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ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
6) The recent research indicates that … 80%的学生都或多或少的有心理问题。 The recent research indicates that 80% of students suffer psychological problems in some way. 大部分的应聘者都因为这样那样的原因欺骗未来单位。
Currently, there is widespread concern over the sharp rise of prices of most necessities. 10) There is a general debate nowadays about
the problem of … 学生的分数是否可以公布。
2) As a famous saying goes, “…………”. 你认为同学应该强身健体。
As a famous saying goes, “Health is better than wealth.” 你的同学喜欢追星,你劝说他。
As a famous saying goes, “He who does not plan for the future will find trouble at his doorstep.” 3) “……” is a famous saying, which means … 你同学考试成绩不好,非常郁闷,你劝说他… “Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.” is a famous saying, which means if you are willing to make efforts, you will succeed sooner or later. 你和同学分享英语学习经验,认为积累很重要。 “Drop by drop the oceans are filled; stone by stone the walls are built.” is a famous saying, which means accumulation is of great importance in leaning.
1. 名人名言 1) A proverb says, “….” But in my opinion,...
别人认为金钱不能解决所有的问题,而你认为金钱 其实是很重要的。 A proverb says, “Money is the root of all evils.” “Money isn’t everything.” But in my opinion, money is by no means unimportant. 人们认为外表不重要,但你认为其实人的外表也很重要的 A proverb says, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” But in my opinion, appearance does matter in many ways.
With the growth of our economy, many problems such as the deeper gap between the rich and the poor are beginning to surface. 17) Nowadays there is a growing tendency that… 越来越多的家长对孩子期望太高
The recent research indicates that most applicants conceal their experiences from their potential employers for certain reasons. 7) From the recent statistics, we can find … 美国的中学生比中国的中学生更加懂得理财。
Nowadays there is a growing tendency that an increasing number of parents expect too much of their kids.
4. 前后/正反比较 人们总以为…, 但事实上… 18) People tend to think …, but as a matter of fact…
现在……问题越来越严重/普遍. 13) Problem of …… is known as one of the most serious
problems in today’s world. 全球变暖 The problem of global warming is known as one of the most serious problems in today’s world. 侵犯知识版权 The problem of the infringement of intellectual copyright is known as one of the most serious problems in today’s world.
现在……问题越来越严重/普遍. 14) Many / More and more nations have been faced
with the problem of … 空气质量下降 Many nations have been faced with the problems of air pollution / the worsening air quality. 由工业化引起的各种污染 More and more nations have been faced with the problem of various pollution caused by industrialization.
people come to realize … 网络在新闻传播和信息共享方面很重要。
With the rapid development of hi-tech, more and more people come to realize the Internet plays an important role in spreading news and sharing information. 12) Nowadays, a heated debate/discussion about… is under way in China. 是否有必要全民学习英语。
From the recent statistics, we can find students in the US are better aware of money management than their counterparts in China. 越来越多的人意识到了低碳生活的必要性。
From the recent statistics, we can find an increasing number of people have become conscious of the necessity of low-carbon life.
People may sometimes neglect the violent influence of online games, but the story about this problem is not unique. 压力对健康有影响
There is a general debate nowadays about the problem whether students’ scores should be publicized.
近来关于……的问题越来越受到关注. 11) With the rapid development of …, more and more
现在……问题越来越严重/普遍. 16) With the growth of our economy, many problems
such as … are beginning to surface. 不平等贸易
With the growth of our economy, many problems such as unfair trade are beginning to surface. 贫富不均
Nowadays, a heated debate is under way in China about whether it is a must for all citizens to learn Eng. 如何做一个有优良素质的共鸣。
Nowadays, a heated discussion about how to be a citizen with good qualities is under way in Shanghai.
2. 数据统计 4) According to a recent survey,…
每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 According to a recent survey, approximately 4,000,000 people die of diseases related/linked to smoking. 相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感。 According to a recent survey, a large number of kids have unpleasant associations with homework. 5) Recent statistics show that … 如今88%大学生喜欢假期打工以积累经验。 Recent statistics show that some 88% of college students tend to take part-time jobs during vacations to accumulate experience.
出国留学有用,但在本国学习也有很多好处. People tend to think it of great value to pursue further education abroad, but as a matter of fact, it is also beneficial to study at home. 19) People may sometimes neglect … but the story about this problem is not unique. 网络游戏有暴力影响
近来关于……的问题越来越受到关注. 8) Now an increasing number of people come to realize…
Now an increasing number of people come to realize many high school students have no idea how to communicate with other in an effective way. 9) Currently, there is a widespread concern over… 各种生活必需品的价格大幅上涨。
现在……问题越来越严重/普遍. 15) One of the serious questions facing our society today is…
各级政府的腐败 One of the serious problems facing our society today is the corruption in different levels of governments. 老龄人口增多 One of the serious problems facing our society today is the increase of the aged / elderly population.