
A.《汉书》B.《左传》C.《战国策》D.《史记》1/ 11【答案】:D5.以下组合错误的是()A.苏轼——东坡居士——《江城子•密州出猎》B.陶渊明——五柳先生——《登池上楼》C.杜甫——少陵野老——《石壕吏》D.欧阳修——六一居士——《醉翁亭记》【答案】:B6.被誉为"万国之园"的是:()A.颐和园B.圆明园【答案】:B7.以下哪场战争发生在东晋时期:()A.采石之战B.淝水之战C.长平之战D.赤壁之战【答案】:B8.当社会总供给小于总需求时,财政预算应采取的政策是()。
A.通知2/ 11C.公告D.命令【答案】:D11.下列关于诸子百家的代表人物,阐述错误的是()。

自主招生数学试题5一、选择题(每小题6分,共计36分) 1、方程2681x x -+=实根的个数为( )A 、1个B 、2个C 、3个D 、4个2、某班进行一次标准化测试,试卷由25道选择题组成,每题答对得4分,不答得0分,答错扣1分,那么下列分数中不可能的是( )A 、95B 、89C 、79D 、75 3、已知二次函数2y ax bx c =++的图象如图所示,则下列6个代数式:ab 、ac 、a b c ++、a b c -+、2a b +、2a b -,其值为正的式子的个数是( )A 、2个B 、3个C 、4个D 、5个4、两个相同的瓶子装满酒精溶液,在一个瓶子中酒精与水的容积之比是:1p ,而在另一个瓶子中是:1q ,若把两瓶溶液混合一起,混合液中的酒精与水的容积之比是( )A 、2p q +B 、22p q p q++ C 、2pq p q + D 、22p q pq p q ++++ 5、已知直角三角形有一条直角边的长是质数n ,另外两条边长是两个自然数,那么它的周长是( )A 、21n +B 、21n -C 、2n n +D 、2n n - 6、如图,ABC ∆中,AB AC =,40A ∠=,延长AC 到D ,使CD B C =,点P 是ABD∆的内心,则BPC ∠=( )A 、145B 、135C 、120D 、105二、填空题(共6小题,每题6分,共36分)7、设直线(1)10kx k y ++-=与坐标轴所构成的直角三角形的面积是k S ,则122008...___________S S S +++=。
8、已知方程121011x x x x m -+-+-+-=无解,则实数m 的取值范围___________。
9、已知11x x -=,则242____________20071x x x =++。
10、如图,电路中有4个电阻和一个电流表A ,若没有电流通过电流表A ,问电阻器断路的可能情况共有______________种。

19.在 的室温下,将 的 千克水与 的 千克的水混合.由于实验装置不够精密,在混合过程中与周围物体有 焦的热量交换,则混合后的水的温度为()
A. B. C. D.
20.在相同的加热条件下,对质量为 、比热容为 的物质A和质量为 、比热容为 的物质B均匀加热,物质A、B的温度随加热时间的变化情况如图所示。根据图像分析可推断出正确的结论是()
A.若 ,则 B.若 ,则
C.若 ,则 D.若 ,则

练习题(4)1、若为质数,且方程04442=-+p px x 的两根均为整数,则=_________.2、圆O 的直径AB=20,弦CD 交AB 于G ,AG>BG ,CD=16,AE ⊥CD 于E ,BF ⊥CD 于F ,则B F -A E =______.3、已知实数b a ,满足3)1=ab(4)1-=ab4、设AD 为∠BAC 的中点,N 为BC 的中点,求MN.5线k kx y 14-=与p p6、已知c b a ,,满足0,0,022≥-≠=++c ab c c by ay ,求xy 的最大值7、如图,M 是以AB 为直径的半圆O 的内接四边形ABCD 边CD 的中点,MN ⊥AB 于点N ,AB=10,AD=AN=3,求BC.8、已知G ,I 分别为ABC ∆的重心、内心,IG ⊥IC ,AC=2,BC=3,求AB.9、已知一组数据1,x x 1,,1,162+++x L x 的平均数.10、在矩形ABCD 1cm ,动点N 从点C 的中点P 移动的路程.11、如图,AB、CD为圆O的两条弦,CD=2,AB=nmnm,(5+为有理数),弧AB,弧CD的度数分别108°、36°,求36n-108m.12、已知当01-≤≤x m的取值范围.13、在ABC∆中,︒=∠>45,BACACAB,E为∠BAC的角平分线上的一点,且EF⊥AB,已知AF=1,BF=5∆的面积求ABCf=14、已知函数()x的任意实数x15、已知直径为20厘米的半圆O上有两个点P,Q,PC⊥AB,QD⊥AB,QE⊥OP,AC=4cm,求DE的长.16、在ABC ∆中,∠BAC=90°,∠A 的角平分线交边BC 于点D ,点D 在边AB ,AC 上的投影分别为P ,Q 。
若BQ 交DP 于点M ,CP 交DQ 于点H 。
证明:(1)PM=DN;(2)MN//BC ;(3)AH ⊥BC 。
2017-2018学年上海市华二紫竹紫竹初三英语自招第四讲非限定性动词训练题 答案

练习四非谓语动词1.More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically,__B____it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations.A.makeB.makingC.madeD.to make2.It is generally accepted that Chinese were the earliest ___C_____football while the Europeans established the modern rules for football.A.playedB.playingC.to playD.having played3.The newly concluded National People's Congress has passed a package of economic policies___B_____a yearly economic growth of 8%.A.targetB.to targetC.targetingD.targeted4.___B______of concrete and steel,the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lampu could provide a better chance of surviving than did the World Trade Centre buildings.A.BuildingB.BuiltC.To builtD.Having built5.Besides the Internet,television is another major way of communication ___A_____us to see the performers as well as to hear the voice.A.permittingB.to permitC.being permittedD.permitted6.Tracy Mcgrady announced his operation decision to the press without informing his club, leaving his team members ___D_____why he did so.A.to wonderB.wonderedC.wonderingD.wonder7.The elevated roads are flooded with large outdoor signboards of ads,which are intended__D___by passing car drivers.A.to readB.to be readingC.to have readD.to be read8.___D____as the main reason for the recent world-wide economic problems is the fact that the US government would hardly accept.A.RegardingB.To regardC.RegardedD.Being regarded9.___B___a bright red dancing shoe,she started to perform elegant dances with her body turning beautifully.A.WornB.WearingC.Being wornD.To wear10.Rising energy costs and the falling dollar are cutting into what foreign manufacturers calledthe“China Price”-a 40 to 50 percent cost advantage once____A___ by Chinese producers.A.offeredB.having offeredC.being offeredD.to wear11.An underlying assumption of most market research is that people are continually making financial decisions ____D____their desire for goods that give them the most satisfaction.A.basing onB.base onC.to base onD.based on12.The old man,_____D____abroad for twenty years,is on the way back to his motherland.A.to workB.workingC.to have workedD.having worked13.___C___in the queue for half an hour,Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.A.WaitingB.WaitedC.Having waitedD.To have waited14.I don't know whether you happen___C_____,but I'm going to study in the USA this September.A.to be heardB.to be hearingC.to hear d.to have heard15.The flu is believed ___C______by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.A.cause b.being caused C.to be caused D.to have caused16.___A__by the belief that the computer will be a useful tool,they began to develop soft wares for personal computers.A.GuidedB.GuidingC.Being guidedD.Having guided17.More and more mainland high school students are considering___B_______universities in HongKongA.to attendB.attendingC.to be attendD.to attending18.The flowers___C____sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.A.to smellB.smellingC.smeltD.to be smelt19.Henry is said___C_____ abroad,but I don't know what country he studied in.A.to have studiedB.to studyC.to be studyingD.to be studying20.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see__A____the next year.A.carried outB.carrying outC.carry outD.to carry out21.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains____B____whether they will enjoy it.A.to seeB.to be seenC.seeingD.seen22.Victor apologized for ___C_____to inform me of the change in the plan.A.his being not ableB.him not to be ableC.his not being ableD.him to be not able23.Suddenly,a tall man driving a golden carriage seized the girl and took her away,____B_____intothe woods.A.to disappearB.disappearedC.disappearingD.having disappeared24.__C_____but he still couldn't understand the logical connection of the two subjects.A.Having told many timesB.Having been told many timesD.Many times as he was toldC.He was told many times25.Because of the unexpected changes,they postponed ___B_____us a reply.A.to giveB.givingC.to givingD.given26.Although first___D____almost 200 years ago,the novels of Jane Austin have remained popular around the world.A.publishingB.being publishedC.publishedD.was published27.Charles often attempts to escape____D_____whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A.having been finedB.to have been finedC.to be finedD.being fined28.Some of the schools in Shanghai have moved one step closer to____ D_____with the global education community through the Internet.A.been connectedB.connectedC.connectingD.being connected29.___C____to a foreign language as much as you can is considered the best way to learn it we.A.ExposedB.Having exposedC.Being exposedD.Expose30.With a lot of difficult problems___C____,the newly-elected president is having a hard time.A.settledB.settlingC.to settleD.being settled31.We hurried to the house agency__A____ that all the rooms in the apartment building had been sold out.A.only to be toldB.just to be toldC.only being toldD.to have been told32.When I asked the man for information about the latest flights,he said the information deskwas the place __B___for help.A.turning toB.to turn toC.for turningD.to turn33.It is really quite extraordinary that we should have been at the same college without ____D____before.A.metB.being metC.having metD.having been met34.Having lost all his money,Mark had no choice but___C___the police for help.A.askingB.askC.to askD.asked35.Unreliable delivery dates are one of the most important obstacles to ____A____our exportsA.increaseB.increasingC.have increasedD.increased36.I didn't mean___C____ anything but the cakes looked so good that I couldn't resist trying one.A.eatingB.eatC.to eatD.ate37.In France,the national interest___D____in painting was far greater and more general than that in England at that time.A.to feelB.feltC.to be feltD.feeling38.___A____from the mirror,she lifted the comer of a curtain and saw through the window.A.TurningB.TurnC.TurnedD.To turn39.___C_____in 1635,the Boston Latin School is the oldest public school in the United States.A.FoundingB.Having foundedC.FoundedD.found40.The girl is seated at a table___A____towards a young man who is lighting her cigarette for her.A.leaningB.being leanedC.having leanedD.to lean41.He was,after all,the Prime Minister and did not appreciate___B____ to feel like an ignorant schoolboy.A.to be madeB.being madeC.having madeD.making42.First___D___in 1953,this remarkable short novel established the author as a major new American writer.A.to publishB.publishingC.have publishedD.published43.It was just after dark.A blustery wind whipped(搅打)the steam coming out of the manholes, and people hurried along the sidewalks with their collars__C_____A.turning upB.to turn upC.turned upD.being turned up44.___C___the whole passage,and you will get a general idea of it.A.ScanningB.To scanC.ScanD.Having scanned45.Our school looks more beautiful with many red lanterns____B____ high over the square.A.to be raisedB.raisedC.being raisedD.being risen46.With so many people___A____ by sending E-mails every day,it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of the Internet.municatingmunicatedmunicateD.to communicate47.___A___Aids had left a scar on Ajani and his sister,their grandfather's face turned white.A.When he heardB.Having heardC.When hearingD.On hearing48.The international agreement,____A_____encourage children not to smoke and help people kickthe habit,was signed on February 27.A.intending toB.being intended toC.intended toD.to intend to49.-Come on,please give me some ideas about the project.Sorry.With so much work___B____ my mind.I almost break down.A.filedB.fillingC.to fillD.being filed.50.--Why do you look sad?-There are so many problems__A_______.A.remaining to settleB.remained settlingC.remaining to be settledD.remained to be settled51.It is obvious that nobody wants to make friends with the poor boy___A____money.A.suspected of having stolenB.suspecting to stealC.suspected having stolenD.suspecting to have stolen52.Many early Europeans,____A____the earth to be flat,feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth.A.believingB.having believedC.believedD.to believe53.European countries,__D___crisis is at hand,are providing great encouragement for parents to create more babies in the 21st century.A.to realizeB.realizedC.have realizedD.realizing54.The important experiment __D______in a remote laboratory,was at once reported in the newspaper.A.though was madeB.having madeC.to be madeD.though made55.The great fire continued till the next morning,with a heavy smoke ___A____in the distance.A.could be seenB.seenC.having seenD.to be seen56.Some people believe that some numbers show the____C___ side of a person's personality.A.hidingB.hidC.hiddenD.hide57.___B_____in his research work,he declined the invitation to a dinner party.A.Having absorbedB.AbsorbedC.AbsorbingD.Be absorbed58.The conference currently__A____ in Geneva has caught the attention of the mass media.A.heldB.to be heldC.being heldD.having held59.Catherine is considering____B____a medical school,which will affect her relocation.A.to attendB.attendingC.to be attendD.to attending60.Now everyone here was working hard and doing what they could____B____ more money.A.makeB.to makeC.makingD.made61.Thousands of people____C___ as Santa Claus took part in Liverpool's annual“Santa Dash"on December 3 this year.A.dressingB.To dressC.dressedD.are dressed62.People in India often practice yoga,a set of mental and physical exercises___C____to bring the body and soul together.A.designingB.to designC.designedD.are designed63.Taliban claimed___A____American's military helicopter,but there was no further news.A.to bring downB.bringing downC.to have brought down64.If you stay over four years in this country,you will have to have your visa___D____ one more year.A.extendB.to extendC.extendingD.extended65.The impact,____A____shortly before midnight local time,knocked out all communications before warming could be given.A.occurredB.occurringC.being occurredD.having occurred66.The fishermen overcame a lot of difficulties____A___ their boats at harbour when Typhoon Aere was striking the area.A.they had fasteningB.having fasteningC.they had fastenedD.which has to fasten67.______with fright,the hungry fox hid himself in a small cave,__A_____his tail o the rain.A.Trembling;exposingB.Trembled;exposedC.Trembling;exposingD.Trembling; exposed68.Research into the dynamics of storms is directed toward improving the ability_____these events and thus to minimize damage and avoid loss of life.69.___B____many symbols makes it possible to put a large amount of information on a single map.eingC.Having usedD.To use70.Thirty years after___D____ to McCartney's words,they still seem to me the best yardstick(标准),because they give us a way to measure ourselves rather than othersA.introducingB.having introducedC.introducedD.being introduced71.I received a nice present from my parents on Christmas Eve,with a short amusing poem___D____A.to be attachedB.attachingC.being attachedD.attached72.At the seventh International Ballet Competition,Femando Bujones won the first gold medal ever____C_____to an American male dancer.A.to be awardedB.awardingC.being awardedD.having awarded73.In another case,the police spotted a man ___B_____without his hands on the handlebars.A.to cycleB.cyclingC.to be cyclingD.to be cycled74.No one can walk the wire without a bit of fear unless___A___very young.A.having been trainedB.trainedC.to be trainedD.being trained75_____D___the problem for a while she thought better other first solutionA.consideringB.ConsideredC.Being consideredD.Having considered76.The guide ___C_____the way,we had no trouble getting out of the forest.A.ledB.to leadC.leadingD.being led77.Ten years after____B____in 1995,eBay has become the world's leading online marketplace for all sorts of goods.B.formedC.to be formedD.being formed78.When the tour guide finally found the lost tourist in the far-off comer of the park,he wassiting on a rock,___A___to his girlfriend excitedly on the phone.A.talkingB.having talkC.to talkD.talked79.Even many years after his divorce,he still couldn't figure out the reason for his__D____ marriage.A.to failB.to be failingC.failingD.failed80.Originally___D______ for teenagers,Harry Potter proved to be popular with middle-aged housewives as well.A.writingB.having been writtenC.being writtenD.written81.A lack of sense of family responsibility has caused many couples born in thehe 1980s_____B____quickly.A.divorceB.to divorceC.divorcingD.divorced82.____A____cancer risk,diets should include lite or no red meat.A.To lowerB.LoweringC.LoweredD.Being lowered83.You may see some dull advertisements____C_____people to buy their products while watching TV.A.to encourageB.encouragesC.encouragingD.encouraged84.____D_____her success in Disney Channel's new TV series Hannah Montana,15-year-old Miley Cyrus is now the wealthiest child in the world!A.To be followedB.FollowingC.Being followedD.Having followed85.In March 2007,the Hannah Montana album was reissued in a special edition __D____a bonus DVD.A.to be featuredB.to featureC.featuredD.featuring86.Bacon was considered quite an expensive delicacy and ___D____to obtain some bacon made people feel quite special.A.to manageB.mangeC.managingD.managed87.People purchase shares of stock in a company ___A___to receive regular payments called dividends.A.expectingB.to expectC.expectedD.having expected88.The traffic problems we are looking forward to seeing____C____should have attracted the government's attention.A.solvingB.solveC.to solveD.solved89.The decision___A_____Internet addiction as a mental disorder has caused much debate.A.to classifyB.classifyingC.being classifiedD.to be classified90.Several people____B__in the GM-Chrysler merger discussions say the companies have talked to federal officials about their proposed transaction.A.involvingB.involvedC.to involveD.involve91.In the past three years,the Southeast Asian nation witnessed its islands ___C_____by a tsunami and typhoons.A.to be destroyedC.been destroyedD.destroyed92.Many people found their memories ___B_____them down towards the end of the day,but the following morning.those who had slept well could recall much more.A.lettingB.letC.to letD.have let93.A recent review shows that half a billion pounds spent___D_____to raise the standard of Englishin primary schools in the UK has had almost no impact on children's reading skills.A.attemptB.attemptedC.attemptingD.to attempt94.____D__the current worsened financial state,the government of Iceland had to seek help from countries like Russia and China.A.To considerB.ConsideredC.Having been consideredD.Considering95.___D_____by the snowstorm for about one month,most of the villages in that district were shortof food and medicine.A.Having isolatedB.To be isolatedC.IsolatingD.Having been isolated96.Those digital-age workers,___B____computers and mobile phones,are working untiringly under great emotional and physical stress created by the round-the-clock Internet economy.A.to be armed withB.armed withC.to arm withD.having armed with97.___C___by the outstanding conductor Karajan,the orchestra began to play Beethoven's Symphony No.5.A.To be ledB.Being ledC.LedD.Having led98.When staying in London,I found each experience provided opportunities to hear English ___D____in the local idiom by expressive,colorful people.A.speakB.to speakC.speakingD.spoken99.On the other hand,human beings apply their intelligence___B_____ to societies and laws to prevent the act of killing other people.A.createB.createdC.creatingD.be created100.Hours of playing violent video games can affect the way the brain works___C___ damage to certain cells of brain and slowing brain activity.A.causeB.to causeC.causingD.and to cause。
2017-2018学年上海市华二紫竹紫竹初三英语自招第一讲定语从句训练题 答案

定语从句 The Relative Clause练习:1.In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m, ______many people have gone home.A.whose timeB.by which timeC.thatD.on which2.There were dirty marks on her trousers _______she had wiped her hands.A.whereB.whichC.whereD.why3.Citizens are longing for good housing conditions _______children have their separate bedrooms.A.asB.whichC.whereD.when4.The terrible disease, ______already kills an estimated 1.4 million people each year, _______has grown resistant _______standard medicines.A.that;toB.which;toC.that;againstD.which;against5.People tend to make friends with one_______ they obviously have a lot in common.A.whomB.with whomC.thatD.about whom6.The generals complained that the Defense Department had not sent the extra men and equipment________they needed.A.asB.whichC.thatD.who7.They were volunteers _______to help elderly people cross the streetsA.whose was the taskB.to whom the task wasC.whose task it wasD.it was whose task.8.Only those _______ know well could be let in.A.whoB.heC.did heD.he did9.Is this university _______they paid a visit to last months?A.whichB.whereC.the oneD.which you10.Children under sixteen are not permitted to see such films ______bad for their mental development.A.asB.that areC.as they areD.as are11.Edith has invented a device ________ can solve the problem of saving electricity.A.what she claimsB.she claims itC.as she claims thatD.which she claims12.Mrs Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had_____went wrong again.A.itB.it repairedC.repairedD.to be repaired13.I will never forget the days_______ we spent together in the village.A./B.whenC.whatD.how14.Has everything______ can be done________done?A./, /B./beenC.that, beenD.that, be15.The scientists and technicians overcame a lot of difficulties_______the personal computer.A.they had developingB.having developingC.they had developedD.which has to develop16.For a long time scientists have been trying to use computers to copy ________ brain works.A.the wayB.the way howC.in the wayD.in the way how17.Mrs Wilson never gives her children more money_______ necessary.A.than it isB.than isC.than they areD.if she is18.The professor has made another wonderful discovery, _______great importance to science.A.which I thinks it is ofB.which I think is ofC.which I think isD.I think which is of19.Can you tell me something about the accident _______ this morning.A.that happenedB.which was happenedC.that was happenedD.which had happened20.Soon he got to London, ______ some days later, he started his business.A.whenB.whereC.thatD.when21.Now we can fly to Tokyo. There was a time _______ we had to take a boat.A.howB.whatC.whyD.when22.Don't let the child who is _______ swim in rivers.A.not old enoughB.too young toC.not old enough toD.young enough to23.I think you've got to the point_____ ,a change is needed, otherwise you'll fail.A.whenB.thatC.whereD.which24.---Why does she always ask you for help?---There is no one else______, is there?A.who to turn toB.she can turn toC.for whom to turnD.for her to turn25.The money will be given to those _____ you think need it most.A.whoB.whomC.whichD.that26.The home improvements have taken what little there is _______ my spare time.A.frowB.inC.ofD.at27.A resort is a place________ overlooks a lake, and also overlooks comfortable beds, good food, and the conveniences of home.A.thatB.whoseC.whereD.at which28.She is no longer the ignorant girl _______she was ten years oldA.whoB.whomC.thatD.of which29.It is no longer a secret. There is no one ________ knows that.A.whoB.butC.thatD.than30.Put a mark _______ you have any questions.A.whichB.at whichC.whereD.that31.He was extremely lazy, ______ he failed in the examination.A.because..…/B.as a result..../C.of which...as a resultD.as a result of which..../32.The store he bought a pair of sports shoes ______ last Friday afternoon has been knocked down.A.inB.onC.duringD./33.He is the student ______ you think to be worthy of the prize.A.whoB.whomC.whoseD.whoever34.This kind of dinosaur was probably the heaviest animal _______was.A.itB.thatC.whatD.there35.It was a Saturday morning _____we left home for the seaside.A.beforeB.whenC.thatD.until36.I believe the day will soon come ________man will live on the Mars.A.whereB.whenC.whichD.in which37.The damage and the suffering ______caused affected the old man greatly.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.it38.That is so high a mountain ______ few people can climb.A.asB.thatC.whichD.where39.This is the same electronic dictionary ______I lost yesterday. Thank you very much. Where did you find it?A.thatB.asC.whatD.which40.Parents owe their children a set of solid values______. Which of the following is Improper?A.around which to build their livesB.around which they build their livesC.which to build their lives aroundD.which they build their lives around41.Once upon a time,there stood such a high tree _______ no one was able to climb.A.thatB.asC.whichD.up which42.Clothes _____have been worn only a few time have to be put aside because of the change of fashion.A.whichB.whatC.ifD./43.The word "plastic”,coming from the Greek word "plastikos" is used to describe something can be easily shaped.A.andB.whatC.whichD.that44.People feel that there should be one true international language_______ everyone would have to learn as a foreign languageA.whereB.whatC.whichD.in whichputers make it easy for me to reach my friends _______ have e-mail,but I really have some trouble communicating with those _____fail to enter the e-age.A./…/B.who..whoC.who.../D./… who46.The Voice of America began during the World War Ⅱ,_______Germany was broadcasting radio program to get international support.A.whichB.whenC.thatD.as47.Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything_______ is offered to them.A.ifB.whatC.whichD.that48.It is the power of forming ideal pictures and of representing absent things,to yourselves and to others.That is the sense_______ I'll use the word“imagination”in the course of my address.A.whichB.thatC.in whichD.as49.To run a company,you have to spend more time______ you'd like sitting in boringmeetings,skimming over long documents _____you know there are errors but aren't sure how serious.A.that.…whichB.than .in whichC.which...thatD.than..which50.Waterloo is a battlefield______ Napoleon met his final defeat on June 18,1815.A.whenB.thatC.whereD.which51.There were two possessions of the lords______they both took a mighty pride.A./B.thatC.for whichD.in which52._____ is often the case,skillful student performance depends on careful teacher preparation.A.AsB.BecauseC.WhichD.It53.Let's ask ourselves what we would do in the particular situation ______ our moral, spiritual and physical beings were threatened from every direction.A.thatB.whereC.whichD.when54.At Rasa Sayang,there are eight outlets for dining______ the Japanese cuisine is excellent.A.whichB.of whichC.thatD.where55.As many members ______were present at the emergency meeting agreed to the capital increase plan.A.likeB.thatC. asD.who56.Who______ has common sense can believe such a superstition?A.whoB.whichC.whatD.that57.Jack is the boy_______we all consider to be worthy of our praise.A.whichB.whoeverC.whomD.whose58.Now it has become the social event ______ everybody______is invited to attend the wedding ceremony is invited to the reception afterwards.A.that…thatB.when …whomC.where…whoD.which..who59.John Lennon produced the music ______ many people danced,worked and talked during their teenage days.A.thatB.whichC.in whichD.to which60.Every issue in the magazine contains usable articles such as “Style Lab",_______wearable clothes are mixed and matched on non-models.A.whichB.thatC.in whichD.asKeys:1-5BACBB 6-10CCBCD 11-15DCACA 16-20ABBAB21-25DACBA 26-30CACBC 31-35DABDB 36-40BDAAC41-45BADCB 46-50BDCBC 51-55DABBC 56-60DCCDC。

2020上海市华师大二附中物理自招模拟试卷(一)一、单项选择题1.一般成人的步行速度是( ) A. 1千米/时 B. 5千米/时C. 10千米/时D. 20千米/时【答案】B 【解析】【详解】成人正常步行的速度约为1.2m s 1.2 3.6km h 4.32km h =⨯=故选B 。
2.桌面上有几个由不同材料制成的实心球,下列说法正确的是( ) A. 体积大的质量一定大 B. 体积小的质量可能大 C. 体积相等的质量一定相等 D. 体积不等的质量一定不等【答案】B 【解析】【详解】A .同种物质(同种状态)的不同实心球,体积大的质量大,由m V ρ=知,对于不同的物质的实心球,体积大的质量不一定大,故A 错误;B .由m V ρ=知,对于不同的物质的实心球,体积小的,若密度大,质量可能大,故B 正确;C .对于体积相等的不同物质的实心球,由于密度不同,由m V ρ=知,质量一定不相等,故C 错误;D .体积不等的不同物质的实心球,密度不同,由m V ρ=知,质量可能相等,故D 错误。
故选B 。
3.关于热量,正确的说法是( ) A. 热量表示物体所含热的多少 B. 热量表示物体内能的多少 C. 热量表示物体冷热程度变化的大小 D. 热量表示物体吸热和放热的多少 【答案】D 【解析】【详解】热量指的是由于物体间存在温度差,在热传递过程中所传递的能量的多少。
故选D 。
4.在1标准大气压下,下列各物质中,放热后温度立即降低的是( ) A. 0℃的水B. 0℃的冰C. 0℃的冰水混合物D. 100℃的水蒸气【解析】【详解】A .0℃的水放热后会凝固,在凝固过程中温度不变,故A 不合题意; B .0℃的冰已经是固态了放热后只能温度降低,故B 符合题意; C .0℃的冰水混合物放热后,温度仍然是0℃,故C 不合题意; D .100℃的水蒸气放热后可能液化成水,但温度不变,故D 不合题意。
故选B 。
5.一个人用平面镜来成像,要得到他的头朝下,脚向上的像,则平面镜应放在他的( ) A. 头顶上方 B. 左侧C. 右侧D. 任何位置【答案】A 【解析】【详解】由平面镜成像的特点,物与像的对应点的连线与镜面垂直可知,一个人用平面镜来成像,要得到头朝下,脚向上的像,则平面镜应放在他的头顶上方。


1. 已知:E 是正方形ABCD 的BC 边中点,过点D B .分别作AE 垂线,垂足分别是G F ..求角FBG ∠.
2. 若k 为整数,使得关于x 的方程03)32(2=++-x k kx 有有理数根,则称k 为“好数”,求这个好数k 的个数。
3. 在ABC Rt ∆中,已知6=AC ,点E 在AC 边上,满足AE CE 2=,D 为斜边AB 中点,F 为线段BC 一动点,满足ο90=∠EDF ,求FC BF -最大值。
4. 已知n (3≥n )个实数数n 的最小值。
9. 已知二次函数b x ax y ++=421与 a x bx y ++=422均有最小值,记1y 与2y 的最小值是 n m ,。
(1)若0=+n m ,证明:任意的实数x ,均有021≥+y y ;
(2)若n m ,均大于0,且 2=mn 记M 为n m ,中较大者,求M 的值。
10. 如图,在三角形ABC 中,AC AB =,D 为边AC 上一动点,过点D 作AB DE //,DE 与BC 交于点E ,F 为BD 中点,1o 与2o 是CDE ∆和BDE ∆外接圆圆心,证明:
(1)ο90=∠AFO ;
上海华东师范大学第二附属中学高一自招模拟英语试题 含答案

Lecture FourI. Words and phrases:1. Choice:1. Some of the passengers told the reporters about their in the burning train.(details,trips,event,experiences)2. After the president made an official announcement, she expressed her opinion.(personal, private,single,individual)3. He run towards the seaside and into the water.(dived, sank, headed, bathed)4. These football players had no strict until they joined our club.(Practice, training, education, exercise)5. Michael be a policeman, for he is much too short.(needn’t, should, can’t, may)6. I don’t know the restaurant, but it’s to be quite a good one.(told, said, spoken, talked)7. You can take as many as you like because they are free of .(charge, pay, money, fare)8. You look nice in green. Green you.(fits, suits, satisfies, matches)9. The new research team was led by the engineer.(chief, primary, main, major)10. A will be offered for information leading to the arrest of the bank robber.(profit, reward, fund, price)11. Electricity, like other forms of , has greatly increased in price.(power, force, strength, energy)12. The director is very busy, so he is not at home on Sundays.(most, mostly, hardly, already)13. Bob has made up his mind to leave here, so it won’t be easy to him to stay here.(suggest, prevent, persuade, make)14. You may take this kind of medicine without an ill .(effect,affect, aim, action)15. With doc tor’s effort, the patient is certain to before long.(go through, pull through, get through, breakthrough)16. We tried to the nervous old lady that flying was safe.(assure, promise, believe, be sure)17.”your brother’s letter when you have time,” I said, but he asked “Must Ito his letter? ” (answer...reply, reply...answer, answer...answer, reply...reply)18. The girl red when she . (Went...was lying, y, broke...lied, id)19. It is that some mistakes will happen. (Certainly, surely, certain,sure)20. The thief walked around the room , afraid of making any noise. (On his tiptoe, on tiptoe, on his tiptoes, on tiptoes)21. She me a present for my birthday last month. (agreed, approved, promised, meant)22. How did you yourselves during your holidays? (Like, enjoy, admire, appreciate)23. It’s very sad when husbands and wives with each other. (debate, discuss, quarrel, argue)24. New scientific discoveries constantly us. (Wonder, surprise, amaze, astonish)25. The fox the chicken and run away immediately.(held, seized, grasped, snatched)26. The city stands on the right of the river.(beach, bank, coast, shore)27. We must stick to education in all schools. (quality, quantity, character, personality)28. Would you show us some of your work? (models, examples, guides, samples)29. Of victories keeps pouring. (information, news, advertisement, data)30.It wasn’t an accident. He did it on .(intention, reason, purpose, carelessness)31. Two rivers connected to form one waterway.(constant, steady, continual, continuous)32. She is so that she doesn’t even know where Beijing is.(foolish, silly, stupid, ignorant)33. My father was with his new study.(pleasing, pleasant, pleased, pleasure)34. You shouldn’t your opinion on others.(force, impress, make, strike)35. His mother told him not to talk at breakfast time.(proudly, nervously, constantly, properly)36. The children like to watch the planes and land from far away.(take out, take away, take up, take off)37. Your carelessness will you your life.(waste, use, cost, spend)38. She told the dentist that the toothache had kept her the night before.(wake, woke, walking, awake)39. Human history is often compare a long river.(for, to, with, along)40. We saw a good film on TV last night.(beautiful, handsome, lovely, pretty)2. Phrases1. be familiar with2. Be fed up with3. be fit for4. be free from5. be grateful/thankful to sb. or sth6. be ignorant of7. be in favor of8. be independent of9. be infected with10. be inferior to11. be involved in12. be located in13. be lost in thought14. be of good/poor quality15. be on a diet16. be opposed to doing17. be particular about18. be popular with/among19. be present at20. be qualified for3. Understanding the following sentences and pay attention to the underlined parts.1. You must have once been here in Shanghai. You are very familiar with the roads here.2. The name sounds familiar to me.3. He is so talkative that I am a little fed up with him.4. I am fed up with the same food every day.5. I don’t think the job is fit for you.6. If we go on polluting the world, it won’t be fit for us to live in.7. I’m looking forward to living a life free from any worry.8. Even if he could be free from punishment, how can he face his children in the future?9. We are grateful to you for your suggestions.10. But choosing not to be religious is different from choosing to be ignorant of religion.11. For a cultivated man to be ignorant of foreign languages is a great inconvenience.12. Are you in favor of or against our plan?13. The Indian Prime Minister is said to be in favor of trying to build bridges with Pakistan.14. Well they definitely have to be independent of political pressure.15. Judges must be independent of political pressure.16. More than 600,000 people were estimated to be infected with HIV, about one-third of them expected to die from TB.17. Horses are the only species of domestic animal that can be naturally infected with Hendra virus.18. I’m inferior to you in math.19. The professor is so easy going that he never makes others inferior to him.20. I don’t want to be involved in your argument.21. Let your child be involved in the process of choosing books.22. Our school is located in Jading.23. He is sitting in front of the window, lost in thought.24. Lost in thought for a moment, mom replied, “then I would rather buy you a gift.”25. I assure you that our products are of good quality.26. If you want to lose weight you must be on a diet.27. But he said he wouldn’t be opposed to covering something local if it meant he’d get to stay a journalist.28. I’m opposed to rebuilding the bridge.29. You shouldn’t be too particular about food.30. His novel is popular with young people.31. You should be present at our meeting tomorrow.32. We can’t accept you as you are not qualified for the job.Part twoReading1.Reading skills:2.归纳论证归纳论证议论文是一种由个别到一般的论证方法。
2017-2018学年上海市华二紫竹紫竹初三英语自招第二讲名词性从句训练题 答案

名词性从句训练题1. has recently been done to provide more services and facilities, the residents still complain about the great difficulty in receiving medical health care.A. WhatB. ThatC. In spite of whatD. Though what2. The date 5.12 is a special number, , I think, that will be remembered by the Chinese forever.A.whatB.whichC.itD.one3. Please contact the secretary for the minutes of the meeting. yesterday is of great importance to the development of our business.A. That we discussedB. What we discussedC. How did we discussD. What did we discuss4. Humans painted lively creatures such as cows, bulls, horses, and even cats on the walls of the caves remains a mystery.A. WhatB. WhereC. ThatD. Why5. Although Jim had expected something special from Della, he was still surprised by he saw.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.how6. I don’t know much about the new reform except a sound social security net should be established.A.thatB.whetherC.whatD.where7. The reason why I declined your invitation to the picnic was a job interview that day.A.because I hadB.because of havingC.due toD.that I had8. really matters is you do, you must do it well.A. What;whatB. Whatever; whateverC. What;whateverD.whatever; what9. may be the reason, she is going to become an actress.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhateverD. It10.Word came the long-awaited agreement was reached after seven months of negotiation ended at 3 am yesterday.A.WhatB.thatC.whenD.which11.The majority of 1.3 million people who voted online are in favor of a new public holiday planeliminates one of the three Golden Week holidays and adds three traditional festivals to the holiday list.A.thatB.whetherC.whatD.where12. -- All the building materials have been washed away.--So l have heard.But there was no sign a heavy rain was on the way last night.A.whenB.thatC.whichD.if13. Desertificaticn(沙溪化),the name for happens when farmable land is turned into desert, is a growing world problem.A.whichB.whereC.whatD.how14.Obviously, there was little probability they would succeed,but heydidn't mind.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.how15.After years' exploration, the geologists have reached the conclusion this area is rich in resource of natural gas.A.whichB.andC.whereD.that16.Did he tell you he came here for the day before yesterday?A.whenB.whyC.whatD.which17.You are saying that everyone should take equal responsibility,and that is I disagree.A.whyB.whereC.whatD.how18. I will recommend the chain store to is interested in good quality and excellent service.A.whoeverB.whoC.whomeverD.whom19. fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.A.WhatB.ThatC.ThisD.Which20. Deep in the Atlantic Ocean, explorers have found may be the most valuable sunken treasure in history.A.whereB.whatC.thatD.which21. It is generally believed improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy.A.asB.thatC.thisD.what22.The most amazing element in his personality is he regards himself as a giver rather than a taker.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.because23.I'm not sure I can gain any profit from the investment, so l can't make a definite promise to her.A.whetherB.thatC.whatD.which24.It seems unlikely we can overcome our financial difficulties in such as short period of time.A.howB.whichC.thatD.what25.There is no doubt Shanghai Book Trades(上海外文图书公司)will make greater and greater contributions to the development of Shanghai.A.whichB.whatC.thatD.whether26.The manager decided to give the job to he believed had a strong sense of duty.A.whoeverB.whomeverC.whoD.those27.The phenomenon worried a lot of people some parents have their child buy lottery instead of themselves.A.whetherB.becauseC.thatD.when28.The former vice-president outlined in his closing speech world leaders and experts could deal more effectively with international issues.A.whenB.howC.why D,what29.The sponsors weren't sure at first the school and the students' parents would support their proposition by participating actively.A.whetherB.thatC.about thatD.if30.They raised the awareness by holding various drives students should take action by finding local ways to solve urgent issues.A.whichB.in whichC.whatD.that31.Great changes have taken place everywhere in the city. It is no longer it was 20 years ago,when it was not developed.A.whatB.howC.thatD.which32. doesn't make much difference whether you have a rich background. really matters is tan independent learner.A.That;ItB.It;ThatC.It ;WhatD.What;It33.It was really a great wonder he could survive under such severe condition.A.whetherB.thatC. whatD.because34.The beast said that he had made a promise anyone released him from the cage, he would make his wish an outlet for their thoughts.A.thatB.howC.what D,which35. I was stunned by the students’ response, which made me recognize creative they would be once they had an outlet for their thoughts.A.thatB.howC.whatD.which36.China's achievement in manned-spacecraft travel shows our country has became one of the greatest powers in space research.A.whichB.it thatC.whatD./37. they will break the sponsored fast is not far off.A. WhenB. WhatC. IfD. Which38. We do must be in the interests or the students and teachers.A. ThatB. WhicheverC. WhateverD. Which39.She liked the souvenir so much that she would like to take it cost.A.how muchB.whatC.whateverD.however40.The reason for his success is not that he had more chances than his classmates, he trained more.A.thatB.whatC.but thatD.and what41.We were overjoyed at he news he had recovered and would compete for the gold medal in the coming championship next week.A.thatB.whichC.whenD.howmercial are different from other forms of communication the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.A.in thatB.in whichC.so thatD.what43.It is a common observation regulations have been carried out to bring down the prices of houses recently, wage-earners never seem to be able to afford one.B.that B.that althoughC.thoughD.whether44.As a result of inflation, could be bought ten years ago for one hundred yuan now costs over twice as much.A.whatB.thatC.itD.which45. the new vaccine will induce the organism to produce antibodyremains a puzzle.A.WhatB.ThatC.WhetherD.If46.Can you imagine the world would look like all the glaciers melted?A.what;whenB.what;ifC.how; whenD.how;if47. the reasons may be,there's no doubt that more and more people now take cosmetic surgeries.A. WhatB. WhateverC. WhichD. Whichever48.To learn purposefully, you should always mark you have questions and don't hesitate to ask anybody that may know the answers.A.thereB.thatC.whereD.which49.Wearing school uniforms is not we consider as a fashion,but a means to promote school image.A.whatB.howC.whetherD.that50.Public concerns such chemicals and addictives, though used to keep the fruits fresh, can in fact cause cancer have been confirmed.A.whatB.thatC.ifD.how51.As long as you set a goal in life and get down to it, you will sooner or later feel sure of the belief there’s a will,there' a way.A.whatB.thatC.that whereD.where52.The reason why he was absent was he had an appointment with his dentist.A.becauseB.thatC.whetherD.because of53.--Well,where did you spend you night that day?-- At .A.where it is called Hilton HotelB.what is called Hilton HotelC.which is called Hilton HotelD.that is called Hilton Hotel54.The prize will be awarded to comes first in the competition.A.whoB.whomC.whoeverD.whomever55.Never forget that such operations are painful experiences, good the results.A.whateverB.whicheverC.howeverD.whenever56.That was the reason the girl refused to speak for at the ceremony.A.for whichB.whyC.whatD.which57.The traditional idea knowledge acquisition only comes from the teachers in class has dominated school for a long period of time.A.whyB.whetherC.whatD.that58.I certainly applaud their efforts and there's a lot we can learn they are attempting to do.A.from whatB.whatC.from whichD.which59.The old lady stood quite still, her lips moved slightly.A.exceptB.except forC.except thatD.except what60.Father made a promise I got straight A's,he would take me to a skiing holiday at Christmas.A.ifB.thatC.that ifD.whether61.The most popular way to limit access to material online would be isknown as a“content screener”.A.thatB.itC.whichD.what62.The local people showed the explorers a photo of the Wild Man in the mountains.A.who was so calledB.what was so calledC.that was so calledD.that called63. seems annoying is these young people litter everywhere.A.It;thatB.What;theyC.That;whatD.It; why64. is the center of our planetary system was a difficult concept to gasp in the Middle Ages.A.It is the sun and not the earthB.Being the sun and not the earthC.The sun and not the earthD.That the sum and not the earth65.The evident fact most people believe war is the evil and want a peaceful land does not mean that it will not occur.A.thatB.whyC.whatD.which66. that there will be another chance to view this excellent presentation of the whole project next week.A.It saysB.It isC.It is saidD.I was told67.-Why is Jazzy late again?--She called to apologize but I don't know .A.what he reason can beB.what can be the reasonC.what reason can it beD.what can the reason be68.The warm-hearted lady always thinks of she can be in better aid of her neighbors.A.howB.whyC.whatD.Which69.The true happiness in life is not in , but in .A.that you get;that you giveB.what do you get; what do you giveC.what you get;what you giveD.how you get; how you give70.The police are encouraging local people by promising reward for offering any clue that may help to identify the man in the video record.A.whoB.whichC.whatD.how71. is an acknowledged fact that China is playing a more and more important role in the international affairs.A. ThatB. ThereC. ThisD. It72. caused the accident is now under investigation.A.ThatB.WhyC.The reasonD.What73. Beijing Olympic Games was a huge success inspired Chinese at home and abroad.A. ThatB. WhetherC. HowD. Since74. Touching in this story is the father’s care and concern for his daughter whatever difficulties he met with.A. That is mostB. It mostly isC. What is mostD. What is mostly75. The monitor and other class representatives made a rule that we read English in the morning.A.thatB.itC.whatD.which76. All the soldiers paid obeisance(致军礼)and all the people around applaudedwarmly as the heroes turned up at the platform for they demonstrated in the anti-terrorist fight.A.thatB.itC.whatD.which77. All the people held breath, waiting anxiously and wondering the workers would be taken out of the mine safely.A.whyB.whetherC.whatD.which78. Word came the drowning girl was saved by a lifeguard who then took her to her parents.A.whenB.whileC.asD.that79. “The Young Pioneer”formation symbols that the younger generations will take over their predecessors have been pursing in their lives.A.whatB.howC.whereD.that80.It was about 150 years ago the world’s first steam powered submarine was ocA.untilB.beforeC.whenD.that81.The scientists couldn’t figure out was the ancient people held such ceremonies so frequently.A.What; whyB. That; whyC. What; becauseD. Why; that82.Is little possibility you can make great progress without a large vocabulary.A.There; whetherB. It; thatC. There; thatD. It; whether83.Take present you like and leave the rest for comes in later.A.whatever;whoB.whatever;whoeverC.which;whoD.whichever;whoever84.When I arrived at the school was supposed to be, all I could see wasa convenience store.A.whereB.whereverC.whichD.that85.The celebrity couple made a public appearance the second day as a response to the rumor they had broken up their marriage.A.whatB.whetherC.whichD.thatst month she told a British newspaper that she had forced herself to think that happened in the future, it couldn’t get much worse than such a disaster.A.whatB.whateverC.whichD.whichever87.Jack was wondering to do when his old teacher offered to lend him £100 to start his own business.A.whyB.howC.whenD.what88.He will come to the conference has excited every one of us.A.WhatB. ThatC. ThisD. Which89.At one time it was doubtful the company could recover from its financial difficulties, but the government loan seems to have helped.A.whatB.whenC.thatD.whether90.There is no doubt adults, and even highly educated adults, vary greatly in the speed and efficiency of their reading.A.whatB.ifC.thatD.whether91.I do not doubt our educational system leaves something to be desi red, but that shouldn’t be a barrier to our communication.A.whatB.ifC.thatD.whether92.I doubt the party will be true to its commitment after it comes into power, so I will discuss my unsureness with several colleagues.A.whatB.howC.thatD.whether93.Do you doubt he has got that rare chance of going to his ideal university for further education?A.whatB.ifC.thatD.whether94.Illegal hunting has led to one scientific report called a “global disaster”.A.thatB.whatC.whichD.how95.Rose looks frustrated. What do you think to her?A.that has happenedB.to have happenedC.that has been happenedD.has happened96.I bought this dictionary in an online store at Joyo Amazon,but I can’t remember .A.whereB.thereC.whichD.that97.of these tasks is to be fulfilled first doesn’t matter very much as long as all the tasks are finished within two hours.A.WhatB. ThoseC. WhichD. That98.The newly-married couple has made it a rule gets home first starts cooking the supper.A.whoB. that whoeverC.whoeverD.that who99.will make the tea depends on how many right answers each of them get.A.WhoB. WhoeverC. AnyoneD. Those 100.We can assign the task to is capable and trustworthy.A.whoeverB.whoC.whomD.any one Keys:1-5 CBBDA 6-10 ADDCB 11-15 ABCBD 16-20 BBABB 21-25 BBACC26-30 ACBAD 31-35 ABBCB 36-40 DACCC 41-45 AABAA 46-50 BBBAB51-55 BBBDC 56-60 BDADC 61-65 DBBDA 66-70 CACCB 71-75 DDADB76-80 CBDAD 81-85 ABDAD 86-90 BBBCC 91-95 CDCBD 96-100 CABAA。

体裁:记叙文题材:人物故事词数:290阅读时间:分钟题数:20难度系数:★★★I live with my husband in a beautiful house about 800 meters from the ocean at Aldinga Beach in South Australia.We love 1 here and feel like we have 2 our life goals-well,one of them,the other goal is to 3 what we have now.Life wasn’t always like this.I 4 when I was growing up I always felt as though I was going through life for the only purpose of 5 my parents.the only problem with this was 6 I was the only person who knew about that 7Things didn’t really 8 when I went to boarding school.I was 9 sorry I would let my parents down.I was 12 years old then and 10 80 kg-not good for a 12 year old girl.I hated myself.I did not 11 sports activities because I did not know what to do.My self-esteem was 12 the horizon and I felt a total 13 ,as if I was not good enough for 14In my second year I thought I had turned things 15 when I came top of the class.it was only later that I learned life is not about people-pleasing and seeking 16 from others is not the way to long-term happiness-this is something that needs to come from within,from feeling complete,feeling 17 ,loved,successful and worthy.this is how I am today.I had been a 18 in life,feeling like everyone was against me.then one day I 19 life coaching.coaching is the life blood of my very being.I discovered I had a choice in life.I will always have a choice, 20 that every decision I make is my decision.1.A.these B.that C.one D.it2.A.reached B.formed C.need D.received3.A.keep B.guard C.enjoy D.share4.A.believe B.remember C.discuss D.admit5.A.encouraging forting C.pleasing D.mentioning6.A.because B.why C.that D.how7.A.trick B.goal C.truth D.belief8.A.appear B.change st D.work9.A.slightly B.rarely C.absolutely D.narrowly10.A.measured B.seemed C.limited D.weighed11.A.take in B.succeed in C.bring in D.participate in12.A.beyond B.above C.below D.behind13.A.stranger B.winner C.success D.failure14.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing15.A.out B.down C.over D.around16.A.approval B.application C.preference D.reputation17.A.annoyed B.difficult C.confident D.convenient18.A.hero B.shame C.victim D.guilt19.A.invited B.discovered C.created D.introduced20.A.refusing B.wishing C.knowing D.depending答案:1-5DACBC 6-10CBBCD 11-15DCDCD 16-20ACCBC体裁:应用文题材:汽车喜好词数:481阅读时间:分钟题数:5难度系数:★★★★阅读下面六种车的介绍(A,B,C,D,E,F),选出符合个人需要的最佳选项。

数学自主招生试题(7)一 填空题1 坐标平面上有两个圆,A B ,圆心均为(3,7)-,若圆A 与x 轴相切,圆B 与y 轴相切,则圆A 和圆B 的面积比为______2 若实数,a b 满足2222114a b a b +=+,则20172018()()______b a a b-= 3 函数|1||2||3||4||5|y x x x x x =+++++++++,当______x =时,min ______y = 4 一副中国象棋红方棋子共有16个,将它们反面朝上放在棋盘上,任取一个不是兵和帅的概率是______5 设a =,则32______a ++=6 三角形三边长为7,8,5a b c ===, 则(sin sin sin )(cot cot cot )______222A B C A B C ++++= 7 设[]x 为不大于x 的最大整数,集合21{|2[]3},{|28}8x A x x x B x =-==<<,则______A B =I8 方程6209350xy x y -++=的所有整数解为aa9 方程4230x x --+=的四个实根的平方和为______ 10 在三位数中,数字7恰好出现一次的共有______个二解答题11 设,,0a b c >,证明不等式(1)(1)(1)2(1a b c b c a +++≥+12 已知ABC V 的最短边为BC ,设,P Q 分别在线段,AB AC 上,使PCB BAC QBC ∠=∠=∠。
证明:ABC V 的外心与APQ V 的外心的连线垂直于BC13 求有序三元正整数组(,,)a b c 的个数,使得2()4abc a b c =+++14 对任意的实数[1,1]x ∈-,有2||1(0)ax bx c ac ++≤≠,求2()||x f cx bx a =++在[1,1]-的最大值。

1.在ABC ∆中,AE AC AD AB AC E AB D A C B 5,5,,,2==∈∈∠=∠+∠,且I H G F ,,,依次为边BC 上的4个五等分点,则._________=∠+∠+∠+∠DIE DHE DGE DFE2. 已知方程02=++c bx ax 的两根之和为p ,两根平方和为q ,两根立方和为r ,则.________=++cp bq ar3. 设,ac b a b c b a c c b a k ++-=+-=-+=且,6952n n m =+++则关于自变量的一次函数n m kx y ++=的图像必过第________象限4. 某校初三两个毕业班的学生和教师共100人一起站在台阶上拍毕业照,现要将其排列成前多后少的梯形方阵(排数3≥),且各行的人数必须是连续的正整数,这样才能使后一排的人均站在前一排两人间的空档处,那么满足上述要求的排列方案有_______种.5. 若二次函数1322++-=t tx x y 在[]3,1∈x 上的最小值为1-,则.________=t6. 在ABC ∆中,060,8,5=∠==A AC AB ,则它的内切圆半径为._________7. 设y x ,为实数,则32226522+-++-=y x y xy x f 的最小值是.____________8. 如图,ABC ∆中,CF BE AD ,,交于形内点P ,FE 延长线交BC 于点G .若15=BD ,,6=CD 则._________=CG9. 已知n 为正整数,且99192+-n n 是完全平方数,则n 所有可能的值为._________10. 设,23=a 则()[]33291++-a a 的值为.________11. 已知抛物线43432+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++=x a ax y 的开口向下,它与x 轴交于点,,B A 与y 轴交于点C ,如果ABC ∆是等腰三角形,求a 的值.12. 锐角ABC ∆的内心为I ,垂心为H ,ABC ∆的外接圆的劣弧AC 的中点为M ,若MH MI =,求.ABC ∠13.若函数()213212+-=x x f 在区间[]b a ,上的最小值为a 2,最大值为b 2,求[].,b a。

华⼆⾃招训练题(九)华⼆⾃招训练题(九)Lecture TenGrammar: Modal VerbsChoice:1. From what I heard about their hotel and the terrible weather, they_______their holiday at all.A. would have enjoyedB. shouldn't have enjoyedC. needn't have enjoyedD. can't have enjoyed2. I tried to call at your home last week but your dog simply ______not let me come through the gate.A. couldB. wouldC. mightD. should3. Here is my MP3 player! It's strange. I don't remember leaving it here, but I suppose I ________soA. can doB. must have doneC. need have doneD. should have done4. You __________Jeanne at the meeting this morning because she left for Hong Kong last night.A. mustn't have seenB. can't have seenC. shouldn't have seenD. wouldn't have seen5. The boss_______the worker how to do it, or the accident couldn't have happened.A. can't have toldB. ought to tellC. couldn't have been toldD. mustn't have told6. Haven't we told you that you_______ have 25 dollars if you have fixed ourcomputer?A. shallB. wouldC. should D could17. —There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.—It ____________a comfortable journey.A. can't beB. shouldn't beC. must have beenD. couldn't have been8. ________this letter _________now?A. Need ... typedB. Does ... need to be typedC. Need ... to be typedD. Does ... need be typed9. Even if you don't like the work, you_________ it.A . must do B. must have done C. have to do D. should have done10. I know Miss Hamilton's handwriting. She always writes beautifully. This handwriting is so bad. So I believe this _________be hers.A. can notB. must notC. canD. should11. I promise you that I __________you a present next week.A. shall be givingB. will giveC. shall have givenD. shall give12. One ought _________for what one hasn't done.A. not to be punishedB. to not be punishedC. to not punishedD. not be punished13. One ought_________for what one hasn't done.A. not to be punishedB. to not be punishedC. to not punishedD. not be punished14. _________it be true that Albert passed the test in geography?A. MayB. ShouldC. CouldD. Would15. —Must we keep the room warm?—No, you _______.We'll leave soon.A. can'tB. shouldn'tC. needn'tD. mustn't16. He looks worried; I think he _________in the exam.A. ought to have failedB. should have failed2C. must have failedD. must fail17. Mr. Lopes _____be in the classroom because I saw him only a minute ago here.A. mustn'tB. isn't able toC. can'tD. may not18. Listen ! Ms. Hood is speaking to the students. She _______them an English lesson.A. must giveB. must have givenC. must be givingD. ought to be given19. This fish is dead, I__________it into water five minutes ago.A. ought to putB. must putC. had to put D, should have put20. What a gift you've brought me! You are so kind, but you _________so.A. shouldn't doB. needn't doC. couldn't have doneD. needn't have done21. Lucy left home earlier than usual. She _______for class that day.A. can't have been lateB. cannot be lateC. shouldn't he lateD. may not be late22. Where is my key to the bike? I can't find it anywhere. I __________it.A. might loseB. would have lostC. should have lostD. must have lost23. --He must have gone by bus. --No, he_________by bus.A. mustn't goB. mustn't have goneC. can't goD. can't have gone24. You ________walk for miles and miles among the hills without meeting anyone.A. mustB. needC. mayD. should25. You________me, because I never said I liked coffee without milk.A. must be misunderstandingB. must misunderstandC. had to misunderstandD. must have misunderstood26 .The light of his room is still on, so he_______ out.A. mustn't goB. mustn't have goneC. can't have gone327. The flowers are dead. You _________them.A. ought to waterB. should have wateredC. must have wateredD. have to water28. The movie was wonderful. You ___________to see it some day.A. haveB. hadC. oughtD. should29. Today is your holiday. You ___________here to work.A. shouldn't have comeB. needn't have comeC. mustn't have comeD. cannot have come30. Since the road was wet this morning, it _________last night.A. must rainB. must be rainedC. must have rainedD. had to rain31. You look very tired. You must__________to bed very late last night.A. be goneB. be goingC. have goneD. have been gone32. You _________such a long report, the new boss never likes reading a report over 200 words,but you've written more than 500.A. needn't writeB. needn't have writtenC. didn't need to writeD. didn't need write33. I didn't see her in the meeting room this morning, so I think she_______at theA. mustn't have spokenB. shouldn't have spokenC. needn't have spokenD. couldn't have spoken34. She knows the city quite well. She_________there before.A. has goneB. had beenC. might goD. must have been35. He ought ____________so soon.A. to have not leftB. to not have leftC. not to have leftD. not have left36. You __________me up. I don't have to go to work today.A. didn't need to wakeB. needn't have woken4C needn’t to workD can’t have woken37. He ________so hurriedly that day, actually there was still more than half an hour left.A. needn't leaveB. couldn't leaveC. oughtn't to leave D needn’t have left38. Be quick! They _______ for us at the school gate now.A. must have waitedB. must waitC. must be waitingD. ought to have waited39. –I rang your fiat yesterday. A man answered. But I didn't recognize the voice.--0h, it my brother Peter.A. must beB. mustD. might be40. The classroom is empty. I think they_______to the library.A. should have goneB. must goC. must have goneD. ought to41. The classroom is empty. I think they_______to the library.A. should have goneB. must goC. must have goneD. ought to42. When I saw her crying, I realized I _________her the news so soon.A. should have toldB. must have toldC. should not tellD. shouldn't have told43. Go and have _______before we set out.A. sleepB. a sleepC. the sleepD. sleeps44. Joe _______here by now, that's too bad. We can't have the meeting without him.A. ought to beB. should comeC. should have comeD. may have come45. Mary didn't answer the door bell. She _________asleep.A. ought to fallB. can have fallenC. might have fallenD. should have fallen46. He _______without saying good-bye to them because he always has good manners.5C. shouldn't have leftD. can't have left47. Jim is very sorry that he has failed in the exam. He said he_______harder.A. must nave studiedB. would have studiedC. ought to studyD. should have studied48. Teresa's car stopped on the highway. It_______out of gas,A. may have runB. may runC. should runD. should have run49. It's still early. You___________.A, mustn't hurry B. wouldn't hurryC. may not hurryD. don't have to hurry50. You look well today. You _______a good sleep last night, I think.A. must haveB. hadC. must have hadD. will have51. The door is open. They _________to lock it.A. may forgetB. must forgetC. might forgetD. must have forgotten52. ___________you wait for me here?A. ShallB. ShouldC. WillD. May53. Miss Li isn't at home. She _______to the office.C, would have gone D. must have gone54. --1 think you were mistaken.6--Yes, I ________mistaken.A. must beB. could beC. may beD. might have been55. –He _____be hungry. He's just eaten an apple.--l think he_______be hungry. He's walked a long way.A. can't ... mustB. mustn't mustC. shouldn't ... canD. can't ... can56. It seems that nothing _________to save him at the moment.A. can doB. can be doneC. is to doD. is going to do57. She ought_________ for that.A. not to be praisedB. to not be praised C to not praised D not to praised58. I don't think he________ a new watch.A. need to buyB. needs buyC. needD. need buy59. --May I take this dictionary out of the library?—NO, you_______________>A. needn'tB. mustn'tC. can'tD. shouldn't60. She ________to Vancouver before. She is very familiar with the city.A. ought to have beenB. should have beenC. can not have beenD. must have61. The girl is sixteen. Mother__________wash the clothes for her any longer.A. needs not toB. need notC. need not toD. needs not62. .Look at that man . It must be our Principal.-- No , it _______ him.A. must not beB. can't beC. needn't beD. would not be63. -Need I be there tonight? —Yes, you_______A. mustB. needC. canD. could764. The man standing over there __________be Mr. Morrison. He has gone to India.A. may notB. can'tC. mustn'tD. shouldn't65. The living room simply doesn't need_________A. to cleanB. to cleaningC. to be cleanedD. to be cleaning66. ___________the story be true? I hardly believe it.A. MayB. WouldC. MustD. Can67. —Must I finish all the exercises today?—No, you _________But you__________finish them before Friday.A. mustn't ... needB. don't have to… mustC. needn't ...need D shouldn’t…ought68. Did you hear me come in last night?No, I _______ asleepA. must beB. must have beenC.may beD. would be69. That would be a terrible mistake.No, I don’t think it __________ a mistake.A. must beB. mustn’t beC. can beD. can’t be70. There is no light in the room. I think he__________in.A. mustn't beB. can't beC. mustn't have beenD. should not be71. The house is quiet . The Browns ________to bed.A. must goB. must have goneC. should have beenD. should not be72. You __________have handed in your homework earlier.A. wouldB. had betterC. ought to73. --t's a beautiful day for skating, isn't it?-- Yes, it's very nice. The radio said______, though.A. it might snow laterB. it would be fine laterC. it might become to rain later8D. it would shine later74. Tony was not surprised at all at the matter. He must ______ the story.A. have knowB. knowC. be knownD. be knowing75.Don’t have anything before go to bed, you?A.willB.doC.won’tD.wouldn’t76.Who would like to heip me with the heavy box?IA.shallB.willC.canD.may77.A squirrel doesn’t hibernate in winter,but it worry about itsfood.A.needs notB.needn’t toC.needn’tD.doesn’t need78.It ‘s unlikely to rain.you not take an umbrella with you.A.will haveB.needC. DareD.could79.She doesn’t answer the phone.she be out.B.mightC.has toD.should80.Please open the window, ?A.can’t youB.aren’t youC.do youD.will you81.May i stop here?No,youA.mustn’tB.might notC.needn’tD.won’t82.Let’s go to the cinema, ?A.do weB.do youC.shall weD.will you83.The teacher has told the boy that he pay for the missing book.A.need notB.need not toC.needs notD.needs not to84.You watch DVD all the evening if you wish,he said to her.A.shouldB.have toC.ought toD.may85. I go there at once?No ,I don’t think you9A.must....have toB.do...need toD.may...ought to86. you like to have another cup of tea?Yes,please.A.canB.mustC.wouldD.may87.Do sit down, ?A.do youB.don’t youC.won’t youD.shall you88.I have been sitting up writting my paper for two nights.do you think i stand another night without sleeping?A.couldB.can be able toC.wouldD.shall89.Will you please do me a favor?Yes.IA.shallB.willC.canD.might90.Do as you are told, ?A.can youB.is itC.shall weD.will you91..have a cup of tea, ?A.can youB.is itC.shall weD.will you92.You to tell me the truth if you want my help.C.mustD.have93.Lieten!is that jeanne’s voice?she to the cinema.A.must have goneB.oughtn’t to goC.can’t have goneD.shouldn’t have gone94.And i to ask you,because i thought i must be wrong.A.didn’tB.not dareC.not to dareD.dared not95.Let us leave here, ?A.shall youB.will youC.shall weD.will we96.Clever boys need never work very hard, ?A.needn’t theyB.don’t theyC.do theyD.need they97.She asked Mr.palmer if she type the letter right then. 10A.shallB.wouldC.willD.should98.Peter has been trying for an hour,but his car still start.A.won’tB.wouldn’tC.didn’tD.hasn’tB.might have metC.may have metD.may have been met 100.You for what you have done!the boss threatened one of his employees. A.will be punished B.shall be punishedC.will have been punishedD.shall have been punished101. Swim to that rock and back again?A.Dare heB.dares heC.will dare heD.will he dare102.Sherry it if she doesn’t want to.A.need not doB.needs not doC.needs not to doD.does not need to103. Do it myself than try to persuade such a silly fellow like him.A.I’d likeB.I’d ratherC.I’d betterD.I’d like to104.What’s the matter with the door?I can’t open it.I try to open it for you?A.willB.shallC.won’tD.need105.Have you read airport written by Arthur Hailey?No,I haven’t, like to read it.A.IB.I’llC.I’mD.I’dA.shallB.willC.CanD.would107.He was a good swimmer so he swim to the shore when the boat sank.A.couldB.mightC.succeeded toD.was able to108.Must i wait here until you come back?11A.No,you can’tB.No,you needn’t C, No,you must D.No,you may109.He not pay unless he is forced to pay.A.shallB.willC.shouldD.would110.The man you want to see has arrived, he come now?A.doesB.willC.shallD.is111.If you really want yourself to be in good health,you must always so much.A.not be smokingB.not...have smokedC.not so smokeD.be not smoking112.Michael be a policeman,for he’s much too short.A.needn’tB.can’tC.shouldD.may113.Susan written a report like this.B.mustn’t haveC.can’t haveD.ought to not have114.I wonder how he that to the teacher.A.dare to sayB.dare sayingC.not dare sayD.dared say115.When he was there,he go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.A.wouldB.shouldC.had betterD.might116.Sir,you be sitting in this waiting room,it is for women and children only. A.oughtn’t B.can’t C.won’t D.needn’t 117.You can’t immagine that a well-behaved gentleman be so rude to a lady.A.mightB.needC.shouldD.would118.It has been announced that candidates remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.A.canB.willC.mayD.shall119.How you say that you understand the whole story if you have covered only12part of the article?A.canB.mustC.needD.may120.Children under 12 years of age in that country be under adult supervision when in a public libraryA.canB.mustD.may121.Jack yet,otherwise he would have telephoned me.A.must haveB.shouldC.need haveD.ought to have122.there was a lot of fun at yesterday’s party.you come,but why didn’t you?A.must haveB.shouldC.need haveD.ought to have123.My sister met patrick at the grand theatre yesterday afternoon,so he your lecture.A.couldn’t have attendedB.needn’t have attendedC.mustn’t have attendedD.shouldn’t have attended124.Have you ever regretted doing something you ?A.should doB.must have doneC. Shouldn’t have doneD. Mustn’t have done125.When farmers use insecticide to kill insects,somepoisonous chemicalsstay on the crops or in the soil,and that is also dangerous.A.mustB.shouldC.ought toD.may126.When a grade 12 student is not well prepared when he finishes high school,he first gain skills necessary to begin a university program,which addd a year or more to their time at university.A.must canB.can mustC.should needD.might will127.If you leave the interrviewer a bad impression during an job interview,he will assume you have a lot of other unsatisfactory characters,worse,he or she take thetime to give you a second chance.A.may notB.must notC.should notD.can not128.There are a lot of people there, we go and have a look?A.mustB.doC.willD.shall129.You see.my newly bought alarm clock is broken.i itA.should not buyB.need not have boughtC.ought not buyD.ought not to have bought130.I sincerely hope that my son enter a universityA.willB.wouldC.shouldD.might1.Consider as/to be2.Consist of3.Contribute to4.Convince sb of sth5.Cooperate with sb6.Cope with7.Count on8.Cover a long distance9.Cut down on10.Cut off11.Date back to12.Devote oneself to dong13.Die out14.Differ from16.Divide into17.Do harm/good to18.Do nothing but do19.Draw/form/reach/make a conclusion1420.Put the following into english or vice versa1.I will see,hear,read and learn what my superiors will consider as fit for me.2.those who have no way to get such extra marks will likely feel justified to cheat in examinations,whch they will consider as their own way to make up for their lack of power and money.3.Unite one consists of two lessons.4.His color photographs consists of common artifacts and scenes from every daylife ,which have been rearranged,assembled,and constructed into variousforms,patterns,and illustrations.5.Your success should contribute to the success of others!6.Understand that you deserve the best that life has to offer and that you have so much to contribute to the world.7.Our monitor contributes lots of spare time to our class.8.The shop assistant convinced us that his product was of good quality.9.The convincing proof that smoking causes cancer has failed to convince hundreds of millions of people to abandon the vile habit.10.It wouldn’t convince anybody of anything.11.If you feel safe and allow allow yourself to feel safe,you can learn,you can cooperate with others,you can build societies.12.We put off the conference in order to better cope with the tense situation13.Some individuals drink to cope with or medicate emotional problems.14.Whenever you have a team effort,you need to remember that your teammates count on you and want you to be successful15.Soon we could count on five or six eggs a week16.What puzzles me is how he was able to cover such a long distance on foot17.We should cut down on water consumption18.Ride a bicycle this will cut down on carbon emissions and money you spend on a car1519.With the main highwy cut off,there is no connection to the rest of the country20.If you don’t pay the bill,we will cut off your electricity21.The artifacts,mainly textiles and ceramic objects,date back to the variety of cultures established in peru before its coloniza by the spanish in the 16th century22.Any student looking for a part-time job must be realistic about the time they can devote to it and how far they are prepared to travel23.The current wave of protests may die down or be brutally repressed24.We are hoping for the storm to die down before we go out sailing.otherwise it could too be dangerous25.Why did such a durable specier die out?26.How many millions of years ago did this predatory dinosaur live,and when did it die out?27.The two boxes are same in color and different in shape28.The box differs from that one in shape29.The main characters that people can distinguish from animals are the subjective consciousness,language and sociality30.Trademark is a part of brand,the forming of a excellent brand firstly need a trademark designation that is convenient for the customer to distinguish from the other trademarks31.Our class is usually divided into six groups when we have class discussion32.Eating too much does harm to our health33.I wanted to be with my family even though there was nothing to do but wait34.It is important to draw a conclusion from the factsHomework:1.Revision2.Reading16参考答案:I1——5:D A B B C 6——10:A D B C A11——15:D A D A C 16—20 : C C C D D21-25:AD D C B 26-30: C B C B C31-35:C B D D C 36-40: B D C B B41-45:A D C B C 46-50:D D A D C51-55:D C D D A 56-60:B A D B D61-65:B B A B C 66-70: D B B C B71-75:B C A AA 76-80:BCBBD81-85:ACADA 86-90:CCABC91-95:DDCAB 96-100:DDAAB101-105:AABBD 106-110:ADBBC111-115:ABCDA 116-120:ACDAA121-125:CDACD 126-130:AADDA17。