



少儿英语歌曲精选I like apples 我喜欢苹果歌词大意yummy 好吃的,美味的tummy 肚子It’s yummy to my tummy.它们对我来说很好吃apples 苹果I like apples. 我喜欢苹果bananas 香蕉I like bananas. 我喜欢香蕉Cause they areyummy to my tummy.因为它们对我来说很好吃oranges 橙子I like oranges. 我喜欢橙子strawberries草莓I like strawberries.我喜欢草莓Cause they areyummy to my tummy.因为它们对我来说很好吃grapes 葡萄I like grapes. 我喜欢葡萄watermelon 西瓜I like watermelon. 我喜欢西瓜Cause they areyummy to my tummy.因为它们对我来说很好吃I like watermelon, so yummy... 我喜欢西瓜,真好吃... It's a Small World 一个小世界It's a small world这是一个小小的世界It's a world of laughter a world of tears这是一个充满欢笑也充满泪水的世界It's a world of hopes and a world of fears这是一个充满希望也充满恐惧的世界There's so much that we share多分享That it's time we're aware多关注It's a small world after all到底这是一个小小的世界There is just one moon and one golden sun世上只有一个月亮,也只有一个金色的太阳And a smile means friendship to everyone对人微笑是友谊的体现Though the mountains divide and the oceans are wide纵使山很高海很阔It's a small world after all到底这是一个小小的世界It's a small world after all到底这是一个小小的世界It's a small world after all到底这是一个小小的世界It's a small world after all到底这是一个小小的世界It's a small, small world这是一个很小很小的世界友情提示:方案范本是经验性极强的领域,本范文无法思考和涵盖全面,供参考!最好找专业人士起草或审核后使用。

英文儿歌大全100首带歌词 经典英文儿歌歌词:This,Little,Piggy

英文儿歌大全100首带歌词 经典英文儿歌歌词:This,Little,Piggy

英文儿歌大全100首带歌词经典英文儿歌歌词:This,Little,Piggy少儿英语网权威发布经典英文儿歌歌词:This Little Piggy,更多经典英文儿歌歌词相关信息请访问少儿英语网。

This little piggy went to market,This little piggy stayed home,This little piggy had roast beef,This little piggy had none,And this little piggy cried,“Wee, wee,wee.”All the way home.歌曲和儿歌附录去打猎我们去打猎,我们去打猎。



A Hunting We Will GoA hunting we will go, a hunting we will go,Hi-ho the merrio, a hunting we will go.拍拍你的小手拍拍你的小手,手心在一起。


歌词还可以改为:(2)摸摸你的鼻子(3)拍拍你的膝盖(4)拍拍你的脑袋Clap, Clap, Clap Your HandsClap, clap, clap your hands,Clap your hands together.Clap, clap, clap your hands,Clap your hands right now.Additional verses: (2)Touch your nose(3)Tap your knees(4)Pat your head你看到过一个女孩吗你看到过一个女孩吗,一个女孩,一个女孩?你看到过一个女孩从这里走过吗?从这里走过,从这里走过。

你看到过一个女孩从这里走过吗?Did You Ever See a Lassie (or Laddie)Did you ever see a lassie, a lassie, a lassie?Did you ever see a lassie go this way and that?Go this way and that way, go this way and that way.Did you ever see a lassie go this way and that?小蜘蛛小蜘蛛顺着水管爬上去,可是雨水把它冲了下来!太阳出来了,水没有了,小蜘蛛又可以顺着水管爬上去!The Eensy Weensy SpiderThe eensy weensy spider went up the water spout,Down came the rain and washed the spider out.Out came the sun and dried up all the rainAnd the eendy weensy spider went up the spout again.头,肩膀,膝盖和脚趾头,肩膀,膝盖和脚趾,膝盖和脚趾。






首先,我们来介绍最受欢迎的10首少儿英文歌曲:1、《Let It Go》由加拿大女歌手珍妮罗森演唱,这首歌是迪士尼电影《冰雪奇缘》中的主题曲。



3、《Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes》,这首歌曲通过一些单词描述人的身体,它帮助孩子们学习小学英语,也可以增强他们的记忆力。

4、《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》是一首经典的儿童歌曲,它让孩子们感受到农村生活的乐趣,也可以教小朋友认识农场动物和植物的名称。

5、《The ABC Song》一首经典的学习歌曲,它可以帮助孩子们学习字母表。

此外,还有90首少儿英文歌曲是近年来也很受欢迎的:6、《Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star》,这是一首古老的英语儿歌,它让孩子们想象月亮和星星,让他们学习英语单词。

7、《If You Happy and You Know It》,一首充满活力的歌曲,它有助于儿童表达自己的情感,帮助他们学习表达情感。

8、《Three Little Kittens》,一首宝宝们最爱的歌曲,它可以增强孩子的想象力,也可以激发他们的创造力。

9、《Where is Thumbkin》,一首有趣的歌曲,它让孩子们学习认识手指,也可以提高他们英语口语能力。

10、《What A Wonderful World》,来自美国民谣歌手路易斯阿姆斯特朗的一首最经典的歌曲,它能够让孩子们体会美好的、和谐的世界。





01 The Power Of LoveThe Power Of Love Céline Dion - The Colour Of My Love02 Rhythm Of RainRhythm Of Rain Melee - Devils & Angels (German Digital Bundle)03 Because I Love YouBecause I Love You Shakin' Stevens - The Hits Of Shakin' Stevens Vol II04 Take My Breath AwayTake My Breath Away Berlin - Top Gun - Motion Picture Soundtrack (Special Expanded Edition)05 CasablancaCasablanca Bertie Higgins - 午夜电台情歌(梦幻星期二)Can You Feel The Love Tonight Elton John - BillBoard Top 100 Of 199407 Right Here Waiting For YouRight Here Waiting For You John Barrowman - Music Music Music08 Unchained MelodyUnchained Melody Gareth Gates - What My Heart Wants to Say09 I love you more than I can sayLove You More Than I Can Say June Lodge - Someone Loves You Honey10 Sealed With A KissSealed with a Kiss Brian Hyland - Flirty Dancing, Folge 211 Sound of slienceSound of Silence Ania - Sound of Silence12 How Deep Is Your LoveHow Deep Is Your Love Calvin Harris;Disciples - Keep Calm & PartyTake A Bow Rihanna - Take A Bow14 Said I Loved You But I LiedSaid I Loved You...But I Lied Michael Bolton - The One Thing15 No Matter WhatNo Matter What Boyzone - ... By Request以上15首欧美金曲,一经问世传唱至今,虽经历的沧海桑田的变化,但至今仍影响世人,作为英语学习者的最爱,在时而激情,时而悠扬,时而舒缓,时而缠绵的节奏中,细细玩味其中的意蕴吧~关于瑞思学科英语2007年进入中国,率先从事学科英语教育培训,3-18岁少儿英语培训专家,其“浸入式学科英语”课程体系涵盖3~6岁幼儿英语、7~12岁儿童英语、13~18岁青少儿英语,并注重培养项目管理、演讲演示和团队合作三大能力。





It's a small world 美丽⼩世界(...经典⼉歌,被翻译成各国语⾔)
Ten Little Indians ⼗个印第安⼩男孩(歌词超简单,学数数的时候学的)
Row, row,row your boat ⼩船摇啊摇(歌词超简单,节奏很可爱)
In the good, old summertime 在曾经美好的夏⽇时光中(浪漫型的)
The man on the flying trapeze (⾮常经典的美国⼉歌,看过克拉克盖博演的⼀夜风流,都对这歌印象颇深吧。

Twinkle, twinkle, little star ⼩星星(⼀闪⼀闪亮晶晶,漫天都是⼩星星...)
Brother John (两只⽼虎两只⽼虎)
DO RE ME (⾳乐之声⾥的经典歌曲,谐⾳真的是很有趣)
Old Macdonald (就是那个什么什么咿呀咿呀哟~)
We wish you a merry christmas 祝你圣诞快乐。



Open Door 2 Lesson 1Girl: Give me a balloon. Man: Here you are. Girl: Thank you. Girl: Give me an ice cream, a peach, a bag, and a book please. Boy: Give me a fish, an orange, a pencil, and an apple please. Teacher: Rewind the tape. This time, pause after the boy, the girl, and the man and repeat what they say. Man: Give me an insect, a frog, an egg, a boy, and a girl please. Lesson 1 In the classroom Teacher: Hello.Pam & Jim: Hello. Teacher: How are you? Pam: I‟m fine, thank you.Teacher: How are you? Jim: I‟m fine, thank you?Teacher: What‟s your name?Pam: My name is Pam. Teacher: What‟s your name? Jim: My name is Jim.Teacher: How old areyou, Pam?Pam: I‟m eight.Teacher: Jim, how oldare you?Jim: I‟m six.Teacher: Look at thepicture. How manyumbrellas are there?Pam: Four.Teacher: How manyballoons are there?Jim: Four.Teacher: Whatcolour(color) are thecakes?Pam: White.Teacher: Whatcolour(color) are thebears?Jim: Brown.Teacher: Pam, look atthe girl. What is thegirl saying?Pam: Give me an icecream, a peach, a bag,and a book please.Teacher: Very good.Jim, look at the boy.What is he saying?Jim: Give me a fish, anorange, a pencil, and anapple please.Teacher: Good. Look atthe wizard. What is hesaying?Pam & Jim: Give me aninsect, a frog, an egg, aboy, and a girl please.Lesson 2Teacher: Touch thepicture.six snake cloud pandabook boy clock flowerstrawberry sun cat bagcup seven blue frogcrab fish pig spoonplate banana four forkcar pink pencil ballpurple fiveTeacher: Good.Rewind the tape( stopping after eachword for students torepeat)Lesson 2 In theclassroomPam: Give me thescissors please.Jim: Here you are.Pam: Thank you.Jim: Pam. Give me theglue please.Pam: Here you are.Jim: Thank you.Teacher: Cut out thepictures on page43.Here, this page. Pastethem on the correctwindows. What‟s that?Jim: It‟s a panda.Teacher: What is thefirst letter.Jim: …p‟.Teacher: Good. Paste itin the …p‟ window.Jim: OK. Pam, give methe glue please.Pam: Here you are.Jim: Thank you.Teacher: What‟s that?Pam: It‟s a cloud.Teacher: Yes. What isthe first letter?Pam: …C‟.Teacher: Good. Paste iton the …C‟ window.Pam: Jim, give me theglue please.Jim: Here you are.Pam: Thank you.Lesson 3 Teacher: Say something beginning with …t‟.Pam: Tortoise. Jim: Telephone. Pam: Ten. Teacher: Say something beginning with …g‟.Pam: Green.Jim: Good.Pam: Gorilla.Jim: Goal.Teacher: Saysomething beginningwith …d‟.Pam: Dog.Jim: Door.Pam: Dress.Jim: Duck.Teacher: Saysomething beginningwith …m‟.Pam: Mouse.Jim: Monkey.Pam: Mouth.Jim: Melon.Now you say somethingbeginning with …t‟.Say somethingbeginning with …g‟.Say somethingbeginning with …d‟.Say a word beginningwith …d‟.Say a word beginning with …m‟.Lesson 3 In the classroom Teacher: Draw something beginning with …g‟.What is it? Jim: It‟s a gorilla. Teacher: Draw something beginning with …d‟.What is it? Pam: It‟s a doll. Teacher: Draw something beginning with …m‟.What is it? Jim: It‟s a monkey. Teacher: Draw something beginning with …t‟.What is it?Pam: It‟s a teacher.Teacher: Look at page7. What is it?Pam & Jim: It‟s a fish.Teacher: What color isit?Pam & Jim: It‟s orange.Teacher: Good. Whatis it?Pam & Jim: It‟s a glass.Teacher: What color isit?Pam & Jim: It‟s red.Teacher: Good. Whatis it?Pam & Jim: It‟s a book.Teacher: What color isit?Pam & Jim: It‟s purple.Teacher: Good. Whatis it?Pam & Jim: It‟s a nose.Teacher: What color isit?Pam & Jim: It‟s yellow.Teacher: Good.Lesson 4Teacher: a b c d e f g hi j k l m n o p q r s t u vw x y zChildren: Now you saythe letters with us.a b c d e f g h i j k l m no p q r s t u v w x y zTeacher: A blue bus, Apink plane, A bluebicycle, A black boatRewind the tape andrepeat.Bus, bicycle, car,helicopter, plane,police car, ship, taxi,train, truck, yachtRewind the tape andrepeat.Lesson 4 In theclassroomTeacher: Think ofsomething beginningwith …b‟.Pam: Ball.Jim: Book.Pam: Bear.Jim: Balloon.Pam: Bus.Jim: Bicycle.Pam: Boy.Jim: Banana.Pam: Bird.Jim: Blue black brownTeacher: Very good.Lesson 5Sam: Hello. My name is Sam. I am seven. I live in New Town.Now say your answers: Hello. My name is (I)am... I live in... Lesson 5 In the classroom Teacher: Hello Pam. How are you? Pam: I‟m fine, thank you.Teacher: Pam, where do you live?Pam: I live in New York. Teacher: Good. Now Pam, please read your answers.Pam: Hello. My name is Pam. I am eight. I live in New York.Teacher: Well done.Teacher: What is it?Pam: It‟s a car.Teacher: What is it?Jim: It‟s a bicycle.Teacher: What is it?Pam: It‟s a helicopter.Teacher: What is it?Jim: It‟s a truck.Teacher: What is it?Pam: It‟s a police car.Teacher: What is it?Jim: It‟s a plane.Teacher: What is it?Pam: It‟s a taxi.Teacher: What is it?Jim: It‟s a bus.Teacher: What is it?Jim: It‟s a ship.Teacher: What is it?Jim: It‟s a train.Lesson 6Teacher: Call out everysecond letter.Student:a-c-e-g-i-k-m-o-q-s-u-w-y-Teacher: Call out everythird letter.Student:ab-de-gh-jk-mn-pq-st-vw-yzTeacher: Now you tryit. Call out everysecond letter.a-c-e-g-i-k-m-o-q-s-u-w-y-Teacher: Call out everythird letter.ab-de-gh-jk-mn-pq-st-vw-yzStudent: It‟s a snake.It‟s a rabbit.It‟s a crab.It‟s atortoise.It‟s a lion.It‟s apenguin.It‟s a mouse.It‟s a dog.He‟s a boy.She‟s a girl.Rewind the tape andrepeat.Lesson 6 In theclassroomTeacher: Quiz. Ask…What color is the...?‟questions. Pam, pleaseask Jim.Pam: What color is the door?Jim: It‟s white. Teacher: Yes, good. Now, you ask Pam. Jim: What color is the carpet?Pam: It‟s pink. Teacher: Yes, it is. Good. Look at page13. Ask each other. What is it? What is the first letter?Pam: What is it? Jim: It‟s a snake. Pam: What is the first letter?Jim: …S‟Jim: What is it? Pam: It‟s a lion. Jim: What is the first letter?Pam: …L‟Pam: What is it? Jim: It‟s a penguin. Pam: What is the first letter?Jim: …P‟Jim: What is it? Pam: It‟s a tortoise. Jim: What is the first letter?Pam: …T‟Teacher: Good, Pam. What color is the penguin?Pam: It‟s a black penguin. Teacher: Yes. Jim, how many glasses?Jim: There are four glasses.Teacher: Yes. Howmany balloons?Pam: There are tenballoons.Teacher: What color isthe tortoise?Jim: It‟s a greentortoise.Lesson 7Listen and write thenumber. 0473 57 6011/0171 499 8533/ 0976813 724/ 202 5555012Now rewind the tapeand repeat.Sam: Hello. My name‟sSam. I‟m seven. I live inNew Town. Mytelephone number is0474 123 987.Rewind the tape andrepeat.Susan: Hello. Myname‟s Susan. I‟m six. Ilive in London. Mytelephone number is0181 555 246.Rewind the tape andrepeat.Teacher: Now you giveyour answers.Hello. Myname is... I‟m... I livein... My telephonenumber is...Teacher: A pinkflower,A black cat,A brownkangaroo,A green frog,A white icecream,A blueelephant,A yellowduck,An orangeorange,A red apple,A purpleballoonRewind the tape andrepeat.Lesson 7 In theclassroomTeacher: Pam, comehere. Jim, come here.Jim, knock on the door.Pam: Come in.Jim: Hello.Pam: Hello. How areyou?Jim: I‟m fine, thankyou. And you?.Pam: I‟m fine, thankyou. What‟s your name?Jim: My name is Jim.What‟s your name?Pam: I‟m Pam. How oldare you?Jim: I‟m 6. How old areyou?Pam: I‟m 8.Jim: Where do youlive?Pam: I live in New York.Jim: Oh, I live in NewYork, too.Pam: What‟s yourtelephone number?Jim: My telephonenumber is 555 9876.What‟s your telephonenumber?Pam: It‟s 5551223.Teacher: Look atpage15. Can you readthe sentences?Jim & Pam: A pinkflowerA black catA brownkangarooA greenfrogA whiteice-creamA blueelephantTeacher: Good. Jim,please read.Jim: A yellow duck.An orange orangeTeacher: Good. Now,Pam, you read, please.Pam: A red appleA purple balloonLesson 8Touch the pictures.Happy, sad, big, little,hot, cold, long, shortNow rewind the tapeand repeat.Now touch and repeat.Lesson 8 In theclassroomTeacher: Look atpage16. Tell me aboutthe pictures.Pam: She is happy.Jim: He is sad.Pam: It‟s little.Jim: It‟s big.Pam: She‟s hot.Jim: He‟s cold. Pam: It‟s long.Jim: It‟s short.Teacher: Good. Now draw the lines from the pictures to the correct words.Look at page17. Please read the words. Pam: It‟s a happy cat. Jim: It‟s a sad cat. Pam: It‟s a hot boy. Jim: It‟s a cold girl. Pam: It‟s a long table. Jim: It‟s a short pencil. Pam: It‟s a big ball. Jim: It‟s a little bag. Teacher: Good. Now draw the pictures.Lesson 9An elephant, a hippopotamus, a penguin, a lion, an insect, a snakeRewind the tape and repeat.The elephant is big. The insect is little. The hippopotamus is happy.The lion is sad.The penguin is hot. The snake is long.Rewind the tape and repeat.Lesson 9 In the classroom Teacher: Look at the picture. Tell me about it.Pam: It‟s a snake.Jim: It‟s a zebra.Pam: It‟s a lion.Jim: Three fish.Pam: It‟s an elephant.Jim: It‟s ahippopotamus.Pam: It‟s a penguin.Teacher: Is the lionhappy or is it sad?Pam: It‟s sad.Teacher: Is theelephant big or is itlittle?Jim: It‟s little.Teacher: Is thepenguin hot or cold?Pam: It‟s hot.Teacher: Is the snakeshort or long?Jim: It‟s short.Teacher: Is the insectbig or little?Pam: It‟s little.Lesson 10Cake, insect, bear, taxi,glass, spoon, kangaroo,question, telephone,house, elephant, jam,violin, lion, zebra, fork,orange, nose, apple,penguin, rabbit,umbrella, monkey,watch, doll, yoyoTeacher: Let‟s play agame. One player is red,one player is blue. Dropyour color pencil on thetarget and get a letter.Pam, drop your pencilon the page. Whatletter is it?Pam: …J‟.Teacher: What pictureis that for?Pam: Jam.Teacher: Good. Writejam.Teacher: Jim, now it‟syour turn. Drop yourpencil on the page.What letter have youhit?Jim: …U‟.Teacher: Good. Whatword is that for?Jim: Umbrella.Teacher: Good. Writethe …U‟ for umbrella.Teacher: Pam, yourturn again, carry onuntil the board isfinished.Pam: Ok. …K‟. It‟s akangaroo.Jim: My turn. …B‟. It‟s abear.Lesson 11Boy: I‟m a boy.Girl: You‟re a boy.Girl: He‟s a boy.Boy: She‟s girl.Robot: It‟s a dog.Teacher: They‟re girlsand boys.He‟s a boy. She‟s a girl.They‟re girls. It‟s apanda. They‟repenguins.Now rewind the tapeand repeat.Answers to page23:It‟s a bear.They‟re boys.She‟s a girl.They‟re zebras.They‟re cows.They‟re lions.It‟s a kangaroo.He is a boy.Lesson 11 In theclassroomTeacher: Hello.Everybody stand up.Touch thetable with your nose.Touch thetable with your ear.Pam, you bethe teacher.Pam: Touch the chairwith your knee.Touch the bagwith your finger.Teacher: Good. Jim,you be the teacher.Jim: Touch the tablewith your mouth.Touch the carpetwith your head.Teacher: Look atpage23. Pam, read youranswers, please.Pam: It‟s a bear.They‟re boys.She‟s a girl.They‟re zebras.They‟re cows.They‟re lions.It‟s a kangaroo.He‟s a boy.Teacher: Well done.Good.Lesson 12Girl: Are you Sam?Boy: No.Girl: Are you Ben? Boy: Yes. Teacher: Are you six?Are you seven?Are you eight?Are you nine?Are you ten?Are you a boy?Are you a girl?Are you hot?Are you happy?Are you big?Rewind the tape and repeat. Rewind the tape and answer the questions.Lesson12 In the classroom Teacher: Hello. How are you?Pam: I‟m fine, thank you.Teacher: Are you Susan?Pam: No. Teacher: Oh. Are you Diana?Pam: No. Teacher: Are you Pam? Pam: Yes. Teacher: Hello. How are you?Jim: I‟m fine, thank you.Teacher: Are you Tom? Jim: No. Teacher: Oh. Are youBill?Jim: No.Teacher: Oh. What‟syour name?Jim: My name is Jim.Teacher: Let‟s play thegame. Here, Pam, sit onthe chair. Close youreyes. OK, let‟s play.Pam: Are you Bill?Jim: No.Pam: Are you theteacher?Jim: No.Pam: Are you Jim?Jim: Yes.Teacher: Jim, ask thequestions.Jim: Are you six?Pam: No.Jim: Are you seven?Pam: No.Jim: Are you eight?Pam: Yes.Jim: Are you nine?Pam: No.Jim: Are you ten?Pam: No.Teacher: Good. Now,Pam, ask Jim thequestions.Pam: Are you a boy?Jim: Yes.Pam: Are you a girl?Jim: No.Pam: Are you hot?Jim: No.Pam: Are you happy?Jim: Yes.Pam: Are you big?Jim: Yes.Lesson13Writ e in the firstletter:…O‟ old …L‟ little …C‟cold …B‟ big …Y‟ young…S‟ sad …H‟ hot …H‟happyRewind the tape andrepeat.Listen: …O‟ old …L‟ little…C‟ cold …B‟ big …Y‟young …S‟ sad …H‟ hot…H‟ happyIs she happy?Is she old?Is she hot?Is she little?Is she young?Is she cold?Is she big?Is she sad?Rewind the tape andrepeat.Lesson13 In theclassroomTeacher: Look atpage26. Look at thepicture. Tell me aboutthe picture.Pam: She is happy.Teacher: Good. Happy,what‟s the first letterof happy?Pam: …H‟.Teacher: Good. Nextpicture.Jim: He is old. …O‟Pam: It‟s little. …L‟Jim: He‟s cold. …C‟Pam: It‟s big. …B‟Jim: She‟s young. …Y‟Pam: He‟s sad. …S‟Jim: It‟s hot. …H‟Teacher: Good. Look atpage27. Jim, askquestions about thegirl.Jim: Is she happy?Pam: Yes.Jim: Is she old?Pam: No.Jim: Is she hot?Pam: No.Jim: Is she little?Pam: Yes.Jim: Is she young?Pam: Yes.Jim: Is she cold?Pam: Yes.Jim: Is she big?Pam: No.Jim: Is she sad?Pam: No.Teacher: Well done.Now, Pam, ask Jim thequestions about theman.Pam: Is he happy?Jim: No.Pam: Is he old?Jim: Yes.Pam: Is he hot?Jim: Yes.Pam: Is he little?Jim: No.Pam: Is he young?Jim: No.Pam: Is he cold?Jim: No.Pam: Is he big?Jim: Yes.Pam: Is he sad?Jim: I don‟t know.Lesson14In on under Touch the correct pictureIn(pause) on(pause) under(pause) in(pause) under(pause) on(pause) on(pause) under(pause) in(pause) under(pause) on(pause) in(pause) on Now touch the correct picture and repeat it. Lesson14 In the classroom Teacher: Look at page29. Look at the cat in the basket. Is it in, on, or under the basket?Pam: In.Teacher: Yes. Look at the cat under the table. Is it in, on, or under the table?Jim: Under. Teacher: Good. Look at the cat on the chair. Is it in, on, or under the chair?Pam: On. Teacher: Yes. Look at the fish.Jim: In.Teacher: Look at the penguin.Pam: On. Teacher: Look at the spider.Jim: Under. Teacher: The rabbit. Pam: Under. Teacher: The lion. Jim: In.Teacher: The insect. Pam: On.Lesson 15Teacher: A cat in a box.A cat on a table. A catunder a chair.Rewind the tape andrepeat.Now repeat.Look at page 28.A snake in a box.A snake on a box.A snake under a box.Rewind the tape andrepeat.Look at page 30. Pleasestop the tape aftereach sentence until youfinish your drawing.Listen.Draw a cat on the chair.(pause)Draw a bag under thetable.Draw a glass on thetable.Draw a ball in thecupboard.Draw a mouse underthe chair.Draw a boy on thecupboard.Draw a fish in theglass.Draw a pencil underthe bag.Draw a cake in thecupboard.Look at page 31.A cat in a box.A bag under a box.A cup on a box.A flower in a box.A snake on a box.A banana on a box.A ball under a box.An insect under a box.Rewind the tape andrepeat.Now draw the pictures.Lesson 15 In theclassroomTeacher: Look at yourpictures. Where is thecat?Pam: It‟s on the chair.Teacher: Jim. Where‟sthe bag?Jim: It‟s under thetable.Teacher: Jim. Where‟sthe glass?Jim: It‟s on the table.Teacher: Jim. Where‟sthe ball?Jim: It‟s in thecupboard.Teacher: Pam. Where‟sthe mouse?Pam: It‟s under thechair.Teacher: Pam. Where‟sthe boy?Pam: It‟s on thecupboard.Teacher: Jim. Where‟sthe fish?Jim: It‟s in the glass.Teacher: Pam. Where‟sthe pencil?Pam: It‟s under thebag.Teacher: Jim. Where‟sthe cake?Jim: It‟s in thecupboard.Teacher: Good. Look atpage 31. Pam, pleaseread the sentences.Pam: A cat in a box. Abag under a box. A cupon a box. A flower in abox.Teacher: Well done.Jim, please read.Jim: A snake on a box.A banana on a box. Aball under a box. Aninsect under a box.Lesson 16Teacher: I‟m walking.You‟re walking. She‟swalking. He‟s walking.It‟s walking. We‟rewalking. They‟rewalking.Rewind the tape andrepeat.Sports day.Ready…ready…go!Look at picture one.They‟re pulling.Picture two. They‟rejumping.Picture three. They‟reswimming.Picture four. He‟srunning.Picture five. He‟sthrowing.Picture six. He‟s riding.Picture seven. She‟sskipping.Picture eight. They‟repushing.Picture nine. They‟resitting.Lesson 16 In theclassroomTeacher: Look at page32. Look at picture 1.Pam. Are they pulling or pushing?Pam: They‟re pulling. Teacher: Jim. Look at picture 2. Are they swimming or jumping? Jim: They‟re jumping. Teacher: Jim. Look at pictureb3. Are they swimming or drinking? Jim: They‟re swimming. Teacher: Look at picture 4. Is he running or riding?Pam: He‟s running. Teacher: Picture 5. Is he catching or throwing?Jim: He‟s throwing. Teacher: Picture 6. Is he running or riding? Pam: He‟s running. Teacher: Picture 7. Is she skipping or jumping?Jim: She‟s skipping. Teacher: Picture 8. Are they pushing or eating?Jim: They‟re pushing. Teacher: Last one. Picture 9. Are they sitting or sleeping? Pam: They‟re sitting. Lesson 17 Teacher: Listen. Circle the answer.Look at picture 1. Is she walking?Look at picture 2. Is she swimming?Look at picture 3. Is she standing?Look at picture 4. Is she catching? Look at picture 5. Isshe jumping?Look at picture 6. Isshe walking?Now repeat thequestions.Is she walking?Is she swimming?Is she standing?Is she catching?Is she jumping?Is she walking?Look at page 35.He‟s jumping.She‟s sitting.He‟s climbing.He‟s standing.She‟s walking.She‟s swimming.She‟s running.Rewind the tape andrepeat.Lesson 17 In theclassroomTeacher: Look at page35. Jim. Ask Pam …Ishe…? Is she…?‟questions.Jim: Is he jumping?Pam: Yes.Jim: Is she sitting?Pam: Yes.Teacher: Jim, makethe answer …no‟.Jim: Oh. Ok. Is hejumping?Pam: No.Teacher: Good.Jim: Is he sitting?Pam: No.Teacher: Ok. Pam, youask the questions.Pam: Is she dancing?Jim: No.Pam: Is she swimming?Jim: Yes.Pam: Is she playingsoccer?Jim: No.Teacher: Let‟s do thistest. What‟s the firstletter of these words?Jumping.Jim&Pam: J.Teacher: Sitting.Jim&Pam: S.Teacher: Climbing.Jim&Pam: C.Teacher: Standing.Jim&Pam: S.Teacher: Walking.Jim&Pam: W.Teacher: Swimming.Jim&Pam: S.Teacher: Running.Jim&Pam: R.Lesson 18Teacher: look at theboy. He‟s sitting. He‟sjumping. He‟s swimming.He‟s walking. He‟srunning.Rewind the tape andrepeat.Now repeat.Look at page 37.What is it doing? It‟seating.What is it doing? It‟sclimbing.What is it doing? It‟sdrinking.What is it doing? It‟ssleeping.Rewind the tape andrepeat.Lesson 18 In theclassroomTeacher: Jim. Ask thequestion about thefirst dog to Pam.Jim: Is it sitting?Pam: No.Jim: Is it jumping?Pam: No.Jim: Is it swimming?Pam: No.Jim: Is it walking?Pam: Yes.Jim: Is it running?Pam: No.Teacher: Look at thenext page. Pam, askJim the questions.Pam: What‟s it doing?Jim: It‟s eating.Pam: What‟s it doing?Jim: It‟s climbing.Pam: What‟s it doing?Jim: It‟s drinking.Pam: What‟s it doing?Jim: It‟s sleeping.Lesson 19Teacher: Five happycats. Two sad cats. Tenlittle fish. Three bigfish. Four short snakes.One long snake.Rewind the tape andrepeat.Lesson 19 In theclassroomTeacher: Hello. Howare you?Jim&Pam: We‟re fine,thank you?Teacher: Pam. Whatcolor is your dress?Pam: It‟s blue. Teacher: Is it a long dress or a short dress? Pam: It‟s a short dress. Teacher: Jim, what color is your bicycle? Jim: It‟s white. Teacher: Is it a big bicycle or a little bicycle?Jim: It‟s a little bicycle.Teacher: Pam. How many erasers are there in your pencil-case? Pam: Three erasers. Teacher: Good. Ask Jim.Pam: How many pencils are there in your pencil-case?Jim: Ten pencils. Pam: What colors do you have?Jim: White, blue, pink, yellow, green, black, orange, red, purple and brown.Teacher: Pam. Count 1 to 10.Pam:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Teacher: Good.Jim: Pam. Count 10 to 1. Teacher: Good idea. Pam, count backwards. Pam:10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Teacher: Look at page 39.Lesson 20 Teacher: A short story. The sad snake.We can see the animals.A fish, a frog, a rabbit, a lion and a cow.Oh, no! It‟s a snake.Ssssss.Here‟s the fish. SWIMFISH. SWIM FISH.Here‟s the frog. JUMPFROG. JUMP FROG.Here‟s the rabbit.SKIP RABBIT. SKIPRABBIT.Here‟s the lion. RUNLION. RUN LION.Here‟s the cow. WALKCOW. WALK AWAYCOW.The snake is very sad.“sssss, I only want afriend.”The rabbit says”We‟llplay with you?”Everybody‟s happy.Lesson 20 In theclassroomTeacher: Hello.Jim&Pam: Hello.Teacher: Look at thepicture on page40. Pam,what color is the dog?Pam: It‟s brown.Teacher: How manychairs are there?Pam: There are sevenchairs.Teacher: Where‟s thepencil?Pam: It‟s on a table.Teacher: Good. AskJim.Pam: How many tableare there?Jim: There are fourtables.Pam: Where‟s thebasket?Jim: It‟s under a table.Teacher: Good. Jim,can you read the sums?Jim: One and two isthree. Four and five isnine.Teacher: Good. Pam,please read.Pam: Seven and four iseleven. Six and six istwelve.Teacher: Good. Look atthe pictures on thewall. What can yousee?Pam: It‟s a flower. It‟sthe sun. It‟s a ball. It‟san egg. It‟s an apple.Teacher: Well done,Pam. Jim, carry on.Jim: It‟s an ice-cream.It‟s an umbrella. It‟s anorange. It‟s an insect.。




下面是100首经典的少儿英语歌曲推荐:1. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star2. The Wheels on the Bus3. Old MacDonald Had a Farm4. If You're Happy and You Know It5. Row, Row, Row Your Boat6. The Alphabet Song7. Itsy Bitsy Spider8. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes9. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep10. Mary Had a Little Lamb11. London Bridge is Falling Down12. Hickory Dickory Dock13. Humpty Dumpty14. This Old Man15. Jack and Jill16. The Muffin Man17. Yankee Doodle18. Polly Put the Kettle On19. Skip To My Lou20. The Farmer in the Dell21. Pop Goes the Weasel22. Do You Know the Muffin Man?23. I'm a Little Teapot24. Little Bo Peep25. Three Blind Mice26. The Grand Old Duke of York27. The Hokey Pokey28. She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain29. Eensy Weensy Spider30. Hot Cross Buns31. Sing a Song of Sixpence32. Hey Diddle Diddle33. The Ants Go Marching34. The More We Get Together35. This Is the Way36. Five Little Ducks37. Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary38. Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?39. Ten Little Indians40. I've Been Working on the Railroad41. The Mulberry Bush42. Simple Simon43. The Teddy Bears' Picnic44. I See the Moon45. Michael Finnegan46. There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly47. Hush, Little Baby48. Goosey Goosey Gander49. Frère Jacques50. Lavender's Blue51. Billy Boy52. Little Miss Muffet53. Oh Dear! What Can the Matter Be?54. Mary Had a Baby55. Down By the Station56. Ding Dong Bell57. Froggie Went A-Courtin'58. Kitty Alone59. See-Saw Margery Daw60. Little Jack Horner61. Little Boy Blue62. The Big Ship Sails on the Ally-Ally-Oh63. Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son64. The Old Gray Mare65. Donkey Riding66. There Was a Crooked Man67. The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night68. The Owl and the Pussycat69. Aiken Drum70. The Three Little Kittens71. Doctor Foster72. The Twelve Days of Christmas73. The Gingerbread Man74. The Little Red Hen75. There's a Hole in the Bucket76. John Brown's Baby77. Oh, Susanna78. A-Tisket, A-Tasket79. Jack Be Nimble80. The North Wind Doth Blow81. Pease Porridge Hot82. Lucy Locket83. The Itsy Bitsy Duckling84. The Three Billy Goats Gruff85. Little Red Caboose86. I Had a Little Nut Tree87. Pop! Goes the Weasel88. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean89. The Unicorn Song90. Over in the Meadow91. Listen to the Mockingbird92. The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round93. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star94. Mary Had a Little Lamb95. The Alphabet Song96. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep97. Row, Row, Row Your Boat98. Old MacDonald Had a Farm99. If You're Happy and You Know It100. Yankee Doodle这100首歌曲都有优美的旋律和简单易学的歌词,适合孩子们在学习英语的同时享受音乐带来的乐趣。



常用少儿英语歌曲和chant1.Apple,apple I love you.I love you , I love you.Apple,apple I love you.Apple,I love you.(万能)2.I am a cat Meow , Meow, Meow.I am a dog Wolf, Wolf, Wolf, I 'm duck , I 'm a goat .I am a rabbit,jump,jump jump.(动物)3.How old are you? How old are you? How old are you? How old are you? I'm one one one , I 'm two two two , I'm three three , I'm four four four , I'm five five five , I'm six six six , I'm seven seven seven . I' m eight eight eight . I'm nine nine nine , I'm ten ten ten la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la.(数字)4.Tell me tell me what's this ? tell me tell me what's this? It's a lion . It's a lion . It's a lion . Yes, it's lion.(万能)5.I have two big eyes shua shua shua shua shua shua , I have two big earsa a a a a a . I have one big nose .........I have one little mouth,......(五官)6.One potato , two potato , three potato , four. Five potato ,six potato , seven potato, more.(万能、挑选学生)7.Daddy, mummy, I love you,daddy,mummy,I love you,daddy ,mummy,I love you,la la la,daddy, mummy,I love you!(家庭)8.Look look what can you see? I can see a cat, cat, cat, cat. Look look what can you see? I can see a dog, dog, dog, dog. Look look what can you see? I can see a duck, duck, duck, duck.(万能)9.Hello, hello,how are you? E-i-e-i-o. Hello, hello, how are you? E-i-e-i-o(万能)10.Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, how are you? Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, Vivi, how are you? (万能)11.One one 小木棍,咚咚咚,咚咚咚。



儿童英语启蒙歌曲及歌词系列二儿童英语学习,用儿歌启蒙再合适不过了,瑞思学科英语老师在课堂上常用的到儿童英语启蒙歌曲第一期中,受到很多家长的好评,因此特更新第二期的儿童英语启蒙歌曲三首,并附上英文歌词,可以一起来边听边唱边舞蹈,在欢快的节奏中边舞边学边记吧~4 Hokey PokeyIt’s time for the hokey pokeyhere we goYou put head inYou put head outYou put head in and you wiggle wiggle wiggleYou do the hokey pokey spin aroundclap clap clap clapYou put your ears inYou put ears outyou put your ears in and wiggle wiggle wiggleYou do the hokey pokey spin aroundclap clap clap clapYou do the hokey pokey hands up hands downDo the hokey pokey hands in front and hands behindJump in jump out jump in and wiggle wiggle wiggleYou do the hokey pokey spin aroundclap clap clap clapYou put hands inYou put hands outYou put hands in and wiggle wiggle wiggleYou do the hokey pokey spin aroundclap clap clap clapYou do the hokey pokey hands up hands downDo the hokey pokey pokey pokey hands in front and hands behind You put your knees inYou put knees outYou put knees in and wiggle wiggle wiggleYou do the hokey pokey spin aroundclap clap clap clapOk now sit downYou put feet inYou put feet outYou put feet in and wiggle wiggle wiggleYou do the hokey pokey spin aroundclap clap clap clapYou do the hokey pokey hands up hands downDo the hokey pokey pokey pokey hands in front and hands behind You do the hokey pokey pokey pokey hands up hands downDo the hokey pokey pokey pokey cause that’s what its all about点评:很多家长和孩子第一次听这首儿童英语歌曲时,可能会疑惑,Hokey Pokey 是什么意思呢?其实,Hokey Pokey按照直译的方法,应该是戏法,变戏法的意思,从这首歌中可以学到身体部位的词,还能边做动作,边熟悉并正确运用这些身体部位哦~5 Numbers Songone two threefour five sixseven eight nine tenone two threefour five sixseven eight nine tenone two threefour five sixseven eight nine tenone two threefour five sixseven eight nine ten点评:这首歌对于儿童英语启蒙期的孩子来讲,相对简单,分别是从1到10的英文单词,从优美的节奏中熟悉这些单词的数字英文读法,并能记住,是非常有效的。



简单的儿童英文歌谣简单的儿童英文歌谣?简单的英语儿歌如下:1、《Twinkle, twinkle, little star》最朗朗上口的一首英文歌,爸爸去哪儿中timi和林志颖一起唱的开场曲。



1、Two little blackbirds该幼儿英文歌谣主要适吵含合7岁以下儿童手指游戏的儿歌,整首歌曲段落少,旋律简单,易于哼唱。



2、Twinkle twinkle little star这是一首非常著名的英文童谣,童谣的节奏柔和而温馨,人们不禁变得安静而快乐。


3、Clap your hands节奏简单,歌词重复。


4、If you are happy这是一首儿童的流行歌曲,节奏轻快,朗朗的欢迎。




简单的英语儿歌如下:1、《Twinkle, twinkle, little star》最朗朗上口的一首英文歌,爸爸去哪儿中timi和林志颖一起唱的开场曲。



2、《Old Macdonald 》经典英文歌曲,一个调调反复重复,里面有各种小动物,郎朗上口,宝宝可以边玩边唱。

适合少儿表演的英文歌曲 (细选2篇)

适合少儿表演的英文歌曲 (细选2篇)

适合少儿表演的英文歌曲(细选2篇)适合少儿表演的英文歌曲1清新一点的歌曲-小清新的英文歌曲1 英语类01.Auburn —《Don't Give Up 》ey Cyrus ——《Hoedown Throwdown》《Stay》03.Queensberry & Patricia —《Sorry》04.Brandon Beal——《Dont Wanna See You Again》05.Seabird ——《Don't You Know You're Beautiful》《'til We See The Shore》06.Keyshia Cole ——《Fallin Out》07.Cheryl Cole——《Parachute》08.Carla Bruni——《Lady Weeping At The Crossroads》《You Belong To Mee》09.Cat Power——《The greatest》10.Darin ——《Can't Stop Love》中文类:01.张敬轩——《樱花树下》02.泳儿——《黛玉笑了》03.容祖儿——《挥着翅膀的女孩》04. 郁可唯——《好朋友只是朋友》05.牛奶@咖啡——《越长大越孤单》06.林依晨——《孤单北半球》07.范玮琪——《一个像夏天一个像秋天》08.梁静茹——《爱你不是两三天》09.张韶涵——《蓝眼睛》10.苏打绿——《小情歌》适合少儿表演的英文歌曲 (菁选2篇)(扩展8)——经典英语歌曲-适合练习的英文歌歌曲经典英语歌曲-适合练习的英文歌歌曲11.You Are Not Alone 永远相伴2.Free loop 管不住的音符3.Trouble is a friend 麻烦是朋友4.Yesterday once more 昨日重现5.Angel 天使6.a little love 一点爱7.bye bye 再见8.just one last dance 最后一支舞9.Big big world 世界10.God is a girl 上帝是女孩11.Pretty Boy漂亮男孩12.Lemon Tree 柠檬树13.Rhythm of The Rain 雨中的旋律14.Do-re-mi 哆来咪15.Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You 此情不移16.she 她17.When a man loves a woman当男人爱上女人18.As Long As You Love Me 只要你爱我就好19.I Love you forever 我爱你们,直到永远20.The Day You Went Away 你离开的那一天21.Loud and Clear响亮而清晰22.Venus 孙燕姿的维纳斯23.If a song could get me you 若有首歌能够留住你24.Life is Wonderful 生活真美好25.I could be the one 倾我所有26.Baby 超人气童星Justin Bieber单曲27.Summer Whisper 夏日密语28.Missing You 想念你29.I Still Believe In Love 我仍然相信爱30.I'm just a kid 我不过是个小孩。



Grandma's GlassesHere are Grandma's glasses,Here are Grandma's hat,This is the way she folds her hands, And lays them in her lap.Here are Grandpa's glasses,Here are Grandpa's hat,This is the way she folds his arms, Just like that.Here are Grandma's glasses,Here are Grandma's hat,This is the way she folds her hands, And lays them in her lap.Here are Grandpa's glasses,Here are Grandpa's hat,This is the way she folds his arms, Just like that.奶奶的眼镜奶奶的眼睛在这里,奶奶的帽子在这里,这个是她交叉她的手的方式,然后把它们放在膝盖上。

爷爷的眼睛在这里,爷爷的帽子在这里, 这个是他交叉他的手臂的方式,就像那样。

来源Let Everyone Clap HandsLet everyone clap hands like me. (Clap, clap!) Let everyone clap hands like me. (Clap, clap!) Come on and join into the game,You'll find that it's always the same. (Clap, clap!)Let everyone laugh like me. (Hee, hee!)Let everyone laugh like me. (Hee, hee!)Come on and join into the game,You'll find that it's always the same. (Hee, hee!)Let everyone cry like me. (Boo, boo!)Let everyone cry like me. (Boo, boo!)Come on and join into the game,You'll find that it's always the same. (Boo, boo!)Let everyone sneeze like me. (A-choo!)Let everyone sneeze like me. (A-choo!)Come on and join into the game,You'll find that it's always the same. (A-choo!)让每一个人拍手让每一个人拍手让每一个人像我一样拍手(啪啪,啪啪!)Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall. Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall. One flew away!O-o-oh~~Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.Another flew away!O-o-oh~~让每一个人像我一样拍手让每一个人像我一样打喷嚏。



儿童英语歌曲歌谣推荐1.Two little blackbird举荐理由:这是一首适合3岁以下小宝宝的手指游戏儿歌,整首儿歌段落较少,曲调简单,易于哼唱。



那个手指游戏的具体做法如下:Two little blackbird (竖起大食指)Sitting on a hill,One named Jack,(一只手伸向前)And one named Jill.(另一只手伸向前)Fly away, Jack,(一只手放背后)Fly away, Jill,(另一只手放在后)Come back, Jack,(抽回一只手)Come back, Jill.(抽回另一只手)歌词大意:在山上有两只黑色的小鸟,一只叫杰克,一只叫吉尔。


2.clap your hands试听视频:举荐理由:这是一首简单的动作歌谣,节奏轻松简单,歌词重复显现。


比如:Clap,clap,clap your hands,as slowly as you can.Clap,clap,clap your hands,as slowly as you can. (一边念一边拍手,语速要慢)Clap,clap,clap your hands,as quickly as you can.(语速加快,拍手的速度也跟着加快)那个地点的clap your hands能够依次改成shake your hands(摆手),roll your hands(拳头握起来平放在胸前,前后交替移动),wiggle your fingers(十个手指一张一合),pound your fists(握起拳头互相轻轻敲打)等,以此来训练宝宝的音乐节奏感。







下面十首经典的英语儿歌,让孩子们学起来吧!(1)Bought Me a Cat推荐理由:这首儿歌特别适合3岁以下的幼儿,虽然整个儿歌的段落较多,但每段的语言都是重复出现的,因此语言量不大。




(2)Did You Feed My Cow?推荐理由:这是一首美国黑人奴隶传统歌谣,在美国现代经典歌谣中常有收录。



而这种 “ Creativity & Arts ”形式也非常适合中国孩子的英语语言训练,感知英语的语音、语调、语言组成和感情色彩,启蒙英语的语感。

(3)Hush Little Baby推荐理由:摇篮曲,大家都曾经或多或少听自己的妈妈哼唱过,在其音韵起伏间,妈妈抱着自己的孩子入睡的情景,就像一幅画,充分表现了母子的情感依附和爱的主题。









(1) Mary Had a little lambMary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow.And everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went.Everywhere that Mary went,the lain was sure to goIt followed her to school one day, school one day, school one dayIt followed her to school one day, that was against the rule.It made the children laugh and play, laugh and play, laugh and play.Why does the lamb love Mary so, Mary so Mary so?Why does the lamb love Mary so? The eager children cryWhy, Mary loves the lam, you know lamb, you know, lamb, you know.Mary loves the lamb,you know,the teacher did reply(2) Row, row,row your boatRow, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.Merrily, merrily,merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.(3) Ten little IndiansOne little, two little, three, little Indians;Four little, five little, six little Indians;Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians;Ten little Indian boys.Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians;Seven little, six little, five little Indians;Four little, three little, two little Indians;One little Indian boy.少儿英语:如何做一个有礼貌的孩子有礼貌的孩子见到到别人总是主动向好,这一单元我们就要学习怎样向别人打招呼。




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少儿英语经典歌曲:If you're happy

少儿英语经典歌曲:If you're happy

少儿英语经典歌曲:If you're happy(学习版)编制人:__________________审核人:__________________审批人:__________________编制学校:__________________编制时间:____年____月____日序言下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。

文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的教学资料,如数学资料、英语资料、语文资料、历史资料、地理资料、生物资料、物理资料、政治资料、美术资料、其他资料等等,想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor.I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, this shop provides various types of teaching materials, such as mathematics materials, English materials, Chinese materials, historical materials, geographic materials, biological materials, physical materials, political materials, art materials, other materials, etc. Please pay attention to the data format and writing method!少儿英语经典歌曲:If you're happy推荐理由:这首脍炙人口的童谣,节奏欢快,琅琅上口。

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Pop! Goes The Weasel
All around the cobbler's bench,
The monkey chased the weasel.
The monkey thought 'twas all in fun.
Pop! Goes the weasel.
I've no time to wait or sigh.
No patience to wait 'till by and by,
Kiss me quick, I'm off, good bye!
Pop! Goes the weasel.




世贸人才国际教育 2003建校政府下设世贸人才常年承办沈阳市政府大型活动,世贸人才国际教育现开设2-6岁全程外教幼儿英语,识字、拼音、珠心算、7--15岁全程外教青少;成人外语等

All around the cobbler's bench,
The monkey chased the weasel. The monkey thought 'twas all in fun. Pop! Goes the weasel.
I've no time to wait or sigh.
No patience to wait 'till by and by, Kiss me quick, I'm off, good bye! Pop! Goes the weasel.




