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其实,每个国度都有一部电视剧, 叫『来自星星的你』
美国 《来自星星的你》
T he se cond T V pla y
一个人不管有多好,首先他是你的,才有意义。爱情 到最后,不是比谁更出色,而是看谁最后能留在你身 边.文章和姚笛的新闻这几天炸了锅,马司令说的很有 道理,恋爱虽易,婚姻不易,且行且珍惜。 因此,我们一定要珍 惜眼前人。最好的那 一个,不是来自星星 的你,而是来自身边 的你 ………
T ha nks for liste ning~ ~
character name:Du Min Jun Harvard University KMT184.05 planet
character name: Qian Song Yi University student,
其实,每个国度都有一部电视剧, 叫『来自星星的你』
C a use som e e conom ic he a ting e ffe cts
O f course ,the re a re som e high im ita tions w ith ha ndba gs , shoe s , clothing .
4、 Zinif high imitations
5,《E d w a rd 's w o n d e rfu l trip 》is
《E d w a rd „s
It re a lly com e into e ve ry a spe cts of our life
It re a lly com e into e ve ry a spe cts of our life
e ve ry country ha s a T V pla y which is sim ila r to this dra m a
2、Line come into china
T he Line w a s a kind of socia l softw a re w hich is introduce d from south K ore a n . e a ch conve rsa tion be tw e e n the m w ill a ppe a r the dia log box of the Line . In fa ct, It a ttra ct a lot of couple s ‟ a tte ntion . A re you ne rve s ,
The man from the stars
P lot Alie ns fa ll 400 ye a rs a go S um m a ry in north Kore a ,live a lone
a nd still ha ve the young a nd ha ndsom e a ppe a ra nce a s he frist a rrive d a t the e a rth with supe rpow e r , a nd he is a curre nt unive rsity profe ssor now . Adja ce nt to the boy a nd girl tha t bursts with the spa rk . Alie n ca n re turn to the ir pla ne t's a fte r 3 m onths , but a ccide nta lly ,the pre tty girl fe ll in love with
讲述了400年前坠落在朝 鲜的外星人,带着他迄今 为止4个世纪的秘密,独 自在韩国首尔的天空下生 活着。仍然拥有和初到地 球时一样年轻英俊的外貌, 并拥有着超天才的能力, 他就是现任大学讲师的都 敏俊。另一方面是目中无 人冒冒失失的韩流明星千 颂伊。相邻的男子和女子, 迸出了火花。还有3个月 就可以回到自己星球的都 敏俊意外地陷入了和韩流 明星千颂伊的爱情。
1、Luxury brand clothing sales
• Apart from pretty faces, fashion is a nother highlight of the TV play, every tim e a ctors w e a r a new set of outfits, the sim ila r clothe s be on good sa le too .
p o p u la r
w o n d e rfu l trip 》, w h ic h is th e fa v o rite b o o k o f th e h e ro in th e d ra m a , is p o p u la r w ith C h in e s e fa n s . E x c e p t fo r p a p e rb a c k e d itio n , it w ill
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
3、“炸鸡与啤酒”frie d chicke n a nd This betime e r the most fried
food is the fried chicken and beer. So, the business of KFC become very good recently
The company approved staff to watch this TV play. Then the boss treat all the staff to eat KFC