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acclaimed by the critics and won a Pulitzer Prize as well as a Drama Critics‘Cricle Award.
It is Miller’S most successful attempt at creating individual characters with universal
salesman’S inner activities during his last twenty—four hours,reveals the tragedy of the
common people and the essence of the American dream.
The thesis is composed of three parts.Pan I is the introduction.introducing critical
room while he recalls his past exposure by his son Willy is sick;his mental breakdown is
certified by the hold his recollections have on him and by the great amount of obvious distortion in them His identification with Everyman assures US that,as in other Expressionist plays,we are examining the malady not ofan individual but ofsociety
Everyman--a universal symbol made real by hundreds of minutely'observed details of
speech,manner and psychology Willy is a modem Everyman,a working man whose family and whose job come first;he will give his all for them and in return seeks love and
Shenglei and Duan Xiaoying for their stimulating lectures and valuable suggestions. Like all students of literature,my gratitude also goes to many critics who wrote on this
dreams(a who lives in massive
bright future for his son、himself as a successful salesman
and the beauty of nature).Chapter Two is mainly devoted to stress Willy’S confusion.
significance.The best lines have become familiar and oft-used quotations not because they sound like everyday speech but because they are“poetic realism”:“Attention must be
paid.…’He’S liked,but he’S not—well liked,”“A man can’t go Out the way he calTle in…a man has to add up tO something.…‘A man who can’t handle tools is not a man”When he first appeared on the American stage,Willy Loman was recognized as a kind of American
subject in the last century.The especially useful books have been listed in the bibliography.
Produced in 1 949,Death of a Salesman,Miller’S third father-and—sons work,was
experiencing a series of fatal anacks(unemployment、identity lost,etc),Willy makes his
final decision--to sacrifice his own life for Biff’S bright future.Part III.the conclusion、 concludes Willy’S way of life won’t work in the society.that is—PERSONALITY DOES NOT AI^VAYS WIN THE D A:Y.
important American plays after World War II.Willy Loman,the salesman of the title,
believes one can get ahead by personal attractiveness and unremitting efforts,but he is fired
unreasonably after he has worked 34 years for the company.He has no way OUt,finally
crashes the car and dies.This thesis,based on the study ofthe novel,analyzes,from the old
present from the past He loses himself in his recollections,interrupting a conversation with his neighbor Charley'tO address the absent Ben,losing all sense of the present in a man’s
respect,The Everyman element is obvious enough.To locate the dream-elements of the
play also requires no great effort,Willy Loman’S dreams occupy half the play;they are the
Key words:
American dream confusion disillusionment tragedy common people
In the course of studying Arthur Millm’and writing this essay,I have been most indebted to Professor Hu Yintong,my supervisoL to whom my gratitude is everlasting.I benefited a lot from his stimulating lectures,insightful advice,and invaluable guidance I am also
Three contrasts(Willy versus Biff、past versus present、nature versus society),
accompanied with the dramatic devices(music、lighting、setting,etc)are served to
Produced in l 949,Death ofa Salesman.Miller’S masterpiece,won the Pulitzer Prize as
well as the New York Drama Critics Award.It is generally believed to be one of the most
grateful to him for his lending me his oven books on Arthur Miller.Without his help,this
thesis wouwk.baidu.comd not become what it iS
Special thanks should be extended to Professor Guo Qunying,Li Zhengshuan,Ji
response to the book,Miller‘S own dramatic theory and the artistic appeal of the play.Part
II,the body of the thesis.includes three chapters.Chapter One shows I.IS a Willy Loman
论文共分三大部分,第一部分引言,主要是介绍梳理评论家对《推销员之死》及 其作者的各种评论,米勒本人的戏剧理论,由此展示了这部普通人悲剧多年来屡演不 衰的艺术感染力。第二部分是论文的主题,共分三章,第一章从威利·洛曼梦想儿子 的远大前程、自己成为一名出色的推销员以及回归自然三方面入手,展示出一个生活 在梦想与幻觉中的威利。洛曼。第二章中,威利与比夫、过去与现在、自然与社会这 几组对比在音乐、灯光、布景等舞台表现手法的映衬下,突出表现了威利的迷惘;另 外,房子、汽车的象征意义也有助于突出威利的矛盾心情。第j:章分析了经历失业、 失去自尊等等种种打击之后的威利面对现实作出的最后决定,既牺牲自己_:={乏换取儿予 的远大前程。第三部分是结论,综合前三章的分析得出:威利的处世哲学在现实社会 中行不通,即只靠个人魅力不能赢得天下。
strenghthen Willy’S confused minds.The house and car,with their symbolic meanings,also
highlight the theme.Chapter Three focuses On the disillusionment of Willy’S dreams After
河北师范大学 硕士学位论文 一个推销员的美国梦——《推销员之死》中威利·洛曼形象分
析 姓名:路荣芬 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:英语语言文学 指导教师:胡荫桐
《推销员之死》发表于1949年,是阿瑟·米勒最成功的剧作,曾获普利策奖和 纽约剧评家奖,被公认为是二战后美国的重要剧作之一。《推销员之死》的主人公威 利·洛曼笃信依靠个人魅力和不懈的努力便可获得成功,可是他为老板辛劳一生竞在 年老时被无理解雇。他走投无路,终于撞车自尽。这是一个普通美国人被“人人都能 成功”的梦想所戕害的悲剧,具有深刻的社会意义。本文立足于作品本身,通过对老 推销员威利·洛曼生命最后二十四小时里心理活动和性格发展的描述,向我们揭示了 美国梦的真谛。
dreams of all the world,the dreams of a happy,hopeful past and the inescapable dream of
past guilt.During the dream sequences,Willy seems unable tO tell truth from fantasy',the
It is Miller’S most successful attempt at creating individual characters with universal
salesman’S inner activities during his last twenty—four hours,reveals the tragedy of the
common people and the essence of the American dream.
The thesis is composed of three parts.Pan I is the introduction.introducing critical
room while he recalls his past exposure by his son Willy is sick;his mental breakdown is
certified by the hold his recollections have on him and by the great amount of obvious distortion in them His identification with Everyman assures US that,as in other Expressionist plays,we are examining the malady not ofan individual but ofsociety
Everyman--a universal symbol made real by hundreds of minutely'observed details of
speech,manner and psychology Willy is a modem Everyman,a working man whose family and whose job come first;he will give his all for them and in return seeks love and
Shenglei and Duan Xiaoying for their stimulating lectures and valuable suggestions. Like all students of literature,my gratitude also goes to many critics who wrote on this
dreams(a who lives in massive
bright future for his son、himself as a successful salesman
and the beauty of nature).Chapter Two is mainly devoted to stress Willy’S confusion.
significance.The best lines have become familiar and oft-used quotations not because they sound like everyday speech but because they are“poetic realism”:“Attention must be
paid.…’He’S liked,but he’S not—well liked,”“A man can’t go Out the way he calTle in…a man has to add up tO something.…‘A man who can’t handle tools is not a man”When he first appeared on the American stage,Willy Loman was recognized as a kind of American
subject in the last century.The especially useful books have been listed in the bibliography.
Produced in 1 949,Death of a Salesman,Miller’S third father-and—sons work,was
experiencing a series of fatal anacks(unemployment、identity lost,etc),Willy makes his
final decision--to sacrifice his own life for Biff’S bright future.Part III.the conclusion、 concludes Willy’S way of life won’t work in the society.that is—PERSONALITY DOES NOT AI^VAYS WIN THE D A:Y.
important American plays after World War II.Willy Loman,the salesman of the title,
believes one can get ahead by personal attractiveness and unremitting efforts,but he is fired
unreasonably after he has worked 34 years for the company.He has no way OUt,finally
crashes the car and dies.This thesis,based on the study ofthe novel,analyzes,from the old
present from the past He loses himself in his recollections,interrupting a conversation with his neighbor Charley'tO address the absent Ben,losing all sense of the present in a man’s
respect,The Everyman element is obvious enough.To locate the dream-elements of the
play also requires no great effort,Willy Loman’S dreams occupy half the play;they are the
Key words:
American dream confusion disillusionment tragedy common people
In the course of studying Arthur Millm’and writing this essay,I have been most indebted to Professor Hu Yintong,my supervisoL to whom my gratitude is everlasting.I benefited a lot from his stimulating lectures,insightful advice,and invaluable guidance I am also
Three contrasts(Willy versus Biff、past versus present、nature versus society),
accompanied with the dramatic devices(music、lighting、setting,etc)are served to
Produced in l 949,Death ofa Salesman.Miller’S masterpiece,won the Pulitzer Prize as
well as the New York Drama Critics Award.It is generally believed to be one of the most
grateful to him for his lending me his oven books on Arthur Miller.Without his help,this
thesis wouwk.baidu.comd not become what it iS
Special thanks should be extended to Professor Guo Qunying,Li Zhengshuan,Ji
response to the book,Miller‘S own dramatic theory and the artistic appeal of the play.Part
II,the body of the thesis.includes three chapters.Chapter One shows I.IS a Willy Loman
论文共分三大部分,第一部分引言,主要是介绍梳理评论家对《推销员之死》及 其作者的各种评论,米勒本人的戏剧理论,由此展示了这部普通人悲剧多年来屡演不 衰的艺术感染力。第二部分是论文的主题,共分三章,第一章从威利·洛曼梦想儿子 的远大前程、自己成为一名出色的推销员以及回归自然三方面入手,展示出一个生活 在梦想与幻觉中的威利。洛曼。第二章中,威利与比夫、过去与现在、自然与社会这 几组对比在音乐、灯光、布景等舞台表现手法的映衬下,突出表现了威利的迷惘;另 外,房子、汽车的象征意义也有助于突出威利的矛盾心情。第j:章分析了经历失业、 失去自尊等等种种打击之后的威利面对现实作出的最后决定,既牺牲自己_:={乏换取儿予 的远大前程。第三部分是结论,综合前三章的分析得出:威利的处世哲学在现实社会 中行不通,即只靠个人魅力不能赢得天下。
strenghthen Willy’S confused minds.The house and car,with their symbolic meanings,also
highlight the theme.Chapter Three focuses On the disillusionment of Willy’S dreams After
河北师范大学 硕士学位论文 一个推销员的美国梦——《推销员之死》中威利·洛曼形象分
析 姓名:路荣芬 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:英语语言文学 指导教师:胡荫桐
《推销员之死》发表于1949年,是阿瑟·米勒最成功的剧作,曾获普利策奖和 纽约剧评家奖,被公认为是二战后美国的重要剧作之一。《推销员之死》的主人公威 利·洛曼笃信依靠个人魅力和不懈的努力便可获得成功,可是他为老板辛劳一生竞在 年老时被无理解雇。他走投无路,终于撞车自尽。这是一个普通美国人被“人人都能 成功”的梦想所戕害的悲剧,具有深刻的社会意义。本文立足于作品本身,通过对老 推销员威利·洛曼生命最后二十四小时里心理活动和性格发展的描述,向我们揭示了 美国梦的真谛。
dreams of all the world,the dreams of a happy,hopeful past and the inescapable dream of
past guilt.During the dream sequences,Willy seems unable tO tell truth from fantasy',the