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Unit 5 What dose he do?



police officer警察Fisherman渔民scientist科学家pilot飞行员

coach 教练

country国家head teacher校长sea大海stay保持(动词)university 大学



二、Part A课文导入

Sarah:Is your father here【1】today?

Oliver:No. He’ s in Australia.

Sarah:What does he do【2】?

Oliver:He’s a businessman. He often goes to other countries.

Sarah:And what does your mother do?

Oliver:She’s a head teacher.

Sarah:That’s nice.

Oliver:Yeah. She ’ll be【3】here today!

Sarah:Do you want to be a head teacher,too?【4】

Oliver:No,I want to be a businessman.


Come here,kids. Let’s go to the nature park!孩子们,到这里来,我们一起去自然公园!

2、What does he do?他做什么的?

What do/does+主语+do?


其答语通常为:主语+be动词+ a/an +表示职业的名词。

例:——What does your father do?

——He is an artist.

——What do you do?

——I am a basketball player.





【拓展】询问职业还可以用句型“What+be动词+主语?”或“What+be动词+sb’s job?”

What is your father?你爸爸做什么工作?(你爸爸是什么?)

What is your mother’s job? 你妈妈做什么工作?(你妈妈的工作是什么?)





3、she’ll be = she will be, will 是“将会,将要”的意思,will+动词原形→will do sth,“将会做某事”

She will do her homework this evening

I will be a great singer


He works here →___________________



I am a teacher →___________________



4、Do you want to be a head teacher? 你想成为一名校长吗?

“want to do sth”

“be going to do sth”

(1)我想吃汉堡包→I want to eat hamburger

我打算去吃汉堡包→I am going to eat hamburger

她想成为一名舞蹈员→She wants to be a dancer

她打算成为一名舞蹈员→She is going to be a dancer




三、Part B课文导入

Mike:My uncle is a fisherman.

Xiao Yu:Where does he work?【1】

Mike:He works at sea. He sees lots of【2】fish every day!

Xiao Yu:I see. How does he go to work?【1】By boat?

Mike:No. He works on a boat. He goes to work by bike.

Xiao Yu:He has a very healthy life.

Mike:Yes. He works very hard and stays healthy.

Xiao Yu:We should study hard and stay healthy【3】,too.

1、Where does he work?他在哪儿工作?

He works on a boat.

—Where do you work?

—I work in a restaurant.

How does he go to work? 他如何去上班?

He goes to work by bike.

—How do you go to work?

—I go to work on foot.

她在哪里工作?/ 她如何去工作?


2、lots of = a lot of,意为“许多”,其后可接可数名词以及不可数名词!



I have lots of friends = __________________________


I have a lot of money = __________________________


3、study hard 努力学习!下面再讲!

stay healthy,“保持健康”,stay是连系动词,其后接形容词,将stay理解成“保持是......”,跟be动词一样,描述主语的一种状态


四、read and write重要句子导入

1、He is good at football 他很擅长踢足球

Be good at sth/doing sth , “擅长....../ 擅长做......”

在be good at 当中,at 是一个介词,但凡是是介词后面跟有动词,都要把那
