
工程投标合同范本英文CONSTRUCTION BID CONTRACTThis Construction Bid Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [Effective Date], and between [Bidder's Name], a(n) [Bidder's Legal Type] organized and existing under the laws of [Bidder's Jurisdiction of Incorporation], with a principal place of business at [Bidder's Address] (referred to as "Bidder"), and [Client's Name], a(n) [Client's Legal Type] organized and existing under the laws of [Client's Jurisdiction of Incorporation], with a principal place of business at [Client's Address] (referred to as "Client").WHEREAS, the Client is desirous of obtning bids from qualified Bidders for the construction of a(n) [Project Name] located at [Project Address]; and WHEREAS, the Bidder has submitted a bid for the construction of the Project in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contned herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are here acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Bid and AwardThe Bidder here submits its bid for the construction of the Project in accordance with the plans, specifications, and other requirements set forth in the Request for Bids (RFB) issued the Client.The Client reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to negotiate with the Bidder with respect to the terms and conditions of the proposed construction, and to award the construction contract to the Bidder whose bid is determined the Client to be the most advantageous to the Client, taking into account price, qualifications, experience, and other factors.2. Contract DocumentsThe Contract shall consist of the following documents, in the following order of precedence:This AgreementAddenda, if anyThe RFBThe Bidder's BidThe General Conditions of the ContractThe Special Conditions of the ContractThe DrawingsThe SpecificationsThe provisions of the documents listed above shall take precedence over the provisions of any other documents incorporated reference. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the documents, the documents listed above shall take precedence in the order set forth above.3. ConstructionThe Bidder shall mence construction of the Project within [Number] days after the execution of this Contract and shall diligently prosecute the same to pletion in accordance with the plans, specifications, and other requirements set forth in this Contract and in a good and workmanlike manner.The Client shall make avlable to the Bidder all necessary land, access, and other facilities for the construction of the Project.The Bidder shall obtn all necessary permits and approvals for the construction of the Project.4. PaymentThe Client shall pay the Bidder the amount set forth in the Bid for the construction of the Project, less any retnage that may be required this Contract.The Client shall make payments to the Bidder in accordance with the payment schedule set forth in this Contract.The Bidder shall invoice the Client for the work performed and materials furnished in accordance with the payment schedule set forth in this Contract.5. CompletionThe Bidder shall plete the construction of the Project in accordance with the plans, specifications, and other requirements set forth in this Contract and shall obtn from the appropriate authorities a certificate of substantial pletion for the Project.The Client shall inspect the pleted Project and shall notify the Bidder of any deficiencies or nonconformities within [Number] days after the receipt of the certificate of substantial pletion.The Bidder shall correct any deficiencies or nonconformities within [Number] days after receipt of the notice from the Client.6. Defects LiabilityThe Bidder shall guarantee the pleted Project for a period of [Number] years from the date of substantial pletion.During the defects liability period, the Bidder shall promptly correct any deficiencies or nonconformities that may arise in the pleted Project.The Client shall have the right to withhold payment from the Bidder for any deficiencies or nonconformities that remn unrepred after the expiration of the defects liability period.7. IndemnificationThe Bidder shall indemnify and hold harmless the Client from and agnst any and all clms, damages, losses, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or in connection with the construction of the Project.The Client shall indemnify and hold harmless the Bidder from and agnst any and all clms, damages, losses, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Contract the Client.8. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for flure or delay in the performance of its obligations under this Contract if such flure or delay is caused a force majeure event, which shall include acts of God, war, terrorism, riots, civil motion, strikes, lockouts, or other labor disputes, fires, floods, epidemics, or other natural disasters.In the event of a force majeure event, the affected party shall promptly notify the other party in writing and shall take all reasonable steps to mitigate the effects of the force majeure event.9. AssignmentNeither party may assign this Contract or any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party.10. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Project is located.11. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, and negotiations, whether oral or written, between the parties.12. AmendmentThis Contract may be amended only a written instrument executed both parties.13. SeverabilityIf any provision of this Contract is held a court of petent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remning provisions shall remn in full force and effect.14. NoticesAll notices, requests, demands, and other munications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered hand, overnight courier, or registered or certified , postage prepd, return receipt requested, to the addresses set forth below or to such other address as may be designated either party in writing in accordance with this Section:If to the Bidder: [Bidder's Name]If to the Client: [Client's Name]15. CounterpartsThis Contract may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Bidder: [Bidder's Name]Client: [Client's Name]By: [Name of Authorized Representative] By: [Name of Authorized Representative] Title: [Title of Authorized Representative] Title: [Title of Authorized Representative] Date: [Date]Date: [Date]。

目录第一篇投标书编制综合说明1第一章前言1第二章企业简介2第三章本公司根本承诺7第二篇施工筹划大纲9第一章工程概况91.1 概述9第二章施工准备92.1 组织准备92.2 技术准备92.3 物资准备102.4 施工劳动力准备102.5 现场准备112.6 其他11第三章总承包工程部组织构架123.1 总承包管理组织构架123.2 总承包主要管理人员简介123.2.1 总包工程经理简历123.2.2 总包部主要管理人员〔不包括主分包部管理人员〕143.3 主要管理层职责143.3.1 工程经理职责143.3.2 工程工程师143.3.3 工程经济师153.3.4 机电和装饰经理153.3.5 土建经理15第四章施工总流程筹划174.1 施工段划分174.2 施工流程174.2.1 主要施工流程17第五章施工进度方案195.1 施工进度方案图表195.2 保证进度的主要措施195.2.1 进度控制法与原那么195.2.2 技术和管理保证措施195.2.3 施工方案的实施及调整205.2.4 材料供应保证措施215.2.5 设备供应保证措施215.2.6 劳务保证措施215.2.7 现场管理措施21第六章施工平面布置236.1 临时设施平面布置根本格局236.2 施工临时用电布置236.2.1 电路布置原那么236.2.2 电路布置236.2.3 电缆的安装246.2.4 照明256.3 施工临时用水系统256.4 施工排水系统266.5 施工消防布置26第七章资源配置方案287.1 主要机械设备配置方案287.2 主要测量仪器配备表307.3 劳动力方案投入32第三篇主要施工技术案33第一章施工测量案331.1 概述331.2 平面控制网布置341.2.1 原那么341.2.2 场外首级控制网341.2.3 二级控制网341.3 平面定位放样实施法341.3.1 地下室构造阶段341.3.2 地上混凝土构造阶段351.3.3 砌体构造阶段371.4 高程测量371.4.1 高程控制网的测设371.4.2 地下室构造阶段371.4.4 地上构造施工阶段371.4.5 装饰、安装工程阶段381.5 沉降观测38第二章根底工程施工案402.1 垫层工程和桩顶处理402.2 模板工程402.2.1 砖模402.2.2 吊模412.2.3 独立根底和根底梁侧模422.3 钢筋工程422.4 混凝土工程442.4.1 混凝土浇筑式442.4.2 混凝土浇筑准备442.4.3 现场交通管理452.4.4 混凝土浇筑工艺452.5 底板混凝土裂缝控制措施472.5.1 材料的选用472.5.2 混凝土养护482.6 底板混凝土浇筑应急措施492.6.1 混凝土供应缺乏492.6.2 现场发生爆管492.6.3 机械故障492.6.4 混凝土浇捣时间延长502.6.5 混凝土浇捣过程中下雨50 第三章混凝土构造工程施工案513.1 构造施工工艺流程513.2 模板工程设计523.2.1 柱模板的支撑体系523.2.2 墙模板的支撑体系523.2.3 梁侧模支架523.2.4 梁、板底模支架533.2.5 楼梯梯段板的底模板593.2.6 剪力墙洞口模板593.2.7 井道顶板的模板593.3 模板安装和撤除施工603.3.1 模板安装603.3.2 模板撤除623.4 钢筋工程623.4.1 材料准备623.4.2 技术要求633.4.3 柱钢筋绑扎工艺要点643.4.4 墙钢筋绑扎工艺要点643.4.5 梁钢筋绑扎工艺要点643.4.6 板钢筋绑扎工艺要点653.5 混凝土工程653.5.1 混凝土浇筑式653.5.2 混凝土浇筑技术要求653.5.3 混凝土泵送要求663.5.4 墙、柱浇筑工艺要点663.5.5 梁、板浇筑工艺要点663.5.6 养护673.6 构造自防水施工673.6.1 材料要求673.6.2 模板工程要求673.6.3 钢筋工程要求683.6.4 穿墙管防水683.6.5 混凝土浇筑693.7 屋顶构造工程70第四章后浇带处理案724.1 后浇带临时隔断设置724.1.1 底板后浇带隔断724.1.2 梁、板、墙后浇带隔断734.2 后浇带构造模板734.3 后浇带封闭前的保护734.4 地下室外墙后浇带处理744.5 后浇带封闭施工76第五章砌体构造施工案775.1 施工工艺流程775.2 施工准备775.3 砌筑一般要求785.4 砌筑工艺要点795.4.1 混凝土空心小砌块砌体795.4.2 加气混凝土砌块砌筑工艺795.5 与装饰、安装工程的配合805.5.1 与门窗框的连接805.5.2 与水电安装的配合805.6 圈梁和构造柱工程805.6.1 钢筋安装805.6.2 模板815.6.3 混凝土浇筑81第十章防水及屋面工程施工案8310.1 底板立面防水工程8310.1.1 找平层抹灰工艺8310.1.2 卷材铺贴8310.1.3 保护层铺贴工艺8510.2 底板平面〔斜面〕防水施工法8510.2.1 找平层施工工艺8510.2.2 防水卷材铺贴8610.2.3 保护层施工工艺8810.3 桩顶防水施工法8810.3.1 水泥基渗透结晶型防水涂料工艺8810.3.2 聚合物水泥防水砂浆工艺9010.4 地下室外墙防水工程9110.4.1 防水构造9110.4.1 基层处理9110.4.2 防水卷材铺贴法9210.4.3 保护层铺贴法9210.5 屋面防水工程9210.5.1 聚氨酯防水涂料施工法9210.5.2 防水卷材铺贴技术要求9410.5.3 保温层施工9410.5.4 屋面混凝土保护层施工95第七章粗装饰工程施工案987.1 抹灰工程987.1.1 工艺流程987.1.2 混凝土、空心砌块墙面抹灰工艺987.1.3 加气混凝土砌块墙抹灰997.2 涂料工程1007.2.1 工艺流程1007.2.2 施工工艺1007.3 平顶批嵌1027.4 楼地面工程1027.4.1 水泥砂浆地面工程1027.4.2 细混凝土地面1037.4.3 地砖工程1037.5 墙面砖工程1057.5.1 工艺流程1057.5.2 施工工艺和技术1057.6 门安装工程1077.6.1 防火门安装107第八章综合机电工程土建配合施工案1088.1 洞预留和套管预埋1088.1.1 工艺流程1088.1.2 洞预留施工法1088.1.3 套管预埋施工法1088.2 管线预埋1098.2.1 施工工艺流程1098.2.2 施工工艺1098.3 接地局部1108.3.1 施工流程1108.3.2 主要施工工艺111第九章室外工程土建局部施工案1129.1 雨水、污水系统工程施工1129.1.1 沟槽开挖1129.1.2 管道根底与管道铺设1129.1.3 窨井、进水口砌筑1139.1.4 沟槽回填1149.2 道路工程施工114第十章脚手架和卸料平台案11710.1 脚手架案11710.1.1 脚手架设计11710.1.2 脚手架搭设11910.1.3 撤除施工12010.2 电梯井道脚手架12110.3 卸料平台案12110.3.1 钢平台设计12210.3.2 钢平台安装和撤除12210.3.3 钢平台使用管理123第十一章人防建筑构造施工法概述12411.1 人防构造工程12411.2 建筑工程12411.3 人防工程验收125第四篇施工质量管理的主要措施126第一章质量管理体系的建立1261.1 质量保证体系1261.1.1 质量管理组织机构图1261.1.2 管理职责1271.2 质量控制体系129第二章主要质量控制措施1312.1 施工过程控制1312.1.1 事前控制阶段措施1312.1.2 事中控制阶段措施1312.1.3 事后控制阶段措施1322.1.4 主要工序质量控制程序1342.2 物资采购管理1432.2.1 选择供1432.2.2 采购方案1432.2.3 物资验证1432.2.4 物资验收1432.2.5 材料复试1442.2.6 产品标识1442.3 监视和测量装置的控制1442.3.1 配置监控和测量装置1442.3.2 保持监控和测量装置的精度1452.3.3 定期检定要求1452.3.4 标识1452.4 文件控制1452.4.1 文件的识别1452.4.2 标识1462.4.3 文件的修改1462.4.4 回收处置1462.4.5 归档及保管1462.5 不合格纠正和预防措施1472.6 产品保护1472.7 质量回访和保修1482.7.1 质量回访式1482.7.2 回访法1492.7.3 保修149第三章保证质量的主要技术和组织措施1503.1 主要分局部项工程质量保证措施1503.1.1 测量工程1503.1.2 模板工程1503.1.3 钢筋工程1513.1.4 混凝土工程1513.1.5 砌体工程1523.1.6 防水及屋面工程1533.1.7 装饰工程1543.2 质量通病的防治措施1553.21 模板工程1553.2.2 钢筋工程1563.2.3 混凝土工程1563.2.4 砌体构造工程1583.2.5 防水卷材工程1583.2.6 防水涂料工程1603.2.7 细混凝土防水〔保护〕层工程1613.2.8 混凝土、砂浆地面工程1613.2.9 面砖和地砖工程1623.2.10 乳胶漆工程1633.2.11 门安装工程1633.3 成品保护措施1643.3.1 材料保护措施1643.3.2 钢筋工程成品保护措施1653.3.3 模板工程成品保护措施1653.34 混凝土工程成品保护措施1663.3.5 砌体工程成品保护措施1663.3.6屋面和防水工程成品保护措施1663.3.7 墙面、平顶装饰工程成品保护措施1673.3.8 地面工程成品保护措施1683.3.9 门工程保护措施168第四章创立无渗漏工程技术措施1694.1 防混凝土构造开裂措施1694.2 防砌体墙开裂措施1694.3 防屋面渗漏措施1704.4 防厨房、卫生间渗水措施171第五篇平安和文明施工管理的主要措施172第一章平安和文明施工管理方案1721.1 管理组织机构1721.2 各职能部门职责1731.2.1 工程经理1731.2.2 工程副经理1741.2.3 工程工程师1751.2.4 工程平安工程师1751.2.5 综合办公室1761.2.6 施工组1771.2.7 平安组1781.2.8 技术组1781.2.9 材料组和设备管理组1791.3 培训教育1801.3.1 培训对象1801.3.2 培训的容1801.3.3 培训方案1801.3.4 培训措施1811.4 信息交流和沟通协商1811.4.1 交流和沟通式1811.4.2 交流和协商沟通期1821.5 运行控制1821.5.1 施工案审批制度1821.5.2 平安交底制度1831.5.3 平安验收制度1831.5.4 持证上岗制度1831.5.5 平安教育制度1831.5.6 平安检查制度1841.5.7 平安会议制度1841.6 监视和测量方案1841.6.1 环境污染的监视和测量方案1841.6.2 施工平安的监视和测量方案1851.6.3 监视和测量法1861.7 其他187第二章保证平安的技术措施1882.1 各分项工程针对性措施1882.1.1 模板工程1882.1.2 钢筋工程1892.1.3 混凝土工程1892.1.4 砌体工程1902.1.6 屋面和防水工程1912.2 主要平安防护措施1912.2.1 基坑边防护1912.2.2 平安通道和防护棚1922.2.3 楼层临边防护1922.3 高处作业其它平安措施1942.4 平安施工用电措施1952.5 大型机械设备使用平安措施1962.5.1 塔吊1962.5.2 施工电梯1992.6 中小型施工机械的平安保证措施2002.6.1 砂浆搅拌机2002.6.2 木工平(压)刨2012.6.3 木工圆锯2012.6.4 手持电动机具2012.6.5 电焊机2012.6.6 氧气-乙炔火焰发生器和气瓶2022.6.7 水泵2022.7 防雷避雷措施2022.8 施工消防平安措施2032.9 电焊作业平安措施204第三章文明施工措施2053.1 场容场貌管理措施2053.2 综合治理2053.3 工地卫生管理措施2063.4 办公区管理2073.5 宣传教育207第四章环境污染控制措施2084.1 垃圾和废弃物清理措施2084.2.1 建筑垃圾和渣土清理2084.2.2 办公、生活废弃物清理2094.3 废水控制措施2094.4 大气污染控制措施2104.5 噪音污染控制2114.6 光污染控制2124.7 化学污染控制212第五章平安生产应急救援预案2135.1 编制目的2135.2 危险源情况2135.3 工程部应急组织机构2135.4 应急资源配备2145.4.1 人员配备2145.4.2 机械设备和工具配置2145.4.3 应急救援材料配备2155.4.4 其他物品2165.5 应急响应的一般程序2165.5.1 应急响应的条件2165.5.2 应急救援程序2165.6 其他平安事故应急预案2165.6.1 高处坠落事故抢救措施2165.6.2 触电事故应急处置2175.6.3 坍塌事故应急处置2175.6.4 重大交通事故应急处置2185.6.5 火灾、爆炸事故应急处置2185.6.6 机械伤害事故应急处置219 第六篇总承包对分包商的管理220第一章总承包对分包商管理纲要2201.1 对分包商管理总那么2201.2 进入现场施工的必备条件2211.3 分包工程的施工质量控制要点2211.4 分包工程的进度控制要点2221.4.1 工程方案组成2221.4.2 工程方案的管理2221.5 对分包商的平安、文明、环保管理2231.6 对分包商的施工机械设备管理2241.7 分包商进场物资管理方法2251.8 分包商劳动力管理方法225第二章总承包对分包商的针对性管理容2272.1 对防水工程管理的措施2272.1.1 质量管理要点2272.1.2 工期管理要点2282.1.3 平安文明施工管理要点2282.1 对综合机电安装工程管理的措施2282.2.1 总承包综合机电专业管理组织2282.2.2 总承包机电管理协调流程图2292.2.3 综合机电系统施工方案管理2292.2.4 综合机电系统技术管理2322.2.5 综合机电系统质量管理2352.2.6 安装设备、材料管理2352.2.7 平安、文明施工管理2362.3 对精装饰工程管理的措施2372.3.1 质量管理要点2372.3.2 工期管理要点2382.3.3 平安文明施工管理要点239第三章总承包对分包商的配合工作2403.1 现场资源的调配2403.1.1 施工场地2403.1.2 施工道路2403.1.3 施工用水2403.1.4 施工用电2403.1.5 工程轴线2403.1.6 工程标高2413.1.7 塔吊2413.1.8 施工电梯和井架2413.1.9 施工脚手架2413.2 配合安装2423.3 垃圾清理242-.第一篇投标书编制综合说明第一章前言首先,衷心感兴地产〔〕**邀请我公司参加鄞奉片启动区西侧地块工程一期施工总承包工程的投标!在认真阅读了建立提供的招标文件,分析了在承建该工程过程中各种影响施工的因素及工程特点后,我们有充分的信心保证优质、快速、平安地完本钱工程招标文件所规定的施工总承包任务。

中英对照招标书模板招标书Bidding Document1. 项目信息1.1 项目名称:xxx工程1.2 项目编号:xxx-0011.3 招标方式:公开招标1.4 招标范围:包括但不限于工程设计、材料采购、施工等2. 招标人信息2.1 招标人名称:xxx有限公司2.2 地址:xxx街道xxx号2.3 联系人:xxx2.4 电话:xxx2.5 电子邮件:***********3. 技术要求在本招标书中,技术要求描述如下:3.1 设计要求:根据工程规范和相关法律法规进行设计,确保工程质量和安全。
3.2 材料要求:选用符合国家标准的优质材料,确保工程质量和可持续发展。
3.3 施工要求:按照合同约定的时间和质量要求进行施工,确保工程顺利进行。
4. 项目计划4.1 工期安排:本项目工期为xxx天,具体工期计划如下:- 设计阶段:xxx天- 采购阶段:xxx天- 施工阶段:xxx天4.2 付款计划:本项目的付款方式如下:- 设计阶段:按照合同总金额的xx%支付- 采购阶段:按照合同总金额的xx%支付- 施工阶段:按照合同总金额的xx%支付5. 合同条款在本招标书中,合同条款描述如下:5.1 价格条款:合同总金额为xxx元,包括设计、采购和施工费用。
5.2 保证金:中标人需要在合同签订前向招标人交纳xx%的保证金,作为履行合同的保证。
5.3 违约责任:若中标人违反合同条款,招标人有权采取法律措施,并可以解除合同。
5.4 争议解决:招标人和中标人应友好协商解决合同争议,如协商不成,将提交至仲裁机构进行仲裁。
6. 补充材料6.1 技术规范:详细描述工程的技术要求和规格。
6.2 合同范本:作为本招标书的补充材料,包括合同的样本和条款。
7. 投标文件准备要求7.1 投标人需要提交以下文件:- 公司资质证明- 近期项目经验- 技术方案和工艺流程- 技术人员资质证明- 报价单及其它相关表格8. 投标截止日期和地点8.1 投标截止日期:xxxx年xx月xx日,xx时xx分8.2 投标地点:xxx街道xxx号9. 其他注意事项9.1 中标公示:中标结果将在投标截止后的xx个工作日内公示。

投标须知Notice for bidder1. 请投标方仔细的阅读所有招标文件中包含的内容。
Please read all documents carefully.2. 请投标方仔细阅读英文文件,并以英文文件内容为准。
Please read the English part carefully and subject to the requirements in English.3. 商务投标文件与技术投标文件,请分别制作。
投标文件原件请邮寄至“江苏省常熟市沿江经济开发区兴港路10号,江苏皮尔金顿耀皮玻璃有限公司”;请同时将投标书的电子格式文件同时发送至我公司电子邮箱:sam.sun@The commercial part and technical part should be separated.All original tender documents should be mailed to “Jiangsu Pilkington SYP Glass CO.,LTD.” by express. The mail address is “NO.10 Xinggang Road Changshu Economic Development Zone Changshu Jiangsu province, China.Postal code: 215536”Please also e-mail all documents to the follows:sam.sun@;投标文件以邮寄或密封在指定日期内送达到招标方要求地址。
投标截止日期为(即招标方收到投标书日期):2008年10 月24日。
All original paper tender documents should be put in envelope and sent to the specified place within schedule time. The end date (the date of buyer receiving paper documents):2008-10-244. 我们招标文件中要求的最迟交货日期为2008年11月03日。

1. IntroductionThis document is issued by [Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer") to invite bids from eligible contractors for the construction of [Project Name] (hereinafter referred to as "Project"). The Project is located at [Project Address] and is scheduled to commence on [Commencement Date] and be completed by [Completion Date]. The Buyer reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids submitted.2. Scope of WorkThe scope of work for the Project includes, but is not limited to, the following:- Construction of new buildings or facilities- Renovation of existing buildings or facilities- Infrastructure development, including roads, utilities, and drainage systems- Installation of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems- Landscape design and implementation- Environmental compliance and safety measures3. Tender DocumentsThe tender documents consist of the following:- Tender invitation letter- Technical specifications- General conditions of contract- Special conditions of contract- Drawings and plans- Bill of quantities- Form of tender- Instructions to biddersAll tender documents are subject to amendment or withdrawal by the Buyer at any time before the closing date of the tender.4. Bidders EligibilityTo be eligible to submit a bid, bidders must meet the following criteria:- Be a legal entity registered and operating in accordance with the laws of the country where the Project is located- Have a minimum of [number] years of experience in the construction industry- Possess the necessary qualifications, licenses, and insurance required for the execution of the Project- Have a good financial standing, as evidenced by audited financial statements for the last three years- Have no unresolved legal disputes or claims against the bidder5. Tender SubmissionBids must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked "Tender for [Project Name]" to the address specified in the instructions to bidders. Bids must be received by the Buyer no later than [Closing Date and Time]. Late bids will not be considered.6. Evaluation CriteriaThe evaluation of bids will be based on the following criteria:- Compliance with technical specifications- Price competitiveness- Experience and track record of the bidder- Financial strength and stability of the bidder- Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements7. Contract AwardThe Buyer reserves the right to award the contract to the bidder whose bid is deemed to be the most advantageous to the Buyer, taking into account the evaluation criteria set forth in the tender documents.8. Contract ConditionsThe contract between the Buyer and the successful bidder will be governed by the following conditions:- General conditions of contract- Special conditions of contract- Technical specifications- Drawings and plans- Bill of quantitiesThe successful bidder will be required to enter into a formal contract with the Buyer within [number] days of the contract award notification.9. Tender SecurityAll bidders are required to submit a tender security of [amount] as a guarantee of their bid. The tender security will be returned to the bidder upon acceptance of the bid or, if the bid is rejected, within [number] days of the closing date of the tender.10. Instructions to Bidders- All bids must be submitted in the form provided in the tender documents.- Bidders must ensure that all information provided in the bid is accurate and complete.- Bidders must provide evidence of their compliance with the eligibility criteria.- Bidders must adhere to the tender submission deadlines and procedures.- Bidders must not discuss their bids with other bidders or with any unauthorized person.11. ConfidentialityThe Buyer reserves the right to treat all information submitted by bidders as confidential and will not disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of the bidder.12. Contact InformationFor any queries or clarifications regarding the tender, please contact:[Contact Name][Company Name][Contact Address][Contact Phone Number][Contact Email Address]13. ConclusionThe Buyer invites all interested and eligible contractors to submittheir bids for the construction of [Project Name]. The Buyer looks forward to receiving competitive and compliant bids and aims to select the most suitable bidder to successfully execute the Project.[Company Name][Date]---Note: This is a simplified template for an engineering project tender document. Depending on the complexity of the project and the legal requirements of the jurisdiction, additional clauses, conditions, and requirements may be necessary. It is advisable to consult with legal and technical experts when preparing tender documents.。

TendersDear Sirs:Better carry out the project in order to better promote the Qingdao the Longhu Mountain HKUST project, marketing and sales work, Qingdao Longhu Land expand Ltd. intends to open tender on the company's Mountain HKUST project planning services outsourcing, select the appropriate advertising integration promotion of the service providers.We look forward to working with you for your cooperation, but also a sincere thank you for your participation.1.Tender notified1.1 of the tender is to determine the unit of Yamashina large projects advertising companies invited to tender units to give full consideration to the needs of the Division I tender.1.2 Tender before submission of tender documents, the business qualification with the requirements of the case in detail to understand clearly. The bidders shall carefully study all the tender documents, if the tender documents for bidding units can not meet the requirements of the tender documents, the responsibility the bidding units conceited, is not substantially responsive to the tender documents, tender documents will be rejected.1.3. Important basis for the preparation of tenders, tender documents for bidding units, is also an important basis to sign the agreement in the future, with the unit bid winning notice with the annex to the contract, the contract has the same legal effect as Wang tender units to pay attention.1.4. Tender units participate in the tender, must be attended by the legal representative of the enterprise or the legal representative of the client, may not be delegated to other personnel, if found according to the half-way back standard treatment.1.5 tenderer shall tender documents stipulated schedule time to participate in the bidding of the activities, and submit tender fulfilled the legal representative or the legal representative of the client's certificate.1.6 the tender units on the information received, the correctness of the information take full responsibility. Once the bidder to the tender side to submit a formal tender documents, deemed to have accepted all the demands made by the tender side of tender documents.1.7 Tender agreed to the bidding units do not have to accept the lowest bid price received tender documents or any tender documents, also does not explain the reasons and rationale to select or reject any bid.2. Bidder qualification2.1 with planning and creativity of the real estate industry full of independent creativity, outstanding design, a strong sense of collaboration, high theoretical level qualification / ability. Domestic brands, and has experience in the real estate developer.2.2 registered in the country, at least for three years estate of more (including Sannian) in advertising to promote the experience in key personnel.2.3 The ability for the project to set up a special working group at the same time to maintain the relative stability of the composition, in order to facilitate smooth communication and continuity of place and advertising operations. Key nodes, such as the sales office open, open showroom opening major node, acceptable in the field office.2.4 after winning the tender units in the contract period shall contact the agent related advertising strategy of competing products, marketing and graphic design work, the competing products haveapproached the agent need specialized organizations related discussion will be decided.3.3.1 tendering units issued during the tender period complement missing books, and other valid official letter from the tender file attachments are a valid part of the tender documents.3.2 tendering companies to bear the tender related costsFound in 3.3 Bidders can participate in the tender before the deadline on the tender documents, the tender notice in writing or by e-mail to be modified.3.4 tender attachment is an important part of the follow-up agreement, if no objection, both deemed to be effective.3.5 tender power of interpretation in the tender side.招标书敬启者:为了更好地推广青岛龙湖山科大项目,更好地开展项目的市场和销售工作,青岛龙湖置业拓展有限公司拟对公司旗下山科大项目企划服务外包,采用公开招标的方式选择合适的广告整合推广服务商。


三、资格要求(一)所有根据 ______银行的"采购指导原则"具有资格的成员均可投标。

标书翻译中英对照Tender Invitation (excerpts)1. 投标书Tender10.1 投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的商务投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表(包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表)。
Among the tender documents, tenderers shall fill out completely the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and Tender Quotation. The Quotation (all items in the Quotation shall be filled out except for the prices) and three copies (one Original and two Duplicates) of the Instructions to Quotations as well as the letter of guarantee from the bank of tenderers must be sealed separately, and be submitted together with the tender documents.10.2 在投标文件澄清后提交的附件6价格表部分正、副本应用信封单独密封,封面上注明项目名称、招标编号、投标人名址、“正本”“副本”字样及“分项价格”和“保密”字样。
The Attachment 6 to be submitted after the tender documents have been clarified the Original and Duplicate copies of the Quotation must be sealed separately in different envelops, on which the item names, tender codes, tenderer addresses, words of ‘Original’, ‘Duplicate’ and ‘Item Price’ and‘Confidential’ must be written. An e-version of the Quotation (in WORD format) that is separately sealed must be furnished at the same time.2. 投标报价Tender Offers11.1 投标人应在投标报价汇总表和投标分项报价表上标明本合同拟提供货物的单价(如适用)和总价。

投标须知Notice for bidder1. 请投标方仔细的阅读所有招标文件中包含的内容。
Please read all documents carefully.2. 请投标方仔细阅读英文文件,并以英文文件内容为准。
Please read the English part carefully and subject to the requirements in English.3. 商务投标文件与技术投标文件,请分别制作。
投标文件原件请邮寄至“江苏省常熟市沿江经济开发区兴港路10号,江苏皮尔金顿耀皮玻璃有限公司”;请同时将投标书的电子格式文件同时发送至我公司电子邮箱: The commercial part and technical part should be separated. All original tender documents should be mailed to “Jiangsu Pilkington SYP Glass CO.,LTD.” by express. The mail address is “NO.10 Xinggang Road Changshu Econ omic Development Zone Changshu Jiangsu province, China. Postal code: 215536”Please also e-mail all documents to the follows: 投标文件以邮寄或密封在指定日期内送达到招标方要求地址。
投标截止日期为(即招标方收到投标书日期):2008年10 月24日。
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XXXXXXX 有限公司扩建厂房工程Contents目录VOLUME 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW (6)第一卷工程概况 (6)S ECTION 1.1 D ESCRIPTION OF THE P ROJECT (6)第1.1节项目描述 (6)1.1.1 Description of the Project项目简介 (6)1.1.2 Location of Project工程地点 (6)1.1.3 Brief Introduction of Project工程简介 (6)S ECTION 1.2 S ITE C ONDITIONS (6)第1.2节现场状况 (6)S ECTION1.3 S COPE OF W ORK (6)第1.3节工作范围 (6)S ECTION1.4 P ROJECT F EATURES & A NALYSIS (7)第 1.4节项目特点分析 (7)S ECTION1. 5 P ROJECT O BJECTIVES (7)第1.5节项目目标 (7)1.5.1 Quality Objective质量目标 (8)1.5.2 Safety and Civilized Objectives安全、文明目标 (8)1.5.3. Schedule Objectives工期目标 (8)VOLUME 2 THE PROJECT EXECUTION PROGRAM (9)第二卷项目执行计划 (9)S ECTION 2.1 T HE P ROJECT O RGANIZATION C HART (9)第2.1节项目组织计划 (9)2.1.1 Organization Chart组织机构图 (9)2.1.2 CV of Key Staffs主要人员简历 (10)S ECTION 2.2 P ROJECT S CHEDULE (14)2.2.1 Milestones项目里程碑 (14)2.2.2 Master Schedule施工总进度计划 (14)2.2.3 Schedule Assurance Measures项目进度保证 (14)S ECTION2. 3 R ESOURCE P LAN (15)第 2.3节资源计划 (15)2.3.1 Manpower Plan人力投入计划 (15)2.3.2 Equipment & Plant Plan机械设备计划 (18)S ECTION 2.4 S ITE P LAN (25)第 2.4节现场总平面布置 (25)2.4.1 Site Layout Plan总平面布置方案 (25)2.4.2 Temporary Water Plan临时用水方案 (26)2.4.3 Temporary Electricity Plan临时用电方案 (26)S ECTION 2.5 E XTERNAL C OORDINATION (30)第 2.5节外部协调计划 (30)2.5.1 Coordination with Parties Concerned与项目参与方(业主,管理公司,设计院,咨询公司,监理,质监站等) (30)S ECTION 2.6 I NSPECTION AND A CCEPTANCE S CHEME (33)第 2.6节项目验收计划 (33)2.6.1 In-Process Acceptance过程验收计划 (33)2.6.2 Take-over Acceptance竣工验收计划 (35)S ECTION2.7 A FTER-P ROJECT S ERVICE (40)第 2.7节售后服务计划 (40)2.7.1 Our Commitment我们承诺 (40)2.7.2 Contact List联系人名单 (40)VOLUME 3 METHOD STATEMENT (41)第三卷施工方案 (41)S ECTION 3.1 M EASUREMENT METHOD (41)第 3.1节测量方案 (41)3.1.1 Difficulty of Measure Work测量工作的难点 (41)3.1.2 Control of Measure Work平面控制测量控制 (41)3.1.3 Height Transmission高程传递 (42)3.1.4 Steel Structure Installation钢结构安装 (42)3.1.5 Fall Observation沉降观测 (44)3.1.6 Foundation Plan Observation基础平面测量 (44)S ECTION 3.2 E ARTHWORK METHOD (45)第 3.2节土建施工方案 (45)3.2.1 Site Situation现场情况 (45)3.2.2 Work Arrangement施工部署 (45)3.2.3 Earthwork Preparation开挖前准备 (45)3.2.4 Excavation Method开挖方式 (45)3.2.5 Soil Excavation土方开挖 (46)3.2.6 Piling Re-check桩基复核和桩顶处理 (47)3.2.7 Soil Backfill基坑土方回填 (48)S ECTION 3.3 F ORMWORK METHOD (48)第 3.3节模板安装方案 (48)3.3.1 guideline概述 (48)3.3.2 Foundation Formwork基础模板 (49)3.3.3 Bolt Installation地脚螺栓安装 (49)S ECTION 3.4 R EINFORCED S TEEL W ORKS OF S UPERSTRUCTURE (50)第3.4节钢筋工程 (50)3.4.1 Steel Material Purchase and Check钢筋原材料的采购、验收管理 (50)3.4.2 Steel Material Stack、Prohibit and Sign钢筋原材料的现场堆放、保护和标识 (51)3.4.3Preparation准备工作 (52)3.4.4 Laying-off & Manufacturing钢筋配料和制作 (52)3.4.5 Beam Rebar Colligation梁钢筋绑扎 (54)3.4.6 Rebar Covering Control钢筋保护层控制 (55)S ECTION 3.5 S UPERSTRUCTURE C ONCRETE W ORKS (55)第 3.5节混凝土工程 (55)3.5.1Preparation准备工作 (55)3.5.2 Commercial Ready Mixed Concrete预拌混凝土 (56)3.5.3Slump Test坍落度测试 (56)3.5.4 Concrete Compressive Strength Tests混凝土抗压强度试验 (57)3.5.5 Transportation of Concrete混凝土的运送 (58)3.5.6 Placing of Concrete混凝土的浇筑 (58)3.5.7 Compaction of Concrete by Vibration混凝土振捣密实 (59)3.5.8 Curing养护 (60)S ECTION 3.6 M ASONRY W ORKS (60)第3.6节砌体工程 (60)3.6.1 Site Preparation现场准备 (60)3.6.2 Cement Mortar水泥砂浆 (61)3.6.3 Masonry Material砌筑材料 (61)3.6.4Requirement of Masonry砌筑要求 (61)S ECTION 3.7 D ECORATION CONCEPT (62)第 3.7节装饰装修方案 (62)3.7.1 Ceiling Work吊顶施工 (62)3.7.2 Doors and Windows Work门窗安装 (64)3.7.3 Floor Work地面施工方案 (66)3.7.4 Wall Work墙面施工方案 (70)S ECTION 3.98S TEEL S TRUCTURE WORK (73)第 3.8节钢结构施工方案 (73)3.8.1 Fabrication of Steel Structure钢结构加工 (73)3.8.2 Delivery发运 (88)3.8.3主钢构吊装Main steel structure lifting (91)3.8.4屋墙面板的安装Roof & Wall Panel Installation (92)3.8.5屋面防水施工方案Roof waterproofing construction concept (92)S ECTION 3.9 MEP WORKS (116)第 3.9 节机电工程 (116)3.9.1 Electrical installation procedure电气系统施工方法 (116)3.9.2HVAC system system installation procedure通风空调系统施工方法 (129)3.9.3Plumbing & Sanitary system给排水系统 (134)VOLUME 4 QUALITY MANAGEMENT POLICY (141)第四卷质量管理体系 (141)S ECTION 4.1 Q UALITY A SSURANCE & M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM (141)第 4.1节质量保证体系 (141)4.1.1 Project Quality Assurance Objectives工程质量目标 (141)4.1.2 Quality Assurance Organization Chart项目质量保证体系图 (142)S ECTION 4.2 Q UALITY A SSURANCE & M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM (143)第 4.2节质量保证和管理计划 (143)4.2.1 Basis for Q/A Plan Preparation质量保证体系编制依据 (143)4.2.2 Guideline & Objectiv质量方针和目标e (143)S ECTION 4.3Q UALITY C ONTROL M EASURES (143)第 4.3节质量控制措施 (143)4.3.1 Guideline概述 (143)4.3.2 Workmanship工艺 (143)4.3.3 Factory Certified Test Logs工厂测试记录 (143)4.3.4 Manufacturers’Field Services制造商现场服务 (144)4.3.5 Testing Laboratory Services实验室测试 (144)4.3.6 Check and Test Records检查测试记录 (145)4.3.7 General Quality Specification for Construction and T&C施工以和测试/调试质量说明 (145)4.3.8 Quality Documentation质量文件 (148)S ECTION 4.4 C ORRECTIVE&P REVENTIVE A CTION (148)第 4.4节更正&预防措施 (148)4.4.1 Guideline概述 (148)4.4.2 Corrective Action Maybe Initiated By更正措施可能从以下措施着手 (149)4.4.3 Corrective Action更正措施 (149)4.4.4 Precautions预防措施 (150)4.4.5 Punch List & Remedies整改清单和整改清单的完成 (150)VOLUME 5 HSE EXECUTION PLAN (156)第五卷健康、安全、环境(HSE)实施计划 (151)S ECTION 5.1 P URPOSE, P OLICY AND C OMMITMENT OF HSE (151)第 5.1节HSE管理方针、承诺和目标 (151)S ECTION 5.2 HSE ORGANIZATION CHART (152)第 5.2节HSE组织体系 (152)S ECTION 5.3 HSE TRAINING (156)第 5.3节HSE教育和培训 (156)S ECTION 5.4 I NSPECTION AND S UPERVISION (157)第 5.4节检查与监督 (157)S ECTION 5.5 S ITE HSE CONTROL (158)第 5.5节现场HSE管理 (158)S ECTION 5.6 HSE CONTROL FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK (164)第 5.6节施工作业的HSE管理 (164)S ECTION 5.7 P ROTECTION FOR MACHINE AND EQUIPMENT (175)第 5.7节机械设备防护 (175)S ECTION 5.8 S ITE SECURITY AND GUARD (175)第5.8节现场保卫 (175)S ECTION 5.9 F IELD C IVILIZATION C ONSTRUCTION MEASURE (176)第 5.9节现场文明施工措施 (176)S ECTION 5.10 E NCOURAGING METHOD FOR HSE MANAGEMENT (179)第 5.10节HSE管理激励措施 (179)S ECTION 5.11 F OR FORMS RELATING TO HSE (180)第 5.11节涉和HSE相关的表格 (180)Volume 1 Project Overview第一卷工程概况Section 1.1 Description of the Project第 1.1节项目描述1.1.1 Description of the Project项目简介XXXX Company. Expansion Factory Expansion project, which located in the north side of xxxxx Road (Spanish Industrial Park),. And this project is consist of 4 floors, and the building area is about 3719 m2,the elevation height is 24.6m. The general work scope is the indoor & outdoor engineering works, mainly including the following parts;XXXXXXX有限公司扩建厂房工程位于…………..内。
工程投标参照文件(投资方 中英文对照 leed)_secret

1.0 Preambles序言Table of Content目录1.0INTRODUCTION简介2.0HEALTH & SAFETY健康与安全3.0LEED OBLIGATIONSLEED责任4.0TESTING & COMMISSIONING测试与调试5.0PROGRAMME AND REPORTS进度计划与报告6.0OVERALL CO-ORDINATION RESPONSIBILITIES全面协调职责7.0SITE AND INSPECTION现场与检查8.0COMPLETION DATE/ POSSESSION AND COMPLETION完工日/接管与完工9.0GENERAL SITE MANAGEMENT OBLIGATIONS整体现场管理要求10.0TEMPORARY WORKS临时设施11.0STATUTORY OBLIGATIONS法定责任12.0SHOP DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATION深化加工图与说明13.0MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP材料与工艺14.0PROTECTION OF PUBLIC PROPERTY, ETC公共财产保护等15.0ARTIST OF TRADESMEN NOT SUB-CONTRACTORS非分包商的艺术家和工匠16.0INSTRUCTIONS, VARIATIONS AND METHODS OF MEASURING AND VALUING指令,变更和测量与评估方式AppendixAppendix A–LEED-NC Green building Certification Construction Requirement dated 18th January 2008 (refer to the file included in the Construction Design Pack of the Tender Document)附件A – LEEDTM绿色建筑认证施工要求指南,2008年1月18日版(请参阅招标文件中的成套施工图设计文件)Appendix B–Testing and Commission Specification (refer to the Construction Design Pack of the tender document and it may be updated in Part II of the Tender Document)附件B –调试和测试说明(请参阅招标文件中的成套施工图设计文件,这个文件可能在第二部分招标文件中修正。
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Contents目录VOLUME 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW (6)第一卷工程概况 (6)S ECTION 1.1 D ESCRIPTION OF THE P ROJECT (6)第1.1节项目描述 (6)1.1.1 Description of the Project项目简介 (6)1.1.2 Location of Project工程地点 (6)1.1.3 Brief Introduction of Project工程简介 (6)S ECTION 1.2 S ITE C ONDITIONS (6)第1.2节现场状况 (6)S ECTION1.3 S COPE OF W ORK (6)第1.3节工作范围 (6)S ECTION1.4 P ROJECT F EATURES & A NALYSIS (7)第 1.4节项目特点分析 (7)S ECTION1. 5 P ROJECT O BJECTIVES (7)第1.5节项目目标 (7)1.5.1 Quality Objective质量目标 (8)1.5.2 Safety and Civilized Objectives安全、文明目标 (8)1.5.3. Schedule Objectives工期目标 (8)VOLUME 2 THE PROJECT EXECUTION PROGRAM (9)第二卷项目执行计划 (9)S ECTION 2.1 T HE P ROJECT O RGANIZATION C HART (9)第2.1节项目组织计划 (9)2.1.1 Organization Chart组织机构图 (9)2.1.2 CV of Key Staffs主要人员简历 (10)S ECTION 2.2 P ROJECT S CHEDULE (14)2.2.1 Milestones项目里程碑 (14)2.2.2 Master Schedule施工总进度计划 (14)2.2.3 Schedule Assurance Measures项目进度保证 (14)S ECTION2. 3 R ESOURCE P LAN (15)第 2.3节资源计划 (15)2.3.1 Manpower Plan人力投入计划 (15)2.3.2 Equipment & Plant Plan机械设备计划 (18)S ECTION 2.4 S ITE P LAN (25)第 2.4节现场总平面布置 (25)2.4.1 Site Layout Plan总平面布置方案 (25)2.4.2 Temporary Water Plan临时用水方案 (26)2.4.3 Temporary Electricity Plan临时用电方案 (26)S ECTION 2.5 E XTERNAL C OORDINATION (30)第 2.5节外部协调计划 (30)2.5.1 Coordination with Parties Concerned与项目参与方(业主,管理公司,设计院,咨询公司,监理,质监站等) (30)S ECTION 2.6 I NSPECTION AND A CCEPTANCE S CHEME (33)第 2.6节项目验收计划 (33)2.6.1 In-Process Acceptance过程验收计划 (33)2.6.2 Take-over Acceptance竣工验收计划 (35)S ECTION2.7 A FTER-P ROJECT S ERVICE (40)第 2.7节售后服务计划 (40)2.7.1 Our Commitment我们承诺 (40)2.7.2 Contact List联系人名单 (40)VOLUME 3 METHOD STATEMENT (41)第三卷施工方案 (41)S ECTION 3.1 M EASUREMENT METHOD (41)第 3.1节测量方案 (41)3.1.1 Difficulty of Measure Work测量工作的难点 (41)3.1.2 Control of Measure Work平面控制测量控制 (41)3.1.3 Height Transmission高程传递 (42)3.1.4 Steel Structure Installation钢结构安装 (42)3.1.5 Fall Observation沉降观测 (44)3.1.6 Foundation Plan Observation基础平面测量 (44)S ECTION 3.2 E ARTHWORK METHOD (45)第 3.2节土建施工方案 (45)3.2.1 Site Situation现场情况 (45)3.2.2 Work Arrangement施工部署 (45)3.2.3 Earthwork Preparation开挖前准备 (45)3.2.4 Excavation Method开挖方式 (45)3.2.5 Soil Excavation土方开挖 (46)3.2.6 Piling Re-check桩基复核及桩顶处理 (47)3.2.7 Soil Backfill基坑土方回填 (48)S ECTION 3.3 F ORMWORK METHOD (48)第 3.3节模板安装方案 (48)3.3.1 guideline概述 (48)3.3.2 Foundation Formwork基础模板 (49)3.3.3 Bolt Installation地脚螺栓安装 (49)S ECTION 3.4 R EINFORCED S TEEL W ORKS OF S UPERSTRUCTURE (50)第3.4节钢筋工程 (50)3.4.1 Steel Material Purchase and Check钢筋原材料的采购、验收管理 (50)3.4.2 Steel Material Stack、Prohibit and Sign钢筋原材料的现场堆放、保护及标识 (51)3.4.3Preparation准备工作 (52)3.4.4 Laying-off & Manufacturing钢筋配料及制作 (52)3.4.5 Beam Rebar Colligation梁钢筋绑扎 (54)3.4.6 Rebar Covering Control钢筋保护层控制 (55)S ECTION 3.5 S UPERSTRUCTURE C ONCRETE W ORKS (55)第 3.5节混凝土工程 (55)3.5.1Preparation准备工作 (55)3.5.2 Commercial Ready Mixed Concrete预拌混凝土 (56)3.5.3Slump Test坍落度测试 (56)3.5.4 Concrete Compressive Strength Tests混凝土抗压强度试验 (57)3.5.5 Transportation of Concrete混凝土的运送 (58)3.5.6 Placing of Concrete混凝土的浇筑 (58)3.5.7 Compaction of Concrete by Vibration混凝土振捣密实 (59)3.5.8 Curing养护 (60)S ECTION 3.6 M ASONRY W ORKS (60)第3.6节砌体工程 (60)3.6.1 Site Preparation现场准备 (60)3.6.2 Cement Mortar水泥砂浆 (61)3.6.3 Masonry Material砌筑材料 (61)3.6.4Requirement of Masonry砌筑要求 (61)S ECTION 3.7 D ECORATION CONCEPT (62)第 3.7节装饰装修方案 (62)3.7.1 Ceiling Work吊顶施工 (62)3.7.2 Doors and Windows Work门窗安装 (64)3.7.3 Floor Work地面施工方案 (66)3.7.4 Wall Work墙面施工方案 (70)S ECTION 3.98S TEEL S TRUCTURE WORK (73)第 3.8节钢结构施工方案 (73)3.8.1 Fabrication of Steel Structure钢结构加工 (73)3.8.2 Delivery发运 (88)3.8.3主钢构吊装Main steel structure lifting (91)3.8.4屋墙面板的安装Roof & Wall Panel Installation (92)3.8.5屋面防水施工方案Roof waterproofing construction concept (92)S ECTION 3.9 MEP WORKS (116)第 3.9 节机电工程 (116)3.9.1 Electrical installation procedure电气系统施工方法 (116)3.9.2HVAC system system installation procedure通风空调系统施工方法 (129)3.9.3Plumbing & Sanitary system给排水系统 (134)VOLUME 4 QUALITY MANAGEMENT POLICY (141)第四卷质量管理体系 (141)S ECTION 4.1 Q UALITY A SSURANCE & M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM (141)第 4.1节质量保证体系 (141)4.1.1 Project Quality Assurance Objectives工程质量目标 (141)4.1.2 Quality Assurance Organization Chart项目质量保证体系图 (142)S ECTION 4.2 Q UALITY A SSURANCE & M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM (143)第 4.2节质量保证和管理计划 (143)4.2.1 Basis for Q/A Plan Preparation质量保证体系编制依据 (143)4.2.2 Guideline & Objectiv质量方针及目标e (143)S ECTION 4.3Q UALITY C ONTROL M EASURES (143)第 4.3节质量控制措施 (143)4.3.1 Guideline概述 (143)4.3.2 Workmanship工艺 (143)4.3.3 Factory Certified Test Logs工厂测试记录 (143)4.3.4 Manufacturers’Field Services制造商现场服务 (144)4.3.5 Testing Laboratory Services实验室测试 (144)4.3.6 Check and Test Records检查测试记录 (145)4.3.7 General Quality Specification for Construction and T&C施工以及测试/调试质量说明 (145)4.3.8 Quality Documentation质量文件 (148)S ECTION 4.4 C ORRECTIVE&P REVENTIVE A CTION (148)第 4.4节更正&预防措施 (148)4.4.1 Guideline概述 (148)4.4.2 Corrective Action Maybe Initiated By更正措施可能从以下措施着手 (149)4.4.3 Corrective Action更正措施 (149)4.4.4 Precautions预防措施 (150)4.4.5 Punch List & Remedies整改清单和整改清单的完成 (150)VOLUME 5 HSE EXECUTION PLAN (156)第五卷健康、安全、环境(HSE)实施计划 (151)S ECTION 5.1 P URPOSE, P OLICY AND C OMMITMENT OF HSE (151)第 5.1节HSE管理方针、承诺和目标 (151)S ECTION 5.2 HSE ORGANIZATION CHART (152)第 5.2节HSE组织体系 (152)S ECTION 5.3 HSE TRAINING (156)第 5.3节HSE教育和培训 (156)S ECTION 5.4 I NSPECTION AND S UPERVISION (157)第 5.4节检查与监督 (157)S ECTION 5.5 S ITE HSE CONTROL (158)第 5.5节现场HSE管理 (158)S ECTION 5.6 HSE CONTROL FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK (164)第 5.6节施工作业的HSE管理 (164)S ECTION 5.7 P ROTECTION FOR MACHINE AND EQUIPMENT (175)第 5.7节机械设备防护 (175)S ECTION 5.8 S ITE SECURITY AND GUARD (175)第5.8节现场保卫 (175)S ECTION 5.9 F IELD C IVILIZATION C ONSTRUCTION MEASURE (176)第 5.9节现场文明施工措施 (176)S ECTION 5.10 E NCOURAGING METHOD FOR HSE MANAGEMENT (179)第 5.10节HSE管理激励措施 (179)S ECTION 5.11 F OR FORMS RELATING TO HSE (180)第 5.11节涉及HSE相关的表格 (180)Volume 1 Project Overview第一卷工程概况Section 1.1 Description of the Project第 1.1节项目描述1.1.1 Description of the Project项目简介XXXX Company. Expansion Factory Expansion project, which located in the north side of xxxxx Road (Spanish Industrial Park),. And this project is consist of 4 floors, and the building area is about 3719 m2,the elevation height is 24.6m. The general work scope is the indoor & outdoor engineering works, mainly including the following parts;XXXXXXX有限公司扩建厂房工程位于…………..内。