



综合教程4课后答案Handouts and Key to book4 unit1-4Unit 1Active reading (1)Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofa Background informationAbout the passage: This is an article by an Education Correspondent, Alexandra Blair, published inSeptember 2008 in The Times, a long-established British quality newspaper. In Europe generally, and inBritain in particular, for a number of years there has been a rising number of students who go to universityand therefore more new graduates seeking employment. However, for many graduates finding a job becameharder in 2008–2009 because the economic downturn – then a recession – meant that many employers werereducing their workforce. After their final exams, some students rested in the summer before looking for jobs and then they found that it was difficult to find employment in their field or at the level they wanted. Thearticle addresses the problems of such new graduates who might be stuck at home and advises their parentsto be there for their children (ie to be available if their children want to talk about the problem or if theyneed help). The article recommends finding work in a bar or supermarket rather than sitting unemployedat home since this is more likely to lead to better employment later. The style is partly of a report, but alsoof a humorous comment for light entertainment (seen in the jokey language and problem-solving advice toparents).Why finding a job in 2008 is so difficult for university graduates? Universities in Europe, particularly in Britain, have expanded greatly in the last fifteen years (over 45% ofyoung adults now go on to higher education), so there are more graduates looking for jobs. This competitivesituation became a lot worse in 2008 onwards with the credit crunch and economic depression, which meantthat there were fewer jobs available and a rise in unemployment. Thus new graduates have to be activeto seek a job, they need to fill in many application forms and try to get job interviews: they won’t findemployment by lying on the sofa at home.Culture pointshonours degree: Traditionally, in the British university system, BA and BSc honours degrees are awardedin different categories: a first class degree (written using Roman numbers as I), a second (divided into twosub categories, written as IIii and IIii, which are called “a two one” and “a two two”), a third (written III) anda pass degree. Most people get a second. There are also ordinary degrees with more general courses of studywithout these categories.Generation Y and Grunt: The main idea here is that there is a succession of different generations orcohorts of adults who come into the workforce in North America which are given different informal namesto characterize them. First, “Baby boomers” were born in the g reat increase (the boom) of births after WorldWar II (1946–1960), followed by “Generation X” people (born 1960–1980) who were said to bring newattitudes of being independent, informal, entrepreneurial, and expected to get skills and have a career beforethem. “GenerationY” or the “Millenial Generation” (born 1980s and 1990s and becoming adult in the newmillenium) are now making up an increasing percentage of the workforce; they are said to be spoilt by dotingparents, to have structured lives, to be used to teamwork and diverse people in a multicultural society. Inthe passage, this generation is now becoming (morphing into) Generation Grunt, which is an ironic namereferring to repetitive, low status, routine or mindless work –this may be the only work available to somegraduates, who may have to take very ordinary jobs to get experience before they find something moresuitable. “Grunt” also refers to coarse behaviour or bad manners and to the deep sound that is made by a pig;when people “grunt” they ex press disgust but do not communicate with words – this may be how the parentsof new graduates think their children communicate with them!A comprehensive refers to a British type of secondary school which became popular in the1960s. Before thatthere were academic “grammar schools” and more general “secondary modern” schools for those who didnot pass the grammar school entrance tests, but the comprehensive schools were designed for all students ina social philosophy of bringing diverse students together whether they were academic or not. Those studentswho went to a comprehensive school probably felt that had to study particularly hard (I worked my backsideoff) to get to university, compared to those who went to grammar schools where all students were academic –comprehensive students felt they had to struggle to get to university.Chicken suit This refers to a large yellow costume that someone wears which makes the person look like agiant chicken. Before he became a famous actor, Brad Pitt once dressed in such a costume when he had a jobadvertising for a restaurant called El Pollo Loco (The Crazy Chicken’ in Spanish) – the job meant that he hadto walk around the streets like a chicken to attract customers to come to the restaurant.Language points1 Those memories of forking out thousands of pounds a year so that he could eat well and go to theodd party, began to fade. Until now. (Para 1)The parents paid a lot of money for their son’s university fees and living expenses (so that he could eatwell) and for occasional social events – at graduation these memories of money were mostly forgottenbecause the parents were proud. But now the parents are thinking of money again because the son doesn’thave a job and doesn’t seem to be actively seeking one.2 This former scion of Generation Y has morphed overnight into a member of Generation Grunt.(Para 2)The distinguished son of Generation X (of the parents’ generation who worked hard, got jobs, and hadgood careers and expected their son to do the same) has changed into a member of Generation Grunt – hedoesn’t seem to communicate much, lies around and doesn’t get a job (or can only do a low status routingjob).3 I passed the exams, but at the interviews they accused me of being …too detached‟ and talking inl anguage that was …too technocratic‟, which I didn‟t think possible, but obviously it is. (Para 5)He passed the entrance exams for a government post, but he was criticized in the selection interviews:They said he was detached (not personally involved) and too technocratic (he used the language of atechnical expert or high authority). As a new graduate he probably wanted to show his expertise in hislanguage so he can’t understand this criticism.4 For the rest it is 9-to-5 “chilling” before heading to the pub. (Para 6)The others who do not have a routine low status job (like stacking goods on a supermarket shelf) chill outall day (they spend their time casually relaxing –they don’t look for work) and go to pub for a drink in theevening.5 I went to a comprehensive and I worked my backside off to go to a good university …(Para 6)He went to a school for students of all abilities (not to a special school for academic students) and so hehad to work very hard to enter a good university: Your backside means your bottom – the part of yourbody that you sit on – to work your backside off is informal and it means you work very hard indeed.6 … but having worked full-time since leaving school herself, she and her husband find it tricky toadvise him on how to proceed. (Para 7)The mother has always had a full-time job (presumably the father is also working full-time), so she doesnot have relevant personal experience. For her, it is tricky to give advice (difficult to do).7 Carry on life as normal and don‟t allo w them to abuse your bank account or sap your reserve ofemotional energy. (Para 11)The advice from Gael Lindenfield here is that parents should live as usual. They should neither let theirchildren spend the parents’ money unnecessarily, nor let the problem take away all their energy and emotions. Sap their reserve means use up their store of emotional energy.8 After that the son or daughter needs to be nudged firmly back into the saddle. (Para 12)Then the parents should gently push their children firmly so that they get back into control of their lives.Reading and understanding2 Choose the best answer to the questions.Teaching tipsGo over the correct answers with Ss and ask them to explain why the other answers are wrong (Seebelow).1 Why hasn’t Jac k Goodwin got a job yet?(a) He doesn’t have a very good degree.(No, he has a 2:1 which is considered a good degree. )(b) He refuses to apply for jobs with low salaries.(He feels he should get a better job after studying at university.)(c) It isn’t eas y to get a job in the current financial climate. (This may be true but the passage does not mention this.)(d) He prefers to stay at home and help his family.(No, he doesn’t seem to be helping his family: he watches TV and talks to friends.)2 How does he spend a typical day?(a) Doing a temporary job.(No, some of his friends are working in temporary jobs but he doesn’t want to do this.)(b) Watching television.(He watches TV a lot.)(c) Queuing up in the university careers service.(No, he went there on ce but he didn’t want to queue so he walked away.)(d) Preparing for the next job interview.(No, he doesn’t seem to be preparing for interviews.)3 How do most of his friends spend the day?(a) They do nothing all day and go to the pub in the evening.(All except one of them do nothing except chill, then they go to the pub.)(b) They do outdoor activities such as sailing.(No, none of them seem to do outdoor activities; there is no mention of sailing.)(c) They are forced to work by their parents.(No, only one of them has been forced out to stack shelves by his parents; the others seem to be likeJack.)(d) They do part-time jobs such as working in a bar.(No, the text mentions bar work but none of Jack’s friends seem to do this work.)4 How are Jack’s par ents helping him?(a) By looking for jobs for him.(No, Jack has tried to get a job himself; there’s nothing here about his parents helping him look for ajob.)(b) By paying for a trip to South America.(No, although he is going on a three-week trip to South America, the passage does not say thatJack’s parents have paid for this.)(c) By gradually making him more financially aware.(The passage does not say so explicitly, but this is the implication about the cut-off point after thetrip when he may be expected to pay rent and contribute to the household bills.)(d) By threatening to throw him out of the house.(No, they haven’t threatened to do this, but they definitely want himto work after he gets back fromhis trip.)5 What does Gael Lindenfield say a bout Jack’s parents?(a) They have not really understood Jack’s problems.(No, she doesn’t say this; she says they must balance being positive with not making life toocomfortable. This doesn’t mean they haven’t understood Jack’s problems.)(b) They have made life too comfortable for Jack.(No, she says they must balance comfort with being positive. This doesn’t necessarily mean that theyhave already made life too comfortable for Jack.)(c) The approach they have chosen is the right one.(She says they have struck exactly the right note.)(d) They need help from a psychologist.(No, she doesn’t say this.)6 What do Whoopi Goldberg, Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt have in common?(a) They all did bar work before going to university.(No, we don’t know from the pa ssage if any of them did this.)(b) They took part in protests against nuclear power plants.(No, we don’t know is any of them did this)(c) They learnt to act by dressing up as giant chickens.(No, only Brad Pitt did this.)(d) They all did temporary jobs at one stage in their lives.(This is right, although they all had completely different temporary jobs.)Dealing with unfamiliar words3 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 to make progress by moving to the next stage in a series of actions or events (proceed)2 the process of changing from one situation, form or state to another (transition)3 not feeling involved with someone or something in a close or emotional way (detached)4 referring to something which will happen soon (upcoming)5 to be sitting still in a position that is not upright (slump)6 to return to a previous state or way of behaving (revert)7 to say what happened (recount)4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.It isn’t easy to make the (1) transition from a busy university student to an unemployed young adult(2) slumped on a bar stool or half watching a mindless television show,wondering if and how their careeris going to (3) proceed. Many people who have experienced a long period of inactivity like this, when(4) recounting how they felt at the time, refer to the same strange psychological effect. As the days pass,they begin to feel (5) detached from any sense of pressure to go and look for a job, and tend to regard(6) upcoming interviews as if they were not very important. Typically, back at home after three or fouryears away, they (7) revert to old habits, start seeing old friends, and, in many cases, become dependentagain on their parents.5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to makeother changes.1 I went to a mixed-ability secondary school just outside London. (comprehensive)2 I got stopped by a policeman who asked to see my driving licence. (cop)3 Have you seen this beautiful from the air view of Oxford? (aerial)4 Isabel tightly her bag as she walked down the corridor towards the office. (clutched)5 You should speak to Toby; he’s an supporter of flexible working hours. (advocate)6 I hurt my leg badly a couple of month s ago, and it still hasn’t got better completely. (healed)6 Answer the questions about the words.1 Is a dead-end job one with (a) exciting prospects, or (b) no future?2 Is a tricky problem (a) difficult, or (b) easy to solve?3 If an activity saps all your energy, do you feel (a) tired, or (b) more active than usual?4 Does a pushy person try to (a) persuade you to do something you don’t want to, or (b) help you bylistening to what you have to say?5 If you feel apathy, do you want to (a) change the world, or (b) stay at home and do nothing?7 Answer the questions about the phrases.1 Is fork out (a) a formal, or (b) an informal way of saying to pay for something?2 If you are in the same boat as another person, are you (a) making the same journey together, or (b) inthe same difficult or unpleasant situation?3 If you feel you have come full circle, do you (a) feel you are back where you started, or (b) feel a senseof satisfaction because you have completed something?4 If someone takes a soft line, do they deal with a person (a) in a kind and sympathetic way, or (b) in alazy way without making a decision?5 If you strike the right note about something, are you expressing yourself(a) well, or (b) badly?6 If you do something by all means, do you (a) try your best to do it, or(b) not care about it?7 If you nudge someone back into the saddle, are you encouraging them to (a) take responsibility again, or(b) take it easy?8 If you talk through a problem with someone, do you (a) examine it carefully and sensitively, or (b) referto it quickly and then change the subject?Reading and interpreting8 Answer the questions.1 “Will he ever get a job?” Who is asking this question? What mood does it express?The parents are asking this because the paragraph is addressed to parents (earlier it says “your graduateson”). The mood seems to express patience or resignation because the word “ever” suggests that gettinga job will take a long time.2 Who describes Generation Y as “rebels without a cause”? Is it a fair description?This is the writer’s description to indicate that this generation is rebelling against parents or society,but they have nothing particular to rebel against. This doesn’t seem very fair because the students aretrying to find work – it is just that they don’t like their parents nagging them. So they are a bit rebelliousagainst their parents, but no more than that.3 Jack “walked into the university careers service and straight back out again”. What does this suggestabout Jack’s character?It suggests that Jack is not very determined. As soon as he saw the queue he left without waiting andwithout trying to ask about jobs or careers.4 Jack spent the summer “hiding”. Hiding from what? Why are quotation marks used?Probably this means he was hiding from the world of work, staying at home and not looking for a job.The quotation marks tell us that he wasn’t literally hiding, he just spent a lot of time at home.5 How is Mrs Goodwin’s point of view affected by her own personal experience?In one way her experience hasn’t affected her attitude: She left school and went immediately to a job(without going to university) and has been working full-time since then and yet she is sympathetic andtakes a soft line.6 How is Lindenfield’s point of view affec ted by her own personal experience?Her personal experience was that she worked in a bar before finding her first proper job as an aerialphotographic assistant. So she says such work is a great networking opportunity. If new graduates aregood at such work and bright, cheerful and polite, they will soon be promoted. Her personal experiencethus reflects – or perhaps has created – her point of view.7 What would the first two paragraphs have focused on if they had been presented from the point of viewof the students rather than the parents?The first two paragraphs would have focused on the need for the new graduates to rest for a bit aftertheir hard studies. It is OK for students to relax with the TV or to socialize with friends for a while, thenthey can start a serious search for employment after that.Active reading (2)If you ask meBackground informationThis is an informal and personalized account of an economics graduate who gets a job in a pub for a year andthen has an opportunity to be successful (a lucky break). She works in a London pub called “The Salisbury”or “The Marquis Salisbury”, named after someone who was the British Prime Minister three times between1885 and 1902 and whose family once owned the pub’s land. The 100 year old pub is in Leadenhall Street,just off the Charing Cross Road and Leicester Square. Daytime customers can get a pub lunch and eveningcustomers include many office workers and theatre goers (the pub is near many West End theatres). Theinterior of this pub is dazzling, with large mirrors, cut glass and a mahogany décor.British pubs are often named after famous people (Robin Hood, The Duke of Wellington) or royalty (TheQueen’s Arms, the Prince of Wales) or historical symbols (The Rose and Crown to represent King EdwardIII, The Royal Oak to represent King Charles II who once hid in a large oak tree). Other names often includecolours and animals (The Red Bull, The Black Horse, The Golden Lion, The Swan) or symbols of traditionaltrades (The Compasses for carpenters, The Three Hammers for blacksmiths, The Three Tuns for winemakers).As the pub is a social place to meet as well as a place to get a drink, people often play games like dominoesor darts or join a quiz or competition. A common expression is to “go down the p ub” or “go round to thelocal” (both meaning to go to the local pub).Culture pointspub in London: A pub is a place where people go for a drink and to meet friends and socialize. People canplay games – such as darts, cards, dominoes – in a pub and pubs often have quiz nights, with prizes for thewinners, and live music (See also Background information)The Salisbury is a well-known pub in central London (See also Background information)London School of Economics is a distinguished university in central London, famous for social sciences.Language points1 If you ask me, real life is not all it‟s cracked up to be. (Para 1)In my opinion (If you ask me introduces an opinion), real life is not everything that people say it is. If athing is cracked up to be, people normally praise it but in the opinion of the speaker they are wrong.2 … spending money when you don‟t have any is dead easy. (Para 7)Dead here means very. For example, we can say dead tired (exhausted), a dead loss (a complete loss oruseless), a dead weight (very heavy, difficult to lift).3 What were the odds on anyone being so nice? (Para 11)What are the chances that someone would be so nice? The writer is emphasizing here that such kindness isvery unusual.4 … looking back after all these ye ars, you only need one or two breaks in your life to succeed.(Para 13)A break here means a chance to be successful. A lucky break is an unexpected opportunity.Reading and understanding2 Choose the best answer to the questions.1 What did the writer want to do after finishing her degree?(a) To do an MA at the London School of Economics.(b) To earn some money to pay off her loan.(c) To start working as soon as possible.(d) To return home and help her mother.2 Why did she ask for a job in The Salisbury?(a) She was hungry and thirsty.(b) She thought it would lead to better things.(c) She was a friend of the landlord.(d) She had the idea when she saw the landlord working.3 What did she buy with her first salary?(a) A bunch of flowers.(b) A CD and a plant for the flat she lived in.(c) A ham sandwich and a glass of beer.(d) She didn’t have any money left after paying the bills.4 Why did Tony give her £20,000?(a) He found out it was her birthday and wanted to help.(b) He trusted her and thought it would help her.(c) He wanted her to leave the pub and work for him.(d) He was secretly in love with her.5 What did she do with the money?(a) She used it to pay for her course at the LSE.(b) She lost a lot of it in the 2008 stock market crash.(c) She invested it and paid back Tony and other investors.(d) She used it to start her own business.6 Why was Tony pleased when she repaid the loan?(a) He had had an accident and needed the money for a wheelchair.(b) It meant that he would be able to see her again.(c) It proved that he had been right to invest in her.(d) She paid back the loan with a lot of interest.3 Work in pairs and answer the questions.What do we know about the writer’s:1 family background?Her mother had worked hard for 15 years to support her education but couldn’t afford any furthersupport. Her father wasn’t around most of the time. He didn’t have any money because he spent it ongambling on dog racing or drinking in pubs.2 career as a student?She had a good degree in economics and wanted to study for a masters course at the London School ofEconomics.3 ambition?She wanted to get a job in finance or investments in London because thenshe would be able to use herdegree.4 appreciation of other people?She appreciated Mike’s fr iendliness with customers and his skill, and she appreciated Tony as a niceperson; later she appreciated the trust of Tony and his friends5 love life?We don’t know much about this, except that she doesn’t like boys to hassle her. She thinks they areimmature.6 financial expertise?It must be quite good: She invested the £20,000 and made enough profit to pay the money back withinterest and set up her own company.7 sense of responsibility?She has a strong sense of responsibility because she paid back the money to the investors and paid theman annual interest for the loan.8 philosophy of life?She believes that you should work hard; you may need one or two breaks to succeed but you shouldknow how to use the breaks. You should be honest and responsible with people who trust you.Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 funny or entertaining (amusing)2 used for emphasizing that something good has happened, especially because of good luck (fortunately)3 an amount of money that a person, business or country borrows, usually from a bank (loan)4 to take an amount or number from a total (deduct)5 the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event (highlight)6 to show that you understand someone’s pr oblems (sympathize)7 needing a lot of time, ability, and energy (demanding)5 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.Teaching tipsWhen Ss have completed the blanks with the correct form of the appropriate words, ask them to practicereading the dialogue, trying to make their reading sound as conversational as possible. Choose a pair toperform their reading to the class. The class listens and gives theperforming pair a rating on a scale of 1-10for fluency and naturalness.A After three years at university, I’m now quite heavily in debt.B I (1) sympathize with you, I know what it’s like to have financial problems. But (2) fortunately I didn’tneed to take out a student (3) loan when I was at university, because I had a part-time job.A What did you do?B I worked in a restaurant at weekends.A That must have been very (4) demanding.B Yes, it was. I had to get the right balance between work and study. But the other people who workedthere were good fun to be with, so it was quite (5) amusing too. The (6) highlight of the weekend wasalways Saturday night when we worked overtime.A But I don’t expect you made a lot of money?B No, there wasn’t much after they’d (7) deducted tax and pension contributions. But it was enough tokeep me going.6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to makeother changes.1 When I was at college I kept all my personal things in an old cupboard.2 A lot of people who leave university before getting a degree end up in good jobs.3 I think she’ll get a good degree, but I wouldn’t risk my money on the exact result.4 The money I spent at college was more than what I earned in my part-time job.5 The chances of my being offered a job after that interview must be quite remote.6 Our business has done very well since we changed our advertising.7 I think telling the truth and not cheating is always the best policy. Key: (1) belongings (2) dropouts (3) gamble (4) exceeded (5) odds(6) has thrived (7) honesty7 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If something is not all it’s cracked up to be, is it (a) valid and interesting, or (b) just a little bitdisappointing?2 If someone keeps banging on about something, are you likely to be (a) interested in, or (b) bored bywhat they say?3 If there is a lot of hassle in your life, are you likely to feel (a) stressed, or (b) relaxed?4 If something happens out of the blue, is it (a) unexpected, or (b) part of your plan?5 If you say you ended up in a particular job, do you suggest that (a) you have fulfilled your ambition, or(b) it happened almost by chance?6 Are the regulars in a pub (a) the customers who come very often, or (b) the food the pub offers mostoften?7 If something is dead easy, is it (a) very easy, or (b) not easy at all?8 If you treat someone to something, do you (a) buy something nice for them, or (b) behave badly tothem?9 If you cheer a place up, do you (a) make the place look brighter, or (b) make the people in the placehappier?Reading and interpreting8 Look at the sentences from the passage and identify the style features.1 Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the bigwide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find? This shows the informality of an incomplete sentence in the first part, the use of an informal expression(banging on) and a rhetorical question to the reader (What do I find?)2 Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god,when will they grow up?) …This has the use of an informal word (hassle), an informal exclamation (god) and a question to thereader (When will they grow up?)3 Actually, I had my eye on the course at the London School of Economics (LSE).Here there is a discourse marker typical of speech (Actually) and an informal phrase (had my eye on).4 I kind of understand it, and not just because my degree is in economics. Here “kind of” is a sort of discourse ma rker of informal speech (showing something is general, vague ornot definite).5 I wanted something in finance and investments, because you know, maybe with a job like that, I coulduse my degree.This has a discourse marker of informal speech (you know).6 ... it’s true, he really did seem to have three hands.Again here is a discourse marker of informal speech (it’s true).7 I talked to him about ... well, about pretty well everything …。



新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit test 1 答案Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.•fraught•clutched•revert•recounted•comprehensive•upcoming•transition•apathy•deduct•gamble•demanding•highlight•redirect•investors•exceeds•repay•concise•embellish•overdo•thriving1.My little brother tends to embellishthe truth, so you can't believe everything he says atface value.Your answer Correct answerembellish embellish2.Mr. Philips is running for a position in the local government in the upcomingelections.upcoming upcoming3.What can we do to highlightall the accomplishments our company has had?Your answer Correct answer highlight highlight4.In my opinion, the asking price for that painting far exceedsits real value.Your answer Correct answer exceeds exceeds5.Sharon was fraughtwith indecision over where to go to college.Your answer Correct answer fraught fraught6.Her book is a brief, concisehistory of World War I.Your answer Correct answer concise concise7.Too many people accuse students of ignorance about or apathytoward internationalissues.Your answer Correct answerapathy apathy8.The politician wrote a tell-all book in which she recountedher experience during thecampaign.Your answer Correct answerrecounted recounted9.Risking my entire life savings on a single horse race is not a(n) gambleI'm willing totake.Your answer Correct answergamble gamble10.My mother was a very demandingwoman, but she only wanted the best for my sister andme.Your answer Correct answerdemanding demanding11.If you lend me money today, I can repayyou after I get paid on Friday.repay repay12.Every time the plane hit turbulence, he clutchedthe armrests tightly.Your answer Correct answer clutched clutched13.The purpose of the canal was to redirectthe river and provide water to more farmland.Your answer Correct answer redirect redirect14.Thankfully, Maria was a tremendous help as I made the transitioninto my newposition.Your answer Correct answertransition transition15.Twenty years ago, this was a wealthy, thrivingcommunity.Your answer Correct answer thriving thriving16.Please remember that we need to deducttaxes from your paycheck.Your answer Correct answer deduct deduct17.The virus disabled the software, so we needed to revertto an earlier version.Your answer Correct answer revert revert18.I know you're excited about the possibilities, but please try not to overdoit.Your answer Correct answer overdo overdo19.Many investorslost a lot of money when the stock market fell last month.Your answer Correct answerinvestors investors20.My employer offers a(n) comprehensivebenefits package that is difficult to give up.Your answer Correct answer comprehensive comprehensiveSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.All right, it's time to pack upour things and move to the new office upstairs.Your answer Correct answer up up22.The counselor suggested that Felipe talk throughhis problems with his brother.Your answer Correct answer through through23.Thomas has always been, ifnothing else, a diligent and responsible student.Your answer Correct answer if if24.I find it inconceivable that anyone could turn downa free trip to the Caribbean.Your answer Correct answer down down25.Jordan bought three cases of bottled water forfear that the storm would causeserious damage.Your answer Correct answerfor for26. Byall means, please make yourself at home.Your answer Correct answerBy By27.Stephen looked onin horror as the fire consumed his apartment building. Your answer Correct answeron on28.After such a long day of work, I want to go home and treat myself toa big piece ofchocolate cake.Your answer Correct answerto to29.We're all inthe same boat; so let's try to be nice to one another.Your answer Correct answerin in30.His question came outof the blue and caught me by surprise.Your answer Correct answerout outPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Patrick is in a bit of a financial (31)slumpright now. He could use all the helphe can get. Ever since he graduated from college, he's been fairly (32)aimless,moving around a lot and working lots of small odd jobs. He can't seem to decide what he wants to do. He had been working for a law firm, but he recently got laid off. Now he's having difficulty paying hisrent, and his (33)landlordis threatening to evict him. Unless things turn around,Patrick might soon be a new (34)clientat his old law firm! What a(n)(35)hassle!I usually make it a rule to not lend money to friends, but Patrick's in a bad situation. I'm going tomake an exception and give him a small (36)loan. I do expect him to pay meback. He's always been known for his (37)honesty, so I'm not really worried about it.It's difficult not to (38)sympathizewith Patrick. It could happen to anybody. I'm in amuch better situation, (39)financially, so I feel a sense of responsibility to help him out.(40)Fortunately, Patrick has a job interview next week so things might turn around forhim before we know it!Your answer Correct answer(31) slump slump(32) aimless aimless(33) landlord landlord(34) client client(35) hassle hassle(36) loan loan(37) honesty honesty(38) sympathize sympathize(39) financially financially(40) Fortunately FortunatelyPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.You've written your resume. You've fine tuned your cover letter. You've completed the application. You've lined up your references. Finally, you've been invited to an interview for a job! Interviewing for jobs can be a daunting (yet exhilarating) prospect. Like anything, you will get better with practice. However, the more practice you have in job interviews usually means you're also racking up the rejections, and no one likes to experience too much rejection.Now that you've landed an interview, what's the best way to impress the hiring official, be invited back for a second interview, and get offered the job? You need to be prepared, and, surprisingly, it's incredibly important to know what not to say during an interview. One slip could mean the difference between a job offer and a rejection. With that in mind, here are the things you should never say during a job interview.How much does the job pay?As a general rule, wages and salaries are not usually discussed during a first interview. Asking about this makes you seem like you only care about money. Even if you are invited to a second or third interview, let the employer bring up the topic of money. Be prepared to tell them how much you're expecting. Give a range of what you'd accept rather than a specific amount. Estimating too high or too low might automatically knock you out of the running. It's important to do your research, though. How much do other employers pay? What's the going rate for the position?What does your company do?If you don't know what the company makes or does, why are you interviewing for them? Do your research. With the unbelievable amount of information available on the Internet and at the local library,there's absolutely no excuse for ignorance. You should walk into the interview knowing a lot about the company.I didn't get along with my old boss because . . .Criticizing a previous employer implies that you may do the same to them when you leave. Instead, explain how you overcame a difference of opinion and how you managed difficult situations. Don't dwell on negative issues, and make your answer short.I don't have any questions for you.Of course you do. Saying you don't have any questions indicates you aren't very interested in the job or don't know much about the company. Do your research and walk into the interview with questions. Try to think of questions that the interviewer won't answer as part of the introduction. For example, ask about expansion plans or future development within the company.I've been going through a rough patch at home . . .Interviewers will probably ask you to share something about yourself. Remember to keep your response pertinent to the job and position. Talk about your education, previous employment, goals, and ambitions. If you mention hobbies or personal interests, keep it short. Do not discuss personal problems.In five years, I want to live on a tropical island.When asked about your future, employers want to know how your goals will benefit their company. Saying anything else will tell them that you aren't ambitious or interested in the job at hand. What do you want to achieve in this job or in this industry?41. Of the following, which is the least likely place you would find this article?A. Business magazine.B. College newspaper.C. Management textbook.D. Online blog.42. Which of the following would make the best title for this article?A. What Not to Say in a Job InterviewB. Landing the Perfect JobC. Acing Your Next Job InterviewD. How to Get a Job Interview43. According to this article, what is an acceptable topic of discussion in a job interview?A. Details of your "dream job".B. Hobbies and personal interests.C. Details of a recent divorce.D. Disagreements you had with a previous employer.44. Based on this information, potential employers are interested in which of the following qualities?A. Apathy.B. Sympathy.C. Honesty.D. Ambition.45. With which of the following statements would the writer of this article agree?A. There are only six things you shouldn't say during an interview.B. In a job interview, you should answer all questions as quickly as possible.C. You should share as little about yourself in an interview as possible.D. Every answer you give during an interview should be well thought out.。



新标准大学英语综合教程4简介《新标准大学英语综合教程4》(New Standard College English Integrated Course 4)是适用于大学英语学习的综合教材。


教材结构第一单元:Making a Difference本单元主要介绍了如何改变世界、影响他人及人类的重要发现和创新。


第二单元:Discoveries and Innovations本单元以旅行和发现为主题,学生将学习到许多前沿科技和创新。


第三单元:Exploring Literature本单元主要介绍了一些经典文学作品,例如《傲慢与偏见》和《罪与罚》。


第四单元:Environment and Sustainability本单元主要关注环境和可持续发展。










包含综合教程4中的一些课文翻译及习题答案综合教程4课后答案Handouts and Key to book4 unit1-4Unit 1Active reading (1)Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofaBackground informationAbout the passage: This is an article by an Education Correspondent, Alexandra Blair, published in September 2008 in The Times, a long-established British quality newspaper. In Europe generally, and in Britain in particular, for a number of years there has been a rising number of students who go to university and therefore more new graduates seeking employment. However, for many graduates finding a job became harder in 2008–2009 because the economic downturn –then a recession –meant that many employers were reducing their workforce. After their final exams, some students rested in the summer before looking for jobs and then they found that it was difficult to find employment in their field or at the level they wanted. The article addresses the problems of such new graduates who might be stuck at home and advises their parents to be there for their children (ie to be available if their children want to talk about the problem or if they need help). The article recommends finding work in a bar or supermarket rather than sitting unemployed at home since this is more likely to lead to better employment later. The style is partly of a report, but also of a humorous comment for light entertainment (seen in the jokey language and problem-solving advice to parents).Why finding a job in 2008 is so difficult for university graduates?Universities in Europe, particularly in Britain, have expanded greatly in the last fifteen years (over 45% of young adults now go on to higher education), so there are more graduates looking for jobs. This competitive situation became a lot worse in 2008 onwards with the credit crunch and economic depression, which meantthat there were fewer jobs available and a rise in unemployment. Thus new graduates have to be active to seek a job, they need to fill in many application forms and try to get job interviews: they won’t find employment by lying on the sofa at home. Culture pointshonours degree: Traditionally, in the British university system, BA and BSc honours degrees are awarded in different categories: a first class degree (written using Roman numbers as I), a second (divided into two subcategories, written as IIii and IIii, which are called “a two one” and “a two two”), a third (written III) and a pass degree. Most people get a second. There are also ordinary degrees with more general courses of study without these categories.Generation Y and Grunt: The main idea here is that there is a succession of different generations or cohorts of adults who come into the workforce in North America which are given different informal names to characterize them. First, “Baby boomers” were born in the great increase (the boom) of births after World War II (1946–1960), followed by “Generation X” people (born 1960–1980) who were said to bring new attitudes of being independent, informal, entrepreneurial, and expected to getskills and have a career before them. “GenerationY” or the “Millenial Generation” (born 1980s and 1990s and becoming adult in the new millenium) are now making up an increasing percentage of the workforce; they are said to be spoilt by doting parents, to have structured lives, to be used to teamwork and diverse people in a multicultural society. In the passage, this generation is now becoming (morphing into) Generation Grunt, which is an ironic name referring to repetitive, low status, routine or mindless work – this may be the only work available to some graduates, who may have to take very ordinary jobs to get experience before they find something more suitable. “Grunt” also refers to coarse behaviour or bad manners and to the deep sound that is made by a pig; when p eople “grunt” they express disgust but do not communicate with words –this may be how the parents of new graduates think their children communicate with them!A comprehensive refers to a British type of secondary school which became popular in the1960s. Before that there were academic “grammar schools” and more general “secondary modern” schools for those who didnot pass the grammar school entrance tests, but the comprehensive schools were designed for all students in a social philosophy of bringing diverse students together whether they were academic or not. Those students who went to a comprehensive school probably felt that had to study particularly hard (I worked my backside off) to get to university, compared to those who went to grammar schools where all students were academic –comprehensive students felt they had to struggle to get to university.Chicken suit This refers to a large yellow costume that someone wears which makes the person look like a giant chicken. Before he became a famous actor, Brad Pitt once dressed in such a costume when he had a job advertising for a restaurant called El Pollo Loco (The Crazy Chicken’ in Spanish) – the job meant that he hadto walk around the streets like a chicken to attract customers to come to the restaurant.Language points1 Those memories of forking out thousands of pounds a year so that he could eat well and go to theodd party, began to fade. Until now. (Para 1)The parents paid a lot of money for their son’s university fees and living expenses (so that he could eat well) and for occasional social events –at graduation these memories of money were mostly forgotten because the parents were proud. But now the parents are thinking of money again because the son doesn’t have a job and doesn’t seem to be actively seeking one.2 This former scion of Generation Y has morphed overnight into a member of Generation Grunt.(Para 2)The distinguished son of Generation X (of the parents’ generation who worked hard, got jobs, and had good careers and expected their son to do the same) has changed into a member of Generation Grunt –he doesn’t seem to communicate much, lies around and doesn’t get a job (or can only do a low status routing job).3 I passed the exams, but at the interviews they accused me of being …too detached‟ and talking inlanguage that was …too technocratic‟, which I didn‟t think possible, but obviously it is. (Para 5)He passed the entrance exams for a government post, but he was criticized in the selection interviews: They said he was detached (not personally involved) and too technocratic (he used the language of a technical expert or high authority). As a new graduate he probably wanted to show his expertise in his language so he can’t understand this criticism.4 For the rest it is 9-to-5 “chilling” before heading to the pub. (Para 6)The others who do not have a routine low status job (like stacking goods on a supermarket shelf) chill out all day (they spend their time casually relaxing –they don’t look for work) and go to pub for a drink in the evening.5 I went to a comprehensive and I worked my backside off to go to a good university …(Para6)He went to a school for students of all abilities (not to a special school for academic students) and so he had to work very hard to enter a good university: Your backside means your bottom – the part of your body that you sit on – to work your backside off is informal and it means you work very hard indeed.6 … but having worked full-time since leaving school herself, she and her husband find it tricky toadvise him on how to proceed. (Para 7)The mother has always had a full-time job (presumably the father is also working full-time), so she does not have relevant personal experience. For her, it is tricky to give advice (difficult to do).7 Carry on life as normal and don‟t allow them to abuse your bank account or sap your reserve of emotional energy. (Para 11)The advice from Gael Lindenfield here is that parents should live as usual. They should neither let theirchildren spend the parents’ money unnecessar ily, nor let the problem take away all their energy and emotions. Sap their reserve means use up their store of emotional energy.8 After that the son or daughter needs to be nudged firmly back into the saddle. (Para 12) Then the parents should gently push their children firmly so that they get back into control of their lives.Reading and understanding2 Choose the best answer to the questions.Teaching tipsGo over the correct answers with Ss and ask them to explain why the other answers are wrong (Seebelow).1 Why hasn’t Jack Goodwin got a job yet?(a) He doesn’t have a very good degree.(No, he has a 2:1 which is considered a good degree. )(b) He refuses to apply for jobs with low salaries.(He feels he should get a better job after studying at university.)(c) It isn’t easy to get a job in the current financial climate.(This may be true but the passage does not mention this.)(d) He prefers to stay at home and help his family.(No, he doesn’t seem to be helping his family: he watches TV and talks to f riends.)2 How does he spend a typical day?(a) Doing a temporary job.(No, some of his friends are working in temporary jobs but he doesn’t want to do this.)(b) Watching television.(He watches TV a lot.)(c) Queuing up in the university careers service.(No, he went there once but he didn’t want to queue so he walked away.)(d) Preparing for the next job interview.(No, he doesn’t seem to be preparing for interviews.)3 How do most of his friends spend the day?(a) They do nothing all day and go to the pub in the evening.(All except one of them do nothing except chill, then they go to the pub.) (b) They do outdoor activities such as sailing.(No, none of them seem to do outdoor activities; there is no mention of sailing.)(c) They are forced to work by their parents.(No, only one of them has been forced out to stack shelves by his parents; the others seem to be likeJack.)(d) They do part-time jobs such as working in a bar.(No, the text mentions bar work but none of Jack’s friends seem to do this work.)4 How are Jack’s parents helping him?(a) By looking for jobs for him.(No, Jack has tried to get a job himself; there’s nothing here about his parents helping him look for ajob.)(b) By paying for a trip to South America.(No, although he is going on a three-week trip to South America, the passage does not say thatJack’s parents have paid for this.)(c) By gradually making him more financially aware.(The passage does not say so explicitly, but this is the implication about the cut-off point after thetrip when he may be expected to pay rent and contribute to the household bills.)(d) By threatening to throw him out of the house.(No, they haven’t threatened to do this, but they definitely want him to work after he gets back fromhis trip.)5 What does Gael Lindenfield say about Jack’s parents?(a) They have not really understood Jack’s problems.(No, she doesn’t say this; she says they must balance being positive with not making life toocomfortable. This doesn’t mean they haven’t understood Jack’s prob lems.) (b) They have made life too comfortable for Jack.(No, she says they must balance comfort with being positive. This doesn’t necessarily mean that theyhave already made life too comfortable for Jack.)(c) The approach they have chosen is the right one.(She says they have struck exactly the right note.)(d) They need help from a psychologist.(No, she doesn’t say this.)6 What do Whoopi Goldberg, Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt have in common?(a) They all did bar work before going to university.(No, we don’t know from the passage if any of them did this.)(b) They took part in protests against nuclear power plants.(No, we don’t know is any of them did this)(c) They learnt to act by dressing up as giant chickens.(No, only Brad Pitt did this.)(d) They all did temporary jobs at one stage in their lives.(This is right, although they all had completely different temporary jobs.) Dealing with unfamiliar words3 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 to make progress by moving to the next stage in a series of actions or events (proceed)2 the process of changing from one situation, form or state to another (transition)3 not feeling involved with someone or something in a close or emotional way (detached)4 referring to something which will happen soon (upcoming)5 to be sitting still in a position that is not upright (slump)6 to return to a previous state or way of behaving (revert)7 to say what happened (recount)4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.It isn’t easy to make the (1) transition from a busy university student to an unemployed young adult(2) slumped on a bar stool or half watching a mindless television show, wondering if and how their careeris going to (3) proceed. Many people who have experienced a long period of inactivity like this, when(4) recounting how they felt at the time, refer to the same strange psychological effect. As the days pass,they begin to feel (5) detached from any sense of pressure to go and look for a job, and tend to regard(6) upcoming interviews as if they were not very important. Typically, back at home after three or fouryears away, they (7) revert to old habits, start seeing old friends, and, in many cases, become dependentagain on their parents.5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to makeother changes.1 I went to a mixed-ability secondary school just outside London. (comprehensive)2 I got stopped by a policeman who asked to see my driving licence. (cop)3 Have you seen this beautiful from the air view of Oxford? (aerial)4 Isabel tightly her bag as she walked down the corridor towards the office. (clutched)5 You should speak to Toby; he’s an supporter of flexible working hours. (advocate)6 I hurt my leg b adly a couple of months ago, and it still hasn’t got better completely. (healed)6 Answer the questions about the words.1 Is a dead-end job one with (a) exciting prospects, or (b) no future?2 Is a tricky problem (a) difficult, or (b) easy to solve?3 If an activity saps all your energy, do you feel (a) tired, or (b) more active than usual?4 Does a pushy person try to (a) persuade you to do something you don’t want to, or (b) help you bylistening to what you have to say?5 If you feel apathy, do you want to (a) change the world, or (b) stay at home and do nothing?7 Answer the questions about the phrases.1 Is fork out (a) a formal, or (b) an informal way of saying to pay for something?2 If you are in the same boat as another person, are you (a) making the same journey together, or (b) inthe same difficult or unpleasant situation?3 If you feel you have come full circle, do you (a) feel you are back where you started, or (b) feel a senseof satisfaction because you have completed something?4 If someone takes a soft line, do they deal with a person (a) in a kind and sympathetic way, or (b) in alazy way without making a decision?5 If you strike the right note about something, are you expressing yourself (a) well, or (b) badly?6 If you do something by all means, do you (a) try your best to do it, or (b) not care about it?7 If you nudge someone back into the saddle, are you encouraging them to (a) take responsibility again, or(b) take it easy?8 If you talk through a problem with someone, do you (a) examine it carefully and sensitively, or (b) referto it quickly and then change the subject?Reading and interpreting8 Answer the questions.1 “Will he ever get a job?” Who is asking this question? What mood does it express? The parents are asking this because the paragraph is addressed to parents (earlier it says “your graduateson”). The mood seems to express patience or resignation because the word “ever” suggests that gettinga job will take a long time.2 Who describes Generation Y as “rebels without a cause”? Is it a fair description? This is the writer’s description to indicate that this generation is rebelling against parents or society,but they have nothing particular to rebel against. This doesn’t seem very fair because the students aretrying to find work –it is just that they don’t like their parents nagging them. So they are a bit rebelliousagainst their parents, but no more than that.3 Jack “walked into the university careers service and straight back out again”. What does this suggestabout Jack’s character?It suggests that Jack is not very determined. As soon as he saw the queue he left without waiting andwithout trying to ask about jobs or careers.4 Jack spent the summer “hiding”. Hiding from what? Why are quotation marks used? Probably this means he was hiding from the world of work, staying at home and not looking for a job.The quotation marks tell us that he wasn’t literally hiding, he just spent a lot of time at home.5 How is Mrs Goodwin’s point of view affected by her own personal experience? In one way her experience hasn’t affected her attitude: She left school and went immediately to a job(without going to university) and has been working full-time since then and yet she is sympathetic andtakes a soft line.6 How is Lindenfield’s point of view affected by her own personal experience? Her personal experience was that she worked in a bar before finding her first proper job as an aerialphotographic assistant. So she says such work is a great networking opportunity. If new graduates aregood at such work and bright, cheerful and polite, they will soon be promoted. Her personal experiencethus reflects – or perhaps has created – her point of view.7 What would the first two paragraphs have focused on if they had been presented from the point of viewof the students rather than the parents?The first two paragraphs would have focused on the need for the new graduates to rest for a bit aftertheir hard studies. It is OK for students to relax with the TV or to socialize with friends for a while, thenthey can start a serious search for employment after that.Active reading (2)If you ask meBackground informationThis is an informal and personalized account of an economics graduate who gets a job in a pub for a year andthen has an opportunity to be successful (a lucky break). She works in a London pub called “The Salisbury”or “The Marquis Salisbury”, named after someone who was the British Prime Minister three times between1885 and 1902 and whose family once owned the pub’s land. The 100 year old pub is in Leadenhall Street,just off the Charing Cross Road and Leicester Square. Daytime customers can get a pub lunch and eveningcustomers include many office workers and theatre goers (the pub is near many West End theatres). Theinterior of this pub is dazzling, with large mirrors, cut glass and a mahogany décor. British pubs are often named after famous people (Robin Hood, The Duke of Wellington) or royalty (TheQueen’s Arms, the Prince of Wales) or historical symbols (The Rose and Crown to represent King EdwardIII, The Royal Oak to represent King Charles II who once hid in a large oak tree). Other names often includecolours and animals (The Red Bull, The Black Horse, The Golden Lion, The Swan) or symbols of traditionaltrades (The Compasses for carpenters, The Three Hammers for blacksmiths, The Three Tuns for winemakers).As the pub is a social place to meet as well as a place to get a drink, people often play games like dominoesor darts or join a quiz or competition. A common expressio n is to “go down the pub” or “go round to thelocal” (both meaning to go to the local pub).Culture pointspub in London: A pub is a place where people go for a drink and to meet friends and socialize. People canplay games – such as darts, cards, dominoes – in a pub and pubs often have quiz nights, with prizes for thewinners, and live music (See also Background information)The Salisbury is a well-known pub in central London (See also Background information) London School of Economics is a distinguished university in central London, famous for social sciences.Language points1 If you ask me, real life is not all it‟s cracked up to be. (Para 1)In my opinion (If you ask me introduces an opinion), real life is not everything that people say it is. If athing is cracked up to be, people normally praise it but in the opinion of the speaker they are wrong.2 … spending money when you don‟t have any is dead easy. (Para 7)Dead here means very. For example, we can say dead tired (exhausted), a dead loss (a complete loss oruseless), a dead weight (very heavy, difficult to lift).3 What were the odds on anyone being so nice? (Para 11)What are the chances that someone would be so nice? The writer is emphasizing here that such kindness isvery unusual.4 … looking b ack after all these years, you only need one or two breaks in your life to succeed.(Para 13)A break here means a chance to be successful. A lucky break is an unexpected opportunity.Reading and understanding2 Choose the best answer to the questions.1 What did the writer want to do after finishing her degree?(a) To do an MA at the London School of Economics.(b) To earn some money to pay off her loan.(c) To start working as soon as possible.(d) To return home and help her mother.2 Why did she ask for a job in The Salisbury?(a) She was hungry and thirsty.(b) She thought it would lead to better things.(c) She was a friend of the landlord.(d) She had the idea when she saw the landlord working.3 What did she buy with her first salary?(a) A bunch of flowers.(b) A CD and a plant for the flat she lived in.(c) A ham sandwich and a glass of beer.(d) She didn’t have any money left after paying the bills.4 Why did Tony give her £20,000?(a) He found out it was her birthday and wanted to help.(b) He trusted her and thought it would help her.(c) He wanted her to leave the pub and work for him.(d) He was secretly in love with her.5 What did she do with the money?(a) She used it to pay for her course at the LSE.(b) She lost a lot of it in the 2008 stock market crash.(c) She invested it and paid back Tony and other investors.(d) She used it to start her own business.6 Why was Tony pleased when she repaid the loan?(a) He had had an accident and needed the money for a wheelchair.(b) It meant that he would be able to see her again.(c) It proved that he had been right to invest in her.(d) She paid back the loan with a lot of interest.3 Work in pairs and answer the questions.What do we know about the writer’s:1 family background?Her mother had worke d hard for 15 years to support her education but couldn’t afford any furthersupport. Her father wasn’t around most of the time. He didn’t have any money because he spent it ongambling on dog racing or drinking in pubs.2 career as a student?She had a good degree in economics and wanted to study for a masters course at the London School ofEconomics.3 ambition?She wanted to get a job in finance or investments in London because then she would be able to use herdegree.4 appreciation of other people?She appreciated Mike’s friendliness with customers and his skill, and she appreciated Tony as a niceperson; later she appreciated the trust of Tony and his friends5 love life?We don’t know much about this, except that she doesn’t like boys to hassle her. She thinks they areimmature.6 financial expertise?It must be quite good: She invested the £20,000 and made enough profit to pay the money back withinterest and set up her own company.7 sense of responsibility?She has a strong sense of responsibility because she paid back the money to the investors and paid theman annual interest for the loan.8 philosophy of life?She believes that you should work hard; you may need one or two breaks to succeed but you shouldknow how to use the breaks. You should be honest and responsible with people who trust you.Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 funny or entertaining (amusing)2 used for emphasizing that something good has happened, especially because of good luck (fortunately)3 an amount of money that a person, business or country borrows, usually from a bank (loan)4 to take an amount or number from a total (deduct)5 the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event (highlight)6 to show that you u nderstand someone’s problems (sympathize)7 needing a lot of time, ability, and energy (demanding)5 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in Activity 4. Teaching tipsWhen Ss have completed the blanks with the correct form of the appropriate words, ask them to practicereading the dialogue, trying to make their reading sound as conversational as possible. Choose a pair toperform their reading to the class. The class listens and gives the performing pair a rating on a scale of 1-10for fluency and naturalness.A After three years at university, I’m now quite heavily in debt.B I (1) sympathize with you, I know what it’s like to have financial problems. But(2) fortunately I didn’tneed to take out a student (3) loan when I was at university, because I had a part-time job.A What did you do?B I worked in a restaurant at weekends.A That must have been very (4) demanding.B Yes, it was. I had to get the right balance between work and study. But the other people who workedthere were good fun to be with, so it was quite (5) amusing too. The (6) highlight of the weekend wasalways Saturday night when we worked overtime.A But I don’t expect you made a lot of money?B No, there wasn’t much after they’d (7) deducted tax and pension contributions. But it was enough tokeep me going.6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to makeother changes.1 When I was at college I kept all my personal things in an old cupboard.2 A lot of people who leave university before getting a degree end up in good jobs.3 I think she’ll get a good degree, but I wouldn’t risk my money on the exact result.4 The money I spent at college was more than what I earned in my part-time job.5 The chances of my being offered a job after that interview must be quite remote.6 Our business has done very well since we changed our advertising.7 I think telling the truth and not cheating is always the best policy.Key: (1) belongings (2) dropouts (3) gamble (4) exceeded (5) odds(6) has thrived (7) honesty7 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If something is not all it’s cracked up to be, is it (a) valid and interesting, or (b) just a little bitdisappointing?2 If someone keeps banging on about something, are you likely to be (a) interested in, or (b) bored bywhat they say?3 If there is a lot of hassle in your life, are you likely to feel (a) stressed, or(b) relaxed?4 If something happens out of the blue, is it (a) unexpected, or (b) part of your plan?5 If you say you ended up in a particular job, do you suggest that (a) you have fulfilled your ambition, or(b) it happened almost by chance?6 Are the regulars in a pub (a) the customers who come very often, or (b) the food the pub offers mostoften?7 If something is dead easy, is it (a) very easy, or (b) not easy at all?8 If you treat someone to something, do you (a) buy something nice for them, or (b) behave badly tothem?9 If you cheer a place up, do you (a) make the place look brighter, or (b) make the people in the placehappier?Reading and interpreting8 Look at the sentences from the passage and identify the style features.1 Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the bigwide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?This shows the informality of an incomplete sentence in the first part, the use of an informal expression(banging on) and a rhetorical question to the reader (What do I find?)2 Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people。






unit2act.1danger!booksmaychangeyourlife1.本文介绍了Reading Books Tous的功能。

















If you ask me, real life is not all it's cracked up to be. Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?), but mostly with money. It's just so expensive out here! Everyone wants a slice off you. The Inland Revenue wants to deduct income tax, the bank manager wants repayments on my student loan, the landlord wants the rent, gas, water, electricity and my mobile bills keep coming in, and all that's before I've had anything to eat. And then some bright spark calls me out of the blue, asking if I'm interested in buying a pension. At this rate, I won't even last till the end of the year, let alone till I'm 60。



Key to book4 unit1-4Unit 1Active reading (1)Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofaReading and understandingDealing with unfamiliar words3 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 to make progress by moving to the next stage in a series of actions or events (proceed)2 the process of changing from one situation, form or state to another (transition)3 not feeling involved with someone or something in a close or emotional way (detached)4 referring to something which will happen soon (upcoming)5 to be sitting still in a position that is not upright (slump)6 to return to a previous state or way of behaving (revert)7 to say what happened (recount)4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.It isn‘t easy to make the (1) transition from a busy university student to an unemployed young adult (2) slumped on a bar stool or half watching a mindless television show, wondering if and how their career is going to (3) proceed. Many people who have experienced a long period of inactivity like this, when (4) recounting how they felt at the time, refer to the same strange psychological effect. As the days pass, they begin to feel (5) detached from any sense of pressure to go and look for a job, and tend to regard (6) upcoming interviews as if they were not very important. Typically, back at home after three or four years away, they (7) revert to old habits, start seeing old friends, and, in many cases, become dependent again on their parents.5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 I went to a mixed-ability secondary school just outside London. (comprehensive)2 I got stopped by a policeman who asked to see my driving licence. (cop)3 Have you seen this beautiful from the air view of Oxford? (aerial)4 Isabel tightly her bag as she walked down the corridor towards the office. (clutched)5 You should speak to Toby; he‘s an supporter of flexible working hours. (advocate)6 I hurt my leg badly a couple of months ago, and it still hasn‘t got better completely. (healed)6 Answer the questions about the words.1 Is a dead-end job one with (a) exciting prospects, or (b) no future?2 Is a tricky problem (a) difficult, or (b) easy to solve?3 If an activity saps all your energy, do you feel (a) tired, or (b) more active than usual?4 Does a pushy person try to (a) persuade you to do something you don‘t want to, or (b) help you by listening to what you have to say?5 If you feel apathy, do you want to (a) change the world, or (b) stay at home and do nothing?7 Answer the questions about the phrases.1 Is fork out (a) a formal, or (b) an informal way of saying to pay for something?2 If you are in the same boat as another person, are you (a) making the same journey together, or (b) in the same difficult or unpleasant situation?3 If you feel you have come full circle, do you (a) feel you are back where you started, or (b) feel a sense of satisfaction because you have completed something?4 If someone takes a soft line, do they deal with a person (a) in a kind and sympathetic way, or (b) in a lazy way without making a decision?5 If you strike the right note about something, are you expressing yourself (a) well, or (b) badly?6 If you do something by all means, do you (a) try your best to do it, or (b) not care about it?7 If you nudge someone back into the saddle, are you encouraging them to (a) take responsibility again, or (b) take it easy?8 If you talk through a problem with someone, do you (a) examine it carefully and sensitively, or (b) refer to it quickly and then change the subject?Active reading (2)If you ask meDealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 funny or entertaining (amusing)2 used for emphasizing that something good has happened, especially because of good luck (fortunately)3 an amount of money that a person, business or country borrows, usually from a bank (loan)4 to take an amount or number from a total (deduct)5 the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event (highlight)6 to show that you understand someone‘s problems (sympathize)7 needing a lot of time, ability, and energy (demanding)5 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.A After three years at university, I‘m now quite heavily in debt.B I (1) sympathize with you, I know what it‘s like to have financial problems. But (2) fortunately I didn‘t need to take out a student (3) loan when I was at university, because I had a part-time job.A What did you do?B I worked in a restaurant at weekends.A That must have been very (4) demanding.B Yes, it was. I had to get the right balance between work and study. But the other people who worked there were good fun to be with, so it was quite (5) amusing too. The (6) highlight of the weekend was always Saturday night when we worked overtime.A But I don‘t expect you made a lot of money?B No, there wasn‘t much after they‘d (7) deducted tax and pension contributions. But it was enough to keep me going.6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 When I was at college I kept all my personal things in an old cupboard.2 A lot of people who leave university before getting a degree end up in good jobs.3 I think she‘ll get a good degree, but I wouldn‘t risk my money on the exact result.4 The money I spent at college was more than what I earned in my part-time job.5 The chances of my being offered a job after that interview must be quite remote.6 Our business has done very well since we changed our advertising.7 I think telling the truth and not cheating is always the best policy.Key:(1) belongings (2) dropouts (3) gamble (4) exceeded (5) odds(6) has thrived (7) honesty7 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If something is not all it’s cracked up to be, is it (a) valid and interesting, or (b) just a little bit disappointing?2 If someone keeps banging on about something, are you likely to be (a) interested in, or (b) bored by what they say?3 If there is a lot of hassle in your life, are you likely to feel (a) stressed, or (b) relaxed?4 If something happens out of the blue, is it (a) unexpected, or (b) part of your plan?5 If you say you ended up in a particular job, do you suggest that (a) you have fulfilled your ambition, or (b) it happened almost by chance?6 Are the regulars in a pub (a) the customers who come very often, or (b) the food the pub offers most often?7 If something is dead easy, is it (a) very easy, or (b) not easy at all?8 If you treat someone to something, do you (a) buy something nice for them, or (b) behave badly to them?9 If you cheer a place up, do you (a) make the place look brighter, or (b) make the people in the place happier?Reading and interpreting8 Look at the sentences from the passage and identify the style features.1 Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?This shows the informality of an incomplete sentence in the first part, the use of an informal expression (banging on) and a rhetorical question to the reader (What do I find?)2 Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?) …This has the use of an informal word (hassle), an informal exclamation (god) and a question to the reader (When will they grow up?)3 Actually, I had my eye on the course at the London School of Economics (LSE).Here there is a discourse marker typical of speech (Actually) and an informal phrase (had my eye on).4 I kind of understand it, and not just because my degree is in economics.Here ―kind of‖ is a sort of discours e marker of informal speech (showing something is general, vague or not definite).5 I wanted something in finance and investments, because you know, maybe with a job like that, Icould use my degree.This has a discourse marker of informal speech (you know).6 ... it‘s true, he really did seem to have three hands.Again here is a discourse marker of informal speech (it‘s true).7 I talked to him about ... well, about pretty well everything …This has another discourse marker of informal speech (well) and an informal phrase (pretty well). Language in useword formation: compound nouns1 Write the compound nouns which mean:1 a degree which is awarded a first class (a first-class degree)2 work in a hospital (hospital work)3 a ticket for a plane journey (a plane ticket)4 a discount for students (a student discount)5 a pass which allows you to travel on buses (a bus pass)6 a room where an interview is held (an interview room)7 a period spent in training (a training period)word formation: noun phrases2 Write the noun phrases which mean:1 a career which is rewarding from the financial point of view (a financially rewarding career)2 legislation which has been introduced recently (recently introduced legislation)3 instructions which are more complex than usual (unusually complex instructions)4 an institution which is orientated towards academic (academically orientated work)5 work which makes physical demands on you (physically demanding work)6 information which has the potential to be important (potentially important information)7 candidates who have been selected after a careful procedure (carefully selected candidates)8 a coursebook in which everything has been planned beautifully (a beautifully planned textbook)try as … might3 Rewrite the sen tences using try as … might .1 I‘m trying to fill this last page, but I just can‘t think of anything.Try as I might to fill this last page, I just can‘t think of anything.2 I try to be friendly with Marta, but she doesn‘t seem to respond.Try as I might to be friendly with Marta, she doesn‘t seem to respond.3 I try hard to get to sleep, but I can‘t help thinking about my family.Try as I might to get to sleep, I can‘t help thinking about my family.4 He just doesn‘t seem to get the promotion he deserves, even though he keeps trying.Try as he might, he just doesn‘t seem to get the promotion he deserves. / Try as he might to get the promotion he deserves, he just doesn‘t seem to get it.5 I keep trying to remember her name, but my mind is a blank.Try as I might to remember her name, my mind is a blank.given that …4 Rewrite the sentences using given that …1 Since I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.Given that I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.2 Xiao Li has the best qualifications, so she should get the job.Given that Xiao Li has the best qualifications, she should get the job.3 Since we‘re all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.Given that we‘re all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.4 Since it‘s rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.Given that it‘s rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.clauses introduced by than5 Rewrite the sentences using clauses introduced by than .1 She‘s experienced at giving advice. I‘m more experienced.She‘s less experienced at giving advice than I am. / I‘m more experienced at giving advice than she is.2 You eat too much chocolate. It isn‘t good f or you.You eat too much chocolate than is good for you.3 She worked very hard. Most part-timers don‘t work so hard.She worked harder than most part-timers do.4 You have arrived late too many times. That isn‘t acceptable.You have arrived late more times than is acceptable.5 I don‘t think you should have given so much personal information. It isn‘t wise.I think you have given more personal information than is wise.collocations6 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions.1 highlight A highlight is the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event.(a) What would you like to be the highlight of your career?I would like the highlight of my student career to be to receive a national award for the best student research project.(b) How can you highlight an important sentence in a text?You can underline it in pencil or pen or you can use coloured pens or highlighters.(c) What are the edited highlights of a football match?The highlights are when someone scores a goal or prevents one from being scored.2 loan A loan is an amount of money someone borrows from someone else.(a) Have you ever taken out a loan?No, I haven‘t. But my parents have taken out several loans to buy kitchen equipment.(b) What is the best way to pay off a loan?It is best to pay a loan off quickly, although you will still have to pay some interest.(c) If you have a library book on loan, what do you have to do with it?You have to return it before the date it is due, otherwise you may have to pay a fine.3 thrive To thrive means to be very successful, happy or healthy.(a) What sort of business thrives best in your part of the country?In my part of the country, light industries and electronics companies thrive.(b) Which sort of plants thrive in a hot climate?In a hot climate you can see tropical fruit and vegetables thrive and also tropical plants and trees. (c) Why do you think some couples thrive on conflict?It is difficult to understand why some couples thrive on conflict. Maybe each one wants to compete with the other or maybe they enjoy ―kissing and making up‖ after the conflict.7 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.If you ask me, real life is not all it‘s cracked up to be. Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?), but mostly with money. It‘s just so expensive out here! Everyone wants a slice off you. The Inland Revenue wants to deduct income tax, the bank manager wants repayments on my student loan, the landlord wants the rent, gas, water, electricity and my mobile bills keep coming in, a nd all that‘s before I‘ve had anything to eat. And then some bright spark calls me out of the blue, asking if I‘m interested in buying a pension. At this rate, I won‘t even last till the end of the year, let alone till I‘m 60.(☞翻译时可以根据上下文增译,即增加原文暗含了但没有直接表达出来的意思。




本教程共分为四个部分,分别是Unit 1-Unit 10,每个单元都包含了听力、口语、阅读、写作等多个方面的












新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit test 1 答案Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.∙fraught∙clutched∙revert∙recounted∙comprehensive∙upcoming∙transition∙apathy∙deduct∙gamble∙demanding∙highlight∙redirect∙investors∙exceeds∙repay∙concise∙embellish∙overdo∙thriving1.face value.Your answer Correct answerembellish embellish2.upcoming upcoming3.Your answer Correct answerhighlight highlight4.Your answer Correct answerexceeds exceeds5.Your answer Correct answerfraught fraught6.Your answer Correct answerconcise concise7.issues.Your answer Correct answerapathy apathy8.campaign.Your answer Correct answerrecounted recounted9.take.Your answer Correct answergamble gamble10.me.Your answer Correct answerdemanding demanding11.repay repay12.Your answer Correct answerclutched clutched13.Your answer Correct answerredirect redirect14.position.Your answer Correct answertransition transition15.Your answer Correct answerthriving thriving16.Your answer Correct answerdeduct deduct17.Your answer Correct answerrevert revert18.Your answer Correct answeroverdo overdo19.Your answer Correct answerinvestors investors20.Your answer Correct answercomprehensive comprehensiveSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.Your answer Correct answerup up22.Your answer Correct answerthrough through23.Your answer Correct answerif if24.Your answer Correct answerdown down25.serious damage.Your answer Correct answerfor forYour answer Correct answerBy By27.Your answer Correct answeron on28.chocolate cake.Your answer Correct answerto to29.Your answer Correct answerin in30.Your answer Correct answerout outPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Patrick is in a bit of a financialhe can get. Ever since he graduated from college, he's been fairlymoving around a lot and working lots of small odd jobs. He can't seem to decide what he wants to do.He had been working for a law firm, but he recently got laid off. Now he's having difficulty paying hisrent, and hisPatrick might soon be a newI usually make it a rule to not lend money to friends, but Patrick's in a bad situation. I'm going tomake an exception and give him a smallback. He's always been known for hisIt's difficult not tomuch better situation,him before we know it!Your answer Correct answer(31) slump slump(32) aimless aimless(33) landlord landlord(34) client client(35) hassle hassle(36) loan loan(37) honesty honesty(38) sympathize sympathize(39) financially financially(40) Fortunately FortunatelyPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.You've written your resume. You've fine tuned your cover letter. You've completed the application. You've lined up your references. Finally, you've been invited to an interview for a job! Interviewing for jobs can be a daunting (yet exhilarating) prospect. Like anything, you will get better with practice. However, the more practice you have in job interviews usually means you're also racking up the rejections, and no one likes to experience too much rejection.Now that you've landed an interview, what's the best way to impress the hiring official, be invited back for a second interview, and get offered the job? You need to be prepared, and, surprisingly, it's incredibly important to know what not to say during an interview. One slip could mean the difference between a job offer and a rejection. With that in mind, here are the things you should never say during a job interview.How much does the job pay?As a general rule, wages and salaries are not usually discussed during a first interview. Asking about this makes you seem like you only care about money. Even if you are invited to a second or third interview, let the employer bring up the topic of money. Be prepared to tell them how much you're expecting. Give a range of what you'd accept rather than a specific amount. Estimating too high or too low might automatically knock you out of the running. It's important to do your research, though. How much do other employers pay? What's the going rate for the position?What does your company do?If you don't know what the company makes or does, why are you interviewing for them? Do your research. With the unbelievable amount of information available on the Internet and at the local library,there's absolutely no excuse for ignorance. You should walk into the interview knowing a lot about the company.I didn't get along with my old boss because . . .Criticizing a previous employer implies that you may do the same to them when you leave. Instead, explain how you overcame a difference of opinion and how you managed difficult situations. Don't dwell on negative issues, and make your answer short.I don't have any questions for you.Of course you do. Saying you don't have any questions indicates you aren't very interested in the job or don't know much about the company. Do your research and walk into the interview with questions. Try to think of questions that the interviewer won't answer as part of the introduction. For example, ask about expansion plans or future development within the company.I've been going through a rough patch at home . . .Interviewers will probably ask you to share something about yourself. Remember to keep your response pertinent to the job and position. Talk about your education, previous employment, goals, and ambitions. If you mention hobbies or personal interests, keep it short. Do not discuss personal problems.In five years, I want to live on a tropical island.When asked about your future, employers want to know how your goals will benefit their company. Saying anything else will tell them that you aren't ambitious or interested in the job at hand. What do you want to achieve in this job or in this industry?41. Of the following, which is the least likely place you would find this article?A. Business magazine.B. College newspaper.C. Management textbook.D. Online blog.42. Which of the following would make the best title for this article?A. What Not to Say in a Job InterviewB. Landing the Perfect JobC. Acing Your Next Job InterviewD. How to Get a Job Interview43. According to this article, what is an acceptable topic of discussion in a job interview?A. Details of your "dream job".B. Hobbies and personal interests.C. Details of a recent divorce.D. Disagreements you had with a previous employer.44. Based on this information, potential employers are interested in which of the following qualities?A. Apathy.B. Sympathy.C. Honesty.D. Ambition.45. With which of the following statements would the writer of this article agree?A. There are only six things you shouldn't say during an interview.B. In a job interview, you should answer all questions as quickly as possible.C. You should share as little about yourself in an interview as possible.D. Every answer you give during an interview should be well thought out.新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit test 2 答案Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Section A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.∙mysterious∙neglect∙normally∙interact∙dialect∙exclude∙influential∙cite∙foster∙likewise∙await∙obstacle∙classification∙idle∙ammunition∙drown∙advantageous∙forego∙stature∙originality1.Your answer Correct answerforego forego2.Your answer Correct answerdialect dialect3.Your answer Correct answerawait await4.Your answer Correct answerdrown drown5.Hollywood.Your answer Correct answerinfluential influential6.Your answer Correct answermysterious mysterious7.do!Your answer Correct answeridle idle8.Your answer Correct answerfoster foster9.Your answer Correct answernormally normally10.Your answer Correct answerclassification classification11.Your answer Correct answerexclude exclude12.Your answer Correct answerstature stature13.Your answer Correct answerobstacle obstacle14.Your answer Correct answerneglect neglect15.been there before.Your answer Correct answeradvantageous advantageous16.Your answer Correct answerlikewise likewise17.Your answer Correct answercite cite18.Your answer Correct answeroriginality originality19.Your answer Correct answerinteract interact20.opponents.Your answer Correct answerammunition ammunitionSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.Your answer Correct answerwith with22.winter into summer.Your answer Correct answeras as23.Your answer Correct answerfor for24.Your answer Correct answerto to25.Your answer Correct answerwith with26.Your answer Correct answerout outYour answer Correct answerFor For28.Your answer Correct answeron on29.Your answer Correct answerin in30.Your answer Correct answerupon uponPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.I'm looking for a good book to read. Can you give me a(n)generally like to read fiction, but I will read nonfiction if the story is good. I'm a(n)I usually don't like boring stories that featurewith no originality. I don't mind action, but I can do without anyunnecessary violence.Do you have any ideas? In my opinion, the best literature features characters that faceunbelievable odds,of personalwill inevitably face a decision that might involve a(n)his or herI'mknow what you would recommend. At this point, I'm ready tobook, no matter how long!Your answer Correct answer(31) recommendation recommendation(32) adventurer adventurer(33) stereotypical stereotypical(34) gratuitous gratuitous(35) confront confront(36) enlightenment enlightenment(37) sacrifice sacrifice(38) undoing undoing(39) desperately desperately(40) tackle tacklePart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.It is difficult, by sheer popularity and fame of the story, to read or listen to Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol without conjuring up images from one of the many preexisting dramatic productions of the tale. Unfortunately, we often focus on the popular dramatizations of the story to the exclusion of the message that lies at its heart. The story is now a staple of the Western Christmas tradition, but many people don't fully understand why. A Christmas Carol is a very simple and straightforward presentation of the dangers associated with power and greed. However, the story has a more fundamental (if somewhat clichéd by today's standards) message: seize the day and take advantage of all that life has to offer. The reader is left with the notion that, within all of us, there exist qualities that can be improved to unknowable benefit, and it is our responsibility to make necessary improvements in order to realize those benefits.We see, in Ebenezer Scrooge, an individual almost entirely consumed by greed with little or no worries for the rest of humanity. He is, obviously, an extreme case with whom it is difficult to identify. His days are spent in concentration over his money and how best to underuse it, and his life has been wasted on this cause. He squanders his days while those around him, such as his nephew and Bob Cratchit, attempt to live their lives and make them worthwhile.When Marley visits Scrooge in his bedroom, he explains what will soon happen and why and says, "It is required of every man, that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellowmen, and travel far and wide." Marley never did this and is condemned to walk forever in chains after death. Scrooge, also, has never done this, and his visits with the three ghosts are meant to awaken that inside of him which has been dead all his life. Scrooge's journeys with the three ghosts are also meant to make the reader reexamine his or her own life.Scrooge, as well as the reader, also learns that in a self-absorbed existence based on the exclusion of others, we succumb to ignorance. Ignorance of others and the world around us breeds contempt for that which we do not understand and creates an inescapable trap into which we inevitably fall. Scrooge did not understand this and ultimately fell victim to his own vices. We, as both readers and human beings, are todraw from Scrooge's experiences his final lessons from the ghosts and not become victim to the sametraps which befell him.41. This passage is an example of what type of writing?A. Autobiography.B. Literary analysis.C. Persuasive writing.D. Fiction.42. Which paragraph includes a discussion of the lessons that readers of the story should learn?A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.43. Based on this passage, who is the main character of A Christmas Carol?A. Charles Dickens.B. Ebenezer Scrooge.C. Bob Cratchit.D. Marley.44. The first paragraph of this passage implies that Dickens' story has been very _____.A. repetitiveB. prodigiousC. influentialD. stereotypical45. What is the main point of this passage?A. Readers should learn the same lessons as characters do in the story.B. Readers have no connection to characters in the story.C. Readers should act in opposition to characters in the story.D. Readers can create their own characters in the story.新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit test 3 答案Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1. Throughout history, many people have attempted to find the _____ secret to success, butrelatively few have actually done it.a. elusiveb. evasivec. illusoryd. eloquent2. It was hard for Cynthia to remain uninvolved with the controversy since she is such a _____ partof the company.a. visibilityb. risiblec. visibled. visibly3. "Officer Clarke, in the best interest of the case, please consider absolutely everything to be atyour _____."a. disposeb. disposalc. disposingd. disposed4. The mountain climbers demonstrated a(n) _____ feat of selflessness when they turned around tohelp an injured stranger.a. advantageousb. gorgeousc. outrageousd. courageous5. Many movie stars are notorious for wearing excessive amounts of expensive _____.a. jewelleryb. jewelsc. jewelersd. jewelling6. Her novel successfully _____ an entire generation of young women to believe they could bewhatever they wanted.a. emboldenedb. embitteredc. empoweredd. embroidered7. I'm not really a _____ of pop culture trends, so can you explain that reference to me?a. flowerb. followerc. fellowd. fallowing8. We just moved into town so we're still a little _____.a. unsettlingb. settlersc. settledd. unsettled9. The movie is fantastic, but you'll need to _____ your disbelief toward the end.a. upendb. suspendc. dependd. misspend10. Don't _____ Jack's determination to do whatever it takes to win.a. underestimateb. overestimatec. estimated. misestimate11. As judge, I _____ over this courtroom and have the final say on all matters.a. presideb. residec. presumed. resume12. Please stay back! This is a _____ area!a. constrictedb. districtedc. restrictedd. unrestricted13. The moon shone down and cast a _____ glow over the entire field.a. luminosityb. luminousc. luminald. luminously14. The state dinner is a _____ affair, so please dress appropriately.a. distinctiveb. respectablec. dramaticd. formal15. Stock prices rose _____ after the company publically announced its new product.a. dramaticallyb. magicallyc. looselyd. exclusively16. The colonists began to form a _____ in response to the unfair taxes.a. rebelb. rebellionc. rebelliousd. rebelling17. After striking the iceberg, the ship quickly sank into the _____ depths.a. skinnyb. preppyc. murkyd. baggy18. I'm not a good typist, so I find it easier to _____ all of my emails.a. dictateb. elucidatec. explicated. exacerbate19. To accommodate increased traffic, city planners are going to expand the _____of the highway.a. lengthb. heightc. depthd. width20. Let's be proactive and do something instead of just watching the situation _____.a. ameliorateb. collaboratec. deteriorated. elaborateSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21.Your answer Correct answerout out22.Your answer Correct answerto to23.Your answer Correct answeroff off24.Your answer Correct answerinto into25.Your answer Correct answerdown down26.Your answer Correct answerupon upon27.Your answer Correct answerafter after28.Your answer Correct answerup up29.couldn't tell whom they belonged to.Your answer Correct answeraway away30.Your answer Correct answeraround aroundPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Everyone's always told me that I should be a model. I have to admit, it does sound like it wouldbe a(n)could also be a great opportunity to assert mymy age, I'm not sure I have the experience orIt takes more than a(n)You also need to have near infinite patience.Many people are under the impression that the fashion and modeling industry attracts only verycould be further from the truth. Yes, there are some models who only care about their ownappearance, wealth, andthe fashion and modeling world has a strong —andI'm one of them.Your answer Correct answer(31) unstable glamorous(32) individuality individuality(33) credentials credentials(34) stunning stunning(35) glamorous daring(36) superficial superficial(37) lavish lavish(38) exclusively exclusively(39) inescapable inescapable(40) lure lurePart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.The debate over school uniforms is one of the most controversial issues affecting public school students. Though uniforms have long been a staple of private schools, they are still a rarity in public schools. This is not merely a debate over the aesthetics of fashion. Rather, this debate lies at the very heart of the politics of fashion.What students choose to wear (and what their parents allow them to wear) to school consistently rouses strong feelings and animated discussion. Much has already been said in defense of and against school uniforms, and I won't belabor the individual points further. There are many valid points on both sides of the argument. Instead, I intend to explain why I personally stand in opposition to school uniforms and highlight the reasons why uniforms would serve very little purpose in our specific school district.For the most part, students in our district are well behaved and don't approach any semblance of extreme behavior or expression. Administrators seem to be more worried about a potential escalation of student expression that so far has shown no indication of materializing. Principals and other district administrators are chasing shadows—they're looking to solve a problem that doesn't exist. Our district has no history of student activism, and there are only a few examples of flagrant violations of the existing dresscode. In short, there is absolutely no precedent to believe that students will choose to begin acting out against authority through fashion statements.School uniforms seem to be an inappropriate response to a nonexistent problem. It is an unnecessary exertion of power by administrators who don't know how to properly exercise authority. Let's take a moment to consider a hypothetical school district that is overwhelmed by student discipline problems. Would the institution of school uniforms be an appropriate response in that case? I would argue in the negative. Uniforms, by themselves, would in no way prevent students from expressing themselves or their views. Improper and unpopular behavior will not be stifled by a school uniform. It may actually make the situation worse, as resentment over the mandatory clothing would likely be great.School uniforms obviously interfere with students' right to self-expression—a right that should be protected in the public school system. In addition, mandating that all students wear identical (and unattractive) outfits enforces the message that conformity is the preferred method to prevent or resolve conflict. This is certainly not an appropriate message for our schools to be sending to children.41. This style of writing would best be described as _______.A. expositoryB. descriptiveC. narrativeD. argumentative42. Of the following, which is the most likely place you would find this article?A. Newspaper editorial.B. Academic journal.C. Fashion blog.D. Education magazine.43. According to the author, which is NOT the reason why school uniforms are a bad idea?A. They are a violation of students' rights.B. There is no justification for their use in the local district.C. They are expensive and many students can't afford them.D. They don't adequately address the problem they are intended to solve.44. In which paragraph does the author use a metaphor to describe school administrators?A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.45. Based on this passage, it seems likely that the author would never _____ the use of schooluniforms.A. suspendB. dictateC. empowerD. condone新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit test 4 答案Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.∙pathetic∙superficial∙indispensable∙overseas∙notify∙deceive∙align∙marital∙compatible∙compile1.Your answer Correct answermarital marital2.Your answer Correct answeroverseas overseas3.Your answer Correct answeralign align4.Your answer Correct answercompile compile5.We can't afford to lose Thomas—Your answer Correct answerindispensable indispensable6.Your answer Correct answersuperficial superficial7.she wants.Your answer Correct answerdeceive deceive8.Your answer Correct answerpathetic pathetic9.Your answer Correct answernotify notify10.change.Your answer Correct answercompatible compatibleSection B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. Don't trust my brother, he's _____ to do or say anything.a. libelb. unreliablec. reliabled. liable12. If you become a member, you'll have access to _____ deals and offers.a. inclusiveb. exclusivec. reclusived. elusive13. I can teach any type of math, but I _____ in geometry.a. specialb. specialtyc. especiallyd. specialize14. Winning the lottery is possible, but it's certainly not _____.a. probablyb. probablec. probabilityd. probabilistic15. We've been with the same bank for years, and I've never had a _____ about their service.a. complaintb. publicityc. restraintd. vanity16. I want to wait until the stock market begins to _____ before I invest; it's just too volatile right now.a. declineb. stabilizec. increased. neutralize17. That actress is best known for her _____ laugh—it's like no other.a. familiarb. ordinaryc. distinctived. renowned18. Schoolchildren are usually taught the importance of their national _____ very early.a. weatherb. downturnc. savingsd. heritage19. It simply makes good _____ sense to save money for retirement.a. economicalb. economicsc. economistd. economy20. After discussing the situation, Carlos and I came to a(n) _____ agreement with which we wereboth satisfied.a. communalb. independentc. mutuald. dualSection C: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.Your answer Correct answerdown down22.Your answer Correct answerout out23.Your answer Correct answerfrom from24.of what he could offer.Your answer Correct answerout out25.really need.Your answer Correct answeron on26.Your answer Correct answerin in27.who you know, not what you know.Your answer Correct answerdown down28.Your answer Correct answerby by29. After many profitable years, the economic downturn ultimately forced the companyYour answer Correct answerinto into30.Your answer Correct answerup upPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Money. Some people think it's the root of all evil and the source of everythingand can't get enough. The truth, as always, is somewhere in between.It's true that money (or the lack of it) can havethemselves inalso true that money can easily lead to uncontrollablesimply can't get enough. Many of these people will lead similarly unfulfilling lives.The people who command true respect and of whom we should bethose who have successfully found the middle ground. Humans are nottoward poverty or wealth. Instead, weIndeed, most people desperatelythan what we realistically need is simplyYour answer Correct answer(31) wicked wicked(32) desirable desirable(33) devastating devastating(34) abject abject(35) greed greed(36) jealous jealous(37) prone prone(38) naturally naturally(39) yearn yearn(40) unrealistic unrealisticPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Though we may not like to admit it, dishonesty is all too prevalent in the world. There have always been and will always be people who lie, cheat, or steal to get what they want. Dishonesty has many faces. Some of them are obvious, and some are more clandestine. Producing counterfeit products—products that are not the genuine article—is one of the more widespread forms of dishonesty. The practice affects almost every industry in every country of the world.Official currency is not immune to this problem. Indeed, counterfeit banknotes have been a problem for nearly as long as people have used money. Many governments (who print and regulate national currencies) have fought back by creating banknotes that are incredibly difficult to copy. High-tech security features are embedded within the money to identify the note as legal and genuine. Modern banknotes are not merely slips of paper; they are essentially sophisticated pieces of technology!In most countries of the world, the printing and issue of banknotes is handled exclusively by the government or a government-owned bank. In the United Kingdom, however, there are seven retail banks, in addition to the central Bank of England, that are authorized to print their own banknotes. These seven banks are located in, and print currency unique to, Scotland and Northern Ireland.Founded in 1694, the Bank of England is the central bank of the United Kingdom, and it primarily serves England and Wales. For nearly 300 years, the Bank of England has been issuing banknotes, and for nearly 300 years, counterfeit notes have been a problem. In response to this ongoing threat, the following security features have been developed.∙Banknotes are printed on special paper that is highly durable and has a unique feel.∙Raised lettering is used throughout the notes, particularly on the words Bank of England.∙ A metallic thread weaves through every note. It looks like a broken line across the note, but if you hold it up to the light, it appears as a continuous dark line.∙There is a watermark of the Queen that is visible when held up to the light.∙Every note has a 3D hologram design that alternates between the value of the note and an image of Britannia.∙If the note is placed under an ultra-violet light, the number (5, 10, 20, or 50. will appear as bright red and green.∙Microlettering beneath the Queen's portrait is only visible with a magnifying glass.The Bank of England prints notes in denominations of £5, £10, £20, and £50. The above security features are common to all four values. £20 and £50 banknotes have additional features that make them even more difficult to counterfeit.。

新标准大学英语综合教程4 useful expressions Unit1-5

新标准大学英语综合教程4 useful expressions Unit1-5

Active reading 2: Resources
Useful expressions
10. the passionate recommendation
11.扼杀人类基本的冲动 12.尽力分享
11. throttle the basic impulse of human beings
23. forego this extra pleasure or enlightenment
Active reading 2: Resources
Useful expressions
24. resist one’s impulse
25. the whole storehouse of literature
30.一个行动家、冒险家和 探险家
30. a man of action, an adventurer and explorer
31. the Julius Caesar of literature
Useful expressions
1.依我看 2.赞美、吹嘘 3.不停地唠叨 4.安宁的生活
1. if you ask me 2. cracked up 3. bang on about 4. sheltered life
5.无论我多么··· 6.拿走,割掉一些走
7.突然、出乎意料 8.更不用说 9.看中了,瞄上了
24. 恰当的 25. 一定 26. 限制
23. cutoff point
24. strike the right note 25. by all means 26. put limits on



Key to book4 unit1-6Unit 1Active reading (2)8 Look at the sentences from the passage and identify the style features.1 Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?This shows the informality of an incomplete sentence in the first part, the use of an informal expression (banging on) and a rhetorical question to the reader (What do I find?)2 Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?) …This has the use of an informal word (hassle), an informal exclamation (god) and a question to the reader (When will they grow up?)3 Actually, I had my eye on the course at the London School of Economics (LSE).Here there is a discourse marker typical of speech (Actually) and an informal phrase (had my eye on).4 I kind of understand it, and not just because my degree is in economics.Here “kind of” is a sort of discourse marker of informal speech (showing something is general, vague or not definite).5 I wanted something in finance and investments, because you know, maybe with a job like that, I could use my degree.This has a discourse marker of informal speech (you know).6 ... it’s true, he really did seem to have three hands.Again here is a discourse marker of informal speech (it’s true).7 I talked to him about ... well, about pretty well everything …This has another discourse marker of informal speech (well) and an informal phrase (pretty well).Language in usetry as … might3 Rewrite the sentences using try as … might .1 I’m trying to fill this last page, but I just can’t think of anything.Try as I might to fill this last page, I just can’t think of anything.2 I try to be friendly with Marta, but she doesn’t seem to respond.Try as I might to be friendly with Marta, she doesn’t seem to respond.3 I try hard to get to sleep, but I can’t help thinking about my family.Try as I might to get to sleep, I can’t help thinking about my family.4 He just doesn’t seem to get the promotion he deserves, even though he keeps trying.Try as he might, he just doesn’t seem to get the promotion he deserves. / Try as he might to get the promotion he deserves, he just d oesn’t seem to get it.5 I keep trying to remember her name, but my mind is a blank.Try as I might to remember her name, my mind is a blank.given that …4 Rewrite the sentences using given that …1 Since I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.Given that I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.2 Xiao Li has the best qualifications, so she should get the job.Given that Xiao Li has the best qualifications, she should get the job.3 Since we’re all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.Given that we’re all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.4 Since it’s rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.Given that it’s rather late, I t hink we should leave this last task until tomorrow.clauses introduced by than5 Rewrite the sentences using clauses introduced by than .1 She’s experienced at giving advice. I’m more experienced.She’s less experienced at giving advice than I am. / I’m more experienced at giving advice than she is.2 You eat too much chocolate. It isn’t good for you.You eat too much chocolate than is good for you.3 She worked very hard. Most part-timers don’t work so hard.She worked harder than most part-timers do.4 You have arrived late too many times. That isn’t acceptable.You have arrived late more times than is acceptable.5 I don’t think you should have given so much personal information. It isn’t wise.I think you have given more personal information than is wise.collocations6 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions.1 highlight A highlight is the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event.(a) What would you like to be the highlight of your career?I would like the highlight of my student career to be to receive a national award for the best student research project.(b) How can you highlight an important sentence in a text?You can underline it in pencil or pen or you can use coloured pens or highlighters.(c) What are the edited highlights of a football match?The highlights are when someone scores a goal or prevents one from being scored.2 loan A loan is an amount of money someone borrows from someone else.(a) Have you ever taken out a loan?No, I haven’t. But my parents have taken out several loans to buy kitchen equipment.(b) What is the best way to pay off a loan?It is best to pay a loan off quickly, although you will still have to pay some interest.(c) If you have a library book on loan, what do you have to do with it?You have to return it before the date it is due, otherwise you may have to pay a fine.3 thrive To thrive means to be very successful, happy or healthy.(a) What sort of business thrives best in your part of the country?In my part of the country, light industries and electronics companies thrive.(b) Which sort of plants thrive in a hot climate?In a hot climate you can see tropical fruit and vegetables thrive and also tropical plants and trees.(c) Why do you think some couples thrive on conflict?It is difficult to understand why some couples thrive on conflict. Maybe each one wants to compete with the other or maybe they enjoy “kissing and making up” after the conflict.7 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.If you ask me, real life is not all it’s cracked up to be. Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?), but mostly with money. It’s just so expensive out here! Everyone wants a slice off you. The Inland Revenue wants to deduct income tax, the bank manager wants repayments on my student loan, the landlord wants the rent, gas, water, electricity and my mobile bills keep coming in, and all that’s before I’ve had anything to eat. And then some bright spark calls me out of the blue, asking if I’m interested in buying a pension. At this rate, I won’t even last till the end of the year, let alone till I’m 60.(☞翻译时可以根据上下文增译,即增加原文暗含了但没有直接表达出来的意思。



新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit 1 Friendship。

In this unit, we will focus on the theme of friendship. Friendship is an essential part of our lives, and it plays a crucial role in shaping our personalities and providing support during difficult times. The unit will explore the different aspects of friendship, including the qualities of a good friend, the importance of communication in maintaining friendships, and the impact of technology on modern friendships.The first part of the unit will introduce the qualities of a good friend. It will discuss the importance of trust, loyalty, and empathy in building and maintaining strong friendships. It will also emphasize the significance of mutual respect and understanding in fostering healthy and lasting relationships. Through various readings and activities, students will be encouraged to reflect on their own friendships and consider the qualities they value in their friends.The second part of the unit will delve into the role of communication in friendships. It will explore the different forms of communication, such as verbal and nonverbal, and how they contribute to the development of meaningful connections. It will also address the challenges of communication in friendships, such as misunderstandings and conflicts, and provide strategies for resolving them effectively. Students will have the opportunity to practice their communication skills through group discussions and role-playing exercises.The final part of the unit will examine the impact of technology on modern friendships. It will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using technology to maintain and nurture friendships, including the influence of social media and online communication platforms. It will also address the potential risks of over-reliance on technology in forming and sustaining meaningful relationships. Students will be encouraged to critically evaluate the role of technology in their own friendships and consider ways to strike a balance between virtual and face-to-face interactions.Throughout the unit, students will engage in a variety of activities, including reading comprehension exercises, group discussions, and writing assignments, to deepen their understanding of the theme of friendship. They will also have the opportunity to share their own experiences and perspectives on friendship, fostering a sense of community and mutual support within the classroom.In conclusion, Unit 1 of the New Standard College English Comprehensive Course 4 offers a comprehensive exploration of the theme of friendship, providing students with the opportunity to reflect on the qualities of a good friend, the importance of communication in friendships, and the impact of technology on modern relationships. By engaging with the unit's content and participating in various activities, students will develop a deeper appreciation for the role of friendship in their lives and gain valuable insights into building and maintaining meaningful connections with others.。



Key to book4 unit1-7Unit 1 Active reading (1)Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofaReading and understandingDealing with unfamiliar words3 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 to make progress by moving to the next stage in a series of actions or events (proceed)2 the process of changing from one situation, form or state to another (transition)3 not feeling involved with someone or something in a close or emotional way (detached)4 referring to something which will happen soon (upcoming)5 to be sitting still in a position that is not upright (slump)6 to return to a previous state or way of behaving (revert)7 to say what happened (recount)4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.It isn’t easy to make the (1) transition from a busy university student to an unemployed young adult (2) slumped on a bar stool or half watching a mindless television show, wondering if and how their career is going to (3) proceed. Many people who have experienced a long period of inactivity like this, when (4) recounting how they felt at the time, refer to the same strange psychological effect. As the days pass, they begin to feel (5) detached from any sense of pressure to go and look for a job, and tend to regard (6) upcoming interviews as if they were not very important. Typically, back at home after three or four years away, they (7) revert to old habits, start seeing old friends, and, in many cases, become dependent again on their parents.5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 I went to a mixed-ability secondary school just outside London. (comprehensive)2 I got stopped by a policeman who asked to see my driving licence. (cop)3 Have you seen this beautiful from the air view of Oxford? (aerial)4 Isabel tightly her bag as she walked down the corridor towards the office. (clutched)5 You should speak to Toby; he’s an supporter of flexible working hours. (advocate)6 I hurt my leg badly a couple of months ago, and it still hasn’t got better completely. (healed)6 Answer the questions about the words.1 Is a dead-end job one with (a) exciting prospects, or (b) no future?2 Is a tricky problem (a) difficult, or (b) easy to solve?3 If an activity saps all your energy, do you feel (a) tired, or (b) more active than usual?4 Does a pushy person try to (a) persuade you to do something you don’t want to, or (b) help you by listening to what you have to say?5 If you feel apathy, do you want to (a) change the world, or (b) stay at home and do nothing?7 Answer the questions about the phrases.1 Is fork out (a) a formal, or (b) an informal way of saying to pay for something?2 If you are in the same boat as another person, are you (a) making the same journey together, or (b) in the same difficult or unpleasant situation?3 If you feel you have come full circle, do you (a) feel you are back where you started, or (b) feel a sense of satisfaction because you have completed something?4 If someone takes a soft line, do they deal with a person (a) in a kind and sympathetic way, or (b) in a lazy way without making a decision?5 If you strike the right note about something, are you expressing yourself (a) well, or (b) badly?6 If you do something by all means, do you (a) try your best to do it, or (b) not care about it?7 If you nudge someone back into the saddle, are you encouraging them to (a) take responsibility again, or (b) take it easy?8 If you talk through a problem with someone, do you (a) examine it carefully and sensitively, or (b) refer to it quickly and then change the subject?Active reading (2)If you ask meDealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 funny or entertaining (amusing)2 used for emphasizing that something good has happened, especially because of good luck (fortunately)3 an amount of money that a person, business or country borrows, usually from a bank (loan)4 to take an amount or number from a total (deduct)5 the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event (highlight)6 to show that you understand someone’s problems (sympathize)7 needing a lot of time, ability, and energy (demanding)5 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.A After three years at university, I’m now quite heavily in debt.B I (1) sympathize with you, I know what it’s like to have financial problems. But (2) fortunately I didn’t need to take out a student (3) loan when I was at university, because I had a part-time job.A What did you do?B I worked in a restaurant at weekends.A That must have been very (4) demanding.B Yes, it was. I had to get the right balance between work and study. But the other people who worked there were good fun to be with, so it was quite (5) amusing too. The (6) highlight of the weekend was always Saturday night when we worked overtime.A But I don’t expect you made a lot of money?B No, there wasn’t much after they’d (7) deducted tax and pension contributions. But it was enough to keep me going.6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 When I was at college I kept all my personal things in an old cupboard.2 A lot of people who leave university before getting a degree end up in good jobs.3 I think she’ll get a good degree, but I wouldn’t risk my money on the exact result.4 The money I spent at college was more than what I earned in my part-time job.5 The chances of my being offered a job after that interview must be quite remote.6 Our business has done very well since we changed our advertising.7 I think telling the truth and not cheating is always the best policy.Key:(1) belongings (2) dropouts (3) gamble (4) exceeded (5) odds(6) has thrived (7) honesty7 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If something is not all it’s cracked up to be, is it (a) valid and interesting, or (b) just a little bit disappointing?2 If someone keeps banging on about something, are you likely to be (a) interested in, or (b) bored by what they say?3 If there is a lot of hassle in your life, are you likely to feel (a) stressed, or (b) relaxed?4 If something happens out of the blue, is it (a) unexpected, or (b) part of your plan?5 If you say you ended up in a particular job, do you suggest that (a) you have fulfilled your ambition, or (b) it happened almost by chance?6 Are the regulars in a pub (a) the customers who come very often, or (b) the food the pub offers most often?7 If something is dead easy, is it (a) very easy, or (b) not easy at all?8 If you treat someone to something, do you (a) buy something nice for them, or (b) behave badly to them?9 If you cheer a place up, do you (a) make the place look brighter, or (b) make the people in the place happier?Reading and interpreting8 Look at the sentences from the passage and identify the style features.1 Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?This shows the informality of an incomplete sentence in the first part, the use of an informal expression (banging on) and a rhetorical question to the reader (What do I find?)2 Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?) …This has the use of an informal word (hassle), an informal exclamation (god) and a question to the reader (When will they grow up?)3 Actually, I had my eye on the course at the London School of Economics (LSE).Here there is a discourse marker typical of speech (Actually) and an informal phrase (had my eye on).4 I kind of understand it, and not just because my degree is in economics.Here “kind of” is a sort of discourse marker of informal speech (showing something is general,vague or not definite).5 I wanted something in finance and investments, because you know, maybe with a job like that, I could use my degree.This has a discourse marker of informal speech (you know).6 ... it’s true, he really did seem to have three hands.Again here is a discourse marker of informal speech (it’s true).7 I talked to him about ... well, about pretty well everything …This has another discourse marker of informal speech (well) and an informal phrase (pretty well). Language in useword formation: compound nouns1 Write the compound nouns which mean:1 a degree which is awarded a first class (a first-class degree)2 work in a hospital (hospital work)3 a ticket for a plane journey (a plane ticket)4 a discount for students (a student discount)5 a pass which allows you to travel on buses (a bus pass)6 a room where an interview is held (an interview room)7 a period spent in training (a training period)word formation: noun phrases2 Write the noun phrases which mean:1 a career which is rewarding from the financial point of view (a financially rewarding career)2 legislation which has been introduced recently (recently introduced legislation)3 instructions which are more complex than usual (unusually complex instructions)4 an institution which is orientated towards academic (academically orientated work)5 work which makes physical demands on you (physically demanding work)6 information which has the potential to be important (potentially important information)7 candidates who have been selected after a careful procedure (carefully selected candidates)8 a coursebook in which everything has been planned beautifully (a beautifully planned textbook)try as … might3 Rewrite the sentences using try as … might .1 I’m trying to fill this last page, but I just can’t think of anything.Try as I might to fill this last page, I just can’t think of anything.2 I try to be friendly with Marta, but she doesn’t seem to respond.Try as I might to be friendly with Marta, she doesn’t seem to respond.3 I try hard to get to sleep, but I can’t help thinking about my family.Try as I might to get to sleep, I can’t help thinking about my family.4 He just doesn’t seem to get the promotion he deserves, even though he keeps trying.Try as he might, he just doesn’t seem to get the promotion he deserves. / Try as he might to get the promotion he deserves, he just doesn’t seem to get it.5 I keep trying to remember her name, but my mind is a blank.Try as I might to remember her name, my mind is a blank.given that …4 Rewrite the sentences using given that …1 Since I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.Given that I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.2 Xiao Li has the best qualifications, so she should get the job.Given that Xiao Li has the best qualifications, she should get the job.3 Since we’re all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.Given that we’re all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.4 Since it’s rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.Given that it’s rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.clauses introduced by than5 Rewrite the sentences using clauses introduced by than .1 She’s experienced at giving advice. I’m more experienced.She’s less experienced at giving advice than I am. / I’m more experienced at giving advice than she is.2 You eat too much chocolate. It isn’t good for you.You eat too much chocolate than is good for you.3 She worked very hard. Most part-timers don’t work so hard.She worked harder than most part-timers do.4 You have arrived late too many times. That isn’t acceptable.You have arrived late more times than is acceptable.5 I don’t think you should have given so much personal information. It isn’t wise.I think you have given more personal information than is wise.collocations6 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions.1 highlight A highlight is the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event.(a) What would you like to be the highlight of your career?I would like the highlight of my student career to be to receive a national award for the best student research project.(b) How can you highlight an important sentence in a text?You can underline it in pencil or pen or you can use coloured pens or highlighters.(c) What are the edited highlights of a football match?The highlights are when someone scores a goal or prevents one from being scored.2 loan A loan is an amount of money someone borrows from someone else.(a) Have you ever taken out a loan?No, I haven’t. But my parents have taken out several loans to buy kitchen equipment.(b) What is the best way to pay off a loan?It is best to pay a loan off quickly, although you will still have to pay some interest.(c) If you have a library book on loan, what do you have to do with it?You have to return it before the date it is due, otherwise you may have to pay a fine.3 thrive To thrive means to be very successful, happy or healthy.(a) What sort of business thrives best in your part of the country?In my part of the country, light industries and electronics companies thrive.(b) Which sort of plants thrive in a hot climate?In a hot climate you can see tropical fruit and vegetables thrive and also tropical plants and trees. (c) Why do you think some couples thrive on conflict?It is difficult to understand why some couples thrive on conflict. Maybe each one wants to compete with the other or maybe they enjoy “kissing and making up” after the conflict.7 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.If you ask me, real life is not all it’s cracked up to be. Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?), but mostly with money. It’s just so expensive out here! Everyone wants a slice off you. The Inland Revenue wants to deduct income tax, the bank manager wants repayments on my student loan, the landlord wants the rent, gas, water, electricity and my mobile bills keep coming in, a nd all that’s before I’ve had anything to eat. And then some bright spark calls me out of the blue, asking if I’m interested in buying a pension. At this rate, I won’t even last till the end of the year, let alone till I’m 60.(☞翻译时可以根据上下文增译,即增加原文暗含了但没有直接表达出来的意思。



新标准大学英语综合教程4课后答案及课文翻译1.阅读理解Social NetworkingSocial networking has grown rapidly over the past few years, and many people now have accounts on such sites as MySpace and Facebook. Sites like these allow people to connect with friends, share photos, videos, and other information, and play online games.Despite its popularity, however, social networking also has its drawbacks. Many people now use these sites to post messages containing sensitive personal information, such as their address and phone number. This information can easily be seen by anyone, potentially allowing identity thieves to gain access to your personal information. It is also important to be aware of the fact that your profile may be seen by potential employers, and therefore it is best to be careful about what information you include in your profile.In addition, it is important to remember that social networking sites are constantly changing. This means that you need to stay on top of the latest features and trends. It is also import ant to be respectful of other people’s views and opinions, and to abide by the terms of use of the site.Finally, it is important to remember that social networking sites are only one of many ways to connect with people. It is possible to meet and talk to interesting people in the real world as well.1. What are some of the advantages of social networking?A. It allows people to protect their personal information.B. It makes it easy to find new friends.C. It allows people to share photos and videos.D. It allows people to stay up-to-date on the latest trends.答案:C、D2. What is one of the potential risks of using social networking sites?A. Potential employers may view your profile.B. It encourages people to be disrespectful of others.C. Identity thieves may gain access to your personal information.D. You may post messages containing sensitive information.。



新标准大学英语综合教程41. 简介新标准大学英语综合教程4是一套专为大学英语学习者设计的教材。



2. 教材特点新标准大学英语综合教程4具有以下几个特点:2.1 综合性本教材综合了听、说、读、写四个方面的内容,确保学生在学习过程中全面提升自己的英语能力。


2.2 兴趣性教材内容涵盖了各类感兴趣的题材,包括旅游、文化、科技等。


2.3 渐进性教材内容按照难度逐渐增加的方式组织,即从易到难,呈现给学生。


3. 单元内容新标准大学英语综合教程4共包括10个单元,每个单元的内容如下:3.1 单元一:旅行这个单元主要介绍了旅行相关的话题。



3.2 单元二:科技这个单元主要介绍了科技发展的相关话题。



3.3 单元三:社交网络这个单元主要介绍了社交网络的应用和影响。



3.4 单元四:健康生活这个单元主要介绍了健康生活的相关话题。




Unit 1 Act.2 If Yo u Ask Me1.This is a story of a graduate who gets a job in a pub for a year and has achance to be successful.2.Since he r fam ily can’t su p p o rt h e r to fu rth e r stu d y, sh e h as to wo rk. Sh e h as financial p ro b le m s and feels lo n e ly. She talks her trouble to To n y, a re g ular customer of the pub. Who gets her a loan to set up a business. With his help she has her monster’s d e g re e and he r o wn co m p any.3.After a few years T ony had b een in a car accid ent and could n’t work, the writer’s m oney help ed him. Tony said investing in p eop le g ives the b est returnyo u can e ve r ho p e fo r.Unit 2 Act.1 Danger! Books may Change Your Life1.This article introduces the power of reading books to us. When we pick up a book, we are about to enter a new world. Books will influence the way we live.2.The writer m entio ns a wo rd“ho m e-run b o o k” that m ight be the answerfor the book everyone should re ad. “Home-run”book is which can give you pleasure and satisfaction.3.The title described the power of reading.Unit 2 Act.2 They were alive and they spoke to me1.The writer introduces what m ake s a book alive. A book lives through the p assio nate re co m m e nd atio n o f o ne re ad e r to ano the r.2.The writer suggests us re ad as little as possible not as much as possible. What is more important is the quality not the quantity.Unit 3 Act.1 Fifty Y e ars o f Fashio nFashion in the year 1960 to 2010 has two constant factors: the ubiquitous jeans and the rise and fall of hemlines of women’s skirts and dresses. The jeans date back to 16 century, and then jeans bacame the work cloth of miners. Jeans were worn with young people in 1950s, and after that developed a lot, associated with new ideas. The length of women’s dresses is associated with economy. When the economy is positive, women enjoy to show them.Unit 3 Act.2 Eco-jewellery: Sea GlassThis article introduces the reason why sea glass is very popular. And describes the process o f making jewellery fro m sea glass, m ake s people think about the importance of recycling. And paints the passion of Gina Cowen, who is a jewellery d e sig n e r.Unit 4 Act.1 The Cre d it Card TrapThis article te lls the write r’s co m p lain ab o u t b an k cre d it card. She take s so m eexamples to analyze how credit cards get people in to a trap and make people be in debt for bank. The author use a humorous way to suggest people how to solve the credit card trap, that cut them by scissors, never use them anymore.Unit 4 Act.2 The Key to Wedded Bliss? Money MattersThis article tells us that what is important to marriage is money. What makes marrige work is finding your financial soulmate, marrying a person who share s yo ur attitud es ab o ut m o ney. The writer g ives so m e g uid elines: (1) talk and shareg o als (2) run a home like a business (3) be supportive o f careers (4) e n jo y, b ut within re aso n (5) u se a m e d iato r (6) m ain tain so m e in d e p e n d e n ce (7) in ve st in yo u rmarriageUnit 5 Act.1 Sex Differences in English Gossip RulesThis article summarizes findings form recent re se arch. And it presents the writer’s o wns re se arch find ing s that m e n g o ssip as m uch as wo m e n, b ut the y callit “exchanging information”. The main difference between male and female g o ssip is that fem ale g o ssip so und s like g o ssip. Three p rincip al invo lved are: thetone rule, the detail rule and the feedback rule.Unit 5 Act.2 Marked:Women in the workplaceWo m e n constantly have to m ake choices about d re ss and appearance, and even the way they sign their names, which lead people to make judgments aboutthem; men do not have to make the same choices.Unit 6 Act.1 Winston ChurchillChurchill cam e fro m a fam o us fam ily and was a so ld ier and p o litician. When Churchill became Prime Minister in 1940, Britain was at wa r. Churchill made speeches that inspired the nation, and led the country to victory. Although he was considered a great military leader, Churchill lost the general election after the war.。



应Key to book4 unit1-4Unit 1Active reading (1)Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofaReading and understandingDealing with unfamiliar words3 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 to make progress by moving to the next stage in a series of actions or events (proceed)2 the process of changing from one situation, form or state to another (transition)3 not feeling involved with someone or something in a close or emotional way (detached)4 referring to something which will happen soon (upcoming)5 to be sitting still in a position that is not upright (slump)6 to return to a previous state or way of behaving (revert)7 to say what happened (recount)4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.It isn’t easy to make the (1) transition from a busy university student to an unemployed young adult (2) slumped on a bar stool or half watching a mindless television show, wondering if and how their career is going to (3) proceed. Many people who have experienced a long period of inactivity like this, when (4) recounting how they felt at the time, refer to the same strange psychological effect. As the days pass, they begin to feel (5) detached from any sense of pressure to go and look for a job, and tend to regard (6) upcoming interviews as if they were not very important. Typically, back at home after three or four years away, they (7) revert to old habits, start seeing old friends, and, in many cases, become dependent again on their parents.5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 I went to a mixed-ability secondary school just outside London. (comprehensive)2 I got stopped by a policeman who asked to see my driving licence. (cop)3 Have you seen this beautiful from the air view of Oxford? (aerial)4 Isabel tightly her bag as she walked down the corridor towards the office. (clutched)5 You should speak to Toby; he’s an supporter of flexible working hours. (advocate)6 I hurt my leg badly a couple of months ago, and it still hasn’t got better completely. (healed)6 Answer the questions about the words.1 Is a dead-end job one with (a) exciting prospects, or (b) no future?2 Is a tricky problem (a) difficult, or (b) easy to solve?3 If an activity saps all your energy, do you feel (a) tired, or (b) more active than usual?4 Does a pushy person try to (a) persuade you to do something you don’t want to, or (b) help you by listening to what you have to say?5 If you feel apathy, do you want to (a) change the world, or (b) stay at home and do nothing?7 Answer the questions about the phrases.1 Is fork out (a) a formal, or (b) an informal way of saying to pay for something?2 If you are in the same boat as another person, are you (a) making the same journey together, or (b) in the same difficult or unpleasant situation?3 If you feel you have come full circle, do you (a) feel you are back where you started, or (b) feel a sense of satisfaction because you have completed something?4 If someone takes a soft line, do they deal with a person (a) in a kind and sympathetic way, or (b) in a lazy way without making a decision?5 If you strike the right note about something, are you expressing yourself (a) well, or (b) badly?6 If you do something by all means, do you (a) try your best to do it, or (b) not care about it?7 If you nudge someone back into the saddle, are you encouraging them to (a) take responsibility again, or (b) take it easy?8 If you talk through a problem with someone, do you (a) examine it carefully and sensitively, or (b) refer to it quickly and then change the subject?Active reading (2)If you ask meDealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 funny or entertaining (amusing)2 used for emphasizing that something good has happened, especially because of good luck (fortunately)3 an amount of money that a person, business or country borrows, usually from a bank (loan)4 to take an amount or number from a total (deduct)5 the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event (highlight)6 to show that you understand someone’s problems (sympathize)7 needing a lot of time, ability, and energy (demanding)5 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.A After three years at university, I’m now quite heavily in debt.B I (1) sympathize with you, I know what it’s like to have financial problems. But (2) fortunately I didn’t need to take out a student (3) loan when I was at university, because I had a part-time job.A What did you do?B I worked in a restaurant at weekends.A That must have been very (4) demanding.B Yes, it was. I had to get the right balance between work and study. But the other people who worked there were good fun to be with, so it was quite (5) amusing too. The (6) highlight of the weekend was always Saturday night when we worked overtime.A But I don’t expect you made a lot of money?B No, there wasn’t much after they’d (7) deducted tax and pension contributions. But it was enough to keep me going.6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 When I was at college I kept all my personal things in an old cupboard.2 A lot of people who leave university before getting a degree end up in good jobs.3 I think she’ll get a good degree, but I wouldn’t risk my money on the exact result.4 The money I spent at college was more than what I earned in my part-time job.5 The chances of my being offered a job after that interview must be quite remote.6 Our business has done very well since we changed our advertising.7 I think telling the truth and not cheating is always the best policy.Key:(1) belongings (2) dropouts (3) gamble (4) exceeded (5) odds(6) has thrived (7) honesty7 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If something is not all it’s cracked up to be, is it (a) valid and interesting, or (b) just a little bit disappointing?2 If someone keeps banging on about something, are you likely to be (a) interested in, or (b) bored by what they say?3 If there is a lot of hassle in your life, are you likely to feel (a) stressed, or (b) relaxed?4 If something happens out of the blue, is it (a) unexpected, or (b) part of your plan?5 If you say you ended up in a particular job, do you suggest that (a) you have fulfilled your ambition, or (b) it happened almost by chance?6 Are the regulars in a pub (a) the customers who come very often, or (b) the food the pub offers most often?7 If something is dead easy, is it (a) very easy, or (b) not easy at all?8 If you treat someone to something, do you (a) buy something nice for them, or (b) behave badly to them?9 If you cheer a place up, do you (a) make the place look brighter, or (b) make the people in the place happier?Reading and interpreting8 Look at the sentences from the passage and identify the style features.1 Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?This shows the informality of an incomplete sentence in the first part, the use of an informal expression (banging on) and a rhetorical question to the reader (What do I find?)2 Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?) …This has the use of an informal word (hassle), an informal exclamation (god) and a question to the reader (When will they grow up?)3 Actually, I had my eye on the course at the London School of Economics (LSE).Here there is a discourse marker typical of speech (Actually) and an informal phrase (had my eye on).4 I kind of understand it, and not just because my degree is in economics.Here “kind of” is a sort of discour se marker of informal speech (showing something is general, vague or not definite).5 I wanted something in finance and investments, because you know, maybe with a job like that, Icould use my degree.This has a discourse marker of informal speech (you know).6 ... it’s true, he really did seem to have three hands.Again here is a discourse marker of informal speech (it’s true).7 I talked to him about ... well, about pretty well everything …This has another discourse marker of informal speech (well) and an informal phrase (pretty well). Language in useword formation: compound nouns1 Write the compound nouns which mean:1 a degree which is awarded a first class (a first-class degree)2 work in a hospital (hospital work)3 a ticket for a plane journey (a plane ticket)4 a discount for students (a student discount)5 a pass which allows you to travel on buses (a bus pass)6 a room where an interview is held (an interview room)7 a period spent in training (a training period)word formation: noun phrases2 Write the noun phrases which mean:1 a career which is rewarding from the financial point of view (a financially rewarding career)2 legislation which has been introduced recently (recently introduced legislation)3 instructions which are more complex than usual (unusually complex instructions)4 an institution which is orientated towards academic (academically orientated work)5 work which makes physical demands on you (physically demanding work)6 information which has the potential to be important (potentially important information)7 candidates who have been selected after a careful procedure (carefully selected candidates)8 a coursebook in which everything has been planned beautifully (a beautifully planned textbook)try as … might3 Rewrite the se ntences using try as … might .1 I’m trying to fill this last page, but I just can’t think of anything.Try as I might to fill this last page, I just can’t think of anything.2 I try to be friendly with Marta, but she doesn’t seem to respond.Try as I migh t to be friendly with Marta, she doesn’t seem to respond.3 I try hard to get to sleep, but I can’t help thinking about my family.Try as I might to get to sleep, I can’t help thinking about my family.4 He just doesn’t seem to get the promotion he deserve s, even though he keeps trying.Try as he might, he just doesn’t seem to get the promotion he deserves. / Try as he might to get the promotion he deserves, he just doesn’t seem to get it.5 I keep trying to remember her name, but my mind is a blank.Try as I might to remember her name, my mind is a blank.given that …4 Rewrite the sentences using given that …1 Since I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.Given that I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.2 Xiao Li has the best qualifications, so she should get the job.Given that Xiao Li has the best qualifications, she should get the job.3 Since we’re all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.Given that we’re all here, I thin k it would be a good idea to get down to some work.4 Since it’s rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.Given that it’s rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.clauses introduced by than5 Rewrite the sentences using clauses introduced by than .1 She’s experienced at giving advice. I’m more experienced.She’s less experienced at giving advice than I am. / I’m more experienced at giving advice than she is.2 You eat too much chocolate. It isn’t good for you.You eat too much chocolate than is good for you.3 She worked very hard. Most part-timers don’t work so hard.She worked harder than most part-timers do.4 You have arrived late too many times. That isn’t acceptable.You have arrived late more times than is acceptable.5 I don’t think you should have given so much personal information. It isn’t wise.I think you have given more personal information than is wise.collocations6 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions.1 highlight A highlight is the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event.(a) What would you like to be the highlight of your career?I would like the highlight of my student career to be to receive a national award for the best student research project.(b) How can you highlight an important sentence in a text?You can underline it in pencil or pen or you can use coloured pens or highlighters.(c) What are the edited highlights of a football match?The highlights are when someone scores a goal or prevents one from being scored.2 loan A loan is an amount of money someone borrows from someone else.(a) Have you ever taken out a loan?No, I haven’t. But my parents have taken out several loans to buy kitchen equipment.(b) What is the best way to pay off a loan?It is best to pay a loan off quickly, although you will still have to pay some interest.(c) If you have a library book on loan, what do you have to do with it?You have to return it before the date it is due, otherwise you may have to pay a fine.3 thrive To thrive means to be very successful, happy or healthy.(a) What sort of business thrives best in your part of the country?In my part of the country, light industries and electronics companies thrive.(b) Which sort of plants thrive in a hot climate?In a hot climate you can see tropical fruit and vegetables thrive and also tropical plants and trees. (c) Why do you think some couples thrive on conflict?It is difficult to understand why some couples thrive on conflict. Maybe each one wants to compete with the other or maybe they enjoy “kissing and making up” after the conflict.7 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.If you ask me, real life is not all it’s cracked up to be. Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?), but mostly with money. It’s just so expensive out here! Everyone wants a slice off you. The Inland Revenue wants to deduct income tax, the bank manager wants repayments on my student loan, the landlord wants the rent, gas, water, electricity and my mobile bills keep coming in, and all that’s before I’ve had anything to eat. And then some bright spark calls me out of the blue, asking if I’m interested in buying a pension. At this rate, I won’t even last till the end of the year, let alone till I’m 60.(☞翻译时可以根据上下文增译,即增加原文暗含了但没有直接表达出来的意思。



Unit 11. If you ask me, real life is not all it’s cracked up to be. Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?), but mostly with money. It’s just so expensive out here! Everyone wants a slice off you. The Inland Revenue wants to deduct income tax, the bank manager wants repayments on my student loan,the landlord wants the rent, gas, water, electricity and my mobile bills keep coming in, and all that’s before I’ve had anything to eat. And then some bright spark calls me out of the blue, asking if I’m interested in buying a pension. And this rate, I won’t even last till the end of the year, let alone till I’m 60.依我看,现实生活并没有人们想象的那么美好。

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1. Why did the writer's father keep his old ba ttle jacket?
A.To show how dangerous his role in D-Day had been.
B.To demonstrate his loyalty to his old regiment.
C.To explain that he might have died, and there
would have been no family.
D.To remind himself that he'd been very lucky.
2. Does the writer think we still dress exclusi vely for comfort?
A.No, because there are many other reasons to c hoose the clothes we wear.
B.Yes, but it's especially important in cold cou ntries.
C.No, because the fashion shows influence our ch oice of clothes.
D.No, because most people are fashionistas.
3. Why might people wear certain clothes for pa rticular occasions?
A.To disguise themselves and to avoid drawing at tention to themselves.
B.To be able to feel comfortable in the evening s or at weekends.
C.To make others see them in a positive way.
D.To draw attention to their extravagant tastes
in clothes.
4. Why might you keep certain clothes today whi ch you wore in the past?
A.Because we associate them with a special past
B.Because they can still fit.
C.Because they are expensive.
D.For functional reasons.
5. Are our clothes simply something we wear?
A.Yes, even clothes which are inappropriate.
B.No, they also show our social status.
C.Yes, but they have a decorative function.
D.No, they represent all aspects of who we are.
1. Now and then I dress formally, but usually I wear casual clothes.
Answer: ________
2. If the bullet had been a few centimetres to the left, my father would have received a deadly wound.
Answer: ________
3. Is it really true that wearing dark colours shows a lack of interest in clothes?
Answer: ________
4. Although my father wasn't killed, he didn't manage to move quickly enough to avoid the bullet.
Answer: ________
5. Fashionistas often think that mixing different colours creates a good look.
Answer: ________
6. The 1) suggestion of the saying, "There's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing" is that we can't change the climate, we just need to dress 2) appropriately. Answer: 1) ________ 2) ________
7. People always make choices about what to wear, so I'm not convinced when they say they're not interested in clothes.
Answer: ________
1.O ccasionally
6.im plication
a-45 b-23 c-5 d-3 e-4 f-1
What kind of clothes do you like to wear, comfortable and
1)low-maintenance items like jeans and T-shirts, which you can relax in and are easy to clean, or some 2)exquisite and beautifully made high-fashion items? In fact, most of us 3)gauge the social circumstances first, which will then 4)dictate the clothes we finally choose to wear. We usually wish to give a(n) 5)favourable impression of ourselves, so this usually suggests a dark suit and a(n) 6)crisp white shirt, or a(n) 7)modest sweater and skirt for interviews, and fashionable but not 8)extravagant clothes when seeing your friends.
1.A n invasion is likely to be an occasion when
A.one army enters the territory of another army
B.one army wins a war over another army
2. Something superficial ____.
A.goes deeply into something else
B.affects only the surface of something else
3. If something grazes your skin, it injures yo u ____.
4. If someone speaks in a tactful way, they __
A.talk in an explicit way
B.in a way which avoids upsetting
5.Fabulous clothes are ____.
A.expensive and of the highest quality
B.ordinary and everyday
6.If you disguise yourself, you wish to ____.
A.show your identity
B.h ide your identity。
