商务秘书实务Chapter 18 - Writing job search cover letter
























《商务秘书实务》第2版习题答案Chapter 1: Introduction to the Secretarial Profession 秘书职业简介Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Business Etiquette 商务礼仪基础Chapter 3: Corporate Secretarial Ethics 秘书职业道德Chapter 4: An Overview of Business Writing 商务英语写作概览Chapter 5: Creating Business Letters in English 商务信函写作Chapter 6: Writing Memos in English 备忘录写作Chapter 7: Telephone Etiquette 电话沟通礼仪Chapter 8: Meeting Organization 组织会议Chapter 9: Presentation Development 开展讲座Chapter 10: Travel and Accommodation Arrangement 旅行和住宿安排Chapter 11: Business Entertaining 商务宴请Chapter 12: Balance Sheet Composition 制作资产负债表Chapter 13: Payroll Sheet Composition 制作员工工资表Chapter 14: Petty Cash Management 小额现金管理Chapter 15: Foundations of Human Resource Management 人力资源管理基础Chapter 16: Public Relations 公共关系基础Chapter 17: Marketing Research and Advertising Campaign 市场调研与广告活动Chapter 18: Writing Resumes in English 英文简历写作Chapter 19: Writing Job-search Cover Letters in English 英文求职信写作。



秘书实务案例分析答案文档2篇Secretary Practice Case Analysis answer document编订:JinTai College秘书实务案例分析答案文档2篇小泰温馨提示:本文档根据秘书工作核心思路展开,具有实践指导意义,适用于文秘工作组织或个人。
















Chapter An overview of business writing商务秘书实务

Chapter   An overview of business writing商务秘书实务

A Sample E-mail
From: "Ken Black" <ken_black@> To: Steven Peng<steven_peng@> Subject: Air-conditioner Problems Date: Thur, 20 Sept 2007 09:29:12
and coherent manner
Primary readers–Primary readers are those who
receive the communication directly.
Secondary readers–Secondary readers include
anyone who may receive a copy of the document.
Best regards,
Level 1: Document
How to make a good introduction ?
Build the readers’ interest : One method is to refer to an existing situation; to establish a context.
It Is Important to Know Your Readers’
If your readers have a
•You can go directly to the point.
interest level
•You should use a more persuasive style to motivate the readers’ interest.






A.时间观念 B.勉励动机 C.工作态度 D.同僚文化2.秘书在引导与会者进入会场时,应站在宾客()。

A.右侧 B.前方 C.背面 D.左侧3.对难堪场面委婉圆场能力体现了国际商务秘书()。

A.沟通能力 B.观测能力 C.思维能力 D.应变能力4.如下代理方式选取对的是()。



A.黄色B.蓝色 C.白色 D.红色7.向距离较远熟人打招呼可采用()。

A.微笑致意 B.举手致意 C.点头致意 D.欠身致意8.家具布置属于办公室环境种类中()。

A.空间环境 B.视觉环境 C.空气环境 D.听觉环境9.如下描述对的是()。


A.资金 B.组织构造 C.部门需要 D.物流11.第()代时间管理长处是以价值为导向提高生产率。

A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四12.关于接待描述对的是()。




Introduction Unit1Introductiontothesecretarialprofession
Group discussion
Do you want to be a secretary?
Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Tasks Part 3: Skills Unit1Introductiontothesecretarialprofession Part 4: Personal qualities Part 5: Important points
supervising and
Makes coffee and tea, training
sends faxes, makes
copies and organizes 'Office Unit1Introductiontothesecretarialprofession Professionals'
Business English Practice
Chapter One
Corporate Secretarial Unit1Introductiontothesecretarialprofession Practice
Unit 1:
Introduction to the Secretarial Profession
4. To do cases practices & simulations
成绩构成 General Scores
期末成绩 (Final Exam) 50% 笔试试卷 50% (Papers )
平时成绩 ( evaluation of process) 50% 模拟实践 10% (final simulation) 章节书面作业 10% (assignments in units) Unit1Introductiontothesecretarialprofession 案例演示10%(presentations of cases) 课堂表现20%(presence & performances in class )



Check List
If any VIPs are arriving from out of town, arrange for them to be greeted and transported to and from their plane or train.
If music is needed during the banquet, the secretary should check every piece of musical composition to make sure it matches the atmosphere of the banquet.
How to Write an Invitation
An invitation should list at least seven pieces of Information:
• •

• • • •
Names of party hosts or sponsoring organization; Type of event (celebration party, welcoming reception, business networking meeting, etc.); Date; Time; Place; RSVP phone number or reservation card; Any special dress requirements, if necessary.
Wine beer ____, ____, and liquor should be chosen before a formal lunch or dinner begins. If you are the host, feel free to offer force the issue. alcohol, but never ____



这是《年外经贸从业人员考试《国际商务秘书实务》过关必做习题集》的读书笔记模板,暂无该书作者的介 绍。
第十四章高级 1
第十五章特殊 2
3 第十六章跨文
4 第十七章商务
5 第十八章商务
这是《年外经贸从业人员考试《国际商务秘书实务》过关必做习题集》的读书笔记模板,可以替换为自己的 心得。
这是《年外经贸从业人员考试《国际商务秘书实务》过关必做习题集》的读书笔记模板,可以替换为自己的 精彩内容摘录。
第一章国际商务秘书 概述
第三章办公室日常事 务管理
第四章商务文书运转 管理
第五章会议管 1
第六章档案管 2
3 第七章商务沟
4 第八章国际商
第九章会计、 税务、金融、
第十一章商务文书和 电子文件管理
第十二章办公室工作 中的时间管理
年外经贸从业人员考试《国际商务 秘书实务》过关必做习题集
01 思维导图03 目源自分析 05 精彩摘录目录02 内容摘要 04 读书笔记 06 作者介绍
国际 商务

秘书实务第一章 商务秘书_OK

秘书实务第一章 商务秘书_OK
1、商务秘书与其他 秘书的异同点
2、商务秘书的工作 有哪些特殊性?
3、商务秘书应 具有哪些能力
4、怎样才能过好 面试这一关
主页 20
秘书自学的方式有两种:其一 读书;其二实践。理论与实践 相结合,不断的通过自身学习 提升自己的各种能力
所谓组织性学习,是指在组织 中学习新的知识、理论和价值 观,并加以应用。秘书应不断 掌握相互合作和迅速适应外界 变化的技能
道获 取 知 识 渠
第一章 商务秘书概述
1ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
书名 《现代秘书实务》
著者/译者 范立荣著
《涉外秘书实务》 《涉外秘书全书》 《经理助理与秘书手册》
《秘书国家职业资格培训教 程》
《公司秘书手册》 《办公室事务管理》
【美】玛丽·A·德弗 里斯著
【美】斯特罗曼.K. 威尔逊著
A、全面处理机关、公司的行政工作,以减 轻政府官员和公司负责人的较次要的行 政事务及办公室工作
(三)、秘书的 能力素质











商务秘书实务Supplementary reading material - An introduction to

商务秘书实务Supplementary reading material - An introduction to
An Introduction to English Punctuation
2.2 For asides and comments
His hair was red (I kid you not).
An Introduction to English Punctuation
3. Bracket
square brackets [ ]
4.1 Before a list 4.2 Before a summary 4.3 Before a quotation
An Introduction to English Punctuation
Before a list
There were three types of people on the bus: singers, dancers, musicians.
7. hyphen 8. dash 9. ellipsis 10. quotation marks 11. slash 12. terminating marks
An Introduction to English Punctuation
1. Apostrophe
Used when letters/ numbers are omitted
colon semicolon dash ellipsis quotation marks exclamation point
破折号 省略符号 引号 惊叹号 冒号 分号
An Introduction to English Punctuation
' ( ) [ ] : ; , ─ ··· “” or ‘’ /
6. Comma
the most complicated

商务秘书实务 全套

商务秘书实务 全套

第三节 商务秘书工作入门
第一,要争取通过面试这一关。面度之 前要仔细了解该公司或企业的性质、规 模、经营的范围、特色等
第二,要事先整理自己的思路,确定如 何表达自己的学历、资格、能力、特点 和爱好,所陈述的内容应和简历上的完 全一致
第三,预先准备好对方可能提出问题的应对答案,特别要想好如 果对方问及“你对原来的上司如何评价?”“如果你未来的上司 是一个脾气比较急躁,喜欢苛求下属的领导,你将怎么 办?”“你们原来的公司规模较大,而我们的公司规模较小,你 会不会感到不适应?”等许多棘手、敏感的问题时,要注意回答 的技巧,因为这些问题是要考察你的人际关系技巧和心理素质, 所以要深思熟虑,不要简单回答是否对错,要辩证全面地陈述你 对问题的认识。 第四,事先要了解时下涉外秘书人才市场的薪水标准,因为涉外 秘书的薪酬标准常常和人才市场的供需状况和大的经济形势密不 可分。面试时当对方提及薪酬问题时,可以根据自己的实力,有 的放矢地提出,但注意不要随便说:“给多少都没关系”或“我 认为我原来的薪酬是某某千元,这次无论如何要高出原来某某千 元。”之类的话,以免雇主认为你对自己的实力缺乏自信,或者 你自以为是,盲目抬高身价等等。
商务秘书的职业道德 商务秘书的知识结构 商务秘书的能力素质
遵守纪律,严守机密,守时守信,言必行,行 必果。



目的----反映会议情况、进程,介绍会议讨论、争论的 问题,摘录会议发言
要点(规模大、会期长的常编发简报以交流信息) 类别-- 摘要式—将有代表性、有启发性的发言摘录整理,
让其他组了解。 概括式---根据会议记录分析综合,概括大会、小组
情况,供与会者阅。 综合式---包容上两式,加上其他,如上级指示、贺信、
报导、证件类、表格、材料袋等。 会务工作:会场布置、设备物资准备、车辆安排、报
到登记、餐饮安排、安全保卫等。 经费预算:来源、计划、审批等。
商务礼仪与职业形象 16
提前到会,检查设备和安排(设施、座位、标 签、存衣架等)
需要时,实施备用方案(如人员、地点、设备 等出现意外)
做好迎客、签到工作(迎接佳宾和与会者、办 理签到手续等)
商务礼仪与职业形象 22
格式---报头 XXX会议简报(第X期)
商务礼仪与职业形象 28
定义---按会议宗旨,精练准确记述其要点,以上报和下达 贯彻执行。
写作--1、忠实会议实际,准确反映会议情况和意见。 2、突出会议中心,内容概括,有取有舍,有主有次 言语精练。
3、逻辑条理清楚,观点鲜明,不堆砌拼凑,必要时 加理论说明。
4、及时印发,作为依据,起到指示、指导、协调、 约束作用。
商务礼仪与职业形象 32
-国家机构、社会组织、个人从事政、军、经、 科、技、文、宗等活动中直接形成的对国家、 社会有保存价值的各种文字、图表、声像记录



商务秘书实务课后练习答案the Exercises of Corporate Secretarial PracticeChapter11、1)The secretary’s responsibilities have been upgraded from handling office chores to a higher level, where organizing, supervising and training have become the core components of a secretarial job、2)The secretary’s professionalism and reliability have more influence on the daily and long-term management of the company than before, because managers’ and executives’ reliance on their secretaries have witnessed an unprecedented increase、2、 The major responsibilities and tasks of a modern day secretary can be summarized into three categories: the independent operation of day-to-day documentary work, execution of internal and external communication, assistance in management and supervision, direct involvement in staff training、3、 Answers may vary with varied individual impressions、4、1)The secretary is mainly responsible for assisting a manager or managers on a daily basis、2)He/She should have basic skills in office management and corporate communication as well as a strong sense of professionalism, responsibility, reliability and business etiquette along with attractive personality andcharacter、3)He/She should have the initiative to familiarize himself/herself with the way the company operates and its policies so as to be capable of arranging dutiesaccording to their priority and making quick responsesand sensible decisions、4)He/She should understand how to fulfill office duties, maintain appropriate appearance, communicate verbally and non-verbally, and execute instructions and orders efficiently, because they are the foundation ofsuccessful daily corporate management and the firstcontact with the outsiders、5)He/She should be ethical, professional, positive and attractive, because only with these qualities can his/her reliability and efficiency in performance be guaranteed、Chapter21、1) Answers may vary with varied personal experiences、2) Personally, I believe the opinion originates from narrow-sightedness and nationalism, which can be regarded as wrong、 As is observed, globalizationis the definite trend of the world economics、 The communication and business contacts with the Western businesspeople are surging in their frequency、 Therefore, learning the Western business etiquette is highly necessary out of the simple but absolute reason that mutual respect is the key in successful business interactions、2、1)No;2)No;3)Yes;4)No;5)No;6)No;7)No;8)Yes3、1)The colleague should not answer calls in front of the clients、 Instead, he/she should set the cell phone on the ‘vibrate’ code or even turn it off、 If he/she has to answer an important call, he/she should apologize to and then leave the client temporarily for the call、2) He should not think of a company buffet as a chance of self-indulgence、 Instead, he should probably eat before he goes to the buffet and limit himself to alcohol so as to keep sober、3)She should not apply makeup during the course of the meeting、 Instead, she should have had herself appropriately made up before the meeting and simply keep herself at ease in the meeting、4)He should not make noises when eating、 Instead, he should roll the noodles every time he puts them into his mouth and chew them with his mouth closed、4、For reference only:From: “Steven Goody”<stevengoody@hotmailZZZ>To: “Larry Parker”<larryparker@yahooZZZ>Subject: Price catalog and samples Date: Wed,18 August xx 08:28:10Dear Larry:Two weeks ago, we requested you to send us your latest price catalog and the samples of the stuffing、 However, they have notarrived yet、 Would you please check whether there were any mistakes occurring during their delivery? At present, our production is preparing for the mass production of Teddy bears for the upcoming Christmas season、 It is the high time for us to do the final cost accounting and select the most appropriate stuffing、 The late delivery of the price catalog and samples may give rise to a series of production problems afterwards、 Viewing our well-established relationship, we can rest assured that quick reaction will be made to find the best solution to this problem、 We are looking forward to hearing from you with regard to the solution、Steven Chapter31、1) Answers may vary with varied individual understanding of secretarial professional ethics、Additional points that can be added to the list are being self-motivated, self-improving, coordinative, enterprising, etc、2) Answers may vary with varied individual insights into the tips、3) The major differences that exist between Chinese and American secretaries may be that Chinese secretaries’ average age tends to be younger than that of American ones, for secretaries’ appearance is an indispensable reflectionof corporate image in China, while experience and expertise outweighs appearance in choosing a secretary in U、S、、 That gives an explanation to the fact that American secretaries follow more strict ethical codes so as to be professional in fulfilling their duties、4)Chinese employees should first of all realize that the secretarial job is not short-lived, which means it is a job that may end before35、 Instead, they should pay more attention to their inner qualities, which are composed of guiding and enlightening secretarial principles, and basic and in-depth understanding and knowledge of a secretarial job、2、 Personally, I believe that dating an immediate superior is against the secretarial ethical codes, because their relation may have direct influence on their roles in work, which may ultimately undermine their performance, efficiency and even the company’sinterests、 Chapter41、1)The major differences that lie between business letters, memos and e-mails are their formality and target readers、 The first one is the most formal, aiming at thereaders with whom the writer is in a fairly serious relation; the second one is less formal, aiming at the readers who are lower in hierarchy; the third is theleast formal, aiming at the readers with whom the writer feels much at ease、2)A well organized paragraph should be appropriately generalized and adequately supported with logical transitions with the previous paragraph and the subsequent one、3)The mistakes in a sentence are incompleteness, wordiness and wrong choices of voice、 The reasons thatare attributed to them are that the Chinese tend to be confused about English sentence structures, unfamiliarwith English wording and unaware about the use of voicein business writing、4)Answers may vary with varied individual findings、2、 From: Royce Mason <steven_peng@rolZZZ>To: "Tommy Lynch" <ken_black@rolZZZ>Subject: Solutions to late delivery Date: Friday,12 May xx8:18:11Dear Tommy:We have paid immediate attention to the problem of late deliveryof the order、 After an enquiry with the shipping company, it was discovered that the ship that carried the orderencountered mechanical problems halfway to the port of destination、 The shipping company is now seriously considering the needs for transshipment、 In the meantime, we will keep track of the latest information from the shipping company and come up with the solutions for your best interests、 Please accept our sincere apology forthe problems arising from the late delivery、 Best regards,Royce3、A Report on the Launch of T330 Electric Shavers With one year’s extensive surveys on South China market area, it can be safely concluded that there is a great sales potential of T330 Electric Shavers、 The surveys mainly targeted the men consumers of various age and income groups、 The findings are listed as follows: First, the25 to35 age groups are most interested in electric shavers、 Since they are fully occupied in the daytime, they cannot afford much time to shave before they set out for work、 This provides a selling point for T330Electric Shavers, which are designed to be capable of complete shaving in less than5 minutes、 Second, the suggested sales price of T330 Electric Shavers is220 RMB, falling into the price range of the2000 to3000 RMB incomegroup、 In relatively developed South China, the aforesaid income group covers a population of1 million, who concentrate in the major southern cities, such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan and Zhuhai、 Such a concentration provides a foreseeable market share forT330 Electric Shavers、 In summary, the launch of T330 Electric Shavers will be a success if the launch time is well set and the follow-up marketing strategy is appropriately employed、 Chapter51、1)Business letters, fax and e-mails are the major components of business correspondence、2)The three basic formats are the block business letter format, the semi-blocked business letter format and the indented business letter format、3)The major differences are that the layouts of the three formats are varied according to the different sets of standards and their common purpose is present the information in a neat and decent manner、4)A business letter normally have a return address, a date, a reference line, an inside address, an attention line, a salutation, a subject line, a body, acomplimentary close, a signature block, identification initials, and an enclosure notation、5)A business letter should provide all pertinent information in a clear and concise manner with a purpose that stands out at beginning and is supported all through the letter、 The grammar applied should serve the information flow in an accurate and appropriate manner、Last but not least, the tone should keep in line with the purpose and be well reflected through the information、2、1)TT&G Consultancy,18 Leicester StreetBirmingham,22356, UK20-3399-886320 November, xxGuangzhou LatinaBiochemistry Co、, Ltd、28 Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu DistrictGuangzhou510020, Guangdong, ChinaAttention: Mr、Long TengdeDear Mr、 Long:Late Delivery ofOrder332Sincerely yours, Aaron Samson, R&D managerJPEnclosures:3cc: Ronald Terry, Logistics manager2) TT&G Consultancy,18 Leicester StreetBirmingham,22356, UK20-3399-886320 November, xxGuangzhou LatinaBiochemistry Co、, Ltd、28 Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu DistrictGuangzhou510020, Guangdong, ChinaAttention: Mr、Long TengdeDear Mr、 Long:Late Delivery ofOrder332Sincerely yours, Aaron Samson, R&D managerJPEnclosures:3cc: Ronald Terry, Logistics manager3) TT&G Consultancy,18 Leicester StreetBirmingham,22356, UK20-3399-886320 November, xxGuangzhou LatinaBiochemistry Co、, Ltd、28 Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu DistrictGuangzhou510020, Guangdong, ChinaAttention: Mr、Long TengdeDear Mr、 Long:Late Delivery ofOrder332Sincerely yours, Aaron Samson, R&D managerJPEnclosures:3cc: Ronald Terry, Logistics manager3、28, January, xxRoland Trading Co、, Ltd、23 Yuexiu Zhong RoadGuangzhou, China Dear Mr、 Thompson:We have received your letter concerning your Purchase Contract No、898、 Upon receipt of the letter, an urgent meetingwas held between the supplier and us、 The result turned out to be favorable、 Delivery is rescheduled to April2, xx, as requested in your letter、 We would be pleased to offer help to you whenever it is need、 If you havefurther questions, please feel free to inquire us、 Yours respectfully,Toddy MasonExport Manager4、 Envelope: Li Fenjin Data Magic Machinery Co、, Ltd、23 Huangshi Xi RoadGuangzhou, China CONFIDENTIALPeter Houston1708 Reserve StGarland, TX75042-7621USA Letter:18 May, xx1708 Reserve StGarland, TX75042-7621USA Dear Mr、 Houston: We acknowledge with thanks your product catalog、 It is our great pleasure to find that the data acquisition system listed in the catalog has a huge potential in our market、 However, its price is far out of the price range of our market, which remains to be an obstacle in boosting possible future sales、 If you kindly offer us a25% discount, we will be willing to order3 sets as a starter、 We wish that this would be our first step in establishing long-term relationship、 Your reply is earnestly awaited、 Yours respectfully,Li FenjinPurchasing ManagerChapter61、1)A business memo, which is an effective and efficient tool in business communication, is an in-house business letter、2)A good memo should follow a set of guidelines, which foster its formation and upgrade expressiveness、3)A memo can keep members of a business organization from attending time-consuming meetings while furnishing them with sufficient information、4)Memos are different from letters in their formats and styles; however, they both serve the purpose of business communication、5)The common formats of a memo are block format and modified block format、 Block format begins every paragraph flush with the left margin and leaves an empty line of space between each paragraph、 Modified block format indents each paragraph and does not leave an empty line of space between each paragraph、2、1)MEMO Date:11 November, xx To: General Manager From: He Chunnan, Finance Manager Subject: Staff changes in my department2)MEMO Date:12 January, xx To: Board of Directors From: Lin Deng, Marketing Manager Subject: Product launch plan of T008AE washing machines3)备忘录日期:xx年11月8日致:执行总裁凯尔史密斯由:人事经理通尼约翰逊主题:xx年招聘计划与时间表4)备忘录日期:xx年5月12日致:各部门经理由:人力资源经理主题:新激励制度3、1)MEMO Date:11 January xx To: Lorry Thomas, Assistantof Training Department From: Tory King, Training Manager Subject: Training program on hardware maintenance A new training program on hardware maintenance, which lasts one month from January15 to February15, is arrange for theten trainee technicians recruited on January1、In order to guarantee the execution of the program, John Hoover, the workshop supervisor, should besufficiently informed of its details and specifications, and two senior engineers from the production department should be designated to assist and assess it、 Could you give me a notice when the aforesaid tasks are completed? Thank you!2)MEM。



The following two letters are written according to the writing principles mentioned above. Read them and try to figure out how the writing principles are applied. The questions after them might help you accomplish the task.
The general plan for sales-related replies is as follows:
1. Begin by courteously indicating that you are
answering his/her requests about products or
12、欧洲主要港口Eropean Main Ports(EMS)
13、净价 Net Price
14、商标 Trade Mark
15、品牌 Brand
16、规格 Specification
17、尺码 Size
18、存货 Stock
19、批发商 Wholesalers 20、零售商 Retailers
21、分销商 Distributors 22、毛利 Gromber of questions or requests are involved, list them by numbers or bullets, or leave space between them.
4. End with goodwill words adapted to each particular situation.

《 商务秘书实务(第四版)》补充资源Chapter 24 A Brief Introduction

《 商务秘书实务(第四版)》补充资源Chapter 24 A Brief Introduction

Chapter 24 A Brief Introduction to IncotermsAs a corporate secretary, one may have many opportunities to get involved in making contracts for international trade. It is therefore necessary to have some knowledge about Incoterms.“Incoterms” is a registered trademark of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). The word Incoterms stands for International Commercial Terms, which are a series of pre-defined commercial terms published by the ICC relating to international commercial law. They are widely used in international commercial transactions as their use in international sales is encouraged by trade councils, courts and international lawyers.Incoterms are a series of three-letter trade terms. They are actually rules or stipulations which are intended primarily to clearly communicate the tasks, costs, and risks associated with the transportation and delivery of goods. Each Incoterm is considered a rule or a stipulation. They are basically used in two ways. One way is to include in a business contract one clause called “Trade Terms”, where one of the Incoterms can be written as an evidence of mutual agreement between the seller and the buyer. Another way is just to add an Incoterm after the price of the contract, for example, US $ 250,000 CIP Shanghai.One thing to note regarding the use of Incoterms is that any one of them must be followed by the name of a designated place or port, for example, FCA Beijing, or FAS Huangpu Harbor. Incoterms which are not followed by the name of a place or port are actually meaningless because they do not specify the exact place where responsibilities, risks or goods are transferred from one party to another.The Incoterms are published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), which is the largest, most representative business organization in the world. Its hundreds of thousands of member companies in over 130 countries have interests spanning every sector of private enterprise.Founded in 1919, ICC is a civil association of merchants. It is a non-governmental and nonprofit organization. It has been granted general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. ICC supports the work of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.The ICC has three main activities: rule setting, dispute resolution, and policy advocacy. Because its member companies and associations are themselves engaged in international business, ICC has unrivalled authority in making rules that govern the conduct of business across borders. Although these rules are voluntary, they are observed in countless transactions every day and have become part of international trade practice.The first work published by the ICC on international trade terms was issued in 1923, with the first edition known as Incoterms published in 1936. The Incoterms rules were amended in 1953, 1967, 1976, 1980, 1990, and 2000, with the eighth version—Incoterms 2010—having been published on January 1, 2011. The ICC has begun consultations on a new revision of Incoterms, to be called Incoterms 2020.Incoterms 2010 defines 11 rules, down from the 13 rules defined by Incoterms 2000. Four rules of the 2000 version (DAF; DES; DEQ; DDU) were removed. They have been replaced by two new rules(DAT; DAP) in the 2010 version.Based on method of delivery, the 11 pre-defined terms of Incoterms 2010 are subdivided into two categories—one larger, one smaller. The larger group of seven rules may be used regardless of the method of transport, whereas the four rules in the smaller group are applicable only to sales that solely involve transportation by water and therefore are not to be used for transport by air, rail or road, or for any combined transport methods involving land or air transportation.1. EXW—Ex Works(named place of delivery)The seller makes the goods available at their premises, or at a place of their contractors. Here, the word “works” means a factory.EXW means that a buyer incurs the risks for bringing the goods to their final destination. The seller neither loads the goods on collecting vehicles nor clears them for export.This term places the maximum obligation on the buyer and minimum obligations on the seller.2. FCA—Free Carrier(named place of delivery)The seller delivers the goods, cleared for export, at a named place. The goods can be delivered to a carrier nominated by the buyer, or to another party nominated by the buyer.It should be noted that the chosen place of delivery affects the obligations of loading and unloading the goods at that place. If delivery occurs at the seller’s premises, or at any other location that is under the seller’s control, the seller is responsible for loading the goods onto the buyer’s carrier. However, if delivery occurs at any other place, the seller is deemed to have delivered the goods once their transport has arrived at the named place; the buyer is responsible for both unloading the goods and loading them onto their own carrier.3. CPT—Carriage Paid To(named place of destination)The seller pays for the carriage of the goods up to the named place of destination.With this Incoterm, the seller is responsible for export Customs clearance and freight for transporting the goods to the named place of destination. However, the seller is not responsible for arranging insurance.If the buyer requires the seller to obtain insurance, then the next Incoterm—CIP—should be considered.4. CIP—Carriage and Insurance Paid to(named place of destination) This term is broadly similar to the above CPT term, with the exception that the seller is required to obtain insurance for the goods while in transit. CIP requires the seller to insure the goods for 110% of the contract value. The insurance policy should be in the same currency as the contract.5. DAT—Delivered At Terminal(named terminal at port or place of destination)This Incoterm requires that the seller delivers the goods, unloaded, at the named terminal. The seller covers all the costs of transport (export fees, carriage, unloading from main carrier at destination port and destination port charges) and assumes all risk until arrival at the destination port or terminal.The terminal can be an airport, or inland freight interchange, but must be a facility with the capability to receive the shipment.All charges after unloading (for example, import duty, taxes and Customs charges by the importing country) are to be borne by the buyer.If the seller is not able to organize unloading, then the next term—DAP—should be considered.6. DAP—Delivered At Place(named place of destination)Incoterms 2010 defines DAP as “Delivered at Place”—the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the named place of destination.With this Incoterm, all necessary legal formalities in the exporting country are to be completed by the seller at his own cost and risk. If, due to any Customs’ reasons, the goods cannot be exported, then the seller is responsible for any losses caused.After arrival of the goods in the country of destination, the Customs clearance in the importing country needs to be completed by the buyer at his own cost and risk, including all Customs duties and taxes.7. DDP—Delivered Duty Paid(named place of destination)The seller is responsible for delivering the goods to the named place in the country of the buyer, and pays all costs in bringing the goods to the destination including import duties and taxes. The seller is not responsible for unloading.This term places the maximum obligations on the seller and minimum obligations on the buyer.The four rules defined by Incoterms 2010 for international trade where transportation is entirely conducted by water are introduced below.1. FAS—Free Alongside Ship (named port of shipment)The seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside the buyer’s vessel at the named port of shipment.This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that moment. The FAS term requires the seller to clear the goods for export.2. FOB—Free on Board (named port of shipment)Under FOB terms the seller bears all costs and risks up to the point the goods are loaded on boardthe vessel.With this term, the seller must arrange for export Customs clearance. On the other hand, the buyer pays the freight of marine transportation, insurance, unloading and transportation costs from the arrival port to destination.3. CFR—Cost and Freight (named port of destination)The seller pays for the carriage of the goods up to the named port of destination. Risk transfers to the buyer when the goods have been loaded on board the ship in the country of export. The seller is responsible for export Customs clearance and freight costs for transporting goods to the named port, but is not responsible for insurance.If the buyer does require the seller to obtain insurance, then Incoterm CIF should be considered.4. CIF—Cost, Insurance & Freight (named port of destination)This term is broadly similar to the above CFR term, with the exception that the seller is required to obtain insurance for the goods while in transit to the named port of destination. CIF requires the seller to insure the goods for 110% of their contract value. The insurance policy should be in the same currency as the contract.The seller must turn over to the buyer the documents that are necessary for the buyer to obtain the goods from the carrier or to assert claim against an insurer. The documents include the invoice, the insurance policy, and the bill of lading. The seller’s obligation ends when the documents are handed over to the buyer.Incoterms are a series of three-letter trade terms related to common contractual sales practices. They are accepted by governments, legal authorities, and business practitioners worldwide for the interpretation of most commonly used practices in international trade. They are intended to reduce or remove altogether uncertainties arising from different interpretation of the rules in different countries. As such they are regularly incorporated into sales contracts worldwide.Incoterms are always used with the name of a designated place. Otherwise they are meaningless.The latest version of Incoterms is Incoterms 2010, which is a set of 11 terms. These terms can be used as an independent clause in a contract for international trade, or as an appendage affixed to the price of the contract.Incoterms n.贸易术语International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) 国际商会pre-defined adj. 预先确定的mode of transport n.运输方式carrier n.承运人carriage n.运费freight n.运费,尤指海运费terminal n.运输终点,航站楼interchange n.转运枢纽invoice n. 发票insurance policy 保险单bill of lading 提单amortization n.摊销Exercises1. Which Incoterms can be used for all kinds of transport? Which Incoterms can only be used with deliveries by water?2. In all Incoterms, which one incurs the least risk, responsibility and cost to the seller? Which one incurs the greatest risk, responsibility and cost to the seller?3. With the Incoterm FCA, if the delivery is to be done in the seller’s premises, who is responsible for loading the goods onto the carrier’s vehicle? If the delivery is to be done in a place which is not a part of the seller’s premises, who is responsible for unloading and loading of the goods?4. What is the main difference between CFR and CIF?5. If the Incoterm EXW is used, where is the risk with the goods transferred from the seller to the buyer?6. If the Incoterm CIF is used, where is the risk with the goods transferred from the seller to the buyer?7. The Incoterm DAT means Delivered at Terminal. What does the word “terminal” mean? Does this term require shipping by air?8. A French buyer signed a purchase order with a Chinese seller for the sale of a large quantity of chinaware. The price was CIF Marseilles price. Letter of Credit was used for payment. The ship with the goods met a big storm on the sea and sank. All the goods have been lost. Should the buyer pay for the goods?。

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Most importantly, I quickly learn your preferences, goals and objectives, and I will do my very best to aid you in your leadership of the company. I would appreciate the opportunity to present the contributions I would like to make as your secretary. I can be reached by phone at (0757) 22329010.
Dear Hiring Manager:
I am actively seeking an executive assistant opportunity in a demanding, fast-paced multitasking office. My four years of executive experience at Panda Furniture Company have equipped me with a multitude of skills, and I would like to continue my growth at your company.
Please allow me to highlight my strengths:
Fluent in Chinese and English. Proficient in computer and office skills. Extensive meeting and event planning experience. Exceptional time management skills.
specific general
is often addressed Dear Employer,
or To Whom It May Concern
emphasizes your qualifications
two types of cover letters
is sometimes written with the date omitted
sends a positive message to the employer that you
are truly interested
should be used whenever you can spare the time
Types of Resume Cover Letters
The general cover letter
Types of Resume Cover Letters
The specific cover letter specific general
is directed toward a specific company
or a person and position
two types of
personally addresses the company’s needscover letters
Sample cover letter 3 (General type)
Lorna Jiang Room 911, 31 Songyuan Road Zhongshan, Guangdong 528230 0760-2457654 13489203988 lorna_jiang@
demonstrated developed enhanced
facilitated implemented
increased managed
performed produced
succeeded surpassed
Chapter 18
Writing Job Search Cover Letters in English
job search cover letter = resume cover letter
Cover letter’s purpose is to interpret the resume and add a personal touch, so it should not duplicate the resume.
What Should be Addressed in a Cover
It should be brief and informative.
ЖThe reasons of your writing ЖThe information of the advertisement, the title of the position you
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Shirley Ouyang Shirley Ouyang
Sample cover letter 2 (Specific type)
Miranda Qin Room 104, 99 Haining Street Shenzhen, Guangdong 518010 Telephone: (0755) 83794680
want, your skills, and why your skills match with those emphasized in the ad
ЖMake effort to explore the goals of the company, its regular
and continuing job needs, and the climate of the company
January 30, 2008
Mr. Jensen–Dir. of Human Resources Maurice Office Equipment Company, Ltd. 524 Seashore Ave. Zhuhai, Guangdong 519400
Dear Mr. Jensen:
I am responding to your advertisement in the Southern Metropolitan Newspaper (dated 1/26/08), regarding the Administration Manager position. Please find enclosed my resume highlighting my education, experience, and background.
determine the most important skills the employer is looking for.
♣ Address how you will meet the employers' needs. ♣ Make your cover letter visually appealing and coordinated with
and facts.
♣ Research the target company and try to include information or
facts relating to your would-be job or industry.
♣ Analyze the job. Check for the noted and assumed needs and
Sample cover letter 1 (Specific type)
Dear Ms. Henning:
June 26, 2007
Through the last 5 years working as an administrative assistant, 2 of which serving the CFO of a large company, I have developed the skills necessary to ensure excellence in secretarial work quality and performance, time management and confidentiality.
their compute words can become key words, including verbs.
a list of quality action words
accomplished achieved
First, they work to capture the readers’ attention and interest.
Second, they can help your resume
get selected by certain HR staff searching with key words online or in
May I arrange an interview to further discuss what I can bring to the position and your company?
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Miranda Miranda Qin

Sample cover letter 2 (Specific type)

Throughout my administration career I won top admin awards, and trained other administration clerks/assistants techniques to increase their work efficiency. I enjoy working in the field of administration, organizing events and activities in the organization and helping the staff obtain optimal results in their work. I truly find my work to be a rewarding career. I believe I would excel in the position you are offering in particular because my sales background closely matches the operating style and business goals outlined in your company’s end-of-the-year report.