试卷(成型原理 A 成型09 2011-12)




漳州师范学院计算机科学与工程系计算机科学与技术专业 09 级《计算机操作系统》课程期末考试卷(A)(2011—2012学年度第一学期)班级_________学号____________姓名__________考试时间:120分钟一.(10分)为了解决I/O的瓶颈问题,可采用多通路的连接方式。


12二.(12分)有三个程序A 、B 、C ,它们使用同一个设备进行I/O 操作, 并且按照A 、B 、C 的优先次序执行。

这三个程序的计算和I/O 时间如下 表所示。


(单位:ms )1. 在早期的操作系统下,上述程序可以在单道环境中运行,单道批处理系统具有____________、 _____________和______________等特征。

(3分)2. 在单道批处理系统中,内存中仅有一道作业,无法充分利用系统中的所有资源,导致系统性能较差,因此诞生了多道程序设计技术,下列属于多道批处理系统的特点的是( )(3分,漏选、错选均不得分)A. 资源利用率高B. 系统吞吐量小C. 平均周转时间长D. 及时性E. 交互性F. 无交互能力 G . 平均周转时间短 H. 系统吞吐量大3.请画出多道、可抢占方式下(假设内存中可同时装下这三道程序),三个程序运行的时间关系图。

(6分)三.(16分)假定系统有3个并发进程In 、Copy 和Out共享缓冲器Buffer1和Buffer2。









楚雄师范学院2011-2012学年第一学期期中考试试卷课程计算机网络考试时间: 120 分钟班级电信2009 姓名学号一、填空题(将正确答案填在横线上,每空1分,共20分)1.网络把许多计算机连接在一起,而因特网则把许多网络连接在一起。









9.一个UDP用户数据报的首部的十六进制表示是:06 32 00 45 00.1C E2 17,那么该数据报的目的端口是__0045__。

10.某台计算机上配置的IP地址为192.168. 1.24/26,那么这台计算机所在网络的子网掩码是255.255.255.192。





15.在IP数据报的首部格式中,源地址所占的长度是 4 字节。

16.某台计算机上配置的IP地址为172.16. 24.24/22,那么这台计算机所在网络的网络号是172.16.24.0。






二、简答题 (每题 5 分,共 25 分)
1、请简述互联电网的优缺点。 2、利用第五章(电力系统的有功功率和频率调整)所学知识,试分析电动汽车的大量应用对电力系统调 度有何影响? 3、如图所示 3 机 9 节点系统,节点 1 为平衡节点,节点 2 和节点 3 的电压辐值为恒定值(1)请写出节点 9 和节点 2 的节点类型; (2)请问节点导纳矩阵的阶数; (3)如果用极坐标下牛顿-拉夫逊方法进行求解, 请给出潮流方程的个数;
4、 (10 分)已知系统 S 为有限大系统,CB 的断路容量为 30000MVA,计算下图系统线路起始处发生三相 短路的短路电流值。 100km 50MVA 50MVA 10.5/242kV Uk(%)=11 CB S
x1 0.4 / km
1.0 xd
5、 (15 分)已知系统在某一点处的正序、负序和零序等值电抗为 X 1 X 2 , X 0 3 X 1 ,求在该点处 分别发生三相短路、单相接地短路、两相短路和两相短路接地时,各种短路电流(两相短路接地求 B 相) 的周期分量有效值之比 I (1) : I (2) : I (1.1) : I (3) ? 。
第 2 页 共 2 页
华北电力大学 2011-2012学年第1学期考试试卷(A)
课程名称 专业班级 考试方式 命题教师 电力系统分析基础 电气09、电管09 闭卷 姜彤、刘宝柱、孙英云、 麻秀范、马进 课程编号 需要份数 试卷页数 主任签字 00200290
考核日期时间 送交日期 A B卷齐全 备 注
2011.12.16 2011.12.08 是
2 7 8 9 3

3D 打印技术考核试题(最完整的习题集)

3D 打印技术考核试题(最完整的习题集)



A.从内至外快速凝固均匀B.从外至内逐步凝固均匀C.从外至内快速凝固均匀D.从外至内快速凝固分散4.下面那个软件不属于3D打印所用的建模软件?(C)A.SolidWorksB.AutoCADC.PhotoshopD.3DS Max5.市场上常见的3D打印机所用的打印材料直径为(A)A.1.75mm或3mmB.1.85mm或3mmC.1.85mm或2mmD.1.75mm或2mm6.以下哪款软件用于逆向建模?(A)A.Geomagic Design XB.RhinocerosC.WordD.Auto CAD7.立体光固化成型设备使用的原材料为(A)A.光敏树脂B.尼龙粉末C.陶瓷粉末D.金属粉末8.三角洲打印喷嘴温度升不上去,跟哪些因素无关(D)A.热敏电阻短路B.加热棒短路C.电路板坏掉D.喉管喷嘴堵塞9.三角洲3D打印机打印出来的月球灯出现错层情况跟哪些地方无关(C)A.皮带的松紧度B.鱼眼轴承的松紧度C.喷头的堵塞请款D.导轨润滑程度10.逆向工程也可称为?(A)A.反求工程B.快速成型技术C.接触式测量技术D.数字化控制技术11.逆向工程中采集点云数据需用?(C)A.3D打印机B.三坐标测量机C.三维扫描仪D.数控机床12.以下(B)不需喷涂显像剂才能采集点云数据。





北京师范大学2011~2012学年第 1 学期期末考试试卷(A 卷)课程名称: 数据结构 任课教师姓名: 刘玉铭卷面总分: 100 分 考试时长: 100 分钟 考试类别:闭卷 院(系): 数学科学学院 专 业: 年级: 2010 姓 名: 学 号:阅卷教师(签字):一、 单项选择题(每题2分,共10题20分)1.以下那一个术语与数据的存储结构无关? 。

A .栈B .哈希表C .线索树D .双向链表2.链表不具有的特点是 。

A .插入、删除不需要移动元素B .可随机访问任一元素C .不必事先估计存储空间D .所需空间与线性表长度成正比3.算术表达式a+b*(c+d/e )转为后缀表达式后为 。

装订线A.ab+cde/* B.abcde/+*+C.abcde/*++ D.abcde*/++4.二维数组A[10][20]采用列优先的存储方法,若每个元素占2个存储单元,设A[0][0]的地址为100,则元素A[7][6]的存储地址为。

A.232B.234C.390D.3925.若一棵二叉树具有10 个度为2 的结点,5 个度为1 的结点,则度为0 的结点个数是 .A.9B.11C.15D.不确定6.一棵二叉树中序序列为FE ABDC,后序序列为F BADC E,则层序序列为。




EFCDAB7.在有向图G 的拓扑序列中,若顶点Vi 在顶点Vj 之前,则下列情形不可能出现的是 .A.G 中有弧〈Vi,Vj>B.G 中有一条从Vi 到Vj 的路径C.G 中没有弧<Vi,Vj〉D.G 中有一条从Vj 到Vi 的路径8.对于二叉排序树,下面的说法是正确的。

A.二叉排序树是动态树表,查找不成功时插入新结点时,会引起树的重新分裂和组合B.对二叉排序树进行层序遍历可得到有序序列C.用逐点插入法构造二叉排序树时,若先后插入的关键字有序,二叉排序树的深度最大D.在二叉排序树中进行查找,关键字的比较次数不超过结点数的1/29.一组记录的关键字为{47、75、55、30、42、90},则用快速排序方法并以第一个记录为支点得到的第一次划分结果是 .A. 30,42,47,55,75,90B. 42,30,47,75,55,90C. 42,30,47,55,75,90D. 42,30,47,90,55,7510.下述文件中适合于磁带存储的是。

11~12上《军事理论》期末试卷 本科A

11~12上《军事理论》期末试卷 本科A

莆田学院期末考试试卷(A)卷2011 ——2012 学年第一学期课程名称:军事理论适用年级/专业: 09、10、11级试卷类别开卷(√)闭卷()学历层次本科考试用时 120分钟《考生注意:答案要全部抄到答题纸上,做在试卷上不给分》...........................一、单项选择题:(每小题1分,共30分)1、提出“世界上没有比军事科学更难的科学”这一观点的是。













快速成型技术与试题 - 答案

快速成型技术与试题 - 答案

试卷3.快速成型技术的主要优点包括成本低,制造速度快,环保节能,适用于新产品开发和单间零件生产等4.光固化树脂成型(SLA)的成型效率主要与扫描速度,扫描间隙,激光功率等因素有关5.也被称为:3D打印,增材制造;6.选择性激光烧结成型工艺(SLS)可成型的材料包括塑料,陶瓷,金属等;7.选择性激光烧结成型工艺(SLS)工艺参数主要包括分层厚度,扫描速度,体积成型率,聚焦光斑直径等;8.快速成型过程总体上分为三个步骤,包括:数据前处理,分层叠加成型(自由成型),后处理;9.快速成型技术的特点主要包括原型的复制性、互换性高,加工周期短,成本低,高度技术集成等;10.快速成型技术的未来发展趋势包括:开发性能好的快速成型材料,改善快速成形系统的可靠性,提高其生产率和制作大件能力,优化设备结构,开发新的成形能源,快速成形方法和工艺的改进和创新,提高网络化服务的研究力度,实现远程控制等;11.光固化快速成型工艺中,其中前处理施加支撑工艺需要添加支撑结构,支撑结构的主要作用是防止翘曲变形,作为支撑保证形状;二、术语解释1.STL数据模型是由3D SYSTEMS 公司于1988 年制定的一个接口协议,是一种为快速原型制造技术服务的三维图形文件格式。

STL 文件由多个三角形面片的定义组成,每个三角形面片的定义包括三角形各个定点的三维坐标及三角形面片的法矢量。

stl 文件是在计算机图形应用系统中,用于表示三角形网格的一种文件格式。



STL是用三角网格来表现3D CAD模型。






特别提示:请诚信应考,考试违纪或作弊将带来严重后果!成都理工大学工程技术学院 2010-2011学年第一学期《土木工程材料》09工程管理专业期末试卷A注意事项:1. 考前请将密封线内的各项内容填写清楚; 2. 所有答案请直接答在试卷上; 3.考试形式:闭卷;4. 本试卷共四大题,满分100分,考试时间120分钟。

一、单项选择题(1×20=20)1.对于同一种材料而言,材料的密度ρ、表观密度0ρ以及堆积密度1ρ的大小顺序正确的是( C )A.01ρρρ>>B.10ρρρ>>C.10ρρρ>>D.01ρρρ>> 2.材料的孔隙率增大,材料的( D )降低。

A.强度、憎水性、吸水性 B 密度、强度、抗冻性C.吸湿性、抗渗性、耐水性D.表观密度、强度、密实度3.欲使建筑物室内尽可能冬暖夏凉的外墙材料应选用导热系数λ和热容量C 的大小是( C )A.λ值小,C 值小B.λ值大,C 值小C.λ值小,C 值大D.λ值大,C 值大 4.含水率为10%的湿砂220g ,其中水的质量为( C ) A.19.8g B.22g C.20g D.20.2g 5.在石灰熟化的过程中,对石灰表面覆盖一层水的的目的是( A ) A.防止生成的氢氧化钙与二氧化碳发生反应 B.消除过火灰的危害 C.便于石灰熟化的产物沉淀D.以上三者都不对6.在生产普通硅酸盐水泥的过程中,加入适量石膏的作用是( A )A.调节水泥的凝固时间B.调节水泥的标号C.减小水泥水化时的水化热D.改变水泥的品种7.对于大体积混凝土工程不宜选用的水泥品种( C)A.矿渣硅酸盐水泥B.粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥C.普通硅酸盐水泥D.火山灰硅酸盐水泥8.水泥熟料中28d水化热最大的矿物为( C)A.C3SB. C2SC. C3AD. C4AF9.在水泥性能试验后,测定下列哪项指标不合格,水泥即为废品。

( B)A.水泥细度不合格B.水泥体积安定性不合格C.水泥标号不合格D.水泥终凝时间不合格10.某种水泥的标号为42.5R,其中R的含义为( B)A.水泥的品种B.早强型水泥C.防腐型水泥D.抗渗型水泥11.在混凝土搅拌之前,洗砂以及石子的目的是( D)A.提高砂石的含水率B.降低砂石的含泥量C.降低砂石里面有害杂质的含量D.B与C都对12.砂石中的含泥量对混凝土的性能有哪些影响( D)A.增加混凝土的拌水量B.增大混凝土的干缩C.降低混凝土的强度D.以上三项都对13.混凝土发生碱骨料反应的条件是( D )A.碱性物质、活性骨料、外加剂B.碱性物质、掺合料、外加剂C.碱性物质、有害杂质、外加剂、掺合料D.碱性物质、活性骨料、水14.混凝土的和易性包括( A )A.流动性、粘聚性、保水性B.稠度、分层度、保水性C.泵送性、离析、强度D.坍落度、维勃稠度、稠度15.C30表示混凝土的( C )等于30MPa。















A:注重内在结构的空间丰富化B:全面创新而实现价值跨越的企业/品牌行为C:突破原有行业惯例D:嫁接外行业价值答案:BCD4.以下属跨界思维的有( )A:支付宝B:虚拟币C:众筹D:汇付天下答案:ABCD5.可持续发展包括()。







2009-2010学学年第二期 数高等代(下)期末考试试卷(A 卷)选择题题(本大共5题题小,每小3分,共15分) 1.( )义变换下列所定的σ哪个线变换,一是性(A)线间在性空V 设中,α为对一固定的非零向量,于任意的V ξ∈,义定()σξξα=+;(B) 在3R 义中,定221231233(,,)(,,)x x x x x x x σ=+;(C) 在3R 义中,定222222123131223(,,)(,,)x x x x x x x x x σ=+++;(D) 在[]P x 义中,定()0()()f x f x σ=,其中0x 为P 个数中一固定的。

2.( )实数在域R 中,由全体3阶阵构线间矩所成的性空V 维数为的 (A )2; (B )4; (C )6; (D )9。

3. ( ) 如果1V , 2V 线间是性空V 两个间的子空, 且()1dim 5V =, ()2dim 3V =,()12dim 6V V +=, 么那()12dim V V ∩为(A) 2 (B)3 (C)4 (D)5 4.( 设)σ为欧间氏空V 个线变换号的一性,符(,)αβ表示向量α和β内积的,则哪说与下列一法σ为变换正交不等价(A ) 对任意V α∈,有()(),()(,)σασααα=; (B ) 对任意,V αβ∈,有()(),()(,)σασβαβ=; (C )对任意,V αβ∈,有()()(),,()σαβασβ=;( D) σ组标阵阵在任意一准正交基下的矩是正交矩.5. ( ) 设A 和B 为数域P 上的n 阶阵则方,A 和B 当仅当相似且(A) A 和B 值有相同的特征; (B) A 和B 有相同的秩; (C) 为存在着行列式不零的n 阶阵方T 使得1B T AT −= ; ( D) A 和B 有相同的迹。

二、 填题空题(本大共5题题小,每小3分,共15分)1、设阶阵三方A 项为的特征多式32()225f λλλλ=−−−则, =||A ________。

模具设计与制造专业《塑料模具设计与制造 》考试试卷

模具设计与制造专业《塑料模具设计与制造 》考试试卷

第 1 页 共 3 页2011~2012学年第二学期模具设计与制造专业《塑料模具设计与制造》考试试卷(A )答题注意事项:○1学生必须用蓝色(或黑色)钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔直接在试题卷上答题;○2答卷前请将密封线内的项目填写清楚;○3字迹要清楚、工整,不宜过大,以防试卷不够使用;4本卷共4大题,总分为100分。

一、填空题(共8小题,25空,每空1分,合计25分) 1.塑料的分类方式很多,根据塑料中树脂的分子结构和热性能分类可分为 、 两种。

2.注射成形工艺过程包括: 、 及 三个阶段。

3. 、 和 是影响注射成形工艺的重要参数。

4.塑件尺寸是指塑件的 。

5.塑件的表面质量包括 和 。

6.注射模是由 、 、 、 、 、 和 、 、 等组成。

7.注射机按照塑料在料桶的塑化方式可分为 、 两类。

8.分型面是 ,在塑件的 ,是为了 和 取出而设计的。

二、选择题(共22小题,每小题1.5分,合计33分) 1.按照树脂的分子结构及其特性分为热塑性塑料和热固性塑料,热塑性塑料是( )。

A .树脂是线型或带支链型结构;具有可塑性,其热变形过程是可逆的;成型过程只有物理变化 B .体型网状结构;一经成型后,不再具有可逆性;成型过程既有物理变化也有化学变化 C .线型或带支链型结构;一经成型后,不再具有可逆性,生产废料不能回收 D .体型网状结构;具有可塑性,其变形过程是可逆的;成型过程只有物理变化2.在注射成型过程中,金属嵌件预热的目的是( )。

A .可以加热物料 C .降低嵌件周围塑料的收缩应力B .增加嵌件的强度 D .有利于排气3.注射成型工艺适用于( )。

A .只有热塑性塑料 D .所有塑料都可以B .只有热固性塑料C .主要成型热塑性塑料,某些热固性塑料也可用注射方法成型4.对同一种塑料,螺杆式注射机的料筒温度比柱塞式注射机的料筒温度要求( )。

A .高一些 B .低一些 C .相同 D .不能确定5.下列哪种因素不能影响注射成型的塑件精度( )。



得分大学2011-2012学年第二学期《英语语法》期末试卷(A)请将此誓言译成汉语,然后再慎重签上你的姓名:On my honor as a student I have neither given nor received any help for this assignment/test.Signature :Sectiong I. Multiple choice (50×1=50points)Directions: There are 50 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentencethere are four choices marked A), B), C) andD). Choose the ONEanswer that best completes the sentence.Then mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throughthe center. 1.1. Last Sunday I saw four _________ carrying many bags on their shoulders.A. passer-byB. passer-bysC. passers-byD. passers-bys2. I’ve ______ my umbrella in the office and I’ll have to fetc h it.A. forgotB. leftC. remainedD. lost3. Don’t let yourself be ______ into doing anything you don’t want to do.A. toldB. madeC. talkedD. asked 4. Is there anything __________ to you?A. that is belongedB. that belongsC. that belongD. which belongs 5. --- Who is that knocking at the door?----_____ must be the milkman.A. HeB. SheC. ItD. The man6.____me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet.A. That amazedB. It amazedC. Which amazedD. What amazed7. Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young,____she was twenty five.A. her first real success did not come untilB. her real first success came until notC. since her first real success did not come untilD. not until her first real success8. The monkey ____ the tree was eating the bananas ____ the tree.A. on; atB. at; inC. on; inD. in; on9. I usually have ____ lunch at home but yesterday I had ____ good lunch at that restaurant.A. /; aB. the; /C. the; aD. the; the10. ---- “How do you like the book?”---- “It’s quite different from __________ I read last month.”A. thatB. whichC. the oneD. the one what11. There are ____ students at the sports meeting.A. tens of thousands ofB. five hundreds ofC. several hundred ofD. five thousands12. There is ____ bridge over the river.A. a stone old fineB. an old stone fineC. a fine old stoneD. an old fine stone13.____is announced in the papers, our country has launched a large scalemovement against smuggling and fraudulent activities in foreign currency exchange deals.A. WhatB. AsC. WhichD. That14. All the flights ____because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.A. were canceledB. had been canceledC. having canceledD. having been canceled15. He might have been killed ____the timely arrival of the ambulance.A. but forB. except forC. besidesD. except16.The sitting room is ____ the bedroom.A. twice the size asB. the size twice thanC. twice the size ofD. the size twice of17. His room is dark. He must ____ to bed.A. goB. be goingC. have goneD. have been gone18. I____ him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during theChristmas holidays.A. ought to have sentB. couldn’t have sentC. must have sentD. needn’t have sent19. “I think Helen is at home.”“No, she ____ be at home, for she phoned me from the airport just five minutes ago.”A. mustn’tB. needn’tC. can’tD. daren’t20. Not only sailors but also the captain ____ frightened during that voyage.A. hasB. haveC. wasD. were21. He ____the 9:20 train because he didn't leave home till 9:25.A. can reachB. could catchC. may not catchD. couldn't have caught22.--- Are you going to the concert in the 21st Century Hotel?--- No, the tickets are ____ for me.A. much far expensiveB. so much expensiveC. too far expensiveD. far too expensive23. In the middle of the grass stands a littl e board that ______ “Keep off thegrass”.A. writesB. speaksC. readsD. tells24. The examination I took yesterday wasn't very difficult, but it was______ long.A. much tooB. so muchC. too muchD. very much25. Of the 4 books, one is written by a young writer and ___ by an old one.A. other threeB. three otherC. the other threeD. the three other26. Though ____rich,she was better off than at any other period in her life.A. by means ofB. within her meansC. by all meansD. by no means27. The dress is so cheap. Why not________ it?A. buyingB. to buyC. you buyD. buy28. . Ann is an ________ girl.A. eleven-year-oldB. eleven-years-oldC. eleven –year-old’sD. eleven-year’s-old29. As the train will not leave until one hour later, we ____grab a bite at the snackbar.A. may wellB. just as wellC. might as wellD. as well30.Please give ____ to what he has to say.A. earsB. earC. a earD. your ears31. The cinema is not far from here. It’s about ____ walk.A. ten minutes’B. ten minutes’sC. ten minute’sD. ten minute32.--- Remember the first time we met, Jim?--- Of course I do. You ______ in the library.A. were readingB. had readC. have readD. read33. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I ______ the cloth ______ well.A. have told; washesB. have been told; washesC. was told; washedD. have been told; is washed34. Physics is the present day equivalent of ____used to be called naturalphilosophy, from ____ most of present day science arose.A. which, whatB. that, whichC. what, whichD. what, that35. I first met Lisa 3 years ago. She ____ at a radio shop at the time.A. has workedB. was workingC. had been workingD. had worked36. Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1921 and enjoyed great fame in Germanyuntil the rise of Nazism ____he was expelled from Germany because he was a Jew.A. whenB. whoC. thenD. which37.You ____ what I said? I ____ the truth.A. don’t believe; am tellingB. aren’t believing; toldC. didn’t believe; tellD. don’t believe; was telling38. All of the plants now farmed on a large scale were developed from plants____wild.A. that once growB. once they growC. they once grewD. once grew39. Living in the desert involves a lot of problems, ____ water shortage is theworst.A. not to mentionB. of whichC. let aloneD. for what40. Hydrogen is one of the most important element in the universe ____it providesthe building blocks from which the other elements are produced.A. so thatB. but thatC. provided thatD. in that41. Just as relaxation is an important part of our lives, ____stress.A. so isB. as it isC. and so isD. the same is42. Oh! It’s you! Your voice sounds quite different ______ the phone.A. fromB. byC. inD. on43. Such ____the case, there are no grounds to justify your complaints.A. wasB. isC. is beingD. being44. Humble____ it may be, there’s no place like home, ____he may go.A. like, whenB. as, whereverC. although, whereD. which, wherever45. Look out! The wall ____ fall!A. is going toB. will beC. shallD. will46. The doctor advised him to stay in bed, saying he was much____.A. ill enoughB. too illC. so illD. very ill47. He ____have been nervous because he didn’t go straight in.A. ought toB. mustC. shouldD. had to48. Mr. Li is ____ as Mr. Wang.A. a good teacherB. an as good teacherC. as good a teacherD. as a good teacher49. -------“The president made a brilliant decision, didn’t he?”--------“Yes, he did. I don’t know what I would have done if I ____to make that decision.”A. wereB. had hadC. have hadD. had50. --- Have you seen the doctor yet?---- No, but ____.A. I goB. I’m going to seeC. I go to seeD. I’m going to得分Sectiong Ⅱ. Filling Blanks (10×1=10 points)Directions: Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there is a blank with a word given in bracket, write downthe appropriate word's form on the answer sheet.51. He makes a note of the assignment lest he _____ (forget) it.52. Far _____ (be) it from me to turn my back to her when she is in need of my help.53. It’s high time you _____ (start) to think about your chances of landing a good job after graduation.54. He is said to _____ (make) much progress in his studies since last year.55. Great changes _____ (take place) in my hometown since the railway was completed.56. They are worrying about their son _____ (fine) for over speed.57. This mathematics problem was so difficult that no student and no teacher _____ (be) able to solve it.58. Shingles _____ (cause) by a virus which attacks the nerves.59. There has been an increasing number of _____ (man teacher) in primary schools in the pat few years.60. The headquarters of the United Nations _____ (be) located in New York.得分SectiongⅢ:Sentence Transformation (10×1=10 points) Directions:There are 10 Sentences in the following part. You are asked to rewrite the following sentences according to the requirements in thebrackets. Then write them down on the answer sheet.61. The town folk envied Horace. Horace had come into a small fortune. With the fortune he bought a big house. With the fortune he also obtained a partnership in the biggest grocery in town. (Combine them into one single sentence.)62. This is a good spot for a picnic. A river flows on one side. A large tree provides shade. We can spread our blanket on the grassy knoll. (Combine them into one single sentence.)63. This article is well written, but there is still room for improvement. (Rewrite the sentence, putting as many words as possible in the plural 复数形式with other necessary alterations.)64. That long report that Mr Allen wrote has been accepted for publication. (Rewrite the sentence, changing the italicized part into a genitive phrase斜体部分变为属格.)65. It is thought that he drives badly. (Rewrite the sentence, using the infinitive不定式.)66. She insists on his taking his vacation now. (Rewrite the sentence, using be-subjunctive Be –型虚拟)67. It suffices to say that the open policy will remain unchanged. (Rewrite the sentence, using be-subjunctive Be –型虚拟.)68. The public having ignored him for many years, the writer suddenly became famous. (Rewrite the sentence, using the passive voice被动语态.)69. Born in better times, he would have done credit to the profession of letters. (Rewrite the sentence, changing the italicized part into an inverted conditional clause斜体部分变为倒装的条件句.)70. He insists on us showing him respect. (Rewrite the sentence, using the non-finite passive非限定被动态.)得分Sectiong Ⅳ. Translation (20×1.5=30points) Directions: T ranslate the following 20 sentences or phrases according to therequirements,and write down your translation on the answer sheet.From English to Chinese71.He is too much of a coward to tell the truth.72.His income is barely enough for him to live from hand to mouth.73.Let’s make believe we have a million dollars.74.He was beside himself with joy.75.a portrait of Mr. Brown’s76.The door won’t lock.77.I don’t want to make a show of myself before her.78.He has become, as it were, an utterly self-centered man.79.I will own up to my mistakes.80.Far be it from me to say no to you.From Chinese to English81.他的小说销路不佳。



试卷一、填空题1.快速成型技术是由计算机辅助设计及制造技术、逆向工程技术、分层制造技术(SFF)、材料去除成形(MPR)、材料增加成形(MAP)技术等若干先进技术集成的;2.3.快速成型技术的主要优点包括成本低,制造速度快,环保节能,适用于新产品开发和单间零件生产等4.光固化树脂成型(SLA)的成型效率主要与扫描速度,扫描间隙,激光功率等因素有关5.快速成型技术的英文名称为:Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing(RPM),其目前也被称为:3D打印,增材制造;6.选择性激光烧结成型工艺(SLS)可成型的材料包括塑料,陶瓷,金属等;7.选择性激光烧结成型工艺(SLS)工艺参数主要包括分层厚度,扫描速度,体积成型率,聚焦光斑直径等;8.快速成型过程总体上分为三个步骤,包括:数据前处理,分层叠加成型(自由成型),后处理;9.快速成型技术的特点主要包括原型的复制性、互换性高,加工周期短,成本低,高度技术集成等;10.快速成型技术的未来发展趋势包括:开发性能好的快速成型材料,改善快速成形系统的可靠性,提高其生产率和制作大件能力,优化设备结构,开发新的成形能源,快速成形方法和工艺的改进和创新,提高网络化服务的研究力度,实现远程控制等;11.光固化快速成型工艺中,其中前处理施加支撑工艺需要添加支撑结构,支撑结构的主要作用是防止翘曲变形,作为支撑保证形状;二、术语解释1.STL数据模型是由3D SYSTEMS 公司于1988 年制定的一个接口协议,是一种为快速原型制造技术服务的三维图形文件格式。

STL 文件由多个三角形面片的定义组成,每个三角形面片的定义包括三角形各个定点的三维坐标及三角形面片的法矢量。

stl 文件是在计算机图形应用系统中,用于表示三角形网格的一种文件格式。



STL是用三角网格来表现3D CAD模型。




1.姓名涂改或重写者2.不按规定用铅笔答卷者3.违纪作弊者4.未在规定位置答卷者绝密★启用前座位号XXXXXXX学院 XXXX专业 2011级(专科)《塑料成型工艺与模具设计》期末考试试卷(A卷)一、单项选择题(每题2分,共30分)1. 模具是指利用自身特定(),将材料成型为具有一定形状和尺寸要求的制品的生产工具。

A.成型压力B.材料性能C. 结构形式2. 热塑性塑料在()的状态下,可进行注射、挤出、吹塑等成型加工。

A.高弹态B. 黏流态C. 玻璃态3. GB/T14486-2008《塑料模塑件尺寸公差》将塑件的公差等级规定为()。

A. MT1—MT7B. MT1—MT10C. MT1—MT184. 塑料中能改善树脂成型时的流动性和提高塑件柔顺性的添加剂是()。

A.稳定剂B.固化剂C. 增塑剂5.在进行塑件脱模斜度设计时,主要考虑塑件的结构形状、壁厚较厚塑料的收缩率等因素,一般取值为()。

A. 30′- 1°30′B. 2°- 3°30′C. 3°- 4°30′6. 塑料熔体在一定温度与压力作用下充满模腔的能力称为()。


A. 收缩性B. 流动性C. 相容性7. 注射模具设计时,需使在一个成型周期内所需要的塑料熔体容量或质量,在注射机额定注射量的()以内。

A. 40%B. 60%C. 80%8. 在注射模上设置(),是为了使在侧面有侧凹或侧孔的塑件能顺利脱模。

A. 推件机构B. 导向机构C.抽芯机构9.在热塑性塑料注射加工中,注塑成型加工的主要工艺参数是()。

A. 温度、压力、时间B. 黏度、压力、流速C. 湿度、流量、时间10. 浇注系统在主流道对面终端处设置冷料穴的目的是()。

A. 加快流道熔料冷却B. 收储主流道冷料头C. 控制熔料充模流速11. 注射模具设计中,若塑件脱模力较大时,模具脱模结构应采用()。



得分大学2011-2012学年第二学期《英语语法》期末试卷(A)请将此誓言译成汉语,然后再慎重签上你的姓名:On my honor as a student I have neither given nor received any help for this assignment/test.Signature :Sectiong I. Multiple choice (50×1=50points)Directions: There are 50 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentencethere are four choices marked A), B), C) andD). Choose the ONEanswer that best completes the sentence.Then mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throughthe center. 1.1. Last Sunday I saw four _________ carrying many bags on their shoulders.A. passer-byB. passer-bysC. passers-byD. passers-bys2. I’ve ______ my umbrella in the office and I’ll have to fetc h it.A. forgotB. leftC. remainedD. lost3. Don’t let yourself be ______ into doing anything you don’t want to do.A. toldB. madeC. talkedD. asked 4. Is there anything __________ to you?A. that is belongedB. that belongsC. that belongD. which belongs 5. --- Who is that knocking at the door?----_____ must be the milkman.A. HeB. SheC. ItD. The man6.____me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet.A. That amazedB. It amazedC. Which amazedD. What amazed7. Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young,____she was twenty five.A. her first real success did not come untilB. her real first success came until notC. since her first real success did not come untilD. not until her first real success8. The monkey ____ the tree was eating the bananas ____ the tree.A. on; atB. at; inC. on; inD. in; on9. I usually have ____ lunch at home but yesterday I had ____ good lunch at that restaurant.A. /; aB. the; /C. the; aD. the; the10. ---- “How do you like the book?”---- “It’s quite different from __________ I read last month.”A. thatB. whichC. the oneD. the one what11. There are ____ students at the sports meeting.A. tens of thousands ofB. five hundreds ofC. several hundred ofD. five thousands12. There is ____ bridge over the river.A. a stone old fineB. an old stone fineC. a fine old stoneD. an old fine stone13.____is announced in the papers, our country has launched a large scalemovement against smuggling and fraudulent activities in foreign currency exchange deals.A. WhatB. AsC. WhichD. That14. All the flights ____because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.A. were canceledC. having canceledD. having been canceled15. He might have been killed ____the timely arrival of the ambulance.A. but forB. except forC. besidesD. except16.The sitting room is ____ the bedroom.A. twice the size asB. the size twice thanC. twice the size ofD. the size twice of17. His room is dark. He must ____ to bed.A. goB. be goingC. have goneD. have been gone18. I____ him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during theChristmas holidays.A. ought to have sentB. couldn’t have sentC. must have sentD. needn’t have sent19. “I think Helen is at home.”“No, she ____ be at home, for she phoned me from the airport just five minutes ago.”A. mustn’tB. needn’tC. can’tD. daren’t20. Not only sailors but also the captain ____ frightened during that voyage.A. hasB. haveC. wasD. were21. He ____the 9:20 train because he didn't leave home till 9:25.A. can reachB. could catchC. may not catchD. couldn't have caught22.--- Are you going to the concert in the 21st Century Hotel?--- No, the tickets are ____ for me.A. much far expensiveB. so much expensiveC. too far expensiveD. far too expensive23. In the middle of the grass stands a littl e board that ______ “Keep off thegrass”.A. writesB. speaksC. readsD. tells24. The examination I took yesterday wasn't very difficult, but it was______ long.A. much tooB. so muchC. too muchD. very much25. Of the 4 books, one is written by a young writer and ___ by an old one.A. other threeB. three otherC. the other threeD. the three other26. Though ____rich,she was better off than at any other period in her life.A. by means ofB. within her meansC. by all means27. The dress is so cheap. Why not________ it?A. buyingB. to buyC. you buyD. buy28. . Ann is an ________ girl.A. eleven-year-oldB. eleven-years-oldC. eleven –year-old’sD. eleven-year’s-old29. As the train will not leave until one hour later, we ____grab a bite at the snackbar.A. may well C. might as well D. as well30.Please give ____ to what he has to say.A. earsB. earC. a earD. your ears31. The cinema is not far from here. It’s about ____ walk.A. ten minutes’B. ten minutes’sC. ten minute’sD. ten minute32.--- Remember the first time we met, Jim?--- Of course I do. You ______ in the library.A. were readingB. had readC. have readD. read33. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I ______ the cloth ______ well.A. have told; washesB. have been told; washesC. was told; washedD. have been told; is washed34. Physics is the present day equivalent of ____used to be called naturalphilosophy, from ____ most of present day science arose.A. which, whatB. that, whichC. what, whichD. what, that35. I first met Lisa 3 years ago. She ____ at a radio shop at the time.A. has workedB. was workingC. had been workingD. had worked36. Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1921 and enjoyed great fame in Germanyuntil the rise of Nazism ____he was expelled from Germany because he was a Jew.A. whenB. whoC. thenD. which37.You ____ what I said? I ____ the truth.A. don’t believe; am tellingB. aren’t believing; toldC. didn’t believe; tellD. don’t believe; was telling38. All of the plants now farmed on a large scale were developed from plants____wild.A. that once growC. they once grewD. once grew39. Living in the desert involves a lot of problems, ____ water shortage is theworst.A. not to mentionC. let aloneD. for what40. Hydrogen is one of the most important element in the universe ____it providesthe building blocks from which the other elements are produced.A. so thatB. but thatC. provided thatD. in that41. Just as relaxation is an important part of our lives, ____stress.A. so isB. as it isC. and so isD. the same is42. Oh! It’s you! Your voice sounds quite different ______ the phone.得分A. from B. by C. in D. on43. Such ____the case, there are no grounds to justify your complaints.A. wasB. isC. is beingD. being44. Humble____ it may be, there’s no place like home, ____he may go.A. like, whenB. as, whereverC. although, whereD. which, wherever45. Look out! The wall ____ fall!A. is going toB. will beC. shallD. will46. The doctor advised him to stay in bed, saying he was much____.A. ill enoughB. too illC. so illD. very ill47. He ____have been nervous because he didn’t go straight in.A. ought toB. mustC. shouldD. had to48. Mr. Li is ____ as Mr. Wang.A. a good teacherB. an as good teacherC. as good a teacherD. as a good teacher49. -------“The president made a brilliant decision, didn’t he?”--------“Yes, he did. I don’t know what I would have done if I ____to make that decision.”A. wereB. had hadC. have hadD. had50. --- Have you seen the doctor yet?---- No, but ____.A. I goB. I’m going to seeC. I go to seeD. I’m going toSectiong Ⅱ. Filling Blanks (10×1=10 points)得分Directions: Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For eachsentence there is a blank with a word given in bracket, write downthe appropriate word's form on the answer sheet.51. He makes a note of the assignment lest he _____ (forget) it.52. Far _____ (be) it from me to turn my back to her when she is in need of my help.53. It’s high time you _____ (start) to think about your chances of landing a good job after graduation.54. He is said to _____ (make) much progress in his studies since last year.55. Great changes _____ (take place) in my hometown since the railway was completed.56. They are worrying about their son _____ (fine) for over speed.57. This mathematics problem was so difficult that no student and no teacher _____ (be) able to solve it.58. Shingles _____ (cause) by a virus which attacks the nerves.59. There has been an increasing number of _____ (man teacher) in primary schools in the pat few years.60. The headquarters of the United Nations _____ (be) located in New York.Sectiong Ⅲ:Sentence Transformation (10×1=10 points) Directions: There are 10 Sentences in the following part. You are asked torewrite the following sentences according to the requirements in thebrackets. Then write them down on the answer sheet.61. The town folk envied Horace. Horace had come into a small fortune. With the fortune he bought a big house. With the fortune he also obtained a partnership in the biggest grocery in town. (Combine them into one single sentence.)62. This is a good spot for a picnic. A river flows on one side. A large tree provides shade. We can spread our blanket on the grassy knoll. (Combine them into one single sentence.)63. This article is well written, but there is still room for improvement. (Rewrite the sentence, putting as many words as possible in the plural 复数形式with other necessary alterations.)64. That long report that Mr Allen wrote has been accepted for publication. (Rewrite the sentence, changing the italicized part into a genitive phrase斜体部分变为属格.)65. It is thought that he drives badly. (Rewrite the sentence, using the infinitive不定式.)66. She insists on his taking his vacation now. (Rewrite the sentence, using be-subjunctive Be –型虚拟)67. It suffices to say that the open policy will remain unchanged. (Rewrite the sentence, using be-subjunctive Be –型虚拟.)68. The public having ignored him for many years, the writer suddenly became famous. (Rewrite the sentence, using the passive voice被动语态.)69. Born in better times, he would have done credit to the profession of letters. (Rewrite the sentence, changing the italicized part into an inverted conditional clause斜体部分变为倒装的条件句.)70. He insists on us showing him respect. (Rewrite the sentence, using the non-finite passive非限定被动态.)得分Sectiong Ⅳ. Translation (20×1.5=30points) Directions: T ranslate the following 20 sentences or phrases according to therequirements,and write down your translation on the answer sheet.From English to Chinese71.He is too much of a coward to tell the truth.72.His income is barely enough for him to live from hand to mouth.73.Let’s make believe we have a million dollars.74.He was beside himself with joy.75.a portrait of Mr. Brown’s76.The door won’t lock.77.I don’t want to make a show of myself before her.78.He has become, as it were, an utterly self-centered man.79.I will own up to my mistakes.80.Far be it from me to say no to you.From Chinese to English81.他的小说销路不佳。

工技大 汽车发动机原理试卷11-12 参考答案 (1)

工技大 汽车发动机原理试卷11-12 参考答案 (1)


)1、A2、C3、D4、A5、B6、C7、A8、D9、B 10、C11、D 12、B 13、C 14、B 15、D 16、A17、A18、C 19、D 20、B二、判断辨析题(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分。

)1、[ √] 理由:这是理论分析结果。

2、[ ×] 改正:表面点火现象与电火花点火无关。

3、[ ×] 改正:压缩比高是柴油机热效率高的原因之一。

4、[ ×] 改正:发动机的摩擦功率与进气系统的流动阻力无关。

5、[ √] 理由:负荷是笼统概念,可以用多个参数表示,如功率、转矩和油门位臵等。















2、有效燃油消耗率 —— 单位时间内消耗的燃油量与所发出有效功率的比值。

3、充量系数 —— 实际充入气缸的空气质量与进气状态下充满气缸工作容积的空气质量的比值。

4、负荷特性 —— 发动机转速不变时,性能指标随负荷(或有效功率、扭矩等)变化的关系。

5、柴油凝点 —— 在低温情况下,柴油开始失去流动性的温度称为柴油凝点。




有一个64K×16位的存储器, 由16K×1位的DRAM芯片(芯片内是128×128结构)构成,存储器读/写周期为500ns。试问:
18.已知X为整数,且[X]补= 10011011,则X的十进制数值是。
A +155 B–101 C–155 D +101
A实现存贮程序和程序控制;B缩短指令长度,扩大寻址空间,提高编程灵活性; 。
C变址寄存器内容加上形式地址 (位移量)D程序记数器内容加上形式地址 (位移量)
A RAM存贮器B ROM存贮器
C主存贮器D cache、主存贮器和外存贮器
16.微型计算机系统中 ,操作系统保存在硬盘上,其主存储器应该采用。
A.节约元件;B运算速度快;C物理器件的性能决定 ;D信息处理方便;
2010-2011学年 第2学期



报纸 10 12 22 15 12 20
电视 12 10 26 28 20 16
0.405285 96 141 237
22148 120
2.一种汽车配件的长度要求为12厘米,高于或低于改标准均被认为是不合格 的汽车生产企业在购进配件时,通常经过招标,然后对中标的配件提供商提供的 样品进行检验,以决定是否采购,现对一个配件提供商提供的10个样本进行检验, 结果如下(单位:厘米)。
A. 由于x与y之间的线性关系引起的y的变化部分
B. 除了x对y的线性影响之外的其他因素对y变差的影响
C. 由于x与y之间的非线性关系引起的y的变化部分
D. 由于x与y之间的函数关系引起的y的变化部分

19 18221598 —

Significance F 1.05354E-09 — —
Intercept X Variable 1
参数估计表 Coefficients 标准误差
268.5646259 127.479726 5.194491112 0.45322762
2012 年 1 月 5 日























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二、简答题(每题 5 分,计 30 分) (1) 什么是孕育衰退?如何避免孕育衰退的发生?
(2) 晶粒游离的产生途径有哪些?
(3)液态成型中,铸型性质对充型能力有何影响? (4)影响浮力流强弱的主要因素是什么? (5)非均质形核中,衬底的几何形状对形核有何影响? (6)铸铁合金中,共晶的形式有哪些?哪些属于规则共晶,哪些属于离异共晶?
课程名称-2012 学年第 一 学期)
共3页 第1 页
成型 091/2
题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 核查人签名 得分 阅卷教师
第一部分 金属液态成型原理
一、名词解释(每题 3 分,计 21 分) 1. 负吸附 2. 糊状凝固方式 3. 自由收缩 4. 蓄热系数 5. 平整界面 6. 偶分布函数 7. 外生生长
第3 页
第二部分 焊接冶金学
一、简答题(每题 4 分,计 12 分) 1. 焊接熔池的凝固与铸锭的凝固过程有何不同? 2. 焊接的物理本质是什么?采取哪些工艺措施可以实现焊接? 3. 内应力是如何产生的?对结构件的质量有何影响?
二、论述题(18 分) 1. 试说明易淬火钢与不易淬火钢焊接热影响区组织分布及其对性能的影 响。 2. 焊接冷裂纹形成的条件是什么?试说明氢致裂纹的形成过程及防止措 施。 3. 已知母材锰含量(质量分数)为 1.55,熔合比为 0.35。焊丝含锰量(质 量分数)为 0.45%,药皮重量系数为 0.4,锰的过度系数为 50%。若要求焊缝锰 含量(质量分数)为 1.3%,药皮中应加入多少低碳锰铁(锰铁中含锰量为 80%)?
(1)(9 分)如图 1 所示铸铁奥氏体组织,试说明: 【1】此奥氏体组织的形态及其特征? 【2】若需细化其组织,可采取哪些工艺方法?
图 1 铸铁奥氏体
(2)某二元合金相图如图 2 所示。合金液成分为 wB=40%,放置于长瓷舟中 并从左端开始凝固。温度梯度大到足以使固-液界面保持平面生长。假设固相无扩 散,液相均匀混合。试求:(1)α 相与液相之间的平衡分配系数 k0;(2)凝固后 共晶体的数量占试棒长度的百分之几?