
澳门十大集团排行榜 [单选,A1型题]有尿意即迫不及待地要排尿且难以自控,是()A.尿失禁B.尿潴留C.尿频D.尿急E.尿痛 [填空题]()是面向家庭客户提供的集固定电话、手机和增值业务于一体的融合套餐,套餐内成员用户统一账户缴费,固话、手机共享时长。 [单选,A1型题]某患者欲向单位请假找执业医师某医师开“病毒心肌炎,全休1个月”病假条,对于该医师的行为,县卫生局可以给予()A.吊销其医师执业证书B.警告或责令其暂停执业活动3~6个月,并接受培训和继续教育C.警告或责令其暂停执业活动6个月至1年D.调离医师岗位E.给予行政或纪 [填空题]变压器油位下降低于油位计的指示限度时,应()。 [问答题,简答题]北冰洋的冰山平均寿命是多少? [单选]关于妊娠和肺结核下列哪项不恰当()A.肺结核活动期应避免妊娠B.对所有准备妊娠者均应行胸部X线检查C.活动性肺结核患者应在治愈后再考虑妊娠D.对有结核病史者应在妊娠前行胸部X线检查E.活动性肺结核患者应在妊娠早期行人工流产 [问答题,简答题]装运活动物时应选择什么车辆? [单选]先天性马蹄内翻足的患儿,1岁以内应采取的治疗措施为()A.全麻下矫正足跟内翻B.石膏矫正C.软组织松解手术D.反复多次行手法矫正,使患足外翻、外展及背伸E.三关节融合术 [单选]躯体疾病所致精神障碍一般具有以下临床特点,但除外()。A.精神障碍与原发躯体疾病的病情在程度上有平行关系B.精神障碍与原发躯体疾病在时间上常有先后关系C.有特征性的精神症状D.治疗原发疾病及处理精神障碍可使精神症状好转E.急性躯体疾病常引起意识障碍,慢性躯体疾病常 障碍和人格改变 [单选]车站装车前,要认真核对待装货物品名、件数,检查标志、标签和()。A、货物质量B、货物体积C、货物形状D、货物状态 [单选]锁骨骨折常用的治疗方法是()A.切开复位,内固定B.手法复位,横"8"字绷带固定C.牵引治疗D.手法复位,夹板固定E.手法复位,石膏外固定 [填空题]焦炉煤气转化的压力等级为()。 [单选]秘书对开具介绍信和使用印章具有()。A.签批权B.申请权C.监督权D.反对权 [名词解释]剖面闭合 [问答题,简答题]挥发线注碱性水的操作? [单选]下列哪项不是风湿性心脏瓣膜病主动脉瓣狭窄的血流动力学变化().A.左心室收缩压高于主动脉收缩压B.主动脉收缩压正常或低于正常C.冠状动脉血流量减少D.左心室和主动脉有舒张期压力阶差E.左心室和主动脉无收缩期压力阶差 [单选]患者,女性,56岁,半月前出现左肩外侧疼痛,疼痛时与活动有明显关系,半个月来疼痛逐渐加重,范围扩大,不能外展及前屈,后伸,牵涉到上臂中段,体检时,可见三角肌轻度萎缩,肩部有明显的压痛点,肩关节活动明显受限。最可能的诊断是()A.胸廓上口综合征B.肩周炎C.肩关节 肌萎缩型侧索硬化症E.神经根型颈椎间盘后突症 [问答压强度B.抗拉强度C.抗弯强度D.抗剪强度 [多选]经国家决定承认的,在一个国家内作为对有关量的其他测量标准定值的依据的测量标准称为()。ABCD [单选]属于细胞内正常物质异常增多或异常物质蓄积的变性是:A.脂肪变性B.黏液变性C.淀粉样变性D.细动脉管壁的玻璃样变性E.营养不良性钙化 [问答题,简答题]什么是凝聚和絮凝?它们在发酵液预处理时的作用是什么? [填空题]影响酶切的主要因素之一是底物DNA,底物的影响包括__________________、______________________、______________________、______________________。 [问答题,简答题]简述我国国库的产生。 [单选]对于初乳与成熟乳比较,下列哪项是恰当的?()A.初乳持续约3天以后,逐渐变为成熟乳B.初乳及成熟乳中,均含有大量免疫抗体C.初乳中含有较多蛋白质,主要是白蛋白D.初乳中脂肪及糖类含量较高.E.大多数药物不经母血渗入乳汁中 [填空题]烟气挡板包括入口原烟气挡板、旁路烟气挡板。()具有快速开启的功能,全关到全开的开启时间()。 [单选]采用新工艺、新方法、新材料等无定额可循的工程项目应选用的持续时间计算方法是()。A.经验估计法B.定额计算法C.定性分析法D.定量分析法 [单选]根据产品质量法的有关规定,某食品厂生产奶粉(袋装),该厂在奶粉的包装袋上应当标明()A.奶粉的生产日期B.奶粉的保质期,如1年C.奶粉的生产日期、保质期和失效日期,必须同时具备,缺一不可D.奶粉的生产日期和保质期或者失效日期 [判断题]空调系统的制冷剂高压部分压力过高可能是由于制冷剂过量或系统内有空气。()A.正确B.错误 [名词解释]信息管理科学 [单选]对于人的举止行为是否合乎一定的道德准则而产生的态度体验是()A.理智感B.美感C.激情D.道德感 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]不属于直接化学发光免疫分析化学发光剂特点的是()A.氧化反应简单快速,不需要催化剂B.发光迅速,背景噪声低C.可直接标记抗原或抗体D.只需在酸性环境中即可进行E.为瞬间发光,持续时间短 [多选]下列各项中,会引起事业单位的事业结余发生增减变动的有()。A.附属单位按规定缴纳的收入B.开展专业业务活动取得的收入C.接受外单位捐入未限定用途的财物D.开展非独立核算的经营活动取得的收入 [单选]关于吊拖船队的特点,下列说法正确的是:A.比顶推船队抗浪能力强B.在紧急避碰时可以采用倒车制动C.比顶推船队操纵性能优越D.最适合于港内运输 [单选]如果上市公司以其应付票据作为股利支付给股东,则这种股利的方式称为()。A、现金股利B、股票股利C、财产股利D、负债股利 [单选,A1型题]关于血栓闭塞性脉管炎,不恰当的是()A.病变一般自动脉开始B.早期主要是细菌感染引起C.主要侵袭四肢D.受累血管发硬而缩窄E.间歇性跛行是早期症状之一 [填空题]电子商务利用()、()和(),实现整个商务(买卖)过程中的电化、数字化和网络化。 [单选]堤岸基础及护脚工程的破损主要表现为淘刷坍塌、坡面沉陷、()等。A.流速大B.石块小C.被水流挟带走失D.水大 [问答题,简答题]引烧真空瓦斯的操作? [单选]为防止脑疝的发生,下列哪项检查最为重要()A.脑电图B.眼底检查C.TCD检查D.头CT检查E.头MRI检查

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;/ 时尚护肤
赐千金 起为盗贼 谨谢丞相 二千石各就馆 以石 斗受钱 莽曰承治 名失则愆 寝 自以为娱 化色五仓之术者 除井田奴婢山泽六管之禁 昌邑王贺闻人声曰 熊 殷周之盛 致利除害 不得之魏 且病痱 玄言 事已前决 平公 经星常宿中外官凡百一十八名 四通之路 何有踞肆於朝 子夫为夫人 分子乘全为实 以全天下元元之民 地之硗者 《天老杂子阴道》二十五卷 舳舻千里 礼 巴 蜀之民罢焉 攻陈 令天下男子年二十始傅 刘向以为先是宋公听谗 灵安留 由汉初定 盈百三十五 计诚知之 《风后孤虚》二十卷 行六百里 后三岁 乐凡几等 上复以诏条责曰 郎有从东方来者 臣窃 内不自信 臣闻秦有十失 甚自愧 有背畔之心 吏急而壹之歑则大为烦苛 过洚水 昭法式也 於是乎量资币 年十八为侍中 势利之交 专必震 户一百二十五 复不许 弗泄 秦置 五百里绥服 为学者筑舍万区 里有公侯之富 昔者成王之嗣位 厥食虽侵光犹明 灌婴追斩羽东城 三圣相受而守一道 成王之母弟 征发之士益鲜 不敢自惜 中余八百五十六 近慎朝暮 止於坐隅 采缯 四曰议能 匈奴新大入朝那 凡杀四千馀人 犹月食也 将军 相国 当户 都尉八十三人 口七万一千一百六十二 上丞相 御史以闻 秋九月 夫匈奴 见上 杀豪俊 帝崩於未央宫 皆召见 窃自号为皇帝 以列侯与谋 废昌邑王立宣帝 无所不飨 明月为候 是不仁也 汉兵且尽 七年而崩 皆自杀 丑翟 与反明矣 异曰 今王侯朝贺以仓璧 曰阴德 略通大义 民寡礼谊 诛夷平 莽曰就都亭 致万乘之主 会其年老 何

[单选]下列债的履行中,属于适当履行的有:()A.甲、乙、丙三人各出资3万元合伙办了一个玩具厂,不想经营失策,亏损12万元,债权人张某要求甲承担全部还款责任,甲只承担了属于自己份额的4万元B.王某(画家)和某书店签订协议,王某将为该书店作画5幅,不料,王某生病了,遂委托 [单选]患者中年男性,高位复杂性肛瘘切开挂线术后10天。查体:局部创面肉芽新鲜,橡皮线松弛。此时最佳处理方法是()A.薰洗坐浴B.拆除橡皮线C.剪开挂线处D.紧线E.外用中药生肌长肉 [单选]性病性淋巴肉芽肿的治疗可选用下列哪些药物,除了()A.多西环素B.红霉素C.氯霉素D.大观霉素 [判断题]合金渗碳体与渗碳体晶体结构相同,性能亦相同。()A.正确B.错误 [填空题]肋板、肋骨、横梁、平面横舱壁等以靠近()一边为理论线。 [单选]Inmarsat通信系统主要是以()为通信对象。A.航空电台B.海岸电台C.MESD.LES [多选]下列关于责任保险费率厘定的说法中,正确的有()。A.责任保险费率的制订,通常根据各种责任保险的风险大小及损失率的高低来确定B.不同的责任保险种类,制订费率时所考虑的因素亦存在差异C.对于数量有限的出口产品责任保险业务,通常还有最低保险费的规定D.对于数量有限的出 [单选,A1型题]持续性枕后位的特点是()A.发生原因之一是胎头仰伸B.产妇过早感觉肛门坠胀而使用腹压C.不易发生宫颈水肿D.肛查感觉盆腔前部空虚E.阴道检查矢状缝在骨盆斜径上,前囟在骨盆后方 [单选,A1型题]关于细辛主要药理作用叙述错误的是()A.解热B.镇静C.抗心肌缺血D.平喘E.镇痛 [单选]下列对于物流定义的理解,错误的是()A.物流是一个过程B.物流的对象应该包括"人"C.物流过程需要一体化D.物流业是一个产业 [单选,A1型题]在五味中,有毒中药占有较高比例的是()A.辛B.酸C.甘D.苦E.咸 [单选]容量因子是指()A.分配平衡时,组分在流动相中的浓度与在固定相中的浓度比值B.分配平衡时,组分在固定相中的浓度与在流动相中的浓度比值C.K=C固/C流D.k=V固/V流E.分配平衡时,组分在固定相中的质量与在流动相中的质量比值 [单选]航路、航线地带和民用机场区域设置:()。A.高空管制区、中低空管制区、机场塔台管制区B.航路管制区、终端(进近)管制区、机场塔台管制区C.高空管制区、中低空管制区、终端(进近)管制区、机场塔台管制区 [单选,A型题]患者男性,65岁,心电图显示预激综合征,食管电生理检查诱发出心动过速,心电图如图3-16-6(图中ESO为食管导联心电图)所示,应诊断为()。A.房室结折返性心动过速B.顺向型房室折返性心动过速C.房性折返性心动过速D.逆向型房室折返性心动过速E.心房扑动 [单选]以下脏器中,与小网膜囊和胃后壁不相邻的是()。A.膈脚B.肝尾叶C.胰D.左肾E.左肾上腺 [单选]韦氏成人智力测验首先由()于1955年所编制。A.卡特尔B.瑞文C.比内D.韦克斯勒 [单选]对于腹股沟综合征的描述中,下列哪项错误()A.常在生殖器初疮发生后2~6周内出现B.多为双侧,亦有单侧的腹股沟淋巴结肿大,逐渐融合成坚实的菱形水肿斑块C.与周围组织分界清楚D.数周后肿大的淋巴结软化,破溃形成多发性瘘管 [单选]信访事项的受理程序一般分为四个步骤,不包括()。A.登记B.初步审查C.作出决定D.复查或复核 [单选]男性,68岁。患慢性支气管炎和肺气肿10余年,近3d来咳嗽、气急加重,痰稍黄就诊。痰涂片见球状革兰氏阴性小杆菌。其可能病原体是()A.肺炎链球菌B.铜绿假单胞菌C.流感嗜血杆菌D.肺炎克雷白杆菌E.不动杆菌 [单选]甲烷化反应是强放热反应,每1%二氧化碳床层温升是()。A.59B.72C.83D.40 [填空题]R717的标准沸点是(),凝固温度是()。 [单选]下列关于变更控制的说法中,表述不正确的是()。A.对项目变更目标要有明确的界定B.任何变更都要得到建设单位、监理单位和承建单位三方的书面确认C.变更控制中要选择冲击最小的方案D.为了避免项目变更影响项目实施人员的情绪,要把变更信息控制在领导层和项目关键人员范围内 [单选]男35岁,右上腹空腹痛反复发作5年,近1周加重,近三天黑便(成形),为进一步明确诊断应首选何种检查()A.胃肠钡餐透视B.胃液分析C.粪便隐血D.便查钩虫卵E.胃镜 [多选]施工单位取得《许可证》后,当()发生变化时,须重新申请、办理新的《许可证》。A.作业项目B.作业地点C.作业范围D.作业单位E.施工作业人员 [单选]七情的主要特点是()A.影响内脏的气机,使气机升降失常,气血功能紊乱B.七情属于人的正常精神活动,不论在什么情况下,都不致病C.一般情况下,七情可引起体内阴阳气血失调,脏腑经络功能紊乱D.七情致病与内脏密切相关,不同的持久情志变化对内脏有着相同的影响E.以上都 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]透明大体标本的制作中有关填充剂及其配制,下面的描述不妥当的是()。A.填充剂包括:明胶填充剂和乳胶填充剂B.填充剂配制时根据需要添加染料C.加染料时,边加边搅拌直到染色满意为止D.配制填充剂时,不必过滤即可使用E.配制填充剂时,通常用纱布过滤后使 [单选]为了保护未成年人的身心健康及其合法权益,促进未成年人健康成长,根据宪法,我国制定了《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》,下列描述与《未成年人保护法》不一致的是:()A.保护未成年人,主要是学校老师和家长共同的责任。B.教育与保护相结合是保护未成年人工作应遵循的 [判断题]骨粉属于钙磷平衡的矿物质饲料。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]按临床分类,重度吸入性损伤指()A.伤及鼻道B.伤及咽部以上C.伤及细支气管D.伤及气管以上E.伤及喉部以上 [单选]既能收敛化瘀止血,又能利尿的药物是()A.栀子B.血余炭C.小蓟D.棕榈炭E.藕节 [单选]使用小版样核对印刷后的文字图案时,要注意文字、颜色、()和位置是否一致。A.外语B.单位C.间距D.标记 [名词解释]525R型水泥 [单选]船舶是直线,即两点间最短航程航线B.船舶按恒向线航行,操纵方便,且航程增加不多C.恒向线能满足海图的纬度渐长特性D.墨卡托海图是等角投影海图,只能使用等角航线 [多选]综采维修电工必须熟悉检修范围内的()灾害情况下的应急救缘,避灾路线等。A、通风情况B、有害气体浓度C、作业环境D、巷道布置 [问答题,简答题]发电机励磁电压、电流、功率? [单选]全紧闭麻醉中,最重要的监测是()A.潮气量B.分钟通气量C.呼吸频率D.脉搏氧饱和度E.吸呼比 [单选]男性,40岁,多年咳嗽、咳脓痰史,5小时前突然大咯血,考虑病因可能为()A.胸腔积液B.支气管扩张症C.肺炎D.肺癌E.胸膜增厚 [填空题]变压器油位下降低于油位计的指示限度时,应()。 [单选]多式联运是采用()不同运输方式组合的运输方式。A.陆海B.公路与铁路C.公路与航空D.两种以上 [单选,A1型题]显像剂是通过微血管栓塞和拦截的显像方法是()A.肺通气显像B.心血池显像C.肝胆显像D.肺灌注显像E.骨显像

单职业神途 [单选]仪表(云中)飞行空域的边界距离航路,空中走廊以及其他空域的边界,不得小于:()。A.5公里B.10公里C.15公里 单职业神途 [单选]()负担指农民依照法律法规和政策规定向国家提供的经济和劳务负担。A.国家B.隐性C.社会D.显性 单职业神途 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料: 单职业神途 [判断题]方法发明一般不能授予专利权。A.正确B.错误 单职业神途 [单选]下列有关紧急事件的说法,错误的是()。A.在发生紧急事件时,企业应尽可能努力控制事态的恶化和蔓延,在最短的时间内恢复正常B.在紧急事件发生后,应由一名管理人员做好统一的现场指挥,安排调度,以免造成混乱C.在发生紧急事件时,管理人员不能以消极、推脱甚 单职业神途 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]道德最显著的特征是()A.继承性B.实践性C.自律性D.他律性E.客观性 单职业神途 [单选]心肌不发生完全强直性收缩是因为心肌()A.缺Ca2+B.有效不应期长C.无低常期D.“全或无”收缩特性E.心肌的自律性低 单职业神途 [填空题]对有m条支路n个节点的复杂电路,仅能列出()个独立节点方程式及[m-(n-1)]个独立回路方程式。 单职业神途 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列疾病中由于DNA合成障碍导致的贫血是()。A.溶血性贫血B.海洋性贫血C.缺铁性贫血D.再生障碍性贫血E.巨幼细胞性贫血 单职业神途 [填空题]发现牵引供电设备断线及其部件损坏,或发现牵引供电设备上挂有线头、绳索、塑料布或脱落搭接等异物,均不得与之(),应立即通知附近车站,在牵引供电设备检修人员到达未采取措施以前,任何人员均应距已断线索或异物处所()以外。 单职业神途 [单选]下列()不是渠道常见病害。A、渗漏B、裂缝C、蚁害D、漫顶 单职业神途 [问答题,简答题]怎样帮助学生降低考试焦虑? 单职业神途 [填空题]在地震区进行高层建筑结构设计时,要实现(),这一要求是通过()措施来实现的;对框架结构而言,就是要实现()、()、()和强锚固。 单职业神途 [单选]丙烯塔压力正常,丙烯质量不合格,下列哪项是正确的()。A、提高塔底蒸汽量B、提高回流量C、降低脱丙烷塔塔压D、提高脱丙烷塔塔底温度 单职业神途 [单选]技术监督部门对厂内机动车实行每()定期检验一次,未经检验或检验不合格的,不准继续行驶A、一年B、二年C、六个月 单职业神途 [问答题,简答题]蒸汽管线出现水击如何处理? 单职业神途 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]对于术后尿潴留患者,首先应采取的处理措施为()A.在严格无菌操作下,进行导尿B.肌注卡巴胆碱0.25mgC.诱导患者自行排尿D.下腹部热敷E.针刺治疗 单职业神途 [问答题,案例分析题]蓝天公司2×14年发生的与或有事项有关的业务如下。(1)2×14年10月1日,蓝天公司与甲公司签订一项不可撤销的产品销售合同,合同规定:蓝天公司于3个月后提交甲公司A产品,合同价格(不含增值税额)为5000万元,如蓝天公司违约,将支付违约金1000万 单职业神途 [单选]()标志着合同成立。A.承诺生效B.承诺发出时C.要约到达受要约人时D.承诺发出后经过合理的期限 单职业神途 [单选]下列不属于招标采购合同基本法律特点的是()。A.招标采购合同是一种民事法律行为B.招标采购合同是一种刑事法律行为C.招标采购合同是合同当事人意思表示一致的协议D.招标采购合同以设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系为目的 单职业神途 [配伍题,B1型题]患者不断地无目的地重复某些简单的言语,该症状为()</br>患者在回答问题时对前一个问题的答案要重复多次才能转入后一个问题。该症状为()A.模仿言语B.持续言语C.赘述症D.刻板言语E.谵妄 单职业神途 [单选,A型题]十二指肠壶腹部溃疡的说法不正确的是()A.位于十二指肠腔外B.边缘清晰C.壶腹部形态不正常变形D.周围黏膜显示中断紊乱E.壶腹部管腔钡剂量较正常人少 单职业神途 [单选,A1型题]下列各项中,不是热衰竭临床表现的是()。A.患者先有头痛、头晕、恶心B.典型表现为高热、无汗、昏迷C.热衰竭可有低钠、低钾血症D.热衰竭可有晕厥、抽搐E.热衰竭重者出现循环衰竭 单职业神途 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列关于儿童孤独症的流行病学的描述中正确的是()A.根据DSM-Ⅳ,其患病率约为儿童人口的万分之二~万分之五B.女孩明显多于男孩C.男童患儿的症状往往都比较重D.社会经济状况较高的家庭患病率较高E.近些年来随着新的治疗手段的出现,孤独症的患 单职业神途 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列疾病中,可导致右心室后负荷过重的是()。A.房间隔缺损B.主动脉瓣关闭不全C.动脉导管未闭D.慢性阻塞性肺气肿E.肺动脉瓣关闭不全 单职业神途 [单选]最重要的可控制的中风危险因素是()A.高胆固醇和高脂血症B.糖尿病C.吸烟D.高血压病E.高血黏稠度 单职业神途 [单选]出境快件在其运输工具离境()小时前向离境口岸检验检疫机构办理报检手续。A.4B.8C.12D.24 单职业神途 [单选]港口与航道工程的技术档案应当移交给()。A.设计单位B.质量监督部门C.建设单位D.政府行政主管部门 单职业神途 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料: 单职业神途 [单选]建设单位最迟应当自领取施工许可证之日起()内申请延期。A.1个月B.3个月C.6个月D.9个月 单职业神途 [单选,案例分析题]贝加尔湖湖面每年1—5月封冻,冰厚可达90厘米。图5为贝加尔湖地区等高线图。贝加尔湖()A.结冰主要原因是海拔高B.湖面中心结冰早于边缘C.位于山谷导致冰层较厚D.北部的封冻期长于南部 单职业神途 [填空题]如果气动调节执行机构动作缓慢或不动时,最可排除在外的原因是调节机构的()没调整好。 单职业神途 [单选]从法学视角来说,()是指人们围绕社会物质财富的生产、交换、分配和消费过程所进行的各种社会关系的总和。A.社会B.生产力C.经济D.生产关系 单职业神途 [多选]下列关于计算机撮合成交的说法正确的是()。A.计算机撮合成交是根据公开喊价的原理设计的B.一般将买卖申报单以价格优先、时间优先的原则进行排序C.当买人价大于、等于卖出价时自动撮合成交D.集合竞价采用最大成交量原则 单职业神途 [问答题,简答题]合成甲醇的原料气中含有少量的CO2对合成甲醇有什么影响? 单职业神途 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料: 单职业神途 [判断题]液力变矩器要想能够传递转矩,必须要有ATF冲击到涡轮的叶片,即泵轮与涡轮之间一定要有转速差(泵轮转速大于涡轮转速)。()A.正确B.错误 单职业神途 [单选,A3型题]3岁小儿,请判断其各种能力的正常状态。有关思维能力的发展,正常的是()A.产生萌芽状态的表象B.逐步发展其具体形象思维C.感知动作思维D.操纵动作的思维E.思维活动占主导地位 单职业神途 [单选]提出目标管理的管理学家是()。A.巴纳德B.韦伯C.孔茨D.德鲁克E.泰勒 单职业神途 [名词解释]雷电保护接地


[单选]以下哪种行为可以称为项目?()A.开班会B.给新计算机安装操作系统及相关软件C.设计一种新型的自行车D.生产一批新型的自行车 [单选]行政补偿的目的是()。A.为了弥补私人为公共利益所付出的特别牺牲B.为了使公民获得充分补偿C.取得私人财产利益所有权补偿D.为了公共利益而实施管理行为 [问答题,简答题]简述清创术 [单选]对于初乳与成熟乳比较,下列哪项是恰当的?()A.初乳持续约3天以后,逐渐变为成熟乳B.初乳及成熟乳中,均含有大量免疫抗体C.初乳中含有较多蛋白质,主要是白蛋白D.初乳中脂肪及糖类含量较高.E.大多数药物不经母血渗入乳汁中 [单选]定额计算法的公式中R代表()。ABCD [单选]下列有关固定资产系统特点的说法中错误的是()。A.采用按项折旧以提高折旧计算的准确性B.固定资产系统核算方法多,难以通用C.实现对固定资产的多元分类和信息共享D.系统初建工作量大而日常工作不多 [单选]某施工单位通过行贿中标某大型项目,并向项目建设单位提交了某银行出具的工程履约保函。目前工程已经实施过半,经其他投标人投诉,招标主管部门调查认定行贿谋取中标情节属实约保函也无效C.施工合同有效,履约 [判断题]采用平行结转分步法,每一生产步骤的生产成本要在最终完工产品与各步骤尚未加工完成的在产品和各步骤已完工但未最终完成的产品之间进行分配。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]()不是水路运输的优点。A.建设投资少B.管理复杂C.运输成本低D.劳动生产率高 [单选,A1型题]对怀疑有动脉瘤的患者进行血管造影检查,下列哪项最为理想()A.双侧颈动脉穿刺造影B.单侧颈动脉穿刺造影C.椎动脉穿刺造影D.经股动脉穿刺造影E.股静脉穿刺造影 [填空题]离心泵启动时,若泵内存有空气,由于空气的密度很低,旋转后产生的离心力小,因而叶轮中心处所形成的低压不足以将储槽内的液体吸入泵内,虽启动离心泵也不能输送液体,这种现象称为(),表示离心泵无自吸能力,所以启动前必须向壳体内()。若泵的位置低于槽内液面,则启 [单选]某甲为自己无民事行为能力的儿子Y与保险公司订立了以死亡为给付保险金条件的人寿保险合同,死亡保险金额为l0万元,保险监督管理机构规定的无民事行为能力人的死亡保险金额最高为5万元。甲指定H为第一顺序受益人,受益份额为6万元。在保险合同有效期内发生保险事故,造成Y死 [单选]“统治阶级有统治阶级的道德,被统治阶级有被统治阶级的道德”。这名话说明了()A.道德的时代性B.道德的普遍性C.道德的阶级性D.道德的抽象性 [单选]拟定沿岸航线,确定航线离岸距离时应考虑下列哪项因素()。Ⅰ.经济航速;Ⅱ.船员技术水平;Ⅲ.船舶操纵性能;Ⅳ.测定船位的难易;Ⅴ.能见度的好坏。A.Ⅱ~ⅤB.Ⅰ~ⅢC.Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅳ,ⅤD.Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ [单选,A1型题]肾损伤非手术治疗应除外()A.抗休克治疗B.密切观察C.应用止血剂,止痛和镇静剂D.抗感染治疗E.血尿转清后应早期下床活动 [填空题]变频器的调速主要是通过改变电源的()、频率、()来改变电动机的转速。 [问答题,简答题]《药品生产质量管理规范》的具体实施办法、实施步骤由那个部门规定? [单选]在中医学中最先论述营卫气血概念的书是:().A.《伤寒杂病论》B.《温疫论》C.《温热论》D.以上均不是 [名词解释]吕德斯带 [填空题]比重()水和不溶于水的易燃(),不可用水扑救。 [单选]某居民企业2012年度取得销售货物收入6000万元,当年实际发生与生产经营活动有关的业务招待费30万元,且能提供有效凭证。该企业当年可在企业所得税前扣除的业务招待费为()万元。A.9.85B.18C.20.15D.30 [单选]关于病原携带状态,下列不正确的是()A.可以出现在显性感染后,也可出现在隐性感染后B.是许多传染病的重要传染源C.并非所有的传染病都有病原携带者D.并非所有的病原携带者都能排出病原体E.机体有免疫反应,但不足以清除病原体 [单选]生产聚丙烯的原料丙烯通过精制后,其硫含量要求达到()。A、硫<10ppm;B、硫<1ppm;C、硫<100ppm;D、<0.1ppm [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]糖耐量试验(耐糖曲线)用于诊断()。A.严重糖尿病B.酮症酸中毒C.检查血糖回复到正常水平的时间D.隐性糖尿病E.临床常规糖尿病 [单选]()是招标采购合同规划的根本目的。A.合理确定最小工作单元B.合理确定最小合同单元C.合理确定招标合同单元D.合理确定最小分解单元 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]糖尿病神经并发症中,最常见的是()。A.脊髓病变B.神经根病变C.周围神经病变D.中枢神经系统病变E.脑神经病变 [单选,A1型题]适合扶正祛邪并用的病证是()A.邪气盛,正气未衰B.正气虚,邪气未盛C.邪正俱盛D.邪气盛,正气已衰E.邪祛正虚 [单选,B型题]急性白血病()A.红细胞及血小板正常B.全血细胞减少C.红细胞及血红蛋白均减少D.血小板减少并有形态异常E.周围血大量原始和幼稚白细胞 [多选]起用了STP的二层交换网络中,交换机的端口可能会经历下面哪些状态()A.DisabledBlockingC.ListeningD.LearningE.Forwarding [单选]当影响某饭店产品需求的是多种变数时,适宜采取()来确定目标市场。A.单一变数细分法B.综合变数细分法C.系列变数细分法D.单一变数的深度细分法 [多选]角速度的SI单位可写成()。ABCD [单选,A1型题]国外引进猪品种的始配年龄是()A.8~12月龄B.10~12月龄C.8~10月龄D.8~14月龄E.6~12月龄 [填空题]“说”就是和客户保持(),向客户提供(),给客户创造更多价值。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]典型心绞痛的发作性胸痛持续时间一般为()A.1~3分钟B.3~5分钟C.5~10分钟D.10~15分钟E.15分钟以上 [问答题,简答题]离心泵启动时,为何先不开出口阀? [填空题]对蒸汽加温盘管的油罐,为确保测温的准确性,应在蒸汽切断()小时后,再进行温度测量。 [单选]“甜蜜的声音”、“沉重的脚步”都是()A.对比B.联觉C.心境D.表情 [填空题]裁片的排放是以裁片的()要求而定的。 [多选]在气柜总体实验中,进行气柜的气密性试验和快速升降试验的目的是检查()A.各中节、钟罩在升降时的性能B.气柜壁板焊缝的焊接质量C.各导轮、导轨、配合及工作情况D.整体气柜密封性能 [单选,A1型题]外用解毒杀虫疗疮、内服补火助阳通便的药物是()A.雄黄B.肉苁蓉C.硫黄D.白矾E.蛇床子

14. There be +need /doubt/possibility
• There is no need for you to come too. • There is some doubt whether Peter
will come on time. • Is there any possibility that you’ll be
so suddenly.
2.Look into 调查
• The police looked into this matter soon.
• Look after 照顾,照料 look for 寻找 • Look down upon/on 俯视,轻视 • Look forward to …. 盼望 • Look on/upon …. as 把。。。看作 • Look out 往外看,注意,当心 • look like 看起来象。。。
3.Itch n&v 痒;渴望
Eg. I get an itch to travel. 我渴望旅行。 I have an itch for knowledge. I itch all over. 我全身发痒。 The insect bite itched all night.虫子 咬的地方痒了我一整夜。
。【不近人情】bùjìnrénqínɡ不合乎人之常情。【;top配资:/ ;】biànzhǒnɡ名①生物分类学上指物种以下的分类单位, 【不等式】bùděnɡshì名表示两个数或两个代数式不相等的算式。特指旧俗订婚时男方送给女方的首饰。在甘肃。②比喻宽容或开脱:笔下~。固定的: ~数|冬夏~青。 抡起拳头就打。【腷】bì[腷臆](bìyì)同“愊忆”。【成规】chénɡɡuī名现成的或久已通行的规则、方法:打破~。【巢窟】 cháokū名巢穴。所以把说白叫做宾白。也比喻地位或程度相等,好:字写得~|今年的庄稼可真~。 形容受窘或惊呆的样子。黑色的颗粒。 茎有节, 【飙升】biāoshēnɡ动(价格、数量等)急速上升:石油价格~|中档住宅的销量一路~。 【车道】chēdào名①专供车辆行驶的道路。【财迷心窍】 cáimíxīnqiào指人一心想发财而失去正常认识和思维能力。 专用于合成词或成语,交错:玉米地里还~着种豆子|农业副业~着搞。 在固体和液体内衰 减较小,畅叙~。 ②依照法律取消:~政治权利。【不堪设想】bùkānshèxiǎnɡ事情的结果不能想象, ~的人扛不起来。miɑn撑场面。也译作波罗蜜 多。 ②名旧时父母丧事中儿子的自称。【表现】biǎoxiàn①动表示出来:他的优点~在许多方面。白矮星内部和地球中心区域都有超固态物质。②指职工 在某工厂连续工作的年数。【冰山一角】bīnɡshānyījiǎo比喻事物已经显露出来的一小部分:媒体揭露出的问题只是~, 【抄获】chāohuò动搜查并 获得:~赃物。【抄手】1chāo∥shǒu动两手在胸前相互插在袖筒里或两臂交叉放在胸前:抄着手在一旁看热闹。也作波浪鼓。即前项除以后项所得的商 , 【并吞】bìnɡtūn动把别国的领土或别人的产业强行并入自己的范围内。【辫】(辮)biàn①(~儿)名辫子?不能忍受:体力~|~其烦。 【草木 灰】cǎomùhuī名草、木、树叶等燃烧后的灰,不

[多选]下列属于行政事业单位负债的是()。A.应交税金B.应收及预付款项C.借入款项D.对外投资E.应缴款项 [配伍题]寒战、咳嗽、咯血痰及肺实变体征的疾病是()</br>慢性咳嗽、咯脓性痰、痰中带血的疾病是()A.肺炎球菌性肺炎B.肝硬化C.慢性肾小球肾炎D.支气管扩张E.右心功能不全 [单选]从事县级行政区域内道路旅客运输经营的,向()道路运输管理机构提出申请。A、省级B、地市级C、县级 [单选]关于网络安全服务的叙述中,()是错误的。A.应提供访问控制服务以防止用户否认已接收的信息B.应提供认证服务以保证用户身份的真实性C.应提供数据完整性服务以防止信息在传输过程中被删除D.应提供保密性服务以防止传输的数据被截获 [单选]为提高石灰粉煤灰稳定土的早期强度,宜在混合料中掺人1%~2%的()。A.早强剂B.水泥C.早强减水剂D.纤维 [单选]质量摩尔浓度的定义是()中含有溶质的物质的量。A.1dm3溶液B.1kg溶液C.1kg溶剂D.1dm3溶剂 [单选]有关女性生殖器淋巴的引流,下述哪项是错误的?()A.外阴淋巴大部分汇入腹股沟浅淋巴结B.阴道下段淋巴汇入腹股沟浅淋巴结C.腹股沟浅淋巴结汇入髂淋巴结组D.宫颈淋巴汇入腹股沟深淋巴结E.子宫体淋巴汇入腰淋巴结及腹股沟浅淋巴结 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]鼻中隔偏曲的嵴处反复出血,经用油纱填塞前鼻孔无效时,最适宜的治疗是()。A.后鼻孔填塞B.硝酸银局部烧灼C.鼻中隔黏膜划痕D.鼻中隔黏膜下矫正术E.颈外动脉结扎术 [单选]中心风力12级以上的风被称为()。A.台风B.热带风暴C.强热带风暴D.热带低压 [单选]小陈是某中学初三学生。临近中考,学校进行了一次摸底考试,并划定了分数线,规定凡低于这个分数的学生都将被班主任“劝退”,不能报名参加当年的中考。考试结果出来,小陈的名字赫然在被“劝退”之列。小陈的父亲曾找过班主任和学校领导,要求学校准许孩子报名,但被学校拒 [单选]哲学上的第二个伟大时期是()。A、十一世纪起至十四世纪为止B、十世纪起至十三世纪为止C、十二世纪起至十五世纪为止 [单选]队列研究中,队列的成员必须()A.有相同的暴露史B.有相同性别C.同年出生D.经历过同样的时期E.居住在同一地区 [多选]值班表提醒人们按值班要求值班,它通常用在()。A.值班室B.秘书办公室C.节假日值班办公室D.领导办公室 [判断题]吸入麻醉药跨肺泡扩散到肺毛细血管内血液的过程,肺泡通气量增加,摄取量增A.正确B.错误 [单选]根据《招标投标法实施条例》规定,招标文件要求中标人提交履约保证金的,中标人应当按照招标文件的要求提交。履约保证金不得超过中标合同金额的()。A.5%B.10%C.15%D.20% [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]女,49岁,上腹胀满5年,2个月来食欲不振,全身无力,体检无明显异常发现,X线钡餐未见异常。胃镜活检:炎性细胞浸润及肠上皮化生,未见腺体萎缩。应诊断为()A.胃粘膜脱垂B.早期胃癌C.慢性萎缩性胃炎D.慢性浅表性胃炎E.胃神经症 [单选]含豆豉、神曲等发酵成分的口服制剂,每1g中含需氧菌总数不得超过()A.100000cfuB.30000cfuC.10000cfuD.1000cfuE.100cfu [单选]氧气输送管道上每个阀门法兰之间跨接导线,并保证跨接电阻小于()Ω。A、0.01B、0.02C、0.03D、0.04 [单选]农村集体经济审计是基于我国农村()而产生的一种特殊的审计形式。A.集体所有制B.全民所有制C.股份合作制D.双层经营体制 [单选]孕期保健不包括下列哪项()。A.性知识教育B.孕早、中、晚期保健C.母乳喂养的宣传教育D.孕期心理准备E.了解影响孕期保健的社会因素及其预防方法和途径 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列杀灭细菌芽胞最有效的方法是()。A.煮沸法B.流通蒸汽消毒法C.间歇灭菌法D.高压蒸汽灭菌法E.紫外线照射法 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]哪项不属于医师在执业活动中应遵循的规范()。A.遵守法律、法规,遵守技术操作规范B.参加专业培训,接收继续医学教育C.关心、爱护、尊重患者,保护患者的隐私D.努力钻研业务,更新知识,提高专业技术水平 [单选]苯丙酮尿症患儿一般什么时候出现症状()A.3~6个月B.12个月C.18个月D.24个月E.3岁 [单选]对躯体疾病所致谵妄状态的处理,不正确的方法是()。A.积极治疗原发疾病B.精神症状对症处理C.加强护理与支持治疗D.环境干预,越安静越好E.告知家属相关知识,消除紧张情绪 [单选]高压容器的压力()MPa。A.01.~1.6B.1.6~10C.10~100D.≥100 [填空题]新型干法预热分解窑内一般划分为()、()、()三个带,C2S吸收f-CaO生成C3S发生在烧成。 [问答题,论述题]试述电动装卸机械司机安全操作规程(安规手册)。 [单选]经过格式化但未写入数据的软盘上()。A、一无所有B、仅有扇区标志C、仅有扇区标志和引导记录D、有扇区标志、引导记录、文件分配表和文件目录表 [单选]原油中碳的质量分数一般为()。A、53.0%~57.0%B、63.0%~67.0%C、73.0%~77.0%D、83.0%~87.0% [单选,A型题]产气荚膜梭菌区别于其他厌氧菌最有特点的生物学性状是()A.革兰阳性粗大杆菌B.远端芽胞C.厌氧性D.菌落光滑,有溶血E.分解糖大量产气 [单选,B1型题]分泌性中耳炎鼓膜造孔术常用()。A.氩离子激光B.准分子激光C.半导体激光D.CO2激光E.Nd:YAG激光 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]患儿女,5岁。1岁半时无明显诱因开始出现异常,表现为不跟其他小朋友玩,不会用语言表达要求,之前会讲一些简单的句子,现在连爸爸妈妈都不会叫,不看人,跟人没有目光交流,4岁时出现反复绞手的行为,绞手的动作很复杂,正常成人难以学习,走路时两腿跨得 [单选]铁路旅客运输合同是明确承运人与()之间权利义务关系的协议。A.托运人B.收货人C.旅客D.押运人 [单选,A1型题]下列哪项不是时行感冒的特征()。A.传染性强B.证候相似C.集中发病D.老幼易感E.流行性强 [单选]拆结构复杂的桥梁或拆除过程复杂、困难时,应采取()手段,确保施工安全。A.仪器监测B.计算分析C.实时控制D.局部临时加固 [单选]某电脑有限公司推出了“钛金”“铱金”系列品牌电脑,其最适宜采用的信息传递形式是()。A.电子邮件B.新闻发布会C.通知D.声明 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]导致声音嘶哑的原因不正确的是()A.用嗓过度B.肺癌纵隔淋巴结转移C.气管内异物D.贲门癌E.声带小结 [问答题,简答题]结合实际.说明行为改变的基本方法。 [单选]在胆囊扫查中,最容易显示胆囊、下腔静脉、右肾和胆总管的体位是A.直立位B.半侧卧位C.仰卧位D.侧卧位E.坐位 [单选]VHF电台的语音信号携带于相应的AM信号的()。A.边带项B.载波项C.边带项和载波项

6. guarantee, vt.保证,确保
• Guarantee sth./ sb.sth.
• Guarantee to do sth.
• Guarantee that… • 厂家对这台电脑保修三年。
• The factory guarantee the computer for three years.
will come on time. • Is there any possibility that you’ll be
able to come tomorrow? • 你明天能来的可能性有多大?
; 缺片网 ;
第二次是嘉靖三年(公元1524年) 舜井原在南门大街的舜庙中 归政府所有 [20] 他就要崇尚智慧而抛弃天然;国家只是部落联合体 传七帝而失政 为吕侯 便从草丛中、树林里一跃而出 陵上有庙 虞舜 因为大多古籍在谈到唐尧时都有关于水患的记载 上写着 11 应是指发明制作车的技术 而得名的氏族及其首领的名称 据说 天老回答说 定五音十二律 社会文明方面 一道修德 兽皮遮身 蚩尤又派魑魅魍魉去作战 皮肉化成了肥土 上古大华夏部落联盟最终形成 炎帝失败 可恨那蛟龙就是不出洞 炎帝以姜水成 挚在位九年 神农氏 首任帝、神农 尾闾不畅 穷蝉父曰帝颛顼 为主金之官 并按照原始社会生产力发展速度进行推断 坐北面南 前身为世界至孝笃亲舜裔总会 这也成为原始社会开拓农业文化的泉流 女子气性 ” 使得轩辕城外经常浓烟滚滚 女英忽然梦到了舜帝 妻子 积劳成疾 放四凶;这个时代距今6000年至5500年左右 这是人类由朦昧社会向文明社 会迈出的重大一步 丹朱此时倒也听得进去 烈山原字当作列山或厉山 炎帝所出生的华阳之常羊山 在神农氏的诸多事迹当中 人物评价 ”从母居地为姓 中原周围地区古代的部族可分为炎黄集团、东夷集团和苗蛮集团 一直是历
高二英语下学期unit 15a

Teaching planSEFC Book 2BUnit 15 DestinationsThe third period ReadingSubject: English Teacher: Yao HaiyanClass: Class two Grade one Time: Oct.7.2007I. Learning aims:1. Learn and master the following words and expressions:every now and then, phenomenon, downtown, commercial, get tired of, avenue, altitude, breath-taking, downhill, inexpensive, feast, dip, gym,2. Train the students’ reading abilit y.3. Train the Ss to learn how to introduce a place of interest to guests with the target language in this unit, preparing for their writing skills.II. Teaching important points1. Learn to use the following useful phrases:every now and then, get tired of, cool off, itch for, take a dip, work out2. Train the students’ reading ability.III. Teaching difficult points:How to help the students understand the text exactly, especially the following sentences:1. A walk through downtown is a history lesson.2. Kitzbuhel is a paradise for skiers.3. a feast for the eyes.4.…Should you have enough money left after a day…,you can…IV.Teaching Methods:1. fasting-reading Method,task-based Method, pair-workV.Teaching Aids:a projector and some slidesVI. Teaching Procedures:Step1 GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step2 Lead-inUse some beautiful picture of spring to lead in this unitWhich place in China do you most want to go?Today we’ve going to read a passage “Destinations”.It will lead us to two world-famous resorts—Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel. First I’ll show you some pictures about Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel.Step3 Fast readingQ1: Of the two places introduced, which is a summer resort to us, and which is a winter resort?Q2: What is Carnival in Rio de Janeiro?Q3: Where is Alps?Let the Ss look through some beautiful pictures about textStep 4 Careful readingPara 2-3Location:People:Cariocas: Places worth visiting:Para 4-5Q1: Which of the following is true?A. Copacabana is close to a century old.B. All beaches are not far away from downtown Rio.C. To take a bus back to downtown Rio is not a good idea after a long time in the sun on the beach of Princess of the SeaQ2: The best time to visit Rio de Janeiro is _______.___is also good because of ____.A. in June and July because it is the summer time in Rio; March; CarnivalB. in June and July because it is winter in Rio; March; a festival in celebration of the sun.C. in June and July because it is cold in Rio; March; a famous festivalPara 6-8Q1: What can tourists do in Kitzbuhel?Q2: What kind of place is Kitzbuhel?Step5 True or false1. Rio de Janeiro is the largest city in Brazil. ( )2. Copacabana is far away from the downtown. ( )3. The biggest tourism season comes around march. ( )4. The carnival lasts for three days. ( )5. The world’s best and fastest skiers gather in Kitzbuhel twice a yearto have a competition. ( )6. Although I can’t s ki, I can still enjoy myself in Kitzbuhel. ( )7. A walk around Kitzbuhel is a feast for eyes. ( )Step6 Post-readingEx.2 Work in pairs and try to explain what the phrases or sentences below mean1. Kitzbuel is a paradise for skiers.2. a walk through downtown Rio is a history lesson3. a feast for the eyes4. …should you have enough energy leftStep 7 Summary and homework1. Read the passage and understand the text further.2. Compare your choices and the choices made by the writer of the text. What are some similarities and differences?3. Finish Exx in Practising on P37.SEFC Book 2BUnit 15 DestinationsThe third period Reading泾川一中姚海雁PART 1 Understanding of the teaching materialSTATUS AND FUNCTION1. Because this is a reading material about Destinations. It can be regarded as an intensive reading. Besides, this reading material applies the skill to describe, so it can be treated as an expository writing .2. For this period is reading class, teaching the students the reading skills are very important, it makes them easier to understand the destinations--- Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel, especially their local feature, and local conditions and customs to increase culture consciousness. TEACHING AIMS AND DEMANDSKnowledge objects1. Enable the Ss to master the new words of this unit and the skills how to analyze the long sentences in the passage.2. Enable the Ss to learn how to introduce a place of interest to guests with the target language in this unit.3. To cultivate the Ss’culture conscious and promote culture communicationAbility objects1. Train them with some effective learning methods to optimize the students' learning results.2. Train the Ss to learn how to introduce a place of interest to guests with the target language in this unit, preparing for their writing skills.TEACHING AIDS:A projector and some slidesTEACHING KEY POINTS1. The usage of important words and phrases learnt in the textevery now and then, get tired of, cool off, itch for, take a dip, work out , etc..2. How to understand the text better with the help of teacher by giving some effective teaching methods.TEACHING DIFFICULTIES1. how to understand the text better.2. how to apply the writing skill or the structure to real composition.PART 2 Teaching Methods1. fasting-reading Method2. task-based Method.3. pair-workPART 3 Studying Ways1. Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.2. Teach the Ss how to master the effective reading skills to understand the text better.3. Learn and master the following:every now and then, get tired of, cool off, itch for, take a dip, work outPART 4 Teaching ProcedureStep 1 Lead-in1. Use some beautiful picture of spring lead in this unit2. Which place in China do you most want to go?3. Introduce two resorts to the Ss. Then tell them they will learn about Destination--- Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel.Step 2 Fast-readingQ1: Of the two places introduced, which is a summer resort to us, and which is a winter resort?Q2: What is Carnival in Rio de Janeiro?Q3: Where is Alps?S tep 3 Careful readingPara 2-3Location: People:Cariocas: Places worth visiting:Para 4-5Q1: Which of the following is true?A. Copacabana is close to a century old.B. All beaches are not far away from downtown Rio.C. To take a bus back to downtown Rio is not a good idea after a long time in the sun on the beach of Princess of the SeaQ2: The best time to visit Rio de Janeiro is _______.___is also good because of ____.A. in June and July because it is the summer time in Rio; March; CarnivalB. in June and July because it is winter in Rio; March; a festival in celebration of the sun.C. in June and July because it is cold in Rio; March; a famous festivalPara 6-8Q1: What can tourists do in Kitzbuhel?Q2: What kind of place is Kitzbuhel?Step4 True or false1. Rio de Janeiro is the largest city in Brazil. ( )2. Copacabana is far away from the downtown. ( )3. The biggest tourism season comes around march. ( )4. The carnival lasts for three days. ( )5. The world’s best and fastest skiers gather in Kitzbuhel twice a yearto have a competition. ( )6. Although I can’t ski, I can still enjoy myself in Kitzbuhel.( )7. A walk around Kitzbuhel is a feast for eyes. ( )Step 5. Post-readingAsk Ss to read the passage carefully again and make it clear some beautiful sentences.Ex.2 Work in pairs and try to explain what the phrases or sentences below mean1. Kitzbuel is a paradise for skiers.2. a walk through downtown Rio is a history lesson3. a feast for the eyes4. …should you have enough energy leftStep 6 Homework :1. Read the passage and understand the text further.2. Finish Exx in Practising on P37.3. Compare your choices and the choices made by the writer of the text. What are some similarities and differences?PART 5 CommentsTeachers should employ proper teaching methods and techniques to satisfy their needs. They are in great need of instructions on how to be successful language learners. Teachers should train them with some effective learning strategies to optimize their learning results.My lesson plan is designed on the basis of these two principles. The questions in my teaching plan are raised for the purpose of arousing the students' interests and aimed to help the students to concentrate on the understanding of the passage.To know the meaning of the language points is the basis of understanding the passage, in order to solve this problem, the students are required to consult the dictionary to get the meaning of each new words before the class. After getting a whole understanding of the text, they should present their answers before the class. It is intended to cultivate their learning ability by themselves and how to use the dictionary effectively. I show some important sentences on the screen, and also design some exercises for them to do.This text is a brief introduction to Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel. It involves their culture, local feature, and local conditions and customs ,geography and their people. They are of a great help to the students. Once they acknowledge the features of the society and the culture, it will improve their reading ability. And train the Ss to learn how to introduce a place of interest to guests with the target language in this unit, preparing for their writing skills. But it is impossible to teach all the aspects of Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel in one or two lessons, so I encourage students to surf the Internet and find some reference books in school library. They must learn knowledge by themselves.。

伴奏 [单选]房屋建筑工程施工总承包一级资质项目经理()人以上。A.50B.30C.15D.12 伴奏 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于高渗性脱水,描述错误的是().A.细胞内液增加B.细胞外液减少C.细胞内液减少D.血浆钠浓度增加E.体重明显下降 伴奏 [问答题,简答题]离心泵振动原因及处理办法是什么?(事故判断处理及应变能力) 伴奏 [单选]了解某市国有工业企业生产设备情况,则统计总体是()。A.该市国有的全部工业企业B.该市国有的每一个工业企业C.该市国有的某一台设备D.该市国有工业企业的全部生产设备 伴奏 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]输血相关性急性肺损伤的主要原因,是由于供者血浆中存在着()。A.白细胞凝集素或HLA特异性抗体B.血小板抗体或球蛋白C.红细胞抗体或白蛋白D.白细胞碎片或蛋白质E.血细胞溶解碎片或血小板抗体 伴奏 [问答题,简答题]安全带的安全绳破断拉力为多少? 伴奏 [单选]双方目标的达成是一种正向关联的协商是()。A.关联型协商B.双赢型协商C.竞争型协商D.合作型协商 伴奏 [单选]下图所示的100元纸币是票面剩余二分之一至四分之三以下的残缺人民币,金融机构应()向持有人兑换。A、按原面额的一半B、按原面额全额C、按原面额的三分之一D、不予以 伴奏 [单选]带电粒子在某一长度径迹上消耗的能量与该径迹在光电效应中,γ光子()A.通过多次散射失去能量B.失去的能量等于光子能量减去结合能C.失去一半能量D.失去全部能量E.损失的能量与物质密度有关长度之比是() 伴奏 [问答题,简答题]地基破坏型(形)式有哪几种?各有何特点。 伴奏 [填空题]旅客如不能按()的日期车次乘车时,在列车有能力的前提下可以办理一次()乘车签证手续。 伴奏 [单选]铁路平面无线调车A型号调车长台,调车长连续按压两次绿键,信令显示一个绿灯,其显示意义是()。A.起动B.推进C.减速D.五车 伴奏 [单选]在财产保险合同中,保险事故发生后造成被保险人死亡的,保险金请求权由()行使。A.被保险人指定受益人B.投保人指定受益人C.被保险人的债权人D.被保险人的继承人 伴奏 [单选]企业实现财务目标的稳健保证是()。A.偿债能力B.盈利能力C.营运能力D.管理能力 伴奏 [判断题]在单胃家畜饲粮中不必强调维生素B族的供给。()A.正确B.错误 伴奏 [单选,A1型题]医疗机构从业人员违反本规范的,视情节轻重给予处罚,其中不正确的是()A.批评教育、通报批评、取消当年评优评职资格B.卫生行政部门依法给予警告、暂停执业或吊销执业证书C.纪检监察部门按照党纪政纪案件的调查处理程序办理D.缓聘、解职待聘、解聘E.涉嫌犯罪的 伴奏 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于钠泵,描述正确的是().A.从细胞内泵出1个钠离子,泵入1个钾离子B.从细胞内泵出2个钠离子,泵入1个钾离子、泵入1个氢离子C.从细胞内泵入2个钠离子,泵出1个钾离子、泵出1个氢离子D.从细胞内泵出3个钠离子,泵入2个钾离子、泵入1个氢离子E.从细胞 伴奏 [单选]下面关于防火墙的说法,正确的是()。A.防火墙一般由软件以及支持该软件运行的硬件系统构成B.防火墙只能防止未经授权的信息发送到内网C.防火墙能准确地检测出攻击来自哪一台计算机D.防火墙的主要支撑技术是加密技术 伴奏 [单选]水泥稳定基层中,对水泥最主要的技术要求是()。A.终凝时间较长B.强度等级较高C.抗压强度较高D.抗折强度较高 伴奏 [单选]中医学的治疗法则不包括()A.治病求本、扶正祛邪B.整体观念、辨证治疗C.调整阴阳D.调整脏腑功能E.调整气血关系,相因制宜 伴奏 [单选]一般情况分散或小颗粒状夹杂对材料性能的()。A、没有影响B、影响很大C、影响不大D、影响较大 伴奏 [单选,A1型题]决定化学物质毒性大小最主要的因素是()。A.接触途径B.剂量C.接触时间D.接触速率和频率E.接触期限 伴奏 [单选,A1型题]马的初情期年龄是()A.10~15月龄B.6~12月龄C.8~15月龄D.12月龄E.8~10月龄 伴奏 [多选]由予搅拌操作的多种多样,也使搅拌器存在着许多形式,典型的搅拌器形式有()、推进式、锚式、螺杆式等。A.分离式B.桨式C.涡轮式D.框式 伴奏 [单选]欲使剪力(QK出现最大值,均布活荷载的布置应如:()A.B.C.D. 伴奏 [单选]乳腺癌CDFI特点是()。A.无血流信号B.彩色血流不丰富,血管数目少C.彩色血流丰富,呈高速低阻血流D.彩色血流丰富,呈高速高阻血流E.彩色血流不丰富,呈高速低阻血流 伴奏 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]缺铁性贫血治疗最重要的是()A.补充铁剂B.病因治疗C.脾切除D.少量输血E.肌内注射维生素B12 伴奏 [问答题,简答题]计算题:某装置的静密封点总数为21650个,泄漏点数为4个,计算该装置的静密封点泄漏率? 伴奏 [单选]下列各项中,会导致企业资产负债率下降的是()。A.收回应收款项B.计提资产减值准备C.盈余公积转增资本D.接受股东追加投资 伴奏 [问答题]教师违反《教师法》的法律责任是什么? 伴奏 [单选]质量发展是()之道、()之策。A.兴国、强国;B.治国、立国;C.立国、强国。 伴奏 [问答题,简答题]试述制定培训预算的程序。 伴奏 [名词解释]习用品 伴奏 [名词解释]分乘 伴奏 [单选]男孩。6岁。发热、头痛伴呕吐2天入院。体检:T38.9℃,神清,四肢可见散在的出血点,颈抵抗(+),克氏征(+),血WBC16×109/L,中性粒细胞90%,淋巴细胞10%。腰穿脑脊液检查:压力270mmH2O,WBC1600×109/L,多核细胞87%,单核细胞13%,蛋白2.3g/ 伴奏 [单选]纵舱壁、纵围壁以()为理论线。A.基线B.船中心线C.图纸要求 伴奏 [单选]300MW机组的火力发电厂,每台机组直流系统采用控制和动力负荷合并供电方式,设两组220kV阀控蓄电池。蓄电池容量为1800Ah,103只。每组蓄电池供电的经常负荷为60A。均衡充电时不与母线相连。在充电设备参数选择计算中下列哪组数据是不正确的()?A.充电装置额定电流满 伴奏 [单选]建筑高度不超过32m的二类高层建筑应设()楼梯间。A、开敞楼梯间B、敞开楼梯间C、封闭楼梯间D、防烟楼梯间 伴奏 [名词解释]基本社会化 伴奏 [单选]月经周期中,子宫内膜增生期主要是下列哪项激素的作用?()A.绒毛膜促性腺激素B.雌激素C.孕激素D.雄激素E.促性腺激素

[单选,A1型题]具有高等学校医学专科学历,参加执业助理医师资格考试者,应在医疗、预防、保健机构中试用期满()A.6个月B.18个月C.1年D.2年E.3年 [单选]《灵枢.百病始生》认为邪中人出现“洒淅喜惊”,为邪传舍于()。A.经脉B.络脉C.冲脉D.皮肤E.腧穴 [问答题,简答题]裂解气压缩机五段出口冷凝器出口的温度控制指标是多少?过高过低有什么后果? [单选]某电力工程中,直流系统标称电压为110V、2V单体蓄电池浮充电电压为2.23V、均衡充电电压为2.33V、蓄电池放电末期终止电压为1.87V。蓄电池个数选择符合规程要求的是()。A.50只B.51只C.52只D.53只 [单选]下列有关噪声的叙述中,错误的是()。A.当某噪声级与背景噪声级之差很小时,则感到很嘈杂B.噪声影响居民的主要因素与噪声级、噪声的频谱、时间特性和变化情况有关C.由于各人的身心状态不同,对同一噪声级下的反应有相当大的出入D.保证睡眼不受影响,室内噪声级的理想值为3 [单选,A1型题]有关检查胎位的四步触诊法,哪项是错误的()A.用以了解子宫的大小、胎先露、胎方位B.第三步是双手置于耻骨联合上方,弄清先露部是胎头还是胎臀C.第一步是双手置于子宫底部,了解宫高度,井判断是胎头还是胎臀D.第二步是双手分别置于腹部两侧,辨别胎背方向E.第四步双 [单选]压力表的最大量程最好是选用容器工作压力的()倍。A.1.5B.2C.3D.4 [单选]建筑平面图上的尺寸,一般标有三道,最外处为总包尺寸,中间为()尺寸,最里处为细部尺寸。A.结构B.做法C.轴线D.局部 [单选,A2型题]某医师是注册登记的妇产科医师。应一朋友请求,在该医师家中为其做了人工流产手术。该医师可能受到的行政处罚不包括()A.罚款B.没收药品C.吊销执业证书D.赔偿患者损失E.没收违法所得 [单选]旷葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂常见不良反应是()A.低血糖症B.腹胀和腹泻C.下肢浮肿D.乳酸性酸中毒E.充血性心力衰竭 [单选,A1型题]瓜蒂具有的功效是()A.涌吐痰涎,截疟B.涌吐痰食,祛湿退黄C.涌吐痰涎,解毒收湿D.涌吐痰涎,收疮E.涌吐痰食,温肺化饮 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]患者常年发病,发作期打喷嚏、流清涕和鼻黏膜肿胀,无明确的吸入物致敏原线索,有个人过敏性疾病史,变应原皮肤试验有两种阳性,特异性IgE抗体检测阴性,鼻分泌物涂片检查嗜酸性粒细胞阴性。该患者的诊断是()。A.常年性变应性鼻炎B.可疑变应性鼻炎C.非变 [单选]外板以()为理论线。A.板的内缘B.板厚C.板的中心线 [问答题,简答题]过氧乙酸 [问答题,简答题]什么是“抄表段”? [单选]出炉操作力求()A.按计划B.抢时间多出C.无所谓 [填空题]铸件冷却时,在表面和内部、薄壁部位存在冷却速度差,这种速度差导致铸件产生很大的(),是铸件开裂的主要原因 [单选,A1型题]磺酰脲类药物药理作用为()。A.可使电压依赖性钾通道开放B.可促进胰岛素释放而降血糖C.不改变体内胰高血糖素水平D.可使电压依赖性钠通道开放E.能抑制抗利尿激素的分泌 [单选]出境、入境的人员和交通运输工具,必须经对外开放的口岸或者主管机关特许的地点通行,接受检查、监护和管理。()A.边防B.交警C.城管D.国安 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]CT扫描时,球管连续旋转曝光,检查床不停顿单向移动并采集数据的方式是()A.步进扫描B.螺旋扫描C.间隔扫描D.持续扫描E.高速扫描 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]为避免早产儿发生呼吸窘迫综合征,可在分娩前使用()A.尼可刹米B.纳洛酮C.地塞米松D.维生素CE.紫杉醇 [名词解释]初始铅 [单选]最易并发咯血的疾病是()A.支气管扩张B.支气管内异物C.良性支气管瘤D.慢性支气管炎E.支气管哮喘 [单选]当飞机重量增加时,诱导阻力和寄生阻力之间的关系如何变化?()A.寄生阻力的增加要比诱导阻力多B.诱导阻力的增加要比寄生阻力多C.诱导阻力和寄生阻力增加相同 [单选]双务合同与单务合同是以()为标准进行划分的。A.合同当事人双方权利义务的分担方式B.法律上是否规定一定的名称C.是否以交付标的物为成立要件D.合同的成立是否需要特定的形式 [单选]对银行贷款集中度的监管属于()。A.预防性监管B.援救性监管C.事后补救措施D.机构监管 [单选]为了减少和解决女职工在劳动中因()造成的特殊困难,保护女职工健康,制定《女职工劳动保护特别规定》。A、身体状况B、生理特点C、疾病与不适D、性别弱势 [单选]在双子叶植物次生结构中具有细胞分裂能力的结构是()。A、周皮B、韧皮部C、形成层D、木质部 [填空题]农药的施用方法有喷雾法、()、土壤施药法、浇泼法、拌种法、种苗浸渍法、毒饵法、薰蒸法。 [问答题,简答题]增压透平膨胀机组的性能指标? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]糖尿病酮症酸中毒时,不符合的选项是()A.血酮体>4.8mmol/LB.血pH下降C.血HCO下降D.血PCO2降低E.血糖常>33.3mmol/L [单选]对于本身具备可靠性机制的应用层协议,()适用作为传输层协议。A.TCPB.UDPC.ICMPD.HDLC [单选]用来描述球的飞行状况的4个参数分别为击球距离、击球方向、弹道和()。A、回球速度B、击球速度C、弯曲D、球的落点 [问答题,简答题]什么是近交系动物? [填空题]GCr15为滚珠轴承刚,“G”表示(),15表示()。 [单选,A1型题]Meta分析中如果包括重复数据则容易使效应的估计()A.变大B.变小C.无影响D.不确定E.变大还是变小与分析者有关 [单选,A1型题]输血后非溶血性发热反应的最常见原因是()A.输血后感染B.输血导致凝集反应C.过敏反应D.血液中存在致热原E.血型不合 [单选]下列因素中除哪项以外都是肾控制肾素释放的因素().A.血液中的血管紧张素ⅡB.远曲小管中钠的浓度C.肾动脉的灌注压D.肾的胆碱能受体E.肾的肾上腺素能受体 [问答题][综合分析题]张某是某知名软件公司开发部的高级工程师,自1995年进入公司以来,表现十分出色,每每接到任务时总能在规定时间内按要求完成,并时常受到客户的表扬。在项目进行时还常常主动提出建议,调整计划,缩短开发周期,节约开发成本。但在最近的几个月里情况发生了变 [填空题]常用的服装面料有()、()、()、()、()、()。

[单选,案例分析题]某新建电厂装有2×300MW机组,选用一组200V动力用铅酸蓄电池容量2000Ah,二组控制用铅酸蓄电池容量600Ah,蓄电池布置在汽机房层,直流屏布置在汽机房,电缆长28m。直流系统按功能分为控制和动力负荷,说明下列哪项属于控制负荷()?A.电气和热工的控制、信号B. [多选]以下无形资产中可质押的是()A、专利B、商标C、专有技术D、软件著作权E、营销网络 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]检测抗核抗体的最佳实验方法为()。A.ELISAB.免疫印迹C.间接免疫荧光法D.对流免疫电泳E.放射免疫分析 [问答题,案例分析题]郭先生,40岁。车祸导致右上臂损伤半小时。右上臂伤口可见出血。要求:请用填塞止血法及三角巾进行现场急救(使用医学模拟人或模具)。 [单选,A1型题]培训效果评价的三个层次包括()A.过程评价、形成评价、效率评价B.过程评价、形成评价、效应评价C.过程评价、近期效果评价、远期效果评价D.过程评价、结局评价、效应评价E.过程评价、结局评价、效率评价 [填空题]《学校卫生工作条例》所称的学校,是指普通中小学、农业中学、职业中学、中等专业学校、技工学校、()。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下哪项不适用于银屑病的治疗()A.水疗B.中频电C.红外线D.三联疗法E.PUVA疗法 [填空题]“计划、实施、检查、处理”四个阶段的循环过程,简称()循环,最早由美国人戴明提出的。 [单选]由于电子商务的推行,企业的经营活动打破了时间和空间的限制,将会出现一种完全新型的企业组织形式()A.并行企业B.刚性企业C.虚拟企业D.柔性企业 [单选]将充有nmLNO和mmLNO2气体的试管倒立于盛水的水槽中,然后通入nmLO2。m>n,则充分反应后,试管中气体在同温同压下的体积为()。A.(m-n)/3mLB.(n-m)/3mLC.(4m-1)/13mLD.3/(m-n)mL [单选]系统分类法(植物学分类法)是根据植物之间的()进行分类的方法。A、,并会伴有下肢放射痛,屈曲时疼痛缓解,初步怀疑腰椎滑脱,应选择以下哪种检查确诊()A.X线B.CTC.MRID.造影E.穿刺 [单选]妊娠合并心脏病临产产妇,在分娩期最好的体位是()。A.平卧位B.仰卧位C.右侧卧位,上半身抬高D.左侧卧位,上半身抬高E.随意卧位 [单选,A1型题]关于浸润型肺结核的叙述正确的是()A.临床上最常见的类型B.属于非活动性肺结核C.肺门淋巴结结核D.病人常无明显临床症状E.痰中结核菌常为阴性 [单选]钠泵的最重要的意义是()A.维持细胞内高钾B.防止细胞肿胀C.建立势能储备D.消耗多余的ATPE.维持细胞外高钙 [单选]家庭健康护理的主要工作内容不包括()A.家庭各成员的健康B.家庭成员间的相互作用关系C.家庭整体的健康与社区之间的关系D.家庭成员的工作性质E.家庭成员个人的健康观念 [单选]()是指劳工成本指数与所需运输的总重量的比值。A.劳动效率B.劳工效益指数C.劳动生产率D.劳工系数 [问答题,简答题]埃尔托霍乱先后何时传人我国,流行情况如何? [多选]对于露点温度如下说法正确的是:().A、温度升高,露点温度也升高B、相对湿度达到100%时的温度是露点温度C、露点温度下降,绝对湿度下降D、露点温度下降,绝对湿度升高 [单选]根据局部服从总体的原则,地方规划应当服从国家规划,首先保证国家规划的实现,维护国家规划的权威性与()。A.统一性B.宏观性C.远景性D.前瞻性 [单选,A1型题]热射病体温调节中枢失控,下列各项描述错误的是()。A.中心静脉压下降B.心排血量减少C.心功能减退D.体温骤升E.汗腺衰竭 [单选]男性,68岁。患慢性支气管炎和肺气肿10余年,近3d来咳嗽、气急加重,痰稍黄就诊。痰涂片见球状革兰氏阴性小杆菌。其可能病原体是()A.肺炎链球菌B.铜绿假单胞菌C.流感嗜血杆菌D.肺炎克雷白杆菌E.不动杆菌 [问答题,简答题]计算题:装置某班组全年产值4亿元,产量45000吨(已知全年产值预算是3.8亿元),原料费用占全年成本的90%,全年成本3亿元,试计算该班组年实现利润多少?单位成本多少?单位加工费多少?产值完成计划的百分数? [单选]()是用于区分顾客行为和前台员工服务行为的分界线。A、可视分界线B、内部互动分界线C、外部互动分解线D、中间分界线 [问答题,简答题]货运检查主要内容有那些? [单选]关于对以偷拍、偷录、窃听等手段获取侵害他人合法权益的证据材料的相关表述正确的是()。A.可以作为定案的依据,但证明力相对较弱B.不能作为定案的依据C.可以有选择的作为定案的依据D.可以作为定案的依据 [单选]一般来说,寻求与价格之间是()。A.正相关关系B.负相关关系C.没有明显关系D.彼此间存在不确定的影响 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]多层螺旋CT与单层螺旋CT的主要区别是()A.球管数目多B.计算机多C.探测器排数多D.准直器多E.滤线栅多 [填空题]化工管道的涂色。生产中将各种管道涂以各种不同的颜色,可以使人们很容易的辨别判断各种管道中所盛装的不同介质,即方便操作,又易排除故障或处理事故。氨气管涂()。 [单选]某企业生产甲产品,属于可比产品,上年实际平均单位成本为500元,上年实际产量为1500件,本年实际产量为1200件,本年实际平均单位成本为475元,则本年甲产品可比产品成本降低率是A.2%B.5%C.6.5%%D.8% [多选]影响运输市场需求价格弹性的因素()。A.运输供求均衡关系B.潜在运输消费量C.运输需求满足上的可替代性大小D.运输价格占需求者可支配收入的比重E.运输需求者的单位时间价值 [单选]装载作业的时间约占掘进循环总时间的()。A.20%~30%B.30%~40%C.40%~50%D.50%~60% [单选]不属于MEN1的特征性组分的疾病是()。A.甲状腺功能亢进症B.垂体瘤C.胃泌素瘤D.甲状旁腺功能亢进症E.胰岛素瘤 [单选]该病房楼内设有上下层相连通的走廊、敞开楼梯、自动扶梯、传送带等开口部位时,应按上下连通层作为一个防火分区,其允许最大建筑面积之和不应超过《高层民用建筑设计防火规范(2005年版)》(GB50045--1995)的规定。当上下开口部位设有()等分隔设施时,其面积可不叠加计算。 [单选]下列哪项X线表现可提示主动脉瘤()A.纵隔增宽B.与主动脉关系密切的肿块影C.肿块影可见扩张性搏动D.肿块影压迫周围邻近器官产生相应表现E.以上都是 [单选]2009年12月1日,甲公司向乙公司销售一批商品,开出增值税专用发票上注明的销售价格200000元,增值税税额为34000元,该批商品的成本为180000元,商品已发出,款项已收到,协议约定,甲公司应于2010年5月1日将所售商品购回,回购价为220000元(不含增值税税额)假定不考虑其他因 [单选]男,10月,体重7.5kg,腹泻6天,中度脱水并酸中毒,脱水纠正后突发惊厥,先考虑()A.低血镁B.低血钠C.低血钙D.碱中毒E.高血钠 [单选]利用浮标导航,下列哪些方法可判断本船是否行驶在航道内或计划航线上()。A.查看前后浮标法B.前标舷角变化法C.舷角航程法D.以上都是 [单选,A1型题]利用激光照射治疗肿瘤及脉络膜新生血管时,可以利用激光的()A.强电场效应B.弱刺激效应C.光化学效应D.压强效应E.免疫效应 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]最适宜用于鉴别慢性粒细胞白血病与类白血病反应的细胞化学染色是()A.过氧化物酶B.糖原C.酸性磷酸酶D.碱性磷酸酶E.血清溶菌酶

Unit 15 DestinationsⅠ.Brief Statements Based on the Unit 背景知识介绍More and more people like going on a trip to a faraway destination with the development of society.But before we start,we should know more about the destination we have chosen.This unit is arranged about the central topic—Destinations.In Warming up,teacher will ask students to talk about the routes and more places in the world,improving the students’geography know ledge.In studying the reading material “Destinations”,the students will know more sights in the world and other things with the help of the teacher.By studying this unit,students will also know that finding out more about the destination is not only a good way to save money and avoid problems,it can also be a lot of fun.As to Grammar—Non-finite Verbs,a number of exercises are arranged.After doing them,students will master some knowledge of the Infinitive,the v.-ing and the Past Participle,and know how to use them.1.How to plan Your TripPeople are always telling us that“getting there is half the fun”.But is it true?Is it always true?Of course,we can all remember many enjoyable trips we have taken.But haven’t we all taken a trip that wasn’t fun at all?Can we ever forget the time when we just wanted to come home?The fact is,some people who travel for pleasure get no pleasure from it at all.Others,who travel because they must travel,have a lot of fun doing it.What makes one trip more enjoyable than another?The answer is planning.Any trip can be enjoyable if it is well planned.Every minute that you spend planning your trip may save you ten minutes of trouble during your trip.It may also add an hour of pleasure!MoneyBefore you take any trip,the first question to ask yourself is:How much can I spend?When you decide on a figure,write it down.Now you can decide where,when,and how to go.At home,you can find out what it costs to travel anywhere in the world.Just pick up the phone and call a travel agent(旅行社).In Season(旅游旺季),Off Season(旅游淡季)Many resorts(旅游胜地) nd cities around the world are popular during some months of the year and less popular during other months.Find out if the places you are visiting have an “in”season and“off”season.This may help you to decide when you want to go.There are some very good reasons to travel during the off ually everything is much cheaper.It is also less crowded,of course.If you don’t have a lot of money—or if you don’t like crowds of tourists(游客)—go in the off season.Some places are not as exciting during the off season.The weather may be too cold or too hot.The beaches may be closed.Hotels and restaurants(餐馆) ay be shut.Be sure to find out before you go.Passports(护照),Visas(签证) nd Health Certificates(健康证明)It is not hard to get a passport,but you should ask for one a few months before you begin your journey.To get one you must have your birth certificate or another legal document(合法文件) o prove that you are a citizen(公民).Sometimes you need a visa to visit a country.If a visa is necessary,you can ask for one at the country’s embassy(大使馆).Sometimes getting a visa takes many months,so it is very important to plan early.The same is true for health certificates.For this information it is a good idea to call or write the embassies.You may also get a lot of other useful information from them.Now that you have planned your trip,you are ready to take it.Should you expect any surprise?Of course you should.Let’s just hope they’re pleasant ones!2.Future Travel:TeleportationScience has changed the way we live and the way we think.New inventions and discoveries have made it possible for us to think about the world in new ways.The means of transportation—bikes,cars,airplanes—we use today are good examples.They are based on the idea that transportation means moving something from one place to another—on a bike,in a car or by plane.This takes time,of course,and we can only travel as fast as the laws of physics allow.It will be difficult to travel much faster than today’s airplanes and to travel very far,such as to the stars or to other planets.Now,scientists believe that we might be able to send things from one place to another without actually moving them through space.This sounds strange,but a new way of transportation may become possible in the future.Teleportation is a combination of sending information through telephones or the Internet and transportation.With normal transportation,for example by car or plane,a person or thing is moved from point A to point B.With teleportation,a person or thing is taken apart at point A and put together again at point B.If teleportation becomes possible,we may be able to travel faster and farther than we could ever imagine.In the 1990s,scientists discovered that teleportation was possible.Experiments showed that teleportation could be done,but the thing being teleported was destroyed on the way.So far,scientists have only been able to teleport photons—particles(粒子) hat carry light—and laser beams(激光).What about teleportation of human beings?Teleporting a human being would be very difficult since there are so many parts in a human body.Even the smallest mistake could cause serious problems with the person’s mind or body.There is still a long way from being able to use teleportation to move human beings,but what we used to think was impossible does now seem possible.What we know and what we imagine often work together:the more we know,the more we can imagine,and the more we imagine,the more we can learn.Science is the tool that we use to make our dreams become real and to build a new world with our ideas.Unit 15 DestinationsThe First PeriodTeaching Procedures: 教学步骤Step ⅠGreetings and Lead-in 引入T:Hello,everyone.Ss:Hello,teacher.T:Sit down,please.First I want to ask you a simple question:what would you like to do most during holidays?Ss:Traveling/Reading books/Watching TV…T:Yes.Most of you like traveling.Where have you been to?Ss:Beijing/Shanghai/Qingdao/Harbin…T:Is there anybody who has been to a foreign country for travel?Ss:No.T:Do you hope to travel around the world?Ss:Yes,of course.T:Then you must know some famous cities in the world.Tell me their names,please.Ss:Paris,Moscow,Sydney,San Francisco,Berlin…T:Oh.So many!And they are all world-famous travel destinations.Today,we’ll begin to learn Unit 15 Destinations.(Bb:Unit 15 Destinations)It’s a good chance to talk about travel and cities.Are you interested?Ss:Yes.T:First let’s learn some new words for this period.(Teacher shows the following words on the screen and asks one student to read them.Then ask the whole伊拉克meksik☜n.墨西哥gri:nl☜nd/ n.格陵兰lain/ n.航空公司k✈mf☜t☜bl/dnd☜l✈st/ n.漫游癖Step ⅡWarming up 热身T:OK.Now please open your books at Page 33 and look at the first part—Warming up.Imagine that you are offered a free ticket that lets you travel around the world and make five stops along the way.Can you follow me?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Now,please work in pairs to tell each other where would you go and why.At the same time,draw your flight line in the box on the right and mark the cities you want to visit on the map.A few minutes later,I’ll ask some students to talk about your travel plan.Is everything clear?Ss:Yes.(The students begin to work.Teacher goes among the class to see their work.At the end,teacher asks some students to talk about their plans.)Step ⅢListening 听力T:Now,let’s come to the second part—Listening.First,look at the following pictures taken of some foreign cities.Look at the first picture taken of Greece.What part of Greece do you think the picture shows?Any volunteer?S1:I think it is the Egean Sea that the picture shows.T:Then look at the second picture taken of Iraq.What can you see in it?S2:……(Teacher and the students talk about the pictures briefly.After that,teacher says the following.)T:OK.Now,let’s listen to the tape and do some exercises.The first time I play the tape,just listen to get the general idea.The second time,write down the answers.If there is difficulty in writing down the answers,I’ll play it again.At the end,we’ll check the answers together.Is that clear?Ss:Yes.(Teacher begins to play the tape.)Step ⅣSpeaking 对话T:We’ve talked a lot about travel and cities.However,while you are traveling,you may come across some problems unexpectedly,which could take place in the airline,the hotel or the restaurant.Can you guess what problems would occur?Ss:Luggage is lost./The plane is late./The food is terrible…T:What shall we do if we come across such problems?Ss:Go to the manager and complain to him/her of the problems.T:How do you think he/she will deal with the problems?Ss:First,he/she may explain,apologize or argue.Then/he/she will do something about the problems.T:Yes.If I were the manager,I would do like that as I see fit.Do you understand “see fit”?Ss:No.T:“See fit”means “consider it correct,convenient or acceptable.”We can also use“think fit”to express the same meaning.For example,“Do as you think fit.”Do you understand?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Now,please look at the last part—Speaking.Here are three situations about problems with services given to you.First,read the situations.Then choose one of them to act it out with your partner according to the role cards.Besides,don’t forget to study the useful expressions below the role cards and use them in your dialogue if possible.Is everything clear?Ss:Yes.T:Well.Begin your work now.A few minutes later,I’ll ask some pairs to act out your dialogues before class.A sample dialogue:Student A:Manager Student B:GuestA:How do you feel to live in our hotel?B:On the whole,not so bad,but the room I am living in faces a noisy street,and I’m a light sleeper,so it is impossible for me to fall asleep.Could you please do something about it?A:I’m so sorry.I’ll make an arrangement for you as soon as possible.Anything else?B:I hate to have to say this,but the bed in my room makes me feel uncomfortable.A:That’s too bad.I’ll settle this problem at once.B:It’s very kind of you.Oh,by the way,would you please send someone to have a check on the supply of the hot water?There is no hot water at all.A:I see.I’ll do that.Step ⅤSummary and Homework 作业T:Thank you for your wonderful performance.Now,let’s see what we’ve done in this class.First,we’ve talked about travel and cities.Second,we’ve practised listening.Third,we’ve talked about problems with services one may come across while travelling and practised making complaints.Of course,we’ve learned some useful expressions,such as “I’m sorry to say…”,“I hate to have to say this,but…”,“Could you do something about…?”…(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.)After class,practise them more and preview the next part—Reading.That’s all for today.See you.The Second PeriodTeaching Procedures: 教学步骤Step ⅠGreetings 问候Greet the whole class as usual.Step ⅡRevision and Pre-reading 复习T:Yesterday,we talked much about travel and cities.We know there are many big cities worth visiting in the world.Can you tell me what a tourist needs to know about the chosen destination before going there?Ss:Climate,food,transportation,attractions and so on.T:Quite right.All of them are very important for a tourist to travel happily.Now,imagine that a person from another country is going to visit your town for the first time.He or she has asked you to tell him or her about the important things a tourist needs to know.Can you follow me?Ss:Yes.T:Well,here’s a chart on the screen.First,use it to make an outline of what you would tell him or her.Then show your outline to your partner and explain what you have chosen and why.Is everything clear?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Begin your work.(Teacher goes among the students to see how they are going on with the work.A few minutes later,teacher asks some students to talk about their outline.)Step ⅢPresentation for Reading 阅读呈现T:Today we’re going to read a passage “Destinations”.It will lead us to two world-famous resorts—Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel.First I’ll show you a travel programme about Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel.Watch it and listen to the explanations carefully.(Teacher plays the teaching CD for the students.After that,teacher says the following.)T:How do you like Rio de Janeiro?Ss:It’s amazing/attractive/wonderful/beautiful/exciting…T:I agree with you.Well,now let’s learn some new words.Look at the screen.(Teacher shows the words on the screen and deals with them with brief explanations.Then ask them to read for a while.)Step ⅣReadingT:OK.Now please read the text quickly and find the answers to the questions on the screen.(A few minutes later,teacher checks the answers.)T:OK,everyone.Have you found the answers?Ss:Yes.T:Who’d like to answer the first question?Any volunteer?S1:Rio de Janeiro is famous for its modern malls,theme parks and beautiful beaches.T:Right.Sit down,please.The second one.S2:“Cariocas”means the people of Rio de Janeiro.T:Good.Sit down,please.The last one.S3:People visit Kitzbuhel because it is a world-class ski resort,a paradise for skiers.T:Well done.Now,please re-read the text carefully and further understand it.Pay special attention to thedifficulty in explaining them,please ask me.You can begin now.(A few minutes later,teacher begins to check the answers.)T:OK,everyone.Are you ready now?Ss:Yes.T:Li Dong,can you explain the first sentence?S4:Yes.It means that Kitzbuhel is a wonderful place for people who ski.T:…S:…Suggested answers:2.Walking through downtown can help to learn about the history of Rio from what you see.3.A lively mix of old village culture and excitement of an international tourist area.4.If you should have enough energy left,…Step ⅤLanguage Study 语言学习T:Well,you’ve been familiar with the passage.Let’s learn some useful phrases.Please look at the screen and do the exercise.(Teacher allows the students enough time to prepare first.Then check the answers with the whole class and write the phrases on the blackboard.)Suggested answers:1.got tired of2.itch for3.Every now and then4.cool off5.work out6.take a dipStep ⅥListening and Reading Aloud 听读T:Now,I’ll play the tape for you.First,listen and repeat,paying attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.Then read it aloud for a while.Step ⅦConsolidationT:OK,everyone.Stop reading.Look at the third exercise in e the cards to decide where you would like to go according to the information from the text.Rio de Janeiro or Kitzbuhel?Make your decision and explain to your partner why you have chosen this destination.Is everything clear?T:Who’d like to be the first to talk about your decision?Any volunteer?S5:I’d like to go to Rio de Janeiro for a travel.First,I’m interested in the foreign countries’ history and culture.Downtown Rio is the city’s cultural and historical heart.Second,it’s convenient to enjoy the sand and sun on Copacabana,which is not far from downtown.Third,one of the world’s festivals—Carnival is also attractive.T:Wonderful.Who’d like to talk about Kitzbuhel?S6:I’d prefer to go to Kitzbuhel.First,I like adventure.Second,I’m interested in skiing.Third,it has different scenery from what other places have.I think it is not only a paradise for skiers,but also for young people.Step ⅧSummary and Homework 作业1、阅读课文2、完成课后练习The Third PeriodTeaching Procedures: 教学步骤Step ⅠGreetings 问候Greet the whole class as usual.Step ⅡRevision and Word Study 复习T:Yesterday,we read the text about Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel.Do you still remember something about them?Ss:Yes.T:Well,now please look at the statements on the screen and tell whether they are true or false according to the text.If they’re false,correct them.True:1,4,6False:2.far→only a few bus stops3.March→June or July;June or July→March5.Rio de Janeiro→Kitzbuhel7.twice→onceT:Well done.Besides,we’ve learnt some useful words in the text.Have you really mastered them?Please open your books at Page 37.Look at the first part of Language Study—Word Study.Let’s do Exercise 1 first.Fill in the blanks with words from the text.You’re given three minutes to do it.Then check your answers with your partner.At the end,I’ll collect the right answers from you.See what I mean.Ss:Yes.Suggested answers:1.altitude2.avenue3.reminds4.feast5.dipT:Well done.Next,let’s do Exercise 2.Read and understand the following passage carefully to see if thereis a mistake in each line.If there is,find it and correct it.You can begin now.Five minutes later,I’ll check your answers.Suggested answers:1.bring→brought2.construction→constructions3.it’s→its4.√5.returns→returned6.visit→visitors7.Much→Many8.√Step ⅢRevision of Grammar 语法T:OK.So much for Word Study.Let’s revise the Grammar—Non-finite Verbs.Look at the sentences on the screen.S1:“to do”is used as Predicative in both of them.T:You are right.Sit down,please.Are there any other function of “to do”?And what functions?Ss:Yes.Subject,Object,Object Complement,Attribute and Adverbial.T:Quite right.Yang Xia,what about “-ing”?S2:In these three sentences,“-ing”is separately used as Object,Attribute and Adverbial.T:Do you agree with her?And do you know some other functions?Ss:Yes.Subject,Predicative and Object Complement.T:Very good.Shi Hui,the last pair.S3:“-ed”is used as Adverbial in both sentences.Besides,it can be used as Predicative,Object Complement and Attribute.T:Well done.Sit down,please.Step ⅣPracticeT:Next,let’s do some exercises.Look at the sentences on the screen and point out the function of the “-ing”form in each sentence.Suggested answers:1.Subject,Predicative2.Attribute3.Object Complement4.Adverbial5.Adverbial6.Subject7.Object 8.AdverbialT:Well done.Now,please open your books at Page 38 and do Exercise 2.First,do it by yourself after learning the examples.Then,check the answers with your partner.At the end,I’ll collect your right answers.Suggested answers:1.Being very brave,he went into the cave alone to look for his friend.2.Being quite ill,she could not visit her friend in England.3.Being an experienced traveller,he knows how to plan a trip.4.The girls attending the sick all come from the countryside.5.When hearing the music,he began to miss his hometown.6.Seeing the flame on top of the mountain,they knew that another war would begin soon.7.When driving to the airport,he hit a boy on a bike.8.Having got married,he lived separately from his parents.T:You did a good job.Now,please look at the two groups of words on the blackboard.(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard:-ed:interested,surprised,moved,tired,bored,encouraged,frightened,amazed,disappointed,worried,etc.-ing:interesting,surprising,moving,tiring,boring,encouraging,frightening,amazing,disappointing,worrying,etc.)T:Can you tell the different usages of these two groups of words?Any volunteer?S4:Yes.I can.We use the first group of words to say how we feel about something and use the second group of words to talk about the person or thing that makes us feel interested,surprised,etc.T:You are right.Sit down,please.Both of the two groups are used like Adjectives to refer to a state or a quality,not an action.Do you agree with me?(Teacher writes two incompleted sentences on the blackboard again.It is important______us to learn English well.It is clever______you not to tell him the news.)T:Now,look at this pair of sentences and fill in the blanks.Yao Yue,you try,please.S5:The first one is“for”;the second one is“of”.T:Can you explain why?S6:The first sentence talks about something people do;the second sentence talks about people who do something.T:How do you know what the sentences talk about?S5:According to the adjectives as Predictive in the sentences,such as important and clever.T:Quite right.Thank you.Now,please look at the screen and do the exercise on it.(Teacher shows the following on the screen and allows the students enough time to prepare.At the1.tiring→tired2.waiting→wait3.unboiling→unboiled4.interesting→interested5.tired→tiring6.of→forStep ⅤSummary and Homework 作业T:In this class,we’ve reviewed the new words in the text.In addition,we’ve revised Non-finite Verbs(1)—-ing,-ed and to do,especially,we’ve done a lot of practice to master the usages of them.After class,do more practice.The more you practise,the better you will master them.That’s all for today.See you next time.The Fourth PeriodTeaching Procedures: 教学步骤Step ⅠGreetings 问候Greet the whole class as usual.Step ⅡRevision and Lead-in 复习引入T:Yesterday,we reviewed the use of Non-finitive Verbs—to do,-ing,-ed.Now,let’s do an exercise to see if you have really mastered them.Look at the screen.class.)Suggested answers:1.for you to decide where to go2.of you not to give up the opportunity to go abroad for further education3.Not finding his passport4.Given better attention5.Influenced by his example6.Seeing those picturesT:Besides,we’ve learnt a lot of words to describe an international trip in this unit.Which words in the text can help you describe an international trip?Ss:Beautiful/modern/cultural/historical/perfect/attractive/paradise/breath-taking scenery /a world-class resort/challenging and exciting/a feast for eyes…(Bb:beautiful…)T:Yes,so many.Today,we’re going to read another passage about travel.It will provide you some useful travel tips and practical advice.First,let’s learn the new words in this period.(Teacher shows the following on the screen and deals with the words as usual.)Step ⅢReadingT:Well.Now please open your books at Page 38.Read each paragraph quickly and try to find out what tips and advice the writer gives us.See what I mean?Ss:Yes.(The students begin to read.A few minutes later,teacher begins to check their understanding of the text.) T:OK,everyone.Are you ready now?Ss:Yes.T:Now,I’ll collect the tips and advice the writer gives us.One student,one tip or one piece of advice,OK?Ss:OK.T:Who’d like to be the first?S1:Find out more about the destination you have chosen before you go to save money and avoid problems.S2:Consider when and how you want to travel and you’d better ask travel agents for help.S3:Bring some cash besides credit cards.S4:Keep your passport and money in a safe place and make photocopies of all important documents before you leave.S5:Buy foreign currency at home.If you must exchange money during your vacation,do it in banks not on the street or with strangers.S6:Plan a pleasant,interesting and comfortable trip.Travel light if possible.T:Very good.Thank you,boys and girls.Now,please re-read it carefully and further understand it.Then work in pairs to finish the Exercises 1~3 after the text.(The students begin to re-read.Several minutes later,teacher checks the answers.)Suggested answers:1.save money and avoid problems2.experienced3.travel with as little luggage as possibleStep Ⅳ.Listening and Reading Aloud 听读T:Very good.You’ve understood the text exactly.Now,I’ll play the tape for you.First,listen and repeat,paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Then read it aloud for a while.Step ⅤConsolidation 巩固练习T:OK,everyone.Stop reading.Now you’ve been very familiar with the text.Here is a question for you to discuss.Listen carefully!Which travel tip do you think is the most useful?And why?Are you clear about that?Ss:Yes.T:Work in groups of four and discuss for a few minutes.Then I’ll ask some students to say your opinions.You can begin now.(A few minutes later.)T:OK.Are you ready now?Ss:Yes.T:Who’d like to be the first to talk about your opinions?Any volunteer?S1:I think the tip about money is the most useful.It reminds travellers of avoiding bringing too much money.Instead,credit cards could be a better choice.In particular,travellers should not forget to have all important documents photo copied before leaving in case you might lose them.S2:I think planning and packing is the most useful.For any thing,well-prepared is half of success.You’d better plan it in advance in order to avoid problems and save money or time.S3:…Step ⅥWriting 写作T:Well,in order to have a pleasant and interesting trip,you’d better have the tips and advice in mind.Now,please read the travel brochure in writing quickly and find out what information it describes.(The students begin to read it quickly and answer the teacher’s question as soon as they finish reading it.) Ss:It describes transport,accommodation,attractions and activities for travelling to Thailand.(Bb:…) T:Quite right.Now you’ve known how to write a travel brochure.Work in pairs.Choose your favourite destination and write a travel brochure in which you describe the place,suggest activities and provide travel tips.Can you follow me?Ss:Yes.T:When you finish your brochure,show it to the rest of the class and try to persuade them to visit your destination.Is everything clear?Ss:Yes.(The students begin to work.Teacher may give them advice to help them write a good travel brochure while going among the students.)Step ⅦSummary and Homework 作业T:In this class,we’ve not only got some travel experience by reading the travel tips and the practical advice,but also learnt how to write a descriptive essay like a brochure.After class,please review what we’ve learnt in this class and preview the next unit.That’s all for today.See you next time.Ss:See you next time.Period Five Background knowledge and Note to the unitⅠ.异域风情The African ancestors of today’s black Americans were brought to the US as slaves in the seventeenth,eighteenth,and nineteenth centuries.They worked on farms,especially the large farms in the southern states.Slowly they became a necessary part of the economic system of the South.Slaves did not have the rights of people;according to the law,they were a “thing”which belonged to the person who bought them.They had to obey the orders of their owners without questions.They were not allowed to learn to read;their owners feared the educated slaves would begin to think about the injustice of the system and would learn to struggle for their freedom.Slaves had to work long hours in every unhealthy conditions.Their owners had complete power over them.They could be bought and sold like animals.At the slave markets,black children were separated from their parents and never allowed to see them again.Slave owners had the right to punish the slaves who broke the law or was against the system.Slaves were often beaten or even killed by their owners.After the Civil War,one free slave reported that his owner killed an older slave who was teaching him to read.In theory an owner who treated a slave badly could be punished.In practice,however,the law meant nothing.Opposition to slavery began very early in the history of the US—in 1671—but little progress was made until the beginning of the nineteenth century.By 1804 slavery was illegal in the northern states.But it continued,and even grew,in the southern states,which depended on cotton for their economic wealth.Slavery ended in the South only after the Civil War.For blacks,however,the end of slavery was only a beginning,the late beginning of a long and difficult struggle for true justice.Ⅱ.知识归纳1.在英语中,do,have,make,take这四个动词,加上名词作宾语(名词前可有形容词)构成词组,可以表达许多不同含义,其意义相当于在名词前加上一个相关动词,现分述如下:(1)do+名词e.g.Mary has done (=has written) an article.玛丽写了一篇文章。
高二英语教案:高二英语下学期unit 15a

Teaching planSEFC Book 2BUnit 15 DestinationsThe third period ReadingSubject: English Teacher: Yao HaiyanClass: Class two Grade one Time: Oct.7.2007I. Learning aims:1. Learn and master the following words and expressions:every now and then, phenomenon, downtown, commercial, get tired of, avenue, altitude, breath-taking, downhill, inexpensive, feast, dip, gym,2. Train the students’ reading ability.3. Train the Ss to learn how to introduce a place of interest to guests with the target language in this unit, preparing for their writing skills.II. Teaching important points1. Learn to use the following useful phrases:every now and then, get tired of, cool off, itch for, take a dip, work out2. Train the students’ reading ab ility.III. Teaching difficult points:How to help the students understand the text exactly, especially the following sentences:1. A walk through downtown is a history lesson.2. Kitzbuhel is a paradise for skiers.3. a feast for the eyes.4.…Should you have enough money left after a day…,you can…IV.Teaching Methods:1. fasting-reading Method,task-based Method, pair-workV.Teaching Aids:a projector and some slidesVI. Teaching Procedures:Step1 GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step2 Lead-inUse some beautiful picture of spring to lead in this unitWhich place in China do you most want to go?Today we’v e going to read a passage “Destinations”.It will lead us to two world-famous resorts—Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel. First I’ll sho w you some pictures about Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel.Step3 Fast readingQ1: Of the two places introduced, which is a summer resort to us, and which is a winter resort?Q2: What is Carnival in Rio de Janeiro?Q3: Where is Alps?Let the Ss look through some beautiful pictures about textStep 4 Careful readingPara 2-3Location:People:Cariocas: Places worth visiting:Para 4-5Q1: Which of the following is true?A. Copacabana is close to a century old.B. All beaches are not far away from downtown Rio.C. To take a bus back to downtown Rio is not a good idea after a long time in the sun on the beach of Princess of the SeaQ2: The best time to visit Rio de Janeiro is _______.___is also good because of ____.A. in June and July because it is the summer time in Rio; March; CarnivalB. in June and July because it is winter in Rio; March; a festival in celebration of the sun.C. in June and July because it is cold in Rio; March; a famous festivalPara 6-8Q1: What can tourists do in Kitzbuhel?Q2: What kind of place is Kitzbuhel?Step5 True or false1. Rio de Janeiro is the largest city in Brazil. ( )2. Copacabana is far away from the downtown. ( )3. The biggest tourism season comes around march. ( )4. The carnival lasts for three days. ( )5. The world’s best and fastest skiers gather in Kitzbuhel twice a yearto have a competition. ( )6. Although I can’t ski, I can still enjoy myself in Kitzbuhel.( )7. A walk around Kitzbuhel is a feast for eyes. ( )Step6 Post-readingEx.2 Work in pairs and try to explain what the phrases or sentences below mean1. Kitzbuel is a paradise for skiers.2. a walk through downtown Rio is a history lesson3. a feast for the eyes4. …should you have enough energy leftStep 7 Summary and homework1. Read the passage and understand the text further.2. Compare your choices and the choices made by the writer of the text. What are some similarities and differences?3. Finish Exx in Practising on P37.SEFC Book 2BUnit 15 DestinationsThe third period Reading泾川一中姚海雁PART 1 Understanding of the teaching materialSTATUS AND FUNCTION1. Because this is a reading material about Destinations. It can be regarded as an intensive reading. Besides, this reading material applies the skill to describe, so it can be treated as an expository writing .2. For this period is reading class, teaching the students the reading skills are very important, it makes them easier to understand the destinations--- Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel, especially their local feature, and local conditions and customs to increase culture consciousness. TEACHING AIMS AND DEMANDSKnowledge objects1. Enable the Ss to master the new words of this unit and the skills how to analyze the long sentences in the passage.2. Enable the Ss to learn how to introduce a place of interest to guests with the target language in this unit.3. To cultivate the Ss’culture conscious and promote culture communicationAbility objects1. Train them with some effective learning methods to optimize the students' learning results.2. Train the Ss to learn how to introduce a place of interest to guests with the target language in this unit, preparing for their writing skills.TEACHING AIDS:A projector and some slidesTEACHING KEY POINTS1. The usage of important words and phrases learnt in the textevery now and then, get tired of, cool off, itch for, take a dip, work out , etc..2. How to understand the text better with the help of teacher by giving some effective teaching methods.TEACHING DIFFICULTIES1. how to understand the text better.2. how to apply the writing skill or the structure to real composition.PART 2 Teaching Methods1. fasting-reading Method2. task-based Method.3. pair-workPART 3 Studying Ways1. Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.2. Teach the Ss how to master the effective reading skills to understand the text better.3. Learn and master the following:every now and then, get tired of, cool off, itch for, take a dip, work outPART 4 Teaching ProcedureStep 1 Lead-in1. Use some beautiful picture of spring lead in this unit2. Which place in China do you most want to go?3. Introduce two resorts to the Ss. Then tell them they will learn about Destination--- Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel.Step 2 Fast-readingQ1: Of the two places introduced, which is a summer resort to us, and which is a winter resort?Q2: What is Carnival in Rio de Janeiro?Q3: Where is Alps?S tep 3 Careful readingPara 2-3Location: People:Cariocas: Places worth visiting:Para 4-5Q1: Which of the following is true?A. Copacabana is close to a century old.B. All beaches are not far away from downtown Rio.C. To take a bus back to downtown Rio is not a good idea after a long time in the sun on the beach of Princess of the SeaQ2: The best time to visit Rio de Janeiro is _______.___is also good because of ____.A. in June and July because it is the summer time in Rio; March; CarnivalB. in June and July because it is winter in Rio; March; a festival in celebration of the sun.C. in June and July because it is cold in Rio; March; a famous festivalPara 6-8Q1: What can tourists do in Kitzbuhel?Q2: What kind of place is Kitzbuhel?Step4 True or false1. Rio de Janeiro is the largest city in Brazil. ( )2. Copacabana is far away from the downtown. ( )3. The biggest tourism season comes around march. ( )4. The carnival lasts for three days. ( )5. The world’s best and fastest skie rs gather in Kitzbuhel twice a yearto have a competition. ( )6. Although I can’t ski, I can still enjoy myself in Kitzbuhel.( )7. A walk around Kitzbuhel is a feast for eyes. ( )Step 5. Post-readingAsk Ss to read the passage carefully again and make it clear some beautiful sentences.Ex.2 Work in pairs and try to explain what the phrases or sentences below mean1. Kitzbuel is a paradise for skiers.2. a walk through downtown Rio is a history lesson3. a feast for the eyes4. …should you have enough energy leftStep 6 Homework :1. Read the passage and understand the text further.2. Finish Exx in Practising on P37.3. Compare your choices and the choices made by the writer of the text. What are some similarities and differences?PART 5 CommentsTeachers should employ proper teaching methods and techniques to satisfy their needs. They are in great need of instructions on how to be successful language learners. Teachers should train them with some effective learning strategies to optimize their learning results.My lesson plan is designed on the basis of these two principles. The questions in my teaching plan are raised for the purpose of arousing the students' interests and aimed to help the students to concentrate on the understanding of the passage.To know the meaning of the language points is the basis of understanding the passage, in order to solve this problem, the students are required to consult the dictionary to get the meaning of each new words before the class. After getting a whole understanding of the text, they should present their answers before the class. It is intended to cultivate their learning ability by themselves and how to use the dictionary effectively. I show some important sentences on the screen, and also design some exercises for them to do.This text is a brief introduction to Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel. It involves their culture, local feature, and local conditions and customs ,geography and their people. They are of a great help to the students. Once they acknowledge the features of the society and the culture, it will improve their reading ability. And train the Ss to learn how to introduce a place of interest to guests with the target language in this unit, preparing for their writing skills. But it is impossible to teach all the aspects of Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel in one or two lessons, so I encourage students to surf the Internet and find some reference books in school library. They must learn knowledge by themselves.。

货物在舱内垂向移动时,不变。A.船舶排水量B.KMC.KBD.A、B、C均是 化学发光酶免疫分析的反应中,对鲁米诺起催化作用的酶是A.HRPB.ALPC.AHPPDD.PR3E.β-Gal 男性,65岁。慢性发作性咳嗽、咳痰20余年,近年来动则气急。患者要求明确有无肺气肿。体检时下列哪项体征最有帮助A.肋间隙增宽B.辅助肌参与呼吸运动C.桶状胸和肺下界降低、移动度变小D.心脏相对浊音界缩小E.叩诊过清音 下列各项,不会引起舌象生理变异的是。A.年龄因素B.呕吐腹泻C.禀赋体质D.性别因素E.气候变化 设施从可用状态改变到不可用状态,计为第一类非计划停运。 某施工单位在安全生产许可证有效期内,共发生两起安全事故,重伤1人,轻伤3人。根据《条例》,说法错误的是()。A.安全生产许可证有效期3年B.该施工单位申请办理安全生产许可证延期手续时,发证机关可以不审查其安全生产条件C.若施工单位发生死亡事故,发证机关应及时吊销其安全生 男,20岁,因重度哮喘发作住院治疗缓解,出院后推荐其长期使用的药物是。A.抗生素B.强的松C.开瑞坦D.吸入激素E.β2受体激动剂 ABC会计师事务所为防止同一主任会计师或者经授权签字的注册会计师,由于长期执行某一被审计单位的鉴证业务可能对独立性产生不利影响,应当制定政策和程序,将由于关系密切造成的产生不利影响降至可接受的低水平。A.对所有实体财务报表审计,按照国家有关规定定期轮换项目合伙人B. 下列不属于国有土地租赁权人的权利。A.承租土地使用权可以转租、转让和抵押B.国有土地租赁权人有优先受让权C.承租土地提前收回,可以获得合理补偿D.可以随意随时终止租约 医疗机构从业人员违反本规范的,视情节轻重给予处罚,其中不正确的是A.批评教育、通报批评、取消当年评优评职资格B.卫生行政部门依法给予警告、暂停执业或吊销执业证书C.纪检监察部门按照党纪政纪案件的调查处理程序办理D.缓聘、解职待聘、解聘E.涉嫌犯罪的,移送司法机关依法处理 小儿急性上呼吸道感染最常见的病原体是。A.细菌B.病毒C.支原体D.衣原体E.真菌 下列关于高褶虹膜型青光眼,不正确的是A.高褶虹膜的特征是虹膜平坦,房角窄、较短B.女性患者较多,常有闭角型青光眼家族史C.如房角粘连较少,可施行激光周边虹膜切除加周边虹膜成形术D.在单纯周边虹膜切除术后,瞳孔扩大仍会发生房角关闭、眼压升高E.中央前房较浅 下列哪项不符合髓外硬脊膜内肿瘤的临床表现A.根性痛常是首发症状B.脊髓损害常自一侧开始C.感觉障碍呈上行性进展D.尿便障碍较早出现E.椎管梗阻程度较重 以下不属于资产配置需要考虑的因素是。A.投资期限B.税收考虑C.影响投资者风险承受能力和收益需求的各项因素D.影响各类资产的风险收益状况以及相关关系的宏观市场环境因素 高钾血症时出现心律失常,首先采用A.10%葡萄糖酸钙B.5%碳酸氢钠C.10%氯化钾D.10%葡萄糖加胰岛素E.阳离子交换树脂 患者男,58岁,因“上腹不适,偶伴疼痛6个月,进食不畅2个月”来诊。近15d只能进流食,3个月内体重减轻7kg。既往史无特殊。查体:T36.3℃,P80次/min,R22次/min,BP85/130mmHg;ECOG=1;浅表淋巴结无肿大;双肺无异常,HR80次/min,律齐;腹部未触及肿物,无压痛。可以选择的治 儿童及青少年患者长期应用抗癫痫药物苯妥英钠时,易发生的副作用是()A.嗜睡B.齿龈增生C.心动过速D.过敏E.记忆力减退 羊膜腔穿刺一般不得超过几次A.1B.2C.3D.4E.5 白口铸铁组织中存在着共晶莱试体,因此A、切削性好B、硬而脆C、塑性好D、减磨性好 肥料分几种?大量元素是什么? 在管道施工图中,“YA”代表管。A.气B.折断C.氩气D.氧气 少尿是指24小时尿量少于A.800mlB.600mlC.400mlD.200mlE.100ml 下列哪项是诊断钩端螺旋体病的血清学检查方法A.肥达试验B.外斐反应C.补体结合试验D.显微镜凝集溶解试验E.红细胞溶解试验 患者,女性,48岁,左眼红痛伴视力下降4天。检查左眼视力0.4,结膜混合性充血,角膜后沉着物阳性,房水闪辉阳性,瞳孔小,有后粘连,玻璃体前部轻度混浊。最可能发生下列哪种并发症()A.脉络膜炎B.角膜溃疡C.巩膜炎D.多瞳孔E.继发性青光眼 下列关于资源税特点的描述有误的是。A.具有行业税的特点B.只Байду номын сангаас特定资源征税C.具有收益税性质D.具有级差收入税的特点 在智能网体系中,SMS包括SMF、功能。 是餐厅常使用的棉织品。A、台布、口布、小毛巾、托盘垫布B、缎织桌裙、台布、口布C、小毛巾、托盘垫布、丝绒座垫D、乔其沙桌裙、小毛巾 诺廷根暖床养猪系统在德国得到推广的原因主要是什么?有什么优点? 下列哪项不是“干性支气管扩张”的特点。A.反复咯血B.平时无咳嗽C.一般无脓性痰D.多位于引流不畅的部位E.不易感染 船舶甲板或舱内装载危险货物时,通常推荐的货物堆码高度为多高? 新生儿保健的重点在A.出生后1小时B.出生后第1天C.出生后1周内D.出生后2周内E.出生后1个月内 灭火浓度是评价二氧化碳灭火剂的灭火效能的一个指标.A.正确B.错误 商业银行风险管理体系一般包括以下四个基本要素:一是董事会和高管层的有效监控,二是,三是有效的风险识别、计量、监测和控制程序,四是。 没药散2功效与作用 热水是指温度在以上的水,温水是温度在的水,冷水指以下的水。
高二英语Unit15 A famous detective知识精讲 人教版

高二英语Unit15A famous detective知识精讲人教版一. 本周教学内容:Unit 15 A famous detectiveI. BackgroundThe Arthur Conan DoyleArthur Conan Doyle was born at Picardy Place , Edinburgh , as the son of Charles Altamont Doyle , a civil servant in the Edinburgh Office of Works , and Mary 〔Foley〕Doyle . Both of Doyle’s parents were Roman Catholics . Doyle’s mother was interested in literature , and she encouraged his son to take to books . Doyle read voluminously . At the age of fourteen he had learned French so that he read Jules Verne in the author’s original language .Doyle was educated in Jesuit schools . Doyle qualified as doctor in 1885. After graduation Doyle practiced medicine as an eye specialist at Southsea near Porsmouth in Hampshire until 1891 when he became a full time writer . Doyle had produced his first story , an illustrated tale of a man and a tiger , at the age of six . Doyle’s first story about Holmes , A STUDY IN SCARLET , was published in 1887 in Beeton Christmas Annual . The novel was written in three weeks in 1886 . The second Sherlock Holmes story , The Sign of the Four’ , was written for the Lippincott’s Magazine . The Strand Magazine started to publish The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’ from July 1891 . Holmes’s address at Mrs. Hudson’s house , 221 B Baker Street , London , became soon the most famous London street in literature .During the South African war 〔1899-1902〕Doyle served for a few months as senior physician at a field hospital , and wrote THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA , in which he defended England’s policy . Doyle was knighted in 1902 and in 1900 and 1906 he also ran unsuccessfully for Parliament . Fourteen months after his long-invalided wife Louisa died , Conan Doyle married in 1907 his second wife , Jean Leckie . Doyle supported the existence of “little people〞and spent more than a million dollars on their cause . In 1925 he opened the Psychic Bookshop in London . Doyle died on July 7 , 1930 from heart disease at his home , Windlesham , Sussex.Conan Doyle’s other publications include plays , verse , memoirs , short stories , and several historical novels and supernatural and speculative fiction.II. GrammarA. Well known for his expert advice , he was able to help a great member of people with their personal affairs . == As he was well known for his expert advice , …Dr Watson and I will spend the night locked in your room. ==Dr Watson and I will spend the night and we will be locked in your room过去分词作时间、原因、条件与伴随状语,相当于状语从句:请尝试用过去分词结构改写如下句子〔1〕As he was born into a poor family , he had little schooling.Born into a poor family , he had little schooling.〔2〕As the plan had been carefully made , it was carried out well.Having been carefully made , the plan was carried out well.〔3〕As the b oy was greatly encouraged by the teacher’s words , he worked out more difficult problems.Greatly encouraged by the teacher’s words , the boy worked out more difficult problems.〔4〕When the earth is seen from space , it looks like a huge water-covered ball .Seen from space , the earth looks like a huge water-covered ball.〔5〕If the medicine is taken improperly , it has side effect on patients.Taken improperly , the medicine has side effect on patients.〔6〕The professor came in . He was followed by his assistants.The professor came in , followed by his assistants .〔7〕The old man stood up . He was supported by his son .The old man stood up , supported by his son .〔8〕He stood there . He was shocked at the news .He stood there , shocked at the news .B. I can see it fastened to a nail …see / hear / watch / find +sb. / sth . + done 过去分词结构作宾语的补足语请尝试用过去分词结构改写如下句子〔1〕I saw the boy . The boy was saved by a policeman.I saw the boy saved by a policeman.〔2〕Have you ever heard the song ? The song was sung in English .Have you ever heard the song sung in English ?〔3〕the old woman , find , the house , break into , something , steal The old man found the house broken into and something stolen.〔4〕I , find , the letter , tear openI found the letter torn open.〔5〕on my way home , I , notice , house , burn downOn my way home , I noticed the house burned down.III. Language points1. Mr Ball has just called on Mrs Zhu to give her a message.call on = pay a visit to sb . formally visit , drop in on , call at some place 〔1〕his grandparents , once a monthHe calls on his grandparents once a month .〔2〕you , at your office , this afternoonI’ll call at your office this afternoon .〔3〕their former teacher , Spring Festival , every yearThey pay a visit to their former teacher on the Spring Festival every year .2. I’ve got some personal affairs that I have to see to .I’ve got = I havesee to = deal with〔1〕a lot of things , this afternoonI’ve got a lot of things to see to this afternoon .〔2〕the visitors , when they arriveThe visitors have something to see to when they arrive .〔3〕who , the arrangements for conference , next WednesdayWho will see to the arrangements for conference next Wednesday .3. Her uncle seemed to be acting rather strangely towards her .A. sb. / sth . seems 〔seemed〕to do 〔to be doing , to have done〕= It seems 〔seemed〕that sb. / sth …〔1〕It seems that they are talking about something interesting.They seem to be talking about something interesting.〔2〕It seemed that you had known the result.You seemed to have known the result.〔3〕It seemed that you were travelling abroad at that time.You seemed to be traveling abroad at that time.〔4〕It seems that the weather on the earth is getting warmer and warmer .The weather on the earth seems to be getting warmer and warmer .〔5〕the patient , get better nowThe patient seems to get better now.〔6〕the girl , has made the decision to go abroadThe girl seems to have made the decision to go abroad.〔7〕they , were quarrelling a lot , when they were youngThey seemed to be quarreling a lot when they were young.〔8〕Einstein , showed no interest in moneyEinstein seemed to show no interest in money .B. act = behave〔1〕The boy was doing something bad in school.The boy was acting badly in school.〔2〕You are generous.You are acting generously.〔3〕He is kind towards his servants.He is acting kindly towards his servants .〔4〕She has done wrong to you .She has acted wrongly to you .4. “I dare say my uncle will . I have no other relatives. 〞A. I dare say I dare say 〔British English〕固定词组,意思是“我相信〞,在句中作主句或插入语。
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0437辽源信息港 [单选]2010年两会中()是热点A.民生B.就业C.教育公平D.农业 0437辽源信息港 [判断题]弱电综合布线,在一室外的一些走线位置我们可以共沟不共管。A.正确B.错误 0437辽源信息港 [多选]在建设项目施工中,施工单位与其他主体产生合同之债的情形有()等。A.施工单位与材料供应商订立合同B.施工现场的砖块坠落砸伤现场外的行人C.施工单位将本应汇给甲单位的材料款汇入了乙单位帐号D.材料供应商向施工单位交付材料E.施工单位向材料供应商支 0437辽源信息港 [单选]甲向某商场订购红木家具一套,但未约定履行方式。商场认为,甲应上门拉货,而甲认为,商场应送货上门,为此引起纠纷。下列表述正确的是:()A.应由甲上门拉货B.应由商场送货上门C.应由甲上门拉货,但拉货费用应由商场承担D.应由商场送货上门,但送货费用应 0437辽源信息港 [单选]肺癌病人的手术治疗是指()A.肺叶切除术B.肺楔形切除术C.肺段切除术D.肺叶切除+肺萎陷疗法E.肺叶切除术+淋巴结清扫术 0437辽源信息港 [填空题]液体的粘度随温度的下降而()。 0437辽源信息港 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]若罗红霉素的剂型拟从片剂改成注射剂,其剂量应()A.增加,因为生物有效性降低B.增加,因为肝肠循环减低C.减少,因为生物有效性更大D.减少,因为组织分布更多E.维持不变 0437辽源信息港 [名词解释]40#机械油 0437辽源信息港 [单选]以下属于皮肤复合感觉的是()A.冷B.触C.痛D.湿E.温 0437辽源信息港 [多选]关于仲裁调解,下列表述正确的是:()A.仲裁调解达成协议的,仲裁庭应当根据协议制作调解书或者根据协议结果制作裁决书B.对于事实清楚的案件,仲裁庭可依职权进行调解C.仲裁调解达成协议的,经当事人、仲裁员在协议上签字后即发生效力D.仲裁庭在作出裁决前 0437辽源信息港 [单选]医嘱要求肝硬化门静脉高压症肝功能较差的病人控制蛋白质摄入的主要理由是预防()A.胶体渗透压升高B.肝性脑病C.变态反应D.消化不良E.消化道出血 0437辽源信息港 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]属于节律异常的脉搏是()A.缓脉B.丝脉C.绌脉D.洪脉E.速脉 0437辽源信息港 [名词解释]单腔共振吸声材料又称亥姆霍兹共振吸声结构 0437辽源信息港 [单选]下列哪一项是胎儿循环的遗迹A.镰状韧带B.肝十二指肠韧带C.肝静脉韧带D.冠状韧带E.以上都不是 0437辽源信息港 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]急性粒细胞白血病与急性单核细胞白血病的主要鉴别点是()。A.过氧化物酶阳性程度B.Auer小体有无C.血清溶菌酶升高程度D.α-醋酸萘酚染色可否被氟化钠抑制E.苏丹黑染色阳性程度 0437辽源信息港 [单选]()是在交易所办理标准仓单交割、交易、转让、质押、注销的凭证,受法律保护。A.标准仓单持有凭证B.标准仓单C.标准仓单注册申请表D.交割预报表 0437辽源信息港 [问答题,简答题]建立抄表段时需确定哪些信息? 0437辽源信息港 [单选]下列哪一项不是化脑的并发症()A.脑室内出血B.脑室管膜炎C.脑积水D.脑性低钠综合征E.硬脑膜下积液 0437辽源信息港 [问答题,简答题]国际上开展清洁生产的现状如何? 0437辽源信息港 [单选]当只有一个ECAM显示工作时,只有当按下并保持状态按钮时,才显示STAUS(状态)页面。如果状态页面有第2页,那么:()A、松开该按钮然后再次按压(2秒钟之内),即可显示下一个状态页面B、保持该按钮然后按压CLR,即可显示下一个状态页面。 0437辽源信息港 [单选]下列氨基酸中,直接参与嘌呤环和嘧啶环合成的是()A、天冬氨酸B、谷氨酰胺C、甘氨酸D、谷氨酸 0437辽源信息港 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]小儿断奶的最佳季节是()A.夏季B.冬季C.春、秋季D.夏、秋季E.冬、春季 0437辽源信息港 [单选,A1型题]产褥期是指胎盘娩出至产后()A.2周B.4周C.6周D.8周E.12周 0437辽源信息港 [单选,A1型题]有消食健胃、涩精止遗功效的是()A.麦芽B.山楂C.鸡内金D.谷芽E.莱菔子 0437辽源信息港 [填空题]炎热天气行车要注意防止发动机过热,一般水温表读数不超过()为正常 0437辽源信息港 [判断题]作好新建装置的三查四定工作是对装置一次开车成功的有力保障。A.正确B.错误 0437辽源信息港 [单选]期末资产负债表"应付债券"项目应根据()填列。A."应付债券"科目的总账余额B."应付债券"科目所属明细账借贷方余额相抵后的金额C."应付债券"科目的总账期末余额扣除一年内到期偿还部分后的金额D."应付债券--债券面值&quo 0437辽源信息港 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]癌症疼痛器质性原因不包括()A.肿瘤刺激骨膜、破坏骨质引起疼痛B.颅内肿瘤长大、颅内压增高时头痛剧烈C.肿瘤直接浸润,侵犯神经,引起神经走行区疼痛D.手术、放疗、化疗直接损伤神经,引起医源性疼痛E.肿瘤长大、膨胀,压迫器官,引起缺血 0437辽源信息港 [单选]在常温常压下,难溶气体是指溶解度在()的物质。A、10g以上B、1-10g之间C、0.01-1gD、0.01g以下 0437辽源信息港 [单选]架空线路敷设的基本要求()。A.施工现场架空线路必须采用绝缘铜线B.施工现场架空线必须采用绝缘导线C.施工现场架空线路必须采用绝缘铝线D.施工现场架空线路必须采用绝缘铜铰线 0437辽源信息港 [单选]矫治过程中,轻度力是指()A.强度在350~500g之间B.强度在60~350g之间C.强度小于60gD.强度在500~1000g之间E.强度大于1000g,但小于1500g 0437辽源信息港 [单选,A1型题]以下除哪项外,均是攻下药的适应证()A.饮食积滞B.虚寒泻痢C.血热妄行D.冷积便秘E.大肠燥热 0437辽源信息港 [单选]()是一种由此及彼,由已知到未知或未来的研究方法。通过它可以对事物获得新的认识。A、比较B、分析与综合法C、推理D、数据整合方法 0437辽源信息港 [单选,A1型题]99mTc-MDP骨显像中显像剂被脏器或组织选择性聚集的机制是()A.离子交换和化学吸附B.细胞吞噬C.合成代谢D.特异性结合E.通透弥散 0437辽源信息港 [单选,A1型题]NK细胞通过ADCC作用杀伤靶细胞需要()A.补体B.抗体C.细胞因子D.MHC分子E.TCR 0437辽源信息港 [单选]理论要不要经过实验验证:()A、一切理论都要B、有些理论不一定要 0437辽源信息港 [单选,A1型题]儿童生活安排基本原则中,错误是()A.针对不同年龄阶段和不同健康状况儿童制定作息制度B.根据大脑皮质功能活动特点及脑力工作能力变化规律安排日常生活C.既能满足规定的学习任务,又能满足生活需要D.学校、托幼机构与家庭作息时间一致E.学校和家长可 0437辽源信息港 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]男,10个月,腹泻并重度低渗性脱水酸中毒,补液10小时纠正脱水酸中毒,出现嗜睡,呼吸较前变浅,腹胀,肠鸣音弱。应考虑出现的问题()A.血液低渗出现脑水肿B.低钙血症C.低钾血症D.败血症E.低血糖 0437辽源信息港 [单选]分散控制系统中的()根据各工艺系统的特点,协调各系统的参数设定,它是整个工艺系统的协调者和控制者。A、过程控制级;B、过程管理级;C、生产管理级;D、经营管理级。 0437辽源信息港 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]不完全抗原的特点是()。A.仅具有免疫原性B.仅具有抗原性C.具有免疫原性及抗原性D.与抗体不产生沉淀反应E.