
附录:IELTS口语考试常用词语1 家庭、婚姻姓family name; surname名given name辈分position in the family hierarchy 传统观念traditional ideas核心家庭nuclear family大家庭extended family直系家庭stem family标准家庭standard family传统家庭traditional family单亲家庭single-parent family单亲爸爸father in a single-parent family 单亲妈妈mother in a single-parent family 家长统治patriarchal rule孝顺filial piety孝顺to show filial obedience孝子dutiful son岳父father-in-law岳母mother-in-law姐夫brother-in-law嫂子sister-in-law女婿son-in-law媳妇daughter-in-law叔(伯) uncle姨(姑) aunt侄女niece侄子nephew堂兄(妹) cousin养子adopted son养女adopted daughter养父(母) adopted parent寡妇widow鳏夫widower平均寿命life expectancy; life circle安乐死euthanasia代沟generation gap订婚get engaged求婚proposal大男子主义male chauvinism女权主义者feminist生育控制birth control人口控制population control 避孕措施contraceptive method绝育sterilization人工流产induced abortion人口普查census出生高峰birth peak出生率birth rate婚宴wedding banquet晚礼服evening gown新娘礼服bridal dress婚纱bridal veil彩礼betrothal gifts;bride-price 花轿bridal sedan chair未婚妻fiancee未婚夫fiance新郎bridegroom新娘bride订婚戒指band; engagement ring伴娘bride's maid结婚戒指diamond; wedding ring伴郎groomsman; best man结婚登记marriage registration媒人matchmaker结婚典礼marriage ceremony蜜月honeymoon结婚证marriage certificate婚姻状况marital status同居cohabitation求婚courtship婚姻关系marital relations婚姻破裂marital breakdown婚姻介绍所the marriage agency征婚广告matrimonial advertisement 离婚divorce离婚者divorcee离婚率divorce rate重婚bigamy重婚者bigamist再婚remarry姘妇concubine怀孕to bear a child性别歧视sex discrimination平等对待be treated equally经济独立be financially independent计划生育planning-birth计划生育委员会Family Planning Commission 人口密集thickly populated人口稀少sparsely populated 独生子女政策one-child policy 请产假on maternity leave 后代offspring遗产heritage一代人generationB超 B scan2中外部分节庆日新年New Year’s Day春节、The Spring Festival元宵节The Lantern Festival国际劳动妇女节International WorkingWoman’s Day清明节Qing Ming Festival青年节Youth Day端午节The Dragon Boat Festival 中秋节The Mid-Autumn Festival 重阳节The Double Ninth Festival 国庆节National Day情人节Valentine’s Day 愚人节April Fools’ Day复活节Easter五一国际劳动节May Day国际红十字节International Red Cross Day 国际护士节International Nurses’ Day 母亲节Mother’s day父亲节Father’s Day美国独立日Independence Day联合国日United Nations Day感恩节Thanksgiving Day圣诞节Christmas3气候和环境中雨moderate rain阵雨shower雷阵雨thunder shower大雨heavy rain倾盆大雨downpour雷雨storm thunderstorm 冰雨sleet闪电lightening微风breeze阵风gusty大风strong wind台风typhoon旋风whirlwind飓风hurricane龙卷风tornado 霜冻frost冰雹hail薄雾mist烟雾smog温和的balmy闷热的sultry阴暗的overcast污水处理厂sewage treatment plant 潮湿的humid零下below zero废物再利用recycling土壤腐蚀soil erosion空气污染源air polluter水污染物water pollutants酸雨acid rain森林砍伐deforestation沙漠化desertification冷冰冰的chilly沼气marsh gas消烟器smoke-reduction device 无铅汽油unleaded gasoline 可替代能源alternative energy sources绿化造林afforestation工业粉尘-污染industrial dust pollution废物综合治理integrated waste management 太阳能solar energy白色污染white pollution4家务、设备、蔬菜和烹饪厨房帮手kitchen hand钟点hour-worker倒垃圾empty the dustbin家务活household chore擅长烹调good at cooking日常用品(必需品) daily necessities洗衣机washing machine洗碗机dishwasher吸尘器vacuum cleaner抽油烟机range hood抽水马桶water closet;flush toilet 微波炉microwave stove;microwave oven热水器water heater;geyser空调机air conditioner电饭锅electric cooker; rice cooker 电冰箱refrigerator煤气炉gas stove煤气灶gas range;gas cooker乱七八糟in a mess整齐干净tidy and clean整洁的厨房 a neat kitchen豌豆pea芹菜celery茄子eggplant花椰菜cauliflower竹笋bamboo shoots豆腐bean curd番茄tomato卷心菜cabbage萝卜turnip大蒜garlic胡萝卜carrot生姜ginger莴苣lettuce青菜greens土豆potato豆角kidney bean胡椒pepper 酱油soy sauce醋vinegar食用油cooking oil味精MSG蒸steam烤(焙) bake煎(炸) fry烘烤roast炖stew皮蛋preserved egg炒面fried noodles馒头steamed bun;steamed bread 饺子dumpling花卷steamed roll薄煎饼hotcake三明治sandwich烤馅饼(比萨饼) pizza色拉salad火腿ham热狗hotdog排骨sparerib烤鸭roast duck香肠sausage咸肉bacon炒蛋scrambled egg荷包蛋poached egg海鲜seafood龙虾lobster贻贝mussel虾shrimp蟹crab鳗鱼eel可口可乐coke;coco-cola饮料beverage可口的tasty美味的delicious清淡一点 a little lighter太油腻too heavy5职业和单位职业career兼职part-time job 失业lay-off厂内待业in factory-wait-work计算机系统分析员computer systemsanalyst电工electrician机械师(技工,机修工) mechanic公务员civil service会计accountant银行职员bank clerk女售货员sales girl;sales woman职员,文员office clerk男售货员salesman工程师engineer助理工程师assistant engineer 出纳员cashier秘书secretary护士nurse旅馆服务员(旅馆侍者) bell boy; bell girl 打字员typist修理工repairman出租汽车司机tax driver搬运工(脚夫) porter炊事员(厨师) cook厨师长,(大厨师) chef裁缝tailor 话务员(接线生) operator海关官员customs officer船长captain海员seaman个体户individual enterprise短期工作temporary job临时工odd job外资企业foreign-owned enterprise 汽车制造厂auto mobile factory纺织厂textile mill税务局taxation bureau橡胶厂rubber factory发电厂power plant电信局telecom bureau自行车厂bicycle factory环保局environmental protectionbureau研究所research institute电池厂battery factory塑料厂plastics factory化工厂chemical factory印刷公司printing company汽车库(汽车修理厂) garage6休闲、娱乐、爱好迪斯科舞厅disco-hall随身听walkman激光唱机laser-disc player 磁卡telephone card BP机beeper录像带videotape集邮stamp collecting养宠物keep pets钓鱼go fishing郊游go outing打猎go hunting慢跑do jogging打牌play cards打桥牌play bridge下棋play chess打麻将play mahjong照相take a picture风景画 a landscape painting 油画an oil painting水彩画water color painting 素描sketch木刻wood cut 国画traditional Chinese painting 书法calligraphy雕刻sculpture园艺gardening到……去旅游to make a trip to出差to be on business长处(优点) advantage特征(特性) characteristic因……而著称to be famous for;well-known for壮丽的(宏伟的) magnificent奇石(异石) odd rocks and stones奇松(怪松) peculiar pine trees风景点scenic spot游览观光sightseeing古迹historical site增长知识to enrich one's knowledge 旅游迷traveling fan开阔视野to widen one's field ofvision; to broadenone’s horizon晕船seasickness晕机airsickness晕车carsickness(人)晕(车、travelsick船、飞机)的轻装旅行travel light(关于某地、某旅馆brochure等的)情况介绍手册硬卧hard berth软卧soft berth目的地destination 转乘飞机connecting flight问讯处information desk售票处booking office徒步旅行hike搭便车旅行hitchhike预定reservation吸引人的attractive少林寺Shaolin Monastery避暑山庄Mountain Estate for Escaping 孔庙Confucian Temple-三峡The Three Gorges黄鹤楼Yellow Crane Tower葛洲坝Gezhou Dam乐山大佛Leshan Buddha莫高窟Mogao Caves黄果树瀑布Huang Guoshu Waterfall7运动运动会sports meet运动竞技athletics锦标赛(联赛) tournament冠军称号championship体育馆gymnasium市内运动场indoor stadium运动场sports field篮球场basketball court羽毛球场volleyball court田径运动的track-and-field乒乓球table tennis羽毛球badminton足球football; soccer跳绳skipping;jumping rope 放风筝flying kites象棋chess打牌playing cards台球billiards冲浪surfing潜水skin diving蛙泳breaststroke蝶泳butterfly stroke蹼泳dolphin butterfly stroke 侧泳sidestroke自由泳crawl stroke潜泳underwater swimming 踩水treading water水球water polo跳水diving划船rowing划皮艇canoeing乘帆船yachting;sailing滑浪water skiing乘滑翔机gliding;soaring接力比赛the relay race滑雪skiing滑冰skating平局 a tie裁判referee比分领先outscore打平局play level; draw level 跳伞运动parachuting马术运动equestrian sport骑自行车运动cycle racing摩托车运动motor sports手球handball曲棍球hockey橄榄球rugby篮球basketball棒球baseball板球cricket网球tennis高尔夫球golf自由体操free exercise单杠horizontal bar 双杠parallel bar高低杠uneven bar吊环rings跳马vaulting horse 鞍马pommel horse 平衡木balance beam 垫上运动mat exercise推铅球shot put扔铁饼discus throwing 撑竿跳pole vault三级跳远triple jump链球hammer throw 扔标枪javelin throw举重weightlifting摔跤wrestling武术martial art徒手操bare-handed exercise 柔道judo空手道karate拳击boxing国家队national team种子队seeded team主队home team客队visiting team啦啦队长cheerleader啦啦队cheering section8 教育下课out of class离校stay away from school主修major in毕业于graduate from修完所有课程complete one's collegecourses学费tuition文凭diploma双专业 a dual major学生宿舍student hostel教材teaching materials教学方法teaching methods课程curriculum教学大纲teaching programme; syllabus 教学方针principles of teaching精读intensive reading泛读extensive reading默读read silently读大意read for gist有目的的查寻scanning浏览skimming有目的的听purposeful listening教师为中心teacher-centered teaching的教学方法method学生为中心learner-centered activity的活动学习过程中take initiative in the learning 采取主动process 创造性的工作creative work技术性的工作mechanical job记忆工作memory work在职学生part-time student中专生secondary vocational schoolstudent大专生polytechnic college student大学生college/university student大学一年级学生freshman大学二年级学生sophomore大学三年级学生junior大学四年级学生senior二年级学生student in the secondgrade;second-grade student 二班学生student in Class2;studentfromClass2本科生under graduate毕业生graduate定向生students for pre-deter-mined employer委培生Student who is educated in trust 自费生self-funded;self financingstudent走读生day-pupil;day-student进修生student who makes a further;advanced study旁听生auditor; unregistered student优等生honor student研究生postgraduate医科毕业生graduate in medicine硕士master博士doctor97届毕业生graduate of l997留学生student studying abroad外国留学生foreign student留法学生student studying in France 归国留学生return student学前教育preschool education幼儿园kindergarten; nursery school 小学primary;elementary school 实验小学experimental primary;elementary school中学middle school;secondary school重点中学key middle school;priority middle school公立中学(小学) public school初中junior middle school高中senior middle school;senior high school(美)二年制junior college专科学校中等专科学校specialized secondary大专polytechnic college大学college;university重点大学key university;priority university假期学校vacation school暑假学校summer school函授学校correspondence school艺术学院art institute;art college音乐学院conservatory of music 美术学院academy of arts夜大night university电大television(TV) university 技校technical school聋哑学校school for deaf-mutes军校military school美容专科学校special school for trainingbeauty specialists教学大楼the classroom building住宅区the residential quarter教务处the teaching affairs office 计算机中心the computer center总务处the general affairs office学生服务中心the students’service center 财务处the finance office虚拟课堂virtual classroom多媒体;multimedia网库Web database网上课程Web-based courses电子邮件E-mail网民netizen网络network网址Website网上服务on-line services上网者surfer软件software硬件hardware电脑黑客computer hacker电脑鼠标computer mouse信息高速公路information superhighway 万维网(全球WWW(World Wide Web) 信息网)语言实验室language lab9医疗、保健营养nutrition蛋白质protein碳水化合物carbohydrate氨基酸amino acid素食vegetarian food;vegetarian diet 新陈代谢metabolism动物脂肪animal fat植物脂肪vegetable fat食物链food chain 消化不良indigestion饮食习惯dietary habit组织tissue热量(卡路里) calorie白细胞(血球) white blood cell红细胞(血球) red blood cell中医,院Chinese Medical Hospital 口腔医院Stomatological MedicalHospital挂号处the reception window理疗科Physiotherapy Department内科Internal Medicine Department 眼科Ophthalmology Department 住院部Inpatient Department牙科Dental Department外科Surgical Department皮肤科Skin Department耳鼻喉科ENT Department外出血external hemorrhage全身不适general malaise发抖shudder恶心nausea呕吐vomit鼻出血nasal bleeding眼痛sore eye喉咙痛sore throat近视眼nearsightedness胸痛chest pain贫血anemia胃病stomach trouble骨折fracture头晕dizziness打喷嚏sneeze流鼻涕have a running nose鼻塞have a stuffy nose肺炎pneumonia腹泻diarrhea 跌伤injury from fall扭伤 a sprain肿胀swelling发痒itch镶牙implant a false tooth 动手术have an operation包扎伤口dress a wound绷带bandage拆线take out stitches 给……缝线give……some stitches 失眠insomnia对……过敏be allergic to药水liquid难产difficult labor对药物的反应reaction心脏病heart disease慢性病chronic disease牙痛toothache背痛backache头痛headache医学专家consultant全职医生practitioner专科医生specialist外科医生surgeon牙科医生dentist眼科医生oculist皮肤科医生dermatologist10人物描述10.1外表--年龄老年的elderly30多岁in his/her 30’s青少年时期in his/her hate teens 二十五六岁in his/her mid-2.’s 40出头in his/her early 40’s外形苗条slim丰满plump适中(不胖不瘦) medium-build 健壮will-build (M)宽肩膀,broad-shouldered (M) 太胖overweight身高不高不矮medium height 一般高average height 较矮below average 稍高的tallish 稍矮的shortish头发颜色金发fair金黄色blonde染色的dyed暗褐色 a brunette (F) 红头发的 a redhead (F) 暗灰褐色mousy深色dark发型直的straight波浪形的wavy卷曲的curly整齐的neat不整齐的untidy编辫子的with plaits (F) 前刘海 a fringe 向后梳的swept back圆发髻in a bun (F)马尾巴发型pony-tail (F)光秃的bald (M)谢顶receding (M)右分头parted on the right side脸形瘦脸thin长脸long圆脸round瓜子脸oval方脸square突前额high forehead高颧骨high cheekbones 薄嘴唇thin lips 厚嘴唇full lips长鼻梁long nose直鼻梁straight nose 朝天鼻turned-up nose 鼻子破损broken nose 裂下巴 a cleft chin翘下巴 a pointed chin 双下巴double chin眼睛长睫毛long eyelashes 浓眉毛bushy eyebrows 淡眉毛thin eyebrows 双眼皮double eyelid身体特征大胡子(络腮胡)beard (M)小胡子moustache (M)连鬓胡子side-bums (M)未剃胡子unshaven (M)刮过脸的clean-shaven (M)带斑的with spots有皱纹的with wrinkles;with lines —道伤痕 a scar美人痣 a beauty-spot (F) 黑痣 a mole带雀斑的with freckles带酒窝的with dimples戴眼镜的with grasses化妆的(well) made-up (F)肤色苍白的pale棕褐色sunburned;suntanned 白皮肤fair-skinned 黄皮肤oriental 棕色皮肤brown 黑皮肤black10.2服装连衣裙dress 牛仔裤jeans短上衣blouse裙子skirt衬衫shirt西装suit夹克jacketT恤衫T-shirt棉衫(毛衣) pullover晚礼服evening suit; evening dress 运动服tracksuit紧身衣tights雨衣raincoat羊毛衫cardigan大衣coat长裤trousers短裤socks皮带(带子) belt开领的open-necked短袖short-sleeved长袖long-sleeved有格子花的checked有条纹的striped有斑点的spotted细条纹的pin-striped花的floral质地紧密的tight无袖的sleeveless穿着豪华的well-dressed休闲的(随意的) casual淡色的light-coloured 深色的darkish无花纹的plain毛制的woollen针织的knitted宽松的loose笨重的bulky时髦的smart邋遢的(脏乱的) scruffy毛背心sweater背心裙jumper蝴蝶结领结bowtie领带de背心waistcoat衬裙petticoat靴子boots高跟high heeled 低跟low heeled 鞋子shoes帽子hatV型领v-necked高圆领polo-neck 短裤pants健身服tight-fitting 紧身的clingy长的long短的short传统的conservative 典雅的elegant时髦的fashionable10.3特点、性格好笑的(有趣的) amusing艺术家的artistic有能力的capable仔细的careful快活的(情绪好的) cheerful聪明的clever有自信心的confident 考虑周全的considerate 有创造力的creative随和的easygoing 有效率的efficient充满活力的energetic热情的(热心的) enthusiastic 灵活的flexible友好的friendly 大方的generous温柔的gentle好心情的good-humoured 好品质的good-natured 幸福的happy勤劳的hard-working 有帮助的helpful诚实的honest幽默的humorous有想象力的imaginative智慧的intelligent善良的(好心的) kind可爱的lovely忠诚的loyal心胸开阔的open-minded有组织的organized耐心的patient灵敏的(有知觉力的)perceptive 客气的polite实际的practical理性的rational可依赖的reliable明智的sensible敏感的sensitive真诚的sincere社交性的sociable自发的spontaneous 有同情心的sympathetic 机敏的(圆滑的) tactful考虑周详的thoughtful 无私的unselfish多才多艺的versatile 聪明的wise机智的(诙谐的) witty懒惰的lazy愚笨的dull吝啬的mean冷淡的cold不友好的unkind笨的silly自私的selfish可耻的(卑鄙的) miserable 不友好的unfriendly 使人不愉快的(讨厌的)unpleasant 自大的arrogant 好斗的aggressive 喜怒无常的moody不喜交际的unsociable11货币及其他公款public money硬币coin纸币bank note;note现金cash(美)纸币bank bill(英)银行汇票bill金币gold coin;gold currency纸币paper currency外币foreign currencies零钱loose change;small change 救济基金relief funds 福利基金welfare funds固定资本fixed capital流动资本floating capital活期存款 a current deposit支票check;cheque定期存款 a f'ixed deposit兑换(率) exchange外汇foreign exchange外汇行情exchange quotations 信用卡credit card(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。

词汇表Aa anart.1.一(个)2.每一(个)3.(同类事物中的)任何一个abandonvt.放弃,遗弃,丢弃abbeyn. 1.修道院2.大教堂ABCn. 1.字母表2.基础知识,abdomenn.腹部abdominaladj.腹部的abilityn. 1.能力,本领 2.(pl.)才能,才识ableadj. 1.有(能力、时间、知识等)做某事的2.有本事的,能干的be able to:能够,会aboardadv./prep.在船(车、飞行器)上,上船(车、飞行器) abolisvt.废除,取消abortionn.流产,堕胎aboutprep.1.在…周围2.关于,对于 adv.1.附近,周围,到处2.大约aboveprep.在…之上,高于above all:尤其是,最主要的是adj.上述的,上面的adv.1.在上面,往上2.更多abroadadv.1.到国外,在海外2.遍布,到处absencen. 1.缺席2.缺乏,缺少absentadj.1.缺席的2.缺乏的3.不在意的,茫然的be absent from:缺席accommodatevt.1.为…提供住宿2.容纳,接纳3.使适应,调节accommodationn. 1.膳宿供应2.(pl.)提供便利的设备(或用具)3.适应,调节accompanyvt.1.陪伴,陪同2.为…伴奏accomplishvt.完成,实现,成就accordancen.一致,相符in accordance with:依照,依据,与…一致according toprep.按照,根据accountvi.说明(理由等)account for:说明,解释(原因等)n.1.陈述,说明2.账户,(pl.)账目3.原因,理由On account of:基于,由于On all accounts:无论如何on no account:决不take into account:考虑,重视accountantn.会计,出纳accurateadj.准确的,精确的accusationn.告发,控告accusevt. 1.指责2.控告accuse…of指责某人,控告某人accustomvt.使习惯be accustomed to:习惯于acen. 1.“A”牌2.能手,专家3.发球得分absoluteadj.1.绝对的,完全的2.确实的,肯定的absorbvt.1.吸收2.使全神贯注abstractadj.抽象的,不具体的n.摘要,提要academicadj.1.学术的2.学院的3.学究的academyn.1.(高等)院校,研究院2.学会,协会accentn.1.口音2.重音acceptvt.1.接受,领受2.认可,同意vi.同意,认可acceptableadj.1.可接受的2.合意的,受欢迎的acceptancen.1.接受2.承认,认可accessn.1.接近,获得(机会等)2.人口,通道.have/gain access to:有(机会、手段、权力)得到/接近/进入accidentn.意外事件,事故by accident:意外地,偶然地achevi.痛n.痛,疼痛achievevt.1.完成,实现2.(经过努力)获得,达到achievementn.1.成就,成绩2.实现,达到acidadj.酸的,酸性的n.酸acknowledgevt.1.承认2.感谢3.告知收到(信件等)acquirevt.1.获得,取得2.学到(知识等),养成(习惯等)acquisitionn. 获得(物)acren.英亩acrossprep.1.横过,穿过 2.在…的对面 3.交叉4.经过(一段时间)adv.1.横过,穿过 2.在另一边actvi.1.行动,做2.起作用3.表演vt.1.扮演(角色) 2.装作n.1.行为,行动2.法令,条例3.(戏剧的)一幕actionn.1.活动,行为2.作用activeadj.有活力的,积极的,主动的activistn.积极分子activityn.1.(pl.)活动,所做的事情2.活动性,活跃actorn. 1.演员,男演员 2.行动者actressn.女演员actualadj.事实上的,实际的actuallyadv.实际上acuteadj.1.(头脑或五官)灵敏的,敏锐的2.急性的A.D.公元adn.广告adaptvt.1.使适应,使适合2.改写,改编adapt...to:使适合,使适用addvi.1.增加2.加,相加add(up)to:累计为,总数达vt.1.加,增加2.接着讲(或写)addictvt.使成瘾,热衷于be addicted to:嗜好,爱好addictionn.沉溺,吸毒成瘾additionn.1.加,加法2.附加部分,增加in addition to:除…之外,另外additionaladj.附加的,另外的addressn.1.地址,住址2.讲话,演说vt.1.向…讲话2.写姓名地址adequateadj.足够的,充分的adjoinvt.贴近,与…毗邻adjustvt.1.调整,调节2.校准,校对vi.1.调整,校准2.(to)适应于administrationn.1.管理,经营2.行政机关admirevt.羡慕,赞美,钦佩admissionn.1.允许进入2.入场费3.坦白,承认admitvt.1.承认2.接纳,招收adolescencen.青春期,青少年adoptvt.1.采用,采取(态度等)2.选定(道路、职业等)3.收养adultadj.成年人的,已成熟的n.成年人advancevt.1.促进,推进2.提升,提高3.提出vi.前进,进展n.1.发展,前进2.预付款项3.增长,抬高in advance:预先,在前面advantagen.1.优势,优点2.利益,好处take advantage of:利用,趁机adventuren.1.冒险活动2.奇遇advertisementn.1.广告2.做广告,登广告advicen.忠告,劝告advisevt.1.劝告,建议2.通告,通知advisern.劝告者,顾问affairn.1.事情,事件2.(pl.)事务,事态affectvt.1.影响,作用2.感动3.(疾病)侵袭affectionn.1.慈爱,爱,感情2.作用,影响affordvt.1.担负得起,买得起,抽得出(时间等)2.提供afraidadj.1.害怕的,畏惧的2.恐怕的,担心的be afraid of:害怕African.非洲Africanadj.非洲(人)的n.非洲人afterprep.在…以后,在…后面adv.以后,后来conj.在…以后afternoonn.下午,午后afterward(s)adv.以后,后来againadv.1.再,又2.(回)到原处,恢复原状again and again:反复地now and again:不时地,常常地time and again:反复地,一次又一次地againstprep.1.逆,反(对),违反2.紧靠着,倚在3.与…对照,对比agen.1.年龄2.时代v.(使)变老,(使)老化agencyn.1.代理(权),代办2.力量,(能动)作用3.机构agendan.议事日程,记事册agentn.代理人,经办人aggressionn.侵略,攻击aggressiveadj.1.侵略的,侵犯的2.爱挑衅的,放肆的3.有进取心的,敢作敢为的agoadv.以前agonyn.(极度的)痛苦,创痛agreevi.1-赞同,答应2.适合,一致3.商定,约定agree on/upon:对…意见一致agree to:同意,答应agree with:赞同,适合agreementn.1.协议,约定2.同意,达成协议agriculturen.农业aheadadv.在前,提前ahead of在…之前aidn.1.帮助,援助2.助手,辅助设备3.救护vt.1.帮助,援助2.急救aimn.1.目的,目标2.瞄准,针对vi.(at)1.目的在于,企图2.瞄准,对准vt.把…瞄准,把…对准airn.1.大气,空气2.态度,神态by air:1.通过航空途径2.用无线电vt.通风aircraftn.飞机,飞艇,航空器airlinen.1.(飞机的)航线2.航空公司airmailn.航空邮件,航空邮政airplane(英:aeroplane)n.飞机airportn.飞机场alarmn.1.惊恐2.警报3.警报器vt.1.使…惊恐2.向…报警albumn.相片册,邮票簿alcoholn.1.酒精,乙醇2.含酒精的饮料alikeadj.相似的,相像的aliveadj.1.活着的,存在的2.有活力的,活泼的alladj.1.全部的,整个的2.非常的,极度的adv.完全地,十分地pron.全体,一切above all:首先,尤其是all over:到处,遍及in all:总计allegevt.断言,声称allegationadj.断言,主张,见解allegedadj.被说成的,被指称的allegedlyadv.据说alliancen.结盟,联盟,联姻alliedadj.联合的,同盟的,联姻的allowvt.1.允许,准许2.承认3.给予vi.(for)考虑到,顾及allyn.1.同盟者2.伙伴3.同类almostadv.几乎,差不多aloneadj.1.单独的,孤独的2.唯一的adv.1.单独地,独自地2.只有,仅仅alongprep.沿着all along:始终,一直adv.向前alongsideprep.1.在…旁边,沿着…的边2.和…在一起3.和…相比adv.在旁边,并排地aloudadv.1.大声地2.响亮地alreadyadv.已经,早已alsoadv.1.也,同样2.而且,还not only...butalso...:不但…而且altervt.1.改变,更改2.改做(衣服等)vi.改变,变化alternativeadj.1.两者选一的2.交替的n.1.两者选一2.替换物3.交替althoughconj.尽管,虽然altituden.1.高度2.海拔3.(pl.)高处altogetheradv.1.总共2.完全地3.总之alumin(i)amn.铝alwaysadv.1.总是,一向2.始终,永远amateuradj.业余的n.业余爱好者amazevt.使惊讶,使吃惊amazingadj.令人惊讶的,令人吃惊的ambassadorn.大使,专使ambitionn.1.野心,雄心2.抱负,志向ambitiousadj.1.有雄心的,有抱负的2.热望的ambulancen.救护车(船、飞机等)amendmentn.1.改正,修正,改善2.修正案American.1.美洲2.美国Americanadj.1.美洲(人)的2.美国(人)的n.1.美洲人2.美国人amidprep.在…中,在…当中among(st)prep.在…之中,在…中间amountvi.(to)1.总汁2.等于n.1.数额,数量2.总和,总额amplifyvt.1.扩大,加大2.引申,详述amusevt.1.逗乐,使开心 2.给…提供娱乐analysevt.分析,分解analysisn.分析,分解in the final(1ast)analysis:归根结底ancestorn.祖宗。

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合资企业operate 操纵,经营 challenging 挑战的art class美术课 music class音乐课computer class计算机课 major (in )v. 专修 accounting 会计 philosophy 哲学 sociology 社会学 linguistics 语言学boarding school 寄宿学校 teaching style 授课风格 professor 教授 curriculum 课程graduated from毕业于headmaster (中小学)校长 electives 选修科目 term 学期semester 学期key school重点大学executive n.主管,a. 行政的 day to day 每天的 quit 辞职job-hopping 跳槽 promoted 升迁的 career 事业 position 职务 assist 帮助deadline 最后期限 ambitions 抱负,雄心 career prospect职业前景 realize one ’s potential 实现某人的潜能a sense of satisfaction and achievement 满足感和成就感 passionate 富有激情的 tempting bonus诱人的奖金network of professional contact 人际关系网brand image品牌形象give sb incentive to do sth强烈地刺激某人做某事win-win situation双赢的事情subject 科目pass (考试)及格 roommate 室友 first year第一年 fail 不及格public school公立学校 cafeteria 自助食堂 scholarship 奖学金 class size班额private school私立学校 class monitor班长student in charge of English study 英语课代表 lecture 讲座 classmate 同学qualified 合格的 examination 考试dormitory 寝室,宿舍(dorm)assignment 作业 homework 家庭作业 memorize 背诵bachelor/master学士/硕士 store 店铺,商店 luxury 奢侈品 chain 连锁店independent retailer独立零售商purchase 购买 flog 卖haggle 讨价还价 pick out挑选 wholesale 批发 retail 零售retail therapy购物疗法 gift shop 礼品店department store百货公司 cheat 欺诈imported goods进口商品 luxuries 奢侈品 price 价格good deal 合理交易 quality 质量odds and ends 零碎的东西 display 展示flat 公寓apartment 公寓 house 别墅 villa 别墅mansion 豪华宅邸 skyscraper 摩天大厦 floor 楼层 garden 花园swimming pool 游泳池 garage 车库 community 小区 fountain 喷泉 statue 雕像south-facing 朝南的 living room 客厅extra-curricular 课外的 entrance 入学 degree 学位 strong suit强项 defect 瑕疵 feature 特色shopping bag购物袋window shopping 橱窗购物 pirated good盗版商品 variety 品种,多样化 modern 现代,摩登 service 服务 parking 停车sales staff 推销人员 window display橱窗展示 on sale 大减价standard of living 生活标准 store layout店面设计 holiday 假期bargain 讨价还价 pay 付账 fashion 时尚opening hours 营业时间 follow fashion追求时尚 fashionista 时尚专家bedroom 卧室master bedroom主卧 dining room 饭厅 kitchen 厨房bathroom 浴室,卫生间 bathtub 浴缸 balcony 阳台French window落地窗 wallpaper 壁纸 layout 布局 furniture 家具 armchair 扶手椅 sofa 沙发tea table 茶几 dresser 梳妆台inspire 启发 encourage 鼓励cram knowledge into brain 死记硬背designer clothes 大牌服装 resist temptation抵制诱惑 hip 时尚的,流行的Burberry 巴宝莉 Tiffany & Co蒂芙尼 LV 路易. 威登 Cartier 卡地亚 Versace 范思哲Gucci 古奇 Fendi 芬迪Valentino 华伦天奴daily necessity日常生活用品 eye-dazzling 眼花缭乱的 shopping freak购物卡rip-off 宰人的东西 pocket money零花钱 pay by credit 分期付款 credit card信用卡 afford 负担,买得起decoration 装潢intimate flavor温馨氛围ever-soaring house prices不断增长的房价multifunctional 多功能的 housekeeper 管家 relieve 解放hourly worker小时工 laundry 洗衣店,待洗的(洗好的) 衣服mop the floor拖地sweep with broom用扫帚扫地 rub up擦亮spotless 一尘不染 stainless 无尘的local 当地人,当地的 native 当地人,当地的 urban district 市区 suburb 郊区countryside 乡下 be situated in 位于 be located at 位于 lie 位于capital city 首都,省会 inhabitant 居民 citizen 市民 province 省 landscape 风景splendid 壮丽的,极好的 spectacular 壮观的 marvelous 奇迹般的 westernize 使…西化 city hall 市政厅,市政府 natural environment 自然环境climatic conditions气候条件 landmark 地标建筑 hospitable 好客的generous 大方的,慷慨的 helpful 给予帮助的 feel at home 自在earthshaking changes 翻天覆地的变化 mayor 市长 enhance economic development 促进经济发展维持生态平衡rush hour上下班高峰期 traffic jam 交通堵塞exhaust pollution 废气污染nuclear family核心家庭,小家庭only child 独生子女pass away 去世 niece 侄女 nephew 侄子mother-in-law 配偶的母亲 cousin 表兄妹 divorce 离婚well-respected 备受尊敬的 typical 典型的 strict 严格要求的family structure家庭结构 one-child policy 独生子女政策controversial 有争议的 populous 人口稠密overpopulation 人口过剩relaxation 消遣,松弛 pastime 娱乐,消遣 leisure pursuit 休闲追求 amuse oneself by 用…来消遣unwind by 放松kill time by 消磨时间hobby 爱好 interest 兴趣TV series电视连续剧 sitcom 室内情景剧sit-situation 室内情景剧 com-comedy 室内情景剧 talk shows 脱口秀celebrity talk show名人(脱口秀)访谈quiz shows周期娱乐节目(非常6+1) cartoons 卡通documentary 记实节目 go riding 骑马sing karaoke唱卡拉OKsurf the internet上网 rock climbing攀岩drive out of town for a trip去郊外游玩go camping 露营 go skiing滑雪add a lot of spice to给…增添了很多乐趣go clubbing泡夜店 OTAKU 宅男 nerd 书呆子play mahjong 打麻将 play poker 打扑克play/practice Tai Chi 打太极 play house 玩过家家 play hopscotch跳房子 drop the handkerchief 丢手绢儿dance Yangko扭秧歌儿 locking 锁舞 new jazz新爵士 popping 机械舞 freestyle自由风 breaking 霹雳舞traditional folk dance 传统民族舞蹈to the maximum在最大程度上adorable 惹人喜爱的seductive and frisky诱人且活泼的Clay oven rolls烧饼 Fried bread stick油条 Steamed buns馒头 Steamed dumplings蒸饺Salted duck egg咸鸭蛋 Soybean milk 豆浆 Rice porridge 稀饭 Sliced noodles 刀削面 steak 牛排 well done 全熟mineral water 矿泉水 appetizer 开胃菜green salad 蔬菜沙拉 beef 牛肉 pork 猪肉 chicken 鸡肉 mutton 羊肉local dish 地方菜Cantonese cuisine 广东菜 curry rice 咖喱饭 fried rice 炒饭 plain rice 白饭fire pot 火锅meat bun 肉包子preserved bean curd 腐乳 bean curd 豆腐pickled cucumbers 酱瓜 preserved egg 皮蛋 salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋 dried turnip 萝卜干 string bean 四季豆 pea 豌豆green soy bean 毛豆======================front-page headline 头版头条 paparazzi 狗仔队 tabloid journalist 小报记者insider scoop 内部消息the whole dish-the-dirt thing 所有这些散步流言蜚语的食物 gossip is ugly 闲话害人 an enormous revolutionary change 一个巨大的革命性的变革 medium 五分熟pickled vegetables 泡菜 rare 三分熟 poached egg 荷包蛋 specialty 招牌菜scramble eggs 炒蛋 buffet 自助餐 boiled egg 煮蛋 fast food 快餐 fried egg 煎蛋today's special 今日特餐 black tea 红茶 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 salt 盐broccoli 花椰菜 sugar 糖mater convolvulus 空心菜monosodium glutamate , celery 芹菜 gourmet powder 味精 agar-agar 紫菜vinegar 醋 lettuce 生菜 sweet 甜 spinach 菠菜 sour 酸 leek 韭菜 bitter 苦caraway 香菜 Cooking Method fried 煎 preserved Szechwan pickle deep fried 炸(干炸)榨菜 quick-fried/stir-fried(爆)炒 bamboo shoot 竹笋 braised 炖(烧)dried bamboo shoot 笋干 stewed 闷(炖、煨) chives 韭黄卜 steamed 蒸 carrot 胡萝卜 smoked 熏 loofah 丝瓜 roast 烤 pumpkin 南瓜 spicy 麻辣 bitter gourd 苦瓜in brown sauce 红烧 cucumber 黄瓜 in soy sauce 酱汁white gourd 冬瓜with sweet and sour flavor needle mushroom 金针菇糖醋 tomato 番茄 slices片 eggplant 茄子 cubes 块=============================================eye-catching 吸引人眼球的新闻 glance at newspapers 浏览mislead sb into doing sth 误导某报纸人做某事jump into one's eyes 映入眼visual difference 视觉上的不同帘 publication出版物 intrigue sb to 吸引某人去 headline 头版头条gather, report and interpret teacher about what is inside that 收集、报告和解释 issue 那一期(杂志)里边的内容prerequisite 前提条件,先决标题条件parate cover 独立的封面 with no embroidery 没有任on glossy paper 两面纸何添加东西 be targeted at 以为目标 make up 编造 minimum technical jargon 最少的技shocking news 骇人听闻的术术语clichéd 老套的,俗气的A big fan of film 影迷Hollywood blockbuster 好莱坞大片rush to the cinema and check it out 冲到电影院看 romantic film 言情片tragedy 悲剧 comedy 喜剧 action film 动作片 thriller 惊悚片 release 上映resist the temptation from抵制来自于.. 的诱惑 big hit 大片,大制作 film's debut 电影的首映 tempting 吸引人的audio and visual enjoyment 听觉和视觉的享受hold a candle to 和媲美 it is totally one's call 某人说了算cater for all tastes 满足所有人的口味realize one's value of commodity 实现了其商品价值cultural phenomenon 文化现象cram into the cinema 冲进电影院box office incomes 票房收入 martial art 功夫片create a miracle 创造了一个奇迹internationally renowned film director 国际知名电影导演 an intriguing plot 一个引人入胜的情节a grand spectacle 宏大的场面special effects 特技an enormous budget 庞大的预算massive advertising 大量的广告宣传smash hit 轰动的大片 offset the costs 抵消成本 reap considerable profits 获得巨额利润bomb at the box office 票房惨遭失败a high budget 高预算an all-star cast 全明星阵容 a grand spectacle 宏大的场面createhuge influence 给. 造势celebrity 名人gaudy special effects 华而不实的特技local audiences 本土观众 down-to-earth 务实的,实在的giant pandas大熊猫black-and-white Chinese bears 黑白相间的中国熊cuddly-looking mammals 可爱的哺乳动物cat-like eyes像猫的眼睛 Manchurian tiger 东北虎 impressive animals 记忆深刻的动物 orange and black stripes 橙黄黑斑纹 powerful clauses and teeth 尖利的牙齿和爪子 gorgeous feathers 漂亮的羽毛shuttle 公共汽车、飞机等往返于两地之间的定期班次 underground subway 地铁commute to work乘公交上下班 first gear 一档second gear 二档motor scooter 小型摩托车 pushbike 自行车 limousine 豪华轿车environmentally friendly 环保的be jammed into a teeny, tiny compartment 被塞到一个特小特小的车厢中rush hour 上下班高峰期commuters are packed like sardines 上下班的人被挤得沙丁鱼一样drive people nuts 让人发疯 get stuck in the traffic jam陷入交通堵塞中motor vehicle 机动车辆 pedestrian 行人violate the traffic rules 违反交通规则pedicab 三轮车exposed to weather, can only carry one passenger, moredangerous than a car early years 早年 infancy 婴儿期formative years 性格形成期 adolescence 青春期childish 幼稚的,傻里傻气的 adolescent 青春期的,青少年 in the prime of one's life 黄金时期 punctual 守时的to plan ahead预先安排 on time及时 on schedule及时,准时deadline 最后期限 timely 及时的a rush job紧急工作 at short notice马上,短期的to be behind time迟到 to delay耽搁to put off doing sth 推迟做某事to leave sth till the last moment 事情放到最后做 to procrastinate拖延postpone 推迟 overdue 过期the due time到期时间 the due date到期时间 prompt 推动 fall behind落下 be behind rush 冲 hurry 急着urgent 紧急的 cram 挤(时间)be pressed for time时间紧迫的crash study program 应急学习计划timetable 时间表 schedule 时间表fritter away one’s time浪费 short-term goal短期目标 long-term goal长期目标 goal-setting 设立目标 priority 优先权 efficient 有效的 organized 有安排的flexible 灵活的flora 植物群 petal 花瓣a bunch of 一束 hay fever花粉热 cultivate 栽培 sneeze 嗅fragrant 芬芳的sweet-scented 芳香的 blooming 盛开的 give off 散发香味 lotus flower荷花cactus 仙人掌 daisy 雏菊forget-me-nota 勿忘我 tulip 郁金香 violet 紫罗兰 lavender 薰衣草 lily 百合jasmine 茉莉花 cosmos 大波斯菊 cherry 樱花carnation 康乃馨。

雅思考试7600词汇表(C)cab n.出租汽车,计程车cabbage n.卷心菜;圆白菜cabin n.小屋,船舱cabinet n.橱柜,内阁cable n.电缆,海底电报cafe n.咖啡馆cafeteria n.自助餐厅cage n.笼子,鸟笼cake n.糕,饼calculate v.计算,估计calculation n.计算(结果)calculus n.微积分;结石calendar n.日历calf n.小牛,腿肚子call v.叫,称为,打电话calm adj.宁静的,镇静的calmly adv.平静地,沉着地calorie n.热卡,卡路里camel n.骆驼camera n.照相机camp n.帐篷,野营 n.宿营campaign n.战役,运动camping n.野营campus n.校园can v.aux.能,会,可以Canada n.加拿大Canadian adj. & n.加拿大的(人)canal n.运河,渠道canary n.金丝雀cancel v.删除,取消cancellation n.删除,取消cancer n.癌candid adj.坦白的,直率的candidate n.候选人candle n.蜡烛candy n.糖果cane n.手杖,(藤、竹的)茎canned adj.罐装的cannon n.大炮canoe n.独木舟,游艇canon n.规范,准则canteen n.食堂canvas n.帆布,画布canvass v.游说cap n.帽子,盖子 v.覆盖capability n.才能,能力capable adj.有能力的capacity n.容量,容积,资格cape n.披肩,岬,海角capita n.人capital n.首都,资本capitalism n.资本主义capitalist adj.资本主义的capitalization n.资本化capitalize v.大写,资本化captain n.队长,船长,上尉caption n.标题captive adj.被俘虏的 n.俘虏capture v. & n.俘获,捉拿car n.小汽车caravan n.车队,大蓬车carbon n.碳,复写纸card n.卡片,纸牌,名片cardboard n.硬纸板cardinal adj.主要的care n.注意,小心 v.关心career n.职业,生涯careful adj.小心的,仔细的careless adj.粗心的,不关心的carelessness n.粗心cargo n.货物carol n.颂歌carpenter n.木匠carpet n.地毯carriage n.马车,(火车)车厢carrier n.运载工具,媒介carrot n.胡萝卜carry v.搬运,携带cart n.手推车carton n.纸箱cartoon n.漫画,动画片cartridge n.弹仓carve v.雕刻,切carving n.雕塑case n.事实,案例,箱子cash n.现金 v.兑现cashier n.出纳cassette n.小盒,磁盘盒cast v.掷,投射,铸造castle n.城堡casual adj.偶然的,随便的casualty n.伤亡cat n.猫catalog n.(商品)目录catastrophe n.灾难catalyst n.催化剂catch v.捕获,染病 n.捉category n.种类,范畴cater v.提供cathedral n.大教堂catholic adj.天主教的cattle n.牛(总称)cause n.原因,理由,事业caution n.谨慎,告诫cautious adj.谨慎的,当心的cavalry n.骑兵,马术cave n.洞穴,山洞cavern n.酒馆cavity n.坑,孔穴cease v.停止,平息ceiling n.天花板celebrate v.庆祝celebration n.庆祝仪式celery n.芹菜cell n.细胞,牢房,电池cellar n.地窖,地下室cement n.水泥cemetery n.墓场censor v.审查censorship n.审查cent n.分币centigrade adj.摄氏的centimeter n.厘米central adj.中心的,中央的center n.中心 v.集中century n.世纪cereal n.谷物ceremonial adj.仪式的ceremony n.仪式,典礼,礼节certain adj.确信的,一定的certainly adv.一定,当然,行certainty n.确实,必然的事certificate n.证书,执照certification n.证明certify v.证明chain n.链条,一系列,锁链chair n.椅子chairman n.主席,董事长chairperson n.主席(无性别之分)chairwoman n.女主席,女董事长chalk n.白垩,粉笔challenge n. & v.挑战,质问challenging adj.具有挑战性的chamber n.房间champion n.优胜者,冠军championship n.锦标(赛)chance n.机会,可能性change n.变化,零钱 v.改变changeable adj.变化的channel n.沟渠,途径,频道chaos n.混乱chap n.伙计chapter n.章,节character n.性格,角色,特性characteristic n.特征,特性characteristical adj.特征的characterize v.具有特征charcoal n.木炭charge v.收费,冲向,控告charity n.施舍,仁慈charm n.魅力 v.迷惑charming adj.迷人的chart n.图表 v.制定计划charter n.特许证,宪章chase v.追逐,驱除chat v.聊天chatter v.喋喋不休,啁啾cheap adj.便宜的,可鄙的cheat v.欺骗,作弊 n.骗子cheating n.欺骗行为check v.检验,核对 n.支票check-out n.结帐,离店时限check-up n.核对,检查cheek n.颊,脸cheeky adj.胖乎乎的cheer n.喝彩 v.向喝彩cheerful adj.快活的cheese n.干酪,奶酪chemical adj.化学的chemist n.化学家,药剂师chemistry n.化学cheque n.支票cherish v.珍爱,怀有cherry n.樱桃chess n.国际象棋chest n.胸膛,柜子chestnut n.栗树,栗子chew v.咀嚼chick n.小鸡chicken n.鸡,鸡肉chief adj.首席的,首要的chiefly adv.多半,首要地child n.孩子,儿童childhood n.童年childish adj.孩子气的childlike adj.孩子似的,天真的chill n.寒意 v.冷却chilly adj.凉的,冷淡的chimney n.烟囱chin n.下巴,下颊China n.中国china n.瓷器,陶瓷Chinese adj. & n.中国的chip n.片,屑,缺口chocolate n.巧克力choice n.选择,选中的人或物choke v.闷死,窒息,阻塞choose v.选择,愿意chop v.劈,剁 n.带骨肉chorus n.合唱队,齐声Christ n.基督Christian adj.基督教的 n.基督徒Christianity n.基督教(精神)Christmas n.圣诞节church n.教堂cif n.(缩)到岸价cigar n.雪茄cigarette n.卷烟cinema n.电影院circle n.圆,果 v.画圈于circular adj.圆圈的circuit n.巡回,电路circulate v.循环,流通,流传circulation n.循环,销路,周转circumference n.周围,圆周circumstance n.情况,环境circus n.马戏团cite v.引证,举例citizen n.公民,市民citizenship n.公民权city n.城市civil adj.民用的,民事的civilization n.文明,民族文化civilize v.使文明,开化claim v.要求,索赔,声称clamp n.夹子 v.夹紧clap v.排手,鼓掌clarify v.弄清(问题)clarification n.澄清clash v. & n.碰撞,冲突clasp n.扣子 v.紧握(抱)class n.阶级,种类,班级classic n.经典作品classical adj.经典的,古典的classification n.分类classify v.分类,分等classmate n.同班同学classroom n.教室clatter v.咔嗒响 n.卡嗒响clause n.条款,从句claw n.爪clay n.黏土clean adj.清洁的,干的clear adj.清楚的,明确的clearance n.结关clearly adv.清晰地,无疑地clench v.咬紧,握紧,决定clerk n.办事员,职员,店员clever adj.聪明的,灵巧的cleverness n.聪明,机灵client n.当事人,顾客,用户clientele n.顾客(总称)cliff n.悬崖,峭壁climate n.气候climax n.顶点,高潮climb v.爬,攀登,上升cling v.粘住,依附clinic n.诊所clip n.夹子,卡子 v.夹住cloak n.外套,借口clock n.时钟clockwise adj. & adv.顺时针的close v.关闭,结束 n.终结closed adj.关闭的,停业的closedown n.倒闭closely adv.紧密地,严密地closet n.壁橱cloth n.织物,布,衣料clothe v.给…着衣clothes n.衣服(总称)clothing n.服装(总称)cloud n.云cloudy adj.多云的clown n.小丑,丑角club n.俱乐部,会,棍棒clue n.线索clumsy adj.笨拙的,愚蠢的cluster n.群,串clutch v. & n.抓紧c/o v.(缩)请转交coach n.客车,教练coal n.煤coarse adj.粗糙的,粗的coast n.海岸,海滨coastal adj.沿海的coat n.上衣,涂层cock n.公鸡cocktail n.鸡尾酒code n.法规,代码,密码codify v.编码coefficient n.系数coffee n.咖啡coffin n.棺材coherence n.凝聚性coherent adj.有条理的,粘着的cohesion n.凝聚力,团结cohesive adj.有粘性的coil v.卷曲 n.一卷,线圈coin n.硬币,创造新词coinage v.重合,一致coincide n.巧合,同时发生coincidence adj.同时发生的coincident adj.冷,冷冰冰的coldness n.寒冷,冷淡collaborate v.协作,勾结collaboration n.协作,通敌collapse v.倒塌 v.坍塌collar n.领子colleague n.同事,同行collect v.收集,征收,聚集collection n.收集,收藏collective n.集体 adj.集体的college n.学院collide v.猛烈碰撞,冲突collision n.猛烈碰拉,冲突colonel n.上校colonial adj.殖民的,殖民地的colonist n.殖民者,移民colonist n.殖民主义colony n.殖民地color n.颜色,色彩,气色color-blind adj.色盲的colorful adj.色彩丰富的colorless adj.无色的column n.圆柱,栏columnist n.专栏作家comb v.梳 n.梳子combat v. & n.战斗,斗争combination n.混合,组合combine v.组合,化合,结合come v.来到,出现,发生comedian n.喜剧演员comedy n.喜剧comfort n.舒适,慰藉 v.安慰comfortable adj.舒适的,自在的comic adj.喜剧的,滑稽的command v. & n.命令,控制commander n.司令,指挥官commemorate n.纪念commemoration v.纪念commence v.开始commend v.称赞,推荐commandment n.称赞comment n. & v.评论commerce n.商业commercial adj.商业的,商务的commission n. & v.委托,委任commit v.委托,犯(错误)commitment n.责任committee n.委员会commodity n.商品common adj.共同的,普通的commonly adv.通常,平常commonplace adj.平凡的,平淡的commonsense n.常识commonwealth n.共同体,联邦commune n.公社communicate v.传播,通讯communication n.通信,通讯系统communicative adj.通讯的communism n.共产主义communist n.共产主义者community n.团体,共同体,群体compact adj.严密的,紧凑的companion n.同伴,伴侣company n.公司,同伴comparable adj.可比较的comparative adj.比较的,相当的comparatively adv.比较地compare v.比较,比作comparison n.比较compass n.指南针,圆规compatible adj.可兼容的,一致的compel v.强迫,逼迫compensate v.赔偿,补偿,酬报compensation n.赔偿,补偿compete v.竞争,比赛competent adj.称职的,有能力的competition n.竞争,比赛competitive adj.竞争的competitiveness n.竞争能力competitor n.竞争者,对手compile v.编(书),编辑complain v.抱怨,控诉complaint n.怨言,控告complement n.补充,余数complete v.完成,结束completely adv.完全地,十分completion n.完成,完满complex adj.综合的,复杂的complexity n.复杂性compliance n.顺从,应允complicate v.使复杂complicated adj.错综复杂的compliment n. & v.称赞,问候complimentary adj.称赞的comply v.履行,遵守component n.成分,组分componential adj.成分的compose v.由组成,作曲composed adj.镇静的composer n.作曲家composite adj.合成的,组合的composition n.作文,组成compound n.化合物 v.混合comprehend v.理解,了解comprehension n.理解comprehensive adj.综合的,广泛的compress v.压缩compression n.压缩,凝缩comprise v.包括,由组成compromise n. & v.妥协,和解compels v.强迫compulsory adj.强制的,必修的computation n.计算compute v.计算computer n.计算机computerization n.计算机化computerize v.使计算机化comrade n.同志conceal v.隐瞒,隐藏concede v.让步,输conceit n.自负,自大conceited adj.自负的conceive v.想象,怀孕concentrate v.集中,浓缩concentrated adj.全神贯注的concentration n.专心,浓度concept n.概念conception n.想法,概念conceptive adj.概念的concern v.涉及,关心 n.商行concerned adj.有关的concerning prep.关于concert n.音乐会concerted adj.齐心协力的concess v.让步concession n.让步,减免,租界concise adj.简明的,简要的conclude v.结束,缔结,断定conclusion n.结束,结论conclusive adj.结束的,结论性的concrete n.混凝土 adj.具体的concur v.同地发生concurrence n.合作,并发concurrent adj.同时发生的condemn v.谴责,判刑condemnation n.谴责,判决condensation n.凝聚condense v.凝结,冷凝,精简condenser n.冷凝器,聚光器condition n.状态,情形,条件conditional adj.有条件的conduce v.导致,有益于conducive adj.有助于的conduct n.行为,管理 v.为人conduction n.传导,传热conductor n.(乐队)指挥,售票员cone n.锥体,锥形confer v.授予,颁布,商议conference n.会议confess v.坦白,供认confession n.供认,自由confide v.委托,吐露秘密confidence n.信任,信心confident adj.确信的,自信的confidential adj.机密的confine v.限制confinement n.限制confirm v.证实,确认,批准confirmation n.确认conflict v. & n.冲突,斗争conform v.遵守,使一致conformity n.遵照,一致confront v.面对,与相对confrontation n.面对,对峙confuse v.混淆,弄糊涂,搅乱confusion n.混乱,糊涂congestion n.阻塞,消化不良congratulate v.祝贺congratulation n.祝贺,贺辞congress n.(代表)大会,国会congressman n.国会议员conjunction n.连词,联结connect v.连接,联想connection n.联系,社会关系conquer v.征服,战胜conqueror n.征服者,胜利者conquest n.征服conscience n.良心,良知conscientious adj.有良心的conscientiously adv.认真地conscious adj.意识到的,自觉的consciousness n.知觉,意识consecutive adj.连续的,连贯的consent v. & n.同意,允许consequence n.后果,重要性consequently adv.因而,所以conservation n.保护,保存conservative adj.保守的,稳健的consider v.考虑,以为,体谅considerable adj.相当的,可观的considerably adv.相当considerate adj.考虑周全的consideration n.考虑,照顾consign v.委托,托运货物consignment n.委托,货物consist v.由组成consistency n.一致(性)consistent adj.始终如一的,符合console v.安慰consolidate v.团结consolidated adj.加固的,统一的consolidation n.团结consonant adj.响亮的conspicuous adj.显眼的,出众的conspiracy n.阴谋constable adv.警官constant adj.不变的,恒定的constantly adv.经常地constituent adj.组成的 n.成分constitute v.组成,构成,设立constitution n.宪法,章程constitutive adj.宪法的,章程的constraint n.强制,拘束construct v.建设,建立construction n.建设,建筑construe v.翻译,解释consul n.领事consulate n.领事馆consult v.咨询,磋商consultant n.咨询顾问(公司)consultation n.咨询consume v.消费,消耗consumer n.消费者,用户consumption n.消费,消耗量contact n. & v.接触,联系contain v.含有,容纳,抑制container n.容器,集装箱contemplate v.沉思contemplation n.苦思冥想contemporarian n.同时代人contemporary adj.当代的,同时代的contempt n.轻视,蔑视contemptuous adj.轻视的content n.含量,内容 v.满足contest n. & v.争夺,比赛contestant n.参赛人context n.上下文,语境,环境contextual adj.上下文的,环境的continent adj.节制的 n.大陆continental adj.大陆的contingency n.事故,意外continual adj.连续的,频繁的continuance n.连续continue v.继续,连续,依旧continuous adj.持续的,不断的continuously adv.连续不断地contract n.契约,合同 v.订contracted adj.合同所规定的contractual adj.合同的,契约的contradict v.反驳,与矛盾contradiction n.矛盾,反驳contrary adj.相反的 n.反面contrast n. & v.对照,对比contribute v.捐献,贡献,投稿contribution n.贡献,捐献物control v. & n.控制,管理controversy n.论战,论争controversial adj.有争议的convenience n.方便,便利convenient adj.便利的,方便的convention n.大会,协定,惯例conventional adj.传统的,常规的conversant adj.精通的,有交情的conversation n.会话,谈话converse v.谈话,对话,交往conversely adv.相反地conversion n.转变,转化,换算convert v.转换,改变信仰convey v.运输,传达conveyance n.运送,传达convict n.罪犯conviction n.定罪,确信convince v.使确信,信服convinced adj.信服的cook v.烹调,烧 n.厨师cooker n.厨具,厨灶cool adj.凉的,冷静的coolness n.凉爽,冷淡cooperate v.合作,协作cooperation n.合作,协作cooperative adj.合作的 n.合作社coordinate v.协调,配合coordination n.协调,配合cope v.应付,对付copper n.铜copy v.抄写,复制 n.副本cord n.细绳,电线cordial adj.诚恳的,亲切的cordially adv.亲切地core n.核,核心cork n.软木塞corn n.谷物,玉米corner n.角落,拐角corporate n.有限公司corporation n.公司correct adj.正确的,恰当的correction n.修改,校正correctly adv.正确地correlate v.相关,关联correlation n.相互关系correspond v.符合,通信,相当于correspondence n.相应,通信correspondent adj.对应的 n.记者corresponding adj.相应的,通信的corridor n.走廓corrode v.腐蚀corrosion n.腐蚀corrupt adj.腐败的,腐化的corruption n.腐败,腐化cosmetics n.化妆品cosmic adj.宇宙的cosmos n.宇宙cosmopolitan n.大都市cost n.成本,费用 v.花费costly adj.昂贵的cottage n.村舍cotton n.棉花,棉布,棉纱couch n.躺椅cough v. & n.咳嗽council n.理事会,委员会counsel n.劝告,辩护律师counsellor n.顾问count v.计算,数,认为countable adj.可计算的countenance n.容貌,支持counter n.柜台 adj.相反的countermand v.撤回,取消countermeasure n.对策counter-offer n.还价,还盘counterpart n.同类的人或物countersign v.副署,会签countersignature n.副署,会签countless adj.无数的country n.国家,乡间,故乡countryside n.乡下county n.县,郡couple n.一对,几个,夫妇courage n.勇气,胆量courageous adj.勇敢的course n.过程,路线,课程court n.法庭,宫廷,球场courteous adj.有礼貌的courtesy n.礼貌,礼仪,好意courtyard n.院子cousin n.堂(或表)兄弟姐妹cover v.盖,掩盖 n.盖子coverage n.覆盖率covering adj.包括的cow n.母牛,奶牛coward n.懦夫cowardly adv.胆小地crab n.蟹crack v.使破裂 n.裂缝cracker n.苏打饼干,克力架cradle n.摇篮,发源地craft n.工艺,手艺,飞机craftsman n.手艺人craftsmanship n.手艺crane n.鹤,起重机crash v.碰撞 n.坠毁crate n.一箱,篓,筐crave v.渴望,恳求crawl v.爬行,徐徐行进craziness n.疯狂crazy adj.疯狂的,迷恋的cream n.乳脂,奶油creamy adj.奶油的,奶黄色的create v.创造,创作,造成creation n.创造,创造物creative adj.有创造力(性)的creature n.家伙,生物credit n.信誉,信用 v.相信creditworthy adj.有信誉的creditworthiness n.商誉creek n.小川,小湾creep v.爬行,蔓延crew n.(飞机等的)全体人员cricket n.板球,蟋蟀crime n.罪,罪行criminal n.罪犯 adj.犯罪的crimson adj. & n.深红色(的)cripple n.跛子 v.使残废crisis n.危险,危险期crisp adj.松脆的,鲜嫩的critic n.评论家,爱挑剔的人critical adj.批评的,危急的criticism n.批评criticize v.批评,评论crook n.钩子crooked adj.弯曲的,歪的crop n.作物,庄稼cross n.十字,交叉 v.横过crossing n.交叉,十字路口crossroads n.交叉路口,十字路crouch v.蹲下,缩着crow n.乌鸦 v.鸦啼crowd n.人群 v.挤满crown n.王冠 v.加冕crude adj.未加工的,粗糙的cruel adj.残酷的,残忍的cruelty n.残忍,残酷行为cruise v.巡游,巡航crumb n.面包屑crumble adj.粉碎,崩溃crush v.压榨,粉碎crust n.面包皮,硬的表面crutch n.拐杖cry v. & n.叫喊,哭泣crystal n.水晶,晶体cube n.立方体,三次方cubic adj.立方的cubism n.立体主义cuckoo n.布谷鸟,杜鹃cucumber n.黄瓜cultivate v.耕作,栽培,培养cultivation n.耕作,培养cultural adj.文化的culture n.文化,养殖cunning adj.狡猾的,狡诈的cup n.杯子,一杯cupboard n.碗橱curb v.制止,束缚cure v. & n.治疗,矫正curiosity n.好奇心,古玩curious adj.好奇的,爱打听的curl v.卷曲,缭绕 n.卷发curly adj.卷曲的,波浪式的currency n.通货,货币current adj.现令的 n.流currently adv.当前,广泛地curse n. & v.诅咒,咒骂curtail n.削减,剥夺curtain n.窗帘,幕布curve n.曲线,弯曲cushion n.垫子,靠垫custody n.保管,监护custom n.风俗,习惯customary adj.习惯的,通常的customer n.顾客,主顾customs n.海关cut v.割,切,削减,切断cutlery n.刀具,餐刀cutter n.刀具,裁剪者cutting n.切片,剪辑cycle n.周期,循环,自行车cyclist n.自行车运动员。

雅思口语词汇大汇总1.Family(家庭)abortion 流产depopulation人口减少fertility 多产rejuvenation恢复活力,返老还童responsibility 指责spouse 配偶widow 寡妇a nuclear family 核心家庭baby boom 出生高峰be separated 分开be single 独身bed-ridden 卧床不起birth control 生育控制birth peak 出生高峰bring up 抚养的孩子broken family 破裂的家庭clean the room with a vacuumcleaner 用吸尘器打扫房间clean the room 打扫房间conjugalrelation 夫妻关系contraceptivemethod 避孕方法divorce rate 离婚率do the dishes 洗碗do the laundry洗衣do the washing 洗衣electric cooker / stove 电炉extended family 大家庭fall in love with … at the first sight 一见钟情filialpiety 孝four generations live under one roof 四世同堂generation gap 代沟get desperate 绝望get on one’s nerves 使人心烦意乱household chores家务impact on children 对孩子的影响in a mess 一片混乱interracial marriage 不同种族的婚姻问题kinor relatives 亲戚live on pension 靠养老金生活look after a baby 照顾孩子maritalbreakdown 婚姻破裂marital status 婚姻情况marriage boom 结婚高峰match maker 媒婆matrimonialadvertisement 婚姻广告one child/single child 独生子女one couple, one child 1对夫妻,1个孩子one-child policy 计划生育政策patriarchalrule 家长统治pay court to sb. 向某人求爱piles of dirty dishes and pots 一堆脏碟子population balance 人口平衡population composition 人口构成population control 人口控制population density人口密度population distribution 人口分布population explosion 人口爆炸raise sons to support one in one’s old age 养儿防老ring up to sb. 向某人打电话求助single-parent family 单亲家庭social welfare社会福利sparsely-populated 人口稀少cation (教育)accommodation 住宿creativity创造力imagination 想象memory 记忆observation 观察scan 浏览skim 浏览a book worm书虫a learned person 知识渊博的人ability of expression 表达能力at college/university 上大学attend class 上课attend spare time school 上业余学校be a pedant书呆子be a qualified teacher 合格的教师be absent minded 心不在焉be enthusiasticabout 对…热爱be lost in thinking 陷入思考中begin/start school 开始上学brain work/manual work 脑力/体力工作break/interval 课间休息complete one’s college courses 完成大学学业creative work 创造性工作develop reading speed 提高阅读速度difficult point 难点extensive reading 泛读feel bored 感到无聊find specific information 找出特定信息general revision总复习get/receive education 接受教育graduate from 从…毕业have a desire to learn 学习的欲望infant school education 幼教intensive listening practice 精听练习intensive reading 精读learn by heart 用心学leave school 离开教学中心major in 专业为mechanical job 机械工作out of class 课外play an active part in 积极参与pre-discussion questions 讨论前的问题pre-listening activities 听前活动preschool education 学前教育purposeful listening 有目的的听read silently默读reform. in education 教育改革resolve difficulties 解决困难set a time limit 设置时间限制skim through 浏览take a science/an arts course 选理/文科课程take notes 做笔记teaching materials 教学资料teaching methods 教学方法work in groups 小组活动work in pairs 两人活动work out an outline 制定出大纲3.心理类theorem 原理,定理v.s. theorymethodology 方法论(ß method)physiology 生理学(à physiological)psychiatry 精神病学^ psychology, psycho, psychosis, psychoanalysiscorrelation 相互关系à correlation coefficientsensation 感觉,知觉(另)轰动à sensationalperception 感知,认知intuition 知觉(à intuitive)ESP 第六感(Extrasensory Perception)motivate 激励à motivation (^ bonus, commission, …)incentive 激励因素stimulus 刺激à stimulate, stimulationdisorder 紊乱,失调dysfunction 机能障碍dys(=dis) + functiondissonance 不和谐,不一致dis + son(sound) +ancetrauma 创伤(à traumatic)the trauma caused by Sept. 11anxiety 焦虑(= anxiousness)depression 沮丧(de + press + ion)~ depressedv.s. repression (压抑)insomnia 失眠phobia 恐惧(症) à suffix: -phobiaacrophobia ^ a cronym: IELTS, TOEFL…xenophobia a fear of foreigners or strangersclaustrophobia a fear of being closed in a confined placeallergy 过敏(症),反感(à allergic)He is allergic to card playing.propensity Most boys have a propensity of playing with machinery.= tendency, inclination paranoid 偏执的ß paranoia (偏执狂)workaholic 工作狂(ß alcoholic)symptom 症状diagnosis 诊断(n.)ß diagnose (v.)Arthur Haily: “The Final Diagnosis”electroencephalogram 脑电图^ electrocardiogram (心电图)assertive 武断的(ß assert)therapy 治疗法group therapyhypnotism 催眠术(~ hypnotize)prescribe 开药方v.s. subscribe, describe, inscribeà prescription: ~ drugsantidepressant 抗抑郁药tranquilizer 镇静药(ß tranquil)side-effect (+s) 副作用immune 免疫的,免除的(à immunity)rehabilitation 复原,康复relapse 旧病复发,故态复萌v.s. elapse^ 子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜!chronic 慢性的adulthood <> childhoodpuberty 青春发动期adolescence 青春期(the time of life between puberty and adulthood)emotional <> rational4.食品类A. 肉品类(鸡, 猪, 牛)Fresh Grade Legs 大鸡腿Fresh Grade Breast 鸡胸肉Chicken Drumsticks 小鸡腿Chicken Wings 鸡翅膀Minced Steak 绞肉Pigs Liver 猪肝Pigs feet 猪脚Pigs Kidney 猪腰Pigs Hearts 猪心Pork Steak 没骨头的猪排Pork Chops 连骨头的猪排Rolled Porkloin 卷好的腰部瘦肉Rolled Pork Belly 卷好的腰部瘦肉连带皮Pork sausage meat 做香肠的绞肉Smoked Bacon 醺肉Pork Fillet 小里肌肉Spare Rib Pork chops 带骨的瘦肉Spare Rib of Pork 小排骨肉Pork ribs 肋骨可煮汤食用Black Pudding 黑香肠Pork Burgers 汉堡肉Pork-pieces 一块块的廋肉Shoulder Chops 肩肉Porter House Steak 腰上的牛排肉Chuck Steak 头肩肉筋、油较多Tenderised Steak 拍打过的牛排Roll 牛肠Cowhells 牛筋Pig bag 猪肚Homeycome Tripe 蜂窝牛肚Tripe Pieces 牛肚块Best thick seam 白牛肚B. 海产类Herring 鲱Salmon 鲑Cod 鳕Tuna 鲔鱼Plaice 比目鱼Octopus 鱆鱼Squid 乌贼Dressed squid 花枝Mackerel 鲭Haddock 北大西洋产的鳕鱼Trout 鳟鱼、适合蒸来吃Cod Fillets 鳕鱼块,可做鱼羹,或炸酥鱼片都很好吃Conger (Eel) 海鳗Sea Bream 海鲤Hake 鳕鱼类Red Mullet 红鲣,可煎或红烧来吃Smoked Salmon 熏鲑*Smoked mackerel with crushed pepper corn 带有黑胡椒粒的熏鲭* Herring roes 鲱鱼子Boiled Cod roes 鳕鱼子Oyster 牡犡Mussel 蚌、黑色、椭圆形、没壳的即为淡菜Crab 螃蟹Prawn 虾Crab stick 蟹肉条Peeled Prawns 虾仁Prawns 大虾Winkles 田螺Whelks Tops 小螺肉King Shrimps 小虾米Cockles 小贝肉Labster 龙虾C. 蔬果类Potato 马铃薯Carrot 红萝卜Onion 洋葱Aubergine 茄子Celery 芹菜White Cabbage 包心菜Red cabbage 紫色包心菜Cucumber 大黄瓜Tomato 蕃茄Radish 小红萝卜Mooli 白萝卜Watercress 西洋菜Baby corn 玉米尖Sweet corn 玉米Cauliflower 白花菜Spring onions 葱Garlic 大蒜Ginger 姜Chinese leaves 大白菜Mustard & cress 芥菜苗Green Pepper 青椒Red pepper 红椒Yellow pepper 黄椒Mushroom 洋菇Broccoliflorets 绿花菜Iceberg 透明包心菜Lettuce 莴苣菜Swede or Turnip 芜菁Okra 秋葵Chillies 辣椒Eddoes 小芋头Courgettes 绿皮南瓜,形状似小黄瓜,但不可生食Coriander 香菜Dwarf Bean 四季豆Flat Beans 长形平豆Taro 大芋头Sweet potato 蕃薯Spinach 菠菜Beansprots 绿豆芽Peas 碗豆Corn 玉米粒Sprot 高丽小菜心Lemon 柠檬Pear 梨子Banana 香蕉Grape 葡萄Golden apple 黄绿苹果、脆甜Granny smith 绿苹果、较酸Bramleys 可煮食的苹果Peach 桃子Orange 橙Strawberry 草莓Mango 芒果Pine apple 菠萝Kiwi 奇异果Starfruit 杨桃Honeydew-melon 蜜瓜Cherry 樱桃Date 枣子lychee 荔枝Grape fruit 葡萄柚Coconut 椰子Fig 无花果Long rice 长米,较硬,煮前先泡一个小时Pudding rice or short rice 短米,较软Brown rice 糙米THAI Fragrant rice 泰国香米*Glutinous rice 糯米Strong flour 高筋面粉Plain flour 中筋面粉Self- raising flour 低筋面粉Whole meal flour 小麦面粉Brown sugar 砂糖(泡奶茶、咖啡适用)dark Brown Sugar 红糖(感冒时可煮姜汤时用Custer sugar 白砂糖(适用于做糕点)Icing Sugar 糖粉Rock Sugar 冰糖Noodles 面条Instant noodles 方便面Soy sauce 酱油,分生抽浅色及老抽深色两种Vinger 醋Cornstarch 太白粉Maltose 麦芽糖Sesame Seeds 芝麻Sesame oil 麻油Oyster sauce 蚝油Pepper 胡椒Red chilli powder 辣椒粉Sesame paste 芝麻酱Beancurd sheet 腐皮Tofu 豆腐Sago 西贾米Creamed Coconut 椰油Monosidum glutanate 味精Chinese red pepper 花椒Salt black bean 豆鼓Dried fish 鱼干Sea vegetable or Sea weed 海带Green bean 绿豆Red Bean 红豆Black bean 黑豆Red kidney bean 大红豆Dried black mushroom 冬菇Pickled mustard-green 酸菜Silk noodles 粉丝Agar-agar 燕菜Rice-noodle 米粉Bamboo shoots 竹笋罐头Star anise 八角Wantun skin 馄饨皮Dried chestuts 干粟子Tiger lily buds 金针Red date 红枣Water chestnuts 荸荠罐头Mu-er 木耳Dried shrimps 虾米Cashewnuts 腰果5常用标识类Approaching end of motorway 即将驶出高速。

IELTS Speaking Words Content1.Family2.Marriage3.Housework4.Women5.Electrical & Electronic Appliances6.Methods of Storing Memories7.Things Collection8.Leisure Time & Relaxing9.People Description: personality and appearance10.Teacher11.Friends12.Colleague13.business letters14.Daily Routine15.Animals16.Parks17.Shopping18.Restaurant &Food19.Bar20.Likes/hobbies21.Reading22.Movie23.Music Programs/shows25.Advertising26.Clothes27.Sports28.Games29.Hometownw31.Festivals32.Travel33.Museum34.Change35.City36.Party37.V olunteer-NPO38.Work 39.Learning foreign language 40.Public transportation 41.Weather42. Water 43.Environment/Pollution 44.Job/career cation1.Family 家庭nuclear family 两代同堂的家庭extended family 三代、四代甚至五代同堂的家庭,大家庭three generations living under the same roof 三代同堂elderly老年人filial duty 子女的义务dutiful/ filial 忠实的, 顺从的, 守本分的, 恭敬的, 孝敬的the elderly/senior citizens老年人the aging is a social problem. 人口老龄化是一个社会问题bed-ridden 卧床不起their health is declining. 他们的健康每况愈下be paralyzed 瘫痪,麻痹sit in a wheelchair/move around in a wheelchair坐轮椅nursing one’s sick parents 照料生病的父母nursing home 老人院old people’s home 老人院social welfare 社会福利be financially independent 经济独立be retired 退休pensioner领养老金者,抚恤金领取者,领年金者, 跟班do not want to be regarded as a burden 不想被当作负担live an isolated life 与世隔绝live apart from children 不跟孩子一起住spend one’s remaining days happily 颐养天年fulfil the responsibility of bringing up the young and taking care of the old 尽养育孩子和赡养老人的义务the generation gap 代沟be widowed寡居,鳏居widow/widower 寡妇/鳏夫life expectancy 平均寿命(=expectation of life)Parenting(父母对子女的)养育have a family of one’s own 拥有自己的家庭be pregnant 怀孕on maternity leave 休产假give birth to a baby 生孩子take a baby to the kindergarten 送孩子去幼儿园breadwinner养家活口的人, 负担家计的人make ends meet收支相抵,收支平衡provide financial and emotional support to the youngparental abuse 虐待父母ill-treat/maltreat vt. 虐待, 滥用Family Planning 计划生育birth control 计划生育population control 人口控制population explosion 人口爆炸population density 人口密度be thickly/sparsely populated 人口稠密/稀少the population is aging. 人口老龄化baby boom生育高峰average life span平均寿命birth rate 出生率death rate/mortality rate 死亡率census人口调查;户口调查one-child policy 一对夫妻只生一个孩2. Marriage 婚姻marital status 婚姻状况single/married/divorced 单身/结婚/离婚a partner/spouse夫;妻;配偶的一方matchmaker/go-between 媒人marriage on the basis of romantic love 自由恋爱结婚fall in love with sb. at first sight 一见钟情wedding 婚礼bride/bridegroom 新娘/新郎the best man 男傧相maid of honor女傧相be divorced 离婚separated 分居single parent family 单亲家庭a broken family 破碎的家庭get custody of a child 获得对孩子的监护权alimony (离婚或分居后在诉讼期间男方给女方的)赡养费, 生活费pay alimony to the wife 支付赡养费给妻子impact on the child 影响孩子3.Housework 家务washing the dishessweeping (the floor)mopping (the floor)making the bedspreparing mealswashing vegetablestidyingironingdustingtaking out the garbagedoing the laundry (washing clothes)cooking● a cookery course/school, cuisine, ingredient, recipe, bite to eat=snack, entertain, yummy, fullof flavour, nourishing, famished●It’s good to be able to rustle up a quick bite to eat when you ‘re famished.(household )chores家庭杂务;日常零星工作housework家务, 劳动, 家务事do the laundry 洗熨washing要洗的衣物;洗好的衣物cleaning清洁(处理),清洗vacuum用真空吸尘器打扫vacuum (cleaner)吸尘器tidy and neat 整洁in a mess混乱, 脏乱get on one’s nerves令人不安get desperate 不顾一切的, 拚死的, 令人绝望的,;铤而走险的;亡命的,孤注一掷的4.Women 女人sex discrimination 性别歧视be underpaid所得报酬过低overloaded超负荷inferior to men (地位)不如男人be treated equally 得到平等对待receive equal treatment 得到相同的待遇treat men and women alike 男女一视同仁take up a career 开始事业career woman 职业女性be prompted to a higher position 被提升到更高的职位be financially independent 经济独立the economic basis for equality 男女平等需要的经济基础enjoy equality/equal rights with 与……平等male dominated society 男性统制的社会man chauvinism 大男子主义feminist 男女平等主义者, 女权扩张论者women’s liberation movement 妇女解放运动have some say in the family 在家里有发言权5.Electrical & Electronic Appliances (家用)电器和电子设备Home Appliances 家用电器RefrigeratorMicrowave ovenElectric stoveRice cookerBlender/food mixerWashing machineClothes dryerAir conditionerElectric heater (radiator)HumidifierElectric fanElectric shaverElectric toothbrushHairdryerReading lampElectric drillEntertainmentDVD/ VCD playerTelevisionRadioCD playerTape player/tape recorderStereo systemSpeaker(s)WalkmanMP3/ MP4Electronic dictionaryIpodCommunicationTelephoneCell-phone (= mobile phone)Message machineFax machineComputer AppliancesComputer (including laptop computer = notebook computer)MonitorScannerPrinterOfficeFax machinePhotocopy machine (photocopier)6.Methods of Storing MemoriesPhotographsphotography photographeramateur, scenic, portrait, bust, full-length, family photo, keep happiest moment, enlarge/ develop/print out films DiariesVideosTape recordingsKeeping old lettersStoring emailsKeeping souvenirs and mementos7.Things CollectionStampsCoinsSports cardsRocksButterflies/InsectsAntiquesArt (paintings, calligraphy etc.)Comics, magazines, old booksCD’s (music)DVD’s (films)PostcardsDollsModels (model cars, model trains, model ships, model planes etc.)MatchboxesCigarette packsBeer cansItems with a special motif (eg., toys, models & pictures of dogs, cats or horses etc.)Telephone cards8.Leisure Time & Relaxingrelax (Don't add 'myself' or any variation of 'self' after this word.)'wind down''take it easy'take a stroll; to take/have a walkmeditatemassagesaunasofasoft, soothing musicholidays (Br.) = vacation (U.S.)weekendgo on a triptake a tripto travelto go sightseeinga hobbyan interesta pastimeto pass the timeNightlife: hang out with friends, lively, entertainment, disco, nightclub, bar/pub, karaoke/KTV, a born singer/dancer, not much of a dancer/singer, smoky/icy/fruity voice, sound of nature, tone-deaf, in/out of tune, chic, party animalHobby play mahjong, go for a massage, go for a holiday/vacation kill time,time-consuming, idle away the hours, amuse oneself by, fascinating, captivating, appealing, take upShopping market stall luxury,posh, classy various brands living standard a bargain economic essential, life necessities/requisites, purchase pricey, over-priced, low-priced, genuine, fake, chain, retailer, over-priced, fake, window shopping, checkout/cashier, after-sale service9.People Description: personality and appearancefriendlyeasy-goingmellowopennaturalwarm-heartedgeneroushelpfulco-operativehumourousfunnyinterestinguniquespecialimpressivekindempatheticnicegoodhonestconsiderateselfless (selfish)down-to-earthextrovertedoutgoinggregarioussociablespontaneousintroverted (such as a research scientist or an author) shyprivatequietstudioustraditionalconservativeold-fashionedfashionable'cool''hip'modernfashion-consciousstylishwell-groomedwell-dressedattractivegood-lookinghandsomebeautifulprettyelegantgracefulgentlewell-manneredculturedsophisticatedconfidentcompetitivefearlessindependent individualistic adventurouspersistentindustrious = hard-working motivatedsingle-mindedgoal-oriented determinedambitiousstrong-willed passionateenthusiasticwell-balancedpositivehealthyfit (= healthy)health-consciousathleticphysicalartistictalentedmusicaltheatricaldramaticexpressiveintelligentbrightanalyticalerudite = well-read (老人) well-educatedskilledprofessionalthoroughcarefulneatprecisemeticulousreliablepunctual knowledgeablecuriousfar-sightedmatureresponsibleintuitiveimaginativecreativeplayful (usually children)rambunctious (e.g., 我的儿子)energeticadorablecuteloveablelovelylovingSome nounsa joy (e.g., 'a joy to be around')an inspirationan examplea model studenta model sona devoted mother, a devoted teacher, a devoted doctora geniusa leaderEyes:wide eyes, dreamy eyes, sparkling eyes, smiling eyes, liquid eyesNose: aquiline nose (also called Roman nose, hook nose or beak noseBody: medium build, muscularLooks: plain, heart/ diamond shaped, full lipsFriend●reliable, ambitious, standard of happiness, extrovert-introvert, sensitive-sensible, quiet-talkative,trustworthy, good-listener, versatile, charm of personality●have common interests, soul mate, have good taste in●share happiness and sadness, mutual interest/ have common interests, like-minded, be in trouble●circle of friends, companion, acquaintance, personal value●best-buddy (US) soul mate best-mate (UK)celebrity● a big name, legendary mythical, renowned●world champion Olympic gold medal winner●tutor, supervisor●leadership quality, supervision, guidance, support, encourageold person●spiritual idol, enlighten us, patience and endurance,breadwinner, sibling●conservative/ reserved, basic daily necessities, free accommodation, government relief, welfare and health,pension●show their authority, cause conflicts, reluctant to accept new ideaspersonality 个性, 人格, 人物, 名人warm-hearted 热心的kind 善良的hospitable 好客的versatile 通用的, 万能的, 多才多艺的, 多面手的active 活动的;活跃的easy-going 容易相处的happy-go-lucky 无忧无虑的tolerant 容忍的, 宽恕的, 有耐药力的energetic 精力充沛的, 积极的humorous 富幽默感的, 滑稽的, 诙谐的optimistic/positive乐观的积极的negative/passive悲观的消极的active energetic vigorous aspiring vibrant stirring brisk yauld 活跃的nimble quick swift prompt sharp 敏捷的blunt dull bovine thick-skulled heavy-headed 迟钝的smart clever brilliant wise intelligent clear-sighted 聪明的stupid foolish idiot silly doltish besotted 愚蠢的strange odd queer baaroqu erratic wacky weirdo eccentric 奇怪的unimaginable unbelievable incredible miraculous marvelous fathomless 不可思议的introvert inturned withdrawn silent 格性内向的(人)extrovert 性格外向的(人)outgoing easygoingcaring humane 人的,人道的,有同情心的appearance 外表,出现, 露面, 外貌, 外观be of the same height/weight 一样的身高/体重hair:curly/wavy 弯曲的,波状的, 摇摆的, 起浪的, 波动的, 不稳的straight 直的, 诚实的, 正直的, 率直的, 整齐的have one’s hair dyed/colored 染发have a good figure 身材好heavy 胖的slender 苗条的;纤细的;修长的slim 苗条的, 纤细的bony 多骨的, 瘦骨嶙峋的well-built (男)身材健美的plump 圆胖的, 丰满的go through a lot of ups and downs 经历过很多起伏face the trouble with great courage and strong will 勇敢坚强地面对困难impress me with his/her perseverance 他的毅力给了我很深的印象Many children may be either similar to their father or their mother in appearance, but I’m the exception. 也许很多孩子的外表和父母很相像,但我是个例外。

个人介绍name 姓名alias 别名pen name 笔名date of birth 出生日期birth date 出生日期born 出生于birth place 出生地点age 年龄native place 籍贯province 省city 市autonomous region 自治区prefecture 专区county 县nationality 民族,国籍citizenship 国籍duel citizenship 双重国籍address 地址current address 目前地址present address 目前地址permanent address 永久地址postal code 邮政编码home phone 住宅电话office phone 办公电话business phone 办公电话Tel.电话sex 性别male 男female 女height 身高weight 体重marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚single/unmarried 未婚divorced 离异separated 分居number of children 子女人数none 无street 街lane 胡同,巷road 路district 区house number 门牌health 健康状况health condition 健康状况blood type 血型short-sighted 近视far-sighted 远视color-blind 色盲ID card No.身份证号码date of availability 可到职时间available 可到职membership 会员,资格president 会长vice-president 副会长director 理事standing director 常务理事secretary general 秘书长society 学会association 协会research society 研究会老师engineer of the human souls 人类灵魂的工程师teaching methodology教学方法experimental 试验型adventurous 勇于尝试responsible and conscientious工作态度认真负责的loving and caring 爱心patient 耐心cultivate and inspire originality and creativity in students 培养, 激励学生的原创精神和创造力impact 对生活的影响respect students 尊重学生人格value价值观moral道德观world perspective 世界观Subjects 科目Chinese 语文English 英语Japanese 日语mathematics 数学science 理科gymnastics 体育history 历史algebra 代数geometry 几何geography 地理biology 生物chemistry 化学physics 物理physical geography 地球物理literature 文学sociology 社会学psychology 心理学philosophy 哲学engineering 工程学mechanical engineering 机械工程学electronic engineering 电子工程学medicine 医学social science 社会科学agriculture 农学astronomy 天文学economics 经济学politics 政治学commercial science 商学biochemistry 生物化学anthropology 人类学linguistics 语言学accounting 会计学law法学banking 银行学metallurgy 冶金学finance 财政学mass-communication 大众传播学journalism 新闻学atomic energy 原子能学civil engineering 土木工程architecture 建筑学chemical, engineering 化学工程accounting and statistics 会计统计business administration 工商管理library 图书馆学diplomacy 外交foreign language 外文botany 植物major 主修minor 辅修偶像person of the year 风云人物world-renown 世界闻名prestigious 声明远播的notorious 臭名昭著的(国外娱乐业尤其是面对年轻人的,越坏越流行)charity organization 慈善机构philanthropy 慈善事业trend-setting 带动潮流的high media exposure 媒体曝光率lead a glamorous life 充满魅力的生活positive influence on young people对年轻人有正面影响privilege 享受特权award show/ fashion show 颁奖典礼/ 时装发布会personality highlight 人格亮点talent 才华prodigy 神童contribution 贡献selflessness 无私make a difference 促成变化,促成改变朋友intimate friends 亲密朋友bosom friends 知心密友BFF: best friend forever 一辈子的好朋友Have/ share many things in common有很多共同点Mutual understanding 互相理解Keep you away from loneliness不在孤独Always feel in help/ no longer feel helpless 不在无助Improve life security 生活中的安全感Forgive and forget 原谅,忘记Memory 难忘回忆Inspiration 灵感激励Encouragement 鼓励Go through difficulty together 共同经历困难Chemistry 默契Be there for me. 一直守候在朋友身边Count on them 有事的时候可以依靠他们A good listener 倾听Loyalty 忠诚Respect boundary and privacy 尊重彼此的界限和隐私Share happiness and setbacks 同甘共苦Reliable 可靠Sense of humor 幽默感Experienced 阅历丰富Wonderfully talented 非常有才华Highly organized 生活井井有条Optimistic 乐观Witty 睿智Not very pretty but looks really humorous. Charisma/ charismatic 人格魅力Aggressive and ambitious 充满报复,上进努力Fair and easy-going 公平和蔼Entrepreneurial 创业的Integrity, intensity, intelligence 自尊, 魄力,聪明Emotion, encouragement, energy 情感鼓励努力个人品质(适用于所有的人物话题) capable 有才干的,能干的adaptable 适应性强的amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的candid 正直的competent 能胜任的constructive 建设性的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的dedicated 有奉献精神的dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的dutiful 尽职的well--educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的expressivity 善于表达faithful 守信的,忠诚的frank 直率的,真诚的generous 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的humorous 有幽默impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的motivated 目的明确的intelligent 理解力强的learned 精通某门学问的logical 条理分明的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的objective 客观的precise 一丝不苟的punctual 严守时刻的realistic 实事求是的responsible 负责的sensible 明白事理的steady 踏实的systematic 有系统的purposeful 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的家人unconditional support 无条件支持familiarity 熟悉comfy and cozy 舒适, 温馨stand by me在我身边给我鼓励和支持lack of understanding 不理解naggy 唠叨nag at somebody generation gap 代沟four generations living under one roof 四世同堂no privacy 没有隐私no peace and quiet 不得安宁over-availability of parents 爸妈无处不在absence of parents 爸妈从来不在criticism 批评孩子parenting tradition and style 家教传统和风格bossy 好管事的disciplinarian 纪律严明,对于孩子方法简单粗暴的家长enforce curfew 宵禁(必须回家的时间) You’re grounded. 不许出门My way or the highway. 要么听我的,要么滚出去.Breadwinner 养家的人Cook 做饭common activity 共同事情family dinner 家里聚会吃饭road trip 开车出行discussion of life 谈生活不同风格家庭表达方式nuclear family 小家extended family 大家bi-racial family 国际家庭close-knit family 家庭关系紧密,观念强,常联系的家庭dysfunctional family 家庭功能不健全,问题多多家庭好家长的特点fashion sense/ fashionable/ trendy 时尚生活方式新Hands-off 放手Trusting 信任孩子Reserved 有所保留Role model 行为榜样,模范A good communicator 善于沟通sense of humor 幽默感奢侈品luxuriousextravagantexclusive 专享的limited collection限量的high fashionindulge yourselfspoil yourselfgive yourself a nice treatimprove tastevain / vanity fairkeep up with the Joneses食物gourmet food 美食ethnic food民族菜local food 地方小吃delicate fine dining 美味佳肴ingredient 原料grocery shopping 买菜fattening 发胖green food绿色食物health food营养品vegetarian food 素食nutrition 营养nutritional value 营养价值calorie热量carbohydrate 碳水化合物sugar-free 无糖low-fat低脂breakfast 早餐lunch 午餐brunch 早午餐supper 晚餐late snack 宵夜dinner 正餐ham and egg 火腿肠buttered toast 奶油土司French toast 法国土司muffin 松饼cheese cake 酪饼white bread 白面包brown bread 黑面包French roll 小型法式面包appetizer 开胃菜main course主菜dessert 甜品green salad 蔬菜沙拉onion soup 洋葱汤potage 法国浓汤corn soup 玉米浓汤fried chicken 炸鸡roast chicken 烤鸡steak 牛排T-bone steak 丁骨牛排filet steak 菲力牛排sirloin steak 沙朗牛排club steak 小牛排well done 全熟medium 五分熟rare 三分熟beer 啤酒draft beer 生啤酒stout beer 黑啤酒canned beer 罐装啤酒red wine 红葡萄酒gin 琴酒brandy 白兰地whisky 威士忌vodka 伏特加on the rocks 酒加冰块neat不加冰rum 兰酒champagne 香槟其他小吃:meat 肉beef 牛肉pork 猪肉chicken 鸡肉mutton 羊肉bread 面包steamed bread 馒头rice noodles 米粉fried rice noodles 河粉steamed vermicelli roll 肠粉macaroni 通心粉noodles 面条instant noodles 速食面vegetable 蔬菜crust 面包皮sandwich 三明治toast 土司hamburger 汉堡cake 蛋糕spring roll 春卷pancake 煎饼fried dumpling 煎贴rice glue ball 元宵glue pudding 汤圆millet congee 小米粥cereal 麦片粥恒星英语论坛steamed dumpling 蒸饺wonton soup 馄饨动物habitat 栖息地hunting打猎extinct 灭绝shy害羞来源:恒星英语网adorable 可爱instinct 本能are found in在…可以找到cute可爱avoid躲避elegant优雅population 种群数量fierce凶猛的claws爪子conservation area保护区national park 国家公园cunning 狡猾protected受保护的endangered濒危的bamboo竹子crawl爬行城市modern 现代cosmopolitan四海一家的国际化大都市metropolitan 大都市urban / suburban/ rural area 城区/郊区/农村地区souvenirs 纪念品main industries 主要产业employment 就业education 教育university towns 大学城population 人口people人民hospitable and friendly 好客, 友善passionate, enthusiastic 激情, 热情food 食物tourist attractions and historical interests 旅游景点, 历史古籍industrial pattern 工业布局infrastructure基础设施shopping malls购物中心health 医疗schools学校transportation交通urban conveniences市区的便利工作routine 规律重复的career 事业profession/ occupation 职业individual success个人成功work overtime加班laid off 下岗contribute to/ make contribute to贡献balance between 平衡preoccupied with忙于promotions 升职under stress 承受压力job hopping 跳槽intense competition强烈竞争be replaced被淘汰benefits 福利head hunter猎头human resource 人力资源meaning in life 生命的意义self-worth 自我价值being in a team 在团队中learn from your boss 跟老板学习become fast friend with your colleagues 和同事交朋友contribute to social progress and stability 为社会进步和稳定做贡献become an able, worthy and useful person 成为有能力, 有价值,有用之人a bread-winning process赚钱过程mental satisfaction 精神满足感电影film industry 电影工业film shooting 电影拍摄film types 电影类型cinematograph 电影摄影机,电影放映机first-run cinema 首轮影院second-run cinema 二轮影院art theatre 艺术影院continuous performance cinema 循环场电影院film society 电影协会,电影俱乐部(美作:film club)film library 电影资料馆premiere 首映式film festival 电影节distributor 发行人(恒星英语!)Board of Censors审查署shooting schedule 摄制计划censor's certificate 审查级别release 准予上映banned film 禁映影片A-certificate A级(儿童不宜)U-certificate U级X-certificate X级(成人级) direction 导演production 制片adaptation 改编scenario, screenplay, script 编剧scene 场景exterior 外景lighting 灯光shooting 摄制to shoot 拍摄dissolve 渐隐,化入,化出fade-out 淡出fade-in 淡入special effects 特技slow motion 慢镜头editing, cutting 剪接montage剪辑recording, sound recording 录音sound effects 音响效果mix, mixing 混录dubbing 配音post synchronization 后期录音合成studio 制片厂,摄影棚(motion)film studio 电影制片厂set, stage, floor 场地properties, props 道具dolly 移动式摄影小车spotlight 聚光灯来源:恒星英语网clapper boards 拍板microphone 麦克风,话筒boom 长杆话筒scenery 布景camera 摄影机shooting angle 拍摄角度high angle shot 俯拍long shot 远景full shot 全景close-up, close shot 特写,近景medium shot 中景background 背景three-quarter shot 双人近景pan 摇镜头frame, picture 镜头still 静止double exposure 两次曝光superimposition 叠印exposure meter 曝光表print film, motion picture 影片,电影(美作:movie)newsreel 新闻片,纪录片documentary(film) 记录片,文献片filmdom 电影界literary film 文艺片musicals 音乐片comedy 喜剧片tragedy 悲剧片dracula movie 恐怖片swordsmen film 武侠片detective film 侦探片ethical film 伦理片affectional film 爱情片erotic film 黄色片western movies 西部片film d' avant-garde 前卫片serial 系列片trailer 预告片cartoon (film) 卡通片,动画片footage 影片长度full-length film, feature film 长片short(film) 短片colour film 彩色片(美作:color film)silent film 默片,无声片dubbed film 配音复制的影片,译制片silent cinema, silent films 无声电影sound motion picture, talkie 有声电影cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅玛斯科普型立体声宽银幕电影,变形镜头式宽银幕电影cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影,全景电影title 片名original version 原著dialogue 对白subtitles, subtitling 字幕credits, credit titles 对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启和姓名telefilm 电视片reel, spool (影片的)卷,本sound track音带,声带showing, screening, projection 放映projector 放映机projection booth, projection room 放映室panoramic screen 宽银幕actors 电影演员cast 阵容film star, movie star 电影明星star, lead 主角double, stand-in 替身演员stunt man 特技替身演员extra, walker-on 临时演员character actor 性格演员regular player 基本演员extra 特别客串film star 电影明星film actor 男电影明星film actress 女电影明星support 配角util跑龙套adapter 改编scenarist, scriptwriter 脚本作者dialogue writer 对白作者production manager 制片人producer 制片主任film director 导演assistant director 副导演,助理导演cameraman, set photographer 摄影师教育illiterate 文盲不识字的tutorial 辅导(课) tutor (= lecturer, instructor) discipline 学科,纪律v.s. subject dissertation 论文(= thesis)curriculum 课程来源:恒星英语网credential 证明,文凭calendar 日历,日程(~ schedule, agenda, timetable)matriculation 录取入学compulsory 强制的,必修的stationery 文具elective (选修的)prestige 声望,威信aptitude 智力SAT: School Aptitude Test recruit 招生,招募recruitment= enrollment We must cultivate/ foster the students 'ability to study on their own.The university adopts a credit system.. It takes 250 credits to graduate.It takes 250 credits to graduate. examination-oriented educationeducation for all-around development/quality-oriented education cramming method of teachingto teach students according to their aptitudeto combine ability with character; equal stress on integrity and abilityhigher educationassociate professorhonorary degreeto confer a doctor’s degree on somebody visiting professor; guest professorleast receptive to learningat the tender age书selected works, selections 选集complete works 全集anthology文集,文选scientific literature 科学文献index 索引original edition 原版(书)new edition 新版revised edition 修订版cheap edition, paperback 廉价本encyclopedia, encyclopedia百科全书textbook 教科书folio 对开本quarto 四开本octavo八开本16-mo 十六开本32-mo 三十二开本64-mo 六十四开本pocket edition 袖珍本popular edition 普及版copyright版权游戏玩中国象棋play Chinese chess玩象棋play chess玩跳棋play checkers拼图jigsaw puzzle/puzzle玩拼图work out a puzzle玩洋娃娃play with a doll放风筝fly a kite攀吊架monkey bars操场playground滑梯slide攀爬架jungle gym沙堆区sandbox打麻将play mahjong玩牌play cards/poker桥牌bridge王牌joker黑桃spade方块diamond梅花club红桃heart跷跷板seesaw老鹰抓小鸡hawk-and-chicken 捉迷藏hide-and-seek掷骰子play at dice下围棋play the game of go木偶戏puppet show旋转木马merry-go-round过山车roller coaster滑板skateboard马戏团circus教育类instruction, education 教育culture 文化primary education 初等教育secondary education 中等教育higher education 高等教育the three r's 读、写、算school year 学年term, trimester 学季semester 学期school day 教学日school holidays 假期curriculum 课程subject 学科discipline 纪律timetable 课程表class, lesson 课homework 家庭作业exercise 练习dictation 听写spelling mistake 拼写错误(short) course 短训班seminar 研讨班playtime, break 课间,休息to play truant, to play hooky 逃学,旷课course (of study) 学业student body 学生(总称)classmate, schoolmate 同学pupil 小学生student 大学生schoolboy 男生schoolgirl 女生auditor 旁听生swot, grind 用功的学生old boy 老生grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金holder of a grant, scholar, fellow 奖学金获得者school uniform 校服teaching staff 教育工作者(总称)teachers 教师(总称)primary school teacher 小学老师teacher lecturer 大学老师professor 教授schooling 教授,授课assistant 助教headmaster 校长(女性为:headmistress) deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长rector 校长dean 教务长laboratory assistant, lab assistant 实验员beadle, porter 门房,学校工友games master, gym teacher, gym instructor 体育教师private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师pedagogue 文学教师(蔑称)of school age 教龄beginning of term 开学matriculation 注册to enroll, to enroll 予以注册to take lessons (学生)上课to teach (老师)上课to study 学习to learn by heart 记住,掌握to revise, to go over 复习test 考试to test 考试to take an examination, to sit an examination, to do an examination 参加考试convocation notice 考试通知examiner 考试者board of examiners 考试团examination oral, written examination 口试,笔试question 问题question paper 试卷crib 夹带(美作:trot)to pass an examination (或exam), 通过考试pass, passing grade 升级prize giving 分配奖品to fall an examination 未通过考试failure 未考好to repeat a year 留级degree 学位graduate 毕业生to graduate 毕业project, thesis 毕业论文general certificate of education 中学毕业证书(美作:highschool diploma)holder of the general certificate of education 中学毕业生(美作:holder of a high school diploma)doctorate 博士学位doctor 博士competitive examination 答辩考试产业类advertising industry广告业aerospace industry航空和航天工业agricultural industry农业生产aircraft industry飞机制造工业airline industry航空公司;航线alcoholic beverage industry酒精饮料工业, 甜酒-白酒工业animal industry 畜牧业anti-pollution industry 反污染工业appliance industry 器械工业armament industry 军火工业arms industry 军需工业artificial petroleum industry 人造石油工业artisan industry 手工业生产assembly industry 组装[装配]工业atomic industry 原子工业baking industry 焙烤食品工业; 面包工业basic industry 基础工业, 重工业bay scallop industry 海湾扇贝养殖业bituminous industry 沥青工业book industry 图书出版业bottleneck industry 薄弱环节产业brain industry 头脑产业brewing industry 啤酒酿造工业; 酿造工业broiler-fryer industry 肉用仔鸡鸭养殖业[场] building industry 建筑工业business industry 商办工业by-product industry 副产物加工业canned foods industry 罐头食品工业capital-intensive industry 资本密集[集约]工业; 资本密集型的工业; 耗费资金的工业car industry 汽车制造工业cement industry 水泥工业ceramic industry 陶瓷工业clothing industry 服装工业, 缝纫业coal industry 煤炭工业cold storage industry 冷藏工业competitive industry 竞争性产业confectionery industry 糖食工业, 糖果工业consumer goods industry 消费品工业cottage industry 家庭手工业data processing industry 资料数据处理行业defense industries 国防工业domestic industry 家庭工业; 手工业生产electric industry 电气制造工业electric utility industry 电力工业electronic industry 电子工业electronic computer industry电子计算机工业energy industries 动力工业engineering industry 机器制造业entertainment industry 娱乐业fabricated metal industry 金属制品工业farming industry 农业生产fisheries industry 渔业, 水产业food service industry 食品行业foundry industry 铸造工业fuel industry 燃料工业furniture industry 家具工业gas industry 煤气工业glass industry 玻璃工业goods-producing industry 工业和建筑业hard carbide industry 硬质合金工业hard metal industry 硬质合金工业heavy clay industry 重粘土工业, 砖瓦工业heavy machine building industry 重型机器制造工业hog industry 养猪业home industry 本国工业; 手工业生产; 家庭工业home petroleum industry 本国石油工业horological industry 钟表[计时器]工业hotel industry 旅馆业infant industry 新生工业information industry 信息产业, 情报企业instrument industries 仪表制造业insurance industry 保险业knowledge industry 知识产业, 知识界knowledge concentrated industry 知识密集型产业labour concentrated industry 劳动密集型产业leading industry 主导产业leisure industry 娱乐产业light industry 轻工业local industry 地方工业machine-building industry 机器制造业marine products industry 水产业paper manufacturing industry造纸工业petro-chemical industry 石油化学工业petroleum industry 石油工业plastics industry 塑料工业power industry 电力工业powder metallurgy industry 粉末冶金工业rising sun industry 朝阳产业rubber industry 橡胶工业ship-building industry 造船工业shipping industry 航运业silk textile industry 丝绸工业social development industry 社会开发产业space industry 航天工业speciality industry 特产产业state-operated industry 国营工业steel industry 钢铁工业sunsetting industry 夕阳产业synthetic fiber industry 合成纤维工业tannery industry 皮革工业textile industry 纺织工业trade industry 商业部门travel industry 旅游业war industry 军事工业wood industry 木材工业yeast industry 酵母工业meat-packing industry 肉类加工业metal-processing industry金属加工业metallurgical industry 冶金工业microbiological industry 微生物工业mineral industry 采掘工业most advanced industry 尖端产业motor industry 汽车制造业munitions industry 军火工业, 军事工业neighbourhood industry 街道工业non-ferrous metals industry 有色金属工业offshore oil industry 海上石油开采业oil production industry 油脂工业opportunity industry 机会产业博物馆类history museum (历史博物馆)military museum(军事博物馆),art museum(艺术博物馆)science museum(科技博物馆), natural museum(自然博物馆)public museum(公立博物馆)private museum(私人博物馆), specialized museum(专业博物馆)中国节日的英文表达法如spring festival (春节),lantern festival (元宵节),dragon-boat festival(端午节),mid-autumn festival (中秋节)事件be born出生start school入学immigrate 移民graduate毕业learn to drive学习开车join the army参军get a job就业become a citizen成为公民rent an apartment租公寓go to college 上大学fall in love恋爱get married 结婚have a baby 生孩子travel旅游buy a house买房子move搬家have a grandchild获得孙子/孙女die死亡milestone里程碑turning point 转折点memorable 印象深刻an eye-opening experience/ an eye opener 打开眼界的事情take… seriously 认真做…put all my effort in …全力以赴干…impressed 印象深刻inspired 受激励realize the import ance of …意识到… 的重要性jump up for job快乐的跳起来have the time of my life 玩的非常快乐shocked 惊呆了in a daze 呆celebrate 庆祝birth certificate 出生证diploma 文凭degree学位resident alien card居留卡driver’s license 驾照social security card社会保险卡certificate of naturalization 入籍证明marriage license 结婚证passport and visa护照/签证recall 回忆deep impression印象深刻effect on me对我的影响think it over反复思考stay in my mind留在我的心里家居用品AAdjustable bed 可调床Air bed 气床Anti-slip strip for stairs (儿童床)防滑楼梯打击扶手Antique furniture 古式家具Antique reproduction furniture 仿古家具Armchair 扶手椅BBaby crib 婴儿床Backless wall-unit 不设背板的壁橱Bamboo furniture 竹家具Banqueting chair 宴会椅Barstool 吧椅Bathroom accessories浴室配套装置Bathroom combination 浴室组合柜Bathroom consoles 浴室多用架Bathroom furniture 浴室家具Bathroom vanity 浴室盥洗台Batten door 板条门Bed base床架,床套Bed base set 成套床架Bedroom suite 卧室系列家具Bedstead 床架Bentwood furniture 曲木家具Beside table 床头柜Birch door 桦木门Board-room and conference table 会议桌Bookcase 书柜Bookshelf 书架Built-in kitchen 配套厨房家具Bunk 双层床Bunk bed 双层床CCabin bed 儿童多功能床Cabin furniture for ships 船用家具Canopy bed 带天篷的床,四柱床CD-video storage cabinet边音响组合柜Chair with castors 脚轮椅Changing table 可调桌Chest of drawers 多屉橱柜Child cot 童床Children’s b ed 儿童床Children’s bedroom suite 儿童卧房系列家具Children’s chair 儿童椅CKD(complete knock down) 整体拆装式家具Clothes rail 挂衣杆Cocktail cabinet 吧柜,酒柜Cocktail table 鸡尾酒桌Coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌Combine-unit 组合柜Composite furniture 复合家具Console 小桌Console table (装在墙上的)蜗形腿台桌Contract furniture 订做家具,承建家具Contract programmes 订做家具Corner sofa suite 拐角扶杆Cot 童床(婴儿床)Couch 长沙发椅Cupboard 橱柜Cupboard wall unit for flat 套房衣柜Curtain 窗帘,挂帘Customized furniture 订做家具DDecorative lighting 装饰灯具Dining room furniture 餐厅家具Dining room set 起居室配套家具Dining table 餐桌Divan 长沙发,沙发床Dividing wall and fitted wall unit 隔墙板及系列DIY furniture 自装式家具Double-bed 双人床Double function sofa-bed 双人沙发床Double sided mirror 双面镜Draughtsman chair 吧椅Drawer 抽屉Dressing table 梳妆台EEasy chair 轻便椅End table 茶几Entrance hall furniture 门厅家具Exterior door户外门FFiling cabinet 文件柜Fireplace壁炉Fitment 固定家具Fitting 家居用品Flap 翻门Flower stand 花架Flush door 平面门,全板门Folding chair 折叠椅Folding furniture 折叠家具Folk furniture 民间家具Foot-stool 踏脚凳Framed mirror 带框镜子French-type furniture 模式家具French cabinet 法式桌椅弯脚French door 玻璃门Function sofa多功能沙发椅Furniture for bedrooms 卧室家具Furniture for public premises 公共场所家具GGame table 玩具桌Gate-leg table折叠桌Glass cabinet 玻璃陈设柜Glass case玻璃陈设柜Glass unit and container 玻璃容器制品Glazed door 玻璃门HHall furniture 厅房家具Hat and coat stand 衣帽架Headboard 床头Heirloom quality furniture 祖传家具High bed 儿童高脚床(不带屉柜)High chair 高脚椅Highback executive chair 高背办公椅Home furniture 家庭家具,民用家具Home office furniture 家庭办公家具Hotel furniture 酒店家具Household furniture 家庭家具Hutch碗架IInstitutional furniture 风俗家具,公用家具JJunior desk chair 学生书桌椅KKitchen block /kitchen rock 厨房地砖Kitchen cabinet 餐具柜Kitchen chair, stool and bench 厨房椅、圆凳及条椅Kitchen fitment 厨房固定家具Kitchen table 厨房餐桌Kitchen unit 厨房成套家具LLamp table 灯桌Lath grid 板条格Ledged door 直板门Link chair 写字板椅Living room furniture 起居室家具Locker 衣帽柜Lounge furniture 客厅家具Louvered door 百叶窗柜门Lowback executive chair 低背办公椅Lowback guest chair 低背来宾椅Lowback visitor chair 低背接待椅MManagerial mediumback chair 中背经理椅Margined flush door 镶边平板门Mattress 床垫,席梦思Mediumback executive chair 中背办公椅Metal furniture金属家具Mirror door 玻璃门Mirror for chest of drawers 多屉柜梳妆镜Multi-purpose sofa 多用沙发Multi-purpose table 多用桌NNest 茶几OOccasional furniture 配套家具,休闲家具Occasional table 休闲桌Office furniture 办公家具Office seating 办公座椅Office table 办公桌PPartition wall 隔断Pembroke table 折面桌Planters chair 园艺工用椅Plastic furniture 塑料家具Play furniture 娱乐家具Presidential highback chair 高背办公椅Pull-out table 伸缩餐具RRattan furniture 藤家具Recliner 躺椅Refectory table长餐桌Rocking chair 摇摆椅Rotary chair 转椅Rustic style furniture 乡村风格家具rectangular table 长方桌red-lacquered chest 红漆木箱round bed 圆床round stool 圆凳round table 圆桌round-backed armchair 圈椅SSchool table 课桌screen 屏风Seat 座椅secretaire 写字桌(尤指有抽屉及分类格者) Secretarial chair 秘书椅sectional sofa 拼合沙发semi-CKD 半拆装家具separate wine cabinet 独立厨柜serving table 送餐桌settee; chaise longue 长靠椅shelving combination 组合架shoe rack 鞋架side table 小桌sideboard 餐具柜simmous bed 席梦思床single bed 单人床slat stool 板条凳sleeper sofa 可睡沙发sofa 沙发sofa bed 沙发床sofa table 沙发桌soft chair 软椅spring bed; steel cot 钢丝床;弹簧床spring-seat chair 弹簧座椅square stool 方凳square table 方桌steel chair 扶手椅steel desk 钢制写字台steel safe 保险柜step stool 梯凳stool 凳子;搁脚凳storage for umbrellas 伞架straight back chair 直背椅strong box; safe 保险箱studio couch 单人沙发床suitcase; trunk 衣箱;小型旅行箱swivel armchair 帆布折叠躺椅swivel-top stool 转动凳传统节日过年 celebrate the spring festival春联 spring festival couplets剪纸 paper-cuts年画 new year paintings买年货do shopping for the spring festival ; do spring festival shopping敬酒 propose a toast灯笼 lantern烟花 fireworks爆竹firecrackers (people scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.)红包red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, sy mbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.)舞狮lion dance (the lion is believed to be able to di spel evil and bring good luck.)舞龙dragon dance (to expect good weather and go od harvests)戏曲 traditional opera杂耍 variety show灯谜 riddles written on lanterns灯会 exhibit of lanterns守岁 staying-up拜年pay new years call; give new years greetings; pay new years visit禁忌 taboo去晦气 get rid of the ill- fortune祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to ones ancestors压岁钱gift money; money given to children as a lun ar new year gift culture note: in the old days, new years money was given in the form of on e hundred copper coins strung together on a re d string and symbolized the hope that one wo uld live to be a hundred years old. today, mon ey is placed inside red envelopes in denomina tions considered auspicious and given to repre sent luck and wealth 辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year扫房 spring cleaning; general house-cleaning 年糕 nian-gao; rise cake; new year cake团圆饭 family reunion dinner年夜饭 the dinner on new years eve饺子 jiao-zi; chinese meat ravioli生活场景词汇旅行咨询:travel agency 旅行社coach 经济仓make a reservation 预定book the ticket 预定票confirm a reservation 确定定位cancel one’s reservation 取消定位first come, first reservation 先到先服务原则timetable 时刻表fare 票价saver ticket 优惠票toll 通行费airport tax 机场税open ticket 开放机票duty-free shop 免税店one-way ticket 单程票round-trip ticket 往返票vacant seat 空座excess change 超重direct/ non-stop flight 直达航班connecting-flight 转机layover/ stopover 中途停留check in 办理登记手续passport 护照visa 签证credit card 信用证driving license 驾照expire (信用卡,护照)过期destination 目的地flight number 航班号take off 起飞land 降落motel 汽车旅馆hostel 青年旅馆e.t.d (estimated time of arrival) 预计起飞时间e.t.a (estimated time of departure) 预计抵达时间常用句型:I’d like to book _______.I’d like to order _______.I’d like to _____.What hours are you open _______?What time do you open/ close _______?饮食场景restaurant 餐馆dining-hall 餐厅canteen 食堂buffet 自助餐café小餐馆(无酒水)cafeteria(self-service) 自助餐厅pub 酒吧a la carte (按菜单)逐道点菜regular dinner 套餐drive-in 路边餐厅(免下车)bakery 面包店pizzeria 比萨饼店snack bar 小吃店tavern 客栈picnic (郊游)野餐banquet 宴会feast 盛宴spread 大餐,酒席酒水饮料alcohol 酒精饮料beer 啤酒beverage 饮料brandy 白兰地cider 苹果汁,苹果酒cock tail 鸡尾酒coffee 咖啡liquor (烈)酒mineral water 矿泉水lager 淡啤酒lemonade 柠檬汁soda/ tonic 苏打水whisky 威士忌wine 葡萄酒aperitif 开胃酒strong drink 酒的总称肉类消费bacon 熏肉barbecue 烤肉宴beef 牛肉crab 螃蟹fillet 肉片fowl 禽肉grease 动物油脂ham 后腿jerry 肉冻lamb 小羊肉lard 猪油lobster 龙虾mince 肉末mutton 羊肉pork 猪肉poultry 家禽roast 烤肉sausage 香肠slice 肉的薄片squid 鱿鱼veal 小牛肉venison 鹿肉bacon 熏猪肉tripe 牛肚trout 鳟鱼halibut 大比目鱼salmon 鲑鱼catfish 鲶鱼carp 鲤鱼haddock 黑红鳕鱼pike 梭子鱼cod 鳕鱼eel 鳗鱼herring 鲱鱼mackerel 鲭鱼shark 鲨鱼蔬菜消费aubergine 茄子cabbage 包心菜cauliflower 花椰菜celery 芹菜leek 韭菜lettuce 莴苣,生菜marmalade 柑橘。
雅思8000词汇表(顺序版) 汇总 - C

1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224

雅思口语分类词汇1. all about the weatherthe weather is usually connected to your hometown.the response need not be very long,but you should be able to make clear statements about the general weather patterns,and a brief summary of the different seasons. Essential vocabularyCelsius rainyminus spring seasonsfluctuates Gusty wind summer comfortable Afternoonshower storms winter mildmoist dustflooding climate drought thunder Dry spell humid sunny snow misty dry valley altitude breeze temperature cloudy fog Typoons winds Clear sky smog downpour central degrees fallmonsoon2. all about transportationthis topic is often used in the latter part of stage1.you may be asked to compare various forms of transportation or be asked to comment on the changes.you may be asked your opinions as well. essential vocabularyconvenient Rush hours winding regulations restrictionsBus/subway linecrowded parking cyclists Express routeconstruction exhaustFreeway walkway exithills Heavy traffic Obey traffic rules Overheadcrossing slippery Wide/narrow highway Lorry/truck speed steep Traffic jamBumperto bumperTraffic lightsWell-maintainedLand/alleypedestrians bridges Dusty roads Overhead crossing portintersection blocked accidents flyovers3. all about my jobthe topic will very likely come up if you are currently working.you need to be carefull about the terms of your work.. many of them can be anticipated. Essential vocabulary dutiescoordinateIn charge of employed responsibilitiserepresent routine Fired/sacked hired Under pressured Day off trained boss Junior level Do overtime recruited State owned salary On leave resume Foreign owned handle rewarding Job title Joint venture operatechallengingexecutiveresignedDay to day conditions quit promoted submitcareerposition assist deadline ambitions conduct4. all about my studiesif you are on the academic module,it is very likely that you will be asked about current,past,or Essential vocabulary Major in Teaching styleproffessorcurriculumGraduated fromTechnical programHomework headmaster Post graduate electivesterm Key school subject pass semester roommates First year failPublic schoolcafeteriaschoolarship Class size Private school Class monitor lecturesSit in rowsclassmatesqualified examination Under stressthesis review dormitory assignment Teachingmethods memorize Bachelor/master estracurricular entranceanalyse degree activities tutorial5. all about my travels&placesyou are often asked questions about your travels and usually this will be connected to questio ns about holidays or leisure. It may be helpful to think of a few places you’ve been to in china and some ways to describe them. souvenirs twisted Imperial palacegrasslandflightRock formationGreat wallsunset book Rich culture climb glaciers Deep impression lively Take pictures altitude view statues Plant life limestonescenery summit Deep gorges cliffs tourists Deep valleywildlifehistoric sites Steep canyons sunbathing temples On tourwaveswaterfallshrines relax sunrise The shore pagodas6. all about my leisure timeyour hobbies and spare time are a very common topic and it follows after you have answered some questions about studies or work.Spend time with browse Surf the internet Crazy about collecting rest A fan of painting Lang out with match Get together with persistence relaxteahouse Take classes in patience Keep in touch with Internet cafe concert Keep fit Have a good time puzzle opera chatting practice cards skills Take picturesGo out with Have a trip Kill time hiking exercise Get caught up withTake up_ing Steep in Go on the internet Make friendscalligraphyshopping7. all about my futurethe future is a topic frequently asked in relation to your study plans or work plans overseas.generally, it would relate to what place you chose(and why?and your plans after you granduate or find a job.you may also be asked to comment any cultural concerns. concerns Kill time Make contacts mindset intend Culture shock vist contribute mannerisms Home-stay homesick patientambition Accustomed toobjective Settle in Managemy time Way of lifecarrer desire upgrade likelihood Pace of life independent customs Get used tobalancelonelyprovesocietyadapt concentrate apply accommodation Try out Goal/aim focus established Self-improvement experience8. all about my shoppingoften questions about shopping in your hometown arise. These questions are just your general view of the shopping places, and perhaps some comparisons to shops from different time-periods of places.stores retail Gift shops essential Departmentstores cheat Imported goods luxuries prices Good deal quality Odds and ends display defect features Shopping bag Windowshopping Priated goods variety modern serviceparkingSales staff Window display On sale Standard of living Store layoutholidays bargain pay fashion Opening hours goods wholesale In style special Cost of livingbrowsingtrendyboxes9. all bout my language studiesyou will occasionally be asked some questions about studying a foreign language like English. The questions are generally not meant to elicit many details,more likely they are designed to get our overall impressions of the challenges and benefits.memorize confident proverbs vocabulary practicetoUsedtranslatesound structuresgrammarintonation rhythm accent Word block Tongue tiedpersist recite persist forget tone Strike up Learn by heart dictation speech fluentaccurate familiarmakesPracticebrave Freetalkperfectface stutter phrases smoothly nervous Loserelaxidioms pronunciationhesitate Nativespeaker10. all bout my sports activitiesyou are ofter asked about sports and competition in stage one. You may be asked aboutthe sport you like, or your countrymen,and perhaps why you like them/it.exercise audience participate team excitingexcitingpopularfitskills energy Keepbadmintonstressease Releaseatstrength volleyball Feeltennis Keep in shape ball play stadiumbroadcast goalshape Livebroadcast match Outofcompate score practice Play for fun fieldkick active prize racquet excellent schedule Livegame spectator hit graceful11. all about my familyyou may be asked some brief questions about your family and you may get some questions about your opinion of certain family issues. The key is to remain brief. Remember your family can include your parents and relatives(extended familyas well as your immediate family.Nuclear family wedding cousins treat Get together Passed away personalities nag elders divorcedto opposite resemble encourage relatives Writerretired supporthomesickfeed disciplinemiss raised Keep in touch Only child Extendedfamilystrict Easy going guide Grew up Get alongBrought up scold Close knit married modelfightcriticize argue Movedout12. all about food and restaurants of my countrycommonly you are asked about food and restaurants from your hometown. The interviewer just wants to see if you can briefly describe them and then give your impressions. spicyHigh in fatMakes my tongue numbpork menu herbs spices beef helpings soup hot lamb fresh chopsticks imperial duck nutritious smell bitter mixed oily stew sweet steamed dishes Popular chefsaltydumplingsUnique tasteStir friedtaste snacks fried Hot pot baked boiled variety delicious hygienic healthy13. all bout music from my countryyou may be asked about music usually in stage two but sometimes in stage one. You do not need to use complicated jargon to express yourself here. It is enough just to express your preferences and why you like it.melody Hum along seats tone lyrices rock harmony relaxed singer loudorchestra drums band easy folk piano concert listening jazz Play a tune Well-known rhythminstrument meaningful voiceLove songsbellsSad songsclassicaltickets chord Heavy metals pop stimulates noted Words of a songFun of Dance to beat pitchcharacter14. all about my friendships and relationshipsgenerally you are asked questions about a friendship in stage 2or3. most of the time you center on a brief description of the person’s personality and appearance and then an explanation of why you are such good friends.Sense of humour plump stout behavior reliable In common short Smiley face Rely on devoted Same interest tall easygoingLong lost friend upright Hang around High cheek bone dilligentMutual respect Strong bonding Stand by me Tall nose extrovert admire character trustworthy Full lip introvert Think highly ofchubbysecretsslenderloyalHave a high regards forCurly hairLostcontact/touch muscular friendship Shared the same interestDepend on15. all about my experiences-good and badvery often,stage two topics involve experiences.these experiences can be good or bad or bad or learning experiences. The emphasis is not so much on the details but also on your reactions to the events. Once i… Took…seriously Put all my effort in realized finally Enjoy myself Jump or joy Scared to death impressed overjoyed shocked In a daze celebrated beyond stunned Snapped out of “believe my eyes”Taken backspeechless Get over it recall mood Deep impression unforgettable Never forget the time Turned around With all my might memoryEffect on me beliefThought it over Stayed in my mind admire Couldn’t face it suddenly Learning experience react eeriePut up withencouraged16. all bout my home and buildings from my countrythis topic could be in stage one or stage two,and of course,if it is stage two you will be expected to give more details. However,you do not need many elaborate words to describe it. A few good adjectives and being able to communicate what effect such as buidings or your home has on you is enough. skyscraper corridor City centre upgrade diningroom tiles industrial expandkitchen bricks bustling varietyarchitectureFull of lifeHigh quality materials17.all about festivals and occationsthis has been a very popular stage two topic,as it is something the interviewers presume you have knowledge. Popular topics are holiday festivals but wedding and ceremonies have also been stage three usually flows into the issues of cultures and traditions versus modernization.celebrate toastFirewor displayk High regards for…symbolism Set off fireworksGet-together dumplings Normal practicereminiscedecorate Spring festival Round table dinner legend represent honourmid-autumnFamily reunioncarnival Lavish displayfestivalPay respect to Dragon boat festivalethnicity normsignificance traditional Labour day societyRitual practicefeastcustomary National day acceptable ceremonial paradeRed packet Re-establish linkrespect formality superstition18.all about people in different parts of chinayou may be asked to talk about differences in the people in different parts of china. This might include north,south,central,east and west,but it could also include rural and urban people or ethnic groups. The key thing is to focus on differences, and the reasons for these differences,hospitable conservative role ethnicWay of lifeStraight forward Leadsimple lives housingLead a different life Pace of life Business orientedDown to earthoccupationextrovertedminoritieswealthy poor infrastructure optimistic hardworkingshrewd cunning mindset reserved lazy climate Entertain themselves habits Hot tempered curiousOpen-minded Spend their time customs shrewd backwardoutgoing accommodation mannerism Engage in shy19.all about classes you have studied or learnedyou may be asked to talk about a specific learing experience you’ve had.often the goal of the interviewer is to see if you can talk about a process. Concentrate on both the chronological process and what you gained from it. reviewed Take notes Trial and errorpassscheduleattend shortcut Burn the mid might oil achievement persecerance Master the skill held Try again Reach my goal defects RelievedWith easetricktechniqueTry hardtricky repetition preview Stayed up advise frustrating Take it seriously absorb Learned the rope workloadOver-time Put my heartabsorbrefinedfallproud Got through strategies tutored20.all about the environment in my countrythe environment is always a popular topic in stage three. It is assumed everyone has some thoughts on it. It helps if you know problems causes, and can offer solutions. Pollution pesticides ozonesmogerosion emissions fertilizers Greenhouse effect Air qualitySense of Dumping waste chemicals contaminate logging appreciation Plant treesnitrogenrecycle Over-fishing soilextinct coal reuse exhaust Over-development conservation poachinglitterCarbon dioxidePass regulations The state of(e.g.the en ironmentresources garbage Sulphur dioxide fineTake measures EI Nino awarenessrestrictions21.all bout modern technology in my countrythis is a classic stage three topic, talking about the effects of technology. You may be asked about technology in all 3 stages,but in stage three the questions become deeper. It is presumed that you can speak of the effects and changes. modernization advance integrateinstantlyBrand newglobalisation Latestdevelopment system technical install evolving automatically Top-natch revolution hardwareInformation age multifunctional features connect restructureintegration State of the art transfer wirelessPinpoint upgrade automation High powered stageaccurateStay on topHeavyindustriessoftware outdated electronicHigh tech industries design parts retraining e-commerce22.all about changes in societythis is one of the most important topics and it covers almost all 3 stages, but particularly important in stage3. can you think of various ways your hometown, county and yourself has changed?substantial innovation Day bu day Sense of communityInformation ageRapiddevelopment improvement gradually dependence Global village Rise in Take over steadily reduce impersonal Keep up withmillenniumGrowing demandLook intoUp to dateAt a…rate century gapexperiment retrain The use of effect reconstructionacknowledgeWay of thinking The latest shapeconnected Keep pace revitalize transformed revolutionSelf identity technicalOpening up23.all about educational issues in my countryalthough you will probably describe your current or [ast educational activity in stage one ,you may also be asked to discuss educational issue in stage3,particularly if the stage 2topic involves a learning issues or a teacher. Key to this topic is simply how you feel about the current state of education, the positive and negative things and what solutions are possible.emphasize subjectcomplained Key schools foundationfocus pass parents interaction Analyticalthinking creativity streaming deeptextbooks Problem solvingdrills Special needs encourage competitive projects obedience Down play Well-rounded curriculum Independentwork homework promote basisExam-based markinggrades stress facilitate discipline develop facilities Critical thinking supervision training obey24.all about social problems in my countrythis is a very likely topic to come up, and it has appeared even in stage one. Your focus is on the reason for them and you are not expected to a sociologist. Just guess, speculate. You are not marked for your knowledge.rising surface equality ignored Burden impact Pass legislation status exposed plunge society Way of thinking Voice concern Take measures Stem from Feel the strain awareness corruption alleviated underlying root Over-dependencedevelopment sharp Come together ongoingSelf sufficientThe strainpanic rapid pace neglected The pressure gap growth symptoms suppressed Can’t take it declinesolution25.all about the media in my countryusually the media topic will arise in stage three as a connection to a news issue. The issue will typically revolve around your view of different types of media and your justified preference. It may appear in stage one but most likely stage two and particularly stage three.reliable libelarticle Live reports blasprint censor correspondentsregulations publishaccurate Free lance verify distribute broadcast independent download credible irresponsible view reportpropagandadutyUp to dateCheck sourcessensationalism obligationThe latest websites tabloidjournalists objective standards Gossip professional subjective qualifications restrictions instantly analysis。

Workprofession职业secretary 秘书photographer 摄影师fashion designer 时装设计师engineer 工程师office clerk 文员bank clerk银行职员freelancer 自由工作者journalist 记者accountant 会计civil servant 公务员tourist guide 导游college professor大学教授financial advisor金融分析师HR manager 人力资源经理pharmacist 药剂师urban planner城市规划师psychological therapist心理医师veterinarian 兽医architect建筑师service industries服务行业responsibility责任duty 职责coordinate调节in charge of 管理,负责conduct 开展,管理employed 被雇佣的hired 受雇的routine惯例fired/sacked 被开除的under pressured 有压力的hectic忙碌不停地exhausting疲惫的intricate错综复杂的day off 放假trained 训练有素的junior level初级do overtime 加班recruited 重组的state owned 国有的,国营的foreign owned 外商独资salary 工资on leave 休假resume 简历handle 处理,操作,驾驭rewarding 有益的,有回报的joint venture 合资企业operate 操纵,经营challenging 挑战的executive n.主管,a.行政的day to day 每天的quit 辞职job-hopping 跳槽promoted 升迁的career 事业position 职务assist 帮助deadline 最后期限ambitions抱负,雄心career prospect职业前景realize one’s potential实现某人的潜能a sense of satisfaction andachievement满足感和成就感passionate 富有激情的tempting bonus诱人的奖金network of professional contact人际关系网brand image品牌形象give sb incentive to do sth强烈地刺激某人做某事win-win situation双赢的事情Studyjunior high school初中senior high school高中junior college student大专生freshman 大一生sophomore大二生junior大三生senior大四生postgraduate研究生math(mathematics)数学Chinese 语文English英语physics 物理chemistry 化学biology 生物politics 政治history历史geography 地理PE 体育art class美术课music class音乐课computer class计算机课major (in)v. 专修accounting会计philosophy哲学sociology社会学linguistics 语言学boarding school 寄宿学校teaching style 授课风格professor教授curriculum课程graduated from毕业于headmaster(中小学)校长electives选修科目term学期semester学期key school重点大学subject科目pass(考试)及格roommate室友first year第一年fail不及格public school公立学校cafeteria自助食堂scholarship奖学金class size班额private school私立学校class monitor班长student in charge of Englishstudy 英语课代表lecture讲座classmate同学qualified合格的examination考试dormitory寝室,宿舍(dorm)assignment作业homework家庭作业memorize背诵bachelor/master学士/硕士extra-curricular课外的entrance入学degree学位strong suit强项inspire启发encourage鼓励cram knowledge into brain 死记硬背Shoppingstore 店铺,商店luxury奢侈品chain连锁店independent retailer独立零售商purchase购买flog卖haggle讨价还价pick out挑选wholesale批发retail 零售retail therapy购物疗法gift shop 礼品店department store百货公司cheat 欺诈imported goods进口商品luxuries奢侈品price价格good deal 合理交易quality 质量odds and ends 零碎的东西display展示defect 瑕疵feature 特色shopping bag购物袋window shopping 橱窗购物pirated good盗版商品variety 品种,多样化modern 现代,摩登service 服务parking 停车sales staff 推销人员window display橱窗展示on sale 大减价standard of living 生活标准store layout店面设计holiday 假期bargain 讨价还价pay 付账fashion 时尚opening hours 营业时间follow fashion追求时尚fashionista时尚专家designer clothes 大牌服装resist temptation抵制诱惑hip时尚的,流行的Burberry巴宝莉Tiffany & Co蒂芙尼LV路易.威登Cartier卡地亚Versace范思哲Gucci古奇Fendi芬迪Valentino华伦天奴daily necessity日常生活用品eye-dazzling 眼花缭乱的shopping freak购物卡rip-off 宰人的东西pocket money零花钱pay by credit 分期付款credit card信用卡afford 负担,买得起House & Houseworkflat 公寓apartment公寓house 别墅villa 别墅mansion 豪华宅邸skyscraper摩天大厦floor 楼层garden 花园swimming pool 游泳池garage 车库community 小区fountain 喷泉statue 雕像south-facing 朝南的living room 客厅bedroom卧室master bedroom主卧dining room 饭厅kitchen 厨房bathroom 浴室,卫生间bathtub浴缸balcony阳台French window落地窗wallpaper壁纸layout布局furniture家具armchair扶手椅sofa沙发tea table 茶几dresser 梳妆台decoration 装潢intimate flavor温馨氛围ever-soaring house prices不断增长的房价multifunctional多功能的housekeeper管家relieve解放hourly worker小时工laundry 洗衣店,待洗的(洗好的)衣服mop the floor拖地sweep with broom用扫帚扫地rub up擦亮spotless一尘不染stainless无尘的Hometownlocal当地人,当地的native当地人,当地的urban district 市区suburb郊区countryside乡下be situated in 位于be located at 位于lie 位于capital city 首都,省会inhabitant 居民citizen 市民province 省landscape 风景splendid 壮丽的,极好的spectacular 壮观的marvelous 奇迹般的westernize 使…西化city hall 市政厅,市政府natural environment 自然环境climatic conditions气候条件landmark地标建筑hospitable 好客的generous大方的,慷慨的helpful 给予帮助的feel at home 自在earthshaking changes翻天覆地的变化mayor 市长enhance economic development促进经济发展维持生态平衡rush hour上下班高峰期traffic jam 交通堵塞exhaust pollution 废气污染Familynuclear family核心家庭,小家庭only child 独生子女pass away 去世niece 侄女nephew 侄子mother-in-law 配偶的母亲cousin 表兄妹divorce离婚well-respected 备受尊敬的typical 典型的strict 严格要求的family structure家庭结构one-child policy 独生子女政策controversial有争议的populous 人口稠密overpopulation 人口过剩Hobbies&Interestesrelaxation消遣,松弛pastime娱乐,消遣leisure pursuit 休闲追求amuse oneself by 用…来消遣unwind by 放松kill time by 消磨时间hobby 爱好interest 兴趣TV series电视连续剧sitcom室内情景剧sit-situation室内情景剧com-comedy室内情景剧talk shows 脱口秀celebrity talk show名人(脱口秀)访谈quiz shows周期娱乐节目(非常6+1)cartoons卡通documentary记实节目go riding 骑马sing karaoke唱卡拉OKsurf the internet上网rock climbing攀岩drive out of town for a trip去郊外游玩go camping 露营go skiing滑雪add a lot of spice to给…增添了很多乐趣go clubbing泡夜店OTAKU 宅男nerd书呆子play mahjong 打麻将play poker 打扑克play/practice Tai Chi 打太极play house 玩过家家play hopscotch跳房子drop the handkerchief 丢手绢儿dance Yangko扭秧歌儿locking锁舞new jazz新爵士popping机械舞free style自由风breaking霹雳舞traditional folk dance 传统民族舞蹈to the maximum在最大程度上adorable惹人喜爱的seductive and frisky诱人且活泼的FoodClay oven rolls烧饼Fried bread stick油条Steamed buns馒头Steamed dumplings蒸饺Salted duck egg咸鸭蛋Soybean milk 豆浆Rice porridge 稀饭Sliced noodles刀削面steak 牛排well done 全熟medium 五分熟rare 三分熟specialty 招牌菜buffet 自助餐fast food 快餐today's special 今日特餐pickled vegetables 泡菜poached egg 荷包蛋scramble eggs 炒蛋boiled egg 煮蛋fried egg 煎蛋black tea 红茶mineral water 矿泉水appetizer 开胃菜green salad 蔬菜沙拉beef 牛肉pork 猪肉chicken 鸡肉mutton 羊肉local dish 地方菜Cantonese cuisine 广东菜curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭plain rice 白饭fire pot 火锅meat bun 肉包子preserved bean curd 腐乳bean curd 豆腐pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋dried turnip 萝卜干string bean 四季豆pea 豌豆green soy bean 毛豆cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜broccoli 花椰菜mater convolvulus 空心菜celery 芹菜agar-agar 紫菜lettuce 生菜spinach 菠菜leek 韭菜caraway 香菜preserved Szechwan pickle榨菜bamboo shoot 竹笋dried bamboo shoot 笋干chives 韭黄卜carrot 胡萝卜loofah 丝瓜pumpkin 南瓜bitter gourd 苦瓜cucumber 黄瓜white gourd 冬瓜needle mushroom 金针菇tomato 番茄eggplant 茄子salt 盐sugar 糖monosodium glutamate ,gourmet powder 味精vinegar 醋sweet 甜sour 酸bitter 苦Cooking Method fried 煎deep fried 炸(干炸)quick-fried/stir-fried(爆)炒braised 炖(烧)stewed 闷(炖、煨)steamed蒸smoked 熏roast 烤spicy 麻辣in brown sauce 红烧in soy sauce 酱汁with sweet and sour flavor糖醋slices 片cubes 块====================== Newspapers& Magazines & Reading front-page headline 头版头条paparazzi 狗仔队tabloid journalist 小报记者insider scoop 内部消息the whole dish-the-dirt thing 所有这些散步流言蜚语的食物gossip is ugly 闲话害人an enormous revolutionary change 一个巨大的革命性的变革======================eye-catching 吸引人眼球的glance at newspapers 浏览报纸jump into one's eyes 映入眼帘intrigue sb to 吸引某人去gather, report and interpret收集、报告和解释prerequisite 前提条件,先决条件with no embroidery 没有任何添加东西make up 编造shocking news 骇人听闻的=======================新闻mislead sb into doing sth 误导某人做某事visual difference 视觉上的不同publication 出版物headline 头版头条teacher about what is inside thatissue 那一期(杂志)里边的内容标题parate cover 独立的封面on glossy paper 两面纸be targeted at 以为目标minimum technical jargon 最少的技术术语clichéd 老套的,俗气的MovieA big fan of film 影迷Hollywood blockbuster 好莱坞大片rush to the cinema and check it out 冲到电影院看romantic film 言情片tragedy 悲剧comedy 喜剧action film 动作片thriller 惊悚片release 上映resist the temptation from抵制来自于..的诱惑big hit 大片,大制作film's debut 电影的首映tempting 吸引人的audio and visual enjoyment 听觉和视觉的享受hold a candle to 和媲美it is totally one's call 某人说了算cater for all tastes 满足所有人的口味realize one's value of commodity 实现了其商品价值cultural phenomenon 文化现象cram into the cinema 冲进电影院box office incomes 票房收入martial art 功夫片create a miracle 创造了一个奇迹internationally renowned film director 国际知名电影导演an intriguing plot 一个引人入胜的情节a grand spectacle 宏大的场面special effects 特技an enormous budget 庞大的预算massive advertising 大量的广告宣传smash hit 轰动的大片offset the costs 抵消成本reap considerable profits 获得巨额利润bomb at the box office 票房惨遭失败a high budget 高预算an all-star cast 全明星阵容a grand spectacle 宏大的场面createhuge influence 给.造势celebrity 名人gaudy special effects 华而不实的特技local audiences 本土观众down-to-earth 务实的,实在的Animalgiant pandas大熊猫black-and-white Chinesebears 黑白相间的中国熊cuddly-looking mammals可爱的哺乳动物cat-like eyes像猫的眼睛Manchurian tiger 东北虎impressive animals 记忆深刻的动物orange and black stripes 橙黄黑斑纹powerful clauses and teeth尖利的牙齿和爪子gorgeous feathers 漂亮的羽毛Transportshuttle 公共汽车、飞机等往返于两地之间的定期班次underground subway 地铁commute to work乘公交上下班first gear 一档second gear 二档motor scooter 小型摩托车pushbike 自行车limousine 豪华轿车environmentally friendly 环保的be jammed into a teeny, tinycompartment 被塞到一个特小特小的车厢中rush hour 上下班高峰期commuters are packed likesardines 上下班的人被挤得沙丁鱼一样drive people nuts 让人发疯get stuck in the traffic jam陷入交通堵塞中motor vehicle 机动车辆pedestrian 行人violate the traffic rules 违反交通规则pedicab 三轮车exposed to weather, can onlycarry one passenger, moredangerous than a carChildhoodearly years 早年infancy 婴儿期formative years 性格形成期adolescence 青春期childish 幼稚的,傻里傻气的adolescent 青春期的,青少年in the prime of one's life 黄金时期Timepunctual守时的to plan ahead预先安排on time及时on schedule及时,准时deadline最后期限timely及时的a rush job紧急工作at short notice马上,短期的to be behind time迟到to delay耽搁to put off doing sth推迟做某事to leave sth till the last moment事情放到最后做to procrastinate拖延postpone推迟overdue过期the due time到期时间the due date到期时间prompt推动fall behind落下be behindrush冲hurry急着urgent紧急的cram挤(时间)be pressed for time时间紧迫的crash study program应急学习计划timetable时间表schedule时间表fritter away one’s time浪费short-term goal短期目标long-term goal长期目标goal-setting设立目标priority优先权efficient有效的organized有安排的flexible灵活的Flowerflora植物群petal花瓣a bunch of 一束hay fever花粉热cultivate栽培sneeze嗅fragrant芬芳的sweet-scented芳香的blooming盛开的give off 散发香味lotus flower荷花cactus仙人掌daisy雏菊forget-me-nota勿忘我tulip郁金香violet紫罗兰lavender薰衣草lily百合jasmine茉莉花cosmos大波斯菊cherry樱花carnation康乃馨。

雅思⼝语话题分类词汇1雅思⼝语part2“实物类”物品话题描述⾓度:⼀、外观;⼆、功能;三、精神价值外观1.材料:plastic 塑料 wood ⽊头 metal ⾦属 silver 银 copper 铜 wool ⽺⽑ cotton 棉花 marble ⼤理⽯2.颜⾊:brown 棕⾊ purple 紫⾊ light blue 浅蓝⾊ dark grey 深灰⾊ pure green 纯绿⾊ sky blue 天蓝⾊3.形状:heart-shaped ⼼形的 round 圆形的 oval 椭圆的 curved 弧形的 rectangular 长⽅形的 square 正⽅形的spherical 球形的 triangular 三⾓形的4.尺⼨:compact 轻便易携带的 tiny 微⼩的 huge / enormous 巨⼤的 life-sized 与真⼈实物⼀样⼤的功能1. The electronic dictionary serves as a practical study tool.2. The vase is mainly used for decoration.3. I often use my bike to take a road trip with my buddies.4. The major function of my iPad is to contact my family.5. This bag will come in handy when I go travelling because I can put a lot of stuff in it.精神价值1. This photo often reminds me of my childhood, which is the happiest time of my life.2. My phone has enriched my world because I can always have fun with it.3. My bike brings a lot of convenience to my daily life and I can keep fit at the same time.4. The trophy symbolizes my hard work. Whenever I see it, I will tell myself nothing is impossible if I put my heart into it。

雅思口语高频词汇精编版雅思口语高频词汇(完整版)精编版1. 人物与描述- 乐观的(optimistic)- 热情的(enthusiastic)- 多才多艺的(versatile)- 友好的(friendly)- 随和的(easygoing)- 勇敢的(brave)- 有责任心的(responsible)- 天真的(naive)- 冷漠的(indifferent)- 自信的(confident)2. 爱好与兴趣- 阅读(reading)- 写作(writing)- 跑步(running)- 健身(fitness)- 游泳(swimming)- 养宠物(keeping pets)- 旅行(traveling)- 音乐(music)- 绘画(painting)- 烹饪(cooking)3. 教育与研究- 研究能力(learning ability)- 自主研究(self-learning)- 掌握技能(mastering skills)- 理论与实践(theory and practice)- 适应力(adaptability)- 创造力(creativity)- 功课(schoolwork)- 科目选择(subject choice)- 成绩优异(excellent grades)- 学校活动(school activities)4. 工作与职业- 团队合作(teamwork)- 解决问题(problem-solving)- 创业精神(entrepreneurship)- 领导才能(leadership skills)- 职业规划(career planning)- 实经验(internship experience)- 资格认证(professional qualifications)- 管理技能(management skills)- 工作经历(work experience)5. 社交与人际关系- 社交能力(social skills)- 集体活动(group activities)- 朋友圈子(circle of friends)- 社交媒体(social media)- 社会责任(social responsibility)- 合作伙伴(business partners)- 社交礼仪(social etiquette)- 社交场合(social occasions)- 社交技巧(social skills)6. 生活方式与惯- 健康生活(healthy lifestyle)- 饮食惯(dietary habits)- 环保意识(environmental awareness)- 节约能源(energy conservation)- 早起惯(morning routine)- 时间管理(time management)- 社交生活(social life)- 文化消费(cultural consumption)- 娱乐活动(entertainment activities)- 睡眠质量(quality of sleep)以上是一份关于雅思口语高频词汇的精编版,希望对你有所帮助。
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1.cape2.carton3.catalyst4.caustic5.cement6.centenary 百年的7.ceramic 陶瓷的8.cereal (grain) 谷物(谷粒)9.chapel: small church10.chasm : a big crack or opening in the ground11.chaste: a chaste kiss( sexlessly)12.chic(Fr) very fashionable and elegant13.chisel: 凿子14.chord: a straight line on musical instruments15.chore: a task you have to do16.circumference: perimeter 圆周长17.civic: of the city18.clamp: 钳子19.clasp: clutch, cling20.clip夹子21.cluster: chunk22.coalition: a combined group a coalition of environmental and consumer groups23.coerce美[ko'ɝs]: compel,force coarse=rough24.coil: circle a coil of wire25.collage(Fr) coll=past, glue 拼贴画26.collide lid=strike, strike together27.colossal(Fr): gigantic, hugebustible: bust=burn 易燃的burnablemend (mend,mand=order) 意思entrust, praise 词源to commit to one's chargemence (可以把mence,mend看成order to do) 同义initiatemit/commitment/commission mit=put, send,makemonplace, adj=common, noun=events that happens very oftenpartmentpatible( pati=passion) in harmonypensate/-tion pens=weigh(把一包东西给别人) to counterbalance36. complement/complimentply(formal)posite/-pose/-position( pos=put, place)prise (pris, prehend=take, seize)pute (pute=put , together)/calculate(calcia,chalk)41.conceal(ceal=seal) hide sth, cover the truth42.concede(cede=go, yield)43.conceive (ceiv=take)44.conception (formal, understanding a concept)45.con coct (coct=cook)46.condense/compress47.condolence( dole=grieve 古用,另外dole: money given)express sympathy48.conduce/condusive[kən'dusɪv]49.configuration (formal or technical)50.confine (fin=end)/constrain51.conform: as required form52.congruent(同意过时congruous) )(formal)53.conscience(scienc=know)54.conserve (serve=keep) save55.consign, commit, commission(from authority), entrust56.console : comfort57.conspicuous58.constituent59.constrain/strain,stress而constrain抽象化词根strain=string) limited or forced60.contempt (tempt=feel ) dispise /scorn法语外来词temptation61.contend(tend=stretch)62.contingency/contingent (contin=contain,contact) touch, happen, happen by chance63.contrive/conceive (trive=trope, figure of speech) make happen (false imagination)64.controvert/controvercy =argue65.convene(formal) arrange66.convention the way/meeting/agreement by all67.converge (verg=bend, incline) meet68.convert/conversion69.cosmopolitan/cosmopolite (polit=citizen) metropolis/metropolitan (metro=mother)70.council (cil=call)71.counsel (sel=take), counsil=advice (formal比advise,suggest)72.courier =delivery man73.crater: bowl-shaped mouth of a volcano74.crease: lines when crushed or folded75.credentials: certificate to prove76.crevice: crack77.criterion crit=judge78.crumb/crumble break into pieces79.crumple (up)=curl up80.crush: press81.crash : hit82.crust: make hard83.cultivate: make land and grow crops84.cumbersome: (cum=com ber=bear some=adj tending to) large and heavy85.cumulative, cumul=pile, heap86.curl/curly/curve87.curtail: reduce or limit(cut tail)88.costodian costo=cover, conceal, hide, janitor( jani 希腊神话门神doorkeeper)89.customary/custom cost=com, together90.cutting: sharp91.cylinder cylin,cycle=rollputers are now commonplace in primary classrooms.2.Air travel is now a commonplace.3.They are talking over the commonplace of the day.4.Mr. Bush got into the first-class compartment and took a seat.5.The report was compile d form a survey of five thousand households.6.Senators say it is crucial that a mechanism is found to compensate for inflation.7.He received one year's salary as compensation for loss of office.8.There will be a written examination to complement the practical test.9.Thanks for the compliment.10.The mural(wall picture) was a composite effort of all the children in the class.11.Love received and love given comprise the best form of therapy. -- Gordon WilliamAllport12.No one has yet compute d how many imaginary triumphs are silently celebrated bypeople each year to keep up their courage13.Adversity reveals genius; fortune conceal s it.14.When you step onto that field of competition, you cannot concede a thing15.If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it.16.Intuition is the clear conception of the whole at once.17.Jane concoct ed a great meal from the leftovers.18.The gaseous metal is cooled and condense s into liquid.19.He expressed his condolence s to the families of the people who died in theincident.20.Daily exercise conduce s to good health.21.Make your bedroom as conducive to sleep as possible.22.The constellation appears as a cone-shaped configuration of bright stars23.The human mind will not be confine d to any limits.24.The lamp has been designed to conform to new safety standards.25.These are two congruent triangles26.Reason often makes mistakes, but conscience never does.27.The Cup was won for the third consecutive year by the team.28.This Teacher was a graduate from the Central Conservatory of Music.29.The factories have closed for the weekend to conserve energy.30.He consign ed his business to his brother's care. (entrust)31.Lonely people console themselves with self-absorption or curiosity.An inability to stay quiet is one of the conspicuous failings of mankind32.Scotland is a constituent part of United Kingdom with limited powers ofself-government.33.Women are too often constrain ed by family commitments and by low expectations34.(There is no pain equal to that which two lovers can inflict on one another. Thisshould be made clear to all who contemplate such a union. )The avoidance of this pain is the beginning of wisdom, for it is strong enough to contaminate the rest of our lives.35.He has contempt for those beyond his immediate family circle.36.It is hard to contend against one's heart's desire; for whatever it wishes to have itbuys at the cost of soul.37.Anticipating the possibility of such a crisis, We several months earlier had drawn upa contingency plan.38.The oil companies were accused of contriv ing a shortage of gasoline to justify priceincreases.39.I shall have to controvert one or two ideas that are almost universally accepted.st August he convene d a meeting of his closest advisers at Camp David41.It's just a social convention that men don't wear skirts.42.The two rivers converge into one near Pittsburgh43.The warehouse was undergoing conversion into apartments44.The land was convert ed to growing hybrid rice.ernment officials visited the earthquake stricken area on Thursday morning tocoordinate the relief effort.46.The talks were conducted in a cordial atmosphere.47.Obesity correlate s with increased risk for hypertension and stroke.48.As our Diplomatic Correspondent Mark Brayne reports, the president was given asympathetic hearing. (reporter, journalist)49.The rise in interest rates was not reflected in a corresponding rise in the dollar.50.We will strive to affirm Hong Kong's position as an international financial centre anda cosmopolitan city.51.The city council has voted almost unanimously in favor.52.My advisers counsel ed me to do nothing.53. A courier arrived with the documents just before the meeting.54.Democracy was born in Greece and many still consider it the cradle of Westerncivilization.55.The explosion, believed to be a car bomb, left a ten-foot crater in the street.56.She stood up, frowning at the crease s in her silk dress.57.The new ambassador to Lebanon has presented his credential s to the president.58.Some tiny plants grow in the crevice of the stone wall59.The most important criterion for entry is that applicants must design and maketheir own work.60.I stood up, brushing crumb s from my pants.61.Under the pressure, the flint crumble d into fragments.62.He crumple his shirt into a ball and threw it into the laundry basket.63.The military operation was the first step in a plan to crush the uprising.64.Cut the crust s off the bread and soak the bread in the milk.65.She also cultivate d a small garden of her own.66.Although the machine looks cumbersome, it is actually easy to use.67.It is simple pleasures, such as a walk on a sunny day, which have a cumulativeeffect on our mood.68.He called for much stricter curb s on immigration.69.The air is getting colder, and I just want to curl up and hibernate.(hiber=winter)70.NATO plans to curtail the number of troops being sent to the region.71.It could be claimed that he was the custodian of success, however risky his strategyappeared to be.72.It is customary to offer a drink or a snack to guests.73.People make cutting remarks to help themselves feel superior or powerful74.The gases are stored in cylinder s。

加上习盛雅思的3-6个月的面授雅思课程辅导,7分雅思口语轻松获得!目录1、姓名与个人介绍2、教育背景3、家庭4、天气5、职业6、环境污染7、语言8、科技9、地点与城市10、公园11、广告12、交通运输13、移民与留学14、音乐15、图书馆16、住宅17、体育与健身18、旅游19、业余时间20、食品与烹饪21、宠物22、婚礼庆典23、朋友24、年龄代沟25、电影电视26、购物27、社会问题姓名与个人介绍确认confirm市city全名full name直辖市municipality姓surname/last/family name 县county名first name住宅电话home phone身份证明identification/ID专区prefecture出生地birth place自治区autonomous region笔名pen name民族;国籍nationality别名alias目前住址current address姓名name国籍citizenship英寸inch (in.)籍贯native place英尺feet (ft.)邮政编码postal code厘米centimeter双重国籍duel citizenship街street健康状况health condition路road健康状况health区district(身体)极佳excellent门牌house number近视short-sighted胡同,巷lane远视far-sighted年龄age身份证ID card身高height会长president血型bloodtype副会长vice-president体重weight理事director地址address常务理事standing director生于(地点/时间)born in/at 学会society永久住址permanent address 协会association生日birthday秘书长secretary-general出生日期birthdate研究会research society省province坦率的frank温柔体贴的gentle and understanding好学的hardworking理性的rational守信的faithful谦虚的modest有独立性的independent勤劳的industrious友善的,慈祥的kind, nice个性personality聪明的smart正直的upright性格character教育背景义务教育compulsory schooling必修课程compulsory / required course / subject 幼儿园kindergarten学前的pre-school专业major小学primary / elementary school大一新生freshman中学secondary / high school大二学生sophomore初中junior high school大三学生junior高中senior high school大四学生senior专业学校technical school毕业生graduate商业学校business school教学日school day工艺学校polytechnic假期school holiday本科生undergraduate研讨班seminar研究生postgraduate课间休息break学位degree义务教育compulsory education学分credit普及教育to extend education文学学士BA ( Bachelor of Arts)发展教育to develop education理学学士BS(Bachelor of Science)初等教育primary/elementary education文学硕士MA(Master of Arts)理学硕士MSc (Master of Science)中等教育secondary education工商管理硕士MBA( Master of Business Administration) 公共管理硕士MPA (Master of Public Administration) 寄宿学校boarding school博士学位Doctoral degree公立学校state school导师supervisor男女同校的学校co-educational school 奖学金scholarship男女分校的学校single sex school学位论文thesis助学金educational grants博士论文dissertation奖学金scholarship基础课程basic course走读生day-student专业课程specialized course补习生make-up class数学mathematics体操,体育gymnastics历史,历史学history代数algebra几何学geometry地理学geography生物学biology化学chemistry物理学physics文学literature社会学sociology心理学psychology哲学philosophy工程(学)engineering机械工程学mechanical engineering电子工程学electronic engineering土木工程civil engineering医学,内科学medicine社会科学social science农业agriculture天文学astronomy经济学economics政治,政治学politics生物化学,生物化学biochemistry 人类学anthropology语言学linguistics会计学accounting法学law财政学finance大众传播学mass-communication 新闻业,新闻学journalism建筑,建筑学architecture商业管理business administration 学院institute委员会commission学生会student union设备facility学期semester评估assessment学期,专业术语,条款term成人教育adult education免试入学制open admission履历curriculum vitae预备的preparatory研究生院graduate school夜大、函大open university实地调查,现场工作fieldwork文理学院School of Arts and Sciences旁听生auditor/guest student住宿生boarder母校alma mater学位degree证书certificate资格qualification专家expert顾问consultant教职员工的总称faculty助教teaching assistant学校分院长,系主任dean校长principal / president协调人coordinator讲师lecturer副教授associate professor校辅导员school counselor职业指导官career advisor导师adviser / mentor名誉校长chancellor毕业评估graduation appraisal毕业典礼graduation ceremony / commencement 毕业证书diploma,graduation certificate附中attached middle school技校technical school理工学院/科技大学polytechnic推荐信letter of recommendation担保人,赞助人sponsor拨款,授予物grant贷款loan学费tuition研究生奖学金fellowship新生熟悉情况orientation注册,入学enrollment登记,报到register / enroll学生会办公室student union开学典礼opening ceremony娱乐中心recreation center申请表application form图书单book list确认give confirmation会议室conference room投影仪overhead projector出勤attendance免修exemption重考,补考resit报告report书目,索引,文献bibliography家庭核心家庭core family子女人数number of children三口之家a family of three四兄弟排行老二the second of four brother 监护人guardian人们folks小子boy,kid孝顺的孩子filial child婴儿infant包办婚姻arranged marriage青年,年轻人toddler/young man丁克家庭DINK (double income and no child)未成年人minor青少年adolescent直系亲属immediate family个性、性格personality关系密切的close-knit血统、家系lineage和谐的harmonious兄弟姐妹sibling/brother and sister退休retire父亲的,像父亲的paternal善于交际的sociable母亲的,像母亲的maternal姻亲in-laws兄弟般的,友爱的fraternal尚未出世的one-on-the-way后裔,子孙descendant继父step-father遗传,一串特征heredity养父foster father独生子女家庭family with only one child家庭状况family status已婚married少子女家庭small family未婚single多子女家庭large family/family with many children 离异divorced分居separated退休人员retired people配偶(指夫或妻)配偶spouse夫妇couple单一的,单身的single孙子,孙辈grandchildren孙子,外孙grandson孙女,外孙女granddaughter祖父grandfather祖母grandmother曾祖父great-grandfather曾祖母great-grandmother女婿son-in-law儿媳daughter-in-law岳父(公公)father-in-law岳母(婆婆)mother-in-law妯娌sister-in-law养父foster father养母foster mother养子adopted son养女adopted daughter伯父,叔父,姨丈uncle姑妈,伯母,舅妈aunt侄子,外甥nephew侄女,甥女niece堂兄弟姊妹cousin世系,血统descent(单复数同形)儿女,子孙,后代辈offspring 继承人,后嗣heir傲慢的,自大的arrogant宠坏,溺爱spoil不切实际的,不实在的unrealistic天真的,无知的innocent(~of)顽皮的,淘气的,不听话的naughty独立自主的,不受约束的independent无关紧要的,冷漠的indifferent养育,抚育,培养foster指导,领导guidance沟通,传达,沟通communicate负面榜样negative role model隔离的,孤立的isolated孤独的,孤僻的solitary好奇的,求知的curious激发兴趣stimulate interest温和的,文雅的,有礼貌的gentle机灵的,有独创性的ingenious爱动脑筋have an inquiring mind聪明的,伶俐的,有才智的intelligent 善于创造的,有发明才能的inventive 仁慈的;好心肠的kind-hearted有根据的,有学习动力的motivated 有秩序的,整齐的,整洁的orderly 性情和蔼的,性情温和的sweet-tempered 能适应的,适应性强的adaptable提防的,警惕的,机灵的alert和谐的,协调的,和睦的harmonious婚姻关系marital relationships晚婚late marriage不要子女的家庭DINK family (double income no kid) 同等的人,同龄人peer误入歧途go astray被动的,消极的passive厌学的be tired of learning归属感sense of belonging安全security担心,牵挂care about有价值count养育,教育nurture信任,信赖trust支撑,维持,赡养,忍受support影响,感化,有影响的人(或事)influence尊敬,敬重respect浸,泡,浸透soak价值,估价,评价value鼓励,怂恿encourage个性,个人的特性individuality教导,命令,指示instruct慢慢地灌输instill使内在化internalize肯定的,实际的,积极的,绝对的,确实的positive 环境,外界environment底部,基础,根据地base保证,担保,使安全ensure抱怨,悲叹,控诉complain传达,信息,交通,通讯communication亲密intimacy敌意,恶意,不友善hostility宽容,忍受,容忍tolerance鼓励,奖励encouragement赏识,鉴赏,感激appreciate接受,容忍,赞同acceptance信任,信念,宗教信仰faith赞誉,承认,重视recognition天气大气atmosphere雪snow气候climate雷thunder自然力量(风、雨)elements 阵风gustywind气温temperature风wind天气暖,热to be warm, to be hot 薄雾mist天气冷to be cold云cloud季节season阴霾haze霜frost雨rain冰雹hail暴雨downpour暴风雨,暴风雪storm台风typhoon暴风雨tempest阵雨shower闪电lightning大风gale陆风landwind微风breeze飓风hurricane浓雾fog旋风龙卷风cyclone露水dew降雪,降雪量snowfall梅雨intermittent drizzles in the rainy season 细雨drizzle微风breeze湿气,潮湿,湿度humidity(使)结冰,(使)冷冻,冻结freeze冰冻的,严寒的freezing干旱,缺乏drought温和的,温柔的mild湿气,潮湿的damp闷热的muggy寒冷的chilly热带的,热情的tropical有节制的,适度的,(气候)温和的temperate 舒适的comfortable大陆的,大陆性的continental季节的,季节性的,周期性的seasonal过敏的,反感的allergic魔力的,不可思议的magic职业事业career奖金bonus职业profession日常工作routine work人才talent国营企业state enterprise退休retire外商投资企业foreign-funded enterprise新手green-hand职业培训vocational training集体企业Collective enterprise加班work overtime兼职part-time job工作狂workaholic高薪工作highly-paid job平衡家庭和工作balance work and family合资企业joint-venture职业女性career woman股份制企业share-holding corporation公司corporation个体户self-employed性别歧视的gender-biased全职full-time job职位空缺vacant position低薪工作low-paid job求职job hunting前途prospects工作安排和待遇job arrangement and benefit工作压力working pressure顾客customer薪水salary升值promotion工资wage招待员,传达员receptionist打字员typist程序师,程序规划员programmer女记事员office girl公务员public servant飞行员,领航员,引水员pilot出版者,发行人publisher美术设计graphic designer秘书,书记secretary警察policeman新闻记者,从事新闻杂志业的人journalist 编辑,编者editor口译人员,翻译员,讲解员interpreter主任,主管,导演director摄影师photographer学者scholar翻译者translator(长篇)小说家novelist剧作家playwright语言学家linguist植物学家botanist经济学者,经济学家economist化学家,药剂师chemist科学家scientist哲学家,哲人philosopher政治家,政客politician物理学者physicist考古学家archaeologist地质学者geologist数学家mathematician生物学家biologist动物学家zoologist生理学者physiologist艺术家,画家artists画家painter音乐家musician作家,作曲家,设计者composer歌手singer设计家,制图师designer(制作女服或童装的)裁缝dressmaker 美容师beautician模特儿model职员,办事员clerk广告文编写人,撰稿人copywriter演出人,(电影)制片人producer新闻广播员,新闻评论广播员newscaster 建筑师architect城市设计师civil planner土木技师civil engineer配药者,药剂师pharmacist导游tour guide牙科医生dentist会计(员),会计师accountant职责duty自我实现self-fulfillment富有挑战的challenging骨干backbone苛求的demanding任命appoint白领white collar协调coordinate负责in charge of雇佣employ职责responsibility代表represent常规routine解雇fire解雇sack雇佣hire压力pressure刺激的stimulating训练,培养train老板boss(靠出卖作品为生的)自由艺术家,自由作家freelance 跳槽job-hopping夜班night work倒班shift work高级的senior低级的junior加班overtime招聘recruit工资salary请假on leave履历resume前景prospect赏识recognition令人满意的rewarding工作头衔title高级主管人员executive辞职,服从resignation辞职quit提拔,晋升为promote服从、顺从submit职业、生涯career位置position援助,帮助assist满意satisfaction野心,雄心ambitions表现,为人conduct人事部Personnel Department人力资源部Human Resource Department营销部Sales Department产品开发部Product Development Department 公关部Public Relations Department市场部Marketing财会部Finance采购部Purchasing(Procurement) Department 售后服务部After-sale Service Department 品管部Quality Control Department不满意的unsatisfied得不到认同receive no recognition放弃give up感到满意的satisfied工作满意度job satisfaction工作前景job prospects回报好的rewarding紧迫的pressing具有挑战性challenging苛求的demanding令人筋疲力尽的exhausted满意的工作satisfactory job满足be content with挖掘个人潜力tap one's potential无聊的boring有压力的stressed自我实现self-fulfillment, self-realization 满足be content with知足常乐A content mind,a content life环境污染造林afforestation适于居住的,可居住的inhabitable干涸,枯竭dry up忽视neglect淡水,湖水fresh water不足,缺乏shortage下水道,污水sewage污染物质pollutant经济制裁措施financial disincentive制定法律和法规lay down laws and regulations子孙,后代offspring(动植物的)生活环境habitat(生命等)有灭绝危险的,将要绝种的endangered [生】自然选择,物竞天择说natural selection 【植】植被vegetation肮脏的,凌乱的messy肮脏的squalid白色污染white pollution保存conserve报复take revenge on濒于on the brink of补救性措施remedial measure不负责任的irresponsible不洁的,污秽的filthy不可抵抗的irresistible不可缺少的indispensable采伐森林deforestation耻辱,丢脸的人(或事),玷污disgrace传染病infectious disease存在,生存exist存在,生活existence激励的incentive都市化urbanization肥沃的,富饶的fertile废物处理waste disposal耕地arable land工业化的industrialized归咎于put the blame on规则regulation过分开发over-exploit过滤filter洪水,水灾flood化学物质chemical substance环境保护论者,环境论者environmentalist 环境恶化environment deterioration环境控制environmental control荒地,未开垦地wasteland灰尘,尘埃dust恢复,修复,重建restore毁坏,破坏demolish毁坏devastate毁坏devastation开垦荒地land clearing砍倒cut down垃圾废物garbage垃圾vt.乱丢litter灭绝,逐渐消失die out能源短缺energy shortage破坏者destroyer燃料fuel人口密集的densely-populated沙暴sandstorm商业利益commercial interest社会进化social evolution生态平衡ecological balance生态学ecology生物圈biosphere生物所能分解的biodegradable胜利,成功triumph食物链food chain净化purify使受挫折的事物disincentive适应自然adjust to nature适于耕种的,可耕种的tillable受害人,牺牲品victim水土流失soil erosion酸雨acid rain损失惨重的disastrous天然资源natural resources威胁threaten温室效应greenhouse effect折磨,使苦恼plague污秽的,肮脏的,令人厌恶的nasty 污秽的,肮脏的grimy污秽的begrimed污染contaminate污水处理sewage treatment污水净化sewage purification无法忍受的,难耐的intolerable无知,不知ignorance吸收,吸引absorb牺牲sacrifice现代化modernization相互依赖的,互助的interdependent 消毒剂disinfectant消失,消灭extinction拥塞congestion用尽,耗尽exhaust有毒的,中毒的toxic有毒的poisonous有害的,使人苦恼的baneful战胜,克服overcome征服,战胜,克服(困难等) conquer致癌物cancer-causing agent致癌物质carcinogen致命的疾病fatal disease种类species重复利用recycle重建,改造reconstruct重新造林reforestation自然,自然界nature自然资源短缺shortage of natural resources不可再生的nonrenewable不卫生的unsanitary采取强有利的措施take stronger and harsher measures 城市垃圾urban garbage废物处理技术waste disposal technology废物管理法规waste management laws分解,腐烂decomposition分解break down分类classify环保材料environmentally-friendly materials环境恶化environmental degradation环境污染environmental contamination可以再度使用的reusable快餐店fast food outlets垃圾的收集和处理litter collection and disposal垃圾分类garbage classification垃圾焚烧发电厂a garbage burning power plant垃圾填埋场,垃圾掩埋法,垃圾landfill垃圾填埋场landfill sites浪费资源be wasteful of resources立法,法律的制定(或通过)legislation破坏环境ruin the environment一次性的包装和用品disposable packaging and items 一次性的餐具disposable dishware/cutlery一次性用品disposable items, disposable products语言普通话Mandarin交流communicate英语狂(非常喜欢学习英语的人)English-mania 学习的能力learning power交际活动communicative activities出版物publication社会压力social pressure语调tone赚钱的能力earning capacity语法grammar具有竞争能力的competitive课程curriculum中国加入世贸组织China joining the WTO具有双语能力的bilingual流传广泛的widespread找到好工作getting a good job外贸foreign trade科技工业革命industrial revolution耗尽枯竭exhaustion环境environment环境恶化environment deterioration 辉煌的glorious机器人,遥控设备robot机械化,机动化mechanization家庭电器household appliances家务管理housekeeping家务杂事chore见多识广的informed精神生活spiritual well-being久坐的,沉积的sedentary就近的,敏捷的handy科学发现scientific discovery科学知识scientific knowledge克隆cloning能源短缺energy shortage奇迹的,不可思议的miraculous 前进,进步,发展advancement前进advance前进go ahead全球变暖global warming全球的,全世界的global人工智能artificial intelligence人类mankind天然资源natural resources自动化的automatic自给自足的self-sufficient自动化系统automated systems自动控制,自动操作automation自动生产automation production生产自动化manufacturing automation 水电站wind power station太阳能solar energy以电脑为基础的computer-based永不枯竭的inexhaustible工业自动化industrial automation能源energy resources三维的3-dimensional生产自动化manufacturing automation 手工制品handmade products风力发电站water power station编程programming智能科技intelligence technology神经网络neural network神经细胞,神经元neuron生物学上biologically实际应用practical application自动包装auto packaging自动化生产线automated assembly line 机器,机械machinery机器控制系统machine control system机器人技术robotics机械装置mechanical device降低成本lower the cost降低风险lower the risks模拟世界analog world地点与城市地形地貌landscape花园城市garden city风土人情people and customs国际大都市international metropolis人口稠密with a large population风景名胜places of interest / tourist attractions文化,经济,科技,金融,中心the center of culture y /economy / technology / finance 历史history产业,产品businesses /industries /products商业中心commercial center寺庙temple大/小/中等城市big / small / medium-sized city电视塔TV tower城墙walls海滨城市coastal city市政厅city hall古老的城市ancient city使……坐落于,位于locate展现,展开,位于lie使位于,使处于situate位于sit海岸的,沿海的coastal多小山的,多坡的,陡的hilly内陆的,国内的inland平原,草原plain盆,盆地basin平坦的,扁平的flat远古的,旧的ancient混合blend紧凑的,紧密的,简洁的compact文化的cultural异国情调的,外来的,奇异的exotic 财政的,金融的financia杰出的industrious工业的,产业的industrial首都,主要都市,都会metropolis 流行的,时髦的fashionable赞扬,歌颂,称赞praise追踪,回溯,探索trace观光事业,游览tourism公园放松身心to relax one's body and minds 丰富知识enrich one's knowledge公园道路parkway户外活动outdoor activity家庭活动family activity educational教育性的educational散步take a brisk walk体育活动physical activity退休的retired玩得开心have fun消遣,娱乐pastime新鲜空气fresh air有氧运动aerobic exercise有益的,教育性的instructive娱乐的entertaining展览exhibition植物园botanical garden野炊picnic聚会get-together昂贵的financially costly保护conserve, protect必要性necessity不可弥补的损失irreparable damage不能挽回的irreparable丛林jungles大规模的土地开发large-scale land clearing繁荣,茂盛flourish环保政策environmentally friendly policies环境保护environmental protection毁林deforestation经济利益economic interests景点tourist attraction可持续性发展sustainable development可更新的,可恢复的renewable旅游胜地tourist resort灭绝die out铺张浪费浪费squander, be extravagant, be profuse in 栖息地habitats栖息地被毁habitat destruction商业化commercialization奢侈luxury生存survival生态平衡ecological balance生态系统ecosystem生物creature使和谐reconcile适者生存survival of the fittest维护,保护safeguard野生动植物保护wild life preservation野生生物资源保护wildlife conservation依赖,依靠depend upon娱乐公园amusement park植物plant主题公园theme park自然景观natural scenery自然选择,物竞天择说natural selection广告广告媒体advertisement media黑白广告black and white advertisement漂浮广告floating logo旗帜广告banner全屏广告full screen advertisement网上广告online advertisement文字链接广告text link(电视节目中间插播的)广告commercial 都市风景cityscape劝诱induce被动地passively被困于,被困扰be beset with被阻止的,不通的,中断的interrupted编造的fictitious不健康的生活方式unwholesome lifestyle不可缺少的,绝对必要的indispensable不能想象的,难以相信的inconceivable不正当的竞争unhealthy competition插入insert插入人们的正常生活to interfere in people's normal life 成为牺牲品fall victim to诚实,完整性integrity诚实的,说实话的truthful充斥着广告thick with commercials and advertisement 传达convey传递信息to deliver messages纯洁性purity促销sales promotion错误的,无信义的false错误的信息wrong message打断to interrupt打扰的,插入的intrusive单调的,无变化的monotonous抵御resist跟风follow suit购物狂shopaholics顾客的利益in customers' interests广告的海洋 a flood of advertisements广告牌billboard广告业,广告advertising广告业the advertising industry夸大,夸张exaggerate盲从follow like sheep没有远见的short-sighted媒体media名牌famous brand铺张浪费extravagance and waste铺张浪费的消费习惯wasteful consumerism 普及popularize欺骗deceive欺骗大众trick the public日用品commodity商品goods商品merchandise推销产品promote products违反事实flying in the face of truth无所不在的omnipresent误传的,不如实叙述的misrepresented误导的misleading吸引人的appealing洗脑brainwashing诱惑temptation支配,占主要地位dominate控制不住购买欲望的人compulsive consumer 制造业者,厂商manufacturer质量差low quality转嫁transfer转嫁到shift on to装饰ornament, decoration自夸boast交通运输交通工具,车辆vehicle空气污染air pollution汽车automobile交通堵塞traffic congestion人力车rickshaw交通堵塞traffic jam小巴minibus交通事故traffic accident渡船ferry交通警察traffic police飞行器aircraft交通信号灯traffic lights航天飞机space shuttle交通标志traffic sigh航空母舰aircraft carrier交通管制traffic control双层巴士double-decker bus交通法规highway code(美)地铁subway交通安全岛traffic island refuge(英)地铁underground交通部Ministry of Communications (法)地铁metro有毒气体poisonous fume机场airport高速公路freeway污染pollution高速交通工具rapid高速火车bullet train斑马线zebra stripes西二环路the west second circle road 交通干线artery traffic主干道trunk road车行道carriage-way超速over-speed, excessive speed辅助车道lane auxiliary超速行驶speeding双车道two-way traffic超车道overtaking road自行车通行cyclists only繁忙的交通heavy traffic单行道one way only收费运输charged traffic窄路narrow road空中交通air traffic潮湿路滑slippery when wet封锁交通barring traffic陡坡steep hill客运passenger traffic不平整路rough road繁忙的运输dense traffic弯路curve / bend road联运direct traffic连续弯路winding road国内运输domestic traffic之字路double bend road货运fright traffic道路交叉点road junction港口交通harbor traffic十字路cross road交通规则traffic regulation左/右转turn left / right路标guide post靠左/右keep left / right里程碑milestone慢驶slow停车标志mark car stop速度speed红绿灯traffic light速度限制speed limit自动红绿灯automatic traffic signal light 恢复速度resume speed红/绿/黄灯red / green / amber light禁止通行no through traffic交通岗traffic post此路不通blocked岗亭police box不准驶入no entry打手势pantomime不准超越keep in line; no overhead单行线single line不准掉头no turns双程线dual carriage-way让车道passing bay交通规则traffic regulation里程碑milestone自行车道bikeway超速excessive speed速度限制speed limit禁止通行no through traffic封锁的blocked不准驶入no entry回路loop安全岛safety island停车处parking place私人车停车处private car park不准停车restricted stop不准滞留restricted waiting临街停车parking on-street街外停车parking off-street交通堵塞traffic jam,congestion执照被记违章endorsed on driving license 危险驾驶dangerous driving追尾rear-end collision疲劳驾驶fatigue driving闯红灯run red light酒后驾驶drink driving强行超车dangerous lane change移民与留学移民immigrate挑战challenges稳定的政局stable politics长期目标overall goals短期计划short-term plans膳食accommodation继续生存survival满足的content自我发展self-development实现梦想fulfill one's dream独一无二的机会unique opportunity有冒险精神的adventurous体验生活experience life着迷的obsessed职业的前途career prospect权力大的high-powered有挑战的challenging交新朋友making new friends文化适应cultural adaptation改善生活条件improve living standards事业心重的career-minded语言障碍language barrier不满足的dissatisfied文化差异cultural differences爱好hobby本地语音local accent不同的教育研究体系different system of education and research 沉浸immerse调整adjustment, adjust to仿效emulate感情脆弱的sentimental感情交流emotional exchanges坚强的意志strong willpower兼职part-time job交朋友make friends with进行特殊的疗法undergo specialtherapies经济负担financial burden沮丧,消沉depression开放的open-minded乐观的optimistic歧视discrimination气馁的,沮丧的downcast请教,咨询consult势利的人snob适应,调节adjust to适应文化acculturate文化震惊cultural shock习惯get used to消遣pastime兴高采烈地in high spirits寻求专业的建议和治疗seek professional advice and treatment 压力strain疑惑confused优越,高傲superiority愉快的,高兴的cheerful在食堂吃饭eat in the university cafeteria遭遇to encounter住宿accommodation, boarding自卑inferiority音乐民间音乐folk music振奋人心的stimulating摇滚乐rock and roll说唱rap流行音乐popular music音乐人musician爵士乐jazz版权copyright说唱rap抓住grab轻音乐light music爵士乐jazz古典音乐classical music说唱音乐rap乡村与西部音乐country and western music 作曲家composer歌迷fan / groupy领唱lead a chorus演唱会concert合唱chorus旋律melody无伴奏合唱a cappella节奏rhythm a合奏ensemble怀旧的nostalgic伴奏accompaniment偶像idol/icon独奏solo给人以安慰的soothing合唱chorus具有表现力的expressive拍子beat音乐会concert歌词lyrics歌剧opera经纪人agent摇滚乐rock充满激情的passionate布鲁斯blues指挥conductor传统音乐traditional music舞曲dancing music校园歌曲campus song民族音乐national music民歌folk song艺术歌曲art song交响乐,交响曲symphony卡拉OK caraoke / karaoke忧郁的black, blue, dumpish, dusky 充满活力的energetic悦耳的pleasant作曲者,作曲家composer专辑album喇叭,号,管horn小号,小喇叭trumpet号角,军号bugle口琴mouth organa小提琴violin中提琴viola大提琴cello竖琴harp吉他guitar电吉他electric guitar萨克斯管saxophone一套现代鼓modern drum hit钢琴piano手风琴accordion图书馆目录catalogue (under titles/authors/subjects) 种类category把……借出来charge out登记并借出check out分类classification只读不借closed reserved期限date slip/deadline/date of expiry借书台delivery desk/circulation desk应付费due在书库里in circulation期刊、日报journal借出lend图书馆长librarian借书卡library card/admission card报纸newspaper不外借not for circulation在书架上on the shelf开架/闭架书库open/closed shelves过期并交罚款overdue and pay a fine定期刊物periodical(magazines and journals) 续借renew预借reserve/book及时归还return in time卡片目录card catalogues电脑终端computer terminals数字信息digital information数字媒体digital medium数字技术digital technology电子数据库electronic database电子版本electronic version图书馆服务library service可移动的图书馆movable library新发明new innovation在线图书online book在线目录online catalogues逐步淘汰phase out传统图书馆traditional libraries虚拟图书馆virtual library废寝忘食to forget about meals and sleep获取知识to obtain knowledge寻求知识to seek for knowledge安静的环境quiet environment积累知识accumulate knowledge书虫book worm脑力工作brain work思路清晰clearing thinking培养准确性develop accuracy培养阅读速度develop reading speed泛读extensive learning找到特定的信息find specific information个人学习individual study精读intensive learning扫读scanning跳读skimming跳读skim through自学study by oneself国家图书馆library national市图书馆library municipal大众图书馆public library学校图书馆school library儿童图书馆children's library借书证reader's card, admission card开架式open shelves闭架式closed shelves发达的图书馆系统well-developed library system通过阅读得到答案work out an answer for oneself by reading大学图书馆college library, university library, academic library 开放时间opening hours, hours of service, hours of loan service住宅居住区residential quarters衣柜wardrobe公寓flat双层床bunk bed单层公寓single-storey house 梳妆台dressing table多层建筑multi-storey building 茶几tea table别墅villa书架bookshelf房地产real estate鱼缸fish tank车库garage吊灯pendent lamp客厅living room盆栽potted plant餐厅dining room壁灯wall lamps浴室bathroom水槽sink书房study洗脸盆wash basin壁橱closet浴缸tub地下室cellar下水道sewer窗沿windowsill阁楼attic五斗柜chest of drawers走廊aisle陈列柜display cabinet管道pipeline打地基to lay the foundations摩天大楼skyscraper排房terraced house平房ranch house, single-story house城市规划town planning, city planning城市居民townsman,citizen城市生活city life城市生活的townie城镇特有的townish厨房kitchen建筑风格building style经典建筑classical architecture精心的布局ingenious layout欧洲风格European style欧洲古典式建筑European classical architecture 日式风格Japanese style西方文化影响influence of western culture园林建筑garden architecture体育与健身慢跑jogging体育馆stadium游泳swimming健身器械exercise equipment球类运动playing ball games运动场playground登山mountain climbing可望取胜者favourite滑冰skating无取胜希望者outsider滑雪skiing冠军赛,锦标赛championship打太极拳practise taiji quan冠军champion有氧运动aerobics纪录record自行车运动cycling纪录创造者record holder健康饮食keep a healthy diet运动场stadium劳逸结合keep balance of work and rest 跑道track圈ring健身俱乐部health club / fitness center 场地ground, field游泳池swimming pool(足球、橄榄球)场地pitch健身房gym网球场court队team, side领队guide业余运动员,爱好者amateur教练,技术指导instructor运动员contestant, competitor, player 健康良好be in good health迷,爱好者enthusiast, fan健康不佳be in poor health田径运动track-and-field乒乓球table tennis羽毛球badminton足球football象棋chess台球biliiards水球water polo跳水diving划皮艇canoeing骑自行车运动cycle racing曲棍球hockey橄榄球rugby篮球basketball网球tennis高尔夫球golf世界大学生运动会the Universidad 锦标赛(联赛)tournament冠军称号championship体育馆gymnasium篮球场basketball court排球场volleyball court平局a tie裁判referee拉拉队cheering section创新innovation刺激物stimulant减压relieve stress毅力perseverance疲劳fatigue。

下面就让店铺给大家分享雅思听力填空题的一些高频词汇的知识吧,希望能对你有帮助!雅思考试听力填空题的高频词汇:蔬果类Carrot 红萝卜Onion 洋葱Aubergine 茄子Celery 芹菜White Cabbage 包心菜Red cabbage 紫色包心菜Cucumber 大黄瓜Tomato 蕃茄Radish 小红萝卜Mooli 白萝卜Watercress 西洋菜Baby corn 玉米尖Sweet corn 玉米Cauliflower 白花菜Spring onions 葱Garlic 大蒜Ginger 姜Chinese leaves 大白菜Leeks 大葱Mustard & cress 芥菜苗Green Pepper 青椒Red pepper 红椒雅思考试听力填空题的高频词汇:C开头cosset[]vt.宠,溺爱costume[]n.戏装;(特定场合穿的.)成套服装council[]n.理事会,委员会counsel[]n.律师,法律顾问;忠告counter[]n.柜台;ad.相反地counterpart[]n.与对方地位相当的人;配对物county[]n.(英)郡,(美)县coupon[]n.优惠卷;票证courageous[]a.勇敢的,有胆量的cover[]v.覆盖;包含coverage[]n.新闻报道;覆盖范围crack[]v.(使)破裂;n.裂缝craft[]n.工艺,手艺;船;航空器crank[]n.曲柄,曲轴;v.用曲柄转动某物crash[]n./v.碰撞;坠落;a.速成的crater[]n.火山口;坑crawl[]vi.爬,爬行;缓慢地行进create[]vt.创造;产生creation[]n.创造;作品雅思考试听力填空题的高频词汇:天气类Scattered Showers=零星阵Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨Showers=阵雨Showers Early=早有阵雨Showers Late=晚有阵雨Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨Smoke=烟雾Windy=有风Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪Windy Rain=刮风下雨Wintry Mix=雨雪混合AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴AM Showers=上午阵雨AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪【雅思听力填空题的高频词汇】。

雅思口语分类词汇1. all about the weatherthe weather is usually connected to your hometown.the response need not be very long,but you should be able to make clear statements about the general weather patterns,and a brief summary of the different seasons. Essential vocabularyCelsius rainyminus spring seasonsfluctuates Gusty wind summer comfortable Afternoonshower storms winter mildmoist dustflooding climate drought thunder Dry spell humid sunny snow misty dry valley altitude breeze temperature cloudy fog Typoons winds Clear sky smog downpour centraldegrees Fallmonsoon2. all about transportationthis topic is often used in the latter part of stage1.you may be asked to compare various forms of transportation or be asked to comment on the changes.you may be asked your opinions as well. essential vocabularyconvenient Rush hours winding regulations restrictionsBus/subway linecrowded parking cyclists Express routeconstruction exhaustFreeway walkway exithills Heavy traffic Obey traffic rules Overheadcrossing slippery Wide/narrow highway Lorry/truck speed steep Traffic jamBumperto bumperTraffic lightsWell-maintainedLand/alleypedestrians bridges Dusty roads Overhead crossing portintersection blockedaccidents flyovers3. all about my jobthe topic will very likely come up if you are currently working.you need to be carefull about the terms of your work.. many of them can be anticipated. Essential vocabulary dutiescoordinateIn charge of employed responsibilitiserepresent routine Fired/sacked hired Underpressured Day off trained boss Junior level Do overtime recruited State owned salary On leave resume Foreign owned handle rewarding Job title Joint venture operatechallengingexecutiveresignedDay to day conditions quit promoted submitcareerposition assist deadline ambitions conduct4. all about my studiesif you are on the academic module,it is very likely that you will be asked about current,past,or Essential vocabulary Major in Teaching styleproffessorcurriculumGraduated fromTechnical programHomework headmaster Post graduate electivesterm Key school subject pass semester roommates First year failPublic schoolcafeteriaschoolarship Class size Private school Class monitor lecturesSit in rowsclassmatesqualified examination Under stressthesis review dormitory assignment Teachingmethods memorize Bachelor/masterestracurricular entranceanalyse degree activities tutorial5. all about my travels&placesyou are often asked questions about your travels and usually this will be connected to questions about holidays or leisure. It may be helpful to think of a few places you’ve been to in china and some ways to describe them. souvenirs twisted Imperial palacegrasslandflightRock formationGreat wallsunset book Rich cultureclimb glaciers Deep impression lively Take pictures altitude view statues Plant life limestonescenery summit Deep gorges cliffs tourists Deep valleywildlifehistoric sites Steep canyons sunbathing temples On tourwaveswaterfallshrines relaxsunrise The shore pagodas6. all about my leisure timeyour hobbies and spare time are a very common topic and it follows after you have answered some questions about studies or work.Spend time with browse Surf the internet Crazy about collecting rest A fan of painting Lang out with match Get together with persistence relaxteahouse Take classes in patience Keep in touch with Internet cafe concert Keep fit Have a good time puzzle opera chatting practice cards skills Take picturesGo out with Have a trip Kill time hiking exerciseGet caught up withTake up_ing Steep in Go on the internet Make friendscalligraphyshopping7. all about my futurethe future is a topic frequently asked in relation to your study plans or work plans overseas.generally, it would relate to what place you chose(and why?)and your plans after you granduate or find a job.you may also be asked to comment any cultural concerns. concerns Kill time Make contacts mindset intend Culture shock vist contribute mannerisms Home-stay homesick patientambition Accustomed toobjective Settle in Managemy time Way of lifecarrer desire upgrade likelihood Pace of life independent customs Get used tobalancelonelyprovesocietyadapt concentrate apply accommodation Try out Goal/aim focusestablished Self-improvement experience8. all about my shoppingoften questions about shopping in your hometown arise. These questions are just your general view of the shopping places, and perhaps some comparisons to shops from different time-periods of places.stores retail Gift shops essential Departmentstores cheat Imported goods luxuries prices Good deal quality Odds and ends display defect features Shopping bag Windowshopping Priated goods variety modern serviceparkingSales staff Window display On sale Standard of living Store layout holidays bargain pay fashion Opening hours goods wholesale In style specialCost of livingbrowsingtrendyboxes9. all bout my language studiesyou will occasionally be asked some questions about studying a foreign language like English. The questions are generally not meant to elicit many details,more likely they are designed to get our overall impressions of the challenges and benefits.memorize confident proverbs vocabulary practicetoUsedtranslatesound structuresgrammarintonation rhythm accent Word block Tongue tiedpersist recite persist forget tone Strike up Learn by heart dictation speech fluentmakesPracticeaccurate familiartalkbrave Freeperfectface stutter phrases smoothly nervous Loserelaxidioms pronunciationspeakerhesitate Native10. all bout my sports activitiesyou are ofter asked about sports and competition in stage one. You may be asked aboutthe sport you like, or your countrymen,and perhaps why you like them/it.exercise audience participate team excitingpopularexcitingskills energy Keepfitstressbadmintonatstrength volleyball Feelease Releasetennis Keep in shape ball play stadiumbroadcast goalshape Livebroadcast match Outofcompate score practice Play for fun fieldkick active prize racquet excellentgame spectator hit graceful schedule Live11. all about my familyyou may be asked some brief questions about your family and you may get some questions about your opinion of certain family issues. The key is to remain brief. Remember your family can include your parents and relatives(extended family)as well as your immediate family.Nuclear family wedding cousins treat Get together Passed away personalities nag elders divorcedto opposite resemble encourage relatives Writerretired support feed disciplinehomesickmiss raised Keep in touch Only child Extendedfamilystrict Easy going guide Grew up Get alongBrought up scold Close knit married modelfightoutcriticize argue Moved12. all about food and restaurants of my countrycommonly you are asked about food and restaurants from your hometown. Theinterviewer just wants to see if you can briefly describe them and then give yourimpressions. spicyHigh in fatMakes my tongue numbpork menu herbs spices beef helpings soup hot lamb fresh chopsticks imperial duck nutritious smell bitter mixed oily stew sweet steamed dishes Popular chefsaltydumplingsUnique tasteStir friedtaste snacks fried Hot pot baked boiled variety delicious hygienic healthy13. all bout music from my countryyou may be asked about music usually in stage two but sometimes in stage one. You do not need to use complicated jargon to express yourself here. It is enough just to express your preferences and why you like it.melody Hum along seats tone lyrices rock harmony relaxed singer loudorchestra drums band easy folk piano concert listening jazz Play a tune Well-known rhythminstrument meaningful voiceLove songsbellsSad songsclassicaltickets chord Heavy metals pop stimulates noted Words of a songFun of Dance to beat pitchcharacter14. all about my friendships and relationshipsgenerally you are asked questions about a friendship in stage 2or3. most of the time you center on a brief description of the person’s personality and appearance and then an explanation of why you are such good friends.Sense of humour plump stout behavior reliable In common short Smiley face Rely on devoted Same interest tall easygoingLong lost friend upright Hang around High cheek bone dilligentMutual respect Strong bonding Stand by me Tall nose extrovert admire character trustworthy Full lip introvert Think highly ofchubbysecrets slenderloyalHave a high regards forCurly hair Lostcontact/touchmuscular friendship Shared the same interestDepend on15. all about my experiences-good and badvery often,stage two topics involve experiences.these experiences can be good or bad or bad or learning experiences. The emphasis is not so much on the details but also on your reactions to the events. Once i… Took…seriously Put all my effort in realized finally Enjoy myself Jump or joy Scared to death impressed overjoyed shocked In a daze celebrated beyond stunned Snapped out of “believe my eyes”Taken backspeechless Get over it recall mood Deep impression unforgettable Never forget the time Turned around With all my might memoryEffect on me beliefThought it over Stayed in my mind admire Couldn’t face it suddenly Learning experience reacteeriePut up withencouraged16. all bout my home and buildings from my countrythis topic could be in stage one or stage two,and of course,if it is stage two you will be expected to give more details. However,you do not need many elaborate words to describe it. A few good adjectives and being able to communicate what effect such as buidings or your home has on you is enough. skyscraper corridor City centre upgrade diningroom tiles industrial expandkitchen bricks bustling varietyarchitectureFull of lifeHigh quality materials17.all about festivals and occationsthis has been a very popular stage two topic,as it is something the interviewers presume you have knowledge. Popular topics are holiday festivals but wedding and ceremonies have also been stage three usually flows into the issues of cultures and traditions versus modernization.celebrate toastFirewor displayk High regards for…symbolism Set off fireworksGet-together dumplingsNormal practicereminiscedecorate Spring festival Round table dinner legend representhonour mid-autumn festival Family reunioncarnivalLavish display Pay respect toDragonboat ethnicity normsignificancefestivaltraditional Labour day societyRitual practicefeastcustomary National day acceptable ceremonial paradeRed packetRe-establishlinkrespect formality superstition18.all about people in different parts of chinayou may be asked to talk about differences in the people in different parts of china. This might include north,south,central,east and west,but it could also include rural and urban people or ethnic groups. The key thing is to focus on differences, and the reasons for these differences,hospitable conservative role ethnicWay of lifeStraight forward Leadsimple lives housingLead a different life Pace of life Business orientedDown to earthoccupationextrovertedminoritieswealthy poor infrastructure optimistic hardworkingshrewd cunning mindset reserved lazy climate Entertain themselves habits Hot tempered curiousOpen-minded Spend their time customs shrewd backwardoutgoing accommodationmannerism Engage in shy19.all about classes you have studied or learnedyou may be asked to talk about a specific learing experience you’ve had.often the goal of the interviewer is to see if you can talk about a process. Concentrate on both the chronological process and what you gained from it. reviewed Take notes Trial and errorpassscheduleattend shortcut Burn the mid might oil achievement persecerance Master the skill held Try again Reach my goal defects RelievedWith easetricktechniqueTry hardtricky repetition preview Stayed up advise frustrating Take it seriously absorb Learned the rope workloadOver-timePut my heartabsorbrefinedfallproud Got through strategies tutored20..all about the environment in my countrythe environment is always a popular topic in stage three. It is assumed everyone has some thoughts on it. It helps if you know problems causes, and can offer solutions.Pollution pesticides ozone smog erosion emissions fertilizers Greenhouse effect Air qualitySense of Dumping waste chemicals contaminate logging appreciation Plant treesnitrogenrecycle Over-fishing soilextinct coal reuse exhaust Over-development conservation poachinglitterCarbon dioxidePass regulations The state of(e.g.the en ironment)resources garbage Sulphur dioxide fineTake measures EI Ninoawarenessrestrictions21.all bout modern technology in my countrythis is a classic stage three topic, talking about the effects of technology. You may be asked about technology in all 3 stages,but in stage three the questions become deeper. It is presumed that you can speak of the effects and changes. modernization advance integrateinstantlyBrand newglobalisation Latestdevelopment system technical installevolving automatically Top-natch revolution hardwareInformation age multifunctional features connect restructureintegration State of the art transfer wirelessPinpoint upgrade automation High powered stageaccurateStay on topHeavyindustriessoftware outdated electronicHigh tech industriesdesign parts retraining e-commerce22.all about changes in societythis is one of the most important topics and it covers almost all 3 stages, but particularly important in stage3. can you think of various ways your hometown, county and yourself has changed?substantial innovation Day bu day Sense of communityInformation ageRapiddevelopment improvement gradually dependence Global village Rise in Take over steadily reduce impersonal Keep up with millennium Growing demand Look into Up to date At a…rate century gapexperiment retrain The use of effect reconstructionacknowledgeWay of thinkingThe latestshapeconnected Keep pace revitalizetransformed revolution Self identity technical Opening up23.all about educational issues in my countryalthough you will probably describe your current or [ast educational activity in stage one ,you may also be asked to discuss educational issue in stage3,particularly if the stage 2topic involves a learning issues or a teacher. Key to this topic is simply how you feel about the current state of education, the positive and negative things and what solutions are possible.emphasize subjectcomplained Key schools foundationfocus pass parents interaction Analyticalthinking creativity streaming deeptextbooks Problem solvingdrills Special needs encourage competitive projects obedience Down play Well-rounded curriculum Independentwork homework promote basisExam-based markinggrades stress facilitate discipline develop facilities Critical thinking supervision trainingobey24.all about social problems in my countrythis is a very likely topic to come up, and it has appeared even in stage one. Your focus is on the reason for them and you are not expected to a sociologist. Just guess, speculate. You are not marked for your knowledge.rising surface equality ignored Burden impact Pass legislation status exposed plunge society Way of thinking Voice concern Take measures Stem from Feel the strain awareness corruption alleviated underlying root Over-dependencedevelopment sharp Come together ongoingSelf sufficientThe strainpanic rapid pace neglected The pressure gap growth symptoms suppressed Can’t take itdeclinesolution25.all about the media in my countryusually the media topic will arise in stage three as a connection to a news issue. The issue will typically revolve around your view of different types of media and your justified preference. It may appear in stage one but most likely stage two and particularly stage three.reliable libelarticle Live reports blasprint censor correspondents regulations publishaccurate Free lance verify distribute broadcastindependent download credible irresponsible view reportpropagandadutyUp to date Check sourceslatest websites tabloid sensationalism obligation Thejournalists objective standards Gossip professionalrestrictions instantly analysis subjective qualifications。
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Educational Background
education 学历
educational background 教育程度educational history 学历curriculum 课程
major 主修
minor 副修
educational highlights 课程重点部分curriculum included 课程包括specialized courses 专门课程courses taken 所学课程
courses completed 所学课程special training 特别训练
social practice 社会实践
part-time jobs 业余工作
summer jobs 暑期工作
vacation jobs 假期工作
refresher course 进修课程extracurricular activities 课外活动
physical activities 体育活动recreational activities 娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动
rewards 奖励
scholarship 奖学金
"Three Goods" student 三好学生excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部
student council 学生会
off-job training 脱产培训
in-job training 在职培训educational system 学制academic year 年
semester 学期(美)
term 学期(英)
president 校长
vice-president 副校长
dean 院长
assistant dean 副院长
academic dean 教务长department chairman 系主任
professor 教授
associate professor 副教授guest professor 客座教授lecturer 讲师
teaching assistant 助教research fellow 研究员research assistant 助理研究员supervisor 论文导师principal 中学校长(美)headmaster 中学校长(英)master 小学校长(美)dean of studies 教务长
dean of students 教导主任dean of students 教导主任teacher 教师
probation teacher 代课教师tutor 家庭教师
governess 女家庭教师intelligence quotient 智商pass 及格
fail 不及格
marks 分数
grades 分数
scores 分数
examination 考试
grade 年级
class 班级
monitor 班长
vice-monitor 副班长
commissary in charge of studies 学习委员commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员
commissary in charge of sports 体育委员commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员
Party branch secretary 党支部书记
League branch secretary 团支部书记commissary in charge of organization 组织委员commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员degree 学位
post doctorate 博士后
doctor (Ph.D) 博士
master 硕士
bachelor 学士。