attributes are still running and producing good quality data.Lab 20–Configuring Application Redundancy 9-33Application Server 201261.On the Mixer2watch window, observe the same behavior.You will now force another failover to return to the primary redundancy configuration.62.In the Redundancy watch window, double-click AppEngine1.Redundancy.ForceFailoverCmd .63.In the Modify Boolean Value dialog box, click the True option and click OK .After a few seconds, the watch window displays AOSPlatform1as the host platform andGRPlatform as the partner platform.You can also observe what happens when the connection to the remote computer loses connectivity.64.Disable the RMC network connection.After a few seconds, the watch window now displays that the Standby Status isActive –Standbynot Available.9-34Module 9–RedundancyInvensys Learning Services 65.Reenable the RMC connection.After a few seconds, the watch window displays the Standby Statusis back to Active .。

Wonderware 培训资料

Wonderware 培训资料
Support Section 6: Application Planning
Lab 2 – Identifying the Mixer
Course Description and Objectives
Course Description
The System Platform – Part 1 training course is a 4-day instructor-led course designed to give the knowledge necessary to develop and support applications with Wonderware Application Server.
System Platform
Microsoft Technologies & Industry Standards
Wonderware System Platform
Wonderware Clients
(Analysis Client)
?Leverage the .NET Framework for the Automation World
?Object-based application
?One global networked namespace
?Centralized configuration and security
?Multi-user development environment ?Component-based plant application model ?Self documenting

Wonderware 培训资料PPT

Wonderware 培训资料PPT

▪ Multi-user development environment ▪ Component-based plant application model ▪ Self documenting
• Be able to troubleshoot applications in a standalone and networked environment.
Wonderware System Platform
Project Specific Work
Industry Packs Function Specific Modules
Course Objectives
• Understand the ArchestrA® technology and how it is applicable to the plant floor environment.
• Become familiar with developing objects and instances configuring applications using the Integrated Developing Environment.
It provides a unified environment for visualization, plant history, device communications and automation application integration.
Application Server’s application, configuration information and project database.
System Platform

Wonderware 中国软件培训计划

Wonderware 中国软件培训计划
Fundamentals of Wonderware Historian 9.0 and ActiveFactory 9.2 Wonderware 实时数据库及客 户端应用课程
Wonderware Operations & Performance Software 3.4 Wonderware MES基础课程
(2009年4月 - 2010年3月)
培训中心名称 四月
InTouch 10.0 HMI Fundamentals of Application Development InTouch 10.0基础开发课程
5.25 - 5.28
12.28 -
4.20-4.23 5.25-5.28 6.22-6.25 7.20-7.23 8.24-8.27 9.21-9.24 10.26-10.29 11.19-11.22 12.21-12.24 1.25-1.28
7.27 - 7.31
5.25 - 5.29
7.13-7.16 8.24 - 8.28
11.23 11.27
On Demand
10.19-10.23 9.7-9.11
12.21-12.25 12.1-12.4
On Demand
2.22 22.2.2262.26

wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第2章

wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第2章

Lab 2 –Creating Global Derived TemplatesIntroductionIn this lab, you will create derived templates from base templates using the ArchestrA IDE. These derived templates will be used throughout the remainder of the class to develop the sample application. You will then organize the templates into template toolsets. You will then hide the template toolsets that contain the base templates to ensure that instances are not created from base templates.ObjectivesUpon completion of this lab, you will be able to:Create a new template toolset to organize templatesCreate a derived templateHide a template toolsetCreate the Template ToolsetsIn the following steps, you will create template toolsets to help organize the templates that you will create.1.In the Template Toolbox, right-click TrainingGalaxy and select New Template Toolset.2.Rename the new toolset Training.Note: The Rename feature can be found by right-clicking the folder or object.You will now create template toolsets in the Training template toolset.3.Right-click the Training toolset and select New Template Toolset.4.Rename the new toolset Global.5.Repeat Steps 3&4and rename the new toolset Working.Create the Derived TemplatesFor the remainder of this lab, you will create derived templates and organize them in the template toolsets that were just created.6.Expand the Device Integration toolset by clicking on the plus icon to the left of the templatetoolset.7.Right-click $DDESuiteLinkClient and select New | Derived Template.8.Rename the new derived template $gDDESuiteLinkClient.9.Repeat Steps 7&8three times to create three more new derived templates from the following basetemplates:The Template Toolbox now displays all four new derived templates in the Device Integration template toolset.10.Drag and drop the four new derived templates into the Global toolset.11.Expand the System template toolset.12.Create four new derived templates from the following base templates:The Template Toolbox now displays the four new derived templates in the System template toolset.Note: You will not create a derived template from $InTouchViewApp, because it is a special object that does not accept second level derivation.13.Drag and drop the four new derived templates and the $InTouchViewApp object to the Globaltoolset.To ensure that instances are not created from base templates, you will hide the Device Integration and System template toolsets. Going forward, you will only use the Application and Training template toolsets.14.Right-click on the Device Integration template toolset and select Hide.15.Repeat Step 14to hide the System template toolset.Your Template Toolbox now displays the organization as seen below.-This page intentionally left blank -。



Wonderware_培训资料Wonderware 培训资料在当今的工业自动化领域,Wonderware 系统凭借其强大的功能和卓越的性能,成为了众多企业的首选。

为了让大家更好地了解和掌握Wonderware 系统,本文将为您提供一份详细的培训资料。

一、Wonderware 系统概述Wonderware 是一套功能强大的工业自动化软件套件,它涵盖了从数据采集、监控到过程控制和管理的各个环节。




二、Wonderware 系统的安装与配置1、系统要求在安装 Wonderware 之前,您需要确保您的计算机满足以下最低要求:(1)操作系统:Windows 7 及以上版本。

(2)处理器:Intel Core i5 或更高。

(3)内存:8GB 及以上。

(4)硬盘空间:至少 50GB 的可用空间。

2、安装步骤(1)下载安装文件:从官方网站或授权渠道获取 Wonderware 的安装文件。


(3)选择安装组件:根据您的需求选择要安装的组件,如InTouch、Historian 等。




三、Wonderware 软件组件介绍1、 InTouchInTouch 是 Wonderware 的人机界面(HMI)软件,它允许用户创建直观、交互式的操作界面,以监控和控制工业过程。



wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第5章,共21章

wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第5章,共21章

Lab 5 –Connecting to the FieldIntroductionIn this lab,you will configure an instance of the $DDESuiteLinkClient template to connect to a device integration server using the SuiteLink protocol. You will then use Object Viewer to monitor the connection status of the instance in runtime.ObjectivesUpon completion of this lab, you will be able to:Configure a device integration objectMonitor the connection status of a device integration objectCreate a Connection to a Field DeviceIn the following steps, you will create an instance of the $gDDESuiteLinkClient template and configure it to connect to the PLC simulator.1.In the ArchestrA IDE,Template Toolbox,Global toolset, right-click $gDDESuiteLinkClient andselect New | Instance.2.Rename the instance PLCSim.3.Double-click PLCSim to open its configuration editor.4.On the General tab, configure the instance as follows:Server node:[check with your instructor] In this image, TrainingPC-IO2 is used.Server name:RTEngineCommunication Protocol:SuiteLink(default)5.At the top of the PLCSim pane, click the Topic tab.6.In the Available topics section,click the Add button.7.In the Topic field, enter Tagname and press Enter.8.In the Associated attributes for Tagname section, click the Import button.The Open dialog box appears.9.Navigate to the C:\Training folder, select the PLC Items List.csv file.Click Open.After a few seconds, the Associated attributes for Tagname section is populated with all of the items in the file.The Attribute column displays the aliases assigned to each of the corresponding Item Reference data points.10.Click the Save and close button to close the editor.The Check In dialog box appears.11.In the Comment field, enter Basic Configuration.12.Click OK.13.In the Model view, assign the PLCSim instance to the ControlSystem area.14.In the Deployment view, host the PLCSim instance in AppEngine1.15.Right-click on PLCSim and select Deploy.16.Keep the default options and click OK.17.When the Deploy progress displays 100% completed, click Close.View the Attributes in RuntimeYou will now return to Object Viewer to view the attribute values in runtime.18.In the Deployment view, right-click PLCSim and select View in Object Viewer.The Object Viewer window appears and refreshes.19.Right-click on the watch window and select Add Watch Window.20.Right-click on the watch window and select Rename Tab.21.Rename the tab PLCSim.22.In the details pane, add the following attributes to the watch window:ConnectionStatusReconnectScanStateScanStateCmd23.Add the ScanGroupList attribute to the watch window.The Array for PLCSim.ATTRIBUTE(ScanGroupList)dialog box appears.This appears because ScanGroupList is an array and requires an index to be entered. You will now configure the array to display the entire array dimension.24.In the Enter an array index field, enter-1.25.Click OK.Lab 5–Connecting to the Field 3-73Application Server 2012The ScanGroupList is now displayed in the watch window.The ConnectionStatus attribute displays the communication status between the topics configured in the device integration object and the topics in the Device Integration Server. The Reconnectattribute, when set to true, will attempt to reconnect to the Device Integration Server.26.Right-click on the watch window and select Save .3-74Module 3–Application Infrastructure-This page intentionally left blank -Invensys Learning Services。




Wonderware只能在windows环境下运行,支持32位及64位操作系统,但wonderware 公司建议使用32位操作系统因为64位操作系统部是很稳定,系统容易崩溃带来不必要的损失。

Wonderware软件架构:Intouch等可视部分客户端 Active factory分析部分Information Server CAL等第3方认可软件即符合(微软技术标准,工业标准)App Server发布数据三个服务器 Historian历史数据Information Server实时数据DAServer/I/OserverPLC等第三方软件Daserver/ioserver :收到采集命令,采集数据,发广播包,工作完成后,各机从DAseerver 堆栈中提取数据。

概念:1.Archestry 只是一个名字2.Application server:应用程序服务器。

类似于I/Osever 客户端(阀门,泵,开关等运行配置,控制配置,run_time部分)3.Galaxy:数据库4.Galaxy Repostistory:配置的指令存储在此可以用这台机器进行开发。



Historation > 安装SQL server2005数据库需要建立防火墙,需专门一台机器。

Information server >安装SQL server2005数据库需要建立防火墙,需专门一台机器。


Wonderware 培训资料学习资料

Wonderware 培训资料学习资料

It provides a unified environment for visualization, plant history, device communications and automation application integration.
Application Server’s application, configuration information and project database.
System Platform
Microsoft Technologies & Industry Standards
Wonderware System Platform
Project Specific Work
Industry Packs Function Specific Modules
Application Server Galaxy
Galaxy Repository
Single computer and software where the Galaxy database is located.
Wonderware Application Server
+++ Scan-based system. Highlights
Support Section 6: Application Planning
Lab 2 – Identifying the Mixer
Course Description and Objectives
Course Description
The System Platform – Part 1 training course is a 4-day instructor-led course designed to give the knowledge necessary to develop and support applications with Wonderware Application Server.

wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第6章

wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第6章

Lab 6 –Modeling the MixerIntroductionIn this lab, you will configure the analog and discrete field attributes in the $UserDefined object to model a mixer device. You will also use the Galaxy Browser to find and build attribute references using the PLCSim object created in the previous lab to provide the connection to the live values within the mixer. ObjectivesUpon completion of this lab, you will be able to:Configure analog and discrete field attributes in a $UserDefined objectBuild attribute references using the Galaxy BrowserCreate the Tank TemplateIn the following steps, you will create the tank template.1.In the Template Toolbox,expand the Application toolset.2.Right-click the $UserDefined template and select New|Derived Template.3.Rename the derived template $Tank.4.Move the $Tank template to the Working toolset.5.Double-click $Tank to open its configuration editor.6.On the Field Attributes tab,click the Add Analog button to add a new analog field attribute.7.In the Name field, rename the field attribute LT.PV and press Enter.8.Click on the Add Analog button again and rename the new field attribute TT.PV and press Enter.Your Field attributes list displays both attributes.9.Click the LT.PV field attribute and configure the attributes as follows:Access mode:InputData type:FloatEngineering units:GallonsEnable I/O scaling checkedRaw value: Maximum4095.0EU range value: Minimum-5.0EU range value: Maximum105.010.Click the TT.PV field attribute and configure the attributes as follows:Access mode:InputData type:FloatEngineering units:Deg FEnable I/O scaling checkedRaw value: Maximum4095.0EU value: Maximum250.0EU range value: Minimum-5.0EU range value: Maximum255.011.Click Save and close.12.In the Check In dialog box,Comment field, enter LT and TT configuration.13.Click OK.14.When the Check In progress displays Object 1 of 1 completed, click Close.Create the Mixer TemplateNext, you will create the mixer template.15.Right-click the $Tank template and select New | Derived Template.16.Rename the new template $Mixer.17.Double-click the $Mixer template to open its configuration editor.Notice the inherited attributes from the parent object,$Tank.18.Click the Add Discrete button.19.Configure the field attribute as follows:Name:TP1.CmdAccess mode:OutputCategory:User writeable (default) Enable state labels checkedLabel for ‘False’ state:StopLabel for ‘True’ state:Start20.Click the Add Discrete button again and configure the attributes as follows:Name:TP1.PVAccess mode:InputEnable state labels checkedLabel for ‘False’ state:StoppedLabel for ‘True’ state:Running21.Click the Add Discrete button again and configure the attributes as follows:Name:TP2.CmdAccess mode:OutputCategory User writeable (default)Enable state labels checkedLabel for ‘False’ state:StopLabel for ‘True’ state:Start22.Click the Add Discrete button again and configure the attributes as follows:Name:TP2.PVAccess mode:InputEnable state labels checkedLabel for ‘False’ state:StoppedLabel for ‘True’ state:RunningAll four new field attributes are displayed in the Field Attributes list.23.Click Save and close.24.In the Check In dialog box,Comment field, enter Pump attribute configuration and click OK.25.When the Check In progress displays Object 1 of 1 completed, click Close.Create the Mixer InstanceNext, you will create an instance of the mixer template.26.In the Template Toolbox,Working toolset, right-click the $Mixer template and select New |Instance.27.Keep the default name Mixer_001.28.In the Model view, assign the Mixer_001instance to the Line1area.Notice the exclamation point to the left of the Mixer_001instance. This is because the object has configuration warnings.Now, you will check the warning messages.29.Right-click the Mixer_001instance and select Properties.The Mixer_001Properties window appears.30.Click the Errors/Warnings tab to view the configuration issues that need attention.Notice that the window is displaying the items that need the proper I/O addressing, because ---.---is a place holder for an attribute reference. The warning messages indicate that the listed attributes do not have valid attribute references.31.Click Close.Now, you will configure the attribute references for the field attributes.32.In the Model view, double-click on the Mixer_001instance to open its configuration editor.33.In the Inherited field attributes list, select TP1.Cmd.34.To the right of the Output destination field, click the ellipsis button.The Galaxy Browser -TrainingGalaxy window appears.35.In the Instances pane, click PLCSim to view the attributes of the device integration object.36.Select Tagname.M1XX_TP1_CmdStart where XX is your student number and click OK.In thisimage,the student number is00.The Output destination now displays the correct value.37.Repeat steps32through35to configure the Output source for attribute TP2.Cmd using theTagname.M1XX_TP2_CmdStart attribute.38.Configure the rest of the attributes with the following Input sources:All of the inherited field attributes are now configured.39.Click Save and close, and then in the Check In dialog box,Comment field, enter I/O referencesconfiguration and click OK.Notice that the exclamation point is no longer displayed.40.In the Deployment view, right-click the Mixer_001instance and select Deploy.41.Keep the default options and click OK.42.When the Deploy progress displays 100% completed, click Close.View the Mixer in Object ViewerNext, you will observe the attribute values for the object created in the previous steps.43.Right-click on the Mixer_001instance and select View in Object Viewer.44.If you closed Object Viewer, on the File menu, select Load Watch List to open the watch list file yousaved earlier.45.Add a new watch window and rename the tab Mixer.46.Add the following attributes to the newly created Mixer watch window:LT.PVTT.PVTP1.CmdTP1.PV.MsgTP2.CmdTP2.PV.Msg47.Save the watch window.。

Wonderware 培训资料(精选PPT)

Wonderware 培训资料(精选PPT)

System Platform
Microsoft Technologies & Industry Standards
Wonderware System Platform
Project Specific Work
Industry Packs Function Specific Modules
System Platform 3.1
Wonderware® System Platform 3.1
System Platform
Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Application Infrastructure Module 3: Application Objects Module 4: Extending the Objects Module 5: Alarms and History Module 6: Security Module 7: Galaxy Maintenance Module 8: Device Integration Products Module 9: Multi-Node Applications
System Platform
Module 1: Introduction
Section 1: Course Introduction Section 2: Wonderware System Platform
Lab 1 – Creating a Galaxy Section 3: The ArchestrA IDE Section 4: Automation Objects Section 5: System Requirements, Licensing and



wonderware一、 wonderware是做什么的?wonderware主要提供工业中的MES (Manufacturing Execution System)制造(生产)执行系统的解决方案(solution)。



1、wonderware主要包括那些软件?主要包括:intouch(数据采集和画面监视控制用),DI(device integration),InSQL(工业数据库软件),IAS(Industrial Application Server工业应用平台),incontrol(软PLC),I/Oserver(数据通讯软件),DT(停机分析软件),QI(质量分析软件),InBatch(批处理软件),intrack(跟踪软件),SCADAlarm(事件报警软件),ActiveFactoty(InSQL终端服务软件)等。


ArchestrA 是一种面向对象(工厂),基于.NET的软件技术架构。




智能工厂,实时决策(powering intelligent plant decisions in real time).协助用户快速集成,掌握和运用实时信息,进行智能决策,提高企业效益。

wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第7章,共21章

wonderware ide 培训的手册文档第7章,共21章

Lab 15 –Logging AlarmsIntroductionIn this lab, you will configure and run the Alarm DB Logger Manager, which is used to store real-time alarms in a centralized database.ObjectivesUpon completion of this lab, you will be able to:Configure the Alarm DB Logger ManagerUse alarm queries to retrieve alarms and events from alarm providersConfigure and Start the Alarm DB Logger ManagerIn the following steps, you will configure the Alarm DB Logger and start sending alarms to the database.1.Start the Alarm DB Logger Manager(Start | All Programs | Wonderware | InTouch | Alarm DBLogger Manager.The Alarm DB Logger Manager dialog box appears.2.Click Settings.After a few moments, the Alarm DB Logger Manager –Configuration dialog box appears.The Server Name field should have the name of the node where your SQL database is located [the instructor will provide the server name]. In this image, the local node (default) will be used.The Database field should have the name of your SQL database [your instructor will provide the name of the database]. In this image, the default name of WWALMBD will be used.The User Info area should contain the SQL user name and password that is used to access the SQL server [your instructor will confirm the credentials that should be used]. In this image, sa will be used for the User Name.The Logging Mode area will be the default option of Detailed, so that every alarm and event will be recorded.3.Click Test Connection.The Error dialog box appears.This message is explaining that the connection was successful, but the database still needs to be created.4.Click OK.5.In the Alarm DB Logger Manager -Configuration dialog box, click Create.6.The Success dialog box appears.7.Click OK.8.In the Alarm DB Logger Manager -Configuration dialog box, click Next.The Alarm DB Logger Manager –Query Selection dialog box appears.9.Remove the contents of the existing default Alarm Query field.Configure the Alarm Query area as follows: [check with your instructor to verify your remote computer name]\\[your remote computer name]\Galaxy!ControlSystem\\[your remote computer name]\Galaxy!Packaging\\[your remote computer name]\Galaxy!Production\\[your remote computer name]\Galaxy!Receiving\\[your remote computer name]\Galaxy!ShippingIn this image, [your remote computer name] is displayed as TRAININGPC-REM2.10.Click Next.11.The Alarm DB Logger Manager –Advanced Setting dialog box is now displayed.12.Keep the default options and click Finish.This Alarm DB Logger Manager dialog box reappears.13.Click Start.The Smart Cache begins processing the alarms that have been queued up in the system and begins sending them to the database.The number decreases as the queued alarms are processed until the Smart Cache is Empty.14.Close the Alarm DB Logger Manager.The Alarm DB Logger Manager will continue to run in the background.View the Alarm History DataYou will now use the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to view the latest recorded alarms and events.15.Start Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio(Start | All Programs | Microsoft SQL Server2008 | SQL Server Management Studio).16.Keep the default settings and click Connect.17.In the Object Explorer pane, expand Databases | WWALMDB | Views.18.Right-click dbo.v_AlarmHistory and select Select Top 1000Rows.19.The data appears in the bottom-middle pane.20.In the Object Explorer pane, right click dbo.v_EventHistory and select Select Top 1000 Rows.The events logged from the previous lab are displayed here in the bottom-middle pane.21.Close the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.22.Close the Alarm DB Logger Manager window.。

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w o n d e r w a r e培训
Wonderware公司推出旗舰级 InTouch软件,这是第一个基于微软Windows&reg操作系统的人机界面(HMI)。


客户端 Active factory分析部分
Information Server CAL等第3方认可软
件即符合(微软技术标准,工业标准) App Server发布数据
三个服务器 Historian历史数据
Information Server实时数

Daserver/ioserver :收到采集命令,采集数据,发广播包,工作完成后,各机从DAseerver堆栈中提取数据。

1.Archestry 只是一个名字
2.Application server:应用程序服务器。

类似于I/Osever 客户端(阀门,泵,开关等运行配置,控制配置,run_time部分)
4.Galaxy Repostistory:配置的指令存储在此可以用这台机器进行开发。


安装前准备:APPLICATION SERVER 的同时还可以安装I/Oserver

Historation > 安装SQL server2005数据库需要建立防火墙,需专门一台机器。

Information server >安装SQL server2005数据库需要建立防火墙,需专门一台机器。

1.每台机器装BOOTSTAP(需要主动对GR访问取数据的必须安装不是主动对GR 访问被动的接收数据的不用安装)。



安装注意: 1.Historian安装好被动接受等于GR或I/O塞给的数据,不需要bootstrap.只要对外广播被动获取的不需要bootstrap

1.安装虚拟机Virtual pc 2007 sp1.exe。

2.解压缩“windows 2003 standard CHS.ZIP”用虚拟机进入该系统。

从“开始>程序>vpc>file>NEW virtual 选择使用已有的>选择 WIN 2003.ZIP 文件即操作系统”pw:goodluck。

1.Intouch(若先不安装Intouch后面安Application server有以下几点)







2.SQL SERVER 2005或2008.
安装2008的ISO CD1和CD2>安装SQL之前会提示安装FRAMEWORK然后重启>安装过程中输入密码之前现找到计算机名的节点叫TERRY密码输进SQL 的密码。

安装wonderware application server
(1) bootstrap
(2) IDE

授权 .LIC文件
开始>wonderware>common>LicenseUtility>file>install license
1.books :帮助文档,教学资料大都来自于此。

mon:(1)aaconfig sql:连接到SQL的配置。

(2)chang network account:登录到WINDOWS的用户可以是



(3)license utility
(4)NetDDE Extension:几乎没有用。


3.Archestra IDE:装IDE的机器就是一个工程师站。



关于Log View:

出现错误>选好有用的行>右键SENT TO>NOTEPAT>另存为记事本
GR node:装IDE的机器名
Galaxy name
About:vision 互相一致很重要,必须要完全一样。


New Galaxy:
GR node name:可以远程GR那台机器
Galaxy type:Base_Application_server.cab(选此)
(3)A能找到B C但是反之不行的解决方法如下




Application:应用模板,设备模板----- 1.AnalogDevice:压力。

Device Integation :把现场物与计算机连接既利用此数据。



工厂 1.AppEngine 1.float:看作中间变量,做运算用。

仓库 2.area 2.switch:开关模板
车间 3.intouchviewapp 3.SQLDAta
4.viewengine 4.sequearcer:严格定义脚本模板的顺序
