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Stems and Affixes

Prefix Meaning Example

ad (a, ac, af, ag, al, to advance, acquire, affix, aggressive, an, ap, ar, as) allocation, annex, approach,

arrest, assert

ante before, in front of antecedent, anteroom

anti against antithesis, antimagnetic

auto self, self-acting autonomous, autocracy,

automobile, automaton

bi two, twice bimonthly, biennial

circum (circu) around, circle circumscribe, circumference,


com (co, col, con) together, with combine, cohabit, collision, converse de down from, apart despise, dehydrate, decapitate

di two, dioxide, dialogue

separate divorce, diversify

dis not discourage, dissatisfy

apart disband, disperse, disrupt, diffuse

en (em) make empower, enlarge, enpurple

around encircle, embrace

ex out of, from, away from extract, expose, exclude

more than excess, exceed, exaggerate

former ex-wife, ex-president

il, im, in not illegal, immature, inactive

into insert, implant,

inter, intro, intra, intel between, inside, within, interrupt, interpose,

inward, into introvert, introspect

intramural, intracellular,

intracity, intelligible,


kilo thousand kilometer, kilogram

mal bad, badly malfunction, maladaptation,

malaria, malapply

macro great macrocosm, macrostructure micro small, tiny microcosm, microstructure

mis wrong(ly) misbehave, mismanage

bad misfortune, mischance

mono one, single, alone monocracy, monotonous,

multi many, much multilateral, multipurpose

multiply, multilingual

non not, without nonstop, nonsticking, nonattacking

ob (有变体) against, not clear, object, opaque, offend,

opposite obtriangular, obpyramidal

over more than overestimate, overcharge

per through pervious, pervade

perennial, perforate

pre before prearranged, previous

pro forward prospect, projector, progress

for, in favor of pro-slavery,

popul, publ people population, populace, popularity,

public, publicize, publish

re back , again reload, retrace, return, response semi half, partly semicircle, semifinal

retro back, backward retrospect,

stereo solid, three dimensional stereophone, stereoanalysis


sub(suf, sug, sup, sus, sur) under, below, lower submerge, subtitle, subeditor

suffer, suggest, surrounding


syl, sym, syn together, the same syllabus, syllogism, symphony

symmetry, synthetic, synchronize

tele far away telescope, telecast, telelecture


trans across transport, transfer, transparent

beyond transonic, transnormal

ultra excessive, extreme ultramodern, ultraviolet

up upward, in an upward upright, upstream

direction upheaval, upgrade

un not unqualified, unload

under below, beneath, under undergo, underestimate, undertake


uni one universe, unify, unilateral, uniform

Noun suffix Meaning Example

ship 关系, 状态, 身份relationship, kingship,
