
纽约景点介绍英文作文英文:As a frequent visitor to New York City, I have had the opportunity to explore many of its famous landmarks and attractions. Here are some of my top picks:1. Statue of Liberty: This iconic symbol of freedom isa must-see for anyone visiting New York City. Take a ferry to Liberty Island and climb to the top of the statue for breathtaking views of the city skyline.2. Central Park: This sprawling oasis in the heart of Manhattan is a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Take a leisurely stroll, rent a bike, or enjoy a picnic in one of the many picturesque spots.3. Empire State Building: This towering skyscraper is one of the most recognizable buildings in the world. Take the elevator to the top for panoramic views of the city.4. Times Square: This bustling intersection is known as "The Crossroads of the World" and is a must-visit for anyone looking to experience the energy and excitement of New York City.5. Metropolitan Museum of Art: This world-renowned museum is home to over 2 million works of art from around the world. Spend an afternoon exploring the galleries and admiring the masterpieces.中文:作为一名频繁游览纽约的游客,我有机会探索许多著名的地标和景点。

1.自由女神像介绍:Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This giant figure, torch in hand and clutching a stone tablet, has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream; indeed there is probably no more immediately recognizable profile in existence. It's worth remembering that the statue is - for Americans at least - a potent reminder that the USA is a land of immigrants: it was New York Harbor where the first big waves of European immigrants arrived, their ships entering through the Verrazano Narrows to round the bend of the bay and catch a first glimpse of "Liberty Enlightening the World" - an end of their journey into the unknown, and the symbolic beginning of a new life.These days, although only the very wealthy can afford to arrive here by sea, and a would-be immigrant's first (and possibly last) view of the States is more likely to be the customs check at JFK Airport, Liberty remains a stirring sight, with Emma Lazarus's poem, The New Colossus, written originally to raise funds for the statue's base, no less quotable than when it was written……Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips."Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse to your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."The statue, which depicts Liberty throwing off her shackles and holding a beacon to light the world, was the creation of the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who crafted it a hundred years after the American Revolution in recognition of solidarity between the French and American people (though it's fair to add that Bartholdi originally intended the statue for Alexandria in Egypt). Bartholdi built Liberty in Paris between 1874 and 1884, starting with a terracotta model and enlarging it through four successive versions to its present size, a construction of thin copper sheets bolted together and supported by an iron framework designed by Gustave Eiffel. The arm carrying the torch was exhibited in Madison Square Park for seven years, but the whole statue wasn't officially accepted on behalf of the American people until 1884, after which it was taken apart, crated up and shipped to New York.It was to be another two years before it could be properly unveiled: money had to be collected to fund the construction of the base, and for some reason Americans were unwilling - or unable - to dip into their pockets. Only throughthe campaigning efforts of newspaper magnate Joseph Pulitzer, a keen supporter of the statue, did it all come together in the end. Richard Morris Hunt built a pedestal around the existing star-shaped Fort Wood, and Liberty was formally dedicated by President Cleveland on October 28, 1886, in aflag-waving shindig that has never really stopped. The statue was closed for a few years in the mid-1980s for extensive renovation and, in 1986, fifteen million people descended on Manhattan for the statue's centennial celebrations.Today you can climb steps up to the crown, but the cramped stairway though the torch sadly remains closed to the public. Don't be surprised if there's an hour-long wait to ascend. Even if there is, Liberty Park's views of the lower Manhattan skyline, the twin towers of the World Trade Center lording it over the jutting teeth of New York's financial quarter, are spectacular enough.2.纽约唐人街介绍:On the surface, Chinatown is prosperous - a "model slum," some have called it - with the lowest crime rate, highest employment and least juvenile delinquency of any city district. Walk through its crowded streets at any time of day, and every shop is doing a brisk and businesslike trade: restaurant after restaurant is booming; there are storefront displays of shiny squids, clawing crabs and clambering lobster; and street markets offer overflowing piles of exotic green vegetables, garlic and ginger root. Chinatown has the feel of a land of plenty, and the reason why lies with the Chinese themselves: even here, in the very core of downtown Manhattan, they have been careful to preserve their own way of dealing with things, preferring to keep affairs close to the bond of the family and allowing few intrusions into a still-insular culture. There have been several concessions to Westerners - storefront signs now offer English translations, and Haagen Dazs and Baskin Robbins ice-cream stores have opened on lower Mott Street - but they can't help but seem incongruous. The one time of the year when Chinatown bursts open is during the Chinese New Year festival, held each year on the first full moon after January 19, when a giant dragon runs down Mott Street to the accompaniment of firecrackers, and the gutters run with ceremonial dyes.Beneath the neighborhood's blithely prosperous facade, however, there is a darker underbelly. Sharp practices continue to flourish, with traditional extortion and protection rackets still in business. Non-union sweatshops - their assembly lines grinding from early morning to late into the evening - are still visited by the US Department of Labor, who come to investigate workers' testimonies of being paid below minimum wage for seventy-plus-hour work weeks. Living conditions are abysmal for the poorer Chinese - mostly recent immigrants and the elderly - who reside in small rooms in overcrowded tenements ill-kept by landlords. Yet, because the community has beencloistered for so long and has only just begun to seek help from city officials for its internal problems, you won't detect any hint of difficulties unless you reside in Chinatown for a considerable length of time.3.迪斯尼乐园介绍:Walt and Roy Disney began their partnership on October 16, 1923 when they signed a contract to produce the Alice Comedies, a series of six- toeight-minute animated films, or "shorts," combining live-action and animation. What began as the Disney Brothers Studio evolved into The Walt Disney Company.Throughout the decades, the company has expanded worldwide from shorts to feature-length animated and live-action films and television production; character merchandise licensing; consumer products retailing; book, magazine and music publishing; Internet activities; television and radio broadcasting; cable television programming; and the operation of theme parks and resorts.From the creation of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit in 1927 and the debut of Mickey Mouse in 1928 to the premiere of Tarzan in 1999, animation has remained the defining signature of the company. Along the way, Disney has added successful TV shows like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, opened theme parks in California, Florida, France and Japan, launched more than 700 Disney Stores and added brands such as Touchstone, Miramax, ABC and ESPN to the fold.To make the most of Disneyland - the ultimate escapist fantasy and the blueprint for imitations worldwide - throw yourself right into it. Don't think twice about anything and go on every ride you can. The high admission price ($36) includes them all, although during peak periods each one can entail hours of queueing. Remember, too, that the emphasis is on family fun; the authorities take a dim view of anything remotely anti-social and eject those they consider guilty.Over four hundred "Imaginers" worked to create the Indiana Jones Adventure, Disneyland's biggest opening in years. Two hours of queueing are built into the ride, with an interactive archeological dig and 1930s-style newsreel show leading up to the main feature - a giddy journey along 2500ft of skull-encrusted corridors in which you face fireballs, falling rubble, venomous snakes and, inevitably, a rolling boulder finale. Disney claims that, thanks to computer engineering, no two Indiana Jones rides are ever alike. Judge for yourself.Among the best of the older rides are two in Adventureland: the Pirates of the Caribbean, a boat trip through underground caverns, singing along withdrunken pirates; and the Haunted Mansion, a riotous "doom buggy" tour in the company of the house spooks.Tomorrowland is Disney's vision of the future, where the Space Mountain roller coaster zips through the pitch-blackness of outer space, and the Star Tours ride simulates a journey into the world of George Lucas. The Skyway cable-car line that connects Tomorrowland with the clever but cloyingly sentimental Fantasyland is the only spot in the park from which you can see the outside world.As for accommodation, try to visit Disneyland just for the day and spend the night somewhere else. Most of the hotels and motels nearby cost well in excess of $70 per night.You're not permitted to bring your own food to the park; you can only consume the fast food sold on the premises.Disneyland is at 1313 Harbor Blvd, Anaheim, 45 minutes by car from downtown using the Santa Ana Freeway. In summer, the park is open daily between 8am and 1am; otherwise opening hours are weekdays 10am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to midnight, and Sunday 9am to 10pm. Arrive early; traffic quickly becomes nightmarish, especially in the summer. For further information, including public transportation details, call 714/999-4565.Spotlight on St.Petersburg4.圣彼得堡介绍:St.Petersburg.The very name brings to mind some of Russia's greatest poets,writers and composers:Pushkin,Dostoevsky,Tchaikovsky.The 19th century was a golden age for St.Petersburg's wealthy classes.It was a world of ballets and balls,of art and literature,of tea and caviar.圣彼得堡,只要提到这个名字就让人想起那些俄国最伟大的诗人、作家以及作曲家:普希金、杜斯妥也夫斯基、柴可夫斯基。
美国五大景观 英文版介绍 presentation专用

External Structure(外部结构)
• 自由女神像雕像高46米,腰宽10.6米,嘴 宽91厘米,右手高举象征自由的火炬,长 达12.8米,火炬的边沿上可以站12个人; 加基座高约27米,宽为93米,重达225吨。 • The statue of liberty is 46 meters high, 10.6 meters wide,even its mouth is 91 centimeters wide.The torch which the right hand holding meaning of freedom, as long as 12.8 meters, 12 person can stand on it; Its add-base is about 27 meters high, 93 meters wide, weighs 225 tons.
• Yellowstone national park is famous in the world for maintai the natural scenery. It accounts for around 90% of the nation total forest,the water accounting for about 10%. • The forest in the park is thick and alum, mainly Korean pine, and spruce. • 黄石公园以保持自然风光而著称于世。公园内的森林占全国总 的90%左右,水面占10%左右。 • 公园内森林稠茂,主要为红松、冷杉和云杉。

纽约景点英语作文1. The Statue of Liberty(自由女神像)Standing tall on Liberty Island, the Statue of Liberty welcomes millions of visitors each year. This monumental statue, a symbol of freedom and opportunity, offers a breathtaking view of the cityscape from its observation deck.Visitors can take a ferry from New York Harbor to Liberty Island, where they can stand in awe of the statue's impressive grandeur and capture some breathtaking photos.自由女神像高高地矗立在自由岛上,每年欢迎数百万游客。
2. Times Square(泰晤士广场)The pulsating heart of New York City, Times Square is a vibrant hub of activity, known for its bright neon lights, bustling crowds, and non-stop entertainment. Here, tourists can enjoy Broadway shows, shop at luxury boutiques, and dine at diverse restaurants. The New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square, with its famous ball drop, is anexperience not to be missed.时代广场是纽约市跳动的中心,时代广场是一个充满活力的活动中心,以其明亮的霓虹灯、繁华的人群和不间断的娱乐活动而闻名。

总的来说,纽约自由女神像是一个具有历史和象征意义的重要景点,吸引了大量的游客前 来参观。无论是在自由女神像岛上欣赏雕塑,参观博物馆,还是参加雕塑巡航,都能够让游 客感受到自由和希望的象征。
纽约自由女神像(Statue of Liberty)是美国纽约市的标志性景点之一,也是世界上最著 名的雕塑之一。以下是纽约自由女神像的景点介绍:自由女神像位于自由女神像岛上,这个岛屿是一个 公园,游客可以在岛上漫步,欣赏到自由女神像的壮丽景象。岛上还有一些观景台和纪念碑 ,提供了俯瞰纽约市天际线的绝佳视角。
2. 自由女神像博物馆(Statue of Liberty Museum):自由女神像岛上有一个新开放的 博物馆,展示了自由女神像的历史和意义。博物馆内有丰富的展品和多媒体展示,让游客更 好地了解这座雕塑的背后故事。
3. 登上自由女神像(Crown Access):游客可以购买额外的门票,登上自由女神像的皇 冠部分。这是一个限制性的体验,但可以让游客近距离欣赏到自由女神像的细节和壮丽。
4. 雕塑巡航:除了登上自由女神像岛,游客还可以参加雕塑巡航,乘船绕行自由女神像和 纽约港口。这是一个欣赏自由女神像全景的绝佳方式,同时还能欣赏到纽约市的其他著名景 点。
5. 壮丽的夜景:自由女神像在夜晚也是一道美丽的风景线,灯光照亮了整个雕塑,营造出 浪漫而壮观的氛围。游客可以选择在夜晚前往自由女神像岛,欣赏到不同于白天的景色。

美国旅游景点介绍英文The United States is a vast and diverse country filled with a multitude of tourist attractions. Here are some popular tourist destinations in the country:1. Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona: One of the world's most famous natural wonders, the Grand Canyon offers stunning panoramic views and opportunities for hiking, rafting, and camping.2. Times Square, New York City: Known as "The Crossroads of the World," Times Square is a bustling area filled with bright billboards, iconic theaters, and a vibrant atmosphere.3. Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco: This iconic suspension bridge is an engineering marvel and offers breathtaking views of the San Francisco Bay and the city skyline.4. Yellowstonenational Park, Wyoming: America's first national park, Yellowstone is home to dramatic landscapes, geothermal features like Old Faithful, and abundant wildlife like bears and wolves.5. Statue of Liberty, New York City: A gift from France, the Statue of Liberty stands as a symbol of freedom and is a must-visit attraction for both its historical significance and panoramic views of the city.6. Hollywood, Los Angeles: Known as the center of the American film industry, Hollywood is filled with landmarks such as the Walkof Fame, iconic theaters, and the famous Hollywood Sign.7. Washington, D.C.: The capital of the United States is home to iconic landmarks like the White House, the U.S. Capitol, and the National Mall, which includes the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.8. Las Vegas, Nevada: Known for its vibrant nightlife and entertainment, Las Vegas is world-famous for its casinos, extravagant hotels, and live shows.9. New Orleans, Louisiana: A city rich in history and culture, New Orleans is renowned for its vibrant music scene, mouthwatering Creole cuisine, and annual Mardi Gras celebration.10. Niagara Falls, New York: One of the world's most famous waterfalls, Niagara Falls is a breathtaking natural wonder that can be explored by boat, helicopter, or from observation decks. These are just a few examples of the many incredible tourist attractions that the United States has to offer. Whether you're interested in nature, history, or entertainment, there is something for everyone to enjoy in America.。

4. T hundred years, the White House has stood as a symbol of the Presidency, the United States government, and the American people. Its history, and the history of the nation's capital, began when President George Washington signed an Act of Congress in December of 1790 declaring that the federal government would reside in a district "not exceeding ten miles square...on the river Potomac." President Washington, together with city planner Pierre L'Enfant, chose the site for the new residence, which is now 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. As preparations began for the new federal city, a competition was held to find a builder of the "President's House." Nine proposals were submitted, and Irish-born architect James Hoban won a gold medal for his practical and handsome design.

美国著名旅游景点介绍1. 大峡谷国家公园(Grand Canyon National Park):位于亚利桑那州,是世界七大自然奇迹之一。
2. 黄石国家公园(Yellowstone National Park):位于怀俄明州,是美国首个国家公园,也是世界上第一个国家公园。
3. 自由女神像(Statue of Liberty):位于纽约市自由岛上,是美国的象征之一。
4. 华盛顿特区(Washington, D.C.):作为美国的首都,华盛顿特区是政治和历史的中心。
5. 伊娃岛(Hawaii):夏威夷群岛位于太平洋中,以其美丽的海滩、温暖的气候和丰富的自然景观而著名。
6. 拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas):位于内华达州,是一个国际知名的娱乐城市,以其赌场、豪华酒店、主题公园和绚丽的夜景而闻名。
7. 迪士尼乐园(Disneyland):位于加利福尼亚州的安纳罕姆,是全球最著名的主题公园之一。
8. 纽约时代广场(Times Square):位于纽约曼哈顿区,是美国最繁忙的广场之一。
9. 美国国家航空航天博物馆(National Air and Space Museum):位于华盛顿特区,是世界上最大的航空航天博物馆之一。
10. 美国总统山(Mount Rushmore):位于南达科他州,是一座用爆破方式雕刻而成的山体雕塑。

纽约著名景点导游词一、自由女神像(Statue of Liberty)自由女神像位于纽约港口的自由岛上,是纽约最著名的景点之一。
二、帝国大厦(Empire State Building)帝国大厦是纽约市的标志性建筑之一,也是世界著名的摩天大楼。
三、时代广场(Times Square)时代广场是纽约最繁忙和最热闹的地方之一,被誉为“世界的十字路口”。
四、中央公园(Central Park)中央公园是纽约市绿 lung,也是休闲和娱乐的好地方。
五、自然历史博物馆(American Museum of Natural History)自然历史博物馆是世界上最大的自然历史博物馆之一。
六、布鲁克林大桥(Brooklyn Bridge)布鲁克林大桥是连接曼哈顿和布鲁克林的著名桥梁。
七、洛克菲勒中心(Rockefeller Center)洛克菲勒中心是纽约市的商业和文化中心,也是著名的摩天大楼。
八、华尔街(Wall Street)华尔街是世界上最著名的金融街之一,也是纽约市的标志性地点。

美国著名景点英文介绍1.金门大桥 The Golden Gate Bridge, completed after more than four years of construction at a cost of $35 million, is a visitor attraction recognized around the world. The GGB opened to vehicular traffic on May 28, 1937 at twelve o'clock noon, ahead of schedule and under budget, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt pressed a telegraph key in the White House announcing the event.2.华尔街 Wall Street is the name of a narrow street in lower Manhattan in New York City, running east from Broadway downhill to the East River. Considered to be the historical heart of the Financial District, it was the first permanent home of the New York Stock Exchange.The phrase "Wall Street" is also used as a metonym to refer to American financial markets and financial institutions as a whole. Most New York financial firms are no longer headquartered on Wall Street, but elsewhere in lower or midtown Manhattan, Fairfield County, Connecticut, or New Jersey. JPMorgan Chase, the last major holdout, sold its headquarters tower at 60 Wall Street to Deutsche Bank in November 2001.3.自由女神 Statue of Liberty Liberty Enlightening the World, known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty, is a statue given to the United States by France in 1885, standing at Liberty Island in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor as a welcome to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans.The copper statue, dedicated on October 28, 1886, commemorates the centennial of the United States and is a gesture of friendship between the two nations. The sculptor was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Gustave Eiffel, the designer of the Eiffel Tower, engineered the internal structure. Eugène Viollet-le-Duc was responsible for the choice of copper in the statue's construction and adoption of the Repoussé technique. The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable icons of the U.S. worldwide,[1] and, in a more general sense, represents liberty and escape from oppression. The Statue of Liberty was, from 1886 until the Jet age, often the first glimpse of the United States for millions of immigrants after ocean voyages from Europe. It's said that il Sancarlone or the Colossus of Rhodes inspired it.4.Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the center of the borough of Manhattan in New York City, USA. It runs through the heart of Midtown and along the eastern side of Central Park, and because of the expensive park-view real estate and historical mansions along its course, it is a symbol of wealthy New York. It is one of the best shopping streets in the world, oftenpaired with London's Oxford Street and the Champs Elys ées in Paris. It is one of the most expensive streets in the world, on a par with London and Tokyo lease prices.The "most expensive street in the world" moniker changes depending on currency fluctuations and local economic conditions from year to year. [1] Joseph Winston Herbert Hopkins founded this street. It is the dividing line for the east-west streets in Manhattan, (for example, demarcating the line separating East 59th Street from West 59th Street) as well as the zero-numbering point for street addresses (numbers increase in both directions as one moves away from Fifth, with 1 East 59th Street on the corner at Fifth Avenue, and 300 East 59th Street located several blocks to the East). Fifth Avenue is a one-way street and carries southbound ("downtown") traffic. Some people refer to Fifth Avenue colloquially as "FashionAve," but many refrain from it to avoid confusion with the real Fashion Ave, also known as Seventh Avenue. Fifth Avenue extends from the north side of Washington Square Park through Greenwich Village, Midtown, and the Upper East Side4.第五大道 Fifth Avenue, which was two-way over most of its course until the early 1960s, now allows two-way traffic north of 135th Street only. South of 135th Street, Fifth Avenue allows one-way southbound traffic only while northbound traffic may take Madison Avenue. From 124th Street to 120th Street, Fifth Avenue is cut off by Marcus Garvey Park.5.帝国大厦The Empire State Building is a 102-story contemporary Art Deco style building in New York City, declared by the American Society of Civil Engineers to be one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. Designed by Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, it was finished in 1931. The tower takes its name from the nickname of New York State. Since the September 11th attacks, it is again the tallest building in New York City.。

著名建筑英文介绍带翻译1. Empire State BuildingThe Empire State Building is an iconic skyscraper located in New York City, United States. Completed in 1931, it stood as the world’s tallest building for nearly 40 years. With its distinctive Art Deco style and towering height of 1,454 feet (443.2 meters), the Empire State Building has become a symbol of the city and a popular tourist attraction.帝国大厦帝国大厦位于美国纽约市,是一个标志性的摩天大楼。
2. Sydney Opera HouseThe Sydney Opera House is a world-renowned performing arts venue located in Sydney, Australia. Designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, the building is characterized by its unique sail-like design and is considered one of the 20th century’s most distinctive buildings. The Sydney Ope ra House hosts a variety of performances, including opera, ballet, and theater, and is an iconic symbol of both Sydney and Australia.悉尼歌剧院悉尼歌剧院是位于澳大利亚悉尼的世界知名的表演艺术场所。

美国名胜古迹英文介绍2第一篇:美国名胜古迹英文介绍 21.自由钟The Liberty Bell, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is an American bell of great historic significance.The Liberty Bell is perhaps one of the most prominent symbols associated with early American history and the battle for American independence and freedom.Its most famous ringing, on July 8, 1776, summoned citizens for the reading of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress.Previously, it had been rung to announce the opening of the First Continental Congress, in 1774, and the Battle of Lexington and Concord, in 1775.The bell was not officially known as the “Liberty Bell” until 1837, when it became a symbol of the abolitionist movement.Its cast inscription from Leviticus 25:10 states, “Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” The Liberty Bell is one of the most familiar symbols of independence and nationhood within the United States, second only to the Statue of Liberty;strangely perhaps, given its widespread use within the country, the Liberty Bell is hardly recognized outside of the US, and far less well known as a symbol of America than either the Statue of Liberty or the Stars and Stripes.2.自由女神the Statue of LibertyLiberty Enlightening the World, known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty, is a statue given to the United States by France in 1885, standing at Liberty Island in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor as a welcome to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans.The copper statue, dedicated on October 28, 1886, commemorates the centennial ofthe United States and is a gesture of friendship between the two nations.The sculptor was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi.Gustave Eiffel, the designer of the Eiffel Tower, engineered the internal structure.Eugène Viollet-le-Duc was responsible for the choice of copper in the statue's construction and adoption of the Repoussé technique.The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable icons of the U.S.worldwide,[1] and, in a more general sense, represents liberty and escape from oppression.The Statue of Liberty was, from 1886 until the Jet age, often the first glimpse of the United States for millions of immigrants after ocean voyages from Europe.It's said that il Sancarlone or the Colossus of Rhodes inspired it.3.华盛顿碑The Washington MonumentThe Washington Monument usually refers to the large white-colored obelisk at the west end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C..It is a United States Presidential Memorial constructed for George Washington, the first President of the United States and the leader of the revolutionary Continental Army, which won independence from the British following the American Revolutionary War.Other monuments to honor Washington, also known as the “Washington Monument”, are in Balti more and Washington County, Maryland.The monument is made of marble, granite, and sandstone.It was designed by Robert Mills, a prominent American architect of the 1840s.The actual construction of the monument began in 1848 and was not completed until 1884, almost 30 years after the architect's death, due to lack of funds and the intervention of the American Civil War.A difference in shading of the marble(visible approximately 150 feet up)clearly delineates the initial construction from its resumption in 1876.It is generally considered fortunate that theGreek Doric rotunda Mills planned for the base of the monument was never built.[1]The Washington Monument at duskIts cornerstone was laid on July 4, 1848;the capstone was set on December 6, 1884, and the completed monument was dedicated on February 21, 1885.It officially opened to the public on October 9, 1888.Upon completion, it became the world's tallest structure at 169 m, a title it inherited from the Cologne Cathedral and held until 1889, when the Eiffel Tower was finished in Paris, France.The Washington Monument reflection can be seen in the aptly named Reflecting Pool, a rectangular pool extending westward in the direction of the Lincoln Memorial.4大峡谷The Grand CanyonThe Grand Canyon is a very colorful, steep-sided gorge, carved by the Colorado River, in northern Arizona, USA.It is largely contained within the Grand Canyon National Park — one of the first national parks in the United States.President Theodore Roosevelt was a major proponent of the Grand Canyon area, visiting on numerous occasions to hunt mountain lions and enjoy the scenery.The canyon, created by the Colorado River cutting a channel over millions of years, is about 277 miles(446 km)long, ranges in width from 0.25 to 15 miles(0.4 to 24 kilometers)and attains a depth of more than a mile(1,600 m).Nearly two billion years of the Earth's history has been exposed as the Colorado River and its tributaries cut through layer after layer of sediment as the Colorado Plateaus have uplifted.The first recorded sighting of the Grand Canyon by a European was in 1540, García López de Cárdenas from Spain.[citation needed] The first scientific expedition to the canyon was led by U.S.Major John Wesley Powell in the late 1860s.Powell referred to the sedimentary rockunits exposed in the canyon as “leaves in a great story book.” Long before that, the area was inhabited by Native Americans who built settlements within the canyon walls.5、华尔街Wall Street is the name of a narrow street in lower Manhattan in New York City, running east from Broadway downhill to the East River.Considered to be the historical heart of the Financial District, it was the first permanent home of the New York Stock Exchange(纽约证券交易所).The phrase “Wall Street” is also used as a metonym(换喻词)to refer to American financial markets and financial institutions as a whole.Most New York financial firms are no longer headquartered on Wall Street, but elsewhere in lower or midtown Manhattan, Fairfield County, Connecticut, or New Jersey.JPMorgan Chase, the last major holdout, sold its headquarters tower at 60 Wall Street to Deutsche Bank in November 2001.6、自由女神Statue of LibertyLiberty Enlightening the World, known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty, is a statue given to the United States by France in 1885, standing at Liberty Island in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor as a welcome to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans.The copper statue, dedicated on October 28, 1886, commemorates the centennial of the United States and is a gesture of friendship between the two nations.The sculptor was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi.Gustave Eiffel, the designer of the Eiffel Tower, engineered the internal structure.Eugène Viollet-le-Duc was responsible for the choice of copper in the statue's construction and adoption of the Repoussé technique.The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable icons of the U.S.worldwide, and, in a more general sense, represents liberty and escape from oppression.The Statue ofLiberty was, from 1886 until the Jet age, often the first glimpse of the United States for millions of immigrants after ocean voyages from Europe.It's said that il Sancarlone or the Colossus of Rhodes inspired it.7、第五大道The Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the center of the borough of Manhattan in New York City, USA.It runs through the heart of Midtown and along the eastern side of Central Park, and because of the expensive park-view real estate and historical mansions along its course, it is a symbol of wealthy New York.It is one of the best shopping streets in the world, often paired with London's Oxford Street and the Champs Elysées in Paris.It is one of the most expensive streets in the world, on a par with London and Tokyo lease prices.The “most expensive street in the world” moniker changes depending on currency fluctuations and local economic conditions from year to year.Joseph Winston Herbert Hopkins founded this street.It is the dividing line for the east-west streets in Manhattan,(for example, demarcating the line separating East 59th Street from West 59th Street)as well as the zero-numbering point for street addresses(numbers increase in both directions as one moves away from Fifth, with 1 East 59th Street on the corner at Fifth Avenue, and 300 East 59th Street located several blocks to the East).Fifth Avenue is a one-way street and carries southbound(“downtown”)traffic.Some people refer to Fifth Avenue c olloquially as “Fashion Ave,” bu t many refrain from it to avoid confusion with the real Fashion Ave, also known as Seventh Avenue.Fifth Avenue extends from the north side of Washington Square Park through Greenwich Village, Midtown, and the Upper East Side8、白宫Formerly known as the Executive Mansion(1810–1902)theofficial office and residence of the president of the United States at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.in Washington, D.C.The White House and its landscaped grounds occupy 18 acres(7.2 hectares).Since the administration of George Washington(1789–97), who occupied presidential residences in New York and Philadelphia, every American president has resided at the White House.Originally called the “President's Palace” on early maps, the building was officially named the Executive Mansion in 1810 in order to avoid connotations of royalty.Although the name “White House” was commonly used from about the same time(because the mansion's white-gray sandstone contrasted strikingly with the red brick of nearby buildings), it did not become the official name of the building until 1902, when it was adopted by President Theodore Roosevelt(1901–09).The White House is the oldest federal building in the nation's capital.9、尼加拉瓜大瀑布Niagara Falls in the Niagara River, W N.Y.and S Ont., Canada;one of the most famous spectacles in North America.The falls are on the international line between the cities of Niagara Falls, N.Y., and Niagara Falls, Ont.Goat Island splits the cataract into the American Falls(167 ft/51 m high and 1,060 ft/323 m wide)and the Horseshoe, or Canadian, Falls(158 ft/48 m high and 2,600 ft/792 m wide).The governments of the United States and Canada control the appearance of the surrounding area, much of which has been included in parks since 1885.The earliest written description of the falls is that of Louis Hennepin(in Nouvelle Découverte, 1697), who was with the expedition of Robert Cavelier, sieur de La Salle, the French explorer, in 1678.In the 19th cent., daredevils attempted to brave the falls in barrels, boats, and rubber balls.The great Blondin performed(1859)on atightrope over the falls, which continue to be a major center of international tourism.Historical and natural history material relating to the region is in the Niagara Falls Museum in the city of Niagara Falls, N.Y.10、巴拿马运河Panama Canal waterway across the Isthmus of Panama, connecting the Atlantic(by way of the Caribbean Sea)and Pacific oceans, built by the United States(1904-14)on territory leased from the republic of Panama.The canal, running S and SE from Limón Bay at Colón on the Atlantic to the Bay of Panama at Balboa on the Pacific, is 40 mi(64 km)long from shore to shore and 51 mi(82 km)long between channel entrances.The Pacific terminus is 27 mi(43 km)east of the Caribbean terminus.The minim um depth is 41 ft(12.5 m).From Limón Bay a ship is raised by Gatún Locks(a set of three)to an elevation 85 ft(25.9 m)above sea level, traverses Gatún Lake, then crosses the Continental Divide through Gaillard(formerly Culebra)Cut and is lowered by Pedro Miguel Lock to Miraflores Lake and then by the Miraflores Locks(a set of two)to sea level.The average tidal range on the Atlantic side is less than a foot(.3 m);that on the Pacific side is 12.6 ft(3.8 m).11、黄石公园The Yellowstone Park Foundation is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization created in 1996.A group of concerned citizens, working with the National Park Service, started the Foundation in order to protect, preserve, and enhance Yellowstone National Park.The Foundation works to fund important projects and programs, many of which are beyond the financial capacity of the National Park Service.The Foundation receives no annual government funding;it relies instead upon the generous support of private citizens, foundations, and corporations to ensure that Yellowstone's great gifts to the world will never diminish.Since itsinception, the Yellowstone Park Foundation has successfully funded more than 100 projects in Yellowstone.12、帝国大厦New York, the Empire State Building was built in March 1930, then use the lightest construction materials, built in the West during the economic crisis has become a symbol of U.S.economic recovery, now still and the Statue of Liberty in New York to become a permanent mark.Has world's first high-Building and the New York City landmark building.Empire State Building is a modern high-rise office buildings, and the Statue of Liberty in New York as a sign.Construction on the 381-metre-high Empire State Building, since 1931, the top world's tallest building, the throne for 40 years.This building in the United States the most economically depressed, the most sluggish, with only less than 2 years to build.102 House and 86 in a floor observatory, is due to open Taiwan's Wang, the wind power is considerable.Sunny days when the Yuanwang to be 100 kilometers away.13、夏威夷For most of us, Hawaii begins to weave her spell(魅力)with some little glimmer(微光)of awareness.Golden beaches and golden people.Sun, sand, sea, and surf……And somewhere between the blue skies and the palm trees(棕榈树)……we're hooked(吸引).The Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth.The weather is friendly.The temperature ranges from 60-90 degrees all year long.It's a little warmer in summer, and a little cooler in winter, but every day is a beach day for somebody.There are no strangers in Paradise.Perhaps the most beautiful part of Hawaii is the genuine warmth of people.We call it the spirit of Aloha.It has allowed a melting pot of cultures from all over the world to find common ground(共同点), and a new home, in this most gentle of places.14、百老汇Broadway theatre is the most prestigious form ofprofessional theatre in the United States, as well as the most well known to the general public and most lucrative for the performers, technicians and others involved in putting on the shows.Broadway theatre, or a Broadway show, refers to a performance, usually a play or musical that appeals to a mass audience, presented in one of the thirty-nine large professional theatres with 500 seats or more located in the Theatre District of the New York City borough of Manhattan.The shows that reach Broadway and thrive there have historically been perceived as more mainstream and less cutting edge than those produced Off-and Off-Off-Broadway or in regional non-profit theatres such as the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis and the American Repertory Theatre in Cambridge, Massachusetts.第二篇:介绍美国英文演讲稿篇一:美国文化之节日介绍演讲稿(英文版)the american heritage festival 1.united states is a cultural powers.short but rich history and unique it makes for an ethnic melting pot, and bring together the worlds culture.if the thought of this huge social and human treasures of get in, we may wish to take a short cut, that is, on his holiday to be a general understanding of the culture, because it is a microcosm of the festival.2.day(情人节情人节)(february valentines day(情人节)(february 14)3.november 1, halloween is the traditional festival of the west.halloween, namely 31 october night, children enjoy a good time to play.as night fell, the children put on colorful costume, and wore a mask of all sorts, put on a pumpkin lampran out to play.packed with parity, the demons were dressed up as children of mobile pumpkin lamp, ran to a neighbors door, intimidation, like shouting: to trick or treat and give money or to eat.if the adults do not have to change for the hospitality they candy, and those naughty boy just talkthe talk: well, youre not playing entertaining, i you.4.november 4th thursday is thanksgiving.on thanksgiving day, the united states the whole fun, people follow the customs of the prayer of thanksgiving to the church, and rural towns are nearby, theatrical performances or sporting events, etc.continues for another year of relatives will return from many, one family luck, taste the delicious thanksgiving turkey.christmas is the most typical christmas tree decorations, people in a small fir or pine filled with gifts and lantern, the top of the tree with a big star.篇二:美国文化演讲稿,英文版presentation i’m glad to show you mine presentation today.and now let’s see some pictures.what are they? mayb e you’ll say “ads”.but do you see the slogans on them? just as this one “obey your thirst”.advertisements give latest information about products.but some people think that advertisements don’t give much information but only try to persuade customers to buy.may be what mentioned above is the citizens’ view about advertisement.so, what i want to say is that we can pay more attention on advertising slogans, and some of them give us some inspiration.we might as well take a look.first i want to share my favorite slogan with you.it’s the slogan of the hennessy.“to me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.” just as the slogan said, i hold the view that a person can’t be always lost in the past, and no matter how happy or terrible the past is, the future is worthy to be expected.this slogan gives a clear picture of the life that every successful person who want to realize the dream.besides, there’s another slogan, “start ahead”.i believe that most of us are familiar with its chinese meaning “成功之路,从头开始”.iargue that wherever we go and whatever we meet, this sentence is full of power and wisdom.the other one is the sloganof canon.as it said, “impossible made possible.” when we are in case of emergency or we meet difficulties at the critical stage of our life, it’s a good choice for us to use the slogan for encouragement.there’re also many slogans which deserve to be thought about.for example, “intelligence everywhere,” “the relentless pursuit of perfection,” and the most famous one “just do it”.maybe we’ll forget them after the first time we heard them or maybe we could seldom remember them unless in a special situation.in my opinion, since we have so many excellent advertising slogans, we have every reason to make full use of the social resources.in other words, after we enjoy the happiness and know about the introduction of the products, we should take in the wisdom and the truth which behind them.thank you, it’s all my presentation.篇三:美国经典英文演讲100篇美国经典英文演讲100篇您的位置:首页 > 英语口语 > 美国经典英文演讲100篇美国经典英文演讲100篇,附mp3和英文演讲稿!美国经典英文演讲100篇:oklahoma bombing memorial address2013-04-04 thank you very much, governor keating and mrs.keating, reverend graham, to the families of those who have been lost and wounded, to the people of oklahoma city, who have endured so much, and the people of this wonderful state, to all of you who are here as our fellow americans.美国经典英文演讲100篇:brandenburg gate address2013-04-03 美国经典英文演讲100篇:message to the grass roots2013-04-03 so we are all black people, so-called negroes, second-class citizens, ex-slaves.you are nothing but a [sic] ex-slave.you dont like to be told that.but what else are you? you are ex-slaves.美国经典英文演讲100篇:address on taking the oath of office2013-04-02 the oath that i have taken is the same oath that was taken by george washington and by every president under the constitution.but iassume the presidency under extraordinary circumstances never before experienced by americans.this is an hour of history that troubles our minds and hurts our hearts.美国经典英文演讲100篇:a crisis of confidence2013-04-02 this a special night for me.exactly three years ago, on july 15, 1976, i accepted the nomination of my party to run for president of the united states.i promised you a president who is not isolated from the people, who feels your pain, and who shares your dreams, and who draws his strength and his wisdom from you.美国经典英文演讲100篇:on vietnam and not seeking re-election2013-04-01 tonight i want to speak to you of peace in vietnam and southeast asia.no other question so preoccupies our people.no other dream so absorbs the 250 million human beings who live in that part of the world.no other goal motivates american policy in southeast asia.美国经典英文演讲100篇:statement to the senate judiciary...2013-04-01 my name is anita f.hill, and i am a professor of law at the university of oklahoma.i was born on a farm in okmulgee county, oklahoma, in 1956.i am the youngest of 13 children.i had my earlyeducation in okmulgee county.my father, albert hill, is a farmer in that area.my mothers name is irma hill.she is also a farmer and a housewife.美国经典英文演讲100篇:television and the public interest2013-03-31 governor collins, distinguished guests, ladies and ernor collins youre much too kind, as all of you have been to me the last few days.its been a great pleasure and an honor for me to meet so many of you.and i want to thank you for this opportunity to meet with you today.美国经典英文演讲100篇:eulogy for robert francis kennedy2013-03-31 on behalf of mrs.kennedy, her children, the parents and sisters of robert kennedy, i want to express what we feel to those who mourn with us today in this cathedral andaround the world.美国经典英文演讲100篇:black power2013-03-30 thank you very much.it’s a privilege and an honor to be in the white intellectual ghetto of the west.we wanted to do a couple of things before we started.美国经典英文演讲100篇:chappaquiddick2013-03-30 on the weekend of july 18, i was on marthas vineyard island 美国经典英文演讲100篇:religious belief and public morality2013-03-29 the catholic churchs actions with respect to the interplay of religious values and public policy make clear that there is no inflexible moral principle which determines what our political conduct should be.美国经典英文演讲100篇:presidential nomination acceptance..2013-03-29 i have not sought the honor you have done me.i could not seek it, because i aspired to another office, which was the full measure of my ambition, and one does not treat the highest office within the gift of the people of illinois as an alternative or as a consolation prize.《美国经典英文演讲100篇》音频打包下载2013-03-28 美国经典英文演讲100篇:vice-presidential nomination...2013-03-28 my heart is filled with pride.my fellow citizens, i proudly accept your nomination for vice president of the united states.美国经典英文演讲100篇:the marshall plan2013-03-28 美国经典英文演讲100篇:the great society2013-03-27 how do i document that case? seven years later, the richest 1 percent of our society pays 20 percent less in taxes.the poorest 10 percent pay 20 percent more: reaganomics.美国经典英文演讲100篇:1988 dnc address(上)2013-03-26 tonight, we pause and give praise and honor to god for being good enough to allow us to be at this place at this time.when i look out at this convention, i see the face of america: red, yellow, brown, black and white.we are all precious in gods sight--the real rainbow coalition.美国经典英文演讲100篇:a whisper of aids2013-03-25 incidentally, that he spentweeks in the preparation of--his words and policies were subjected to instant analysis and querulous criticism.美国经典英文演讲100篇:civil rights address2013-03-24 upon receiving the first preliminary hard information of this nature last tuesday morning at 9 a.m., i directed that our thank you very, very much, president keohane.mrs.gorbachev, trustees, faculty, parents, and i should say, julia porter, class president, and certainly my new best friend, christine bicknell--and, of course, the class of 1990.i am really thrilled to be here today, and very excited, as i know all of you must be, that mrs.gorbachev could join us.第三篇:英文名胜古迹手抄报The Forbidden City was theChineseimperialpalace from the mid-Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty.It is located in the middle of Beijing, China and now houses the Palace Museum.For almost five centuries, it served as the home of the Emperor and his household, and the ceremonial and political centre of Chinese government.The Great Wall of China is a series of stone and earthen fortifications in China, built, rebuilt, and maintained between the 6th century BC and the 16th century to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire during the rule of successive dynasties.Several walls, referred to as the GreatWall of China, were built since the 5th century BC.The most famous is the wall built between 220–200 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang;little of it remains;it was much farther north than the current wall, which was built during the Ming Dynast.The Terracotta Army are the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Shi Huang Di the First Emperor of China.The terracottafigures, dating from 210 BC, were discovered in 1974 by several local farmers near Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China near the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.The figures vary in height(184–197cm-6ft–6ft 5in), according to their role, the tallest being the Generals.The figures include warriors, chariots, horses, officials, acrobats, strongmen, and musicians.Current estimates are that in the three pits containing the Terracotta Army there were over 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses, the majority still buried in the pits.第四篇:榆林市名胜古迹介绍榆林市名胜古迹介绍榆林市位于陕西省最北部。

1.自由女神像介绍:Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This giant figure, torch in hand and clutching a stone tablet, has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream; indeed there is probably no more immediately recognizable profile in existence. It's worth remembering that the statue is - for Americans at least - a potent reminder that the USA is a land of immigrants: it was New York Harbor where the first big waves of European immigrants arrived, their ships entering through the Verrazano Narrows to round the bend of the bay and catch a first glimpse of "Liberty Enlightening the World" - an end of their journey into the unknown, and the symbolic beginning of a new life.These days, although only the very wealthy can afford to arrive here by sea, and a would-be immigrant's first (and possibly last) view of the States is more likely to be the customs check at JFK Airport, Liberty remains a stirring sight, with Emma Lazarus's poem, The New Colossus, written originally to raise funds for the statue's base, no less quotable than when it was written……Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips."Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse to your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."The statue, which depicts Liberty throwing off her shackles and holding a beacon to light the world, was the creation of the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who crafted it a hundred years after the American Revolution in recognition of solidarity between the French and American people (though it's fair to add that Bartholdi originally intended the statue for Alexandria in Egypt). Bartholdi built Liberty in Paris between 1874 and 1884, starting with a terracotta model and enlarging it through four successive versions to its present size, a construction of thin copper sheets bolted together and supported by an iron framework designed by Gustave Eiffel. The arm carrying the torch was exhibited in Madison Square Park for seven years, but the whole statue wasn't officially accepted on behalf of the American people until 1884, after which it was taken apart, crated up and shipped to New York.It was to be another two years before it could be properly unveiled: money had to be collected to fund the construction of the base, and for some reason Americans were unwilling - or unable - to dip into their pockets. Only throughthe campaigning efforts of newspaper magnate Joseph Pulitzer, a keen supporter of the statue, did it all come together in the end. Richard Morris Hunt built a pedestal around the existing star-shaped Fort Wood, and Liberty was formally dedicated by President Cleveland on October 28, 1886, in aflag-waving shindig that has never really stopped. The statue was closed for a few years in the mid-1980s for extensive renovation and, in 1986, fifteen million people descended on Manhattan for the statue's centennial celebrations.Today you can climb steps up to the crown, but the cramped stairway though the torch sadly remains closed to the public. Don't be surprised if there's an hour-long wait to ascend. Even if there is, Liberty Park's views of the lower Manhattan skyline, the twin towers of the World Trade Center lording it over the jutting teeth of New York's financial quarter, are spectacular enough.2.纽约唐人街介绍:On the surface, Chinatown is prosperous - a "model slum," some have called it - with the lowest crime rate, highest employment and least juvenile delinquency of any city district. Walk through its crowded streets at any time of day, and every shop is doing a brisk and businesslike trade: restaurant after restaurant is booming; there are storefront displays of shiny squids, clawing crabs and clambering lobster; and street markets offer overflowing piles of exotic green vegetables, garlic and ginger root. Chinatown has the feel of a land of plenty, and the reason why lies with the Chinese themselves: even here, in the very core of downtown Manhattan, they have been careful to preserve their own way of dealing with things, preferring to keep affairs close to the bond of the family and allowing few intrusions into a still-insular culture. There have been several concessions to Westerners - storefront signs now offer English translations, and Haagen Dazs and Baskin Robbins ice-cream stores have opened on lower Mott Street - but they can't help but seem incongruous. The one time of the year when Chinatown bursts open is during the Chinese New Year festival, held each year on the first full moon after January 19, when a giant dragon runs down Mott Street to the accompaniment of firecrackers, and the gutters run with ceremonial dyes.Beneath the neighborhood's blithely prosperous facade, however, there is a darker underbelly. Sharp practices continue to flourish, with traditional extortion and protection rackets still in business. Non-union sweatshops - their assembly lines grinding from early morning to late into the evening - are still visited by the US Department of Labor, who come to investigate workers' testimonies of being paid below minimum wage for seventy-plus-hour work weeks. Living conditions are abysmal for the poorer Chinese - mostly recent immigrants and the elderly - who reside in small rooms in overcrowded tenements ill-kept by landlords. Yet, because the community has beencloistered for so long and has only just begun to seek help from city officials for its internal problems, you won't detect any hint of difficulties unless you reside in Chinatown for a considerable length of time.3.迪斯尼乐园介绍:Walt and Roy Disney began their partnership on October 16, 1923 when they signed a contract to produce the Alice Comedies, a series of six- toeight-minute animated films, or "shorts," combining live-action and animation. What began as the Disney Brothers Studio evolved into The Walt Disney Company.Throughout the decades, the company has expanded worldwide from shorts to feature-length animated and live-action films and television production; character merchandise licensing; consumer products retailing; book, magazine and music publishing; Internet activities; television and radio broadcasting; cable television programming; and the operation of theme parks and resorts.From the creation of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit in 1927 and the debut of Mickey Mouse in 1928 to the premiere of Tarzan in 1999, animation has remained the defining signature of the company. Along the way, Disney has added successful TV shows like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, opened theme parks in California, Florida, France and Japan, launched more than 700 Disney Stores and added brands such as Touchstone, Miramax, ABC and ESPN to the fold.To make the most of Disneyland - the ultimate escapist fantasy and the blueprint for imitations worldwide - throw yourself right into it. Don't think twice about anything and go on every ride you can. The high admission price ($36) includes them all, although during peak periods each one can entail hours of queueing. Remember, too, that the emphasis is on family fun; the authorities take a dim view of anything remotely anti-social and eject those they consider guilty.Over four hundred "Imaginers" worked to create the Indiana Jones Adventure, Disneyland's biggest opening in years. Two hours of queueing are built into the ride, with an interactive archeological dig and 1930s-style newsreel show leading up to the main feature - a giddy journey along 2500ft of skull-encrusted corridors in which you face fireballs, falling rubble, venomous snakes and, inevitably, a rolling boulder finale. Disney claims that, thanks to computer engineering, no two Indiana Jones rides are ever alike. Judge for yourself.Among the best of the older rides are two in Adventureland: the Pirates of the Caribbean, a boat trip through underground caverns, singing along withdrunken pirates; and the Haunted Mansion, a riotous "doom buggy" tour in the company of the house spooks.Tomorrowland is Disney's vision of the future, where the Space Mountain roller coaster zips through the pitch-blackness of outer space, and the Star Tours ride simulates a journey into the world of George Lucas. The Skyway cable-car line that connects Tomorrowland with the clever but cloyingly sentimental Fantasyland is the only spot in the park from which you can see the outside world.As for accommodation, try to visit Disneyland just for the day and spend the night somewhere else. Most of the hotels and motels nearby cost well in excess of $70 per night.You're not permitted to bring your own food to the park; you can only consume the fast food sold on the premises.Disneyland is at 1313 Harbor Blvd, Anaheim, 45 minutes by car from downtown using the Santa Ana Freeway. In summer, the park is open daily between 8am and 1am; otherwise opening hours are weekdays 10am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to midnight, and Sunday 9am to 10pm. Arrive early; traffic quickly becomes nightmarish, especially in the summer. For further information, including public transportation details, call 714/999-4565.Spotlight on St.Petersburg4.圣彼得堡介绍:St.Petersburg.The very name brings to mind some of Russia's greatest poets,writers and composers:Pushkin,Dostoevsky,Tchaikovsky.The 19th century was a golden age for St.Petersburg's wealthy classes.It was a world of ballets and balls,of art and literature,of tea and caviar.圣彼得堡,只要提到这个名字就让人想起那些俄国最伟大的诗人、作家以及作曲家:普希金、杜斯妥也夫斯基、柴可夫斯基。

The Nort外滩群岛) along the coast of North Carolina (北卡罗来纳州)
---One of the beach communities from Outer Banks to New York City is Atlantic City in New Jersey, which used to be a quiet town; but now is the site of legalized gambling.
---Hollywood 好莱坞 where most of America’s movies are made, on the western edge of the city of Los Angles in South California. It’s the centre for movie production.
Highest Point Mount Elbert (14,433 ft/4399 m)
United States (78%), Canada (26%)(numbers are approximate percentage of range area)
382,892 sq mi / 991,691 sq km Area may include lowland areas
To the south of the Yellowstone National park is Grand Teton National Park 大蒂顿国家公园, 位于怀俄明州西北部Wyoming, which is famous for glaciers.以
Not too far away is Dinosaur National Monument 国家恐龙化石保护区,位于科罗 拉多州西北和犹他州Utah东北,以保护当地

Membership fee including (budget): international air ticket , visa application, accommodation cost ,three meals a day .lunch and dinner arranged in the restaurant and enjoy, the standard is 4 or 5 dishes and 1 soup ,bus ,personal accident insurance ,Chinese tour guide, driver, visit ticket ,travel agency liability insurance .Do not contain: Free activities costs in American.Cost Hawaii (budget): 25000 CNY (RMB)East tourMembership fee including (luxury): international air ticket ,visa application ,accommodation cost ,three meals a day .lunch and dinner arranged in the restaurant and enjoy, the standard is 8 or 10 dishes and 1 soup ,bus ,personal accident insurance ,Chinese tour guide,driver,visit ticket ,travel agency liability insurance .Cost West (luxury): 40000 CNY (RMB)Cost East (luxury): 40000 CNY (RMB)NEW YORK FOUR SEASONS HOTEL(纽约四季酒店)NEW YORK four seasons hotel is a luxury hotel located in the east of New York in the central area . Live here, and will be very close to times square, the United Nations headquarters and Rockefeller center. In addition, the central station and the Chrysler building in the hotel also nearby. Highlights include the health club.Level:5—starRoom type:Double room: US $ 495 Business suite: US $ 2150 Duplex suite: US$ 3650 Deluxe suite: US$ 11,000 Presidential suite: US$ 15,000 Hotel facilities:24-hour room service snack bar Concierge service 24 hour reception Fast check in / check out Beauty Internet access Balcony / Terrace Steam bath Conference / meeting room massage wheelchair parking Shoe cleaning service / - automatic smoke-free hotel room hotel safe gym wireless Internet child / Baby Crib sauna hotel Car Rental child care / infant care Spa / Spa Hotel bar Laundry service Concierge service Business Center hall / lobby whirlpool / Jacuzzi reading Room restaurant room service elevatorSofitel Philadelphia(费城索菲特酒店)Sofitel Philadelphia is located in the central business district of the city of Philadelphia's business-friendly hotel, very convenient. This hotel is near many attractions, including the Benjamin Franklin National Memorial •, Redding station mark et, Liberty Bell, Independence Hall Business Center and the United States. Nearby University of Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia Zoo.Level: 4—starRoom type:Luxury room: CNY 927 Superior room: CNY 983 Junior suite: CNY 1455 Hotel facilities:Restaurant, Bar, 24-Hour Front Desk, Newspapers, Non-Smoking Rooms, Rooms / Facilities, Elevator, Express Check / Safety Deposit Box, Heating, Luggage Storage, All Public and Private spaces non-smokingNine zero —a kimpton hotel(90金普顿酒店)Nine Zero - a Kimpton Hotel is a luxurious 4-star property conveniently located near the centre of Boston. Local tourist attractions such as Old Granary Burying Ground, Orpheum Theater, Boston Athenaeum are not far from the hotel. Also within easy reach are Park Street Church, Freedom Trail, King's Chapel. Nine Zero Hotel, a beautiful Boston boutique hotel, brings together everything the discerning traveler seeks: an ideal location in downtown Boston, luxurious accommodations, personalized service and thoughtful amenitiesLevel:5—starRoom type:Double room: US$ 489Junior suite: US$ 1148Deluxe suite: US$ 1458 Business suite: US$1286 FacilitiesNine Zero - a Kimpton Hotel is a smoke-free property. Dining facilities at the hotel include a restaurant. Breakfast is available - a surcharge will apply. There is also room service offered. The hotel boasts a 24-hour serviced front desk. ATM/banking facility is alsoavailable. Public areas at Nine Zero - a Kimpton Hotel are comfortably air-conditioned. Hotel guests will appreciate services of our multilingual staff. Other hotel amenities include tennis court(s). Leisure amenities: Enjoy the following spa/wellness facilities: on site spa services. Other services: concierge, dry cleaning/laundry service, elevator/lift, porter/bellhop, roll-in shower and safe-deposit box - front desk. Business/Internet: Nine Zero - a Kimpton Hotel can offer its guests a well-equipped business center, complete with audio-visual equipment and conference/meeting room(s). Event catering is also possible to organize. The following Internet options are available at the hotel: high-speed wired access, high-speed wireless access are complimentary; high-speed wired access, high-speed wireless access are offered for a surchargeQueen Kapiolani Hotel(卡皮欧拉尼皇后酒店)Queen Kapiolani Hotel is a comfortable property conveniently located only 3.5mi (5.6km) from the center of Honolulu(火奴鲁鲁火奴鲁鲁火奴鲁鲁). Local places of interest include Waikiki Beach (威基基海滩), International Market Place and Waikiki. Other points of interest are Honolulu Zoo, Waikiki Aquarium(威基基水族馆)and Kapiolani Park.Level:3—StarHotel Room:315Room type:Single room:CNY 750 Double room:CNY 880 Twin Room:CNY 912 Junior Room:CNY 1165 Hotel Facilities:Queen Kapiolani Hotel is a smoke-free property. Meal options at the hotel include a restaurant. A delicious complimentary(免费)breakfast is served daily. Our hotel provides a 24-hour front desk service. ATM/banking as well as currency exchange facilities are also at your disposal. Public areas of Queen Kapiolani Hotel are comfortable and air-conditioned. Our multilingual staff is friendly and professional. Additional hotel facilities: gift shop/newsstand and tennis court(s). Leisure amenities: The hotel offers an outdoor swimming pool. Additional services:concierge services(礼宾服务),dry cleaning/laundry service, elevator/lift, laundry facilities, porter/bellhop, roll-in shower, tour assistance and wedding services. Business & Internet: Our business guests will make use of business services, event cateringpossibilities at the hotel. Internet options at Queen Kapiolani Hotel: access in public areas, high-speed wired connection, high-speed wireless connection are offered for an additional fee.Hilton Las Vegas(拉斯维加斯希尔顿酒店)The Las Vegas Hilton is a hotel and casino.located next to the Las Vegas Convention Center(拉斯维加斯会议中心)and has its own 200,000 sq ft (19,000 m2) convention center, and a Las Vegas Monorail station(拉斯维加斯单轨). It has a 74,000 square feet (6,900 m2) casino and is also home to the largest sports book in Las Veagas.Level:4—StarHotel Room:2955Room type:Single room CNY 906 Twin room CNY 945 Accessible room CNY 1,077 Standard double room CNY 1,153 Deluxe suite CNY 1,230Executive suite CNY 1,384Standard suite CNY 1,496Hotel Facilitise: 24-hour room service, restaurant, wireless Internet, parking, room service, safe, hair salon, disabled facilities, tourism services, child care services, shops, business center, valet parking, concierge service, elevator, laundry service / dry cleaning, meeting facilities, massages, whirlpool Jacuzzi, Golf Course (on site), Gym / fitness facilities, tennis courts, spa,outdoor swimming poor,safe(保险箱).Mandarin Oriental San Francisco (旧金山文华东方酒店)- 圣弗朗西斯科Towering above downtown our guests have stupendous views of the city’s iconic sights, from the Golden Gate Bridge to San Francisco Bay. At street level, key business and leisure destinations are all nearby. Mandarin Oriental, San Francisco is a fine luxury hotel offering legendary service and legendary views. Level:5—StarHotel Room:158Room type:Superior Room:CNY 2346 Deluxe Room:CNY 2618 Executive Room:CNY 2890 Junior Suite:CNY 3162 Deluxe suite:CNY 3842 Hotel Facilitise:Concierge services,Complimentary newspapers in lobby,Fitness facilities,Restaurant(s) in hotel,Bar/lounge Breakfast available (surcharge),Room service (24 hours),Parking(surcharge),Limo or Town Car service available,On-site car rental,Multiple conference &meeting rooms,Event catering,Business center,Banquet facilities,Fax machine,Audio-visual equipment,Cell phone/mobile rental,Photocopy machines,Business services,Computer rental,Safe-deposit box at front desk,Express check-out,Doorman doorwoman,Security guard,24-hour front desk,Medical assistance available,Currency exchange,Translationservices,Gift shops or newsstand,Babysitting or child care,Dry cleaniny &laundry service,Shoe shine,Air-conditioned public areas,Valet parking (surcharge),Suitable for children,Internet access –wireless,Airport transportation (surcharge),Wireless(high-speed) Internet access—surcharge,Valet parking ,Use of nearby fitness center (discount).The Ritz Carlton Los Angeles Hotel(洛杉矶丽思卡尔顿酒店)Located in downtown Los Angeles, just a block away from the Staples Center, the Ritz-Carlton Los Angeles offers luxurious(豪华) rooms with marble bathrooms, flat-screen TVs, and iPod docks. Level:5—StarHotel Room:123Room type:Deluxe King or Queen Room :CNY3980 Executive Suite:CNY3053 Deluxe Double Quee CNY4549 Hotel Facilitise:Parking, Restaurant, Bar, 24-Hour Front Desk, Newspapers, Elevator, Express Check-In/Check-Out, Safety Deposit Box, Design Hotel, All Public and Private spaces non-smoking, Airconditioning, Fitness Centre, Spa & Wellness Centre, Hot Tub, Outdoor Swimming Pool Room Service, Babysitting/Child Services, Laundry, Dry Cleaning, Barber/BeautyShop, VIP Room Facilities, Internet Services, Currency Exchange, Souvenirs/Gift Shop, Fax/Photocopying, Wi-Fi/Wireless LAN, ATM/Cash Machine on site, Concierge Service, Vending Machine (snacks).The east coast of US tourNew YorkStatue of Liberty(自由女神像)Statue of Liberty as a symbol(象征,标志)of the United States, located in the United States west of New York City, Manhattan, a small island - free on the island, holding her torch in New York, Hong Kong stands at the entrance, at the city observe day and night, since the late 19th century ushered(招待,引)in since the to the millions of immigrants to settle in the United States. In 1984, it was inscribed on the World Heritage(遗产,传统)List.Broadway(百老汇)Broadway is a prominent avenue in New York City, United States, which runs through the full length of the borough of Manhattan and continues northward through the Bronx borough before terminating (使终结)in Westchester County, New York.[1] It is the oldest north–south main thoroughfare(大道,大街)in the city, dating to the first New Amsterdam settlement. The name Broadway is the English literal translation of the Dutch(荷兰的)name, Breede weg.A stretch(使变宽,延伸)of Broadway is famous as the heart of the American theatre industry.Rockefeller Center(洛克菲中心)The famous Rockefeller Center in Midtown Manhattan is an Art Deco NYC landmark. Spanning(跨越,持续)22 acres and featuring 19 commercial buildings in New York, Rockefeller Center is one of the most popular attractions in NYC. A beautiful New York destination all year long, the Rockefeller Center is home to numerous NY events, including the lighting of the famous Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, which is broadcast(广播,播放)live on TV around the world each year.Central Park(中央公园)Now Central Park has become a good place which filled with concrete(混凝土)to avoid the noisy(喧闹的)atmosphere of New York City ,If you are walking, draw boating or enjoying a picnic, you can see the reason how popular Central park isAmerican Museum of Natural History(历史博物馆)The Natural History Museum is one of the most famous tourist attractions in New York City. For 125 years, the American Museumof Natural History has been one of the world’s preeminent(杰出的)science and research institutions, renowned(著名的,有声望的)for its collections and exhibitions that illuminate(解释,阐明)millions of years of the earth's evolution, from the birth of the planet through the present day. The Natural History Museum is a must-see, since many of the exhibits appeal to a person's sense of wonder and curiosity.Niagara Falls(尼加拉瓜瀑布)For generations, the majestic(雄伟的)beauty and humbling(震撼人心的)power of Niagara Falls State Park has fostered(培养,助长)a sense of awe(敬畏)and wonder. Through the years, countless people have enjoyed the sparkling(闪闪发光的)scenery of the falls, making the Niagara Falls vacation spot a favorite for the whole family.Writers, artists and prominent figures have also flocked(群集,蜂拥)to the falls to feel the spark of creativity only the park’s panoramic(全景的)views can create.Experience Niagara Falls State Park’s rushing torrents(急流,湍急), spectacular scenery and one-of-a-kind attractions while letting your excitement flow as freely as the waters. The American Falls feature a variety of adventures to help you make the most of your trip. Dine (就餐)at the Top of the Falls Restaurant, walk right up to the baseof Niagara Falls during the Cave of the Winds tour, or let the water fall all around you during the Maid of the Mist(薄雾)boat ride.WashingtonThe White House(白宫)The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States, recognized worldwide as a symbol of the prestige(声望,威望)of the presidency. Built between 1792 and 1800, the sprawling 132-room mansion(大厦)has been used as a home by every President since John Adams. The East Wing of the White House principally serves as offices for the First Lady and her staff. The First Family's quarters(四分之一), located on the second and third floor of the historic White House, provide them with privacy (独处)and comfort away from the public spotlight(引人注目的). The West Wing is home to the President's office and those of his top staff. On the pages that follow, you can learn more about the President's office, the many state rooms, and the grounds and history of America's most famous home.PhiladelphiaThe liberty bell(自由钟)I Cast in London, England in 1752, the Liberty Bell rang when the Continental Congress(国会选举,美国国会)signed the Declaration of Independence(独立宣言)and has become the symbol of freedom in the United States. The bell weighs about 2000 pounds and is made mostly of copper (70%) and tin(锡)(25%).BostonHarvard University(哈佛大学)Seven presidents of the United States – John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rutherford B. Hayes, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and George W. Bush –were graduates of Harvard. It is faculty have produced more than 40 Nobel(诺贝尔)laureates(诗人).Alor Hata 阿洛哈塔Tourists traveling in Hawaii, the first and the last farewell(辞别,再见,再会) is to see the tower. Alor Hata was built in1926,located in Honolulu, is the harbor control tower is the tallest building in Hawaii. The tower free to the public.,opening hours:8:00---21:00Diamond Head Volcano钻石山Diamond head volcanoe(Diamond Head Crater) in the Hawaiian Islands of Oahu in Honolulu. Along Waikiki (Waikiki) on the beach most obvious sign is an extinct(熄灭的)volcano, the legendary (传说中的,传奇故事)home of Pele female Vulcan(女火神),now is the Hawaii landmark(地标)Molokai莫洛凯岛A spiritual(精神上的)refuge(避难,避难所), a paradise for adventurers. In its strange landscape(风景,美化), the world's highest sea precipice(悬崖绝壁), Hawaii's longest waterfall(瀑布)and the largest white sand beach.Molokai (Molokai, Hawaii) is the name of the ancient (Molokai Hakes), is a powerful blessing(祝福)of those means. Molokai people from the trauma(损伤,外伤)of war, mainly because of the bird is the rule of fear and respect for the priest(神父,牧师)Maui 茂宜岛Maui radius(方圆,半径,范围)of 729 square miles, is the second largest island of the Hawaiian Islands, Oahu is the following after the second tourist destination(目的地). Two blocks (板块,岩块)from the island of what constitutes the middle by a bottleneck (瓶颈)like connected to the land. Maui most never get tired of performing, is the most common view is that the sun sets. Evening every day, wearing red dress holding a torch(火把)of indigenous (本土的)people, will go to the beach barefoot(赤脚的)everywhere the torch lit (this is the night lights), and the golden sunset will all painted brilliant(灿烂的,闪耀的)things up.Hawaii palace 夏威夷皇宫Iowa Rani Palace(艾奥拉尼皇宫)is the only palace on American soil, Hawaii Dynasty Palace, this elegant(第一流的,文雅的,雅致的)building was built in the reign (统治,盛行,占优势)of King Kalakaua(卡拉卡瓦国王), the $ 3.6 million dollars, in front of the palace, there is a card Ha Ha I, the United States United States (King Kamehameha Statue) gold-plated statue, the statue was not heard by caja U.S. appearance of the Kazakh Great casting, because the card is the U.S. Great Ha Ha America is not good-looking appearance, but the statue Ha Ha the United States to shift the United States and Great card solemn(庄严地,隆重的,严肃的)vigour(气势)are shownOahu鸥湖岛Island of Oahu, also known as Rainbow(彩虹), t he daily hours of light rain fly when the evening among the beautiful rainbow hanging(悬挂), blue sky between the island of Oahu not only adds to contain no less than had been the feature and even so far to all the tourists were more interested in cause unexpected surprise. Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands may be the most colorful islands, it has the characteristics of a variety of cultures, magnificent and diverse landscape and abundant(丰富的,充裕的)outdoor activities.Pearl Harbor珍珠港Pearl Harbor is located south of Oahu, Hawaii, about 10 km west of Honolulu. An area of 89 square kilometers. By three in-depth(深)composition (组成,合成物)of the land bay, the ocean is only connected with a narrow mouth; Bay 10-20 m water depth, navigable(可航行的,可行驶的)waters area of 26 square kilometers. Port(港口)masking(掩饰,遮蔽)conditions are good, big room for water for the world famous natural harbor.during the "Pearl Harbor"(“珍珠港事件”)and famous. December 8, 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor naval(海军的)aircraft, launched the Pacific War. After World War II was focused on reconstruction and expansion(扩充,扩张物)of port and more deep-water dock (码头)can accommodate(供应,容纳)the giant ships; near the Navy Yard has a large dry dock, can manufacture and repair of various types of warships. Headquarters of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Seventh Fleet(舰队)is also a supplier of military(军事的,军用的)supplies. Honolulu International Airport and the east, a military airport. Connected with the highway between Honolulu.Waikiki Beach 威基基海滩Waikiki Beach is located in the Hawaiian Islands of Oahu in Honolulu. Is probably the world's most famous beach, is the minds of most visitors to the most typical(典型的,代表性的)beach in Hawaii. Diamond Beach area east foot of the 卡皮欧尼拉Park(Kapiolani Park), west Allawi (Ala Wai) marina(阿拉威游艇码头), up to a mile a day to as many as 25,000 visitors here. Volcanoes National Nark国家火山公The many attractions in Hawaii, Volcanoes National Park is probably the most daunting(沮丧的). Here, visitors can face the volcano and feel the great power of the land. Park was built in 1916, covers an area of 377 square kilometers, including 4169 m of Mauna Loa(冒那罗亚火山)to the vast region between the sea. Park road aspect, the center is a non-stop tour of the volcano erupted(喷出,爆发).Honolulu火奴鲁鲁Chinese said Honolulu. Hawaii's capital, the famous tourist center. In the North Pacific Hawaiian Islands of Oahu's southeast corner. The urban area of 217 square kilometers, population 365,000 (1990); large urban expansion and Oahu counties, an area of 1544 square kilometers, the total statewide population of about 80% of the populationKauai 考爱岛Kauai is the fourth largest island of Hawaii. In the middle part of the island l600 meters above sea level Mount Waialeale(怀厄莱阿莱山)where they stand, lie stretches, and the mountains are often misty(有雾的,模糊的), mountains looming(隐现,迫近). In rainyweather, the green island full of green, colorful landscape, dotted (点缀)with numerous waterfalls, the island is like a larger landscape bonsai(盆景), known as the "Garden Island," said.Large ancient battlefield air大风口古战场Big air at the tip(针尖山)and Oulao Hill Mountain(可欧劳山), between two hills a steep cliff. Because it is the mountain pass between two mountains, the wind from here when he formed a strong wind, resulting in a strange landscape. Origin of its name is interesting. Legends(传说) of ancient Hawaii's first king, when the United States Hamei Ha card (King Kamehameha) in order to unify the Hawaiian Islands and Hawaii had a chief war. The final battle on the big air here. But unfortunately, chief defeated. The Chiefs defeated the cliff jump suicide, but did not expect was the wind to blow up, hanging in the branches. Poignant(凄凉的)story and add more great air of mystery. Look down from the big air, is a green golf courses and beaches. Air from below is always great to see the mist-shrouded(神秘感).Polynesian Cultural Center波利尼西亚文化中心In the northeastern coast of Oahu's Polynesian Cultural Center's seven villages, you can see Maori(毛利人), Fiji Islanders(斐济群岛人), Tahiti people(大溪地人), Samoa(萨摩亚人), Tonga people(东加人), Marquis of people(马奎斯人), and Hawaii simulate(模拟,模仿)the original indigenous villages, and their local art, drama and dance, to show the Pacific island lifestyle▲洛杉矶是美国西部第一大城市和全国第二城市。

世界50个著名旅游景点中的9个美国景点1 -美国大峡谷-The Grand Canyon美国大峡谷是一个举世闻名的自然奇观,位于西部亚利桑那州西北部的凯巴布高原上,总面积2724.7平方公里,由于科罗拉多河穿流其中,故又名科罗拉多大峡谷。
2 -美国佛罗里达州-Florida佛罗里达风景最亮丽的棕榈海滩是全球著名的旅游天堂之一。
3-拉斯维加斯-Las Vegas在一片乾燥的不毛之地后大地的,突然出现一座金碧辉煌的不夜城,一座不可思议的人工化城市,任何人的目光都被那闪耀的霓虹灯及有特色的豪华风光所吸引,甚至於在完全不同于日常生活的幻境中迷失自我。
4-纽约-New York帝国大厦和自由女神像、横跨纽约东河的布鲁克林大桥,是纽约标志性建筑。
5-尼亚加拉瀑布-Niagara Falls尼亚加拉瀑布位于加拿大和美国交界的尼亚加拉河上,它号称世界7大奇景之一。
6-美国约塞米蒂国家公园 Yosemite National Park约塞米蒂国家公园地处内华达山脉,位于旧金山东部150英里处,是美国最好的国家公园之一。
7-夏威夷 Hawaii夏威夷群岛地处太平洋中心,由火山爆发形成,总面积10923平方英里,其中海域面积为4508平方英里,陆地面积6423平方英里。
美国景点 英语介绍——英语

Washington Monument
It is located in downtown Washington and is on the axis of the Houses of Parliament and the Lincoln Memorial, a marble obelisk, a square。The bottom width is 22.4 meters, it is 169 meters high。
Yellowstone National Park
This natural wonders unparalleled beauty inspired the U.S. government to create the worlds first national park. For a young country just coming of age in the early 1800s, the discovery of Yellowstone helped define America s identity with its vast, bold landscape.
Yellowstone Nቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱtional Park
Since 1872, Yellowstone National Park was founded, there have been more than 60 million tourists who come here. Visitors come from all over and are all kinds. The feeling was naturally rich and varied: There are pleasant praise, there is fear, or surprised sighs, there is awe of meditation, there are thrilling to stimulate fear, there are pairs of natural power and quiet insight, as well as bittersweet experiences ... ...
美国景点介绍英文Travel of America

It’s Hawaii !!!
白宫 美国国家黄石公园 Do you want to go to America?? 哈 黄石国家公园温泉
阿 佛 餐厅 拉 So please learn English well !! 金 斯 门 加 Best wishes to you 极 大 光
Bye Bye
Do you remember them?
The Walt Disney Company was founded by Walter Elias Disney. He created a lot of classical images that are known to all. And today there are many Disneyland Parks all over the world. By the way, a new Disneyland Park is on construction in Shanghai.
What’s this??
the Statue of Liberty
the Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty is konwn to everybody, standing on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. In 1876 Franch France China government presented it as a gift to the the United States for the100th anniversary of independence. The world-famous Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom.

林肯纪念堂(Lincoln Memorial)
It is seen as the United States Permanent statue and Washington city landmark, built to commemorate the sixteenth president of the United States Abraham lincoln. -- “Lincoln will go down to posterity, and people„s hearts forever”
Time Square
• The Statue of Liberty (formal title: Liberty Enlightening the World) is a colossal statue located at Liberty Island, New York City. It was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States and is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. • French sculptor Fré dé ric Auguste Bartholdi designed
它被视为美国永恒的塑像及华盛顿市标志,为纪念美国第十六届 总统亚伯拉罕· 林肯而建。 ──“林肯将永垂不朽,永存人民心里”
Lincoln Memorial
Lincoln Memorial
II. New York City
New York City is the largest city in the United States and one of the world's major global cities. The city has a population of over 8.1 million within an area of 321 square miles (approximately 830 km² )., making it the most densely populated city in North America.
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美国著名景点英文介绍金门大桥The Golden Gate Bridge, completed after more than four years of construction at a cost of $35 million, is a visitor attraction recognized around the world. The GGB opened to vehicular traffic on May 28, 1937 at twelve o'clock noon, ahead of schedule and under budget, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt pressed a telegraph key in the White House announcing the event.2.华尔街Wall Street is the name of a narrow street in lower Manhattan in New York City, running east from Broadway downhill to the East River. Considered to be the historical heart of the Financial District, it was the first permanent home of the New York Stock Exchange.The phrase "Wall Street" is also used as a metonym to refer to American financial markets and financial institutions as a whole. Most New York financial firms are no longer headquartered on Wall Street, but elsewhere in lower or midtown Manhattan, Fairfield County, Connecticut, or New Jersey. JPMorgan Chase, the last major holdout, sold its headquarters tower at 60 Wall Street to Deutsche Bank in November 2001.3.自由女神Statue of LibertyLiberty Enlightening the World, known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty, is a statue given to the United States by France in 1885, standing at Liberty Island in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor as a welcome to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans. The copper statue, dedicated on October 28, 1886, commemorates the centennial of the United States and is a gesture of friendship between the two nations. The sculptor was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Gustave Eiffel, the designer of the Eiffel Tower, engineered the internal structure. Eugène Viollet-le-Duc was responsible for the choice of copper in the statue's construction and adoption of the Repoussé technique. The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable icons of the U.S. worldwide,[1] and, in a more general sense, represents liberty and escape from oppression. The Statue of Liberty was, from 1886 until the Jet age, often the first glimpse of the United States for millions of immigrants after ocean voyages from Europe. It's said that il Sancarlone or the Colossus of Rhodes inspired it.4.Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the center of the borough of Manhattan in New York City, USA. It runs through the heart of Midtown and along the eastern side of Central Park, and because of the expensivepark-view real estate and historical mansions along its course, it is a symbol of wealthy New York. It is one of the best shopping streets in the world, oftenpaired with London's Oxford Street and the Champs Elysées in Paris. It is one of the most expensive streets in the world, on a par with London and Tokyo lease prices. The "most expensive street in the world" moniker changes depending on currency fluctuations and local economic conditions from year to year. [1] Joseph Winston Herbert Hopkins founded this street. It is the dividing line for the east-west streets in Manhattan, (for example, demarcating the line separating East 59th Street from West 59th Street) as well as thezero-numbering point for street addresses (numbers increase in both directions as one moves away from Fifth, with 1 East 59th Street on the corner at Fifth Avenue, and 300 East 59th Street located several blocks to the East). Fifth Avenue is a one-way street and carries southbound ("downtown") traffic. Some people refer to Fifth Avenue colloquially as "Fashion Ave," but many refrain from it to avoid confusion with the real Fashion Ave, also known as Seventh Avenue. Fifth Avenue extends from the north side of Washington Square Park through Greenwich Village, Midtown, and the Upper East Side4.第五大道Fifth Avenue, which was two-way over most of its course until the early 1960s, now allows two-way traffic north of 135th Street only. South of 135th Street, Fifth Avenue allows one-way southbound traffic only while northbound traffic may take Madison Avenue. From 124th Street to 120th Street, Fifth Avenue is cut off by Marcus Garvey Park.5.帝国大厦The Empire State Building is a 102-story contemporary Art Deco style building in New York City, declared by the American Society of Civil Engineers to be one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.Designed by Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, it was finished in 1931. The tower takes its name from the nickname of New York State. Since the September 11th attacks, it is again the tallest building in New York City.。