


The best work is done the way ants do things—by tiny, tireless and regular additions.
最好的作品是像蚂蚁干活那样完成的—通过点滴、不懈、常常不断的 增补而成。
( 3 ) 动词seem,resemble (名词resemblance),treat/honour /regard/consider/respect as,compare to,liken to, pass(赛过),remind of,be similar to,等。
Truth and oil are ever above. 真理跟油一样,总要升到上面来。〔犹如石油总是浮在水面,真理
A woman’s mind and a glass are ever in danger. 女人易毁’,玻璃易碎。
I should smell it the way a cat smells a mouse. 我可以像猫嗅老鼠那样闻出它的气味来。
Her face bore the resemblance of a moon. 她的脸长得像一轮银月。
He treats his child as the apple in the eye. 他把他的孩子当成掌上明珠。
Samuel Johnson regarded a dictionary as a watch. 塞缪尔·约翰逊把词典看成钟表。
( 2 ) 连词as (犹如),what (犹如),as if, as though, than, and, the way 等。
His heart shivered as a ship shivers at the mountainous crash of the waters.

















他(Leech,1966,p145~146)把前景化分为两类:组合前景化(syntagmatic foregrounding)和聚合前景化(paradigmatic foregrounding)。





%"One Hundred Years of Solitude"is a classic masterpiece written by the most famous Latin A-merican novelist Garcia Marquez , which recently drastically catch people ’ s eyes shortly after the writer ’ s death.The first and the final sentences of this novel in the Rabassa ’ s English Version are very delicate and elegant with its apt and smart writing skills and unique in both pronunciation and emotion , which receives wide popularity and its literary value deserves researches .Based on the theory of stylistics , this paper focuses on the phonetic rhetoric of the two sentences to analyze how the phonological features and emotions derived from the features rise up the splendid expressiveness .【期刊名称】《海南广播电视大学学报》【年(卷),期】2016(017)001【总页数】5页(P1-5)【关键词】《百年孤独》拉巴萨英译本;首尾句;语音修辞【作者】欧燕【作者单位】海口经济学院外国语学院,海南海口571127【正文语种】中文【中图分类】I106.4;H315.9《百年孤独》是一部举世闻名的魔幻现实主义小说,是1982年诺贝尔文学奖获得者马尔克斯的名著。


Figures of Speech
Review: 4 types of figures of sppech
• • • • 1.simile 2.metaphor 3. metonymy 4.personification

like, as, as...as, as if(though)
14. In lines 80-82 ("Scrupulous...love"), Miss Keeldar deflects the warning from Mr. Sympson by (A) deliberately misunderstanding his meaning (B) scornfully turning the blame back on him (C) childishly mocking the tone of his comment (D) lamenting his failure to sympathize with her (E) justifying her previously sensible behavior
9. Lines 3-9 of Passage 1 ("For millennia ... development") draw a parallel between (A) traditional practices and contemporary critiques (B) basic human needs and intellectual endeavors (C) widespread beliefs and scientific findings (D) parental anxieties and developmental advances (E) experimental hypotheses and proven theories



英语修辞与文体课程教学大纲English Rhetoric and Stylistics学时数:32学分数:2适用专业:英语本科专业一、课程性质、目的与任务本课程是为英语专业高年级学生开设的一门专业限选课。










rhetorics修辞 英语常用修辞格比较及其解析

rhetorics修辞 英语常用修辞格比较及其解析

you are "painting a picture" with words. Narration: A narration essay is a writing that tells a story. Exposition: definition essay, cause/effect essay, comparison/contrast essay Argumentation: In persuasive essays, you are writing to convinces others by presenting solid, supporte onomatopoeia是模仿事物发出的声响的修辞 手法,与汉语的拟声辞格完全相同使语言更加生 动有趣。如: She brought me into touch with everything that could be reached or felt—— sunlight, the rustling of silk, the noises of insects, the creaking of a door, the voice of a loved one. 她使我接触到所有够得着的或者感觉得到的东西, 如阳光呀,丝绸摆动时的沙沙声呀,昆虫的叫声 呀,开门的吱嗄声呀,亲人的说话声呀。
A Contrastive study of English and Chinese Rhetorical Devices 英汉常用修辞格比较及其翻译
1. Definition
2. Broad Stylistic Context
3. Narrow Stylistic Context
(Figures of speech ) 4. Ways of Translation


Lecture 3 Figures of Speech (II) Sound-related figures
Section 1
1. Alliteration: 头韵 The repetition of the initial consonant cluster in stressed syllables. Two points need to be explained. (1) The initial consonant cluster is formed by 0, 1, 2, or 3 consonants. The longest initial consonant cluster is found in strong.
--End Rhyme: occurring at the end of verse lines.

--Internal rhyme: occurring within a verse line. e.g., Far from city’s strident jangle as I angle, smoke and dream.
(Emily Dickinson, Hope Is the Thing with Feathers)
--Pararhyme:旁韵;排韵(首尾辅音分别对照重复) Repeating the initial consonant cluster as well as the final consonant cluster. e.g. And by his smile, I knew that sullen hall.
(Byron, She Walks in Beauty)
--Take her up tenderly, Lift her with care, Fashion’d so slenderly, Young, and so fair!

英语修辞Rhetoric Study

英语修辞Rhetoric Study

Rhetoric Study语体文体修辞学:(Stylistics)语体部分研究语言在不同的交际领域中所形成的功能分化,如科技语体、公文语体、新闻语体、法律语体、口语语体等;文体部分则研究文学语言与风格,包括个人风格与时代、流派风格。


交际修辞(Communicative Rhetoric)在内容表达上偏重炼字煅句、明确流畅,在形式的结构上偏重于平均慎密、严谨妥帖,总体上讲究逻辑思维,叙述准确,鞭辟入里,以有效地发挥语言的交际功能。

•美学修辞(Aesthetic Rhetoric)运用逻辑思维的同时,偏重随情应景,运用想象和联想,通过辞格(figures ofspeech)唤起生动的意象,使语言文字新鲜活泼,意韵优美,发挥更大的感染力和说服力,取得艺术性的表达效果。

1.Metaphor : One object is likened to another by speaking of it as if it were that other.The world is a stage.“These magical beasts”, as they have been called, are assisting hassled, often incompetent teachers.2.Metonymy: The name of one thing is applied to another thing with which it is closely associated.Are you reading much Shakespear?The English simply worship the crown.He is too fond of the bottle.3.Synecdoche: commmonly, the naming of a part to mean the whole, as in “hands” for “men who do manual labor” ,“a fleet of 50 sails” for “ a fleet of 50 shi ps”. But various other such substitutions are also included in the term. Have you any coppers?He is the Newton of this century.4.Allusion引喻: it is a casual mention or an indirect reference to some person, fact, idea, event, either historical orfictional. The purpose is to make or arouse association and vivid imagination.Those same kids on line are just a few key strokes击键away from Pandora’s hard drive.5.Onomatopoeia拟声: The use of words that, when pronounced, suggest their meaning, such as “hiss” or “buzz”. Inpoetry it involves suiting sound to sense and thereby creating verses that carry their meaning in their sound.And murmuring of innumerable bees…The ice was all around; It cracked and growled, and roared and howled.6.Euphemism the s ubstitution of an inoffensive expression for one that may be disagreeable, as in the use of “passaway or pass on” for “die”, “misinform” for “lie” in “the gentleman is misinformed”, “remain” for a “corpse”, “visiting the necessary” for “going to the toilet”, etc.7.Hyperbole a conscious exaggeration for the sake of emphasis, not intended to be understood literally.The wave ran mountain high.8.Paradox (雋语) a statement that appears to be logically contradictory and yet may be true, the purpose of which isto provoke fresh thought.雋语辞格指似是而非的俏皮话。









例如:1.He is a pig.他简直是头猪。


)2.She is a woman with a stony heart.她是一个铁石心肠的女人。


)3.Mark Twain is a mirror of America.马克•吐温是美国的一面镜子。


)例如:All the world's a stage.(Shakespeare)仿拟(Parody)是英语语言学分支修辞学的重要修辞手法。




仿拟(parody)仿拟是为了表示新的内容所进行的修辞性改造.它可用在许多地方,但广告无疑是一块可以大事发挥仿拟的肥沃土地.广告为了争夺潜在顾客,常常借助仿拟修辞格.在广告中,仿拟可以分为“仿词”,“仿语”和“仿句”.《大学英语》中就有许多仿拟辞格(Parody),如:Lady Hermits---Down But Not Out.(潦而不倒的女隐士们)它仿拟的是习语down and out(贫困潦倒);T o Lie or Not T o Lie,that is a question 它仿拟的是莎士比亚名著哈姆雷特的名句:To be or not to be,that is a question。

2.Rhetorics & Stylistics 发展史

2.Rhetorics & Stylistics 发展史


Literary Stylistics: In Literary Stylistics, we read the text closely and with attention to the features, under the headings of lexis, grammar, phonology or sound patterns. When we have obtained a detailed account of all these features, we correlate them or bring them together in an interpretation of the text.

Ancient Roman 古罗马时期
西塞罗(Cicero, 106-43 B.C.) 五艺说(Five Canons): Invention, Disposition or arrangement, Elocution or Style, Memory, Delivery 昆提良(Quintilian, 35-100 A.D.) Quintilian identified three levels of style, each suited to one of the three primary functions of rhetoric: the plain style for instructing an audience, the middle style for moving an audience, and the high style for pleasing an audience. Criticism of style over substance – Emphasis on ethical application in training of rhetoric (or style)


▪ To appreciate the beauty, explicit or not, of the language.
▪ To learn how to achieve an effective communication.
Division of Rhetoric
▪ Communicative Rhetoric 交际修辞
▪ 管理体制需要改革,这已越来越清楚了。
▪ No year passes now without evidence of the truth of the statement that the work of government is becoming increasingly difficult.
▪ Its function is to give deeper insight into
persons or things.
Compare the following sentences: ▪ Jim looks like his brother Billy. ▪ My car runs as fast as the train. ▪ A real friend is like a mirror that can help
▪ 观众从他身边挤过去争相与达罗握手时,我很同情这位久经沙场的老将。 ▪ Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh. ▪ 这位曾使全世界的人发出笑声的人自己却饱受辛酸。 ▪ The sight of his native place called back his childhood. ▪ 见到自己的故乡,他想起了童年的情景。 ▪ The old man’s death was calm and peaceful. ▪ (那位)老人死得很安详。

The relationship of Stylistics and Rhetoric

The   relationship  of  Stylistics  and  Rhetoric

The relationship of Stylistics and RhetoricFirst of all, Stylistics is a scientific study of style.It is a discipline that studies the ways in which language is used.It is a discipline that studies the styles of language in use. The word style used in the definition refers to a distinctive or characteristic manner of expression in language.However,Rhetoric is the scientific study of how language could be employed expressively and effectively in Modern times.Secondly, Stylistics study the languages to suit for different situations, which broke through the mechanical rhetoric.Rhetoric makes the language clear ,fluent and refined, but in some situations it is not appropriate.Thirdly,stylistics is the continuation and development on rhetoric. However,discarding the traditional practices of rhetoric to establish norms for people to model on,stylistics turns to the presentation of the functional features of language,it is descriptive, not prescriptive.It does not aim at a so-called refined style of writing,but at a manner appropriate to the situation.If you want me to express it in a vivid way,I think Stylistics is like a person’s characteristics, while Rhetoric is the clothes that make one attractive.。



2. After casting a stone at the police, they absconded with the money. 他们以石头掷警察之后,就带着钱潜 逃了。
cast: lit, old abscond: fml (为逃避罪责)潜逃, 逃匿police / money: neutral
renown cataclysm demolish
job / task thought
encounter assignment prospect
sight / scene pain
spectacle agony
colloquialism slang vulgarism jargon argot *meaning and examples
3. The subject matter: serious political issues / films linguistics / NBA 4. The mode of discourse: Spoken / written
Martin Joos: five degrees of formality (speech styles) 1. Oratorical or frozen 2. Formal or deliberate 3. Consultative 4. Casual 5. Intimate
Which style is the best?
Styles 1 and 2 generally occur in written report or in dignified public speech.









关键词:五月风暴;视觉修辞;海报;集体记忆AbstractThe paper uses text analysis,semiotics and other methods to study the posters in the French May1968storm movement.Firstly,this paper analyzes the visual text in the may68poster.The visual elements of the poster are discussed through text analysis,and the ideology behind the image representation and the protest theme are revealed by combining other theoretical frameworks.Secondly,based on the media materiality,analyzes the poster form,production style and viewing context,,and finds out the influence of printmaking technology on the dissemination of posters in the specific context at that time,as well as the collectivism practice style of posters and the significance of posters in the space of"wall".And through the discussion of rhetoric structure,this paper analyzes the metaphor and metonymy mechanism in the poster,and explores the condensing mechanism of the symbol in the image by means of the"detournement"method proposed by Debord.Provides a perspective on the may storm poster in the present.Then,through the previous analysis,the author puts forward the rhetoric framework of"protest by memory".Finally,By referring to the classification of visual rhetoric proposed by Seliger,this paper classifies and analyzes the visual rhetoric strategies of protest posters,so as to find out how the posters achieve the purpose of persuasion through visual rhetoric.Keyword:May'68Paris Uprising;Visual rhetoric;Poster;Collective memory目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)目录 (III)1.绪论 (1)1.1研究背景与意义 (1)1.2研究综述 (3)1.3研究方法 (11)1.4研究内容及创新点 (16)2.海报的视觉文本 (19)2.1海报的文本分析 (19)2.2海报的性别表征 (22)2.3海报的颜色集合 (24)2.4海报的人物形象 (26)2.5海报的议题呈现 (31)2.6海报的语图关系 (33)3.海报的意义生产 (37)3.1视觉形式—版画作为斗争的武器 (37)3.2主导风格—集体主义实践风格的抗争 (39)3.3观看语境—“墙”承载的空间意义 (41)4.海报的修辞手段 (44)4.1隐喻——解构与颠覆 (44)4.2转喻——视觉隐转喻 (46)4.3凝缩——图像的“异轨” (48)5.海报的修辞框架 (51)5.1集体记忆之维度 (51)5.2法国革命的历史脉络 (52)5.3“以忆抗争”的修辞框架 (53)5.4“以忆抗争”的修辞策略 (56)6.海报的修辞功能 (58)6.1海报的视觉修辞分类 (59)6.2个性化修辞—工人群体的呼吁 (62)6.3品牌修辞—权力主体的刻画 (63)6.4诗性修辞—文化背景的叙事 (64)6.5抗议海报的视觉修辞主导功能 (66)7.结语:海报作为对话的一部分 (66)注释 (70)参考文献 (78)附录 (82)在学期间发表论文清单 (139)致谢 (140)1.绪论1.1研究背景与意义1.1.1研究背景2018年正值60年代西方学生运动五十周年之际,全世界都掀起了对半个世纪以前青年运动的纪念活动。



2015年韩素音翻译比赛英译汉难句译析译其心译其意2015年06月06日2015年韩素音翻译比赛英译汉难句译析【英语原文】(2)Lit Theory is supposed to be the class where you sit at the back of the room with every other jaded sophomore wearing skinny jeans, thick-framed glasses, an ironic tee-shirt and over-sized retro headphones, just waiting for lecture to be over so you can light upa Turkish Gold and walk to lunch while listening to Wilco.(3)That’s pretty much the way I spent the cour se, too: through structuralism, formalism, gender theory, and post-colonialism, I was far too busy shuffling through my Ipod to see what the patriarchal world order of capitalist oppression had to do with Ethan Frome. (4)But when we began to study postmodernism, something struck a chord with me and made me sit up and look anew at thesee mingly blasé college-aged literati of which I was so self-consciously one.【原文解读】(2) is supposed to…具有肯定性判断语气,“where…toWilco”为定于从句,起描写作用补充说明theclass的具体情况。



stylistics文体学英文定义Stylistics is a branch of linguistics that focuses on the study of style in language. It is concerned with the analysis and interpretation of the linguistic features that contribute to the distinctive character of a text or a speaker's language use. Stylistics examines how language is used in different contexts and for different purposes, and how these choices can convey meaning and create particular effects.The study of stylistics involves the examination of various linguistic elements, such as vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and rhetoric, and how they are used to create a particular style or tone. Stylistics also considers the role of context, including the social, cultural, and historical factors that influence language use.One of the key aspects of stylistics is the concept of foregrounding, which refers to the use of linguistic features that draw attention to themselves and create a sense of prominence or emphasis. This can be achieved through the use of unusual or unexpected language, such as metaphors, alliteration, or unusual sentence structures.Stylistics also considers the relationship between form and content, and how the way language is used can shape the meaning andimpact of a text. For example, the use of formal or informal language, the choice of vocabulary, and the structure of sentences can all contribute to the overall tone and effect of a piece of writing.Another important aspect of stylistics is the analysis of literary texts, where the focus is on the distinctive linguistic features that contribute to the style and meaning of a work of literature. This can include the examination of narrative techniques, such as point of view and characterization, as well as the use of figurative language, symbolism, and other literary devices.Stylistics can also be applied to other forms of communication, such as speech, advertising, and political discourse. In these contexts, the analysis of style can reveal insights into the speaker's or writer's intentions, the target audience, and the broader cultural and social context in which the language is being used.One of the key challenges in the study of stylistics is the need to balance the objective analysis of linguistic features with the subjective interpretation of their meaning and effect. Stylistic analysis often requires a deep understanding of language, as well as a keen eye for detail and a willingness to engage with the nuances and complexities of language use.Despite these challenges, the study of stylistics remains an importantand influential field within linguistics. By examining the ways in which language is used to create meaning and effect, stylistics can provide valuable insights into the nature of language and communication, and can contribute to a deeper understanding of the human experience.。



吉迪恩·图里和他的翻译理论摘要:吉迪恩·图里是低地国家翻译理论界代表性的人物,他在对希伯莱英语翻译文学进行大量描述性研究的基础上,发展了埃文·佐哈尔(Itamar Even-Zohar)的多元系统理论和霍姆斯(James Holmes)的描述翻译理论,形成了一套完整的描述翻译学理论和方法,在翻译界产生了重大影响。

















01-Rhetorical Patterns 5-Definition and Classifica

01-Rhetorical Patterns 5-Definition and Classifica

C o l l e g e E n g l i s h f o r A c a d e m i c R e a d i n gRhetorical Patterns:Definition and Classification1Definition andExtended DefinitionCONTENTS Classification23Practice in readingDefinition•“What is it?”•Fix the meaning of a subject–Make it “definite”•Meaning of a specific word, term, or conceptDefinition•Various occasions of definitions–Unfamiliar words, abstractions, discipline-specific vocabulary essential to the main idea–Words and terms redefined–Distinguishing connotation from denotation•Formula of a gooddefinitionDefinitionDefinition•The government encouraged supermarkets and manufacturers not to use non-biodegradable materials –those that do not perish or melt for a period of time.Definition•Authors use this pattern when the readers’ understanding of the meaning of a particular word, term, phrase, or expression is crucial to the purpose, the main point or thesis of the text.•An extended definition–defines a subject in a more extended, and more thorough way than does a dictionary,–Extended Definitionexplains the word's etymology or historical roots,–describes sensory characteristics of something,–identifies its parts, –indicates how something is used, –explains what it is not, –provide an example of it, –or note similarities or differences between this term and other words.Extended Definition •StressExtended Definition•a short definition of one or two sentences –non-biodegradable•a definition of one or two paragraphs –stress•definition essay–a whole essay to define a subjectClassification•Classification–a subject identified and broken into classes orgroups with shared characteristics–a pattern of thinking, speaking, and writing.ClassificationClassification •Classification is often used together with definition.Classification•Geographic Information System (GIS)–Definition?–Classification?ClassificationClassification•Definition &Extended Definition •Classification+Summary•Definition ClassificationTHANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!。

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3. Consonance: 尾韵,辅音韵 The repetition of the final consonant cluster in stressed syllables. --When I lent I was a friend, when I asked I was unkind. --Nothing lovelier than that lonely call, Bare and singular, like a gull, And three notes or four, then that was all. It drew up from the quiet like a well, Waited, sang, and vanishing, was still.
By his dead smile I knew we stood in Hell.
(Wilfred Owen, Strange Meeting)(王佐良译)
--Rhyme-scheme: 押韵格式 The pattern in which rhymes are arranged. Letters are used to denote rhymeschemes. abab cdcd efef (rhyming every other line), and the following couplet (对 句:两行尾韵相谐的诗句),requiring the rhymes in pairs, e.g.
2) Tongue twisters: --A tutor who tooted a flute/ Tried to tutor two tutors to toot/ Said the two to the tutor/ “Is it harder to toot or/ To tutor two tutors to toot?” 1) 3) Literary or non-literary texts: --Mice and Men --Pride and Prejudice
--What is this life if, full of care, a We have no time to stand and stare! a No time to stand beneath the boughs, b And stare as long as sheep and cows. b No time to see, when woods we pass, c Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. c Not time to see, in broad daylight, d Streams full of stars, like skies at night. d
(2) It is the main stressed syllable of a word which generally carries the alliteration, not necessarily its initial syllable. Long alliterates with unlovely in Tennyson’s “Here in the long unlovely street” (In Memorandum).
two-syllable rhymes are called feminine rhymes;
poly-syllabic rhymes.
--She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
(Robin Hood and the Widow’s Three Sons)
--I arise from dreams of thee [you]
In the first sweet sleep of night,…
(从梦见你的梦中起身下了地,┅┅) (P. B. Shelley, The Indian Serenade)
Lecture 3 Figures of Speech (II) Sound-related figures
Section 1
1. Alliteration: 头韵 The repetition of the initial consonant cluster in stressed syllables. Two points need to be explained. (1) The initial consonant cluster is formed by 0, 1, 2, or 3 consonants. The longest initial consonant cluster is found in strong.
--Then he put on the old man’s cloak,
Was patch’d black, blue, and red;
He thought no shame, all the day long
To wear the bags of bread.
--Fit or Fat? (an article aimed to encourage sports and exercises) --Magnetic, Magnificent Meryl (1982 best actress in the US.) --Sea, sun, sand, seclusion—and Spain (An ad.) --Highly educated wives will be increased in the country so that public affairs will have proportionate participants of both sexes. NOTE: be critical and do not produce sound effect at the cost of meaning.
1) Proverbs and idioms: --last but not least --now or never --safe and sound --speech is silver, silence is gold. --Many a little makes a mickle [Scottish].
(W. H. Davies, Leisure)
--Functions of rhyme: the general function is to get the texts more organized and to give “music” to the texts. It may also be used to achieve more significant effects, binding lines which are closely associated in content, e.g.
--Half-rhyme: 半韵 formed by repeating either the vowel (or diphthong) or the final consonant cluster. e.g. Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words And never stops at all.
For I have known them all already, known them all— Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons, I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
(T.S. Eliot, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock)
5) Onomatopoeia: 拟声 1) the use of words formed in imitation of the natural sounds associated with the object or action involved, e.g. --Crack came an officer’s club on his forehead. He blinked his eyes blindly a few times, wobbled on his legs, threw up his hands and staggered back.
(Byron, She Walks in Beauty)
--Take her up tenderly, Lift her with care, Fashion’d so slenderly, Young, and so fair!
(Thomas Hood, The Bridge of Sighs)
(Emily Dickinson, Hope Is the Thing with Feathers)
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--Pararhyme:旁韵;排韵(首尾辅音分别对照重复) Repeating the initial consonant cluster as well as the final consonant cluster. e.g. And by his smile, I knew that sullen hall.