霍尼韦尔SmartLine 介绍
































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Honeywell Process Solutions本文档提供了 Honeywell ST 700 BasicSmartLine 压力变送器的快速安装说明和步骤。

ST 700 Basic SmartLine 压力变送器有多种不同型号,可用于测量压差 (DP)、表压 (GP) 和绝对压力 (AP)。

如需完整的详细信息,请参阅下面列出的有关协议、人机界面 (HMI)、操作、安装、配置、校准、维护、部件、安全与审批等(包括选项)的手册。

各种其他支持文档可在发送给您的产品附带的 CD 中找到。


版权、注意事项和商标 版权所有 2016 Honeywell 修订版 1, 2016 年 12 月商标SmartLine 、ST 700 是 Honeywell 公司的美国注册商标。

HART ® 是 FieldComm Group ™ 的商标参考下表列出了本文所述材料有可能参考的所有文档。

目录安装 (3)安装变送器 (3)支架安装 (4)直角安装支架 (4)在线式安装支架 (5)旋转变送器壳体 (6)小绝压或微差压变送器的水平位置调整 (7)法兰变送器的安装 (8)造纸专用变送器的安装 (9)远传法兰安装变送器的安装 (10)电缆接口堵头和电缆转接头 (11)接线和通电 (13)接线的种类 (14)防爆电缆接口的密封 (15)变送器调零 (16)变送器调零的步骤 (16)为 HART 协议表设置跳线 (17)设置故障保护模式和写保护跳线 (17)配置指南 (19)表目录表 1 —电缆接口堵头 (11)表 2 —布线管适配器 (12)表 3 —跳线设置 (18)表 4 —标准显示屏菜单 (19)图目录图 1:安装支架 (3)图 2:直角安装支架 (4)图 3:在线式安装支架 (5)图 4:旋转变送器壳体 (6)图 5:使用水平仪来安装变送器 (7)图 6:法兰变送器的安装 (8)图 7:造纸专用变送器安装 (9)图 8:远传法兰变送器的安装 (10)图 9:电子器件壳体电缆接口 (12)图 10:二线制电源/电流回路 (13)图 11:接线盒和接地螺丝位置 (14)图 12:HART 协议表跳线位置 (18)2 快速安装指南2016 年 12 月2016 年 12 月快速安装指南 3安装根据过程系统设计规格和 Honeywell 发布的具体型号性能特性评估变送器安装地点。


ST Sensor is 3 in 1: 三个传感器在一 起
– Differential Pressure – Static Pressure – Sensor Temperature
差压 静压 温度
所测量的静压和传感器温度值用于减 小对变送器的静压和温度的影响(不对 过程)
Honeywell 此项技术, 始用于 1983 .
ST3000 Sensor Technology 先进的传感器技术
霍尼韦尔公司的技术人员将差压△P,静压P,温度T 三组传感器作到一片硅片上 ,制造成复合扩散硅传感器。
ST3000变送器的复合扩散硅压阻式传感器结构 (剖视图) :
Diaphragm 离子膜
Silicon Chip 硅片 Pyrex Tube 耐热玻璃管
在 500oC 时烧结在一起 12
ST3000 Sensor Technology 先进的传感器技术
ST3000 传感器设计特点
ST 3000 具有每年 +/-0.015% 的稳定 性, 并且保证期为 5 年 。 solid as a rock!
•法拉第保护罩防止离子的移动,从而防 止漂移。
•所有金属部件由玻璃密封防止泄露造 成的漂移。
P (in)
0 KPa
50 KPa
100 KPa
Honeywell 复合扩散硅传感器 特性曲线
修正值Tn = 理想值In - 实测值En ( 工厂标定 )
输出值 = 修正值Tn + 实测值En = 理想值In ( 使用现场 )
ST3000 Sensor Technology

霍尼韦尔SmartLine 介绍 ppt课件

霍尼韦尔SmartLine 介绍 ppt课件

精度 响应时间 综合标定
• 提高效率,降低成本的新功能
模块化设计 全新的人机界面,液晶显示表头 三键式组态按钮 电源正负任意连接 全面的诊断信息
• 与霍尼韦尔系统集成的新功能
对变送器发送信息 维护模式显示 修改报警
Industry Leading Performance 业界领先的性能
业界领先的性能 • 提高效率,降低成本的新功能
精度 响应时间 综合标定
模块化设计 全新的人机界面,液晶显示表头 三键式组态按钮 电源正负任意连接 全面的诊断信息
• 与霍尼韦尔系统集成的新功能
对变送器发送信息 维护模式显示 修改报警
Modular Construction 模块化结构
“SP Upper Stress Limit” = 4500 psi - 450 psi = 4050 psi. 变送器接受过的最大的静压值
电子线路模块 (PWA)温度值 跟踪记录
PWA的最高/最低的温度限值,规格值: -40 to 85
Pa, KPa, MPa, KGcm2, TORR, ATM inH2O, mH2O, bar, mbar, inHg, FTH2O, mmH2O, MMHG, & PSI
• 开方显示 • PV超量程指示 • 支持本地组态的3键式按钮
Improved HMI 全新的人机界面
显示多个参数 具有的图形显示功能,多个图形格式 可以使你更简洁,直观,清晰地查看数据




















举个例子(参考):总线电流:如果线径同样是1.0mm的屏蔽线,总线电流在64 mA可以传送1200米;而在128 mA时只能传送450米。

总线线径:如果总线电流同样是在128 mA,线径1.5mm的屏蔽线可以传送1100米;而线径1.0mm的屏蔽线只能传送450米。




SmartLine简介作为SmartLine ®产品系列的成员,STR700是一款高性能的远传法兰变送器。


霍尼韦尔采用SmartLine 高性能传感技术,优化了机械和液压设计,从而大幅度降低了温度对远传法兰测量的常见影响。

同类最佳的特性:● 校验量程的精度高达0.075%● 自动静压和温度补偿● 高达100:1的量程比● 易于使用和直观的显示功能● 外部零位、量程和组态功能● 完善的自诊断功能●基于ANSI/NFPA 70-202和ANSI/ISA 12.27.0集成双重密封设计,可确保最高安全性● 世界一流的过压保护●标准配置完全符合SIL2/3要求量程和范围限制:图1 STR700远传法兰变送器典型应用:●高温(最高达338℃)条件下的压力及差压测量●高真空条件下的液位测量●粘稠及易结晶液体的压力及液位测量●腐蚀性液体的液位和压力测量●液体界面的测量型号量程上限URL KPa 量程下限LRL KPa 最大量程KPa 最小量程KPa STTR735D 700-7007007STR745G3500-100350035700说明SmartLine 系列压力变送器均基于高性能的传感器设计。

这一个传感器实际集成了多个传感器,将过程压力测量与静态压力(DP 型号)及用于温度补偿的温度测量相结合,从而实现了最佳的总体性能。

显示表头选项标准LCD 显示表头● 模块化(可以在现场增加或拆除)● 支持HART 协议● 0、90、180 和 270 度位置调整●测量单位包括:Pa 、KPa 、MPa 、KGcm2、T orr 、ATM 、 i4H 2O 、mH 2O 、bar 、mbar 、inH 2O 、inHG 、FTH 2O 、 mmH 2O 、mmHG 和psi 等测量单位● 大屏幕显示(高9.95mm x 宽4.20mm )2行,8个字符● 平方根输出指示和写保护提示●显示模块带有内部组态按钮,可通过内部或外部按键对变送器进行设置、调校自诊断功能SmartLine 变送器全部提供能以数字方式访问的诊断,这有助于提供可能的故障事件高级报警,从而最大限度缩减计划外停车,实现更低的整体工作成本。



同类最佳的特性: ● 校验量程的精确度高达0.0375% ● 每年的稳定性高达0.01%/满量程,保持10年 ● 自动静压和温度补偿 ● 高达400:1的量程比 ● 响应时间快达90ms ● 多种本地显示功能 ● 外部零位、量程和组态功能 ● 电源极性任意连接 ● 完善的自诊断功能 ● 基于ANSI/NFPA 70-202和ANSI/ISA 12.27.0集成双重密
bar、mbar、inH2O、inHG、FTH2O、mmH2O、mmHG 和psi测量单位 ● 2 行16个字符(高4.13mm x 宽1.83mm) ● 平方根输出指示
高级型图形 LCD 显示表头特性 ● 模块化(可现场增加或拆卸) ● 0、90、180和270度位置调整 ● 提供标准和自定义测量单位 ● 可有3种格式的最多8个显示屏,带棒状图的大PV值或带
封设计,可确保最高安全性 ● 世界一流的耐静压能力:31.5MPa/42MPa ● 标准配置完全符合SIL2/3要求。 ● 全模块设计 ● 最长可提供15年保修
量程上限URL 量程下限LRL 最大量程 最小量程
STD820 STD830 STD870
集成的三按钮组态选项 SmartLine变送器适合所有的电气和环境要求,无论选
择哪种显示表头,都可以通过三个外部按钮进行变送器和显 示表头的组态。无论是否选择显示表头,零位和量程的调整 功能均可通过这些按钮来实现。
手持组态工具 SmartLine变送器在操作员和变送器之间采用双向的通
讯和组态功能。这是通过霍尼韦尔的适用于各种现场需求的 多协议通讯器(MCT202)实现的。MCT202能够现场组态DE 和HART变送器,它还可以在本质安全的环境下使用。所有 霍尼韦尔变送器经设计和测试符合所提供的通讯协议,并且 可与任何经过验证的手持组态设备配合使用。


STA822、82L:104KPaA STA840、84L: 3.5MPaA STA87L: 21MPaA
1 LCD数显表头工作温度-20℃至+70℃。存放温度-30℃至80℃。 2 对于CTFE填充液,额定值为-15至110℃。 3 短时间等同70℃时2小时。 4 变送器可以承受1.5 x MAWP的过压而不会受损。 5 请咨询工厂,以了解带CSA认证的SmartLine变送器的MAWP。
封设计,可确保最高安全性 ● 标准配置完全符合SIL2/3要求。 ● 全模块设计 ● 最长可提供15年保修
量程上限URL 量程下限LRL 最大量程 最小量程
图1 STA800和STA80L绝压变送器 有丰富现场业绩的先进传感器技术
通讯/输出选项: ● 4-20mA dc ● 霍尼韦尔数字增强(DE) ● HART®(7.0 版本) ● FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus 所有绝压变送器均可配备以上所列通讯协议。
参数 模拟输出 数字通讯
电源电压影响 变送器接通时间(含加电和测试算法) 响应时间 (延迟 + 时间常数) 阻尼时间常数
电磁兼容性 防雷选项
两线制、4至20 mA (仅 HART 和 DE 变送器) 符合 Honeywell DE 、HART 7 协议或 FOUNDATION Fieldbus ITK 6.0.1 无论何种协议,所有变送器的电源极性都可以任意连接。



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03_ML200 编程基础

03_ML200 编程基础
霍尼韦尔版权所有 2
项目 控制器 最快处理速度 I/O点 基本 I/O 网络 I/O (最大I/O内存) 底座 最大底座数 最大插槽数 编程 语言 2MLR-CPUH (ML200R) NGP1000 0.042 微秒/步 23,808 (64通道 * 372插槽) 11,904 (32通道 * 372插槽 I: 131,072, Q: 131,072 32(主/备用+31扩展) 378(主/备用 6 + 31 * 12) 梯形图 (IEC) SFC (IEC) ST (IEC) 7MB(包括上传的程序) 256 256 – 任务(最多65个) 1 32 32 2MLI-CPUU (ML200I) NGP1000 0.028 微秒/步 6,144 (64通道 * 96插槽) 3,072 (32通道 * 96插槽) I: 131,072, Q: 131,072 8(1主板 + 7 扩展) 96(8底座 * 12 插槽) 梯形图 (IEC) SFC (IEC) ST (IEC) 7MBB(包括上传的程序) 256 256 – 任务(最多65个) 1 32 32
霍尼韦尔版权所有 4
2MLI-CPUU 512KB(最大保留内存为256KB) 16KB 16KB 256KB(最大保留内存为128KB) %MW0~131,071(字) 2块* 64KB %RW0 ~ 32767 (块0) + %RW0 ~ 32767 (块1) %WW0 ~ 65535 4KB 18KB 22KB 42KB 8KB (8底座 * 16插槽 * 32字) 符号区内(1定时器 = 20字节) 符号区内(1计数器 = 8字节) 16MB(内置) ○ ○(最大2MB=32块* 64KB) ○



霍尼韦尔SmartLine简介作为SmartLine ®产品系列的成员,STA700是一种采用先进传感器技术的高性能绝压变送器。


SmartLine 经过了充分测试,符合Experion ® PKS 标准,可提供最高水平的兼容性保证和集成能力。

SmartLine 产品可以轻松满足压力测量应用的最苛刻的要求。

同类最佳的特性:● 校验量程的精度高达0.065%● 稳定性:0.020%满量程,保持10年● 自动温度补偿● 量程比100:1● 响应时间快达100ms ● 易于使用和直观的显示功能● 外部零位、量程和组态功能● 完善的自诊断功能●基于ANSI/NFPA 70-202和ANSI/ISA 12.27.0集成双重密封设计,确保最高安全性●标准配置完全符合SIL2/3要求量程和范围限制:图1 STA700绝压变送器有丰富现场业绩的先进传感器技术2STA700智能绝压变送器700说明SmartLine 系列压力变送器均基于高性能的传感器设计。

这一个传感器实际集成了多个传感器,将过程压力测量与静态压力(DP 型号)及用于温度补偿的温度测量相结合,从而实现了最佳的总体性能。

显示表头选项标准LCD 显示表头● 模块化(可以在现场增加或拆除)● 支持HART 协议● 0、90、180 和 270 度位置调整●测量单位包括:Pa 、kPa 、MPa 、KGcm2、T orr 、ATM 、 i4H 2O 、mH 2O 、bar 、mbar 、inH 2O 、inHG 、FTH 2O 、 mmH 2O 、mmHG 和psi 等测量单位● 大屏幕显示(高9.95mm x 宽4.20mm )2行,8个字符● 写保护提示●显示模块带有内部组态按钮,可通过内部或外部按键对变送器进行设置、调校自诊断功能SmartLine 变送器全部提供能以数字方式访问的诊断,这有助于提供可能的故障事件高级报警,从而最大限度缩减计划外停车,实现更低的整体工作成本。

霍尼韦尔 智能雷达水位计型号指南说明书

霍尼韦尔 智能雷达水位计型号指南说明书
RM70 -
_____ _____
TABLE I Level Meter Code
TABLE II Approvals Material Process Connection and Antenna Antenna
Availability Selection
0____ a 2____ a 3____ b 6____ c 7____ d A____ a B____ C____ E____ a F____ b H____ c K____ d M____ e N____ b _0___ _1___ f _2___ g _3___ h __3__ k __4__ k __5__ k __6__ k __7__ k __8__ k __F__ k __G__ k __H__ l __P__ m __S__ n __U__ k __V__ k __W__ k __X__ k ___0_ ___1_ ___2_ ___3_ ___4_ ___5_ ___6_ ___7_ ___8_ ___A_ ___B_ ___P_ o ___R_ p ___S_ o ___T_ p
Standard: -50°C...+150°C / EPDM
Dual Metaglas: -30°C...+150°C / EPDM Standard/-20°C…+150°C / Without for Tri-Clamp, SMS, DIN 11851 Standard/-20°C…+150°C / EPDM for Bio Control Standard/-20°C…+150°C / FKM/FPM for Bio Control Standard / -40°C...+200°C / FKM/FPM (distance piece included) Standard / -20°C...+200°C / Kalrez 6375 (distance piece included) Metaglas® / -30°C...+200°C / FKM/FPM (distance piece included) Metaglas® / -20°C...+200°C / Kalrez 6375 (distance piece included)








例如:基本类型仪表本体法兰组件选项工厂标示关键号表1 表2 表3 表4STD120 ——E1H ——0000 ——SB,1C ——####查看关键号码的第三位和第四位,确认产品的系列和基本类型。

第三位上的字母代表的下面的变送器基本类型:A = 绝对压力D= 压差F= 法兰安装G= 表压力R= 远传压力第四位上的数字则对应变送器所属的系列。



SCT3000Smartline配置工具包可使用Wivindows98 或更高版本软件的PC平台上运行。




SmartLine Pressure Transmitter ST 700 Basic Quick

SmartLine Pressure Transmitter ST 700 Basic Quick

Honeywell Process SolutionsThis document provides descriptions andprocedures for the Quick Installation ofHoneywell’s ST 700 Basic SmartLine PressureTransmitter. The ST 700 Basic SmartLine PressureTransmitter is available in a variety of models for measuring Differential Pressure (DP), GaugePressure (GP), and Absolute Pressure (AP). For full details refer to the manuals listed below for protocols, human interface (HMI), Operation, Installation, Configuration, Calibration, Maintenance, Parts, Safety and Approvals etc. including options. Various other support documents are available on the CD supplied with your shipment. Documents in hardcopy can also be ordered.Copyrights, Notices and Trademarks Copyright 2016 by Honeywell Revision 1, December 2016Trademarks SmartLine, ST 700 are U.S. registeredtrademarks of Honeywell Inc.HART ® is trademark of the FieldComm Group ™ ReferencesThe following list identifies all documents that may be sources of reference for material discussed in this publication.Table of ContentsInstallation (3)Mounting the Transmitter (3)Bracket Mounting (4)Optional Mounting Bracket (4)Existing Mounting Bracket (5)Rotating Transmitter Housing (6)Leveling Transmitters with Small Absolute or Differential Pressure Spans (7)Flange Mounting (8)Flush Mounting (9)Remote Seal Mounting (10)Conduit Entry Plugs and Adapters (11)Wiring Connections and Power Up (13)Wiring Variations (14)Explosion-Proof Conduit Seal (15)Trim the Transmitter (16)Procedure to Trim the Transmitter (16)Set the Jumpers For HART/DE (17)Setting Failsafe Direction and Write Protect Jumpers (17)Configuration Guide (19)TablesTable 1 - Conduit Entry Plugs (11)Table 2 - Conduit Adapters (12)Table 3 - Jumper Settings (18)Table 4 - Standard Display Menu (19)FiguresFigure 1: Mounting Brackets (3)Figure 2: Angle Mounting Bracket (4)Figure 3: LGP and LAP models (5)Figure 4: Rotating Transmitter Housing (6)Figure 5: Using level to mount transmitter (7)Figure 6: Flange mounting (8)Figure 7: Flush Mounting (9)Figure 8: Remote Seal mounting (10)Figure 9: Electronic Housing Conduit Entries (12)Figure 10: Two-wire power/current loop (13)Figure 11: Terminal Block and Grounding Screw location (14)Figure 12: Jumper Location HART (18)2 Quick Start Installation Guide December 2016INSTALLATIONEvaluate the site selected for the Transmitter installation with respect to the process system design specifications and Honeywell’s published performance characteristics for your particular model.Temperature extremes can affect display quality. The display can become unreadable at temperature extremes; however, this is only a temporary condition. The display will again be readable when temperatures return to within operable limits.MOUNTING THE TRANSMITTERTransmitter models, except flush mounts and those with integral flanges, can be attached to a two-inch (50 millimeter) vertical or horizontal pipe using Honeywell’s optional angle or flat mounting bracket; alternately you can use your own bracket. Flush-mount models are attached directly to a process pipe or tank by a one-inch weld nipple. Models with integral flanges are supported by the flange connection. Typical Bracket mounted and Flange Mounted InstallationsFigure 1: Mounting BracketsDecember 2016 Quick Start Installation Guide 3Bracket Mounting∙Optional mounting bracket, see Figure 2∙Existing mounting bracket, see Figure 3∙Rotate the transmitter housing, see Figure 4Level a transmitter with small absolute or differential pressure spans, see Figure 5. Optional Mounting BracketPosition the bracket on a 2-inch (50.8mm) and install “U” bolt around pipe and through holes in bracket. Secure with nuts and lock washers provided.Figure 2 Example - Angle mounting bracket secured to horizontal or vertical pipe.Figure 2: Angle Mounting Bracket4 Quick Start Installation Guide December 2016Existing Mounting BracketAlign appropriate mounting holes in transmitter with holes in bracket and secure with bolts and washers provided.Note: If the meter body is hexagonal, you must use the additional bracket supplied. If the meter body is round, discard the bracket.Example – LGP model transmitter mounted to optional angle mounting bracket.Figure 3: LGP and LAP modelsDecember 2016 Quick Start Installation Guide 5Rotating Transmitter HousingLoosen set screw on outside neck of transmitter one full turn. Rotate Transmitter housing in maximum of 180 degree increment in left or right direction from center to position you require and tighten set screw (1.46 to 1.68Nm/13 to 15lb-in).Figure 4 Example – Rotating Transmitter Housing.Figure 4: Rotating Transmitter Housing6 Quick Start Installation Guide December 2016Leveling Transmitters with Small Absolute or Differential Pressure SpansMounting position of these transmitters is critical due to the smaller transmitter spans. To minimize these positional effects on calibration (zero shift), take the appropriate mounting precautions that follow for the given transmitter model.See Figure 5 for suggestions on how to level the transmitter using a spirit balance.To perform a Zero Trim after leveling, refer to Trim the Transmitter on page16.Figure 5: Using level to mount transmitterFor transmitter models STA725 and STA72S you must ensure that the transmitter is vertical when mounting it. You do this by leveling the transmitter side-to-side and front-to-back.Mount transmitter vertically to assure best accuracy. Position the spirit balance on the pressure connection surface of AP body.December 2016 Quick Start Installation Guide 7Flange MountingTo mount a flange mounted transmitter model, bolt the transmitter’s flange to the flange pipe on the wall of the tank.On insulated tanks, remove enough insulation to accommodate the flange extension. It is the End User’s responsibility to provide a flange gasket and mounting hard ware that are suitable for the transmitter’s service condition.To prevent degradation of performance in Flush-Mounted Flanged Transmitters, exercise care to ensure that the internal diameter of the flange gasket does not obstruct the sensing diaphragm.To prevent degradation of performance in Extended Mount Flanged Transmitters, ensure that there is sufficient clearance in front of the sensing diaphragm body.Figure 6: Flange mounting8 Quick Start Installation Guide December 2016Flush MountingTo mount a flush mounted transmitter model, cut a hole for a 1-inch standard pipe in the tank or pipe where the transmitter is to be mounted. See Figure 7Weld the 1-inch mounting sleeve to the wall of the tank or to the hole cut on the pipe. Insert the meter body of the transmitter into the mounting sleeve and secure with the locking bolt. Tighten the bolt to a torque of 6.4Nm ±0.30Nm [4.7ft.-lbs. ±0.2ft.-lbs.] Once the transmitter is mounted, the transmitter housing can be rotated to the desired position. See Figure 7.Figure 7: Flush MountingDecember 2016 Quick Start Installation Guide 9Remote Seal MountingMount the transmitter at a remote distance determined by length of capillary tubing. Note: The combination of tank vacuum and high pressure capillary head effect should not exceed 9psi (300mm Hg) absolute.On insulated tanks, remove enough insulation to accommodate the mounting sleeve. Figure 8 Example – Typical Remote Seal Transmitter installation.Note: For Sanitary 3-A installations, only mount the transmitter outside of the Non-Product Contact area where incidental contact with the process material is unlikely, use a minimum capillary length of 1.5m (5ft.)Figure 8: Remote Seal mounting10 Quick Start Installation Guide December 2016CONDUIT ENTRY PLUGS AND ADAPTERSProceduresIt is the User/Installer’s responsibility to install the Transmitters in accordance with national and local code requirements. Conduit entry plugs and adapters shall be suitable for the environment, shall be certified for the hazardous location when required and acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction for the plant.Use the following procedures for installation:December 2016 Quick Start Installation Guide 11Figure 9: Electronic Housing Conduit EntriesNote. No plugs come installed in the housings. All housings come with temporary plastic dust protectors (red for ½” NPT and blue for M20) installed and are not certified for use in any installation12 Quick Start Installation Guide December 2016WIRING CONNECTIONS AND POWER UPSummaryThe transmitter is designed to operate in a two-wire power/current loop with loop resistance and power supply voltage within the operating range shown in Figure 10 Loop wiring is connected to the transmitter by simply attaching the positive (+) and negative (–) loop wires to the positive (+) and negative (–) SIGNAL screw terminals on the terminal bloc k in the transmitter’s electronics housing shown in Figure 11. Each transmitter includes an internal terminal to connect it to earth ground. Also a ground terminal can be optionally added to the outside of the electronics housing. While it is not necessary to ground the transmitter for proper operation, doing so tends to minimize the possible effects of noise on the output signal and affords protection against lightning and static discharge.An optional lightning terminal block can be installed in place of the non-lightning terminal block for Transmitters that will be installed in an area that is highly susceptible to lightning strikes.Figure 10: Two-wire power/current loopFigure 11: Terminal Block and Grounding Screw locationWiring VariationsThe above procedures are used to connect power to a Transmitter. For loop wiring and external wiring, detailed drawings are provided for Transmitter installation innon-intrinsically safe areas and for intrinsically safe loops in hazardous area locations. This procedure shows the steps for connecting power to the transmitter.Wiring must comply with local codes, regulations and ordinances. Groundingmay be required to meet various approval body certification, for example CEconformity. Refer to the ST 700 SmartLine Transmitter User’s Manual,Documents # 34-ST-25-44 for details.EXPLOSION-PROOF CONDUIT SEALWhen installed as explosion proof in a Division 1 Hazardous Location, keep covers tight while the Transmitter is energized. Disconnect power to theTransmitter in the non-hazardous area prior to removing end caps for service.When installed as non-incendive equipment in a Division 2 hazardous location, disconnect power to the Transmitter in the non-hazardous area, or determine that the location is non-hazardous before disconnecting or connecting theTransmitter wires.Transmitters installed as explosion proof in Class I, Division 1, Group A Hazardous (classified) locations in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70, the US National Electrical Code, require a LISTED explosion proof seal to be installed in the conduit, within 18 inches (457.2mm) of the Transmitter. Crouse-Hinds type EYS/EYD or EYSX/EYDX are examples of LISTED explosion proof seals that meet this requirement. Transmitters installed as explosion proof in Class I, Division 1, Group B, C or D hazardous (classified) locations do not require that explosion proof seal be installed in the conduit.TRIM THE TRANSMITTERProcedure to Trim the TransmitterFor a transmitter with a small differential pressure span, you must ensure that the transmitter is vertical when mounting it. You do this by leveling the transmitter side-to-side and front-to-back. See Figure 5 for suggestions on how to level the transmitter using a spirit balance. You must also zero the transmitter by following the steps in this table.SET THE JUMPERS FOR HARTSetting Failsafe Direction and Write Protect JumpersThe ST 700 Basic SmartLine Pressure Transmitter provides two jumpers to set the desired failsafe action and Write Protect option. See, Figure 12: Jumper Location HART The top jumper on the electronics module sets the Failsafe direction. The default setting is up-scale failsafe.Up Scale drives the loop to a value greater than 21.5mA while Down Scale drives the loop to a value less than 3.6mA.You can change the failsafe direction by moving the Failsafe Jumper (top jumper) to the desired position (UP or DOWN).The bottom jumper sets the Write Protect. The default setting is OFF (Unprotected).When set to the ON (Protected) position, Changed configuration parameters cannot be written to the transmitter.When set to the OFF (Unprotected) position, Changed configuration parameters can be written to the transmitter.ATTENTIONDischarge (ESD) hazards.Observe precautions forhandling electrostatic sensitivedevicesStepFigure 12: Jumper Location HART18 Quick Start Installation Guide December 2016CONFIGURATION GUIDEThe ST700 Basic SmartLine Pressure transmitter has only one display options: Standard LCD Display: 2 lines, 6 characterFor more informationTo learn more about SmartLine Transmitters, visit Or contact your Honeywell Account ManagerProcess SolutionsHoneywell1250 W Sam Houston Pkwy SHouston, USA, TX 77042Honeywell Control Systems LtdHoneywell House, Skimped Hill LaneBracknell, England, RG12 1EBShanghai City Centre, 100 Jungi Road Shanghai, China 20061 34-ST-25-57 Rev.1 December 2016Sales and ServiceFor application assistance, current specifications, pricing, or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact one of the offices below.。

Honeywell SmartLine STT170系列温度传输器说明书

Honeywell SmartLine STT170系列温度传输器说明书

SmartLineOverviewThe Honeywell STT170 series of programmabletemperature transmitters provide cost-effectivesolutions for temperature monitoring applications.Compared to direct-wired temperature sensormonitoring points, the STT170 series of transmittersdelivers increased accuracy, safety and reliability while also reducing wiring costs. These transmittersautomatically linearize the temperature output signalbounded by the upper range value and lower range value established by the user. In addition, the user can program high or low limit alarms to activate in the case of sensor failure.STT171 Features• Analog 4-20 mA output.• RTD or Ohm input.• DIN form B head mount.• NAMUR NE43 sensor error response.• Configurable using STT17C configurationtool and PC.STT173 Features• Analog 4-20 mA output• RTD, T/C, Ohm or mV input• DIN form B head mount• NAMUR NE43 sensor error response• Configurable using STT17C configuration tool and PC• Galvanic isolation Figure 1– SmartLine STT 3000 TemperaturetransmitterSTT17H Features•HART™/4-20 mA output•RTD, T/C, Ohm or mV input•Single or dual (difference or average)sensor input•DIN form B head mount•HART Multidrop capable•NAMUR NE43 sensor error responseSTT 3000 Smart Temperature Transmitter Series STT170 SpecificationsModel STT171, STT173, STT17H, STT17C34-TT-03-07, May 2023Technical InformationDimensions (all models)WiringSTT171 STT173Input:Input:RTD, 2-wire RTD, 3-wire RTD, 4-wire TC, internal CJCRTD,2-wire RTD,3-wire Resistance,2-wire Resistance,3-wireTC, external CJC mV Resistance, 2-wire Resistance, 3-wireOutput:2-wire installationResistance, 4-wireOutput:2-wire installationSTT17HThe STT17C configures the STT171, STT173 and STT17H. The intuitive graphical user interface of the STT17C virtually eliminates the need for operator training after installation on a PC. The STT17C includes all software and transmitter interface hardware necessary to configure the STT171, STT173 and STT17H in non-hazardous work environments.WARNING: The STT17C is not approved for use in Hazardous work environments.System Requirements:Windows® 98SE, ME, 2000 and XP with the following recommendations:Memory: 16 MBDisplay resolution: 800 x 600Hard disk space: 12 MB**or 50%of upper range value,whichever is greater***reference temperature24o COPERATING CONDITIONS APPROVALSAmbient temperature, rated……….……-40 to 85o C (-40 to 185o F)Observed Authority requirements:Standard: Humidity……………………………………0 to 95% RH (non-cond.)EMC 2004/108/EC Vibration…………………………………Max 4g over 25 to 100Hz Emmission and immunity ……… EN 61326ATEX94/9/EC…........................................ EN50014,EN50020, ELECTRICAL INPUT SPECIFICATIONS EN502811-1and EN50284 Supply voltage………………………………8to30VDC FM,ASCN…............................................. 3600,3611,3610Power supply voltage effect………………≤0.005%of span per VDC CSA,CAN/CSA ......................................... C22.2No.157,E60079-11, Warm-up time…………………………..….5min UL913Response time(programmable)…………0.33to60sec Ex/I.S.approval:KEMA06ATEX0042X…………………………II1GD,T80o C…T105o C CURRENT OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS EEx ia IIC T4.T6Signal output range…………………………4to20mA Max.amb.Temperature for T4….................... 85o CUpdate time………………………………… 135msec Max.amb.Temperature for T6….................... 60o CLoad resistance………....……...…………≤(V supply-8)/0.023A Applicable in zone…..................................... 0,1,2,20,21or220to870οFM,applicable in…………………………………IS,CL I,DIV1,Grp.A-D,T4…T6AEx ia IICALARM LEVELS NI,CL I,DIV2,Grp.A-D,T4...T6 Programmable...................................3.5to4mA downscale Entity,FM Installation Drawing No. (50016324)20 to 23 mA upscale CSA, applicable in.....................................IS,CL I, DIV 1, Grp. A-D, T4...T6 NAMUR NE43 Upscale.........................23 mA Ex ia IIC, AEx ia IIC NAMUR NE43Downscale....................3.5mA Entity,Installation Drawing No... (50016326)Ex/I.S.data:U i (max) .................................................... 30 VDCI i (max)...................................................... 120mADCP i (max) .................................................... 0.84WL i (max)..................................................... 10μHC i (max) .................................................... 1.0 nFUo (max) .................................................. 27 VDCIo (max).................................................... 7 mADCPo (max)................................................... 45m WLo(max) ................................................... 35 mHCo (max) .................................................. 90 nFSTT17H-BN Specification*whichever is greater; Total Reference Accuracy = Basic Accuracy + CJ Accuracy (T/C only)**or 50% of upper range value, whichever is greater*** reference temperature 24o COPERATING CONDITIONS APPROVALSAmbient temperature, rated…………...…. -40 to 85o C (-40 to 185o F) Observed Authority requirements: Standard: Humidity……………………………………0 to 95% RH (non-cond.) EMC 2004/108/EC Vibration…………………………………...…Max 4g over 25 to 100Hz Emmission and immunity ……… EN 61326Cold junction accuracy……………………±1.0o C ATEX94/9/EC… .................................................. EN60079-0,EN60079-15 ELECTRICAL INPUT SPECIFICATIONS Ex / I.S. approval:Supply Voltage....................................8 to 35 VDC KEMA 06 ATEX 0043 X..............................II 3 GD, T80o C...T105o C Power supply voltage effect.................. ≤ 0.005% of span per VDC EEx nA [L] IIC T4. T6 Warm-up time....................................30sec Applicable in zone... (2)Response time(programmable)…………1to60sec Max.amb.Temperature for T4…......................... 85o CGalvanic isolation………………………….1500VAC Max.amb.Temperature for T6…......................... 60o CCURRENT OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS Vmax (V)Signal output range..................................... 4 to 20 mAUpdate time… ............................................. 440 msecLoad resistance(ν)...................................... ≤(V supply -8)/0.023A0 to 1174 νALARM LEVELSProgrammable…........................................ 3.5 to 4 mA downscale20 to 23 mA upscaleNAMUR NE43 Upscale…......................... 23 mANAMUR NE43Downscale…....................... 3.5 mA9STT 3000 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT171 Custom Configuration Data SheetCustomer P.O. NumberLine ItemModel NumberTag Number (max 15 char)Honeywell Sales Order NumberSensor Type:□Pt100□Ni100□OhmsOutput Values:4 mA Value: 20 mA Value: Response time:□o C□o F□Ohms □o C□o F□Ohms(0.33 – 60 sec)Output Limits:□Span (4 to 20 mA)□Max (3.5 to 23 mA)□Specify Low mA, High mA□NAMUR NE 43 (3.8 to 20.5 mA)Sensor Error Action:□Off□Specify mA□NAMUR NE 43 upscale (23 mA)□NAMUR NE 43 downscale (3.5 mA)10STT 3000 Smart Temperature TransmitterSTT173 Custom Configuration Data SheetCustomer P.O. NumberLine ItemModel NumberTag Number (max 15 char)Honeywell Sales Order NumberSensor Type:□Pt100 □Type B T/C Cold Junction Compensation:□Ni100 □Type E T/C □Internal□Type J T/C □External / Pt100Wiring: □Type K T/C □External / Ni100□2-wire □Type L T/C□3-wire □Type N T/C□4-wire □Type R T/C□Type S T/C□ Ohms □Type T T/C□mV □Type U T/C□Type W3 T/C□Type W5 T/COutput Values:4 mA Value: 20 mA Value: Response time:□o C □o C (1 – 60 sec)□o F □o□mV □mV□Ohms □OhmsOutput Limits:□Span (4 to 20 mA)□Max (3.5 to 23 mA)□Specify Low mA, High mA□NAMUR NE 43 (3.8 to 20.5 mA)Sensor Error Action:□Off□Specify mA□NAMUR NE 43 upscale (23 mA)□NAMUR NE 43 downscale (3.5 mA)STT17H Custom Configuration Data SheetCustomer P.O. NumberLine ItemModel NumberTag Number (max 15 char)Honeywell Sales Order NumberSensor Input:□Single Sensor□Duplex Sensor (Average)□Duplex Sensor (Differential)Sensor Type:□Pt100□Type B T/C Cold Junction Compensation:□Ni100□Type E T/C□Internal□Type J T/C□External / Pt100 Wiring: □Type K T/C□External / Ni100□2-wire□Type L T/C□3-wire□Type N T/C□4-wire□Type R T/C□Type S T/C□Ohms□Type T T/C□mV□Type U T/C□Type W3 T/C□Type W5 T/COutput Values:4 mA Value: 20 mA Value: Response time:□o C□o F□mV □Ohms □o C□o□mV□Ohms(1 – 60 sec)Output Limits:□Span (4 to 20 mA)□Max (3.5 to 23 mA)□Specify Low mA, High mA□NAMUR NE 43 (3.8 to 20.5 mA)Sensor Error Action:□Off□Specify mA□NAMUR NE 43 upscale (23 mA)□NAMUR NE 43 downscale (3.5 mA)Model Selection Guide (34-44-16-07)Model Selection Guides are subject to change and are inserted into the specifications as guidance only.Sales and ServiceFor application assistance, current specifications, pricing, or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact one of the offices below.ASIA PACIFICHoneywell Process Solutions, (TAC) hfs-tac-********************* AustraliaHoneywell LimitedPhone: +(61) 7-3846 1255FAX: +(61) 7-3840 6481Toll Free 1300-36-39-36Toll Free Fax:1300-36-04-70China – PRC - Shanghai Honeywell China Inc.Phone: (86-21) 5257-4568Fax: (86-21) 6237-2826 SingaporeHoneywell Pte Ltd.Phone: +(65) 6580 3278Fax: +(65) 6445-3033South KoreaHoneywell Korea Co LtdPhone: +(822) 799 6114Fax: +(822) 792 9015 EMEAHoneywell Process Solutions,Phone: + 80012026455 or+44 (0)1344 656000Email: (Sales)***************************or(TAC)*****************************AMERICA’SHoneywell Process Solutions,Phone: (TAC) 1-800-423-9883 or215/641-3610(Sales) 1-800-343-0228Email: (Sales)***************************or(TAC)*****************************For more informationTo learn more about Temperature Transmitters,visit Or contact your Honeywell Account ManagerProcess SolutionsHoneywell1250 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Houston, TX 77042Honeywell Control Systems Ltd Honeywell House, Skimped Hill Lane Bracknell, England, RG12 1EB Shanghai City Centre, 100 Jungi Road Shanghai, China 20061 34-TT-03-07May 2023©2023 Honeywell International Inc.。



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Honeywell SmartLine压力传感器选择指南说明书

Honeywell SmartLine压力传感器选择指南说明书

I Connected IndustriaISMARTLINE PRESSURE SELECTION GUIDELINESRedefining Smart.SmartLine Pressure TransmittersHoneywell’s SmartLine® pressure measurement system sets the standard with its industry-leading total performance, even in harsh process environments. With the best control system integration and unique features such as modularity, a graphics display and universal terminals, SmartLine offers the lowest total cost of ownership.Leading PerformanceSmartLine provides better performance with industry leading accuracy, response time and stability. When combined with Honeywell’s proven static pressure and temperature compensation, the unbeatable total performance is better than 0.12% of span under actual process conditions.Lowest Total Cost of Ownership• H oneywell’s unique approach to modularity helps reduce maintenance costs and make repairs safer and faster. With the ability to repair the transmitter in place, the need to break a process line connection is avoided, even in an intrinsically safe environment. And with no need to stock complete units, inventory costs are lower.• A n advanced graphics display and three button external configuration option provide capabilities for field operators to more efficiently perform tasks,solve problems and avoid errors with no need for a handheld device. The display shows rich graphics, bar graphs, trends and messages from the control room.• W ith SmartLine’s universal terminals, wiring can be reversed without damaging or affecting the normal operation of the transmitter. This avoids costly rework on large installations where multiple contractors may use different wiring standards and eliminates return trips to re-wire “incorrectly wired” devices.SmartLine Connection Advantage• T ransmitter Messaging allows the operator to send and display custom messages to the display so field operators can quickly identify the right transmitter and task.•M aintenance Mode Indication displays a message on the display that the transmitter and/or the loop is in a mode suitable for maintenance. • U nique Tamper Reporting notifies the control room that an attempt to change a write-protected configuration has been made or that the write protection has been switched off.•F ield Device Manager (FDM) is Honeywell’s centralized asset management system for smart field device configuration and maintenance. When SmartLine data is integrated into FDM, users can create hierarchical screen displays for quick and easy views of device health from areas of the plant or process.• W ith comprehensive testing, Honeywell provides trouble-free integration for faster startups and reliability. The tests even include other suppliers’ configuration tools.ST800ST700SMV800 Performance CharacteristicsAccuracy • U p to 0.0375% span standard• 0.025% span optional highaccuracy • B asic: up to 0.065% of span• S tandard: up to 0.05% of span•P V1 DP – up to 0.04% of span• P V2 SP – up to 0.0375% of span• P V3 PT – 0.2 °C RTD – Pt 100• P V4 – mass flow accuracyup to 0.6%Stability• U p to 0.01% per year for ten years• B asic: up to 0.025% per year for5 years• S tandard: up to 0.02% per yearfor 5 years• U p to 0.0625% of URL per yearResponse Time• A s fast as 80 ms• A s fast as 100 ms•A s fast as 144 ms for DP (PV1) Total Performance• U p to 0.12%• U p to 0.2%• M ass flow performance is up to 0.6% Turndown Ratios up to 400:1• T urndown ratios up to 400:1• T urndown ratios up to 100:1• T urndown ratios up to 400:1 Compound Characterized Ranges• Y es• Y es• Y esTemperature & Static PressureCompensated• Y es• Y es• Y esProduct Features & OptionsMeasured Parameters• D ifferential pressure staticpressure • D ifferential pressure staticpressure• D ifferential pressure, staticpressure, process temperatureCaluclated Parameters• V olume flow• V olume flow• V olume flow, mass flow Support for Flow Algorithms• N A• N A• A SME MFC-3M, ISO5167, Gost8.586, AGA3, ASME MFC 14MSupport for Flow Elements• N A• N A• O rifice, Venturi, Flow Nozzle,Pitotube, IFO, Standard V cone,Wafer cone, WedgeHART® 7, DE & F OUNDATION™Fieldbus Communication Protocols• Y es• Y es• D E, HART 7Universal Terminals• Y es• S tandard: Yes• Y esModular Design Components• S imple faster repairs with lessdowntime • S imple faster repairs withless downtime• S imple faster repairs withless downtimeSmartLine Connection Advantage with Experion®• T ransmitter Messaging*• M aintenance Mode Indication• T amper Alerts*• F DM Plant Area Views• C omprehensive Experionintegration testing• T amper Alerts* (Standard only)• F DM Plant Area Views• T ransmitter Messaging*• M aintenance Mode Indication• T amper Alerts*• F DM Plant Area Views• C omprehensive Experionintegration testingSIL 2 Certified/SIL 3Capable Standard• Y es• Y es• N o Certified for Dual Seal Compliance• Y es• Y es• Y esComprehensive & AdvancedDiagnostics• Y es• Y es• Y esUser Interface Options• O ptional basic alphanumeric display• O ptional advanced graphics display• M ultiple PV display screens includingbar graph and trend displays• C omprehensive diagnostic messages• S upports transmitter messagingand maintenance mode indication• C omprehensive EDDs & DTMsfor remote configuration• O ptional external 3-buttonprogramming capability • S T700 Basic: supports Standarddisplay with internal and/orexternal 2-button configurationST700 Standard: supportsStandard display with internal2-button configuration / Basicdisplay with external three buttonconfiguration• Diagnostic notifications•C omprehensive EDDs & DTMsfor remote configuration• O ptional external two (Basic)or three (Standard) buttonprograming capability• N A•O ptional advanced graphics display• M ultiple PV display screens includingbar graph and trend displays• C omprehensive diagnostic messages• S upports transmitter messagingand maintenance mode indication• C omprehensive EDDs & DTMs forremote configuration• O ptional external 3-buttonlimited programming capOptional Extended Warranties• 1, 2, 3, 4 and 15 year warranties• 1, 2, 3 and 4 year warranties• 1, 2, 3, 4 and 15 year warranties *Also compatible with other HART 7 enabled hostsStandard, basic or advanced digital display as determined by the application requirementsUniversal or traditional wiring terminal boards with standard or lightning-protected optionsIt takes only a matter of minutes to replace the electronics, even in the field under power with no re-calibration required. This avoids the time-consuming procedure of removing a sensor from a pipeline or network, particularly in highly critical processes.Best of all, Honeywell’s unique modularity reduces inventory requirements and lowers overall operating costs.LOWER YOUR TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIPWith Plug-In Modules, Users Can Easily Add or UpgradeAll SmartLine Pressure Transmitters are modular in design, making it easy to replace hardware, add indicators, change electronic modules or even meter bodies without affecting overall performance or impinging on approval body certifications.Flexible ConfigurationIn addition to configuring with any hand-helddevice or through asset management DTMs, users can configure the transmitters through externally accessible buttons, even in an intrinsically safe, Class I, Div. 1 environment.Now, whether on the bench or in the field, configure, change tag information, change languages and even more without needing a handheld device.SMARTLINE PRESSURE SELECTION GUIDEModel Types, Ranges and SpansModelUpper Range Lower Range Max. SpanUnitsStandard Accuracy % of Span Turndown CapabilityTwo- or three-button external configurationField-exchangeable communication modules to deploy HART , Honeywell Digital Enhanced (DE) or FOUNDATION Fieldbus communicationAdvanced Graphics LCD Display• U p to eight separate screens with three formats to meet unique display requirements: process variable, bar graph and trend• F ull library of engineering units with the ability to add custom units• Configurable screen rotation timing • Supports multiple languages • Two diagnostic indications• 90-degree position adjustments to facilitate all installation positions.For more informationTo learn more about Honeywell’s SmartLine Pressure Transmitters, visit /smartlineor contact your Honeywell account manager. Honeywell Process Solutions512 Virginia DriveFort Washington, PA 19034 USAHoneywell House, Arlington Business Park Bracknell, Berkshire, England RG12 1EB17 Changi Business Park Central 1 Singapore 486073 SmartLine® and Experion® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. HART® is a registered trademark andF OUNDATION™ Fieldbus is a trademark of the FieldComm Group.PO-16-01-ENG | 11/16©2016 Honeywell International Inc.。

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基本型 表头
• 2行 ,每行16 字符 4.13毫米 高 x 1.83毫米宽 • 显示所有标准测量单位 Pa, KPa, MPa, KGcm2, TORR, ATM inH2O, mH2O, bar, mbar, inHg, FTH2O, mmH2O, MMHG, & PSI
• 业界领先的性能
精度 响应时间 综合标定 模块化设计 全新的人机界面,液晶显示表头 三键式组态按钮 电源正负任意连接 全面的诊断信息 对变送器发送信息 维护模式显示 修改报警
• 提高效率,降低成本的新功能
• 与霍尼韦尔系统集成的新功能
Three Pillars of Excellence: 卓越品质的三大支柱:
• 业界领先的性能 • 提高效率,降低成本的新功能
精度 响应时间 综合标定 模块化设计 全新的人机界面,液晶显示表头 三键式组态按钮 电源正负任意连接 全面的诊断信息 对变送器发送信息 维护模式显示 修改报警
• 与霍尼韦尔系统集成的新功能
Industry Leading Performance 业界领先的性能
响应时间 HART
– 差压 – 表压 – 绝压 100毫秒 100毫秒 100毫秒
100毫秒 100毫秒 100毫秒
决定于系统 决定于系统 决定于系统
Industry Leading Performance 业界领先的性能
PV值 跟踪记录
传感器PV量程上限 PV值疲劳上限和下限
变送器接受过的最大PV值,变化超过量程的1/8000才会纪录 PV值风别超过PV疲劳上限和下限累计的时间 最后一次PV值超过PV 疲劳上限和下限到现在累计的时间
PV1可以是差压、压力或绝压 PV2是变送器膜盒温度,通常代表了接触的介质的温度 PV3 是静压(只有差压有) PV4 是电子模块温度,通常代表环境温度


全面的诊断信息 HART 7.0
上电情况 信息记录 变送器接线端子模块 电压值记录
电子线路模块 温度 记录
PV值 跟踪诊断 膜盒温度 信息记录
静压 信息记录
上电情况 信息记录
变送器上电的总次数 最后一次上电到现在总的时间
• 可以避免因为更换变送器而有可能造成的停车 • 避免在更换变送器模块时对测量回路的影响
Head Orientation 容室过程接口方向
过程连接 水平方向
过程连接 垂直方向
Improved HMI 全新的人机界面 全新的液晶显示表头
基本型 表头 高级型 表头
Improved HMI 全新的人机界面
霍尼韦尔现场产品 2014年04月17日
•SmartLine压力和差压变送器 •多变量变送器 •温度变送器
SmartLine 变送器
•霍尼韦尔压力变送器现状 •卓越品质的三大支柱 •竞争信息
Honeywell Pressure Current State 霍尼韦尔压力变ress 向变送器发送信息
维护状态指示 维护人员可以让变送器的表头显示此台变送器已经处于可以维护的状态。
M Available for Maintenance
现场设备管理软件 FDM Express 维护信息显示
Available for Maintenance
膜盒额定工作温度:上限 125°C;下限-40°C
膜盒疲劳温度上限 膜盒温度范围-40~125=165°C 疲劳温度上限= 125°C – 10% of 165°C = 108.5°C. 疲劳温度下限= -40°C + 10% of 165°C = -23.5°C.
T3 108.5°C
修改报告 : 记录所有修改组态的事件
- 尝试修改设备组态 - 改动设备“写保护”的状态
* ST 800 Differentiated Feature
Honeywell SmartLine
Emerson 3051
Yokogawa EJA
变送器 接线端子模块 电压状况记录
Loop | Test (HART & DE Only*)

125°C T1
膜盒温度值 跟踪记录 膜盒温度最高值和最低值跟踪
变送器接受过的最大的静压值 膜盒静压值超过静压疲劳上限累计的时间 最后一次静压值超过静压疲劳上限到现在累计的时间
电子线路模块 (PWA)温度值 跟踪记录
PWA的最高/最低的温度限值,规格值: -40 to 85 电子线路模块温度疲劳上限和下限 ET range is -40 to 85 for a total of 125°C “ET Upper Stress Limit” = 85- 10% of 125= 62.5°C ET range is -40 to 85 for a total of 125°C “ET Upper Stress Limit” = -40+10% of 125= -27.5°C PWA经历的最高/最低的温度 温度超过ET Upper/Lower Stress Limit累计的时间 最后一次温度超过ET Upper/Lower Stress Limit到现在累计的时间
• 开方显示
• PV超量程指示 • 支持本地组态的3键式按钮
Improved HMI 全新的人机界面
显示多个参数 具有的图形显示功能,多个图形格式
高级型 表头
小的PV值和趋势 小的PV值和棒状图
Improved HMI 全新的人机界面
信息举例 • Calibration due 12/10/2012 (26个字符) • Set transmitter zero (20个字符) • Enable write protection jumper (30个字符)
31 个字符
变送器信息发送 • 更快,更安全,更准确的维护 – 迅速识别变送器 – 明确的任务标识 – 消除歧义和潜在的错误 请给PDT0071作个校零
Wireless 无线
Multiple Inputs 多通道
Single Input 单通道
Smart Multi-Variable 多变量
Analytical 分析仪表
SmartLine 平台
Three Pillars of Excellence: 卓越品质的三大支柱:
0° C
分别记录膜盒温度超过疲劳上限和下限各自累计的时间 最后一次温度超过MBT Upper Stress Limit到现在累计的时间
Static Pressure range is 0 to 4500 psi. “SP Upper Stress Limit” = 4500 psi - 450 psi = 4050 psi.
Modular Construction 模块化结构
Modular Construction 模块化结构
• 提高了灵活性和反应速度
• 减少备件库存
• 单个模块的替换与整个变送器的替换作比较,明显可以减少维修成本
量程的0.15% 200:1 有 可读 不是
领先 环比最好 可接受 较差

Honeywell SmartLine
Emerson 3051
Yokogawa EJA

标准 31 MPa 41 MPa 25 MPa 15.8 MPa 无
31 /41 MPa

DE FF Profibus HART 7 有 有 有 HART 5 HART 7 无 有 有
可以交替显示 最多8个屏幕
Improved HMI 3 Button Configuration 全新的人机界面 三键式组态模块
全新的操作方法 磁性操作按钮
3个按键组态 可以组态全部功能
Improved HMI 3 Button Configuration 全新的人机界面 三键式组态模块 3个按键组态 可以对全部功能组态
ST3000 是市场上的第一个“智能变送器” – 已供了32年 – 已安装了上百万台变送器 Competition