内蒙古鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗九年级英语下册 Module 4 Rules and suggestions

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Unit 2 We must keep the camp clean
the brown bear, weighing Rea
( )2.Which of the following is wrong if they see a bear?
ey mustn’t make any sudden moves.
2.They can smell the food from a long way away.
y not come close.(“T” or ”F”)
5. What did the writer do while the others were resting the next day?
there Was a sudden noise, my blood went
ide and yourself.。

内师大研研究生英语期末考试复习资料—英语2(unit4)新视角研究生英语复习资料Unit 4Unit 4一、VocabularyPart A1. Our company is one of the leading manufacturers of commercial and institutional kitchen equipment, such as ovens, freezers, refrigerators, blenders, etc.2. An annual increase of 1.3% in food production is necessary at the present time to feed the burgeoning hum an population, assuming present diets remain invariant.3. You can envision the joy of your beloved ones when they receive the DVD shows made by your own hands as a special gift.4. This book depicts the cultural history of race and the complicated relationship between marginal and mainstream culture in early twentieth-century America.5. These sorts of jobs are available between late May and late August and often encompass a wide range of work.6. There is currently a trend for companies to outsource much of their IT to third-parties, in some cases to overseas third-parties.7. In ancient China, women would compete to show off their prowess in needlecraft on Qixi, the most important way of celebrating the festival.8. Morgan shunned publicity of any kind, and never permitted signs bearing her name at construction sites.9. Immigrants need time to overcome difficulties when they are assimilating into new cultures.10. Electronics chain stores are sometimes willing to forgo profits for a period of time in order to gain market share.Part B1. leaders are those courageous individuals who throughout history have refused to accept the status quo.A. ScornfulB. VisionaryC. ImpersonalD. Respectful2. The thick soap won’t foam properly, so it is necessary and economical to ____ it with water.A. pierceB. dipC. diluteD. balance3. I’ve been on suspension for over 2 weeks because I stood up to a rude, ____ boss.A. arrogantB. disloyalC. corporateD. uncommitted4. The successful candidates are all creative in solving problems and ______ at learning new technologies and skills.A. capableB. marginalC. adequateD. adept5. She ________ as she talked about the messy young boys who had drunk up all her milk and eaten up all her chocolates.A. bristledB. disdainedC. downsizedD. shunned6. Not only does he have one of those distinctive radio voices that sets him apart, he also brings a fun and a slightly ________ attitude to his show.A. irrelevantB. irreverentC. burgeoningD. mentoring7. ________ assets comprise items such as land, buildings, plants, machinery, fixtures and fittings, IT equipment and vehicles.A. DiverseB. MassiveC. ClassicalD. Tangible8. These few old-style wooden shops are soon to be demolished. With them will go the last ________ of the town’s original look.A. prowessB. monikerC. vestigeD. portfolio9. Our way to stay ahead of the competition is by continually creating ________ products and services while building new value in existing product lines.A. unmanageableB. deliverableC. innovativeD. institutional10. He always smiled and never had a negative comment about anyone or a _________ remark about any situation.A. cynicalB. skepticalC. hierarchicalD. prototypical二、CloseThe 51 million members of Generation X, born between 1965 and 1976, grew up in a very different world than 1) previous g enerations. Divorce and working moms 2) created“latchkey” kids out of many in this generation. This led to 3) traits of independence, resilience (弹性) and adaptability.At the same time, this generation expects immediate and ongoing feedback, and is equally comfortable 4) giving feedback to others. Other traits 5) include working well in multicultural settings, desire for some fun in the workplace and a pragmatic (重实效的) approach 6) to getting things done.Generation X saw their parents get laid off or 7) fase job insecurity. Many of them also entered the workplace in the early ’80s, 8) when the economy was in a downturn. Because of thes e factors, a Gen Xer doesn’t 9) waste time complaining if he is dissatisfied 10) with the company — he sends his resume out and accepts thebest 11) offer he can find at another organization.At the same time, Generation X takes employability 12) seriously . But for this generation there isn’t a career ladder. There’s a career lattice (格子). They can move laterally (横向的), stop and start, their career is more 13) fluid.Members of Generation X dislike authority and 14) rigid work requirements. Therefore, providing feedback on theirperformance should 15) play a big part, as should encouraging their creativity and 16) initiative to find new ways to get tasks done. As a mentor, you’ll want Gen Xers to work with you, not 17) for you. Start by informing them of your expectations and how you’ll measure their progress and 18) assure them that you’re committed to helping them learn new s kills. (Members of Generation X are eager to learn new skills because they want to 19) stay employable.) Gen Xers work best when they’re given the desired outcome and then left 20) along to figure out how to achieve it themselves. This means a mentor should guide them with feedback and suggestions, not step-by-step instructions.三、Translation1. 经过五年的实践, 他现在对同国际投资和贸易相关的法律事务已很在行了。

新视角研究生英语复习资料Unit 1一、VocabularyPart A1. His heart attack was triggered by the physical and emotional pressures suffered under interrogation.2. We are all under the illusion that the country is doing well economically , but in fact it is in serious difficulty.3.He couldn’t join the police because he was below the minimum height allowed by the rule.4. We hope to see stronger commitment from the world community for international working together in the fight to protect our common natural surroundings.5. The professor felt grateful and relieved that the debate hadn’t degenerated into something absurd and degrading.6. Tiger populations have stopped shrinking ,and working to protect them is now a way of life in nations where they roam.7. Our efforts result in a great rise in enrollments in our universities, coupled with a radical shift in higher education from the private to the public sector.8.It was such a funny and wonderful show; I could scarcely keep from laughing with delight.9. Details are often organized according to time sequence or from one place to another. These are two very important means of descriptive writing.10.Many how-to books advise you to stride into a room and impress others with your qualities.Part B1. Even without knowing all the details, the reader can often be able to predict the general direction the author is going to.A. anticipateB. expectC. captureD. nurture2. In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives play vital roles in raising children.A. intolerableB. impassionedC. intellectualD. indispensable3. Eat these foods with plentiful Vitamin C, for example, drink orange juice with cereal (谷类食品) or put a tomato on a sandwich, to increase the amount of iron absorbed.A. intensifyB. enhanceC. strengthenD. reinforce4. Believing that he was fully qualified, he submitted his application instantly, but a week later he was crushed to learn that it had been turned down.A. ultimatelyB. hesitantlyC. promptlyD. attentively5. The rule for the competition is somewhat vague. I can’t get it and I require an explanation.A. distinctB. obscureC. clumsyD. imaginary6. The diseases thrive in conditions where freshwater is insufficient and sanitation is poor.A. scarceB. plentifulC. fruitfulD. inexhaustible7. After the scandal, public confidence in the economic recovery has fallen dramatically, according to a post-election survey.A. graduallyB. frequentlyC. surprisinglyD. analytically8. The tutorial system is considered so important at Oxford and Cambridge that students are not even forced to attend general lectures.A. compelledB. insulatedC. memorizedD. challenged9. They must know how to keep and make use of and when necessary abandon the old and outdated conventional rules.A. skimB. clarifyC. discardD. insulate10. They believe that identity theft is caused by issuing too many instant credit cards, deficient checking of identity, and too few legal protections for consumers’ personal information.A. sufficientB. overdueC. naiveD. inadequate二、CloseHow to Be an Effective ListenerAuthor G. K. Chesterton once said, “There is no such thin g as an uninteresting subject; there are only uninterested people.” Listening is a skill that 1) requires coordination of the listener’s mental powers with an outside force (the person or thing which is being listened to). In addition, listening is three-2) dimensional; listen critically with the ears, 3) thoughtfully with the mind, and understandingly with the eyes.(1) Good listeners need to think around the topic by listening between the 4) lines, and anticipate the instructor’s5) next point.(2) Good listeners 6) summarize what has been said and put instructor’sthoughts into their 7) own words.(3) Good listeners listen with a pencil in their hands and take good 8) notes.(4) Good listeners try to get as much 9)out of a lecture as from a chapter in a book.(5) Good listeners avoid supersensitive listening, i.e. not 10) refuse to listen to anything they don’t agree with.(6) Good listeners sit near the 11) front so as not to miss anything.People who are good listeners manage to judge the 12) content, and not the delivery. They realize that not all instructors are good lecturers. Some instructors have a very nervous demeanor ( 行为;举止) and may not 13) act as though they are comfortable lecturin g; it doesn’t mean that they have nothing of 14) value to say. And some instructors may have a(n) 15) accent, or may speak softly. Again, while these things may be 16)distracting to the listener, every 17) effort should be made to ignore these physical problems and pay attention to the message.Another area that good listeners can take 18) advantage of is non-verbal communication. Facial expressions, gestures, body posture: all of these add to a lecture. Even something so minor as the instructor pacing back and 19) forth, stopping only to emphasize a point, is important. A good listener will couple what is being said with what isn’t being said (non-verbals) and draw 20) conclusions .三、Translation1. 那位教授很可能在他唯一的学生缺席的情况下对着空空的教室讲了一课。

三、考试要求1. 掌握英语国家文学(以英美文学为主)的基本知识,了解其主要的作家和作品。
2. 掌握语言学的基本知识,以及主要分支、理论和流派。
3. 掌握基本的英语国家国情文化知识,主要包括英语国家地理知识、英语国家历史知识、英语国家社会文化等。
4. 具备较强的英汉互译能力。
2. 题型填空题、名词解释、简答题和论述题。

新视角研究生英语复习资料Unit 4Unit 4一、VocabularyPart A1. His way of staying sane was to compose poems in classical Chinese which he somehow kept with him.2. The children’s insatiable curiosity will be satisfied one way or the other, as there are plent y of museums, libraries and children’s palaces in the city.3. Examination of the theory which purport to provide an answer to this question is nonetheless important for a number of reasons.4.It is impossible to forget the uplifting speech that the president gave at the commencement ceremony.5. The athlete, a devout Christian, like his parents, died in 1945 in a Japanese internment camp in Shandong province.6. The picture drawn is a static one, and it has been unable to provide a convincing account of how and why changes have occurred in the pattern of industrial relations.7. The choice of players for the team seemed completely arbitrary.8. He listened in rapt concentration as Mr. Mercer described how one soldier shot off his leg and threatened to kill him until he shouted back at him.9. Respect for life is a cardinal principle of English law.10. Building a home is a more demanding business compared with buying one.Part B1. Her reputation suffered a _________ blow as the result of the scandal.A. mortalB. shamefulC. humiliatingD. disgraceful2. In explaining this situation, it might be possible to point to sources _____ to the nation: its culture, mentality, religions, or geography.A. inheritedB. hereditaryC. inherentD. heritable3. His _______ difficulties may make it impossible for him to recognize you and his family.A. perceptualB. appreciableC. understandableD. recognizable4. He had never previously thought of himself as _______ or even as particularly materialistic.A. inquisitiveB. interactiveC. positiveD. acquisitive5. Like a dreamer, the young artist is absorbed in ________ of something outside himself and does not identify with it.A. illusionB. contemplationC. conceptionD. fantasy6. The club, where I am staying, releases forgotten gusts of memory, like those lilies which only _____ their sweet perfume at night.A. exhaleB. inhaleC. relaxD. relieve7.If it is a technique which works for you then, use it ________.A. by all meansB. by no meansC. in one wayD. by the way8.You would ________ some responsibility immediately for particular areas and additional responsibilities are available to those with the ability and enthusiasm to undertake.A. bear onB. take onC. carry onD. hold on9. This raises the question whether the education of children in rural communities is prejudiced by the ________ of a curriculum devised for urban conditions.A. publicationB. compulsionC. computationD. imposition10. The weak point in the school is due to the_________ of parents who remove their sons from the school at too early an age.A. follyB. prudenceC. crazinessD. madness二、CloseHappiness is basically a state of mind. Happiness depends 1)more on one’s disposition and outlook. Only 2) by connecting to your real identity, deeper than merely the body and 3) mind, can one reach real happiness because that is where such happiness is always 4) found. In this way, very little is needed to have a happy life. It is all within 5)yourself . Thus, we can attain a state of being satisfied 6)with what we have without being anxious to attain all our temporal desires, without 7) worrying about the future, and without concerning ourselves with 8)unnecessary hopes and fears. When you are really and naturally happy from within, 9)everything else that you accomplish can be viewed as icing on the cake, an extra sweetness to life. But such external activities are not where true happiness 10)lies.The only 11)reason why people cannot attain their inward spiritual bliss right here and now is because they put too much 12)focus on their external situation and what they feel they need and how to get it. Or they focus on the 13)problems that they think they have. Actually, what people need to be happy is 14)right inside them, at all times, 15)regardless of whatever trials and challenges may happen outside and 16)around them. As I’ve always said, it is not what 17)happens to you, but it is how you perceive it and how you 18)react or respond to it that makes the difference. We have to understand that happiness and distress is a constant flow in material 19)life. We are affected by it 20)only if we identify with it. One has to learn to rise above that by connecting with your true self, or higher self. So how do we do that?三、Translation1.在当今社会,广告几乎完全成为致力于描写快乐的现代表达方式。

新视角研究生英语复习资料Unit 1一、VocabularyPart A1. The company has planned to strengthen its corporate identity.2. The results of this survey demonstrate clearly the fact that younger people are the most mobile.3. More than 100 development groups throughout the world are working on the technology, many of them attempting to update old designs to work with modern engines.4. But to ignore the evidence of differences in performance between gender or ethnic groups can lead to unjust treatment of individuals.5. I am pleased with the progress to date and I believe that you are not finding the process too disruptive.6. The markets are smart enough to guests when a realignment is coming.7. You simply cannot assume that because the report has been well received that it will produce action or a decision.8. Academic qualifications cannot be the only criteria in judging a person.9. If difficulties do arise during your time abroad, you may feel isolated and vulnerable to pressure both from local management and head office.10.Many museums employ specialist to offer teachers sample worksheets.Part B1. The country is heavily dependent on its oil exports.A. reliant onB. complaint withC. yielding toD. attached to2. An alternative approach is to define words according to the sentence contexts in which they occur.A. outlineB. explainC. specifyD. term3. A second hospital has been accused of mixing up a baby’s name tag, making the mother fear she had the wrong child.A. codeB. paperC. boardD. label4. The director will have to shift his roles and expectations when he’s asked by the rest of the board to answer criticism of company performance.A. moveB. stintC. alterD. transit5. Japanese computer makers are turning to scientists overseas to help them develop software and applications for massively parallel supercomputers.A. heavilyB. immenselyC. solidlyD. ponderously6. There is also evidence that younger people expect to transfer the source oftheir main emotional support to their spouse when they marry.A. move ... toB. subtract ... fromC. distract ... fromD. deflect ... to7. Psychometric tests which attempt to measure students’ ability to use the library have been developed and made use of primarily in the USA.A. arbitrateB. assessC. calculateD. reckon8. Consequently, the neighborhood they live in, the interests they have, the lifestyle of their friends and colleagues, will necessarily determine what reality is for the child.A. residential pathB. residential streetC. residential districtD. residential part9. The aim is to help participants identify their own learning needs in this area and then to suggest ways in which they can increase their knowledge.A. affirmB. confirmC. assumeD. recognize10. As we shall see later, they have been one of the factors that have helped to tip the economic balance firmly against the nuclear option.A. tiltB. inclineC. slideD. slant二、CloseI remember viewing half a dozen men in a chair factory whose job was to bend several pieces of steel and attach them so that a folding chair would result. The men knew they 1)were good. When I talked with them, each expressed enormous 2) pride in being a part of the fastest, best team. And this sense of belonging 3) to an accomplished work group is one of the distinctive satisfactions of the world of 4) work.Unlike many other aspects of life, relationships among people at work 5)tend to be simpler, less complicated, somewhat less emotional. This is 6)not to say there aren’t arguments and jealousies, but, on the 7)whole , behavioral research discloses that 8)human relations at work are just easier, perhaps because they are more regular and predictable and 9)thus simpler to adjust to than the sporadic, the more intense and 10)less regular relationships in the community. And the work group also gently pressures its members to learn how to 11)adjust to one another so that the “rough edges” are worked 12)off because people know they must do certain things 13)with and through one another each day.14)Beyond the team and the work group, there is the organization, whether it be company or hospital or university. The 15)same pride in being part of a well-coordinated, successful unit is 16)derived from being part of a larger collectivity. Working for a company that is 17)thought of as being part of the best in the community can provide employees 18)with both status and self-confidence. They assume, usually with good reasons, that others regard them more 19)highly, evenenvy them, and that they are more 20)competent than the average because of this association with a “winner,” a prestigious institution.三、Translation1. 餐饮行业与电影行业的共同之处在于其小型企业的失败率很高。


2019-2020学年内蒙古师范大学附属中学高三英语第四次联考试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThe Internet can provide a wealth of educational resources for small children, if you know where to look.Enchanted LearningEnchanted learning is a great website for children, and I know several teachers who rely on it for materials for their classrooms. Most of the information is free, but for $ 20.00 per year, you can purchase a membership that allows you to have access to the site without the advertising. The pages here are great. There are color1 ed pages and worksheets for toddlers (学步儿童) and school-age children.StarfallStarfall is another good educational website for small children. Teachers often use this website in classrooms. It emphasizes reading skills for early learners. The website is aimed at first-grade-level learners, but it has tools that can help all children from pre-K to second grade. The website has reading activities, worksheets to download, and a store where you can purchase educational materials for your children.Sesame Street WorkshopKids loveSesame Street, and it is always educational. This is one of the funniest websites online for children because it is very well animated and has great sound effects. The website has games and stories for small kids, and they can create letters at the post office and mail them to their favorite characters.1. Why does Enchanted Learning offer purchasing memberships?A. Charging for the information.B. Charging for downloading materials.C. Giving access to the site without the ads.D. Providing unlimited search for more pages.2. Where can you buy educational materials for your children?A. Enchanted LearningB. StarfallC. Sesame Street WorkshopD. Colored pages3. What is the purpose of this text?A. To introduce.B. To discuss.C. To persuade.D. To educate.BRemember when your mom told you not to eat too many candy bars or sweets because they can cause tooth decay (蛀牙)? However, it turns out that chocolate can be moresalutaryto your teeth than you might expect. Recent studies show that chocolate can effectively fight against tooth decay, as if we need another excuse to eat chocolate.Chocolate offers protection like fluoride, a main ingredient in most household toothpastes. Not only does chocolate protect our teeth, but it can do so very effectively. Studies show that chocolate has compounds that provide strong protection for teeth. One of the compounds in chocolate, CBH, is shown to protect even more effectively than fluoride.Tooth decay happens when bacteria work to turn sugar into acids in our mouth. This is why eating foods with high sugar content can lead to more tooth decay. The compounds in chocolate, however, are anti-bacteria and can fight against bacteria in your mouth. The CBH compound in particular also works to strengthen tooth enamel (牙釉质), andprotects against tooth decay.Does this mean you can cat as much chocolate as you want without worrying about your teeth? It depends on the types of chocolate that you like. The protective effect of chocolate is most effective when you chew on cocoa beans. Of course, this option is not very appealing to; most people. A more tasty option is to choose dark chocolate with little sugar content, ideally no more than 6 to 8 grams per serving. For other types of chocolate with higher sugar content, the effect will be lessened. However, because of the protective compounds, it is still better for your teeth than other sweets and desserts containing the same amount of sugar.4. The word “salutary” in paragraph 1 means?A. Beneficial.B. Harmful.C. Familiar.D. Useless.5. What can we know about the compound CBH in chocolate?A. It can help chocolate cure tooth decay.B. It can effectively stop teeth from decaying.C. It may protect teeth better than toothpastes do.D. It may soon replace most household toothpastes.6. How does chocolate fight tooth decay?A. By breaking down acids.B. By building up compounds.C. By fixing up tooth enamel.D. By fighting against bacteria.7. What's the main idea of the text?A. Chocolate plays the role of toothpaste.B. Chocolate protects against tooth decay.C. Chocolate is the best choice for teeth protection.D. Chocolate is healthier to teeth than other sweets.CBob, a Burroughs junior high school football player, always had his mom cheering him on. He didn’t play exciting positions. He played as a linebacker(中后卫球员). Sadly, he often found himself at the bottom of the piles, where everyone would jump onto each other at the end of every play. Bob's mom realized it was hard for her son to hear her cheering. She hadto find a solution, but couldn't find one.Then one day the coach from the school team asked him if he wanted to join the team. Bob wasecstatic, because he was only a ninth grader. His mom was also excited, since she loved football and especially loved watching her son play. She kept considering a way for him to hear her. A cowbell! That was it. Now from the bottom of the piles Bob would hear his mom shaking her cowbell crazily, knowing she was there for him.Bob's team finally made it to the state championship game. What exciting time to play at Busch Stadium under the lights! This experience made Bob appreciate all the years that his mom had sacrificed everything to get him to practice every day, to wash his uniforms, and to never miss a game. He had to do something.On the night of the state championship game, the loudspeakers introduced Bob, and as he walked onto the field his mom shook the cowbell, hard. However, it didn’t sound right. She looked its inside, and found a note saying,”Thank you, Mom.” Bob had left her a note expressing his appreciation for always being with him, filling her heart with warmth.Finally Burroughs claimed the title of State Champion. While others were cheering and admiring the state championship cup, Bob' s mom clutched(紧握) her cowbell happily.Years later, Bob’s mom died. While digging through her belongings, he found the cowbell with the note. Bob took it to his mom's funeral and rang it, whispering, "Thank you, Mom.”8. What does the underlined word "ecstatic” mean in Paragraph 2?A. CuriousB. DisappointedC. AnxiousD. Delighted9. Why did Bob's mom want to get a cowbell?A. To amuse her cow.B. To teach her cowC. To attract his attention.D. To make him hear her10. What can be learned from Paragraph 3?A. Bob's mom devoted much time to himB. Bob was the best player in his teamC. Bob owed his success to his coachD. Bob's mom was a football player at college11. Why didn’t the cowbell sound as usual that night?A. The mother was very weak.B. Bob had put a note inside the bell.C. The weather became terrible suddenlyD. The bell had been broken deliberates.DA new look for technology, Solestrom’s new high-tech swimsuits promise to stand out all summer long. First in their new products is Solestrom’s new SmartSwimCMUV Smart Bikini featuring a smart UV meter.The bikini collects UV information through a smart fabric belt and reports the UV index to the wearer with 0.01 exactness. The electronic parts are neatly built into the removable belt, and can be worn even underwater. Next in the list is a lower cost cousin, the SmartSwimCMUV Index Detector Bikini, which has UV sensitive beads that change color1 with the level of UV intensity. The reading gives more of a range rather than an exact number, but for those who simply need to know if the UV is low, moderate or high, this bikini fits the bill.It is now available in Banana Split, more color1 s may become available later in the season. And finally, what could be better than a beach tote with built in energy source? No need to suffer dead batteries in your MP3, just plug them into your Solar Powered Beach Tote for on-the-go mobile charging. This beach tote combines fashion and functionality all in one, lightweight and roomy beach accessory. A built in solar panel charges fully most small electronics in only 2-3 hours of sunlight. Pauline Butler, Media Relations Manger at Solestrom states “the concept of blending fashion and technology is growing at amazing rate, and we are right on the leading edge. Our products are new, creative and meet the need of the young and environmentally conscious crowd.’’Solestrom’s SmartSwinirCMproducts retail from $98. 99- $189. 99,and can be found in their online store, Solestrom. com.12. What is the passage mainly about?A. Famous Solestrom and its Products.B. Fashionable and Functional Beach Tote.C. Smart swimsuits and Solar Powered Beach Tote.D. Where and How to Buy SmartSwirn and the Beach Tote.13. Why are UV sensitive beads used in the SmartSwirnCMUV Index Detector Bikini?A. To give an exact number.B. To know if the UV is low, moderate or high.C. To change color1 with the level of UV intensity.D. To improve the equality of the UV Index Detector Bikini.14. What can we know about Solar Powered Beach Tote?A. Its parts are fixed in the belt.B. It combines lightweight and functionality.C. It can tell the weaver the level of UV intensity.D. It saves people from worrying about dead batteries in their MP3.15. Who will prefer the new products mentioned in the text?A. The young people and the environmentalists.B. People who like to travel all over the world.C. People who love to buy goods online.D. People interested in the latest bag.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2021届内蒙古师范大学附属中学高三英语第四次联考试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ASongkran, ThailandThis festival marks the Thai New Year, which is celebrated in the second week of April. This is the hottest time of the year in Thailand, so it makes sense that the biggest Songkran tradition is to throw water on people. Thais of all ages join in water fights, using buckets, hoses (软管)and water guns to celebrate the event.Boryeong Mud Festival, South KoreaDon't expect to come home clean after experiencing the Boryeong Mud Festival in South Korea. Famous for its mineral-rich mudflats, visitors rush to Boryeong in July to make themselves in mud, swim in grey pools and enjoy the party. There are even mudslides and a mud skiing competition for those who are seeking the extreme mud adventure!La Tomatina, SpainThe festival dates back to a parade in which some naughty teenagers knocked one performer off his stilts (高跷)and caused a fight of throwing vegetables accidentally. It was once banned until 1957 when the locals held a protest with a funeral. They carried a coffin containing a huge tomato as bands played a funeral march. In the following decades, La Tomatina has become a popular event. If you join the event, be aware that you squash (压扁) the tomato before throwing it. Have a great time but avoid causing any injury.Dia de los Muertos, MexicoBeginning at the midnight of October 31 and lasting through November 2,it is a festival when families gather together to remember those loved ones who have died, aiming to help them on their spiritual journey. On these days, Mexican families prepare special tables in their homes. On top of them they'll put photos of the dead and their favorite food. They also visit the graves of their beloved ones to show their respect to the dead.1.If you want to experience a special new year in a country, you can choose to visit ________.A.ThailandB.South KoreaC.SpainD.Mexico2.What may happen to you as a visitor in La Tomatina?A.You can perform stilts.B.Your can play funeral music in bands.C.You may be covered with mud.D.You may be attacked with tomatoes.3.Which festival is similar to the Tomb Sweeping Festival in China?A.Songkran.B.Boryeong Mud Festival. Tomatina.D.Dia de los Muertos.BScientists have recently discovered thatAndean condors (秀鹫)— some of the world’s largest birds——barely flap their wings at all while flying. Instead, they use rising air currents to remain in the air for hours.The Andean condor is the world’s largest soaring bird. They can weigh up to 15 kilograms. Their wings, when spread out, measure up to three meters. Their main food source is the meat of large animals which have died. Soaring high in the sky allows condors to easily spot possible meals on the ground.Scientists worked together to study the flight patterns of these huge birds and how much effort the birds use when flying. To study the birds while they were in the sky, the researchers attached special devices which could record every beat of their wings.The scientists learned that most of the condors’ flapping— over 75%— came when the birds were taking off. Once in the sky, the birds flew for very long periods of time without flapping at all. In fact, they only flapped their wings for 1% of the time they were in the air. One bird flew for over five hours without flapping, covering nearly 117miles.Soaring without flapping is important because birds bum energy every time they flap their wings.The birds’ soaring isn’t magic. They use the fact that hot air rises to keep themselves up. As hot air rises, it often creates “thermals”— currents of warm air moving upward. The condors soar by making use of these thermals. The tricky part is finding thermals and moving between them.When birds are forced to land and take off again often, it costs them a lot of energy. The researchers learned that to avoid having to land, the condors did most of their non-take-off flapping when they were closer to the ground and looking for a new thermal.The scientists reported that even though all of the condors they studied were young, they knew well how to take advantage of the air currents.4. What can we learn about the Andean condor from the text?A. They live mairly on small animals.B. Their wingspan is at least three meters.C. They rely on hot air to remain high in the sky.D. They are the birds with the strongest flying ability.5. Why was the equipment tied to the birds?A. To measure how far they could fly without flapping.B. To keep track of how often they flapped while flying.C. To calculate the energy required for their flight.D. To confirm their flight patterns.6. Which of the following acts consumes the most energy for a condor?A. Hunting for food.B. Flying in the sky.C. Getting off the ground.D. Landing on the ground.7. What can we infer from the text?A. Condors flap the most when looking for a new thermal.B. No condor can fly for more than five hours without flapping.C. Condors don’t need to look for thermals when soaring in the sky.D. Soaring by using thermals is probably a natural ability of condors.CBeing an Olympian (奥运会选手) demands focus, determination, and a competitive spirit. Plus, representing your country is a lot of pressure. However, two athletes recently showed the world another quality that is definitely worth championing.Qatar's Mutaz Essa Barshim and Italy's Gianmarco Tamberi were competing in the high jump on Sunday when they reached a stalemate (僵局). Both men had managed to jump over a surprising 2.37 meters with no faults along the way. However, after three attempts neither managed the next level of 2.39 meters.An Olympic official suggested ajump-offbetween the two friends and rivals (竞争对手) to determine who would get the gold medal. But Barshim had another plan to reward their efforts.“Can we have two golds?” he asked the official.The official agreed and the two men jumped for joy. This was the first time a gold medal had been shared since 1912. “He is one of my best friends, not only on the track, but outside the track. We work together. This is a dream come true.” shared Barshim.The decision to share the medal was particularly meaningful to Tamberi. The Italian had suffered an ankle injury that prevented him from competing in the Rio Olympics in 2016, and it nearly put an end to his career altogether. So this year he brought along his cast to this year's Olympics with “Road to Tokyo 2021” to inspire him along the way.For Barshim, the gold has topped off his already impressive medal collection, having received a bronze and a silver medal in 2012 and 2016 respectively.Despite all the glory of receiving a gold medal for their countries, their achievement means so much more. These two individuals, trying to do their very best for their countries, have provided a wonderful example to all those competing in sports. They've summed up exactly what it means to take part in a global event with a generous and compassionate (有同情心的) spirit.8. What happened to Barshim and Tamberi in the competition?A. They ended in a tie.B. They quit the competition.C. They set a new record.D. They ran out of strength.9. What does the underlined word “jump-off” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A. Debate.B. Vote.C. Celebration.D. Extra round.10. Why was the gold medal particularly meaningful to Tamberi?A. It could bring him a lot of money.B. It may make up for his regret in 2016.C. It was a glory for his country.D. It could complete his medal collection.11. What does the author mainly want to convey in the text?A. The importance of sharing.B. The glory of winning gold medals.C. The valuable and special team spirit.D. The considerate and sharing Olympic spirit.DIf you have ever been disappointed because you don’t have a good gardener ,the clever robot may one day become the helper of your indoor plantsThe Hexa Plant is a six-legged robot that has been specially made to care for the potted plant that carries on top of its head .Using light and heats sensors (传感器) the robot has the ability to carry its plant in and out the daylight .If the houseplant needs more sun,the Hexa will walk into the sunlight ;and if the houseplant is getting too hot , the Hexa will go back into the area that blocks direct light The Hexa Plant will even do a little dance when it senses that the plant needs to be watered to warn its owner .The robot was developed by Vincross engineer and founder Sun Tianqi after he saw a dead sunflower sitting in the darkness in a room back in 2014 .” Plants only receive an action without responding ,”SunTianqi wrote in ablog post .” Whether they are being cut ,bitten ,burned or pulled from the earth ,or when they haven’t received enough sunshine ,water ,or are too hot or cold ,they will hold still and take whatever is happening to them .According to Sun Tianqi ,for billions of years ,plants have never experienced movement of any kind ,not even the simplest movement .In their whole lives ,they stick to where they were born .Sun Tianqi continued ,” Do they want break their own settings or have a tendency towards this ?I do not know the answer ,but would love to try to share some of this human tendency and technology with plants With the help of the robot ,plants can experience the move”.The Hexa Plant model robots are not for sale ,though Vincross does sell a Hexa robot model .It is said that in the near future the robots can open up a new market to watch over our household plants12. What can we learn about the Hexa Plant?A. It helps people do some gardening .B. It waters the plants through dancingC. It helps indoor plants get proper sunlightD. It carries the potted plant with its hands13. What does the author try to show through Paragraph 3?A. The way plants spend their whole livesB. The common way people deal with plantsC. The difference between plants and humansD. The cause of making the indoor plants’ helper.14. What does Sun Tianqi try do using this technology?A. To develop gardening skills.B. To draw people’s attention plantsC. make plants experience moveD. study the living conditions of plants15. What can be the best title for the text?A. A New Market for robotsB. An Indoor Plants’ HelperC. An Important Development in GardeningD The Tendency of Gardening in the Future第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2021届内蒙古师范大学附属中学高三英语第四次联考试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AF the Art World competition.Prize -The winner of each type will get the chance to display their artworks in a week-long exhibition inChelsea,New York..Eligibility - Open to artists all over the world..Entry Fee(参赛费)-$24 for a maximum of 3 submitted(提交的)photos..Date of Exhibition - From 25thApril to 2ndMay.F the Art World is an international art competition organized by which is quite unusual, compared to other competitions. The artworks are not judged on the basis of creativity and skill. Instead, they're judged by the depth of the subject matter. The subject this year is “A Competition About Change”, where artists can try and show how they'd like to change humanity in a good way.Notes*For this competition, there are three types for submissions, namely: street art, fine art, and digital art.*Each type will have a winner as chosen by the organizers and all the winners will have the wonderful chance to exhibit their works at the Unarthodox Gallery inNew Yorkin a week-long exhibition.*All the winners will also receive 100% of the sale price when any of their artworks are sold!Winners will also be displayed on the website and the entrants' artworks will also be displayed in the opening ceremony(仪式)as well.1.What is special about F the Art World Competition?AIt is free to attend.B.It lasts for over a week.C.It is open to artists inNew York.D.It centers on the depth of the artworks.2.What will the winners get?A.Prize money.B.A chance to visit an exhibition.C.A written judgement of their artworks.D.Money from the sale of their artworks.3.Where will the entrants' artworks be shown?A.In the street.B.In the opening ceremony.C.On the website.D.At the market.BScientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (麻省理工学院) have turned spider webs into music——creating an strange soundtrack that could help them better understand how the spiders output their complex creations and even how they communicate.The MIT team worked with Berlin-based artist Tomas Saraceno to take 2D (two-dimensional) laser (激光) scans of a spider web, which were linked together and made into a mathematical model that could recreate the web in 3Din VR (virtual reality). They also worked with MIT’s music department to create the virtual instrument.“Even though the web looks really random (随机),there actually are a lot of inside structures and you can visualize (可视化) them and you can look at them, but it’s really hard to grasp for the human imagination or human brain to understand all these structural details,” said MIT engineering professor Markus Buehler, who presented the work on Monday at a virtual meeting of the American Chemical Society.Listening to the music while moving through the VR spider web lets you see and hear these structural changes and gives a better idea of how spiders see the world, he told CNN. “Spiders use vibrations (振动) as a way to locate themselves, to communicate with other spiders and so the idea of thinking really like a spider would experience the world was something that was very important to us as spider material scientists,” Buehler said.Spiders are able to build their webs without shelves or supports, so having a better idea of how they work could lead to the development of advanced new 3D printing techniques. “The reason why I did that is I wanted to be able to get information really from the spider world, which is very weird and mysterious,” Buehler explained. In addition to the scientific value, Buehler said the webs are musically interesting and that you can hear the sounds the spider creates during construction. “It’s unusual and eerie and scary, but finally beautiful.” he described.4. What have MIT scientists done according to the passage?A. They have translated spider webs into sounds.B. They have made a mathematical model to produce webs.C. They have created a soundtrack to catch spiders.D. They have known how spiders communicate.5. What can we know about spider webs from paragraph 3?A. Their structures are beautiful and clear.B. Professor Markus Buehler knows them well.C. The American Chemical Society presents the result.D. They are complex for people to figure it out.6. In which field will the study be helpful?A. virtual realityB. printingC. paintingD. film-making7. What is the main idea of the passage?A. It tells us that the music created by spiders is scary.B. It shows how the researchers carry out the experiment.C. It presents a new and creative way to study spiders.D. It explains why scientists did the experiment.COnce a rich and clever boy had practically everything a boy could want, so he was not interested in most toys. But he couldn't get a very old mirror, and heconvinced his parents to buy it from mysterious(神秘的)old man. When the mirror arrived home, the boy went to see his reflection in it. His face looked very sad indeed. He tried smiling and making funny faces, but his reflection continued with its sad expression. "What a terrible mirror! It's the first time I've seen a mirror that didn't work properly!" the boy jumped violently.That same afternoon he went into the street to play and bought a few toys, but on his way to the park he saw a little girl who was crying her heart out. The girl was crying so much and looked so lonely that the rich boy went over to help her and to see what had happened. The little girl told him that she had lost her parents.Together the two set off in search of the parents. As the little girl wouldn't stop crying, the boy spent his money buying her sweets to cheer her up. Finally, after much walking, they found her parents who were much worried and were looking for her everywhere.The rich boy said goodbye to them. As it was getting late, he decided to head for home, without being able to play. At home, he went to his room, and noticed a shining light in the corner, the same corner he had left the mirror in. Seeing this, he went over to the mirror, and realised that the light was coming from his own body, so radiant(闪亮的)with happiness he had become.And so he understood the mystery of that mirror, the only mirror which could faithfully reflect the true joy ofits owner. He realised it was true. He felt very happy at having helped that little girl. And since then, each morning when he looked in that mirror and failed to see a special shine, he knew what he had to do to bring it back.8. How did the boy feel when he first looked into the mirror?A. Embarrassed.B. Angry.C. Worried.D. Delighted.9. Why was the little girl crying so hard?A. She couldn't find her parents.B. She couldn't get the mysterious mirror.C. Her parents couldn't buy toys for her.D. The boy refused to give his toys to her.10. What could the boy see in the mirror after he went back from the park?A. A shining toy.B. A broken mirror.C. His happy face.D. The lovely girl.11. What is the purpose of this text?A. To tell us a horrible story.B. To introduce to us a strange mirror.C. To warn us not to be selfish.D. To encourage us to help others.DWhen you walk with a backpack, do you know how the things inside move from side to side? Now scientists havefigured out how to tap into that movement to produce electricity.Picture a pendulum (摆锤) fixed to a backpack frame and stabilized with springs on either side. The pack’s weight is attached to the pendulum, so the pendulum swings side to side as you walk.Then a machine is driven by that swinging movement, and spits out electrical current to charge a battery.Volunteers carried the pack while walking on a running machine and wore masks to measure the flow of O2and CO2. Walking with the slightly swinging 20-pound load, the device (设备) did not significantly affect the volunteers’ metabolic (新陈代谢的) rate compared to when they carried the same weight fixed in place. In fact, the energy-harvesting pack reduced the forces of acceleration they’d feel in a regular pack, which might mean greater comfort for a long hike. And the device did produce a steady trickle (涓流) of electricity. If you up the load to 45 pounds, the swing of the pack could fully charge a smart phone only after 12 hours. The details are in the journal Royal Society Open Science.The device produces electricity from human movement and has been identified as a workable solution to providing a renewable energy source for portable electronic devices. It is particularly useful for those who work in remote areas, as these people often carry a lot of weight in a backpack for their exploration.But here’s a realconundrum: the energy-harvesting device currently weighs five pounds. The researchers saythat’s about four pounds too many to be a smart alternative to batteries. So they hope that more research lets them lighten the load, to ensure the pack charges you up without weighing you down.12. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?A. How the device works.B. What the device looks like.C. Who the device is designed for.D. Why scientists designed the device.13. Which of the following describes the device?A. It greatly affected the volunteers metabolic rate.B. It harvested energy as the volunteers walk.C. It failed to produce steady electricity.D. It was useless for a long walk.14. What does the underlined word “conundrum” in the last paragraph mean?A. Problem.B. Method.C. Bond.D. Decision.15. What will the researchers try to do next?A. Increase the charging speed of their device.B. Find smarter alternatives to batteries.C. Reduce the weight of their device.D. Put their device on the market.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2020年内蒙古师范大学附属中学高三英语第四次联考试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ADo you want to get home from work knowing you have made a real difference in someone’s life? If yes, don’t care about sex or age! Come and join us, then you’ll make it!Position:Volunteer Social Care Assistant (No Pay with Free Meals)Place:ManchesterHours:Part TimeWe are now looking for volunteers to support people with learning disabilities to live active lives! Only 4 days left. Don’t miss the chance of lending your warm hands to help others!Role:You will provide people with learning disabilities with all aspects of their daily lives. You will help them to develop new skills. You will help them to protect their rights and their safety. But your primary concern is to let them know they are valued.Skills and Experience Required:You will have the right values and great listening skills. You will be honest and patient. You will have the ability to drive a car and to communicate in fluent written and spoken English since you’ll have to help those people with different learning disabilities. Previous care-related experience will be a great advantage for you.1.The text is meant to_________.A.carry an adB.send an invitationC.present a documentD.leave a note2.The volunteers’ primary responsibility is to help people with learning disabilities__________.A.to learn new living skillsB.to get some financial supportC.to properly protect themselvesD.to realize their own importance3.Which of the following can first be chosen as a volunteer?A.The one who can drive a car.B.The one who can speak English fluently.C.The one who has relevant work experience.D.The one who has the patience to listen to others.BA team of researchers from several institutions in the UK and one in Estonia has created a type of buoy(浮标)that has proven to be effective at frightening seabirds, thus preventing them from getting caught in gillnets—a type of vertical fishing net that is made of a material that makes it nearly invisible underwater.Every year, hundreds of thousands of seabirds die when they get caught in gillnets. Some estimates suggest that up to a half-million birds are caught in them each year. Over the years, researchers have created devices(装置)to prevent the birds from trying to catch fish near or in gillnets, but those didn't work well.To find a way that would work for all seabirds, the researchers first studied seabirds in a general sense, looking to find things that they would avoid. They noted that seabirds avoided eye contact with other creatures. Then the researchers came up with a simple idea—they put a small pole to a regular buoy and then attached a pair of googly eyes(金鱼眼)to the top of it. They made the eyes big enough so that even birds with poor eyesight, such as geese, would see them. Adding to the effectiveness of the device, waves made the eyes move back and forth. And the wind made the buoy spin very slowly, making sure that birds from every direction would get a good look at the eyes.To test their idea, the researchers selected several sites near gillnets and counted how many birds approached and how many attempted to catch fish near the nets. They then set up their googly-eyed buoys and once again counted birds. Over the course of 62 days, they found the number of birds that tried to catch fish near the gillnets dropped by approximately 25% for a distance of up to 50 meters. They also found that the birds were less likely to fish near where the buoys had been for up to three weeks after they had been removed.4. What is the function of paragraph 2?A. Introducing a new topic to discuss.B. Providing background information.C. Summarizing the previous paragraph.D. Pointing out the main idea of the text.5. Why did the researchers make the googly eyes big?A. To ensure all the seabirds can see them.B. To clearly observe seabirds' eye contact.C. To allow them to survive the strong wind.D. To effectively identify the right direction.6. What does the researchers' test result mainly suggest?A. The new device still needs improvingB. Gillnets are a death valley for seabirds.C. Seabirds hardly catch fish near the nets.D. The googly-eyed buoy proves effective.7. What is the text mainly about?A. A group of researchers interested in seabirds.B. A way to help seabirds catch fish effectively.C. A device keeping seabirds safe from gillnets.D. A googly-eyed buoy guiding seabirds to hunt.CThey are smart. They know how to steal. They know how to find food. They know how to intimidate(恐吓) . Who are they? They are macaque monkeys. They have taken over the old city ofLopburiinThailand. About 8,400 of them are in the center of the city. They roam(漫游) neighborhoods in groups. Dozens of businesses in Lopburi are closing. They include a music school, a gold shop, a barber, a cellphone store and a movie theatre. The Buddhist culture believes reducing the number of monkeys would disturb spiritual well-being.The monkeys were not always such a hazard. They attracted tourists. Buddhists thought feeding them was a good deed. Now times have changed. Recently, the coronavirus made things worse. There are fewer tourists, which means that travelers give less food to the monkeys. Over the years, the monkeys moved into empty buildings. They trashed whatever they came across. They ripped(扯掉) antennas and windshield wipers off parked cars. What happens when monkeys come into contact with humans? An observer said that years ago the monkeys were fewer, biggerand healthier. Their fur was shiny and thick. They kept to the temples,as well as the ruins of the ancient Khmer civilization.Then tourists came with easy and unhealthy food. Along with bananas and citrus(柑橘), the macaques feasted on junk food. An observer said, “The monkeys are never hungry. They are just like children who eat too much KFC. ” Compared with the monkeys of the forest, their urban counterparts have less muscle. They have more hypertension and blood disease. Their fur has thinned. Some have gone bald. With so much food available,they have more time to breed and to give birth. Their population has exploded. “These monkeys were here before us,” a man said. A juvenile macaque tugged(拽) his trousers demanding a treat. “We have to adapt to them,not the other way around. ”8. Why are macaque monkeys so popular in Lopburi inThailand?A. Because they are smart and know how to steal.B. Because they have taken over the old city ofLopburiinThailand.C. Because they are symbols of spiritual well-being in the Buddhist culture.D. Because 8,400 of them are in the centre of the city and roam everywhere.9. In what way has tourism influenced the macaque monkeys?A. The monkeys are bigger and healthier.B. The monkeys like eating KFC food.C. The monkeys have suffered from more diseases.D. The monkeys are subject to birth control.10. What does the underlined word “counterparts” in the last paragraph refer to?A. Monkeys.B. Tourists.C. Buddhists.D. Children.11. It can be inferred from what the man said that ________.A. monkeys are ancestors, so humans should adapt to monkeysB. humans should regard monkeys with awe and respectC. monkeys should be forced to follow rulesD. humans should give monkeys whatever they wantDAs is commonly known,Antarcticais an icy continent with extreme environment. However, a new study provides evidence that the area had a rainforest in the past.The researchers collected a piece of Earth sediment from under the seafloor off the coast ofAntarctica. In the sediment, they discovered forest material that was estimated to be about 90 million years old. At that period, dinosaurs were the ruler animals of the land.Johann Klages, a German geologist, was the lead writer of a study on the findings, published in the journalNature. He said the sediment was collected from a depth of about 30 meters below the ocean floor. Klages said an examination showed that the material didn’t form in the ocean.The researchers estimate that the area — about 900 kilometers from the South Pole — had average yearly temperatures of about12°Cto13°C. The soil included fine dirt particles and hard clay, as well as substances linked to at least 65 different kinds of plants, the study found. Although no animal remains were found, Klages said there were likely dinosaurs, flying reptiles and many insects in the environment.The research represents new evidence of the major climate changes Earth experienced in the past — and is currently undergoing today. The soil in the sediment dates back to the planet’s warmest period of the past 140 million years, with sea level about 170 meters higher than today. The researchers said that the rainforest environment inAntarcticawas especially surprising because each year, the area experiences a four-month polar night when there is no sunlight to fuel plant life. Klages said no ice sheets were present during the time, but seasonal snowfall was likely.12. What can we learn about the sediment collected?A. It formed in the age of dinosaurs.B. It was found on theAntarcticaland.C. Ancient forest material was found in it.D. Some dinosaur remains were found in it.13. How did the researchers reach their findings?A. By analyzing the Earth sediment.B. By exploring ice inAntarctica.C. By collecting data on climate.D. By researching special plants.14. What can be indicated in the last paragraph?A. Seasonal snowfall made the forest disappear.B. Antarctica was much colder 140 million years ago.C. Antarctica’s natural environment has changed greatly.D. Polar nights inAntarcticaare getting shorter than before.15. What is the main idea of the text?A. Rainforest disappeared fromAntarctica.B. Antarctica had a different history of climate.C. Researchers studied a piece of Earth sediment ofAntarctica.D.Antarcticahad an extreme environment containing ice and snow.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. 词汇与词组:复习常用的英语词汇和短语,包括同义词、反义词、固定搭配等。
2. 语法:复习基本的语法知识,包括时态、语态、虚拟语气、倒装句等。
3. 阅读理解:练习阅读理解题型,提高理解能力和阅读速度。
4. 写作技巧:学习写作的基本技巧,如段落结构、句子连接等。
5. 听力理解:进行听力练习,提高听力理解能力。
6. 口语表达:通过模拟对话、口语练习等方式,提高口语表达能力。

2020-2021学年内蒙古师范大学附属中学高三英语第四次联考试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ADive with Big SharksOur shark dive adventures make use of hookah systems and shark cages. A hookah system is a system of providing air from the surface to divers down below. Cage divers breathe by using a regulator connected to an air hose.Is SharkDiving Dangerous?Yes. You could get sunburnt. You could hit your head on the top bunk getting out of bed. You could fall overboard. As for a shark attack,according to the International Shark Attack File,you are far more likely to be killed by a dog or a deer.Pricing & DetailsOne day Cage Diver Adventure S 875Our expert shark diver team will accompany you to the best viewing areas within the Marine Sanctuary.There,we'll drop our cage and prepare to provide you with a view you'll never forget.No dive experience is necessary.Our cages sit just below the surface.You'll be able to breathe comfortably from your snorkel or air hose while you move about the cage,taking photos and having fun.Top Shark Adventure S 375If you want to see great white sharks but prefer them a little further away,we offer great top-side shark viewing from our observation deck. Help scan the horizon for fins and watch for sharks attacking their prey(猎物).Important NoteThere's No Shark GuaranteeAlthough we go to the best places at the best time of year, we cannot guarantee you'll see sharks. We've been very successful in past shark seasons and expect another incredible year. However, if we see nosharks, there is no refund.1.Which of the following isTRUEabout the two adventures?A.Top Shark Adventure makes use of hookah systems.B.Cage Diver Adventure offers you a view of the bottom of the sea.C.Cage Diver Adventure is less interesting than the other.D.Top Shark Adventure is suitable for those worried about danger.2.What is most likely to happen according to the advertisement?A.you fail to achieve your purpose of the trip.B.you are out of breath deep down in the sea.C.you are hurt by a shark while diving there,D.you suffer from lack of skill in shark diving.3.It can be inferred from the advertisement that shark diving is ________A.difficult but excitingB.challenging and tiringC.amazing and enjoyableD.expensive but popularBI started out in life with few advantages. I didn't graduate from high school. I worked at menial (不体面的) jobs. I had limited education, limited skills and a limited future.And then I began asking, "Why are some people more successful than others?" This question changed my life.Over the years, I have read thousands of books and articles on the subjects of success and achievement(成就). It seems that the reasons have been discussed and written about for more than two thousand years, in every possible way. One quality that most philosophers, teachers and experts agree on is the importance of self-discipline (自律). As Al Tomsik summarized it years ago, "Success is tons of discipline."Some years ago, I attended a conference in Washington. It was the lunch break and I was eating at a nearby food fair. The area was crowded and I sat down at the last open table by myself, even though it was a table for four.A few minutes later, an older gentleman and a younger woman who was his assistant came along carrying trays of food, obviously looking for a place to sit. With plenty of room at my table, I immediately invited the older gentleman to join me. He was hesitant (犹豫), but I insisted. Finally, thanking me as he sat down, we began to chat over lunch.It turned out that his name was Kop Kopmeyer. As it happened, I immediately knew who he was. He was a legend in the field of success and achievement. Kop Kopmeyer had written four large books, each of which contained 250 success principles that he had obtained from more than fifty years of research and study. I had read all four books from cover to cover, more than once.After we had chatted for a while, I asked him the question that many people in this situation would ask, "Ofall the one thousand success principles that you have discovered, which do you think is the most important?”He smiled at me, as if he had been asked this question many times, and replied, without hesitating, "The most important success principle of all was stated by Thomas Huxley many years ago. He said, 'Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.'"He went on to say, "There are 999 other success principles that I have found in my reading and experience, but without self-discipline, none of them work."4. Why did the writer ask the question in Paragraph 2 ?A. Because he wasn't satisfied with himself.B. Because he was a person of self-discipline.C. Because he dislike those successful people.D. Because he wanted to share his idea on success.5. What made the writer invite the older gentleman to join him ?A. His great kindness.B. The gentleman's fame.C. His eagerness for success.D. The gentleman's habit.6. What are the four large books about ?A. Personal changesB. The secret of successC. Sayings of wisdomD. The gentleman's manners.7. What's the best title for the text ?A. The Magic of ReadingB. An Unexpected ConversationC. A Question that Changed MyLifeD. The Power of Self-disciplineCIdentifying the chemical makeup of pigment (色素) used in ancient documents, paintings, and watercolor1 s is criticalto restoring and conserving the precious artworks. However, despite numerous efforts, scientists had been unable to determine the source of folium, a popular blue dye used to color1 manuscripts (手稿) in Europe during the middle ages — from the 5th to the 15th century. Now, a team of researchers fromPortugalhas finally uncovered the mysterious ingredient responsible for the gorgeous blueish-purple color1 that helped bring ancient illustrations and texts to life.The research team began byporing overinstructions penned by European dye makers from the 12th, 14th, and 15th centuries. They found what they were seeking in a 15th-century text entitledThe Book on How to Make All the Color Paints for Illuminating Books. However, translating the instructions was no easy task. It was written inthe now extinct Judaeo-Portuguese language, and though the source of the dye was traced back to a plant, no name was mentioned.However, by piecing together suggestions from the text, the scientists were able to determine that the dye was made from the bluish-green berries of the chrozophora tinctoria plant. After an extensive search, the team found a few varieties of the plant growing along the roadside near the town ofMonsarazin southPortugal.The detailed instructions gave the researchers critical clues — including the best time to pick the berries. “You need to squeeze the fruits, being careful not to break the seeds, and then to put them on linen (亚麻).” The scientist says the detail was important since broken seeds polluted the pigment, producing an inferior quality ink. The dyed linen, which was left to dry, was an efficient way to store and transport the pigment during ancient times. When needed, the artist would simply cut off a piece of the cloth and dip it with water to squeeze out the blue color1 .Once the key ingredient had been identified, the researchers began to determine the dye’s molecular structure. To their surprise, they found that folium was not like any other known permanent blue dyes — it was an entirely new class of color1 , one they named chrozophoridin. “Chrozophoridin was used in ancient times to make a beautiful blue dye for painting.” the team wrote in the study. “Thus, we believe that this will not be our final word on this amazing plant and its story and that further discoveries will follow soon.”8. The primary purpose of the study is to ________.A. restore and conserve ancient precious artworksB. determine the substance making up the foliumC. prove the ancient dye-making technique was organicD. identify which class of color1 folium belongs to9. The underlined phrase “poring over”in the second paragraph means ________.A. discussing publiclyB. testing repeatedlyC. passing directlyD. reading carefully10. What can be learned about the blue dye folium?A. It was essentially an inferior type of ink.B. It was the only kind made from wild berries.C. It could be carried and used easily.D. It was carefully squeezed from broken seeds.11. The article is mainly about _________.A. how the mystery ofa thousand-year-old blue dye was solvedB. why the researchers took the trouble to recreate the dyeC. what needs to be done to make an organic dye from a plantD. when and where the discovery of the dye was madeDToo much TV-watching can harm children’s ability to learn andeven reduce their chances of getting a college degree, new studies suggest in the latest effort to examine the effects of television on children.One of the studies looked at nearly 400 northern California third-graders. Those with TVs in their bedrooms scored about eight points lower on math and language arts tests than children without bedroom TVs.A second study ,looking at nearly 1000 grown-ups in New Zealand, found lower education levels among 26-year-olds who had watched lots of TV during childhood.But the results don’t prove that TV is the cause and don't ride out that already poorly motivated youngsters (年轻人)may watch lots of TV.Their study measured the TV habits of 26-year-olds between ages5 and 15. These with college degrees had watch an averageof less than two hours of TV per week night during childhood, compared with an average of more than 2.5 hours for those who had no education beyond high school.In the California study, children with TVs in their rooms but no computer at home scored the lowest while those with no bedroom TV but who had home computers scored the highest.While this study does not prove that bedroom TV sets caused the lower scores, it adds to increasing findings that children shouldn't have TVs in their bedrooms.12. According to the California study, the low-scoring group might _________.A. have had computers in their bedroomsB. not be interested in mathC. be unable to go to collegeD. have watched a lot of TV13. What is the researchers' understanding of the New Zealand study results?A. Poorly motivated 26-year-olds watch more TV.B. Habits of TV watching reduce learning interest.C. The connection between TV and education levels is difficult to explain.D. TV watching leads to lower education levels of the 15-year-olds.14. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?A. TV sets shouldn't be allowed in children's bedrooms.B. Children should be forbidden from watching TV.C. More time should be spent on computers.D. Further studies on high-achieving students should be done15. What would be the best title for this text?A. Computers or TelevisionB. Effects of Television on ChildrenC. Studies on TV and College EducationD. Television and Children's Learning Habits第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2021届内蒙古师范大学附属中学高三英语第四次联考试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AOur Teen Summer Spanish Program is two weeks of fun, educational excitement that helps students learn Spanish fast. Our Spanish summer program allows our students to learn from highly trained, certified teachers and be absorbed in the language and theculture of Costa Rica.Features include:* Intensive(强化的) daily Spanish classes* Extracurricular classes in dance, cooking, music, and handiwork* Outdoor activities including hiking, camping, rafting, and ziplining(高空滑索)* Homestay with a local Costa Rican family* Volunteer work in needy neighborhoodsOur Teaching Methods:We are proud to use TPRS---Total Physical Response Storytelling---in our curriculum. This innovative method uses strange and amusing stories to teach new vocabulary, increase fluency, and get students involved by giving them the opportunity to alter the details themselves. Because of the silliness, creativity, and repetition involved, TPRS allows students to learn easily and remember information effortlesslyMemorizing vocabulary and listening to lectures on grammar are slow, inefficient ways to learn a new language. The best way to truly learn and commit new material to memory is through conversation. In our Spanish classes, students can expect to speak up to 80% of each class. By speaking in the new language freely and consistently, students can see progress faster because they are using the new grammar and vocabulary that they have learned at the same time. This helps the brain remember the new words and grammar structures for future use, making it much easier to progress.1.What does the program do?A.It offers weekly Spanish classesB.It focuses more on outdoor activitiesC.It gives teachers a chance to receive trainingD.It provides activities about the Spanish culture2.What is the best way to learn a language according to the text?A.Memorizing a larger vocabularyB.Speaking more in the new language.C.Mastering more grammar structuresD.Writing stories to share with others3.What is the purpose of the text?A.To employexperienced Spanish teacherB.To hire foreign volunteers for a programC.To attract teen foreigners to a programD.To introduce language learning methodsBAmerican football was the fastest-growing sport for US young players last year, according to a survey sponsored by the sport's governing body.But it was the game's no tackle variety that showed the biggest increase-a finding that may reflect concerns about injury. In American football, a tackle (抢断球) refers to an attempt to stop an opponent by forcing them to the ground.The number of participants in football grew in 2015 while most other sport, except baseball, posted a decline, USA Football said on Monday, citing(引用) the findings of a survey of 30,000 children and teenagers.Participation in flag football (a no-tackle type of football) increased by 8.7 percent among children aged 6 to 14, while tackle football rose by 1.9 percent. For that age group, the only other sport that grew was baseball, with a 3. 3 percent increase.In the 15-to-18 age group, flag football rose by 10. 5 percent, while tackle grew by 2.5 percent.Basketball was the third, with a 1. 1 percent increase. Participation in all other sports declined.Tom Farrey, executive director of the Aspen Institute's Sports & Society Program, said he was surprised that flag football participation rose so much.“The trend suggests that parents aremarching to the beat of a different drummer, in pursuing flagas an alternative for their kids," he said.The findings come at a time of increasing concern about the risk associated with youth sports, particularly hockey (曲棍球) and football, where medical researchers have warned about the risk of concussions (damagesto the brain caused by violent blows to the head) and death linked to brain injury.USA Football, anIndianapolis,Indianabased nonprofit funded in part by the National Football League, believed that the increases resulted from better safety and health education."Football participation increases, even modest increases, may signal that programs such as our Heads Up Football program and practice guidelines are making a positive difference," said Scot Hallenbeck, USA Football chief executive, in a statement.Robert Cantu, aBostonUniversityneurosurgery professor and investigator at the school's chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Center said the increase in fag football participation signaled that more parents were directing children to a safe alternative4. What can we learn about the two age groups?A. Flag football grew the fastest in the 6-to-18 group.B. Tackle football grew he fastest in the 6-to-14 group.C. Participation in baseball declined the most in both groupsD. Participation in tackle football increased the most in both groups.5. The underlined part probably means ________.A working at a different paceB. behaving in a different wayC. ignoring the major differencesD. trying to accept different opinions6. The popularity of flag football is inked with the fact thatA. its rules have been adapted for young playersB. it receives more funds than other varietiesC. tackle football is an old-fashioned gameD. experts worry about children's safety7. What is the cause of football growth according to USA Football?A. Their safety programs are successful.B. More children show interest in the game.C. Football is less likely to cause concussions.D. There are different types of football to choose from.CRecently, I read about a promotion from a home builder in San Diego where consumers (消费者) could buy a4,000 square foot house for $1.6 million and get a smaller home bythe developer valued at $400 thousand for free. This sounds like a fantastic deal, but I am alwayswary ofany promotion labeled (给……加标签) with“buy one get one free”, and here is why.Oftentimes, “buy one get one free” ends up being “buy two at the regularprice”. For example, I often see “buy one get one free” ads for orange juice at the supermarket, but the first box always costs over $5.00. At the same time, the juices not in the promotion are selling for $2.50 to $2.99 a box.Another problem with “buy one get one free” is that oftentimes you do not need the second item. I only consume one gallon of milk every two weeks. If I were talked into buying a second gallon in a “buy one get one free” promotion, then the second gallon would go bad before I have time to consume it. That creates waste instead of savings.In the case of theSan Diegodeveloper, so far they have received one offer on their expensive houses, but the buyer does not want the cheaper house for free. Instead, he wants the value of the smaller home taken away from his purchase price. I think this guy is quite wise because he saw right through the marketing of “buy one get one free”.Finally, it is up to you to see how much you need and how much you are willing to spend. Knowing the regular price of things also helps you in deciding whether a “buy one get one free” promotion is truly a great deal.8. What does the underlined part “wary of” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?A. annoyed atB. careful aboutC. familiar withD. puzzled about9. Why does the author mention milk in Paragraph 3?A. To show that there are many promotions of food.B.To suggest that people think twice before they shop.C. To prove that the second item isn’t always as good as the first one.D. To show that people often buy more than they need in the promotion.10. What does the house buyer want to do?A. Buy the smaller house only.B. Get the smaller house for free.C. Buy the larger house for $1.2 million.D. Buy both the larger and smaller houses for $2 million.11. How does the author organize the text?(P: Paragraph)A. B. C. D.DChinese paleontologists (古生物学家) have determined that, about 47 million years ago, subtropical forests once existed on the high-altitude Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.The conclusion, which appears in a paper published on Tuesday, was drawn based on the large number of fossils found in theBaingoinBasinat an altitude of nearly 5,000 meters during the second comprehensive scientific expedition to the plateau.A joint team from theXishuangbannaTropicalBotanical Gardenconducted the research on the fossils. By combining the findings and models, the team recreated the climate and altitude that existed 47 million years ago, showing that the central plateau had an altitude of just 1,500 meters and an annual average temperature of 19℃, says Su Tao, a researcher from the tropical botanical garden and first author of the paper.“It was covered by thick forest and was rich in water and grass. It is fair tocall it the ‘ShangriLa’ of ancient times,” Su adds.The researchers have also found over 70 plant fossils, the majority of which are most closely related to plant life in today's subtropical or tropical regions.“This is enough to show that the central part of the now high-altitude, freezing Qinghai-Tibet Plateau had flourishing subtropical plants 47 million years ago,” Su says.The findings provide new evidence for the study of the evolutionary history of biodiversity and the evolution of the plateau's landscape, according to Zhou Zhekun, the paper's corresponding author and a researcher at the tropical botanical garden.Chinalaunched the second comprehensive scientific expedition to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in June 2017, 40 years after the first. Lasting up to 10 years, the expedition will conduct a series of studies focusing on the plateau's glaciers, its biodiversity and ecological changes, and will also monitor the changes in climate.12. How did the paper come to the conclusion?A. Through the observation of the Baingoin basin.B. Through the fossils found in scientific expedition.C. Through the drawing of a large number of fossils.D. Through the adventure on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.13. What can be inferred according to Su Tao?A. The average altitude of the plateau was 1,500 meters.B. “Shangrila”means a place with abundant water and grass.C. The flourishing subtropical plants have covered the plateau.D. The fossils found by researchers are tropical or subtropical plants now.14. Where might the passage come from?A. The Times.B. The Wall Street Journal.C. Chinese National Geography.D. The Economist.15. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To instruct.B. To educate.C. To persuade.D. To inform.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2020-2021学年内蒙古师范大学附属中学高三英语下学期期末考试试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AFine art fairs(艺术博览会)are the trend of the 21st century, with new art and antique(古玩)fairs and festivals springing up in diverse parts of the world. Here is a list of four noteworthy art fairs.Art Basel, Basel, SwitzerlandThe granddaddy of art fairs, Art Basel, was established in 1970 by a group of local art gallerists and is the biggest contemporary art fair in the world. Art Basel takes place over a 5-day period each June in Basel, Switzerland. The high cost of renting space for gallery owners is offset(抵消)by the huge attendance at the fair. For example in 2010, about 60,000 visitors attended Art Basel.Frieze Art Fair, London“Frieze Art Fair was established in 2003 and is one of the few fairs to focus only on contemporary art and living artists.v"Thefair takes place every October in Regent's Park, London. It features over 170 of the most exciting contemporary art galleries in the world. ”In addition to the fair which began in 2003, the fair owners Matthew Slotover and Amanda Sharp publish Frieze, an international art magazine established in 1991 and devoted to contemporary art.TEFAF Maastricht, the NetherlandsEstablished in 1975 as The Pictura Fine Art Fair, and renamed The European Fine Art Foundation(TEFAF), Maastricht in 1996, the fair includes 260 of the world's most famous art and antique dealers from 16 countries.The 24th edition of the TEFAF fair held March 18 — 27, 2011 featured 260 dealers exhibiting approximately 30, 000 artworks and antiques with an overall value of $ US 1. 4 billion.ARCO, MadridARCO Madrid was established in 1982 and is one of Europe's leading and popular art fairs. In addition to the exhibiting galleries(in 2011, 197 international art galleries participated), a seriesof lectures and specially focused exhibitions take place.1.How does Art Basel cover the expense of renting space?A.By selling tickets.B.By selling expensive exhibits.C.By donation from dealers.D.By support from the government.2.The owners of Frieze Art Fair are also in charge of____.A.170 living artists.B.An international art magazine.C.30,000 artworks and antiques.D.A series of lectures.3.Which of the following has the longest history?A.Art BaselB.Frieze Art FairC.TEFAFD.ARCOBSalad plants have already been grown in old sheltersand tunnels. Urban farming is a regular topic of interest at places like the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, where leaders consider whether the world's food system, blamed for causing both obesity and malnutrition, can be fixed. There are already plenty of urban farming projects around the world, particularly in the US, Japan and the Netherlands, from urban fish and plant farms to vertical farming.“It's becoming an expanding industry,” said Richard Ballard, one of the founders of the farm Growing Underground. “There're several other businesses starting up in London in containers, and there are other vertical farms around the country now.”Growing Underground is not a standard farm. The rows of crops could be in almost any tunnel, but these plants are 100 feet below Clapham High Street and show that urban agriculture is, in some cases at least, nota fad. The underground farm has occupied a part of the Second World War air-raid shelters for nearly five years, and Ballard is planning to expand into the rest of the space later this year.Growing Underground supplies herb and salad mixes to grocery shops, supermarkets and restaurants. Being in London creates an advantage, Ballard says, as they can harvest and deliver in an hour.He adds other advantages. Being underground means temperatures never go below 15℃surface greenhouses need to be heated. They can do more harvests: 60 crops a year, compared with about seven in a traditional farm. Electricity to power the lights is a major cost, but the company believes renewable energy will become cheaper.Similar British companies include the Jones Food Company in Lincolnshire, while in the US AeroFarms has several projects in New Jersey, and Edenworks in Brooklyn.4. What do we know about urban farming?A. It leads to a healthier lifestyle.B. It is rarely discussed at the WEF.C. Different farming methods are used.D. Local governments pay efforts to develop it.5. Which of the following best explains "a fad" underlined in Paragraph 3?A. A dream that's easy to realize.B. A field controlled for a long time.C. An approach to a serious problem.D. A fashion that’s popular for a short time.6. What can we learn about the underground farm?A. It is more productive than a traditional farm.B. It provides food directly to the customers.C. Its major products are herbs and salads.D. It uses less energy than a greenhouse.7. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Current food system causes health problemsB. Growing Underground attracts more peopleC. Traditional farming will be replaced soonD. Urban farming isstill thought costly and time-consumingCA 25-year-old American with a university degree can expect to livea decade longer than a peer who dropped out of high school. Although researchers have long known that the rich live longer than the poor, this education gap is less well documented. And although the average American’s expected span(预期寿命) has been smooth in recent year—and, shockingly, even fell between 2015 and 2017—that of the one-third with a bachelor’s degree has continued to lengthen.This gap in life expectancy is growing, according to new research published in the report of the National Academy of Sciences. Anne Case and Angus Deation ofPrincetonUniversityfound that the lifespans of those with and without a bachelor’s degree started to become different in the 1990s and 2000s. This gap grew even wider in the 2010s.What is the link between schooling and longevity(长寿)? Some argue that better-educated people develop healthier lifestyles: each additional year of study reduces the chances of being a smoker and of being overweight. The better-educated earn more, which in turn is associated with greaterhealth.Ms Case and Mr Deaton argue that changes in labor markets, including the rise of automation and increased demand for highly-educated workers, coupled with the rising costs of employer-provided health care, have decreased the supply of well-paid jobs for those without a degree. This may be contributing to higher rates of alcohol and drug use, suicide and other “deaths of despair”.The authors argued that the educational gap in mortality(致死率) will widenin the wake ofthe covid-19 pandemic. ForAmerica’s overall life expectancy to start climbing again, improvements will be needed across all social groups, not just among the privileged few.8. When did the lifespans of people with and without a degree vary greatly?A. In the 1990s.B. In the 2020sC. In the 2000sD. In the 2010s9. According to the article, changes in labor markets reduce jobs for those without a degree. Which change is NOT included?A. The rising spending of employer-provided health care.B. The gap in life expectancy.C. Raised request for better-educated workers.D. The development of automation.10. What does the underlined phrase “in the wake of” probably mean ?A. afterB. untilC. beforeD. while11. What is the best title for the text?A. Changes in labor market.B. Quit bad habits by Further studyC. Educated Americans live longer.D. Highly-educated people develop healthier lifestyles.DIf you have ever tried to catch a resting butterfly, you know it is surprisingly difficult. A new study helps explain why.Previous research had suggested that a butterfly's overhead wing clap forces the insect forward. Researchers thought the wing clap likely formed a pocket of air that shoots out like a jet, but no one had tested that until now.To understand their flight, they placed six butterflies one at a time inside a wind tunnel which was filled with smoke and then used a laser to light up the smoke just behind the butterfly. Four high-speed cameras were placed in the tunnel to take photos of the movement of the butterfly and the-smoke as the butterfly was taking off. This let the researchers create a 3D picture of that air movement as the insect flapped its wings.They observed a total of 25 takeoffs by six butterflies. Each included up to three wing beats after takeoff.The butterflies proved more likely to clap their wings together during the first few wing beats than later in flight.The photos show that forces created by the wings give rise to a flight path. The butterflies rise as their wings move down and shoot forward as their wings move up. A wing clap on takeoff, paired with a quick tum, allowed the butterflies to fly away quickly. They also noticed the wings formed an air pocket just before clapping and thatthe wings' flexibility and this pocket improved the jet force created by the clap.“The study is exciting,” says Ayodeji Bode-Oke, a mechanical engineer in Charlottesville. That means “we have solved the longtime puzzle about how butterflies fly, and it proves nothing is impossible on the road of scientific research. I can't wait to learn about how the study might inform designs for small aerial vehicles.”12. Why was laser used in the experiment?A. To frighten the butterflies into lying.B. To help researchers observe the butterflies.C. To help take clear photos of air movement.D. To guide the butterflies through the smoke.13. What is the finding of the research-according to paragraph 5?A. Butterflies fly forward as wings move down.B. An air pocket forms after butterflies clap wings.C. Butterflies beat wings three times before taking off.D. Upward wing movements help butterflies fly forward.14. According to the writer, the finding of the research can be used for .A. helping catch a resting butterfly more easilyB. helping do research on other butterfly-like insectsC. helping provide inspiration for making small flying vehiclesD. helping widen the applications of small flying vehicle15. What can be the best title for the text?A. Why Can Butterflies Fly Like a Jet?B. How Can Butterflies Make Wing Claps?C. How Can Butterflies Make Quick Tums?D. Why Can Butterflies Run Away Quickly?第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

【导语】从⾼校外语专业教学测试办公室获悉,2021年内蒙古英语专业四级考试时间、内容及试卷结构已公布,2021年6⽉19⽇举⾏考试,具体详情如下: 2021年内蒙古英语专业四级考试时间为6⽉19⽇,内蒙古TEM4考试内容分为六个部分:听写、听⼒理解、语⾔知识、完型填空、阅读理解、写作。
考试⽇期考试名称考试形式考试时间2021年6⽉19⽇(周六)英语专业四级考试(TEM4)纸笔考试8:30-10:40 需时130分钟 听写考核要求 1.能在全⾯理解内容的基础上逐字逐句写出所听材料。
听⼒理解考核要求 1.能听懂英语国家⼈⼠关于⽇常⽣活、社会⽣活和学习的演讲和会话。
语⾔知识考核要求 1.掌握并能正确运⽤基本语法和句法。
完型填空考核要求 1.能在全⾯理解所给短⽂内容的基础上,选择⼀个答案使短⽂意思和结构恢复完整。
阅读理解考核要求 1.能读懂英语国家报刊杂志上中等难度的⼀般性⽂章。
写作考核要求 1.能根据所给阅读材料和要求,写⼀篇长度不少于200个单词的作⽂。
内蒙古呼市二中初中英语七年级上册Starter Unit 4知识点复习(培优提高)

考试范围:xxx;满分:***分;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx 学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________一、选择题1.-Excuse me, 1'd like to buy a birthday gift for my son.-We have different kinds of new toys for boys. You can choose __________for your son. A.that B.one C.it D.either 2.Jack is at work. Please _______ his ID card to him.A.take B.bring C.carry D.need3.Please bring your computer game _______ here.A.to B.in C.for D./4.--Are these keys yours?--No, _______ are his.A.these B.those C.they D.keys5.–Where is your hat?--_______, I don’t know.A.Ok B.No C.Sorry D.Yes.6.—Thank you for your help, Diana.—________A.You're welcome.B.Nice to meet you.C.Where are you?D.Great!7.This is ________ orange. ________ orange is on the table.A.a; An B.an; AC.a; The D.an; The8.Mike's clothes are ________ and he always can't find them.A.tidy B.thereC.in the bookcase D.everywhere9.There are some photos the wall.A.on B.in C.under D.at10.I see _______ clock on the table.A.a B.an C.the D./11.His schoolbag is on the sofa, his pencil-box is not.A.and B.but C.or D.so 12.Can you _______ the dictionary to me?A.bring B.take C.need D.know 13.James took the magazines off the little table to make ______ for the television.A.fun B.time C.room D.noise 14.This is my ________ room and that is my ________ room.A.brother;parents’B.brother;parents’s C.brother’s;parents’ D.brother’s;parents’s15.--Here is my family___.We took it last year.--What a happy family!A.member B.name C.photo D.house 16.—Do you ______ Mike's telephone number?—Yes. It's 358-7643.A.ask B.know C.meet D.call 17.Linda always_________ her teacher______ help.A.ask;of B.asks;for C.ask;for D.asks;of 18.—Dad,where are my tapes?—They are ________ the box ________ your bed.A.at;on B.in;under C.in;at D.at;in 19.—Is your sister's room ________?—No,you can see her books,jackets,and baseballs everywhere.A.tidy B.good C.welcome D.next 20.—Mom!________?Can you see it?—Yeah!It's in my room.A.How are you B.Who are youC.How do you spell it D.Where's the dog21.I often laugh when I see my grandma learning pop songs. But she says,“One is never________old to learn.’’A.too B.so C.very D.quite 22.David _______ in China, _______ his parents aren’t.A.is; and B.are; and C.is; but D.are; but 23.—____________?—They are tables.A.What are they B.What’s thisC.How are you D.Where are they24.These are my cousins and ________ names are Mary and Tony.A.they B.theirC.our D.theirs25.There are many pictures _______ the wall.A.from B.on C.about D.in 26.— Is the notebook on the sofa?—No, it’s ______ the sofa.A.on B.under C.of D.at【参考答案】一、选择题1.B2.A3.D4.C5.C6.A7.D8.D9.A10.A11.B12.A13.C14.C15.C16.B17.B18.B19.A20.D21.A22.C23.A24.B25.B26.B【参考解析】一、选择题1.B解析:B【详解】句意:——打扰了,我想给我儿子买一个生日礼物。
内蒙古呼市二中初中英语八年级上册 Unit 4知识点复习(培优提高)

一、选择题1.There are _________ clothes in the supermarket.A.a kind of B.kind of C.different kind of D.all kinds of D解析:D【详解】句意:超市里有各种各样的衣服。
A. a kind of一种;B. kind of有点,十分;C. different kind of这里kind 应该用复数形式;D. all kinds of表示各种各样的。
由句中的are知用all kinds of(各种各样的)。
2.Look at the two pictures ______ and find out the differences.A.carefully B.luckily C.loudly D.cheaply A解析:A【详解】句意:仔细看这两幅图,找出它们的区别。
A. carefully仔细地;B. luckily 幸运地;C. loudly大声地;D. cheaply便宜地。
find out(通过查找)找出,根据句意语境,可知carefully符合句意,故选A。
3.He has written three books______ .A.so far B.long agoC.in 2013 D.last year A解析:A【详解】句意:到目前为止,他已经写了三本书了。
A. so far迄今为止;B. long ago很久以前;C. in 2013在2013年;D. last year去年。
BCD三项都用于一般过去时;本句是现在完成时,需用so far做时间状语;根据句意语境,可知选A。
4.--- Mum, I’m still thirsty, could I have __________ juice? --- Of course.A.any more B.some more C.more some D.many more B解析:B【解析】句意:——妈妈,我还渴,我能再要些果汁吗?——当然。
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内蒙古师范大学2014 英语四考点1-2-3-4-7-10课后词汇Unit 1III.1. idle2. justify3. discount4. distinct5. minute6.accused7. object8. contaminate9. sustain 10. WorshipIV.1. accusing... of2. end up3. came upon4. at her worst5. pay for6. run a risk of7. participate in8. other than9. object to/objected 10. at bestUnit 2III.1. coarse2. betrayed3. incident4. postponed5. execute6. surrounding7. applause8. extraordinary9. clumsy 10. sparkedIV.1. for2. against3. up4. about5. Up6. to7. down8. down9. in 10. OnUnit 3III.1. raw2. convicted3. compensation4. notify5. provisions6. receipt7. paste8. altered9. thrive 10. certifyIV1. up2. to3. down4. of5. Out6. into7. for8. on9. through 10. OfUnit 4III.1. investment2. disposal3. condensed4. strategic5. revenue6. scratch7. utilities8. invested9. nowhere 10. transmissionIV.1. is lagging far behind2. are stuck with3. going for4. remain in contact5. keep pace with6. at your disposal7. dates from8. scratched the surface of9. stuck in 10. choose betweenUnit 7III.1. discounted2. biased3. variation4. potential5. Confronted6. migrate7. descended8. distinct9. superficial 10. extensiveIV1. to date2. in effect3. nothing less than4. As of5. in combination with6. In addition to7.shed new light on 8. is... confined to 9. serve as 10. adapt toUnit 10III1. incorporate2. triggered3. perspectives4. cultivating5. Confine6. capacity7. Controversial8. consciousness9. recommend 10. applicationIV1. to2. at3. to4. aside5. to6. on/upon7. away8. of9. of 10. in1-2-3-4-7-10课后汉译英1. 这种植物只有在培育它的土壤中才能很好地成长。
The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed.2. 研究结果表明,无论我们白天做了什么事情,晚上都会做大约两个小时的梦。
Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day.3. 有些人往往责怪别人没有尽最大努力,以此来为自己的失败辩护。
Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best.4. 我们忠于我们的承诺:凡是答应做的,我们都会做到。
We remain true to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do, we would do it.5. 连贝多芬的父亲都不相信自己儿子日后有一天可能成为世界上最伟大的音乐家。
Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull.6. 当局控告他们威胁国家安全。
They were accused by the authorities of threatening the state security.1. 要是这部喜剧中的人物更幽默些的话,就会吸引更多的观众。
If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous, it would have attracted a larger audience.2.她从未对自己的能力失去信心,因此她有可能成为一名成功的演员。
She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a possibility for her to become a successful actress.3.我从未受过正式培训,我只是边干边学。
I never had formal training, I just learned as I went along.4. 随着产品进入国际市场,他们的品牌知名度越来越高了。
As their products find their way into the international market, their brand is gaining in popularity.5. 她可以编造一个故事,说自己被窃贼打昏,所有的钱都没了,但她怀疑自己是否能让这故事听起来可信。
She could make up a story by saying she was knocked unconscious by thieves and that all her money was gone, but she doubted whether she could make it sound believable.6. 谁都不清楚他是否故意推迟了这次访问,可是这引起了对他更多的批评。
No one was certain whether he postponed the visit on purpose, but this brought more criticism of him.1. 据报道有七八位官员收受贿赂,市长决定亲自出马调查这件事。
Seven or eight officials are reported to have taken bribes and the mayor has decided to look into the affair in person.2.这些工人后悔当时接受管理部门的意见重新回去工作。
These workers regret yielding to the management's advice and going back to work. Now they are again faced with the threat of losing their jobs.3. 你只需填写一张表格就可取得会员资格,它可以使你在买东西时享受打折的优惠。
You only need to fill out a form to get your membership, which entitles you to a discount on goods.4. 不知为什么他们的汽车在半路坏掉了,结果他们比原计划晚到了三个小时。
Their car broke down halfway for no reason. As a result they arrived three hours later than they had planned.5. 那位官员卷入了一场丑闻,数周后被迫辞职。
The official got involved in a scandal and was forced to resign weeks later.6. 这个靠救济过日子的人开始慢慢地建立起自己的市场,生意日渐兴隆。
The man living on welfare began to build up his own market, one step at a time and his business is thriving.1. 我父母不是对我的教育投资,而是把钱花在了买新住房上。
Rather than invest in my education, my parents spent their money on a new house.2. 如今,人们用于休闲娱乐的开支是过去的两倍。
Today, people are spending twice as much on entertainment and relaxation as they did in the past.3. 一家公司要成功,它必须跟上市场的发展。
In order to be successful, a business must keep pace with developments in the marketplace.4. 与申请这个职位的其他女孩相比,她流利的英语是个优势。
Her fluency in English gave her an advantage over other girls for the job.5.对于学生而言,没有任何地方比图书馆更好了,在那里所有的图书都任由他们使用。