



河北农业大学本科毕业(设计)论文外文文献翻译学院:城乡建设学院专业班级:农业水利工程0901班学号:2009224010113学生姓名:周飞指导教师姓名:高惠嫣指导教师职称:讲师二零一三年三月Water-saving irrigation1. Existing water-saving irrigation methodsIrrigation methods, field water distribution method is how to have been sent to the farms, the irrigation water is evenly distributed to the active layer of the crop root. Irrigation water is the means by which to enter the active layer of roots, irrigation methods can be divided into surface irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, micro-irrigation and underground irrigation.1.1 surface irrigationSurface irrigation is an ancient traditional irrigation method, in general, it is as compare whether water-saving basis points. Surface irrigation technology are constantly develop and constantly improve, so there are many more water-efficient than traditional surface irrigation technology.1.1.1 new furrow irrigation toolsTraditional furrow irrigation with artificial opening from the distribution channel water into the furrow, it is neither accurate and inconvenient, and often cause the field of water loss due to water port leakage countries have already adopted the siphon (for open channel water ) or gate hole pipe (aqueduct) drainage, China has done a number of tests, proven to improve field water utilization rate of 5% to 10%.1.1.2 surge irrigationModern foreign developed wave Chung (groove) border irrigation or intermittent ditch (furrow) irrigation, traffic control into the ditch (furrow) is intermittent water and then put a period of time (a few minutes or tens of minutes) to field stop the water for some time (a few minutes or tens of minutes), and so forth, so that you can make along the ditch (furrow) the length direction of the water distribution is more uniform. Fields of water utilization up to 80% to 90%.Film hole irrigation (also known as the film hole irrigation)Gully, made on the film of water flow in the membrane, crops grow hole to penetrate the land, so that irrigation efficiency is high, generally water-saving 25% to 35%, an increase of 15% to 20%, they do not specifically facilities.1.2 IrrigationSprinkler to spray through the air, due to the pressure of the commonly used pressure aqueduct. In general, its obvious advantages irrigation uniformity, less of farmland, save manpower, strong adaptability to the terrain. The main disadvantage is influenced by wind, high investment in equipment. More in our country are the following: fixed pipe sprinkler, the semi-mobile pipeline sprinkler irrigation, a rolling shift sprinkler manifold, when the needle irrigation machine, a large pan spray irrigation machine, grain irrigation machine in microirrigators units and so on.1.3 drip irrigationIrrigation water with a small plastic tube directly sent to the the Meike crop roots near the water drip out slowly by drippers, a sophisticated irrigation methods, only need water to irrigation can truly only irrigation crop Instead of filling the land. And can be a long time in the crop root zone moisture in the optimal state, so to save water and increase production. But its biggest drawback is the Dripper out flow orifice is small, the flow rate is low, so serious congestion problems. Irrigation water must be carefully filtering and processing. At present, China has only noticed to prevent physical clogging equally serious clogging the biological and chemical clogging problem has not been taken seriously enough. The main way of drip irrigation:fixed-ground drip irrigation, semi-fixed-ground drip irrigation. Membrane under irrigation, drip irrigation and other underground.1.4micro-sprinkler irrigationSome places called mist irrigation, and drip irrigation similar too easy just to overcome the Dripper disadvantage of clogging the drippers to micro sprinklers, micro-sprinkler flow orifice large, large number of traffic flow rate faster Unlike drippers so easy to plug, but the traffic has increased, capillary accordingly should bold some 1 to 2 micro sprinklers installed in every crop or tree usually can meet the needs of irrigation. Micro nozzle still clogged filtration problems, and therefore should be given adequate attention, the cost per hectare is similar to fixed-drip irrigation. Gradually replaced by dripirrigation micro sprinkler irrigation in a foreign country. Especially suitable for irrigated orchards.1.5 subsurface irrigationSimilar to the subsurface irrigation and underground drip, just the Dripper all buried in the underground seepage head instead, the seepage head of water Unlike drippers as drop by drop outflow, but slowly seepage, such seepage head is not easy soil particles and root blockage. Recently introduced in a foreign country using waste tires processed into porous percolation pipe, and the pilot of a small area, but the clogging of the micropores seepage pipe is a serious problem, without the test to test for a long time should not be hastily promotion.1.6underground irrigationThe underground irrigation irrigation is a method to control the water table. To irrigation groundwater table elevation to the water can enter the height of the root activity layers, the ground remains dry, so very provincial water, no irrigation, groundwater levels drop down. The limitations of this approach, only the root activity layers impermeable layer Caixing.2. Select the factors that affect water-saving irrigation methods 2.1 weather conditionsChina from the southeast coast to the inland northwest, generally divided into sub-humid areas, semi-humid areas, semi-arid and arid regions, With dryness incremental, the dependence of crop irrigation is incremented accordingly.Humid regions for many years the average annual rainfall is greater than the cultivation of dry crops in the field water consumption, water resources total more than just a lack of precipitation in the dry season and drought years, supplemental irrigation is required; semi-humid areas average annual rainfall is basically in line with planting drought crop water demand, but due to the uneven distribution of precipitation, dry years and dry season water shortages more; semi-arid areas average annual rainfall can not meet the crop water requirements, if there is no irrigation, agricultural production is very unstable, such areas such as irrigation, wasteland farming, the destruction of natural vegetation, can easily cause desertification; rainfall is scarce in arid regions, irrigation agriculture, water scarcity of such areas, river runoff from the alpine rain and snow melt water, industry and agriculture not only depend on the development and survival of the natural vegetation along the river channel near river water for irrigation, and therefore reference, must take into account the natural ecological water.2.2 the topography and hydrogeological conditionsTopography and hydrogeological conditions affecting the natural distribution of rainwater, will also affect the pattern of water-saving irrigation. Ground on steep mountain hilly area prone to soil erosion and drought, water-saving irrigation to adopt comprehensive measures. Cultivation technology and terracing, field ridges through agricultural consumption, reduce the sloping soil erosion and soil evaporation; gullies on the construction of embankments,or in suitable locations for the construction of water cellars, storing runoff solve drinking water and a small area irrigation water; repair reservoirs in the gullies and tributaries, centralized control runoff diversion project isolated tangba communication, formation of "Chodo Jiegua-irrigation systems, improve rain water utilization and irrigation water to ensure rate.2.3 the use of surface water resources conditionsPlain areas and open mountain basin, water conditions were better, but different parts have significant differences. Piedmont sloping plain terrain slope, coarse sediment, runoff smooth, rich groundwater recharge, water quality, is conducive to the development and utilization. Slowing the central plains terrain slope sediments thinning increased level surface several times due to river flood diversion, post depression to staggered, affect runoff excretion increased groundwater salinity under arid climatic conditions, soil there will be varying degrees of salinization phenomenon. The plains lower part of the lakeside and coastal area, low and flat, the soil is heavy clay, surface and underground runoff, poor drainage, arid climatic conditions, high salinity of groundwater development and utilization of difficulties, serious soil salinization. This region in the river downstream, dry season, the rivers and the rainy season is threatened by the flood, so building large and medium-sized irrigation and well irrigation area in the plains area, due to the different parts of which the landforms, water conditions and accompanyingdrought waterlogging, salinity and other disasters also vary from place to place.2.4 specific plantingFruit trees, irrigation quota vary according to the type of fruit trees, varieties and rootstock characteristics, age size. Drought-tolerant tree species, such as jujube, chestnut and rootstock species with lower water requirements the irrigation quota can be as small; poor drought tolerance of species, such as grapes, apples, pears, irrigation quota should be larger. The saplings should be less irrigation, the results of fruit trees can be more than irrigation. Saudi orchards should small water more than irrigation. Saline land orchard irrigation should be noted that the groundwater level, in order to prevent the return of salt, returned to base. Generally into one of the most suitable age fruit trees irrigation, soil moisture completely wet fruit tree roots within appropriate. Under the conditions of use of water-saving irrigation methods, irrigation to reach a depth of 0.4-0.5 meters, plenty of water up to 0.8-1.0 meters.To mature vine irrigation, mainly in the grape growing infancy, before and after flowering, berry enlargement period and grapes after harvest period, the general irrigation 5-7 times.节水灌溉一.现有的节水灌溉方法灌水方法即田间配水方法,就是如何将已送到田头的灌溉水均匀地分布到作物根系活动层中去。




9.蒸腾作用是指水分以气态状态,通过植物的叶片,从体内散失到体外的现象13.水从土壤经作物而到大气保持着连续状态,并构成一个完整的系统,称SPAC 系统。


植物的抗性生理就是研究不良环境对植物生命活动的影响以及植物对不良环境的抗御能力15.对植物产生伤害的环境称为逆境,又称胁迫 22.植物常受到的有害环境之一是缺水,当植物耗水大于根系吸水时,就使植物体内组织水分亏缺。


()a ETa W f Y θ//=25.由各生育阶段(i)的相对腾发量或相对缺水量作自变量,用各阶段连乘的数学式构成阶段效应对产量(相对产量)总的影响数学模型,称为乘法模型,最常应用的是Jensen 模型 26.由各生育阶段(i)的相对腾发量或相对缺水量作自变量,用各自分别影响相加的数学式构成对产量(相对产量)总影响的数学模型,称加法模型,最常用的是Blank 模型27.喷灌即喷洒灌溉,用压力管道输水,再由喷头将水喷洒到空中,形成细小雨滴,均匀地洒落在地面,湿润土壤并满足作物需水要求的一种灌水方式28.喷灌系统是把水源,喷灌设备和田间工程有机地结合起来,使他成为为一个相对独立的整体,以达到将灌溉用水均匀地喷灌到农田,来满足农作物生长对水分的要求30.单位时间内喷洒降落在田间的水深,称为喷灌强度。

喷灌强度在概念上与降雨强度一致,喷灌强度的单位常用:毫米/小时mm/h 。

31. 喷灌均匀度是指喷灌水量在喷洒面积上分布的均匀程度 32.喷灌均匀系数是一个表示一定面积上水量分布均匀程度的指标33.水滴打击强度是指单位受水面积获得水滴撞击能量的大小,包括作物和地表土壤,具体说就是1mm 水深的水滴落在田面上的动能。



Value Engineering0引言水利工程信息化建设科技在灌区节水灌溉工程建设中的高效运用,能提升整体作业质量与技术水平,通过现代化技术手段的融合应用,能对水利信息资源大力开发与利用,强调水利信息传输、共享、管理等效率与质量,为水利活动开展提供有力条件。










2.3.12 弯管
2.3.13 三通
2.3.14 等径三通
straight tee
2.3.15 异径三通
reducing tee
2.3.16 四通
2.3.17 等径四通
straight cross
2.3.18 异径四通
reducing cross
2.3.19 异径管(大小头) reducer
管道在正常操作条件下的温度 在正常操作过程中,在相应设计压力下,管道可能承受的最高或最低温 在正常操作条件下,适合于管道材料的介质 一般为长度远大于直径的圆筒体,是管道的主要组成部分 由管子、管件、阀门等连接成的,输送流体或传递流体压力的通道口 单独一组设计条件相互联系的管道 连接或装配成管道系统的元件,包括管子、管件、法兰、阀门、支撑件 以及补偿器等 工作压力与工作温度下的管子材料许用应力的比值乘以一个系数,并经 圆整后的数值,是表征管子壁厚系列的代号 钢坯经穿孔轧制或拉制成的管子,以及用浇注方法制成的管子 由钢板、钢带等卷制,经焊接而成的管子 具有纵向对接焊缝的钢管,利用管子的电阻热经加压将预先成型的管坯焊 合而成 具有纵向对接焊缝的钢管,利用人工或自动电弧焊将预先成型的管坯焊 合而成 具有纵向对接焊缝的钢管,利用埋弧焊双面焊接而成 用卷材制成的、焊缝为螺旋形的钢管 管壁镀锌的焊接钢管 管壁表面层渗铝的钢管 用金属薄板等制成的、管壁呈波纹状的并用金属编制物铠装的柔性管 用铝、铜、铅等非铁金属材料制成的管子 用玻璃、陶瓷、石墨、塑料、橡胶、石棉水泥等非金属材料制成的管子 在内壁设置保护层或隔热层的管子
electric resistance welded steel pipe
2.2.9 电熔焊接钢管 electric fusion welded steel pipe



Direct Seeding 直播Water Direct Seeding 水直播dry Direct Seeding 旱直播Zero-till drill and planting 免耕直播Harvested yielding 实产transgenic plants 转基因植物Precise and Quantitative Cultivation 精确定量栽培sowing date 播栽期sturdy seedling nurturing 培育壮秧rational transplanting seedling number 合理基本苗hill space in row between- row space行株距fertilization 施肥water management 水分管理amylose [简明英汉词典][ ✌❍☜●☜◆♦] n.直链淀粉, 多糖amylose content (AC) 直链淀粉含量plant breeding [简明英汉词典]作物育种Genomics 基因组学japonica rice 粳米endosperm [简明英汉词典][ ♏⏹♎☜◆♦☐☜❍] n.[植]胚乳allelic genes 等位基因chromosome [简明英汉词典][5krEumEsEum] n.[生物]染色体mutate [简明英汉词典][mju:5teit] v.变异exon 外显子polymorphic sequences 多态性序列Cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) 酶切扩增多态性序列genotype [简明英汉词典][5dVenEtaip] n.基因型homozygous [简明英汉词典][ ♒❍☜♋♓♈☜◆♦] adj.[生]同型结合的, 纯合子的heterozygous [简明英汉词典][7hetErEu5zai^Es] adj.[生]杂合的marker assisted selection (MAS) 分子标记辅助选择eating quality 食味品质Cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences 酶切扩增多态性序列rice breeding 水稻育种breed-bredbreeder 育种家variety 品种yield, quality,resistance 产量、米质、抗性the third class of National Standard 国标三级优质籼稻品种Basmati 370、优质粳稻品种Koshihikari(越光),米质好、低直链淀粉含量的粳稻“关东194”viscosity [简明英汉词典][vis5kCsiti] n.粘质, 粘性indicator [简明英汉词典][5indikeitE] n.指示器, [化]指示剂glutinous [简明英汉词典][5^lu:tinEs] adj.粘性的glutinous rice [简明英汉词典] 糯米puffing ability 膨化能力locus [简明英汉词典][5lEJkEs] n.地点,所在地, [数]轨迹mutation [简明英汉词典][mju(:)5teiFEn] n.变化, 转变, 元音变化, (生物物种的)突变rice stripe disease(RSV)水稻条纹叶枯病the crop variety certification committee 农作物品种审定委员会Certificate Number 审定编号Mixed harvesting excellent plants 优良植株混收Selective harvesting excellent plants 优良植株筛选Regional trial 区域试验productivity trial 生产试验medium-maturing 中熟the nucleotide sequence [简明英汉词典]核苷酸序列missense mutation [简明英汉词典]错义突变segment [简明英汉词典][5se^mEnt]n.段, 节, 片断v.分割tillering stage 分蘖期agronomical traits 农艺性状panicle(s )穗seed-setting rate 结实率normal cultivation conditions 普通栽培条件high yield cultivation conditions 高产栽培条件check variety 对照品种rice blast 稻瘟病bacterial blight白叶枯病indica-japonica crosses 籼粳交hybrid seeds 杂交种Botany [简明英汉词典][5bCtEni]澳洲细羊毛(的)botany [简明英汉词典][5bCtEni]n.植物学Arabidopsis n.拟南芥nuclear envelope (NE) [简明英汉词典]核膜, 核被膜mitotic spindle [简明英汉词典]有丝分裂纺锤体amino acid [简明英汉词典]n.氨基酸, 胺subcellular [简明英汉词典][5sQb5seljulE]adj.[生]亚细胞的cytoplasm [简明英汉词典][5saitEuplAzm]n.[生]细胞质abscisic acid (ABA)[简明英汉词典][生化]脱落酸聚合酶链式反应(英文全称:Polymerase Chain Reaction),聚合酶链式反应简称PCR。

History of Water Supply专业给排水外文翻译

History of Water Supply专业给排水外文翻译

History of Water SupplyMan’s search for pure water began in prehistoric times. Much of his earliest activity is subject to speculation. Some individuals might have led water where they wanted it through trenches dug in the earth, a hollow log was perhaps used as the first water pipe. Thousands of years must have passed before our more recent ancestors learned to build cities and enjoy the convenience of water pipes to the home and drains for water-carried wastes. Our earliest archeological records of central water supply and wastewater disposal date back about 5000 years, to Nippur of Sumeria. In the ruins of Nippur there is an arched drain with the stones set in full "voussoir" position, each stone being a wedge tapering downward into place. Water was drawn from wells and cisterns.An extensive system of drainage conveyed the wastes from the palaces and residential districts of the city.The earliest recorded knowledge of water treatment is in the Sanskrit medical lore and Egyptian Wall inscri ptions. Sanskrit writings dating about 2000 B.C. tell how to purify foul water by boiling in copper vessels,exposing to sunlight, filtering through charcoal, and cooling in an earthen vessel.The earliest known apparatus for clarifying liquids was pictureed on Egyptian walls in the fifteenth and thirteenth centuries B.C. The first picture represents the siphoning of either water of settled wine. A second picture shows the use of wick siphons in an Egyptian kitchen.The first engineering report on water supply and treatment was made in A.D. 98 by Sextus Julius Frontinus, water-commissioner of Rome. He produced two books on the water supply of Rome. In these he described a settling reservoir at the head of one of the aqueducts. His writings were first translated into English by the noted hydraulic engineer Clemens Herschel in 1899.In the eight century A.D. an Arabian alchemist,Geber,wrote a rather specialized treatise on distillation that included various stills for water and other liquids.The English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon wrote of his experiments on the purification of water by filtration, boiling, distillation and clarification by coagulation. This was published in 1627, one year after his death. Bacon also noted that clarifying water trends to improve health and increase the "pleasure of the eye".The first known illutrated descri ption of sand filters was published in 1685 by Luc Antonio Porzio, an Italian physician. He wrote a book on conserving the health of soldier in camps, based on his experience in the Austro-Turkish War. This was probably the earliest published work on mass sanitation.He described and illustrated the use of sand filters and sedimentation. Porzio also stated that his filtration was the same as "by those who built the wells in the Palace of the Doges in Venice and in the palace of Cardinal Sachett,at Rome."The oldest known archeological examples of water filtration are in Venice and the colonies she occupied. The ornate heads on the cisterns bear dates,but it is not known when the filters were placed.Venice,Built on a Series of islands, depended on catching and storing rainwater for its principal freshwater supply for over 1300 years. Cisterns were built andmany were connected in stone-grated catch basins and then filtered through sand into cisterns.A comprehensive article on the water supply of Venice appeared in the Practical Mechanics Journal in 1863.The land area of Venice was 12.85 acres and the average yearly rainfall was 32 inches(in). Nearly all of this rainfall was collected in 177 public and 1900 private cisterns. These cisterns provided a daily average supply of about 4.2 gallons per capita per day(gpcd).This low consumption was due in part to the absence of sewers, the practice of washing clothes in the lagoon,and the universal drinking of wine. These cisterns continued to be the principal water supply of Venice until about the sixteenth century.Many experiments were conducted in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in England,France Germany,and Russia.Henry Darcy patented filters in france and England in 1865 and anticipated all aspects of the American rapid sand filter except coagulatin.He appears to be the first to apply the law of hydraulics to filter design.The first filter to supply water to a whole town was completed at Paisley,Scotland,in 1804,but this water was carted to consumers. In Glasgow, Scotland,in 1807 filtered water was piped to consumers.In the United States little attention was given to water treatment until after the Civil War. Turbidity was not as urgent a problem as in Europe. The first filters were of the slow sand type,similar to British design. About 1890 rapid sand filters were developed in the United States and coagulants were introduced to increase their efficency. These filters soon evolved to our present rapid sand filters with slight modification.历史上的水供应人类对纯净水的搜寻开始于史前时代。



深度看中国都江堰英文作文Introduction:Dujiangyan is a famous scenic spot in China. It is located in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. The main attraction of Dujiangyan is the Dujiangyan Irrigation System, which is the oldest and only surviving no-dam irrigation system in the world. Dujiangyan has a long history and rich culture, which attracts many tourists from all over the world.1. What is the history of Dujiangyan?Dujiangyan is a world-famous water conservancy project, which was built more than 2,200 years ago by Li Bing, a local governor in the Qin Dynasty. The purpose of the project was to prevent floods and irrigate the Chengdu Plain. The Dujiangyan Irrigation System has been in continuous operation for over two millennia, and it still works today.中国:都江堰是一处历史悠久、文化底蕴深厚的景点。










一、农业机械化技术(Agricultural Mechanization Technology)1. 拖拉机(Tractor)- 农业机械化的核心设备之一,用于耕种、收割、运输等。

2. 播种机(Seeder)- 用于将种子均匀地撒在土地上。

3. 收割机(Harvester)- 用于收割农作物,如小麦、玉米等。

二、农业生产与管理(Agricultural Production and Management)1. 灌溉系统(Irrigation System)- 用于给农田进行定量的供水,提高农作物的产量和质量。

2. 施肥(Fertilization)- 给土壤中的植物提供营养以促进其生长。

3. 病虫害防治(Pest and Disease Control)- 采用合理的方法预防和控制病虫害对作物的损害。

三、农产品加工与贮藏(Agricultural Product Processing and Storage)1. 食品加工(Food Processing)- 对农产品进行加工,如面粉加工、果汁加工等。

2. 冷藏技术(Refrigeration Technology)- 用于保持农产品的新鲜度和延长其贮藏期限。

3. 真空包装(Vacuum Packaging)- 通过排除包装中的空气,减少细菌和氧气对食品的影响。

四、农业环境与资源保护(Agricultural Environmental and Resource Protection)1. 土壤保持(Soil Conservation)- 采取措施保护和改善土壤的质量,减少土壤侵蚀。

2. 水资源保护(Water Resource Protection)- 合理利用水资源,防止水污染和水体退化。



土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译-英语论文土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译Building drainage of water-saving techniquesWith people's quality of life,the quality and quantity of water are constantly expanding. Implement sustainable water use and protection of water resources from destruction. And access to healthy water, recycling of water, has become the government and the broad masses of the people the focus of attention. All this gave to the construction of drainage works on the design of the many new requirements, water supply advanced technology of the urgent need to accelerate the pace. This paper will explore more of the building for drainage of water-saving technology; we hope to arouse the awareness of water conservation to build water-saving city efforts.Construction of a water-saving project, in addition to the water saving should formulate laws and regulations to strengthen the management and day-to-day publicity and education use price leverage to promote water conservation work, but also take effective measures, to ensure that the construction of water-saving work carried out in-depth and comprehensive. We are aware that the water supply network's coverage, the extension of transmission mains and the construction of the building because arisingfrom the difference in height, will be used to increase the water pressure before the end of ways to protect the most disadvantaged water points will be adequate water supply, This will be a large number of regional supply of high pressure water supply is. Therefore accessories before the water hydrostatic head greater than outflow, the flow was greater than the rated flow capacity. Beyond the rated flow capacity of that part of the normal flow did not have the use efficiency is a waste of water. As a result of this water is being wasted is not easy to detect and understand, it could be called a "stealth" wasting water.It has been in a different type of floor, the building 67 water distribution points so the overpressure from the measured flow analysis, Statistical results are 55% of the iron spiral movements - taps (hereinafter referred to as "ordinary water") and 61% of the ceramic valve - leading the flow of water-saving more than their rated flow, the super-flow pressure from the state. Two endings the largest flow out of the rated flow capacity of about three times [1]. This shows that in our existing buildings, water supply system overpressure out-flow phenomenon is widespread and it is a fairly serious. In distribution point pressure As overpressure flow out of the "invisible" water is not wasted paid enough attention to, So in our existing "building water supply and drainage design" and "construction water supply and drainage design GBJ15-20 00 draft "(hereinafter referred to as" draft "), although the wateraccessories and home support the greatest pressure certain restrictive provisions in [2], but this is only to prevent water from the high pressure parts will lead to damage to the point of consideration, not prevent excess pressure from the out-flow point of view, the pressure is too lenient restrictions on the flow overpressure no fundamental role. Therefore, in accordance with the water supply system overpressure flow from the actual situation, the pressure on the water supply system to make reasonable limit.1.2 measures taken decompressionWater supply system in a reasonable allocation of decompression device is to control pressure within the limits required to reduce excess pressure from the flow of technical support.1.2.1 Jangled nervesRelief valve is a good decompression device, can be divided into proportional (lower left) of direct action and the type (Photo) The former is based on the ratio of the area to determine the proportion of decompression, which can be set under pressure prior decompression, When the water-stop water, you can also be controlling the vacuum tube pressure is not increased, Decompression can achieve dynamic can achieve static decompression.1.2.2 Decompression orifice and conserving Cypriots1106土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译Orifice decompression compared with jangled nerves example, the system is relatively simple, less investment, easy management. The practice of some units, water-saving effects are fairly obvious, If Shanghai Jiao tong University in the school bathroom water pipe installation aperture of 5 mm orifice, water-saving about 43%. But decompression orifice only by the dynamic pressure, static pressure can be reduced and the pressure downstream with the upstream pressure and the flow is changed, is not stable enough. In addition, the vacuum orifice plug easy. In better water quality and water pressure more stable, by using [3]. Cutting expenditure and the role of Cypriot advantages and decompression orifice basically are the same. Suitable for the small diameter and accessories installed to use [3].1.3 adopt water-saving leadingA trial showed that the leading Practical water-saving taps and the general state of the full, flow out of the former than the latter out of the flow. That is the same pressure, the leading water conservation has good water saving, water-saving volume in 20% ~ 30% between. And the higher the pressure ordinary tap water from the larger, water-saving is leading the greater the volume of water-saving. Therefore, should the building (especially in the standard water pressure in water distribution points) leading installation of water-saving, reduce water wastage. In 1999 theMinistry of Construction, State Economic and Trade Commission, State Bureau of Building materials apparatuses jointly issued a document "on the elimination of residential buildings behind the products notified" require large and medium-sized cities in new residential prohibit the use of helical-style cast iron nozzle movements, actively adopt "ceramic cartridge faucets" and "common faucet technical conditions of the ceramic cartridge faucets [4]. Since the main building of our school building earlier in the toilet faucet is still an ordinary spiral movement - iron taps. We have often seen leading loosening and tightening the leading difficulty caused by the leakage phenomenon. In fact, there is such a faucet overpressure caused by the "invisible" huge waste of water. Schools should arouse the concern of the relevant departments, from the long-term interests for the use of water-saving new leader, reduce unnecessary losses.2 vigorously develop the construction of water facilities, "watercourse." As the name suggests is not delivered on the waterways clean water is not sullied by sewage contamination. Residents put a wash, bathing, washing clothes and other water washing and flushing water together, after CO., filtration and disinfection, Sterilization, which imported waterway network, for toilet flushing, washing cars, and pouring green, onto the road and other non-drinking purposes. China therefore waterway is also known as miscellaneous water Road. With a watercourse which cubic metersof water, equivalent to the use of one cubic meters of clean water, emit less nearly a cubic meter of sewage and kill two birds with one stone. Water-saving achieved nearly 50% [3]. Therefore, the channel has many of the world's water shortage in cities used extensively.2.1 full use washing wastewater and other quality miscellaneous drainage The existing water facilities built in most hotels, colleges, and the basic source for the bathroom bathing wastewater. For some small units, smaller than bathing wastewater, and discharge time is too concentrated, Water facilities are not stable and adequate source of water. And washing with water wastewater, the use of time more evenly, water treatment and the advantages of relatively good, as a water source, to be fully exploited.2.2 Develop and implement as soon as possible the return to the new water quality standardsThe current construction of water reused implementation of the existing “life miscellaneous water quality standards.” The total coli form standards and the requirements of "sanitary standard for drinking water," the same, compared to the developed countries and the Chinese water standards apply to the swim-minus III also strict standards. This has led to two problems: First, many of the existing water works is less than the standard; 2 are fulfilled with a certain degree of difficulty, improvethe water project investment and processing cost. So should develop appropriate indicators of the value of water works to promote the spread土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译and popularize. Water Saving water is not limiting, or even prevents the water. But reasonable people to water, efficient use of water and not waste. As long as we pay attention to fit the family's bad habits, we will be able to water-saving around 70% [3]. Water and waste a lot of the habits, such as: flush toilets single wash cigarette butts and broken fine waste; to access a cup of cold water. Many people will not venting water; spend the potatoes, carrots after peeling, washing or after the optional vegetables; when the water stopped (open access customers, answer the phone, change TV channels), not turning off the tap; During the suspension, forget turning off the tap; toilets, wash, brush, let the water has been flowing; Before sleep, go out, do not check the faucet; equipment leaks, not promptly repaired. From the following table, we can see in many parts of life as long as we interested to note that the conservation of water is very impressive.3 to promote the use of water-saving devicesIn addition to the family of water-saving attention to cultivate good habits of water, using water-saving devices is very important and also the most effective. Some people prefer laissez-faire, but also refusedto replace water-saving devices, in fact, so much water is a long time down the uneconomical. Thus vigorously promote the use of water-saving devices is the construction of water-saving important ways and means.3.1Water-saving taps3.1.1 Water Saving leading CeramicsCurrently most of the water-saving taps used Ceramics taps. Such taps compared with ordinary taps, water was typically up to 20% ~ 30%; and other types of water-saving compared to the leading and cheap [3]. Therefore, in the residential buildings of architectural vigorously promote the use of such water-saving lead. We taught the fifth floor of the dormitory building and are used by such leading.3.1.2 Closed since delay tapsSince the delay in the water taps closed after a certain time, shut down automatically to avoid Changliushui phenomenon. Water timing to be in a certain range adjustment, both for the convenience of Health has complied with the water-saving requirements suitable for washing in public places with.3.1.3 Photoelectric controlled tapsClosed since the delay of water-saving taps but water while fixed time and meet the different requirements of the use of the object. Photoelectric controlled taps will be able to overcome the above drawbacks, such as the latest one of the type of infrared device control wash, Thefirst installation will be self-inspection of the device in front of or below the fixed reflectors (for example, vanity) and based on the reflectors adjust their distance from work to avoid the past because of automatic water obstacles closer to the front of regular water, Such intelligent device can wash your hands although below action without washing their hands without water. a long time will wash water and do not have long-term can also regularly flush Water Seal failure to avoid a supply shortage ahead of the police [3].3.2The total water-saving flush3.2.1 Use of small volume cisterns commodeChina is promoting the use of water tanks 6 L fecal water-saving devices, and have flushing water to 4.5 L or even less, stood on the stool available. However, we should also pay attention to the drainage system to ensure the normal work of the use of small volume cisterns commode, otherwise they will be brought to plug the pipeline, not a net wash, and other issues. Two respectively flushing cisterns in urine, flushing water for 4 L (or less); Washing stool, Chong stood at 9 L (or less) [3]. (Map is a two-valve I-Yuan annually to the water tanks, to open the stool below the drain urine when opened above the drain Pictured left is the two-block cisterns switch several forms) Israel's construction regulations require all new buildings to install two respectively wash cisterns. China should also vigorously promoted two respectively cisterns, because one day, thenumber is far higher than the urine stool frequency. To three homes as an example, per person per day for a meeting of feces, urine four times and the use of existing water tanks L 9, day to 135 L of water; 6 L of water use, 90 L of water a day;土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译and the use of cisterns two respectively, 75 L of water a day, can be seen using two respectively cisterns 9 L 6 L than using more water-saving cisterns [3]. 6 L Yuan annually to the use of water-saving cisterns better results. The use of tanks in two trances another advantage is not right and the replacement of the total drainage system to carry out reform therefore particularly applicable to existing buildings the total replacement of water tanks.3.2.2-washing UrinalThe United States launched the Urinal-washing, which is not water, the stench from the toilets without using utensils, In fact, only in one end Urinal add special "trap" devices, but because the economic, health, water effectively, So popular station.3.2.3Photoelectric control UrinalUrinal photoelectric controls in a number of public buildings installations.3.2.4 Delayed flushing valve closedIt is the use of guide-work principle, water officials directly connected with the water pressure high enough circumstances, can protect the instantaneous flushing commode needs to replace tanks and accessories, installation is simple and easy to use, health, low prices, Water-saving effect of the obvious characteristics [3]. We carpentry center is used for such cleaning.3.3 in hot water systems installed in various forms of water-saving devicesIf installed in public bathrooms limited flow orifice, in the cold, hot water imported pressure balance between the installation of equipment; Installation of low-flow plumbing. Inflatable hot water thermostat and cooling, hot water mixed hydrants.3.4 to further develop various forms of water-saving devices3.4.1 Development of different water taps outSome countries, in different places with different water out of taps, Singapore provides water for washing vegetables pots 6 L / min, shower water 9 L / min; China's Taiwan Province launched the spray-wash special taps, the flow was 1 L / min. In China, various taps most of the rated flow capacity of 0.2 L / s, that is 12 L / min, excessive [4]. Therefore be reasonable to develop taps the rated flow, and gradually installed in different places different from water taps.3.4.2 Vacuum water-saving techniquesTo ensure that sanitary ware and sewer cleaning effect of vacuum technology can be applied to drainage works Most of the air instead of using water, relying on the vacuum of high-speed gas-water mixture, and rapid disposal of the sewage, dirt-gully clean and save water and drain away the effects of dirty air. A complete vacuum drainage system, including: vacuum valve and with a magnitude of suction devices occupants, the closed aqueduct, vacuum collection containers. Vacuum pumps, control equipment and channels and so on. Together with the vacuum generated 40 ~ 5min the negative pressure of sewage pumped to the collection containers, then will collect sewage pump effluent into the municipal sewer. Different types of construction in the use of vacuum technology, the average water-saving exceed 40%. The use of the office building water-saving will rate-70% [2].3.4.3 Development zone leading to the wash waterIn Japan, many families use with the leading water wash, wash all the wastewater into water tanks for back flushing. If the water tank, they can directly turn on the water faucet open. Irrigation water use, it can not only save water but also reduce the costs. At present, the water in China has sales.土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译随着人民生活质量的提高,对供水量和质的要求正不断扩展.同时实施水的可持续利用和保护,使水资源不受破坏,并能进入良性的水质、水量再生循环,也已成为政府和广大人民群众关注的焦点。

Amazing Methods Of Agriculture

Amazing Methods Of Agriculture

Amazing Methods Of AgricultureAgriculture has come a long way from its ancient beginnings. Long ago, farmers would work hard on their individual plots of land,using simple tools or even their bare hands. They tended to their crops for many hours each day so that the crops grew well and did not suffer from pests or disease. Luck played a great part in farming. For example, a single storm could destroy a whole year's work, while a summer of good weather could ensure a good harvest. Where farms were located was often critical to success, too. In hilly countries, some lucky farmers would have land in the lowlands-full of deep, rich soil, while other unlucky farmers would have land on the hills with hard soil full of stones. In addition, some areas would simply be too dry or too wet to grow much of value.农业从古代的开始已经走过了很长的路。



DamThe first dam for which there are reliable records was build or the Nile River sometime before 4000 . It was used to divert the Nile and provide a site for the ancient city of Memphis .The oldest dam still in use is the Almanza Dam in Spain, which was constructed in the sixteenth century. With the passage of time,materials and methods of construction have improved. Making possible the erection of such large dams as the Nurek Dam, which is being constructed in the . on the vaksh River near the border of Afghanistan. This dam will be 1017ft(333m) high, of earth and rock fill. The failure of a dam may cause serious loss of life and property; consequently, the design and maintenance of dams are commonly under government surveillance. In the United States over 30,000 dams are under the control of state authorities. The 1972 Federal Dams Safety Act (PL92-367)requires periodic inspections of dams by qualified experts. The failure of the Teton Dam in Idaho in June 1976 added to the concern for dam safety in the United States.1 Type of DamsDams are classified on the type and materials of construction, as gravity, arch, buttress ,and earth .The first three types are usually constructed of concrete. A gravity dam depends on its own weight for stability and it usually straight in plan although sometimes slightly curved.Arch dams transmit most of the horizontal thrust of the water behind them to the abutments by arch action and have thinner cross sections than comparable gravity dams. Arch dams can be used only in narrow canyons where the walls are capable of withstanding the thrust produced by the arch action. The simplest of the many types of buttress dams is the slab type, which consists of sloping flat slabs supported at intervals by buttresses. Earth dams are embankments of rock or earth with provision for controlling seepage by means of dam may be included in a single structure. Curved dams may combine both gravity and arch action to achieve stability. Long dams often have a concrete river section containing spillway and sluice gates and earth or rock-fill wing dams for the remainder of their length.The selection of the best type of dam for a given site is a problem in both engineering feasibility and cost. Feasibility is governed by topography, geology and climate. For example, because concrete spalls when subjected to alternate freezing and thawing, arch and buttress dams with thin concrete section are sometimes avoided in areas subject to extreme cold. The relative cost of the various types of dams depends mainly on the availability of construction materials near the site and the accessibility of transportation facilities. Dams are sometimes built in stages with the second or late stages constructed a decade or longer after the first stage.The height of a dam is defined as the difference in elevation between the roadway, or spillway crest, and the lowest part of the excavated foundation. However, figures quoted for heights of dams are often determined in other ways. Frequently the height is taken as the net height is taken as the net height above the old riverbed.on damsA dam must be relatively impervious to water and capable of resisting the forces acting on it. The most important of these forces are gravity (weight of dam) , hydrostatic pressure, uplift, ice pressure, and earthquake forces are transmitted to the foundation and abutments of the dam, which react against the dam with an equal and opposite force, the foundation reaction. The effect of hydrostatic forces caused by water flowing over the dam may require consideration in special cases.The weight of a dam is the product of its volume and the specific weight of the material. The line of action of dynamic force passes through the center of mass of the cross section. Hydrostatic force may act on both the upstream and downstream faces of the dam. The horizontal componentH of the hydrostatic force is the force or unit width of damhit is2/2HrhhWhere r is the specific weight of water and h is the depth of water .The line of action of this force is h/3 above the base of thedam .The vertical component of the hydrostatic force is equal to the weigh of water vertically above the face of the dam and passes through the center of gravity of this volume of water.Water under pressure inevitably finds its way between the dam And its foundation and creates uplift pressures. The magnitude of the uplift force depends on the character of the foundation and the construction methods. It is often assumed that the uplift pressure varies linearly from full hydrostatic pressure at the upstream face (heel)to full tail-water pressure at the downstream face (toe).For this assumption the uplift force U isU=r(h1+h2)t/2Where t is the base thickness of the dam and h1and h2 are the water depths at the heel and toe of the dam,respectively. The uplift force will act through the center of area of the pressure trapezoid.Actual measurements on dams indicate that the uplift force is much less than that given by Eq.(2)Various assumption have been made regarding the distribution of uplift of Reclamation sometimes assumes that the uplift pressure on gravity dams varies linearly from two-thirds of full uplift at the heel to zero at the toe. Drains are usually provided near the heel of the dam to permit the escape of seepage water and relieve uplift.译文:坝据可靠记载,世界上第一座坝是公元前4000年以前在尼罗河上修建的。



膜技术和环境保护中的水处理Membrane technology and water treatment in environmental protectionREN J ianxin1 , ZHANGBaocheng2(1.China National Blue Star Chemical Cleaning Co. , No。

9 West Road , BeituchengChaoyang District ,Beijing 100029 , China2。

Department of Chemical Engineering , Polytechnic of Turin , Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 ,Torino 10129 , Italy)Abstract : The paper present s a general summary on the state of the water resource and membrane industry of China。

Now the water pollution is becoming more grave , and the water resource is shorter and shorter in the earth。

China ha s660 cities ,360 cities of them are short of water. The situation in 110 cities is serious , and the situation in 40 cities is dangerous。

It was predicted that the water could be a main cause of local conflict s and international wars。



第一章绪论节水灌溉(water saving irrigation,缩写WSI):是根据作物需水规律及当地供水条件,为了有效地利用降水和灌溉水,获取农业的最佳经济效益、社会效益、生态环境而采取的多种措施的总称。









Sewage treatmentAbstract:Sewage treatment, or domestic wastewater treatment, is the process of removing contaminants from wastewater and household sewage, both runoff (effluents) and domestic. It includes physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove physical, chemical and biological contaminants. Its objective is to produce a waste stream (or treated effluent) and a solid waste or sludge suitable for discharge or reuse back into the environment. This material is often inadvertently contaminated with many toxic organic and inorganic compounds.Key words: Sewage treatment,fixed-film and suspended-growth, Activated sludge Origins of sewageSewage is created by residences, institutions, and commercial and industrial establishments. Raw influent (sewage) includes household waste liquid from toilets, baths, showers, kitchens, sinks, and so forth that is disposed of via sewers. In many areas, sewage also includes liquid waste from industry and commerce. The separation and draining of household waste into greywater and blackwater is becoming more common in the developed world, with greywater being permitted to be used for watering plants or recycled for flushing toilets. A lot of sewage also includes some surface water from roofs or hard-standing areas. Municipal wastewater therefore includes residential, commercial, and industrial liquid waste discharges, and may include stormwater runoff. Sewage systems capable of handling stormwater are known as combined systems or combined sewers. Such systems are usually avoided since they complicate and thereby reduce the efficiency of sewage treatment plants owing to their seasonality. The variability in flow also leads to often larger than necessary, and subsequently more expensive, treatment facilities. In addition, heavy storms that contribute more flows than the treatment plant can handle may overwhelm the sewage treatment system, causing a spill or overflow. It is preferable to have a separate storm drain system for stormwater in areas that are developed with sewer systems.As rainfall runs over the surface of roofs and the ground, it may pick up various contaminants including soil particles and other sediment, heavy metals, organic compounds, animal waste, and oil and grease. Some jurisdictions require stormwaterto receive some level of treatment before being discharged directly into waterways. Examples of treatment processes used for stormwater include sedimentation basins, wetlands, buried concrete vaults with various kinds of filters, and vortex separators (to remove coarse solids).Process overviewSewage can be treated close to where it is created (in septic tanks, biofilters or aerobic treatment systems), or collected and transported via a network of pipes and pump stations to a municipal treatment plant (see sewerage and pipes and infrastructure). Sewage collection and treatment is typically subject to local, state and federal regulations and standards. Industrial sources of wastewater often require specialized treatment processes (see Industrial wastewater treatment).Conventional sewage treatment may involve three stages, called primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. Primary treatment consists of temporarily holding the sewage in a quiescent basin where heavy solids can settle to the bottom while oil, grease and lighter solids float to the surface. The settled and floating materials are removed and the remaining liquid may be discharged or subjected to secondary treatment. Secondary treatment removes dissolved and suspended biological matter. Secondary treatment is typically performed by indigenous, water-bornemicro-organisms in a managed habitat. Secondary treatment may require a separation process to remove the micro-organisms from the treated water prior to discharge or tertiary treatment. Tertiary treatment is sometimes defined as anything more than primary and secondary treatment. Treated water is sometimes disinfected chemically or physically (for example by lagoons and microfiltration) prior to discharge into a stream, river, bay, lagoon or wetland, or it can be used for the irrigation of a golf course, green way or park. If it is sufficiently clean, it can also be used for groundwater recharge or agricultural purposes.Pre-treatmentPre-treatment removes materials that can be easily collected from the raw wastewater before they damage or clog the pumps and skimmers of primary treatment clarifiers (trash, tree limbs, leaves, etc).ScreeningThe influent sewage water is strained to remove all large objects carried in the sewage stream. This is most commonly done with an automated mechanically raked bar screen in modern plants serving large populations, whilst in smaller or less modern plants a manually cleaned screen may be used. The raking action of a mechanical bar screen is typically paced according to the accumulation on the bar screens and/or flow rate. The solids are collected and later disposed in a landfill or incinerated.Grit removalPre-treatment may include a sand or grit channel or chamber where the velocity of the incoming wastewater is carefully controlled to allow sand, grit and stones to settle.Primary treatmentIn the primary sedimentation stage, sewage flows through large tanks, commonly called "primary clarifiers" or "primary sedimentation tanks". The tanks are large enough that sludge can settle and floating material such as grease and oils can rise to the surface and be skimmed off. The main purpose of the primary sedimentation stage is to produce both a generally homogeneous liquid capable of being treated biologically and a sludge that can be separately treated or processed. Primary settling tanks are usually equipped with mechanically driven scrapers that continually drive the collected sludge towards a hopper in the base of the tank from where it can be pumped to further sludge treatment stages. Grease and oil from the floating material can sometimes be recovered for saponification.Secondary treatmentSecondary treatment is designed to substantially degrade the biological content of the sewage which are derived from human waste, food waste, soaps and detergent. The majority of municipal plants treat the settled sewage liquor using aerobic biological processes. For this to be effective, the biota require both oxygen and a substrate on which to live. There are a number of ways in which this is done. In all these methods, the bacteria and protozoa consume biodegradable soluble organiccontaminants (e.g. sugars, fats, organic short-chain carbon molecules, etc.) and bind much of the less soluble fractions into floc. Secondary treatment systems are classified asfixed-film and suspended-growth.Fixed-film OR attached growth system treatment process including trickling filter and rotating biological contactors where the biomass grows on media and the sewage passes over its surface.In suspended-growth systems, such as activated sludge, the biomass is well mixed with the sewage and can be operated in a smaller space than fixed-film systems that treat the same amount of water. However, fixed-film systems are more able to cope with drastic changes in the amount of biological material and can provide higher removal rates for organic material and suspended solids than suspended growth systems.Roughing filters are intended to treat particularly strong or variable organic loads, typically industrial, to allow them to then be treated by conventional secondary treatment processes. Characteristics include typically tall, circular filters filled with open synthetic filter media to which wastewater is applied at a relatively high rate. They are designed to allow high hydraulic loading and a high flow-through of air. On larger installations, air is forced through the media using blowers. The resultant wastewater is usually within the normal range for conventional treatment processes. Activated sludgeMain article: Activated sludgeIn general, activated sludge plants encompass a variety of mechanisms and processes that use dissolved oxygen to promote the growth of biological floc that substantially removes organic material.The process traps particulate material and can, under ideal conditions, convert ammonia to nitrite and nitrate and ultimately to nitrogen gas, (see also denitrification).Surface-aerated basinsMost biological oxidation processes for treating industrial wastewaters have in common the use of oxygen (or air) and microbial action. Surface-aerated basins achieve 80 to 90% removal of Biochemical Oxygen Demand with retention times of 1 to 10 days. The basins may range in depth from 1.5 to 5.0 metres and usemotor-driven aerators floating on the surface of the wastewater.In an aerated basin system, the aerators provide two functions: they transfer air into the basins required by the biological oxidation reactions, and they provide the mixing required for dispersing the air and for contacting the reactants (that is, oxygen, wastewater and microbes). Typically, the floating surface aerators are rated to deliver the amount of air equivalent to 1.8 to 2.7 kg O2/kW·h. However, they do not provide as good mixing as is normally achieved in activated sludge systems and therefore aerated basins do not achieve the same performance level as activated sludge units.Biological oxidation processes are sensitive to temperature and, between 0 °C and 40 °C, the rate of biological reactions increase with temperature. Most surface aerated vessels operate at between 4 °C and 32 °C.Filter beds (oxidizing beds)Main article: Trickling filterIn older plants and plants receiving more variable loads, trickling filter beds are used where the settled sewage liquor is spread onto the surface of a deep bed made up of coke (carbonized coal), limestone chips or specially fabricated plastic media. Such media must have high surface areas to support the biofilms that form. The liquor is distributed through perforated rotating arms radiating from a central pivot. The distributed liquor trickles through this bed and is collected in drains at the base. These drains also provide a source of air which percolates up through the bed, keeping it aerobic. Biological films of bacteria, protozoa and fungi form on the media’s s urfaces and eat or otherwise reduce the organic content. This biofilm is grazed by insect larvae and worms which help maintain an optimal thickness. Overloading of beds increases the thickness of the film leading to clogging of the filter media and ponding on the surface.Biological aerated filtersBiological Aerated (or Anoxic) Filter (BAF) or Biofilters combine filtration with biological carbon reduction, nitrification or denitrification. BAF usually includes a reactor filled with a filter media. The media is either in suspension or supported by a gravel layer at the foot of the filter. The dual purpose of this media is to support highly active biomass that is attached to it and to filter suspended solids. Carbon reduction and ammonia conversion occurs in aerobic mode and sometime achieved in a single reactor while nitrate conversion occurs in anoxic mode. BAF is operated either in upflow or downflow configuration depending on design specified by manufacturer.Membrane bioreactorsMembrane bioreactors (MBR) combine activated sludge treatment with a membrane liquid-solid separation process. The membrane component uses low pressure microfiltration or ultra filtration membranes and eliminates the need for clarification and tertiary filtration. The membranes are typically immersed in the aeration tank; however, some applications utilize a separate membrane tank. One of the key benefits of an MBR system is that it effectively overcomes the limitations associated with poor settling of sludge in conventional activated sludge (CAS) processes. The technology permits bioreactor operation with considerably higher mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration than CAS systems, which are limited by sludge settling. The process is typically operated at MLSS in the range of 8,000–12,000 mg/L, while CAS are operated in the range of 2,000–3,000 mg/L. The elevated biomass concentration in the MBR process allows for very effective removal of both soluble and particulate biodegradable materials at higher loading rates. Thus increased Sludge Retention Times (SRTs) — usually exceeding 15 days — ensure complete nitrification even in extremely cold weather.The cost of building and operating an MBR is usually higher than conventional wastewater treatment. Membrane filters can be blinded with grease or abraded by suspended grit and lack a clarifier's flexibility to pass peak flows. The technology has become increasingly popular for reliably pretreated waste streams and has gainedwider acceptance where infiltration and inflow have been controlled, however, and the life-cycle costs have been steadily decreasing. The small footprint of MBR systems, and the high quality effluent produced, make them particularly useful for water reuse applications.There are MBR plants being built throughout the world, including North Librty, Iowa, Georgia, and Canada.Secondary sedimentationThe final step in the secondary treatment stage is to settle out the biological floc or filter material and produce sewage water containing very low levels of organic material and suspended matter.Rotating biological contactorsMain article: Rotating biological contactorRotating biological contactors (RBCs) are mechanical secondary treatment systems, which are robust and capable of withstanding surges in organic load. RBCs were first installed in Germany in 1960 and have since been developed and refined into a reliable operating unit. The rotating disks support the growth of bacteria and micro-organisms present in the sewage, which breakdown and stabilise organic pollutants. To be successful, micro-organisms need both oxygen to live and food to grow. Oxygen is obtained from the atmosphere as the disks rotate. As themicro-organisms grow, they build up on the media until they are sloughed off due to shear forces provided by the rotating discs in the sewage. Effluent from the RBC is then passed through final clarifiers where the micro-organisms in suspension settle as a sludge. The sludge is withdrawn from the clarifier for further treatment.A functionally similar biological filtering system has become popular as part of home aquarium filtration and purification. The aquarium water is drawn up out of the tank and then cascaded over a freely spinning corrugated fiber-mesh wheel before passing through a media filter and back into the aquarium. The spinning mesh wheel develops a biofilm coating of microorganisms that feed on the suspended wastes in the aquarium water and are also exposed to the atmosphere as the wheel rotates. This is especially good at removing waste urea and ammonia urinated into the aquariumwater by the fish and other animals.污水处理摘要自然或生活污水处理,是指清除包括家庭排放的和地面径流在内的污水废水和地面污染物的过程。

雅思阅读-the-desolenator-producing-clean-water (1)

雅思阅读-the-desolenator-producing-clean-water (1)

雅思阅读the desolenator producing clean water
雅思阅读中,关于"the desolenator producing clean water"的文章,主要讲述了太阳能海水淡化器(Desolenator)的工作原理和优势。



2.太阳能海水淡化器(Desolenator)的原理:详细解释了Desolenator 如何利用太阳能来蒸馏海水,从而产生清洁的水。









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外文翻译一节水灌溉河北农业大学本科毕业(设计)论文外文文献翻译学院:城乡建设学院_____________ 专业班级:农业水利工程0901班学号: _________ 2009224010113 ___________ 学生姓名: ____________ 周飞 ________________ 指导教师姓名:指导教师职称:讲师_________________二零一三年三月Water-savins irrigation1.Existing water-saving irrigation methodsIrrigation methods, field water distribution method is how to have been sent to the farms, the irrigation water is evenly distributed to the active layer of the crop root. Irrigation water is the means by which to enter the active layer of roots, irrigation methods can be divided into surface irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, micro-irrigation and underground irrigation.U surface irrigationSurface irrigation is an ancient traditional irrigation method, in general, it is as compare whether water-saving basis points. Surface irrigation technology are constantly develop and constantly improve, so there are many more water-efficient than traditional surface irrigation technology.1.1.1new furrow irrigation toolsTraditional furrow irrigation with artiflcial opening from the distribution channel water into the furrow, it is neither accurate and inconvenient^ and often cause the field of water loss due to water port leakage countries have already adopted the siphon (for open channel water ) or gate hole pipe (aqueduct) drainage, China has done a number of tests, proven to improve field water utilization rate of 5% to 10%.1.1.2surge irrigationModern foreign developed wave Chung (groove) border irrigation or intermittent ditch (furrow) irrigation, traffic control into the ditch (furrow) is intermittent water and then put a period of time (a few minutes or tens of minutes) to field stop the water for some time (a few minutes or tens of minutes), and so forth, so that you can make along the ditch (furrow) the length direction of the water distribution is more uniform. Fields of water utilization up to 80% to 90%.Film hole irrigation (also known as the film hole irrigation)Gully, made on the film of water flow in the membrane, crops grow hole to penetrate the land, so that irrigation efficiency is high, generally water-saving 25% to 35%, an increase of 15% to 20%, they do not specifically facilities.1.2IrrigationSprinkler to spray through the air, due to the pressure of the commonly used pressure aqueduct In general, Its obvious advantages irrigation uniformity^ less of farmland, save manpower, strong adaptability to the terrain. The main disadvantage is influenced by wind, high investment in equipment. More in our country are the following: fixed pipe sprinkler, the semi-mobile pipeline sprinkler irrigation, a rolling shift sprinkler manifold, when the needle irrigation machine, a large pan spray irrigation machine, grain irrigation machine in inicroirrigators units and so on.1.3drip irrigationIrrigation water with a small plastic tube directly sent to the the Meike crop roots near thewater drip out slowly by drippers, a sophisticated irrigation methods, only need water to irrigationcan truly only irrigation crop Instead of filling the land. And can be a long time in the crop rootzone moisture in the optimal state, so to save water and Increase production. But its biggestdrawback is the Dripper out flow orifice is small, the flow rate is low, so serious congestionproblems. Irrigation water must be carefully filtering and processing. At present, China has onlynoticed to prevent physical clogging equally serious clogging the biological and chemical cloggingproblem has not been taken seriously enough. The main way of drip irrigation: fixed-ground dripirrigation, semi-fixed-ground drip irrigation- Membrane under irrigation, drip irrigation and otherunderground• L4micro-sprinkler irrigationSome places called mist irrigation, and drip irrigation similar too easy just to overcome the Dripperdisadvantage of clogging the drippers to micro sprinklers^ micro-sprinkler flow orifice large, largenumber of traffic flow rate faster Unlike drippers so easy to plug, but the traffic has increased,capillary accordingly should bold some 1 to 2 micro sprinklers installed in every crop or treeusually can meet the needs of irrigation. Micro nozzle still clogged filtration problems, andtherefore should be given adequate attention, the cost per hectare is similar to fixed-dripirrigation. Gradually replaced by drip irrigation micro sprinkler irrigation in a foreign country.Especially suitable for irrigated orchards.1.5 subsurface irrigationSimilar to the subsurface irrigation and underground drip Just the Dripper all buried in theunderground seepage head instead, the seepage head of water Unlike drippers as drop by drop outflow,but slowly seepage, such seepage head is not easy soil particles and root blockage. Recentlyintroduced in a foreign countn r using waste tires processed into porous percolation pipe, and thepilot of a small area, but the clogging of the micropores seepage pipe is a serious problem, withoutthe test to test for a long time should not be hastily promotion.L6un(lerground irrigationThe underground irrigation irrigation is a method to control the water table. To irrigationgroundwater table elevation to the water can enter the height of the root activity layers, the groundremains dry, so very provincial water, no irrigation, groundwater levels drop down. The limitationsof this approach, only the root activity layers impermeable layer Caixing.2.Select the factors that affect water-saving irrigation methods 2.1 weather conditionsChina from the southeast coast to the inland northwest, generally divided into sub-huinid areas,semi-humid areas, semi-arid and arid regions, With dn ness incremental, the dependence of cropirrigation is incremented accordingly. Humid regions for many years the average annual rainfall isgreater than the cultivation of dry crops in the field water consumption, water resources total morethan just a lack of precipitation in the dry season and drought years, supplemental irrigation isrequired; semi-humid areas average annual rainfall is basically in line with planting drought cropwater demand, but due to the uneven 2 distribution of precipitation, dry years and dry season watershortages more; semi-arid areas average annual rainfall can not meet the crop water requirements, ifthere is no irrigation, agricultural production is very unstable, such areas such as irrigation,wasteland farming, the destruction of natural vegetation, can easily cause desertification; rainfallis scarce in arid regions, irrigation agriculture, water scarcity of such areas, river runoff from the alpine rain and snow melt water, Industry and agriculture not only depend on the development and survival of the natural vegetation along the river channel near river water for irrigation, and therefore reference, must take into account the natural ecological water.2.2the topography and hydrogeological conditionsTopography and hydrogeological conditions affecting the natural distribution of rainwater, will also affect the pattern of water-saving Irrigation. Ground on steep mountain hilly area prone to soil erosion and drought, water-saving irrigation to adopt comprehensive measures. Cultivation technology and terracings field ridges through agricultural consumption, reduce the sloping soil erosion andsoil evaporation; gullies on the construction of embankments, or in suitable locations for the construction of water cellars, storing runoff solve drinking water and a small area irrigation water; repair reservoirs in the gullies and tributaries, centralized control runoff diversion project isolated tangba communicatioib formation of tf Chodo Jiegua-irrigation systems, improve rain water utilization and irrigation water to ensure rate.2.3the use of surface water resources conditionsPlain areas and open mountain basin, water conditions were better, but different parts have significant differences. Piedmont sloping plain terrain slope, coarse sediment, runoff smooth, rich groundwater recharge, water quality, is conducive to the development and utilization. Slowing the central plains terrain slope sediments thinning increased level surface several times due to river flood diversion, post depression to staggered, affect runoff excretion increased groundwater salinity under arid climatic conditions, soil there will be varying degrees of salinization phenomenon. The plains lower part of the lakeside and coastal area, low and flat, the soil is heavy clay, surface and underground runoff, poor drainage, arid climatic conditions, high salinity of groundwater development and utilization of difficulties, serious soil salinization. This region in the river downstream, dry season, the rivers and the rainy season is threatened by the flood, so building large and medium-sized irrigation and well irrigation area in the plains area, due to the different parts of which the landforms, water conditions and accompanying drought waterlogging, salinity and other disasters also vary from place to place.2.4specific plantingFruit trees, irrigation quota vary according to the type of fruit trees, varieties and rootstock characteristics, age size. Drought-tolerant tree species, such as jujube, chestnut and rootstock species with lower water requirements the irrigation quota can be as small; poor drought tolerance of species, such as grapes, apples, pears, irrigation quota should be3larger. The saplings should be less irrigation, the results of fruit trees can be more than irrigation. Saudi orchards should small water more than irrigation. Saline land orchard irrigation should be noted that the groundwater level, in order to prevent the return of salt, returned to base. Generally into one of the most suitable age fruit trees irrigation, soil moisture completely wet fruit tree roots within appropriate. Under the conditions of use of water-saving irrigation methods, irrigation to reach a depth of 04-0.5 meters, plenty of water up to 0.8-1.0 meters.To mature vine irrigation, mainly in the grape growing infancy, before and after flowering, berry enlargement period and grapes after harvest period, the general irrigation 5-7 times.节水灌溉一.现有的节水灌溉方法灌水方法即田间配水方法,就是如何将己送到田头的灌溉水均匀地分布到作物根系活动层中去。
