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Stems and Affixes
Prefix Meaning Example
ad (a, ac, af, ag, al, to advance, acquire, affix, aggressive, an, ap, ar, as) allocation, annex, approach,
arrest, assert
ante before, in front of antecedent, anteroom
anti against antithesis, antimagnetic
auto self, self-acting autonomous, autocracy,
automobile, automaton
bi two, twice bimonthly, biennial
circum (circu) around, circle circumscribe, circumference,
com (co, col, con) together, with combine, cohabit, collision, converse de down from, apart despise, dehydrate, decapitate
di two, dioxide, dialogue
separate divorce, diversify
dis not discourage, dissatisfy
apart disband, disperse, disrupt, diffuse
en (em) make empower, enlarge, enpurple
around encircle, embrace
ex out of, from, away from extract, expose, exclude
more than excess, exceed, exaggerate
former ex-wife, ex-president
il, im, in not illegal, immature, inactive
into insert, implant,
inter, intro, intra, intel between, inside, within, interrupt, interpose,
inward, into introvert, introspect
intramural, intracellular,
intracity, intelligible,
kilo thousand kilometer, kilogram
mal bad, badly malfunction, maladaptation,
malaria, malapply
macro great macrocosm, macrostructure micro small, tiny microcosm, microstructure
mis wrong(ly) misbehave, mismanage
bad misfortune, mischance
mono one, single, alone monocracy, monotonous,
multi many, much multilateral, multipurpose
multiply, multilingual
non not, without nonstop, nonsticking, nonattacking
ob (有变体) against, not clear, object, opaque, offend,
opposite obtriangular, obpyramidal
over more than overestimate, overcharge
per through pervious, pervade
perennial, perforate
pre before prearranged, previous
pro forward prospect, projector, progress
for, in favor of pro-slavery,
popul, publ people population, populace, popularity,
public, publicize, publish
re back , again reload, retrace, return, response semi half, partly semicircle, semifinal
retro back, backward retrospect,
stereo solid, three dimensional stereophone, stereoanalysis
sub(suf, sug, sup, sus, sur) under, below, lower submerge, subtitle, subeditor
suffer, suggest, surrounding
syl, sym, syn together, the same syllabus, syllogism, symphony
symmetry, synthetic, synchronize
tele far away telescope, telecast, telelecture
trans across transport, transfer, transparent
beyond transonic, transnormal
ultra excessive, extreme ultramodern, ultraviolet
up upward, in an upward upright, upstream
direction upheaval, upgrade
un not unqualified, unload
under below, beneath, under undergo, underestimate, undertake
uni one universe, unify, unilateral, uniform
Noun suffix Meaning Example
ship 关系, 状态, 身份relationship, kingship,
资格, 技巧, 技能apprenticeship, horsemanship
总人数penmanship, membership, readership
hood 状态, 性质, 集体, falsehood, bachelorhood,
时期orphanhood, maidenhood,
fold time(s) manifold, millionfold
age state advantage, heritage
place village, anchorage,
amount mileage, carriage, postage, portage
ian one who magician, physician
ant one who assistant, inhabitant
ee one who trainee, interviewee
iot one who patriot, compatriot,
aut one who astronaut, aquanaut
er, ar, or, one who writer, navigator,
ist one who pianist, economist,
tude state of latitude, altitude, attitude, longitude (t)ure state of mixture, departure
al state of renewal, withdrawal
ance, ence state of importance, interference,
cy, ency state of infancy, tendency
ness state of carefulness, consciousness
tion, sion state of solution, reduction, permission, ment state of rearmament, equipment,
ty, ity state of density, purity, morality
ology study of theology, psychology
ism doctrine of egoism, socialism
ery, ory, ary place winery, gallery, observatory, granary
collection of dictionary, directory,
Verb Suffix Meaning Example
ate make or cause to happen create, evacuate
en make or cause to happen shorten, heighten
ify make or cause to happen glorify, certify, rectify, notify,
ize make or cause to happen modernize, publicize, polularize
Adjective Suffix Meaning Example
able, ible capable of edible, convertible, unreadable
ful full of beautiful, graceful
handful, cupful, armful
less without hopeless, limitless
al having the nature of cultural, economical
ant, ent having the nature of pleasant, dependent,
ish having the nature of foolish, childish
ive having the nature of expensive, responsive, indicative ly having the nature of lovely, lively
ed, ing having the nature of excited, interesting
ous, having the nature of glorious, prosperous
y having the nature of tasty, windy, dusty, dirty
ary, ory having the nature of elementary, primary, introductory,
Adverb Suffix Meaning Example
ly in a certain manner slowly, happily
ward in the direction of westward, homeward
wise in the direction of clockwise, counterclockwise
Roots Meaning Example
ann, enn year anniversary, annual, perennial aqua water aquarium, aquatel, aqueduct arch chief patriarch, matriarch
monarchy, anarchy
astro space astronaut, astrophysics, astrometry aud(i) listen, hear audiometer, auditor, auditorium
auto self autograph, automation,
car autocide, autoworker
avia bird, fly avian, aviator, aviary
bibli book bibliography, Bible
bio life autobiography, bio-weapon,
cand light candle, incandescent, candid,
cap(it) head captain, decapitate, capsize
cast throw broadcast, telecast
cent hundred century, centigrade, centimeter chron time synchronize, chronological
dec ten decade, December
dem people democracy, epidemic
dict, say dictation, predict
don give donate, pardon, donee
duct, duce lead, direct conduct, reduce, deduct, aqueduct ego sels egoist, egocentric, egomaniac
fer take, carry transfer, confer, defer, circumference
refer, prefer
flect, flex bend reflect, inflect, circumflex, flexible
gene begin genesis, autogenous, degenerate
geo the earth geography, geometry
grad, gres step gradually, degradation
regress, aggressive
gram, graph write telegram, diagram,
stereograph, autograph
homo same homonym, homosexual, homogenous
hydr water hydroscope, hydroaeroplane
log study theology, biology
word logic, dialogue, catalogue
lumin light illuminate, lustre
magna, magni great, big, large magnitude, magnate,
magnanimous, magnifier
man, mana, hand manacle, manuscript
manu, main, manipulate, maintain
matri mother matrimony, matriarch, matrifocal metr, meter measure thermometer, astrometry, barometer mit, miss send permit, transmit, submission
opt eye, light optical, optics, optophone,
pat, pathy disease pathos, pathology,
feeling telepathy, theopathetic, apathy
patri father compatriot, patriarch
pel, pul drive compel, compulsory, expel,
dispel, repel, propellor
pend hang pending, suspension,
appendix, pendulum
pay spend, expensive
phon sound stereophonic, microphone
poly many polyester,
port carry transport, import, export
pose place depose, opposition, compose,
psych soul or mind psychopath, psychology
rot turn, wheel rotate, circumrotate
rupt break, burst disrupt, corrupt, interrupe scribe, scrip write transcribe, transcript, circumscribe scope see microscope, telescope
sect cut dissect, vivisection, transect, sector sens, sent feel, think consent, resent, dissent
spect, spise see inspect, circumspect, despise
spir(e) breathe inspire, expire, conspire
tain, tin hold retain, maintain, attain, continue the god theology, theocracy, monotheism
thermo heat thermometer, thermostat,
tribut give contribute, tributary, attribute
vac empty evacuate, vacation,
vacuous, vacuum
vert, vers, change converse, revert, diversify
vis, vise, vision see supervise, television,
vig, vit, viv life vigorous, revitalize, revive, vivify vol, vor turn involve, volume, vortex, divorce,。
