2015年6月13日托福口语机经2015年6月13日托福口语机经下载地址:/tuofujijing/20150518/tfjj-0518-02.html?seo=wenku5.908 2015年6月13日托福口语机经是考生在备考托福口语期间不可多得的资料,考生可以进入下载地址免费索取下载使用2015年6月13日托福口语机经。
2015年6月13日托福口语机经部分内容:1.* *TASK 1 What's your favorite toy or game in your childhood?TASK 2 Do you like to be taught by experienced teachers or by new teachers?2.★★★★★教授布置了 a special assignment, 是让学生们去 museum 看 ancient Egyptian sculpture, 然后写paper。
【好处】(1)make more sense than the textbook;(2)教授可以拿到团体票的折扣,半价。
女生的觉得这主意好, 原因(1)这样做,可以给学⽣生提供⽣一个近距离亲眼鉴赏课本⽣里讲到的雕塑。
4.★★★★Talk about an activity you would like to participate in the near future, explain your answer in details.5.★★★★Among the following three activities, which do you think has the most benefits for students? 1. A field trip 2. A home tutoring session 3. A presentation given by a local leader2015年6月13日托福口语机经下载地址:/tuofujijing/20150518/tfjj-0518-02.html?seo=wenku5.908。
2015年6月14日托福听力机经2015年6月14日托福听力机经下载地址:/tuofujijing/20150520/tfjj-lhy-614tljj.html?seo=wenku6.157 2015年6月14日托福听力机经!小马托福机经预测老师精心给考生准备了2015年6月14日托福听力机经,考生可以进入下载地址免费索取下载使用。
2015年6月14日托福听力机经部分内容:Conversation 1一个 Computer Science department 的 professor 劝说一个学生参加 competitionConversation 2一个学生要求搬出 on campus housing,想要提前拿回 deposit1. What’s the lecture mainly about?The professor’s recent research on play and brain development.Differing explanations of the reasons for play.Examples of two distinct types of play fighting.Differences in the play behaviors of various animal specials.2. (A) He plans to go to the dance.(B) He does not enjoy dancing.(C) He has something else to do tonight.(D) He plans to go to the next dance.1. One of the students brings up the example of play fighting among wolf pups. What does this example lead him to believe?That wolves are especially violent animals.That the play-as-preparation hypothesis is probably correct.That wolves seldom engage in self-handicapping.That the results of a recent study are probably not reliable.2015年6月14日托福听力机经下载地址:/tuofujijing/20150520/tfjj-lhy-614tljj.html?seo=wenku6.157。
2015年7月4日托福机经2015年7月4日托福机经下载地址:/tuofujijing/20150603/tfjj-lhy-74tfjjdfw.html?seo=wenku6.537 2015年7月4日托福机经马上开始了!小马老师在第一时间内给考生整理出了2015年7月4日托福机经,考生可以进入下载地址免费索取下载2015年7月4日托福机经部分内容。
12、★★★★★Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students could receive a better, more efficient education if they spend 11 months a year studying.18、★★★★In times of an economic crisis, in which area should the government reduce its spending? 1. Education 2. Health Care 3.support for the unemployed.5、★★★★★学校想要在即将建设的科技楼中建⼀一个零食店,这个科技楼离学校的其他部分很远,因而学⼀可以下课到零食店买吃的。
2015年5月16日托福阅读机经2015年5月16日托福阅读机经下载地址:/tuofujijing/20150331/tfjj-sq-201503314.html?seo=wenku5.054 2015年5月16日托福阅读机经已经发布了,正在紧张备考2015年5月16日托福考试的考生们赶紧进入链接索取下载使用吧。
2015年5月16日托福阅读机经部分内容:1. Most vegetables and some fruits need blanching before they are frozen, and to avoid this step would be an expensive mistake. The result would be a product largely devoid of vitamins and minerals. Proper blanching curtails the enzyme action, which vegetables require during their growth and ripening but which continues after maturation and will lead to decay unless it is almost entirely stopped by blanching. This process is done in two ways, either by plunging vegetables in a large amount of rapidly boiling water for a few minutes or by steaming them. For steam blanching, it is important that timing begin when the water at the bottom of the pot is boiling. Different vegetables require different blanching times, and specified times for each vegetable must be observed. Under-blanching is like no blanching at all, and over-blanching, while stopping the enzyme action, will produce soggy, discolored vegetables.(1)Why does the author use the term expensive mistake in discussing blanching?A.To state that blanching is expensive but very effectiveB.To warn that not blanching will harm the food’s nutritional valueC.To emphasize the importance of blanching only a few items at a timeD.To show that many people waste food by blanching improperly2.Ecologists are especially interested to know what factors contribute to the resilience of communities because climax communities all over the world are being severely damaged or destroyed by human activities. The destruction caused by the volcanic explosion of Mount St. Helens, in the northwestern United States, for example, pales in comparison to the destruction caused by humans. We need to know what aspects of a community are most important to the community’s resistance to destruction, as well as its recovery.(1).Look at the four squares [ ] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.In fact, damage to the environment by humans is often much more severe than damage by natural events and processes.Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.3. The chief feature of play-by-play commentary is a highly formulaic style of presentation. There is distinctive grammar not only in the use of the present tense but also in the omission of certain elements of sentence structure. For example “Smith in close” eliminates the verb, as some newspaper headlines do. Another example is inverted word order, as in “over at third is Johnson.” Play-by-play commentary is very fluent, keeping up with the pace of the action. The rate is steady and there is little silence. The structure of the commentary is cyclical, reflecting the way most games consist of recurring sequences of short activities---as in tennis and baseball---or a limited number of activity options---as in the various kinds of football. In racing, the structure is even simpler, with the commentator informing the listener of the varying order of the competitors in a “state of play” summary, which is crucial for listeners or viewers who have just tuned in.(1)Why does the author quote a linguist in paragraph 2?A.To describe the uniqueness of radio play-by-playB.To show how technical sports commentary isC.To give examples of play-by-play commentaryD.To criticize past trends in sports commentary2015年5月16日托福阅读机经下载地址:/tuofujijing/20150331/tfjj-sq-201503314.html?seo=wenku5.054。
2015年4月12日托福阅读机经2015年4月12日托福阅读机经下载入口:/tuofujijing/20150309/tfjj-ztt-2015n4y12rtfydjj.html?seo=wenku3.628 2015年4月12日托福阅读机经已经在小马过河发布了,此次机经是多名托福名师精心为大家准备而成,考生可以复制链接进入免费索取下载使用此次机经全部内容。
2.学⽂要等候个星期在新学期开始地时候才能 move 到新的 apartment。
3.学⽂写信,学校咖啡厅提供 beverages and cookies 很好,但建议增加⽂些如sandwich 这样耐吃的⽂物和 more light music。
The woman agrees with the proposal,具体两点进⽂⽂持:the cookies don't really help much whenshe's hungry,所以的确要有⽂些其他吃的。
the music there is too noisy now, she has to go backto her dorm to read instead of reading there4.学校想要在即将建设的科技楼中建⽂个零⽂店,这个科技楼离学校的其他部分很远,因⽂学⽂可以下课到零⽂店买吃的。
2015年6月13日托福阅读机经2015年6月13日托福阅读机经下载地址:/gaofenjingyan/20150507/tfjj-sq-201505074.html?seo=wenku6.160 2015年6月13日托福阅读机经!小马老师为大家准备了2015年6月13日托福阅读机经供大家备考使用,考生可以进入下载地址免费索取下载使用。
2015年6月13日托福阅读机经部分内容:part3The political institutions of the four countries posed no significant barriers to industrialization or economic growth. The nineteenth century passed relatively peacefully for these countries, with progressive democratization taking place in all of them...8、★★★★★【学校通知】:校报登了封信,说要对学校大礼堂(auditorium)整修,首先要改进音响系统,然后引入 online tickets system【学生意见】:听力里女生同意。
第一学校礼堂音响系统确实非常烂,她有时候自己组织读诗会,学校麦克风经常不 work。
第二,online systems 也非常有效,能解决问题她自己很难找出合适的时间去现场买票,大礼堂离教室非常远,有时买票队伍很长。
2015年5月8日北美托福阅读机经部分内容:1.【阅读】学校准备下学期举⾏⾏个 library training day,帮助刚⾏学的⾏学⾏学会使⾏图书馆查找资料。
培训完了还要布置作业(training 后需要交⾏个 assignment),确保学⾏们都学会了2.【阅读】学校要把学校的⾏个 theater 租给⾏个 local group 当地剧团排练。
(1)因为暑假theater 没有学⾏⾏,如果租给剧团排练,那么有 summer class 的学⾏就可以有娱乐活动了;(2)可以赚钱修设施4.教授布置了 a special assignment, 是让学⾏们去 museum 看 ancient Egyptian sculpture, 然后写paper。
托福阅读原文1:Because television is an intimate medium, speaking through it require a changed political stylethat was more conversational, personal, and visual than that of the old-style stump speech.Reliance on television means that increasingly our political world contains memorable picturesrather than memorable words. Schools teach us to analyze words and print. However, in aword in which politics is increasingly visual, informed citizenship requires a new set of skills.Recognizing the power of television's pictures, politicians craft televisual, staged events, calledpseudo-event, designed to attract media coverage. Much of the political activity we see ontelevision news has been crafted by politicians, their speechwriters, and their public relationsadvisers for televised consumption. Sound bites in news and answers to questions in debatesincreasingly sound like advertisements.托福阅读原文2:Hotels were among the earliest facilities that bound the United States together. They were both creatures and creators of communities, as well as symptoms of the frenetic quest for community. Even in the first part of the nineteenth century, Americans were private, business and pleasure purposes. Conventions were the new occasions, and hotels were distinctively American facilities making conventionspossible. The first national convention of a major party to choose a candidate for President (that of the National Republican party, which met on December 12, 1831, and nominated Henry Clay for President) was held in Baltimore, at a hotel that was then reputed to be the best in the country. The presence in Baltimore of Barnum's City Hotel, a six-story building with two hundred apartments helps explain why many other early national political conventions were held there.2015年5月8日北美托福阅读机经下载地址:/tuofujijing/20150423/tfjj-lhy-58bmyd.html?seo=wenku5.040。
2015年5月30日托福听力机经2015年5月30日托福听力机经下载地址:/tuofujijing/20150422/tfjj-lhy-530tl.html?seo=wenku5.338 2015年5月30日托福听力机经免费更新啦!需要2015年5月30日托福听力机经的考生可以进入下载地址免费索取下载使用。
2015年5月30日托福听力机经部分内容:1. Conversation 1女生是社会心理学的,因为书店把书放错了地方,她多买了两本社会学的书,要来退款,收银员说你这都过了退款期限了,不过看在是书店的错,就给你退了吧,下次注意看你的receipt最下面有退款截止日期。
2.M: I think I'll run down to the bookstore and take up a few thingsW: But aren't we going to meet Sally at the student center? She is expecting us at 4. And it's almost that now.3.W: Congratulations! I heard about your new job.M: Thanks. Yes, nearly perfect for me. It's really interesting. The hours are ideal and it's an easy walk from home. If only the pay were half as good as everything else.5.(a) the back of his french dictionary fell apart when he dropped it.(b) he had read the novel without help earlier in the fall.(c) he needed to look up some words in order to comprehend the novel.(d) his french teacher helped him with the vocabulary.6.(a) go to a movie.(b) work in the library.(c) visit a museum.2015年5月30日托福听力机经下载地址:/tuofujijing/20150422/tfjj-lhy-530tl.html?seo=wenku5.338。
2 机经仅解决破题问题,看过不准备,中了也没用——准备好答案,背熟,实属正道也!3最后,奉劝各位托福小主,温馨提示不要把机经当投机,否则,too young too simple,sometimes naive.♌♋目录独立写作 (2)综合写作 (63)独立写作1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order for a business tosucceed, it mustput more money in advertising.Score 5:In order to gain profits and occupy a larger portion of market, companies have developed many ways to increase their market share, including spending money on advertising. Some people believe that a company cannot achieve success unless they invest more money on advertising. However, the effectiveness and influence of an advertisement does not solely depend on how much money was put in it; also, there are several circumstances that a business should cut down its budgets on advertising and invest more on other projects.To begin with, low-cost advertisements could be attractive enough for customers and help companies to occupy a large portion of the market. For instance, there are advertisements of Coca-Cola everywhere around the world, and Coca-Cola seems to be the most competitive brand among companies selling beverages. Coca-Cola’s advertisements are perceived as more interesting and attractive than the ones of Pepsi and other companies of the same kind. It is the idea and content of Coca-Cola’s advertisem ent matter instead of how much money being put into the advertisement. A simple cartoon with fancy ideas which come from ordinary people instead of a celebrity designer may have greater influence than scenes that got shot on famous spots with post-processing.Moreover, some small companies in lack of the money to create widespread advertisements need to invest on other things first such as the quality of their products and marketing. When it comes to shops that sell cookies, for example, they should improve the flavors of their products first. Then, letting customers taste their free samples may be a better strategy than those posters on walls for advertising. In addition, sometimes companies suffering from crisis should put more money on human resources and adjusting the configuration of different departments within the companies. Unless they have solved the crisis, they have no reason to emphasize too much on advertising.Based on the above discussions, a company has many choices other than investing more on advertising to make a business to be successful. Admittedly, advertising investment is so important that it is often a decisive factor to the success of a company; however, it is not always the predominant factor.Score 4:In order to achieve profits, companies have developed many ways to increase their market share, including spending money on advertising. Some people believe that a company must put more money into advertising in order to achieve success. However, there are several circumstances that a business should cut down its budgets on advertising and invest more on other projects.To begin with, low-cost advertisements could be attractive enough for customers and help companies to occupy a large portion of the market. For instance, there are advertisements of Coca-Cola everywhere around the world, which seem to be the most competitive brand among companies selling beverages. Coca-Cola’s advertisements are perceived as more interesting and attractive than the ones of Pepsi and other companies of the same kind. It is the idea and content of the advertisement matter instead of how much money being put into the advertisement. A simple cartoon with fancy ideas which come from ordinary people instead of a celebrated designer may have greater influence than scenes that got shot on famous spots with all kinds of post-processing.Moreover, some small companies in lack of the money to create widespread advertisements need to invest on other things first such as the quality of their products and marketing. When it comes to shops that sell cookies, for example, they should improve the flavors of their products first. Then, letting customers taste their free yummy cookies may bea better strategy than those posters on walls printed with yummy samples. In addition,sometimes companies suffering from crisis should put more money on human resources and adjusting the configuration of different departments within the companies. Unless they have solved the crisis, they have no reason to focus their attention and pay more on advertising.Based on the above discussions, a company has many choices other than investing more on advertising to make a business to be successful. Admittedly, advertising investment is so important that it is often a decisive factor to the success of a company; however, it is not always the predominant factor.2.The opinions of celebrities, such as entertainers and athletes, are more important to theyoungerpeople than they are to the older people.Score 5:Today’s celebrities, such as entertainers and athletes, usually show up on TV or post their viewpoints through the Internet, thus young people who tend to make more use of modern technology have more opportunities to hear the voice of those celebrities. Compared with young people, the older usually have their own role models, and might not be influenced by celebrities today. Some people believe that the opinions of celebrities are more important to younger people than to the older people. However, I believe that the older should value the celebrities’ opinions as well.To begin with, it is a good way to help older people keep themselves updated through learning from entertainers and athletes. Keeping learning updated news as well as viewpoints of those celebrities could benefit older people in many ways. For example, more shared topics between the old and the young could be created. To illustrate, older people could get familiar with what today’s young people are interested in and thus can disc uss with theirchildren or even grandchildren about the hot topics. Through those talks and discussions, the generation gap between the old and the young will gradually disappear; the old will not feel isolated from the younger generation. As a result, they might even feel more energetic than before spending more time with young people. It is not exaggerated to say that watching news and TV shows of celebrities could help the old to maintain mental health to a certain extent.Moreover, many old people are r eferred to as “stubborn” because they only believe what they have learned from their experience in the past. With the development of the society and modern technology, everything changes fast, thus some rules and principles in the past do not work the way as they used to do. It is advisable for the old to learn the views and opinions of the young generation, and avoid sticking to the old-fashioned rules. In addition, entertainers and athletes, who are different from politicians, usually tend to speak for ordinary people rather than political parties. Therefore, I believe that their viewpoints towards certain social issues could represent the voice of the people. In this sense, it is at least not harmful for the old to learn from the celebrities.To sum up, i t is beneficial for old people to learn from celebrities’ opinions, which could benefit their mental health and could keep them informed and updated.Score 4:Today’s celebrities, such as entertainers and athletes, usually show up through TV and the Internet, thus young people who tend to make more use of modern technology have more opportunities to hear the voice of those celebrities. Compared with young people, the older usually have their own role models, and might not be influenced by celebrities today. Some people believe that the opinions of celebrities are more important to younger people than to the older people. However, I believe that the older should value the celebrities’ opinions as well.To begin with, it is a good way to help older people keep themselves updated through learning from entertainers and athletes. Keeping learning updated news as well as viewpoints of those celebrities could benefit older people in many ways. For example, more shared topics between the old and the young could be created. To illustrate, older people could get familiar with what today’s young people are interested in and thus could discuss with their children or even grandchildren about the hot topics. Through those talks and discussions, the generation gap between the old and the young will gradually disappear; the old will not feel isolated from the younger generation. As a result, they might even feel more energetic than before spending more time with young people.Moreover, many old people are referred to as “stubborn” because they only believe what they have learned from their experience in the past. With the development of the society and modern technology, everything changes fast, thus some rules and principles in the past do not work the way as they used to do. It is advisable for the old to learn the views and opinions of the young generation, and avoid sticking to the old-fashioned rules. In addition, entertainers and athletes, who are different from politicians, usually tend to speak for ordinary people rather than political parties. Therefore, I believe that their viewpoints towards certain social issues could represent the voice of the people. In this sense, it is at least not harmful for the old to learn from the celebrities.To sum up, it is beneficial for old people to learn from celebrities’ opinions, which could benefit their mental health and could keep them informed and updated.3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The more money people have,the more they should give away to charity.Score 5:Nowadays, more and more wealthy people tend to give away part of their money to charity, in order to help people in needs as well as to improve the reputation of their family business.Some people believe that the more money people have, the more they should give away to charity. Based on what I have learned about this topic, it is true that people who possess more wealth should devote more to charity for the following reasons.To begin with, people who are extremely wealth cannot earn huge amount of money all on their own without the support from the government as well as the public. In other words, they must have benefited from favorable policies from the government; the money they earned are originally from customers, namely the public. After those rich people achieved success in business, it is time for them to show gratitude to the government as well as the pubic. The more wealthier they are, the more money they should give away to charity, in order to financially support people in need, and to show gratitude to the society.Some people may argue that there are other ways that wealthy people could help the public.For example, they could create more job opportunities, or simply give money directly to poor people. However, compared with individuals, the charity organizations today have developed systematic ways to support people who suffer from poverty and famine. Also, the organizations are paying more attention on solving environmental and social issues related to our daily life, such as air pollution. To be honest, those charity organizations are more professional than rich people in how to solve the above problems in an efficient way. In addition, those charity organizations are supervised by not only the public but also by the government. It is advisable for wealthier people to go through charity organizations and contribute to the country.Admittedly, the rich people spend lots of efforts to make money, and it is reasonable that they should enjoy a life of higher quality and spends mo re money on their children’s education.Still, as it is mentioned in previous paragraphs, the wealthy people cannot achieve success without the support from the government as well as the public. Hence, the wealthier they are, the more money they should give away to charity.Score 4:Nowadays, more and more wealthy people tend to give away part of their money to charity.Some people believe that the more money people have, the more they should give away to charity. Based on what I have learned about this topic, it is true that people who possess more wealth should devote more to charity for the following reasons.To begin with, people who are extremely wealth cannot earn huge amount of money all ontheir own without the support from the government as well as the public. In other words, they must have benefited from favorable policies from the government; the money they earned are originally from customers, namely the public. After those rich people achieved success in business, it is time for them to show gratitude to the government as well as the pubic. The more wealthier they are, the more money they should give away to charity, in order to financially support people in need, and to show gratitude to the society.Some people may argue that there are other ways that wealthy people could help the public.For example, they could create more job opportunities, or simply give money directly to poor people. However, compared with individuals, the charity organizations today have developed systematic ways to support people who suffer from poverty and famine. To be honest, those charity organizations are more professional than rich people in how to solve the above problems in an efficient way. In addition, those charity organizations are supervised by not only the public but also by the government. It is advisable for wealthier people to go through charity organizations and contribute to the country.As it is mentioned in previous paragraphs, the wealthy people cannot achieve success without the support from the government as well as the public. Hence, the wealthier they are, the more money they should give away to charity.4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rules that the whole societytodayexpect young people to follow are too strict.Score 5:Nowadays, young people need to follow rules at home, in schools and universities, as well as workplace. It seems that those rules that society expects them to follow are sometimes too overwhelming and strict that impose lots of pressure on young people. However, I do believe that rules are vital for youngsters in their life.At home, parents usually require children to follows some rules to ensure their children’s safety or to help children develop a sense of responsibility. From the perspective of young people, it seems annoying sometimes that parents force them to get back home before midnight, for example. However, in some communities that are not safe, it is dangerous for the young, especially female to hang out too late. Another example is that many parents ask their children to do some housework after school. Despite the fact that nowadays students have intensive learning schedule even after school, doing housework could definitely benefit them because the young could learn how hard it is to keep a house organized and sense the difficulties of their parents. Gradually, they could develop a sense of responsibility towards their families, which could benefit their future study and work.In schools, universities, and workplace, young people still need to follow some rules that seem to be strict but necessary. In East Asian, young people should pay special attention to their language use when talking to people who are older or of higher social status, which is a way to show respect to these two groups of people. For example, a respectful form of addressing senior citizens and people of higher social status need to be used in daily communications. Though some young people find it daunting to switch from one form oflanguage use to another, they could learn to be humble working with professors at school or cooperating with colleagues at work.Based on the above discussion, the rules that young people need to follow in nowadays’ society, though strict, are necessary to a certain extent. They could help young people become more independent and humble in their future study or work.Score 4:Young people need to follow rules at home, in schools and universities, as well as workplace.It seems that those rules that society expects them to follow are sometimes too overwhelming that elicit lots of pressure on young people. However, I do believe that rules are vital for youngsters in their life.At home, parents usually require children to follows some rules to ensure their children’s safety or to help children develop a sense of responsibility. From the perspective of young people, it seems annoying sometimes that parents force them to get back home before midnight. However, in some communities that are not safe, it is dangerous to hang out too late. Another example is that many parents ask their children to do some housework after school. Despite the fact that nowadays students are facing great pressure from academic study, doing housework could definitely benefit them because the young could learn how hard it is to keep a house organized and sense the difficulties of their parents. Gradually, they could develop a sense of responsibility towards their families, which could benefit their future study and work.In schools, universities, and workplace, young people still need to follow some rules which seem to be too strict but necessary. In East Asian, young people should pay special attention to their language when talking to people who are older or of higher social status, which is a way to show respect to these two groups of people. For example, a respectful form of addressing senior citizens and people of higher social status need to be used in daily communications. Though some young people find it daunting to switch from one form of language use to another, young people could learn to be humble working with professors at school or cooperating with colleagues at work.Based on the above discussion, the rules that young people need to follow in nowadays’ society, though strict, are necessary to a certain extent. They could help young people become more independent and humble in their future study or work.5. A leader should have strong opinions and not change his or her mind about thoseopinions.Score 5:Some people believe that a leader should hold strong opinions and should not change them even when others disagree with them because this is an important way to show a strong leadership. However, I believe that in today’s workplace, the democratic style does have its place in business. Therefore, sometimes a leader should provide his or her team members with opportunities to express their opinions. If necessary, a leader should change his or her opinions as well.To start with, a leader’s primary task is to stimulate and motivate their colleagues to come up with creative ideas, which benefit teamwork to a large extent. In workplace, most tasks require teamwork where everyone in the team needs to contribute. The role of a leader is to stimulate all his or her team members to express their opinions rather than to become a dictator who make every decision on his or her own. It is not exaggerated to say that sometimes team members are always the source of innovative ideas and plans, which could definitely benefit the company. In order to motivate the team members, a leader should not only create an atmosphere that everyone could feel free to speak up but also respect the thoughts of his or her colleagues.Moreover, it happens that sometimes a leader’s decision could be wrong and will exert negative influence on the team’s work. As everyone knows, no one is perfect and people do make mistakes. If a leader hold strong opinions that might result in setbacks, and he or she refuses to change, the whole team’s project will be affected by his or her dictation. As a result, the team members will become reluctant to contribute to the team and might even quit the current job for a better one. On the contrary, if the leader is humble enough to change their opinions and listen to others’ suggestions, the team could avoid future loss. More importantly, the team members will look up to the leader because he or she has an open mind and is willing to accept others’ opinions.As I have read from an article published online, “decision making is when the leader gives up ownership and control of a decision and allows the group to vote”. Nowadays, a leader should encourage his or her colleagues to actively participate in the decision-making process, and should change their opinions when it is necessary.Score 4:Some people believe that a leader should hold strong opinions and should not change them even when others disagree with them. However, I believe that in today’s workplace, the democratic style does have its place in business. Therefore, sometimes a leader should provide his or her team members with opportunities to express their opinions. If necessary, a leader should change his or her opinions as well.In workplace, most tasks require teamwork where everyone in the team needs to contribute. The role of a leader is to stimulate all his or her team members to express their opinions and motivate them to work on their assignments rather than to become a dictator who make every decision on his or her own. It is not exaggerated to say that sometimes team members are always the source of creative ideas and plans, which could definitely benefit the company. In order to motivate the team members, a leader should not only create an atmosphere that everyone could feel free to speak up but also respect the thoughts of his or her colleagues. Moreover, it happens that sometimes a leader’s decision could be wrong and will exert negati ve influence on the team’s work. As everyone knows, no one is perfect and people do make mistakes. If a leader hold strong opinions that might result in setbacks, and he or sherefuse to change, the whole team’s project will be affected by his or her dicta tion. As a result, the team members will become less motivated in their work and might even leave the company for another to find a better job. On the contrary, if the leader is humble enough to change their opinions and listen to others’ suggestions, the team could avoid future loss.More importantly, the team members will look up to the leader because he or she has an open mind and is willing to accept others’ opinions.Based on the above discussion, a leader should not hold strong opinions and should change their opinions when it is necessary. Nowadays, a leader should encourage his or her colleagues to actively participate in the decision-making process, and should change their opinions when it is necessary.6.有些职业运动员和娱乐行业者转业到政治家,你同意他们从政吗?Score 5:Admittedly, artists and performers are not professionals in the field of politics, and they might lack related knowledge to make decisions in congress or other institutions. Still, I believe that they should be involved in politics, and participate in the decision-making process together with politicians for the following reasons.To begin with, representatives from different fields should all participate in politics. Athletes and artists are not exceptions. There is no doubt that their voices should be heard in institutions and organizations, so that policies that benefit these two groups of people will be proposed. Although have not been trained as politicians, they could provide suggestions and proposals from diverse perspectives, which should be consider ed in politicians’ decision-making process. Moreover, artists and performers who are famous usually have been through extremely intensive training since they were children, in order to achieve success or become famous. Therefore, they have learned how difficult it is to survive and to become successful for common people. In contrast, many politicians graduated from elite universities and well-known families might fail to take common people’s needs into consideration. In this sense, artists and athletes’ uni que points of view and their considerations for common people should be valued by politicians.Furthermore, famous athletes and artists are very influential. This is particularly because of people’s increasing interests in entertainment as well as sports.People look up to famous athletes and artists, and use their examples to educate their children the spirit of persistence and hardworking. Letting them to speak for the governments would be a good strategy. For example governments make use of athletes and artists’ fame to educate people the importance of developing a healthy life style, helping people around, cherishing family members, to name a few. It seems that people tend to believe in slogans spoken by a familiar face of artist or athlete compared with a politician that they know little about. Hence, based on the above discussion, famous athletes and artists’ participating in politics could benefit the governmentsas well.To sum up, artists and athletes should be valued if they become politicians. Moreover, governments could utilize their fame to enhance the governments’ influence.Score 4:Admittedly, artists and performers are not professionals in the field of politics, and they might lack related knowledge to make decisions in congress or other institutions. Still, I believe that they should be involved in politics, and participate in the decision-making process together with politicians for the following reasons.To begin with, representatives from different fields should all participate in politics. Athletes and artists are not exceptions. There is no doubt that their voice should be heard in institutions and organizations, so that policies that benefit these two groups of people will be proposed. Although have not been trained as politicians, they could provide more diverse perspectives, which should be considered in politicians’ decision-making process. Moreover, artists and performers who are famous usually have been through extremely intensive training since they were children in order to be famous. Therefore, they have learned how difficult it is to become successful for common people. In contrast, many politicians graduated from elite universities and well-known families might fail to take common people’s needs into consideration. In this sense,artists and athletes’ unique points of view and their considerations for common people should be valued by politicians.Furthermore, famous athletes and artists are very influential. This is particularly because of people’s increasing interests in entert ainment as well as sports. People look up to famous athletes and artists, and use their examples to educate their children the spirit of persistence and hardworking. Letting them to speak for the governments would be a good strategy. For example government s make use of athletes and artists’ fame to educate people the importance of developing a healthy life style, helping people around, cherishing family members, to name a few. It seems that people tend to believe in slogans spoken by a familiar face of artist or athlete compared with a politician that they know little about.To sum up, artists and athletes should be valued if they become politicians. Moreover, governments could utilize their fame to enhance the governments’ influence.7.The government should give priority to improving healthcare than to solvingenvironmental problems. Do you agree or disagree?Score 5:Many people have been complaining that the health care system in my home country needs to be improved. Thus they believe that it is the gover nment’s top priority to build more hospitals, to purchase advanced equipment, as well as to provide patients with more medical subsidies. However, to my understanding, the government should focus more on handling environmental issues in that it is closely related to our living environment. Besides, some environmental。
2:【主旨】生态破坏【内容】文章说生态系统被破坏的太严重了,人们提议了一种方法:introduce 新物种取代部分要灭绝的物种。
她有 2 个选择,⼀是等她室友,她室友有,但是她室友下午有课,所以她要等。
问你prefer 哪种。
3.the student’s landlord is going to sell the house and there's a buyer who's eager to buy it, he hasonly a bit over one week to move.Solution 1: a friend of his is looking for a roommate near his university, but he can't concentrateon his study. Solution 2: he can live with his parents, but too far away4.⼀章是讲的关于 Harappan civilization decline 的原因的三个假说。
2015年6月27日北美托福听力机经2015年6月27日北美托福听力机经下载地址:/tuofujijing/20150527/tfjj-lhy-627bmtl.html?seo=wenku6.440 2015年6月27日北美托福听力机经!正在备考2015年6月27日北美托福考试的考生千万不要错过小马老师精心准备的2015年6月27日北美托福听力机经,考生可以进入下载地址免费索取下载使用此次机经全部内容。
2015年6月27日北美托福听力机经部分内容:1.Lecture 3欧洲和英国十几世纪的一种写作潮流,it-narrative,就是动物或者物体作主语,但要注意的是它们并不具备人的性格特征啥啥的。
It-Narrative is a term coined to describe a particular sub-genre of fiction which developed in the eighteenth century, and has come under critical scrutiny in the last thirty years. These works recount the adventures of a non-human protagonist, such as a coin, a dog, a pin-cushion or a hackney coach, as it travels through society, encountering diverse characters and incidents.Thecoin describes its life story, and the numerous individuals into whose hands it falls, as it circulates through society. The hackney coach provides portraits of its various passengers; dogs and cats give an insider’s view of the lives of their numerous masters.2. 一个女的想在学校hold a concert in the campus.她想请一队band called Jimmy.。
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还说一个simulation (有题)。
2015年1月11日托福考试回忆V20150111Passage 1Topic 休眠效应Content Review第一段总体介绍了rest stage, 来节约能量等环境好的时候再繁殖,举例某种种子,说明rest stage 的时间可能很长。
第四段第一种,举了袋鼠的例子,保证任何时候袋鼠妈妈都有三个处于不同阶段的孩子,环境不好时,她可以freeze肚子里那个孩子的发展,直到袋子那个mature enough环境变好了离开袋子。
犁和马对英国发展的贡献欧洲农业经济发展很快因为发明了一种新的plow,更适用于wet heavy soil,可以挖到更深,本来北边的森林很少用于农业,用了也只是last for a very short time,有了这个新犁,可耕种更多的土地,农业就发展了。
Section 3Topic 公司提高效率较少浪费的方法Content公司提高效率较少浪费的方法,说了几个例子,1. 存货,存货是一种浪费,花了钱有没有带来经济效益,应该减少,有题,问教授对存货的看法。
2. 自己的例子,会计公司五个小组工作,一个2天要10天,太浪费时间,前三个组可以同时工作,节约大笔时间。
3. transport太多也是浪费,费钱还费时,而且transport越多被delay的风险越大,用电脑程序可以减少这种浪费,计划出最efficient的路线(有题)。
4. 飞机零件,零件越多越费时间,有题学生问说零件少了质量怎么办,教授说问题在于quality的标准是根据什么定的,消费者的需求才是决定产品的根本因素。
2015年1月25日托福考试回忆V201501252015年1月31日托福考试回忆V20150131her. She can answer questionnaire first then look at database then next appointment.二、2015年2月托福考试回忆2015年2月1日托福考试回忆V20150201The Rise and Fall of Chaco Phenomenon大约11世纪的时候,在某个canyon出现了大量的great houses,后来停止了建造,然后在13世纪的时候被遗弃了。
建造这种house很费木材和人力,需要collective work。
后来在19世纪的时候,人们又有新的证据证明此处其实从来没有过森林,所以树木一定是从远处运输过来,同时建筑学家研究发现这些houses处在一个网状结构的中心,可能是一个regional center,同时周围有居民的房子,又发现了一些遗迹和遗留的器皿,所以推断这些house是一个非常重要的labor community,同时又很重要的宗教用途。
Passage 3Topic Dinosaur and parental careContent Review通过化石判断恐龙的parental care是很难的,因为这是一种行为,没办法被化石保存下来。
接收了两种care的方法,一种是egg in nest:在egg mountain, 每个下蛋点都是等宽的,说明很有可能是群居,在一起下蛋然后共同保护幼崽。
然后又讨论了egg mountain中有一种龙egg中有新发现,其幼崽的牙齿上有一层保护物,只有feeding才会形成,这意味着成年龙会带东西回来喂幼崽,与人类婴儿做了一个类比,但是这个证据不能直接证明,而且在类似的一些动物幼崽身上是新生儿就有这个,不一定是被喂食才有。
于是研究者以进化的角度来推测会不会是新的物种的parental care,找了现代的生物鸟和鳄鱼来作证,因为他们属于同一祖先,而这两种现代生物都有很多care的方式,因此推断恐龙是有parental care。
第二方面,因为婴儿在三个月左右才能有ability to control舌头,所以很难判断他们是否学会了。