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7.拥有所有权优势的企业,通过扩大自己的组织和经营活动,将这些优势的利用内部化的能力是区位优势。错误 8.国际企业在国外的直接投资不会带动和引起国际商品流通的扩大。错误



11.国际企业是指在两个或两个以上国家或地区设立生产或销售机构,并从事跨国生产与经营活动的企业。正确 12.垄断优势主要来自对知识产权的占有。正确




1.国际直接投资是指( )的国际化。生产资本

2.世界范围内的制成品与提供原料的分工是( )国际分工。垂直式

3.下列哪种国际化经营享有国外经营管理权( )。直接投资

4.国际产品生命周期理论是由美国哈佛大学教授( )提出的。弗农

5.如果企业只具备所有权优势和内部化优势,就应选择( )。出口贸易

6.国际利益分配模型表明,资本的跨国移动会增加( )的国家利益。资本输入输出双方国家 7下列哪种国际化经营活动不享有国外经营管理权( )。国际租赁多选题:4道,每道5分,总分20多选题:4道,每道5分,总分20 1.从经营角度看,国际企业的类型有( )。资源型服务型制造型

2.两缺口理论认为,制约发展中国家经济增长的因素是( )。储蓄外汇

3.海默提出的对外直接投资的条件是( )。市场不完全垄断优势

4.下列哪些特点属于日本式对外直接投资( ), 贸易导向资源开发比重大 5所有权优势是指 ( )。管理技能创新能力

6哪三种市场不完全导致企业拥有垄断优势( )。产品差异专有技术优势规

模经济优势 the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect various reflecting and implementation, provides support for leadership judgment and sound decision-making. Therefore, comrades from the policy makers working in the information point of view and research issues, the basic premise of this is doing a good job. At present and for a time, information report focuses on, the city's economic and social development of, new ideas, new initiatives, new experiences, new issues, important social

conditions and public opinion, major emergencies and of economic and social development orientation, the sign problem and forecast information. Second, to strive to improve the quality of information. Quality is the life of information, a good piece of information to help decision making, a distortion of the information could lead to wrong decisions. Improve the quality of information, our focus is "accurate, full and deep, precise, fast" on hard work. "Quasi", is to ensure the authenticity of information and improve the relevance of information. Information submitted to the Government departments at all levels, must come from objective reality and reflect things as they are, must be realistic and must not have any false contents, not to misrepresent and false positives, as well as news, more news. "Full" is to pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the information, all-round, wide-ranging and multi-angle to collect and report information, reflecting not only the phenomenon also reflects the essence. "Deep" is the information depth. Should be good through the phenomena of nature, things hidden behind deepmatters to in half months within to municipal government feedback results; on situation complex, and workload big of supervision matters, to in January within will implementation situation to municipal government feedback; on proposed clear time requirements of, to in provides time within settles and report; on NPC Representative recommends, and CPPCC members proposal to handle a, and feedback a pieces, not drag not pressure. To implement the reporting system, on the County (district) and departments of supervision, supervision of the
