



3.采集记录火灾信息,并报送FAS中央监控管理级; 车站的监控管理级 4.车站控制室应能控制地铁消防救灾设备的启、停,显示运行状态; 和现场控制级 5.当启动各种防烟、排烟模式时,应联动停止通风、空调系统运行, 切断相关区域的非消防电源; 6.独立或接收控制中心FAS指令,发布火灾联动控制命令; 1.与FAS中央监控管理级进行通讯联络; 车辆段、停车场的 2.监视管辖区内火灾灾情,并报送FAS中央监控管理级; FAS 3.控制有关消防设备; 4.切断相关区域的非消防电源。
FAS系统通常采用两级管理(中心、车站两级)、三级控 制(中央级、车站级、现场级)的运行方式。
级别 功能 1.与各车站、车辆段等FAS进行通讯联络; 2.接收全线火灾灾情信息,对权限系统监控管理;
控制中心的中央监 3.发布火灾涉及有关车站消防设备的控制命令; 控管理级 4.火灾事件历史资料存档; 5.全线消防设施日常监管; 2.监视车站管辖内火灾灾情;
线型定温探测器 根据工作性能分类 线型差温探测器 线型差定温探测器 缆式线型感温火灾探测器(包括定温、差温、差定温) 根据工作原理分类 空气管式线型感温探测器(包括差温、差定温) 可恢复式感温火灾探测器 根据工作方式分类 不可恢复式感温火灾探测器
线型感温电缆主要设置在车站及场段的电缆通道、电缆夹层和电缆竖井等部位。 线型感温电缆为可复位式模拟量感温电缆,以正弦波形方式或直线方式布置,监 视强电电缆是否超过额定的温度,并及时报警。
联动子系统或设 备



轨道交通行业常用英文缩写对照表●TDT Train Depart Timer 列车发车计时器设于各车站,为列车运行提供车站发车时机,列车到站晚点情况的时间指示,提示列车按计划时刻表运行。



●城市轨道交通专业词汇缩写AC:信标/计轴Axle Counter●ACS:计轴系统Axle Counter System●ADC:自动关门Auto Door Close●ADO:自动开门Auto Door OpenADM:系统管理器ADU:特征显示单元AF:音频●AFC:自动售检票系统Auto Fare CollectionAM:列车自动运行驾驶模式Automatic ModelAMU:ATO匹配单元AP:接入点、轨旁无线单元/应用模块Application P……APAM:ATO功率放大板块API:应用程序接口APR:绝对位置参考应答器、信标AR:自动折返驾驶/列车自动折返模式ARS:列车进路设定AS:管理服务器/接入交换机Access SwitchASK:数字调幅、幅移键控●ATB:自动折返按钮Automatic Turnback ButtonATC:列车自动控制系统ATI:列车到达时刻显示器ATO:列车自动运行ATP:列车自动防护ATR:列车自动调整‘ATS:列车自动监控Automatic Train SupervisionAXC:计轴器B&A:操作和显示BAS:环境与设备监控系统Bd:波特bond:棒●BS:骨干交换机Backbone SwitchBUMA:总线控制板CA:控制中心自动控制模、中央自动模式CAN:现场总线CAZ:冲突防护区域’CBI:计算机联锁Computer Based InterlockingCBN:通信系统CBTC:基于通信的列车控制Communication Based Train Control ●CC:车载控制器Carborne Controller●CCTE:车载安全计算机(包括ATP/ATO子系统)CCTV:闭路电视/电视监视器CD:载频检测模块CDM:电码检测模块CDTA:中央数据传输系统CE:控制设备CENELEC:欧洲电工标准委员会CESB:中央紧急停车按钮CER:控制室CG:编码发生器CH:校核信号CI:计算机联锁Computer Based InterlockingCLC:线路控制器●CL OW:中央联锁工作站Center Locking WorkstationCM:编码人工驾驶模式●COAST:惰行COM:通信服务器●COTS:可购买的商用产品●CPL:耦合器模块CouplerCPISA:通信处理器CPS:条件电源块CPU:中央处理单元CRC:循环冗余校验CRT:阴极射线显示器CS:中央服务器Center ServerCSEX:电码系统模拟器扩展CTC:调度集中CTS:光数据传输系统●DAB:报警按钮(为了及时处理意外或临时事故而设置在车厢里的乘客报警按钮)●DB:轨道数据库Data BaseDCC;元件接口模块/车辆段、停车场控制中心Depot Contral CenterDCS:数据通信系统Data Communication SubsystemDCU:数据储存单元DCR:车站综合控制室●DDS:数字频率合成技术、DDU:诊断和数据上载单元、诊断和数据更新单元DEBLIMO:闪光元件接口模块DEM:调节器DESIMO:信号机元件接口模块DEWEMO:道岔元件接口模块DI:列车发车时刻显示器●DID:目的地号Destination IdentificationDIOM:离散输入、输出板块DOC:驱动输出模块DOT:倒换方向DPU:车辆段程序单元DS:模拟MMI、演示系统、数据服务器DSP:数字信号处理技术DSIT:接口控制模块●DSU:数据服务单元Data Service UnitDT:VCC数据传输DTC:数字轨道电路DTI:发车计时器、发车时间表示显示器Departure Time IndicatorDTM:现场LDTS分机●DTRO:无人驾驶列车折返运行DTS:光纤网、数据传输系统、光纤通信系统读点EBR:紧急制动继电器EB:紧急制动ECC:元件接口模块EFAST:列车控制元件接口模块EFID:入口馈电设备EPROM:只读储存器●ERC:人工取消进路E……Route CancelESB、ESP:紧急关闭按钮Emergency Stop ButtonESS:紧急车站停车系统ESIT:电子元件接口模块EU:电子单元FAS:火灾自动报警系统FEC:非向前纠错FEP:前端处理器FFT:快速傅立叶变换FID:馈电设备FOTL:光纤传输线●FRONTAM:数据存储单元●FSB:全常用制动Full Service BrakingFSK:数字调频、频移键控FTGS:西门子公司的遥供无绝缘音频轨道电路/音频无绝缘轨道电路●GEBR:可保证的紧急制动率Guaranteed Emergency Brake RateGO:ATP速度命令选择和核准电路HMI:人机接口/人机界面Human-Machine Interface●IBP:综合后备盘Integrated Backup PanelI/O:输入/输出Input/OutputICM:输入控制模板、输入模块ICU:区域控制中心、控制单元、计算模块ID:识别IEC:国际电工委员会●IFS:接口服务器Interface Server●ILC:联锁控制器InterLocking ControllerIRU:接口继电器单元JTC;无绝缘轨道电路KOMDA:开关量输出板LAN:局域网Local area NetLC:车站控制LCC:本地控制台LCD:液晶显示器Liquid Crystal DisplayLCP:局域控制板(设于站控室内墙LCP控制盘上,需要扣车或取消时,按压按钮扣车或取消扣车,当站台的紧急停车按钮被按动时,在LCP上报警应按取消报警按钮)●LCW:本地控制工作站Local Control WorkstationLDTS:现场数据传输系统LED:发光二极管Light Emitting DiodeLEU:轨旁电子单元、信号接口LFU:环路馈送单元LISTE:信号机元件接口板块LIU:环线调谐单元LMM:环路调制解调器板块LOM:逻辑输出板块LPU;车站程序单元LZB:连续式列车自动控制系统●MAL:移动授权Movement Authority Limit●MAZ:移动授权区域Movement Authority ZoneMD:调频检测板块●MDC:手动关门Manual Door Close●MDO:手动开门Manual Door Open●ME:存储互换模块Memory ExchangeMELDE:开关量输入板MI:联锁单元●MicroLok:微机联锁/联锁设备MMI:人机界面MMS;维护管理系统MODEM:调制解调器●MR:车载无线设备MSK:最小移频键控MSS:最大安全速度●MWS:维护工作站Maintenance Work StationMT:轨道联锁、城市轨道交通、MTIB:移动列车初始化信标MTO:无人驾驶MUX:接口电机NDO:非安全数字输出板NFS:网络文件系统NIC:网络接口卡NISAL:数字集成安全保障逻辑NMS:网管系统/网络管理工作站NRM:非限制人工驾驶模式NRZI:不归零倒置NSS:网络支撑系统NVI:非安全型输入NVLE:非安全逻辑模拟器工作站NVO:非安全型输出OBE:车载设备OCC:运营控制中心Operational Contral Center OCM:输出控制模块ODI:操作/显示接口OLM;通信模块、光连接模块OLP:光连接插头OPG:速度脉冲发生器●OTN:开放的传输网OVW:全线表示盘子系统PAC:环路调制解调器PAS:车站广播系统PB:停车制动PC:道岔控制PCB:控制器、印路电路板PCU:协议传输单元PD:多项式除法器PEB:站台紧急按钮、PF:工频PI:站台显示器PID:乘客导向系统PIIS:乘客信息显示器PIS:乘客导向系统●PL:运行等级/站到站的运行时间PM:道岔转辙机PROFI BUS:过程现场总线PROM:课编程计数器●PSA:远方报警盘●PSC:远台屏蔽门中央控制盘PSD:站台屏蔽门●PSL:就地控制盘PSU:电源单元PTI:列车识别系统PVID:永久性车辆标识Permernent Vehicle Identification PWD:梯形波调幅RAMS:安全性RB:重定位信标RC:进路控制RCC;远程通信控制器RCM:远程通信控制模块●RI:继电器接口Relay Interface/接口设备RM:限制人工驾驶RMO:限速模式RTOS:实时操作系统RTU:车站远程终端单元Remote Terminal UnitRX:接收器●SAN:存储区域网络SB:脚踏阀、常用闸,行驶制动器Servicebrake/常用制动Service Braking ●SBD:安全制动距离Safe Braking Distance SBO:安全型单断输出SC;运行图编辑子系统SCADA:电力监控系统SCC:车站控制计算机/车站引导控制计算机SCEG:车站控制器紧急通路SCI:计算机联锁SCR:车站控制室S&D:诊断服务、检修和诊断SD:安全装置SDM:联锁系统维护工作站●SDT:站停时间Station Dwell TimeSER:信号设备室SICAS:西门子计算机辅助信号/微机联锁设备SIL:安全完整度等级SIOM:串行输入、输出模块SIR:安全联锁继电器SISIG:烙断器板SLC:同步环线盒SLM:速度和位置模块SM:列车自动防护驾驶、系统维护台、系统维护模块SMC:系统管理中心●SMSS:维护监测子系统●SNMP:简单网络管理协议SNOOPER:列车和事件监控器SO:维护操作台S—PC:模拟PCSPDI:瞬间接触开关SQL:结构化查询语言SRS:运行图STA;天线STC:车站控制器STEKOP:现场接口计算机STIB:静态列车初始化信标STS:厂家测试成套设备SYN:同步天线TAC;测速电机出来模块TC:轨道区段、轨道电路TCM:轨道编码模块TCP/IP;远程控制协议/国际协议TD:列车位置检测TDB:线路数据库TDT;列车发车计时器TID:列车输入数据模块/列车追踪号Tracking Identification TM:室内控制柜TMT:列车监督和追踪TOD:司机显示盘、列车输出数据模块/司机操作显示单元●TR:分线柜/接口设备TRC:列车进路计算机TS:目标速度Target Speed/终端服务器Terminal Server●TSR:临时限速Temporary Speed RestrictionTTE:时刻表编辑器TTF:时刻表●TTT:列车跟踪Train Tracking T……TU:调谐单元、轨道电路控制单元TVP:轨道空闲处理TWC:车-地通信Traffic Wayside Communication TX:发送器●UPS:不间断电源URM:非限制人工驾驶模式V AS:车辆报告系统VCC;车辆控制中心VCS:车辆通信系统VDI:安全数字输入板VDO:安全数字输出板VENUS:处理器板中断板VESUV:同步比较板VHM:车况监视器VICOS:车辆和基础集中控制操作系统●VO:表决器模块V oterVOBC:车载计算机、车载控制设备VPI:安全型计算机联锁●VR:列车调整Vehicle RegulationVRD:安全继电器驱动器VSC:安全型串行控制器WEEZ Bond:小型调谐阻抗连接变压器WCC:轨旁通信控制器WE;轨旁设备WESTE:道岔接口模块●ZC:区域控制器Zone Controler●●●名称全称中文意义●FAS 1.1 Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统BAS Building Automation System 建筑设备自动化系统AFC Auto Fare Collection 自动售检票系统ATP Automatic Train Protection 列车自动防护ATS Automatic Train Supervision 列车自动监控ATC Automatic Train Control 列车自动控制ATO Automatic Train Operation 列车自动运行●SCADA Scan Control Alarm Database 供电系统管理自动化OCC Operated Control Center 控制中心MMI Man Machine Interface 人机接口UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply 不间断电源供给MOC Ministry Of construction 建设部IDC Intermodality Data Center 清结算数据中心LAN Local Area Network 局域网WAN Wide Area Network 广域网OTN Open Transport Network 开放传输网络Tc (A) Trailer Car 拖车Mp (B) Motor Car With Pantograph 带受电弓的动车M (C) Motor Car 动车AW0 空载●AW1 每位乘客都有座位●AW2 每平方米6人●AW3 每平方米9人●CSC Contactless Smart Card 非接触智能卡CST Contactless Smart Token 非接触智能筹码EOD Equipment Operating Data 设备运行参数专业:车辆专业●名称全称中文意义LRU Line Replaceable Unit 线路可替换单元TBD To be Defined 待定义,待规定TBEx Trailer Bogie -External 拖车外转向架TBIn Train Bogie -Intermediate 拖车中间转向架TBU Tread Brake Unit 踏面制动单元WSP Wheel Speed Sensor 轮速传感器PB Powered Bogie 动车转向架FDU Frontal Display Unit 前部显示单元IDU Internal Display Unit 内部显示单元TIMS Train Integrated Management System 列车综合管理系统DVA Digital and Audio Announcements 数字语音广播器MPU Main Processor Unit 主控单元APU Audio Power Unit 放大器单元VPI Visual Passenger Information 可视乘客信息VVVF Variable voltage Variable Frequency 变压变频专业:信号系统●名称全称中文意义●PTI Positive Train Identification 列车自动识别SICAS Siemens Computer Aided Signaling 西门子计算机辅助信号DTI Departure Time Indicator 发车计时器PIIS Passenger Information and Indication System 旅客向导系统ADM Administrator Workstation 系统工作管理站RM Restricted Manual Mode ATP限制允许速度的人工驾驶AR Automatic Reversal 自动折返ATT Automatic Train Tracking 列车自动跟踪SIC Station Interface Case 车站接口箱LCP Local Control Panel 局部控制台ARS Automatic Route Setting 列车自动进路排列ATR Automatic Train Regulation 列车自动调整专业:通信系统●名称全称中文意义●MDF Multiplex Distribution Frame 综合配线架TBS TETRA Base Station TETRA基站PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange 专用自动小交换机DDF Digital Distribution Frame 数字配线架ODF Optical Distribution Frame 光配线架VDF Audio Distribution Frame 音频配线架DxTiP Digital Exchange for TETRA TETRA数字交换机ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 综合业务数字网OMS OTN Management System OTN管理系统NCC Network Control Center 网络控制中心名称全称中文意义●PCM Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制TETRA Terrestial trunked Radio 欧洲数字集群标准TDM Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network 公用电话交换网CDD Configuration and Data Distribution Server 配置及数字分配服务器专业:自动售检票系统●名称全称中文意义● 2 2.1 File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol传输控制/网络协议CPS Central Processing System 中央计算机系统SPS Station Processing System 车站计算机系统PIN Personal Identification Number 个人身份号码MCBF Mean Cycles Between Failure 运行设备两次损坏之间的次数MTTR Mean Time To Repair 维修耗时平均值TVM Ticket Vending Machine 自动售票机SEMI-TVM Manually Operated Ticket Vending Machine 半自动售票机PVU Portable Verifying Unit 便携式验票机GATE 闸机专业:火灾报警●名称全称中文意义GCC Graphic Control Computer 图形监视计算机MTBF Mean Time Between Failures 平均无故障运行时间EMC Electro Magnetic Compliance 电磁兼容性FAC 消防专项合格证书●I/O Input/Output 输入/输出专业:环境监控●名称全称中文意义EMCS Electrical and Mechanical Control System 车站设备监控系统ECS Environment Control System 环境控制系统DDC Dircct Digital Controller 数字直接控制器PLC Programmable Logic Controller 可编程逻辑控制器API Application Programming interfac 应用程序接口●Tc (A) Trailer Car 拖车Mp (B) Motor Car With Pantograph 带受电弓的动车M (C) Motor Car 动车AW0 空载AW1 每位乘客都有座位AW2 每平方米 6人AW3 每平方米 9人●SIV:系统信息显示(System Information Viewer)车辆PCA:Personal Call Assistant 个人呼叫助理。



地铁专业英语缩写版名称全称中文意思FAS Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统BAS Building Automation System 建筑设备自动化系统AFC Auto Fare Collection 自动售检票系统ATP Automatic Train Protection 列车自动防护ATS Automatic Train Supervision 列车自动监控ATC Automatic Train Control 列车自动控制ATO Automatic Train Operation 列车自动运行SCADA Scan Control Alarm Database 供电系统管理自动化OCC Operated Control Center 控制中心HMI Human Machine Interface 人机接口UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply 不间断电源MOC Ministry of construction 建设部TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 传输控制协议/网络互联协议FTP Protocol 文件传输协议API Application Programming Interface 应用程序接口IBP Integrated Backup Panel 综合后备盘LAN Local Area Network 局域网WAN Wide Area Network 广域网MTBF Mean Time Between Failure 平均无故障时间MTTR Mean Time To Repair 平均修复时间SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol 简单网络管理协议UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply 不间断电源IEEE Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers 国际电子与电气工程师协会GB GuoBiao 中国国家标准EN 欧洲标准OTN Open Transport Network 开放传输网络OSI Open System Internet 开放系统互联PC Personal Computer 个人计算机PIIS Passenger Information and Indication System 旅客向导系统PSD Platforms Screen Door 安全门QoS Quality of Service 服务质量RAMS 安全性、可靠性、可用性、可维护性TB TieBiao 中国铁道部标准CIF Cost Insurance and Freight 到岸价格UIC 国际铁路联盟ITU-T 国际电讯联盟IEC International Electrician Commission 国际电工委员会ISO International Organization For Standardization 国际标准化组织ANSI American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会NFPA National Fire Protection Association美国全国防火协会BSI British Standards Institution英国标准学会DIN Deutsches Institut for Normung德国标准化学会JISC Japanese Industrial Standards Committee日本工业标准调查会EIA Electronic Industries Alliance美国电子工业协会CCIR国际无线咨询委员会标准ISO9001质量安全体系标准ISO14000环境管理体系标准RIA Railway Industry Association铁路工业协会最全最热最专业的文档类资源,文库一网打尽CBTC:基于通信的列车控制Communication Based Train Control CC:车载控制器Carborne ControllerCCTE:车载安全计算机(包括ATP/ATO子系统)CCTV:闭路电视/电视监视器CD:载频检测模块CDM:电码检测模块CDTA:中央数据传输系统CE:控制设备CENELEC:欧洲电工标准委员会CESB:中央紧急停车按钮CER:控制室CG:编码发生器CH:校核信号CI:计算机联锁Computer Based Interlocking CLC:线路控制器CLOW:中央联锁工作站Center Locking WorkstationCM:编码人工驾驶模式COAST:惰行COM:通信服务器COTS:可购买的商用产品CPL:耦合器模块CouplerCPISA:通信处理器CPS:条件电源块CPU:中央处理单元CRC:循环冗余校验CRT:阴极射线显示器CS:中央服务器Center Server CSEX:电码系统模拟器扩展CTC:调度集中CTS:光数据传输系统DAB:报警按钮(为了及时处理意外或临时事故而设置在车厢里的乘客报警按钮)DB:轨道数据库Data BaseDCC;元件接口模块/车辆段、停车场控制中心Depot Contral Center DCS:数据通信系统Data Communication Subsystem DCU:数据储存单元DCR:车站综合控制室DDS:数字频率合成技术、DDU:诊断和数据上载单元、诊断和数据更新单元DEBLIMO:闪光元件接口模块DEM:调节器DESIMO:信号机元件接口模块DEWEMO:道岔元件接口模块DI:列车发车时刻显示器DID:目的地号Destination IdentificationDIOM:离散输入、输出板块DOC:驱动输出模块DOT:倒换方向DPU:车辆段程序单元DS:模拟MMI、演示系统、数据服务器DSP:数字信号处理技术DSIT:接口控制模块DSU:数据服务单元Data Service UnitDT:VCC数据传输DTC:数字轨道电路DTI:发车计时器、发车时间表示显示器Departure Time Indicator DTM:现场LDTS分机DTRO:无人驾驶列车折返运行DTS:光纤网、数据传输系统、光纤通信系统读点EBR:紧急制动继电器EB:紧急制动ECC:元件接口模块EFAST:列车控制元件接口模块EFID:入口馈电设备EPROM:只读储存器ERC:人工取消进路E……Route CancelESB、ESP:紧急关闭按钮Emergency Stop Button ESS:紧急车站停车系统ESIT:电子元件接口模块EU:电子单元FAS:火灾自动报警系统FEC:非向前纠错FEP:前端处理器FFT:快速傅立叶变换FID:馈电设备FOTL:光纤传输线FRONTAM:数据存储单元FSB:全常用制动Full Service BrakingFSK:数字调频、频移键控FTGS:西门子公司的遥供无绝缘音频轨道电路/音频无绝缘轨道电路GEBR:可保证的紧急制动率Guaranteed Emergency Brake RateGO:ATP速度命令选择和核准电路HMI:人机接口/人机界面Human-Machine Interface IBP:综合后备盘Integrated Backup PanelI/O:输入/输出Input/Output ICM:输入控制模板、输入模块ICU:区域控制中心、控制单元、计算模块轨道交通行业常用英文缩写对照表缩写英文全称中文意思FAS Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统BAS Building Automation System 建筑设备自动化系统AFC Auto Fare Collection 自动售检票系统ATP Automatic Train Protection 列车自动防护ATS Automatic Train Supervision 列车自动监控ATC Automatic Train Control 列车自动控制ATO Automatic Train Operation 列车自动运行SCADA Scan Control Alarm Database 供电系统管理自动化OCC Operated Control Center 控制中心HMI Human Machine Interface 人机接口UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply 不间断电源MOC Ministry of construction 建设部TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 传输控制协议/网络互联协议Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议API Application Programming Interface 应用程序接口IBP Integrated Backup Panel 综合后备盘LAN Local Area Network 局域网WAN Wide Area Network 广域网MTBF Mean Time Between Failure 平均无故障时间MTTR Mean Time To Repair 平均修复时间SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol 简单网络管理协议UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply 不间断电源IEEE Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers 国际电子与电气工程师协会GB GuoBiao 中国国家标准EN EN 欧洲标准OTN Open Transport Network 开放传输网络OSI Open System Internet 开放系统互联PC Personal Computer 个人计算机PIIS Passenger Information and Indication System 旅客向导系统PSD Platforms Screen Door 安全门QoS Quality of Service 服务质量RAMS RAMS 安全性、可靠性、可用性、可维护性TB TieBiao 中国铁道部标准CIF Cost Insurance and Freight 到岸价格UIC UIC 国际铁路联盟ITU-T ITU-T 国际电讯联盟IEC International Electrician Commission 国际电工委员会ISO International Organization For 国际标准化组织Standardization ANSI American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会NFPA National Fire Protection Association 美国全国防火协会BSI British Standards Institution 英国标准学会DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung 德国标准化学会JISC Japanese Industrial Standards Committee 日本工业标准调查会EIA Electronic Industries Alliance 美国电子工业协会CCIR CCIR 国际无线咨询委员会标准ISO9001 ISO9001 质量安全体系标准ISO14000 ISO14000 环境管理体系标准RIA Railway Industry Association 铁路工业协会IDC Intermodality Data Center 清结算数据中心Tc Trailer Car 带司机室拖车T Trailer 不带司机室拖车Mp Motor Car With Pantograph 带受电弓的动车M Motor Car 不带受电弓的动车AW0 AW0 空载AW1 AW1 每位乘客都有座位AW2 AW2 每平方米6人AW3 AW3 每平方米9人CSC Contactless Smart Card 非接触智能卡CST Contactless Smart Token 非接触智能筹码EOD Equipment Operating Data 设备运行参数车辆系统LRU Line Replaceable Unit 线路可替换单元TBD To be Defined 待定义,待规定TBEx Trailer Bogie External 拖车外转向架TBIn Train Bogie Intermediate 拖车中间转向架TBU Tread Brake Unit 踏面制动单元WSP Wheel Speed Sensor 轮速传感器PB Powered Bogie 动车转向架FDU Frontal Display Unit 前部显示单元IDU Internal Display Unit 内部显示单元TIMS Train Integrated Management System 列车综合管理系统DVA Digital and Audio Announcements 数字语音广播器MPU Main Processor Unit 主控单元APU Audio Power Unit 放大器单元VPI Visual Passenger Information 可视乘客信息VVVF Variable Voltage Variable Frequency 变压变频信号系统ACS Axle Counting System 计轴系统AM ATO Mode ATO 自动折返模式AP Access Point 接入点AS Access Switch 接入交换机ATO Automatic Train Operation 列车自动运行ATP Automatic Train Protection 列车自动防护ATPM ATP Manual Mode ATP防护下的人工列车驾驶模式ATS Automatic Train Supervision 列车自动监控BS Backbone Switch 骨干交换机CBTC Communications Based Train Control 基于通信的列车控制CC Carborne Controller 车载控制器CI Computer Based Interlocking 计算机联锁DCS Data Communication Subsystem 数据通信子系统DSU Database Storage Unit 数据库存储单元EB Emergency Brake 紧急制动ILC Interlocking Controller 联锁控制器LCD Liquid Crystal Displayer 液晶显示器LED Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管MAL Movement Authority Limit 移动授权MR Mobile Radio 车载无线台OCC Operational Control Center 运营控制中心RM Restricted Manual 限制人工模式TOD Train Operator Display 司机显示器通信系统MDF Multiplex Distribution Frame 综合配线架TBS TETRA Base Station TETRA基站PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange 专用自动小交换机DDF Digital Distribution Frame 光配线架ODF Optical Distribution Frame 数字配线架VDF Audio Distribution Frame 光配线架DxTiP Digital Exchange for TETRA 音频配线架ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network TETRA数字交换机OMS OTN Management System 综合业务数字网NCC Network Control System OTN管理系统PCM Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制TETRA Terrestial Trunked Radio 欧洲数字集群标准TDM Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network 公用电话交换网CDD Configuration and Data Distribution Server 配置及数字分配服务器自动售检票系统CPS Central Processing System 中央计算机系统SPS Station Processing System 车站计算机系统PIN Personal Identification Number 个人身份号码ACC AFC Clearing Center 轨道交通AFC清算管理中心AGM Automatic Gate Machine 自动检票机TCM Ticket Checking Machine 自动验票机TVM Ticket Vending Machine 自动售票机SEMI-TVM Manually Operated Ticket Vending Machine 半自动售票机PVU Portable Verifying Unit 便携式验票机GATE 闸机火灾报警系统GCC Graphic Control Computer FAC Fire Advisory Council 消防专项合格证书I/O Input/Output 输入/输出EST Edwards System Technology 爱德华系统技术NCS Network Control Station 网络控制工作站环境监控系统DCS Distributed Control System 集散控制系统PID Proportional Integral Differential 比例积分微分调节PLC Program Logical Controller 可编程序控制器RI/O Remote Input/Output 远程输入输出EMCS Electrical and Mechanical Control System 机电TDT Train Depart Timer 列车发车计时器设于各车站,为列车运行提供车站发车时机,列车到站晚点情况的时间指示,提示列车按计划时刻表运行。


❖ 在控制中心大厅内设立“中央控制级”系统,作 为全线火灾报警系统的一级管理和一级中央控制系 统。对火灾报警系统实行集中管理和控制。
❖ EST3网络系统是以令牌方式进行点对点通讯的 对等式网络,为分散的火灾报警分机提供一个通讯 平台,用来管理报警,监测控制以及信息传送,各 火灾报警分机都可以是网络的一个节点,网络系统 中每个节点既相互独立,又互为补充。
❖ 在培训中心设置防灾报警系统的室内及室外模拟 设备,作为培训之用。
❖ 培训中心的培训设备能对完整的防灾报警系统进 行模拟,能对其进行功能演示,用于培训在日常和 紧急情况下如何操作系统,培训防灾报警系统维修 人员熟悉并掌握防灾报警系统的所有功能、发现和 处理故障的能力、考核维修人员的工作水平、供参 观人员了解系统的组成及功能。
❖ 在车辆段综合维修中心设置维护监测中心,由维 护监测中心工作站、UPS及相应打印设备等构成, 实现远程和现场报警和维护管理功能。
❖ 维护监测中心工作站和控制中心监控工作站具有 相同的监视和控制功能,也具有网络拓补功能,整 个维修系统在网络拓补结构上能体现一定的故障自 愈功能,有较高的可用性。
❖ 气体自动灭火系统自成报警、控制系统,通过气 体灭火控制盘(SIGA-REL)接入车站 FAS系统的回 路中,与FAS共用网络,接受FAS监视。
❖ 每个车站(级)灭火控制系统由车站的火灾报警 控制器和多台气体灭火控制盘组成。气体灭火现场 控制盘(SIGA-REL)安装在各灭火保护区,执行包 括预警、预警输出、正式报警、报警输出、喷洒控 制,变调报警音响输出、延时释放、启动电磁阀、 气体释放确认等全过程的灭火程序。
❖ 火灾报警系统采用分散控制、集中管理的基本原



弱电系统中英文对照1.综合布线系统(Premises Distribution System/ Structured Cabling System)工作区子系统The working area system水平子系统Horizontal system垂直子系统Vertical system设备间子系统The equipment room system管理子系统Management system建筑群子系统Construction ensemble system2.社区安防系统Security prevention system可视对讲系统A visible walky-talky system防盗报警Security alarm闭路监视CCTV (Closed-circuit television)巡更Night patrol周界防范Perimeter Precaution门禁控制Access control3.公共设施监控系统Public facility monitor system变配电Electric transformer and distribution给排水Water supply and drainage电梯Elevator公共照明Public lighting背景音乐及紧急广播Background music and emergency broadcast4.宽带多媒体服务系统Broadband multimedia service system卫星接收及有线电视Satellite reception and cable-TV broadband宽带接入Broadband access社区网络服务Community network service5.智能家居系统Intelligent home system多表远抄Remote CC for meters家电智能控制Intelligent home appliances control system家居远程控制Home remote control家居防盗报警Home anti-theft alarm6.BAS(楼宇自动化系统)楼宇设备监控系统Building automation control system安全防范子系统Security system火灾自动报警子系统Fire alarm system7.CAS(通信网络系统)卫星接收及有线电视系统Satellite reception and cable television system 公用通讯网络系统Communication system of nets for public use卫星及微波通讯系统Satellite and microwave communication system视频会议系统Video conference system无线对讲系统Wireless walky-talky system背景音乐及紧急广播系统Background music and emergency broadcasting 8.OAS(办公自动化系统)事务型办公系统Business office system管理型办公系统Administrative office system决策型办公系统Decision making office system9.安全防范子系统Security System防盗报警系统Intrusion Alarm System闭路监视系统CCTV System门禁系统Access Control System巡更系统Patrol System停车场管理系统Parking Administrative System10.环境系统Environment System冷水系统Cold water system热交换系统Heat exchange system通排风系统Ventilation system空调系统Air-conditioning system新风系统Make-up air system风机盘管加新风Renewal of the blower fan coilV A V变风量系统V A V system11.供配电系统Power Supply and Distribution高低压配电Distribution of high and low-voltage electricity变电Electricity transformation不间断电源Continuous current应急发电Emergency power12.照明系统Lighting System紧急照明Emergency lighting工作照明Lighting for work艺术照明Artistic lighting特殊照明(障碍灯)Special lighting(obstacle lights)13.给排水系统Water Supply and Drainage System给排水与饮用水Water supply, drainage and drinking water卫生设备Sanitary equipment污水及水处理Sewage and intermediary water division14.交通运输系统Transportation System电梯Elevators扶梯Escalators考勤系统(Time Attendance)影像识别系统(Video Identification System)电梯控制(Lift Access Control)15.IBMS (Intelligent Building Management System) 智能建筑管理系统BMS (Building Management System) 建筑物(建筑设备)(集成)管理系统 BAS (Building Automation System) 建筑物(建筑设备)自动化系统SCS (Security System) 安防系统CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) 闭路电视监控系统ACS (Access Control System) 出口入口管理系统PMS (Parking Management System) 停车场管理系统PAS (Public Address System) 公共广播系统PS (Patrol System) 巡更管理系统FAS (Fire Alarm System) 火灾报警系统OAS (Office Automation System) 办公自动化系统GCS (Generic Cabling System) 结构化布线PDS (Premises Distributed System) 建筑与建筑群综合布线系统 CAS (Communication Automation System) 通讯自动化系统CNS (Communication Network System) 计算机网络系统PABX 程控交换机Centrex 虚拟网业务即集中式用户交换机SATV (Satellite Television) 卫星电视CATV (Cable Television) 有线电视(Community Antenna) 公共天线(Wireless Communication System) 无线通讯系统(Inside Communication System) 内部通讯系统PMS (Property Management System) 酒店管理系统A:Actuator 执行器A:Amplifier 放大器A:Attendance员工考勤A:Attenuation衰减AA:Antenna amplifier 开线放大器AA:Architectural Acoustics建筑声学AC:Analogue Controller 模拟控制器ACD:Automatic Call Distribution 自动分配话务ACS:Access Control System出入控制系统AD:Addressable Detector地址探测器ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer分插复用器ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉冲编码调制AF:Acoustic Feedback 声反馈AFR:Amplitude /Frequency Response 幅频响应AGC:Automati Gain Control自动增益控制AHU:Air Handling Unit 空气处理机组A-I:Auto-iris自动光圈AIS:Alarm Indication Signal 告警指示信号AITS:Acknowledged Information Transfer Service确认操作ALC:Automati Level Control 自动平衡控制ALS:Alarm Seconds 告警秒ALU:Analogue Lines Unit 模拟用户线单元AM:Administration Module管理模块AN:Access Network 接入网ANSI:American National Standards Institute美国国家标准学会APS:Automatic Protectiontching 自动保护倒换ASC:Automati Slope Control 自动斜率控制ATH:Analogue Trunk Unit 模拟中继单元ATM:Asynchrous Transfer Mode 异步传送方式AU- PPJE:AU Pointer Positive Justification 管理单元正指针调整AU:Administration Unit 管理单元AU-AIS:Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU告警指示信号AUG:Administration Unit Group 管理单元组AU-LOP:Loss of Administrative Unit Pointer AU指针丢失AU-NPJE:AU Pointer Negative Justification管理单元负指针调整AUP:Administration Unit Pointer管理单元指针A VCD:Auchio &Video Control Device 音像控制装置AWG:American Wire Gauge美国线缆规格BA:Bridge Amplifier桥接放大器TOPBAC:Building Automation & Control net建筑物自动化和控制网络BAM:Background Administration Module后管理模块BBER:Background Block Error Ratio背景块误码比BCC:B-channel Connect ControlB通路连接控制BD:Building DistributorBEF:Buiding Entrance Facilities 建筑物入口设施BFOC:Bayonet Fibre Optic Connector大口式光纤连接器BGN:Background Noise背景噪声BGS: Background Sound 背景音响BIP-N:Bit Interleaved Parity N code 比特间插奇偶校验N位码B-ISDN:Brand band ISDN 宽带综合业务数字网B-ISDN:Broad band -Integrated Services Digital Network 宽带综合业务数字网BMC:Burst Mode Controller 突发模式控制器BMS:Building Management System 智能建筑管理系统BRI:Basic Rate ISDN 基本速率的综合业务数字网BS:Base Station基站BSC:Base Station Controller基站控制器BUL:Back up lighting备用照明C/S: Client/Server客户机/服务器TOPC:Combines 混合器C:Container 容器CA:Call Accounting电话自动计费系统CA TV:Cable Television 有线电视CC:Call Control 呼叫控制CC:Coax cable 同轴电缆CCD:Charge coupled devices 电荷耦合器件CCF:Cluster Contril Function 簇控制功能CD:Campus Distributor 建筑群配线架CD:Combination detector 感温,感烟复合探测器CDCA:Continuous Dynamic Channel Assign 连续的动态信道分配CDDI:Copper Distributed Data 合同缆分布式数据接口CDES:Carbon dioxide extinguisbing system 二氧化碳系统CDMA:Code Division Multiplex Access 码分多址CF:Core Function 核心功能CFM:Compounded Frequency Modulation 压扩调频繁CIS:Call Information System 呼叫信息系统CISPR:Internation Special Conmittee On Radio Interference 国际无线电干扰专门委员会CLNP:Connectionless Network Protocol 无连接模式网络层协议CLP:Cell Loss Priority信元丢失优先权CM:Communication Module 通信模块CM:Configuration Management 配置管理CM:Cross-connect Matrix交叉连接矩阵CMI:Coded Mark Inversion传号反转码CMISE:Common Management Information Service公用管理信息协议服务单元CPE:Convergence protocol entity 会聚协议实体CR/E:card reader /Encoder (Ticket reader )卡读写器/编码器CRC:Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗佘校验CRT:Cathode Ray Tabe 显示器,监视器,阴极射线管CS: Convergence service 会聚服务CS:Cableron Spectrum 旧纳档块化技术CS:Ceiling Screen 挡烟垂壁CS:Convergence Sublayer合聚子层CSC:Combined Speaker Cabinet 组合音响CSCW:Computer supported collaborative work 计算机支持的协同工作CSES:Continuius Severely Errored Second 连续严重误码秒CSF:Cell Site Function 单基站功能控制CTB:Composite Triple Beat 复合三价差拍CTD:Cable Thermal Detector 缆式线型感温探测器CTNR:carrier to noise ratio 载波比CW:Control Word 控制字D:Directional 指向性TOPD:Distortion 失真度D:Distributive 分布式DA:Distribution Amplifier 分配的大器DBA:Database Administrator数据库管理者DBCSN:Database Control System Nucleus数据库控制系统核心DBOS:Database Organizing System 数据库组织系统DBSS:Database Security System 数据库安全系统DC:Door Contacts大门传感器DCC:Digital Communication Channel数字通信通路DCN:Data Communication Network 数据通信网DCP-I:Distributed Control Panel -Intelligent智能型分散控制器DCS:Distributed Control System集散型控制系统DDN:Digital Data Network 数字数据网DDS:Direct Dignital Controller直接数字控制器DDW:Data Describing Word 数据描述字DECT:Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication增强数字无绳通讯DFB:Distributed Feedback 分布反馈DID:Direct Inward Dialing 直接中继方式,呼入直拨到分机用户DLC:Data Link Control Layer 数据链路层DLI:DECT Line InterfaceDODI:Direct Outward Dialing One 一次拨号音DPH:DECT PhoneDRC:Directional Response Cahracteristics 指向性响应DS:Direct Sound 直正声DSP:Digital signal Processing 数字信号处理DSS:Deiision Support System 决策支持系统DTMF:Dual Tone Multi-Frequency 双音多频DTS:Dual -Technology Sensor 双鉴传感器DWDM:Dense Wave-length Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用DXC:Digital Cross-Connect 数字交叉连接E:Emergency lighting照明设备TOPE:Equalizer 均衡器E:Expander 扩展器EA-DFB:Electricity Absorb-Distributed Feedback 电吸收分布反馈ECC:Embedded Control Channel 嵌入或控制通道EDFA:Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier掺饵光纤放大器EDI:Electronic Data Interexchange 电子数据交换EIC:Electrical Impedance Characteristics 电阻抗特性EMC:Electro Magnetic Compatibiloty 电磁兼容性EMI:Electro Magnetic Interference 电磁干扰EMS:Electromagnetic Sensitibility 电磁敏感性EN:Equivalent Noise 等效噪声EP:Emergency Power 应急电源ES:Emergency Sooket 应急插座ES:Evacuation Sigvial疏散照明ESA:Error SecondA 误码秒类型AESB:ErrorSecondB 误码秒类型BESD:Electrostatic Discharge静电放电ESR:Errored Second Ratio 误码秒比率ETDM:Electrical Time Division Multiplexing电时分复用ETSI:European Telecommunication Standards Institute欧洲电信标准协会F:Filter 滤波器TOPFAB:Fire Alarm Bell 火警警铃FACU:Fire Alarm Contrlol Unit 火灾自动报警控制装置FC:Failure Count 失效次数FC:Frequency Converter 频率变换器FCC:Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统FCS:Field Control System 现场总线FCU:Favn Coil Unit风机盘管FD:Fire Door 防火门FD:Flame Detector 火焰探测器FD:Floor DistributorFD:Frequency Dirsder 分频器FDD:Frequency Division Dual 频分双工FDDI:Fiberdistributed Data Interface光纤缆分布式数据接口。



摄像机Camera记录设备DVR画面处理器Quad&Mutiplexer监视器Monitor数字监控IPCCTV视频采集卡CaptureCard编码解码器Encoder&Decoder矩阵Matri护罩球罩Housing监控器支架Bracket云台Pan/Tilt红外线灯InfraredLight集成监控IntegratedSurveillance镜头Lens传输设备TransmittingEquipment配套软件SurveillanceSoftware录像带RecordingCassette防盗报警AlarmSystem电话报警设备TelephoneAlarmDevice 防盗门Door防盗系统TheftproofEquipment保险柜SafeguardCase探头Detector感应器Inductor警号闪灯AlarmLight门磁窗磁MagneticContact发射接收器Transmitter&Receiver个人报警器PersonalAlarm报警主机AlarmMainframe报警软件AlarmSoftware玻璃破碎探测器Glass-CrashingDetector 其他Others门禁考勤AccessSystem(1516)门禁控制主机AccessMainframe磁卡Card读卡器CardReader指纹采集仪FingerprintIdentification考勤机AccessAttendance门禁控制器AccessController锁具Locks&Doors其他Others对讲设备IntercomSystem(753)可视对讲VisualIntercom非可视对讲UnvisualableIntercom防灾保全对型EmergencyIntercom其他Others智能交通IntelligentTrafficSystem(416)交通控制管理TrafficManagementEquipment 交通收费设备TrafficChargeEquipment交通检测设备TrafficDetector行驶记录仪TrafficBlackBox车辆导航系统GPS交通系统及软件TrafficSystemSoftware停车场设备ParkEquipment汽车防盗设备CarTheftproofEquipment其他Others消防设备FireProtection(161)灭火器Extinguisher紧急广播设备EmergencyBroadcasting消防栓Fireplug火警探测器FireDetector防护衣帽BodyproofClothes其他Others传输系统TransmittingSystem(712)微波传输Micro-waveTransmission远程传输TeleTransmission光纤传输FiberTransmission线缆Cables其他Others其他产品Others(427)智能化小区系统IntelligentCommunitySystem 柜员机ATMEquipment消费管理系统ConsumingManagementSystem 电梯控制器ElevatorControllingEquipment金库保险CashboxSecurity中英文对照安防系统专业名词之线缆系统Aluminiumfoilshield铝箔屏蔽ApplianceWiring标准电线电缆Attenuation衰减AutomotiveWire汽车线Braid编织屏蔽Characteristicimpedance特性阻抗CoaxialCable同轴电缆Conductor导体ControlCable控制电缆ElevatorCable电梯电缆Excellentflexibility富柔软性Frequency频率HalogenFreeHigh-SpeedInterfaceCable无卤高速界面电缆HybridPlasticInnerJacket塑料混合物内护层Innerjacket内护层Insulation:PVC/Cinsulationat70°CPVC/Einsulationat90°C绝缘:70°C时,使用C型聚氯乙烯90°C时,使用E型聚氯乙烯Jacket护套LoudspeakerCable喇叭线,音箱线Max.Atten最大衰减Max.Resistance最大导体电阻Meetleadandcadmiumfreerequirement符合无铅无镉要求Multi-channeldigitalaudio多声道NetworkingCable网络电缆NextPowerSum近端串音功率和NextWorstPair近端串音No.ofPairs对数NomO.D成品外径Nom.Space标称间距Nom.Dia标称外径Nom.Thick厚度Propagationdelayskew延时差PVCInsulation聚氯乙烯绝缘PVC/ST4Jacket聚氯乙烯护套Ratedcap.额定电容Ratedtemperature额定温度Ratedvoltage额定电压RE.weight参考重量Resistanttoheat,oil,abrasionandcold具耐热,耐油性,防磨损,耐冷等特性Section截面Spira/BraidShield编织/缠绕屏蔽Structure结构Tinnedcopper,Braidshield屏蔽,镀锡铜线编织屏蔽Tinnedorbare,solidcopperconductor导体:单支实芯铜线或单支实芯镀锡铜线Tinnedorbare,strandedcopperconductor导体:多股裸铜线或镀锡铜线绞合中英文对照安防系统专业名词之对讲系统Avisiblewalky-talkysystem可视对讲系统ACTransformer电源适配器Adaptor解码器add-onSelector扩展选择板AudioStation音频门口机CentreControlUnit中央控制单元DoorStation门口机EnhancedSystem嵌入式系统Hands-free免提Hands-freeColorVideoIntercom彩色对讲系统InsideStation室内分机MasterStation主分机SubStation副分机VideoMonitor显示屏Wirelesswalky-talkysystem无线对讲系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之显示与监视器CRT,CathodeRayTube阴极射管线Display显示器ECD,ElectroChromicChemicalDisplay电化着色显示EL,ElectroLuminescent电光光面板EPID,EIectrophoreticIndicationDisplay电泳动显示LCD,LiquidCrystalDisplay液晶显示LED,LightEmitterDisplay发光二极体Monitor监视器PDP,PlasmaDisplayPanel电浆显示板VFD,VacuumFIuorescentDispIay萤光显示管中英文对照安防系统专业名词之智能家居系统Homeremotecontrol家居远程控制Intelligenthomeappliancescontrolsystem家电智能控制Intelligenthomesystem智能家居系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之综合布线系统Broadbandaccess宽带接入Broadbandmultimediaservicesystem宽带多媒体服务系统Communitynetworkservice社区网络服务Constructionensemblesystem建筑群子系统Horizontalsystem水平子系统Managementsystem管理子系统PDS,PremisesDistributionSystem综合布线系统Theequipmentroomsystem设备间子系统Theworkingareasystem工作区子系统Verticalsystem垂直子系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之三表抄送系统RemoteConnectratedMeterDirectly-ReadingSystem远程抄表系统Concentrator集中器Repeater中继器Directly-ReadingMeter直读式表计WaterMeter水表ElectricityMeter电表GasMeter煤气表Pure-WaterMeter纯净水表中英文对照安防系统专业名词之职称与职位Administrator/Clerk主管/员工ContractAdministrator合同主管DocumentController文档管理员Draftperson起草人SiteDriver工地司机Electrician电工DesignEngineer设计工程师AsstDesignEngineer设计助理工程师T&CEngineer调试工程师DatabaseEngineer数据库工程师SeniorDesignEngineer高级设计工程师Design&DevtEngineer设计&开发工程师ProjectEngineer项目工程师AsstProjectEngineer项目助理工程师ProfessionalEngineer专业工程师ServiceEngineer办公室减值SoftwareEngineer软件工程师QCEngineer质量控制工程师SystemEngineer系统工程师Software&DevtEngineer软件开发工程师SystemAssuranceEngineer系统保险工程师CostControlEngineer成本控制工程师NetworkEngineer网络工程师CommunicationEngineer通讯工程师GraphicsEngineer绘图工程师LicenseElectWorker电工(有职业许可证)SeniorEngineer高级工程师Technician技术人员FireAlarmEngineer火警工程师AsstServiceEngineer助理服务工程师CustomerServiceEngineer客服工程师MaintenanceEngineer维护工程师SeniorWelder高级焊工SnrApplicationEngineer高级应用工程师SeniorT&CEngineer高级项目工程师SeniorEstimator高级预算员Estimator预算员DirectLabourNational直接劳力IndirectLabour间接劳力GeneralWorker普通工人SeniorProjectManager高级项目经理ProjectManagerExpat项目经理(外地)ProjectManagerLocal项目经理(本地)DeputyProjectManager代理项目经理ConstructionManager建筑经理AsstConstructionManager助理建筑经理SeniorContractsManager高级合同经理AsstConstractsManager助理合同经理T&CManager测试经理DesignManagerExpat设计经理(外地)DesignManagerLocal设计经理(本地)Fire&SafetyMgr消防安防经理ProjectControlMgr项目控制经理ServiceManager服务经理SeniorServiceManager高级服务经理SoftwareManager软件经理SoftwareQualityManager软件质量经理TechnicalSoftwareManager技术软件经理OperationsManager运营经理MaterialController材料管理员Storekeeper店长PipeFitter管道工Planner计划员ProjectSafetyOfficer项目安全官员QuantitySurveyor质检员Project/SiteSupervisor项目主管SafetySupervisor安全主管MechanicalSupervisor机械主管ElectricalSupervisor电力主管InstrumentationalSupervisor仪器主管Foreman作业班长Welder焊工WorkshopSupervisor车间主管SoftwareAssistant软件助理SeniorTechnician高级技术员TechnicalSpecialist技术专员Technician工程师中英文对照安防系统专业名词之招投标Bidding招投标RFQ,RequestforQuotation招标文件SignedandCompanyChop签名盖公章Tenderer投标人中英文对照安防系统专业名词之楼宇自控子系统Air-conditioningsystem空调系统Artisticlighting艺术照明Buildingautomationcontrolsystem楼宇设备监控系统Coldwatersystem冷水系统Distributionofhighandlow-voltageelectricity高低压配电Electrictransformeranddistribution变配电Electricitytransformation变电Emergencylighting紧急照明Emergencypower应急发电EnvironmentSystem环境系统Escalators扶梯Firealarmsystem火灾自动报警子系统Heatexchangesystem热交换系统Internalisolationtransformer内置变压器Make-upairsystem新风系统PowerSupplyandDistribution供配电系统Publicfacilitymonitorsystem公共设施监控系统Publiclighting公共照明Renewaloftheblowerfancoil风机盘管加新风Sewageandintermediarywaterdivision污水及水处理Speciallighting(obstaclelights)特殊照明(障碍灯)V A VsystemVA V变风量系统Ventilationsystem通排风系统Watersupplyanddrainage给排水WaterSupplyandDrainageSystem给排水系统Watersupply,drainageanddrinkingwater给排水与饮用水中英文对照安防系统专业名词之入侵报警系统Absolutehumidity绝对湿度Accessscontrolsystem出入口控制系统/门禁系统ActiveInfraredIntrusionDetector主动红外入侵探测器ActivityDetection活动侦测Alarm报警Alarmreceivingcentre报警接收中心Arming布防ArmorCashCarrier运钞车Balancedprotection均衡防护banknotetransportcar银行运钞车Beam(光线的)束,柱,电波,横梁Blindzone盲区BurglarAlarmSystem安全防范报警设备Bypass旁路Delay延迟Detection探测Detector探测器DewPoint露点DewPointTemperature露点温度Disarming撤防DoorContact门磁Engineeringofsecurityandprotectionsystem安全防范(系统)工程falsealarm误报警falsealarm误报警Firealarmsystem火灾自动报警子系统FrostPoint霜点Guardtoursystem电子巡查系统Homeanti-theftalarm家居防盗报警Homeremotecontrol家居远程控制Humidity湿度InfraredSensor红外探测器intimidationalarmsystem胁迫报警系统Intruderalarmsystem入侵报警系统IntrusionAlarmSystem防盗报警系统IntrusionDetection入侵侦测invasiondetectionalarmsystem入侵探测报警系统IR,Infra-red红外线Keypad键盘leakagealarm漏报警levelofprotection防护等级levelofrisk风险等级levelofsecurity安全防护水平Longitudinal-depthprotection纵深防护microwavedetection微波探测器MotionDetection移动侦测normalclose常闭状态operationsignal状态信号OutdoorSiren室外警铃Panel面板,报警主机PanicButton紧急按钮Parkinglotsmanagementsystem停车场(库)管理系统perimeter周界PerimeterPrecaution周界防范PetImmunity防宠物Photoelectric光电的,光电子照相装置的PhotoelectricBeamDetector光束遮断式感应器Protectionarea防护区Relativehumidity相对湿度response反应Restrictedarea禁区SaturationVaporPressure饱和水蒸气压securicar运钞车Security安全Securityandprotectionproducts安全防范产品Securityandprotectionsystem安全防范系统Securityinspectionsystemforantiexplosion防爆安全检查系统Securitymanagementsystem安全管理系统Securitypreventionsystem社区安防系统Securitysystem安全防范子系统securitysystem安全系统Surveillanceandcontrolcentre监控中心Surveillancearea监视区域tamperdevice防拆功能tensionwiredetection振动揽探测器TriTechPIR/MicrowaveDetectorwithPetImmunity双鉴防宠物探测器Videosurveillanceandcontrolsystem视频安防监控系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之门禁系统AccessControl门禁控制Contactless非接触ControlPanel控制面板Controller控制器ElectricExitDevices电控逃生装置electricstrikeforsingleordoubleleafsteeldoors单双门电锁扣ElectricStrikes电控锁扣(阴极锁)ElectrifiedLocksets&Trim电控锁、电控把手ElevatorManagementSystem电梯控制系统Enclosed被附上的Entrance出入口GuardTourSystem电子巡更系统ICCardPOSSystemIC卡消费管理系统LiftAccessControl电梯控制Magnetic磁性,磁力Magnetic磁性,磁力MagneticLock电磁锁MagneticLock电磁锁Nightpatrol巡更ParkingAdministrativeSystem停车场管理系统ParkingLotsManagementSystem停车场管理系统Pintumblerlock销簧锁Powerbolts电动插销锁proximity近距离Reader读卡器RollerShutter卷闸门SmartManagementSystemofParkingLots停车场管理系统TimeandAttendanceManagement考勤管理系统TimeAttendance考勤系统WardedLock凸块锁中英文对照安防系统专业名词之闭路监控系统ABERRATION像差:光学系统中对成像造成不良影响的因素。



摄像机Camera记录设备DVR画面处理器Quad &Mutiplexer multiplexer 监视器Monitor数字监控IP CCTV视频采集卡 Capture Card编码解码器Encoder & Decoder矩阵 Matri护罩球罩 Housing监控器支架 Bracket云台 Pan/Tilt红外线灯 Infrared Light集成监控Integrated Surveillance镜头Lens传输设备Transmitting Equipment配套软件Surveillance Software录像带Recording Cassette防盗报警 Alarm System电话报警设备Telephone Alarm Device防盗门 Door防盗系统Theftproof Equipment保险柜 Safeguard Case探头 Detector感应器 Inductor警号闪灯Alarm Light门磁窗磁 Magnetic Contact发射接收器 Transmitter & Receiver个人报警器 Personal Alarm报警主机 Alarm Mainframe报警软件 Alarm Software玻璃破碎探测器 Glass-Crashing Detector其他 Others门禁考勤 Access System (1516)门禁控制主机 Access Mainframe磁卡Card读卡器 Card Reader指纹采集仪 Fingerprint Identification考勤机Access Attendance门禁控制器Access Controller锁具Locks & Doors其他 Others对讲设备Intercom System(753)可视对讲Visual Intercom非可视对讲Unvisualable Intercom防灾保全对型Emergency Intercom其他 Others智能交通Intelligent Traffic System (416) 交通控制管理 Traffic Management Equipment 交通收费设备 Traffic Charge Equipment交通检测设备 Traffic Detector行驶记录仪Traffic Black Box车辆导航系统 GPS交通系统及软件 Traffic System Software停车场设备Park Equipment汽车防盗设备Car Theftproof Equipment其他 Others消防设备Fire Protection (161)灭火器 Extinguisher紧急广播设备Emergency Broadcasting消防栓 Fireplug火警探测器Fire Detector防护衣帽Body proof Clothes其他Others传输系统 Transmitting System(712)微波传输Micro-wave Transmission远程传输Tele Transmission光纤传输Fiber Transmission线缆Cables其他Others其他产品Others (427)智能化小区系统Intelligent Community System 柜员机ATM Equipment消费管理系统Consuming Management System电梯控制器Elevator Controlling Equipment 金库保险Cashbox Security中英文对照安防系统专业名词之线缆系统Aluminium foil shield 铝箔屏蔽Appliance Wiring 标准电线电缆Attenuation 衰减Automotive Wire 汽车线Braid 编织屏蔽Characteristic impedance 特性阻抗Coaxial Cable 同轴电缆Conductor 导体Control Cable 控制电缆Elevator Cable 电梯电缆Excellent flexibility 富柔软性Frequency 频率Halogen Free High-Speed Interface Cable 无卤高速介面电缆Hybrid Plastic Inner Jacket 塑料混合物内护层Inner jacket 内护层Insulation:PVC/C insulation at 70°CPVC/E insulation at 90°C 绝缘:70°C时,使用C型聚氯乙烯; 90°C时,使用E型聚氯乙烯Jacket 护套Loudspeaker Cable 喇叭线,音箱线Max. Atten 最大衰减Max.Resistance 最大导体电阻Meet lead and cadmium free requirement 符合无铅无镉要求Multi-channel digital audio 多声道Networking Cable 网络电缆Next Power Sum 近端串音功率和Next Worst Pair 近端串音No. of Pairs 对数Nom O.D 成品外径Nom. Space 标称间距Nom.Dia 标称外径Nom.Thick 厚度Propagation delay skew 延时差PVC Insulation 聚氯乙烯绝缘PVC/ST4 Jacket 聚氯乙烯护套Rated cap. 额定电容Rated temperature 额定温度Rated voltage 额定电压RE.weight 参考重量Resistant to heat, oil, abrasion and cold 具耐热,耐油性,防磨损,耐冷等特性Section 截面Spira/Braid Shield 编织/缠绕屏蔽Structure 结构Tinned copper, Braid shield 屏蔽,镀锡铜线编织屏蔽Tinned or bare, solid copper conductor 导体:单支实芯铜线或单支实芯镀锡铜线Tinned or bare, stranded copper conductor 导体:多股裸铜线或镀锡铜线绞合中英文对照安防系统专业名词之对讲系统A visible walky-talky system 可视对讲系统AC Transformer 电源适配器Adaptor 解码器add-on Selector 扩展选择板Audio Station 音频门口机Centre Control Unit 中央控制单元Door Station 门口机Enhanced System 嵌入式系统Hands-free 免提Hands-free Color Video Intercom 彩色对讲系统Inside Station 室内分机Master Station 主分机Sub Station 副分机Video Monitor 显示屏Wireless walky-talky system 无线对讲系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之显示与监视器CRT, Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射管线Display 显示器ECD, Electro Chromic Chemical Display 电化著色显示EL, Electro Luminescent 电光光面板EPID, EIectrophoretic Indication Display 电泳动显示LCD, Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示LED, Light Emitter Display 发光二极体Monitor 监视器PDP, Plasma Display Panel 电浆显示板VFD, Vacuum FIuorescent DispIay 萤光显示管中英文对照安防系统专业名词之智能家居系统Home remote control 家居远程控制Intelligent home appliances control system 家电智能控制Intelligent home system 智能家居系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之综合布线系统Broadband access 宽带接入Broadband multimedia service system 宽带多媒体服务系统Community network service 社区网络服务Construction ensemble system 建筑群子系统Horizontal system 水平子系统Management system 管理子系统PDS,Premises Distribution System 综合布线系统The equipment room system 设备间子系统The working area system 工作区子系统Vertical system 垂直子系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之三表抄送系统Remote Connectrated Meter Directly-Reading System 远程抄表系统Concentrator 集中器Repeater 中继器Directly-Reading Meter 直读式表计Water Meter 水表Electricity Meter 电表Gas Meter 煤气表Pure-Water Meter 纯净水表中英文对照安防系统专业名词之职称与职位Administrator/Clerk 主管/员工Contract Administrator 合同主管Document Controller 文档管理员Draftperson 起草人Site Driver 工地司机Electrician 电工Design Engineer 设计工程师Asst Design Engineer 设计助理工程师T & C Engineer 调试工程师Database Engineer 数据库工程师Senior Design Engineer 高级设计工程师Design & Devt Engineer 设计&开发工程师Project Engineer 项目工程师Asst Project Engineer 项目助理工程师Professional Engineer 专业工程师Service Engineer 办公室减值Software Engineer 软件工程师QC Engineer 质量控制工程师System Engineer 系统工程师Software & Devt Engineer 软件开发工程师System Assurance Engineer 系统保险工程师Cost Control Engineer 成本控制工程师Network Engineer 网络工程师Communication Engineer 通讯工程师Graphics Engineer 绘图工程师License Elect Worker 电工(有职业许可证)Senior Engineer 高级工程师Technician 技术人员Fire Alarm Engineer 火警工程师Asst Service Engineer 助理服务工程师Customer Service Engineer 客服工程师Maintenance Engineer 维护工程师Senior Welder 高级焊工Snr Application Engineer 高级应用工程师Senior T&C Engineer 高级项目工程师Senior Estimator 高级预算员Estimator 预算员Direct Labour National 直接劳力Indirect Labour 间接劳力General Worker 普通工人Senior Project Manager 高级项目经理Project Manager Expat 项目经理(外地)Project Manager Local 项目经理(本地)Deputy Project Manager 代理项目经理Construction Manager 建筑经理Asst Construction Manager 助理建筑经理Senior Contracts Manager 高级合同经理Asst Constracts Manager 助理合同经理T & C Manager 测试经理Design Manager Expat 设计经理(外地)Design Manager Local 设计经理(本地)Fire & Safety Mgr 消防安防经理Project Control Mgr 项目控制经理Service Manager 服务经理Senior Service Manager 高级服务经理Software Manager 软件经理Software Quality Manager 软件质量经理Technical Software Manager 技术软件经理Operations Manager 运营经理Material Controller 材料管理员Storekeeper 店长Pipe Fitter 管道工Planner 计划员Project Safety Officer 项目安全官员Quantity Surveyor 质检员Project/Site Supervisor 项目主管Safety Supervisor 安全主管Mechanical Supervisor 机械主管Electrical Supervisor 电力主管Instrumentational Supervisor 仪器主管Foreman 作业班长Welder 焊工Workshop Supervisor 车间主管Software Assistant 软件助理Senior Technician 高级技术员Technical Specialist 技术专员Technician 工程师中英文对照安防系统专业名词之招投标Bidding 招投标RFQ, Request for Quotation 招标文件Signed and Company Chop 签名盖公章Tenderer 投标人中英文对照安防系统专业名词之楼宇自控子系统Air-conditioning system 空调系统Artistic lighting 艺术照明Building automation control system 楼宇设备监控系统Cold water system 冷水系统Distribution of high and low-voltage electricity 高低压配电Electric transformer and distribution 变配电Electricity transformation 变电Emergency lighting 紧急照明Emergency power 应急发电Environment System 环境系统Escalators 扶梯Fire alarm system 火灾自动报警子系统Heat exchange system 热交换系统Internal isolation transformer 内置变压器Make-up air system 新风系统Power Supply and Distribution 供配电系统Public facility monitor system 公共设施监控系统Public lighting 公共照明Renewal of the blower fan coil 风机盘管加新风Sewage and intermediary water division 污水及水处理Special lighting(obstacle lights) 特殊照明(障碍灯)VAV system VAV变风量系统Ventilation system 通排风系统Water supply and drainage 给排水Water Supply and Drainage System 给排水系统Water supply, drainage and drinking water 给排水与饮用水中英文对照安防系统专业名词之入侵报警系统Absolute humidity 绝对湿度Accesss control system 出入口控制系统/门禁系统Active Infrared Intrusion Detector 主动红外入侵探测器Activity Detection 活动侦测Alarm 报警Alarm receiving centre 报警接收中心Arming 布防Armor Cash Carrier 运钞车Balanced protection 均衡防护bank note transport car 银行运钞车Beam (光线的)束, 柱, 电波, 横梁Blind zone 盲区Burglar Alarm System 安全防范报警设备Bypass 旁路Delay 延迟Detection 探测Detector 探测器Dew Point 露点Dew Point Temperature 露点温度Disarming 撤防Door Contact 门磁Engineering of security and protection system 安全防范(系统)工程false alarm 误报警false alarm 误报警Fire alarm system 火灾自动报警子系统Frost Point 霜点Guard tour system 电子巡查系统Home anti-theft alarm 家居防盗报警Home remote control 家居远程控制Humidity 湿度Infrared Sensor 红外探测器intimidation alarm system 胁迫报警系统Intruder alarm system 入侵报警系统Intrusion Alarm System 防盗报警系统Intrusion Detection 入侵侦测invasion detection alarm system 入侵探测报警系统IR, Infra-red 红外线Keypad 键盘leakage alarm 漏报警level of protection 防护等级level of risk 风险等级level of security 安全防护水平Longitudinal-depth protection 纵深防护microwave detection 微波探测器Motion Detection 移动侦测normal close 常闭状态operation signal 状态信号Outdoor Siren 室外警铃Panel 面板,报警主机Panic Button 紧急按钮Parking lots management system 停车场(库)管理系统perimeter 周界Perimeter Precaution 周界防范Pet Immunity 防宠物Photoelectric 光电的, 光电子照相装置的Photoelectric Beam Detector 光束遮断式感应器Protection area 防护区Relative humidity 相对湿度response 反应Restricted area 禁区Saturation Vapor Pressure 饱和水蒸气压securicar 运钞车Security 安全Security and protection products 安全防范产品Security and protection system 安全防范系统Security inspection system for antiexplosion 防爆安全检查系统Security management system 安全管理系统Security prevention system 社区安防系统Security system 安全防范子系统security system 安全系统Surveillance and control centre 监控中心Surveillance area 监视区域tamper device 防拆功能tension wire detection 振动揽探测器TriTech PIR/Microwave Detector with Pet Immunity 双鉴防宠物探测器Video surveillance and control system 视频安防监控系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之门禁系统Access Control 门禁控制Contactless 非接触Control Panel 控制面板Controller 控制器Electric Exit Devices 电控逃生装置electric strike for single or double leaf steel doors 单双门电锁扣Electric Strikes 电控锁扣(阴极锁)Electrified Locksets & Trim 电控锁、电控把手Elevator Management System 电梯控制系统Enclosed 被附上的Entrance 出入口Guard Tour System 电子巡更系统IC Card POS System IC卡消费管理系统Lift Access Control 电梯控制Magnetic 磁性,磁力Magnetic 磁性,磁力Magnetic Lock 电磁锁Magnetic Lock 电磁锁Night patrol 巡更Parking Administrative System 停车场管理系统Parking Lots Management System 停车场管理系统Pin tumbler lock 销簧锁Power bolts 电动插销锁proximity 近距离Reader 读卡器Roller Shutter 卷闸门Smart Management System of Parking Lots 停车场管理系统Time and Attendance Management 考勤管理系统Time Attendance 考勤系统Warded Lock 凸块锁中英文对照安防系统专业名词之闭路监控系统ABERRATION 像差:光学系统中对成像造成不良影响的因素。


AC Transformer 电源适配器
Adaptor 解码器
add-on Selector 扩展选择板
Audio Station 音频门口机
Centre Control Unit 中央控制单元
Door Station 门口机
Enhanced System 嵌入式系统
Hands-free 免提
锁具Locks & Doors
其他 Others
对讲设备Intercom System(753)
可视对讲Visual Intercom
非可视对讲Unvisualable Intercom
防灾保全对型Emergency Intercom
其他 Others
智能交通Intelligent Traffic System (416)
停车场设备Park Equipment
汽车防盗设备Car Theftproof Equipment
其他 Others
消防设备Fire Protection (161)
灭火器 Extinguisher
紧急广播设备Emergency Broadcasting
消防栓 Fireplug
火警探测器Fire Detector
Design Engineer 设计工程师
Asst Design Engineer 设计助理工程师
T & C Engineer 调试工程师
Database Engineer 数据库工程师
Tinned or bare, solid copper conductor 导体:单支实芯铜线或单支实芯镀锡铜线
Tinned or bare, stranded copper conductor 导体:多股裸铜线或镀锡铜线绞合



各类消防器材标准英文术语水枪firehosenozzle水带firehose消防服turnouts防火门fireproof door窗window破拆工具entrytool消防靴firefighter\'sboots防火涂料fire-resistant paint机动泵motorpump消防手套insulatedrubbergloves-绝缘胶手套感烟器smokedetector机动水炮turret nozzle-车载消防炮turret pipe-车载水炮导向绳guide ring自动喷淋automatic spray无火花工具non-sparking tools消防腰斧fireman\'saxe监控探头monitor and control probe (这个是自己翻译的- -#)金属切割机metal-cutting machine(自己翻译的- -#)个人报警器personalalarmdevice自动报警系统automatic fire alarm system-火灾自动报警系统绝缘工具isolated tool消防头盔firehat液压扩张器hydraulic spreader照明灯具lighting burner-照明灯消防栓firehydrantchamber 消火栓井排烟机smokeventilator空气呼吸器aerophore- 呼吸器水泵结合器firedepartmentpumperconnection各类梯子ladder<1> abandonment 离弃(指见死不救的行为)<2> abatement of smoke 消减烟雾(法)<3> ABC extinguisher [消]ABC 灭火器(能用来扑灭A、B、C 类火灾的灭火器)<4> ABC method 心肺复苏法<5> ABC powder extinguishing agent [消]ABC 干粉灭火剂 (合用于扑救A 类、B 类和C 类火灾的干粉灭火剂)<6> ablation characteristics 烧蚀特征<7> ablation of melting body 熔融物体的烧蚀<8> ablation-product radiation 烧蚀生成物的辐射<9> abnormal combustion 异常燃烧(发动机爆震,早燃等不正常的总称)<10> abnormal condition 反常情况,不正常状态,非正常状态<11> absolute temperature 绝对温度<12> absolute temperature scale 绝对温标<13> absorbed gas 吸收状态气体(或者瓦斯)<14> absorbent for confining spills 限制溢出物蔓延的吸收性材料<15> Acceptance check and reception systems of plant 设备验收交接制度<16> Acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality 设备修理质量验收制度<17> Accessible Means of Egress 易通行的疏散通道<18> Accident due to quality 质量事故<19> Accident management regulation of plant 设备事故管理制度<20> Accommodation stairway 简易楼梯<21> acousto-optic effect 声光效应<22> Added value rate of plant assets 设备资产增值率<23> Addressable alarm system 可编程(址)报警系统<24> Adjustable piston valve 活动式汽阀<25> Adjustable pressure limiting valve 可调限压阀<26> Adjustable retrictor valve 可调节流阀<27> Aerial extinguisher 航空灭火装置<28> Aerial ladder fire truck 云梯消防车<29> Afterbirth-like crystal 胞状晶<30> Agricultural fire pump 农用消防泵<31> Air inlet 进风口<32> Air lift pump 气泡泵<33> Air pressure balance for fire control 均压防灭火<34> Air-foam fire branch 空气泡沫枪<35> Air-lift pump 气升泵<36> Airport crash fire vehicle 机场消防车<37> Alarm 报警<38> Alarm (in control room) (控制室内)报警<39> Alarm and protection system 报警保护系统<40> Alarm device 报警装置<41> Alarm display panel 报警显示器<42> Alarm for voltage 电压报警器<43> Alarm gamma ray survey 报警器伽玛测量<44> Alarm of fire 火灾警报<45> Alarm pressure 报警压力<46> Alarm signal 报警信号<47> Alarm system 报警系统<48> Alarm unit 报警单元<49> Alcohol resistant foam concentrate 抗溶泡沫液<50> Alert data 报警数据<51> Amino group powder 氨基干粉<52> An1quan2fang1mian4de5wei1xian3 安全方面的危(wei)险<53> Analog warning accuracy 摹拟报警精度<54> analog warning test 摹拟报警试验<55> analogue detection and alarm system 摹拟量探测报警系统<56> Ancient and rare trees 古树名木<57> Annular pressure loss 环空泵压损失<58> Anti-burning mechanical draft cooling tower 阻燃型冷却塔<59> Anti-collision warning device 防碰报警装置<60> Appliance carrying fire vehicle 器材消防车<61> Aqueous film forming foam concentrate 水成膜泡沫液<62> arc resistance 耐电弧性<63> Area of Refuge 避难区域<64> Areal (departmental) repair center 地区(部门)修理中心<65> Arson 放火<66> Automatic explosion suppression system 自动抑爆系统<67> Automatic fire a1arm system 火灾自动报警系统<68> Automatic fire alarm system 火灾自动报警系统<69> automatic fire equipment 自动消防设备<70> Automatic fire signa1 自动火灾信号<71> automatic light control 自动光强控制装置<72> Automatic sprinkling fire extinguishing system 自动喷水灭火系统<73> Auxiliary fire vehicle 后援消防车<74> average deviation 平均偏差<75> Average pump pressure 平均泵压<76>a.a.r against all risk 综合险,保一切险,保全险<77>AA auto-alarm 自动报警<78>AAB Aircraft Accident Board 飞行事故调查委员会<79>AAC automat and automatical control 自动装置与自动控制<80>AACC American automatic control council 美国自动控制委员会<81>AACC American Association for Contamination control 美国控制污染协会<82>AAE American Association of Engineers 美国工程师协会<83>AAEC Australian Atomic Energy commission 澳大利亚原子能委员会<84>AAEE American Association of Electrical Engineers 美国电气工程师委员会<85>AAJ Architectural Association of Japan 日本建造协会<86>AAR aircraft accident report 飞机事故报告<87>AAS American Association for the advancement of Science 美国科学促进协会<88>Ab air-breaker 空气断路器<0> baby Bangor [消]小拉梯〈一种没有绳索和滑轮的拉梯,主要用于建造物内部〉<1> back flame [消]复燃火焰〈熄灭后再燃的火焰〉<2> back pack [消]背包式灭火器〈背负的五加仑灭火器,内装泵,用于扑救草地和灌木丛〉<3> back pack pump tank 背负式带泵灭火器<4> back pack pump tank fire extinguisher [消]小型背负泵式灭火器<5> back pressure valve 止回阀,背压阀<6> back scattering 反向(后向)散射<7> back stair 后楼梯,辅助楼梯<8> back staircase 后楼梯,辅助楼梯间<9> back step [消] (消防车的)后踏板<10> back stopping [ 矿]上向梯段回采<11> back strack 由原路退回<12> back stretch [ 消]反向铺设水带<13> back up 1 、备用的,候补的2、倒转,回退<14><15> back-up battery 备用电源<16> back-up breaker 备用断路器<17> Back-up safety functions 辅助安全功能<18> baffle 1、隔板2 、[消]水箱隔板3、隔火板4、缓冲板5、导流叶片6、遮护物<19> balanced system 1 、[消]均衡系统2、均衡系统,对称系统<20> Balancing pressure on stopping 均压防灭火<21> ball blanket [消]塑料球覆盖层<22> ball cock 浮球阀<23> ball hydrant [消]球形消防栓<24> ballast tank 1、压载水枪2、压载舱<25> ball-float liquid-level meter 球形浮子液面计<26> Base injection foam extinguishing system 液下喷射泡沫灭火系统<27> Beat fireproof 建防火带<28> Bell character 报警字符<29> Biological Chip 生物芯片<30> biplane butterfly valve 平板蝶阀<31> Blower extinguishment 风机灭火<32> Blow-off valve seat 放水阀座<33> Boiler safety valve 安全阀<34> Boilor check valve seat 止回阀座<35> Branch crystal 树枝晶<36> Budget of installation 安装预算<37> bulk range 喷射距离<38> Burn (Verb) 燃烧(动词)<39> Burning behaviour 燃烧性能<40> Bursting 爆裂<41> butterfly valve 胡蝶阀<42> by-pass valve 旁通阀<0> Cabinet extinguishing equipment 柜式灭火装置<1> Cabinet foam extinguishing eguipment 柜式泡沫灭火装置<2> cabinet foam extinguishing equipment [消]柜式泡沫灭火装置<3> cabinet type hose washing machine [ 消]柜式洗水带机<4> cable line-type fixed temperature detector [ 消]缆式线型定温探测器〈采用缆式线结构的线型定温探测器〉<5> cable tray fire break 电缆槽盒阻火物<6> cable vault 电缆进线室<7> cable-tray penetration 电缆槽盒穿透(度)<8> cable-tray temperature sensor 缆式温度传感器<9> calamity damage insurance 火灾保险<10> calculation of probabilities [林]可能性推算<11> calibration criterion 校准标准<12> call back 1 、[消]火灾报警箱2 、[英]公用电话亭3、[消]召回<13> Calorific potential 潜热能<14> camp boss [林]营地管理员〈负责建立和管理一个消防营地的人〉<15> campaign fire [ 林]战役火灾〈要花一天以上才干扑灭的森林火灾〉<16> campfire [林]营火<17> camshaft 凸轮轴,分配轴<18> can [口][消]灭火器<19> Canadian Association of fire Chiefs 加拿大消防长官协会<20> Canadian Association of fire Investigators 加拿大火灾调查委员会<21> Canadian Automotive Rescue Society 加拿大汽车救援协会<22> Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness 加拿大应急准备中心<23> Candela 坎德拉<24> Capital investment recovery period of plant 设备投资产出比<25> Carbon dioxide extinguishing agent 二氧化碳灭火剂<26> Carbon dioxide extinguishing system 二氧化碳灭火系统<27> Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火器<28> Carbon dioxide fire vehicle 二氧化碳消防车<29> casting-state structure 铸态组织<30> Catchpit 集流坑<31> Ceiling screen 挡烟垂壁<32> Central alarm station 中央报警站<33> Central fire alarm control unit 集中火灾报警控制器<34> Centralized maintenance 集中维修<35> centrifugal pump 离心泵<36> Centrifugal pump drainage 离心泵排水<37> Centrifugal water pump 离心式水泵<38> Check point 检测点<39> Check valve 止回阀<40> Chemical foam 化学泡沫<41> Chemical reaction extinguisher 化学反应式灭火器<42> Chemical reaction fire extinguisher 化学反应式灭火器<43> Chimney effect 烟囱效应<44> Chip 芯片<45> Chute rail smoke extinguishing system 滑道架式烟雾灭火系统<46> CIF of imported equipment 进口设备到岸价<47> city fire station 城镇消防站<48> city path for fire wehicles 城镇消防通道<49> Claims for equipment 设备索赔<50> Class AA 类火<51> Class B B 类火<52> Class C C 类火<53> Class D D 类火<54> class of safety protection 安全防护等级<55> Classified management of plant 设备分级管理。



火灾自动报警系统中英文资料外文翻译文献Automatic fire alarm systemThe traditional electron safe alarm system mainly is through thesensor automatic detection, produces the alarm, sends out the alarmfrom the scene or reports to the police through the special electriccable near distance, thus causes people's vigilance. Through manyyears research and the development, the present alarm apparatus maysay is the class is multitudinous. As a result of the alarm apparatusrapid development and the social each domain anxious need, can theapplication domain be more and more many, specially is rapidlydevelops in the civil domain.In recent years, the infrared alarmapparatus already became reports to the police a domain hot spot,because it used was not the obviously infrared acquisition, thereforehad the hiding to be good, characteristic and so on security. Theinfrared sensor is different according to the mechanism may divideinto the light survey and the hot survey. The light acquisition sensor is uses the photon effect the infraredacquisition aid. This kind of sensor speed of response quick, thesensitivity high, the examination characteristic is good, but needs tocool, uses not conveniently. Moreover the component examinationsensitivity and the infrared wave length concern. The hot acquisitionsensor is uses hotly releases the electricity effect the infraredacquisition aid. After receives the goal the infrared radiationtemperature increment, the temperature elevates causes the sensorinterior certain physical quantities changes, through examinationphysical quantity change definite infrared emission. This kind ofsensor works under the room temperature condition, examinationsensitivity also very high, speed of response also very quick,moreover has nothing to do with with the infrared emission wavelength, may survey the power only to receive the background radiationthe limit, the application is very convenient. Thisarticle designs isthe passive form hotly releases the electricity infrared acquisitionaid. In the article mainly elaborated has hotly released theelectricity the principle, hotly releases content and so on manyalarm circuit which the electric detector the characteristic,the BISS0001 signal processor, 555 timers composed. Finallydesigned completes has hotly released the electricity infrareddetection alarm apparatus the hardware electric circuit.With the modern family use of fire, electricity consumption increases, the frequency of home fires is getting higher and higher. The family of fire, it is easy to fight does not occur promptly, the lack of fire-fighting equipment and the presence of panic-stricken people, to escape unfavorable factors, such as retardation, which eventually led to a significant loss of life and property. Explore the characteristics of the family of fire and fire prevention measures.For the prevention of domestic fires, reducing the fire losses have practical significance .In the modern urban family, because of lot of people do not understand common sense home security caused by fire, so that the happy family Goog leruined blink of an eye, and some lead to destruction, but the event of household fires, improper disposal, alarm delay is caused so that people should get to know more about the main causes of household fires, master to prevent the fire of knowledge and in case of fire to protect his or her own way, timely elimination ofThe United Kingdom each year more than 50000 families of serious fires, most of them fire casualties and significant loss of household assets, and some result in the neighbors, more heavy fire losses. Investigate the causes of fire in time, the vast majority of home fires happen parties said that the fire always feel that things are other people with their own far away, did not think this will happen even in the top of his head.Home fires are the main reason for negligent not to take timely preventive measures .In some of our large and medium-sized cities, almost every day family fires, fire prevention is so each family must always pay attention to. If your home based on the actual situation in advance to take simple fire prevention measures, a number of tragedies are entirely avoidable.Automatic fire alarm system is in order to inform the early detection of fire, and take effective measures to control and fight fires, and set in a building or other place of an automatic fire facilities, is that people with a powerful tool to fight the fire. Fire alarm system, fire detectors generally, regional centralized alarm alarm and composition; also be required under the project with various fire-fighting facilities and communication devices linked to form a central control system. From automatic alarm, automatic fire fighting, evacuation guidance, system process shows that, fire up a complete file management, fire control system.Fire detectors are fire detection devices, as in the stage of fire will produce smoke with high temperature flame cells. The smoke, heat and light into electrical signals through the detector alarm or automatic fire extinguishing system to start fighting the fire in time. Area where the floor of alarm detector can send the signal into sound and light alarm, and fire on the screen showing the room number; while also monitoring the concentration of certain floors of alarm (if the monitor is located in the building fire Control Center) output signal or control automatic fire extinguishing system. Concentration of alarm signal is received by way of sound and light show, and the screen also shows the specific fire floor and room number, the plane stopped taking the first alarm clock to record the timing, use of the machine-specific phones, but also quickly to the fire alarm to give directions and. In addition, you can control the fire extinguishing system or signal transmission to the fire control room.Automatic fire alarm system is by the trigger devices, fire alarm, fire alarm devices and other auxiliary functions of the device with the composition of a button fire alarm system fire alarm system. It can fire early stages of burning smoke, heat and light radiation and other physical quantities, by temperature. Photographic and other smoke and fire detectors into electrical signals, transmitted to the fire alarm controller, and also shows the site of the fire, the fire record of the time. General fire alarm system and automatic sprinkler system, fire hydrant systems, smoke control systems, ventilation systems, air conditioning system, fire doors, fire shutter, smoke screen and other related equipment interaction, automatically or manually issue commands to start the corresponding device.(A) of the trigger devices in automatic fire alarm system, automatic or manualfire alarm signal devices generate called trigger conditions, including fire detectors and manual fire alarm button. Fire detector is able to fire parameters (smoke, temperature, flame radiation, gas concentration, etc.) response, and automatically generate a fire alarm signal devices. Fire response parameters according to different fire detectors into heat detectors, smoke detector, sensitive fire detectors, combustible gas detectors and fire detectors five basic types of composite. Different types of fire detectors for different types of fires and different places. Manual fire alarm button fire alarm signal generated manually start the automatic fire alarm system devices, automatic fire alarm system is an indispensable component of the.(B) the fire alarm device in automatic fire alarm system to receive, display and transmit fire alarm signals, and can send control signals and control functions with other auxiliary equipment as the fire alarm device instructions. Fire alarm control is one of the most basic kind. Charged with the fire alarm control fire detectors provide a stable working power; detector and the working status of the system itself; the reception, conversion, processing a warning of fire detectors Shuchu; Jinxing sound and light alarm; Zhishi specific location and alarm time; the same time supporting the implementation of appropriate control and many other tasks. Fire alarm system is a core component. In the fire alarm devices, some devices such as break, regional monitors, fire shows and other functions can not complete disc alarm device, which can be regarded as the evolution of fire alarm controller or supplement. Under certain conditions applied, and the fire alarm device fire alarm control belong.The basic function of fire alarm control are: the main power, backup power automatically converted, standby power charge function, power failure monitoring function, power functions working status indicator, power supply for the detector circuit function, control sensors or system failures, sound and light alarm, fire sound, light alarm, fire alarm and memory function, clock function unit, with priority being given fault function fire alarm, sound alarm sound audible alarm mute and again.(C) fire alarms in automatic fire alarm system to send different from the environment, sound, light the fire alarm signal device called the fire alarms. It sound, light and sound approach to the issue of fire alarm signals alarm area to warn people to adopt safe evacuation, fire fighting and rescue measures.D) Fire control equipment in automatic fire alarm system, when receiving the fire alarm, automatically or manually start the related fire-fighting equipment and display devices of their state, known as the fire control equipment. Include fire alarm control, automatic fire extinguishing system control device, fire hydrant system control devices, smoke exhaust system and air conditioning and ventilation system control device, normally open fire doors, fire shutter control device, the lift back down control equipment, and fire emergency radio, fire alarms, fire communications equipment, fire evacuation signs and emergency lighting control devices, control devices in some or all. Fire control equipment normally installed in the fire control center to facilitate the implementation of centralized control. While others set fire control equipment, fire fighting equipment is located in the charged field, but its actions must be returned fire control signal, combined with the implementation of centralization and decentralization of control.(E) fire alarm system power supply electrical equipment belonging to the fire, the main power should be in the fire power, standby power use of battery. In addition to fire alarm system power controller, power supply, but also related to the system for the fire control equipment such as power supply.火灾自动报警系统传统电子安全报警系统主要是通过传感器自动检测,产生报警信号,从现场发出报警信号或通过专门电缆近距离报警,从而引起人们的警觉。

第5章 火灾报警和消防控制系统(英文)2014

第5章 火灾报警和消防控制系统(英文)2014
3 Mechanical smoke prevention and exhaust 机械防排烟 机械排烟是把建筑物分成若干防烟分区,在防烟分区 内设置防烟风机,通过风道排出各房间或走廊的烟气。
5.2 系统基本工作原理
5.2.2 防排烟系统
☆Process 工作过程:
★ Positive pressure ventilation valve 确认火灾
在火灾发生后能依据物质燃烧过程中所产生的烟雾、高 温等各种现象,将火灾信号转变为电信号,并输入火灾 报警控制器,由报警控制器以声、光信号向人发出警报 的器件。
5.3 火灾探测器
5.3.2 火灾发展特征
5.3.2 Fire development 火灾发展特征
疏散和灭火最 有利的时机
阴燃,有烟雾,温度 分布不均,火势不大
第5章 火灾报警和消防控制系统
5.1 概述 5.2 火灾探测器 5.3 火灾探测器系统总线 5.4 火灾报警控制器 5.5 消防联动 5.6 系统实物图 5.7 火灾系统控制电路举例 5.8 火灾系统工程图举例
Chapter 5 Fire alarm system
5.1 Introduction 5.2 Principle 5.3 Detector 5.4 Bus 5.5 Control circuit 5.6 Blue print 5.7 Control unit 5.8 Fire linkage control 5.9 Actual pictures
5.1 Introduction 5.1.1 Basic requirement 基本要求 5.1.1 Basic requirement 基本要求
◆ Automatic signal detection 火灾探测器探测到火灾信号 ◆ zone fire alarm control unit 输入到区域报警控制器 ◆ Central fire alarm control unit 集中报警控制器到消防控制中心 ◆ Control center 控制中心判断位置后发出119火警 ◆ Put out a fire 打开自动喷洒装置、气体或液体灭火器灭火 ◆ Emergency evacuation 火灾报警广播,照明和诱导灯亮,引导疏散 ◆ linkage control system 防火门、防火阀、排烟门、卷闸、排烟凤机



弱电系统中英文对照1.综合布线系统(Premises Distribution System/ Structured Cabling System)➢工作区子系统The working area system➢水平子系统Horizontal system➢垂直子系统Vertical system➢设备间子系统The equipment room system➢管理子系统Management system➢建筑群子系统Construction ensemble system2.社区安防系统Security prevention system➢可视对讲系统A visible walky-talky system➢防盗报警Security alarm➢闭路监视CCTV➢巡更Night patrol➢周界防范Perimeter Precaution➢门禁控制Access control3.公共设施监控系统Public facility monitor system➢变配电Electric transformer and distribution➢给排水Water supply and drainage➢电梯Elevator➢公共照明Public lighting➢背景音乐及紧急广播Background music and emergency broadcast4.宽带多媒体服务系统Broadband multimedia service system➢卫星接收及有线电视Satellite reception and cable-TV broadband➢宽带接入Broadband access➢社区网络服务Community network service5.智能家居系统Intelligent home system➢多表远抄Remote CC for meters➢家电智能控制Intelligent home appliances control system➢家居远程控制Home remote control➢家居防盗报警Home anti—theft alarm6.BAS(楼宇自动化系统)➢楼宇设备监控系统Building automation control system➢安全防范子系统Security system➢火灾自动报警子系统Fire alarm system7.CAS(通信网络系统)➢卫星接收及有线电视系统Satellite reception and cable television system ➢公用通讯网络系统Communication system of nets for public use➢卫星及微波通讯系统Satellite and microwave communication system➢视频会议系统Video conference system➢无线对讲系统Wireless walky—talky system➢背景音乐及紧急广播系统Background music and emergency broadcasting 8.OAS(办公自动化系统)➢事务型办公系统Business office system➢管理型办公系统Administrative office system➢决策型办公系统Decision making office system9.安全防范子系统Security System➢防盗报警系统Intrusion Alarm System➢闭路监视系统CCTV System➢门禁系统Access Control System➢巡更系统Patrol System➢停车场管理系统Parking Administrative System10.环境系统Environment System➢冷水系统Cold water system➢热交换系统Heat exchange system➢通排风系统Ventilation system➢空调系统Air—conditioning system➢新风系统Make—up air system➢风机盘管加新风Renewal of the blower fan coil➢V A V变风量系统V A V system11.供配电系统Power Supply and Distribution➢高低压配电Distribution of high and low—voltage electricity➢变电Electricity transformation➢不间断电源Continuous current➢应急发电Emergency power12.照明系统Lighting System➢紧急照明Emergency lighting➢工作照明Lighting for work➢艺术照明Artistic lighting➢特殊照明(障碍灯)Special lighting(obstacle lights)13.给排水系统Water Supply and Drainage System➢给排水与饮用水Water supply,drainage and drinking water➢卫生设备Sanitary equipment➢污水及水处理Sewage and intermediary water division14.交通运输系统Transportation System➢电梯Elevators➢扶梯Escalators➢考勤系统(Time Attendance)➢影像识别系统(Video Identification System)➢电梯控制(Lift Access Control)15.IBMS (Intelligent Building Management System)智能建筑管理系统➢BMS (Building Management System) 建筑物(建筑设备)(集成)管理系统➢BAS (Building Automation System)建筑物(建筑设备)自动化系统➢SCS (Security System) 安防系统➢CCTV (Closed Circuit Television)闭路电视监控系统➢ACS (Access Control System) 出口入口管理系统➢PMS (Parking Management System)停车场管理系统➢PAS (Public Address System)公共广播系统➢PS (Patrol System)巡更管理系统➢FAS (Fire Alarm System)火灾报警系统➢OAS (Office Automation System)办公自动化系统➢GCS (Generic Cabling System) 结构化布线➢PDS (Premises Distributed System) 建筑与建筑群综合布线系统➢CAS (Communication Automation System)通讯自动化系统➢CNS (Communication Network System)计算机网络系统➢PABX 程控交换机➢Centrex 虚拟网业务即集中式用户交换机➢SATV (Satellite Television)卫星电视➢CATV (Cable Television) 有线电视➢(Community Antenna) 公共天线➢(Wireless Communication System)无线通讯系统➢(Inside Communication System) 内部通讯系统➢PMS (Property Management System)酒店管理系统。



火灾自动报警系统毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献nal electronic fire alarm system relies on sensors to automatically detect a fire and trigger an alarm。

which can alert people on the scene or notify the authorities through a special electric cable。

Over the years。

the development of alarm devices has led to a wide range of ns for different ns。

particularly in the civil domain.One popular type of alarm system is the infrared alarm。

which has gained n due to its ability to detect fires without us infrared signals。

making it more secure。

Infrared sensors can be classified into two types: light survey and hot survey。

based on their n mechanisms.To improve the effectiveness of fire alarm systems。

many modern devices also incorporate advanced technologies such as wireless n。

remote monitoring。

and intelligent analysis。

These features enable faster response times and more accurate n。


Trigger device
Fire detector
Manual fire alarm call point
Fire hazard
Fire dager
Fire load
Fire load density
Spontaneous ignition
Spontaneous ignition tempetature
Safety curtain
Fire bund



Automatic fire alarm system based on MCU Abstract: The paper introduced an automatic warehouse fire a1arm system based on MCU. The system was mainly made up of ATmega16, temperature sensors, smoke sensors, and EX-1 auto dialed alarm module. In the system, temperature signals were transformed to serial data, and smoke signals were transformed to voltage signals. All the data were processed by MCU. When the surveillance system checked fire in warehouse, alarm signal was turn on, meanwhile the messages were transmitted to managers through EX-1. Application of the system was convenient to deal with fire in-time, efficiently by warehouse manager.Keywords: fire alarm transducer;smoke sensor system;ATmega16;temperature transducer;smoke sensorI. INTRODUCTIONAutomatic fire alarm control system has experienced a process from the simple to the complex and intelligence system increasingly in China. The characteristic is automatic fire detection and alarm technology has a great progress along with computing and detection technology development. At present, automatic fire alarm control system was used in bulk storage plant, shopping malls, high-level office buildings, hotels and other places. They were used in a number of collections focused on one area of intelligent alarm control method with higher levels of bus-type alarm control system, and in some residential areas and commercial buildings were installed by a single automatic fire alarm detection device. These alarm detection devices fail to report sometimes, or misinformation. Its reliability is not high because of using single sensor. Therefore, it is needed to develop a simple structure, low cost, high reliability, fast responding, automatic fire detection system.II. GENERAL PROJECT OF THE SYSTEMThe hardware block diagram shown in Figure 1, hardware by temperature sensors, smoke sensors, signal processing module, MCU modules and automatic alarm module. Non electrical quantity that is through the sensing element sensors (smoke sensors and temperature sensors) will be on-site temperature, smoke and other non-electrical signal into an electrical signal, as well as signals for signal processing to convertanalog quantity to digital quantity. Finally, the sampled data were processed and compared with the limits by MCU system. This system can produce local and remote auto-alarm signals.Temperature IonizationTransducer smoke detectorsignalprocessingPD0 PD1SCMauto alarmmoduleT ephoneelInter f ace…Figure 1. Automatic fire alarm system structureⅢ. THE HARDWARE COMPONENTSA. Atmega16The system used by the U.S. Atmel’s microcontroller ATmega16 microcontroller. ATmega16 is based on the AVR RISC architecture to enhance low-power 8-bit CMOS microcontroller. Because of its advanced instruction set and a single clock cycle instruction execution time, ATmega16 data throughput of up to 1 MIPS / MHz. Thereby mitigate the system in the power and the contradiction between the processing rate. ATmega16 has the following characteristics: 16K bytes in-system programmable Flash (with the ability to read and write at the same time, that is, RWW), 512 bytes EEPROM, 1K bytes SRAM, 32 general-purpose I / O port lines, 32 general-purpose working registers, for the JTAG boundary scan interface, support the on-chip debugging and programming, 3 has a more flexible mode of timer / counter (T / C), chip internal / external interrupts, programmable serial USART, there are initial conditions detector universal serial interface, 8-channel 10-bit with optionaldifferential input stage programmable gain (TQFP package) of the ADC, with on-chip oscillator of programmable watchdog timer, an SPI serial port, as well as six can be selected by software power-saving mode.The chip is based on Atmel high-density nonvolatile memory technology production on-chip ISP Flash allows the program memory through the ISP serial interface or a general-purpose programmer for programming; you can also run on the AVR core among the bootstrap to program. Boot program can use any interface to download the application to the Flash memory area (Application Flash Memory). Application of Flash storage area is updated when the boot Flash area (Boot Flash Memory) program continues to run, RWW operation achieved. ATmega16 to become a powerful microcontroller by 8-bit RISC CPU and the system programmable flash in a single chip, for many embedded control applications provides a flexible and cost-effective solution. ATmega16 has a set of programming and system development tools, including: C language compiler, macro assembler, program debugger / software emulator, emulators and evaluation boards.B. Temperature SensorTemperature sensor manufactured by DALLAS Semiconductor DS18B20-type single intelligence temperature sensor, its performance features include:1)This sensor have single-bus-specific technology, either through the serial port cable also through other I / O port lines and computer interfaces,without going through other conversion circuits Direct output measured temperature value (9-bit binary number, with sign bit).2) Temperature range is -55 ℃~ +125 ℃, measurement resolution of 0. 0625 ℃.3) Containing 64 as amended through the laser-read-only memory ROM.4) Fit a variety of SCM or system machine.5) Users can set separate ways each temperature upper and lower limit.6) Includes parasitic power.DS18B20 and the main chip connection diagram shown in Figure 2: DS18B20 number one pin grounded, then on the 3rd pin high and the 2nd pin then a 5. 1K of the pull-up resistor, at the same time received a single output signal of the PD0 pin. Pull-up is to pull the uncertainty signal through a resistor embedded in the high places, resistance at the same time current-limited . Program from the DQ pin in highimpedance state to ensure that the beginning, so that you can pull on the pull-up resistor to the high DQ. At the same time the main chip also can be an external site alarm buzzer.Figure 2. ds18b20 and the main chip connection diagram.C. Smoke Monitoring ModuleSmoke sensors choose HIS-07 ion smoke detectors when the flow through the inside and outside the ionization chamber ionization electron flow is unbalanced, collector charges current until the ionization balance. In a smoke-free or non-combustion, the collector being subject to the impact ionization current statistical fluctuation, the potential to maintain a balance. Ionization current have impact when the smoke into the ionization chamber, easily into the ionization chamber smoke outside than inside the ionization chamber of the affected, ionization current decline in and collector to re-charge until the new equilibrium potential, this potential change can be used to trigger the alarm circuit. Technical parameters such as Table 1.TABLE I.HIS-07 ION SMOKE SENSOR THCHNICAL DATATable Head Table Column headEquilibrium potential collector 5.5±0.3VCollector potential with the smokeReduced light rate of 1% / ft 0.6VReduced light rate of 4% / ft 2.2VCapacitor 6PFSmoke signals are processed on the chip of choice is the Motorola company’s MC14468, MC14468 for DIP 16-pin package, contain oscillator, timer, latch, alarm control logic circuit, high input impedance comparator etc. When not detected smoke, MC14468 internal oscillator that oscillation cycle 1.67s. Each 1.67s cycle the internal power supply is provided to the work of the entire chip. It’s all kept detect any smoke in addition to LED flashes, battery voltage alarm and smoke alarm. The oscillator oscillation period becomes 40ms when the MC14448 Once detection smoke, this time piezoelectric buzzer driving circuit to start oscillation, start to be able to output to maintain the high 160 ms after the cessation of 80ms.Continued during the detection of smoke cessation of changes, at this time if not detected smoke beeper will not be issued a warning sound.In figure 3, the MC14468 1 pin joint PD1 pin of SCM when the ion chamber of the ion current as the scene of smoke detection and change, voltage change generation a weak side-spread seized 15, by the MC14468 internal logic processing circuit processing, the smoke is detected by 1 pin-out high microcontroller for processing. 13-pin then slide rheostat is set to facilitate detection sensitivity when the led flashes and the buzzer sounded a piercing sound of an audio alarm when the department has a fire alarm signal-based.In figure 3, the MC14468 1 pin joint PD1 pin of SCM when the ion chamber of the ion current as the scene of smoke detection and change, voltage change generationa weak side-spread seized 15, by the MC14468 internal logic processing circuit processing, the smoke is detected by 1 pin-out high microcontroller for processing. 13-pin then slide rheostat is set to facilitate detection sensitivity when the led flashes and the buzzer sounded a piercing sound of an audio alarm when the department has a fire alarm signal-based.Figure 3.Smoke detection circuitD. Auto-dial alarm moduleDial-up alarm module choices are the EX-1 dial-up module is a DTMF signal receiving, storing, and sending as integration communications circuits. Module built-in microcontroller and dial-up management process can provide users with a variety of signal input and output ports, in security alarm, signal acquisition, automatic control, remote communication and information transmission areas such as flexible application. 5 groups can have cell phone or group of seven local telephone numbers are stored, power-down is not lost; Telephone line status detection, automatic fault signal output ;Telephone / external switching two kinds of dial-upstate control; Trigger time, nine times loop dial preset numbers; To work independently, independent dial-up, do not rely on telephone and other external devices.EX-1 wiring diagram shown in figure 4, The PD4 pin to connect the main chip HTO , the module began to dial alarm when PD4 output high level signal, PD5 connection ON / OFF pin input is high level signal to open the dial-up settings, the input does not work when this pin become low, ERR pin connected to PD6 pin of MCU, PD6 output 1 begun to test whether the telephone line failure, READY pin connect MCU PD7 pin detection and alarm is completed, the alarm is end when PD7 pin is high .Figure 4. EX-1 wiring diagramIV. SOFIW AREDESIGNstartATmega16InitializeNwhether there aresmoke signals?YR0=1collectiontemperaturesignalwhether the Nalarm value?YR1=1dial-up alarmREADY=1?YFigure 5. The main program flow chartBecause in the early stages of fires and the smoldering phase will produce a large number of aerosol particles and smoke particles .In the stage of incipient fire substances in the combustion process produces a lot of heat, so should make the smoke sensor and temperature sensor used in conjunction, first with the smoke sensor detects whether there is smoke generation, then the temperature sensor detects the temperature, temperature sensor alarm value is set to 50 degrees. When the smoke is detected R0 is 1, not smoke R0 is 0. Then test the temperature when the temperature reaches the value of seasonal early warning R1 is 1, the value of seasonal temperature not to reach an early warning R1 to 0, at this time compared to the R0 and R1 is equal to the main chip when the dial-up alarm.V. CONCLUSIONBy the cooperation of using of temperature and smoke sensors, through detecting the temperature and smoke on-site, the automatic alarm system could find any fire in warehouse and send the message to managers of warehouse in the early time by the form of short messages.REFERENCES[1] Shunning Miao,Guangming Xiong,Yongping Li etc.Automatic Fire Alarm System Design and Research, Equipment Manufacturing Technology, 2006(2), P909.[2] Liang Ge, Qi Cong. Intelligent Analysis of office building fire.[3] Ti Zhou. Building Fire System Design, Yunnan Construction,2008(6).[4] Honeywell (Honeywel1)'s construction equipment Monitoring System, Intelligent Building and City Information, 2008(4).[5] Derek Clements-Croome, Intelligent buildings: design, management and operation, Thomas Telford Publishing, 2004.[6]Zhang Huazhong, Commanding System of Fire Automatic Alarm and Fire Control Linkage based on Internet, Computer Engineering, 2001.[7] ANSI, Radiant Energy-Sensing Fire Detectors for Automatic Fire Alarm Signaling,US: ANSI/FMRC FM3260-2004.。








1 FAS系统的日常维保计划FAS系统中包含的设备主要有火灾自动报警主机及机柜、计算机图形工作站、手动火灾报警按钮、消防栓按钮、消防电话(主机、壁挂电话分机、插孔电话)、外接口模块及模块箱、电源箱及蓄电池、感烟探测器及底座、感温探测器及底座、红外光束感烟探测器、火焰探测器、吸气式感烟探测系统、警铃、防水盒、感温光纤主机、感温光纤光缆、感温电缆、消防广播、消防联动电源、不间断电源等。






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Automatic fire alarm system based on MCU Abstract: The paper introduced an automatic warehouse fire a1arm system based on MCU. The system was mainly made up of ATmega16, temperature sensors, smoke sensors, and EX-1 auto dialed alarm module. In the system, temperature signals were transformed to serial data, and smoke signals were transformed to voltage signals. All the data were processed by MCU. When the surveillance system checked fire in warehouse, alarm signal was turn on, meanwhile the messages were transmitted to managers through EX-1. Application of the system was convenient to deal with fire in-time, efficiently by warehouse manager.Keywords: fire alarm transducer;smoke sensor system;ATmega16;temperature transducer;smoke sensorI. INTRODUCTIONAutomatic fire alarm control system has experienced a process from the simple to the complex and intelligence system increasingly in China. The characteristic is automatic fire detection and alarm technology has a great progress along with computing and detection technology development. At present, automatic fire alarm control system was used in bulk storage plant, shopping malls, high-level office buildings, hotels and other places. They were used in a number of collections focused on one area of intelligent alarm control method with higher levels of bus-type alarm control system, and in some residential areas and commercial buildings were installed by a single automatic fire alarm detection device. These alarm detection devices fail to report sometimes, or misinformation. Its reliability is not high because of using single sensor. Therefore, it is needed to develop a simple structure, low cost, high reliability, fast responding, automatic fire detection system.II. GENERAL PROJECT OF THE SYSTEMThe hardware block diagram shown in Figure 1, hardware by temperature sensors, smoke sensors, signal processing module, MCU modules and automatic alarm module. Non electrical quantity that is through the sensing element sensors (smoke sensors and temperature sensors) will be on-site temperature, smoke and other non-electrical signal into an electrical signal, as well as signals for signal processing to convertanalog quantity to digital quantity. Finally, the sampled data were processed and compared with the limits by MCU system. This system can produce local and remote auto-alarm signals.Temperature IonizationTransducer smoke detectorsignalprocessingPD0 PD1SCMauto alarmmoduleT ephoneelInter f ace…Figure 1. Automatic fire alarm system structureⅢ. THE HARDWARE COMPONENTSA. Atmega16The system used by the U.S. Atmel’s microcontroller ATmega16 microcontroller. ATmega16 is based on the AVR RISC architecture to enhance low-power 8-bit CMOS microcontroller. Because of its advanced instruction set and a single clock cycle instruction execution time, ATmega16 data throughput of up to 1 MIPS / MHz. Thereby mitigate the system in the power and the contradiction between the processing rate. ATmega16 has the following characteristics: 16K bytes in-system programmable Flash (with the ability to read and write at the same time, that is, RWW), 512 bytes EEPROM, 1K bytes SRAM, 32 general-purpose I / O port lines, 32 general-purpose working registers, for the JTAG boundary scan interface, support the on-chip debugging and programming, 3 has a more flexible mode of timer / counter (T / C), chip internal / external interrupts, programmable serial USART, there are initial conditions detector universal serial interface, 8-channel 10-bit with optionaldifferential input stage programmable gain (TQFP package) of the ADC, with on-chip oscillator of programmable watchdog timer, an SPI serial port, as well as six can be selected by software power-saving mode.The chip is based on Atmel high-density nonvolatile memory technology production on-chip ISP Flash allows the program memory through the ISP serial interface or a general-purpose programmer for programming; you can also run on the AVR core among the bootstrap to program. Boot program can use any interface to download the application to the Flash memory area (Application Flash Memory). Application of Flash storage area is updated when the boot Flash area (Boot Flash Memory) program continues to run, RWW operation achieved. ATmega16 to become a powerful microcontroller by 8-bit RISC CPU and the system programmable flash in a single chip, for many embedded control applications provides a flexible and cost-effective solution. ATmega16 has a set of programming and system development tools, including: C language compiler, macro assembler, program debugger / software emulator, emulators and evaluation boards.B. Temperature SensorTemperature sensor manufactured by DALLAS Semiconductor DS18B20-type single intelligence temperature sensor, its performance features include:1)This sensor have single-bus-specific technology, either through the serial port cable also through other I / O port lines and computer interfaces,without going through other conversion circuits Direct output measured temperature value (9-bit binary number, with sign bit).2) Temperature range is -55 ℃~ +125 ℃, measurement resolution of 0. 0625 ℃.3) Containing 64 as amended through the laser-read-only memory ROM.4) Fit a variety of SCM or system machine.5) Users can set separate ways each temperature upper and lower limit.6) Includes parasitic power.DS18B20 and the main chip connection diagram shown in Figure 2: DS18B20 number one pin grounded, then on the 3rd pin high and the 2nd pin then a 5. 1K of the pull-up resistor, at the same time received a single output signal of the PD0 pin. Pull-up is to pull the uncertainty signal through a resistor embedded in the high places, resistance at the same time current-limited . Program from the DQ pin in highimpedance state to ensure that the beginning, so that you can pull on the pull-up resistor to the high DQ. At the same time the main chip also can be an external site alarm buzzer.Figure 2. ds18b20 and the main chip connection diagram.C. Smoke Monitoring ModuleSmoke sensors choose HIS-07 ion smoke detectors when the flow through the inside and outside the ionization chamber ionization electron flow is unbalanced, collector charges current until the ionization balance. In a smoke-free or non-combustion, the collector being subject to the impact ionization current statistical fluctuation, the potential to maintain a balance. Ionization current have impact when the smoke into the ionization chamber, easily into the ionization chamber smoke outside than inside the ionization chamber of the affected, ionization current decline in and collector to re-charge until the new equilibrium potential, this potential change can be used to trigger the alarm circuit. Technical parameters such as Table 1.TABLE I.HIS-07 ION SMOKE SENSOR THCHNICAL DATATable Head Table Column headEquilibrium potential collector 5.5±0.3VCollector potential with the smokeReduced light rate of 1% / ft 0.6VReduced light rate of 4% / ft 2.2VCapacitor 6PFSmoke signals are processed on the chip of choice is the Motorola company’s MC14468, MC14468 for DIP 16-pin package, contain oscillator, timer, latch, alarm control logic circuit, high input impedance comparator etc. When not detected smoke, MC14468 internal oscillator that oscillation cycle 1.67s. Each 1.67s cycle the internal power supply is provided to the work of the entire chip. It’s all kept detect any smoke in addition to LED flashes, battery voltage alarm and smoke alarm. The oscillator oscillation period becomes 40ms when the MC14448 Once detection smoke, this time piezoelectric buzzer driving circuit to start oscillation, start to be able to output to maintain the high 160 ms after the cessation of 80ms.Continued during the detection of smoke cessation of changes, at this time if not detected smoke beeper will not be issued a warning sound.In figure 3, the MC14468 1 pin joint PD1 pin of SCM when the ion chamber of the ion current as the scene of smoke detection and change, voltage change generation a weak side-spread seized 15, by the MC14468 internal logic processing circuit processing, the smoke is detected by 1 pin-out high microcontroller for processing. 13-pin then slide rheostat is set to facilitate detection sensitivity when the led flashes and the buzzer sounded a piercing sound of an audio alarm when the department has a fire alarm signal-based.In figure 3, the MC14468 1 pin joint PD1 pin of SCM when the ion chamber of the ion current as the scene of smoke detection and change, voltage change generationa weak side-spread seized 15, by the MC14468 internal logic processing circuit processing, the smoke is detected by 1 pin-out high microcontroller for processing. 13-pin then slide rheostat is set to facilitate detection sensitivity when the led flashes and the buzzer sounded a piercing sound of an audio alarm when the department has a fire alarm signal-based.Figure 3.Smoke detection circuitD. Auto-dial alarm moduleDial-up alarm module choices are the EX-1 dial-up module is a DTMF signal receiving, storing, and sending as integration communications circuits. Module built-in microcontroller and dial-up management process can provide users with a variety of signal input and output ports, in security alarm, signal acquisition, automatic control, remote communication and information transmission areas such as flexible application. 5 groups can have cell phone or group of seven local telephone numbers are stored, power-down is not lost; Telephone line status detection, automatic fault signal output ;Telephone / external switching two kinds of dial-upstate control; Trigger time, nine times loop dial preset numbers; To work independently, independent dial-up, do not rely on telephone and other external devices.EX-1 wiring diagram shown in figure 4, The PD4 pin to connect the main chip HTO , the module began to dial alarm when PD4 output high level signal, PD5 connection ON / OFF pin input is high level signal to open the dial-up settings, the input does not work when this pin become low, ERR pin connected to PD6 pin of MCU, PD6 output 1 begun to test whether the telephone line failure, READY pin connect MCU PD7 pin detection and alarm is completed, the alarm is end when PD7 pin is high .Figure 4. EX-1 wiring diagramIV. SOFIW AREDESIGNstartATmega16InitializeNwhether there aresmoke signals?YR0=1collectiontemperaturesignalwhether the Nalarm value?YR1=1dial-up alarmREADY=1?YFigure 5. The main program flow chartBecause in the early stages of fires and the smoldering phase will produce a large number of aerosol particles and smoke particles .In the stage of incipient fire substances in the combustion process produces a lot of heat, so should make the smoke sensor and temperature sensor used in conjunction, first with the smoke sensor detects whether there is smoke generation, then the temperature sensor detects the temperature, temperature sensor alarm value is set to 50 degrees. When the smoke is detected R0 is 1, not smoke R0 is 0. Then test the temperature when the temperature reaches the value of seasonal early warning R1 is 1, the value of seasonal temperature not to reach an early warning R1 to 0, at this time compared to the R0 and R1 is equal to the main chip when the dial-up alarm.V. CONCLUSIONBy the cooperation of using of temperature and smoke sensors, through detecting the temperature and smoke on-site, the automatic alarm system could find any fire in warehouse and send the message to managers of warehouse in the early time by the form of short messages.REFERENCES[1] Shunning Miao,Guangming Xiong,Yongping Li etc.Automatic Fire Alarm System Design and Research, Equipment Manufacturing Technology, 2006(2), P909.[2] Liang Ge, Qi Cong. Intelligent Analysis of office building fire.[3] Ti Zhou. Building Fire System Design, Yunnan Construction,2008(6).[4] Honeywell (Honeywel1)'s construction equipment Monitoring System, Intelligent Building and City Information, 2008(4).[5] Derek Clements-Croome, Intelligent buildings: design, management and operation, Thomas Telford Publishing, 2004.[6]Zhang Huazhong, Commanding System of Fire Automatic Alarm and Fire Control Linkage based on Internet, Computer Engineering, 2001.[7] ANSI, Radiant Energy-Sensing Fire Detectors for Automatic Fire Alarm Signaling,US: ANSI/FMRC FM3260-2004.。
