
(1)school room(2)nice his(3)watch what(4)doctor short(5)bus blue全面解析:(1)shool和room的划线部分都发/u:/。
2.选出每小题中画线部分发音与众不同的选项(1)A.tree B.triangle C.dream(2)A.wash B.teach C.she(3)A.turn B.nurse C.above(4)A.lights B.sock C.nice全面解析:(1)A tree划线部分字母tr读音是/tr/,B triangle划线部分字母tr读音是/tr/,C dream划线部分字母dr读音是/dr/,故选C。
(2)A wash划线部分字母sh读音是/ʃ/,B teach划线部分字母ch读音是/tʃ/,C 划线部分字母sh读音是/ʃ/,故选B。
(3)A turn划线部分字母ur读音是/ɜː/,B nurse划线部分字母ur读音是/ɜː/,C above划线部分字母a读音是/ə/,故选C。
(4)A lights划线部分字母ts读音是/ts/,sock划线部分字母s读音是/s/,nice划线部分字母ce读音是/s/,故选A。
3.读一读,选出划线部分发音不同的选项(1)A.visit B.trip C.hiking(2)A.subway B.puzzle C.university(3)A.hobby B.postman C.stop(4)A.thin B.clothes C.breath(5)A.down B.tomorrow C.follow(6)A.bookstore B.moon cake C.cook全面解析:(1)visit,trip划线部分字母发音是/ɪ/,hiking划线部分字母发音是/aɪ/。

1、first her ( )2、fifth there ( )3、today Saturday ( )4、say says ( )5、eat keep ( )6、April May ( )7、look cartoon ( ) 8、blow touch ( )二、单词辩音。
( )1. A. ruler B. her C. teacher( )2. A. bear B. dear C. hear( )3. A. hobby B. over C. pocket( )4. A. front B. month C. orange( )5. A. grass B. cage C. skate( )6. A. recorder B. October C. sports( )7. A. sign B. bike C. public( )8. A. moment B. phone C. stop三、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。
( )1. A. must B. public C. question D. cup( )2. A. danger B. her C. litter D. mother( )3. A. stay B. away C .today D. Saturday( )4. A. great B bread C. ready D. head( )5. A. dear B. bear C. here D. nearby( )6. A. cook B. room C. food D. shoot四、判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同, 用“√”或“×”表示。
1. there here ( )2. year hear ( )3. dear bear ( )4. where hair ( )5. pear near ( )6.their parents ( )五、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。

单词发音-小学英语辨音习题附答案100道(H套)1. ant /ænt/ - and /ænd/2. cat /kæt/ - cut /kʌt/3. dog /dɔːɡ/ - dot /dɒt/4. tell /tel/ - tall /tɔːl/5. pen /pen/ - pan /pæn/6. sit /sɪt/ - set /set/7. bed /bed/ - bad /bæd/8. far /fɑːr/ - for /fɔːr/9. red /red/ - read /riːd/10. gate /ɡeɪt/ - get /ɡet/11. pig /pɪɡ/ - pick /pɪk/12. ship /ʃɪp/ - shop /ʃɔp/13. sun /sʌn/ - son /sʌn/14. pet /pet/ - put /pʊt/15. man /mæn/ - men /men/16. hill /hɪl/ - fill /fɪl/17. pin /pɪn/ - pan /pæn/18. see /siː/ - sat /sæt/19. top /tɒp/ - tap /tæp/20. win /wɪn/ - won /wʌn/21. bed /bed/ - bet /bet/22. dog /dɔːɡ/ - dig /dɪɡ/23. hot /hɒt/ - hat /hæt/24. ten /ten/ - tin /tɪn/25. sit /sɪt/ - set /set/26. run /rʌn/ - ran /ræn/27. mop /mɒp/ - map /mæp/28. red /red/ - rid /rɪd/29. cat /kæt/ - cut /kʌt/30. tell /tel/ - tall /tɔːl/31. lip /lɪp/ - lap /læp/32. bed /bed/ - bad /bæd/33. dog /dɔːɡ/ - dot /dɒt/34. hill /hɪl/ - fill /fɪl/35. pet /pet/ - put /pʊt/36. pin /pɪn/ - pan /pæn/37. man /mæn/ - men /men/38. ship /ʃɪp/ - shop /ʃɔp/39. hot /hɒt/ - hat /hæt/40. see /siː/ - sat /sæt/41. run /rʌn/ - ran /ræn/42. mop /mɒp/ - map /mæp/43. ten /ten/ - tin /tɪn/44. lip /lɪp/ - lap /læp/45. cat /kæt/ - cut /kʌt/46. tell /tel/ - tall /tɔːl/47. bed /bed/ - bad /bæd/48. dog /dɔːɡ/ - dot /dɒt/49. pin /pɪn/ - pan /pæn/50. see /siː/ - sat /sæt/51. run /rʌn/ - ran /ræn/52. mop /mɒp/ - map /mæp/53. hill /hɪl/ - fill /fɪl/54. ship /ʃɪp/ - shop /ʃɔp/55. lip /lɪp/ - lap /læp/56. bed /bed/ - bet /bet/57. dog /dɔːɡ/ - dig /dɪɡ/58. hot /hɒt/ - hat /hæt/59. pen /pen/ - pan /pæn/60. sit /sɪt/ - set /set/61. red /red/ - rid /rɪd/62. cat /kæt/ - cut /kʌt/63. tell /tel/ - tall /tɔːl/64. dog /dɔːɡ/ - dot /dɒt/65. win /wɪn/ - won /wʌn/66. pin /pɪn/ - pan /pæn/67. see /siː/ - sat /sæt/68. hill /hɪl/ - fill /fɪl/69. bed /bed/ - bad /bæd/70. sun /sʌn/ - son /sʌn/71. lip /lɪp/ - lap /læp/72. pet /pet/ - put /pʊt/73. man /mæn/ - men /men/74. ship /ʃɪp/ - shop /ʃɔp/75. hot /hɒt/ - hat /hæt/76. see /siː/ - sat /sæt/77. run /rʌn/ - ran /ræn/78. mop /mɒp/ - map /mæp/79. pen /pen/ - pan /pæn/80. sit /sɪt/ - set /set/81. pig /pɪɡ/ - pick /pɪk/82. cat /kæt/ - cut /kʌt/83. dog /dɔːɡ/ - dot /dɒt/84. bed /bed/ - bad /bæd/85. red /red/ - read /riːd/86. gate /ɡeɪt/ - get /ɡet/87. pig /pɪɡ/ - pick /pɪk/88. ship /ʃɪp/ - shop /ʃɔp/89. sun /sʌn/ - son /sʌn/90. man /mæn/ - men /men/91. hill /hɪl/ - fill /fɪl/92. pet /pet/ - put /pʊt/93. pin /pɪn/ - pan /pæn/94. see /siː/ - sat /sæt/95. bed /bed/ - bet /bet/96. dog /dɔːɡ/ - dig /dɪɡ/97. hot /hɒt/ - hat /hæt/98. ten /ten/ - tin /tɪn/99. sit /sɪt/ - set /set/ 100. run /rʌn/ - ran /ræn/。

小学英语辨音题Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】小学生辨音题(一)一、判断下列各词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”。

(1)A. blind B. bread C. brother(2)A. cream B. cry C. crow(3)A. brow B. brush C. blue(4)A. primary B. present C. project全面解析:(1)blind划线部分字母bl发音是/bl/,bread划线部分字母br发音是/br/,brother划线部分字母br发音是/br/。
(1)A. like B. nice C. city(2)A. head B. breakfast C. bread(3)A. red B. very C. me(4)A. know B. now C. brown全面解析:(1)like和nice中的i发/ai/,city中的i发/i/,C选项与其它不同,故答案为:错误。
(3 )red和very中的e发/e/,me中的e发/i:/,C选项与其不同,故答案为:错误。

英语辨音练习题辨音题(一)一、判断下列各词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打不同的打“X1、first her ( )2、fifth there )3、today Saturda y( ) 4、saysays ( ) 5、eat keep ( ) 6、April May ( ) 7、look carto on ()8、blowtouch()、单词辩音( )1. A. ruler B. her C . teache r ( )2. A. bear B. dear C. hear ( )3.A. hobby B .over C .pocket ( )4. A. frontB. mon thC. orange ( )5. A. grass B. cage C .skate ( )6. A. recorder B.October C. sports ( )7. A. sign B. bikeC. public( )8.A. mome ntB. phoneC. stop三、找出划线部分发音不同的选项( )1. A . mustB .public C. questi on D. cup ()2. A . danger B . her C . litter D. mother ( )3. A. stay B. away C .today D. Saturday()4. A . greatB breadC . ready D. head ()5. A . dear B . bear C . here D. n earby ( )6. A. cook B . room C .food D. shoot四、判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同,用“该“浓示 1. ther e her e ( ) 2. year hear () 3. dear bear ( ) 4. where hair () 5.pear n ear ( ) 6.their pare nts ( ) 五、找出划线部分发音不同的选项()1.A.first B . birthday C. herD. worker ( )2.A .J uly B .June C. blue D.costume ( )3.A.April B . can dle C. January D. back()4.A .n earB .yearC. pearD. hear( )5.A.third B. there C. fifth D. three( ) 6.A.read B. ready C. team D. sea六、判断下列各组单词画线部分的读音是否相同,用“诚” “浓示( )1. bear pear ( ) 2. there here( )3. race have ( ) 4. just must( )5. the n they ( ) 6. mobilepocket( )7. ground cousin ( ) 8.ball roll( )9. shoot look ( ) 1videodiary小学生辨音题(一)答案一、判断下列各词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打不同的打“X1、first her ( V )2、fifth there (x )3、today Saturday (x)4、say says ( x )5、eat keep (V)6、April May (V )7、look carto on (x) 8、blow touch(x ) 、单词辩音。

五年级英语必做题一、辨音题1、勾“√”或“×”( √) real seat ( ×) walkman worker ( ×)towel know ( ×) week coffee ( ×) great bread ( ×)uncle aunt ( ×) little like ( √) find fine ( ×) here where ( √) there their ( √) this bus ( ×) here there 2、选出与画线部分读音不同的选项( A )mice A. animal B. ride C. wide( C )wait A. rainy B. take C. apple( A )wash A. water B. want C. what( B )A. hers B. their C. ours D. his( A )A. social B. sorry C. coffee D. lot( D )A. volleyball B. watch C. what D. water( A )A. game B. can’t C. plant D. glass( A )A. worker B. for C. horse D. forty( A )A. little B. lion C. kite D. like( B )A. mouse B. young C. colour D. love( B )A. lamb B. many C. bag D. cat( C )A. many B. bread C. map二、用英语写短语1. 许多山羊many goats2. 一只白兔 a white rabbit3. 卧床休息stay in bed4. 照相take a picture5. 爬梯子climb up a ladder6. 上一节科学课have a science class7. 看报纸read a newspaper8. 看书read a book9. 看孩子look after the child 10. 早点好起来get better soon 11. 得重感冒have a bad cold 12. 吃一些药take some medicine13. 让我看看你的舌头show me your tongue14.那些白色的山羊those white goats 15.画画draw pictures16. 在池塘里in the pond 17. 观察事物observe things三、选择填空1. We call baby sheep A .A. lambsB. a lambC. kids .2.你想告诉王明绵羊和小绵羊是一家,你这样说:( A )A. A sheep and a lamb are a family .B. Sheep and a lamb are a family . 3.There are some baby horses over there . We call C foals .A. itB. itsC. them4. They usually go to school B bike .A. onB. byC. ride5. Are you interested in B ?.A. cookB. cookingC. cooker6. Does she like B ?.A. runB. runningC. runs7. C you study English?.A. DoesB. AreC. Do8.This picture B our family .A. showB. showsC. showing9. C like English very much .A. All of weB. All of ourC. All of us10. C there an armchair there ? Yes .A. BeB. AreC. Is11. Cheng Long is famous A films .A. forB. toC. of12. What can you buy in the B shop ?A. shoeB.shoesC. shoe’s13. What is the price A the color TV ?A. ofB.forC.to14. It’s very kind B you ?A. toB.ofC.for15. C science classes do you have ?A. How manyB.How muchC. How often16.How B juice do you want ?A. manyB.muchC. about17. Help C .A. yourB.yoursC. yourself18. C have some new English books .A. Tom and meB. Liu Di and myC. You and she 19.One of the B swimming .A. girl likesB. policemen likesC. twins like20.B Tim have an English class on Monday ? A. Do B. Does C. Did21.I want to take some fruits A me .A. withB. toC. of22.—Are those C ? —No,they aren’t .A. Art RoomB. babiest animalsC. young sheep 23.My brother’s name is Li Gang . What about C?A. himB. heC. his24.Are those geese ? No, C aren’t . A. They’re B. They C. they25. C you usually to the park on Sundays ?A. Will, goB. Are , goC. Do , go26.Let’s A at the park gate .A. meetB. meetingC. to meet27.My mother can A the computer but my father can’t .A. playB. playingC. plays28.What C are you in ?A. ClassB. GradeC. class29.The boy likes playing A basketball and he plays piano very well .A./ , theB. the, /C. the ,the30.Alice is from Canada . She B Enlish .A. speakB. speaksC. says31.These boys are B .A. JapanB. JapaneseC. Japaneses32.The hat is nice . Try C on, Mingming .A. themB. itsC. it四、填入适当的词1.The cow has a calf .2. We like making ( make ) a cake .3. Tom and Peter are Chinese ( China ) .4. I have much ( many ) homework to do .5.Can you take ( take ) photos .?6. Let’s do listen (listen)together . Great !.7. 你认为那些兔子很可爱,你会说:How Lovely the rabbits are !8. Don’t speak to her (to her , to she , to hers ) .9. The boy looks (look , looks , looking ) like his mother .10.No one goes (go ,goes , going ) to school by taxi .11.A pig and a kitten aren’t a family , are (are ,aren’t ,not ) they ?12. We study real ( really ) things on the field trip .13. I like my school and my studies ( study ) .14. My friend is good at drawing ( draw ) pictures .15. How about reading ( read ) this book ?16. Zhou Jielun is a good singer ( sing ) .17. Do you have a little ( 一点)milk in your glass ?18. All the windows ( 所有的窗户) in your class are bright .19. Mary and I are both in Grade Five ( 五年级)20. I have much ( many ) homework to do .21. Does he want any soap ( soap ) ?22.Our teacher is standing between Tom and him ( he ) .23. Thanks for coming ( come ) to see me .24. Peter likes some ( some ) toy for Tom’s birthday .25.The girls are singing ( sing ) over there .26.Please give Tom and me ( my ) some milk .27. How many babies ( baby ) can you see ?28. Are you good at playing ( play ) football ?29. Tom, don’t play games in the classroom. ( not play )30. Can you play ( play ) the piano ?31. Please open the windows and air the room . ( open )32. Let Dick go to see his grandmother . ( go )33. Does your sister often watch TV ? ( watch )34. Tom doesn’t have a maths class on Tuesdy . ( not have )35. Do Mary’s friends have any new picture books ? ( have )36. Lucy asks me to read English every day . (read English )五、按要求改写句子1. Is that kid its baby ? (改成否定句)That kid isn’t its baby .2. They are Tom’s piglets . (改成特殊疑问句)Whose piglets are they ?3.This is my schoolbag . (改成复数句)These are our schoolbags .4.Those are English teachers .(改为单数句)This is an English teacher .5.They have five English classes every week.(改为单数句)He has an English class every week .6.I can see two lions in the zoo .(就画线部分提问)How many lions can you see in the zoo ?六、填入适当的词1.A:How often do you have English classes ?B:Three times a week .2.A:Can I borrow your book ?B:Certainly . You must keep it clean .3. where do you often go on weekends ?4. How much coffee is there in the cup ?5. I don’t like playing football .6. The vegetables are good for us .7. Don’t read books in the sun .8. Can you jump over the house ?9.A:Are you good at playing football ?B:Yes. Let’s play football now .10.A:what do you do in the classroom ?B:Read and write .11. May I have your name ? —Kate .七、写出可替换划线部分的单词或短语1. This is our meeting hall .。

小学五年级英语单词辨音题1.选出划线部分发音不同的一项(1)()A.Brother B.Mother C.dog (2)()A.put B.number C.bus (3)()A.cat B.panda C.banana (4)()A.flower B.sister C.person (5)()A.nurse B.teacher C.bird全面解析:(1)AB项发[Λ],C项发[ɒ];(2)A项发[u],B C项发[Λ];(3)A项发[æ],BC项发[ ә];(4)A B项发[ ә],C发[з:];(5)AC项发[з:],B项发[ ә]。
2.选出与所给单词划线部分发音相同的单词(1)()river A.Kite B.bike C.rabbit(2)()those A.drop B.home C.come(3)()teacher A.meat B.Great C.sweater(4)()letter A.hen B.she C.he(5)()apple A.small B.name C.cat全面解析:(1)river划线部分发[I],C项与之相同。
(3)teacher 划线部分发[i:], A与之相同。
(4)letter 划线部分发[e],A与之相同。
(5)apple 划线部分发[æ],C项与之相同。
⑴A、baby B、windy⑴A、family B、fly⑴A、read B、head⑴A、tea B、eat全面解析:(1)A、baby /i/ B、windy /i/,发音相同,故答案为T。
(2)A、family /i/ B、fly /ai/,发音不同,故答案为F。
(3)A、read/i:/ B、head /ei/,发音不同,故答案为F。
(4)A、tea /i:/ B、eat /i:/,发音相同,故答案为T。

ruler B. her C. teacher()2。
bear B。
dear C。
hear()3. A. hobby B. over C。
A. front B。
month C. orange()5。
grass B。
cage C。
skate()6. A。
recorder B。
October C。
sports()7. A. sign B. bike C。
public()8. A。
moment B。
phone C。
stop二、选出不同类的单词( )1。
art B. science C。
bread D. music()2.A. thin B. tall C. short D。
three() 3。
library B。
canteen C。
young D。
classroom() 4.A. strict B。
school C. smart D. short() 5。
English B。
math C. music D。
funny( ) 6. A。
old B. kind C。
ball D. strong()7. A. teacher B. math C。
music D. Chinese()8. A. principal B. student C。
quite D。
teacher() 9。
A. funny B. active C. and D。
thin()10. A。
in B。
on C. old D. under() 11。
art B。
science C。
bread D. music( ) 12. A. teacher B。
math C. music D. Chinese( )13. A。
funny B. active C。
and D. thin()14. A。
strict B. school C. smart D。

辨音练习一、Same or different.划线部分读音相近的填T,不同填F。
( )1.ground turn ( )2.good too( )3.clean leader ( )4.sign nice( )5.park card ( )6.make have( )7.candy stamp ( )8.meat bread( )9.volleyball key ( )10.play paper二、Find the different word in pronunciation.找出划线部分读音不同的单词。
( )1.A.ask B. basket C. table D. grass( ) B. grade C. that D. late( )3.A.like B. kite C. my D. city( )4.A.second B. mess C. cinema D. February( )5.A.season B. beach C. read D. great( )6.A.month B. sixth C. with D. birthday( )7.A.he B. egg C. dress D. bed( )8.A.duck B. much C. music D. lunch( )9.A.go B. hot C. not D. coffee( )10.A.room B. school C. look D. goose ( )11.A.flower B. how C. brown D. yellow ( )12.A.house B. young C. out D. ground ( )13.A.any B. animal C. many D. friend ( )14.A.water B .want C. what D. watch ( )15.A.walked B. jumped C. kicked D. wanted ( )16.A.rain B. train C. said D. paint( )17.A.forty B. worker C. born D. horse ( )18.A.today B. play C. stay D. Sunday ( )19.A.goat B. old C. don't D. hot( )20.A.try B. my C. why D. happy三、找出划线部分不同读音的词。

11. number /ʌ / excuse /ju: / /ju: / beautiful cucumber computer music
3. take /ei/ cake /ei/ /ei/ cable crane crayon eraser face
grade grapes name paper skating table vegetable whale baby make train rain paint
5. house /au/ mouth /au/ /au/ mouse mouth trousers around house
1. mop /ɔ/ over /əu/ /ɔ/ box clock coffee doctor dog
dolphin doll from hospital hot jogging long not peacock socks bottle gosling borrow /əu/ video tomato potato sofa roller
jeans teacher peacock read seal tea wheat speak please sea
/u/ look book good cook wood foot put pudding
/u:/ food room goose cool tooth school rooster spoon zoo shoes do two who blue ruler glue ruler fruit juice
animal grandmother jam lamb taxi hand happy have has jacket that Japan Kangaroo mango maths panda rabbit sandwich Saturday /a:/ dance piano aunt calf banana class glass father giraffe France farmer car park scarf sharpener smart arm art

⑴A.year B.yellow C.carry⑴A.little B.light C.lire⑴A.where B.what C.who⑴A.ride B.ruler C.red全面解析:(1)year和yellow中首字母y均发音/j/,carry中划线字母y发音/i/可知,三者划线部分发音不同。
2.判断下列各组单词画线部分的发音是否相同⑴term milk cream⑴sing ring wing⑴in night English全面解析:(1)term,milk,cream 划线部分字母m发音是/m/,故选T.(2)sing,ring,wing 划线部分字母ing发音是/ɪŋ/,故选T.(3)in,night 划线部分字母n发音是/n/,English 划线部分字母n发音是/ŋ/,故选F.3.判断下列单词划线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同⑴horse sport⑴brush put⑴shout brown⑴asked p layed全面解析:(1)两个单词划线部分都发/ɔ:/,故答案为T。
(3)两个单词划线部分都发/au/ ,故答案为T。
⑴ A. ready B. heavy⑴ A. like B. hit⑴ A. window B. throw⑴ A. any B. easy⑴ A. let B. me全面解析:(1)两个单词划线部分都发/e/,故答案为T。

1、first her ( )2、fifth there ( )3、today Saturday ( )4、say says ( )5、eat keep ( )6、April May ( )7、look cartoon ( ) 8、blow touch ( )二、单词辩音。
( )1. A. ruler B. her C. teacher( )2. A. bear B. dear C. hear( )3. A. hobby B. over C. pocket( )4. A. front B. month C. orange( )5. A. grass B. cage C. skate( )6. A. recorder B. October C. sports( )7. A. sign B. bike C. public( )8. A. moment B. phone C. stop三、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。
( )1. A. must B. public C. question D. cup( )2. A. danger B. her C. litter D. mother( )3. A. stay B. away C .today D. Saturday( )4. A. great B bread C. ready D. head( )5. A. dear B. bear C. here D. nearby( )6. A. cook B. room C. food D. shoot四、判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同, 用“√”或“×”表示。
1. there here ( )2. year hear ( )3. dear bear ( )4. where hair ( )5. pear near ( )6.their parents ( )五、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。

人教版英语五年级上易错题集+英语下册各单元易错题人教版小学英语五年级上易错题集一.辨音pick map ( ) bad date ( )Book cook( ) paper want( )That with ( ) food look ( )Short north( ) keep meet ( )Station ball( ) work short( )Dear pear( )二.outside 反义词there同音词fish 复数eye 同音词they形容词性物主代词their 主格knife (复数)teeth(复数)许多(短语)hobby(复数)For (同音词)三单选1. I’ve got uniform. Uniform is nice.A. an, TheB. an,AC. a, The2. I like the skateboard. But it is .A. to dearB. dear tooC. too dear.3. They are not .A. eatB. eatingC. eats4. I want to go a picnic.A. toB. inC. for5. It’s going to rain. Don’t play .A. insideB. outC. outside.6. Mum, can I have an , please? A.pear B. banana C. Orange7. I have got a cat. name is May.A. It’sB. TheC. Its8. Mary wants to drink apple juice.A. someB. manyC. an9. We live in building.A. sameB. the sameC. a same10. Grandma wants to to the park.A. go outB. goesC. goes out11. Our classroom is on the floor.A. threeB. thirtyC. third12. My dress is old nice. I like it.A. andB. orC. but13. What do you want to do Sunday?A. inB. onC. at14. We have milk. Let’s go and buy some.A. someB. notC. no15. you lunch at home?A. Are, haveB. Do, haveC. Do, are16. There isn’t lemon juice in the bottle.A. manyB. muchC. not any17. My father at seven in the morning.A. go to workB. goes workC. goes to work18.It’s time class.A. forB. ofC. to19. How many are there in your family?A. TVB. TVsC. tv20. How many have you got?A. dressB. dressesC. your dresses21. Mary and Peter have bag.A. sameB. a sameC. the same22. They go to the restaurant .A. by a busB. by busC. by the bus23. Let go out to the park.A. theyB. themC. he24. Is your birthday Sunday? Yes. It’s Sunday.A. this, thatB. on, inC. on, this25. I can see a lot of .(birds)26.Let (I) see.27.Are there books in the bag?A. anyB. someC. much28. There is a toilet the building.A. inB. onC. at29. There is a bird the tree.A. inB. onC. at30. Do you like ? No, I .A. horses, don’tB. horse, don’tC. a horse, do31. What he ? He a book.A. do, have, hasB. does, have, hasC. does, has, have32. At half past four a girl .A. comeB. comesC. coming33. The butterfly is in the sky.A. flyB. flysC. flying34. Mr Wang’s some eggs and some apples.A. buyB. buysC. buying35. Is it a picture your school?A. ofB. toC. with36. It’s your birthday Friday. A. in B. of C. on 四.句型1. your it birthday on is Saturday(.)2. I this need what is (.)3, I want to go for a picnic.(翻译)4. We’ve got some sandwiches and some cakes.(翻译)5. She needs a new uniform.(翻译)6. 我想要去学校。

1.(×) pocket。
2.(√) age。
cage3.(×) earphones。
4.(×) use。
costume5.(×) baby。
1.以下是一篇改写后的文章:Unit 5 辨音题一、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。
family B。
dance C。
happy D。
handkerchief 二、选出与其他三个不同类的单词。

()1、A、bagB、mapC、gradeD、can()2、A、farmB、warmC、farD、park()3、A、collectB、carrotC、oclockD、holiday()4、A、birdB、girlC、skirtD、firefly()5、A、classB、grassC、tasteD、last五、默读下列句子,写出句子中含有所给单词划线部分相同读音单词1、Thenurseinwhiteskirtgavemeapurseshepickedupatwork、bird_________________________________esrunﻩ2.Theoldwomanwithayellowbagiswalkingslowinthesnow、bowl________________________________________3.Davidhadnotimetosaygoodbyeandwenthomebybike、write________________________________________ﻩ4.Allright,yo ucanetothesportsmeetingwithyourdaughterthisSundayafternoon、tall________________________________________ﻩﻩ5。