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1. — How many students are there in your school? A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundred of D. hundred

s of

2. There is lots of ________ in the street. Be careful when you cross the stree


A. traffic

B. people

C. cars

D. things

3. Mr Green is a football fan. He __________ f ootball.

A. used to playing

B. is used to play

C. used to play

D. uses to


4. ---Have you see n ___________ umbrella here?

---You mean ___________ black one? It was here a minute ago.

A. an; the

B. the; a

C. an; a

D. the; the

5. Jim has been in Singapore ___________ last week.

A. for

B. si nee

C. on

D. /

6. — Who is _______ , Tom or Sam? — I think Sam is.

A. much outgo ing

B. outgo in ger

C. more outgo ing

D. a littl

e outgo ing

7. — Have you had lunch? — Yes, I ________ it an hour ago.

A. do

B. have

C. have had

D. had

8. — Joe, why doesn ' Tony come to school? Oh, yesterday he hurt his leg b adly.— .

A. I hope you ' llfeel better soon.

B. That ' OK.

C. I ' nsorry to hear that.

D. It doesn ' matter. 9.— What kind of movies do you like? —I like movies

have scary mon sters.

A. who

B. whose

C. where

D. that

10. — Where did you get this beautiful kite? — My father ___________ it for me. He' sgood at it.

A. bought

B. brought

C. made

D. took

11.— What does the sig n “ NoSmok ing ” mean, Mum? —It tells peop

le here.

A. not to smoke

B. not smoke

C. to smoke

D. not to smoking

12 — The classroom is so clea n. Do you know

? —Sorry. I do

n ' know. A. when did they clean it B. when was it cleaned

C. whom clea ned it

D. who has clea ned it

13. The woman who is talking with her __________ be her mother. They look di


A. might

B. must

C. can ' t 14. — He wasn' at the meeting yesterday, was he?

— ________ . He was at the back of the meeting room.

—— There are two

D. could

A. No, he wasn' t

B. Yes, he was

C. Sorry, I don' tknow

D. Yes, he is

15. My alarm clock didn ' ___ _____ this morning, so I got up late.

A. come out

B. go off

C. take off

D. set off

16. Tom sparents are teachers. ________ of them teach English.

A. Neither


C. All

D. Both

17. This sweater is not as good as that one, but it ' much _________ .



C. expe nsive

D.most expe nsive

18. The radio says _______ happened in that counry every day.

A. terrible something

B. something terrible

C. terrible anything

D. anything terrible

19- ____ the weather there? —It w isdy.

A.What is


C.How is

D.Which is

20. Everyone in our class ______ playing football.


B. like

C. is like

D.are like

21. Please ______ the radio a bit. Your father is sleeping.

A.turn down

B. turn off

C. turn on

D. turn to

22. He _____ 150 yua n buying the sweater last mon th.

A. pay

B. cost



23.She can' swim, and I can' t, _________





24. - ___ do you go to the movies? -Once a week.

A. How long

B.How often

C. How much

D. How soon

25. -Can you go shopping with me tomorrow?

- ______ , but I have to do my homework.

A.I ' dbve to

B.It ' nothi ng

C.Never mi nd

D. It does n' matter

26. Though we are very tired, _______ we are very happy.

A. but

B. /

C. so

D. and

27. The meat is too big. Let ' s ________ .

A. cut them up

B.cut it up

C.cut up it

D.cut up them

28. The classroom ________ every day.

A.is cleaned

B. should clean

C. should cleaned

D. cleans

29. Could you tell me _________ ?

A. how can I get to the bank

B. how I could get to the bank

C. how I can get to the bank

D. how could I get to the bank

30. I ' lgo to the zoo if it _________ t omorrow.

A. doesn' rtain

B. will rain

C. rain

D. won' train

31. When he _______ up in the future, he _______ a computer programmer.

A. grow, is

B. grows, will be

C. will grow, is

D. grows, is

32. —Do you know _______ ? —Yes, In 1876.

A. who inven ted the teleph one

B. how the teleph one was inven ted

C. whe n was the telepho ne inven ted

D. whe n the teleph one was inven ted
