【2019-2020】高中生怎样选择大学(Study in a Big University or a Small One)-精选word文档 (1页)

高中和大学的学习方式差异英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1How School Changes As You Get OlderHey there! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. I'm in the 5th grade and absolutely love going to elementary school every day. My teachers are super nice, the subjects are fun, and I get to play outside at recess. Plus, I have a awesome group of friends that I hang out with all the time. Life is great!But I know that as I get older, school is going to change quite a bit. My older sister Jessica is a senior in high school, and my brother Michael is a sophomore in college. From talking to them, it seems like the way you have to study and approach your schoolwork shifts in some major ways after elementary school. Allow me to explain what I've learned from them about the differences between high school and college.In high school, your days are still pretty structured like they were in elementary school. You have a set schedule of classes - English, Math, Science, History, Foreign Language, etc. You go from one classroom to the next based on a ringing bell. Theteachers lead lessons and give you homework assignments, projects, and tests to make sure you're learning the material.Jessica says that in high school, you have to be really organized and manage your time well. The homework load is way bigger than in elementary school across all your subjects. You can't just goof off and play video games all evening. She has a big binder where she writes down all her assignments and keeps her work organized by class. Time management is key to keeping up.The other big difference in high school is that your grades really matter a lot more. Your GPA (that's your overall average grade) is hugely important for getting into a good college after graduation. So you have to stay on top of your work and do well on tests. No more coasting like in elementary school!From what Jessica has told me, studying for tests in high school is also more intense. You can't just skim through your notes the night before. You really have to actively review all the material through study guides, practice tests, and rewriting your notes. Memorization skills become super important.Then after high school, things change even more when you get to college according to my brother Michael. He says thatcollege is a massive step up from high school in terms of personal responsibility and time management.For one, you only take somewhere between 4-6 classes per semester on different days and times. There is no set, standardized schedule for you. You choose your own courses and make your own schedule in a process called "registration." Can you imagine having that much freedom as a 5th grader? I can't!In college, you also don't go from classroom to classroom for every subject. Most of your work for each course happens outside of class through readings, assignments, papers, and studying. The classroom periods, which could be huge lectures with 300 students or smaller seminar discussions, are meant for supplementing the out-of-class work.This places way more personal accountability on you as the student. Michael says you really need to be a self-motivated, autonomous learner in college. The professors don't hold your hand - you have to keep up with all the work on your own, make sure you understand the material, and prepare properly for tests and papers. Doing well is 100% on you.The flexibility of scheduling classes whenever you want does mean you have to be disciplined with your personal time.Michael says he has a lot of friends who stay up to ridiculous hours, sleep in super late, skip classes, party too much, and fall way behind. You're an adult, so that freedom comes with responsibility.Another major difference is that you don't get homework assignments and reminders about big projects and tests the same way you do in high school. You're given a course syllabus at the start of the semester that outlines all the major assignments and exam dates. But it's up to you to plan, schedule your time accordingly, and ensure you don't fall behind. Crazy, right??What's also crazy is that most of your grade can come down to just 1 or 2 major assignments or tests. High school tends to have more assignments making up your final grade to space things out. In college, you could have only 2 papers and a final exam making up your entire grade for a course! No pressure or anything...Because of how writing-intensive many college courses are, Michael also stressed how important it is to master things like research skills, proper citation, essay-writing, critical analysis, and communicating complex ideas. You have to learn how to think and write like a scholar.Whereas in high school, homework could be more repetitive practice and rote memorization at times, college demands higher-level analysis, evaluation, and synthesizing ideas from different sources. The readings are way more difficult academic texts too. You have to learn how to engage with complex ideas and materials.On top of all this, Michael says that college also requires you to be proactive in other ways too. If you're struggling with a subject, you have to seek out extra help like office hours or tutoring. There's career planning, potential research projects, clubs/activities to manage. It's up to you as a student to take responsibility and initiative.Phew, I'm getting a little overwhelmed just hearing about it! High school and college definitely sound incredibly different from elementary school where we just have one main classroom, everything is laid out for us, and we spend most of our time learning directly from the teachers.To be honest, I'm a little anxious about all these big changes ahead of me in the years to come. The level of independence, critical thinking, and time management required sounds challenging. Right now I'm just worried about taking good notes,remembering spelling words, and finishing my math worksheets every night!But at the same time, I'm getting pretty excited too. The freedom to choose your own classes and make your schedule? Studying subjects you're truly passionate about? Engaging with new, complex ideas? Gaining skills for advanced research and writing? It sounds pretty awesome when I think about it! Just a little terrifying too...I know it will be a big transition from the very structured, hand-holding style of elementary school. But I'm sure if I work hard, stay focused, and learn proper study habits, I can rise to meet the demands of high school and college. The key is being organized, proactive, and taking charge of my own learning process.For now though, I've still got a few years to master long division, learn my state capitals, and read all the classics in Mrs. Thompson's 5th grade class. I'll just keep having fun, listening to my teachers, and trying my best. Before I know it, I'll be off to high school and then the real adventure of college life! Wish me luck!篇2How School Will Change When I'm OlderHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. I'm just a kid in 5th grade, but I've been thinking a lot about what school will be like when I'm older. From what my older siblings and cousins have told me, studying in high school and university is really different from elementary school. I can't wait to experience it for myself, but I also feel a little nervous about all the changes ahead. Let me share what I've learned so far!In elementary school, our teachers basically tell us exactly what to do for our assignments and when to do them by. We have a schedule with different subjects like math, science, reading and so on. The teachers hand out worksheets and give us homework every night. If we don't understand something, we can always raise our hand and ask for help. The teachers are really nice and patient with us.But from what I've heard, high school is a whole new ball game! The teachers expect you to be much more independent and self-motivated. You have to really keep track of all your assignments, tests, and deadlines for yourself across different classes. There's a lot more homework and bigger projects too. My brother says he has to study and read a lot more outside ofclass compared to elementary school. He can't just rely on finishing the in-class work anymore.The biggest difference seems to be that you get treated a lot more like a young adult in high school. The teachers don't hold your hand as much. You need to develop self-discipline to keep up with everything. My sister said some high school teachers are actually more like coaches - they guide you and share their expertise, but you need to put in the hard work yourself. That sounds really hard but also kind of exciting to be more independent!Then after high school, you can choose to go to university or college. That's a whole new level! From what my cousins tell me, university is wayyyyy different from high school. The professors basically just lecture for hours, and you have to take your own perfect notes. There's no hand-holding at all - you're 100% responsible for your own learning.The assignments and exams are incredibly challenging too. My cousin says you have to read dozens or even hundreds of pages per week of difficult academic writing. You get assigned huge research papers that take months of work. And the exams are nothing like the tests in high school - they're these marathon3-hour written exams where you have to draw from everything you've learned.Honestly, that sounds completely overwhelming to me right now! I can't imagine reading that much dense material and having to analyze it at a very deep level. My cousins say you really need to develop an expertise in your subject area by the time you graduate from university. That's why people get highly specialized degrees like engineering, nursing, accounting and so on. You go from that broad general education in elementary and high school to laser-focused study in your particular field.Another big difference is that high school and university are a lot more socially complex and independent too. In elementary school, you have the same teacher and classmates basically all day. You follow a set schedule and there are a lot of rules. My mom packs my lunch for me and I have scheduled breaks and recess time. Such a simple life!From what I've gathered, everything gets a lot morefree-form and self-directed as you get older. In high school, you move from classroom to classroom for different subjects. There's a lot more freedom to hang out with different friend groups between classes. You also start to form closer relationships with certain teachers who become mentors in your favorite subjects.Kids have a lot more extra-curriculars and after-school activities too.Then in university, it's basically like being an adult! There's no more set schedule or rules really. My cousins say you have to be a totally self-motivated adult learner at that point. You pick your own courses, decide when to eat or sleep, and manage your entire life by yourself. Crazy! Plus, you're surrounded by people from all over the world rather than just kids from your local area.One part I am really excited about is getting to dive deeper into topics I'm passionate about as I get older. In elementary school, you mostly just learn broad basics. But from what I've heard, you eventually get to specialize and really focus on your specific interests and strengths. That sounds awesome! Maybe I'll become an expert marine biologist, astrophysicist, or video game developer someday.To be honest though, I'm feeling a bit stressed just thinking about how much MORE difficult the studying and coursework will become. My brother and cousins have to spend so many late nights at the library or doing group projects. I don't know if I can handle that level of work and intensity when I'm older! I really cherish being a kid right now without all of those heavy responsibilities.I can already sense that my carefree elementary school days are coming to an end. Part of me will miss the simplicity - seeing my same friends, following the set schedule, and having my teachers guide me through everything. But another part of me is curious and eager to experience more freedom and independence as a student. Getting to dive deep into my interests sounds exciting! I just hope I can rise to the challenge when the time comes.Well, thanks for letting me reflect on all of this! Who knows, maybe I'll end up writing about my experiences when I'm actually in high school or university someday. I'll keep working hard in elementary school for now to build good study habits. Wishme luck - I'm going to need it from what I've heard! Going from a little kid to a self-directed university student sounds like an amazing transformation.篇3Learning Differences Between High School and CollegeHi everyone! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. I'm in the 5th grade and I love learning about everything. My teacher Mrs. Johnson is always telling us about the importance of education and how we need to study hard in school. She saysthat the way we learn will change a lot when we get to high school, and then it will change again when we go to college or university. I can't wait to experience those changes for myself!From what I've heard, high school is quite different from elementary school. The classes are much bigger, with 30 or more students instead of just 20 or so. You also change classrooms for each subject instead of staying in the same room all day. There are a lot more courses to choose from too, like sciences, languages, arts, and more. I'm really excited to take classes like biology, Spanish and drama when I'm in high school.The teachers seem to have Higher expectations in high school as well. Mrs. Johnson says you have to be more independent and self-motivated. You can't just goof off or rely on your parents as much. The homework assignments are longer and more challenging. Instead of just reading chapters and answering questions, you might have to write long essays or do special projects. It sounds like a lot of work but also a great opportunity to learn so many new things.After high school, the learning process changes again when you go to university or college. That's where you really get to focus on just the subjects that interest you the most. Maybe I'll study to become a marine biologist, or an engineer, or a writer!At university, you pick a "major" which is the area you want to specialize in. All of your classes will be about that topic.From talking to some college students, it seems like university is waaaaay more independent than high school. The professors don't hold your hand as much. You have to study and read a ton on your own. Instead of short homework assignments every night, you might just have a couple of huge papers or projects due periodically. Time management and self-discipline become super important.The classroom experience sounds different too. University classes are often really huge lecture halls with 300 students or more. Can you imagine?! The professor just stands at the front and talks while you furiously take notes. No raising your hand or engaging much at all. After the lecture, you might have a smaller tutorial or discussion group to go over the material morein-depth. But for the most part, you're extremely independent and responsible for learning the content yourself.Another major difference is the grading and test structure. Mrs. Johnson says that in high school, tests and assignments are usually frequent but cover a small amount of material. Like a quiz every week on that week's readings. But in university, you'll have waaaaay fewer tests that cover a massive amount of information.Like one midterm that covers the entire first half of the course! That means you need incredible study skills and the ability to organize and synthesize knowledge over a long period of time. No more cramming the night before a test.From what I can tell, both high school and university require serious focus and effort. But the university experience seems a lot more self-directed. You're viewed more as an adult and given the independence and freedom to structure your own learning. Both high school and college are awesome opportunities though.I can't wait to experience them and become an expert in marine biology...or maybe dinosaurs...or comic book storylines! A kid can dream, right? Let me know if you have any other insights on the differences between high school and university learning. I'm super curious to learn more!。

怎么选择大学的英语作文英文:When it comes to choosing a university, there are several factors that I consider to be important. Firstly, I believe that the reputation and ranking of the university are crucial. I want to attend a university that is well-respected and has a good track record of producing successful graduates. This will not only enhance my own academic and career prospects, but also provide me with a sense of pride and accomplishment.Secondly, I think it's important to consider the location of the university. I prefer to study in a city with a vibrant and diverse culture, as I believe this will enrich my overall university experience. Additionally, I want to be in close proximity to potential internship and job opportunities, so the location of the university is definitely something I take into account.Furthermore, the available programs and courses offered by the university are also a significant factor for me. I want to make sure that the university provides a wide range of courses that align with my academic and career interests. For example, if I am interested in pursuing a degree in business, I would want to ensure that the university offers a strong business program with opportunities for hands-on learning and internships.In addition, the campus facilities and resources are important to me. I want to attend a university that has modern and well-equipped facilities, such as libraries, laboratories, and recreational areas. These resources will not only support my academic endeavors, but also contribute to my overall well-being and personal development.Lastly, I believe that the university's community and student life are crucial aspects to consider. I want to be part of a diverse and inclusive community where I can engage in extracurricular activities, clubs, and eventsthat align with my interests and passions. The socialaspect of university life is just as important to me as theacademic aspect.中文:选择大学时,我认为有几个重要因素需要考虑。

如何挑选大学专业英语作文How to Choose a College Major。
Choosing a college major is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. It can determine your future career path, your earning potential, and youroverall satisfaction with your work. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to try to decide what to study. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision.1. Consider your interests and passions。
One of the most important factors in choosing a majoris your own interests and passions. Think about what you enjoy doing in your free time, what subjects you excel in, and what kind of work you can see yourself doing long-term. If you are passionate about a particular subject, you are more likely to enjoy studying it and pursuing a career in that field.2. Research potential career paths。
高中英语作文 [关于大学与高中的比较英语作文]
![高中英语作文 [关于大学与高中的比较英语作文]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/14424977482fb4daa58d4b68.png)
高中英语作文[关于大学与高中的比较英语作文]各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢不同的学习阶段都是不尽相同的,你知道大学和高中的区别是什么吗?下面,是小编为你整理的关于大学与高中的比较英语作文,希望对你有帮助!关于大学与高中的比较英语作文篇1 Having lived in university for nearly two mouth ,I m still can t get used to the life in university .Everything goes wrong .Things are so different that I can t get used to them in short period .Firstly.,it s our friends circle ,we are not study in the same class all just rush from one class to another. It make it hard for us meeting face to face with others,we rely on QQ ,renren and so on,which upsetthe students who are not outgoing like me .but on the other hand ,it also makes our friends circle lager ,we can make acquaintance with all kinds of people .Secondly, it s our study .Not like high school,we only have the midterm and final exam ,free of all kinds of test in teachers urge,no too much homework ,no test,we are free ! But things are not easy,we still have the responsibility to study hard for our parents ,for our lover and most importantly, for our bright future.Lastly, what makes university really different is its various can take part in many neednt study all day .We can do something we really love .but various chances also mean various need make a plan for our life.Although I am not used to the life in fudan university but I belive everything will be OK,my college will be my precious memory.关于大学与高中的比较英语作文篇2There are similarities and differences between high school life and college life. Here are some of them.高中生活和大学生活既有相同之处,又有不同之处。

理想中大学与现实中大学的对比的英语作文The Magical University and the Real OneWhen I was a little kid, I always dreamed about going to university one day. In my imagination, it was the most wonderful, magical place on earth. All the students were super smart and looked like models from TV. The professors were wise, kind geniuses who made learning fun and easy. The buildings were like beautiful castles with everything you could ever want inside. And everyone was friends and had an amazing time together. That's what I pictured university to be like when I was young.Now that I'm older, I've realized the reality is quite different from those childhood fantasies! A real university is still pretty cool, but also has its downsides and disappointments compared to how I envisioned it. Let me share some of the big differences between my imaginary "magical university" and what universities are actually like.At the magical university, all the students are geniuses who never struggle with their studies. They understand everything the first time it's explained, and get perfect scores on every test and assignment. Everyone is highly motivated and works incredibly hard out of a pure love of learning.But at a real university, students have a wide range of abilities, motivations, and work ethics. Some students put in long hours studying because they are passionate about their subjects. But plenty of others only do the minimum work required, or less. Many students find the material quite challenging and have to study subjects they don't enjoy for their degree requirements. Stressed out and overwhelmed students trying not to fail is a common sight during finals week.In my childhood dream, all the professors are brilliant, world-class experts who make their classes engaging and fun. They give easy-to-understand lectures filled with interesting stories and jokes that make hard concepts seem simple. Students hang on their every word, captivated and leaving class feeling enlightened each day.Real university professors run the whole gamut from poor teachers to good ones to excellent elite academics. Some tenured professors are extremely knowledgeable in their fields but terribly boring lecturers who read straight from outdated PowerPoint slides. Others are enthusiastic and dynamic speakers, but actually pretty clueless about their subject matter. Only some professors have the ideal combination of deep expertise, strong communication skills, and passion for teaching their classes in anengaging way. Finding that perfect mesh of qualities in an instructor is rare.At my magical university, the historic buildings are grand architectural masterpieces with soaring marble hallways, cozy libraries, and modern technology everywhere you look. There are plenty of quiet study spaces, recreational centers, and beautiful landscaped quads and gardens to enjoy. The dorms are like luxury hotels with amazing amenities in every room.In reality, many university buildings are quite old and rundown, with aging infrastructure that constantly needs repair and renovation. Libraries can be outdated and overcrowded. Housing is hit or miss, ranging from crumbling shoeboxes to decent apartment-style suites. While some universities invest in stunning new construction, others operate in dilapidated facilities in need of serious upgrades and deferred maintenance. Overall the real physical plants at colleges tend to be less than the idyllic ivy-covered mansions young students might envision.My imaginary university has limitless recreation, entertainment, athletics, arts, clubs, organizations, and social opportunities for students. Everyone belongs to tight-knit communities and has a large friend group they spend time withdaily between classes and on evenings and weekends. Life is a constant flow of fun activities and great memories being made.At real universities, the social experience varies tremendously based on the individual student. Some students do get heavily involved in tons of activities, sports, Greek life etc. and have an amazing network of friends. But many others feel isolated and struggle to find their niche, spending lots of lonesome time alone. For every group of friends going out partying and bonding over shared interests, there are also the loners who eat meals alone, keep to themselves, and don't connect much on campus outside the classroom.So in many ways, university life turns out to be a mixed bag compared to the idylized version in our childhoods. There are still amazing, rewarding elements like intellectual growth, new independence, vibrant communities, and great accomplishments. But it also requires hard work, dealing with stress, financial sacrifices, bouts of loneliness, and other harsh realities that young dreamer don't envision.I know I'll always remember my sweet, naive notions of the magical university from when I was a little kid. It seemed so perfect - the epic castle buildings, awesome friendships, fun classes with genius professors, constant good times without acare in the world. Those illusions have faded now that I understand the real ups and downs of life on a college campus.But I'm truly glad I've learned what higher education is actually like, warts and all. Having realistic expectations allows me to be prepared for。

The Transition from High School to University: A Comparative Study of LearningStylesAs students progress from high school to university, they encounter significant changes not only in their academic workload but also in the way they are expected to learn. High school learning is often structured and focused on preparing students for standardized tests and exams, while university learning is more autonomous, emphasizing critical thinking, independent research, and innovation. This transition can be challenging for many students, as they need to adapt to new learning styles and strategies. In high school, learning is often passive, with teachers delivering lectures and students taking notes. The emphasis is on covering a broad range of material and preparing for exams through rote learning and memorization. This approach may be effective for some students, but it can lead to a shallow understanding of subjects and a lack of critical thinking skills. Additionally, high school students often have limited opportunities to explore their interests and passions beyond the required curriculum.Contrastingly, university learning is active and student-centered. Professors expect students to engage with the material, ask questions, and participate in class discussions. Lectures are often supplemented with readings, group work, and projects that require students to apply what they have learned to real-world situations. This approach cultivates a deeper understanding of subjects and fosters the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.Moreover, university learning is highly autonomous. Students are expected to manage their own time, set their own goals, and take initiative in seeking out resources and opportunities. This freedom can be both exciting and daunting for students, as they navigate their way through a vast array of courses and extracurricular activities. It is important for students to develop good time managementskills and to seek help when needed, whether it is from professors, mentors, or peers.Another key difference between high school and university learning is the emphasis on research and innovation. In high school, students are rarely required toconduct original research or create new knowledge. However, in university, many courses require students to conduct research projects, write papers, and present their findings. This process not only helps students to deepen their understanding of subjects but also prepares them for future careers in research, academia, or industry.In conclusion, the transition from high school to university marks a significant shift in learning styles and expectations. Students need to adapt to a more autonomous, active, and research-oriented way of learning to succeed in university. By developing good time management skills, engaging actively with material, and seeking help when needed, students can navigate this transition smoothly and emerge as confident, critical thinkers ready to take on the challenges of the future.**高中与大学学习方式的转变:一项比较研究**当学生从高中升入大学时,他们不仅在学业负担上遭遇了重大变化,还在预期的学习方式上经历了显著的变化。

大学与高中学习方式的差异英文作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Differences in Study Methods between High School and CollegeAs students transition from high school to college, they often find themselves facing a whole new academic environment. Not only are the subjects more challenging, but the methods of studying also differ greatly. In this essay, we will explore the differences in study methods between high school and college.Firstly, in high school, students are typically provided with a curriculum that outlines the topics they need to learn throughout the year. Teachers may give assignments, quizzes, and tests to help students keep up with the material. In college, however, the responsibility for learning falls largely on the student. College professors often provide a syllabus with a general overview of the course, but it is up to the student to read the textbooks, attend lectures, and study the material on their own. This means that college students need to be more proactive andself-disciplined in managing their time and studying effectively.Secondly, the pace of learning is much faster in college compared to high school. In high school, students typically have one semester or one year to learn a particular subject, whereas in college, courses may last only a few weeks. This means that college students must be able to quickly grasp new concepts, study independently, and keep up with the fast-paced lectures. Additionally, college exams tend to be more comprehensive and require a deeper understanding of the material than high school exams.Furthermore, the style of teaching in college is different from high school. College professors often use a more lecture-based approach, where students are expected to take extensive notes and actively participate in class discussions. In contrast, high school teachers may use more interactive teaching methods, such as group projects and hands-on activities. College students need to adapt to this more independent and self-directed learning style, which can be challenging for those who are used to more structured and guided instruction in high school.Another key difference between high school and college study methods is the emphasis on critical thinking and analysis in college. In high school, students are often required to memorize facts and regurgitate information on tests. In college, however,students are expected to analyze and evaluate information, think critically about complex issues, and present well-reasoned arguments in papers and exams. This shift requires college students to develop stronger analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to think independently and creatively.In conclusion, the transition from high school to college involves significant differences in study methods. College students are expected to take more initiative in their learning, manage their time effectively, adapt to a faster pace of learning, and develop stronger critical thinking skills. By understanding these differences and adjusting their study habits accordingly, students can succeed academically in both high school and college.篇2Differences in Learning Styles between High School and UniversityAs students transition from high school to university, they experience a significant shift in their learning environment and academic expectations. This change is not only evident in the content of the courses and the level of difficulty, but also in the methods of learning and studying that are required to succeed ina university setting. In this essay, we will explore the differences in learning styles between high school and university.One of the most notable differences between high school and university learning styles is the level of independence that is expected from students. In high school, students are often closely supervised and guided by their teachers. They are provided with structured lesson plans, deadlines, and frequent feedback on their progress. In contrast, university students are expected to take more initiative and responsibility for their learning. They must manage their time effectively, set their own goals, and seek support when needed. This greater level of independence can be challenging for some students, but it also allows for greater personal growth and development.Another difference in learning styles between high school and university is the emphasis on critical thinking and analysis. In high school, students are often taught to memorize facts and regurgitate information for exams. However, in university, students are expected to engage with the material in a more critical and creative manner. They must analyze and evaluate information, draw connections between different concepts, and develop their own ideas and arguments. This shift towards higher-order thinking skills prepares students for thecomplexities of the modern world and encourages them to become independent and innovative thinkers.Furthermore, the assessment methods used in high school and university also differ significantly. In high school, students are typically evaluated through exams, essays, and quizzes that test their knowledge of the material. In university, however, assessment is more varied and may include group projects, presentations, research papers, and practical assignments. This diverse range of assessment methods ensures that students develop a wide range of skills and competencies that are essential for success in the workplace.Additionally, the size of classes and the level of interaction with professors are important factors that contribute to the differences in learning styles between high school and university. In high school, classes are usually small, and students have regular contact with their teachers. This close relationship allows for personalized attention and support, which can be beneficial for students who require extra help or guidance. In university, however, classes are often larger, and professors may have hundreds of students in a single course. This means that students must be proactive in seeking help and building relationships with their professors if they want to succeed.In conclusion, the transition from high school to university involves a significant shift in learning styles that can be challenging for many students. However, by recognizing and adapting to these differences, students can develop the skills and competencies that are necessary for success in a university setting. By taking responsibility for their learning, engaging in critical thinking and analysis, and seeking support when needed, students can thrive academically and personally in the university environment. Ultimately, the differences in learning styles between high school and university provide students with valuable opportunities for growth, development, and success.篇3Differences Between College and High School LearningWhen students transition from high school to college, they often encounter significant differences in the way they are expected to learn and study. These differences can be both challenging and rewarding, as they require students to adapt to a new educational environment and develop new skills. In this essay, we will explore some of the key differences between college and high school learning.One of the most significant differences between college and high school learning is the level of independence expected from students. In high school, students are often closely supervised by teachers and parents, who provide them with clear instructions and guidance on how to complete assignments. In college, however, students are expected to take more responsibility for their own learning. They must manage their own time, set their own goals, and seek out resources and support when needed. This increased level of independence can be challenging for some students, but it also fosters a sense of autonomy andself-reliance that is essential for success in college and beyond.Another key difference between college and high school learning is the emphasis on critical thinking and analysis. In high school, students are often required to memorize and regurgitate facts and information in order to pass exams and earn good grades. In college, however, students are expected to engage more deeply with the material, thinking critically about complex issues and synthesizing information from multiple sources. This requires students to develop their analytical skills,problem-solving abilities, and communication skills, all of which are essential for success in college and in the workplace.College learning also places a greater emphasis onself-directed learning and independent study. In high school, students are typically given a set curriculum and assigned homework and projects to complete under the guidance of their teachers. In college, however, students are often required to take more initiative in their learning, seeking out additional readings, research opportunities, and other resources to deepen their understanding of the material. This independence can be challenging for students who are used to more structured learning environments, but it also encourages them to develop a sense of curiosity and intellectual curiosity that is essential for success in college and beyond.In addition to these differences, college learning also tends to be more interdisciplinary and specialized than high school learning. In high school, students are often required to take a broad range of courses in subjects such as math, science, language arts, and social studies. In college, however, students have the opportunity to focus more deeply on a specific area of interest, choosing a major and taking advanced courses in that field. This specialization allows students to develop a deeper understanding of their chosen field and to explore topics in greater depth, preparing them for careers in that field or for further study in graduate school.In conclusion, the transition from high school to college involves significant differences in the way students are expected to learn and study. These differences can be challenging, but they also offer students the opportunity to develop new skills, think more critically, and pursue their academic interests in greater depth. By adapting to these differences and embracing the opportunities for growth and learning that they present, students can successfully navigate the transition from high school to college and achieve academic success.。

2019-2020学年第一学期译林版高一年级英语期中复习专题训练单项选择A1.---There isn’t anything serious, _________,Doctor?---_________.The children will be all right in a day or two.A.is it; YesB. isn’t ; NoC. isn’t there; YesD. is there; No2.---What can I help you, Sir?---I’d like to have this box _____ and post it to Paris.A.weight B.weighed C.weighted D.to be weighed3.The advice columnist is very happy now, for Jane just called to tell him that his advice ____very well,_____ hadn’t been expected.A.worked out; whichB. went on; asC.turned out; thatD. worked out; who4. The young girls prefer dressing up for a party to _______ by others.A.be noticedB.being noticedC.having been noticedD.have been noticed5. He says life wouldn’t ______without friendship!A.worth livingB.be worth livingC .be worth to live D.worth to live6.--- What do you think of French?--- In my opinion, French is ____ English.A.a subject so difficultB.as difficult a subject asC. as a subject asD.difficult as subject as7.Don’t cut your hair. I like it ____ it is.A.beforeB.becauseC.asD.after8.I’m considering _____ a new computer, which is considered ______ a great help to my work.A.to buy; to beB.buying; to beC.to buy; beingD.buying; being 9.Mr. Bally approved ______ the conference.A.me to attendB. for my attendingC.of me to attendD.of my attending10."I don't like the way you treat your customers." Mr. Young said to Simon.A. /B.in thatC.whichD.of which 11.—Has Linda finished her homework?—Sorry, I don’t know. I just saw that she _____ it yesterday afternoon.A.has been doingB. had doneC. was doingD. has done12.Better not to ignore the past but learn from it instead. ___, history has a way of repeating itself.A.ThereforeB.OtherwiseC.MeanwhileD.Anyhow13. —What do you think of your new job?—I find it challenging. It is a job _____ you can put what you have learned into practice.A.whereB.whichC.whenD.that 14.—What do you think our chairman will do in the meeting?—He _____ give a speech, but I’m not sure. You know his decisions often take us by surprise.A.mustB.shallC.canD. may 15.It won’t be three weeks he is ready for his new job.A.sinceB. afterC.whenD.before答案DBAAB BCBDA CDADDB1. Friendly service and low prices contribute to shopper_______.A. encouragementB. competitionC. satisfactionD. development2. _______of blue skies, China launched an action plan aimed at reducing the emission(排放) of green gases.A. in defence ofB. in search ofC. in control ofD. in charge of3.---- Tom could hardly play the piano when we knew him,_______he?---No, but he plays it well now.A. couldn'tB. couldC. didn'tD. did4. A housing bubble(泡沫) is a economic situation_______happens when house prices rise too much fast.A. whichB. whereC. whoseD. what5. He says life wouldn’t_______without friendship!A. worth livingB. be worth livingC. be worth to liveD. worth to live6.——What do you think of French?——In my opinion, French is_______English.A. a subject so difficultB. as difficult a subject asC. as a subject asD. difficult as subject as7. Don’t cut your hair. I like it_______it is.A. beforeB. becauseC. asD. after8. I’m considering _____ a new computer, which is considered_______a great help to my work.A. to buy; to beB. buying; to beC. to buy; beingD. buying; being9. Mr. Bally approved_______the conference.A. me to attendB. for my attendingC. of me to attendD. of my attending10. "I don't like the way_______you treat your customers." Mr. Young said to Simon.A. /B. in thatC. whichD. of which11.——Has Linda finished her homework?——Sorry, I don’t know. I just saw that she_______it yesterday afternoon.A. has been doingB. had doneC. was doingD. has done12. Better not to ignore the past but learn from it instead._____, history has a way of repeating itself.A. ThereforeB. OtherwiseC. MeanwhileD. Anyhow13.——What do you think of your new job?——I find it challenging. It is a job_______you can put what you have learned into practice.A. whereB. whichC. whenD. that14.——What do you think our chairman will do in the meeting?——He_______give a speech, but I’m not sure. You know his decisions often take us by surprise.A. mustB. shallC. canD. may15. It won’t be three weeks_______he is ready for his new job.A. sinceB. afterC. whenD. before答案CABAB BCBDA CDADDC1. — Mike, you look so tired and wet all over!—You know, all afternoon I my belongings to my new office on the fourth floor.A. am movingB. have movedC. had movedD. have been moving2. — What do you think of the house?—It looks nice, I’d like to see the inside of it, .A. thoughB. insteadC. sinceD. even3. There was a terrifying picture in the paper of a man the leg had been blown off.A. whereB. of whichC. of whomD. whose4. His opinion doesn’t for anything around here. That’s why he is happy.A. count; not a littleB. prepare; not a littleC. count; not a bitD. prepare; not a bit5. She was so annoyed that she could no longer her anger and shouted at her husband.A. considerB. displayC. containD. change6. Those motorcycles, a huge umbrella is fixed, are a huge threat to people walking in the street.A. whichB. whoseC. with whichD. to which7. He lifted his daughter up so that she could get a better of the clowns.A. viewB. sightC. sceneD. scenery8. The story was completely untrue and was successfully in court.A. defendedB. challengedC. controlledD. repeated9. The way he thought of limits on the time spent on computer games effective.A. setting; turned outB. to set; turned outC. focusing; worked outD. to focus; worked out10. The number of smokers, is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.A. whatB. whichC. whoD. as11. our two groups have joined together, we can all have great expectations for the future.A. UntilB. UnlessC. Now thatD. Even if12. As a (n) student, his duty includes responsibility for his personal behavior.A. regular; takingB. common; to takeC. normal; to takeD. average; taking13. As the smallest child, John is always longing for the time he can kill with his best friends instead of his brothers.A. whichB. whenC. by whichD. during which14. — Shall we offer the new position to Helen?—. You are the boss.A. Not really.B. No problem.C. It’s your call.D. It depends.15. — He is unlike his father who drinks a lot, ?—. He never drinks.A. is he; YesB. isn’t he; NoC. is he; NoD. isn’t he; Yes答案DACCC DABBD CDACDD1. The city of Wuxi has ______ history of more than 3,000 years and it will keep its glory andhave _______ bright future.A. a; aB. a; theC. the; theD. the; a2. As a new boss in the foreign company, Mr. Zhang has to ____ the respect of his fellow workers.A. showB. feelC. earnD. find3. On New Year’s Eve, a big fire swept through a top nightclub in Bangkok,__________ at least60 people, most of__________ were foreigners.A. having killed; themB. killed; whoC. killing; themD. killing; whom4. It will be a great _________ for Chinese film industry if the movie Go Away, Mr. Tumor win theBest Foreign Language Film in 88th Academy Awards.A. embarrassmentB. argumentC. achievementD. treatment5. Edward was excited to be informed that his wife __________ his children __________ invitedto the party with him.A. and; wasB. together with; wereC. as well as; wasD. along with; were6. People often have a strange feeling when _______ the past life, thinking of those they leave behind.A. looking forward toB. looking out forC. looking up toD. looking back on7. The doctor refused to use traditional Chinese herbal medicine, _______ he was not sure about.A. whose side effectsB. the side effects of whoseB. of which side effects D. side effects of which8. _____you are unwilling to study abroad, why not start a small business with me after graduation?A. Now thatB. Even thoughC. Ever sinceD. As if9. It is no use regretting ________harder. Cheer up and move on. As the saying goes,“Better late than never.”A. not to studyB. not having studiedC. to not studyD. having not study10. I found the homework was not so heavy as ______ I _____ to get in my old school.A. that; was usedB. what; usedC. which; usedD. that; used11. --Why are you so angry with your brother?-I___for the math test since I got up, but he is always interrupting me by asking questions. A.have prepared B. have been preparingC. had preparedD. had been preparing12. Welcome to Jurassic Park, ____ you will spend a thrilling weekend with all kinds of dinosaurs.A. whichB. /C. in thatD. where13. ---John could hardly play the violin when we knew him, ________ he?---No, but he plays it well now.A. couldn’tB. didn’tC. couldD. did14.The farmers needed___ agricultural technology. Therefore, ___ skilled workers were sent there.A. a great number of; a large amount ofB. a large amount of; a great deal ofC. a large amount of; a great number ofD. a great many; a great number of15. --- Mike, can you do 20 press-ups in two minutes?--- __________. I can do 40!A. Don’t pull my legB. Don’t be a wet blanketC. Don’t be a black sheepD. It’s child’s play答案:ACDCC DAABB BDCCD。

如何选择一个合适的大学英语作文260词How to Choose the Right University for English MajorWhen it comes to choosing a university for an English major, there are several factors to consider to ensure that you make the best decision for your academic and career goals. Here are some tips on how to choose the right university for your English major:1. Program Reputation: One of the most important factors to consider is the reputation of the English program at the university. Research the university’s ranking for English majors, as well as feedback from current and former students. A reputable program will likely offer a high-quality education and prepare you well for a career in the field.2. Faculty Qualifications: Look into the qualifications and experience of the faculty members in the English department. Experienced professors with a strong background in English literature and language can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout your academic journey.3. Course Offerings: Consider the variety of courses offered in the English program. A diverse range of courses can help you explore different areas of English studies and find your academicinterests. Look for universities that offer courses in literature, writing, linguistics, and other relevant subjects.4. Internship Opportunities: Check if the university provides internship opportunities for English majors. Internships can provide valuable hands-on experience and help you build connections in the industry. Look for universities with strong connections to local businesses and organizations for internship opportunities.5. Campus Resources: Consider the resources available on campus to support English majors. This includes libraries, writing centers, tutoring services, and other resources that can help you succeed in your studies. A well-equipped campus can enhance your learning experience and provide you with the support you need to excel in your program.6. Career Services: Look into the career services offered by the university for English majors. Career services can help you with job placement, resume building, interview preparation, and other career-related tasks. Choose a university that offers robust career services to help you transition into the workforce after graduation.By considering these factors, you can choose the right university for your English major and set yourself up for successin your academic and professional life. Take the time to research and visit different universities to find the best fit for your goals and aspirations.。

【导语】 ⼤学的搜索不必开始和结束于常青藤和。
除此之外还有很多的学校可以选择—— 有的听说过,有的少有⼈知,都值得你的关注。
1. Start with who you are and why you are going. 1、开始于“你是谁”,“你要做什么” You need to examine yourself and your reasons for going to college before you start your search. Why, really, are you going? What are your abilities and strengths? What are your weaknesses? What do you want out of life — something tangible or intangible? 在开始你的搜索前,你需要测试⾃⼰,问⾃⼰准备去上⼤学的理由。
Are you socially self-sufficient or do you need warm, familial support? Talk with your family, friends and high-school counselors as you ask these questions. The people who know you best can help you the most with these important issues. 你是喜欢⾃⼰⼀个⼈呆着,还是喜欢温暖,需要家庭的⽀持?在你问这些问题的时候和你的家⼈、朋友、⾼中的学习顾问谈谈。
2. Size matters: Your college does not have to be bigger than your high school. 2、⼤⼩问题:你的⼤学不必⼤于你的⾼中 Most good liberal arts colleges have a population of fewer than 4, 000 for a reason; college is a time to explore, and a smaller community is more conducive to internal exploration. It is not the number of people, but the people themselves and the kind of community in which you will learn that really matters. Many large universities have established honors colleges within the larger university for these same reasons. ⼤多数好的⽂理学院有它们的理由使学⽣⼈数⼩于4,000;⼤学是⼀段探索的时光,⼀个⼩型的群体更利于内部的探索。

如何去选择大学英语作文How to Choose a University English Writing Course。
Choosing a university English writing course can be a daunting task. There are so many options available, and it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. Inthis article, we will discuss some important factors to consider when choosing a university English writing course.Firstly, it is important to consider the level of the course. If you are a beginner, you should look for a course that is designed for beginners. On the other hand, if you are an advanced writer, you should look for a course thatis more challenging. It is important to choose a coursethat is appropriate for your level so that you can get the most out of it.Secondly, you should consider the teaching style of the course. Some courses are taught in a lecture format, while others are more interactive and hands-on. It is importantto choose a teaching style that suits your learning style. If you prefer a more interactive approach, you should look for a course that involves group work and discussions. If you prefer a more traditional lecture format, you should look for a course that is taught in this way.Thirdly, you should consider the course content. Some courses focus on grammar and sentence structure, while others focus on writing essays and research papers. It is important to choose a course that covers the areas that you are interested in. If you are interested in writing research papers, you should look for a course that focuses on this area.Fourthly, you should consider the reputation of the course. You should look for a course that has a good reputation and is well-respected in the academic community. This will ensure that you receive a high-quality education and that your degree will be valued by potential employers.Finally, you should consider the cost of the course. University courses can be expensive, so it is important tochoose a course that is affordable. You should also consider the value of the course in relation to the cost. If the course is expensive but offers a high-quality education, it may be worth the investment.In conclusion, choosing a university English writing course requires careful consideration of several factors. You should consider the level of the course, the teaching style, the course content, the reputation of the course, and the cost. By taking these factors into account, you can choose a course that is right for you and that will provide you with a high-quality education.。

如何选择一个合适的大学英语作文How to Choose the Right University for YourselfChoosing the right university is a crucial decision in one's academic journey. It involves considering various factors that align with personal interests, goals, and values. Here are some key considerations to help you select the perfect university for yourself.1. Identify Your Interests and GoalsThe first step is to reflect on your passions, hobbies, and career aspirations. Consider what subjects interest you the most and how you envision yourself contributing to society in the future. Define your short-term and long-term goals to ensure that the university you choose aligns with your vision.2. Research the UniversitiesConduct thorough research on potential universities. Explore their websites, read about their academic programs, facilities, and extracurricular activities. Look for universities that offer courses related to your interests and have a strong reputation in your desired field.3. Consider the LocationThe location of the university can significantly impact your experience. Think about whether you prefer a rural, suburban, or urban setting. Consider factors like accessibility, affordability, and the culture and lifestyle of the surrounding area.4. Evaluate the Financial AspectsEducation is an investment, and it's important to consider the financial implications. Explore the cost of tuition, living expenses, and any available scholarships or grants. Ensure that the university you choose fits within your budget andlong-term financial plans.5. Visit the CampusesVisiting the campuses can give you a better sense of the environment and community. Schedule tours, attend open days, and meet with students and faculty members. This will help you make a more informed decision about which university feels like the right fit for you.6. Seek AdviceDon't be afraid to seek advice from family, friends, teachers, or mentors. They may have valuable insights and experiences that can guide you in making your decision.Consider their opinions but ultimately trust your instincts and choose the university that resonates with you.7. Consider Future ProspectsThink about the opportunities and networks that the university can provide for your future. Consider the employment rate of graduates, the availability of internships and placement opportunities, and the overall reputation of the university in the industry.In conclusion, choosing the right university is a personal decision that requires careful consideration. By identifying your interests and goals, researching universities, evaluating financial aspects, visiting campuses, seeking advice, and considering future prospects, you can find the perfect fit for your academic and personal development.。

怎么选择大学的英语作文英文,Choosing a university for English composition can be a challenging task. There are several factors to consider when making this decision, such as the reputation of the university, the quality of the English program, and the location of the campus.First and foremost, I would consider the reputation of the university. It's important to attend a university with a strong academic reputation, as this can greatly impact my future career prospects. I would research the rankings of different universities and consider factors such as faculty credentials, research opportunities, and alumni success stories.Next, I would evaluate the quality of the English program at each university. This would involve looking at the curriculum, the qualifications of the professors, and any special opportunities for writing and publishing. I would also consider whether the university offers studyabroad programs or internships that could enhance mylearning experience.The location of the campus is also an important factor for me. I would consider whether I want to be in a big city or a smaller town, and whether I want to be close to homeor experience a new environment. The campus culture and extracurricular activities would also play a role in my decision, as I want to have a well-rounded college experience.Ultimately, I would make my decision based on a combination of these factors, as well as any personal preferences or gut feelings that I may have about aparticular university. It's important to visit the campuses, talk to current students, and get a feel for the atmosphere before making a final decision.中文,选择一所大学参加英语作文课程可能是一项具有挑战性的任务。

高考后,如何选择一个适合自己的大学在距离原计划中的高考时间还有5天时,教育部宣布:今年高考时间将在7月7日-8日举行,不知道我们今年的准大学生都准备的怎么样呀?今天小编来给同学们介绍一个除了高考以外的另一个plan B来供各位准考生和家长来参考。
①QS世界大学排名是由英国教育组织QS(Quacquarelli Symonds)所发表的年度世界大学排名,它的评选涵盖了五大学科门类46个不同学术领域的11000余个位次,是目前为止最大规模也是最复杂的大学排名。

自己作文之英语作文向外国友人介绍自己的大学英语作文向外国友人介绍自己的大学【篇一:大学自我介绍英语作文(共8篇)】篇一:英文作文自我介绍版本英文作文自我介绍版本sample1:in my spare time, i like to read novels. i think reading could enlargemy knowledge. as for novels, i could imagine whatever i like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. in addition to reading, i also like to play pc games. a lot of grownups think playing pc games hinders the students from learning. but i think pc games could motivate me to learn something such as english or japanese.my favorite course is english because i think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. i wish my english could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent english in the future.sample2:in my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such as listening to english songs, watching english movies or tv programs, or even attending the activities held by some english clubs or institutes. i used to go abroad for a short- term english study. during that time, i learned a lot of daily life english and saw a lot of different things.i think language is very interesting. i could express one substanceby using different sounds. so i wish i could study and read more english literatures and enlarge my knowledge. sample3:my name is . there are 4 people in my family. my father is a chemistryteacher. he teaches chemistry in senior high school. mymother is an english teacher. she teaches english in the university.i have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.i like to read english story books in my free time. sometimes i surf the internet and download the e- books to read. reading e- books is fun. in addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations. sample4:sample5:from a middle class family, i was born in hsin ying, tainan on october 10th, 1965. my father is a civil official at tainan city government. my mother is a house wife good at cooking. although i am the only child of my parents, i am by no mans a spoiled one. on the contrary, i have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education. i study hard at school. besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting.“being good is must; successful, however, is plus.” father adopts the idea of his father. especially in military service, i realized it more precisely. people said: military service makes a boy to man, i agree that.i realized the importance of english and began to study diligently when i was eighteen. i did not start in my early age, but i hope that i could pass the test of general english proficiency test. and this is my best wish at the moment. sample6: my father is, in the same way, a good consultant to me. as he said: i am in poor education, little for you; to clarify, what he have given is far beyond his words, i do think so. i was born in a country of ping tung country, farming is our career of generations. there are four people in my family, mother ishousewife and my brother is a student of an agriculture college.i am optimistic and active, and i am confident that i can pass the test. thank you for your precious to read my autobiography. sample7:1、good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is . it is reallya great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself. i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today.上午好/下午好/晚上好!我的名字叫??。
高中生怎样选择大学(Study in a Big University or a Small One )_1200字

[键入文字]高中生怎样选择大学(Study in a Big University or a Small One )_1200 字many senior school students (高中生) are faced with the headache choice between biguniversities and small ones. apart from different requirements, each has advantages anddisadvantages.if you ask me what my preference is, my answer is that i would like to go to a biguniversity. a big university attracts me for sound reasons. more qualified teaching staff, higheraims and better conditions are helpful to students studying there. what is more, variouslectures organized by more colleges (大学里的学院) and departments make students indifferent majors form all round opinions on things. and diverse activities enrich students' life after school. additionally, a big garden campus provides a satisfyingenvironment for studying and living for four or more years.though more students might mean more competitions, though i might be a small fish in abig pond, i will be motivated to work harder. in a big university, i believe, my visions will be broadened, and my college life will be a more fruitful and colourful one. in word, i am inclined (倾向于) to study in a big university.tips:感谢大家的阅读,本文由我司收集整编。

下面,是小编为你整理的高中学习跟大学学习区别英语,希望对你有帮助!高中学习跟大学学习区别英语作文篇1It's about half a year since I entered the college, and I find the way of study in college is different from the study in high school. Next I will share my opinions with you.自从我进入大学已经半年了,我发现大学的学习方式和高中时不一样的。
Firstly, we're more or less pushed by our teachers to learn to get a great grade at high school. That's to say, it's not initiative. On the contrary, on the college campus, no one would push us to study, except our-self. What's more, at high school, our teachers explained almost every word and text specific, but our new teachers would not explain as detailed as high school teachers.首先,在高中我们或多或少都是被老师逼着去学习来取得好的成绩。

高中生如何选择大学与专业作者:董玉溪时间:2010年06月20日小组成员:董玉溪(小组长)王芳徐鹏帅王梦梦张广振霍秀琴调查对象:在校高三毕业生调查方法:问卷调查开始时间:2010-04-10 结束时间:2010-06-20样本总数:--实发1500,收回1129,有效1040原始数据来源:原始调查表前言:高考填志愿选专业是人生的关键一步,太多考生,太多的家长在迷茫、紧张、不知所措中做出了并不科学的决定。
问卷调查结果与数据:第1题学生性别[单选题]选项小计比例男578 55.6%女462 44.4%本题有效填写人次1040第2题学生类型[单选题]选项小计比例理科生540 51.9%文科生500 48.1%本题有效填写人次1040第3题您选择大学时,对其知名度的要求:[单选题] 选项小计比例高知名度369 35.4%中等知名度401 38.6%不重视270 26.0%本题有效填写人次1040第4题选择学校的类型[单选题]综合类297 28.5%理工类370 35.6%文史类247 23.7%师范类87 8.4%无所谓39 3.8%本题有效填写人次1040第5题对所选大学距离家乡的远近的要求:[单选题] 选项小计比例远362 34.8%近173 16.6%适中432 41.5%无所谓73 7.0%本题有效填写人次1040第6题对所选大学地区的经济发展水平的要求[单选题] 选项小计比例高676 65.0%中等308 29.6%无所谓56 5.4%本题有效填写人次1040第7题选择什么样的大学宿舍:[单选题]选项小计比例公寓宿舍478 46.0%普通宿舍432 41.5%无所谓130 12.5%本题有效填写人次1040第8题对大学食堂伙食的要求:[单选题]选项小计比例丰富853 82.0%普通164 15.8%本题有效填写人次1040第9题对大学图书馆藏书量的要求[单选题]选项小计比例很多920 88.5%中等102 9.8%无所谓18 1.7%本题有效填写人次1040第10题对大学内勤工俭学岗位供应量的要求:[单选题] 选项小计比例大量911 87.6%一般98 9.4%无所谓31 3.0%本题有效填写人次1040第11题对于学校各种奖学金获得机会的要求:[单选题] 选项小计比例多707 68.3%中等108 10.4%一般193 18.6%无所谓32 12.7%本题有效填写人次1040第12题对大学师资力量的要求[单选题]选项小计比例强大863 83.0%中等125 12.0%无所谓52 5.0%本题有效填写人次1040第13题对大学男女生比例的要求:[单选题]选项小计比例男多女少209 20.0%女多男少430 41.3%平均196 18.9%无所谓205 19.8%本题有效填写人次1040第14题对大学内部消费水平的要求:[单选题]选项小计比例高127 12.2%中等373 35.9%无所谓77 7.4%本题有效填写人次1040第15题对于毕业后是否由学校安排或引荐就业的要求[单选题]选项小计比例学校引荐安排480 46.1%自己找357 34.3%无所谓203 19.6%本题有效填写人次1040第16题你是看学校来选择大学的还是看专业来选择大学的[单选题] 选项小计比例看专业300 28.9%看学校409 39.3%随便选331 31.8%本题有效填写人次1040第17题您对专业的概念是怎么理解的?[单选题]选项小计比例A、只要能进好的大学,专业无所谓267 25.6%B、发展自己的兴趣爱好209 20.1%C、针对今后就业的需要309 29.8%D、很模糊,不清楚255 24.5%本题有效填写人次1040第18题您获知大学专业信息的途径有哪些?[多选题]选项小计比例A、报纸杂志164 15.8%B、电视新闻255 24.5%C、网络1040 100%D、家长、老师、亲戚的推荐237 22.8%E、学长学姐们的推荐62 6.0%F、同学们互相推荐160 15.4%G、学校讲座0 0%H 其他15 1.4%本题有效填写人次 3第19题选择专业的根据或者影响因素:[多选题]选项小计比例个人理想857 82.4%家长愿望428 41.2%老师,同学或者朋友的建议316 30.4%社会的的需求551 53.0%专业的就业率602 57.9%日后就业的薪水697 67%本题有效填写人次1040第20题如果调剂专业你会怎么办:[单选题]选项小计比例学下去202 19.4%转专业762 73.3%复读76 7.3%本题有效填写人次1040调查总结:现状:高中生对待大学和专业时有些不知所措,男生大多喜欢一些理工类的学校和专业,而女生则大多选择师范类的学校和就业环境良好的专业。

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【2019-2020】高中生怎样选择大学(Study in a Big University or a Small One)-精选word文档本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!
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高中生怎样选择大学(Study in a Big University
or a Small One)
many senior school students are faced with the headache choice between big universities and small ones . apart from different requirements , each has advantages and disadvantages .
if you ask me what my preference is , my answer is that i would like to go to a big university . a big university attracts me for sound reasons . more qualified teaching staff , higher aims and
better conditions are helpful to students studying there . what is more , various lectures organized by more colleges and departments make students in different majors form all round opinions on things . and diverse activities enrich students life after school . additionally , a big garden campus provides a satisfying environment for studying and living for four or more years .
though more students might mean more competitions , though i might be a small fish in a big pond , i will be motivated to work harder . in a big university , i believe , my visions will be broadened , and my college life will be a more fruitful and colourful one . in word , i am inclined to study in a big university .。