商务英语视听说-国家精品课程课件PPTunit15 marketing~

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Marketing is a social and managerial process which deals with identifying and meeting human and social needs. (meeting needs profitably) Philip Kotler ——(The Founder of Modern Marketing)

Marketing is a set of activities through a certain process orientated by a certain philosophy. It’s objective is to meet and satisfy human and social needs and wants by creating customer value and customer satisfaction. 市场营销是创造、沟通与传送价值给顾客,及经营 顾客关系以便让组织与其利益关系人受益的一种组 织功能与程序。
Mineral water Water
Additional view materials
Product: special appeal for consumers in aspects
like quality, utility or image
产品策略:要考虑在产品的质量、用途、外观等方面对 消费者的吸引
Price: take costs, rivals’ prices and pricing

―Communication is the most important form of marketing.‖
Akio Morita (1921 – 1999) Co-founder of Sony
A ‘The four Ps’ form the basis of the marketing mix. If you want to market a product successfully, you need to get this mix right. Match the ‘Ps’ 1 to 4 to the definitions a) to d) a) the cost to the buyer of goods or services b) informing customers about products and persuading them to buy them c) where goods or services are available d) goods or services that are sold
regulations into account
定价策略:要考虑产品成本、竞争者定价、价格调整等 方面
Promotion: making a product and its benefits
known and stimulating consumers demand for it
促销策略:以各种有效方式向目标市场传递信息,以刺 激其购买欲望
Place: channels of distribution and timely
transportation, make goods and services available
分销策略:将产品和服务及时送达Hale Waihona Puke Baidu消费者手中的渠道 和路径
Oral Practice
Discuss in pairs. What is the most expensive product you bought in the past half year? Why did you buy it? Was it strongly or weakly marketed?
1 Product 2 Price 3 Promotion 4 Place
Marketing Mix (营销组合) 4Ps
Product Place
Promotion 4 Ps ---is defined by many marketers as ―putting the right product in the right place, at the right price and right time.‖
The overall concept of product
Potential Product

Example for NongFu Spring
A little sweet taste Mineral water Mineral water from the Qiandao Lake
Augmented Product Expected Product Actual Product Core Product

When talking about Marketing, many people just regard it as selling things. But at the first of our presentation, we want to stress one concept--Marketing is absolutely not just selling things.
Unit 15 Marketing
Learning Objectives
After completing this lesson, students should be able to : ----comprehend basic vocabulary related to marketing; ----identify and understand basic elements of marketing ----develop communication skills to: develop marketing plans describe marketing results promote products