例如,在日常生活中,多数英美人没有睡过中国的“炕”(kang, a heatable brickbed ),没有吃过“冰糖葫芦”(candied haws on a stick),也没有用过中国的“秤”(steelyard)。
大部分中国人没有住过美国的motel(汽车旅馆),也没有吃过美国的各种pie (馅饼)。
再比如节气的划分,虽然有一些在英语和汉语中是对等的,如春分(Spring Equinox)、秋分(Autumnal Equinox)、夏至(Summer Solstice)、冬至(Winter Solstice),但是像清明、霜降、惊蛰等之类的节气在英语中都没有。
了解英汉两种语言的文化背景差异,有助于更 准确地找到对应词。
在翻译过程中,应尽量保持原文的文化意象, 避免因文化差异造成的误解。
对于英汉两种语言中的文化特有表达,应采用适当的翻译策略,如直译、意译 或音译。
英语和汉语中都存在一些语义模糊的词汇,这些词汇在不同语境中的含义可能有所不同,增加了英汉 对应词不对等的难度。
表可能存在语义上的微妙差异,导 致翻译时难以找到完全对应的词 汇。
由于英汉两种语言的文化背景不 同,某些词汇在英语中可能有特 定的文化含义,而在汉语中则没 有,反之亦然。这增加了翻译的 难度,需要译者具备跨文化意识。
英汉两国的社会制度、政治体系存在较大差异,一些具有特定社会 制度背景的词汇在对方语言中可能没有对应的表达。
英语和汉语分别属于不同的宗教信仰体系,一些具有特定宗教背景 的词汇在对方语言中可能没有对应的表达。
英语和汉语中的一些词汇在不同的语境中具有不同的含义,这导致在翻译时需要对语境进行准确理解 。
拓展研究的语料库和领域,包括不同领域、不同语境的英汉对应词, 以便更全面地了解其不对等性。
加强跨学科的研究合作,引入语言学、文化学、心理学等学科的理论 和方法,以更深入地探究英汉对应词不对等性的本质和规律。
注重实践应用,将研究成果应用于翻译、跨文化交流等领域,以提高 跨文化交际的效果和质量。
例如,在日常生活中,多数英美人没有睡过中国的“炕”(kang, a heatable brickbed ),没有吃过“冰糖葫芦”(candied haws on a stick),也没有用过中国的“秤”(steelyard)。
大部分中国人没有住过美国的motel(汽车旅馆),也没有吃过美国的各种pie (馅饼)。
再比如节气的划分,虽然有一些在英语和汉语中是对等的,如春分(Spring Equinox)、秋分(Autumnal Equinox)、夏至(Summer Solstice)、冬至(Winter Solstice),但是像清明、霜降、惊蛰等之类的节气在英语中都没有。
关键词:词汇不对应文化语言特点优点缺点AbstractDissimilar phenomenon of word meaning in English and Chinese is common,which is caused by the characteristics of the two languages.Through questionnaire,it is found that there are few college students learning English words by the meaning in English.They just have the awareness of doing it but fail to do it.Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of word meaning in English and Chinese and the reason why they are different are of great necessity. In this way,learning English words by word meaning in English is beneficial in spite of great difficulty.Key Words : word meaning ,dissimilar phenomenon, culture, characteristics of the two languages,advantages ,disadvantages目录引言 (3)1.1英语与汉语的不对应现象 (3)1.2英语与汉语的不对应现象原因 (3)2.问卷调查及分析 (4)2.1问卷调查 (4)2.2调查结果分析 (7)2.3英文释义和中文释义的优点和缺点 (8)3.中文释义缺点的原因分析 (10)结论 (10)参考文献 (11)引言目前国内就中文和英文词汇不对应的研究很多,但很少通过问卷调查了解在校大学生对于英语释义和中文释义的了解和学习情况,所以本文通过问卷调查了解大学生对于英文释义和中文释义的了解和学习现状。
例如:英语中的Victoria girl(维多利亚女孩),指的是思想比较保守的女性,因为维多利亚时期英国的思想比较保守,所以以这位女王的名字来形容那些思想行为比较保守的人等等。
Achilles’ heel (阿格琉斯的脚后跟)指的是致命的弱点。
来自于希腊神话特洛伊战争,阿格琉斯是希腊最英勇的战士,而他的致命弱点就是他的脚后跟;Juda’s kiss(犹大的吻),犹大是出卖耶和华的叛徒,这个短语指的是口蜜腹剑的意思; The laurel of Apollo(阿波罗的月桂树),桂花在中文里我们想到的是秋天,而这个短语却是表示胜利(victory)。
巨大差 异 ,词 汇层 面 的不对等 尤 为明 显 。英 汉词 汇语 义 间 “ o f i c e r ”( 军 官; 官 员 ) ,“ o ic f i a l ”( 高 级 职 员; 官 员 ) , 的 不对 等 性主 要表 现 为 两种 情 况 :词汇 空 缺和 语 义 差异 。 a d mi n i s t r a t o r ”( 公 司、 机 构 的 管 理 人 员 ) ,“ l e a d e r ”( 领 词汇 空缺 是指 某些 词汇 在另 一种 系统 里面不 存在 ,而 语义 导 者 ,领袖 ) , “ c a d r e ”( 骨干 , 干 部 ) 等 多个 词 语 ,因此 差异 则指 的是 某个 概念 词汇在 两种 语 言里都 存在 ,但 是在 在翻 译时 需要注 意该词 使用过 程 中的 内涵 和外延 。 使用 中有 所差 异 。 有时 候 ,即便是 相 同的指 称意 义 ,但 在其 背后 的语 用
语 言 研 究
浅析英汉词汇语 义间的不对等性
田文杰 吴 琦 空军工程大学外语教研室 空军工程大学外 国语言文学专业
摘 要 : 由于 文 化 的差 异 ,源语 和 目的语 之 间存在 着诸 多差 异 ,英 汉语 言 中词 汇语 义 的 不对 等 性就 是 其 中之 一. 0 本文指出词汇语义不对等性主要包括词汇空缺和语义差异两种情况;其次,探究了造成不对等性的语言内部的等级性 特 点及 外部世 界对 语 言 的影 响 两个 主 要原 因;最 后基 于 上述分 析 ,提 出 了研 究不对 等性在 翻译 方 法和在 词 汇 学 习方 面
自然 会导 致词 汇空 缺 的存 在 。同 时也存在 英 语 中的指称 对 在另 一 种 语 言 中找 到完 全 等 值 的对 应 ,这 正 是 词 汇语 义 间 的不 对 等 性 产 生 的原 因之 一 。举 个 例 子 ,在英 语 和 汉 很难 理 解 ‘ ' mo t e l ”( 汽 车旅 馆 指 的 是 什么 ,也 自然 不 会 语 中 ,表达 天 气 温 度 的 词 都有 其 独 自的 等级 性 特 征 , 以 产 生表 达该 所指 概念 的相应 符号 。 “ 冷 ”( c o l d ) 和 “ 热 ”( h o t ) 为 例 ,不 管 是 在 英 语 中还 是 汉
词义的不完全对应关系1. 语言结构的差异英语是一种属于印欧语系的语言,而中文属于汉藏语系。
2. 文化背景的差异英汉两种语言所处的文化背景也是导致词义不完全对应的一大原因。
例如,英语中有许多以动物命名的习语,如“a leopard can’t change its spots”(豹子改不了斑点),表达一个人无法改变自己的本性。
3. 习惯用法的差异习惯用法是指人们在日常交流中习惯使用的表达方式。
例如,英语中的“thank you”(谢谢)在中文中有多种表达方式,如“谢谢”、“多谢”、“感谢”等,根据语境和表达方式的礼貌程度选择不同的词汇。
词义的翻译方法1. 词义比较法词义比较法是指通过对英中两种语言的词义进行比较,找到在某种特定语境下最为接近的翻译。
2. 释文翻译法释文翻译法是指根据原文的意思和语境,通过对词义的解释来进行翻译。
论英汉翻译中的不对等性摘要: 两种语言翻译的不对等性是每一个译者最困惑的问题。
在翻译实践中, 由于文化背景、思维认知及固有的本族语使用差异, 使英汉翻译绝对对等不可企及。
关键词: 不对等性; 限度; 语际意义翻译是一种跨越时空的语言活动, 是把一种语言已经表达出来的东西用另一种语言准确而完整地重新表达出来。
美国当代翻译理论家尤金·奈达( Eugene Nida )早年提出了读者反应对等原则,并在与塔伯(CharlesR Taber ) 合著的《翻译理论和方法》一书中指出, 翻译是从语义到文体在译入语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息。
对等首先是语义对等, 再就是风格对等。
”无论是范存忠提出的“ 准确”, 还是塔伯、奈达所指的“对等”, 他们都折射出翻译界的一种理想与目标。
一种语言用另一种语言重新表达出来是完全可能的, 但完全准确而又绝对对等是不可能的。
语言是思维的外壳, 人类的思维是有存在决定的。
由于每种语言都有自己所特有的民族历史、民族文化、民族心理背景, 所以处于不同语系的汉英之间的这个鸿沟是不言而喻的。
1 语际意义转换的限度1.1 概念意义的不对等性从传统的词汇学来讲, 词义包括概念意义和内涵意义。
所谓概念意义, 也叫外延意义( denotative meaning) 或认知意义( congnitivemeaning) ,是词汇的最基本意义, 是语言符号所代表的事物的最基本特征的抽象概括, 常视作是词语在字典中的定义或释义。
词的内涵意义在日常谈话和文学作品中都有很大的作用, 并且因民族而异。
无论从哪个角度来理解词义, 英语词语和汉语词语都存在着一定程度上的不对等性。
请看下面的例子:1) the milky way2) the apple ofmy eye3) The old man has just kicked the bucket若把上述句子分别直译为“牛奶路”“我眼中的苹果”“那个老人刚才踢了水桶”, 概念意义是对等了, 但读者却糊涂了, 不知所云, 这时只能舍弃概念意义对等而意译为“银河”“宝贝”“翘辫子了”。
英汉词汇不对等的例子英汉翻译中词汇的不对等性及其翻译策略美国翻译理论家尤金・奈达(Eugene A.Nida)在与塔伯(Charles R.Taber)合著的《翻译理论和方法》一书中指出:“翻译是从语义到文体在译入语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息。
然而在翻译实践中,没有绝对的对等,正如鲍林杰(Dwight Bolinger)在《语言要略》中所述,英汉词语两者之间的差异是绝对的、必然的,相同或相似语之间是相对的、偶然的。
一英汉语中词汇的不对等现象英汉民族的文化背景、语言习惯及意识形态差异,在语言文化上也出现了差异,处于不同语系的英语和汉语都具有了相对固定的独特的语言文化,两种语言的词汇具有下列不对等性:1 词义的不对等正如兹古斯塔(L.Zgusta)所说:“每个词汇单位都是独立的,不同于其他词汇的,其突出的独立性表现在其所包含的意义上。
从传统词汇学来讲,词汇意义由概念意义(conceptual meaning)和内涵意义(connotative meaning)组成。
2 概念意义的不对等在中英文中有的词汇概念意义是不对等的,如中英文在称谓上的词汇就不完全对等。
如汉语中的“伯父”、“叔父”、“姑父”、“姨夫”、“舅舅”等,在英语中只有uncle一词来统指父系尊长,aunt表示母系尊长,sister 表示姐姐或妹妹,brother指哥哥或弟弟。
• 在教育领域,学生升入高一个年级,正确的英 语表达是go up one grade。例如:He did not pass the exams so he could not go up to the second grade. • 如今计算机科技发展迅速,软件的“升级”同 样用update,例如:Have you updated your office software? 在政治领域,官员的“升级( 升迁)”则是be/get promoted或have a promotion,例如:He was once again promoted to a higher post. 战事的扩大、事态紧张程度的 加剧也是一种“升级”,英语用escalate一词 ,例如:The war in the Middle East may further escalate.
• 当然,也有相反的情况,如laugh, smile, giggle, guffaw, chuckle, cackle, titter, snigger, chortle, grin, smirk, simper等译成汉语都是一个“笑”。
• “升级”一词在英语中用法广泛,在社 会、科技、政治等领域各有不同的说法 。本期以“升级”为例,看看英汉之间 如何对应。 • Grade也可指代产品等的级别,例如( 某产品)“升级换代”可用upgrade( 本意即“更新”、“用最新的数据、设 备”等), 例如:The machinery in that factory was upgraded only last yea应词的不对等用词不对等牛津高阶英汉双解词典英汉词典词霸在线英汉词典牛津英汉双解词典英汉词典在线翻译英汉词典下载柯林斯英汉双解大词典牛津中阶英汉双解词典
例1:……that little pink-faced chit Amelia with not half my sense,has ten thousand pounds and an establishment secure.爱米丽那粉红脸儿的小不点儿,还没有我一半懂事,倒有万磅财产,住宅、家俱、奴仆一应俱全。
(establishment——household,staff of servants,etc.)例2:The soldiers showed that they had plenty of grit.那些士兵表现得很英勇,很能吃苦耐劳。
(grit——quality of courage and endurance)例3:All traffic has to make way for a fire-engine.一切行人车辆都得给救火车让路。
(traffic-people and vehicles along roads and streets,or aircraft in the sky)例4:Andrew,blond,was born and reared in China.(安德鲁,白肤,金发,碧眼,是在中国出生和长大的)(blond—having yellow or yellowish-brown hair,often along with fair skin and blue or gray eyes)例5:The decision has meant a two-hour commute twice a day ever since.这项决定意味着自此以后每天上班乘车往返两次,路上每次得花两小时。
【关键词】汉英词汇文化差异语义不对应语言学家John Lyons认为,“地层结构”和“上层结构”共同制约着语言系统,所谓底层结构,就是人类共同的世界原有结构和生理特征,其令人类语言逐渐变得有共同之处,而“上层结构”也可以称之为“超结构”,也就是不同的文化结构,它将会导致各民族从语言上表现出差别,形式上呈现各民族语言的各种各样的差异。
对应关系很好理解,比如:chemical 对应汉语中的意思就是“化学”,read 所对应的汉语意思是“读”。
茎干带绒毛,并密生 刚毛和倒刺
复叶3-5小叶,叶 复叶7-9小叶,叶片 面光滑不起皱 多皱
温暖的地区四季 开花
一季(5-6月)或一 季半开花(春夏盛花, 秋季零星开花)
rice vs. 稻,谷,米,饭
trunk vs. 干线, 树干, 躯干பைடு நூலகம் 箱子, 主干, 象鼻
13. Christian Science. God.
rose vs. 玫瑰,月季,蔷薇 都属于蔷薇科蔷薇属。 玫瑰的俗名是hedgerow rose,学名是Rosa
rugosa。月季的俗名是Chinese Rose,学名 是Rosa chinensis。 War of roses?
4. Synonymy 同义词
“sameness” of meaning pavement, sidewalk youth, youngster underground, tube, subway, metro lawyer, barrister, attorney, legal
counsel/adviser, advocate, solicitor, practitioner priest, vicar, churchman, clergyman, chaplain, pastor, minister, rector, presbyter, celebrant, cleric, ecclesiastic, father
4. The physical, mental, and spiritual experiences that constitute existence: the artistic life of a writer.
例如:英语中的American Dream(美国梦),指美国标榜的立国精神,人人自由和机会均等;Cheesecake(奶酪蛋糕),指女性健美照;beefcake(牛肉蛋糕),指男性健美照;Halfway house (中途的房子),指康复医院;blue boy(蓝色的男子),指经过变性手术,由男性转变为女性的人;Pink Lady(红妆女人),指一种鸡尾酒名等等。
河狸主要产于北美洲,活动积极,在啮树筑巢方面有很高的技艺和独创性,因此有eager beaver(卖力的河狸)之称,常用来喻指“急于做成某事而特别卖力。
英汉词汇意义的不对称性及其启示1. 引言词汇是语言系统的组成实体,是语言的基石。
然而,严格说来, 汉语和英语通常并不相互偶合。
在很多情况下, 尽管汉英词语之间可以互译,但它们的所指物并不完全相等,因此两种语言系统所表示的概念无法一一对应,其交流是一种“曲折”的对应,从而也造成了跨文化交际、英汉语言的习得以及翻译的困难。
2. 社会发展与词汇的演变2.1 社会文化与词汇的发展词义与概念是两个不同的范畴,概念属于心理范畴,而词义属于语言范畴。
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毕 业 论 文Nonequivalence of the Semantic Meaning of Wordsin Chinese and English学生姓名: 学号:学 院: 专 业:指导教师:2012年 6月金建龙 0808034125 人文社会科学学院 英语 李儒Nonequivalence of the Semantic Meaning of Wordsin Chinese and EnglishbyJin JianlongA ThesisSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of Artsin the Department of Foreign Languagesof North University of ChinaUnder the Supervision of Li RuJune 30, 2012AcknowledgementsI would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Li Ru for all the help she has offered me during the preparation and writing of this paper and for all the pains she took in reading and correcting my drafts. It is obvious that without her patient instruction, helpful suggestions and constant encouragement, I could not have fulfilled this task as successfully as I wished.I wish to express my thanks to all my roommates. In the writing process, I have received considerable help from them. They kindly gave me useful suggestions on editing my paper, without which, the completion of this paper would have been impossible.I am also grateful to all my teachers. Besides the professional knowledge, they have also taught me to be careful and responsible, which greatly benefits me in the writing of the paper. And I would also like to thank all my fellow classmates, who have given me great help both in the course of the paper writing and during all four college years.AbstractIn English and Chinese languages, cultural connotations of vocabulary is extremely rich, however, English and Chinese belong to different language and have very different.A lot of words in two languages can not find the corresponding words. Although some of the words may find the corresponding words in two languages, the words are very different in the semantic and cultural levels. There is very different in conceptual meaning and cultural connotation of English-Chinese glossary, which causes the corresponding words in the semantics. Words can reflect the cultural features of a nation. This paper is from the view of Chinese-Western cultural contrast to discuss about the influence of cultural connotation of words on the English language learning for Chinese students. Cultural connotation and denotative meaning of terms in English and Chinese are of great signification in research. So we should make great effort in under standing their cultural connotation in order to have a good command of these words.Key words: semantic meaning; conceptual meaning; cultural connotation; non-equivalence摘要随着经济的迅猛发展,国际化及全球化已日趋成为一种普遍现象并对当代大学生产生了非常重要的影响。
在掌握基本语法规则的同时, 当今的世界形势也要求英语学习者们有能够用于真正交际的英语语言能力。
英汉两种语言中, 词汇的文化内涵极为丰富, 但由于英汉两种语言分别属于不同的语系, 存在很大的差异。
有很多词在两种语言中找不到相对应的词, 有些词虽然可以在两种语言中找到相对应的词, 但在语义与文化层面上有很大的不同。
从语义学角度出发, 就英汉词汇的概念意义和文化内涵方面存在的差异所造成的英汉词义的非对应关系进行探讨。
关键词:语义意义;概念含义;文化内涵;非等价Table of ContentsAcknowledgements (i)Abstract in English ................................................................................................................ i i Abstract in Chinese ............................................................................................................... i ii Table of Contents (iv)I Introduction (1)II Conceptual meaning (1)2.1 Chinese vocabulary (2)2.2 English vocabulary (2)III Hyponymy in the concept (3)3.1 Abstract and summary of Chinese vocabulary (3)3.1.1 Conceptual meaning of some English-Chinese glossary (3)3.1.2 Specific cultural connotations in two cultures (4)3.2 Abstract and summary of English vocabulary .....................................................错误!未定义书签。
3.2.1 Conceptual meaning of some English-Chinese glossary (3)3.2.2 Specific cultural connotations in two cultures (4)IV Specific cultural connotations of English and Chinese V ocabulary (7)V Conclusion (8)Bibliography (10)I IntroductionEnglish and Chinese reflect two different kinds of culture, and the respective representatives of their own culture. There are many differences in the expression of English and Chinese, including grammar, phonetics, translation, rhetoric, meaning and so on.Language and vocabulary are not alone and deeply rooted in culture, Which reflects the beliefs and feelings of cultural organizations. Language and vocabulary also carry culture, information, tool that reflects the human social life.What is culture? "Culture is a complex entirety, which includes knowledge, faith, art, law, morality, custom, and also any other abilities and habits acquired by human beings as social members." Tylor (2003) said what is idiom? Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary (6th Edition) explained that "An idiom was a phrase whose meaning was difficult or sometimes impossible to guess by looking at the meanings of the individual words it contained."Plattt (2000) thought language and culture that ware closely related ware symbiotic, interdependent. On the one hand language which play an important role of cultural was an prominent part of culture. The other hand, the language which reflected a nation's cultural identity could not be divorced from the cultural and influenced by culture. It not only included the nation's history and cultural background, but also had a new way of life and way of thinking. So the vocabulary of both English and Chinese national cultural identity existed nonequivalence of the semantic meaning of words.II Conceptual meaningDeng Yanchang (1989)thought the conceptual meaning of the word was that part o f the meaning o f a word or phrase that relates it to phenomena in the real world or in a fictional or possible world. Conceptual meaning often could be compare with reference, cognitive meaning, and denotative meaning in systems of meaning. It could be seen as the central meaning of the word. Even though conceptual meaning is a reflection of real-world phenomena, People make a reflection of things which will be inevitably affected by national culture and difference of the thing itself.2.1 Chinese vocabularyEnglish can not express the Chinese vocabulary. English vocabulary lack of Chinese words fundamentally. V ocabulary vacancy is that the literal meaning of the vocabulary and the extension of the vocabulary have no corresponding words in another language, Such as Chinese dumplings, biscuits, ravioli, sugar-coated haws, kang, bowed, kowtow, martial arts, 24 solar terms, zodiac, yin, yang, the Five Elements etc. These words can not find the corresponding word in English. There is no such words in English, which are benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and credit in Chinese Confucianism. Most of Asians believe in Buddhism or other religions, while Westerners believe in Christian. The teachings and rituals of the two religions are not the same, which also caused a vacancy in the vocabulary. Foreigners can not understand a strong awareness of Chinese culture and religion, like Chinese Goddess of Mercy, the Jade Emperor, Feng Shui, Earth Temple, the Jade Rabbit, etc.2.2 English vocabularyChinese can not express the English vocabulary. Chinese vocabulary lack of English words fundamentally. There is no such words in Chinese, like American Dream means freedom for all and equality of opportunity, Cheesecake means women's bodybuilding photos, beefcake means men's bodybuilding photos, Halfway house means rehabilitation hospital, blueboy means degeneration operation, Pink Lady means cocktail, and so on. Some English-Chinese glossary keep the relationship of hyponymy in the concept. Chinese vocabulary is abstract and summary, but English vocabulary is only hyponyms. For example wine in Chinese is difficult to find its corresponding word in English and is roughly equivalent to the alcoholic drink in English, Including beer, wine, spirits, whisky, champagne and so on. On the contrary English vocabulary is abstract and summary, but Chinese vocabulary is only hyponyms. Brother, sister, aunt,uncle, grandfather, grandmother in English are difficult to find its corresponding word in Chinese. Uncle in English can be expressed 叔叔, 伯伯, 舅舅, 姑父, 姨夫in Chinese. The words of the title in English like director can be expressed 局长, 所长, 主任, 导员, in Chinese, president can be expressed 总统, 大学校长, in Chinese.III Hyponymy in the concept3.1 Abstract and summary of Chinese vocabularyNonequivalence of the semantic meaning of words in Chinese and English can be caused by the cultural connotation of the word. Wang Rongpei (2002) thought the cultural connotation of the word mean that the language contains the traditions and ideological characteristics of the ethnic or social groups. Every culture had a national character extremely. Every nation must have unique characteristics. V ocabulary as a kind of the media convey information or to express ideas between people. V ocabulary had been given the unique culture, with a strong national character and strong times. Because of the different cultural groups (or countries), the natural ecological environment, the level of economic development, political systems and ideologies, etc. People have very different psychological characteristics for the same things or concepts. Connotations that stems from cultural backgrounds refers to a variety of other extended meaning, symbolic meaning, the metaphor besides the basic meaning or literal meaning. When the concept of words in English and Chinese is the same meaning. V ocabulary has some differences in the cultural connotation, which can cause nonequivalence of the semantic meaning of words in Chinese and English. There are some semi-vacant words in English and Chinese. Semi-vacant term refers to the concept of the same meaning in both languages, but cultural connotations has been inconsistent in the context of their own culture. There is the cultural additional meaning in the vocabulary of a language. V ocabulary in another language is the lack of culture - added meaning. English and Chinese words own specific cultural connotations, but cultural connotations is different.3.1.1Conceptual meaning of some English-Chinese glossaryConceptual meaning of some English-Chinese glossary is the same, but cultural connotation is missing in Chinese. Number 13 in Chinese and English is the same in the concept of meaning, Number 13 is neither derogatory nor compliment in Chinese. However, 13 in English is seen as a fierce. A number of people avoid to mention it, even 12A is instead of the 13th floor of some buildings, The 13th row of some airplanes, trains, theaters, are vacancy, the 13th day of each month is not suitable for the celebrationof the festive activities.Farmers in Chinese refer to people who directly engaged in agricultural production and labor and are an important force in revolutionary struggle or socialist construction. Peasant in English is translated into "农民" in Chinese but, the significance of peasant in the English is different with "农民" in Chinese and is derogatory. The definition of peasant in the American Heritage Dictionary is countryman, farmer, country bumpkin, the upbringing of poor people, rude people.The words of some animals in English express the cultural connotation, which is a vacancy in Chinese. Oyster in English is a metaphor for a man of few words. Like ( as) dumb as an oyster "沉默不语", beaver "he li", eager beaver "做事卖力讨好上司",swan(天鹅) means the talented poet. According to Greek legend, the soul of the music of Apollo coming into a swan, which result out Pythagorean fable: the soul of all the outstanding poet coming into the swan's body.3.1.2Specific cultural connotations in two culturesEnglish and Chinese V ocabulary in two cultures have specific cultural connotations which are different. Owl in English is the symbol of wisdom. In Greek and Roman mythology, owl often perches on the side of the goddess Athena, so owl in English is the symbol of wisdom. Like, idiom that "as wise as an owl" is one example. Owl often rules the disputes between the animal in British mythology. However, the image of the owl is different in the Chinese. Many people think that the owl is a bird of ominous, the owl's hoot link to death, bad luck and bad luck, and "a night owl (the owl) into the house" means doom coming.Bat is portrayed as an evil animal in English culture, folklore, and always associated with the evil and darkness. Especially vampire bat is the more frightening. .English has a bad association and metaphors that "blind as a bat", "as crazy as a bat". The cultural significance of the bat in Chinese is completely different from English cultural significance. The bat is used to symbolize the happiness and good, because bat and "xing fu" in Chinese are homonym.3.2 Abstract and summary of English vocabulary3.2.1Conceptual meaning of some English-Chinese glossaryConceptual meaning of some English-Chinese glossary is the same, but cultural connotation is missing in English. Number 8 in Chinese was given the cultural significance that is auspicious. "Du Dan" in Chinese and peony in English are used to refer to the same plant and the meaning of concept is the same, but Peony in Chinese is a symbol of wealth and honor and is known as the Queen of Flowers. In painting, peonies are often associated with the lotus, plum blossom, chrysanthemum, etc, that symbolize the four seasons. The peony is a symbol of spring. Peony gets together with hibiscus, said that the wealth. The peony express glorious doors with begonia and express wealth and honor and longevity with Pine and stone however, peony in English is lack of these cultural connotations.In the Chinese culture, 杏(apricot) is very rich in connotations. Chinese杏( apricot) sounds in pronunciation with兴(prosperity) and幸(fortune) which have the import of "prosperity, flourishing, happiness, and fortune". Tradition has it that董奉(Dong Feng, 奉in Chinese means contribution) of the Three King doms (220-265) cured the sick to save the patient free of charge, and what he asked for return was no thing but to have several apricots planted for him. The trees planted by the patients grew into a forest. So people o f later generations use杏林俊秀(outstanding talents in apricot forest ), 杏林高手(master hands in apricot forest), and 誉满杏林(famed in apricot forest) to pay tribute to the distinguished doctors, and as a result, 杏林(apricot forest) has become t he synonym of medical circle in China. Those plants that have served as the cultural symbols in the cultural history have played a certain role for the human‟s survival and development in the early stages of human civilization.In Chinese, pine and bamboo symbolize faithfulness and constancy, chrysanthemum refinement and elegance, peony luxuriousness, and plum nobility and purity. However, in English oak is the symbol of faithfulness and constancy, and lily is the symbol of refinement and elegance, and peony and plum have no culture-related meanings other than their literal meanings.There are occasions when one plant word is rich in metaphorical associations in one culture, while deficient in another. In other words, one plant word has rich cultural meaning in Chinese, while it has no culture-related meaning in English, and vice vers a. What accounts for this reason is that the specialness of the national culture contributes to the specialness o f the language, and the national ness of the metaphor. Divorced from the given social and historical culture, words and expressions will be bereft of their associative meanings.In the Chinese culture, 菊(chrysanthemum) often goes with 松(pine), meaning May you live a long life, and if 九(nine) , 鹌鹑鸟(quail) and 菊(chrysanthemum) are put together, they imply that nine generations under one roof enjoy the family happiness. Among the people, chrysanthemum is called the longevity flower. In summer people drink chrysanthemum tea, in autumn chrysanthemum wine, especially in the Double Ninth Festival(the 9th day of the 9th lunar month) drink wine while appreciating chrysanthemum, for they believe chrysanthemum is a good omen or propitious sign that can promise longevity and prolong life.3.2.2Specific cultural connotations in two culturesIn English culture, the dog has always been considered the most faithful friend, so Many idioms that are constituted by the dog contains compliment. For example: Every dog has his day (人人都有的得意时); Love me, love my dog (爱屋及乌), and so on. In Chinese, the dog often is considered as a nasty, vile, and other derogatory, like henchman, ungrateful and so on.Magpie is also a bird of good luck in Chinese culture, so people think that the Magpies can bring good luck. Magpie in English used as a metaphor nagging, rap, like "chatter like a magpie"(像喜鹊一样饶舌, 喋喋不休). The peacock is an auspicious symbol in Chinese culture and is a sign of good luck, however, the significance of the peacock in English is a derogatory basically, like pride, vanity. The young peacock in English, proud as a peacock (年轻狂妄的家伙). In Chinese mythology, the dragon as a symbol is the most complex and diverse. The word "dragon" in Chinese culture contains many different meanings. Chinese dragon is a good temperament, gentle, and benevolent creatures, but dragon in the English culture is generally described as a monster growing theclaws of the lion, the snake's tail, wings and scaly skin. In Western mythology, the phoenix regards to resurrection, regeneration. Phoenix survive five or six hundred in the legendary, build a Xiangchao, sing a dirge, fan the fire with wings and burned to ashes, and reborn a new the phoenix from the ashes. In Chinese legend, the Phoenix is a miraculous animal, the king of the birds and portends peace and harmony.IV Specific cultural connotations of English and Chinese VocabularyLanguage is the product of labor. The creation of language generated names to all things on the earth. Words of the language, besides their literal meanings, are endowed with culture-loaded meanings, connotations and colors, which are produced in and connected with a particular nation, national culture, and people‟s mentality in a particular community. The associations carried by the words are characteristic of a nation‟s features. Owing to the differences in cultures, every nation entrusts to its language different flavor of associations.Samovar (2000) thought that both Chinese and English boasted a long history. These two languages belonged to different language families. The birth and development of a language depended heavily on the local natural and physical environment, geological condition, especially national culture because different cultures would give birth to different languages as they were carriers of the culture which they mirrored. Chinese and English, as the children of different cultures, from the very beginning had been endowed with their respective cultural contents. Even some concepts in the two languages seemed to be similar in literal meanings, but they were quite apart in the aspect of culture-loaded ones.“Red bean” in English and “红豆”in Chinese, though similar in literal meaning , bring about two different associative meanings in the t wo different cultures. Red bean—a shrub famous for its red seeds which were used as love tokens, hence the variant name “lovesickness seeds”, is also called "相思豆(love pea)" in Chinese. "Red bean"in Chinese culture is the very symbol of love and longing. This metaphor was derived from Wang Wei's Languish with Lovesickness: The red bean grow s in southern lands. Withspring its slender tendrils twine. Gather for me some more, I pray, of fond remembrance …t is t he sign. 红豆生南国, 春来发几枝, 愿君多采撷, 此物最相思. (王维《相思》) In the English culture, "red bean" reminds one of Esau, a character in the Bible, who sold his primogeniture or birthright only for a bowl of red bean stew. According to the Bible story, when Esau sold his birthright to his younger brother Jacob, he forfeited all claim to property of his father Isaac. So the English idiom"sell one's birthright for some red-bean stew " means something like "forget what is right at the sight of profit". Thus, "红豆" is translated into "love bean" or "red berry" instead of "red bean" in case it triggers mistaken associations on the part of the English speakers.Schaffner (1995) said that potato was one of the most widely used vegetables in Europe and America. Potato chip, a thin slice of raw potato fried in deep fat and salted, was the favorite food enjoyed by the English people. Potato was so favored by the people in the western countries that it had entered into many English idioms with metaphorical implications. For example: "A couch potato" was someone who spends most of his time watching television and did not exercise or had any interesting hobby ; "a small potato" was an insignificant figure; "a clean potato" refer to a decent man; In English, you could refer to a difficult subject that people disagreed on as "a hot potato". Such potato-related instances were extremely common in English. In Chinese, however, such potato-centered phrases and idioms were seldom seen and figuratively used.The production and evolution of human beings are closely related to everything in the world. Different nations in the long course of history have gradually developed the living styles, local conditions and social customs, mind-setting, and national cultural tradition that are quite different fr om one national culture to another one. Both Chinese and English have plenty of proverbs and idioms made up of words, which are closely related to their respectively national culture and pregnant with implied meanings and rich in associations. V ConclusionAll in all, learning language is just learning culture, to understand the cultural connotation of words shows its great realistic significance: it can improve the learner‟s ability of using English language, can enlarge their knowledge scale of language, and alsoenrich their effective vocabulary; it can help the learners to know some contents of the cross-cultural studies, so as to widen their field of vision, and also to foster their interests in foreign culture. These just are the value of studying it. Language is created in the labor, Most of the language come from the productive activities and life experiences of ordinary people. Language has the characteristics of nationalism, civil, regional, harmony, integrity and figuratively.In summary, one hand there is the non-correspondence on the conceptual sense of the part of the vocabulary (Lexical Gap). On the other hand, There is cultural additional significance in both English and Chinese, which is based on the particularity of national culture. We have to take into account two factors from the lexical semantics, When we deal with English-Chinese glossary.BibliographyCrystal, D. (1987). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Toranto: Little Brown Ltd. Corder, S. P. (2000). Introducing Applied Linguistics. Beijing: Huaxia Press.Edward, S. (2003). On Language. Beijing: The Commercial Press.Edward, T. (2003). Original Culture. Beijing: The Commercial Press.Freedborn, D. (1995). From Old English to Standard English. Shanghai: Foreign Language Education Press.Jensen, T. J. (1994). English Phonoloph. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. Macdoull, C. D. (1968). 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