识别并解析不同文件格式,提取关 键信息。
通过文件的数字签名验证文件的真 实性和完整性。
对文件内容进行深入分析,提取与 案件相关的证据。
检测和提取隐藏在文件中的关键信 息,如密码、密钥等。
计算机取证的挑战与未来发 展
计算机取证过程中,如何确保合法性、合规性,避免侵犯个人隐私和权利,是当前面临的重要挑战。 需要制定和完善相关法律法规,明确计算机取证的法律地位和程序规范。
《计算机取证技术》ppt课 件
• 计算机取证技术概述 • 计算机取证的基本原则与流程 • 计算机取证的主要技术 • 计算机取证的应用场景与案例分
析 • 计算机取证的挑战与未来发展
1、纪律是管理关系的形式。——阿法 纳西耶 夫 2、改革如果不讲纪律,就难以成功。
3、道德行为训练,不是通为, 克服懒 惰、轻 率、不 守纪律 、颓废 等不良 行为。 4、学校没有纪律便如磨房里没有水。 ——夸 美纽斯
5、教导儿童服从真理、服从集体,养 成儿童 自觉的 纪律性 ,这是 儿童道 德教育 最重要 的部分 。—— 陈鹤琴
21、要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。——培根 22、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。——韩愈
23、一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——马克思 24、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。——莎士比亚
摘要 :随着 计算 机技 术和信 息产 业 的快 速发展 ,利 用计 算机 等 高科技 和信 息化 手段 进行 犯 罪的 事件也越 来越 多。这 类犯 罪所带 来 的破 坏 性 目前 来说 是 最 大的 ,而要 打 击和遏 制 这处犯 罪 ,计 算机取证 和 司法鉴 定承担 着 不可取代 的作 用 。 计 算机 与 司法鉴 定是 一个 计 算机科 学 与法 学 紧密结 合的 交叉 学科、 边缘 学科 和新 兴 学科 。
的实 时性 。
1 引言
随着 互联 网技 术 的迅猛 发展 和信 息技 术 的广 泛应用 , 计 算机 及 相 关 的 电子 产 品 已经 越 来越 多地 渗 入 到 人们 的 生活 中。 一方面, 人们 在 享受着 电子产 品给 我们 生活 中带 来便 利和 快捷 的 同时 ,另 一方面 , 利 用 高科技 , 信 息 化手 段进 行犯 罪 的事件 也 不断 出现 , 因此在信 息 安全 方面 我们 面 临着严 峻 的挑 战 。由于计 算机证 据 的脆 弱性 、隐蔽 性和 分散 性等 特征 ,因此 , 必 须将 计算机 取证 和 司法 鉴定 相结 合 ,才 能保证 计算 机 证据 的客观 性 、真 实性和 合 法性 。
关键 词 :计 算机 取证 ; 司法鉴 定
中图分类号 : T P 3 9 9
文献标识码 :A
文章编号:1 0 0 7 — 9 5 9 9 ( 2 0 1  ̄ 0 1 — 0 1 5 0 — 0 2
近年 来 ,随着 个人 计算 机及 互联 网技术 的迅 速发展 , 电子 产 品与 网络越 来越 多地 参与 到人们 的生活和 工作 中 , 而司 法鉴 定 中涉及 到 电子证据 的案件 也越来 越 多。 电子证 据 的司法 鉴定 相对 于传 统 的七大类 证据 , 需要 更专业 的技 术, 更 严密 的取 证过 程 , 这 样才 能保 证 电子证据 司法 鉴定 的专 业性 、可 靠性 和真 实性 。 3 . 2 计 算机 取证 的原 则 计算 机取 证是 为 了在法 庭上 作为证 据所 使用 的 , 是法 律诉 讼 中的一 个重 要环 节 , 但是 由于 计算 机证据 独特 的特 点 ,脆 弱性 ,易删 改性 ,隐蔽性和 分散 性等特 点 ,故 在取 证过 程 中,必 须按 照一 定 的标准 来开展 工作 。 ( 1 )合法 性 原则 。计 算机 取证 是 司法 工作 中 的一个 重要 环节 ,故计 算机 取证 必须 不光 要满足 主体 合法 ,即只 有具备合法的调查取证与司法鉴定身份 , 才能执行相应的 取证 与 司法鉴 定活 动 。同 时,还 要满 足对 象合法 , 在 检查 设备 时 , 只有 与被 怀疑 与案 件事 实有 关联 的信 息才能 作为 被取 证 的对象 。 而 计算机 取 证 的手段 和过 程也 需满足 合法 性 ,取 证 与 司法 鉴 定 活动 的每 个 环节 都 应 该遵 循 标 准程 序, 采 取 的手段 应该 符合 法律 的要 求 。 而 整个取 证过 程与 司法 鉴定 都必 须受 到监 督 , 以保 证计 算机 取证 与司法 鉴定 过程 的合 法性 。 ( 2 )实 时性 原则 。 因为计 算机 证据 的脆 弱 性 ,易删 改性 ,从 案发 到取 证 的间隔 时 问越长 ,则 证据被 修 改、删 除 的可 能性就 越大 。 所 以在 计算 机取 证 中要保证 取证 工作
计算机取证与司法鉴定(第二版)课件01 概论
计算机犯罪是最近才出现的犯罪行为,且具有很多与 传统证据不同的特点,这给计算机证据的获取、分析 与鉴定带来了极大的挑战。
计算机取证学(computer forensics)作为计算机科学、 法学和刑事侦查学的交叉学科应运而生。世界各国相 继展开了这方面的研究工作,随着计算机和网络技术 的发展,取证领域已经由计算机主机系统扩大到网络 系统以及其它电子设备
数字证据作为一种可以证明案件事实的证据形式和法 庭上的证据,与传统证据一样,数字证据必须是:
①可信的 ②准确的 ③完整的 ④使法官信服的 ⑤符合法律法规,能够为法庭所接受的
①无形性 ②高科技性 ③易破坏性 ④表现形式的多样性
1)单机与其它电子设备取证 2)网络取证 3)分析鉴定技术
1)实时响应工具 2)取证复制工具 3)取证分析工具
取证的领域不断扩大,取证的工具向着专业化和自动 化发展
主讲:孙国梓 2020年7月8日
计算机取证与分析鉴定的相关概念 计算机取证与分析鉴定的历史、发展 计算机取证与分析鉴定内容 计算机取证与分析鉴定模型、过程及策略 计算机取证与分析鉴定面临的难题和解决方法
Байду номын сангаас
数字证据 (Digital Evidence):法庭上可能成为证据的 以二进制形式存储或传送的信息。
计算机取证与分析步骤1、关闭计算机2、记录(拍照)嫌疑计算机硬件配置与状态3、将嫌疑计算机转移至安全地点4、对硬盘或软盘做位对位获取5、对存储介质中的数据做验证6、记录系统日期和时间7、确定关键字符清单8、分析Windows Swap交换文件9、分析文件残留区File Slack10、分析未分配空间11、在文件、文件残留区、未分配空间中搜索关键字符12、记录文件名、日期、时间13、Computer Evidence Processing StepsNTI conducts hands-on computer forensics training courses which expose computer professionals to the many hazzards and risks associated with computer evidence processing and computer security. NTI's computer forensics training courses designed to drive home several important points, i.e., computer evidence is fragile by its very nature and the problem is compounded by the potential for destructive programs and hidden data.Even the normal operation of the computer can destroy computer evidence that might be lurking in temporary operating system files, temporary application working files and ambient data storage areas. NTI provides its training clients with a solid foundation built upon technical knowledge so that they will understand the technical issues concerning the creation, modification and storage of computer data. Without this knowledge they will be unable to testify about their computer forensic findings. NTI also wants its clients to have a complete understanding of the technical issues so that they can make the right decisions about computer security risk management and computer evidence processing issues. It is not enough to run a computer forensics program and get results. Good decisions are made by knowledgable individuals who understand the underlying tec hnical issues tied to the potential security risks and evidence processing issues tied to personal computers.There are no strict rules that must be followed concerning the processing of computer evidence. Every case is different and flexibility and good technical knowledge make the difference between success and failure. However, many times decisions need to be made without full the knowledge of the issues involved. For that reason NTI has provided the following guidelines which are intended to assist its clients. Please remember that these guidelines do not represent 'the only true way'. They are intended to be general guidelines which are provided as food for thought. If you have an emergency and you are not yet formally trained, click here for emergency guidelines.General evidence processing guidelines follow:1. Shut Down the ComputerDepending upon the computer operating system involved, this usually involves pulling the plug or shutting down a net work computer using relevant operating system commands. At the option of the computer specialists, pictures of the screen image can be taken using a camera. However, consideration should be given to possible destructive processes that may be operating in the background. These can be resident in memory or available through a modem or network connection. Depending upon the operating system involved, a time delayed password protected screen saver may potentially kick in at any moment. This can complicate the shutdown of the computer. Generally, time is of the essence and the computer system should be shut down or powered down as quickly as possible.2. Document the Hardware Configuration of The SystemIt is assumed that the computer system will be moved to a secure location where a proper chain of custody can be maintained and the processing of evidence can begin. Before dismantling the computer, it is important that pictures are taken of the computer from all angles to document the system hardware components and how they are connected. Labeling each wire is also important so that the original computer configuration can be restored. Computer evidence should ideally be processed in a computer hardware environment that is identical to the original hardware configuration.3. Transport the Computer System to A Secure LocationThis may seem basic but all too often seized evidence computers are stored in less than secure locations. It is imperative that the subject computer is treated as evidence and it should be stored out of reach of curious computer users. All too often, individuals operate seized computers without knowing that they are destroying potential computer evidence and the chain of custody. Furthermore, a seized computer left unintended can easily be compromised. Evidence can be planted on it and crucial evidence can be intentionally destroyed. A lack of a proper chain of custody can 'make the day' for a savvy defense attorney. Lacking a proper chain of custody, how can you say that relevant evidence was not planted on the computer after the seizure? The answer is that you cannot. Do not leave the computer unattended unless it is locked in a secure location! NTI provides a program named Seized to law enforcement computer specialists free of charge. It is also made available to NTI's business and government in various suites of software that are available for purchase. The program is simple but very effective in locking the seized computer and warning the computer operator that the computer contains evidence and should not be operated. Click here for information about NTI's software suites or click here for the law enforcement order form.4. Make Bit Stream Backups of Hard Disks and Floppy DisksThe computer should not be operated and computer evidence should not be processed until bit stream backups have been made of all hard disk drives and floppy disks. All evidence processingshould be done on a restored copy of the bit stream backup rather than on the original computer. The original evidence should be left untouched unless compelling circumstances exist. Preservation of computer evidence is vitally important. It is fragile and can easily be altered or destroyed. Often such alteration or destruction of data is irreversible. Bit stream backups are much like an insurance policy and they are essential for any serious computer evidence processing. More information about bit stream backups has been provided on this site. Click here for the article about making bit stream backups. In March 2000, NTI purchased SafeBack software from Sydex, Inc. This is a very popular bit stream backup tool that has become an international standard since 1991. NTI covers the use of this software in its computer forensics training courses.5. Mathematically Authenticate Data on All Storage DevicesY ou want to be able to prove that you did not alter any of the evidence after the computer came into your possession. Such proof will help you rebut allegations that you changed or altered the original evidence. Since 1989, law enforcement and military agencies have used a 32 bit mathematical process to do the authentication process. Mathematically, a 32 bit data validation is accurate to approximately one in 4.3 billion. However, given the speed of today's computers and the vast amount of storage capacity on today's computer hard disk drives, this level of accuracy is no longer accurate enough. A 32 bit CRC can easily be compromised. Therefore, NTI includes two programs in its forensic suites of tools that mathematically authenticate data with a high level of accuracy. Large hashing number, provides a mathematical level of accuracy that is beyond question. These programs are used to authenticate data at both a physical level and a logical level. The programs are called CrcMD5 and DiskSig Pro. The latter program was specifically designed to validate a restored bit stream backup and it is made available free of charge to law enforcement computer specialists as part of NTI's Free Law Enforcement Suite. The programs are also included in our various suites of forensic software which are sold NTI's clients.6. Document the System Date and TimeThe dates and times associated with computer files can be extremely important from an evidence standpoint. However, the accuracy of the dates and times is just as important. If the system clock is one hour slow because of daylight-saving time, then file time stamps will also reflect the wrong time. To adjust for these inaccuracies, documenting the system date and time settings at the time the computer is taken into evidence is essential. NTI has created a program called GetTime which is used for this purpose. It is included in the NTI various suite of tools.7. Make a List of Key Search WordsBecause modern hard disk drives are so voluminous, it is all but impossible for a computer specialist to manually view and evaluate every file on a computer hard disk drive. Therefore, state-of-the-art automated forensic text search tools are needed to help find the relevant evidence. One such tool is NTI's TextSearch NT which is certified for use by the U. S. Department of Defense. Usually, some information is known about the allegations in the case, the computer user and the alleged associates that may be involved. Gathering information from individuals familiar with the case to help compile a list of relevant key words is important. Such key words can be used in the search all computer hard disk drives and floppy diskettes using automated software. Keeping the list as short as possible is important and you should avoid using common words orwords that make up part of other words. In such cases, the words should be surrounded with spaces. Intelligent filtering tools can also be helpful in crafting lists of key words for use in computer evidence processing, e.g., NTA Stealth, Filter_N, FNames, Filter_G, GExtract and GetHTML.8. Evaluate the Windows Swap FileThe Windows swap file is potentially a valuable source of evidence and leads. The evaluation of the swap file can be automated with several of NTI's forensic tools, e.g., NTA Stealth, Filter_N, FNames, Filter_G, GExtract and GetHTML. These intelligent filters automatically identifies patterns of English language text, phone numbers, social security numbers, credit card numbers, Internet E-Mail addresses, Internet web addresses and names of people.In the past this tedious task of analyzing Windows swap files was done with hex editors and the process took days to evaluate just one Windows swap file. By using automated tools, that process now takes just a few minutes. When Windows 95/98 is involved, the swap file may be set to be dynamically created as the computer is operated. This is the default setting and when the computer is turned off, the swap file is erased. However, not all is lost because the content of the swap file can easily be captured and evaluated by NTI's GetFree program. This program automatically captures erased file space and creates a file that can be evaluated by NTI's various intelligent filter programs mentioned above.The NTA Stealth program relies upon artificial intelligence fuzzy logic to identify patterns of text associated with past Internet activities. This program is used by probation and parole officers to montior the computer and Internet activity of convicted sex offenders. It is also used in corporations to identify inappropriate uses of computers in the workplace and it is used in law enforcement and military agencies.The output from NTA Stealth, Filter_N, FNames, Filter_G, GExtract and GetHTML. can be successfully used to identify 'unknown key words' that can supplement the key word list created in the step above. The automated review of the Windows swap file takes just a few minutes with these automated tools. A manual review of the Windows swap file can take days or even weeks if the process is done manually using programs like the Norton utilities.9. Evaluate File SlackFile slack is a data storage area of which most computer users are unaware. It is a source of significant 'security leakage' and consists of raw memory dumps that occur during the work session as files are closed. The data dumped from memory ends up being stored at the end of allocated files, beyond the reach or the view of the computer user. Specialized forensic tools are required to view and evaluate file slack and it can prove to provide a wealth of information and investigative leads. Like the Windows swap file, this source of ambient data can help provide relevant key words and leads that may have previously been unknown.On a well used hard disk drive, as much as 900 million bytes of storage space may be occupied by file slack. File slack should be evaluated for relevant key words to supplement the keywords identified in the steps above. Such keywords should be added to the computer investigator's list ofkey words for use later. Because of the nature of file slack, specialized and automated forensic tools are required for evaluation. NTI has created a forensic utility called GetSlack that captures file slack from hard disk drives and floppy disks. The output from the GetSlack program can be evaluated in the same fashion as a Windows swap file using the intelligent filter programs listed above. File slack is typically a good source of Internet leads.10. Evaluate Unallocated Space (Erased Files)The DOS and Windows 'delete' function does not completely erase file names or file content. Many computer users are unaware the storage space associated with such files merely becomes unallocated and available to be overwritten with new files. Unallocated space is a source of significant 'security leakage' and it potentially contains erased files and file slack associated with the erased files. Often the DOS Undelete program can be used to restore the previously erased files. Like the Windows swap file and file slack, this source of ambient data can help provide relevant key words and leads that may have previously been unknown to the computer investigator. On a well used hard disk drive, millions of bytes of storage space may contain data associated with previously erased files. Unallocated space should be evaluated for relevant key words to supplement the keywords identified in the steps above. Such keywords should be added to the computer investigator's list of key words for use in the next processing step. Because of the nature of data contained in unallocated space and its volume, specialized and automated forensic tools are required for evaluation. NTI has created a forensic utility called GetFree that quickly captures all unallocated space from hard disk drives and floppy disks. The output from the GetFree program can be evaluated in the same fashion as the other types of ambient data mentioned previously using intelligent filter programs. Unallocated space is typically a good source of data that was previously associated with word processing temporary files and other temporary files created by various computer applications. It is also a good source of leads concerning graphics files that have been viewed over the Internet and NTI's GExtract software can be used very effectively to identify these graphic file remnants left behind in unallocated storage space.11. Search Files, File Slack and Unallocated Space for Key WordsThe list of relevant key words identified in the previous steps should be used to search all relevant computer hard disk drives and floppy diskettes. There are several forensic text search utilities available in the marketplace. NTI's forensic search TextSearch NT can be used for that purpose and it has been tested and certified for accuracy by the U. S. Department of Defense. This powerful search tool is also included as part of NTI's suites of software tools. It was designed to be a state-of-the-art search tool for use as a security review tool by U. S. government intelligence agencies. This program and other NTI forensic tools also provide significant benefits in cases involving computer related evidence. For this reason and to help stretch limited law enforcement budgets, NTI makes all of its forensic software tools and training available to law enforcement computer crime specialists for discounted prices.It is important to review the output of a forensic text search utility. When relevant evidence or leads are identified, the fact should be noted and the identified data should be documented. When new key words are identified in the searching process, then they should be added to the list and anew search should be conducted using the text search utility again with the updated search list. Text search utilities are also used, on a regular basis, in classified government agencies for security reviews. When evidence or unexpected findings are uncovered in government security reviews, they should also be documented and archived as potential evidence. NTI's TextSearch NT is certified by the U. S. Department of Defense and its little brother, TextSearch Plus has been used for years in classified U. S. government agencies to process evidence and to conduct computer security reviews.12. Document File Names, Dates and TimesFrom an evidence standpoint, file names, creation dates, last modified dates and times can be relevant. Therefore, it is important to catalog all allocated and 'erased' files. NTI includes a program called FileList Pro in its various suites of forensic tools. The FileList Pro program generates its output in the form of a database file. The file can be sorted based on the file name, file size, file content, creation date, last modified date and time. Such sorted information can provide a timeline of computer usage. When FileList Pro created databases can be combined from several computers in the same case and the sorted output can provide conspiratorial leads for further investigation. This powerful inventory tool is used to evaluate all Microsoft-based computer systems in computer related investigations.NTI also created another forensic documentation tool called NTIDOC. This program is used to take electronic snapshots of relevant computer files. The program automatically records the file name, time and date along with relevant file attributes. The output is in the form of a word processing compatible file that can be used to help document computer evidence issues tied to specific files.13. Identify File, Program and Storage AnomaliesEncrypted, compressed and graphic files store data in binary format. As a result, text data stored in these file formats cannot be identified by a text search program. Manual evaluation of these files is required and in the case of encrypted files, much work may be involved. NTI's TextSearch Plus program has built in features that automatically identify the most common compressed and graphic file formats. The use of this feature will help identify files that require detailed manual evaluation. Depending on the type of file involved, the contents should be viewed and evaluated for its potential as evidence.Reviewing the partitioning on seized hard disk drives is also important. The potential exists for hidden partitions and/or partitions formatted with other than a DOS compatible operating system. When this situation exists it is comparable to finding a hidden hard disk drive and volumes of data and potential evidence can be involved. The partitioning can be checked with any number of utilities including the DOS FDISK program or Partition Magic. When hidden partitions are found, they should be evaluated for evidence and their existence should be documented.If Windows is involved, it makes sense to evaluate the files contained in the Recycle Bin. The Recycle Bin is the repository of files selected for deletion by the computer user. The fac t that they have been selected for deletion may have some relevance from an evidentiary standpoint. Ifrelevant files are found, the issues involved should be documented throughly.14. Evaluate Program FunctionalityDepending on the application software involved, running programs to learn their purpose may be necessary. NTI's training courses make this point by exposing the students to computer applications that do more than the anticipated task. When destructive processes are discovered that are tied to relevant evidence, this can be used to prove willfulness. Such destructive processes can be tied to 'hot keys' or the execution of common operating commands tied to the operating system or applications. Before and after comparisons can be made using the FileList Pro program and/or mathematical authentication programs. All these tools are included in most of NTI's suites of forensic tools15. Document Y our FindingsAs indicated in the preceding steps, it is important to document your findings as issues are identified and as evidence is found. Documenting all of the software used in your forensic evaluation of the evidence including the version numbers of the programs used is also important. Be sure that you are legally licensed to use the forensic software. Software pirates do not stand up well under the riggers of a trial. Smart defense lawyers will usually question software licensing and you don't want to testify that you used unlicensed software in the processing of computer evidence. Technically, software piracy is a criminal violation of federal copyright laws.When appropriate, mention in your documentation that you are licensed to use the forensic software involved. With NTI's software, a trail of documentation is automatically created for the computer investigator and the name of the licensed user is listed in most output files. This feature aids in establishing who did the processing and the exact time and date when the processing was done. Screen prints of the operating software also help document the version of the software and how it was used to find and/or process the evidence.16. Retain Copies of Software UsedAs part of your documentation process, we recommend that a copy of the software used be included with the output of the forensic tool involved. Normally this is done on an archive Zip disk, Jazz disk or other external storage device, e.g. external hard disk drive. When this documentation methodology is followed, it eliminates confusion at trial time about which version of the software was used to create the output. Often it is necessary to duplicate forensic processing results during or before trial. Duplication of results can be difficult or impossible to achieve, if the software has been upgraded and the original version used was not retained. Please note that there is a high probability that you will encounter this problem because most commercial software is upgraded routinely but it may take years for a case to go to trial.。
计算机取证与司法鉴定(第二版)课件04 过程
勘查现场的电子设备,分析电子证据的可能存储位置 ,下面是常见的电子设备中的数字证据。
(1)计算机系统(Computer Systems)硬盘及其他存储介质 (2)自动应答设备(Answering Machines) (3)数码相机(Digital Cameras) (4)手持电子设备(Handheld Devices) (5)连网设备 (6)寻呼机(Pagers) (7)打印机(Printers) (8)扫描仪(Scanners) (9)其他电子设备
数学分析攻击是指密码分析者针对加、解密算法的数 学基础和某些密码学特性,通过数学求解的方法来破 译密码。
பைடு நூலகம்
网格计算是一种把需要进行大量计算的工程数据分割 成小块,由多台计算机分别计算,在上传运算结果后 再统一合并得出数据结论的技术。
整个计算是由成千上万个“节点”组成的“一张网格 ”。这样组织起来的“虚拟的超级计算机”有两个优 势,一个是数据处理能力超强;另一个是能充分利用 网上的闲置处理能力。
密码学根据其研究的范畴可分为密码编码学和密码分 析学。
密码编码学和密码分析学是相互对立,相互促进并发 展的。
密码编码学研究密码体制的设计,对信息进行编码表 示实现隐蔽信息的一门学问。
密码分析学是研究如何破解被加密信息的学问。密码 分析者之所以能够成功破译密码,最根本的原因是明 文中有冗余度。
设备 概述
在计算机证据的整个取证过程中,取证设备能够实现 对各类信息存储介质进行全面、彻底、快速地取证。
3计算机取证规范计算机取证学会(Computer Forensics Association,CFA)实施了一系列认证规范,以确保计算机取证原则的使用,进而增强法庭上的可信度。
电子物,需要借助专门的 工具、方法提取,如指纹、鞋印等也必须借助 显现、灌模等方法才能辨认、提取和分析。电 子数据依附于电子设备或电子设备的介质中, 仅靠肉眼难以辨认,必须借助专门的工具,人 们才能解读其含义。
1、数码影像设备:各种摄像、视频采集、可视电话等设备,这些设备 数码影像设备:各种摄像、视频采集、可视电话等设备, 数码影像设备 中可能会留有数码相片、视频、 中可能会留有数码相片、视频、摄制的时间等内容 2、便携电子设备:PDA(掌上电脑)、电子记事本等,其中可能包含 、便携电子设备: )、电子记事本等 (掌上电脑)、电子记事本等, 地址、密码、计划表、电话号码本、个人挡案、 地址、密码、计划表、电话号码本、个人挡案、声音等 3、手机寻呼机设备:可能含有电子信息、文本信息、留言等内容 、手机寻呼机设备:可能含有电子信息、文本信息、 4、读卡机:有些读卡中可能存有信用卡的卡号、有效期、用户姓名、 、读卡机:有些读卡中可能存有信用卡的卡号、有效期、用户姓名、 用户地址等内容 5、打印机:包括激光、喷墨等。大多数都设有缓存装置,可存储很多 、打印机:包括激光、喷墨等。大多数都设有缓存装置, 页文档内容, 页文档内容,有的打印机甚至带有硬盘装置
网络犯罪案件的取证分析通常包括收集、保存、检查和分析数据证据,以识别和验证与犯罪活动相关的证据。分 析人员需要具备专业的计算机知识和法律知识,以确保取证过程的合法性和有效性。在分析过程中,常用的工具 包括网络监控软件、反病毒软件、数据恢复工具等。
数据泄露事件的取证分析是指对数据泄露事 件进行调查和分析,以确定泄露原因、寻找 责任人,并采取措施防止类似事件再次发生 。
根据分析结果编写详细的取证报告,包括取证目标、 取证过程、分析结果等。
为司法机关提供证据,协助案件侦破 ,维护社会公正和法律尊严。
计算机取证技术是打击计算机犯罪的 重要手段,通过对电子证据的收集和 分析,可以锁定犯罪嫌疑人,为案件 侦破提供有力支持。
计算机取证技术可以保护公民的隐私 权和财产权,防止个人信息被非法获 取和利用。
现代计算机取证技术已经与大数据、云计算、人工智能等技术相结合,实现了更加高效、 精准的电子证据收集和分析。同时,国际社会也加强了对计算机取证技术的重视和研究, 推动了相关法规和标准的制定和完善。
通过分析文件系统中的文 件、目录、数据等,提取 有用的证据信息。
关键词:计算机取证;司法鉴定TP399 :A :1007-9599(2013)01-0150-021 引言随着互联网技术的迅猛发展和信息技术的广泛应用,计算机及相关的电子产品已经越来越多地渗入到人们的生活中。
2 计算机取证与司法鉴定的研究现状2.1 国外研究现状计算机取证是伴随着计算机犯罪事件的出现而发展的,计算机取证在美国等网络技术发达的国家,已经有了接近三十年的发展历史了。
2.2 国内研究现状在我国,有关计算机取证的研究和实践还处于初步阶段,不管是从取证软件上,还是从所需要的设备方面,国内执法机关目前使用的还多为国外的产品,计算机取证的标准和操作规范的执行也尚未建立。
netstat -e--本选项用于显示关于以太网的统计数据。 netstat -r--本选项可以显示关于路由表的信息。 netstat -a--本选项显示一个所有的有效连接信息列表 netstat -n--显示所有已建立的有效连接。
Autoruns不仅可以检测出“开始”菜单“启动”组和注册表 中加载的自启动程序,而且还能显示出浏览器的加载 项以及自动启动的服务。
网络查看工具: fport
Fport是查看系统进程与端口关联的命令,使用方法是 在命令行方式下输入Fport后回车,输出结果格式如下:
网络查看工具: netstat
2 深入获取证据的途径
1)事件日志 2)注册表 3)系统密码 4)转储系统RAM
1 系统日志
Windows操作系统维护三个相互独立的日志文件:系统 日志、应用程序日志和安全日志。
2 服务程序日志
可以搜索这一时间范围内所有被修改、访问或删除的文 件以重建这一突发事件。通过仔细查看Web服务器日志 可以从中找出攻击的证据信息。
当刚装好系统后就给系统文件做md5校验,过了一段时 间如果怀疑系统被攻破了,某些文件被人换掉,那么就 可以给系统文件重新做个md5校验,若和从前得到的 md5校验码不一样,那么有可能系统已经被入侵过了。
autoruns具有全面的自启动程序检测功能,找出那些 被设定在系统启动和登录期间自动运行的程序,并显 示Windows加载它们的顺序。