致命伴侣(the tourist)字幕




I'd have thought it must've taken quite a lot of the money he stole from Reginald Shaw
我想他必定是从Reginald Shaw那儿偷了很大一笔钱
to finance this transformation.
No, it's okay. It is a gift, you can keep it.
不 没事儿 算是个礼物 你拿着吧
Thank you.
- Here you go, goodbye. - Goodbye.
- 给你 再见 - 再见
Grab him.
- You're coming with us. - What did I do? - Shh!
- 跟我们走 - 我做什么了? - 嘘!
What are you arresting me for?
"Elise, you have no reason to trust me any more."
Stay on his face. His face!
停在他脸上 他的脸!
- Do you think it's Alexander Pierce? - I think everybody's Pierce.
- 你觉得那是Alexander Pierce吗? - 我觉得每一个人都有可能是Pierce
- Good morning. - Good morning.
- 早安 - 早安

The Tourist Script 《致命伴侣》(《游客》)电影对白(1)未完待续 中英文 剧本 Johnny Depp 约翰尼德普

The Tourist Script  《致命伴侣》(《游客》)电影对白(1)未完待续 中英文 剧本 Johnny Depp 约翰尼德普

The Tourist (1)00:00:00-00:05:00A: Thank you, detective Detective: Any change?B:Nothing since you left. A: She seems to be lookingfor something Detective: Camera?B:Camera?B:She has a nice ass. Detective: Stay focused on themission.Detective: Keep an eye on her, butdon’t get to close. Waiter: Good morning.Elise: Good morning.Waiter: What can I get for you? Elise: Tea with milk and freshorange juice and acroissant with butter. Waiter: I’ve already attended to it. Elise: Thank you.Waiter: No problem.Detective: Do you have a visual?C:I’ve got visual, she’s drinkingher tea.Detective: Say again?C:She’s drinking her tea. Waiter: Can I get you a tea, sir? C:No, thank you. Messenger: Good morning, sir. Waiter2:Good morning. Messenger: I’m looking for EliseWard.Waiter2:Ward, the lady(pointing). Messenger: Okay, thanks. Messenger: Good morning, EliseWard?Elise: Yes, that’s me. Messenger: I have a letter for you. C:She’s talking to someone.Adelivery boy. 致命伴侣00:00:00-00:05:00A: 谢谢你,警官。



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冰峰168小时Touching the Void (2003)又名: 濒临深渊/ 触及巅峰/ 触摸巅峰乔·辛普森与西蒙·耶茨是一对登山好搭档,他们一起挑战了无数高峰,这一次是秘鲁安第斯山峰。






在绳索的另一端,乔又有怎样的期盼,他能绝境逢生么?极限飞跃:冒险的内涵Adrenaline Rush: The Science ofRisk(2002)一个掌管着数亿资产的企业家热衷于某种冒险体育活动,这种舍身家性命不顾的行为令不少人大惑不解。







超越巅峰クライマーズ?ハイ(2008)又名: 登山者/ 超越极限1985年8月12日,马上就是停战纪念日了,日本全国的媒体都在关注首相是否会去参拜靖国神社这一热点问题。


致命伴侣(the tourist)字幕

致命伴侣(the tourist)字幕

致命伴侣01:22:58,347 --> 01:23:00,624You may try one more time.01:23:13,436 --> 01:23:14,462Let her go!01:23:16,189 --> 01:23:18,128Oh, my God.01:23:18,592 --> 01:23:21,078- You let her leave and I'll open the safe.- Stop right there.01:23:23,156 --> 01:23:25,519...Frank, what in hell?01:23:25,641 --> 01:23:28,467Please Elise let me handle this01:23:29,204 --> 01:23:33,645I'll say it again, let her goI'll open the safe.01:23:33,840 --> 01:23:38,223- Who the hell are you?- I'm Alexander Pierce.01:23:38,385 --> 01:23:40,002This is the man thatwas driving the boat01:23:40,291 --> 01:23:43,071- He is not Alexander Pierce.- Elise, please.01:23:43,398 --> 01:23:45,208What the hell are you doing?01:23:45,241 --> 01:23:46,362What the hell is he doing?01:23:46,516 --> 01:23:47,800 "Permission to engage target?"01:23:47,902 --> 01:23:49,593Shut the hell up.01:23:51,554 --> 01:23:56,641 Alexander, is it you? Truly?01:23:57,377 --> 01:23:58,615Truly.01:24:00,551 --> 01:24:02,310Show me your teeth01:24:04,555 --> 01:24:08,350 Alexander had crooked teethStained from excessive smoking01:24:08,464 --> 01:24:11,320 Braces. Electronic cigarettes.01:24:11,547 --> 01:24:13,549He had a higher forehead01:24:14,729 --> 01:24:17,185I had a migrainefor two weeks after the remodel01:24:18,247 --> 01:24:21,300- You sound different- Voice chip implant01:24:21,432 --> 01:24:23,510No, no, I mean the the way you speak01:24:23,645 --> 01:24:27,190Yes, that's right, Alexander was English This man is American01:24:29,790 --> 01:24:32,085I've actually gotten soused to the American accent01:24:32,183 --> 01:24:34,040that I find it a taddifficult to go back01:24:34,761 --> 01:24:38,280That's pathetic,this man is not Alexander Pierce01:24:38,636 --> 01:24:40,443He's a tourist!01:24:42,122 --> 01:24:43,286A tourist?01:24:43,394 --> 01:24:46,203 Someone I happened to sitnext to on the train01:24:47,283 --> 01:24:48,597How would a tourist01:24:49,165 --> 01:24:51,663know that you killedevery man your wife ever slept with?01:24:51,768 --> 01:24:53,189I told him that01:24:53,355 --> 01:24:56,093You told a tourist?01:24:56,183 --> 01:24:59,101Why would she do that?It's absurd.01:25:00,241 --> 01:25:04,264Well,there's a simple way of finding out01:25:07,388 --> 01:25:10,128- Open the safe- I've made you a deal01:25:11,119 --> 01:25:12,192...When she's gone 01:25:12,225 --> 01:25:13,265What are you doing?01:25:13,413 --> 01:25:15,086...and I know she's safe01:25:15,312 --> 01:25:16,585...Then01:25:17,112 --> 01:25:19,292 Well...I'll make you an even better deal01:25:20,073 --> 01:25:21,717Open the safe now...01:25:22,255 --> 01:25:26,249And I won't make you watch something that you would never forget.01:25:27,807 --> 01:25:29,001Open it!查理与巧克力工厂第一段102501:37:47,135 --> 01:37:49,968I'm gonna give this little boymy entire factory.102601:37:52,107 --> 01:37:54,166You must be joking.102701:37:54,343 --> 01:37:55,640No, really. It's true.102801:37:55,811 --> 01:37:59,212 Because you see, a few months ago,I was having my semiannual haircut...102901:37:59,381 --> 01:38:02,748...and I had the strangest revelation.103001:38:16,565 --> 01:38:18,396In that one silver hair...103101:38:18,567 --> 01:38:21,092...I saw reflected my life's work...103201:38:21,270 --> 01:38:24,671...my factory,my beloved Oompa-Loompas.103301:38:24,840 --> 01:38:27,775Who would watch over themafter I was gone?103401:38:27,943 --> 01:38:29,706I realized in that moment:103501:38:29,878 --> 01:38:32,369I must find a heir.103601:38:33,949 --> 01:38:36,076And I did, Charlie.103701:38:36,251 --> 01:38:37,616You.103801:38:39,821 --> 01:38:41,914That's why you sent outthe golden tickets.103901:38:43,759 --> 01:38:45,659What are Oompa-Loompas? 104001:38:45,827 --> 01:38:47,852I invited five children to the factory...104101:38:48,030 --> 01:38:50,794...and the one who was the least rotten would be the winner.104201:38:51,133 --> 01:38:52,566That's you, Charlie.104301:38:53,035 --> 01:38:54,593So, what do you say?104401:38:54,770 --> 01:38:58,331Are you ready to leave all this behind and come live with me at the factory?104501:38:58,507 --> 01:38:59,769Sure. Of course.104601:38:59,941 --> 01:39:02,603I mean, it's all rightif my family come too?104701:39:02,778 --> 01:39:05,042Oh, my dear boy, of course they can't.104801:39:05,947 --> 01:39:07,608You can't run a chocolate factory...104901:39:07,783 --> 01:39:11,116...with a family hanging over youlike an old, dead goose. No offense.105001:39:11,320 --> 01:39:13,117None taken, jerk.105101:39:15,190 --> 01:39:17,681A chocolatier has to run free and solo.105201:39:17,859 --> 01:39:20,828He has to follow his dreams.Gosh darn the consequences.105301:39:22,331 --> 01:39:23,559Look at me.105401:39:23,732 --> 01:39:26,257I had no family, and I'm a giant success.105501:39:27,636 --> 01:39:31,629So if I go with you to the factory,I won't ever see my family again?105601:39:31,807 --> 01:39:34,173Yeah. Consider that a bonus.105701:39:36,778 --> 01:39:38,006Then I'm not going.105801:39:39,114 --> 01:39:41,344I wouldn't give up my familyfor anything.105901:39:42,184 --> 01:39:44,084Not for all the chocolate in the world. 106001:39:46,621 --> 01:39:48,748Oh, I see.106101:39:50,659 --> 01:39:52,559That's weird.106201:39:55,697 --> 01:39:58,325There's other candy toobesides chocolate.106301:39:59,368 --> 01:40:02,201I'm sorry, Mr. Wonka. I'm staying here.106401:40:09,044 --> 01:40:10,841Well, that's just...106501:40:11,613 --> 01:40:13,581...unexpected...106601:40:15,150 --> 01:40:16,777...and weird.106701:40:23,859 --> 01:40:26,555But I suppose, in that case, I'll just...106801:40:28,964 --> 01:40:30,261 Goodbye, then.查理与巧克力工厂第二段01:42:37,959 --> 01:42:39,984Pity about that chocolate fellow, Wendell... Walter.109101:42:41,663 --> 01:42:43,688- Willy Wonka.- That's the one.109201:42:44,499 --> 01:42:47,434Says here in the paper his new candies aren't selling very well.109301:42:48,036 --> 01:42:51,665But I suppose maybe he's just a rotten eggwho deserves it.109401:42:51,840 --> 01:42:54,707- Yep.- Oh, really?109501:42:55,110 --> 01:42:57,135You ever met him?109601:42:57,312 --> 01:42:58,939I did.109701:42:59,114 --> 01:43:03,813I thought he was great at first,but then he didn't turn out so nice.109801:43:04,486 --> 01:43:06,454He also has a funny haircut.109901:43:06,621 --> 01:43:07,952I do not!110001:43:08,957 --> 01:43:11,824- Why are you here?- I don't feel so hot. 110101:43:12,394 --> 01:43:14,658What makes you feel betterwhen you feel terrible?110201:43:15,030 --> 01:43:16,463My family.110301:43:20,235 --> 01:43:21,998What do you have against my family?110401:43:22,804 --> 01:43:26,205It's not just your family.It's the whole idea of...110501:43:29,477 --> 01:43:31,502They tell you what to do,what not to do...110601:43:31,680 --> 01:43:34,148...and it's not conduciveto a creative atmosphere.110701:43:34,749 --> 01:43:38,583Usually they're just trying to protect youbecause they love you.110801:43:40,555 --> 01:43:43,115If you don't believe me, you should ask.110901:43:43,291 --> 01:43:46,260Ask who? My father?111001:43:46,661 --> 01:43:48,322No way.111101:43:49,698 --> 01:43:51,165At least, not by myself.111201:43:52,133 --> 01:43:53,395 You want me to go with you?111301:43:55,570 --> 01:43:59,870 Hey. Hey, what a good idea. Yeah! 加勒比海盗21100:16:22,949 --> 00:16:24,541 Make way!21200:16:31,692 --> 00:16:32,920I got her!21300:16:33,660 --> 00:16:35,150 She's not breathing!21400:16:35,228 --> 00:16:36,786 Move!21500:16:42,369 --> 00:16:44,792I never would 've thoughtof that.21600:16:44,971 --> 00:16:47,235 Clearly you've never beento Singapore.21700:16:52,479 --> 00:16:54,936 Where did you get that? 21800:16:56,216 --> 00:16:57,843 CDRE. NORRINGTON:On your feet.21900:17:00,053 --> 00:17:01,247 GO V. SWANN:Elizabeth!22000:17:02,556 --> 00:17:03,545 Are you all right?22100:17:03,623 --> 00:17:04,988 Yes, I' m fine.22200:17:09,629 --> 00:17:10,391 Shoot him.22300:17:10,497 --> 00:17:11,395- Father.- What?22400:17:11,498 --> 00:17:14,956 Commodore, do you reallyintend to kill my rescuer?22500:17:21,675 --> 00:17:23,973I believe thanks are in order.22600:17:28,081 --> 00:17:32,211 Had a brush with the East India Trading Company, did we, pirate?22700:17:33,353 --> 00:17:34,718Hang him.22800:17:34,788 --> 00:17:38,986 Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons.22900:17:39,059 --> 00:17:40,185 Well, well.23000:17:40,260 --> 00:17:42,649 Jack Sparrow, isn't it?23100:17:42,763 --> 00:17:45,618 Captain Jack Sparrow,if you please, sir.23200:17:45,766 --> 00:17:48,621 Well, I don't seeyour ship, Captain.23300:17:48,769 --> 00:17:51,067 I'm in the market, as it were.23400:17:51,138 --> 00:17:53,026 He said he'd cometo commandeer one.23500:17:53,206 --> 00:17:56,733 Told you he was tellingthe truth. These are his, sir.23600:17:59,880 --> 00:18:02,576 No additional shot nor powder.237 00:18:04,451 --> 00:18:06,976 A compassthat doesn't point North.23800:18:11,191 --> 00:18:14,547 And I half expected itto be made of wood.23900:18:16,463 --> 00:18:20,320 You are without doubt the worst pirate I' ve ever heard of.24000:18:20,434 --> 00:18:22,493 But you have heard of me.24100:18:24,771 --> 00:18:27,307 Commodore,I really must protest.24200:18:27,307 --> 00:18:28,934 Carefully, Lieutenant.24300:18:29,009 --> 00:18:31,273 Pirate or not,this man saved my life.24400:18:31,344 --> 00:18:33,369 One good deed is not enoughto redeem a man24500:18:33,447 --> 00:18:34,846 of a lifetime of wickedness.24600:18:34,948 --> 00:18:37,143 Though it seems enoughto condemn him.24700:18:37,250 --> 00:18:39,548 Indeed.24800:18:39,619 --> 00:18:40,984 Finally.24900:18:41,488 --> 00:18:42,512 No.25000:18:42,622 --> 00:18:43,554 No! Don't shoot!25100:18:43,623 --> 00:18:45,614I knew you'd warm up to me.25200:18:45,692 --> 00:18:47,990 Commodore Norrington,my effects, please.25300:18:48,128 --> 00:18:49,493 And my hat.25400:18:50,464 --> 00:18:51,761 Commodore.25500:18:54,334 --> 00:18:57,497- It is Elizabeth, isn't it?- It 's Miss Swann.25600:18:57,571 --> 00:18:59,801 Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind. 25700:18:59,873 --> 00:19:02,671 Come, come, dear.We don't have all day.25800:19:04,244 --> 00:19:06,405 Now if you'll be very kind.25900:19:22,762 --> 00:19:24,889 Easy on the goods, darling.26000:19:25,732 --> 00:19:27,029 You're despicable.26100:19:27,100 --> 00:19:29,125 Sticks and stones, love.26200:19:29,202 --> 00:19:32,797 I saved your life.You save mine. We're square.26300:19:32,873 --> 00:19:36,365 Gentlemen, milady,you will always remember this26400:19:36,476 --> 00:19:41,504 as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.。



8Lu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007外传1之铁金刚横扫皇家赌场.mkvLu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007外传2之铁金刚勇破皇家夜总会.mkvLu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007外传之巡弋飞弹.mkvLu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列01.诺博士.mkvLu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列02.俄罗斯之恋.mkvLu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列03.金手指.mkv!Lu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列04.雷霆万钧.mkvLu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列05.雷霆谷.mkvLu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列06.女王密使.mkvLu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列07.永远的钻石.mkvLu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列08之生死关头.mkvLu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列09之金枪人.mkvLu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列10之海底城.mkvLu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列11之太空城.mkvLu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列12之最高机密.mkv尒cifer.→007系列13之八爪女.mkv [url]/file/f5f12f6866#[/url]Lu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列14之雷霆杀机.mkv[url]/file/f5aa70a93a#[/url]Lu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列E15之黎明生机.mkv[url]/file/t5b872e7d2#[/url]Lu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列16之杀人执照.mkv[url]/file/t53850a600#[/url]Lu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列17之黄金眼.mkv[url]/file/t5dba1c160#[/url]Lu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列18之明日帝国.mkv[url]/file/t52c61c5bf#[/url]Lu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列19之黑日危机.mkv[url]/file/t5556523be#[/url]Lu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列20之择日而亡.mkv[url]/file/t5862b3a04#[/url]Lu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列21之皇家赌场(未分级剪辑版).mkv[url]/file/t5b519c41d#[/url]Lu尒ciferの收藏资源共享.→007系列22之大破量子危机.mkv哈利?波特全面更新效果咋样自己体会去吧。



西班牙电影:自由地带Free Zone撒哈拉Sahara欧洲的一天One Day in Europe重返戈雅城Back to Gaya企业战士2 Sons of the Wind良家妇女 A Good Woman深海长眠The Sea Inside赝品王中王Fakers偷天盗影Art Heist绅士大盗Arsène Lupin机械师The Machinist不良教育Bad Education没有墨西哥的日子 A Day Without a Mexican激情·别动Don't Move乱世三人行Head in the Clouds圣路易斯雷的大桥The Bridge of San Luis Rey熊崽Cachorro皮诺曹3000 Pinocchio 3000没有圣诞老人The Holy Girl失去的拥抱Lost Embrace秘密雇员Agents secrets尼古丁Nicotina没有我的日子My Life Without Me塔斯鲁波的手提箱The Tulse Luper Suitcases: The Moab Story 永远的活跳尸Beyond Re-Animator爱奴Dot the I指挥官Comandante黑暗Darkness情人Valentín甜蜜十六岁Sweet Sixteen阳光下的星期一Mondays in the Sun楼上的舞者The Dancer Upstairs欧洲布丁auberge espagnole大屠杀Carnage永远的卡拉斯Callas Forever异世谎言Segundo nombre, El忘记我是谁Novo通行证Laissez-passer些许故事Historias mínimas战士guerre ros莎乐美Salomé;一个男人的抉择Femmes... ou les enfants d'abord..., Les阿马罗神父的罪恶The Crime Of Padre Amard十分大师-小号篇Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet对她说Talk to Her小岛惊魂The Others鬼童院The Devil's Backbon疯狂的胡安娜Mad Love完整无缺Intacto没有上帝的消息Without News of God迁徙的鸟The Travelling Birds爱失禁Más pena que gloria无聊的下午Gaudi Afternoon爱得太狂Sólo mía铁路之歌The Navigators杀出虫围Arachnid新娘的儿子Hijo de la novia, El鲍和他的兄弟Pau i el seu germà爱吧!安妮塔Anita no perd el tren企业战士Yamakasi - Les samouraï des temps modernes 露茜亚的情人Sex and Lucia性感野兽Sexy Beast爱在此生终结时Our Lady Of The Assassins面包与玫瑰Bread and Roses悲惨世界Les Misérables (mini)海Mar, El54街传奇Calle 54福音与乌托邦Palavra e Utopia胡桃恋爱Nueces para el amor恨他入骨Así es la vida火地岛Tierra del fuego男得有情天Segunda piel青春小手枪Krámpack等候名单Lista de espera我知道你是谁Sé; quié;n eres亲密关系Intimacy灵欲的乐章Gran vida, La尽管你一无所知Aunque tú no lo sepas亡情朱古力Merci pour le chocolat南美美男大盗Plata quemada魔鬼诞生Faust: Love of the DamnedAmazone孤胆英雄One Man's Hero关于我的母亲的一切All About My Mother第九道门The Ninth Gate戈雅传Goya无名死婴The Nameless强迫出轨Sexo por compasión夏日童年Manolito Gafotas天涯寻梦Solas宫廷怨史V olavé;runt功夫之王Augustin, roi du Kung-fu没有最后一课Lengua de las mariposas, La东方/西方Est - Ouest两腿之间Entre las piernas东搞西搞Novios信誓Lettre, La没人写信给上校Coronel no tiene quien le escriba, El 我的名字是乔My Name Is Joe北极圈恋人The Lovers of the Arctic Circle无尽的沉沦No se lo digas a nadie今生相随Viento se llevó lo qué;, El爱上美人鱼Mararía甜蜜爱丽丝Alice et Martin爷爷Abuelo, El荒野、黄金、大镖客Dollar for the Dead (TV)你梦中的姑娘Niña de tus ojos, LaBarrioThe Man with Rain in His ShoesInquietude照明Illuminata情欲飞舞Tango男欲天堂Hamam活色生香Live Flesh爱玩蛋火线大绑票I Went Down心灵的秘密Secrets of the Heart空气袋Airbag火力目标Cible, La柔软的肉体Tender Flesh睁开你的双眼Abre los ojos狂野双辣Perdita Durango路易十四的情妇Marquise流氓帝国The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca女演员Actrius成双不成对Two Much深深腥红Profundo carmesí卡拉之歌Carla's Song吉普赛灵魂Alma gitana洒盐入伤口Dedo en la llaga, El盲警破案记Caso para dos, UnTu nombre envenena mis sueños人间昆虫记TierraTesis飙向死亡线Taxi美莲娜的故事Malena es un nombre de tango猛鬼追缉令Lengua asesina, LaA Further GestureBajo la piel非常公寓Appartement, L'爱情有害健康Amor perjudica seriamente la salud, El 非人家事Hollow Reed童梦失魂夜The City Of Lost Children以祖国之名Land and Freedom火的记忆Sinais de Fogo魔鬼刺客Hidden Assassin霓虹宝典The Neon Bible窗边的玫瑰Flor de mi secreto, La魔鬼之日Día de la bestia, El斗牛士Belmonte民警故事Min jing gu shi乳房与月亮The Tit And The Moon爱情与阴影Of Love and Shadows魔鬼悍将Men of War爱情交易 A Business Affair杀手.蝴蝶.梦Madre muerta, La基卡Kika草莓和巧克力Fresa y chocolate红松鼠杀人事件Ardilla roja, LaAliento del diablo, El征服四海Christopher Columbus: The Discovery最后的收获Última siembra, LaLugar en el mundo, Un火腿,火腿Jamón, jamón四千金的情人Belle Epoque哥伦布传1492: Conquest of Paradise牛的见证Vacas高跟鞋Tacones lejanos丧失影子的人Homme qui a perdu son ombre, L'夜夜叫春的女人Besos en la oscuridad折翼蝴蝶Alas de mariposa捆着我,绑着我Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!折翼天使Sofia Coppola's the Virgin Suicides魔鬼公寓Mansión de los Cthulhu, La'Non', ou A Vã Glória de Mandar新纽伦堡大审Meistersinger von Nürnberg, Die (TV)致命美人心Sangre y arena三剑客续集The Return of the Musketeers长翅膀的老人Señor muy viejo con unas alas enormes, Un 崩溃边缘的女人Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios 浪漫骑士Remando al viento烽火怪杰Walker欲望的法则Ley del deseo, La笼中的女儿Casa de Bernarda Alba, LaAsignatura aprobada痛苦Angustia斗牛士Matador最后战士Bianco Apache27 horas冷血奇兵Flesh & Blood撒哈拉传奇Sahara我们的父亲Padre nuestro快餐车Kwai tsan tseh我造了什么孽¿Qué; he hecho yo para merecer esto?!!史蒂哥SticoSesión continuaO娘(2) Histoire d'O: Chapitre 2偷情的陶醉ChristinaCamila黑暗的习惯Entre tinieblas卡门Carmen欲拒还迎Black VenusArreglo, El重新开始V olver a empezar魔宫夺宝奇兵皇冠大宝蒇Tesoro de las cuatro coronas, El 激情迷宫Laberinto de pasiones来者不善Comin' at Ya!血婚Bodas de sangre德黑兰四三年Tegeran-43烈女传Pepi, Luci, Bom y otras chicas del montónNido, ElMamá cumple cien años虎女Letti selvaggi埃涅斯托Ernesto战地六壮士Da Dunkerque alla vittoria鲑鱼Truchas, Las阵阵云雨香Ensalada Baudelaire你不要走Così come seiAsesino de Pedralbes, El艾丽莎.米西维达Elisa, vida mía朦胧的欲望Cet obscur objet du dé;sir黑轿Camada negra苦海余生V oyage of the Damned饲养乌鸦Cría cuervos隐士Anacoreta, El七次判处死刑Sept morts sur ordonnance旅客Professione: reporter帕斯库亚尔.杜阿尔特Pascual Duarte生死剑侠The Four Musketeers红靴女郎Femme aux bottes rouges, La秃鹰72小时Cazadores, Los光棍走天涯The Bananas BoatBreve vacanza, UnaEspíritu de la colmena, El豪情三剑客The Three Musketeers火拼第一线Polizia incrimina la legge assolve, La著魔的丽莎Casa dell'esorcismo, La金银岛Treasure Island辣手情狂续集Tutti i colori del buio野性的呼唤Call of the Wild墨西哥英雄Pancho Villa恐怖列车Horror Express中产阶级的审慎魅力Charme discret de la bourgeoisie, Le 贝德曼之河Bad Man's RiverMi querida señorita蝎尾谋杀案Tail of the Scorpion魔女宝藏Teufel kam aus Akasawa, Der暗杀狂徒Solo龙虎群英Soleil rouge冷眼恐惧Occhi freddi della paura, Gli蛇蝎心Lucertola con la pelle di donna, Una盗宝智多星Catlow再见萨巴达Adiós, Sabata特丽丝塔娜TristanaVampiras, Las妒忌梦Dramma della gelosia - tutti i particolari in cronaca 辣手娇娃 5 bambole per la luna d'agosto伦敦上空的鹰Battle Squadron打死不离亲兄弟Vivi o, preferibilmente, morti桃色响尾蛇Una sull'altraLegione dei dannati, La九十九个女人99 mujeres沙拉克Shalako无情职业快抢手Mercenario, Il魔宫煞星The Blood of Fu Manchu烽火幽兰Encrucijada para una monjaAmor brujo, El大捕杀Resa dei conti, La狩猎Caza, La独行侠决战地狱门Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il 江湖奇士Adiós gringo求爱姊妹花Juego de la oca, El黄昏双镖客For Some Dollars More七金人Sette uomini d'oro蓝色霹雳火Finger on the Trigger午夜钟声Campanadas a medianoche三一七小队317e section, La荒野大镖客 A Fistful of Dollars黑郁金香Tulipe noire, La列刑台The CeremonyTarantos, Los催眠Hipnosis维莉蒂安娜ViridianaPlácidoVenganza, LaMensajeros de paz亚历山大大帝Alexander the Great密谋Mr. Arkadin稚情Marcelino pan y vino四千零四夜Babes in Bagdad阿尔卡扎尔之围Assedio dell'Alcazar, L' Hurdes, LasNapolé;on。



电影大寒在线观看【篇一:适合孩子看的20部英文电影】适合孩子看的20部英文电影1、《功夫熊猫》(kongfu panda)2、《公主新娘》(the princess bride)3、《狮子王》(the lion king)4、《哈利?波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》5、《杀死一只知更鸟》(to kill a mockingbird)6、《小鬼当家》(home alone)7、《星球大战》(star wars)8、《钢铁巨人》(the iron giant)9、《超人总动员》(the incredibles)10、《怪物史莱克》(shrek)11、《小猪宝贝》(babe)12、《小妇人》(little women)13、《里约大冒险》(rio)14、《回到未来》(back to the future)15、《et外星人》(e.t.: the extra-terrestrial)16、《夏洛特的网》(charlottes web)(2006)17、《欢乐糖果屋》(willy wonka the chocolate factory)18、《音乐之声》(the sound of music)——特别棒19、《天生一对》(the parent trap)(1998)20、《绿野仙踪》(the wizard of oz)推荐给大家一些有关的网站和书籍:基上添砖加瓦了。



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致命伴侣The Tourist[00:10.73]Thank you, Detective 谢谢警长[00:21.62]Any change? Nothing since you left. - 有异状吗? - 没有[00:31.51]She seems to be looking for something. 她好像在找什么[00:34.55]Camera? 摄影机[01:03.16]She has a nice ass. 这屁股真美[01:06.62]Stay focused on the mission. 注意力集中在任务上[01:15.88]Keep an eye on her, but don't get too close. 盯着她但别离太近[01:29.94]Good morning - Good morning - 早安- 早安[01:32.52]What can I get for you? 您要点什么?[01:33.82]Tea with milk and fresh orange juice- 奶茶和新鲜橙汁[01:35.69]-and a croissant with butter, I've already attended to it. 黄油可颂老样子吗[01:38.82]Thank you - No problem. - 谢谢- 不客气[01:46.87]Do you have a visual? - I've got visual, she's drinking her tea. - 看到了吗? - 看得到她在喝茶[01:52.04]Say again? - She's drinking her tea![01:54.76]Can I get you a tea, sir? - No, no thank you. - 先生您要茶吗? - 不不谢谢[02:12.90]Good morning, sir - Good morning - 早上好- 早上好[02:15.03]I'm looking for Elise Ward - Ward, the lady (pointing) - 麻烦找下Elise Ward - Ward 那位女士[02:19.28]Okay, thanks 好谢谢[02:22.78]Good morning, Elise Ward? - Yes, that's me. - 早安您是Elise Ward吗? - 对我是[02:25.99]I have a letter for you 有您的信[02:27.45]She's talking to someone 她在和人讲话[02:28.79]A delivery boy 一个快递员[02:37.26]Scotland Yard, London 伦敦警察总部[02:40.55]Yes? 喂?[02:42.26]She's at the usual cafe, she's speaking with a man, it looks like a messenger... 她在往常的咖啡店里和一个看上去是信使的人讲话...[02:47.52]But you said to call if anything changed in her routine 你说她的日常有变动就通知你[02:54.94]Stay on his face. His face! 放大脸部他的脸[03:03.24]Do you think it's Alexander Pierce? - I think everybody's Pierce. - 你觉得他是Alexander Pierce吗? - 我觉得每个人都像[03:09.29]No, it's okay. It is a gift, you can keep it. 不必了这是送您的[03:12.12]Thank you 谢谢[03:28.52]Get him.[03:28.60]Here you go, goodbye. - Goodbye. 抓住他[03:29.60]Alright, grab him. 好抓他[03:32.94]Let's move. 行动[03:34.94]Sir, sir! Sir, we are police. 先生我们是警察[03:39.32]What did I do? - You're under arrest - 我干了什么? - 你被逮捕了[03:42.61]You're coming with us. - What did I do? - Shh! - 跟我们走一趟- 我做了什么? - 嘘![03:47.08]What are you arresting me for? 凭什么抓我?[04:01.47]"Elise, you have no reason to trust me any more..." "Elise 你可以不相信我..."[04:05.93]"But give me a chance to explain myself" "但请给我一个解释的机会"[04:07.85]"I know the police are watching you, we have to throw them off the trail" "警察正盯着你要先甩掉他们"[04:12.39]"Board the 8:22 at the Gare De Lyon" "乘里昂车站8:22的火车"[04:15.94]"Pick someone my height and build, and make them believe it is me" "找个身高体型像我的人让他们以为是我" [04:26.99]"Burn this letter." "阅后即焚"[04:29.08]"It is important you follow my instructions precisely. I love you, Alexander" "精确按我的指示做爱你的Alexander"[04:39.46]It's from him. 他写的[04:56.77]Save that letter, go in now. Save that letter! 拿回那封信快去救出那封信![04:59.61]Go, now! 快点![00:11.58]No, stop! Police! - What happened? - 等等我是警察! - 怎么了?[00:16.21]Well? 如何?[00:19.04]The letter is burned to shit. 信他妈烧成灰了[00:22.71]Don't fucking touch it. 妈的别碰它[00:25.17]Collect the ashes, take them to the van. I'll send you someone. 把渣都收好拿去车上我叫个人来[00:53.08]The road's too narrow, we have to go around. Quick! 路太窄了绕一下![01:06.38]Turn right! Quick, go! 右拐! 快点![01:39.08]Let's go 走[01:50.09]Police, make way! 警察让开![02:02.85]Damn! 擦![02:13.82]Scotland Yard 伦敦警察总部[02:20.75]Wednesday meeting. 这是周三的会议[02:30.97]So, Alexander Pierce has a new face Just as you suspected 正如你所疑Alexander Pierce换了张脸[02:36.89]I'd have thought it must've taken quite a lot of the money he stole from Reginald Shaw 那一定花了不少他从Reginald Shaw那里偷来的钱[02:41.64]To finance this transformation 来做整容[02:45.81]Ahmed Toubali, bicycle courier of Algerian descent Ahmed Toubali 阿尔及利亚裔快递员[02:51.07]Not only has Pierce acquired a wife, and a child... Pierce不仅得找个老婆小孩...[02:55.87]He is also 4 inches shorter than the used to be. 还矮了4英寸[03:00.16]That must have been a big item of expenditure? 那得要多大开支?[03:05.21]Congratulations Acheson, You have indeed cracked this case. Acheson 恭喜你破案了[03:14.34]Sir, this morning she recieved a note... and we have strong reason to believe - 头儿今早她收到一封信我们有充分理由相信-[03:18.93]Alexander Pierce has 744 million in illegal assets Alexander Pierce在此拥有7.44亿非法资产[03:24.56]That given he is a British Subject, we might seize. 正因他是个英国人我们才有理由抓捕[03:27.86]This operation so far has cost me eight million pounds. 这个案子目前花了我八百万磅[03:33.03]If I thought there were more than a one in a hundred chance you could be successful... 如果我觉得你有百分之一的希望能破案...[03:37.49]It would be rational for me to continue this operation... 我就会继续拨款给这案子...[03:42.91]I do not. 可我不这么认为[03:48.96]... that's an amendment... yes... ... 这个修正案... 好...[03:59.72]Thank you, sir 谢谢您[00:04.95]8:22 8:22[00:08.29]Sir, the projection for the faces you asked for - Not now - 长官您要的画像- 等会儿[00:14.05]"8:22 Lyon" "8:22 里昂"[00:18.09]Are they meeting in Lyon at eight twenty-two? 八点二十二他们要在里昂见面?[00:21.47]Gare de Lyon, perhaps? - Gare de Lyon... - 可能是里昂车站? - 里昂车站...[00:30.69]That's it, Gare De Lyon! The train station, she's getting on a 8:22 train. 对里昂火车站! 她要上8:22的火车[00:34.94]Go! 快去![00:42.99]"Board the 8:22 at the Gare De Lyon" "乘里昂车站8:22分的火车"[01:01.59]"Pick someone my height and build, and make them believe it is me" "找个身高体型像我的人让他们以为是我" [02:15.96]I'm sorry - What for? - 抱歉- 为什么?[02:32.93]Do you mind me smoking? It's not a real cigarette. 介意我抽烟吗? 不是真烟[02:36.19]What? - It's electronic - 什么? - 电子烟[02:38.27]It delivers the same amount of nicotine, but the smoke is water vapor. Yeah, watch! (puffs) 它也含尼古丁不过烟是水蒸气瞧![02:44.99]LED light LED灯[02:48.37]That's somewhat disappointing. 反而有点让人失望[02:52.50]Would you rather have me smoking for real? 你更想让我真的抽烟吗?[02:54.25]No, I would rather you be a man who did exactly as he pleased. 不我更希望你是个随心所欲的男人[03:00.17]I'm Elise - I'm Frank - 我叫Elise - 我叫Frank(诚实之意)[03:02.80]That's a terrible name - (laughs) Yeah, that's the only one I've got. - 是个糟糕的名字- 对不过我就这么一个名字[03:08.30]Maybe we can find you another... - Okay - 也许我们能想个别的... - 好的[03:16.14]You're British - Mmm - I'm American - Hmm - 你是英国人- 对- 我是美国人- 唔[03:26.11]What brings you to Venice? 你来威尼斯做什么?[03:28.95]You read spy novels. I am a mysterious woman on a train.. 你在看间谍小说火车上的神秘女人..[03:33.29]You tell me what my story is. 你来说说我的故事[03:37.42]Okay... 好吧...[03:42.13]I think you would be a diplomat attach? 我觉得你应该隶属外交部?[03:46.68]Or maybe a girl from East Germany whose father's been kidnapped 或者是一个东德女孩父亲遭绑架[03:52.97]And they're blackmailing you into stealing something for them... 他们威胁你去帮他们偷东西..[03:56.48]Probably microfilm, there's usually microfilm involved. 也许是偷微缩胶片经常涉及这个[03:59.31]What awaits me? - Trouble, certainly - 眼前有些什么? - 当然是麻烦[04:02.02]Danger? - Oh, yeah. - 危险? - 对[04:03.98]You'll most likely be shot at in less than two chapters! 大概两章之内你就被毙了[04:10.53]Is there a man in my life? 我有真命天子吗?[04:15.79]... have to wait and see. ...谁知道[04:19.33]Invite me to dinner Frank - What? - Frank 邀请我吃晚餐- 什么?[04:25.09]Would you like to have the dinner? - Women don't like questions - 你愿意一起吃晚饭吗? - 女人不喜欢问句[04:33.72]Join me for dinner - Too demanding - 跟我吃饭- 太强势[04:37.93]Join me for dinner? - Another question - 和我吃饭吧? - 又是问句[04:45.36]I'm having dinner... If you'd care to join me 如果你愿意...请和我共进晚餐[00:09.76]Musician? 音乐家?[00:15.01]Bartender? 调酒师?[00:21.98]I give up. 我放弃了[00:24.48]Math, I teach maths. 数学老师[00:28.69]I would not have guessed that. 我肯定猜不到[00:31.99]I'd imagine you're a cool math teacher, though? 是个很酷的数学老师吧?[00:34.95]Still a math teacher. 那也只是个数学老师[00:50.72]Can I take your picture? - Sure - 能给你拍个照吗? - 行[01:16.95]Urgent Message From: Unit 17 To: John Acheson 紧急邮件来自:17组至:John Acheson[01:40.47]Could this be Pierce? - We're still working on that - 这是Pierce吗? - 我们还在查[01:47.36]Well, I only have the sketches to go by, so... 我们只能参照速写...[01:52.49]Ectomorpheus, same basic phenotype 偏瘦体型基本相同[01:58.24]Bottom line, could be him - I knew we couldn't leave her - 很可能是他- 我就知道我们少不了她[02:01.58]Run a worldwide blind check on that face, Bet you ten quid there's no match 全球数据库扫描这张脸我打赌没有契合配对[02:05.87]Okay, but what case number do you want to book it under? 登记在哪个案子下呢?[02:10.75]Just run it - Do you really think it's Pierce? - 只管扫描- 你真觉得这就是Pierce吗?[02:14.59]Run it. 查就是了[02:24.77]Get me Italian Interpol. 转意大利国际刑警[02:39.16]I have a strange feeling that those two people over there are watching us 我总觉得那边两个人在监视我们[02:53.80]Do you know something? I think you're right 其实吧我也这么觉得唉[02:58.68]Really? 真的?[03:05.52]You're paranoid, math teacher 老师您有妄想症哦[03:18.41]Memorize this face 记住这张脸[03:20.53]The train arrives in 10 minutes Stop him when he descends. 这趟火车10分钟内抵达一下车就拦住他[03:42.80]So, what are you doing all alone in the city of lovers? 你为何独自来这个情人城转悠?[03:48.19]Is there no one in your life? 没有爱人吗?[03:52.31]There was. - What happened? - 曾有过- 发生了什么?[04:02.45]She left me. - I'm sorry to hear that, Frank - 她离开了我- 真遗憾抱歉Frank[04:20.88]"Arrival at train station Venicia Santa Lucia in 10 minutes. End of the line" "十分钟后将到达终点威尼斯的圣卢西亚火车站"[04:27.18]Guess I should go get my suitcase and stuff. 我得去拿行李了[04:33.65]Goodbye - Goodbye, thank you. - 再见- 再见谢谢[00:14.02]Oh shit. 妈的[00:29.54]Sir - Wait - 长官- 等等[00:33.83]"Pick someone my height and build" "找个和我身高体型相当的人"[00:38.63]"And make them believe it's me" "让他们以为是我"[00:43.93]We did get an exact match 确实找到匹配的人了[00:46.43]He's a math teacher at Madson Community College 他是麦迪逊专科学校的数学老师[00:49.26]Frank Tupelo Frank Tupelo[00:51.85]Lost his wife in a car crash three years ago 三年前妻子因车祸去世[00:54.52]He's a tourist 是个观光客[00:59.07]Thank you 谢谢[01:13.25]Get me Italian Interpol 接意大利国际刑警[01:30.22]Yes? 喂?[01:34.48]Received 收到[01:41.36]Abort. We go back to HQ quickly. 行动终止速回总部[01:45.95]On the other side. 另一边[02:32.83]What are you doing? - The Internet Fraud Report - 干什么? - 互联网欺诈报告[02:40.29]So, this is what Alexander Pierce looks like? Alexander Pierce就长这样吗?[02:44.25]It's above your clearance. Get back to your work. 这是机密快回去工作[03:19.71]He's fluttering his eyelids like a girl, that's his tell. 他像姑娘一样眨眼暴露了[03:23.63]Go all in. 全跟[03:28.72]Damn. 泥马的[03:34.97]Yes? 喂?[03:36.85]I have a piece of information for Mr. Shaw 我有给Shaw先生的消息[03:41.40]It's concerning Alexander Pierce 关于Alexander Pierce的[03:47.03]Alexander Pierce has just arrived in Venice Alexander Pierce刚抵达威尼斯[03:50.24]With her. 和她在一起[03:58.95]Aleri. - Sir - Aleri - 在[04:00.83]Change of course, Venice - Yes, sir - 改行程去威尼斯- 遵命[04:06.04]Now what do I own in Venice? 我在威尼斯都有些什么?[04:34.78]Hi Frank[04:36.66]Do you want to come with me? - What? - 一起吗? - 什么?[04:42.91]Oh yeah, sure, I mean, I-I could use a lift, yeah. 噢当然我是说可以搭个便车[04:46.42]Thank you very - that's very kind. 谢谢你太好了[00:25.92]Welcome to Venice, Madam 女士欢迎来到威尼斯[00:29.21]Bags. 包[00:32.88]Thank you 谢谢[00:36.84]Oh, uh, my bags! 噢我的包[00:40.26]Are you coming? 来吗?[00:48.02]Thank you (speaking spanish) 谢谢[00:55.36]Hello, Welcome to Hotel Danieri, Madam[00:57.74]Elise Clifton-Ward, and husband Elise Clifton Ward和丈夫[01:03.04]We have arranged for you a wonderful suite... 我们为您安排好了最棒的套房...[01:08.21]with bathroom and with... 有浴室和...[01:12.38]May I have your documents, please? - Yes - 能给我您的证件吗? - 给[01:15.30]Thank you 多谢[01:18.09]It will be my pleasure to show you up personally. Please, this way. 我来带您上去请这边走[01:22.26]Thank you 谢谢[01:24.35]Enjoy your stay, sir - Thank you - 先生祝您愉快- 谢谢[01:40.03]Everything was arranged according to the precise instructions. 一切都谨遵指示安排[01:43.49]I very much hope you will not be disappointed. 但愿您能满意[01:46.04]We are entering the Doches Suite 这间是Doches套房[01:49.00]A room that has been a home away from home for Marcel Proust and Honor?de Balzac 普鲁斯特和巴尔扎克的第二个家[01:59.72]Have a nice day, sir - Thank you - 祝您愉快先生- 谢谢[02:09.81]Make yourself at home 请随意[02:52.81]This really is a very nice hotel, isn't it? 这确实是个很棒的酒店[02:56.98]They think of everything, don't they? 他们想的真周到[04:06.09]I know he will be with her. 我知道他肯定会和她一起[04:08.14]They'll be staying at one of the grand hotels. The Pretty, The Regina, The Danieli. 肯定住在三大酒店之一Pretty Regina Danieli[04:13.14]I want you to keep a watch on all of them. 三家都盯着[04:16.44]You can kill the girl, but you can't kill him. 女的可以杀男的留着[04:20.78]Not until I have my money, that is. 得先拿回我的钱[04:24.03]Is that clear? - Yes, sir - Let's go. - 明白? - 是的先生- 走吧[04:46.26]You're ravenous. - Do you mean ravishing? - 你好饿- 你是说好美吗?[04:50.47]...I do. ...没错[04:52.18]You're ravenous - I am. - 你才好饿- 也对[04:56.23]Come on! 来吧[00:11.70]The, um, Skambian champagne risotto, please. - Excellent choice, excellent. - Skambian香槟烩饭谢谢- 绝妙的选择太妙了[00:24.51]He didn't say that to me Did he not like my choice? 他没夸我觉得我选的不好?[00:29.97]Your choice was excellent. 你选的棒极了[00:49.74]Who is he? 是谁?[00:53.54]Hotels don't give gifts like that, do they? Who is he? 酒店可不送这样的礼物那男人是谁?[01:00.33]He's someone they used to be very important to me - Used to? - 是曾经对我很重要的人- 曾经?[01:07.42]Are you meeting him in Venice? 你要在威尼斯见他吗?[01:10.80]I hope so. 希望如此[01:14.10]Part of me hopes I don't - Why? - 也希望不是- 为什么?[01:19.81]Because I don't like being told what to do. I don't like being "summoned". 因为我不喜欢被人指挥不喜欢被"召唤[01:29.53]But it felt even worse not hearing from him for two years. 但两年没他的消息感觉更糟[01:48.09]It's the Roman god, Janus. 这是罗马的杰纳斯神[01:53.85]My mother gave it to me when I was little. 很小的时候妈妈给我的[01:56.35]She wanted it to teach me that people have two sides; a good side, a bad side... 她告诉我人都有两面好的和坏的... [02:01.90]Past and future 过去和未来[02:04.77]And that we must embrace both in someone we love. 爱一个人就要接受他的全部[02:13.24]And I tried... 我试过了...[02:25.84]What's he like? 他是什么样的人?[02:30.30]He's... different from anybody I know. 他...是我所遇到最与众不同的人[02:41.60]Different's good. 与众不同是好事[02:46.02]Where I come from the highest compliment... that you can offer a person... 在我们那儿对人最高的赞美... [02:51.49]Is to say that they're down to earth... Grounded. 就是脚踏实地...普通[02:55.87]I hate it. Drives me nutso. 我讨厌这样简直要抓狂[03:07.29]Would you like another Americano? 您还要加美式咖啡吗?[03:12.05]I don't know, would I? 不知道要吗?[03:17.64]It really was a very nice restaurant, wasn't it? Oh. Very nice wine. 这真是个不错的餐厅对吧? 不错的酒[03:23.98]I'm making us a nice little drink. Which is very nice of me, isn't it? 我调了点不错的饮料我很不错吧?[03:33.53]Thank you 谢谢[03:35.41]Were those flowers here when we checked in? 我们来的时候有这些花吗?[03:53.47]It is an invitation to a Ball, two nights from now. 是后天的舞会邀请函[04:00.22]You've been "summoned" 你被"召唤"了[04:03.23]It appears I have. 可不是嘛[04:43.31]May I pay you a compliment? 我能赞美你一句吗?[04:47.19]Another question you need never ask. 又是个不该问的问句[04:52.57]You are the least down to earth person I've ever met. 你是我所见过的最不普通的人[05:19.43]It's been a long day. I do hope the couch will be comfortable. 今天累坏了希望沙发睡得舒服[05:26.14]Good night 晚安[08:55.43]Sorry, sir. Good morning. 打扰了先生早上好[08:58.35]My name is Guido, your waiter. 我叫Guido 为您服务[09:01.94]I'm Frank. What's this? 我叫Frank 这是什么?[09:06.19]It's your breakfast, sir. 您的早餐先生[09:09.53]I didn't order any. - The lady ordered it for you, when she left - 我没点- 女士离开时为您点的[09:22.21]When she left? 离开时?[09:49.99]Have a nice day, sir. 祝您愉快先生[00:22.06]Hi. - Alexander let's go see an old friend - 嗨- Alexander 去见个老朋友吧[00:29.32]I'm not sure he's Pierce - The boss warned us about this - 他可能不是Pierce - 老板警告过我们[00:32.78]Get him! 抓住他![00:48.59]Hello, please help - Hello, sir - 喂救命- 您好先生[00:51.47]Hello, I'm in need of help there are two men trying to break down the door 你好,我需要帮助,有两个人正破门而入[00:56.47]I see, what kind of problem do you have with the door, sir? 明白了您觉得门有什么问题吗?[00:59.27]No, no, no, there are two men with guns trying to break in! 不不两个带枪的人想闯进来![01:02.19]Two men carrying pistols (speaking spanish) 俩人拿枪[01:04.27]Your spanish is excellent, sir - Thank you - 先生您的西班牙语说的太好了- 谢谢[01:08.53]I gotta go! - Sir? - 我得闪了! - 先生?[01:13.41]Americans... 美国人真是...[01:32.01]The boss wants him alive! 老板说要活捉![01:43.64]She's returned. 她回去了[02:07.96]Get ready to intervene. 准备进行干预[02:12.34]Yes - Commander Acheson, two armed men are chasing the American from yesterday. Acheson警官两个拿枪的人在追昨天那个美国人[02:16.39]Shots have been fired. Request permission to intervene. 开枪了请求允许干预[02:19.43]Do you still have Elise? 你们还盯着Elise吗?[02:22.85]We still have a visual on Elise Ward, but the American is in imminent danger. 我们还盯着Elise Ward 但那美国人很危险[02:26.48]You mean the mathematics teacher from Wisconsin? I'd say not our mandate. 你说那个威斯康辛州的数学老师?不是我们的任务[02:30.69]Sir, this man is in real peril. 先生这人危在旦夕[02:34.49]This is exactly why she chose him, to distract us. 这就是她的目的分散我们的注意力[02:38.24]Stay with her 盯着她[02:39.66]Do not move unless she moves. Am I making myself crystal clear? 在她行动前不要有任何动作明白?[02:44.45]Sir, they will kill him. 可是他会被杀的[02:49.92]Not our mandate. 和我们无关[03:45.02]Look at that man! - What the hell? - 看那个人! - 搞什么鬼?[03:51.61]Center, send someone to the market! 总部派人来市场![03:54.82]There is a nut trying to kill himself. American, I bet. 有个呆子想自杀肯定是美国人[03:59.15]Stop, stop! 别动![04:02.28]Do not jump! 别跳![04:23.30]I'm so sorry - Asshole! - 我很抱歉- 混蛋![04:26.22]I'm sorry! 对不起![04:30.85]Stop him - I'm sorry, sorry! - 拦住他- 对不起让一下![04:58.67]Answer the phone. - Yes, sir. - 接电话- 是[00:14.60]I think you need it more than I. - "Thank you" (speaking spanish) - 你比我更需要清醒一下- 谢谢[00:20.28]"You're welcome" (speaking spanish) 别客气[00:23.78]Smoke? 抽烟吗?[00:28.83]No? 不要?[00:43.84]Now, you wish to report a murder? - No. - 你要报谋杀案? - 不[00:48.93]Some people tried to kill me 有人试图杀我[00:51.73]I was told you are reporting a murder. 我听说你要报谋杀案[00:54.14]Attempted murder. 谋杀未遂[00:57.73]That's not so serious. - No, not when you downgrade it from murder. - 不怎么严重啊- 你从谋杀降级下来是不严重[01:03.95]But when you upgrade it from room service, it's quite serious. 不过你要是跟房间服务比呢可就严重多了[01:06.74]So is assaulting a Police Officer. - That was an accident. - 你袭警不也一样么- 那是意外[01:11.16]The Officer feels differently. 那位警官可不这么认为[01:15.62]...With all due respect, sir 恕我冒昧先生[01:18.38]...I think maybe I should be talking with someone 我觉得我应该跟个[01:23.30]...Someone not Italian. 不是意大利人的谈谈[01:27.80]Like the Embassy, or Interpol. - Interpol? <scoffs> - 比如大使馆的或者国际刑警- 国际刑警?[01:31.68]I'm an American citizen. 我是美国公民[01:34.69]What does that mean? - I do not know. - 那怎么了- 我不知道[01:36.85]But I was involved in something here and no offense, this is not a local issue. 冒昧的提醒一下既然我在这出了事就不归本地管辖了[01:41.53]What is it you think you're involved in? 你觉得你出什么事了[01:48.20]It all started when I met a woman on the train from Paris 那要从我在巴黎的火车上遇到一个女人说起[01:52.99]This already good! - No, no. - 不赖嘛- 不不[01:55.75]She took me to her hotel. 她带我去她酒店了[01:57.62]Ah, wonderful! - No, no. - 啊太棒了- 不是[01:59.17]...she's involved with another man, I think she's in love... 她跟一男的有瓜葛我觉得她正恋爱呢[02:03.51]Sorry to hear that - I know - 那很遗憾- 我知道[02:08.05]...Anyway 反正...[02:09.97]This man, whatever his story is. Some people are obviously trying to kill him. 这男的不管是干嘛的吧显然有人要杀他[02:17.69]How do you know this? - Because they tried to kill me. - 你怎么知道的- 因为他们要杀我[00:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网/English/movie_mp3/[02:22.61]They tried to kill you? - Yes! - 他们要杀你? - 是啊[02:24.86]Because they must have thought that I was him. 因为他们肯定把我当成他了[02:34.70]I like you Mr. Tupelo - I like you too, sir - 我喜欢你Tupelo先生- 我也喜欢你先生[02:39.92]But surely you understand how strange this all sounds. 可你自己听听你编的这乱七八糟[02:47.80]Come with me 跟我来[02:57.64]Where are you taking me? 你要带我去哪[03:04.44]Oh! You're going to lock me in there? 啊? 你要把我关起来?[03:13.74]Please don't do this. Sir, I've done nothing wrong 别这样先生我没犯错啊[03:21.25]Please! - It's only until I check some facts - 求你了- 等我去核实几件事[03:30.05]Hi. 嗨[03:43.77]Your facts checked out. We have to leave. 你的情况都弄清了咱们得离开这[03:48.86]You're not safe here - I don't understand - 你在这不安全- 我不明白[03:53.57]This has to look right. 这事得装的像点[03:58.62]Come on 走[04:03.00]The man you're talking about is called Alexander Pierce 你说的那个男人叫Alexander Pierce[04:06.25]...who stole big money from a gangster. 他从一个黑帮那偷了一大笔钱[04:09.51]They came to Venice to find him 他们来威尼斯找他[04:12.68]They think you are him 把你当成了他[04:15.35]They placed a... how do you say... bounty on your head. 他们开了...该怎么表达... 他们悬赏要你的脑袋[04:23.02]That's why you're not safe. 所以你不安全[04:33.70]Wait here for a moment 在这等会[05:00.56]You've come to buy a key? 你们来买钥匙?[00:14.99]Brand new bills, I appreciate it 崭新的票子谢啦[00:26.67]You think we cheat you? 你以为我们骗你?[00:27.79]Of course not, I just enjoy counting 当然没有我就是享受数钱的快感[00:39.89]Well, gentlemen, Alexander Pierce is all yours. 好了先生们Alexander Pierce归你们了[00:53.28]Do not shoot him! 别伤着他[01:15.17]I think we lost them! 甩掉他们了吧?[01:18.14]I'd really like to take these off! 能把这玩意解开么[01:20.68]We have to wait until we get to open waters 咱们得抓紧开到开阔的水域里[04:28.91]It suits you perfectly, sir You have a wonderful figure. 跟您太贴身了先生您身材真棒[04:33.33]You think it's a little loose? - No, it's of the utmost magnificence - 你不觉得有点松? - 没有实在是太华丽丽了[04:46.22]Fourteen red, bet made. 红色14号买定离手[04:51.01]Wager, sir? 先生下注么[04:54.27]Forty-two red 红色42号买定离手[04:58.86]They're back. - Yeah, bring them in. - 他们回来了- 嗯带进来吧[00:02.36]I'll come back tomorrow? - No, no, no, stay. - 我明天再来? - 不用等着吧[00:15.04]We tried everything, sir 我们尽力了先生[00:18.38]But he got away. - So I heard, so I heard. - 不过他跑了- 我听说了我听说了[00:22.59]They're referring to the young man who stole $2.3 billion dollars from me. 他们在说那个偷了我23亿美金的小子[00:30.47]You know, I worked very hard for years so I wouldn't have to 你知道我拼了好多年才混到不用自己[00:33.72]do the dirty work any more. No more chasing traitors 亲手去干那些脏活不用再去追查叛徒[00:38.31]...No more killing 不用再打打杀杀[00:41.98]Now I employ people to do those things for me 现在我雇人来替我干这些事[00:47.20]Except that you don't! 可你却干不好[01:27.94]Does it look alright? - Yes! - 看起来还不错吧- 是![01:32.91]Like always. - What's always? - 一如往常- 往常怎么了[01:37.75]Very good. 棒极了[01:41.29]Yes, I think it looks alright! 嗯我觉得看起来不错[01:59.31]Huh, so that's how you pick a lock. 哟原来你这么开锁啊[02:01.65]How do you know how to do that? 你是怎么知道的[02:07.57]Where's the owner of this boat? Bottom of a canal? 这艘船的主人呢河底下呢?[02:11.91]Sitting at a cafe with a pocketful of Euros 揣着一袋欧元坐在咖啡厅里呢[02:17.66]Why is this happening? Why is everyone trying to kill me? 为什么会这样为什么人人都要杀我[02:24.38]Because I kissed you. 因为我吻你了[02:33.84]Do I look that much like him? 我跟他长得有那么像?[02:39.93]I am sorry I got you involved in all this. 对不起把你卷进这些事情[02:43.23]Why are you involved in all this? 那你为什么卷进了这些事情[02:47.77]Because I'm in love with him. - Really? I'm not. - 因为我爱上他了- 是么我可没有[02:53.36]...Seriously, help me understand why? 真的帮我搞清楚为什么[02:56.37]I honestly didn't think he would let it go this far. 其实我没觉得他会玩这么大[02:59.45]I didn't think he would let Shaw get to you. 我以为他不会让Shaw找上你[03:02.04]Shaw - that's the man who Pierce stole from? Shaw 就是Pierce偷过的那个?[03:07.17]Reginald Shaw. Alexander used to be his private banker. Reginald Shaw Alexander以前是他的私人理财师[03:13.76]I thought he was Russian or something like that. - He surrounds himself with the Russians. - 我还以为他是个俄国佬呢- 他身边都是俄国佬[03:18.97]But he's as English as Alex and I. 不过他跟我和Alex一样是英国人[03:23.10]Give me your hand 把手给我[03:25.48]Now he owns most of the casinos and brothels from here to Novus Brusk 从这里到Novus Brusk的所有赌场和妓院都是他的[03:32.78]Once, he bragged to Alexander that he had every man killed 有次他跟Alexander吹牛说他把他老婆认识他之前[03:37.07]his wife had slept with before she met him. 睡过的所有男人都杀了[03:40.29]And when he found out how many there had been... he killed her too. 然后发现有过那么多人就把她也杀了[03:45.75]There you are. 行啦[03:50.63]What made Pierce think he could take on a guy like that? 那Pierce凭什么认为能搞定一个这样的人[03:55.63]It's just who he is. 他就是那样[04:03.98]Could you ever feel like that about someone like me? 你会对一个像我这样的人有那种感觉么[04:10.94]I don't regret it, you know. Kissing you. 你知道我不后悔吻了你[04:19.37]I have to go check the, umm... the thing... 我得去看看... 呃... 那啥[04:45.52]Where are we going? 咱们要去哪[00:08.21]The airport? 机场?[00:10.29]Where are we going? - You'll see. - 咱们要去哪- 等会就知道了[00:16.84]Tie us up, would you? 栓到桩上好么[00:34.32]I wish we'd met in another life, Frank. 来生再见吧Frank[00:41.07]Take the next flight back to America, you'll find what you need in the bag. 搭下一班飞机回美国吧包里有你需要的东西[00:46.95]Be safe. 注意安全[01:12.31]But I'm in love with you... 可我爱上你了[02:36.81]Agent Elise Clifton-Ward. Identification number "M, F, S, 98495, G" 我是Elise Clifton Ward探员身份代码"M F S 98495 G"[03:35.83]Well, you've certainly blown your cover now. 你可算是把你的卧底身份砸光了[03:38.29]I'm ready to give you Pierce. 我准备把Pierce交给你[03:53.52]You're ready to give me Pierce? 你准备把Pierce交给我?[03:58.44]Well that's interesting. 挺搞笑的[03:59.48]So you're aren't here to beg me to lift your suspension? 这么说你不是来求我再宽限几天[04:04.07]You've actually come to do your job? 你真是来尽你的职责了?[04:07.53]Allow me to ask. Why now? 请允许我问一句为什么是现在[04:15.50]You live with a man for an entire year. 你跟这个人生活了一整年[04:17.46]During which time, we don't get one single useable photograph. 在这期间我们连一张能用的照片都没拿到过[04:22.88]Now you're ready to give him up? 现在你说要放弃他?[04:28.97]It's because of that tourist, isn't it? 是因为那个游客对吧[04:33.89]I want to put an end to this before someone gets killed. 我想在有人被杀之前把这件事了结掉[04:48.65]...I wish I could understand your choice in men. 我怎么就琢磨不透你挑男人的审美呢[04:53.49]...The fugitive thief? 一个流窜的贼?[04:56.45]Well, that's exciting, perhaps 好吧没准挺刺激的[05:00.04]But a school teacher from Wisconsin? 可一个威斯康辛来的老师?[00:06.46]Who'd have thought your tastes were so provincial? 谁能想到你的品味这么烂俗呢[00:11.13]Do you want Pierce or not? - Yes - 你还想要Pierce么- 想[00:17.14]I'm meeting him at a ball. Tonight. 我会在今晚的舞会跟他见面[00:21.44]You know you'll have to wear a wire? 你知道你得带对讲机吧?[01:05.94]Hello Madam 欢迎女士[01:39.89]"She's moving toward the southeast corner" "她正前往东南角"[01:52.40]Where've you been? 你去哪了[01:56.28]I thought you'd never get here. 我还以为你永远不会来了[01:59.66]Really? 是么[02:02.16]"So tell me" 当然[02:04.83]Is that our man? 这是目标么[02:07.71]How could you be so sure I was coming? 那你怎么确定我会来呢[02:11.17]I just knew it. 我就是知道[02:14.26]Fate wouldn't bring me to an evening like this with no reason. 命运把我安排在这样一个夜晚必有其缘由[02:18.39]As soon as you walked in, I knew what the reason was. 你走进来的一刹那我就知道这缘由是什么了[02:25.19]No? - No - 不是么- 不[02:34.24]"Count Philipe Organza, land owner, big reputation as a swordsman"这是公子哥Philipe Organza 地主著名击剑手[02:40.12]Well, he won't be dueling tonight. 他今晚不用耍大刀了[03:13.15]Wait! 等等[03:15.61]Alexander! Excuse me. Alexander! 借过[03:18.28]It's Pierce, he's here. 是Pierce 他在这[03:19.82]He just left her an envelope. Pull up the footage, we have his face. 他刚给她留了个信封镜头拉近看清他的脸[03:42.55]I don't bloody believe this! 我真他娘的不信了[03:44.97]Alright, get that moron out of here. 把这个蠢货弄出去[03:47.48]You shouldn't be - I can't, I'm sorry. 你不该在... 我不能...对不起[04:07.29]Come on, you owe me a dance. 来吧你欠我一支舞[04:21.64]You shouldn't be here. 你不应该来这[04:23.60]No, Elise. This is the only place on earth I should be. 不Elise 这是我最应该在的地方[04:34.61]How did you get in here? 你怎么进来的[04:36.48]I told the doorman, you're my wife 我跟门卫说你是我老婆[04:38.24]and I wanted to keep an eye on you. 说我想盯着你点儿[04:40.07]Italians are big on that kinda thing 意大利佬对这种事很重视[04:44.74]Leave. - No. - 走吧- 不[04:53.33]Do you like the suit? You paid for it. 你喜欢这身衣服么你掏的钱[04:59.42]I've been thinking about your friend Pierce, and his plan. 我一直在想你的朋友Pierce 还有他的计划z。

The Tourist Script 《致命伴侣》(《游客》)电影对白(3)未完待续 中英文 剧本 Johnny Depp 约翰尼德普

The Tourist Script  《致命伴侣》(《游客》)电影对白(3)未完待续 中英文 剧本 Johnny Depp 约翰尼德普

The Tourist (3)00:10:00—00:15:00Detective: 8:22G: Sir, the projection for the faces you asked forAcheson: Not now.Acheson: 8:22, Lyon. Are they meeting inLyon at eight twenty-two? Detective: Gare de Lyon, perhaps. Acheson: Gare de Lyon.Acheson: That’s it, Gare De Lyon! The reain station, she’s getting on a 8:22 train.Go!Elise: Board the 8:22 at the Gare De Lyon. Elise: Pick someone my height and build, and make them believe it is me. Frank: I’m sorry.Elise: What for?Frank: Do you mind me smoking? It’s not a real cigarette.Elise: What?Frank: It’s electronic. It delivers the same amount of nicotine, but the smoke iswater vapor. Yeah, watch! LED light.Elise: That’s somewhat disappointing. Frank: Would you rather have me smoking for real?Elise: No, I would rather you be a man who did exactly as he pleased. I’m Elise. Frank: I’m Frank.Elise: That’s a terrible name.Frank: Yeah, that’s the only one I’ve got. Elise: Maybe we can find you another…Frank: Okay!Frank: You’re British.Elise: Mmm.Frank: I’m American.Elise: Hmm.Frank: What brings you to VeniceElise: You read spy novels. I am a mysterious woman on a train.致命伴侣00:10:00—00:15:00警官:8点22。



100:00:00,020 --> 00:00:08,260本字幕由YYeTs人人影视翻译创作最新最快的HR-HDTV 请登陆 200:00:00,020 --> 00:00:08,260■300:00:08,270 --> 00:00:13,260翻译:Cherie_1211 傲骨临风 ala365 beatranslator400:00:08,270 --> 00:00:13,260■500:00:13,270 --> 00:00:18,260校对:依恋监制:可乐嘻嘻后期:鱼子酱600:00:13,270 --> 00:00:18,260■700:00:48,120 --> 00:00:53,460里约大冒险800:01:35,820 --> 00:01:38,250拥有漂亮羽翼的鸟儿啊All the birds of the feather900:01:38,900 --> 00:01:41,380尽情舒展婀娜之姿Do what they love most of all1000:01:42,550 --> 00:01:45,730充满韵律欢声笑语We are the best at rhythm and laughter1100:01:45,930 --> 00:01:48,230我们最爱嘉年华That's why we love Carnival1200:01:49,170 --> 00:01:51,980拥有美妙歌声的鸟儿啊All so clear we can sing to 1300:01:52,760 --> 00:01:54,900与生俱来爱冒险Some adventures reborn1400:01:56,030 --> 00:01:58,920随音乐舞动激情四溢才华横溢Dance to the music, passion and knowledge1500:01:59,440 --> 00:02:01,840展现最棒的你Show us the best you can do1600:02:02,980 --> 00:02:05,590每人在这劲歌热舞Everyone here is on fire1700:02:06,210 --> 00:02:08,400动起来加入欢乐的海洋Get up and join in the fun1800:02:09,550 --> 00:02:13,010与陌生人共舞但别卷入麻烦Dancing with strangers, don't mess with danger1900:02:13,220 --> 00:02:16,130奇迹之地里约Magic could happen for Rio2000:02:16,140 --> 00:02:20,920自由自在的里约In Rio, all by itself2100:02:21,650 --> 00:02:24,670你在此欢跳生活自如Your dancing and knowing2200:02:24,980 --> 00:02:27,280这个天堂无可比拟You can't find it anywhere else2300:02:28,320 --> 00:02:31,450就在里约Yes Rio, in Rio2400:02:31,660 --> 00:02:34,790 你能感受更多You know something else2500:02:35,310 --> 00:02:38,230 你能感受欢乐You can feel it happy2600:02:38,640 --> 00:02:41,050 无拘无束生活You can feel it all by yourself2700:03:16,780 --> 00:03:19,150 里约外2800:03:25,970 --> 00:03:28,040 珍稀鸟类2900:03:35,480 --> 00:03:37,470 明尼苏达州大麋鹿湖3000:04:30,240 --> 00:04:32,960 别怕别怕It's okay, it's okay.3100:04:40,070 --> 00:04:42,240 我会照顾你的I'll take care of you.3200:04:51,370 --> 00:04:54,120 拼字比赛冠军3300:04:55,730 --> 00:04:58,380 高中舞会3400:05:04,790 --> 00:05:07,520 最好的朋友35 00:05:17,830 --> 00:05:19,420破闹钟Stupid clock!3600:05:32,770 --> 00:05:34,640早上好布鲁Good morning Blu.3700:05:50,950 --> 00:05:51,750你You...3800:05:51,750 --> 00:05:53,240泰勒·布鲁·甘德森Tyler Blu Gandersen.3900:05:53,450 --> 00:05:55,700吃维生素对你有好处You know these vitamins are good for you.4000:05:56,960 --> 00:05:58,870看这是什么Uuh, what's this?4100:05:56,980 --> 00:05:58,600果味饼干4200:05:59,710 --> 00:06:01,040中招了吧Gotcha.4300:06:08,590 --> 00:06:09,730布鲁的保留车位4400:06:20,860 --> 00:06:22,300蓝金刚鹦鹉书店4500:06:23,500 --> 00:06:24,080我们正在营业4600:06:37,710 --> 00:06:39,040希望你喜欢这本书Enjoy the new book.4700:06:39,120 --> 00:06:40,170谢谢琳达Thanks Linda.4800:06:40,460 --> 00:06:41,540再见啦Bye now.4900:06:41,920 --> 00:06:44,230是的妈妈我也想去看您Yes, Mum. I'd love to visit.5000:06:44,250 --> 00:06:45,920但谁来照顾布鲁呢But who'll take care of Blu?5100:06:46,920 --> 00:06:49,680没有特别照顾鹦鹉的保姆Mum, they don't have candles for parrots.5200:06:50,050 --> 00:06:52,120这是你的热巧克力布鲁Here's your hot chocolate, Blu.5300:06:52,600 --> 00:06:54,260你最爱的口味Just how you like it.5400:06:54,560 --> 00:06:57,430把布鲁留给别人照看我也不放心啊Because I don't trust leaving Blu with just anyone.5500:06:57,470 --> 00:06:59,330没有我没雇鹦鹉保姆No, I don't have a bird sitter.5600:06:59,410 --> 00:07:00,640什么叫鹦鹉保姆啊What is a bird sitter...57 00:07:00,810 --> 00:07:02,650这才叫生活This is the life.5800:07:03,150 --> 00:07:05,820棉花糖数量刚刚好The perfect marshmallow to cocoa ratio.5900:07:05,860 --> 00:07:07,300一二三四五One, two, three, four, five...6000:07:07,400 --> 00:07:08,160六个Six!6100:07:15,580 --> 00:07:19,430看看那可不是我最爱的大笨鸟Well, if it isn't my favorite nerd bird.6200:07:19,520 --> 00:07:21,350好笑极了你俩真是一点都不幼稚Very funny, real mature.6300:07:21,370 --> 00:07:24,600宠物鸟你今年要迁徙去什么地方啊Hey Pet, where are you migrating to this year?6400:07:24,600 --> 00:07:26,370广阔的角落吗The 'broad-first' nook?6500:07:27,840 --> 00:07:29,550随便你们怎么扔Throw all the snow balls you want.6600:07:29,670 --> 00:07:33,260反正我有这神奇的防护罩保护这学名叫玻璃I'm protected by this magical force field, called "Glass".6700:07:33,470 --> 00:07:35,820我在这里面温暖又舒服It's what keep us so toasty and warm in here,6800:07:35,820 --> 00:07:37,720你们就只能待在外面冻得你们...while you guys are out there freezing your...6900:07:40,660 --> 00:07:41,960真无聊Classy.7000:07:57,220 --> 00:07:58,870你还好吗Are you all right?7100:08:00,730 --> 00:08:02,980我真有点不适应这天气I'm not really built for this weather.7200:08:03,020 --> 00:08:05,130你是来找什么书的吗Oh, are you looking for some books?7300:08:05,270 --> 00:08:06,270书Books?7400:08:06,290 --> 00:08:07,920不不是No, no.757600:08:14,320 --> 00:08:16,280鸟类学博士Doctor of Ornithology?7700:08:13,400 --> 00:08:16,280巴西里约热内卢保护中心7800:08:17,050 --> 00:08:19,080 他太漂亮了Ooh, he's magnificent.7900:08:22,870 --> 00:08:25,060琳达我需要帮助琳达Linda, a little help here. Linda!8000:08:28,040 --> 00:08:30,920哇你们俩还真能聊起来呢Wow, you're actually communicating.8100:08:31,010 --> 00:08:33,800对我摇摆尾巴上的羽毛代表向他自我介绍Yes, I introduced myself and shook my tail feathers,8200:08:33,880 --> 00:08:36,550逆时针转表示他占据掌控地位counter-clockwise, those referring to his dominance.8300:08:37,180 --> 00:08:38,710我可没明白还有这种意思I did not get that at all.8400:08:38,720 --> 00:08:40,520那蒙特罗博士So, Dr Monteiro.8500:08:40,520 --> 00:08:43,310拜托别叫我博士直接喊图里欧就行了No Dr. Please, just call me Tulio.8600:08:43,440 --> 00:08:46,230金刚鹦鹉是种非常稀有的鸟You know your Macaw is a very special bird.8700:08:46,520 --> 00:08:48,480事实上据我们所知In fact, as far as we know,8800:08:48,520 --> 00:08:51,010布鲁是他们种类的一根独苗Blu is the last male of his kind.8900:08:51,440 --> 00:08:53,070-是吗 -是的- Really? - Yes.9000:08:53,110 --> 00:08:54,840最近我们找到一只雌鸟Recently we found a female.9100:08:54,840 --> 00:08:57,090我们希望让他们俩结合And our hope is to bring the two of them together9200:08:57,090 --> 00:08:58,660一起拯救整个种群to save their species.9300:09:00,430 --> 00:09:03,710当然那她什么时候过来呢Well, yeah, sure, when can she come over?9400:09:03,750 --> 00:09:05,590哦不不她在巴西Oh, no, she is in Brazil.959600:09:10,300 --> 00:09:12,460里约巴西Rio, Brazil?9700:09:13,260 --> 00:09:15,340不行不行Oh, no, no, no, no.9800:09:15,720 --> 00:09:17,810我从没和布鲁分开过I never let Blu out of my sight.9900:09:17,810 --> 00:09:18,940他需要我He needs me.10000:09:18,950 --> 00:09:21,170不是的你误会了Oh, no. You misunderstand.10100:09:21,200 --> 00:09:24,890已经安排好了你会一路陪着他It's all arranged. You'll be with him every step of the way.10200:09:24,930 --> 00:09:27,020我也会陪着你And I'll be with you.10300:09:27,600 --> 00:09:30,980我知道这是你的工作Look, I know you're doing your job.10400:09:31,020 --> 00:09:33,610但我不能布鲁很特别But, I can't... well, Blu's very particular...10500:09:33,650 --> 00:09:36,300我们有固定的生活习惯And we have our little routine here10610700:09:38,620 --> 00:09:40,990而且他都不会飞呢Heck, he doesn't even fly.10800:09:41,120 --> 00:09:42,570他当然会飞Of course he can fly.10900:09:42,570 --> 00:09:44,850他是最适合的研究样本He's a perfect specimen.11000:09:44,870 --> 00:09:46,040你要干什么What are you doing?11100:09:46,050 --> 00:09:48,280别担心鸟的天性会帮助他飞起来的Don't worry, their natural instincts always take over.11200:09:48,280 --> 00:09:49,730等等别Wait, no!11300:09:51,630 --> 00:09:53,300也许会Well, almost always.11400:09:53,380 --> 00:09:54,760布鲁Blu!11500:09:55,400 --> 00:09:56,770你是哪门子博士啊What kind of doctor are you?11600:09:56,780 --> 00:09:58,280你还好吗Are you okay?11700:09:58,320 --> 00:10:00,450也许他寄居惯了Perhaps he's too domesticated.11800:10:01,160 --> 00:10:03,410非常感谢你来我店里It was very nice of you to step in,11900:10:03,540 --> 00:10:06,080胡言乱语一通还丢我的鸟squawk around and throw my bird,12000:10:06,210 --> 00:10:07,750现在你该走了but now it is time for you to go.12100:10:07,790 --> 00:10:08,940对不起I'm very sorry.12200:10:09,080 --> 00:10:11,840真对不起等等琳达I'm very sorry, but wait, Linda.12300:10:12,550 --> 00:10:14,360这是我们最后的机会This could be our last chance.12400:10:15,460 --> 00:10:17,220一路顺风Have a safe flight.12500:10:19,260 --> 00:10:21,660琳达请听我说Linda, please listen to me!12600:10:21,680 --> 00:10:26,100如果我们不这么做他的种群就会灭绝If we don't do this, his whole species will be gone.12700:10:31,150 --> 00:10:32,750好好考虑考虑Just think about it.12800:10:38,240 --> 00:10:39,910天性Natural instincts.12900:10:40,200 --> 00:10:41,360把我扔过半个房间There is nothing natural13000:10:41,360 --> 00:10:43,490才不叫什么天性about being thrown half way across the room.13100:10:43,510 --> 00:10:45,080我自己能飞Hah, I'll show him.13200:10:45,660 --> 00:10:48,580我可以的只要搞清原理I can do this. I just have to work out the physics.13300:10:46,280 --> 00:10:48,850基本飞行原理贝多芬著13400:10:48,660 --> 00:10:50,750保持翅膀与身体为矢量直角I have quadrated my vector angles.13500:10:51,480 --> 00:10:54,560调整飞行气流逐渐加强飞行力道I have adjusted for wind shear, house every reinforcement.13600:10:52,770 --> 00:10:54,480相信自己13700:10:54,690 --> 00:10:55,860很好Good.13800:10:56,630 --> 00:10:58,880好了来吧Okay, let's see.13900:10:58,990 --> 00:11:00,680机翼张开很好Flaps open, perfect.14000:11:00,890 --> 00:11:02,510起落架已准备Landing gear, checked.14100:11:02,600 --> 00:11:04,970尾翼正常Tail flaps, operational. 14200:11:04,970 --> 00:11:07,950 这样子真不赖And actually, not bad.14300:11:08,520 --> 00:11:11,940 就是这次了看我飞一个This is it. Let's fly.14414500:11:15,920 --> 00:11:18,940 推力升力阻力等候Thrust, lift, drag, and wait.14600:11:19,110 --> 00:11:20,950 推力升力阻力等候Thrust, lift, drag, wait!14700:11:20,990 --> 00:11:22,320 推力升力阻力等候Thrust, lift, drag, wait!14800:11:22,360 --> 00:11:24,580 推力升力阻力等等等Thrust, lift, drag, w-w-wait!14900:11:28,870 --> 00:11:29,910 布鲁Blu?15015100:11:42,430 --> 00:11:43,760 是吧Didn't I?15200:11:47,290 --> 00:11:50,33015300:11:52,790 --> 00:11:54,790我也很害怕I'm scared too.15400:11:55,250 --> 00:11:56,690不正确的事But I wouldn't make you do this15500:11:56,690 --> 00:11:59,380我是绝不会让你做的if it wasn't the right thing to do.15600:12:00,780 --> 00:12:02,820你觉得呢布鲁What do you say Blu?15700:12:10,000 --> 00:12:12,270这才是我勇敢的宝贝That's my big brave boy.15800:12:12,500 --> 00:12:15,880我们会很快回来的We will be back home before we even know it.15900:12:46,390 --> 00:12:49,680你也来点布鲁别晒坏小嘴巴了Your turn Blu. You don't want to get 'beak-burn'.16000:13:03,240 --> 00:13:05,860这是怎么回事Wow, what's going on here?16100:13:05,950 --> 00:13:08,700-你正好赶上嘉年华了 -嘉年华- You arrive in time for carnival. - Carnival?16200:13:08,780 --> 00:13:11,350对这是世界上最大的派对Yes, it's the biggest party in the world.16300:13:11,450 --> 00:13:14,750大家一起狂欢跳舞You know a time to have fun and dance.16400:13:16,210 --> 00:13:17,750我的妈啊Oh mine!16500:13:18,250 --> 00:13:20,250她是参加表演的吗Is she a performer?16600:13:20,840 --> 00:13:23,090不是她其实是我的牙医No, in fact she's my dentist.16700:13:23,300 --> 00:13:24,860巴波萨医生Dr. Barbosa!16800:13:25,800 --> 00:13:28,260别忘了用牙线剔牙图里欧Do not forget to floss, Tulio.16900:13:28,850 --> 00:13:30,350当然You got it.17000:13:30,510 --> 00:13:33,620明晚每个人都会穿成这样Come tomorrow night, everyone will be dressed like that.17100:13:33,730 --> 00:13:35,410我肯定不会Oh, not me.17200:13:43,900 --> 00:13:45,120等等Oh, wait.17300:13:48,160 --> 00:13:51,200我不是本地鸟I am not from here.17400:13:51,280 --> 00:13:53,070尼可他是游客Hey Nico, he's a tourist.17500:13:53,200 --> 00:13:54,670真有意思可你长得不像Funny, you don't look like one.17600:13:54,680 --> 00:13:56,270是吗我不像吗Really? I don't?17700:13:56,310 --> 00:13:59,100你鼻子上那个鸽子屎倒像本地的Except, you've got pigeon dodo on your nose.17800:13:59,230 --> 00:14:01,520这是防晒指数3000的防晒霜Oh, no, this is just SPF3000.17900:14:01,650 --> 00:14:03,210你是来参加嘉年华的吗So, are you here for carnival?18000:14:03,230 --> 00:14:06,280其实我是来见个姑娘的Actually I'm just here to meet a girl.18100:14:06,380 --> 00:14:07,860-哎哟见姑娘 -对- Huh, a girl? - Yes.18218318400:14:13,990 --> 00:14:15,790是的一定要大摇大摆的Yes, it's all about swagger. 18500:14:15,830 --> 00:14:17,820你要把胸挺得高高的You've got to pop out that chest,18600:14:17,930 --> 00:14:19,530把尾巴摆起来swing that tail,18700:14:19,740 --> 00:14:23,320眯着眼睛像某些疯狂发情的鹰eyes narrowed look like some kind of crazy love hawk.18800:14:23,750 --> 00:14:26,090-但首先我们得把你弄出来 -什么- But first we've got to bust you out. - What?18900:14:26,130 --> 00:14:29,050我开你这笼子就像开汽水瓶一样易如反掌I'm gonna pop that cage open like a soda cap.19000:14:29,430 --> 00:14:30,740不用不用No, no...19100:14:30,970 --> 00:14:32,470谢谢不用了No, that's okay.19200:14:33,350 --> 00:14:35,120你这叫易如反掌啊You call that popping?19300:14:35,390 --> 00:14:36,820这东西还挺结实的嘛This thing's robust.19400:14:36,830 --> 00:14:38,940老兄我没事笼子挺好的No, guys really, I'm fine. The cage is great.19500:14:39,100 --> 00:14:40,100我爱笼子Love the cage.19600:14:40,380 --> 00:14:41,840达博该走了Dabbo, suit yourself.19700:14:41,880 --> 00:14:44,070别忘了学发情的鹰啊哦Don't forget, love hawk.19800:14:45,880 --> 00:14:49,180好的我们一起学Yes... and to you as well.19920000:15:06,050 --> 00:15:07,420治疗室Our treatment room.20100:15:09,180 --> 00:15:10,890他们真喜欢你They really like you.20200:15:12,760 --> 00:15:14,270-这么多鸟 -当然- A lot. - Yes!20300:15:14,280 --> 00:15:16,220我是他们的大鸟妈妈I'm their great big mama bird.20400:15:23,480 --> 00:15:26,250-来点吗 -谢谢不用了- You want some? - No, I'm good.20500:15:27,530 --> 00:15:30,320这里很多鸟都是从走私犯那救出来的Many of the birds here were rescued from smugglers. 20620700:15:32,640 --> 00:15:35,870不幸的是营救这些小可怜时Unfortunately, the poor birds are often hurt.20800:15:35,930 --> 00:15:37,430经常会弄伤他们有些甚至夭折or even killed in the process.20900:15:37,500 --> 00:15:40,290但只要护理得当他们就能恢复But with proper care, they can be saved.21000:15:40,750 --> 00:15:41,620看看Look here.21100:15:41,640 --> 00:15:43,630这可怜的小东西昨天被救回来的This poor guy was found last night.21200:15:45,230 --> 00:15:47,690伙计你今天看上去好多了Hey buddy, you're looking great today.21300:15:47,880 --> 00:15:50,010比昨天好多了Much better, much better.21400:15:51,880 --> 00:15:53,340早日康复哦Get well soon.21500:15:55,850 --> 00:15:57,790珠儿在哪呢So, where is Jewel?21600:15:57,810 --> 00:16:00,040我们把珠儿安置在一个特别的地方Oh, we have a special place for Jewel.21700:16:00,060 --> 00:16:02,170她是只非常有性格的鸟She's a very spirited bird.21800:16:02,420 --> 00:16:03,920可不是I'll say.21900:16:03,940 --> 00:16:05,460这是她弄的吗She did that?22000:16:05,650 --> 00:16:06,560真迷人Charming.22100:16:06,570 --> 00:16:08,530好了我现在想回家了Okay, I want to go home now.22200:16:08,840 --> 00:16:10,320不用担心No, don't worry.22322400:16:18,520 --> 00:16:21,560救命救命放我出去Help! Help! Let me out of here!22500:16:26,230 --> 00:16:27,730琳达Linda!22600:16:27,820 --> 00:16:30,670-也许我该 -别先试试- Maybe I should... - No, give it a chance. 227 00:16:41,270 --> 00:16:42,230有鸟吗Hello?22800:16:45,000 --> 00:16:45,960鸟啊你在哪Hello?22923000:16:56,140 --> 00:16:57,890她太美了She's beautiful.23100:17:00,950 --> 00:17:04,790他们真是胡说八道她她就是个天使What were they talking about? She's... like an angel.23200:17:07,610 --> 00:17:11,530这个天使越来越靠近我了An angel whose getting really close up!23300:17:16,450 --> 00:17:19,910-你踩到我喉咙了 -你是个美国的- You're standing on my throat. - You're an American.23400:17:20,580 --> 00:17:21,520多谢高抬贵脚Thanks.23500:17:21,620 --> 00:17:23,710我用喉咙说话所以谢谢你了I need my throat for talking, so thank you.23600:17:23,730 --> 00:17:25,190你和我长得一样You look like me.23700:17:26,170 --> 00:17:27,150你好Hi.23800:17:27,380 --> 00:17:29,040你好我叫布鲁Hi. My name is Blu.23900:17:29,210 --> 00:17:31,550蓝纹奶酪的蓝色的谐音You know like the cheese with the mould on it.24000:17:31,590 --> 00:17:33,090虽然蓝纹奶酪很臭吧No, it smells really bad.24100:17:33,090 --> 00:17:35,180我这是说了些什么太丢人了That's stupid, stupid, stupid.24200:17:35,260 --> 00:17:37,620好了来吧我们的时间不多Alright come on, we don't have much time.24300:17:39,180 --> 00:17:40,810等等Wait, wait! Ouch!24400:17:51,960 --> 00:17:53,610-你准备好了吗 -准备好什么- Are you ready? - For what?24500:17:53,760 --> 00:17:55,840哦哦那个啊呃那就来吧Oh, oh, wow. Aah... okay.24600:17:56,340 --> 00:17:57,750自信Confidence!24700:17:58,070 --> 00:17:59,740疯狂发情的鹰Crazy love hawk.24800:18:02,450 --> 00:18:03,920 喂你干什么呢Wow, hey! What are you doing?24900:18:03,920 --> 00:18:05,700什么你想让我干什么What? What you want me to.25000:18:05,730 --> 00:18:08,540弱弱地问一句那你想要干什么But just for argument sake, what are you doing?25100:18:08,790 --> 00:18:10,940我想逃走I am trying to escape.25200:18:11,020 --> 00:18:13,040这样啊对逃走Oh..., ya... escape,25300:18:13,040 --> 00:18:15,330我刚也是想着逃走才那样的that's where I was going with that thing I just did.25400:18:15,330 --> 00:18:16,530等等Wait, wait.25500:18:16,570 --> 00:18:18,820你以为我想让你亲我吗Did you actually think we were going to kiss?25600:18:18,860 --> 00:18:20,570-当然不是 -我们才见面- No, no, no! - We just met!25700:18:20,820 --> 00:18:23,970-我的老天 -我觉得他们需要点帮助- Oh mine! - I think they need a little help.25800:18:24,100 --> 00:18:25,420我知道我羽毛很漂亮I know how my feathers look,25900:18:25,420 --> 00:18:27,000但我绝不是那种不负责任的鸟but I'm not that kind of bird.26000:18:27,300 --> 00:18:29,320说你说我Say you, say me.26100:18:29,330 --> 00:18:31,820这可不是我策划的Okay, I had nothing to do with that.26200:18:32,270 --> 00:18:35,320但这歌还挺好听的But, it's actually a pretty good song.26300:18:36,900 --> 00:18:39,950"自然地" 对莱昂纳尔唱的"Naturally..." yes, sing it Lionel.26400:18:45,120 --> 00:18:47,420进展飞速啊Wow, That was fast.26500:18:48,060 --> 00:18:50,88026600:18:51,460 --> 00:18:54,090我们回避下吧We should probably give them some privacy.26700:19:00,010 --> 00:19:03,350我不放心把布鲁单独留在那I'm not so sure I should leave Blu here alone.26800:19:03,370 --> 00:19:04,880不用担心Oh no, don't worry.26900:19:04,890 --> 00:19:07,430赛尔微欧整晚在这值班的Sylvio will keep an eye on them all night.27000:19:11,630 --> 00:19:13,770而且他有珠儿作伴Besides, he's got Jewel.27100:19:20,700 --> 00:19:22,090救命啊Help me!27227400:20:00,420 --> 00:20:03,740过来吧小鸟鸟Come here little birdie.27500:20:04,140 --> 00:20:07,990没事的我保护你It's okay. I got you.27600:20:31,480 --> 00:20:32,890不好意思Excuse me!27700:20:33,080 --> 00:20:35,880不好意思我想睡觉Please, I'm trying to sleep.27800:20:36,000 --> 00:20:40,170不好意思哦嗑睡虫可我想逃走I'm sorry sleepy head, I'm trying to escape.27900:20:41,630 --> 00:20:44,260逃走为什么这个笼子超级棒Escape, why? This cage is awesome.28000:20:44,300 --> 00:20:47,680这个笼子我在想什么呢This cage...? Oh, what was I thinking?28100:20:48,010 --> 00:20:51,140我还指望一只宠物鸟能理解I wouldn't expect a pet to understand.28200:20:51,390 --> 00:20:53,690宠物鸟你叫我宠物鸟Pet? Did you just call me a pet?28328400:20:55,960 --> 00:20:57,190我是同伴I am a companion.28500:20:57,480 --> 00:20:58,860而且你爱干啥干啥And you know what? Do whatever you want.28600:20:58,860 --> 00:21:00,840明天一早琳达就来接我了Cause' tomorrow morning, Linda will come for me,28700:21:00,840 --> 00:21:02,670这个噩梦就可以结束了and this whole nightmare will be over.28800:21:02,840 --> 00:21:06,220太神奇了你宁愿和人类在一起Incredibly, you rather be with a human28900:21:06,220 --> 00:21:07,680也不愿和同类在一起than with your own kind.29000:21:07,720 --> 00:21:09,180那个人类Well, that human29129200:21:11,800 --> 00:21:14,930我的同类见了我才十五秒就想掐死我whereas my own kind tries to strangle me after 15 seconds.29300:21:14,940 --> 00:21:17,850就是因为他们我失去了一切Yah, it's because of them, I've lost everything.29400:21:17,950 --> 00:21:19,410你不能信任他们You can't trust them!29500:21:19,840 --> 00:21:22,150你当然能信任人类Of course, you can trust humans.29600:21:23,670 --> 00:21:24,630珠儿Jewel?29700:21:24,990 --> 00:21:25,950珠儿Jewel?29800:21:27,240 --> 00:21:28,140你好啊Hi there!29900:21:38,420 --> 00:21:40,590很高兴你陪我吃饭It's nice of you to join me for dinner.30000:21:40,730 --> 00:21:42,130我一般都一个人吃I often eat alone.30100:21:42,570 --> 00:21:44,920当然是因为我的工作原因Because of course, my work.30200:21:45,570 --> 00:21:48,280遇到你之前我以为我才是鸟控I thought I was the 'bird-mad' until I met you.30300:21:48,300 --> 00:21:51,410当然了你有最喜欢的鸟吗Yes, right. Do you have a favorite bird?30430630700:22:00,860 --> 00:22:03,360我对鲜艳羽毛的亮丽外表不太感冒I'm not so impressed by fancy feathers.30800:22:03,530 --> 00:22:05,470我完全明白你的意思I know exactly, what you mean.30900:22:05,550 --> 00:22:07,450我的最爱是斑点猫头鹰My favorite bird is the spotted owl.31000:22:07,470 --> 00:22:11,140他们水汪汪炯炯有神的大眼I've always been mesmerized by those big,31100:22:11,140 --> 00:22:13,950把我萌翻了round intelligent eyes.31200:22:17,190 --> 00:22:18,520要鸡卷吗Chicken rolls?31300:22:18,520 --> 00:22:19,880伦巴达[巴西现代快步舞]Lambada.31400:22:20,840 --> 00:22:22,320眼镜脏了Chicken eyes.31500:22:22,840 --> 00:22:23,980我的天啊Oh gosh!31600:22:34,600 --> 00:22:35,850喂Hello.31700:22:54,370 --> 00:22:55,750布鲁Oh, Blu.31800:22:56,600 --> 00:22:59,650我们不该离开的We should have never left.31900:23:00,170 --> 00:23:04,480-都是我的错 -别这样琳达- This is is all my fault. - No Linda, please.32000:23:04,530 --> 00:23:06,460这不是你的错This is not your fault.32100:23:07,860 --> 00:23:11,550你说得对这不是我的错You're right, It's not my fault.32200:23:11,910 --> 00:23:13,360-这是你的错 -什么- It's your fault! - What?32300:23:13,390 --> 00:23:15,350就因为你一通长篇鸟论With your little bird talk,32400:23:15,350 --> 00:23:16,810还有一堆and that whole...32500:23:18,230 --> 00:23:19,470听着Well, you know what?32600:23:19,470 --> 00:23:21,660叽叽喳喳喳喳叽叽[真正意义上的鸟语]Squawk squawking is squawk-squawk!32700:23:22,420 --> 00:23:24,340不好意思我不想诅咒你的I am sorry. I didn't mean to curse.32800:23:24,380 --> 00:23:26,180我不懂I don't understand!32900:23:26,180 --> 00:23:28,360赛尔微欧是业内最厉害的保安Sylvio is the best guard in the business.33000:23:28,380 --> 00:23:29,700这么说吧So let me get this straight.33100:23:29,740 --> 00:23:31,820你被一只小白鸟袭击了You were attacked by a little white bird.33200:23:31,910 --> 00:23:36,290是的用这个抹布他像这样捂住我嘴巴Yes, with this rag he held it to my mouth, like this. 33300:23:44,090 --> 00:23:45,520这下完了We're doomed.33400:23:52,820 --> 00:23:56,430哪里都比不上家里好哪里都比不上家里好Okay, there's no place like home, there's no place like home.33500:23:56,680 --> 00:23:58,560我真想回到我的笼子里How I wish I was back in my cage33600:23:58,570 --> 00:24:01,600有我的小镜子秋千还有小铃铛with my mirror and my swing and my little bell.33700:24:01,980 --> 00:24:05,210-我想我的小铃铛 -嘘装死- How I miss my little bell. - Ssshh, play dead.33800:24:06,050 --> 00:24:07,450什么我用不着装What? I don't need to play dead.33900:24:07,450 --> 00:24:08,920我已经快心脏病发作了I'm about to have a heart attack.34000:24:08,940 --> 00:24:11,650-赶紧的 -好吧- Just do it! - Fine.34100:24:17,680 --> 00:24:21,390-别抽抽了 -拜托做戏要做足- Stop twitching. - Come on, it's the twitching that sells it.34200:24:25,500 --> 00:24:27,000进来吧孩子Come on in, kid.34300:24:34,550 --> 00:24:38,260咱们来看看干的不错费尔南多Well, what do you know? Good work, Fernando.34400:24:39,040 --> 00:24:42,960你们看我跟你们说啥来着You see boys. What did I tell you about this one?34500:24:43,500 --> 00:24:45,710是当时你说只给他一半的报酬吗That you are going to pay him half as much as what you said?34600:24:45,770 --> 00:24:47,230不是你个蠢蛋No, you idiot.34700:24:47,450 --> 00:24:50,260是他让我想起了我当年的样子That he reminds me of myself when I was that age.34800:24:50,460 --> 00:24:54,300足智多谋给你孩子Smart, resourceful. Here you go, kid.34900:24:55,470 --> 00:24:58,100喂这才只有当时说好的一半啊Hey, this is only half of what you promised me.35000:24:58,210 --> 00:24:59,470少废话小屁孩儿Shut up, kid.35100:25:00,040 --> 00:25:01,410我勒个...What the...?35200:25:02,790 --> 00:25:06,210我记得我跟你说过要活的I thought I told you I needed these birds alive.35300:25:06,500 --> 00:25:09,590 你说费尔南多你看这像是活的吗Tell me, Fernando. Does this look alive to you?35400:25:09,980 --> 00:25:11,110像吗Huh?35500:25:12,760 --> 00:25:14,220-抓住它 -在那儿- Get it! - Over here!35600:25:15,510 --> 00:25:16,720珠儿Jewel!35700:25:25,940 --> 00:25:28,920你好啊美人儿Hello, pretty bird.35800:25:29,440 --> 00:25:30,800你怎么了What's the matter?35900:25:30,800 --> 00:25:32,260我抓住你的喉咙了吗Cockatoo got your throat?36000:25:32,300 --> 00:25:35,230奈吉尔要活的Nigel, alive.36100:25:36,030 --> 00:25:37,700这事儿没完To be continued.36200:25:42,870 --> 00:25:45,710这就是你的计划吗自己逃出去把我留这儿That was your plan! To take off and leave me!36300:25:45,770 --> 00:25:46,960真是谢谢你了啊Gee, thanks.。



Aesop's Fables Translated by George Fyler TownsendAesop's Fables (1)Translated by George Fyler Townsend (1)Preface (7)The Wolf and the Lamb (11)The Bat and the Weasels (11)The Ass and the Grasshopper (12)The Lion and the Mouse (12)The Charcoal−Burner and the Fuller (12)The Father and His Sons (12)The Boy Hunting Locusts (12)The Cock and the Jewel (12)The Kingdom of the Lion (13)The Wolf and the Crane (13)The Fisherman Piping (13)Hercules and the Wagoner (13)The Ants and the Grasshopper (13)The Traveler and His Dog (13)The Dog and the Shadow (14)The Mole and His Mother (14)The Herdsman and the Lost Bull (14)The Hare and the Tortoise (14)The Pomegranate, Apple−Tree, and Bramble (14)The Farmer and the Stork (15)The Farmer and the Snake (15)The Fawn and His Mother (15)The Bear and the Fox (15)The Swallow and the Crow (15)The Mountain in Labor (15)The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion (16)The Tortoise and the Eagle (16)The Flies and the Honey−Pot (16)The Man and the Lion (16)The Farmer and the Cranes (16)The Dog in the Manger (17)The Fox and the Goat (17)The Bear and the Two Travelers (17)The Oxen and the Axle−Trees (17)The Thirsty Pigeon (18)The Raven and the Swan (18)The Goat and the Goatherd (18)The Miser (18)The Sick Lion (18)The Horse and Groom (19)The Ass and the Lapdog (19)The Lioness (19)The Boasting Traveler (19)The Cat and the Cock (19)The Boy and the Filberts (20)The Lion in Love (20)The Laborer and the Snake (20)The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (20)The Ass and the Mule (21)The Frogs Asking for a King (21)The Boys and the Frogs (21)The Sick Stag (21)The Salt Merchant and His Ass (21)The Oxen and the Butchers (22)The Lion, the Mouse, and the Fox (22)The Vain Jackdaw (22)The Goatherd and the Wild Goats (22)The Mischievous Dog (23)The Fox Who Had Lost His Tail (23)The Boy and the Nettles (23)The Man and His Two Sweethearts (23)The Astronomer (23)The Wolves and the Sheep (24)The Old Woman and the Physician (24)The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle (24)The Charger and the Miller (24)The Fox and the Monkey (24)The Horse and His Rider (25)The Belly and the Members (25)The Vine and the Goat (25)Jupiter and the Monkey (25)The Widow and Her Little Maidens (25)The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf (25)The Cat and the Birds (26)The Kid and the Wolf (26)The Ox and the Frog (26)The Shepherd and the Wolf (26)The Father and His Two Daughters (26)The Farmer and His Sons (27)The Crab and Its Mother (27)The Heifer and the Ox (27)The Swallow, the Serpent, and the Court of Justice (27)The Thief and His Mother (27)The Old Man and Death (27)The Fir−Tree and the Bramble (28)The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk (28)The Man Bitten by a Dog (28)The Two Pots (28)The Wolf and the Sheep (28)The Aethiop (29)The Fisherman and His Nets (29)The Old Woman and the Wine−Jar (29)The Fox and the Crow (29)The Two Dogs (30)The Stag in the Ox−Stall (30)The Hawk, the Kite, and the Pigeons (30)The Widow and the Sheep (30)The Wild Ass and the Lion (31)The Eagle and the Arrow (31)The Sick Kite (31)The Lion and the Dolphin (31)The Lion and the Boar (31)The One−Eyed Doe (32)The Shepherd and the Sea (32)The Ass, the Cock, and the Lion (32)The Mice and the Weasels (32)The Mice in Council (32)The Wolf and the Housedog (33)The Rivers and the Sea (33)The Playful Ass (33)The Three Tradesmen (33)The Master and His Dogs (33)The Wolf and the Shepherds (33)The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat (34)The Ass Carrying the Image (34)The Two Travelers and the Axe (34)The Old Lion (34)The Old Hound (34)The Bee and Jupiter (34)The Milk−Woman and Her Pail (35)The Seaside Travelers (35)The Brazier and His Dog (35)The Ass and His Shadow (35)The Ass and His Masters (36)The Oak and the Reeds (36)The Fisherman and the Little Fish (36)The Hunter and the Woodman (36)The Wild Boar and the Fox (36)The Lion in a Farmyard (37)Mercury and the Sculptor (37)The Swan and the Goose (37)The Swollen Fox (37)The Fox and the Woodcutter (37)The Birdcatcher, the Partridge, and the Cock (38)The Monkey and the Fishermen (38)The Flea and the Wrestler (38)The Two Frogs (38)The Cat and the Mice (38)The Doe and the Lion (39)The Farmer and the Fox (39)The Seagull and the Kite (39)The Philosopher, the Ants, and Mercury (39)The Mouse and the Bull (39)The Lion and the Hare (40)The Peasant and the Eagle (40)The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter (40)The Bull and the Goat (40)The Dancing Monkeys (40)The Monkeys and Their Mother (41)The Oaks and Jupiter (41)The Hare and the Hound (41)The Traveler and Fortune (41)The Bald Knight (41)The Shepherd and the Dog (41)The Lamp (42)The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass (42)The Bull, the Lioness, and the Wild−Boar Hunter (42)The Oak and the Woodcutters (42)The Hen and the Golden Eggs (42)The Ass and the Frogs (42)The Crow and the Raven (43)The Trees and the Axe (43)The Crab and the Fox (43)The Woman and Her Hen (43)The Ass and the Old Shepherd (43)The Kites and the Swans (44)The Wolves and the Sheepdogs (44)The Hares and the Foxes (44)The Bowman and Lion (44)The Camel (44)The Wasp and the Snake (44)The Dog and the Hare (45)The Bull and the Calf (45)The Stag, the Wolf, and the Sheep (45)The Peacock and the Crane (45)The Fox and the Hedgehog (45)The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow (46)The Thief and the Innkeeper (46)The Mule (46)The Hart and the Vine (46)The Serpent and the Eagle (47)The Crow and the Pitcher (47)The Two Frogs (47)The Wolf and the Fox (47)The Walnut−Tree (47)The Monkey and the Dolphin (48)The Jackdaw and the Doves (48)The Horse and the Stag (48)The Kid and the Wolf (48)The Prophet (48)The Fox and the Monkey (49)The Thief and the Housedog (49)The Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog (49)The Apes and the Two Travelers (49)The Wolf and the Shepherd (50)The Hares and the Lions (50)The Lark and Her Young Ones (50)The Fox and the Lion (50)The Weasel and the Mice (50)The Boy Bathing (51)The Ass and the Wolf (51)The Seller of Images (51)The Fox and the Grapes (51)The Man and His Wife (51)The Peacock and Juno (52)The Hawk and the Nightingale (52)The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox (52)The Wolf and the Goat (52)The Lion and the Bull (52)The Goat and the Ass (53)The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (53)The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape (53)The Fly and the Draught−Mule (53)The Fishermen (53)The Lion and the Three Bulls (54)The Fowler and the Viper (54)The Horse and the Ass (54)The Fox and the Mask (54)The Geese and the Cranes (54)The Blind Man and the Whelp (54)The Dogs and the Fox (55)The Cobbler Turned Doctor (55)The Wolf and the Horse (55)The Brother and the Sister (55)The Wasps, the Partridges, and the Farmer (55)The Crow and Mercury (56)The North Wind and the Sun (56)The Two Men Who Were Enemies (56)The Gamecocks and the Partridge (56)The Quack Frog (56)The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox (57)The Dog's House (57)The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat (57)The Spendthrift and the Swallow (57)The Fox and the Lion (57)The Owl and the Birds (58)The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner (58)The Ass in the Lion's Skin (58)The Sparrow and the Hare (58)The Flea and the Ox (58)The Goods and the Ills (58)The Dove and the Crow (59)Mercury and the Workmen (59)The Eagle and the Jackdaw (59)The Fox and the Crane (59)Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and Momus (60)The Eagle and the Fox (60)The Man and the Satyr (60)The Ass and His Purchaser (60)The Two Bags (61)The Stag at the Pool (61)The Jackdaw and the Fox (61)The Lark Burying Her Father (61)The Gnat and the Bull (61)The Bitch and Her Whelps (61)The Dogs and the Hides (62)The Shepherd and the Sheep (62)The Grasshopper and the Owl (62)The Monkey and the Camel (62)The Peasant and the Apple−Tree (62)The Two Soldiers and the Robber (63)The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods (63)The Mother and the Wolf (63)The Ass and the Horse (63)Truth and the Traveler (63)The Cat and Venus (65)The She−Goats and Their Beards (65)The Camel and the Arab (66)The Miller, His Son, and Their Ass (66)The Crow and the Sheep (66)The Fox and the Bramble (66)The Wolf and the Lion (66)The Dog and the Oyster (67)The Ant and the Dove (67)The Partridge and the Fowler (67)The Flea and the Man (67)The Thieves and the Cock (67)The Dog and the Cook (67)The Travelers and the Plane−Tree (68)The Lion, Jupiter, and the Elephant (68)The Lamb and the Wolf (68)The Rich Man and the Tanner (69)The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea (69)The Mules and the Robbers (69)The Viper and the File (69)The Lion and the Shepherd (69)The Camel and Jupiter (69)The Panther and the Shepherds (70)The Ass and the Charger (70)The Eagle and His Captor (70)The Bald Man and the Fly (70)The Olive−Tree and the Fig−Tree (70)The Eagle and the Kite (71)The Ass and His Driver (71)The Thrush and the Fowler (71)The Rose and the Amaranth (71)The Frogs' Complaint Against the Sun (71)LIFE OF AESOP (71)Aesop's FablesTranslated by George Fyler Townsend This page copyright © 2001 Blackmask Online.•PrefaceThe Wolf and the Lamb••The Bat and the Weasels•The Ass and the Grasshopper•The Lion and the Mouse•The Charcoal−Burner and the Fuller•The Father and His Sons•The Boy Hunting Locusts•The Cock and the Jewel•The Kingdom of the Lion•The Wolf and the Crane•The Fisherman Piping•Hercules and the Wagoner•The Ants and the Grasshopper•The Traveler and His Dog•The Dog and the ShadowThe Mole and His Mother••The Herdsman and the Lost Bull•The Hare and the Tortoise•The Pomegranate, Apple−Tree, and Bramble•The Farmer and the Stork•The Farmer and the Snake•The Fawn and His Mother•The Bear and the Fox•The Swallow and the Crow•The Mountain in Labor•The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion•The Tortoise and the Eagle•The Flies and the Honey−Pot•The Man and the Lion•The Farmer and the Cranes•The Dog in the Manger•The Fox and the Goat•The Bear and the Two Travelers•The Oxen and the Axle−Trees•The Thirsty Pigeon•The Raven and the SwanThe Goat and the Goatherd••The Miser•Aesop's Fables The Ass and the Lapdog••The Lioness•The Boasting TravelerThe Cat and the Cock•The Piglet, the Sheep, and the Goat•The Boy and the Filberts•The Lion in Love•The Laborer and the Snake•The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing••The Ass and the MuleThe Frogs Asking for a King•The Boys and the Frogs•The Sick Stag•The Salt Merchant and His Ass•The Oxen and the Butchers••The Lion, the Mouse, and the FoxThe Vain Jackdaw•The Goatherd and the Wild Goats••The Mischievous DogThe Fox Who Had Lost His Tail•The Boy and the Nettles••The Man and His Two SweetheartsThe Astronomer•The Wolves and the Sheep••The Old Woman and the PhysicianThe Fighting Cocks and the Eagle••The Charger and the Miller•The Fox and the MonkeyThe Horse and His Rider•The Belly and the Members•The Vine and the Goat•Jupiter and the Monkey•The Widow and Her Little Maidens•The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf••The Cat and the BirdsThe Kid and the Wolf•The Ox and the Frog•The Shepherd and the Wolf•The Father and His Two Daughters•The Farmer and His Sons••The Crab and Its MotherThe Heifer and the Ox•The Swallow, the Serpent, and the Court of Justice••The Thief and His MotherThe Old Man and Death•The Fir−Tree and the Bramble••The Mouse, the Frog, and the HawkThe Man Bitten by a Dog•The Two Pots••The Fisherman and His Nets••The Huntsman and the Fisherman•The Old Woman and the Wine−Jar•The Fox and the Crow•The Two Dogs•The Stag in the Ox−StallThe Hawk, the Kite, and the Pigeons••The Widow and the Sheep•The Wild Ass and the LionThe Eagle and the Arrow••The Sick Kite•The Lion and the Dolphin•The Lion and the Boar•The One−Eyed Doe•The Shepherd and the SeaThe Ass, the Cock, and the Lion••The Mice and the Weasels•The Mice in Council•The Wolf and the Housedog•The Rivers and the Sea•The Playful Ass•The Three Tradesmen•The Master and His Dogs•The Wolf and the Shepherds•The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat •The Ass Carrying the Image•The Two Travelers and the Axe•The Old LionThe Old Hound••The Bee and Jupiter•The Milk−Woman and Her Pail•The Seaside Travelers•The Brazier and His Dog•The Ass and His Shadow•The Ass and His Masters•The Oak and the ReedsThe Fisherman and the Little Fish••The Hunter and the WoodmanThe Wild Boar and the Fox••The Lion in a Farmyard•Mercury and the SculptorThe Swan and the Goose••The Swollen Fox•The Fox and the Woodcutter•The Birdcatcher, the Partridge, and the Cock •The Monkey and the Fishermen•The Flea and the Wrestler•The Two Frogs•The Cat and the Mice•The Lion, the Bear, and the FoxThe Farmer and the Fox••The Seagull and the Kite•The Philosopher, the Ants, and Mercury•The Mouse and the Bull•The Lion and the Hare•The Peasant and the EagleThe Image of Mercury and the Carpenter••The Bull and the Goat•The Dancing MonkeysThe Monkeys and Their Mother••The Oaks and Jupiter•The Hare and the Hound•The Traveler and Fortune•The Bald Knight•The Shepherd and the DogThe Lamp••The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass•The Bull, the Lioness, and the Wild−Boar Hunter •The Oak and the Woodcutters•The Hen and the Golden Eggs•The Ass and the Frogs•The Crow and the Raven•The Trees and the Axe•The Crab and the Fox•The Woman and Her Hen•The Ass and the Old Shepherd•The Kites and the Swans•The Wolves and the SheepdogsThe Hares and the Foxes••The Bowman and Lion•The Camel•The Wasp and the Snake•The Dog and the Hare•The Bull and the Calf•The Stag, the Wolf, and the Sheep•The Peacock and the CraneThe Fox and the Hedgehog••The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild SowThe Thief and the Innkeeper••The Mule•The Hart and the VineThe Serpent and the Eagle••The Crow and the Pitcher•The Two Frogs•The Wolf and the Fox•The Walnut−Tree•The Gnat and the Lion•The Monkey and the Dolphin•The Jackdaw and the Doves•The Horse and the StagThe Prophet••The Fox and the Monkey•The Thief and the Housedog•The Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog •The Apes and the Two Travelers•The Wolf and the ShepherdThe Hares and the Lions••The Lark and Her Young Ones•The Fox and the LionThe Weasel and the Mice••The Boy Bathing•The Ass and the Wolf•The Seller of Images•The Fox and the Grapes•The Man and His WifeThe Peacock and Juno••The Hawk and the Nightingale•The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox•The Wolf and the Goat•The Lion and the Bull•The Goat and the Ass•The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse •The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape•The Fly and the Draught−Mule•The Fishermen•The Lion and the Three Bulls•The Fowler and the Viper•The Horse and the AssThe Fox and the Mask••The Geese and the Cranes•The Blind Man and the Whelp•The Dogs and the Fox•The Cobbler Turned Doctor•The Wolf and the Horse•The Brother and the Sister•The Wasps, the Partridges, and the Farmer The Crow and Mercury••The North Wind and the SunThe Two Men Who Were Enemies••The Gamecocks and the Partridge•The Quack FrogThe Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox••The Dog's House•The Wolf and the Lion•The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat•The Spendthrift and the Swallow•The Fox and the Lion•The Owl and the Birds•The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner•The Ass in the Lion's SkinThe Flea and the Ox••The Goods and the Ills•The Dove and the Crow•Mercury and the Workmen•The Eagle and the Jackdaw•The Fox and the CraneJupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and Momus ••The Eagle and the Fox•The Man and the SatyrThe Ass and His Purchaser••The Two Bags•The Stag at the Pool•The Jackdaw and the Fox•The Lark Burying Her Father•The Gnat and the BullThe Bitch and Her Whelps••The Dogs and the Hides•The Shepherd and the Sheep•The Grasshopper and the Owl•The Monkey and the Camel•The Peasant and the Apple−Tree•The Two Soldiers and the Robber•The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods •The Mother and the Wolf•The Ass and the Horse•Truth and the Traveler•The Cat and Venus•The She−Goats and Their BeardsThe Camel and the Arab••The Miller, His Son, and Their Ass•The Crow and the Sheep•The Fox and the Bramble•The Wolf and the Lion•The Dog and the Oyster•The Ant and the Dove•The Partridge and the FowlerThe Flea and the Man••The Thieves and the CockThe Dog and the Cook••The Travelers and the Plane−Tree•The Hares and the FrogsThe Lion, Jupiter, and the Elephant••The Lamb and the Wolf•The Rich Man and the Tanner•The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea•The Mules and the Robbers•The Viper and the File•The Lion and the Shepherd•The Camel and Jupiter•The Panther and the Shepherds•The Eagle and His Captor•The Bald Man and the Fly•The Olive−Tree and the Fig−Tree•The Eagle and the KiteThe Ass and His Driver••The Thrush and the Fowler•The Rose and the AmaranthThe Frogs' Complaint Against the Sun••LIFE OF AESOPPrefaceTHE TALE, the Parable, and the Fable are all common and popular modes of conveying instruction. Each is distinguished by its own special characteristics. The Tale consists simply in the narration of a story either founded on facts, or created solely by the imagination, and not necessarily associated with the teaching of any moral lesson. The Parable is the designed use of language purposely intended to convey a hidden and secret meaning other than that contained in the words themselves; and which may or may not bear a special reference to the hearer, or reader. The Fable partly agrees with, and partly differs from both of these. It will contain, like the Tale, a short but real narrative; it will seek, like the Parable, to convey a hidden meaning, and that not so much by the use of language, as by the skilful introduction of fictitious characters; and yet unlike to either Tale or Parable, it will ever keep in view, as its high prerogative, and inseparable attribute, the great purpose of instruction, and will necessarily seek to inculcate some moral maxim, social duty, or political truth. The true Fable, if it rise to its high requirements, ever aims at one great end and purpose representation of human motive, and the improvement of human conduct, and yet it so conceals its design under the disguise of fictitious characters, by clothing with speech the animals of the field, the birds of the air, the trees of the wood, or the beasts of the forest, that the reader shall receive advice without perceivingthe presence of the adviser. Thus the superiority of the counsellor, which often renders counsel unpalatable, is kept out of view, and the lesson comes with the greater acceptance when the reader is led, unconsciously to himself, to have his sympathies enlisted in behalf of what is pure, honorable, and praiseworthy, and to havehis indignation excited against what is low, ignoble, and unworthy. The true fabulist, therefore, discharges a most important function. He is neither a narrator, nor an allegorist. He is a great teacher, a corrector of morals, a censor of vice, and a commender of virtue. In this consists the superiority of the Fable over the Tale or the Parable. The fabulist is to create a laugh, but yet, under a merry guise, to convey instruction. Phaedrus, the great imitator of Aesop, plainly indicates this double purpose to be the true office of the writer of fables.Duplex libelli dos est: quod risum movet,Et quod prudenti vitam consilio monet.The continual observance of this twofold aim creates the charm, and accounts for the universal favor, of the fables of Aesop. "The fable," says Professor K. O. Mueller, "originated in Greece in an intentional travestieof human affairs. The 'ainos,' as its name denotes, is an admonition, or rather a reproof veiled, either from fear of an excess of frankness, or from a love of fun and jest, beneath the fiction of an occurrence happening among beasts; and wherever we have any ancient and authentic account of the Aesopian fables, we find it to be the same." lThe construction of a fable involves a minute attention to (1) the narration itself; (2) the deduction of the moral; and (3) a careful maintenance of the individual characteristics of the fictitious personages introduced into it. The narration should relate to one simple action, consistent with itself, and neither be overladen with aand so intimately interwoven with, and so necessarily dependent on, the narration, that every reader should be compelled to give to it the same undeniable interpretation. The introduction of the animals or fictitious characters should be marked with an unexceptionable care and attention to their natural attributes, and to the qualities attributed to them by universal popular consent. The Fox should be always cunning, the Hare timid, the Lion bold, the Wolf cruel, the Bull strong, the Horse proud, and the Ass patient. Many of these fables are characterized by the strictest observance of these rules. They are occupied with one short narrative, from which the moral naturally flows, and with which it is intimately associated. "'Tis the simple manner," says Dodsley, 2 "in which the morals of Aesop are interwoven with his fables that distinguishes him, and gives him the preference over all other mythologists. His 'Mountain delivered of a Mouse,' produces the moral of his fable in ridicule of pompous pretenders; and his Crow, when she drops her cheese, lets fall, as it were by accident, the strongest admonition against the power of flattery. There is no need of a separate sentence to explain it; no possibility of impressing it deeper, by that load we too often see of accumulated reflections." 3 An equal amount of praise is due for the consistency with which the characters of the animals, fictitiously introduced, are marked. While they are made to depict the motives and passions of men, they retain, in an eminent degree, their own special features of craft or counsel, of cowardice or courage, of generosity or rapacity.These terms of praise, it must be confessed, cannot be bestowed on all the fables in this collection. Many of them lack that unity of design, that close connection of the moral with the narrative, that wise choice in the introduction of the animals, which constitute the charm and excellency of true Aesopian fable. This inferiority of some to others is sufficiently accounted for in the history of the origin and descent of these fables. The great bulk of them are not the immediate work of Aesop. Many are obtained from ancient authors prior to the time in which he lived. Thus, the fable of the "Hawk and the Nightingale" is related by Hesiod; 4 the "Eagle wounded by an Arrow, winged with its own Feathers," by Aeschylus; 5 the "Fox avenging his wrongs on the Eagle," by Archilochus. 6 Many of them again are of later origin, and are to be traced to the monks of the middle ages: and yet this collection, though thus made up of fables both earlier and later than the era of Aesop, rightfully bears his name, because he composed so large a number (all framed in the same mould, and conformed to the same fashion, and stamped with the same lineaments, image, and superscription) as to secure to himself the right to be considered the father of Greek fables, and the founder of this class of writing, which has ever since borne his name, and has secured for him, through all succeeding ages, the position of the first of moralists.7The fables were in the first instance only narrated by Aesop, and for a long time were handed down by the uncertain channel of oral tradition. Socrates is mentioned by Plato 8 as having employed his time while in prison, awaiting the return of the sacred ship from Delphos which was to be the signal of his death, in turning some of these fables into verse, but he thus versified only such as he remembered. Demetrius Phalereus, a philosopher at Athens about 300 B.C., is said to have made the first collection of these fables. Phaedrus, a slave by birth or by subsequent misfortunes, and admitted by Augustus to the honors of a freedman, imitated many of these fables in Latin iambics about the commencement of the Christian era. Aphthonius, a rhetorician of Antioch, A.D. 315, wrote a treatise on, and converted into Latin prose, some of these fables. This translation is the more worthy of notice, as it illustrates a custom of common use, both in these and in later times. The rhetoricians and philosophers were accustomed to give the Fables of Aesop as an exercise to their scholars, not only inviting them to discuss the moral of the tale, but also to practice and to perfect themselves thereby in style and rules of grammar, by making for themselves new and various versions of the fables. Ausonius, 9 the friend of the Emperor Valentinian, and the latest poet of eminence in the Western Empire, has handed down some of these fables in verse, which Julianus Titianus, a contemporary writer of no great name, translated into prose. Avienus, also a contemporary of Ausonius, put some of these fables into Latin elegiacs, which are given by Nevelet (in a book we shall refer to hereafter), and are occasionally incorporated with the editions of Phaedrus.。

Vicious Series Finale《极品基老伴:完结篇(2016)》完整中英文对照剧本

Vicious Series Finale《极品基老伴:完结篇(2016)》完整中英文对照剧本

剧终集极品基老伴春季我们很久没干过那事了啊Well, it's been a long time since we did that.我本来不确定还能不能干得动I wasn't sure it would all still work.竟然宝刀未老But it did.那感觉就和踩单车一样...It's like riding a bike...一辆被风吹雨淋整整20年的老单车That's been left out in the rain for 20 years.有一瞬间我还以为我把你"搞"死了For a second there, I thought I killed you.我是维奥莱特亲爱的们It's Violet, darling!弗雷迪记好了Now, Freddie, remember,千万别提我妈留给我的遗产no mentioning the inheritance my mother left me. 这是我们第一次有点小积蓄It's the first time we've ever had any savings,我想把钱留给我们自己用and I want us to be able to keep it for ourselves. 我破产了亲爱的我现在身无分文I'm broke, darling. I've got nothing.那真是太糟了Oh, that's too bad.那么还有什么新鲜事吗So, what else is new?你们难道不想知道发生什么了吗Don't you want to know what happened?不是很想Not really.离婚让我失去了一切I lost everything in the divorce.我不太明白I don't understand.离婚怎么会害你失去一切呢How did you lose everything in the divorce?你才结了几个月的婚而已You were only married a few months.其实是他把钱财都偷走了Well, actually, he stole it all,但是这么说听起来比较有格调but this way sounds more sophisticated.你会挺过难关的亲爱的你是不死小强You'll pull through, dear. You always do.那也正是我们爱你的原因之一That's one of the things we love about you.你这样的人生任何正常人Any sane person with your life早在八百年前就自杀了would've killed themselves long ago.谢谢你弗雷迪Thank you, Freddie.但我想这次应该是挺不过去了But I don't think I will pull through this time.我发现自己正挣扎在财政崩溃的边缘I've really found myself on the brink of financial ruin.真希望我们能帮上忙...只可惜不能If only we could help... but we can't.当然不可能了Of course not,而我也不会向你们索要任何东西的and I would never ask you for anything.我到现在都还在讶异斯图尔特I'm still so surprised, Stuart,你妈妈居然没有留给你任何遗产that your mother left you nothing in her will.是啊一分钱都没有她花光了Nope. Not a penny. Spent it all.到底怎么花的啊What on earth on?她上次买&hearts;&hearts;裙子的时候希&hearts;特&hearts;勒&hearts;还掌着权呢The last time she bought a dress, Hitler was in power.鬼知道啊Who knows?买&hearts;&hearts;可&hearts;卡&hearts;因&hearts;...Cocaine...叫牛郎...Rentboys...她一直都有自己的阴暗面She always had a bit of a dark side.好吧我想也是Yes, I suppose.你们两个穿的睡袍都是新买&hearts;&hearts;的吗Are those new dressing gowns you're both wearing?不是No.真的吗你真的确定吗Really? Are you quite certain?少问问题多化点妆Fewer questions, more makeup.你为什么穿成这样亲爱的Why are you dressed like that, dear?这是我新的工作装我是个交通协管员Oh, it's for me new job. I'm a lollipop man.我的天呐Jesus christ!再加上其它三份工作Between this and my 3 other jobs,我应该付得起四月的房&hearts;租I should be able to make April's rent.现在都五月了It's May.天呐真的吗Oh, god, is it?你还记得我们以前觉得他有多迷人吗Do you remember how attractive we used to think he was? 说不定我和你能一起找个法子If only you and I could find a way来赚点外快亲爱的to make some extra cash, darling.你知道怎样来钱比较快吗You know what I've heard can be quite lucrative?性&hearts;爱&hearts;录影带A sex tape.这个嘛我不...我不觉得...Y-y-yeah, I don't-- I don't think--不我也有一些顾虑No, I have my reservations, too,但这事我们不妨考虑一下But it's something we should consider.你们觉得这样能赚大钱吗Do you think we could make much money?如果是"付费可以跳过" 那就能Only if people had to pay not to see it.我们也不想急着赶你们走Well, we hate to give you short shrift,但我们已经订好在萨伏伊酒店做按&hearts;摩&hearts;和吃午餐了but we've booked massages today and then lunch at the Savoy,走好不送so good-bye.我也该走了I should go anyway.如果我迟到了小朋友会唱If I'm late, the kids sing,艾什艾什得皮疹Ash, Ash, has a rash.涂满糊糊剃光头Shove his stupid head in mash.好极了Wonderful!真开心你过得那么好It's so good to hear you're doing so well.来吧你也是快起来Come on. You, too, get up.在萨伏伊酒店做按&hearts;摩&hearts;和吃午饭Massages and lunch at the Savoy.听起来就很贵啊That all sounds very expensive.-别人请的 -谁- It's a present. - From whom?玉皇大帝王母娘娘Addydaddybaddawob.谁来着Who?抱歉啊亲爱的电&hearts;话&hearts;响了我要去接I'm sorry, dear, the phone's ringing. I have to get it.我没听到...I don't hear the--试穿完还能买&hearts;&hearts;下来的感觉真是太好了...it's so nice to try something on and actually buy it...比跟售货员说忘带钱包Instead of telling the salesman I've left my wallet然后哭晕在厕所里要强多了at home and then crying in the toilet.人一旦有钱了Once you have money,就会发现那些没钱的人有多令人作呕了you really notice how revolting everyone who doesn't have it is. 我们还是得确保Let's just make sure不要铺张浪费过度花钱we don't get too out of control with the spending.没错你说得对Yes, you're right.那么我们来喝点茶再吃点鱼子酱吧So, shall we have some tea and caviar?来吧Let's.真心希望巴尔萨泽喜欢这个蒂芙尼的水碗Oh, I do hope Balthazar likes his Tiffany water bowl.我去开可能是龙虾送来了I'll go. It's probably the lobsters.你们想干什么What do you two want?是啊我做完心脏三重搭桥手术后恢复得不错Oh, yes, I am fine after my triple bypass.真谢谢你关心我的病情Thank you so much for asking.我以为是下周才做手术呢I thought that was next week.是上周It was last week.很显然我在手术台上死去了一分钟Apparently I died for one minute on the table.你现在不是活得好好的Well, you're alive now.这就是你跟我说过的那个男人吗Is this the man you were telling me about,你口中的那个"混账东西"the one you said was a total motherfucker?正是Yes.我加了点鹅肝在... 你们好啊I've added a little foie gras to the--oh, hello.你好Hello.-那是另一个混账东西吗 -是的- Is that the other motherfucker? - Yes.我们没想到会有客人来We weren't expecting company.估计是因为我们没邀请任何人吧I suppose that's because we didn't invite anybody over.那都是什么What's all that?就是茶还有不新鲜的饼干Oh it's just some tea and stale biscuits.-真好我快饿死了 -我也是- Good, I'm starving. - So am I.麻烦有空端两杯水拿份菜单过来Two waters and a menu when you get a chance, please.你好亲爱的Hello, darling.我只是过来转转看看我能不能借点什么I was just popping by to see if I could borrow something.借什么What?一张沙发一台电视A sofa and a television.我的好像都没交齐钱It seems mine weren't completely paid for.你好维奥莱特快进来喝茶Hello, Violet, why don't you join us for tea?听上去不错That sounds lovely.你认识这里的每个人啊You know everyone at this place.有件事我一直想问你梅森I feel there's something I've been meaning to ask you, Mason. 你是想问我心脏三处搭桥手术后的情况吗You mean how am I after my triple bypass?不不是这事No, that's not it.怎么这么多购物袋斯图尔特What are all those shopping bags, Stuart?那是博柏利牌的吗Is that from Burberry?不是No.那是傻柏利你看错了It said Sainsbury. Your eyes are going.也许大家是时候开始Maybe now is a good time for everyone to start 收拾东西走人了gathering their things.你这是怎么了What the bloody hell happened to you?我惹上了麻烦I got into a bit of a scrape.有的孩子实在太熊Some of those kids are real wankers.你还好吗Are you all right?还好Yeah.我抓住其中一个猛揍了一顿Got one of them back big time,但我现在得重新找份工作But now I need to find another job.很显然你不能揍7岁小孩Apparently you're not allowed to hit 7-year-olds, 就算是他们先动的手Even if they hit you first.菜单怎么还没拿来Did you get a menu yet?我还是上楼Well, I should go upstairs吃掉我攒着的那半根香蕉and eat that half a banana I was saving.好的去吧Yes, off you go.艾什别走我们正要喝茶呢Ash, don't leave. We're all about to have tea.不行有时斯图尔特和我也需要二人世界No, no. Sometimes Stuart and I would like to be alone.你们就没人想过这点吗Did any of you ever think of that?没No.弗雷迪说得对Freddie's right.我们不是来伺候你们的We're not here just to serve you people.你们家餐馆的服务态度也太恶劣了吧That's an awful attitude to have if you're running a restaurant.饼干上的是鱼子酱吗斯图尔特Is that caviar on those biscuits, Stuart?你们从什么时候开始吃得起鱼子酱了Since when can you afford caviar?不那不是鱼子酱No, that's not caviar.我...是我打了个喷嚏I, um...I sneezed.那是鼻涕It's snot.我们不想久留你小维Well, we don't want to keep you, Vi.你还是回家You probably want to get back home坐在地板上跟墙干瞪眼吧so you can sit on the floor and watch the wall.那边的是香槟吗Are those bottles of champagne over there?怎么你想用这瓶子去砸小孩的头吗Why? Do you want to use one to smash over the head of a toddler? 最近你们家出现了很多昂贵的东西啊亲爱的There are lots of expensive things here lately, darling.我根本听不明白你们两个在说什么I don't understand what both of you are saying.我们已经跟你们说过我们没什么钱We have told you already we do not have any money.斯图尔特·比克斯比的两打龙虾I've got two dozen lobsters for Stuart Bixby.龙虾Lobsters?这他妈可得花上不少钱This is gonna cost a fortune!这笔钱我们花得特别快We're going through this money very quickly.巴尔萨泽的植毛手术费尤其高昂Balthazar's hair implants might have been one expense too many. 佩内洛普以为我们这是家餐馆真是太棒了The nice thing about Penelope thinking this was a restaurant她为自己那份龙虾付了钱was that she paid for her own lobster.她还给了我一笔可观的小费And she left me a good tip.那让我很喜欢她That makes me rather like her.弗雷迪我得坦白一件事Freddie, I have a confession to make.别希望你不要生气No, please, don't be angry.我往维奥莱特和艾什的账户里打了钱I've put money into both Violet's and Ash's bank accounts.你干了什么You did what?我知道我们说过这笔钱留着自己花Well, I know we said we'd just spend it on ourselves,但他们是家人啊But they're family.不过我们只给了他们一半我们还剩另一半I only gave them half, though. We still have half left.不另一半也没了No, we don't.什么意思What do you mean?我做了一样的事I did the same thing.不是吧Oh, no!那我们还剩多少钱So how much does that leave us with?负200英镑MINUS £200.我想我们又破产了So I suppose we're broke again.你知道什么是免费的吗You know what doesn't cost anything?又来Twice?一周做两次In one week?毕竟我们是新婚夫夫We are newlyweds.夏季弗雷迪邮件来了Freddie, the post here!你收到了好多生日贺卡You've got lots of birthday cards!鬼知道是为什么God knows why.大家总是把我的生日小题大做Everybody always makes such a big deal out of my birthday. 有时我都希望我没这么被人深爱着You know, sometimes I wish I wasn't so beloved...就跟你这样Like you.我觉得你会很喜欢我今年给你准备的生日礼物I think you're really going to like my present this year.是吗你用我的钱买&hearts;&hearts;什么了Really? And what did you buy me with my money?你一直都很喜欢我的礼物You always love my presents.我一直都这么会挑选生日礼物I'm always good at birthday presents,就像你一直都这么混&hearts;蛋&hearts;一样just as you are always good at being an arsehole.呸Yuck.呸Yuck.这是什么What's this?生日快乐弗雷迪Happy birthday, Freddie."《唐顿庄园》全体剧组成员向你致以真挚的爱""With love from the cast and crew of 'Downton Abbey.'"他们都记得你真是太让人感动了Oh, that was nice of them to remember you.他们当然会记得我了Well, of course they remember me.我可是参演了两集呢I did appear in two episodes.我几乎算是常驻演员了I was practically a series regular.第二集真的算吗Are we really counting the second episode?为什么不算呢And why wouldn't we?里面只出现了你的一只胳膊Well they only showed one of your arms.是啊但是我拿着橙子Yes, but I was carrying oranges,第一集我拿的是土豆And in the first episode, it was potatoes.善于观察的观众可以推断出那只胳膊属于我An observant viewer could deduce who was attached to that arm. "属于"可算是言过其实了"Attached" is a pretty strong word,毕竟它一天要脱臼6次considering it comes out of its socket about 6 times a day.我为什么要指望你能懂Why do I expect you to understand上电视是什么感觉呢what it's like being on television?你每天所做的最激动的事不过是捡捡狗屎罢了The most exciting thing you do each day is pick up dog crap.小心说话弗雷迪Watch it, Freddie.要不是看在你生日的份上If it wasn't your birthday,我早就朝你的蛋蛋狠狠踢几脚了I'd kick you so hard in the balls right now.好啊亲爱的Hello, darling.我专门过来祝弗雷迪生日快乐的I just popped by to wish Freddie a happy birthday.顺便爆个我的料And to tell you my news.什么料what news?其实我是拉拉I'm a lesbian.你当直女都这么糟糕了当拉拉还能糟糕到哪里去Well, you can't be any worse at it than being a heterosexual.我也是这么想的That was my thinking, too.我已经在地铁上遇到了一位超级棒的女人And I've already met the most fantastic woman on the tube.你们介意我今晚带卡洛特Do you mind if I bring Carlotta round tonight来参加你的派对吗弗雷迪For your party, freddie?为什么不呢反正我也没安排什么娱乐活动Well, why not? We don't have any other entertainment planned.你知道拉拉通常会做些什么吗You wouldn't happen to know what it is that lesbians do, would you? 不知道I don't.也不想知道Nor do I want to.-嗨 -哈罗艾什- Hi! - Hello, ash!生日快乐弗雷迪Happy birthday, Freddie!谢谢你艾什Thank you, Ash.你怎么穿得像个荡&hearts;妇&hearts;一样Why are you dressed as a total slut?这是我新工作要穿的我现在是救生员了It's for me new job. I'm a lifeguard.我看起来还行吧Do I look ok?我不知道亲爱的因为我现在是拉拉了I can't tell anymore, darling, since I'm a lesbian now.瞧吧我毫无反应See? Nothing.你什么时候变成拉拉了When did you become a lesbian?现在几点了What time is it?小维如果你想借东西的话If you want to borrow anything, Vi,斯图尔特的大部分衣服都适合老拉拉穿most of Stuart's clothes are appropriate for an aging lesbian.你好梅森Hello, Mason.你好亲爱的我是拉拉Hello, darling. I'm a lesbian.太好了Oh, splendid.你们看到佩内洛普了吗她好像不见了Have any of you seen Penelope? She seems to have disappeared. 没看到不过要是看到了我们会联&hearts;系&hearts;你的No, we haven't seen her, but we'll call if we do.你不邀请我进去吗Aren't you going to invite me in?里面人已经够多了It's really full in here already.看起来挺帅的啊艾什Looking pretty good, Ash.非常感谢Thanks a lot.谢谢你这么说Really appreciate that.水池边昂首阔步的你简直就是万众瞩目的焦点All eyes are on you when you strut by that pool.你简直是泳池的主宰You own that pool.你说得太对了You're right.我说得当然对啦You're damn right I'm right!你就是匹种马You're a stud!能给我一杯茶吗Can I have a cup of tea?佩内洛普Penelope!你在这里做什么What are you doing here?!其实我也不知道I'm not sure, exactly.我和梅森一起出去了然后我就到这里来了I was out with Mason and then I was here.可以告诉你一个秘密吗Can I tell you a secret?可以Ok.有时候我会忘记一些小事Sometimes I forget little things,要是被别人发现那就太可怕了But I'd be horrified if anybody ever noticed.那个别担心我觉得他们没有发现Yeah, don't worry. I don't think they have.那是因为我通常掩饰得很好That's because I usually do a pretty good job of covering it up. 听着佩内洛普我刚才说的话So listen, Penelope, I'd really appreciate it你可以保密吗我会很感激的if You kept what you heard just between us.当然了亲爱的你知道我有多爱你Of course, sweetheart. You know I think you're a love.谢谢了Thank you.不过跟你对话那个人听起来可真是个蠢货But that bloke you were talking to sounded like a real tosser. 接下来做什么Let's see, what shall we do next?向弗雷迪敬一杯怎么样How about a toast to Freddie?还有其他选择吗Are there any other choices?我想先敬一杯I'd like to make a toast.接下来她会疯狂搅局的吧What the hell is this going to be?敬我们最爱的弗雷迪To our dear Freddie.一位出色的演员一位更好的朋友A wonderful actor and even better friend.生日快乐Happy birthday.很正常嘛Oh, that was normal.看到我的礼物你就不会这么说了Wait till you see my present!斯图尔特给弗雷迪准备的礼物一直都是最棒的Stuart always gives Freddie the most incredible gifts.你知道我有多爱你吗宝贝Do you know how much I love you, babe?你最好好好对待我的姑娘You better take care of my girl,不然我可是不会饶过你的Or you'll have to answer to me.我是名救生员所以...I am a lifeguard, so...那么So?这个小傻&hearts;逼&hearts;是谁啊Who is this little twerp?就是我曾经的炮&hearts;友&hearts;而已Just someone I used to shag.我可不太想跟人共享你维奥莱特You know, I'm not sure how I feel about sharing you, Violet. 你丫离她远点You stay away from her!谢谢你了亲爱的Thank you, darling.他确实有点咄咄逼人了He was getting rather aggressive.艾什站起来别哗众取宠了Ash, get up, stop drawing attention to yourself.说好的性感小种马呢Where's the hot stud now, eh?在池边昂首阔步万众瞩目Strutting round the pool, all eyes on you.你们真该听听他之前说的自恋的话You should have heard him going on before.你们会以为他的屁&hearts;股&hearts;都闪着阳光呢You'd think the sun shone out of his arse.真恶心It was sickening.我去拿你的礼物来I'll go get your present now.艾什你能否把那边那张大贺卡拿过来Ash, would you pass me that large card over there? 那一下疼死了That hurt.是《唐顿庄园》剧组寄来的Oh, it's from the cast and crew of "Downton Abbey"! 我刚才正打算告诉你别念出来I was just about to tell you not to read it.现在大家都知道了我尴尬症都犯了Now everybody knows. I am completely mortified. 在剧里演过一次就给你寄贺卡吗They sent you a card for being on the show once?我演了两次I was on the show twice.我几乎算是常驻演员了I was practically a series regular.是哦手里托着橘子Oh, yes, the oranges.我怎么会忘呢How could I forget?你的胳膊也获得英国电影电视艺术学院奖提名了吧Didn't your arm get nominated for a BAFTA?别这么混&hearts;蛋&hearts;Don't be such a dick.礼物来啦Here it is!生日快乐弗雷迪Happy birthday, Freddie!是个相册啊Oh, it's a photo album.这可不是普通相册Oh, not any photo album.每一页的照片都是我们一起庆祝过的Each page is a photo of every birthday of yours你每一年的生日that we spent together.明白了Oh, I see.所以我如果翻页翻得够快So if I flip through this really fast,我只需3秒就能老50岁了I can age 50 years in 3 seconds.真棒啊How charming.斯图尔特这礼物真是太贴心了Oh, Stuart, what a thoughtful present.我们也应该做点类似的事情宝贝We should do something like that, babe.我们才刚认识两个小时Well, we've only known each other two hours,不过可以的亲爱的but all right, darling.最后一页怎么是空白The last page is blank.对那是给今天留的Yeah, well, that's for today.我想给我们大家照张相放这一页I want to get a picture of all of us together to put there.你发誓你永远不会离开我You swear you'll never leave me.我保证亲爱的Scout's honor, darling.你能不能现在出去给我买&hearts;&hearts;点烟呢Would you mind terribly popping out and getting me some ciggies? -我这就去宝贝 -好- I'm on it, babe. - Right.你离她远点不然我就扭掉你的小细胳膊You stay away from her, or I'll rip your tiny arms off!好好Ok, ok.说得跟我真怕她一样Like I'm scared of her.她还没走吗Is she still there?没了镜子装不了大男子汉了吧Not such a big man without your mirror, are you?我觉得我该和卡洛特分手了Well, I think it's finally over with Carlotta.我尝试过了但总觉得少了点什么I tried, but something's missing.少根鸡&hearts;巴&hearts;吗A penis?我觉得她还真有一根I think she has one of those.起码你尝试过了At least you gave it a good go.快来我们聚在一起照张照片Come on, let's all gather round for a photo.梅森你来给我们拍好吗Mason, why don't you take the picture?如果我来拍那我就不在照片里了But if I take the picture, then I won't be in it.那没关系That's ok.你们都看起来跟屎一样You all look like shit.你觉得我送的礼物怎么样Well, what do you think of my present?很不错It's very nice.那从1到10给打个分呢On a scale of 1 to 10?我不知道呢Oh, I don't know.-如果你必须打分呢 -但我不是必须要打分啊- If you had to pick. - But I don't have to pick.我不喜欢这事的发展方向Oh, I don't like where this is heading.-我喜欢 -快打个分- I do. - Come on, pick!3分 4分差不多就这分数吧3, 4, somewhere in there.艾什注意你的酒Ash, watch your drink.跟我的《唐顿庄园》生日贺卡离得太近了It's very close to my "Downton Abbey" birthday card. 很有可能是麦琪·史密斯老太太给我挑的呢Maggie Smith picked that out for me...probably.我为了这礼物准备了几个月呢I spent months on that present.但你就知道那个什么鬼贺卡All you can do is talk about that stupid card!我不懂你一直都很喜欢我的礼物的I don't understand. You always love my presents.不是你一直很喜欢你的礼物No, you always love your presents.那你怎么总是装得好像你很喜欢一样Then why have you always acted like you did?我不知道Oh, I don't know.大概是我明白那对你有多重要吧I suppose because I can see how much it means to you. 我觉得这应该是你对我说过的I think that could be the sweetest thing最甜蜜的一句话了you've ever said to me.两个男人接吻有悖伦常Two men kissing. It's unnatural.可是梅森But, Mason...你不也是基佬吗aren't you gay?是啊你想说什么Yes. What's your point?没什么Nothing.我们现在要不要吃蛋糕Should we have cake now?但愿有人从昨天就开始点蜡烛了不然点不完I hope someone started lighting the candles yesterday. 你这话真可恶That was nasty.抱歉我今天心情不太好Sorry. I'm not having a great day.谁都别应门Nobody answer that.我给你买&hearts;&hearts;烟回来了宝贝I've got your smokes, babe!宝贝Babe?!我们要这样待多久How long are we going to stay like this?需要多久就多久As long as we have to.今天晚上真是太棒了Well, that was a wonderful evening.谢谢你为我&hearts;操&hearts;办的美好生日会斯图尔特Thank you for a lovely birthday, Stuart.-小维 -怎么了- And Vi? - Yes?你怎么还在这儿Why are you still here?我让卡洛特今晚把她的东西搬走I'm giving Carlotta the evening to move her things out.她都和你同居了吗She was living with you?拉拉的恋情发展速度很快亲爱的Lesbians move quickly, darling.我要去睡了Well, I'm going to turn in.各位晚安Night, all.晚安巴尔萨泽Good night, Balthazar.对了斯图尔特你明天能给我的卡片加个框吗Oh, and Stuart, would you take my card to be framed tomorrow? 我要把它挂在每天都能看见的地方I want to hang it where I can see it every day.当然Of course.看来你还是没法给弗雷迪I guess it turns out you don't get Freddie一份完美的礼物the perfect gift after all.不我做到了Oh, yes, I do.那卡片是我送的I sent him that card.秋季我在想要不要做个面部拉皮I was thinking of getting a face-lift.你觉得如何小维What do you think, Vi?那不是我的风格[茶]That's not my cup of tea.不好意思我就是想提升自己Well, excuse me for wanting to improve myself. 如果有谁需要做面部拉皮If anybody's going to get a face-lift around here, 那也该是你it should be you.我是说那杯不是我的茶这杯才是I meant that's not my cup of tea. That is.你其实看起来很美You look great, by the way.我很担心巴尔萨泽Oh, I'm worried about Balthazar.它刚打了个喷嚏喷出了三颗牙He just sneezed, and 3 teeth fell out.那很正常That's perfectly normal.我昨天也这样I did the same thing yesterday.你们知道吗我在考虑Do you know, boys, I was considering去一趟意大利taking a trip to Italy.你们觉得如何What do you think?现在可不合适维奥莱特Oh, now is not a good time, Violet.我们有好多事要安排We've got so much coming up.比如什么Like what?我这会儿什么也想不出来Well, I--I can't think of anything at the moment, 但我们可能有事需要你but we might need you for something.谢谢你问我们小维Well, thanks for asking, Vi,但我们希望你留在城里but we'd prefer you to stay in town.我们会查一下日志再答复你We'll check our diary and get back to you.那好吧Oh, all right.-你们好 -你好艾什- Hi! - Hello, Ash.你好艾什Hello, Ash!我有重大消息要宣布I've got some really big news!快进来坐吧Oh, come in, sit down.你想喝点什么吗Here, can I get you a drink?我们有水和茶We have water or tea.其实只有茶水龙头坏了Actually, only tea. The tap's just broken.那是空的That's empty.这下什么也没有了We have nothing.不用了谢谢I'm good, thanks.你有什么消息呢亲爱的So what's your news, darling?我要去上大学了I'm going to university!那真是太好了Oh, that is fantastic!恭喜你艾什Congratulations, Ash!我之前就在琢磨I was wondering你这辈子什么时候才打算有点人生追求when you were going to do something with your life. 我可不希望你落得像那谁一样...I didn't want you to end up like...拜托告诉我你是中风了Please tell me you're having a stroke.我还可以帮你写作业亲爱的I could even help you with your homework, darling.我一向很擅长数学I've always been very good at maths.数学就是全是数字的那门课对吧That's the one with all the numbers, right?其实我不是要上附近的大学Actually, I won't be going to uni nearby.你什么意思What do you mean?你们记得我父母都在坐牢吧Well, you remember how both my parents are in prison?是的我们记得Yeah, we remember.那种事几乎是过耳不忘的That is something that tends to stick with you.我申请了美国大学补助后来拿到了Well, I applied for a grant in the States and I got it!显然我符合特殊需求的条件Apparently I qualify as a special needs case因为我双亲都因为暴&hearts;力&hearts;犯罪被监禁了because both my parents are incarcerated for violent crimes. 那多棒啊Isn't that great?美国美&hearts;利&hearts;坚&hearts;合众国吗The States? The united states?地球另一端吗That place over there?是的Yeah.但那里全是美国人啊But it's filled with Americans.我和一个美国人约会过I dated one once.他们真够奇怪的They can be quite peculiar.可以不用喝酒就上&hearts;床&hearts;They actually have sex sober.我好几年前就申请了I applied ages ago.我都没想到我还能拿到I didn't even think I was going to get it,但很幸运我父母因为杀人都还在服刑But luckily, both my parents are serving sentences for manslaughter, 真是帮了大忙了so that helped a lot.那大学在哪儿呢亲爱的So where's the university, darling?-在纽约 -纽约吗- It's in New York. - New York?我给忘了Well, now, I forget.那里是聚集了最优秀的美国人Is that supposed to have the best of the Americans还是最糟的来着or the worst?我想都有I think both.并且那补助涵盖了整整4年And the grant is for all 4 years!四年4 years?!我明白了Oh, I see.如果这是你想做的If that's what you want to do...是啊这是你自己的决定Yes, it's your decision.和我们没关系It's nothing to do with us.其实我还没有决定要接受I--I mean, I'm not definitely taking it yet.那就还没确定吗Oh, so it's not definite, then?我想没有Well, no, I guess...你想做什么都可以真的和我们没关系You do whatever you want. It's really none of our business.我们今天其实很忙所以...We actually are pretty busy today, so, uh...好的。

灵魂伴侣 -第1季第5集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

灵魂伴侣  -第1季第5集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

Get in shot, guys. 过来拍照啦The adventure begins. 冒险之旅启程了I missed my first train. 我错过了上一辆火车I'm hoping there's gonna be another one, 希望还有下一辆otherwise, I live here. 不然我就在这住下I cannot wait to have a bath. 我太想洗个澡了She's skied before, 她滑过雪I have never skied. 我从没滑过My God. 天呐My God! 我的小心脏啊Here We go. Next adventure. 下一段冒险开始了Fingers crossed. 为我祈祷吧I'm, I'm Heather Watson, 我叫海瑟·沃特森I'm here for the test. 我来做匹配检测I've been here for 20 minutes. 我已经等了二十分钟了You wanna come with me? 跟我来吧Does it hurt? 疼吗So, I just got the test results back. 匹配结果出来了Not in the system. 我的灵魂伴侣还未做检测I guess I should feel disappointed, but I don't. 按理说我该很失望但并没有I'm excited, I think. 我反而很激动To have the surprise ahead of me. 惊喜在未来等着我No rush. 真爱急不来He can come find me when he's good and ready. 等他准备好再来寻觅我也不迟Her name was Heather, 她叫海瑟she died in a car accident. 她在车祸中去世了I never met her, but... 我们还没来得及见一面I don't think about her anymore. 我已经放下她了I mean, I used to, a lot. 我以前满脑子都是她I found out everything I could about her. 我疯狂寻找她留下的痕迹I even called some of her family up in Washington. 我甚至联系了她在华盛顿的家人They were nice folk. 他们很友好I used to, like... 我曾经Daydream about her. 幻想过她的模样You know, who she was and... 好奇她的为人how l could maybe fit into her life. 纠结如何融入她的生活I used to think about how l could move out there, 我曾想离开这里and, you know, maybe go on one of her adventures. 追寻她的脚步去冒险She always looked so happy. 她生前总是笑口常开You know, so full of life... 活力四射But... 但是Yeah. 一切都晚了I don't think about her anymore. 我已经放下她了That's good, Kurt. 这就对了科特I know it can be hard sometimes to see God's path for us, 上帝为我们指了一条死路确实令人绝望but take heart that he's given you a second chance. 但你要记住祂还给了你重来的机会His mercy saved you from burning in the eternal hellfire. 上帝慈悲令你免受永世的煎熬Think about that. 好好想想吧Killing yourself is not cool, Kurt. 自杀并不是解决之法科特Amen. 阿门Amen. 阿门Let us pray for our soulmates who have passed. 为我们逝去的灵魂伴侣祈祷吧Let us pray for our soulmates who have passed. 灵魂伴侣第一季第五集Jesus! 不是吧You know, both of you don't have to come pick me up every time. 你们真没必要每次都来接我We don't mind, hon. 我们愿意亲爱的Did it go okay, today, hon? 今天还算顺利吗亲爱的Yeah. 嗯Yeah, it went good. 很顺利Yeah, it went good. 第一浸礼会Did you manage to talk this time? 你这次发言了吗I did. 嗯And you feel better for it? 说出来感觉好点了吗Sharing your regret with the Lord? 向上帝倾诉你的遗憾Just let the boy be. 别烦孩子了I'm just asking. 我关心一下啊You know, couple years, I'm gonna start winding down. 再过几年我就干不动了Maybe retire for good. 可能就彻底撒手了Yeah. 嗯When that day comes, I want you to take over. 到那时我想把这里交给你来打理But I need to know, you're done with all this test nonsense. For good.但你必须彻底放下逝去的灵魂伴侣I am. 我放下了Can you look me square in the eye and say it? 看着我的眼睛再说一遍I'm done, Dad. 我放下了爸I promise. 我保证Well, all right. 乖儿子Well, all right. 科特·谢波德Well, all right. 海瑟·沃特森So, I just got the test results back. 匹配结果出来了Not in the system. 我的灵魂伴侣还未做检测I'm excited, I think. 我反而很激动To have the surprise ahead of me. 惊喜在未来等着我No rush. 真爱急不得He can come find me when he's good and ready. 等他准备好再来寻觅我也不迟He can come find me when he's good and ready. 耶稣爱你His name was Tyrone Johnson. 他叫泰隆·约翰逊He was an engineer. 他生前是个工程师I think about him a lot. 我常想起他All the time. 无时无刻不在想他Sometimes, I... I actually make dinner for him. 我有时还会为他准备晚饭Sit opposite and talk to him. 想像我就坐在他的对面跟他聊天I guess that sounds crazy. 听起来很不正常吧No. 没有Not to me. 我觉得还好He designed bridges. 他设计过桥梁You know that one over Coyote Ridge 狼岭那边有座桥with the weird old man sells watermelons? 桥上有个卖西瓜的怪老头Yeah. Watermelon Man? 我知道卖瓜人那座桥Yeah, him. 对是他的作品And, he also loved to dance. 他生前还喜欢跳舞He did ballroom. Real classical stuff. 他还在舞厅跳过舞复古文艺- Wow. - Yeah. -真有才 -是啊Well, Heather liked to travel. 海瑟生前热爱旅行I mean she'd been to all these places I'd never heard of. 她去过的地方我根本没听说过Y'know, whenever she'd get the chance, 她一有机会she'd just escape somewhere new. 就到处探索新世界That's cool. 真潇洒Yeah. Yeah. 是啊Why'd you take the test? 你为什么去做检测You're so young, didn't you wanna go and live some life first? 你还这么年轻难道不想先恣意一把I mean, sure I did, but... 想是想但是You know, what could be better than spending the rest of your life 人生最美好的事with someone who's meant for you and, you know, only you? 莫过于和灵魂伴侣白头偕老了You really believe in love, don't you? 你这么相信真爱啊Yeah, I guess I do. 是这样Why'd you take the test? 你为什么去做检测Well, I got divorced. 我离婚了Again. 婚姻再次破裂了You been married twice? 你结过两次婚吗No. Three times. 不三次Yeah. 没办法啊And then, when the last one robbed me, 最后一任丈夫卷走了我的财产I figured it's time to give up, you know? 我就决心放弃折腾了So, I took the test 于是就去做了检测and asked God to pick right for me. 请求上帝将真命天子许配给我And he did. 祂显灵了Yeah. 是啊I just can't believe I gotta wait another 30 years or so to meet him. 可我得在等三十多年才能与他阴间相见Unless I get early cancer or Hep C. 要是得了癌症或是丙肝还能再快点Thirty years. 三十年Dang. 太煎熬了It's a real long time. 太久了All alone. 孤身一人好寂寞Sorry. 抱歉Did you... 你已经射了Yeah. Sorry. 对抱歉That's... It's... It's fine. 真是好吧So... 那就这样吧God. 天呐You know, I was just... 我就是I never done that before, so, I didn't know it would go that fast. 我从没做过我也没想到会这么快Wait. What? 你说什么That... That was my first time. 这是我第一次My God! 天呐- That was your first time? - Yeah. -你的第一次 -对Why didn't you say something? 你之前怎么不说I don't know. I'm sorry. 没能说出口抱歉Stop apologizing. 别再道歉了Yeah, I know. Just... I mean, I won't. Shit! 好吧我闭嘴该死Maybe, we just shouldn't talk about this. 这事就当过去了- Ever. - Okay. -不要再提起 -好I gotta go. 我走了Wait, wait. Should I give you my number? 等等还没给你我的号码呢No! 不要I mean, no. 不必了I'll just... I'll just see you around, okay? 回见吧Okay. 好Bye. 拜拜Sorry. 抱歉Stupid. 蠢货I'm really sorry, Heather. 我对不起你海瑟翻页查看挽救之法科特·谢波德翻页查看挽救之法输入826964翻页查看挽救之法输入密码翻页查看挽救之法别怕翻页查看挽救之法海瑟在等你翻页查看挽救之法你想见她吗翻页查看挽救之法明天在此碰面You have arrived at your destination. 你已到达目的地Yeah! 没错All right. 好了Now, some people say 有人说the test is science stepping on the Almighty's plan. 匹配检测是科学对上帝旨意的践踏But maybe, He wants us to Write a new chapter in His story. 但也许上帝以此指示我们书写新的篇章Because we are all worthy of love. 因为我们都值得真爱Amen! 阿门Now, wait. 暂停一下What do we have here? 瞧瞧谁来了We have a new soul joining us today. 今天有新人加入我们Is that you, Kurt Shepard? 你是科特·谢波德吗Come join me up here, Brother Kurt. 快过来吧科特兄弟- Yeah. - Come on. -来吧 -过来吧Let me look at you. Don't be shy. 来认识一下大家别扭捏了Come on, let's hear it for Brother Kurt. Come on. 大家掌声欢迎科特兄弟Welcome. 欢迎你Everyone, this is Brother Kurt. 各位这是科特兄弟Now, Brother Kurt, you, like all of us here, 科特兄弟你和大家一样you found out your soulmate had passed, didn't ya? 你的灵魂伴侣逝世了吧I did. 没错What was her name, son? 她叫什么Heather. 海瑟Take a look, son. 看那边What a beautiful soul. 真是个漂亮姑娘Truly a match made in heaven. 你们真是天生一对Now, Kurt here tried to take his own life not too long ago. 不久前科特差点自杀Ain't that right, son? 是不是- Well... I... - It's okay. That's okay. -我 -没事别怕- We're all God loving folk here, yeah? - Yeah! -大家都很宽容 -没错But maybe you were meant for love closer to the Lord's side.也许让你与真爱团聚是上帝的旨意And yet, We've all been raised to believe that suicide is a sin. Right? 可人们普遍认为自杀是种罪过But here's the thing, 但问题是take a look up, son. 你看那边I love you. 我爱你You never met her before, but you love her, don't ya? 你们素未谋面但你爱着她吧Yeah. 没错And I'll bet you think about her every day. 你肯定天天想她吧You think about her so much, it hurts. 对她的思念令你心碎Yeah. I do. I do. 就是这样It's almost as if she's calling you. 她似乎冥冥之中在呼唤你Yeah, no. It does! It does! 没错就是如此And I bet that calling was so strong, 那种呼唤萦绕耳旁it's almost as if God himself was opening up the door for you. 仿佛上帝为你打开了希望之门Yeah! 没错You love her so much, don't you, son? 你爱她入骨吧Say it! 大声说出来- I love her! - And what? -我爱她 -还有呢And I wanna be with her! 我想和她在一起Let it all out. 尽情释放吧This boy is no sinner. 这个孩子不是罪人How can suicide be a sin 自杀不是罪过when true love is waiting? 因为真爱在彼岸等候Suicide is not a sin. 自杀不是罪过Get up here and embrace. 过来拥抱他吧Embrace Brother Kurt. Now, come on. 欢迎科特兄弟来吧We will meet you there, brothers and sisters. 我们彼岸相会兄弟姐妹们We will meet you there. 彼岸相会You have arrived at your destination. 你已到达目的地- What's her name? - Jesus! -她叫什么 -吓我一跳Mine's Loretta. Sepsis. 我爱人叫洛瑞塔·赛普斯Heather. 我的伴侣叫海瑟Car accident. 车祸身亡Shit. At least it was quick. 真惨起码没受折磨- It's nice we'll finally get to meet them, though, ain't it, brother? Huh? - Yeah. -但我们就要与伴侣相见了太好了 -是啊Yeah. 是啊This looks like ours. 似乎是来接我们的人Hang on, now. 慢着- Wait a second. - All right! -等等 -轻点Easy now. Easy now. God damn. 别这么粗暴天呐Welcome to the Church of Righteous Transition. 欢迎来到"摆渡教堂"You are worthy of love. 你们值得真爱Amen to that. 借你吉言Come on. Let's find you a bed. 来吧你们先安顿下We are all one here. 来了就得修身养性Shed ourselves of possessions that tie us to this world. 抛却俗世的财物牵挂吧Did y'all bring any communication equipment? 你们带通讯设备了吗- Just my phone. - I'll take that. -我带了手机 -给我吧You won't need that here. 手机已经没用了All your communication will be with God and your soulmate. 你只需与上帝和灵魂伴侣交流Damn, I just got myself an upgrade. 可惜了我刚换了新手机Are you with me, brothers and sisters? 明白了吗兄弟姐妹们Can you feel it? 大家感受到了吗Because we are the brave ones. 我们都是勇者The ones willing to Write a new chapter in God's story. 勇于为上帝书写新篇章的使者His new testament. 书写新约The testament of his truest love. 关于真爱的圣约The bravest choice. 迈出勇敢的一步They're calling us. 灵魂伴侣在呼唤我们Amen. 阿门Can you feel their love? 感受到他们的爱了吗Pulling you to him. 真爱在呼唤你们- Can you feel it? - Yeah! -感受到了吗 -感受到了Then rejoice. 欢欣庆祝吧We are the chosen. 我们是天选之子You are worthy of love. 你们值得真爱Now, I want you to embrace each and every member here. 大家彼此拥抱I want you to look 'em in the eye. 直视对方的眼睛You tell 'em straight. 大声地宣誓"You are worthy of love." "你值得真爱"You're worthy of love. 你值得真爱You are worthy of love. 你值得真爱You are worthy of love. 你值得真爱You are worthy of... 你值得Shit! 我去I mean, hey. 你好Hey, Martha. 你好玛莎Curtis, yeah? 你是叫科特斯吧Kurt. 科特You are worthy of love. 你值得真爱You're worthy of love. 你值得真爱Are you ready to meet your soulmate? 准备好与灵魂伴侣相见了吗Amen! 阿门Wait. We... We just got here. 等等我们刚来啊Then, drink. 那就喝下吧Be free. 喝完就解放了Welcome, child. 欢迎你孩子You are worthy of love. 你值得真爱What happened? 怎么回事That was a test of your commitment. 刚才是在检测你们是否真心I saw her. 我看到她了She was the one. 她就是我的真命天女She was calling me. 她在呼唤我She was just right there. 她刚才出现了I could almost touch her. 我差点就抓住她了I saw her! 我看到她了- I saw her! - Travis! -我看到她了 -特维斯Did you see her? 你看到她了吗Did you see Loretta? 你看到洛瑞塔了吗No. 没有I saw Billy and Sarah. 我看到了比利和莎拉Who are they? 他们是谁They're my kids. 我的子女I don't wanna go home yet. No, please. 我不想走求求你们Not everyone here is brave enough to believe. 并非人人都有相信的勇气They didn't drink. 他们没喝They are not ready for the journey. 他们还准备好踏上旅途What's this for? 拿铁锹干什么As with all acts of purification, 净化皆是如此we must do the work ourselves 我们必须亲力亲为and with God in our hearts. 心怀上帝and with God in our hearts. 我们要为自己铺床[挖坑]We are making our own beds.So that we may lie down and be with our true love. 在这里沉睡与真爱相见We... We having breakfast or... 那早餐呢You are worthy of love. 你值得真爱I'm worthy of love. 我值得真爱You are Worthy of love. 你值得真爱I am worthy of love. 我值得真爱It's hard. 不好铲Give it here. 我来吧What you doing here, Kurt? 你怎么来了科特You're so young. 你还这么年轻I'm 25. 我25了I thought you were much younger. 我以为你还小呢That makes me feel better. 我可能松一口气了Well... Should help. 这样应该可以了Thanks. 谢谢Hey, we could be death buddies. 我们做赴死伴侣吧Do all the rituals together. 一起完成各种仪式Make sure neither one of us chickens out. 阻止对方中途反悔Death buddies. 赴死伴侣Yeah. 是啊Okay, sure. Yeah. 好啊Great. 太好了You know, I am kinda here 'cause of you. 因为你我才来这儿- Yeah? - Yeah. -是吗 -是啊You know, that night at the bar? 我们在酒吧相遇Just after, I was running to my car 完事后我跑回车里and I was just so full of shame and regret, 心中充满悔恨自责I wanted the world to just swallow me up whole. 我恨不得挖个洞钻进去No, it was a good thing. 别难过这是好事'Cause you see, it made me realize that... 因为我突然意识到I got all this love inside. 我心中爱火燃烧I just gotta give it to the right person. 只需倾注到真爱身上Yeah. 好吧Well... 了解了Okay, then. 那好吧I really enjoyed the drink we had beforehand. 跟你喝酒很开心Me too. 我也是Our pasts hold us back. 过去使我们停滞不前Let them go. 放下吧Be cleansed and reborn. 净化灵魂重获新生You are free. 你重生了You are free. 你重生了You'll be fine. 不会有事See? Nothing to it. 对吧一点事也没有You are free. 你重生了Matthew 19:21, 《马太福音》第19章第21节Jesus answered, 耶稣答道"If you wanna be perfect, "若想完美无缺""Go and sell your possessions and give to the poor." "便散尽家财救济穷人"To truly be free 若想重获新生we must leave behind everything that holds us to this earth. 必须放弃所有尘世牵挂Our fear. 克服恐惧Our sin. 摆脱罪过Our money. 舍弃钱财And to that purpose, 为此Brother Hikock will be moving amongst you tonight. 西科克兄弟今晚负责此事He will take your print... 他负责收集你们的掌纹and access your savings. 取走你们的积蓄All of your money will be put to God's will. 各位的钱财都将献给上帝As you walk with your loved ones 各位即可与真爱同行in righteous glory. 心中无愧♪ Praise Him, hallelujah ♪ ♪赞美上帝哈利路亚♪Hang on. 慢着How come we have to give you our money? 我们为什么要把钱给你们I wanna leave my money to my kids. 我想把钱留给孩子们Well, that would be a noble idea 这样固然高尚if you knew where they were. 前提是你知道他们的去处Or if they wanted to be found. 也许他们并不希望被找到But they've never understood you, Travis. 但他们一直不理解你特维斯Or what you did to their mother. 不理解你对他们母亲的所作所为♪ Lift up your voice and with us sing ♪ ♪放声高歌♪♪ O praise Him! Hallelujah! ♪ ♪赞美上帝哈利路亚♪♪ All creatures of our God and King ♪ ♪上帝君主万物生灵♪♪ Lift up your voice and with us sing ♪ ♪放声高歌♪♪ O praise Him! Hallelujah! ♪ ♪赞美上帝哈利路亚♪♪ All creatures of our God and King... ♪ ♪上帝君主万物生灵♪So, here we are. 胜利就在眼前Unburdened of our sin. 我们已赎清罪孽Of our material possessions. 舍弃财物Standing in front of our soulmates. 站在了灵魂伴侣面前What will you say? 你想说什么What do you want to hear? 你想得到什么回应Speak to 'em. 对话吧All right. 好吧All right. 来吧Well, I guess I'll go first. 我先吧Yeah, sure. 好I'm Heather. "我"叫海瑟- That's good. - Hi, I'm Kurt. -真好 -我叫科特I got excellent hair. "我"的秀发光滑柔顺You do. 没错Yeah, I saw pictures of me. I got real excellent hair. "我"看到过自己的照片 "我"有一头秀发And... I'm excited to meet ya. 很高兴见到你- You are? - Yeah. -真的吗 -嗯You're... You're sweet and kind. 你善良体贴And don't worry about the other night at the bar, in the back alley.那晚在酒吧暗巷的事就忘了吧It was nothing. 没什么Well, it was almost nothing. 只是一点小插曲Yeah. 好Okay, now it's your turn. 该你了Right... 好Okay... Hi, darling... 亲爱的I'm Tyrone. "我"叫泰隆All right, maybe just use your own voice. 就用你的原声吧Right, right, okay. Okay. 好你说得对You're really special, Martha. 你真的很特别玛莎I see you when you're just being you. 我见过最真实的你When no one's looking. 你私下里真实的自我I watch you with people here, when they're sad or overwhelmed. 大家伤心难过时你都会出现I see how you deal with them, 我见过你善良的一面calm them down, you help them with their problems. 安慰大家帮助他们解决问题You can make someone feel completely okay with being themselves. 在你身边大家有勇气做真实的自己I think you think you don't count, 你似乎恨不自信but you do. 但你身上有种魔力You make the world better for people. 你有种令人安心的力量That's special. 这很特别Hey. Hey, did I say something wrong? 我说错话了吗Know what? This is bullshit! 得了吧真是胡扯You ain't never met her. I never met her. 你从没见过她我都没见过她You don't know me. 你根本不了解我And you, you definitely don't know me. 你对我也一无所知I'm done. 我受够了Hey, Martha. 玛莎Jesus had his moment of doubt, before he made his sacrifice. 耶稣牺牲前也有片刻犹疑But he followed his true path. 但他最终走上了正道And we must all follow ours. 我们也需坚定不移Damn it. 该死No! 不要No! 别死No! 不要Help! Somebody, help! 来人啊救命啊Our Brother Travis was impatient. 特维斯兄弟不够耐心But God forgives. 但上帝宽宥And he is ready for us all... 祂已在等候大家了tomorrow. 就是明天了We will pass on and complete our journey. 我们将走向终点完成旅途We are prepared and love is waiting. 我们已准备好真爱就在眼前Amen. 阿门Amen. 阿门Kurt? 科特Jesus Christ! 天呐Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you. 抱歉不是故意吓你What you doing down here? 你怎么在这儿Couldn't sleep. 我睡不着Yeah. Me neither. 我也是May I? 我能坐下吗Sure. 可以啊I heard you found him. 听说是你发现了他I never seen a dead body before. 我从没见过死人We're here for the right reasons, okay? 我们没来错别担心When I was at the clinic, 那天在检测中心and the nurses told me Heather was dead... 当护士告诉我海瑟去世时I was relieved. 我松了一口气Because... 因为if she was alive, then, 如果她还活着I might actually have to do something. 我就得迈出那一步了You know, go... go find her. 我就得去找她了Be someone that she might actually... 做她的"完美先生"了When I found out who she was and... 我得知她的为人后and all these things that she'd done, just... 了解过她的经历后I told myself... 我告诉自己maybe she was calling me. 也许她在呼唤我Maybe I was just scared of doing something. 也许我只是不敢采取行动I think you're brave. 你很勇敢You came here, didn't you? 你来这里不是吗Is this being brave? 这算勇敢吗We... 我们- We should... - Yeah. -我们该 -对Yeah, okay. 好吧All right. 走吧I'm sorry it was, you know... 抱歉fast again. 这次还是结束得很快It was real beautiful. 很美好Thank you. 谢谢你What for? 谢什么For a perfect last night. 谢谢你给了我完美的最后一夜What? 怎么了What if we didn't do this? 要不我们走吧- Don't. - No. What... You and me... -别这样 -你听我说就我们俩It would never work. 没可能- You don't know that. - I do. -这可说不好 -我很确定No, you don't. No, not for sure 才不是你没那么肯定- you don't... - Stop it. -不是这样 -别说了You're just a kid. 你还小Kurt... 科特What made you change your mind? 你怎么回心转意了You did, you dummy. 因为你啊小傻子How long do you think we have? 我们还剩多久We need a hospital! 得赶紧去医院Help! 救命Wait! Wait! Wait! 等等等等Wait! 等等Wait! 停车Martha, get up! We're saved. 玛莎快起来我们得救了Hey, Brother Samson. 山姆森兄弟- Wait! - We gotta get to the hospital. -等等 -我们得去医院No! 别走No! Brother Samson! 别走山姆森兄弟Martha, hey. 玛莎Martha, you have to get up. 玛莎快起来Death buddies. 亡命鸳鸯Death buddies. 亡命鸳鸯Wake up. 醒醒Martha. 玛莎Martha! 玛莎Martha, wake up! 玛莎醒醒Stop puking in my hair. 别吐我头发上I'm sorry. 对不起Come on! 撑住Just stay with me, Martha. 坚持住玛莎Hey, wait! 停车Shit! 该死Hey, sir. Sir, you gotta help us, 先生帮帮我们We gotta get... 我们得Damn it! 该死Martha! 玛莎Martha. Martha, come on. Get up. Martha! 玛莎坚持住起来玛莎Martha... 玛莎Help! 救命Help! 来人啊Martha. 玛莎Martha. 玛莎Martha, wake up. 玛莎醒醒We made it. 我们得救了Life buddies? 活命伴侣Life buddies. 活命伴侣I'm gonna need some help out here, c'mon! 快来人外面有伤患Get out here, I've got two people down. 快走两人受伤We need two gurneys out here stat. 立刻推两架轮床来Ma'am? Ma'am, can you hear me? 女士女士能听到吗I need you to look at me. 看着我。

The Tourist 致命伴侣 旅客 中英对译

The Tourist 致命伴侣 旅客 中英对译

Thank you, captain.Well?The target is still in the same place.Target is leaving the apartment. Ten seconds. Start the engine.Underwear or no underwear today?Be a little more professional, guys.She's turning left. She's going to her usual café.May I take your order?A tea with milk, an orange juice and--And a croissant.It's already ordered.Thank you.Do you have a visual?We have a visual. She's drinking her tea. Come again?She's drinking her tea!Did you ask for a tea, sir?No, no. Thank you.I'm looking for Ms. Elise Ward.That's Ms. Ward over there.Elise Ward?- Yes, it's me. - I have an envelope for you. Somebody is talking to her. Looks like a [courier.]- Yes? - She's at her usual café.She's speaking with a man.Looks like a messenger, you said to call if anything changed in her routine.Stay on his face. His face.Do you think it's Alexander Pearce?I think everybody is Pearce.No, no. It's okay. It's a gift.Goodbye.All right, grab him.- Take him. - Let's get him.Sir, stop! Police!What's going on?- You are under arrest.- Financial Crimes Division.Division what?Guys, I'm working!Elise, you have no reason to trust me 谢谢,长官还好么?目标还在房间里目标大约10秒钟后离开公寓出发你猜她里面穿了么?伙计们,专业点她去左面了,还是那个餐馆- 您好- 您好想吃点什么?奶茶,橙汁加上…羊角面包已经为您准备好了谢谢能看到她么?能看见,她正在喝茶什么?她正在喝茶呢!先生,您刚才是要茶么?啊不,不要,谢谢请问伊莉斯·沃德女士在么?沃德女士,那个就是您好,沃德女士么?- 是我- 这里有您的邮件有个男的正在跟她交谈,看起来像个邮差[伦敦警察厅]-什么事?她在常去的餐馆正在跟一个男人交谈看起来像是一个邮差你之前说过有任何异常都要通知你停在他的脸上,他的脸!你觉得他是亚历山大·皮尔斯?任何人都可能是皮尔斯不,不用还我,给你的礼物再见好了,抓住他抓住他,我们走先生,停下!警察!你们干什么?你被捕了金融案件调查组什么组?我只是在工作!伊莉斯, 我知道你可能不再相信我…anymore......but give me a chance to explain myself.I know the police are watching you. We have to throw them off the trail.Board the 8:22 at the Gare de Lyon......pick someone my height and build and make them believe it is me.Burn this letter.It is important you follow my instructions precisely.I love you. Alexander.It's from him.Save that letter. Go in now. Save that letter. Daniel, get over there now.Well?The letter is burnt to shit.Don't fucking touch it.Take the ashes, take them to the van. I'll send you someone.Drive around to the other side! Go!Turn right at the end.Faster!Wednesday meeting.Specialist pool.So Alexander Pearce has a new face......just as you suspected.Thought it must've taken a lot of the money... ...he stole from Reginald Shaw to finance this transformation.Achmed Tchebali. Bicycle courier of Algerian descent.Not only has Pearce acquired a wife and child......he's also 4 inches shorter than he used to be.That must have been a big item of expenditure.Congratulations, Acheson. You hove, indeed, cracked this case.Letter to Inspector Collins.Sir, this morning, she received a note, we have strong reason to believe--Alexander Pearce has 744 million in illegal assets... …但是请给我一次机会让我解释我知道条子在跟着你我们得把他们甩开8:22在莱昂站上车……找一个身高体型跟我相仿然后让条子们以为那个就是我烧了信准确的按照我的指示来,这很重要我爱你,亚历山大是他来的去拿到信,马上去,我要那封信丹尼尔,快去怎么样?信已经烧成灰了该死,别碰它带上那些灰回到车上,我会派人处理的从另一边绕过去,快走!在那右转再快点!周三会议专家名单这么说亚历山大·皮尔斯又换了张脸……就像你之前怀疑的那样看来他花了很大一笔钱来整形啊……从雷金纳德·肖偷来的钱真没浪费阿克蒙德·赤柏利,阿尔及利亚裔快递员不但多了一个妻子,还有一个孩子…而且还矮了4英寸这次整形可是够奢侈的啊恭喜你,艾奇逊,真的,看来你已经破案了柯林斯检察官的信函头,我们确定她今天早上收到了一封信…亚历山大·皮尔斯偷走了7亿4400万…...that, given he is a British subject, we might seize.Fraud complaints.This operation, so far, has cost me 8 million. If I thought there were more than a one-in-a-hundred chance......you could be successful......it would be rational for me to continue this operation.Money laundering.I do not.- Yes, that's an amendment. - Yes.- There. - It needs redrafting.Yes, sir.- Everything after code seven. - Thank you, sir. "Eight twenty-two."- Projection for the pension plan fraud? - Not now."Eight twenty-two. Lyon."Are they meeting in Lyon at 8:22?- Gare de Lyon, perhaps? - Gare de Lyon. That's it. Gare de Lyon. The train station.She's getting on an 8:22 train. Go."Board the 8:22 at the Gare de Lyon." "Pick someone my height and build, make them believe it is me."- I'm sorry. - What for?Mind me smoking? It's not a real cigarette.- What? - It's electronic.Delivers the same amount of nicotine, but the smoke is water vapor.Yeah. Watch.LED light.That's somewhat disappointing.Would you have me smoking for real?I would rather you be a man who did exactly as he pleased.- I'm Elise. - I'm Frank.That's a terrible name.It's the only one I've got.- Maybe we can find you another. - Okay. You're British.I'm American.What brings you to Venice? …考虑到他是英国人所以我们应该去抓住他诈骗指控这个案子到现在,800万扔进去了如果我觉得能有超过1%的可能性……他被你们给抓住……我都会把这个案子进行下去洗钱指控但我不信- 这是那个修正条款- 好的- 在这- 需要更改是,先生谢谢,长官“8:22”头,退休金诈骗案材料一会再说“8:22,莱昂”他们8:22在莱昂见面?莱昂站?莱昂站没错,就是莱昂火车站是8:22的火车,你们快去“8:22在莱昂站上车”“找一个身高体型跟我相仿然后让条子们以为那个就是我”哦,介意我抽烟么?这个不是真烟什么?这是电子烟产生等量的尼古丁,但烟只是水蒸气看LED(发光二极管)真让人失望你觉得我不应该抽电子的?我觉得你喜欢做什么就应该去做什么我是伊莉斯我是弗兰克很烂的名字我就这么一个名字了- 也许我们给你换一个更好的- 好啊你是英国人我是美国人你去威尼斯做什么?You read spy novels.I'm a mysterious woman on a train.You tell me what my story is.Okay.I think you'd be a diplomatic attaché.Or maybe a girl from East Germany......whose father's been kidnapped......and they're blackmailing you into stealing something for them.A microfilm. There's usually microfilm involved.- What awaits me? - Trouble, certainly.- Danger? - Oh, yeah.You'll be shot at in less than two chapters.Is there a man in my life?Have to wait and see.- Invite me to dinner, Frank. - What?Would you like to have dinner?Women don't like questions.- Join me for dinner. - Too demanding.Join me for dinner?Another question.I'm having dinner......if you'd care to join me.Musician.Bartender.I give up.Math. I teach math.I would not have guessed that.I'd imagine you're the cool math teacher.Still a math teacher.How about a photo?Go right ahead.Make me look good.Could this be Pearce?We still working on that?Well, I only have the sketches to go by, so.... Ectomorph, yes.Same basic phenotype.- Bottom line, could be him. - Knew he couldn't leave her.Run a worldwide blind check on that. I bet you 10 quid there's no match.Okay, what case number do you want to book 你看侦探小说呢我是一个在火车上的神秘女人你来猜猜我此行的目的那好我觉得你是一个外交官也可能是一个东德姑娘……你的父亲被绑架了…绑匪以此威胁你去为他们偷某样东西一个胶卷,书上总这么写我会遇到什么?当然是很多麻烦有危险?哦,是的你应该在两个场景以内被子弹击中怎么样,有男主角么?这个不好说邀请我共进晚餐,弗兰克- 什么?想跟我来共进晚餐么?女人不喜欢被问问题- 来跟我吃晚餐- 太强势了来和我吃晚餐么?还是问句我要去吃晚餐……希望你肯赏光音乐家酒吧招待猜不出来了数学,我教数学我怎可能猜得出来能想象得出,你是一个非常酷的数学老师再酷也只是个老师来照个相?来吧拍的帅点可能是皮尔斯么?那个案子不是结了么?我只有一个草图可以参照,那么…瘦型,相似外形也相似- 总之,有可能是他- 他不可能跟她分开放入全球数据库,我赌10镑没有匹配的好的,你打算归在哪个案件号里?it under?- Just run it. - Do you really think it's Pearce? Run it.Get me Italian Interpol.I have a strange feeling......that those two people over there are watching us.Do you know something?I think you're right.Really?You're the paranoid math teacher. Memorize his face.The train arrives in ten minutes.As soon as he steps off, arrest him.So, what are you doing all alone in the city of lovers?Is there no one in your life?There was.What happened?She left me.I'm sorry to hear that, Frank.Arrival at train station Venezia Santa Lucia in 10 minutes.Guess I should go get my suitcase and stuff. Goodbye.Goodbye.Thank you.Oh, shit.- Sir, I-- - Wait."Pick someone my height and build......and make them believe it's me."We did get an exact match.He's a math teacher from Madison Community College. Frank Tupelo.Lost his wife in a car crash three years ago. He's a tourist.Thank you.Get me Italian Interpol.Understood.The operation has been canceled.Return to headquarters. Quickly.On the other side.What are you doing? 查就是了- 你确信他就是皮尔斯?查吧给我接意大利国际刑警我有种奇怪的感觉……那有两个人在监视我们你知道么?我觉得你说的对真的?你真是个幻想家记住他的长相火车还有10分钟进站他一下车马上逮捕他你打算独自到这个充满爱情的城市?难道你孤单一人么?曾经有过怎么了?她走了很抱歉,弗兰克本次列车10分钟后抵达终点站威尼斯·圣·卢西亚看起来我该去取我的行李了再见了再见谢谢你哦,见鬼- 头,我- 等等“找一个身高体型跟我相仿……然后让条子们以为那个就是我”刚刚发现一个符合的弗兰克·图珀洛是麦迪逊社区大学的数学老师他的老婆在三年前的一场车祸中丧生了他是一名游客谢谢再给我接意大利国际刑警明白了行动取消全部返回总部,马上走另一边你在干什么?The Internet fraud report.So this is what Alexander Pearce looks like. That's above your clearance. Get back to your work.He's fluttering his eyelids like a girl. That's his tell.Go all in.Yes?I have a piece of information for Mr. Shaw.It's concerning Alexander Pearce. Alexander Pearce just arrived in Venice... ...with her.- Valeriy? - Sir?Change of course.- Venice. - Yes, sir.Now, what do I own in Venice?Frank!Hi.- Do you want to come with me? - What? Oh, yeah, sure. I mean, I could use a lift, yeah. Thank you very-- That's very kind. Welcome to Venezia, Signora.The bags.Oh, my bags.Are you coming?Elise Clifton-Ward and husband.Oh, we arranged for you a wonderful suite... ...with a bathroom and with....- May I have your documents? - Yes.Thank you.It would be my pleasure to show you up personally.- Please, this way. - Thank you.Enjoy your stay, sir.Thank you.Everything was arranged according to the precise instructions.I very much hope you will not be disappointed.We are entering the Doge's Suite.It is a room that has been a home away from home......for Marcel Proust and Honoré de Balzac and others. 网络诈骗报告这个人就是亚历山大·皮尔斯吧这个你无权过问,马上回去工作你看他眼睛现在抖得像个娘们全押上喂?我有个肖先生感兴趣的消息是关于亚历山大·皮尔斯的亚历山大·皮尔斯刚刚抵达威尼斯……跟那个女人一起- 维埃里?- 先生?改变行程威尼斯- 是的,先生看来,我们需要在威尼斯举行个欢迎仪式弗兰克!嗨跟我一起来么?- 什么?哦,是的,当然,我是说,我可以打个便车十分感谢你欢迎来到威尼斯,夫人行李哦,我的包不一起么?伊莉斯·克利夫顿·沃德,还有我的丈夫哦,我们为你们安排了一个非常棒的套房……配有浴室和…- 能看一下你们的证件么?- 给谢谢非常荣幸能带你们去你们的套房请这边走- 谢谢住的开心,先生谢谢一切都精确按照您的指示安排好了我希望您不会对此感到失望这里是豪华套房马赛尔·普鲁斯特奥诺雷·德·巴尔扎克等等都曾经…在这里居住过一段时间- Thank you. - Oh, thank you.Have a nice stay, sir.Thank you.Make yourself at home.This really is a very nice hotel, isn't it?They think of everything, don't they?We know he will be with her. They'll be staying at one of the hotels.The Gritti, the Regina, the Danieli.I want you to keep a watch on all of them. You can kill the girl, but you can't kill him. Not until I have my money, that is. Understand?Let's go.Fuck.- You're ravenous.- Do you mean ravishing?I do.You're ravenous.I am.Come on.The scampi and champagne risotto, please. Excellent choice. Excellent.He didn't say that to me.Did he not like my choice?Your choice was excellent.Who is he?Hotels don't leave gifts like that, do they? Who is he?He's someone who used to be very important to me.Used to?Are you meeting him in Venice?I hope so.Part of me hopes I don't.Why?Because I don't like being told what to do.I don't like being summoned.But it felt even worse not hearing from him for two years.It's the Roman god, Janus.My mother gave it to me when I was little. She wanted it to teach me that people have two sides. - 好了,谢谢- 哦,谢谢住的愉快,先生谢谢请随意这旅馆真不错,是吧?他们的确很周到,不是么?他们两个人,一定会在某个旅馆里一共三个旅馆格瑞堤,女王酒店和丹聂尔利你们去这三个地方女的碍事就杀了,男的要活的杀也得等拿回我的钱以后听懂了么?走吧我操你真饥渴你是想说迷人?(饥渴和迷人发音近似)是的是你很饥渴是的跟我来龙虾,香槟调味饭,谢谢绝佳搭配,绝佳他怎么没这么夸我?是我点的不够好么?你点的非常好他是谁?旅馆可不会赠送有那么好的衣服,不是么?他到底是谁?他是一个曾经对我来说无比重要的人曾经?你在这见到他了么?希望如此我也不希望他出现为什么?因为我不想总像一个木偶一样我不喜欢总被召唤来召唤去的但是他一消失就是两年,我宁愿被召唤这是罗马神话中的双面神,杰纳斯我小的时候妈妈留给我的她用这个来让教会我记住,人都有两面性A good side, a bad side.A past, a future.And that we must embrace both in someone we love.And I tried.What's he like?He's different from anybody I know. Different's good.Where I come from......the highest compliment they can offer a person......is to say that they're down-to-earth. Grounded. I hate it.It drives me nuts.Would you like another Americano?I don't know.Would I?That really was a very nice restaurant, wasn't it?A very nice wine.I'm making us a nice little drink......which is very nice of me, isn't it?Thank you.Were those flowers here when we checked in?It's an invitation to a ball two nights from now.You've been summoned.It appears I have.May I pay you a compliment?Another question you need never ask.You are the least down-to-earth person... ...I've ever met.It's been a long day.I do hope the couch will be comfortable. Good night.Good morning. My name is Guido.I'm your waiter.I'm Frank.What's this?It's your breakfast, sir.I didn't order any.La signora order it for you when she left. When she left? 好的一面,和坏的一面有过去,有将来当我们爱上一个人的时候,我们要包容全部而我也努力了他是什么样的人?他是,一个,与众不同的人与众不同很好在我的家乡,当人们称赞一个人的时候……会说他们脚踏实地我讨厌他们这么说这都让我发疯了来一杯美式咖啡么?我做不了主你说呢?餐馆真不错,不是么?酒也很不错我准备了这些不错的酒……说明我也很不错,不是么?谢谢我记得我们来的时候没有这些花吧?这是一个舞会的邀请函,两天之后你又被召唤了看来是的我可以赞美你么?这个问题你不该问你是我见过的最…不脚踏实地的人长夜漫漫我希望沙发睡起来很舒服晚安早上好,我叫基多我是你的侍者我是弗兰克这是什么?您的早餐,先生我没有点过那位夫人临走的时候为您点的她什么时候走的?Have a nice day, sir.- Hi. - Alexander. Let's go see an old friend. What?- He doesn't look like Pearce. - Boss said he might not.Grab him!Hello? Please help.Bon Jovi. I need help.There are two men trying to break down the door.I see. What problem do you have with the door?Two men with guns trying to break in.- Your Spanish is excellent, sir. - Thank you.- I gotta go! - Sir?Americans....Boss wants him alive, you idiot!She's coming back.Frank!Frank.Prepare to intervene.- Yes. - Commander Acheson......two armed men are chasing the American. Shots have been fired.- Request permission to intervene. - Do you still have Elise?We still have a visual but the American is in imminent danger.The mathematics teacher from Wisconsin?I'd say not our mandate.Sir, this man is in real peril.This is exactly why she chose him.To distract us.Stay with her.Do not move unless she moves.Am I making myself crystal clear?Sir, they will kill him.Not our mandate.Hello? Hello?Hello?Oh, God.Headquarters!Send me backup to the fruit market.I have a nutcase who wants to jump. 祝您今天愉快,先生- 嗨- 亚历山大,来见见老朋友- 他看起来不像皮尔斯- 头说过他不一定是抓住他!有人么?救命?我需要帮助有两个人正在砸我的门我知道了,您的门坏了么?不不,两个人拿枪要闯进来- 先生,您的西班牙语说的真好- 谢谢- 我得走啦!- 先生?美国人啊头要活得,你傻了么!她往回走了弗兰克!弗兰克!过去救他- 是- 艾奇逊长官……两个人拿枪在追那个美国人他们已经开枪了- 请求下令去营救他- 伊莉斯还在你们监视范围内么?她还在,但是现在那个美国人有生命危险那个来自威斯康星的数学老师?我只能说那不是我们的任务长官,他的处境十分危险他要怪只能怪那个女的找了他这个替罪羊来迷惑我们跟着那个女的她不动,你们也不许动我说的已经够清楚了吧?长官,他们会杀了他与我们无关有人么?有人么?哦老天呼叫总部!我在水果市场,需要支援这有一个神经病要跳楼Probably American.Stop, stop! Please!Don't do it!Oh, my God.I'm so sorry.Bastard!I'm so sorry.Stop him!I think you need it more than I.Thank you.You smoke?No.Now.You wish to report a murder.No.Some people tried to kill me.I was told you were reporting a murder. Attempted murder.That's not so serious.No. Not when you downgrade it from murder. But when you upgrade it from room service, it's serious.So is assaulting a police officer.- That was an accident. - The officer feels differently.With all due respect, sir, I think maybe I should be talking with someone-- Someone not Italian.Like the embassy or Interpol.Interpol.I'm an American citizen.- What does that mean? - I'm involved in something here......and no offense, this is not a local issue. What is it you think you're involved in?It all started when I met a woman on the train from Paris.- This is already good. - No. No.She took me to her hotel.I don't know. No. She's involved with another man. She's in love.I'm sorry to hear that.I know.Anyway, this man, whatever his story is... 应该是美国人停下,不要跳不要跳!哦,不实在对不起你这个混蛋!对不起抓住他!看起来你更需要这个谢谢来一根?不要啊好吧你是要控告谋杀吧不是有人想要杀我可是我刚说了你要控告谋杀意图谋杀哦,那还不严重的确跟谋杀相比,这一点也不严重但是跟客房服务比起来可严重多了所以你就去袭警了- 那是一个意外- 那位警官可不这么想这样说吧,长官我觉得我应该同某些人谈谈,他们…某些非意大利人比如说使馆官员或者国际刑警国际刑警我是美国公民- 那又怎么样?- 我不知道,但是我觉得被卷进这种事情…并且无意冒犯这已经不是一个地区事件了那你认为你被卷入什么事件里了?说来话长,从巴黎来的火车上我遇到了一位姑娘- 听起来不错嘛- 不,不她把我带到了她的旅馆我不太清楚好像是关于另外一个她深爱的男人很遗憾听到这些我知道无论如何,不管这个男人怎么样…...some people are trying to kill him.How do you know?They tried to kill me.They tried to kill you?Yes. Because they must have thought that I was him.I like you, Mr. Tupelo.I like you too, sir.But surely you understand how strange this all sounds?Come with me.Where are you taking me?- Oh, you're gonna lock me in there? - Don't worry.Please don't do this.Sir, I've done nothing wrong.- Please. - It's only until I check some facts. Hi.Your facts checked out.We have to leave.You're not safe here.I don't understand.This has to look right.Come on.The man you are talking about is called Alexander Pearce.He stole big money from a gangster.They've come to Venice to find him.They think you are him.They've placed a....A bounty on your head.That's why you're not safe.Wait here for a moment.You've come to buy a key?Brand-new bills? I appreciate it.- You think we cheat you? - Of course not. I just enjoy counting.Well, gentlemen, Alexander Pearce is all yours.Remember, don't shoot him!I think we've lost them.I'd really like to take these off.We have to wait to get to open waters. Okay. …有人想要杀了他你怎么知道?因为他们刚才想杀我他们要杀你?是的,他们一定是把我当成了那个人我喜欢你,图珀洛先生我也喜欢你,长官但是你要知道你说的故事有多荒谬么?跟我来吧你要带我去哪?- 啊,你们要把我关在这里?- 别担心- 啊,你们要把我关在这里?- 别担心请别这样长官,我是无辜的- 长官- 等我调查之后再说嗨我们已经调查过了我们可以走了你在这里不安全我不明白你是对的走吧你说的那个男人叫做亚历山大·皮尔斯他从一个坏蛋手里偷走了一大笔钱他们的人已经来威尼斯了他们认为你就是他你的脑袋现在…值一大笔钱你的处境很危险等在这里这钥匙很值钱吧?新版钞票?我喜欢- 你信不过我们么?- 别误会,我只是喜欢点钞而已好了,先生们亚历山大·皮尔斯现在归你们了追上去,记住要活得!我们好像甩掉他们了我想解开这该死的手铐先等我们离开这里再说好吧Elise! Elise!Elise!You all right?Yeah.Do you think it's a little loose?No, no, no.They are back.Bring them in.I come back tomorrow?No, no. No, stay.We tried everything, sir.- But he got away. - So I heard. So I heard. They're referring to the young man who stole $2.3 billion from me.You know, I worked very hard for years... ...so I wouldn't have to do the dirty work.No more chasing traitors.No more killing.Now I employ people to do those things for me.Except that you don't.- Does it look all right? - Yes.Like always.What's "always"?Very good.Yes, I think it looks all right.So that's how you pick a lock.Why do you know how to do that?Where's the owner of this boat?Bottom of a canal?Sitting in a café with a pocketful of euros. Why is all this happening?Why is everyone trying to kill me?It's because I kissed you.Do I look that much like him?I am sorry I got you involved in all this.Why are you involved in all this?- Because I'm in love with him. - Really? I'm not.Seriously, help me understand why.I honestly didn't think he would let it go far.I didn't think he would let Shaw get to you. Shaw. That's the man that Pearce stole from? Reginald Shaw. Alexander used to be his 伊莉斯!伊莉斯!伊莉斯!你还好么?还好是不是有点太宽松了?不会,不会他们回来了让他们进来那我明天再来?不用,你留下我们尽力了,头- 但是他还是跑了- 我就知道,我就知道那个家伙偷了我23亿美元你们要知道,我经营了这么多年……早已厌倦了这些见不得光的事情不想去追债也不想再去杀人所以我花钱雇了你们来做这些但是你们做的一点也不好- 我看起来怎么样?- 很好跟往常一样“往常”是什么样?非常好的确,我也觉得很不错你很擅长这个嘛你怎么会这些?这艘船是哪弄得?河里面藏的?还不如说我在餐馆里买的告诉我为什么会这样?为什么他们要我的命?因为他们看到我们接吻了我真的和他那么像么?我很抱歉让你卷进来那你怎么卷进来的?- 因为我爱他- 真的?可我不爱他不开玩笑,告诉我怎么回事我本以为他会来的没想到会让你差点被肖抓住肖. 就是他的钱被偷了是么?雷金纳德·肖亚历山大是他以前的银行助理private banker.I thought he'd be Russian or something like that.He surrounds himself with Russians, but he's as English as Alex and I.Give me your hand.Now he owns most of the casinos and brothels from here to Novosibirsk.Once, he bragged to Alexander that he had every man killed......his wife had slept with before she met him. When he found out how many there'd been, he killed her too.There you are.What made Pearce think that he could take on a guy like that?It's just who he is.Could you ever feel like that about someone like me?I don't regret it, you know.Kissing you.I have to go check......the thing.Where are we going?The airport.- Where are we going? - You'll see.Tie us off, would you?I wish we'd met in another life, Frank.Take the next flight to America. Find what you need in the bag.Be safe.But I'm in love with you.Agent Elise Clifton-Ward......identification number MFS98495G.Elise Ward.Well, you've certainly blown your cover now. I'm ready to give you Pearce.You're ready to give me Pearce.That's interesting. So you aren't here to beg me to lift your suspension.You've actually come to do your job.Allow me to ask......why now?You live with a man for a year... 我一直以为他是俄罗斯人或者是爱斯基摩什么的他身边都是俄罗斯人但他和我还有亚历克斯一样是英国人把手给我肖掌握着从这里到西伯利亚大部分的赌场和妓院有一次他跟亚历山大吹嘘他把所有在他之前跟他老婆上床的男人…全都杀了后来他把他老婆也杀了因为他发现她睡过的男人太多了好了皮尔斯怎么敢偷这种杀人不眨眼的人的钱他就是这样的人那你对我这样的人有过感觉么?我不后悔遇到你和吻你我想我……对不起我们现在去哪?机场么- 我们要去哪?- 一会就知道了帮我把船固定可以么?真希望从没遇见过你,弗兰克搭下一班飞机回美国吧包里有些东西,你会用得上的注意安全但是我爱你探员伊莉斯·克利夫顿·沃德……代号MFS98495G伊莉斯·沃德!你要知道你暴露了你的身份我会给你找到皮尔斯的你会帮我找到皮尔斯?很有趣啊这么说你不是来求我解除你的停职了而是说你这么做是为了工作那我问一句……现在就可以了么?要知道你和他生活的这段期间…...during which time we don't get one single usable photograph.But now you're ready to give him up.It's because of that tourist, isn't it?I want to put an end to this before someone gets killed.I wish I could understand your choice in men.A fugitive thief. Well,that's exciting, perhaps. But a schoolteacher from Wisconsin?Who'd have thought your tastes were so provincial?Do you want Pearce or not?Yes.I'm meeting him at a ball tonight.You know you'll have to wear a wire. Good.She's heading toward the southeast corner. Where have you been?I thought you'd never get here.Really?Certainly.Is that our man?How could you be so sure I was coming?I just knew it.Fate wouldn't bring me to an evening like this with no reason.As soon as you walked in, I knew what the reason was.No?No.Count Filippo Gaggia. Landowner. Big reputation as a swordsman.Well, he won't be dueling tonight.Wait.Alexander.- Excuse me. - It's Pearce. He's here.He just left her that envelope. Pull up the footage, we have his face.Alexander.Alexander.Frank.I don't bloody believe this. All right, get that moron out of here. 连一张有价值的照片都没弄到手但是现在你说你能找到他是因为那个游客,是不是?我只希望在有人受到伤害之前结束这件事我真搞不懂你是什么眼光上一个是一个亡命盗贼,我当你是为了刺激但是这次,一个威斯康星的老师?你的口味还真是特别啊你还想不想找到皮尔斯?当然今天晚上他会跟我在一个舞会见面这次你需要带上窃听器很好她正走向东南角你去哪了?我以为你不会来了真的?当然那是我们的人么?你那么确定我会出现么?我确信这个晚上,我在这里,是命运的安排在你出现的那一刻我便知道我等的那个人就是你不是么?不是菲利波·加吉亚伯爵,贵族后裔多少少女梦想中的骑士不错,不过看来今天晚上他连决斗的机会都没有等等亚历山大- 对不起- 是皮尔斯,他在这里回放监控录像,锁定刚刚留信的人我要知道他的长相亚历山大亚历山大弗兰克我简直不敢相信,去,让那个白痴滚蛋。



日本爱情电影157部1.爱情喜剧豪爽女子邂逅木讷食草男豆瓣评分 6.3导演:平川雄一朗主演:香里奈北乃纪伊田中圭2.挪威的森林我在东京与两个女人的激情交往...豆瓣评分 5.7导演:陈英雄主演:松山健一菊地凛子水原希子高良健吾玉山铁二观看:3.瞬空白十分钟豆瓣评分 5.2导演:矶村一路主演:北川景子大塚宁宁冈田将生观看:4.不要取笑我们的罗曼史三角、多角恋纠葛的人与性豆瓣评分 6.6导演:井口奈己主演:永作博美松山健一苍井优观看:5.闪婚王道浪漫爱情喜剧豆瓣评分 4.9导演:未知主演:田中丽奈观看:6.甜蜜小谎言结婚三年的夫妇为啥从不做爱豆瓣评分 6.7导演:矢崎仁司主演:中谷美纪大森南朋池胁千鹤观看:7.娜娜畅销小说改编,世上另一个我豆瓣评分7.7导演:大谷健太郎主演:中岛美嘉宫崎葵松田龙平观看:8.娜娜22005年大热的日本电影《娜娜》的续篇...豆瓣评分 6.2导演:大谷健太郎主演:中岛美嘉市川由衣玉山铁二观看:9.东京少年堀北真希挑战双重性格角色豆瓣评分 6.4导演:平野俊一主演:堀北真希石田卓也草村礼子观看:10.哈尔的移动城堡2004年最佳日本电影奖豆瓣评分8.5导演:宫崎骏主演:倍赏千惠子木村拓哉美轮明宏观看:11.同级生恋爱小说大奖获奖作品《同级生》改编 ...豆瓣评分 6.4导演:深川荣洋主演:中村优一桐谷美玲观看:12.花样少男少女-花样少男少女SP偷偷爱上你,比台湾版更给力豆瓣评分7.1导演:未知主演:堀北真希小栗旬生田斗真观看:13.属于你的我的初恋09年日本纯爱电影瞩目之作豆瓣评分7.2导演:新城毅彦主演:井上真央冈田将生杉本哲太观看:14.妹妹恋人双胞胎兄妹之间的爱情豆瓣评分 6.2导演:Mayumi Nishimoto主演:平冈佑太荣仓奈奈松本润观看:15.我的机器人女友原来她是来自未来的机器人豆瓣评分7.2导演:郭在容主演:绫濑遥小出惠介竹中直人观看:16.彩虹女神所有的爱都值得表白豆瓣评分7.7导演:熊泽尚人主演:市原隼人上野树里观看:17.泪光闪闪狗血的无血缘兄妹恋豆瓣评分7.0导演:土井裕泰主演:妻夫木聪长泽正美观看:18.丑闻黑泽明版《罪与罚》豆瓣评分 6.5导演:黑泽明主演:三船敏郎山口淑子观看:19.甲贺忍法帖一部富有想象力的作品豆瓣评分8.6导演:下山天主演:仲间由纪惠泽尻英龙华黑谷友香椎名桔平观看:20.咕咕是一只猫爱猫人士必看豆瓣评分7.3导演:犬童一心主演:小泉今日子上野树里加濑亮观看:21.美好星期天日本第一部反映年轻人对性的感受...豆瓣评分7.6导演:黑泽明主演:Isao?Numasaki Chieko?Nakakita Atsushi?Watanabe观看:22.恋空感动1200万人的手机小说改编豆瓣评分7.0导演:今井夏木主演:新垣结衣三浦春马小出惠介麻生祐未观看:23.只想告诉你简单明丽温馨欢快的校园故事豆瓣评分 6.6导演:熊泽尚人主演:多部未华子三浦春马莲佛美沙子观看:24.穿越时空的少女筒井康隆经典之作真人版豆瓣评分 6.6导演:谷口正晃主演:仲里依纱中尾明庆安田成美观看:25.刀锋下的爱忍者间的情爱豆瓣评分7.0导演:下山天主演:仲间由纪惠小田切让黑谷友香泽尻英龙华观看:26.涉谷区圆山町学生引诱老师到情人宾馆豆瓣评分 6.2导演:永田琴主演:荣仓奈奈观看:27.春风物语3美男上演激情同性之爱豆瓣评分 5.5导演:横井健司主演:浜尾京介滝口幸広川隅美慎观看:28.花样男子最终章杉菜与司能否终成眷属?豆瓣评分 6.9导演:石井康晴主演:松本润井上真央小栗旬观看:29.广岛之恋“不够时间好好来爱你”豆瓣评分7.7导演:阿伦·雷乃主演:贝尔纳·弗雷松埃玛妞·丽娃冈田英次Stella Dassas观看:30.樱之园以名作漫画为蓝本的新版《樱之园》...豆瓣评分 6.1导演:中原俊主演:福田沙纪米仓凉子菊川怜31.情书90年代最脍炙人口的日本爱情文艺片...豆瓣评分8.8导演:岩井俊二主演:中山美穗丰川悦司柏原崇观看:32.我的女友是腐女以“腐女”亚文化为背景的爱情喜剧...豆瓣评分 5.2导演:兼重淳主演:大东俊介松本若菜古川雄大观看:33.杨贵妃1955版日语版的杨贵妃豆瓣评分 6.1导演:沟口健二主演:森雅之京町子山村聪观看:34.非常线之女小津默片巅峰之作豆瓣评分7.4导演:小津安二郎主演:田中绢代观看:35.红猪王牌飞行员中了魔法变成猪豆瓣评分8.1导演:宫崎骏主演:森山周一郎加藤登纪子桂三枝观看:36.年轻的日子两名高中同窗爱上一位女孩豆瓣评分7.5导演:小津安二郎主演:小津安二郎斋藤达雄观看:37.跳水男孩(花样跳水少年)温馨可人的励志电影豆瓣评分8.2导演:熊泽尚人主演:林遣都池松壮亮沟端淳平观看:38.东京奏鸣曲中东战争动荡局势下的生存境遇...豆瓣评分8.1导演:黑泽清主演:香川照之小泉今日子井之肋海观看:39.三角胸无大志、性格温吞的百濑今年三十岁,他与...豆瓣评分7.2导演:吉田惠辅主演:高冈苍甫田畑智子小野惠令奈观看:40.间宫兄弟哥哥明信是一家啤酒公司商品开发部研究员。






在这张表上,最高级别的邪恶杀手属于“变态虐待狂杀手”,虐待而非杀人是他们的主要动机,号称“荒野杀手”的一对杀人伴侣——安·布雷迪(Ian Brady)和迈拉·辛德利(Myra Hindley)就是这个级别。

他们在1963年至1965年间杀害了5名孩童与青少年,直到2012年7月30日,英国警方才找到最后一名受害者比耐特(Keith Bennett)的尸骸。







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致命伴侣01:22:58,347 --> 01:23:00,624You may try one more time.01:23:13,436 --> 01:23:14,462Let her go!01:23:16,189 --> 01:23:18,128Oh, my God.01:23:18,592 --> 01:23:21,078- You let her leave and I'll open the safe.- Stop right there.01:23:23,156 --> 01:23:25,519...Frank, what in hell?01:23:25,641 --> 01:23:28,467Please Elise let me handle this01:23:29,204 --> 01:23:33,645I'll say it again, let her goI'll open the safe.01:23:33,840 --> 01:23:38,223- Who the hell are you?- I'm Alexander Pierce.01:23:38,385 --> 01:23:40,002This is the man thatwas driving the boat01:23:40,291 --> 01:23:43,071- He is not Alexander Pierce.- Elise, please.01:23:43,398 --> 01:23:45,208What the hell are you doing?01:23:45,241 --> 01:23:46,362What the hell is he doing?01:23:46,516 --> 01:23:47,800 "Permission to engage target?"01:23:47,902 --> 01:23:49,593Shut the hell up.01:23:51,554 --> 01:23:56,641 Alexander, is it you? Truly?01:23:57,377 --> 01:23:58,615Truly.01:24:00,551 --> 01:24:02,310Show me your teeth01:24:04,555 --> 01:24:08,350 Alexander had crooked teethStained from excessive smoking01:24:08,464 --> 01:24:11,320 Braces. Electronic cigarettes.01:24:11,547 --> 01:24:13,549He had a higher forehead01:24:14,729 --> 01:24:17,185I had a migrainefor two weeks after the remodel01:24:18,247 --> 01:24:21,300- You sound different- Voice chip implant01:24:21,432 --> 01:24:23,510No, no, I mean the the way you speak01:24:23,645 --> 01:24:27,190Yes, that's right, Alexander was English This man is American01:24:29,790 --> 01:24:32,085I've actually gotten soused to the American accent01:24:32,183 --> 01:24:34,040that I find it a taddifficult to go back01:24:34,761 --> 01:24:38,280That's pathetic,this man is not Alexander Pierce01:24:38,636 --> 01:24:40,443He's a tourist!01:24:42,122 --> 01:24:43,286A tourist?01:24:43,394 --> 01:24:46,203 Someone I happened to sitnext to on the train01:24:47,283 --> 01:24:48,597How would a tourist01:24:49,165 --> 01:24:51,663know that you killedevery man your wife ever slept with?01:24:51,768 --> 01:24:53,189I told him that01:24:53,355 --> 01:24:56,093You told a tourist?01:24:56,183 --> 01:24:59,101Why would she do that?It's absurd.01:25:00,241 --> 01:25:04,264Well,there's a simple way of finding out01:25:07,388 --> 01:25:10,128- Open the safe- I've made you a deal01:25:11,119 --> 01:25:12,192...When she's gone 01:25:12,225 --> 01:25:13,265What are you doing?01:25:13,413 --> 01:25:15,086...and I know she's safe01:25:15,312 --> 01:25:16,585...Then01:25:17,112 --> 01:25:19,292 Well...I'll make you an even better deal01:25:20,073 --> 01:25:21,717Open the safe now...01:25:22,255 --> 01:25:26,249And I won't make you watch something that you would never forget.01:25:27,807 --> 01:25:29,001Open it!查理与巧克力工厂第一段102501:37:47,135 --> 01:37:49,968I'm gonna give this little boymy entire factory.102601:37:52,107 --> 01:37:54,166You must be joking.102701:37:54,343 --> 01:37:55,640No, really. It's true.102801:37:55,811 --> 01:37:59,212 Because you see, a few months ago,I was having my semiannual haircut...102901:37:59,381 --> 01:38:02,748...and I had the strangest revelation.103001:38:16,565 --> 01:38:18,396In that one silver hair...103101:38:18,567 --> 01:38:21,092...I saw reflected my life's work...103201:38:21,270 --> 01:38:24,671...my factory,my beloved Oompa-Loompas.103301:38:24,840 --> 01:38:27,775Who would watch over themafter I was gone?103401:38:27,943 --> 01:38:29,706I realized in that moment:103501:38:29,878 --> 01:38:32,369I must find a heir.103601:38:33,949 --> 01:38:36,076And I did, Charlie.103701:38:36,251 --> 01:38:37,616You.103801:38:39,821 --> 01:38:41,914That's why you sent outthe golden tickets.103901:38:43,759 --> 01:38:45,659What are Oompa-Loompas? 104001:38:45,827 --> 01:38:47,852I invited five children to the factory...104101:38:48,030 --> 01:38:50,794...and the one who was the least rotten would be the winner.104201:38:51,133 --> 01:38:52,566That's you, Charlie.104301:38:53,035 --> 01:38:54,593So, what do you say?104401:38:54,770 --> 01:38:58,331Are you ready to leave all this behind and come live with me at the factory?104501:38:58,507 --> 01:38:59,769Sure. Of course.104601:38:59,941 --> 01:39:02,603I mean, it's all rightif my family come too?104701:39:02,778 --> 01:39:05,042Oh, my dear boy, of course they can't.104801:39:05,947 --> 01:39:07,608You can't run a chocolate factory...104901:39:07,783 --> 01:39:11,116...with a family hanging over youlike an old, dead goose. No offense.105001:39:11,320 --> 01:39:13,117None taken, jerk.105101:39:15,190 --> 01:39:17,681A chocolatier has to run free and solo.105201:39:17,859 --> 01:39:20,828He has to follow his dreams.Gosh darn the consequences.105301:39:22,331 --> 01:39:23,559Look at me.105401:39:23,732 --> 01:39:26,257I had no family, and I'm a giant success.105501:39:27,636 --> 01:39:31,629So if I go with you to the factory,I won't ever see my family again?105601:39:31,807 --> 01:39:34,173Yeah. Consider that a bonus.105701:39:36,778 --> 01:39:38,006Then I'm not going.105801:39:39,114 --> 01:39:41,344I wouldn't give up my familyfor anything.105901:39:42,184 --> 01:39:44,084Not for all the chocolate in the world. 106001:39:46,621 --> 01:39:48,748Oh, I see.106101:39:50,659 --> 01:39:52,559That's weird.106201:39:55,697 --> 01:39:58,325There's other candy toobesides chocolate.106301:39:59,368 --> 01:40:02,201I'm sorry, Mr. Wonka. I'm staying here.106401:40:09,044 --> 01:40:10,841Well, that's just...106501:40:11,613 --> 01:40:13,581...unexpected...106601:40:15,150 --> 01:40:16,777...and weird.106701:40:23,859 --> 01:40:26,555But I suppose, in that case, I'll just...106801:40:28,964 --> 01:40:30,261 Goodbye, then.查理与巧克力工厂第二段01:42:37,959 --> 01:42:39,984Pity about that chocolate fellow, Wendell... Walter.109101:42:41,663 --> 01:42:43,688- Willy Wonka.- That's the one.109201:42:44,499 --> 01:42:47,434Says here in the paper his new candies aren't selling very well.109301:42:48,036 --> 01:42:51,665But I suppose maybe he's just a rotten eggwho deserves it.109401:42:51,840 --> 01:42:54,707- Yep.- Oh, really?109501:42:55,110 --> 01:42:57,135You ever met him?109601:42:57,312 --> 01:42:58,939I did.109701:42:59,114 --> 01:43:03,813I thought he was great at first,but then he didn't turn out so nice.109801:43:04,486 --> 01:43:06,454He also has a funny haircut.109901:43:06,621 --> 01:43:07,952I do not!110001:43:08,957 --> 01:43:11,824- Why are you here?- I don't feel so hot. 110101:43:12,394 --> 01:43:14,658What makes you feel betterwhen you feel terrible?110201:43:15,030 --> 01:43:16,463My family.110301:43:20,235 --> 01:43:21,998What do you have against my family?110401:43:22,804 --> 01:43:26,205It's not just your family.It's the whole idea of...110501:43:29,477 --> 01:43:31,502They tell you what to do,what not to do...110601:43:31,680 --> 01:43:34,148...and it's not conduciveto a creative atmosphere.110701:43:34,749 --> 01:43:38,583Usually they're just trying to protect youbecause they love you.110801:43:40,555 --> 01:43:43,115If you don't believe me, you should ask.110901:43:43,291 --> 01:43:46,260Ask who? My father?111001:43:46,661 --> 01:43:48,322No way.111101:43:49,698 --> 01:43:51,165At least, not by myself.111201:43:52,133 --> 01:43:53,395 You want me to go with you?111301:43:55,570 --> 01:43:59,870 Hey. Hey, what a good idea. Yeah! 加勒比海盗21100:16:22,949 --> 00:16:24,541 Make way!21200:16:31,692 --> 00:16:32,920I got her!21300:16:33,660 --> 00:16:35,150 She's not breathing!21400:16:35,228 --> 00:16:36,786 Move!21500:16:42,369 --> 00:16:44,792I never would 've thoughtof that.21600:16:44,971 --> 00:16:47,235 Clearly you've never beento Singapore.21700:16:52,479 --> 00:16:54,936 Where did you get that? 21800:16:56,216 --> 00:16:57,843 CDRE. NORRINGTON:On your feet.21900:17:00,053 --> 00:17:01,247 GO V. SWANN:Elizabeth!22000:17:02,556 --> 00:17:03,545 Are you all right?22100:17:03,623 --> 00:17:04,988 Yes, I' m fine.22200:17:09,629 --> 00:17:10,391 Shoot him.22300:17:10,497 --> 00:17:11,395- Father.- What?22400:17:11,498 --> 00:17:14,956 Commodore, do you reallyintend to kill my rescuer?22500:17:21,675 --> 00:17:23,973I believe thanks are in order.22600:17:28,081 --> 00:17:32,211 Had a brush with the East India Trading Company, did we, pirate?22700:17:33,353 --> 00:17:34,718Hang him.22800:17:34,788 --> 00:17:38,986 Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons.22900:17:39,059 --> 00:17:40,185 Well, well.23000:17:40,260 --> 00:17:42,649 Jack Sparrow, isn't it?23100:17:42,763 --> 00:17:45,618 Captain Jack Sparrow,if you please, sir.23200:17:45,766 --> 00:17:48,621 Well, I don't seeyour ship, Captain.23300:17:48,769 --> 00:17:51,067 I'm in the market, as it were.23400:17:51,138 --> 00:17:53,026 He said he'd cometo commandeer one.23500:17:53,206 --> 00:17:56,733 Told you he was tellingthe truth. These are his, sir.23600:17:59,880 --> 00:18:02,576 No additional shot nor powder.237 00:18:04,451 --> 00:18:06,976 A compassthat doesn't point North.23800:18:11,191 --> 00:18:14,547 And I half expected itto be made of wood.23900:18:16,463 --> 00:18:20,320 You are without doubt the worst pirate I' ve ever heard of.24000:18:20,434 --> 00:18:22,493 But you have heard of me.24100:18:24,771 --> 00:18:27,307 Commodore,I really must protest.24200:18:27,307 --> 00:18:28,934 Carefully, Lieutenant.24300:18:29,009 --> 00:18:31,273 Pirate or not,this man saved my life.24400:18:31,344 --> 00:18:33,369 One good deed is not enoughto redeem a man24500:18:33,447 --> 00:18:34,846 of a lifetime of wickedness.24600:18:34,948 --> 00:18:37,143 Though it seems enoughto condemn him.24700:18:37,250 --> 00:18:39,548 Indeed.24800:18:39,619 --> 00:18:40,984 Finally.24900:18:41,488 --> 00:18:42,512 No.25000:18:42,622 --> 00:18:43,554 No! Don't shoot!25100:18:43,623 --> 00:18:45,614I knew you'd warm up to me.25200:18:45,692 --> 00:18:47,990 Commodore Norrington,my effects, please.25300:18:48,128 --> 00:18:49,493 And my hat.25400:18:50,464 --> 00:18:51,761 Commodore.25500:18:54,334 --> 00:18:57,497- It is Elizabeth, isn't it?- It 's Miss Swann.25600:18:57,571 --> 00:18:59,801 Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind. 25700:18:59,873 --> 00:19:02,671 Come, come, dear.We don't have all day.25800:19:04,244 --> 00:19:06,405 Now if you'll be very kind.25900:19:22,762 --> 00:19:24,889 Easy on the goods, darling.26000:19:25,732 --> 00:19:27,029 You're despicable.26100:19:27,100 --> 00:19:29,125 Sticks and stones, love.26200:19:29,202 --> 00:19:32,797 I saved your life.You save mine. We're square.26300:19:32,873 --> 00:19:36,365 Gentlemen, milady,you will always remember this26400:19:36,476 --> 00:19:41,504 as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.。
