
五、奥运会a. 2008年北京奥林匹克奥运会。
b. 北京奥运会对中国会有怎样的影响?六、世界杯2006年世界杯足球赛。
七、专题讲座邀请澳大利亚艺术家lanm arr举办专题讲座。

一、Direct and Indirect Communication1. Do you feel that you are a direct communicator or an indirect communicator? Give an example.2. Who do you feel you can communicate directly with and who do you feel you should communicate indirectly with?3. In the following situations, is direct communication or indirect communication more effective? Why?二、Friendship1. Come up with a definition for what friendship means in China.are 3 qualities you want in a good friend? What are 3 qualities you don‟t want in a friend? Why?3. How and where do people in China make their closest friendships? 4) If you move to a new place, what is a good way to make new friends?三、Education1. Tell your group about your most enjoyable learning experience of the past. What made it good?2. Describe what qualities you think the ideal teacher must have. What are some qualities you don‟t want in a teacher?3. In Chinese society, do teachers have a high status or a low status? Do you think being a teacher is a good job? Why or why not?四、Holidays1. What is your favorite Chinese holiday? Which Western holiday most interests you?2. Do you think holidays are very significant? What meanings are expressed by such holidays as National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas, Spring Festival and Thanksgiving?3. What is the history of your favorite Chinese holiday? (For example, what‟s the history of Dragon Boat Festival?)六、Family1. Describe your family, and tell your group a story about your family from your childhood.2. Who do you think should have the highest authority in the home- the husband, the wife, or both equally share authority? If you think both should have equal authority, how should they make decisions on where to work or live if they don‟t agree with each other?3. What do you expect to do to take care of your parents when they grow old? What do you expect your child to do for you when you get old?七、Cities1. Describe your hometown, and tell your group 3 things you like about your hometown and three things you don‟t like about it.2. If you were the mayor of your hometown, what problems would you try to fix? How would you go about fixing those problems? What things would you not want to change?3. How do you feel about Changsha? What challenges do you think Changsha will face in the next 2 years? 10 years?英语角的英语称谓是English corner,是指为提高英语口语,而进行的一种英语口语练习活动。

Work1.What is your ideal job? (Including: How many hours per week?What kind of benefits? Located in which city?)2.What does it mean to be successful in your work?3.What kinds of situations would cause you to change jobs?4.How can you keep good relationships with your co-workers?What qualities do you want in a co-worker?5.If you have a problem with your boss, how can you resolveit? Should you talk to him directly about your problem?6.If a person has a good job opportunity in a city far awayfrom his/her spouse and child, do you think he or she should take the job?Holidays1.What is your favorite Chinese holiday? Which Western holidaymost interests you?2.Do you think holidays are very significant? What meaningsare expressed by such holidays as National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas, Spring Festival and Thanksgiving?3.What is the history of your favorite Chinese holiday? (Forexample, what’s the history of Dragon Boat Festival?)4.What did you think of the National Day celebration?5.Describe your ideal holiday.Life Stories1.Briefly share the life story of someone you admire. Why doyou admire that person? What made his/her life special?2.Tell the highlights of your own life story. What major eventsin your life made you the person you are today?3.If you could change one circumstance or event in your life,what would it be? Why?4.Create an …ending‟ to your life story. What are some thingsyou want to do/accomplish before you die? How can you do/accomplish those things?Family1.Describe your family, and tell your group a story about yourfamily from your childhood.2.Who do you think should have the highest authority in thehome- the husband, the wife, or both equally share authority?If you think both should have equal authority, how should they make decisions on where to work or live if they don’t agree with each other?3.What do you expect to do to take care of your parents whenthey grow old? What do you expect your child to do for you when you get old?4.Do you think the Chinese tradition of children taking careof elderly parents will change in the future because of the One Child Policy? How can only children cope with the pressure of taking care of their parents when they are old?话题类:Friendship1.What are 3 qualities you want in a good friend? What are 3qualities you don’t want in a friend and why?2.How and where do people in China make their closestfriendships?3.If you move to a new place, what is a good way to make newfriends?4.What advice would you give a foreigner about how to developgood friendships with Chinese?Education1.Tell your group about your most enjoyable learningexperience of the past. What made it good?2.Describe what qualities you think the ideal teacher must have.What are some qualities you don’t want in a teacher?3.In Chinese society, do teachers have a high status or a lowstatus? Do you think being a teacher is a good job? Why or why not?4.Is it the teacher/school’s or the parents‟ responsibilityto teach a child good morals and behavior?Rich and Poor1.Rank the following in order of importance to you: a) healthb) family c) money d) a good reputation e) education. Whydid you choose that order?2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of being rich? Doyou advantages outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa?3.Can a person be poor and happy?4.Whose responsibility do you think is it to take care of thepoor: their family, the government, their neighbors, everyone?Cities1.Describe your hometown, and tell your group 3 things you likeabout your hometown and three things you don’t like about it.2.If you were the mayor of your hometown, what problems wouldyou try to fix? How would you go about fixing those problems?What things would you not want to change?3.How do you feel about Changsha? What challenges do you thinkChangsha will face in the next 2 years? 10 years?4.In your mind, what city is the ideal city? Is there a placewhere you’d like to live for the rest of your l ife?What/If…1.If you could be an employee of any company in the world, whichcompany would you choose?2.What would you do if it was your best friend’s wedding, butyou didn’t have any money to give him/her?3.What would you do if you got lost in an unfamiliar city?4.If you were going to a foreign country and you could onlytake one thing with you, what would it be?Thanksgiving1.What five things are you most grateful for in your life? Arethey tangible things or intangible?2.If someone helps you in a big way, how do you express yourgratitude? Do you use words, gifts, treat them to dinner, etc.?3.If you do something good for someone but they don’t expressthankfulness, how do you feel? Should you do something in that situation? Is it right to expect people to be grateful?时事类:The 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games1.In which cities did Asian Games host?2.What sports are you good at or do you like?3.Why was Hangzhou chosen to host the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games?What are the advantages of Hangzhou?4.What will you do when Hangzhou will be hosting the 2020 AsianGames?Selfie-stick ban1.Have you ever taken photos with a selfie-stick? Is that anenjoyable experience?2.What do you think why some countries have banned takingphotos with a selfie-stick?3.Will you use a selfie-stick when taking photos or not?。

英语角话题Topics for English Corner1. PressureAs the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing as it is often supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress, and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the first sight of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice between “flight or fight” an d in more primitive days the choices made the difference between life or death. The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme, but however little the stress,it involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes endangered. Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart diseases have established links with stress. Since we cannot remove stress from our lives (it would be unwise to do so even if we could), we need to find ways to deal with it.2. Cheating on the CampusI walked into the examination room, tired and stressed.I had been up late the night before, preparing for our first arithmetic test of the year.When everyone sat down, test papers were handed out and I began. Less than ten minutes later, our teacher announced he had an errand to run, and told us to keep working until he returned. As soon as he walked out of the door, however, I knew exactly what was going to happen.I continued concentrating on the questions in front of me, but suddenly the room was not so quiet any more. With a sigh I lifted my head, and looked around the room.Now that the teacher had gone, many of the students began sharing answers and discussing the problemstogether. Although this was far from the first time, once again I was filled with a feeling of disappointment. I tried to continue working, but my mind was now clogged with confusion and disappointment. After all, this was an important exam, and we were seniors in high school. Shouldn't we be trustworthy enough to be left alone in the classroom without the teacher having to worry about us cheating?CheatingThe word brings to mind many different connotations, from deception to dishonesty to corruption. I have always been against cheating and have worked hard to earn my grades honestly, seeing what have happened all around me is very difficult to accept. I have never really understood how difficult it can be to resist cheating, until I began to witness my peers doing it on a daily basis. For many, cheating has become just a part of everyday life, and they don't even think twice about doing it. I can't even explain how disappointing it feels to put all my effort into a homework assignment or studying for a test, and then see someone else cheat to get a better grade. To me, the grade one receives should represent not only his intelligence, but also how much effort and hard work hehas applied to honestly earn the grade.A few weeks later, when our class ranks were disclosed, I was very excited to rank 2nd in my class. I honestly felt that the amount of work and commitment I had made to my studies throughout high school earned me this place, and I was proud to have come this far. However, I was wondering about those who had cheated to get where they were. Many of them were ranked close to me, and even at the top of the class.I have contemplated many times whether it is right to let all these acts go unreported and to let these students continue to think that cheating is the best solution. Of course the temptation to cheat will always be there, but as a result many of these students will never be able to experience how good it feels to earn a good grade through hard work. Cheating may seem like the easiest solution now, but in the future it will make things much more difficult. These students who become accustomed to cheating on a regular basis will find it may progress far beyond their schoolwork. They will continue to deceive others in all aspects of their lives, from personal to business relationships. I just hope that some day they will be able to realize that cheating and misleading otherscannot be kept up forever. Eventually, they will realize for themselves that the only way to success is to work honestly, and to honestly earn what they want. All I can do is to pray and hope that some day, somehow, people will be fair and honest. It's a simple wish, but a sad one that is probably beyond my grasp.As for my first arithmetic test, I ended up getting a 142 on it. As I sat in class that day, I listened to the students around me, who had cheated, bragging about their grades each other. I have now realized that no matter how angry I get, or how much I complain about it, some of these students will continue to cheat, as long as they can get away with it. Although my 142 may not be perfect, I can walk out of the room feeling good about myself, and being proud that I worked to the best of my ability. I feel confident in what I believe is right will help me grow better as a human being, and hopefully it can help me to advance one step further on the long, complicated path of life.3. Worries about TelephoneAs is known to all, telephone is one of the most indispensable parts in people's everyday life. However, ithas brought a lot of worries as well as quite some trouble to me.As long ago as I was studying in junior high school, my deskmate, who was rather poor at his school work simply regarded me as his private teacher. On average he telephoned me five times a day and asked me many questions concerning different subjects, which made it hard for me to concentrate on my own study. However, thinking that he was in real need of help, I did my best to provide him with satisfying answers, although it always took me plenty of time.Since I entered senior high school, more trouble emerged. Maybe owing to my good study and my appearance which seems always ready to help others, at school, I was invariably surrounded by several puzzled faces and my brain was thus constantly filled with a large number of academic questions. Then at home, on the phone, I was inevitably wanted by my classmates and even my former ones to solve their problems of study, especially before the exams, during which period of time I was almost fully engaged by those regular telephones. And I just couldn't concentrate on my preparations for the exams. However, as time went by, it turned out to be more thanMom could possibly bear. Every night's continual disturbance eventually gave up to the explosion of her annoyance . "You are a student. You aren't their teacher!" she said angrily to me, "They only care about their own study. They've never thought of your heavy burden." "One day, you will see them making great progress while you yourself...."At first, I didn't take it seriously as I thought she didn't understand me. I really didn't want to disappoint my friends. I even reasoned her with all the good that answering telephones would do to the mastery of my own knowledge. But that didn't help at all. What was worse, for the next several months, I had indeed had a hard time putting up with Mom's endless screaming every time after a phone call. The worst was that at last she spoke really loudly when I was answering a phone call. At those moments, I felt really embarrassed because her penetrating remarks could be heard by my classmates. What would they think of her and then me?I understood that Mom was just worried about my school work, but as far as I could see from my academic achievements, I had not been affected by answering the calls. So by then I was still under the impression that itwouldn't do much harm to my study. Therefore I persisted in answering each phone call regardless of Mom's opposition.It was not until I got poor marks during the two consecutive examinations that I came to realize how telephone had affected my study. What was more important, I shouldn't have placed too much concern over other people's attitude towards me. I shouldn't have turned away from the reality that I didn't have enough time and energy to spare. My ambition of becoming a key university student was unlikely to achieve unless I put my whole heart to the arduous and tortuous process of study. Mom was right.Thus, it was necessary for me to do something to make my telephone somewhat silent. How? I had no alternative but to appeal to my classmates. To my great comfort, they all understood me and promised to ask fewer questions on the phone.Sure enough, ever since then, I have been able to go on smoothly with my study every evening, free from the frequent blaring of the phone and the screaming of Mom. Of course, occasional telephone calls still distract me now and then. But I don't have to 'worry' about the ill resultsof them any more.Above all, I have already got out of the trouble brought about by phone calls and I've come to know that it is absolutely important for a student like me to have a correct and practical attitude towards the relationship with his classmates and the relationship between helping others with their study and making progress himself.4. My favorite pastimeDo you often surf the internet?Do you like traveling? Where have you been?Can you say something about the characteristics of these places?5. What're your criteria for making friends?6. How do I go about learning Chinese well?There is actually no need for you to ask someone else that question; you only have to ask yourself the following hypothetical question.If a foreigner were to ask you: “How do I go about learning Chinese well? How can I become so fluent that I can mimic the spe ech and writing of a Chinese?”what would you have said to him?You probably would tell him to read a lot, listen moreand practice writing and speaking as much as possible. On top of that, you would tell him that knowing a bit of Chinese tradition, culture, history, myths and legends, folklore, children’s rhymes … will all contribute to his proficiency in the language.So, there you have it. You do not need to go around asking other people how you could become proficient in English. You have the answer all along. All you need to do is to apply those same principles you would have given to this foreigner and apply them to your own situation.I am not here to endorse or condemn any particular method of learning. One must realize that different people would thrive under different techniques. (However, I do object to certain hypes and misleading promotional methods used by certain schools.) Just remember the old saying :” All roads lead to Rome” 條條大路通羅馬。


Useful Expressions (House&Place)
• on HOUSING: housing price 房价 • real estate speculation 炒房 • go through the roof 暴涨 • without any signs of reduction 没有回落的迹象 • plummet 下跌 • mortgage slaves (for life) 终生房奴 • on CAREER: fringe benefits 额外福利 • registered (permanent) residence 户口 ) • medical insurance 医保 • on LIVING: • • • • congested traffic 拥挤不堪的交通 costs of living 生活开销 the jungle of concrete 钢筋森林 a second-tier city 2线城市 线城市
Topics for English Corner 1.Pressure 2.Worries 3.Your Favorite Pastime(消 消 遣) 4.What's your ideal job? Why?
Topics for English Corner
5.Do you believe in love at the first sight? Can it be a lasting relationship? 6.The most embarrassing thing I have experienced 7.How to improve our study habits? 8.Traditional Chinese festivals
Topics for English Corner

语角口语练习的话题1. Do you have a hobby? Can you tell us something about it? What do like to do in your spare time?have many hobbies, such as playing football, going fishing, climbing mountains and so on, and the one that I like best is playing football. When I play football with others I can make friends with those who come from different departments. Meanwhile I can learn how to forgive others’ mistakes during the match, which will help me to become more endurable in the daily life. Besides, I can practice my ability to work efficiently with my fellows, because it seems that we can win the game only if we can work together in a powerful team. In a word, I can reap the great benefits of this hobby.uring my spare time, I would like to go to the library. I can learn other subjects in there so that I can improve my knowledge structure, which will provide me with a better chance to find a good job in the future. What’s more, I can get more references about my major, and by this way I can also make my major improved greatly.2. What’s your major? Why do you choose it?y major is legal science which is also my favorite major. In this field, we are able to learn a lot of knowledge. There are many subjects we have to learn, such as Criminal Procedure Law, Civil Law, Law of Civil Procedure, General Rules of the Civil Law, Marriage Law, International Law, Jurisprudence, philosophy, logic, history, politics and so forth..he following is the reasons why I choose it:irst of all, I am interested in my major, I love watching the TV programs about laws since I was in the middle school and it expands my horizons. Studying this major makes me know how to become a useful, helpful and happy person, for very day, you are ready to help others which makes you feel so happy that you find you have made your value come true .n addition, our society is in a great need of the skilled workers and experts in laws, because our country develops very rapidly and we need law to maintain peace and order, to protect the rights of citizens, to secure justice, to punish wrong-doers and to make our good laws be applied justly no matter what cases might be. Therefore, it is significant to take legal course to make contributions to the development of our socialist undertakings. Last but not least, as far as I am concerned, it’s good for my future career. I think I’ll have a good job in the future. I will become a lawyer though the studying my major, which can make me earn lots of money.So I choose legal science as my major. And I think my choice is right. And most important, it will lead me to live a happy and wealthy life.ith the expectation of the university, I came to Xinyang Normal University. I love this university at the sight of her, and I think the university life is colorful, stimulating, exciting, enjoyable, interesting, meaningful, and so on. Most important of all, I find college English class is most exciting for me.irst of all, college English class is student-centered and only speaking English. In middle and high schools, English classes were teacher-centered and bi-lingual, English teachers explained English grammars and new words in Chinese from the beginning to the end of each class, andwe had little chance to speak English even in class. However, here English teachers give speeches in English, and we students are required to answer some questions, discuss some topics, and exchange our ideas, etc. only in English in class. I have to practice my spoken English as often as possible, day after day, now I find I can state my opinions clearly in spoken English in public. How pride I feel!econdly, college English class is more interesting and full of activities, such as role-playing, English competitions about telling stories, jokes or tongue twisting. Students are active to take part in all of these class activities to show their abilities and develop their hobbies. We come to class not only for knowledge but also for fun. How happy I am!n all, college English class is completely different from those in middle and high schools, it’s so exciting and I do love it. I bet I will improve my English and achieve more here.rom my point view, I’m quite satisfied with our accommodation. My dormitory room faces south and has a lot of sunshine in fine weather. It also has a very good view of the garden in front of the building and the mountains in the distance. It makes me feel good when I look the lovely grass, flowers and trees in the garden. The color of the mountains changes with different seasons and in different weather. I really enjoy watching the view from my room.ut there are some aspects need to be improved. Above all, our dormitory is not big enough. When everybody is in the room, there simply is not enough space for us to move around. And with six people in it, there isn’t much privacy for anyone.n my opinion, a good student apartment should have a relatively large living room and three or four small single bedrooms. This design will provide enough space for meetings and gatherings while at the same time give each student his or her own room. It should have a washroom and we should have water and electricity supply all day long. And we also can get our food without waiting in line.n my university, students have different types of accommodation depending on their status. Undergraduate students generally share dormitory rooms six to a room, and master’s students four to a room. New apartment houses are also available to students who pay an additional rent.5. What job do you think is the best for you after you graduate?think the best job for me is to be a teacher after graduation. When I was a child, I had dreamed to be a high school teacher. Now I can come to Xinyang Normal University to receive further education and I major in Study of History. It looks like that my dream will come true in the near future.s a teacher, I can give what I have learnt to my students, who will make contributions to our society. Thinking about it, I will be very proud of being a teacher. And, what’s more, I can become an actor just on the small platform in the front of the classroom, which will make my life much colorful. And then, what mostly makes me choose to be a teacher is that I can share some new ideas with the young people, and by this way I will be young forever in my mind.6. What is your most important consideration when looking for a job?Actually, many factors contribute to job satisfaction, such as a high salary, good promotion prospects, pleasant and friendly working atmosphere, suitability for one’s professional talents,and personal interests etc. For many people, money or good promotion prospects may be their most important consideration when looking a job; but as for me, what is important is to do something that I enjoy. I hear stories all the time about people who change their jobs because they realize that they don’t like them after they have started. If you don’t like what you’re doing, you are going to be miserable. You cann’t make the best use of yourtalents and you will get nowhere in your work. So when choosing a job, I think, we’d better make sure that we know where our interest lies, only by doing so, can we do very well in our work and enjoy our work most.7. What kind of activities do you take part in during your free time?any students may feel that college life is boring. They do not know how to deal with plenty of spare time. But I think the college life will become wonderful as long as we make it meaningful. In fact, we can do all kinds of activities which we are interested in. Do not be nervous.1) In my spare time, I often do sports. Doing sports can enhance our physical (mental) development. It can keep fit and make us staying in health. I’ll learn some self-defense skills from it. By doing sports, I also learn how to communicate and interact with others.like running. It is exciting. I feel close to nature when running .And it shows what upper limit human physique can reach after finishing a full running.ometimes, I often play basketball, football, badminton table tennis, and so on. You know, table tennis is very popular activity on campus. It is a national sport. Not only do students like it, but many teachers like it. Playing table tennis can train my brain, especially my eyes . After studying for a long time, My eyes are tied and hurt. So it is good choice to play table tennis with my classmates for relaxing ourselves.I’m a big basketball fan, even though I’m not good at playing basketball myself. I like Yao Ming, so I love to watch the NBA on TV whenever I get a chance.(2) In my free time, I often surf on the internet. With the development of computers throughout the world, more and more people have access to the Internet. I know it has disadvantage to spend too much time using it. But I just use it to get a lot of information by browsing different websites.In fact, the Internet has changed our conventional ways for work, communication, entertainment and expression. Apart from using the Internet for professional purposes, I also use it to communicate with families and friends by sending and receiving e-mails, talking with others and playing games such bridge or chess with partners or opponents they don’t see. I also use the BBS to express my opinions in ways otherwise impossible.In general, spending too much time surfing on the interest is not good to a person. We should have a right attitude to it and make use of it correctly for our study.tudying in college is a brand new start of our life. We can continue to study hard for the better scores. If we want to show our talents and skills we can join in all kinds of activities. By so , we can have a wonderful college life!8. Is it necessary for students to take part in the social activity during the free time?verybody knows that study is one of the most important things for the young people, and a lot of people think that young men should study everyday to get a good score. But I do not agree with such an idea, my opinion is that the social activity and study are good friends.I have 3 main aspects to support my idea.Firstly, the purpose of study is to do more contributions to the society, is to serve for the work. We learn more and more things in order to work easier and easier in the future, so social activity is the checking standard of study.econdly, the social activity can make us know what is our weakpoint and what we should learn in the future. For example, if I can not use computer in my social work, I must ask myself to learn it well so as to improve my work.inally, the social activity is also a kind of rest for us after study. From what has talked above, we can safely draw a conclusion that the social activity is a good partner of study, we should make use of the relations between them to create a good future.9. Can you tell us something about the after-class activities at your college (university)?When the classes are over, students burst out of the classroom buildings. Tired after a whole of serious study, they mostly spend one or two hours to relax and refresh themselves. If you take a walk on campus, you will get an idea about what students do after class.On the playgrounds, various kinds of sports activities are going on. You will see students jogging or playing ball games. Some of them may only be practicing, some are competing seriously against each other.On the weekends, members of various clubs meet at this time. Some students are learning painting, calligraphy or paper-cut, while others simply sit around and talk. The drama group is rehearsing and the school chorus is practicing. And there is also a film show on Saturday.On Sundays or holidays we often have concerts, plays, or parties. Sometimes we organize picnic, climbing mountains, visits to exhibitions of factories. From time to time we invite professors from different fields to give lectures, they are qualified, professional and helpful.Through the after-class activities, we widen our horizon, makes friends, have fun at the same time, the most important is, we learn many thing that we can’t in class. It is these activities that make our college life colorful and unforgettable.10. What kind of after-class activities are you interested in?I'm interested in sports after class because we have to relax after we study in class. Sports are good and necessary for our body and mental. I like long-Running around the playground or along the road because it is full of energy and power, I enjoy climbing the steep and high mountain to see the beautiful nature on the top of the mountain; I'm fond of skating on the snow or ice to balance myself after a long time exercise, standing the pains and hurts over my body; I try to experience the extreme-sports here and there if possible to make my blood boiling...... I should do something to make myself to be somebody, or at least to build up my mind and body to meet the challenges in the new life11. What entertainment does your college (university) offer during the weekend?n fact, many entertainments are available in our university on weekends. For example, usually at Saturday night, we can go to the report halls in the two main teaching buildings; enjoy some English movies shown by various English study associations. And the most exiting part is, they are free. Sometimes, there are concerts held by the Art Department, which are also free. Of course, there are many other choices, say, we like surfing on the internet in the computer room of our library because of its clean and quiet surrounding. In a word, after five-day study, we can enjoy and relax ourselves through these entertainments during the weekend.es, there are many students in my class who have part-time jobs. Some of them work as waiters or waitresses in restaurants, teashops, or some other places like this. Some work as tutors for middle school students. Some choose to sell books, clothes or some other small ornaments just like peddlers. Students who have part-time jobs think they can have a better understanding of the society and their abilities to communicate with other people can be improved.o, there are few students in my class who have part-time jobs. In my opinion, there are 3 reasons for this. Firstly, most of my classmates think doing part-time jobs is a waste of time; they may make better use of the time by learning more knowledge of their majors. Secondly, some students did have a try to find a part-time job in the very beginning, but most of them could not find a suitable one. Because they think working in restaurants or teashops is meaningless, though such kinds of jobs can make them have more pocket money. Last but not the least, most of us have little understanding of the society, we are afraid of being cheated by some wicked people.13. How do you like campus life? ( Why do you think so?)Honestly, the campus life is so desirable for me that I had expectations of it before I had entered into it. Now I am a college student. I enjoy and love campus life very much.First of all, the environment of our campus is very special and beautiful. It is located in the undulating hills. There are many plants and trees, man-made lakes and gardens for us to visit when we are free. It is a good place to live and study.Secondly, campus life is colorful. Besides knowledge from textbooks and teachers, we can do and enjoy many valuable and beneficial things such as playing basketball, football, volleybal l ; going to “English Corner” to practise our listening and speaking; reading in the library; communicating with others and making friends with them; taking part in a variety of mass organizations and social activities, which can develop ourselves and broaden our visions and views about the world.Last but not the least, campus life is romantic. It is worthwhile for people to yearn ,pursue and remember.In a word, I think the campus life in the college makes us feel substantial, colorful and happy.14. Say something about campus activities (校园活动)ampus activities have been organized in many universities and colleges. These activities range from academic to recreational, such as academic reports, social consulting services, speech contests, poet’s cl ub, painting clubs, singing and dancing groups, etc.These activities provide students with two major advantages. First of all, they play apositive role in improving students’ studies. Due to their heavy schedules, students are often busy themselves with textbooks and seldom expose themselves to a colorful life. But the variety of the activities provides opportunities for them to relax themselves and enrich their minds and knowledge. In addition, the activities also serve students living in the “ivory tower” have little chance to get in touch with society. Now the activities open the door for participants to leave their classrooms and get to know society.All this offers an important means for students to broaden their horizons. They believe with the right kind of guidance and help campus activities will continue to grow and flourish 15. Can you say something about the living conditions on campus?enerally speaking, I enjoy my life here. The accommodation, canteen and some other basic living facilities are becoming students’ major concern .There are many factors will influence our likes and dislikes.In the first place, the accommodation service of our university has gained in acceptance increasingly because of its high quality and relatively low expense.esides, our dormitory usually makes a good impression on us. It is mostly attributed to its fantastic but plain construction, delicate but comfortable arrangement and magnificent but practical furniture. Fine sanitation and prompt cleaning are also appreciated. More importantly, the strict management of working and resting as well as coming in and going out, both parents and teachers can greatly relieve the psychological burden of safety.oreover the upgraded canteen service is pretty good. So we need not worry that we would lose our appetite when far away from home. The varieties of the food are so wide that we can enjoy differently delicious dish everyday. What’s more, the prices are very reasonable. We ar e satisfied physically and mentally.It’s no denying that some complaints still exist. Some students may argue that the accommodation management is so stern that they have to go to bed before the power supply being cut off at 10:30 pm. The dining hall is so crowded that we must spend at least five minutes finding our seats at peak hours. Some girls complain that the rice is so hard to chew.Actually, it still leaves much room to be improved. But “A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world. When you strike a balance between ideal and the reality, you’ll certainly enjoy yourself here.16. Do you find life on campus convenient? Please give your reasons.Yes, I have found that my life on campus quite convenient. As can be seen on campus, our university offers us various sorts of ways to facilitate our life.For example, our comprehensive building can greatly satisfy almost all kinds of needs. We can surf on the internet reading some current news, have dishes and go shopping in the First Supermarket or six department stores. Additionally, for those who like reading, our close library building can surely be a favorite place. We can get access to three reading-rooms everyday from 8:00am to 9:30pm. Kinds of latest newspaper, up-to-date magazines and famous works, concerning all branches of knowledge are available. With the flow of refreshing information and incredible amount of knowledge, our thoughts will be refined and our horizon will be broadened. Moreover, we can borrow three books from the library every month. What’s more, if we want to enjoy the convenience that modern technology brings us, electrical libraries make the on-line learning approachable at the lowest price. It seems like just with the small library card at hand, we can keep in touch with the history and future.round our campus, the back street also provides abundant convenience for us. Kinds of delicious snacks may make you drool. Clothes and decoration shops are always filled with latest fashion. Some book stores and internet bar usually on the two sides of the street too.t last, I’d like to mention the convenient transportation available. No.2 and No.18 bus coming every 5 minutes, they respectively stop at the front and back gate. We can go downtown at any time of the day.Personally, life on our campus is convenient.17. Some students spend a lot of time surfing the net. Do you think it’s a problem?nternet is the result of modern science and technology. With development of society, internet plays a more and more important role in people’s life. However, some students spend a lot of time surfing net, I think, it is a problem. Because it has its advantages and disadvantages. For its advantages: (1) internet is source of amusement such as movie, play, music and so on. (2) Learning about the latest News all over the world. (3) Learning about the developments in science, arts etc. for its disadvantages: (1) Distracting students from their work and study. (2) Taking up too much of students’ time. (3) Corrupting students with some harmful shows due to its violence and sex.18. Do you have access to the Internet on campus? Which sites do you often visit and why?often surf online in our college labs, because of its good studying atmosphere. In lads, I like surf the internet. Some sites I often go to visit, like . In our campus internet, I like attend some courses online, for example, college English and so on. Besides that, I like to watch the English movies and music. It excite me a lot.irstly, .Theoretical knowledge is beneficial to the society. Theory study is providing powerful tools for us to deal with the world around us as well as the body within ourselves.econdly, theoretical findings pave ways for more advanced scientific as well as social studies. Take mathematics for example. Many people are under the impressions that advanced mathematical study in university is so theoretical that it does not have any practical value. However, the truth is that, ours is an age in which all areas of science are permeated more and more by methods and approaches derived from theoretical knowledge in mathematics. Even marketing, once believed to be just an art of persuading people to buy, is now becoming a scientific subject based on statistical studies of market data, which requires profound mathematical knowledgehirdly, Practical skills are based on theoretical knowledge. / Practical trainings and theoretical studies are interrelated. Some professions require that people have solid understanding in theoretical knowledge before going into practice in those professions.or example, to be a qualified doctor, someone will have to first learn theoretical knowledge at a medical school for a few years, then at the final years at the school, he or she will be given chance to practice in a hospital to gain practical experience. Only with a combined knowledge both in theory and in practical skills can a person truly become a successful doctor. The same goes with a number of other professions such as lawyers, psychiatrists etc.e have specialized schools such as polytechnic schools and vocational schools etc. which can provide practical trainings, for example schools specialized in teaching cooking skills. Therefore university students should focus more on theoretical knowledge.’m a sophomore/or a freshman, and my major is tourism & hotel management . There are so many subjects for us. In the class, almost of us focus our attention on the major, which is appealing to us.Generally speaking, major is very important, we will be able to learn so much knowledge about it , including information & development in the field, even the future trends, and some knowledge about the hotel management, which can help us to boarden our eyesight, improve our level of management, what’s more, to seek a very glorious job. Is that so ?f course, meanwhile, besides the major, other subjects concerning on it are also very important for us, for instance, English & communicative skills, and Why? Here are the reasons.irstly, English is so important for us, in this field, if you want to be elicit or have a very good performance, you should speak English very fluently, Especially when you meet foreign guests, successful communication is very important. Can you image what will happen, when foreigners say something but you can’t understand, an d how you can solve the problem or anything else, even sometimes the situation is so embarrassed, in the case ,except for the major, English is very necessary for us to grasp and learn very well. At the same time, in our spare time we also should know some culture and customs in the west countries.econdly, communicative skills are also very important, because our major is touring, which is dealt with tourists , to communicate with them very successfully is very important, but how to solve the problem very well may bring the guests good or bad impression. As far as we know, successful & suitable communication with guests is so important. So we should learn some communicative skills after class. we can go to the library to borrow some books concerning on this field, even we can learn the optional subjects to increase our knowledge.Last is not least, English and communicative skills are very necessary &important for us. we should broaden our level of knowledge and improve ourselves.21. Could you say something about the way your English class is conducted? How do you like it?es. At the beginning of our class our English teacher gives us 5 minutes to have a free talk or gives us some topic to talk about in order to stimulate our interests in English learning. The atmosphere in the classroom is relaxing and pleasant. And then the teacher leads us to the content. In the teaching process, our teacher uses modern teaching method showing us much background knowledge which we like very much. We also have some activities to practice our spoken English, such as retelling the text, discussing in groups, role playing, etc. After that, our teacher gives some comments and encourages those who are shy, praises those who give very good opinions.think our English class is very interesting. Our teacher can speak very fluent English. The lecture is vivid. It’s very useful. I like it very much.22. How did you learn to speak English?learned to speak English when I was still a junior high school student. My English teacher taught me to retell and recite English lessons. Always being praised by my English teacher for my excellent job, I was very happy. So gradually I became confident of myself. Then I went to senior high school during which I found English, though still very important, became increasingly difficult. I have many subjects to learn, you know. We are all very busy. To remember those numerous words is not easy, let alone speak them in daily conversation. Whenever my English teacher asked me to retell a story, I would be extremely nervous, for I knew I would be losing face. Now I’m studying in the university. English is not my major though; it’s still a required subject. Whet her I like it or not, I have to study it. Besides, I have to try my best to get a decent score in the Band 4 College English Test. Oral English isn’t included in the test, however, it is closely related to your listening ability. If a person cannot speak E nglish, What’s the use of learning it? So every morning before class begins, I always sit in a classroom and loudly read out English. I’m no longer shy, especially when I tried to argue with my classmates on some problems in English. I have regained confidence. Every Wednesday when I’m free, I will go to the English Corner to have more practice. There I have made a lot of new friends who are working just as hard as me. We plan to go to graduate school after we finish the bachelor’s degree. This is my ambiti on. What about you?23. What are you going to do to further improve your English?Well, in addition to attending regular English classes, I believe there are many other ways for us college students to further improve our English. Here’s how I plan to do: To begin with, I will review what is learnt and preview what will be learnt in class just as I have done in the past. Reviewing helps me grasp what is learnt in class and previewing helps me ready for the new knowledge.Second, I will try every means to improve my oral English and listening comprehension. English Corner is a good place for me to practice my oral English and I decide to visit there more frequently. Moreover, computer and the internet are very useful tools for study. I plan to visit the websites which are useful for us to improve English whenever possible. So far I have found some excellent materials for English learning through computer. What’s more, I will also watch English programs on TV, which is helpful to improve my English study.Lastly, I will read frequently English newspapers, novels and magazines to improve my reading comprehension. I will try to keep a diary about what I read and what I experience to practice writing because we all know ‘Practice makes perfect’.。


英语角话题收集话题一: Personality1. Which three words would you say best describe your personality?Give examples for each word you choose.2. Do you think a person ' s person results more from nature (theywere born with that personality) or from nurture (their family/society/culture formed theirpersonality)? Why? Are there certain personality traits you think result from nature and others that you think result from nurture?3. Do you think people can change their personality through effort?(For example, can a person who is shy change his personality to beoutgoing?) Can society or culture change a person ' s personality?4. If you could significantly change your personality, would you choose to? Why?话题二:Annoying1. What annoys you most about living with other people? Do you thinkyou have any habits that annoy the people you live with? If you are annoyed by your family ' s living habits, do you try not to be annoyed ordo you talk to them about it?2. What new pet peeves do you have as a result of recent technology (texting, twitter, mp3)? When do you think its not appropriate to text? Why?3. What are some things that annoy you that don ' t annoy your best friend and vice versa? Why do you think these things are different for different people?If there is someone in your class or work that really annoys you but youmust be around that person, how do you deal with that situation? Do you think there ' sa way to make that person seem less annoying to you?话题三:Acceptance1. How much do you care about what other people think of you? Do you feel like are you are confident or insecure? Do you feel self-conscious most of the time?2. If you want to gain other people ' s acceptance, what do you think isthe best way to do that? Should you try to be similar to them? Shouldyou be yourself? What should you do if the people around you don accept you?3. Do you care most about people accepting you according to physical standards, mental standards, emotional standards, personality? If your classmates don ' t like your eprsonality, do you think you should try tochange it?4 .Do you pay attention to fads and trends? Do you care about fashion or technology fads? If you don ' t care about these things, why?话题四:Health1. On a scale of one to ten (1 being the most healthy, 10 being theleast healthy) how healthy do you think you are? In what areas ofhealth do you think you are the healthiest? Least healthy?2. What do you think are your ‘ healthy habits ' ? Do you drink enough water? What are some of your unhealthy habits? Do you ever smoke or drink alcohol?3. How often do you exercise? What kinds of exercise do you like?What kinds do you not like?4. How is your diet? What thing do you think are important to ahealthy, balanced diet? What is one thing you think you could do to improve your diet? 话题五:Generations1. What characterizes the 70 ' s, 80 ' s and 90 ' s generations? Howare these generations similar? How are they different?2. What generation are you a part of? How has being a part of thatgeneration shaped your character? Do you think you would be a different person if you had been born 50 years ago?' generation?3. How is your generation different from your parentsWhat kinds of generational conflicts do you have with your parents?How different is your grandpare nts ' generation from your parents4. Is there a particular generation of the last 100 years that you feel has particularly good character? Particularly bad character? Why?话题六:Expectations1. What kinds of expectations do your parents and grandparents haveof you? Do you feel like you are fulfilling their expectations? Whathappens if you fail to meet their expectations?2. What kinds of expectations do your friends have of you? Do you ever feel like your friends have unrealistic expectations of you? If so, how do you deal with that situation?3. Do you think it ' s better for your boss/teacher to have very high expectations of you or low expectations of you? Why? What kinds of expectations do you have for your teacher/boss?4. What is expected of you culturally? If, culturally, you do something that is unacceptable, how do other people express their disapproval?How does their disapproval affect you?话题七:Dreams1. Do you often remember your dreams? What ' s the most recent dream you can remember? Did you dream it in color or in black and white?2. Do you ever have recurring dreams? What are they about? Why doyou think you dream about that specific thing? Are your recurringdreams usually good dreams or nightmares?3. If you see a certain image in a dream, do you think it has a specificmeaning? For example, if you saw the following things in a dream,what do you think they would mean: a road, your middle school, your mom, a bird, sand, an open door, darkness, teeth?4. Have you ever dreamed something that came true in real life? Doyou think it ' s possible to know something in a dream before ithappens in real life? Do you think you dream about that thingbecause you fear it or is there another explanation?话题八:Dreams1. Do you often remember your drea ms? What ' s the most recentdream you can remember? Did you dream it in color or in black andwhite?2. Do you ever have recurring dreams? What are they about? Why doyou think you dream about that specific thing? Are your recurringdreams usually good dreams or nightmares?3. If you see a certain image in a dream, do you think it has a specific meaning? Forexample, if you saw the following things in a dream, what do you think they would mean:a road, your middle school, your mom, a bird, sand, an open door, darkness, teeth?4. Have you ever dreamed something that came true in real life? Doyou think it ' s possible to know something in a dream before ithappens in real life? Do you think you dream about that thingbecause you fear it or is there another explanation?话题九:Holidays1. What is your favorite Chinese holiday? Which Western holiday mostinterests you?2. Do you think holidays are very significant? What meanings are expressed by such holidays as National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas, Spring Festival and Thanksgiving?3. What is the history of your favorite Chinese holiday? (For example, what ' s the history of Dragon Boat Festival?)4. What did you think of the National Day celebration?5. Describe your ideal holiday.话题十:Happiness1. Define happiness. Is it a feeling, a state of being, a decision? Is happiness something that comes and goes with changing circumstances or something you can always have?2. What things in life and the world make you happy? Why do those things make you happy? What things take away your happiness?3. Complete the sentence: “ I would be completely happy if4. Are you the kind of person who actively tries to achieve or obtain the things you think will make you happy or are you more the kind of person who tries to accept your situation as it is and learn to be happy in it? Do you think it ' s better to be resigned to your fate or tryto change it?。

英语角话题收集话题一: Personality1. Which three words would you say best describe your personality? Giveexamples for each word you choose.2. Do you think a person’s person results more from nature (they were bornwith that personality) or from nurture (their family/society/culture formed their personality)? Why? Are there certain personality traits you think result from nature and others that you think result from nurture?3. Do you think people can change their personality through effort? (Forexample, can a person who is shy change his personality to be outgoing?) Can society or culture change a person’s personality?4. If you could significantly change your personality, would you choose to?Why?话题二:Annoying1. What annoys you most about living with other people? Do you think you have any habits that annoy the people you live with? If you are annoyed by your family’s living habits, do you try not to be annoyed or do you talk to them about it?2. What new pet peeves do you have as a result of recent technology (texting, twitter, mp3)? When do you think it’s not appropriate to text? Why?3. What are some things that annoy you that don’t annoy your best friend and vice versa? Why do you think these things are different for different people?If there is someone in your class or work that really annoys you but you must be around that person, how do you deal with that situation? Do you think there’s a way to make that person seem less annoying to yo u?话题三:Acceptance1. How much do you care about what other people think of you? Do you feel like are you are confident or insecure? Do you feel self-conscious most of thetime?2. If you want to gain other people’s acceptance, what do you think is th e best way to do that? Should you try to be similar to them? Should you be yourself? What should you do if the people around you don’t accept you?3. Do you care most about people accepting you according to physical standards, mental standards, emotional standards, personality? If your classmates don’t like your personality, do you think you should try to change it?4 .Do you pay attention to fads and trends? Do you care about fashion or technology fads? If you don’t care about these things, why?话题四:Health1. On a scale of one to ten (1 being the most healthy, 10 being the leasthealthy) how healthy do you think you are? In what areas of health do you think you are the healthiest? Least healthy?2. What do you think are your ‘healthy habits’? Do you drink enough water?What are some of your unhealthy habits? Do you ever smoke or drinkalcohol?3. How often do you exercise? What kinds of exercise do you like? Whatkinds do you not like?4. How is your diet? What thing do you think are important to a healthy,balanced diet? What is one thing you think you could do to improve your diet?话题五:Generations1. What characterizes the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s generations? How are thesegenerations similar? How are they different?2. What generation are you a part of? How has being a part of thatgeneration shaped your character? Do you think you would be a different person if you had been born 50 years ago?3. How is your generation different from your parents’ generation? What kinds of generational conflicts do you have with your parents? How different is your grandparents’ generation from your parents’?4. Is there a particular generation of the last 100 years that you feel has particularly good character? Particularly bad character? Why?话题六:Expectations1. What kinds of expectations do your parents and grandparents have of you? Do you feel like you are fulfilling their expectations? What happens if you fail to meet their expectations?2. What kinds of expectations do your friends have of you? Do you ever feel like your friends have unrealistic expectations of you? If so, how do you deal with that situation?3. Do you think it’s better for your boss/teacher to have very high expectations of you or low expectations of you? Why? What kinds of expectations do you have for your teacher/boss?4. What is expected of you culturally? If, culturally, you do something that is unacceptable, how do other people express their disapproval? How does their disapproval affect you?话题七:Dreams1. Do you often remember your dreams? What’s the most recent dream you can remember? Did you dream it in color or in black and white?2. Do you ever have recurring dreams? What are they about? Why do you think you dream about that specific thing? Are your recurring dreams usually good dreams or nightmares?3. If you see a certain image in a dream, do you think it has a specificmeaning? For example, if you saw the following things in a dream, what do you think they would mean: a road, your middle school, your mom, a bird, sand, an open door, darkness, teeth?4. Have you ever dreamed something that came true in real life? Do youthink it’s possible to know something in a dream before it happens in real life? Do you think you dream about that thing because you fear it or is there another explanation?话题八:Dreams1. Do you often remember your dreams? What’s the most recent dreamyou can remember? Did you dream it in color or in black and white?2. Do you ever have recurring dreams? What are they about? Why do youthink you dream about that specific thing? Are your recurring dreamsusually good dreams or nightmares?3. If you see a certain image in a dream, do you think it has a specificmeaning? For example, if you saw the following things in a dream, what do you think they would mean: a road, your middle school, your mom, a bird, sand, an open door, darkness, teeth?4. Have you ever dreamed something that came true in real life? Do youthink it’s possible to know somethin g in a dream before it happens in real life? Do you think you dream about that thing because you fear it or is there another explanation?话题九:Holidays1. What is your favorite Chinese holiday? Which Western holiday most interests you?2. Do you think holidays are very significant? What meanings are expressed by such holidays as National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas, Spring Festival and Thanksgiving?3. What is the history of your favorite Chinese holiday? (For example, what’s the history of Dragon Boat Festival?)4. What did you think of the National Day celebration?5. Describe your ideal holiday.话题十:Happiness1. Define happiness. Is it a feeling, a state of being, a decision? Ishappiness something that comes and goes with changing circumstances or something you can always have?2. What things in life and the world make you happy? Why do those thingsmake you happy? What things take away your happiness?3. Complete the sentence: “I would be completely happy if…”4. Are you the kind of person who actively tries to achieve or obtain thethings you think will make you happy or are you more the kind of person who tries to accept your situation as it is and learn to be happy in it? Do you think it’s better to be resigned to your fate or try to change it?。

1. 自我介绍:- Hello! My name is [名字]. I am [年龄] years old.- I am from [国家/城市/州].- I have [颜色] hair and [颜色] eyes.- My favorite color is [颜色].- My favorite food is [食物].- I like to play [游戏/运动].2. 家庭成员:- How many people are there in your family?- Who are they?- What are their names?- What does your dad/mom do?- Do you have any brothers or sisters?- How old are they?3. 动物:- What is your favorite animal?- What does it look like?- What sound does it make?- Where does it live?- Do you have a pet at home?- What is its name?- What does it like to eat?4. 学校生活:- What grade are you in?- Who is your teacher?- What subjects do you study?- What is your favorite subject?- What do you do during recess?- Do you have any friends in school?5. 季节和天气:- What is your favorite season?- What do you like to do in that season? - What is the weather like today?- Can you describe the weather in [季节]?- What clothes do you wear in [季节]?6. 体育运动:- Do you like sports?- What sports do you play?- Can you swim/ride a bike?- Have you ever played soccer/basketball/baseball?- Who is your favorite athlete?- Do you like to watch sports on TV?7. 假日和庆祝活动:- What is your favorite holiday?- How do you celebrate [假日]?- What do you do on [假日]?- Do you decorate your house for [假日]?- Do you give gifts to your family and friends on [假日]? - What is your favorite [食物/活动] during [假日]?8. 喜欢的食物:- What is your favorite food?- Do you like fruits and vegetables?- What is your favorite fruit/vegetable?- Do you like cookies/cake/pizza?- What do you eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner?9. 交通工具:- How do you go to school?- Do you take the bus/car/bike?- Have you ever been on a train/airplane/boat?- What is your favorite mode of transportation?- What is the fastest way to travel?10. 朋友和玩具:- Who is your best friend?- What do you like to do with your friends?- Do you have a favorite toy?- What is your favorite game to play?- Do you like to share your toys with others?以上是一些幼儿园英语角口语话题的例子,通过与其他幼儿进行对话,幼儿可以练习自我表达和与他人交流的能力。

五、奥运会a. 2008年北京奥林匹克奥运会。
b. 北京奥运会对中国会有怎样的影响?六、世界杯2006年世界杯足球赛。
七、专题讲座邀请澳大利亚艺术家lanm arr举办专题讲座。

英语角话题汇总Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT一、Direct and Indirect Communication二、 1. Do you feel that you are a direct communicator or an indirect communicator Give anexample.三、 2. Who do you feel you can communicate directly with and who do you feel you shouldcommunicate indirectly with四、 3. In the following situations, is direct communication or indirect communication moreeffective Why五、a) Asking a favor六、b) Breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend七、c) Telling your teacher you didn’t do your homework八、d) Firing an employee九、 4. Have you ever had a bad experience in which someone said something to you too directly十、 5. If someone is communicating with you indirectly and you don’t understand the m essagethey are trying to tell you, how do you deal with the situation十一、Friendship十二、1) Come up with a definition for what friendship means in China.十三、2) What are 3 qualities you want in a good friend What are 3 qualities you don’t want in a friend Why十四、3) How and where do people in China make their closest friendships十五、4) If you move to a new place, what is a good way to make new friends十六、5) What advice would you give a foreigner about how to develop good friendships with Chinese people 十七、6) If there is a foreign volunteer in your group, ask him/her what advice he/she has about being friends with westerners.十八、Education十九、 1. Tell your group about your most enjoyable learning experience of the past. What made it good二十、 2. Describe what qualities you think the ideal teacher must have. What are some qualities you don’t want in a teacher二十一、 3. In Chinese society, do teachers have a high status or a low status Do you think being a teacher is a good job Why or why not二十二、 4. Is it the teacher/school’s or the parents’ responsi bility to teach a child good morals and behavior二十三、 5. In your opinion, do men or women make better teachers二十四、Holidays二十五、 1. What is your favorite Chinese holiday Which Western holiday most interests you二十六、 2. Do you think holidays are very significant What meanings are expressed by such holidays as National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas, Spring Festival and Thanksgiving二十七、 3. What is the history of your favorite Chinese holiday (For example, what’s the history of Dragon Boat Festival)二十八、 4. What did you think of the National Day celebration二十九、 5. Describe your ideal holiday.三十、Rich and Poor三十一、 1. Rank the following in order of importance to you: a) health b) family c) money d) a good reputation e) education. Why did you choose that order三十二、 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being rich Do you advantages outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa三十三、 3. Can a person be poor and happy What do you think the hardest part about being poor would be for you if you were poor What do you do you think would be the hardest part about being rich三十四、 4. Whose responsibility do you think is it to take care of the poor: their family, the government, their neighbors, everyone三十五、 5. Has the economic crisis affected your life at all三十六、Family三十七、 1. Describe your family, and tell your group a story about your family from your childhood.三十八、 2. Who do you think should have the highest authority in the home- the husband, the wife, or both equally share authority If you think both should have equal authority, how should they make decisions on where to work or live if they don’t agree with each other三十九、 3. What do you expect to do to take care of your parents when they grow old What do you expect your child to do for you when you get old四十、 4. Do you think the Chinese tradition of children taking care of elderly parents will change in the future because of the One Child Policy How can only children cope with the pressure of taking care of theirparents when they are old四十一、Cities四十二、 1. Describe your hometown, and tell your group 3 things you like about your hometown and three things you don’t like about it.四十三、 2. If you were the mayor of your hometown, what problems would you try to fix How would you go about fixing those problems What things would you not want to change四十四、 3. How do you feel about Changsha What challenges do you think Changsha will face in the next 2 years 10 years四十五、 4. In your mind, what city is the ideal city Is there a place where you’d like to live for the rest of your life四十六、What/If…四十七、 1. What would you do if someone accused you of a crime you didn’t commit四十八、 2. If you could change a major historical event, what would it be四十九、 3. What would you do if a fierce animal was going to attack you五十、 4. If you could be an employee of any company in the world, which company would you choose五十一、 5. What would you do if the person you loved didn’t love you back五十二、 6. If you could be a bird or a fish, which would you be五十三、7. What would you do if it was your best friend’s wedding, but you didn’t have any money to give him/her五十四、8. If you had to choose one of the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) to lose, which one would you choose to lose五十五、9. What would you do if you got lost in an unfamiliar city五十六、10. If you were going to a foreign country and you could only take one thing with you, what would it be五十七、Gifts五十八、 1. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received What’s the worst gift you’ve ever gotten五十九、 2. What’s the best gift you’ve ever given someone else Why was it special六十、 3. There’s a saying that goes, “It’s better to give than to receive.” What does this saying mean Do you agree with it Does China have any sayings about giving gifts六十一、 4. If you were given $1 million to buy gifts for your family and friends, what would you buy them and why六十二、New Year’s六十三、 1. What are some New Year’s resolutions you’ve made in the past Were you able to keep those resolutions六十四、 2. What resolutions do you want to make for 2010 If you could accomplish one thing this year, what would it be What steps can you take to carry out your New Year’s resolution六十五、 3. If you were to make “Life Resolutions,” meaning the things you want to accomplish before you die, what kinds of resolutions would you make Is there something you feel like you must accomplish in this life time How can you accomplish it六十六、Cheating六十七、 1. Have you ever cheated on an exam or a homework assignment Do you know anyone who has taken an exam for a classmate Describe the situation.六十八、 2. Do you think it’s ok to cheat on a homework assignment On a exam To take an exam for another person Is all cheating wrong or is it ok on some level六十九、 3. Have you or any of your classmates been caught while cheating How did you/they feel when you/they got caught七十、 4. If your classmate came to you and said that if you didn’t take his(her) English test for him(her), he/she would fail his/her class and not be able to graduate. Would you agree to take the test for him/her七十一、Winning and Losing七十二、Quotes about Winning:七十三、- “Winning isn’t everything, but the will to win is everything.”七十四、~Vince Lombardi (American Football Coach)七十五、- “Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.”七十六、~ Ralph Waldo Emerson (American Poet)七十七、- “Winning isn’t always finishing first. Sometimes winning is just finishing.”七十八、~ Manuel Diotte (Inspirational Speaker)七十九、 1. What do you think each of these quotes mean八十、 2. Do you agree with these quotes Why or why not Would you change them at all to fit your viewpoint 八十一、 3. What sayings are there in Chinese about winning and losing八十二、Spring Festival八十三、 1. How will you celebrate Spring Festival Who will you spend it with八十四、 2. Which performances are yo u looking forward to on the New Year’s Eve tv program What are some of your favorite ones of the past八十五、 3. If you were to receive a present (not money) for Spring Festival, what present would you like to receive八十六、 4. How does Spring Festival these days compare with how it was when you were a child Do you like it better now or when you were a child八十七、 5. What do you think Spring Festival will be like in the future八十八、Charity八十九、 1. What do you think ‘charity’ means Is it an action, an attitude, an idea九十、 2. Have you ever given money to a charitable cause If so, which one Have you ever volunteered at or worked for a charitable group What different charitable groups have you heard of in China Internationally 九十一、 3. Do you think people will give as much time and effort to the current earthquake victims as they did the Sichuan victims Why or why not九十二、 4. If you could create your own charitable group, what kinds of people would you help Why that kind of person and not other kinds of people that are in need九十三、Names九十四、 1. Who chose your name Why did they choose that name Do you like your name If you could change your name, would you九十五、 2. What’s the meaning of your name Do you think a person’s name affects their personality Have you ever disliked a person because of their name九十六、 3. Do you have a nickname How did you get this nickname What’s the funniest nickname you’ve heard another person called九十七、 4. Do you think it’s better to give a child a more common name or an unusual name What do you think China should do about the problem of having too many people with the same name/family name 九十八、Dreams九十九、 1. Do you often remember your dreams What’s the most recent dream you can remember Did you dream it in color or in black and white百、2. Do you ever have recurring dreams What are they about Why do you think you dream about that specific thing Are your recurring dreams usually good dreams or nightmares百一、 3. If you see a certain image in a dream, do you think it has a specific meaning For example, if you saw the following things in a dream, what do you think they would mean: a road, your middle school, your mom,a bird, sand, an open door, darkness, teeth百二、 4. Have you ever dreamed something that came true in real life Do you think it’s possible to know something in a dream before it happens in real life Do you think you dream about that thing because you fear it or is there another explanation百三、Interests and Hobbies百四、What are your hobbies Are your hobbies mostly intellectual or athletic or something else What do you like about those specific hobbies百五、If you have ten minutes of free time, how do you like to use it One hour One day One week If you unexpectedly have a couple hours of free time, what kinds of spontaneous things do you like to do for fun 百六、If you had to read a book about something not related to your major, what would you like to read about If it were a nonfiction book, what topic would you choose If it were a fiction book, what genre of fiction would you read百七、Do you think that internet and tv have killed hobbies in China Do you have any friends who d on’t like to use the internet or watch tv If you couldn’t use a computer or tv for a year, how do you think you would spend your time differently百八、Health百九、 1. On a scale of one to ten (1 being the most healthy, 10 being the least healthy) how healthy do you think you are In what areas of health do you think you are the healthiest Least healthy百十、 2. What do you think are your ‘healthy habits’ Do you drink enough water What are some of your unhealthy habits Do you ever smoke or drink alcohol百十一、 3. How often do you exercise What kinds of exercise do you like What kinds do you not like 百十二、 4. How is your diet What thing do you think are important to a healthy, balanced diet What is one thing you think you could do to improve your diet百十三、Meeting People百十四、 1. About how many new people do you meet a week Do you like meeting new people If so, why If not, why not百十五、 2. In China, how do you know if you can trust a person you just met Do you think it varies in different countries Are there signs to tell you that you shouldn’t trust s omeone What are they signs that tell you not to trust someone百十六、 3. Do you remember how you met your best friend/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse What did you think of that person the first time you met him/her百十七、 4. How important are first impressions to you Do you think you are a good judge of character the first time you meet a person Have you ever had a first impression of someone that later proved very wrong百十八、Fear百十九、 1. What things/circumstances are you most afraid of Do you think there is a reason you fear those things百二十、 2. Are your fears now the same as those you had as a child Which ones have changed Which are the same百二十一、 3. Do you think a person can overcome something they deeply fear How Would you ever choose to face one of your deepest fears for money, like on the tv shows百二十二、 4. Do you fear death Why or why not Do you think being afraid of death is a good thing or a bad thing百二十三、The Weather百二十四、 1. What is your favorite kind of weather Why do you like that kind of weather What’s your least favorite kind of weather百二十五、 2. Do you have a specific memory associated with a certain kind of weather Maybe a time you were afraid during a thunderstorm or a happy day in the sun.百二十六、 3. If the winter is very dark and rainy, does it affect your mood What are some things you do to help yourself cope if the weather is bad How do different types of weather affect your mood百二十七、 4. What do you think about weather manipulation using rockets Do you think it’s ok for people to change the weather by using technology or do you think we should let weather be whatever it naturally is。

话题一:Introduce your homrtown(可以从环境人文入手) 词汇:beautiful 美丽的green hills anf limpid water山清水秀Fantastic梦幻的dreamy怡然的,恬静的;friendly友好的;harmony 和谐的colorful 多彩的rich富有的\富饶的(土地)Warm and generous 热情大方Simple natural 纯朴自然Hospitable 好客的old 古老的friendly友好的unobstructed 往来通达have transport facilities 交通便利booming 蓬勃发展例句:It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.. It is a beautiful city, but it is a quite poor county.I believe that when my home will become rich and more beautiful. Hope that you will later my hometown guest.话题二:介绍你的一个好朋友词汇; smart(敏捷),honest(诚实),friendly(友善),loyal(忠诚),clever(聪明),reliable可信的,adamancy (坚强),virtuous (善良),hot(热情),knowledgeable (知识渊博的)friendly 友好的nice 友好的well-behaved 有礼貌的generous 慷慨的optimistic 乐观的vivacious 活泼的enthusiastic热情的amiable 和蔼可亲的alert 机灵的considerate 体贴的earnest 认真的well-educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的enthusiastic 充满热情的expressive 善于表达faithful 守信的,忠诚的forceful (性格)坚强的frank 直率的,真诚的friendly 友好的frugal 俭朴的generous 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的hard-working 勤劳的hearty 精神饱满的honest 诚实的hospitable 殷勤的humble 恭顺的humorous 幽默的impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的initiative 首创精神have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋intellective 有智力的intelligent 理解力强的inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的just 正直的kind-hearted 好心的knowledgeable 有见识的learned 精通某门学问的liberal 心胸宽大的logical 条理分明的loyal 忠心耿耿的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的motivated 目的明确的objective 客观的open-minded 虚心的orderly 守纪律的original 有独创性的painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的practical 实际的precise 一丝不苟的persevering 不屈不挠的punctual 严守时刻的purposeful 意志坚强的qualified 合格的rational 有理性的realistic 实事求是的reasonable 讲道理的reliable 可信赖的responsible 负责的self-conscious 自觉的selfless 无私的sensible 明白事理的sincere 真诚的smart 精明的spirited 生气勃勃的sporting 光明正大的steady 塌实的straightforward 老实的strict 严格的systematic 有系统的strong-willed 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦的例句:a friend should be someone reliable,you can alwanys depend on him/her when you have a problem。


2.踩纸游戏:口哨停3.做反动作:Go to the front of….Walk 3 steps forwardTurn leftDon’t drinkSit downQuietLook upPoint to the skySmileDon’t look at a tree4.话剧表演5.Role play (3 people) Your family is going to have a plan for spring festival, you all have 20days, grandparents think you should all stay at home as usual, parents want to go to Hainan or Xiamen for 10 days and spend the rest of the days at home, but you want to go aboard.One person plays parents, one plays parents, the last one plays yourself. talk about your plan and persuade them to listen to you.5.Debate : Do you think parents should control their kids when they use computer?6.How do you think parents should control students when they spend too much time oncomputer? 2 group contest, this question depends on the time left, as we might not have enough time.7.Role-play: if you want to go to Sanxia this summer with your friend Jane, but yourparents don’t want because you did very poor in final, try to think of 3 reasons to persuade your parents to let you go.8.字谜比赛说一个词,每个同学接两个词汇。

以下是八个适合初中生的英语角话题:1.我的假期(My Vacation)这个话题可以让学生分享他们暑假或寒假的经历,以激发他们的讲述英语口语的兴趣和欲望。
老师可以提供一些问题和提示词如“Where did you go?”, “What did you do during your vacation?”, “Did you meet any interesting people?”等等,这有助于使学生描述自己的假期,并让他们跟其他同学交流自己的经历。
2.我的家庭(My Family)学生可以分享自己对家庭成员的个人认识和印象,从而加深他们对不同词汇的理解和应用。
3.我的梦想(My Dream)这个话题可以让学生提高他们侧重于未来的意识和目标,以及让他们为自己设定一个个人追求。
老师可以问学生些问题如“What do you want to do when you grow up?”, “What are your plans for the future?”, “What do you dream of achieving in your life?”,这有助于学生成为自己的梦想制定具体的计划,并让他们分享自己的愿望和目标。
4.健康的饮食习惯(Healthy Eating Habits)这个话题可以激发学生关于健康饮食习惯的兴趣,为他们提供价值和知识。
老师可以提供一些问题和提示词如“What kind of food do you like to eat?”, “What are some healthy foods you can eat?”, “What are some unhealthy habits you need to avoid?”,这将有助于学生了解健康饮食习惯的好处,更加健康地生活。
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一、D irect and Indirect Communication1. Do you feel that you are a direct communicator or an indirect communicator? Give anexample.2. Who do you feel you can communicate directly with and who do you feel you shouldcommunicate indirectly with?3. In the following situations, is direct communication or indirect communication moreeffective? Why?a) Asking a favorb) Breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriendc) Telling your teacher you didn’t do your homeworkd) Firing an employee4. Have you ever had a bad experience in which someone said something to you toodirectly?5. If someone is communicating with you indirectly and you don’t understand the messagethey are trying to tell you, how do you deal with the situation?二、F riendship1) Come up with a definition for what friendship means in China.2) What are 3 qualities you want in a good friend? What are 3 qualities you don’t want in a friend?Why?3) How and where do people in China make their closest friendships?4) If you move to a new place, what is a good way to make new friends?5) What advice would you give a foreigner about how to develop good friendships with Chinesepeople?6) If there is a foreign volunteer in your group, ask him/her what advice he/she has about beingfriends with westerners.三、E ducation1. Tell your group about your most enjoyable learning experience of the past. What made it good?2. Describe what qualities you think the ideal teacher must have. What are some qualities you don’twant in a teacher?3. In Chinese society, do teachers have a high status or a low status? Do you think being a teacheris a good job? Why or why not?4. Is it the teacher/school’s or the parents’ responsibility to teach a child good morals and behavior?5. In your opinion, do men or women make better teachers?四、H olidays1. What is your favorite Chinese holiday? Which Western holiday most interests you?2. Do you think holidays are very significant? What meanings are expressed by such holidays asNational Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas, Spring Festival and Thanksgiving?3. What is the history of your favorite Chinese holiday? (For example, what’s the history of DragonBoat Festival?)4. What did you think of the National Day celebration?5. Describe your ideal holiday.五、R ich and Poor1. Rank the following in order of importance to you: a) health b) family c) money d) a good reputatione) education. Why did you choose that order?2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being rich? Do you advantages outweigh thedisadvantages or vice versa?3. Can a person be poor and happy? What do you think the hardest part about being poor would befor you if you were poor? What do you do you think would be the hardest part about being rich?4. Whose responsibility do you think is it to take care of the poor: their family, the government, theirneighbors, everyone?5. Has the economic crisis affected your life at all?六、F amily1. Describe your family, and tell your group a story about your family from your childhood.2. Who do you think should have the highest authority in the home- the husband, the wife, or bothequally share authority? If you think both should have equal authority, how should they make decisions on where to work or live if they don’t agree with each other?3. What do you expect to do to take care of your parents when they grow old? What do you expectyour child to do for you when you get old?4. Do you think the Chinese tradition of children taking care of elderly parents will change in thefuture because of the One Child Policy? How can only children cope with the pressure of taking care of their parents when they are old?七、C ities1. Describe your hometown, and tell your group 3 things you like about your hometown and threethings you don’t like about it.2. If you were the mayor of your hometown, what problems would you try to fix? How would you goabout fixing those problems? What things would you not want to change?3. How do you feel about Changsha? What challenges do you think Changsha will face in the next 2years? 10 years?4. In your mind, what city is the ideal city? Is there a place where you’d like to live for the rest of yourlife?八、W hat/If…1. What would you do if someone accused you of a crime you didn’t commit?2. If you could change a major historical event, what would it be?3. What would you do if a fierce animal was going to attack you?4. If you could be an employee of any company in the world, which company would you choose?5. What would you do if the person you loved didn’t love you back?6. If you could be a bird or a fish, which would you be?7. What would you do if it was your best friend’s wedding, but you didn’t have any money to givehim/her?8. If you had to choose one of the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) to lose, which onewould you choose to lose?9. What would you do if you got lost in an unfamiliar city?10. If you were going to a foreign country and you could only take one thing with you, what would itbe?九、G ifts1. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? What’s the worst gift you’ve ever gotten?2. What’s the best gift you’ve ever given someone else? Why was it special?3. There’s a saying that goes, “It’s better to give than to receive.” What does this saying mean? Doyou agree with it? Does China have any sayings about giving gifts?4. If you were given $1 million to buy gifts for your family and friends, what would you buy them andwhy?十、N ew Year’s1. What are some New Year’s resolutions you’ve made in the past? Were you able to keep thoseresolutions?2. What resolutions do you want to make for 2010? If you could accomplish one thing this year, whatwould it be? What steps can you take to carry out your New Year’s resolution?3. If you were to make “Life Resolutions,” meaning the things you want to accomplis h before you die,what kinds of resolutions would you make? Is there something you feel like you must accomplish in this life time? How can you accomplish it?十一、Cheating1. Have you ever cheated on an exam or a homework assignment? Do you know anyone who hastaken an exam for a classmate? Describe the situation.2. Do you think it’s ok to cheat on a homework assignment? On a exam? To take an exam foranother person? Is all cheating wrong or is it ok on some level?3. Have you or any of your classmates been caught while cheating? How did you/they feel whenyou/they got caught?4. If your classmate came to you and said that if you didn’t take his(her) English test for him(her),he/she would fail his/her class and not be able to graduate. Would you agree to take the test for him/her?十二、Winning and LosingQuotes about Winning:- “Winning isn’t everything, but the will to win is everything.”~Vince Lombardi (American Football Coach)- “Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.”~ Ralph Waldo Emerson (American Poet)- “Winning isn’t always finishing first. Sometimes winning is just finishing.”~ Manuel Diotte (Inspirational Speaker)1. What do you think each of these quotes mean?2. Do you agree with these quotes? Why or why not? Would you change them at all to fit yourviewpoint?3. What sayings are there in Chinese about winning and losing?十三、Spring Festival1. How will you celebrate Spring Festival? Who will you spend it with?2. Which performances are you looking forward to on the New Year’s Eve tv program? What aresome of your favorite ones of the past?3. If you were to receive a present (not money) for Spring Festival, what present would you like toreceive?4. How does Spring Festival these days compare with how it was when you were a child? Do youlike it better now or when you were a child?5. What do you think Spring Festival will be like in the future?十四、Charity1. What do you think ‘charity’ means? Is it an action, an attitude, an idea?2. Have you ever given money to a charitable cause? If so, which one? Have you ever volunteeredat or worked for a charitable group? What different charitable groups have you heard of in China?Internationally?3. Do you think people will give as much time and effort to the current earthquake victims as they didthe Sichuan victims? Why or why not?4. If you could create your own charitable group, what kinds of people would you help? Why thatkind of person and not other kinds of people that are in need?十五、Names1. Who chose your name? Why did they choose that name? Do you like your name? If you couldchange your name, would you?2. What’s the meaning of your name? Do you think a person’s name affects their personality? Haveyou ever disliked a person because of their name?3. Do y ou have a nickname? How did you get this nickname? What’s the funniest nickname you’veheard another person called?4. Do you think it’s better to give a child a more common name or an unusual name? What do youthink China should do about the problem of having too many people with the same name/family name?十六、Dreams1. Do you often remember your dreams? What’s the most recent dream you can remember? Didyou dream it in color or in black and white?2. Do you ever have recurring dreams? What are they about? Why do you think you dream aboutthat specific thing? Are your recurring dreams usually good dreams or nightmares?3. If you see a certain image in a dream, do you think it has a specific meaning? For example, if yousaw the following things in a dream, what do you think they would mean: a road, your middle school, your mom, a bird, sand, an open door, darkness, teeth?4. Have you ever dreamed something that came true in real life? Do you think it’s possible to knowsomething in a dream before it happens in real life? Do you think you dream about that thing because you fear it or is there another explanation?十七、Interests and HobbiesWhat are your hobbies? Are your hobbies mostly intellectual or athletic or something else? What do you like about those specific hobbies?If you have ten minutes of free time, how do you like to use it? One hour? One day? One week? If you unexpectedly have a couple hours of free time, what kinds of spontaneous things do you like to do for fun?If you had to read a book about something not related to your major, what would you like to read about? If it were a nonfiction book, what topic would you choose? If it were a fiction book, what genre of fiction would you read?Do you think that internet and tv have killed hobbies in Chin a? Do you have any friends who don’t like to use the internet or watch tv? If you couldn’t use a computer or tv for a year, how do you think you would spend your time differently?十八、Health1. On a scale of one to ten (1 being the most healthy, 10 being the least healthy) how healthy do youthink you are? In what areas of health do you think you are the healthiest? Least healthy?2. What do you think are your ‘healthy habits’? Do you drink enough water? What are some of yourunhealthy habits? Do you ever smoke or drink alcohol?3. How often do you exercise? What kinds of exercise do you like? What kinds do you not like?4. How is your diet? What thing do you think are important to a healthy, balanced diet? What is onething you think you could do to improve your diet?十九、Meeting People1. About how many new people do you meet a week? Do you like meeting new people? If so, why?If not, why not?2. In China, how do you know if you can trust a person you just met? Do you think it varies indifferent countries? A re there signs to tell you that you shouldn’t trust someone? What are they signs that tell you not to trust someone?3. Do you remember how you met your best friend/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse? What did you thinkof that person the first time you met him/her?4. How important are first impressions to you? Do you think you are a good judge of character thefirst time you meet a person? Have you ever had a first impression of someone that later proved very wrong?二十、Fear1. What things/circumstances are you most afraid of? Do you think there is a reason you fear thosethings?2. Are your fears now the same as those you had as a child? Which ones have changed? Which arethe same?3. Do you think a person can overcome something they deeply fear? How? Would you ever chooseto face one of your deepest fears for money, like on the tv shows?4. Do you fear death? Why or why not? Do you think being afraid of death is a good thing or a badthing?二十一、The Weather1. What is your favorite kind of weather? Why do you like that kind of weather? What’s your leastfavorite kind of weather?2. Do you have a specific memory associated with a certain kind of weather? Maybe a time youwere afraid during a thunderstorm or a happy day in the sun.3. If the winter is very dark and rainy, does it affect your mood? What are some things you do to helpyourself cope if the weather is bad? How do different types of weather affect your mood?4. What do you think about weather manipulation using rockets? Do you think it’s ok for people t ochange the weather by using technology or do you think we should let weather be whatever it naturally is?。