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in order to save his own life.
4.Don't __g__iv_e__u_p____. I'm sure your dream can come true one day. 5.David __f_e_l_l _d_o_w_n___ while he was learning to ride a bike. He hurt his legs. 6.My brother ___g_o_t__in_t_o___ trouble yesterday. 7.The clerk was tired, but he ___k_e_p_t_o_n____ working. 8.My pocket money ___r_a_n_o_u_t____. I had to find a parttime job to earn some money. 9.Last night I __m__a_d_e_a__d_e_c_is_i_o_n__ that I would study abroad. 10.—Could you please make your bed, Tommy? —Sure, Mom. I'll do it __r_ig_h_t_a_w__a_y__.
9.他讲述了作出好的决定和掌控自己生命的重要性。 He tells of the importance of _m__a_k_in__g_ good decisions, and of being ___i_n____ _c_o__n_tr_o_l_ ____o_f___ one's life. 10.他如此热爱登山,以至于即使在这次经历后,他依然继 续登山。 His love for mountain climbing is ___s_o____ great ___t_h_a_t__ he ___k_e_p_t__ ____o_n___ _c_l_im__b_in__g__ mountains even after this experience.
单元基础知识过ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ一
9.牙痛__to_o__th_a_c_h_e__ 10. 头痛__h_e_a_d_a_c_h__e_ 11.间歇;休息__b_r_e_a_k__ 12.(使)疼痛;受伤__h_u_r_t___ 13.乘客;旅客___p_a_s_s_e_n_g_e_r___ 14.问题;苦恼__tr_o_u_b_l_e_ 15.击;打__h_i_t____ 16.她自己___h_e_r_s_e_lf___ 17.生病的;有病的___s_ic_k___ 18.我们自己__o_u_r_s_e_lv_e_s__
6.作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯冒险。 As a mountain climber, Aron ____i_s___ __u_s_e_d___ ____t_o___ __t_a_k_in_g__ risks. 7.但当他的水用完时,他知道他必须做些事情来挽救自己的 生命。 But when his water ____ra_n___ __o_u__t ___, he knew that he would have to do __s_o_m__e_th_i_n_g__ __t_o___ ___s_a_v_e__ his own life. 8.然后,他用左胳膊把自己包扎好,这样不至于失血过多。 Then, with his left arm, he bandaged _h_i_m_s_e_l_f_ __s_o_____ ___th_a_t___ he would not lose too much blood.
3.但令他惊讶的是,他们都同意和他一起去。 But ___t_o__ his __s_u_r_p_r_is_e__, they all __a_g_re_e_d__ __to___ go with him. 4.多亏了王先生和这些乘客们,医生及时挽救了老人的生命。 _T_h__a_n_k_s_ ___to_____ Mr. Wang and the passengers, the man was saved by the doctors _____in___ __t_im__e___. 5.他期待大多数或所有乘客下车去等下一班公交车。 He __e_x_p_e_c_te_d__ most or all of the passengers ___to_____ ____g_e_t__ __o_f_f____ and wait for the next bus.
从方框中选出合适的短语, 并用其适当形式填空 run out, fall down, in time, cut off, make a decision, keep on, get into, give up, lie down, right away 1.My father didn't feel well. I advised him to
重点句型 根据汉语意思完成句子 1.“你怎么了?”“我胃疼。” —What's __t_h_e_ __m_a_t_t_e_r/_tr_o_u_b_l_e_/p__ro_b_l_e_m___ _w_i_th__ you? —I __h_a_v_e___ _____a___ _s_t_o_m__a_c_h_a_c_h_e__. 2.26路公交车正行驶在中华路上,这时司机看见一位老人 正躺在路边。 Bus No.26 was going __a_lo__n_g__ Zhonghua Road ___w_h_e_n__ the driver ___s_a_w___ an old man __l_y_in_g___ on the side of the road.
8.使……惊讶的是__t_o__o_n_e_'s__s_u_r_p_ri_s_e___ 9.陷入麻烦__g_e_t_i_n_to__t_ro_u_b__le__ 10.摔倒;跌倒____fa_l_l _d_o_w__n_____ 11.冒险___t_a_k_e_r_is_k_s_/_ta_k_e__a_r_i_s_k__ 12.用完;耗尽___r_u_n__o_u_t_(_o_f)_______ 13.切除_____c_u_t_o_f_f______ 14.离开;从……出来____g_e_t _o_u_t_o_f_____
根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语 1.感冒 ___h_a_v_e__a_c_o__ld____ 2.躺下____l_ie__d_o_w_n______ 3.看牙医___s_e_e_a__d_e_n_t_is_t___ 4.量体温____ta_k_e__o_n_e_'s__t_e_m_p_e_r_a_t_u_re____ 5.休息___t_a_k_e__b_re_a_k_s_/_ta_k_e__a_b__re_a_k___ 6.立即;马上____ri_g_h_t_a_w_a_y_____ 7.下车____g_e_t_o__ff____
Ⅱ.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.When I got to the gate of the park, I saw a boy __ly_i_n_g___(lie) on the ground. 2.We all know the __i_m_p_o_r_t_a_n_c_e__(important) of English, so we study it hard. 3.Many mountain __c_li_m__b_e_rs__(climb) know the danger of mountain climbing, and they are used to taking risks. 4.As middle school students, we can make some ___d_e_c_is_i_o_n_s___(decide) by ourselves. 5.All the __p__a_s_s_e_n_g_e_rs__ (passenger) agreed to help the old man in trouble.
Ⅰ.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.他的电脑怎么了? __W_h__a_t’_s_ the __m__a_tt_e_r_ __w__it_h___ his computer? 2.如果你需要帮助,你可以向我求助。 You can ask me for help __i_f__ _y_o__u_ __n_e_e_d_ __h_e_l_p__. 3.刚才我看到他正在和老师交谈。 I ___s_a_w___ ___h_i_m___ ____t_a_lk_i_n_g___ with the teacher just now.
基础知识迁移 单词回顾
Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1.—What happened to him last Sunday? —His car h_i_t______ a tree and stopped. 2.She learned to ride a bike by h_e_r_s_e_lf___. Nobody taught her. 3.I ate too much this morning; now I have a s_t_o_m_a_c_h_a_c_h_e__ and have to go to the doctor. 4.Mike fell off his bike and h_u_r_t_____ himself yesterday. 5.You look so tired. Why don't you take a b_re_a_k___?
__l_ie__d_o_w__n___ and have a rest. 2.Lisa was afraid that she would miss the train.
Luckily, she got there ___in__ti_m_e_____. 3.The man had to ___c_u_t__o_ff____ half his right arm
19.登山者;攀登者___c_l_im__b_e_r__ 20.危险;风险;冒险__r_is_k____ 21.情况;状况__s_i_tu_a_t_io__n__ 22.血__b_l_o_o_d__ 23.意思是;打算;意欲__m__e_a_n__ 24.重要性;重要__i_m__p_o_rt_a_n_c_e___ 25.决定;抉择__d_e_c_i_s_io_n___ 26.限制;约束;管理___c_o_n_tr_o_l___ 27.勇气;意志__s_p_i_ri_t__ 28.死;死亡__d_e_a_t_h__
基础知识清单 重点单词
根据汉语提示,写出相应的单词 1.问题;事情__m__a_tt_e_r_ 2. 胃痛;腹痛___s_to_m__a_c_h_a_c_h_e___ 3.咽喉;喉咙__th__ro_a_t__ 4. 发烧__f_e_v_e_r__ 5.躺;平躺___li_e____ 6. 放松;休息__r_e_s_t___ 7.咳嗽___c_o__u_g_h____ 8. 刀__k_n_i_fe___
15.做决定____m_a_k_e__a_d_e_c_i_s_io_n__/m__a_k_e_d_e_c_i_s_io_n_s____ 16.掌管;管理__b_e_i_n_c_o_n__tr_o_l_o_f__ 17.放弃____g_i_v_e_u_p_______ 18.幸亏;由于____t_h_a_n_k_s__to_____ 19.及时____i_n_t_im__e_______ 20.坚持做某事_____k_e_e_p_o_n__d_o_i_n_g_s_t_h_._____