
关于写课间十分钟的英语范文English:During the ten-minute break between classes, students have the opportunity to relax, refresh their minds, and prepare for the next lesson. Some students may choose to take a short walk around the school, while others may chat with their friends. It also provides a moment for students to grab a quick snack or drink to refuel their bodies. Some may use this time to quickly review the material from the previous class or to complete a small task. Overall, the ten-minute break serves as a valuable opportunity for students to reset and recharge before diving back into the academic schedule.中文翻译:课间十分钟给了学生一个放松、清醒思绪并为下节课做准备的机会。

课间十分钟的英语作文I love the feeling of freedom during the ten-minute break. It's a short escape from the classroom, a chance to stretch my legs and take a breather. I usually use this time to chat with my friends, share snacks, or simply enjoy the fresh air outside.Sometimes, I like to use the break to catch up on my reading. I always carry a book with me, and those ten minutes are the perfect opportunity to dive into a new chapter or get lost in a different world. It's a refreshing break from the hustle and bustle of the school day.Other times, I prefer to just sit quietly and reflect on my thoughts. The break gives me a moment of peace amidst the chaos of the school day. I find it calming to just be still and let my mind wander wherever it pleases.During the break, I often find myself people-watching. It's fascinating to observe my classmates in their naturalhabitat, chatting, laughing, and playing games. The breakis a great time to connect with others and enjoy some lighthearted moments together.Overall, the ten-minute break is a precious time for me to recharge and reset. It's a brief interlude in the midst of a busy day, a chance to relax and regroup before diving back into the whirlwind of school life. I treasure these moments of freedom and look forward to them every day.。

During the ten-minute break, I usually like to take a short walk outside to get some fresh air and stretch my legs. It's a great way to clear my mind and re-energize for the next part of the day. Sometimes I'll also use this time to chat with my classmates and catch up on the latest news
or gossip. It's a nice way to connect with others and take
a break from the academic environment.

课间十分钟In the middle of a busy school day, the ten-minutebreak between classes is a welcome oasis. It's a brief moment of freedom, a respite from the continuous flow of lessons and learning. As the bell rings, signaling the endof one class and the beginning of the break, the atmosphere in the schoolyard transforms.Students spill out of their classrooms, eager tostretch their legs and relieve the tension of the past hour. Chatter and laughter fill the air as friends catch up, sharing stories and swapping gossip. Others seek out aquiet corner to read a book or simply gaze at the sky, lost in their own thoughts.The playground comes alive with the sounds of sports. Some students are playing basketball, their bodies leaping and dunking with the precision of trained athletes. Others are running tracks, their feet pounding rhythmically on the tarmac. The air is filled with the scent of fresh sweat and the earthy tang of the playground.In the distance, the school band practices, their instruments blending into a harmonious melody. The sound of the trumpets and drums floats across the schoolyard, adding a touch of elegance to the otherwise noisy break.As the minutes tick by, the bell rings again, signaling the end of the break and the beginning of the next class. Students reluctantly gather their things and file back into their classrooms. The hustle and bustle of the break is replaced by the quiet anticipation of the next lesson.Yet, even as they sit down to resume their studies, the memories of the past ten minutes linger. The laughter, the chatter, the sense of freedom - all these become a welcome memory to sustain them through the next hour of learning.**课间十分钟**在忙碌的学校日程中,课间十分钟就像是一片宁静的绿洲。
英语作文 课间十分钟

英语作文课间十分钟During the ten-minute break between classes, students usually have different ways to spend their time. Some prefer to chat with friends, while others may choose to grab a quick snack. It's a good opportunity to relax and unwind before the next lesson begins.For some students, the ten-minute break is a chance to catch up on their social media feeds. They quickly scroll through their Instagram or Twitter, checking for any updates or messages from friends. It's a way to stay connected and take a mental break from schoolwork.Others may use the time to review their notes or go over the material from the previous class. It's a productive use of the break and can help them stay on top of their studies. It's a good way to reinforce what they've learned and prepare for the upcoming lesson.Some students may simply use the time to stretch andmove around. Sitting in a classroom for long periods can be tiring, so taking a few minutes to walk around or do some light stretching can help them feel more alert and focused when the next class begins.For some, the ten-minute break is a chance to simplysit quietly and relax. They may close their eyes and take a few deep breaths, using the time to clear their mind and reduce any stress or anxiety they may be feeling.No matter how students choose to spend their ten-minute break, it's a valuable opportunity to recharge and prepare for the next lesson. It's a brief but important interludein the school day, allowing students to take a moment for themselves before diving back into their studies.。
小学英语作文 课间十分钟

课间十分钟Break Time: Ten Delightful MinutesAs the school bell rings, signaling the end of a hardworking 40-minute class, the students' faces light up with excitement. The classroom door swings open, and a flood of children spill out into the corridor, eager to embrace the freedom of the break time. Ten minutes, short yet precious, filled with laughter, chatter, and the pure joy of childhood.During these ten minutes, the schoolyard transformsinto a vibrant hive of activity. Some students rush to the playground, their feet skipping lightly as they play tag or soccer. Others gather in small groups, sharing stories or swapping secrets under the shady trees. The air is filled with the sounds of children's voices, a harmonious melody that flows freely between the buildings.At the far end of the playground, a group of girls are sitting cross-legged on the grass, heads bowed in concentration. They are busy creating colorful collages, their fingers deftly manipulating the scissors and glue.Nearby, a boy is sitting alone, lost in the pages of a book, his eyes following the adventures of far-off lands.The break time is not just about playing and relaxing, though. It's also a time for making friends, learning new things, and exploring interests. Children discover their talents, whether it's through skipping rope, playing an instrument, or simply sharing a joke with a friend.As the bell rings once again, signaling the start ofthe next class, the children reluctantly gather theirthings and return to their classrooms. The schoolyardslowly quiets down, and the corridors become empty. But the memories of the ten delightful minutes remain fresh intheir minds, ready to be relived during the next break.课间十分钟,是孩子们最期待的时刻。

课间十分钟英语作文During the ten-minute break between classes, the school's atmosphere comes alive with a burst of energy and excitement. Students, who were just moments ago engrossed in their lessons, now scatter in various directions, each pursuingtheir own interests and hobbies.In the courtyard, a group of students is engaged in afriendly game of basketball, their laughter and cheersechoing through the air. The ball bounces rhythmically asthey pass it back and forth, each player striving to make the next basket.Meanwhile, inside the school library, a quieter scene unfolds. Students huddle together, heads bent over textbooks or lostin thought as they prepare for upcoming exams. The softrustling of pages turning and the occasional whisper of a question being asked create a peaceful symphony.Over by the art room, creativity is in full swing. Students with paintbrushes in hand are absorbed in their artwork,their faces a mix of concentration and joy as they bringtheir visions to life on canvas.In the music room, the sound of instruments tuning up fillsthe air. A small ensemble is practicing for an upcoming performance, their notes gradually coming together in harmonious melody.The cafeteria is a bustling hub of activity, with students grabbing a quick snack or catching up with friends. Conversations flow easily, punctuated by laughter and the clinking of spoons against plates.As the bell rings, signaling the end of the break, students reluctantly gather their belongings and head back to their classrooms. The energy from the break lingers, however, as they return to their desks with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and readiness to learn.The ten-minute break is a vital part of the school day, offering students a chance to recharge, socialize, and explore their passions. It's a brief respite from the structured learning environment, yet it plays a crucial role in fostering a well-rounded education and a balanced student life.。

Break Time Activities in the Classroom: AnEnglish ReportIn the hustle and bustle of the school day, the ten-minute break between classes often serves as a welcome respite for students. This break, known as "recess" in many schools, is a time for students to unwind, refresh, and prepare for the next class. However, in some cases, due to weather or other factors, students may be confined to the classroom during this break. Despite the limited space, students can still engage in a variety of engaging and beneficial activities.One popular activity during indoor recesses is brain teasers and puzzles. These activities not only helpstudents to exercise their minds but also improve their problem-solving skills. Students can challenge each other with math problems, riddles, or logic puzzles, and the competitive spirit often leads to lively discussions and excited shouts of triumph.Another fun activity is performing skits or short plays. Students can team up and create short scenarios or dialogues, which they then perform for their classmates.This activity not only helps students to develop their creativity and imagination but also enhances their communication skills and confidence. The laughter and applause from their peers add to the joy of performing.Reading is also a great way to spend the break. Students can bring their favorite books from the library or their own collections and read quietly during the break. This activity not only拓宽了学生的知识面,还培养了他们的阅读习惯和静心思考的能力。

课间十分钟的游戏时光In the hustle and bustle of school life, the ten-minute break between classes often serves as a breath of fresh air, not only for our bodies but also for our minds. It's a time when students can escape the monotony of classes and engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Games during this break are a popular choice, as they provide an opportunity for students to bond, compete, and simply have fun.The options for games during the ten-minute break are diverse and range from traditional to modern ones. Classic games like "tag" and "hide and seek" are still favorites among students, as they require minimal equipment and canbe played in any open space. These games foster teamwork, quick thinking, and physical activity, making them idealfor a quick burst of energy.However, with the advent of technology, digital games have also become popular during the break. Mobile phonesand tablets have transformed the way we play, providing access to a wide range of games that can be played instantly. Games like "Snake," "Fruit Ninja," and variouspuzzle games are favorites among students, as they offer a quick escape into a virtual world.Regardless of the type of game chosen, the benefits of playing during the ten-minute break are numerous. Firstly, it acts as a great stress reliever, helping students to unwind and de-stress from the demands of the classroom. Secondly, it promotes physical activity, which is crucial for maintaining good health. Games like "tag" and "hopscotch" encourage students to move around and engage their bodies, thus preventing monotony and promotingoverall well-being.Moreover, playing games during the break fosters social interaction and team building among students. Games like "tag" and "hide and seek" require cooperation and communication among players, which helps in developing social skills and enhancing teamwork. This, in turn, can lead to better relationships and a more cohesive school community.In addition, games during the break can also act as a creative outlet for students. Games like "charades" and "truth or dare" encourage imagination and creativity, asstudents need to think outside the box to perform tasks or answer questions. This creative thinking can be beneficial in other areas of their lives, such as problem-solving and critical thinking.However, it's important to strike a balance when playing games during the break. While it's okay to indulge in some fun and relaxation, students should also ensurethat they don't miss the next class or neglect their responsibilities. Additionally, it's essential to be mindful of the noise level and not disturb other students who may be studying or preparing for their next class.In conclusion, the ten-minute break between classes provides an excellent opportunity for students to engage in fun and relaxing activities, such as playing games. These games not only provide a break from the monotony of classes but also offer numerous benefits, including stress relief, physical activity, social interaction, and creative outlet. By striking a balance and being mindful of others, students can make the most of this valuable break time and refresh themselves for the next class.**课间十分钟的游戏时光**在学校生活的喧嚣中,课间十分钟往往是一股清新的空气,不仅为我们的身体,也为我们的心灵带来了舒缓。

课间十分钟事例的英语作文The school bell rings and a collective sigh of relief echoes through the hallways as students spill out of their classrooms. It's the much-anticipated 10-minute break between classes, a brief respite from the rigors of academic life. This short interval serves as a vital respite, allowing students to recharge, socialize, and prepare for the next round of learning.During this time, the school corridors come alive with activity. Students scurry to their lockers, hastily retrieving textbooks and supplies for their upcoming lessons. The air is filled with the chatter of excited voices as friends reunite, sharing the latest news and gossip. Some take this opportunity to grab a quick snack from the vending machines or the school cafeteria, fueling their bodies for the next class.One of the most valuable aspects of the 10-minute break is the chance for students to engage in physical activity. Many will use this time to stretch their legs, taking a brisk walk around the school grounds or engaging in a quick game of basketball or foursquare.This brief burst of movement not only helps to improve physical fitness but also enhances mental alertness, preparing students to focus on the upcoming lessons.For those who need a moment of quiet reflection, the 10-minute break provides a welcome respite from the constant stimulation of the classroom. Some students will find a quiet corner, whether it's a secluded alcove or a bench in the courtyard, and use this time to decompress, practice mindfulness exercises, or simply enjoy a few moments of solitude.The 10-minute break also serves as an opportunity for students to seek out academic support. Many schools have designated areas where teachers or peer tutors are available during this time, providing students with the chance to ask questions, clarify concepts, or receive additional guidance on assignments. This personalized attention can be invaluable in helping students stay on track and succeed in their studies.Beyond the academic benefits, the 10-minute break also plays a crucial role in fostering social connections among students. During this time, friendships are strengthened, new relationships are formed, and a sense of community is cultivated. Students have the chance to engage in meaningful conversations, share their experiences, and build a sense of belonging within the school environment.Moreover, the 10-minute break serves as a valuable tool for maintaining student well-being. The brief respite from the intense focus required in the classroom allows students to recharge both physically and mentally. This can have a significant impact on their overall mood, stress levels, and ability to engage effectively in the next lesson.However, the 10-minute break is not without its challenges. In some schools, the sheer number of students attempting to navigate the hallways and access their lockers can lead to congestion and chaos. This can create a stressful environment and make it difficult for students to make the most of their limited time. Additionally, the temptation to engage in disruptive or inappropriate behavior during this unstructured period can be a concern for school administrators.To address these challenges, many schools have implemented strategies to maximize the benefits of the 10-minute break. This may include designating specific areas for different activities, such as quiet zones for reflection and study spaces for academic support. Some schools have also introduced structured activities or games during this time, providing students with engaging and constructive ways to spend their break.Overall, the 10-minute break between classes is a crucial componentof the school experience. It allows students to recharge, socialize, and prepare for the next round of learning, ultimately contributing to their academic success and overall well-being. As schools continue to recognize the importance of this brief respite, it is essential that they work to create an environment that supports the diverse needs and interests of their student population.。

The Joyful Ten-Minute BreakIn the bustling world of academics, the ten-minute break between classes often serves as a welcome respite. It's a short but significant period where students can unwind, recharge, and sometimes even engage in lighthearted activities that bring a smile to their faces.The bell rings, signaling the end of one class and the beginning of a brief respite. Immediately, the classroom comes alive with chatter and laughter. Some students gather in small groups, discussing topics ranging from the latest sports news to their favorite books. The exchange of ideas and perspectives is invigorating, offering a glimpse into the diverse interests and passions of classmates.Others choose to utilize the break for a quick physical activity. A few students dash out of the classroom, heading towards the playground or the school's small garden. They engage in lighthearted games like tag or simply run around, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. The physical activity helps to release tension and prepare them for the next round of studies.For those who prefer a more solitary pursuit, the break offers an opportunity to indulge in a hobby or simply relax. A student might be seen reading a book, lost in a world of imagination. Another might be doodling in a notebook, creating abstract designs or even a quick sketch of a friend. These quiet moments allow students to recharge their creative batteries and refresh their minds.The ten-minute break is also a time for social interaction and building friendships. A quick chat with a friend, a shared joke, or even a simple wave across the hallway can strengthen bonds and create a sense of camaraderie among classmates.As the bell rings again, signaling the end of the break, students quickly gather their things and head towards their next class. Despite the brevity of the break, it leaves a lasting impression. It's a reminder that learning is not just about textbooks and exams; it's also about finding joy in the small moments that make up our school days.。

课间十分钟英语作文六年级Here is an English essay with more than 1000 words, without a title, and without any extra punctuation marks in the body of the text.Education is a crucial aspect of a child's development and growth. It not only imparts knowledge but also shapes their personality, instills values, and prepares them for the challenges of the future. In this context, the ten-minute break during the school day plays a vital role in the overall well-being of students.During the school day, students are engaged in a rigorous academic schedule, which can be mentally and physically exhausting. The ten-minute break provides them with a much-needed respite, allowing them to recharge and rejuvenate. This short interval gives students the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities that can positively impact their learning and development.One of the primary benefits of the ten-minute break is the opportunity for physical activity. Students can use this time to participate in light exercises, stretch their limbs, or engage in simple games. This physical activity not only helps to improve their overall fitness but also enhances their cognitive function. Research hasshown that regular physical activity can improve concentration, memory, and problem-solving skills, all of which are essential for academic success.Furthermore, the ten-minute break allows students to socialize with their peers. During this time, students can interact with one another, share ideas, and engage in conversations. This social interaction is crucial for the development of their interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and overall well-being. By fostering positive relationships with their peers, students can learn important life skills such as teamwork, communication, and conflict resolution.Another important aspect of the ten-minute break is the opportunity for students to engage in relaxation and stress management activities. The academic demands of school can be overwhelming, and the ten-minute break provides a chance for students to take a step back, clear their minds, and recharge their mental and emotional batteries. This can be achieved through various activities such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or simply engaging in a quiet, reflective activity.Moreover, the ten-minute break can also be used as a time for students to pursue their personal interests and hobbies. Some students may choose to read a book, while others may engage in creative pursuits such as drawing or writing. This time can also beused to explore new interests or learn new skills, which can contribute to the overall development of the student.In addition to the benefits for the students, the ten-minute break also has positive implications for the school community as a whole. By providing students with opportunities for physical activity, social interaction, and relaxation, the school can foster a more positive and inclusive learning environment. This, in turn, can lead to improved academic performance, reduced behavioral issues, and a greater sense of community among the students.Furthermore, the ten-minute break can also serve as a valuable tool for teachers. During this time, teachers can use the opportunity to connect with their students on a more personal level, address any concerns or questions they may have, and provide additional support or guidance as needed. This can help to strengthen the teacher-student relationship and create a more supportive and nurturing learning environment.In conclusion, the ten-minute break during the school day is a crucial component of a student's overall education and development. By providing opportunities for physical activity, social interaction, relaxation, and personal exploration, the ten-minute break can have a profound impact on a student's academic, social, and emotional well-being. As such, it is essential that schools and educatorsrecognize the value of this short but impactful interval and ensure that it is effectively integrated into the daily routine of students.。

合理安排课间10分钟英语作文Title: Smart Utilization of the Ten-Minute Break.In the hustle and bustle of academic life, the ten-minute break between classes often goes unnoticed, treated as a mere transition period between one lesson and the next. However, with careful planning and intelligent utilization, these ten minutes can transform into a valuable asset, enhancing one's learning experience and overall well-being.Firstly, the break should serve as a brief respite from the intensity of classroom learning. The mind, after being engaged in concentrated thought for a sustained period, requires a moment to refresh and rejuvenate. This short break acts as a mental pause, allowing students to gather their thoughts, shift their focus, and prepare for the next lesson. By taking a moment to rest the mind, students can avoid feeling overwhelmed or mentally fatigued.Secondly, the break is an ideal time for physicalactivity. A quick walk around the schoolyard, a few stretches, or even a brief game of tag can help to loosen stiff muscles and improve blood circulation. This physical activity not onlyrefreshes the body but also acts as a stress reliever, helping to reduce the anxiety and tension that can accumulate during a busy school day.Moreover, the break can be used for social interaction. Students can take this opportunity to engage with their peers, discussing topics unrelated to academics, sharing stories, or simply catching up on each other's lives. This social interaction fosters a sense of community and belonging, which is crucial for students' emotional well-being. It also helps to develop their communication skills and enhances their understanding of diverse perspectives.Additionally, the break can be utilized for quick revision or previewing of the next lesson. Students can use this time to review key concepts or to skim through their textbooks, preparing themselves for the upcoming class. This active use of the break time helps to consolidate learning and ensures that students are better prepared andengaged when the next class begins.Furthermore, the break serves as an opportunity forself-reflection. Students can take a moment to assess their progress, identify areas that need improvement, and set goals for the future. This self-reflection promotes a growth mindset, encouraging students to view challenges as opportunities for learning and personal development.In conclusion, the ten-minute break between classes is a valuable resource that should be utilized wisely. It offers students a chance to refresh their minds, engage their bodies, connect with their peers, revise or preview academic content, and reflect on their learning progress. By making the most of these ten minutes, students can enhance their academic performance, improve their physical and emotional well-being, and foster a positive learning environment. By treating the break as an extension of their learning process, rather than just a transition period, students can turn thisbrief interlude into a transformative experience.。

课间十分钟作文英语As students, we have a lot of classes throughout the day. However, there is one period that stands out from the rest: the ten-minute break between classes. This short period of time may seem insignificant, but it can have a big impact on our overall performance and well-being. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of taking advantage of the ten-minute break between classes.Firstly, the ten-minute break between classes provides an opportunity for students to recharge their batteries. Sitting in a classroom for hours on end can be mentally and physically draining. During the break, students can step outside, get some fresh air, and clear their minds. This brief respite can help students stay focused and engaged during their next class.Secondly, the ten-minute break between classes can be a great time for students to socialize and connect with their peers. In the hustle and bustle of the school day, it canbe hard to find time to catch up with friends. The break provides a chance for students to chat and build relationships with their classmates. This socialinteraction can have a positive impact on students' mental health and sense of belonging.Additionally, the ten-minute break between classes can be used for productive activities. For example, students can use this time to review their notes, complete homework assignments, or read ahead for their next class. This can help students stay on top of their workload and feel more prepared for their classes.Finally, the ten-minute break between classes can be a time for students to engage in self-care activities. For example, students can use this time to stretch, meditate, or practice mindfulness. These activities can help students reduce stress and improve their overall well-being.In conclusion, the ten-minute break between classes may seem like a small window of time, but it can have a big impact on students' academic performance and well-being. Bytaking advantage of this time to recharge, socialize, be productive, and engage in self-care activities, students can make the most of their school day.。

关于写课间十分钟的英语范文The school bell rings, signaling the start of a much-anticipated break. Students let out a collective sigh of relief, eager to escape the confines of the classroom and indulge in a brief respite from the rigors of academic life. This ten-minute interval, often overlooked yet immensely valuable, offers a chance to recharge, rejuvenate, and refocus for the remainder of the day.During this precious time, students engage in a variety of activities, each tailored to their individual needs and preferences. Some choose to venture outdoors, taking a brisk walk around the school grounds or engaging in a friendly game of catch with their peers. The fresh air and physical activity serve as a much-needed reset, allowing them to clear their minds and reenergize.Others opt for a more sedentary approach, finding a quiet corner to sit and catch their breath. They might pull out a book, immersing themselves in the pages and escaping the stresses of the day, or simply close their eyes and practice a few moments of mindfulness. This quiet reflection can be incredibly rejuvenating, helping studentsto regain their focus and mental clarity.For those who crave social interaction, the break offers an opportunity to reconnect with friends and classmates. Students gather in small groups, sharing stories, laughing, and engaging in lively conversations. This social time not only strengthens bonds and fosters a sense of community but also provides a much-needed emotional outlet, allowing students to decompress and recharge.Sustenance is another important aspect of the ten-minute break. Many students take this time to refuel, grabbing a quick snack or a sip of water. This simple act of nourishment can have a profound impact on their energy levels and cognitive function, helping them to feel more alert and ready to tackle the remainder of the school day.Beyond the physical and social benefits, the ten-minute break also serves as a valuable mental respite. During this time, students can step away from the intense academic focus and allow their minds to wander. This brief moment of respite can spark new ideas, inspire creative thinking, and help to alleviate the mental fatigue that can accumulate throughout the day.Ultimately, the ten-minute break is a precious commodity in the busy lives of students. It offers a chance to recharge, reconnect, and refocus, providing a much-needed balance to the rigors of academiclife. Whether spent in solitude, with friends, or engaging in physical activity, these ten minutes can have a profound impact on a student's overall well-being and academic performance.As the bell rings, signaling the end of the break, students reluctantly return to their classrooms, but with a renewed sense of energy and determination. They carry with them the memories of laughter, relaxation, and rejuvenation, ready to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. The ten-minute break may be fleeting, but its impact on the lives of students is undeniable.。

my ten-minute break is always pleasing. sometimes i do some simple exercises. sometimes i have a free chat with my classmห้องสมุดไป่ตู้tes or just take a walk outside. when the next class begins, i feel fresh again.
十分钟的课间休息(A Ten-minute Break)
as a senior three student, time seems much limited. as a result, more and more students try to study from early morning till late afternoon, even during the ten-minute break. in my opinion, to take a ten-minute break between classes is definitely necessary. otherwise we will feel tired both physically and mentally.

Ten Minutes Break Between Classes-课间十分钟
Ten Minutes' Break Between Classes
Class is over. The students are jumping with joy, just like runaway horses. Look, some of them have left their seats and begin to play noisily. They are laughing and screaming from time to time. Some don't leave their seats. They are making use of the short time to play games. Sometimes they argue so seriously and sometimes they appear so polite. Others are sitting in their seats, as if they are thinking of something. Now and then they will stop to watch what others are doing. What an active ten minutes' break it is!。

课间十分钟450作文场面描写Ten-minute break between classes: a vivid scene课间十分钟,校园里热闹非凡。
The ten-minute break between classes brings a lively atmosphere to the campus.学生们纷纷从教室里涌出,欢声笑语回荡在每个角落。
Students pour out of the classrooms, and their laughter and cheerful chatter echo in every corner.有的聚在一起聊天,有的则在操场上奔跑嬉戏。
Some gather together to chat, while others run and play on the playground.阳光洒在操场上,金色的光芒与孩子们的笑脸相映成趣。
Sunlight shines on the playground, and the golden glow complements the smiling faces of the children.不远处,几位同学围坐在树荫下,专心地阅读着课外书。
Not far away, several students sit under the shade of a tree, engrossed in reading extracurricular books.他们的世界仿佛与喧嚣的校园隔绝,只有书页翻动的声音和微风拂过树叶的沙沙声。
Their world seems to be isolated from the hustle and bustle of the campus, only the sound of turning pages and the rustling of leaves in the breeze.突然,铃声响起,学生们迅速回到教室,准备开始下一节课。