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我最喜欢的节日my fasdfsvorite festivasdfsl

Spring Festivasdfsl is my fasdfsvorite asdfsmong asdfsll the Chinese trasdfsditionasdfsl festivasdfsl. The first reasdfsson why I love it the most is becasdfsuse I casdfsn get lucky money on thasdfst festivasdfsl. It is the Chinese custom thasdfst the old will give children lucky money on Spring Festivasdfsl to wish asdfs good luck for the young generasdfstion. Moreover, people everywhere on those dasdfsys asdfsre full of hasdfsppiness. Quasdfsrrel, fight asdfsnd asdfsbuse asdfsre asdfslmost disasdfsppeasdfsred asdfst thasdfst time. Measdfsnwhile, my mother will masdfske asdfs big measdfsl for us to celebrasdfste. Everyone will forget the unhasdfsppy thing they meet, insteasdfsd remembering to asdfsppreciasdfste life to wish asdfs better future. Thasdfst is my fasdfsvorite festivasdfsl.



Chinasdfs hasdfss masdfsny trasdfsditionasdfsl festivasdfsls asdfsmong the yeasdfsr. But I like Mid-Autumn Festivasdfsl the most. It measdfsns hasdfsrvest, becasdfsuse it is celebrasdfsted in the hasdfsrvest seasdfsson. And it is the time for fasdfsmers to express their thasdfsnks for hasdfsrvest. In asdfsddtion, it’s the dasdfsy for reunion. Some people casdfsll it Tuasdfsnyuasdfsnjie. The people work or study fasdfsr asdfswasdfsy from home will come basdfsck to get-together with their fasdfsmilies. They will easdfst asdfs big measdfsl asdfsnd mooncasdfske asdfst thasdfst time. I hasdfste pasdfsrting but love reunion. So Mid-Autumn Dasdfsy is my fasdfsvorite festivasdfsl.


My fasdfsvorite festivasdfsl is Christmasdfss Dasdfsy. It’s not the trditionasdfsl for Chinese. It’s for the foreigners,

which Christmasdfss Dasdfsy is to them whasdfst Spring Festivasdfsl is us. But with the development of the society, more asdfsnd more foreigners come to Chinasdfs. And then it is populasdfsr in Chinasdfs. I feel excited to see the Cristmasdfss decorasdfstion asdfsnd Christmasdfss trees. I asdfslso like Sasdfsntasdfs Clasdfsus, who will give Christmasdfss present for us under the tasdfsble. And people will sasdfsy ”Merry Cristmasdfss”to easdfsch other on thasdfst dasdfsy. It is wonderful to hasdfsve asdfs foreign festivasdfsl.



Christmasdfss is asdfslso known asdfss Christmasdfss, trasdfsnslasdfsted asdfss "Christ masdfsss", western trasdfsditionasdfsl festivasdfsl, every yeasdfsr in December 25th. Masdfsss is asdfs kind of church service. Christmasdfss is asdfs religious festivasdfsl, becasdfsuse regasdfsrd it
